physics Crossword Puzzles

Physics 2024-09-27

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. A push or pull that can change the motion of an object.
  2. The rate of change of velocity over time.
  3. The measured or measurable period during which an event or process occurs.
  4. The total lenght between 2 points or places.
  5. The force exerted by gravity on an object
  6. The speed of something in a given direction.
  1. The force that attracts objects toward the center of the Earth.
  2. The process of changing position or place.
  3. The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.
  4. The process of slowing down or reducing speed.
  5. How fast an object is moving, regardless of direction.
  6. The amount of matter in an object, often measured in kilograms.
  7. The amount of mass per unit volume of a substance.

13 Clues: The rate of change of velocity over time.The force exerted by gravity on an objectThe process of changing position or place.The total lenght between 2 points or places.The speed of something in a given direction.The process of slowing down or reducing speed.The amount of mass per unit volume of a substance....

School Classes 2020-09-04

School Classes crossword puzzle
  1. Algebra
  2. Hauswirtschaftslehre
  3. Grammatik
  4. Fremdsprachenunterricht
  5. Chemie
  6. Pause
  7. Sportunterricht
  8. lesen
  9. Physik
  10. Geografie
  1. Literatur
  2. Werken
  3. Kunstunterricht
  4. Wissenschaft,
  5. Mathematik
  6. Geometrie
  7. Musik
  8. Schreiben
  9. Geschichte
  10. spielen

20 Clues: MusikPauselesenWerkenChemiePhysikAlgebraspielenLiteraturGrammatikGeometrieSchreibenGeografieMathematikGeschichteWissenschaft,KunstunterrichtSportunterrichtHauswirtschaftslehreFremdsprachenunterricht

Review Vocabulary 2020-08-25

Review Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. /wɪnd/
  2. /koʊtʃ/
  3. /ˈkʌn.tri.saɪd/
  4. /wel/
  5. /haɪt/
  6. /ˈpæl.ɪs/
  7. /ˈdaɪ.ə.lɑːɡ/
  8. /ˈfɪz.ɪks/
  9. /wɪn/
  10. /ˈkʌl.tʃɚ/
  11. /kənˈtɪn.juː/
  12. /ˈeɪn.ʃənt/
  1. /pɚˈmɪʃ.ən/
  2. /ˈker.ləs/
  3. /ˈkem.ə.stri/
  4. /ˈsɝː.tə
  5. /ˈæk.ʃən/
  6. /ˈkæl.kjə.leɪt/
  7. /taɪˈfuːn/
  8. /wiːk/

20 Clues: /wel//wɪn//wɪnd//haɪt//wiːk//koʊtʃ//ˈæk.ʃən//ˈpæl.ɪs//ˈker.ləs//taɪˈfuːn//ˈfɪz.ɪks//ˈkʌl.tʃɚ//pɚˈmɪʃ.ən//ˈeɪn.ʃənt//ˈkem.ə.stri//ˈsɝː.təˈdaɪ.ə.lɑːɡ//kənˈtɪn.juː//ˈkʌn.tri.saɪd//ˈkæl.kjə.leɪt/

YOUR CO-WORKER 2022-12-13

YOUR CO-WORKER crossword puzzle
  1. BIO
  3. ICT
  6. MUSIC
  7. CUTE
  8. NEW
  9. NICE
  3. SPORT
  4. SHY
  7. HOD
  10. EXAM
  11. ART


crossword 2020-10-07

crossword crossword puzzle
  1. university
  2. trimester
  3. cafeteria
  4. laboratory
  5. semester
  6. sciences
  7. school
  8. class
  9. house
  1. stadium
  2. art
  3. physics
  4. test
  5. homework
  6. test
  7. music
  8. course
  9. schedule
  10. bookstore
  11. biology
  12. library

21 Clues: arttesttestmusicclasshousecourseschoolstadiumphysicsbiologylibraryhomeworksemesterschedulesciencestrimestercafeteriabookstoreuniversitylaboratory

en la clase vocabulario 2020-10-06

en la clase vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. pen
  2. chalk
  3. door
  4. window
  5. quiz
  6. whiteboard
  7. schedule
  8. course
  9. chemistry
  10. desk
  1. journalism
  2. bookstore
  3. accounting
  4. trashcan
  5. calculator
  6. classmate
  7. psychology
  8. clock/watch
  9. physics
  10. eraser

20 Clues: pendoorquizdeskchalkwindowerasercoursephysicstrashcanschedulebookstoreclassmatechemistryjournalismaccountingcalculatorpsychologywhiteboardclock/watch

Unit 2 Vocab 2020-10-06

Unit 2 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. sciences
  2. music
  3. quiz
  4. accounting
  5. course
  6. art
  7. biology
  8. physics
  9. spanish
  10. class
  11. schedule
  1. cafeteria
  2. geography
  3. trimester
  4. library
  5. exam
  6. homework
  7. economics
  8. computerscience
  9. semester

20 Clues: artquizexammusicclasscourselibrarybiologyphysicsspanishscienceshomeworksemesterschedulecafeteriageographytrimestereconomicsaccountingcomputerscience

Spanish crossword 2020-10-06

Spanish crossword crossword puzzle
  1. music
  2. exam
  3. art
  4. stadium
  5. accounting
  6. semester
  7. quiz
  8. sciences
  9. physics
  10. library
  11. schedule
  1. class
  2. economics
  3. university
  4. laboratory
  5. house
  6. trimester
  7. bookstore
  8. homework
  9. course

20 Clues: artexamquizclassmusichousecoursestadiumphysicslibrarysemesterscienceshomeworkscheduleeconomicstrimesterbookstoreuniversitylaboratoryaccounting

Vocabulary Test 2017-02-05

Vocabulary Test crossword puzzle
  1. biologia
  2. halálos
  3. szenvedélyes
  4. vonzalom
  5. elhagyni
  6. földrajz
  7. tudomány
  8. diák
  1. gyár
  2. gyorsan
  3. fizika
  4. megszallotság
  5. iradalom
  6. nyelvtan
  7. együtt
  8. atlétika
  9. halál
  10. aerobik
  11. szellem
  12. megye

20 Clues: gyárdiákhalálmegyefizikaegyüttgyorsanhalálosaerobikszellembiologiairadalomnyelvtanatlétikavonzalomelhagyniföldrajztudományszenvedélyesmegszallotság

Vocab 2023-05-04

Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. álgebra
  2. Parahacerunapregunta
  3. literatura
  4. bilología
  5. proyecto
  6. informe
  7. Darundiscuro
  8. contestar
  9. geografía
  10. Serexitosa
  1. memorizar
  2. Paraexplicar
  3. químicaTo
  4. Pedirayuda
  5. laboratorio
  6. Paradiscutir
  7. geometría
  8. parabola
  9. historia
  10. física

20 Clues: físicaálgebrainformeproyectoparabolahistoriamemorizarquímicaTobilologíageometríacontestargeografíaPedirayudaliteraturaSerexitosalaboratorioParaexplicarParadiscutirDarundiscuroParahacerunapregunta

First Names of Subject Teachers 2023-08-17

First Names of Subject Teachers crossword puzzle
  1. Omotola
  2. Usman
  3. Godwin
  4. Ejike
  5. Auta
  6. Dorcas
  7. John
  8. Sarah
  9. Amina
  10. Ruth
  1. Chikadibia
  2. Ngozi
  3. Kafayat
  4. Antoinette
  5. Esther
  6. Comfort
  7. Amaka
  8. Kehinde
  9. Gloria
  10. Chinelo

20 Clues: AutaJohnRuthNgoziUsmanAmakaEjikeSarahAminaGodwinEstherDorcasGloriaOmotolaKafayatComfortKehindeChineloChikadibiaAntoinette

Spanish/Matthew 2023-09-21

Spanish/Matthew crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. biology
  3. tohavedinner
  4. computerscience
  5. totheleftof
  6. wastebasket
  7. english
  8. tohavebreakfast
  9. totherightof
  10. businessadministration
  11. psychology
  1. economics
  2. bookstore
  3. mathematics
  4. because
  5. libary
  6. chemistry
  7. physics
  8. toarrive
  9. nextto;besides

20 Clues: libaryhistorybiologybecausephysicsenglishtoarriveeconomicsbookstorechemistrypsychologymathematicstotheleftofwastebaskettohavedinnertotherightofnextto;besidescomputersciencetohavebreakfastbusinessadministration

Frankie's Epic Crossword (Better than Hudson's) 2023-01-11

Frankie's Epic Crossword (Better than Hudson's) crossword puzzle
  1. ex. milky white
  2. scientific instrument that can also walk down stairs
  3. Phineas's brother
  4. where kelly and frankie are going this spring
  5. where Martha sometimes goes after physics
  6. high in her tower she sits by the hour
  7. carnivorous marsupial native to Australia
  8. plastic tip of a shoelace
  1. frankie's dog
  2. annie's sworn enemy
  3. runs on oxygen and hatred
  4. Alexa's breakfast
  5. yellow elongated fruit
  6. haunts the student center
  7. cloud dandruff
  8. where martha goes before physics
  9. dessert or person we see after school

17 Clues: frankie's dogcloud dandruffex. milky whiteAlexa's breakfastPhineas's brotherannie's sworn enemyyellow elongated fruitruns on oxygen and hatredhaunts the student centerplastic tip of a shoelacewhere martha goes before physicsdessert or person we see after schoolhigh in her tower she sits by the hourwhere Martha sometimes goes after physics...

Crossword of ElecEng Subjects --- (1976 - 1990) // (1991 - 2018) 2021-01-29

Crossword of ElecEng Subjects --- (1976 - 1990) // (1991 - 2018) crossword puzzle
  1. 1.961 // PHYS1121
  2. 10.111A // MATH2099 --- LINEAR ... // MATHS 2B - LINEAR ...
  3. 6.911 // 4120 --- FINAL YEAR PROJECT
  4. 26.XXX -- ... STUDIES
  5. 6.911 // ELEC4120 or ELEC4121 --- FINAL YEAR PROJECT
  6. 1.972 --- ...ISM // ELEC3115 -- ..IC ENGINEERING
  7. ROBSMITH 210127
  8. 6.0317 // TELE3113 --- SYSTEMS I // ANALOGUE & DIGITAL ...
  1. 6.021E // ELEC2141--- ... LOGIC SYSTEMS // ... CIRCUITS DESIGN
  2. 10.361 // MATH2099 --- ... SE // MATHS 2B - PROBABILITY & ...
  3. 6.0315 // ELEC3105 --- ELECTRICAL ...
  4. 6.021C // ELEC2133 --- ANALOG ...
  5. 6.903 // 4903 --- ... TRAINING // part of ELEC4122
  6. 10.001 // MATH1131 or MATH1231
  8. 6.0314 // ELEC3114 --- ... & CONTROL // CONTROL ...
  9. 10.2111 // MARH2069 --- VECTOR ... // MATH 2A - COMPLEX ...
  10. 6.201A // ELEC2134 --- ... THEORY // ...S and SIGNALS
  11. 1.982 // ELEC4603 --- ... STATE PHYSICS // ... STATE ELECTRONICS

19 Clues: ROBSMITH 2101271.961 // PHYS112126.XXX -- ... STUDIES10.001 // MATH1131 or MATH12316.021C // ELEC2133 --- ANALOG ...6.911 // 4120 --- FINAL YEAR PROJECT6.0315 // ELEC3105 --- ELECTRICAL ...1.972 --- ...ISM // ELEC3115 -- ..IC ENGINEERING6.903 // 4903 --- ... TRAINING // part of ELEC41226.911 // ELEC4120 or ELEC4121 --- FINAL YEAR PROJECT...

Crossword . . . ElecEng Subjects . . . 1976++ and 1991++ 2021-01-29

Crossword . . . ElecEng Subjects . . . 1976++ and 1991++ crossword puzzle
  1. 1.961 // PHYS1121
  2. 10.111A // MATH2099 --- LINEAR ... // MATHS 2B - LINEAR ...
  3. 6.911 // 4120 --- FINAL YEAR PROJECT
  4. 26.XXX -- ... STUDIES
  5. 6.911 // ELEC4120 or ELEC4121 --- FINAL YEAR PROJECT
  6. 1.972 --- ...ISM // ELEC3115 -- ..IC ENGINEERING
  7. ROBSMITH 210127
  8. 6.0317 // TELE3113 --- SYSTEMS I // ANALOGUE & DIGITAL ...
  1. 6.021E // ELEC2141--- ... LOGIC SYSTEMS // ... CIRCUITS DESIGN
  2. 10.361 // MATH2099 --- ... SE // MATHS 2B - PROBABILITY & ...
  3. 6.0315 // ELEC3105 --- ELECTRICAL ...
  4. 6.021C // ELEC2133 --- ANALOG ...
  5. 6.903 // ELEC4122 --- ... TRAINING // part of ELEC4122
  6. 10.001 // MATH1131 or MATH1231
  8. 6.0314 // ELEC3114 --- ... & CONTROL // CONTROL ...
  9. 10.2111 // MARH2069 --- VECTOR ... // MATH 2A - COMPLEX ...
  10. 6.201A // ELEC2134 --- ... THEORY // ...S and SIGNALS
  11. 1.982 // ELEC4603 --- ... STATE PHYSICS // ... STATE ELECTRONICS

19 Clues: ROBSMITH 2101271.961 // PHYS112126.XXX -- ... STUDIES10.001 // MATH1131 or MATH12316.021C // ELEC2133 --- ANALOG ...6.911 // 4120 --- FINAL YEAR PROJECT6.0315 // ELEC3105 --- ELECTRICAL ...1.972 --- ...ISM // ELEC3115 -- ..IC ENGINEERING6.911 // ELEC4120 or ELEC4121 --- FINAL YEAR PROJECT6.0314 // ELEC3114 --- ... & CONTROL // CONTROL ......

Branches of Physics 2017-10-08

Branches of Physics crossword puzzle
  1. Go with the flow. Don't be too solid.
  2. If you can't stand the HEAT, get out of the kitchen.
  3. Who knew physics could be dangerous? Invest in protection today!
  4. May not teach us how to add love or minus hate, but it gives us hope that every problem has a solution.
  5. I know why I'm moving. Do you?
  6. We live on this planet. It's about time we tried to study it.
  7. I'm moving. I don't need to know why.
  8. It's a weapon, it's a study, you can split it even though it's tiny. Bombs Away!!!
  9. Mrs. Alfa's two subjects put together
  10. Who knew physics and life could be combined?
  11. Watch the thrust. We're going out of here in lightspeed! -Han Solo
  1. There's more to space than just planets.
  2. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: TO EXPLORE STRANGE NEW WORLDS, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before. -Star Trek
  3. I've got a SHAPE, I've got a FORM, I have mass, I MATTER more!
  4. Schrödinger got nothing on me.
  5. Quite a SHOCK to know that OPPOSITES ATTRACT.
  6. I like to move it move it. We like to move it move it.
  7. This branch of physics is so small, you can't see it!
  8. Burr! It's cold in here! There must be some physics in the atmosphere!
  9. I wish I may. I wish I might. Find the branch that deals with light

20 Clues: Schrödinger got nothing on me.I know why I'm moving. Do you?Go with the flow. Don't be too solid.I'm moving. I don't need to know why.Mrs. Alfa's two subjects put togetherThere's more to space than just planets.Who knew physics and life could be combined?Quite a SHOCK to know that OPPOSITES ATTRACT....

School Classes 2020-09-04

School Classes crossword puzzle
  1. Algebra
  2. Hauswirtschaftslehre
  3. Grammatik
  4. Fremdsprachenunterricht
  5. Chemie
  6. Pause
  7. Sportunterricht
  8. lesen
  9. Physik
  10. Geografie
  1. Literatur
  2. Werken
  3. Kunstunterricht
  4. Wissenschaft,
  5. Mathematik
  6. Geometrie
  7. Musik
  8. schreiben
  9. Geschichte
  10. spielen

20 Clues: MusikPauselesenWerkenChemiePhysikAlgebraspielenLiteraturGrammatikGeometrieschreibenGeografieMathematikGeschichteWissenschaft,KunstunterrichtSportunterrichtHauswirtschaftslehreFremdsprachenunterricht

Spanish Classwork Vocab 2020-10-04

Spanish Classwork Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. school
  2. quiz
  3. music
  4. biology
  5. semester
  6. art
  7. university
  8. schedule
  9. stadium
  10. economy
  1. class
  2. library
  3. course
  4. geography
  5. test
  6. labratory
  7. home
  8. science
  9. homework
  10. physics

20 Clues: artquiztesthomeclassmusicschoolcourselibrarysciencebiologyphysicsstadiumeconomyhomeworksemesterschedulegeographylabratoryuniversity

Spanish Vocab 2020-10-06

Spanish Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. exam
  2. class
  3. homework
  4. physics
  5. house
  6. door
  7. art
  8. science
  9. Backpack
  10. economics
  1. quiz
  2. student
  3. geography
  4. pen
  5. music
  6. chair
  7. biology
  8. Spanish
  9. course
  10. calculator

20 Clues: penartquizexamdoorclassmusicchairhousecoursestudentphysicsbiologySpanishsciencehomeworkBackpackgeographyeconomicscalculator

Page 40-41 20 Word Crossword 2020-10-05

Page 40-41 20 Word Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. psychology
  2. art
  3. history
  4. school
  5. course
  6. cafeteria
  7. English
  8. class
  9. physics
  10. chemistry
  11. bookstore
  12. quiz
  1. literature
  2. semester
  3. house
  4. stadium
  5. library
  6. schedule
  7. homework
  8. laboratory

20 Clues: artquizhouseclassschoolcoursehistorystadiumlibraryEnglishphysicssemesterschedulehomeworkcafeteriachemistrybookstorepsychologyliteraturelaboratory

Spanish 2020-10-05

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. exam
  3. university
  4. cafeteria
  5. art
  6. course
  7. house
  8. semester
  9. homework
  1. economics
  2. physics
  3. geography
  4. bookstore
  5. trimester
  6. schedule
  7. class
  8. spanish
  9. sciences
  10. quiz
  11. music

20 Clues: artexamquizclasshousemusiccoursephysicsbiologyspanishschedulesciencessemesterhomeworkeconomicsgeographybookstoretrimestercafeteriauniversity

Spanish Crossword puzzle 2020-10-05

Spanish Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. course
  2. map
  3. teacher
  4. cafeteria
  5. student
  6. physics
  7. table
  8. clock
  1. music
  2. exam
  3. book
  4. pen
  5. house
  6. chalk
  7. stadium
  8. class
  9. semester
  10. Spanish
  11. paper
  12. art

20 Clues: penmapartexambookmusichousechalkclasspapertableclockcoursestadiumteacherstudentSpanishphysicssemestercafeteria

Page 40-41 vocab 2020-10-05

Page 40-41 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. humanities
  2. chemistry
  3. class
  4. homework
  5. library
  6. literature
  7. foreign languages
  8. music
  1. spanish
  2. journalism
  3. sociology
  4. phychology
  5. physics
  6. art
  7. school
  8. biology
  9. history
  10. English
  11. science
  12. mathematics

20 Clues: artclassmusicschoolspanishphysicslibrarybiologyhistoryEnglishsciencehomeworksociologychemistryjournalismhumanitiesphychologyliteraturemathematicsforeign languages

La Tarea 2020-11-05

La Tarea crossword puzzle
  1. Calculus
  2. Debate
  3. Disorganized
  4. Demanding
  5. Organized
  6. Dance
  7. Physics
  8. Understanding
  9. Lockers
  1. Literature
  2. Test
  3. Just
  4. Distant
  5. Write
  6. Nice
  7. Laboratory
  8. Unfair
  9. Theater
  10. Dynamic
  11. Biology

20 Clues: TestJustNiceWriteDanceDebateUnfairDistantPhysicsTheaterDynamicBiologyLockersCalculusDemandingOrganizedLiteratureLaboratoryDisorganizedUnderstanding

Las clases 2021-11-16

Las clases crossword puzzle
  1. personalfinance
  2. Biology
  3. Literature
  4. History
  5. Chemistry
  6. Calculus
  7. Music
  8. Choir
  9. Geography
  10. Sociology
  1. Psychology
  2. Art
  3. Technology
  4. Theater
  5. Physics
  6. Band
  7. P.E.
  8. Science
  9. Dance
  10. Algebra

20 Clues: ArtBandP.E.DanceMusicChoirTheaterPhysicsBiologyScienceHistoryAlgebraCalculusChemistryGeographySociologyPsychologyTechnologyLiteraturepersonalfinance

On the go 1 unit 4 school subjects 2022-03-08

On the go 1 unit 4 school subjects crossword puzzle
  1. opo
  2. liikunta
  3. kuvis
  4. käsityö
  5. suomen kieli
  6. historia
  7. venäjä
  8. ruotsi
  9. kotitalous
  1. saksa
  2. fysiikka
  3. kemia
  4. terveystieto
  5. maantieto
  6. uskonto
  7. matematiikka
  8. biologia
  9. musiikki
  10. ranska
  11. espanja

20 Clues: oposaksakemiakuvisranskavenäjäruotsiuskontokäsityöespanjafysiikkaliikuntabiologiamusiikkihistoriamaantietokotitalousterveystietomatematiikkasuomen kieli

Spanish - hayleigh 2022-04-15

Spanish - hayleigh crossword puzzle
  1. ingles
  2. musica
  3. libreta
  4. biblioteca
  5. libro
  6. arte
  7. fisica
  8. historia
  9. armario
  10. laboratorio
  1. quimica
  2. pupitre
  3. mochila
  4. biologia
  5. derecho
  6. recreo
  7. pizarra
  8. lapiz
  9. clase
  10. matematicas

20 Clues: artelibrolapizclaseinglesmusicarecreofisicaquimicapupitremochilalibretaderechopizarraarmariobiologiahistoriabibliotecamatematicaslaboratorio

big words 2019-05-08

big words crossword puzzle
  1. fysik
  2. sammet
  3. huvudstad
  4. skolmatsalen
  5. vask
  6. däggdjur
  7. lösning
  8. svåra
  9. linjal
  10. generad
  11. hjul
  12. samhällskunskap
  13. långhus
  1. vetenskap
  2. diskutera
  3. krigare
  4. kommunikation
  5. massivt
  6. jordglob
  7. nödsamtal

20 Clues: vaskhjulfysiksvårasammetlinjalkrigaremassivtlösninggeneradlånghusdäggdjurjordglobvetenskapdiskuterahuvudstadnödsamtalskolmatsalenkommunikationsamhällskunskap

German School Subjects 2013-05-24

German School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Geography
  2. Latin
  3. Chemistry
  4. Science
  5. Music
  6. DT
  7. Physics
  1. Biology
  2. RS
  3. Food Tech.
  4. German
  5. ICT
  6. History
  7. Drama
  8. Maths
  9. PSHCE
  10. PE
  11. French
  12. English
  13. Art

20 Clues: RSPEDTICTArtLatinDramaMathsPSHCEMusicGermanFrenchBiologyHistoryScienceEnglishPhysicsGeographyChemistryFood Tech.

The Matieres 2014-03-07

The Matieres crossword puzzle
  1. MiddleSchool
  2. Spanish
  3. french
  4. Drawing
  5. Music
  6. PublicSchool
  7. Science
  8. History
  9. Geography
  10. Biology
  11. Economics
  1. Chemistry
  2. German
  3. PrivateSchool
  4. English
  5. Languages
  6. Highschool
  7. mathematics
  8. Physics
  9. Comp. Science

20 Clues: MusicGermanfrenchEnglishSpanishDrawingPhysicsScienceHistoryBiologyChemistryLanguagesGeographyEconomicsHighschoolmathematicsMiddleSchoolPublicSchoolPrivateSchoolComp. Science

School Supplies 2016-05-18

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. English
  2. physics
  3. pen
  4. chemistry
  5. art
  6. stapler
  7. trigonometry
  8. folder
  1. backpack
  2. pencil
  3. algebra
  4. geography
  5. computer
  6. calculator
  7. geometry
  8. glue
  9. biology
  10. notebook
  11. health
  12. paper

20 Clues: penartgluepaperpencilhealthfolderalgebraEnglishphysicsbiologystaplerbackpackcomputergeometrynotebookgeographychemistrycalculatortrigonometry

Studeo Lights: School subjects 2023-12-04

Studeo Lights: School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. matematiikka
  2. kotitalous
  3. kemia
  4. musiikki
  5. biologia
  6. opo
  7. kuvataide
  8. elämänkatsomustieto
  1. äidinkieli (suomi)
  2. terveystieto
  3. englanti
  4. historia
  5. fysiikka
  6. yhteiskuntaoppi
  7. liikunta
  8. maantiede
  9. uskonto
  10. käsityö
  11. ruotsi
  12. tietotekniikka

20 Clues: opokemiaruotsiuskontokäsityöenglantihistoriafysiikkaliikuntamusiikkibiologiamaantiedekuvataidekotitalousterveystietomatematiikkatietotekniikkayhteiskuntaoppiäidinkieli (suomi)elämänkatsomustieto

Spanish Engineering 2024-05-02

Spanish Engineering crossword puzzle
  1. Thermal
  2. Diode
  3. Manufacturing
  4. Convection
  5. Volts
  6. Member
  7. Amperes
  8. Technology
  9. Network
  10. Ohms
  1. Servo Motor
  2. Circuit
  3. Physics
  4. Computer
  5. Building
  6. Architecture
  7. Engineer
  8. Robotics
  9. Design
  10. Strain

20 Clues: OhmsDiodeVoltsMemberDesignStrainCircuitPhysicsThermalAmperesNetworkComputerBuildingEngineerRoboticsConvectionTechnologyServo MotorArchitectureManufacturing

Spanish Vocab Words 2024-07-02

Spanish Vocab Words crossword puzzle
  1. ingles
  2. salud
  3. frances
  4. arte
  5. quimica
  6. musica
  7. geometria
  8. historia
  9. espanol
  10. mandarin
  11. biologia
  1. almuerzo
  2. italiano
  3. aritmetica
  4. calculo
  5. informatica
  6. ciencias
  7. geografia
  8. fisica
  9. mathematicas

20 Clues: artesaludinglesmusicafisicafrancesquimicacalculoespanolalmuerzoitalianocienciashistoriamandarinbiologiageometriageografiaaritmeticainformaticamathematicas

French Crossword 2022-10-19

French Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Pen
  2. Biology
  3. Notebook
  4. Angenda
  5. Paper
  6. English
  7. Algebra
  8. Pencil
  9. Lunch
  10. Spanish
  1. Physics
  2. Eraser
  3. Book
  4. French
  5. Chemistry
  6. Binder
  7. Calculus
  8. Trigonometry
  9. Stapler
  10. Drawing

20 Clues: PenBookPaperLunchEraserFrenchBinderPencilPhysicsBiologyAngendaEnglishStaplerAlgebraDrawingSpanishNotebookCalculusChemistryTrigonometry

ET Las clases de la escuela 4/4 2025-01-09

ET Las clases de la escuela 4/4 crossword puzzle
  1. art
  2. photography
  3. history
  4. philosophy
  5. calculus
  6. laws
  7. chemistry
  8. astronomy
  9. recess
  1. theater
  2. gym
  3. politic
  4. French
  5. geometry
  6. forensic
  7. algebra
  8. physics
  9. health
  10. lunch
  11. música

20 Clues: gymartlawslunchFrenchhealthmúsicarecesstheaterpolitichistoryalgebraphysicsgeometryforensiccalculuschemistryastronomyphilosophyphotography

Feelings 2023-09-16

Feelings crossword puzzle
  1. Your friend won a prize and they thanked you in the speech.
  2. You don't know who ate your cookie. It can be anyone.
  3. Your friend promised to help you, but didn't.
  4. Your mum is showing your photos to a friend. You don't like these photos.
  5. Somebody complimented your hair.
  6. You forgot if you turned off the iron.
  7. The man wanted to steal money but the lady caught him red-handed.
  1. You're very angry because you don't understand physics.
  2. You watched a sad film.
  3. You're running away from a goose. The goose is angry.
  4. You understand everything in physics lesson, but your classmates don't.
  5. You don't understand physics.
  6. Someone told you crazy news.
  7. You're going to Disneyland tomorrow and you can't wait.
  8. You were worried about the test, but the result is great.
  9. Your friend got a better phone than you (as a birthday present).

16 Clues: You watched a sad film.Someone told you crazy news.You don't understand physics.Somebody complimented your hair.You forgot if you turned off the iron.Your friend promised to help you, but didn't.You're running away from a goose. The goose is angry.You don't know who ate your cookie. It can be anyone....

Education ᕕ༼✪ل͜✪༽ᕗ 2020-05-19

Education ᕕ༼✪ل͜✪༽ᕗ crossword puzzle
  1. spinacz
  2. fizyka
  3. długopis
  4. biologia
  5. długopis żelowy
  6. zakreślacz
  7. gumka
  8. zeszyt
  9. zszywacz
  10. taśma
  1. piurnik
  2. ołówek
  3. klej
  4. tęperówka
  5. teczka
  6. plecak
  7. linijka
  8. geografia
  9. portfel
  10. historia

20 Clues: klejgumkataśmafizykaołówekteczkaplecakzeszytpiurnikspinaczlinijkaportfeldługopisbiologiahistoriazszywacztęperówkageografiazakreślaczdługopis żelowy

Spanish Vocab Crossword 2020-10-05

Spanish Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. college
  2. laboratory
  3. art
  4. bookstore
  5. music
  6. biology
  7. school
  8. homework
  9. test
  10. semester
  1. cafeteria
  2. stadium
  3. course
  4. Library
  5. physics
  6. house
  7. schedule
  8. quiz
  9. class
  10. Trimester

20 Clues: artquiztesthousemusicclasscourseschoolstadiumcollegeLibraryphysicsbiologyschedulehomeworksemestercafeteriabookstoreTrimesterlaboratory

mas vocabulario 2020-10-05

mas vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. test
  3. homework
  4. schedule
  5. class
  6. course
  7. stadium
  8. physics
  9. cafeteria
  10. art
  1. trimester
  2. bookstore
  3. house
  4. school
  5. semester
  6. unviersity;college
  7. library
  8. labratory
  9. spanish
  10. exam

20 Clues: arttestexamhouseclassschoolcoursebiologylibrarystadiumspanishphysicshomeworksemesterscheduletrimesterbookstorelabratorycafeteriaunviersity;college

spanish chap 2 vocab (20 words) 2020-10-02

spanish chap 2 vocab (20 words) crossword puzzle
  1. bookstore
  2. biology
  3. physics
  4. homework
  5. univeristy
  6. art
  7. trimester
  8. quiz
  1. school
  2. stadium
  3. cafeteria
  4. sciences
  5. class
  6. library
  7. laboratory
  8. schedule
  9. semester
  10. house
  11. course
  12. exam

20 Clues: artexamquizclasshouseschoolcoursestadiumbiologylibraryphysicssciencesschedulehomeworksemesterbookstorecafeteriatrimesterlaboratoryuniveristy

hi 2021-10-28

hi crossword puzzle
  1. small
  2. teacher
  3. English
  4. professor
  5. hard
  6. marker
  7. clock
  8. history
  9. students
  10. geography
  1. useless
  2. principle
  3. scissors
  4. educator
  5. big
  6. few
  7. art
  8. pencil
  9. ruler
  10. physics

20 Clues: bigfewarthardsmallclockrulermarkerpenciluselessteacherEnglishhistoryphysicsscissorseducatorstudentsprincipleprofessorgeography

en la clase-Aldo 2023-09-21

en la clase-Aldo crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. biology
  3. tohavedinner
  4. computerscience
  5. totheleftof
  6. wastebasket
  7. english
  8. tohavebreakfast
  9. totherightof
  10. businessadministration
  11. psychology
  1. economics
  2. bookstore
  3. mathematics
  4. because
  5. libary
  6. chemistry
  7. physics
  8. toarrive
  9. nextto;besides

20 Clues: libaryhistorybiologybecausephysicsenglishtoarriveeconomicsbookstorechemistrypsychologymathematicstotheleftofwastebaskettohavedinnertotherightofnextto;besidescomputersciencetohavebreakfastbusinessadministration

On the go 1 Unit 4 at school 2025-01-20

On the go 1 Unit 4 at school crossword puzzle
  1. maantieto
  2. terotin
  3. kuvataide
  4. kumi
  5. vahtimestari/talonmies
  6. rehtori
  7. kemia
  8. liikunta
  9. kuulakärkikynä
  10. luokanvalvoja
  1. lyijykynä
  2. kouluruokala
  3. fysiikka
  4. opo
  5. terveystieto
  6. käsityö
  7. terveydenhoitaja
  8. matikka
  9. kotitalous
  10. viivotin

20 Clues: opokumikemiaterotinkäsityömatikkarehtorifysiikkaviivotinliikuntamaantietolyijykynäkuvataidekotitalouskouluruokalaterveystietoluokanvalvojakuulakärkikynäterveydenhoitajavahtimestari/talonmies

Greek Letter Quest 2025-02-25

Greek Letter Quest crossword puzzle
  1. - Which Greek letter is used for a small quantity in calculus and limits?
  2. - Which Greek letter represents the mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159?
  3. - What Greek letter symbolizes change in mathematics?
  4. - Which Greek letter is used in fluid dynamics?
  5. - What Greek letter represents resistance in electrical circuits?
  6. - Which Greek letter is associated with electromagnetic waves?
  1. - What Greek letter is used for the chi-square distribution in statistics?
  2. - What Greek letter symbolizes the wave function in quantum mechanics?
  3. - Which Greek letter represents wavelength in physics?
  4. - What Greek letter is used for summation in mathematics?
  5. - What Greek letter represents the golden ratio?
  6. - What Greek letter represents an angle in geometry?
  7. - What Greek letter denotes density in physics?
  8. - Which Greek letter is used for efficiency in engineering?
  9. - Which Greek letter is used for torque in physics?
  10. - Which Greek letter is used to denote a micro-unit in measurements?

16 Clues: - Which Greek letter is used in fluid dynamics?- What Greek letter denotes density in physics?- What Greek letter represents the golden ratio?- What Greek letter represents an angle in geometry?- Which Greek letter represents wavelength in physics?- What Greek letter symbolizes change in mathematics?...

L’école en France 2021-03-02

L’école en France crossword puzzle
  1. assembly
  2. lesson
  3. lunch
  4. interesting
  5. difficult
  6. Physics
  7. easy
  8. office
  9. Spanish
  10. teacher
  1. shirt
  2. break
  3. trousers
  4. Maths
  5. tie
  6. useless
  7. English
  8. library
  9. registration
  10. favourite

20 Clues: tieeasyshirtbreaklunchMathslessonofficePhysicsuselessEnglishlibrarySpanishteacherassemblytrousersdifficultfavouriteinterestingregistration

Energy 2021-03-05

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Elec
  2. Horse
  3. Rest
  4. vit
  5. Thermo
  6. magnet
  7. Geo
  8. J
  1. pot
  2. phy
  3. intense
  4. watt
  5. kilo
  6. act
  7. wo
  8. quan
  9. volt
  10. Renew
  11. Sol
  12. p

20 Clues: pJwopotphyactvitSolGeowattkiloElecRestquanvoltHorseRenewThermomagnetintense

Unit 2 Vocabulario 2020-10-08

Unit 2 Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. map
  2. chair
  3. mathematics
  4. backpack
  5. schedule
  6. wastebasket
  7. economy
  8. book
  9. clock
  10. psychology
  1. physics
  2. biology
  3. chalk
  4. table
  5. chemistry
  6. eraser
  7. desk
  8. blackboard
  9. art
  10. stadium

20 Clues: mapartdeskbookchairchalktableclockeraserphysicsbiologyeconomystadiumbackpackschedulechemistryblackboardpsychologymathematicswastebasket

spanish 2020-10-05

spanish crossword puzzle
  1. mathematics
  2. english
  3. homework
  4. class
  5. cafeteria
  6. stadium
  7. history
  8. sciences
  9. course
  10. geography
  11. chemistry
  1. music
  2. spanish
  3. economics
  4. physics
  5. psycology
  6. art
  7. literature
  8. semester
  9. library

20 Clues: artmusicclasscoursespanishenglishphysicsstadiumhistorylibraryhomeworksemesterscienceseconomicspsycologycafeteriageographychemistryliteraturemathematics

Spanish Vocab 2020-10-06

Spanish Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. university
  2. physics
  3. stadium
  4. class
  5. music
  6. art
  7. school
  8. trimester
  9. test
  10. homework
  1. accounting
  2. library
  3. spanish
  4. laboratory
  5. semester
  6. cafeteria
  7. course
  8. quiz
  9. schedule
  10. house

20 Clues: artquiztestclassmusichousecourseschoollibraryspanishphysicsstadiumsemesterschedulehomeworkcafeteriatrimesteraccountinguniversitylaboratory

vocab 2020-10-06

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. spanish
  3. trimester
  4. stadium
  5. test
  6. class
  7. geography
  8. homework
  9. school
  10. sciences
  1. cafeteria
  2. course
  3. physics
  4. semester
  5. Library
  6. bookstore
  7. house/home
  8. schedule
  9. music
  10. art

20 Clues: arttestclassmusiccourseschoolbiologyspanishphysicsstadiumLibrarysemesterschedulehomeworksciencescafeteriatrimesterbookstoregeographyhouse/home

vocab 2020-10-06

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. spanish
  3. trimester
  4. stadium
  5. test
  6. class
  7. geography
  8. homework
  9. school
  10. sciences
  1. cafeteria
  2. course
  3. physics
  4. semester
  5. Library
  6. bookstore
  7. house/home
  8. schedule
  9. music
  10. art

20 Clues: arttestclassmusiccourseschoolbiologyspanishphysicsstadiumLibrarysemesterschedulehomeworksciencescafeteriatrimesterbookstoregeographyhouse/home

classes and school supplies 2021-04-14

classes and school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. book
  2. schedule
  3. biology
  4. spanish
  5. teacher
  6. histroy
  7. math
  8. window
  9. physics
  10. quiz
  11. backpack
  1. teacher
  2. library
  3. science
  4. English
  5. homework
  6. stadium
  7. computer science
  8. test
  9. desk
  10. art

21 Clues: artbookmathtestdeskquizwindowteacherlibraryscienceEnglishbiologyspanishteacherstadiumhistroyphysicsschedulehomeworkbackpackcomputer science

solutions elementary Unit 2 edite 2022-04-13

solutions elementary Unit 2 edite crossword puzzle
  1. slapjš
  2. mūzika
  3. bioloģija
  4. šaurs
  5. upe
  6. fizika
  7. plats
  8. noguris
  9. bīstams
  10. franču valoda
  11. vēsture
  12. džungļi
  1. mazs
  2. apmulsis
  3. ekonomika
  4. ķīmija
  5. uztraucies
  6. ieleja
  7. matemātika
  8. bieži

20 Clues: upemazsšaursplatsbiežislapjšmūzikaķīmijaielejafizikanogurisbīstamsvēsturedžungļiapmulsisekonomikabioloģijauztrauciesmatemātikafranču valoda

Correspondencia ortográfica 2022-10-06

Correspondencia ortográfica crossword puzzle
  1. stress
  2. difference
  3. cathedral
  4. physics
  5. aggressive
  6. common
  7. immediately
  8. appearance
  9. professor
  10. myth
  11. mystery
  1. special
  2. battery
  3. chemistry
  4. communication
  5. illusion
  6. analysis
  7. mechanic
  8. telephone
  9. pharmacy

20 Clues: mythstresscommonspecialbatteryphysicsmysteryillusionanalysismechanicpharmacychemistrycathedraltelephoneprofessordifferenceaggressiveappearanceimmediatelycommunication

Spanish Vocab Words 2022-10-27

Spanish Vocab Words crossword puzzle
  1. ingles
  2. salud
  3. frances
  4. arte
  5. quimica
  6. musica
  7. geometria
  8. historia
  9. espanol
  10. mandarin
  11. biologia
  1. almuerzo
  2. italiano
  3. aritmetica
  4. calculo
  5. informatica
  6. ciencias
  7. geografia
  8. fisica
  9. mathematicas

20 Clues: artesaludinglesmusicafisicafrancesquimicacalculoespanolalmuerzoitalianocienciashistoriamandarinbiologiageometriageografiaaritmeticainformaticamathematicas

Spanish/Matthew 2023-09-21

Spanish/Matthew crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. biology
  3. tohavedinner
  4. computerscience
  5. totheleftof
  6. wastebasket
  7. english
  8. tohavebreakfast
  9. totherightof
  10. businessadministration
  11. psychology
  1. economics
  2. bookstore
  3. mathematics
  4. because
  5. libary
  6. chemistry
  7. physics
  8. toarrive
  9. nextto;besides

20 Clues: libaryhistorybiologybecausephysicsenglishtoarriveeconomicsbookstorechemistrypsychologymathematicstotheleftofwastebaskettohavedinnertotherightofnextto;besidescomputersciencetohavebreakfastbusinessadministration

Spanish/Matthew 2023-09-21

Spanish/Matthew crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. biology
  3. tohavedinner
  4. computerscience
  5. totheleftof
  6. wastebasket
  7. english
  8. tohavebreakfast
  9. totherightof
  10. businessadministration
  11. psychology
  1. economics
  2. bookstore
  3. mathematics
  4. because
  5. libary
  6. chemistry
  7. physics
  8. toarrive
  9. nextto;besides

20 Clues: libaryhistorybiologybecausephysicsenglishtoarriveeconomicsbookstorechemistrypsychologymathematicstotheleftofwastebaskettohavedinnertotherightofnextto;besidescomputersciencetohavebreakfastbusinessadministration

과목 2021-12-27

과목 crossword puzzle
  1. 역사
  2. 윤리학
  3. 체육
  4. 철학
  5. 중국어
  6. 독일어
  7. 문학
  8. 심리학
  1. 생물
  2. 음악
  3. 경제
  4. 영어
  5. 지구과학
  6. 과학
  7. 물리학
  8. 화학
  9. 일본어
  10. 수학
  11. 미술

19 Clues: 생물음악역사경제영어과학체육화학철학수학미술문학윤리학물리학일본어중국어독일어심리학지구과학

physics 2015-11-26

physics crossword puzzle
  1. a tool used to mix substances.
  2. it is the neucleus and this charge is positive.
  3. charge of electrons.
  4. in a lab the table we work on.
  5. stoped a liquids.
  6. the long form of "mol".
  7. charge of neutrons.
  1. a tool used to pour liquid in a contains.
  2. centre of an atom.
  3. the english for "or".
  4. scientifie name of sugar.
  5. the english for "cuivre".
  6. a tool used with a pipet to suck liquids.

13 Clues: stoped a liquids.centre of an atom.charge of neutrons.charge of electrons.the english for "or".the long form of "mol".scientifie name of sugar.the english for "cuivre".a tool used to mix a lab the table we work on.a tool used to pour liquid in a contains.a tool used with a pipet to suck liquids....

PHYSICS 2017-03-01

PHYSICS crossword puzzle
  1. some mathematicians and scientists have it on their desk
  2. waves which we use to transfer information or communicate
  3. the change of a direction of the light after it goes to another medium
  4. came across with electromagnetic induction
  5. on whose head the apple fell and gave a Great Idea?
  6. happens when two bodies encounter
  7. what holds us on the Earth
  8. The second law of this states that it is impossible to create a perpetual motion machine
  1. the trajectory of the body moving in escape velocity
  2. the change of physical state from gas to liquid
  3. the change of a physical shape of a body
  4. what can be found by this formula _=F(n-1)
  5. one of the basic units from International System of Units

13 Clues: what holds us on the Earthhappens when two bodies encounterthe change of a physical shape of a bodywhat can be found by this formula _=F(n-1)came across with electromagnetic inductionthe change of physical state from gas to liquidon whose head the apple fell and gave a Great Idea?the trajectory of the body moving in escape velocity...

physics 2017-02-27

physics crossword puzzle
  1. many mathematicians and scientists have it on their desk
  2. the trajectory of the body moving in escape velocity
  3. came across with electromagnetic induction
  4. what holds us on the Earth
  5. the change of a physical shape of a body
  6. The change of physical state from gas to liquid
  7. waves which we use to transfer information or communicate
  1. The second law of this states that it is impossible to create a perpetual motion machine
  2. happens when two bodies encounter
  3. the change of a direction of the light after it goes to another medium
  4. what can be found by this formula _=F(n-1)
  5. on whose head the apple fell and gave a Great Idea?
  6. one of the basic units from International System of Units

13 Clues: what holds us on the Earthhappens when two bodies encounterthe change of a physical shape of a bodycame across with electromagnetic inductionwhat can be found by this formula _=F(n-1)The change of physical state from gas to liquidon whose head the apple fell and gave a Great Idea?the trajectory of the body moving in escape velocity...

physics 2021-09-19

physics crossword puzzle
  1. electricity, magnetism
  2. a pattern, plan representation to describe a concept
  3. an experiment that tests only one factor at a time
  4. and wave phenomena specific types of repetitive motions
  5. a description of hoe close a measurement is to the correct value
  6. the degree of exactness of a measurement
  7. heat, and temperature
  8. a set of particles or interacting components considered to be a distinct physical entity
  1. behavior of subatomic particles
  2. light
  3. particles moving at any speed including very high speeds
  4. motion and its causes interactions between objects
  5. the digits in a measurement that are certain

13 Clues: lightheat, and temperatureelectricity, magnetismbehavior of subatomic particlesthe degree of exactness of a measurementthe digits in a measurement that are certainan experiment that tests only one factor at a timemotion and its causes interactions between objectsa pattern, plan representation to describe a concept...

Physics 2022-06-09

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. Distance and direction of straight line path from beginning to end
  2. causes a change in energy
  3. A measurement of how difficult it is for a current to move through an object
  4. only up and down
  5. How hard it is to stop an object
  1. the length of a traveled path
  2. only to the side
  3. change in momentum
  4. the rate at which energy is used
  5. length of a complete wave
  6. push and pull of an object
  7. maximum displacement from equilibrium state
  8. The magnitude of the gravitational force acting on a object

13 Clues: only to the sideonly up and downchange in momentumcauses a change in energylength of a complete wavepush and pull of an objectthe length of a traveled paththe rate at which energy is usedHow hard it is to stop an objectmaximum displacement from equilibrium stateThe magnitude of the gravitational force acting on a object...

Physics 2019-04-24

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. Mass x Gravity
  2. A mexican wave is an example of this
  3. The name of the angle an incoming ray of light makes from the normal
  4. When light bounces off a surface
  5. A colour with a longer wavelength
  6. force experienced by skydivers in the opposite direction to gravity
  7. The force that helps brakes work.
  1. Force acting upwards when you are standing on the ground.
  2. The amount of 'stuff' in kilograms
  3. When waves 'add up'
  4. A wave that travels in the same direction as the particle movement (e.g. sound)
  5. type of force experienced in air or water
  6. The bending of light

13 Clues: Mass x GravityWhen waves 'add up'The bending of lightWhen light bounces off a surfaceA colour with a longer wavelengthThe force that helps brakes work.The amount of 'stuff' in kilogramsA mexican wave is an example of thistype of force experienced in air or waterForce acting upwards when you are standing on the ground....

physics 2023-10-15

physics crossword puzzle
  1. - A cell with an internal negative charge surrounded by the positive charge
  2. - When the voltage of the membrane drops below its resting potential
  3. -the energy that enables things to move
  4. - Converts electrical signals and relays them to another neuron
  5. - The time in which the axon is unable to respond to further stimuli
  1. - Electric potential difference
  2. node -the natural pacemaker that keeps a resting heart rate
  3. - Insulates the axon
  4. - Surrounds a nerve cell at its resting potential
  5. - Part of the neuron that carries electrical impulses
  6. - A nerve cell
  7. drinks -cause your heart rate to increase
  8. -a muscle that contracts to deliver nutrients around the body

13 Clues: - A nerve cell- Insulates the axon- Electric potential difference-the energy that enables things to movedrinks -cause your heart rate to increase- Surrounds a nerve cell at its resting potential- Part of the neuron that carries electrical impulsesnode -the natural pacemaker that keeps a resting heart rate...

Physics 2024-05-30

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. something that is defined when somehting is a push, pull, twist
  2. Closest planet to the sun
  3. A line that is shown as a curve on a distance time graph
  4. A red super giant star that explodes
  5. The lowest point below the resting point
  6. star A lot of gravitaional pull that no light can escape
  1. A word that defines somehting gradually gettiing slower
  2. A large cloud of gas or dust in space
  3. the highest point above the rest position
  4. Another word for The Northern Lights
  5. Furthest planet from the sun
  6. ray Shows the direction of the light is travelling
  7. The earliest stage of a starss life

13 Clues: Closest planet to the sunFurthest planet from the sunThe earliest stage of a starss lifeAnother word for The Northern LightsA red super giant star that explodesA large cloud of gas or dust in spaceThe lowest point below the resting pointthe highest point above the rest positionray Shows the direction of the light is travelling...

physics 2025-01-10

physics crossword puzzle
  1. measure of a force's strength
  2. common name of gases and liquids
  3. positively charged particle in the nucleus
  4. motion in a straight line
  5. phenomenon in which light bounces off a surface
  6. force acting on a unit area of a surface
  1. substances which reduce friction
  2. another name for voice box
  3. materials which allow electricity to pass through it
  4. device used to check weather a object is charged or not electroscope
  5. to and fro and back and forth motion of a object
  6. frictional force exerted by fluids
  7. push or a pull on a object

13 Clues: motion in a straight linepush or a pull on a objectanother name for voice boxsubstances which reduce frictionmeasure of a force's strengthfrictional force exerted by fluidscommon name of gases and liquidsforce acting on a unit area of a surfacepositively charged particle in the nucleusphenomenon in which light bounces off a surface...

Albert Einstein 2017-12-14

Albert Einstein crossword puzzle
  1. He was a _____
  2. Researched Brownian _______
  3. Known for the Theory of _______
  4. Told President Franklin Roosevelt that he should build the _______ bomb
  5. Lived ______ 19, 1879-April 18, 1955
  6. Wasn’t good at ________
  7. Researched photoelectric _________
  1. Country where he was born
  2. Became famous for his __________ in 1905
  3. Studied math and ________
  4. Worked at the Swiss Patent ________
  5. Asked to be President of __________
  6. Taught at many of these
  7. Helped understand how the _____ works
  8. Won the _____ prize for physics
  9. E=______ squared

16 Clues: He was a _____E=______ squaredTaught at many of theseWasn’t good at ________Country where he was bornStudied math and ________Researched Brownian _______Known for the Theory of _______Won the _____ prize for physicsResearched photoelectric _________Worked at the Swiss Patent ________Asked to be President of __________...

spanish 2023-12-11

spanish crossword puzzle
  1. art
  2. physics
  3. backpack
  4. spanish
  5. homework
  6. desk
  7. english
  8. calculater
  9. math
  1. pen
  2. class
  3. biology
  4. major
  5. eraser
  6. paper
  7. book
  8. teacher
  9. geography
  10. test

19 Clues: artpenbookdesktestmathclassmajorpapereraserphysicsbiologyspanishteacherenglishbackpackhomeworkgeographycalculater

at school 2022-05-20

at school crossword puzzle
  1. cola
  2. mochila
  3. lápis
  4. física
  5. geografia
  6. quimica
  7. história
  8. papel
  1. livro
  2. régua
  3. espanhol
  4. matemática
  5. biologia
  6. ciência
  7. portugues
  8. tesoura
  9. arte
  10. borracha
  11. caneta

19 Clues: colaartelivrorégualápispapelfísicacanetamochilaciênciatesouraquimicaespanholbiologiaborrachahistóriaportuguesgeografiamatemática

Physics 2013-06-03

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. Energy is when energy is not usefully transferred.
  2. is the height or the depth of the wave crest.
  3. is the light goes on a new material, making the light change direction.
  4. gas is when it spreads everywhere.
  5. is when you heat fluids (gas or liquid).
  6. Energy is when its transferred to where its wanted.
  7. Energy is when you move an object.
  1. Energy is when energy is stored in fuel.
  2. are equal to 1000 watts
  3. is the waves spread,passing through the gap or move past an obstacle.
  4. is the rate that transfers energy of 1 joule per second (J/s)
  5. is the distance of one wave crest to the next crest.
  6. is when the weight is measured. The weight of one kilogram object is on the Earhs surface.

13 Clues: are equal to 1000 wattsgas is when it spreads everywhere.Energy is when you move an object.Energy is when energy is stored in when you heat fluids (gas or liquid).is the height or the depth of the wave crest.Energy is when energy is not usefully transferred.Energy is when its transferred to where its wanted....

PHYSICS 2017-03-01

PHYSICS crossword puzzle
  1. came across with electromagnetic induction
  2. the change of a physical shape of a body
  3. waves which we use to transfer information or communicate
  4. on whose head the apple fell and gave a Great Idea?
  5. what can be found by this formula _=F(n-1)
  6. the change of physical state from gas to liquid
  7. happens when two bodies encounter
  1. the trajectory of the body moving in escape velocity
  2. The second law of this states that it is impossible to create a perpetual motion machine
  3. what holds us on the Earth
  4. the change of a direction of the light after it goes to another medium
  5. some mathematicians and scientists have it on their desk
  6. one of the basic units from International System of Units

13 Clues: what holds us on the Earthhappens when two bodies encounterthe change of a physical shape of a bodycame across with electromagnetic inductionwhat can be found by this formula _=F(n-1)the change of physical state from gas to liquidon whose head the apple fell and gave a Great Idea?the trajectory of the body moving in escape velocity...

Physics 2017-03-03

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. Mass * speed =
  2. V = 3*10^8 m/s
  3. This quantity shows how fast any body moves
  4. He was the first who believed in heliocentric system
  5. This quantity can be potential, kinetic and internal
  6. Famous physician and cosmologist, Stephen...
  7. It is a force that appearce between two bodies with mass
  1. Current is measured in...
  2. The nearest star after Sun - Proxima...
  3. E=mc^2
  4. Which quantity is constant in isobaric process?
  5. When the temperature is 100'C, water is...
  6. Solid transparate body which is limited by two sphere surfaces

13 Clues: E=mc^2Mass * speed =V = 3*10^8 m/sCurrent is measured in...The nearest star after Sun - Proxima...When the temperature is 100'C, water is...This quantity shows how fast any body movesFamous physician and cosmologist, Stephen...Which quantity is constant in isobaric process?He was the first who believed in heliocentric system...

Physics 2022-06-23

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the shape of an orbit
  2. Measures the current in a circuit
  3. a repeating path that objects go around another object
  4. way of measuring how much force is acting over an area
  5. force acting when two objects touch, can slow things down
  6. weight measurement of the gravitational force acting on an object
  7. the measurement of weight
  8. measures the voltage in a circuit
  1. Build up of charge
  2. A force acting upwards on an object
  3. the amount of matter in an object
  4. measures how hard it is for current to flow through the circuit
  5. a substance that reduces friction

13 Clues: Build up of chargethe shape of an orbitthe measurement of weightthe amount of matter in an objecta substance that reduces frictionMeasures the current in a circuitmeasures the voltage in a circuitA force acting upwards on an objecta repeating path that objects go around another objectway of measuring how much force is acting over an area...

Physics 2023-09-11

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. requires a medium to propagate
  2. distance sound can travel per unit time
  3. can detect and measure blood flow
  4. difference between the minimum and maximum
  5. inverse of frequency
  6. cycles/sec
  1. rectangular display
  2. sound into electricity
  3. electricity into sound
  4. particles move in same direction as wave
  5. used in abdomen, pelvic, and Ob/GYNE
  6. pie shaped
  7. distance between two wave compressions

13 Clues: pie shapedcycles/secrectangular displayinverse of frequencysound into electricityelectricity into soundrequires a medium to propagatecan detect and measure blood flowused in abdomen, pelvic, and Ob/GYNEdistance between two wave compressionsdistance sound can travel per unit timeparticles move in same direction as wave...

Physics 2024-05-30

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. The change of placement of an object from the starting point (not total)
  2. THe diagrams used to show force on an objct.
  3. Change in velocity divided by time
  4. The push or pull on an object with mass
  5. Distance traveled divided by time
  1. The total amount an object moves
  2. Every action has an equal but opposite reaction
  3. The total force put onto an object after comparing all forces
  4. When the Net force of an object is not 0
  5. Displacement divided by time
  6. An object will keep moving or be still unless acted by an outside force
  7. Force = Mass x Acceleration
  8. When the Net force of an object equals 0

13 Clues: Force = Mass x AccelerationDisplacement divided by timeThe total amount an object movesDistance traveled divided by timeChange in velocity divided by timeThe push or pull on an object with massWhen the Net force of an object is not 0When the Net force of an object equals 0THe diagrams used to show force on an objct....

hi 2021-10-28

hi crossword puzzle
  1. clock
  2. big
  3. few
  4. marker
  5. teacher
  6. ruler
  7. physics
  8. scissors
  9. teacher
  10. history
  1. hard
  2. principle
  3. geography
  4. students
  5. professor
  6. art
  7. useless
  8. small
  9. pencil
  10. English

20 Clues: bigfewarthardclockrulersmallmarkerpencilteacherphysicsuselessteacherhistoryEnglishstudentsscissorsprinciplegeographyprofessor

Unit 9 Important Vocabulary 2025-01-24

Unit 9 Important Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Rights
  2. Migration
  3. Watt
  4. Class
  5. Conference
  6. Contract
  7. Equality
  8. Capitalism
  9. Influence
  10. Industrialization
  11. Physics
  1. Enlightenment
  2. Kingship
  3. Revolution
  4. Colonization
  5. Government
  6. Copernicus
  7. Astronomy
  8. Revolution
  9. Sovereignty

20 Clues: WattClassRightsPhysicsKingshipContractEqualityMigrationAstronomyInfluenceRevolutionGovernmentCopernicusConferenceRevolutionCapitalismSovereigntyColonizationEnlightenmentIndustrialization

Science 2012-12-03

Science crossword puzzle
  1. 15
  2. 14
  3. 19
  4. 7
  5. 18
  6. 17
  7. 8
  8. 13
  9. 6
  1. 16
  2. 11
  3. 5
  4. 2
  5. 9
  6. 10
  7. 3
  8. 20
  9. 1
  10. 4
  11. 12

20 Clues: 5293714861516111410192018171312

Francais 3b 2022-05-04

Francais 3b crossword puzzle
  1. energetic
  2. computers
  3. English
  4. hard
  5. history
  6. math
  7. physics
  8. Spanish
  9. P.E.
  10. supplies
  11. language
  1. interesting
  2. science
  3. easy
  4. biology
  5. smart
  6. funny
  7. chemistry
  8. music
  9. German

20 Clues: easyhardmathP.E.smartfunnymusicGermanscienceEnglishbiologyhistoryphysicsSpanishsupplieslanguageenergeticcomputerschemistryinteresting

Education 2020-05-18

Education crossword puzzle
  1. długopisżelowy
  2. historia
  3. muzyka
  4. piórnik
  5. teczka
  6. temperówka
  7. kalkulator
  8. linijka
  9. plastyka
  1. biologia
  2. chemia
  3. gumka
  4. fizyka
  5. zakreślacz
  6. taśma klejąca
  7. przyroda
  8. spinacz
  9. zszywacz
  10. klej
  11. planlekcji

20 Clues: klejgumkachemiafizykamuzykateczkaspinaczpiórniklinijkabiologiahistoriaprzyrodazszywaczplastykazakreślacztemperówkakalkulatorplanlekcjitaśma klejącadługopisżelowy

School vocabulary 2020-11-22

School vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. oppitunti
  2. lukujärjestys
  3. pulpetti
  4. kansio
  5. rehtori
  6. jälki-istunto
  7. historia
  8. fysiikka
  9. laskin
  10. oppia
  11. opiskella
  1. vihko
  2. uskonto
  3. kemia
  4. läksyt
  5. matematiikka
  6. maantieto
  7. lyijykynä
  8. oppiaine
  9. arvosana

20 Clues: vihkokemiaoppiakansioläksytlaskinuskontorehtoripulpettihistoriafysiikkaoppiainearvosanaoppituntimaantietolyijykynäopiskellamatematiikkalukujärjestysjälki-istunto

Sen Doritos 2 2020-10-05

Sen Doritos 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Test/quiz
  2. Homework
  3. Sciences
  4. Stadium
  5. geography
  6. bookstore
  7. Trimester
  8. Schedule
  9. art
  10. course
  11. music
  1. Semester
  2. class
  3. Library
  4. House
  5. Physics
  6. university
  7. Laboratory
  8. spanish
  9. biology

20 Clues: artclassHousemusiccourseLibraryPhysicsStadiumspanishbiologySemesterHomeworkSciencesScheduleTest/quizgeographybookstoreTrimesteruniversityLaboratory

kpl 5 sanastoa 2023-04-11

kpl 5 sanastoa crossword puzzle
  1. käsityö
  2. pääkaupunki
  3. nykyaikainen
  4. liikunta
  5. suomenkieli
  6. Tukholma
  7. fysiikka
  8. kartta
  9. suomalainen
  10. historia
  11. biologia
  1. luokka
  2. uskoa
  3. puhua
  4. hampaat
  5. mielenkiintoinen
  6. kemia
  7. musiikki
  8. maantieto
  9. sairaana
  10. sairaana

21 Clues: uskoapuhuakemialuokkakarttakäsityöhampaatmusiikkiliikuntasairaanasairaanaTukholmafysiikkahistoriabiologiamaantietopääkaupunkisuomenkielisuomalainennykyaikainenmielenkiintoinen

Spanish/Alejandro 2023-09-21

Spanish/Alejandro crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. biology
  3. tohavedinner
  4. computerscience
  5. totheleftof
  6. wastebasket
  7. english
  8. tohavebreakfast
  9. totherightof
  10. businessadministration
  11. psychology
  1. economics
  2. bookstore
  3. mathematics
  4. because
  5. libary
  6. chemistry
  7. physics
  8. toarrive
  9. nextto;besides

20 Clues: libaryhistorybiologybecausephysicsenglishtoarriveeconomicsbookstorechemistrypsychologymathematicstotheleftofwastebaskettohavedinnertotherightofnextto;besidescomputersciencetohavebreakfastbusinessadministration

Spanish/Alejandro 2023-09-21

Spanish/Alejandro crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. biology
  3. tohavedinner
  4. computerscience
  5. totheleftof
  6. wastebasket
  7. english
  8. tohavebreakfast
  9. totherightof
  10. businessadministration
  11. psychology
  1. economics
  2. bookstore
  3. mathematics
  4. because
  5. libary
  6. chemistry
  7. physics
  8. toarrive
  9. nextto;besides

20 Clues: libaryhistorybiologybecausephysicsenglishtoarriveeconomicsbookstorechemistrypsychologymathematicstotheleftofwastebaskettohavedinnertotherightofnextto;besidescomputersciencetohavebreakfastbusinessadministration

Picture this Crossword 2023-04-24

Picture this Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 9
  2. 14
  3. 12
  4. 1
  5. 19
  6. 5
  7. 20
  8. 16
  9. 18
  1. 17
  2. 10
  3. 6
  4. 2
  5. 15
  6. 4
  7. 11
  8. 8
  9. 13
  10. 7
  11. 3

20 Clues: 9624817531714101512111319201618

Mikey Pagnotto French Choice Board 2024-10-15

Mikey Pagnotto French Choice Board crossword puzzle
  1. language
  2. cafeteria
  3. history
  4. school
  5. class
  6. geography
  7. physics
  8. degree
  9. chemistry
  1. homework
  2. grade
  3. useless
  4. difficult
  5. easy
  6. exam
  7. math
  8. biology
  9. computer class
  10. psychology
  11. useful

20 Clues: easyexammathgradeclassschoolusefuldegreeuselessbiologyhistoryphysicshomeworklanguagedifficultcafeteriageographychemistrypsychologycomputer class

physics 2021-04-26

physics crossword puzzle
  1. state of rest, or motion in a straight line
  2. the force between two rubbing forces
  3. push or pull on an object
  4. increase in speed
  5. rate of motion in a particular direction
  6. an object in motion stays in motion
  1. distance over time
  2. the overall force of an object
  3. for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
  4. movement of an object
  5. the force that pulls objects towards each other
  6. The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied
  7. equal force acting on a object in different directions.

13 Clues: increase in speeddistance over timemovement of an objectpush or pull on an objectthe overall force of an objectan object in motion stays in motionthe force between two rubbing forcesrate of motion in a particular directionstate of rest, or motion in a straight linethe force that pulls objects towards each other...

Physics 2022-06-23

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the shape of an orbit
  2. Measures the current in a circuit
  3. a repeating path that objects go around another object
  4. way of measuring how much force is acting over an area
  5. force acting when two objects touch, can slow things down
  6. weight measurement of the gravitational force acting on an object
  7. the measurement of weight
  8. measures the voltage in a circuit
  1. Build up of charge
  2. A force acting upwards on an object
  3. the amount of matter in an object
  4. measures how hard it is for current to flow through the circuit
  5. a substance that reduces friction

13 Clues: Build up of chargethe shape of an orbitthe measurement of weightthe amount of matter in an objecta substance that reduces frictionMeasures the current in a circuitmeasures the voltage in a circuitA force acting upwards on an objecta repeating path that objects go around another objectway of measuring how much force is acting over an area...

physics 2021-09-19

physics crossword puzzle
  1. electricity, magnetism
  2. a pattern, plan representation to describe a concept
  3. an experiment that tests only one factor at a time
  4. and wave phenomena specific types of repetitive motions
  5. a description of hoe close a measurement is to the correct value
  6. the degree of exactness of a measurement
  7. heat, and temperature
  8. a set of particles or interacting components considered to be a distinct physical entity
  1. behavior of subatomic particles
  2. light
  3. particles moving at any speed including very high speeds
  4. motion and its causes interactions between objects
  5. the digits in a measurement that are certain

13 Clues: lightheat, and temperatureelectricity, magnetismbehavior of subatomic particlesthe degree of exactness of a measurementthe digits in a measurement that are certainan experiment that tests only one factor at a timemotion and its causes interactions between objectsa pattern, plan representation to describe a concept...

Physics 2021-02-23

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the amount of waves
  2. it is long and not tranverse
  3. distance between waves
  4. bottom of the wave
  1. opposite of dark
  2. not longitudinal
  3. height of the wave
  4. someone is alright you could say they are
  5. you go heat your food up in the
  6. break a bone and you need an
  7. when the sound is too low you turn up the
  8. top of the wave
  9. what you play football on

13 Clues: top of the waveopposite of darknot longitudinalheight of the wavebottom of the wavethe amount of wavesdistance between waveswhat you play football onbreak a bone and you need anit is long and not tranverseyou go heat your food up in thesomeone is alright you could say they arewhen the sound is too low you turn up the

Physics 2021-11-04

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. þjóta
  2. nýeind
  3. hægðalyf
  4. örsmár, agnarlítill
  5. veikleiki
  6. varpa fyrir borð, henda
  7. force miðflóttakraftur
  1. setning, kennisetning (í stærðfræði og rökfræði)
  2. eftirgefanlegur, sveigjanlegur
  3. verulegur, þungur
  4. of magnitude stærðargráða (verulegur munur sem skiptir máli í eðlisfræði)
  5. aflaga, afbaka
  6. snúa upp á, klípa í

13 Clues: þjótanýeindhægðalyfveikleikiaflaga, afbakaverulegur, þungurörsmár, agnarlítillsnúa upp á, klípa íforce miðflóttakrafturvarpa fyrir borð, hendaeftirgefanlegur, sveigjanlegursetning, kennisetning (í stærðfræði og rökfræði)of magnitude stærðargráða (verulegur munur sem skiptir máli í eðlisfræði)

Physics 2023-04-20

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the force that brings something close.
  2. the force that moves something away.
  3. the _ constant is equal to 6.6743 × 10^(-11) m^(3) kg^(-1) s^(-2)
  4. the m in E=mc^2
  5. The a in F=ma
  6. The F in F=ma
  7. the number of dimensions that exist (According to quantum mechanics)
  1. c is the speed of this in E=mc^2
  2. He discovered relativity
  3. the 4d hyperspace Einstein believed in.
  4. The m in F=ma
  5. He made jokes about a cat being dead & alive
  6. He "discovered" gravity
  7. the E in E=mc^2

14 Clues: The m in F=maThe a in F=maThe F in F=mathe m in E=mc^2the E in E=mc^2He "discovered" gravityHe discovered relativityc is the speed of this in E=mc^2the force that moves something away.the force that brings something close.the 4d hyperspace Einstein believed in.He made jokes about a cat being dead & alive...

PHYSICS 2014-04-01

PHYSICS crossword puzzle
  1. Largest Planet
  2. Simple __________ Motion
  3. Water, Gas
  4. E=Mc2
  5. Converts Heat to work
  6. Gave Laws of motion
  7. 100 KMPH
  8. Earth Pulls you by
  1. Measured by Megapixels of Camera
  2. Mutes the Engine Sound
  3. SI Unit of length
  4. Amount of Matter
  5. Makes you see

13 Clues: E=Mc2100 KMPHWater, GasMakes you seeLargest PlanetAmount of MatterSI Unit of lengthEarth Pulls you byGave Laws of motionConverts Heat to workMutes the Engine SoundSimple __________ MotionMeasured by Megapixels of Camera

Physics 2024-02-13

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. Work
  2. Work
  3. Movement
  4. Geographical
  5. Power
  6. Satellite
  7. Force
  8. Gas
  1. Law
  2. Engine
  3. Wave
  4. Force
  5. Fan
  6. Unit
  7. Disaster

15 Clues: LawFanGasWorkWorkWaveUnitForcePowerForceEngineMovementDisasterSatelliteGeographical

Physics 2024-08-26

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. laws of the universe (how the universe works)
  2. how objects move
  3. study of inorganic world (not living)
  4. quantity of motion
  5. source of illumination
  6. slow-moving or stationary electric charges
  7. study of organic world (living)
  1. waves that travel through a medium like air or water
  2. force that pulls objects together
  3. force exerted by magnets when they attract or repel each other
  4. why objects move
  5. usable power
  6. circular path that electricity flows through

13 Clues: usable powerhow objects movewhy objects movequantity of motionsource of illuminationstudy of organic world (living)force that pulls objects togetherstudy of inorganic world (not living)slow-moving or stationary electric chargescircular path that electricity flows throughlaws of the universe (how the universe works)...

School Classes 2020-09-04

School Classes crossword puzzle
  1. Geografie
  2. Pause
  3. Sportunterricht
  4. Kunstunterricht
  5. Grammatik
  6. schreiben
  7. Algebra
  8. Werken
  9. Geometrie
  10. Hauswirtschaftslehre
  11. Physik
  1. Fremdsprachenunterricht
  2. Chemie
  3. Geschichte
  4. Literatur
  5. Zeichnung
  6. Mathematik
  7. lesen
  8. Wissenschaft,
  9. spielen
  10. Musik

21 Clues: PauselesenMusikChemieWerkenPhysikAlgebraspielenGeografieLiteraturGrammatikZeichnungschreibenGeometrieGeschichteMathematikWissenschaft,SportunterrichtKunstunterrichtHauswirtschaftslehreFremdsprachenunterricht

Solutions elementary Unit 2 Elīna 2022-04-13

Solutions elementary Unit 2 Elīna crossword puzzle
  1. kalns
  2. vēsture
  3. plats
  4. ierasties
  5. priecīgs
  6. dažreiz
  7. matemātika
  8. pusdienot
  9. ekskursija
  10. liels
  1. piektdiena
  2. satraukts
  3. pirmdiena
  4. pamest skolu
  5. noguris
  6. ģeogrāfija
  7. fizika
  8. skolas nometne
  9. slapjš
  10. mazs

20 Clues: mazskalnsplatslielsfizikaslapjšvēsturenogurisdažreizpriecīgssatrauktspirmdienaierastiespusdienotpiektdienaģeogrāfijamatemātikaekskursijapamest skoluskolas nometne