physics Crossword Puzzles

Physics 2022-03-31

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. energy energy of an object due to its having been stretched or compressed
  2. the product of an object’s mass and its velocity
  3. the downward force of gravity that acts on an object because of its mass
  4. the rate of change of an object’s velocity
  5. the energy of a moving object
  6. the ratio of mass to volume for a substance
  7. an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure
  1. the SI unit of force
  2. the capacity to do work
  3. a push or a pull acting on an object
  4. the SI unit of pressure
  5. a device used to measure the pressure difference between two points
  6. the extension of an object is proportional to the load producing it
  7. force exerted on an area
  8. of mass the point at which the mass of an object can be considered to be concentrated

15 Clues: the SI unit of forcethe capacity to do workthe SI unit of pressureforce exerted on an areathe energy of a moving objecta push or a pull acting on an objectthe rate of change of an object’s velocitythe ratio of mass to volume for a substancethe product of an object’s mass and its velocityan instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure...

PHYSICS 2023-01-09

PHYSICS crossword puzzle
  1. vibrating objects that are shorter make ... pitched sounds than those that are longer.
  2. The amplitude is the distance from zero to the ..., or....,of the graph.
  3. measure the amplitude in...
  4. A frequency of 500 Hz means that 500 vibrations happen every...
  5. distance that particles in air will be ... and ...
  6. way to describe how quiet or loud a sound appears is called...
  7. how high or low a sound appears on a musical scale is called .....
  8. The reason that the pitch of the sound from the vibrating ruler changes is because the speed of the....
  9. musical instrument called a ....
  1. measured in a unit called hertz or Hz is called....
  2. compare the frequencies of sound waves of different pitches is called....
  3. The maximum distance that particles move, either forward or backward....
  4. he graph shows the distance that the particles move .... and backward with time.
  5. The horizontal axis of this graph is...
  6. when the vibrating ruler is moved, the length of the vibrating part is shorter,then what happens is

15 Clues: measure the amplitude in...musical instrument called a ....The horizontal axis of this graph is...distance that particles in air will be ... and ...measured in a unit called hertz or Hz is called....way to describe how quiet or loud a sound appears is called...A frequency of 500 Hz means that 500 vibrations happen every......

PHYSICS 2023-01-09

PHYSICS crossword puzzle
  1. highpitch=
  2. The number of waves that pass a single position in one second
  3. a wave of compression and rarefaction, by which sound is propagated in an elastic medium such as air.
  4. The speed of sound waves in air
  5. greater frequency=
  6. louder sound=
  7. other name if faint sound.
  8. greater amplitude=
  9. Frequency is measured in...
  1. ...can be measured by counting the number of crests.
  2. other name of hoarse sound.
  3. the distance from the centre line (or the still position) to the top of a crest or to the bottom of a trough .
  4. display and analyze the waveform of electronic signals.
  5. the amplitude of the sound wave determines...
  6. formula frequency

15 Clues: highpitch=louder sound=formula frequencygreater frequency=greater amplitude=other name if faint sound.other name of hoarse sound.Frequency is measured in...The speed of sound waves in airthe amplitude of the sound wave determines......can be measured by counting the number of crests.display and analyze the waveform of electronic signals....

physics 2022-11-30

physics crossword puzzle
  1. "oh son"
  2. all of my friends are in
  3. lefty
  4. "give me the keys im ready to drive"
  5. most dependable
  6. the better twin
  7. shloks favorite team
  8. enjoys feet
  9. can do a 5 minute plank
  1. you need tires? go here
  2. you should do this at the end of lab
  3. on that blank blank road
  4. best eyes
  5. has a cannon
  6. the version we despise
  7. the better version
  8. River's favorite artist (Hip-Hop)

17 Clues: lefty"oh son"best eyesenjoys feethas a cannonmost dependablethe better twinthe better versionshloks favorite teamthe version we despiseyou need tires? go herecan do a 5 minute plankall of my friends are inon that blank blank roadRiver's favorite artist (Hip-Hop)you should do this at the end of lab"give me the keys im ready to drive"

physics 2023-04-17

physics crossword puzzle
  1. #of waves/ time
  2. how much something floats
  3. a bodys relative mass
  4. height of wave
  5. wave vibrates perpendicular
  6. measure of how much space an object takes up
  7. measured peak to peak
  8. perpendicular force per unit
  9. vibrates in same direction
  1. d=m/v
  2. who created the buoyant force principle
  3. frequency * wavelength
  4. the degree of compactness of a substance
  5. a disturbance that travels through space
  6. formula d/t

15 Clues: d=m/vformula d/theight of wave#of waves/ timea bodys relative massmeasured peak to peakfrequency * wavelengthhow much something floatsvibrates in same directionwave vibrates perpendicularperpendicular force per unitwho created the buoyant force principlethe degree of compactness of a substancea disturbance that travels through space...

physics 2023-11-20

physics crossword puzzle
  1. Movement of an object towards the Earth due to gravity.
  2. A graph which shows data in a curved line.
  3. A graph which shows data in a straight line.
  4. Speed at a given moment in time.
  5. Sum of two or more vectors.
  6. Motion where the speed increases by the same amount each time.
  1. A place/object used for comparison to determine whether something is in motion.
  2. The rate at which velocity changes.
  3. Speed and direction an object is moving.
  4. Total distance divided by the time it took to travel it.
  5. Quantity which has a direction.
  6. The length between two points.
  7. The rate at which someone is able to move or operate
  8. Movement in relation to a frame/reference.
  9. The indefinite continued progress of existance & events in the past, present & future regarded as a whole.

15 Clues: Sum of two or more vectors.The length between two points.Quantity which has a direction.Speed at a given moment in time.The rate at which velocity changes.Speed and direction an object is moving.A graph which shows data in a curved line.Movement in relation to a frame/reference.A graph which shows data in a straight line....

Physics 2024-05-08

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the number of waves that pass a fixed point in unit time
  2. the substance that transfers the energy
  3. The increase (or decrease) in the frequency of sound, light, or other waves
  4. the range of all types of EM radiation
  5. An electric and magnetic disturbance
  6. Occurs when waves come together so that the completely cancel each other out
  7. The distance the wave travels in a amount of time
  8. Distance between the resting position
  9. the bending of light or sound as it passes through something like a wall or a window
  1. Occurs when the path difference between successive crystal planes
  2. The spreading out of waves as they pass through an aperture or around objects
  3. The change in direction of a wavefront at the interface between two different media
  4. A moving wave
  5. A type of wave in which the mediums vibration is parallel
  6. The distance between identical points

15 Clues: A moving waveAn electric and magnetic disturbanceThe distance between identical pointsDistance between the resting positionthe range of all types of EM radiationthe substance that transfers the energyThe distance the wave travels in a amount of timethe number of waves that pass a fixed point in unit time...

physics 2024-02-15

physics crossword puzzle
  1. how far
  2. how fast and in what direction
  3. how fast
  4. how far and in what direction
  5. push and pull
  6. variable that stays the same
  1. placement
  2. estimated guess
  3. process of speeding up
  4. magnitude
  5. anything gravity effects
  6. direction and magnitude
  7. how heavy
  8. collection og atoms
  9. force all forces

15 Clues: how farhow fastplacementmagnitudehow heavypush and pullestimated guessforce all forcescollection og atomsprocess of speeding updirection and magnitudeanything gravity effectsvariable that stays the samehow far and in what directionhow fast and in what direction

Physics 2024-09-07

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. The tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion.
  2. The product of an object's mass and velocity.
  3. The rate at which work is done or energy is transferred.
  4. The capacity to do work.
  5. A disturbance that transfers energy through matter or space.
  6. The speed and direction of an object's motion.
  7. Related to the smallest unit of an element.
  8. The amount of matter in an object.
  1. The resistance force when two surfaces move against each other.
  2. The result of a force moving an object a certain distance.
  3. The force that attracts objects toward the center of the Earth.
  4. A push or pull that causes an object to move or change direction.
  5. The rate of change of velocity over time.
  6. Energy associated with motion.
  7. Energy stored in an object due to its position.

15 Clues: The capacity to do work.Energy associated with motion.The amount of matter in an object.The rate of change of velocity over time.Related to the smallest unit of an element.The product of an object's mass and velocity.The speed and direction of an object's motion.Energy stored in an object due to its position....

Physics 2023-12-12

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. carpet,floor,table
  2. the distance that the object is at at the moment
  3. opposite reaction
  4. push or pull
  5. 1st law of motion
  7. change of momentum of object
  8. Matter
  1. any object thrown or shot
  2. sum of all forces acting on the object
  3. ONLY MAGNITUDE no direction
  4. FAST
  5. Sir Issac Newton
  6. product of the mass and velocity of an object.
  7. Speeding up, Slowing down

15 Clues: FASTMatterOH YEAHHHHHpush or pullSir Issac Newtonopposite reaction1st law of motioncarpet,floor,tableany object thrown or shotSpeeding up, Slowing downONLY MAGNITUDE no directionchange of momentum of objectsum of all forces acting on the objectproduct of the mass and velocity of an object.the distance that the object is at at the moment

physics 2024-03-28

physics crossword puzzle
  1. strongest parts of a magnet
  2. electricity produced from it
  3. one surface or object rubbing against another
  4. a flow of charged particles
  5. phenomenon associated with magnetic fields
  6. current flows through all components
  1. causes the current to flow
  2. soft metal made into magnet
  3. transfer of energy through particles that are touching
  4. placing objects near each other to produce current
  5. current has multiple paths
  6. opposite poles
  7. same poles
  8. the measure of current
  9. the measure of resistance

15 Clues: same polesopposite polesthe measure of currentthe measure of resistancecauses the current to flowcurrent has multiple pathsstrongest parts of a magnetsoft metal made into magneta flow of charged particleselectricity produced from itcurrent flows through all componentsphenomenon associated with magnetic fields...

physics 2024-10-18

physics crossword puzzle
  1. түлшний дотоод энергийг мех энергид хувиргаж үелэх проц хийдэг төхөөр
  2. тэнцвэр тогтсон системийн чөлөөт электронуудын дундаж хурд….. бна
  3. хий төлөвөөс хатуу төлөвт шилжих
  4. Валентын электроныг бараг чөлөөт гэж үзэж болох ба нэг атомаас нөгөө атом руу хялбархан шилжих боломжтой.
  5. dulaani temtsvert uttu g
  6. хольцын темп нэг утгатай бх
  7. Ууршихдаа энерги?
  1. абсолют темп-г өөрөөр
  2. biy temp iin nuluugur buh hemjeesyn dagu uurclugduh
  3. хайлах температураас буцлах температур хүртэл хэмжих боломжтой
  4. Хатуу биеийн эзлэхүүн тэлэлтийн коэффициент нь шугаман тэлэлтийн хэдэн коэффициентийг
  5. 20° температуртай 5л, 40° температуртай 4л, 10° температуртай 8л усыг холиход усны температур ямар болох вэ?
  6. Валентын электроныг бараг чөлөөт гэж үзэж болох ба нэг атомаас нөгөө атом руу хялбархан шилжих боломжтой.
  7. Хайлахдаа шингээсэн энерги, царцахдаа гадагш алдсан энергитэй ямр харьцаа
  8. Молекулуудын дулааны хөдөлгөөн зогсох үеийн температурыг
  9. конденсацлхд энерги?

16 Clues: Ууршихдаа энерги?конденсацлхд энерги?абсолют темп-г өөрөөрdulaani temtsvert uttu gхольцын темп нэг утгатай бххий төлөвөөс хатуу төлөвт шилжихbiy temp iin nuluugur buh hemjeesyn dagu uurclugduhМолекулуудын дулааны хөдөлгөөн зогсох үеийн температурыгхайлах температураас буцлах температур хүртэл хэмжих боломжтой...

physics 2024-12-18

physics crossword puzzle
  1. just a number that shows amount or size.
  2. an arrow that shows direction and distance.
  3. how fast something is going
  4. force some of all forces
  5. An object keeps moving or stays still unless something stops it
  6. when something keeps moving because it's going really fast.
  7. a strong push that makes something move.
  8. fast something is moving in a certain direction.
  1. speeding up or changing direction
  2. something moves from where it started.
  3. push or pull
  4. when things rub together and slow down.
  5. how much a objects weight
  6. force pulling u down
  7. something that flies through the air.

15 Clues: push or pullforce pulling u downhow much a objects weighthow fast something is goingforce some of all forcesspeeding up or changing directionsomething that flies through the air.something moves from where it started.when things rub together and slow down.just a number that shows amount or size.a strong push that makes something move....

inventions 33 2024-05-21

inventions 33 crossword puzzle
  1. Innovator in the study of shock waves
  2. Nobel Prize in Medicine, typhus research
  3. Pioneer in fluid dynamics
  4. Discoverer of blood groups
  5. Pioneer in geophysics
  6. Environmental scientist, air pollution
  7. Nobel Prize in Physics, phase contrast microscopy
  8. Pioneer in radioactivity research
  9. Pioneer in genetic engineering
  10. Computer scientist, user interface design
  11. Pioneer in biostatistics, public health
  1. Innovator in environmental engineering
  2. Chemist, vitamin B12
  3. Researcher in plant pathology
  4. Researcher in molecular biology
  5. Nobel Prize in Physics, particle discoveries
  6. Innovator in immunology
  7. Discoverer of pulsars
  8. Innovator in organic chemistry
  9. Environmental scientist, sustainable agriculture

20 Clues: Chemist, vitamin B12Pioneer in geophysicsDiscoverer of pulsarsInnovator in immunologyPioneer in fluid dynamicsDiscoverer of blood groupsResearcher in plant pathologyInnovator in organic chemistryPioneer in genetic engineeringResearcher in molecular biologyPioneer in radioactivity researchInnovator in the study of shock waves...

French Subjects 2019-07-30

French Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. French for English
  2. Two words, French for Quantum Physics
  3. Tech expanded in French
  4. Visual arts in French
  5. Biology in French
  6. Science in French
  7. PE in French, expanded
  8. French for Religion
  9. Music in French
  1. French for mathematics
  2. French for Physics
  3. Three words, IT in french, expanded
  4. Engineering in French
  5. French for astrophysics
  6. Chemistry in French

15 Clues: Music in FrenchBiology in FrenchScience in FrenchFrench for EnglishFrench for PhysicsFrench for ReligionChemistry in FrenchVisual arts in FrenchEngineering in FrenchFrench for mathematicsPE in French, expandedTech expanded in FrenchFrench for astrophysicsThree words, IT in french, expandedTwo words, French for Quantum Physics

AP Physics 2 Crossword 2022-04-28

AP Physics 2 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. physicist primarily responsible for describing the quantum nature of particles of light
  2. protons have a positive one and electrons have a negative one
  3. _______ effect. Einstein won a Nobel Prize for describing how photons can eject electrons after striking metals
  4. _ physics (physics of protons, neutrons, and decay)
  5. the unit of electric current
  6. the science of heat, energy and work
  7. atomic _____ levels. When electrons transition between these in atoms, they emit or absorb photons
  8. ____'s Law - Primary law regarding voltage, current, and resistance
  9. unit of magnetic field strength
  10. _____'s Law - The law of optical refraction
  11. charges must have this to experience a magnetic force
  12. the science of electric charge, force and potential
  13. created two laws of electric circuits for charge and energy conservation
  14. a substance that flows to fit its container
  15. the science of magnetic forces and fields
  1. the ability for two parallel plates to store electric charge
  2. _ physics (physics of the subatomic world)
  3. _____ length - required value in order to determine how an image is formed from a lens or mirror (1/2 the radius)
  4. energy associated with the flow from hot to cold
  5. when the nucleus is too big or unstable, this happens over a certain time
  6. arrangement of resistors where the total resistance is greater
  7. _____'s Law - The law of electromagnetism where changing electric flux relates to EMF
  8. decay type where a helium nucleus is emitted
  9. the science of how light behaves in the physics world
  10. the Greek mathematician who discovered the law of buoyancy
  11. fluids generate this due to the height of a fluid column
  12. the unit of electric potential
  13. mass _____. When atomic masses do not match with masses of individual particles
  14. type of energy associated with holding nucleii together. (E=mc^2)
  15. Italian scientist who related energy to fluid motion
  16. a pathway through which electric current can flow
  17. ____ gas. (assumed when gas molecules are single atoms)

32 Clues: the unit of electric currentthe unit of electric potentialunit of magnetic field strengththe science of heat, energy and workthe science of magnetic forces and fields_ physics (physics of the subatomic world)_____'s Law - The law of optical refractiona substance that flows to fit its containerdecay type where a helium nucleus is emitted...

Nobel Prize Day 2023-11-15

Nobel Prize Day crossword puzzle
  1. This Nobel Prize category recognizes groundbreaking discoveries in Physics.
  2. Advances in this field are recognized with a Nobel Prize in this category.
  3. This Peace Prize laureate advocated for civil rights in the U.S.
  4. A Nobel laureate known for his contributions to game theory.
  5. The only person to receive Nobel Prizes in two different scientific fields.
  6. This Nobel Prize winner is known for significant contributions to the photoelectric effect.
  7. The first name of the prestigious Peace Prize founder.
  8. An eminent figure in the world of literature is often referred to as this.
  9. This Nobel Prize category recognizes significant contributions to world peace.
  10. The author of the "Theory of Relativity," a Nobel laureate in Physics.
  11. The Nobel-winning physicist famous for formulating the uncertainty principle.
  1. The first name of the inventor of dynamite, who initiated the Peace Prize.
  2. This Nobel Prize-winning author is known for "The Old Man and the Sea."
  3. This Nobel prize is given for outstanding literary work.
  4. The Nobel Prizes are presented annually on the 10th of this month.
  5. The first female Nobel laureate who won the Nobel Prize in Physics.
  6. This Nobel laureate's achievement is honored in the field of chemistry.
  7. This Nobel Prize winner is known for significant work on poverty and development.
  8. This prize honors exceptional contributions to the world of books and writing.
  9. This Prize is given for Efforts to promote peace.
  10. The organization awarded the Nobel Peace Prize three times for its humanitarian efforts.

21 Clues: This Prize is given for Efforts to promote peace.The first name of the prestigious Peace Prize founder.This Nobel prize is given for outstanding literary work.A Nobel laureate known for his contributions to game theory.This Peace Prize laureate advocated for civil rights in the U.S.The Nobel Prizes are presented annually on the 10th of this month....

Physics 2021-11-04

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. a push or pull
  2. subatomic particle with a negative charge
  3. speed with a direction
  4. subatomic particle with a positive charge
  5. a change in speed or direction of an object
  1. subatomic particle with a neutral charge
  2. the smallest unit or part of an element
  3. a pure substance that can't be broken down
  4. mostly gas and found on the right side of the periodic table
  5. semiconductors
  6. rows on the periodic table that tell us how many shells each atom has
  7. columns on the periodic table that tell us how many valence electrons each atom has
  8. shiny substances found on the left side of the periodic table
  9. the distance an object travels and the time it takes to travel that distance

14 Clues: a push or pullsemiconductorsspeed with a directionthe smallest unit or part of an elementsubatomic particle with a neutral chargesubatomic particle with a negative chargesubatomic particle with a positive chargea pure substance that can't be broken downa change in speed or direction of an object...

Physics 2022-03-31

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. F=MA
  2. resistance to change in motion
  3. speed in a given direction
  4. measure of force
  5. push or pull
  6. how much matter is in an object
  1. objects change in position
  2. uneven force
  3. how fast you are going
  4. force that pulls things down
  5. 0 newtons
  6. rate velocity changes
  7. Action/reaction
  8. law of inertia

14 Clues: F=MA0 newtonsuneven forcepush or pulllaw of inertiaAction/reactionmeasure of forcerate velocity changeshow fast you are goingobjects change in positionspeed in a given directionforce that pulls things downresistance to change in motionhow much matter is in an object

Physics 2012-04-02

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. This is 0 in the y direction when you stand on a brick sidewalk
  2. Take care not to go off on one of these
  3. what might happen one day.. IN 2012
  4. the universe exploded...
  5. vectors are _______ into componants
  6. what makes x,y,z
  7. An apple dropped on newton's head: he thought of this.
  1. somthing that fat people worry about..and is different on the moon
  2. to make your _____ the same as that of light, it takes infinate force...if you weigh anything
  3. Terminal________ is a 90's Computer Game
  4. Give me a push, and you apply it to me
  5. The Pie that Strong Nuclear Eat
  6. I have no direction to my wanderings...
  7. I'm not working

14 Clues: I'm not workingwhat makes x,y,zthe universe exploded...The Pie that Strong Nuclear Eatwhat might happen one day.. IN 2012vectors are _______ into componantsGive me a push, and you apply it to meTake care not to go off on one of theseI have no direction to my wanderings...Terminal________ is a 90's Computer Game...

Physics 2013-06-03

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the waste energy from a ketttle
  2. energy from movement
  3. represents the energy transfer through a device
  4. comes from energy released by radioactive substances deep within the earth
  5. heat that flows from the underground
  6. used to stop carbon dioxide emissions
  7. used in small scale gas field power stations
  1. spreading out wavers when they pass through a gap or move past an obstacle
  2. sound waves at frequencies above the range of human ears
  3. unit of power
  4. very thin glass fibres we use them to transmit signals carried by light or infared radiation
  5. the useful enery from a radiatior
  6. is composed of two types of particles, neutrons and protons
  7. vibrates strongly when a certain frequancy is played

14 Clues: unit of powerenergy from movementthe waste energy from a ketttlethe useful enery from a radiatiorheat that flows from the undergroundused to stop carbon dioxide emissionsused in small scale gas field power stationsrepresents the energy transfer through a devicevibrates strongly when a certain frequancy is played...

PHYSICS!! 2013-06-03

PHYSICS!! crossword puzzle
  1. The speed reached when air resistance equals gravitational force.
  2. This variable goes on the horizontal axis.
  3. ABS stands for ________ Braking System.
  4. Newton's 3rd Law: 'Every action has an equal and ________ reaction.
  5. ABS takes advantage of _______ friction.
  6. Newton's 2nd Law: 'Force = ______ x acceleration'.
  7. Force is measured in _________'.
  8. The tendency for a body to stay at rest or continue its motion, unless acted on by a force (Depends on its mass).
  1. M = m x v
  2. A force that opposes the motion of one surface across another.
  3. Negative acceleration.
  4. The time it takes you to respond to a stimulus.
  5. A _______ zone reduces the safety risks in a accident.
  6. Reaction Distance + Braking Distance = _________ Distance

14 Clues: M = m x vNegative acceleration.Force is measured in _________'.ABS stands for ________ Braking System.ABS takes advantage of _______ friction.This variable goes on the horizontal axis.The time it takes you to respond to a stimulus.Newton's 2nd Law: 'Force = ______ x acceleration'.A _______ zone reduces the safety risks in a accident....

Physics 2014-04-22

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. The electric potential difference between two points.
  2. A device to transform energy from one electrical circuit to another by means of mutual inductance between two coils.
  3. Property of space around a charged object that causes forces on other charged objects.
  4. The rate at which a charge flows through a surface.
  5. The ratio of potential difference across device to current through it.
  6. The moving part of a rotary electrical switch in certain types of electric motors or electrical generators that periodically reverses the current direction between the rotor and the external circuit.
  7. The production of electric field or current due to change in magnetic flux.
  1. A single resistance that could replace several resistors.
  2. A region within a magnetic material in which the individual magnetic moments of the atoms are aligned with one another and they point in the same direction.
  3. The flow of electric charge periodically reverses direction.
  4. The two ends of a magnet
  5. Space around a magnet throughout which magnetic force exists.
  6. A device that uses an electric current to produce a concentrated magnetic field.
  7. The unidirectional flow of electric charge.

14 Clues: The two ends of a magnetThe unidirectional flow of electric charge.The rate at which a charge flows through a surface.The electric potential difference between two points.A single resistance that could replace several resistors.The flow of electric charge periodically reverses direction.Space around a magnet throughout which magnetic force exists....

Physics 2022-06-21

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. What is the third derivative of position
  2. The earths has what force?
  3. The ability of a quantum system to be in multiple states at the same time until it is measured
  4. the length of a wave
  5. I travel 186,000 miles per sec
  6. The distance covered by an object in unit time
  7. vibrations that travel through air
  1. The number of waves that passes through a point in a fixed time.
  2. the state or fact of being relative
  3. what does the formula mass times acceleration equal?
  4. the answer is crest
  5. Einstein is considered the third founded of what theory?
  6. what is the symbol for ohms?
  7. determines a waves loudness or volume

14 Clues: the answer is crestthe length of a waveThe earths has what force?what is the symbol for ohms?I travel 186,000 miles per secvibrations that travel through airthe state or fact of being relativedetermines a waves loudness or volumeWhat is the third derivative of positionThe distance covered by an object in unit time...

Physics 2023-06-10

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. The components of a circuit are joined together by me and I carry current
  2. I am used to measure force
  3. I am made up of two words and described as a city of electrons
  4. I can be strong or weak it depends on how I am inside
  5. I am type of material that allows current to flow freely through me, this is due to my electrons freely moving when a voltage is applied, I am a?
  6. I am the energy needed to convert one Coulomb of charge as the charge moves around a circuit
  7. I am a type of material, I have no poles and I cannot be converted into a magnet
  8. Power behind a Jedi's abilities
  9. It's a slang used when someone becomes frustrated and under a lot of problems
  1. My charges do not move and they are positive and negative
  2. This is the process by which I attract magnetic materials
  3. I am produced when a current is passed through a wire or coil
  4. I am a temporary magnet and I can be easily magnetized or demagnetised
  5. I am full of negativity and also positivity

14 Clues: I am used to measure forcePower behind a Jedi's abilitiesI am full of negativity and also positivityI can be strong or weak it depends on how I am insideMy charges do not move and they are positive and negativeThis is the process by which I attract magnetic materialsI am produced when a current is passed through a wire or coil...

physics 2022-05-26

physics crossword puzzle
  1. the ability of an object to float in water or air.
  2. energy stored in an object.
  3. the rate of change in velocity
  4. energy in an object due to its motion or position.
  5. controls and regulates the activities of the cell
  6. distance between corresponding points of two consecutive waves.
  1. the magnitude or size of displacement between two positions.
  2. the energy that holds a nucleus together, equal to the mass defect of the nucleus.
  3. rate and direction of motion measurement.
  4. how far out of place an object is.
  5. unit used to measure electrical energy
  6. the time for a particle on a medium to make one complete vibrational cycle.
  7. wave height from the center of the wave.
  8. the universal force of attraction acting between all matter

14 Clues: energy stored in an object.the rate of change in velocityhow far out of place an object is.unit used to measure electrical energywave height from the center of the wave.rate and direction of motion measurement.controls and regulates the activities of the cellthe ability of an object to float in water or air....

physics 2024-12-11

physics crossword puzzle
  1. how much of
  2. scalar quantity
  3. force
  4. origin point
  5. force through a string
  6. rate of change
  7. ability to do work
  8. moving objects to move
  1. force
  2. stop
  3. direction and speed
  4. body
  5. power
  6. fall same rate
  7. mutual attraction
  8. kg

16 Clues: kgstopbodyforcepowerforcehow much oforigin pointrate of changescalar quantityfall same ratemutual attractionability to do workdirection and speedforce through a stringmoving objects to move

Favourite Teachers!? 2024-07-16

Favourite Teachers!? crossword puzzle
  1. ok stec
  2. yellow blouse
  3. white math guy
  4. Bangkok
  5. ok ms red car
  6. 1+1=2
  7. Sweetheart
  8. best PE teacher
  9. Mr. Worldwide
  10. 40” bussdown
  11. professional observer
  12. lovely lady
  13. same blue shirt
  14. Physics
  15. Eloquent woman
  16. Jessie coops
  17. .
  1. “what do I do for a living?”
  2. like to talk about ppl
  3. td dude
  4. .
  5. Hola chica!
  6. “Bless the lord”
  7. Physics lady
  8. Ms french
  9. Auntie Fanfan
  10. Holy spirit
  11. scottie on a skateboard
  12. bbg
  13. Big money gyal
  14. tessie, professional yapper
  15. momma
  16. Ms Principal

33 Clues: ..bbg1+1=2mommaok stectd dudeBangkokPhysicsMs frenchSweetheartHola chica!Holy spiritlovely ladyPhysics lady40” bussdownMs PrincipalJessie coopsyellow blouseok ms red carAuntie FanfanMr. Worldwidewhite math guyBig money gyalEloquent womanbest PE teachersame blue shirt“Bless the lord”professional observerlike to talk about pplscottie on a skateboard...

Science project 2024-02-07

Science project crossword puzzle
  1. physics
  2. law
  3. newton
  4. effort
  5. block and tackle
  6. mechanical advantage
  1. pulley
  2. simple machine
  3. motion
  4. rope

10 Clues: lawropepulleymotionnewtoneffortphysicssimple machineblock and tacklemechanical advantage

SCIENCE 2017-03-06

SCIENCE crossword puzzle
  1. Light Physics
  2. It is a cloud of interstellar material made up of dust, hydrogen & other gases
  3. Sound Physics
  4. It is the union of two kinds of gametes
  5. force per unit area
  6. It is a mountain whose slopes is rise steeply into air
  7. This are like deep canals on the seafloor
  8. a substance tending to flow
  1. It refers to the earliest stage of development of an organism
  2. the study of heat movement
  3. It is where the water is stored underground
  4. the study of matter and energy
  5. It is a explosion of a star
  6. It is an area where runoff drains into a river, stream, lake reservoir or ocean
  7. It is a break in the ground along which movement has taken

15 Clues: Light PhysicsSound Physicsforce per unit areathe study of heat movementIt is a explosion of a stara substance tending to flowthe study of matter and energyIt is the union of two kinds of gametesThis are like deep canals on the seafloorIt is where the water is stored undergroundIt is a mountain whose slopes is rise steeply into air...

Physics 2018-01-11

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. push current around an electric circuit.
  2. Energy:Energy that is NOT being used.
  3. Meter:Measures the capacitance of a component
  4. device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power. It is composed of semiconductor material usually with at least three terminals for connection to an external circuit
  5. Resistance:the measure of the degree to which a conductor opposes an electric current through that conductor. Friction, Drag (physics) ("air resistance"), fluid or gas forces opposing motion and flow.
  6. is a passive two-terminal electrical component that stores potential energy in an electric field.
  1. Current:is an electric current which periodically reverses direction, in contrast to direct current (DC) which flows only in one direction
  2. Circuit:is a closed circuit in which the current divides into two or more paths before recombining to complete the circuit.
  3. electrical phenomenon whereby an electric charge is stored.
  4. is a closed circuit in which the current follows one path, as opposed to a parallel circuit where the circuit is divided into two or more paths.
  5. is named after the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta (1745–1827).
  6. a measuring device used to measure the electric current in a circuit.
  7. Energy: Energy that IS being used.
  8. Capacitor:is a fixed-value capacitor in which ceramic material acts as the dielectric.

14 Clues: Energy: Energy that IS being used.Energy:Energy that is NOT being used.push current around an electric circuit.Meter:Measures the capacitance of a componentelectrical phenomenon whereby an electric charge is named after the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta (1745–1827)....

Physics 2021-09-30

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. A projectile is an object upon which the only force acting is gravity.
  2. a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. It is typically represented by an arrow whose direction is the same as that of the quantity and whose length is proportional to the quantity's magnitude.
  3. is a vector quantity that refers to "the rate at which an object changes its position."
  4. are quantities that are fully described by a magnitude (or numerical value) alone.
  5. When two forces acting on an object are not equal in size, we say that they are
  6. states that if a body is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line, it will remain at rest or keep moving in a straight line at constant speed unless it is acted upon by a force.
  1. When two forces acting on an object are equal in size but act in opposite directions, we say that they are
  2. the path that an object with mass in motion follows through space as a function of time.
  3. is a vector quantity that is defined as the rate at which an object changes its velocity.
  4. the universal force of attraction acting between all matter.
  5. is a push or pull upon an object resulting from the object's interaction with another object. Whenever there is an interaction between two objects,
  6. a force that is caused by air. The force acts in the opposite direction to an object moving through the air.
  7. the quantity of matter which a body contains, as measured by its acceleration under a given force or by the force exerted on it by a gravitational field.
  8. This tendency to resist changes in their state of motion is described as

14 Clues: the universal force of attraction acting between all matter.A projectile is an object upon which the only force acting is gravity.This tendency to resist changes in their state of motion is described asWhen two forces acting on an object are not equal in size, we say that they are...

Physics 2021-12-02

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the amount of stuff in an object
  2. gravitational force on an object
  3. the net force when an object is moving at a constant rate
  4. a change in speed or direction
  5. The forces on an object that is at rest are
  6. Newton third law in two words
  1. distance-time graphs measure ___
  2. the force when an object is accelerating are
  3. who made the three laws of motion
  4. Mass time acceleration
  5. according to newton, all forces are
  6. gravity is a force: t or f
  7. Newtons first law in one word
  8. speed with direction
  9. Objects with more ___ have more inertia

15 Clues: speed with directionMass time accelerationgravity is a force: t or fNewtons first law in one wordNewton third law in two wordsa change in speed or directionthe amount of stuff in an objectdistance-time graphs measure ___gravitational force on an objectwho made the three laws of motionaccording to newton, all forces are...

PHYSICS 2023-01-13

PHYSICS crossword puzzle
  1. The factor that has the greatest effect on kinetic energy is
  2. what is the movement molecules in the air that produces vibrations?
  3. an object is released form a certain height above the ground.Just at the tome it touches the ground,it will possess___________
  4. What is one types of mechanical energy?
  5. A body of mass 10 kg at rest is subjected to a force of 16N. Find the kinetic energy at the end of 10s
  6. What is stored energy possessed by an object?
  1. Nucleur power plants is the example for what kind of energy?
  2. Work is energy transferred to or from an object by a force acting on it that cause_____ of the object
  3. what is the electromagnetic energy that travels in tranverse waves?
  4. If a boy push a cart with force of 80N for2m.How much work have done?
  5. 40kg girl runs up a flight of stairs having a rise of 5m in 4s.The power developed by her will be ______ (take g= 10m/s2)
  6. name two physical quantities whose unit is Joule
  7. A man exerted a 800N of force in pushing the stationary block.The block can not be moved.How much work was done on block?
  8. Calculate the work done on the block of wood by man pushing it 300N of force through a distance of 10 meters.
  9. What is the SI unit of energy?

15 Clues: What is the SI unit of energy?What is one types of mechanical energy?What is stored energy possessed by an object?name two physical quantities whose unit is JouleNucleur power plants is the example for what kind of energy?The factor that has the greatest effect on kinetic energy iswhat is the electromagnetic energy that travels in tranverse waves?...

Physics 2024-01-04

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system, often associated with the Second Law of Thermodynamics
  2. hypothetical black hole formed from the concentration of electromagnetic radiation
  3. the theoretical framework that unifies the forces of electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force
  4. the first woman to win a Nobel Prize
  5. random movement of particles in a fluid due to collisions with surrounding molecules
  6. a point in space-time where gravitational forces become infinitely strong
  7. phenomenon where particles can pass through barriers they would encounter in classical physics
  8. "______ limit" is the maximum mass of a stable white dwarf star
  1. "Quantum ________" describes the situation that an unstable particle, if observed continuously, will never decay
  2. state of matter formed at temperatures close to absolute zero
  3. her work provides the evidence for the existence of dark matter
  4. 6.62607015e−34 J/Hz
  5. vector representing the direction and magnitude of energy flow in an electromagnetic field
  6. a fermion that is its own antiparticle

14 Clues: 6.62607015e−34 J/Hzthe first woman to win a Nobel Prizea fermion that is its own antiparticlestate of matter formed at temperatures close to absolute zeroher work provides the evidence for the existence of dark matter"______ limit" is the maximum mass of a stable white dwarf star...

physics 2024-12-12

physics crossword puzzle
  1. an object that is falling under the sole influence of gravity
  2. the force exerted on a body by gravity
  3. the moving of something from its place or position
  4. a fixed point or object in space used to determine the position and motion of another object
  5. an amount of space between two things or people.
  6. the speed of something in a given direction.
  7. the rate of change of position for a time interval which is very small
  1. the displacement divided by the time
  2. set of axes with reference to which the position is described
  3. the rate at which something is able to move
  4. the speed of something in a given direction.
  5. an assumption, an idea that is proposed for the sake of argument
  6. place where someone or something is located
  7. a property of matter by which it remains at rest or in unchanging motion unless acted on by some external force
  8. a scalar measurement of magnitude or quantity

15 Clues: the displacement divided by the timethe force exerted on a body by gravitythe rate at which something is able to moveplace where someone or something is locatedthe speed of something in a given direction.the speed of something in a given direction.a scalar measurement of magnitude or quantityan amount of space between two things or people....

School Project 2021-01-18

School Project crossword puzzle
  1. Discovered proton and anode rays
  2. Study of electromagnetism
  3. Newton Laws of motion
  4. German-born theoretical physics
  1. "Father of nuclear physics"
  2. Noble Prize winner in physics in 1906
  3. "Discovered neutron"
  4. "Father of modern physics"

8 Clues: "Discovered neutron"Newton Laws of motionStudy of electromagnetism"Father of modern physics""Father of nuclear physics"German-born theoretical physicsDiscovered proton and anode raysNoble Prize winner in physics in 1906

physics 2020-06-30

physics crossword puzzle
  1. a type of energy that relies on activity under the earth
  2. when particles move back and forth
  3. the height of a wave
  4. a diagram that shows input and output energies of a device
  5. the type of energy all moving objects have
  6. the property of a material that decides whether it floats or sinks
  7. the type of energy stored in fuels and batteries
  8. a type of fuel that is being remade whilst it's being used up
  1. when the upthrust is larger than weight in water, an object will do this
  2. the type of heat transfer that happens in a solid
  3. the only type of heat transfer that can happen in a vacuum
  4. the type of energy an object has when it's off the floor
  5. when sound waves are close together, we say the sound has a high...
  6. when there is only a small amount of waste energy, a device is described as...

14 Clues: the height of a wavewhen particles move back and forththe type of energy all moving objects havethe type of energy stored in fuels and batteriesthe type of heat transfer that happens in a solida type of energy that relies on activity under the earththe type of energy an object has when it's off the floor...

physics 2013-06-03

physics crossword puzzle
  1. The unit of frequency
  2. Energy of an object due to its position
  3. Energy needed to raise 1kg of something by 1 degrees celcius
  4. Unit of Energy
  5. Water gradually disappears
  6. Energy of a moving energy
  7. Energy stored in fuel
  1. Energy transferred by an electric current
  2. A type of energy that can be used forever
  3. The energy stored in a springy object
  4. Poor insulators are called
  5. Poor conductors are called
  6. How fast you go
  7. How much material is in a object

14 Clues: Unit of EnergyHow fast you goThe unit of frequencyEnergy stored in fuelEnergy of a moving energyPoor insulators are calledPoor conductors are calledWater gradually disappearsHow much material is in a objectThe energy stored in a springy objectEnergy of an object due to its positionEnergy transferred by an electric current...

physics 2022-09-16

physics crossword puzzle
  1. a force that moves things away.
  2. a force that pulls things down
  3. a force that brings things closer.
  4. the rate and direction of motion.
  5. the amount of matter present in any object or body.
  6. a force that is made when to things push together.
  1. a measurement of how far two things are from each other.
  2. a force that can only move with external force.
  3. the rate at which an object changes its velocity.
  4. how close measurements of the same item are to each other.
  5. the degree to which the result of a measurement to the correct value or a standard.
  6. a force that moves with time.
  7. the time rate at which an object is moving along a path.
  8. a force that is made when two things collide.

14 Clues: a force that moves with time.a force that pulls things downa force that moves things away.the rate and direction of motion.a force that brings things closer.a force that is made when two things collide.a force that can only move with external force.the rate at which an object changes its velocity.a force that is made when to things push together....

Physics 2022-05-11

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the S.I unit of mass
  2. the error that occurs when the eye is not positioned correctly during measurement by a ruler.
  3. the discoverer of a pendulum.
  4. every measurement has two parts-a unit and ______.
  5. it is the amount of matter an object contains.
  6. the longer unit of time that was given by the cycle of seasons caused by the revolution of the Earth.
  7. the S.I unit of time.
  8. the fixed known quantity used to measure something.
  1. The instrument which is used to measure length.
  2. the fixed time taken by a pendulum to complete one to-and-fro motion.
  3. those who were the first to come up with the smaller units of time.
  4. the instrument used to measure mass.
  5. the S.I unit of length.
  6. it is the length of a elbow to the tip of a middle finger.

14 Clues: the S.I unit of massthe S.I unit of time.the S.I unit of length.the discoverer of a pendulum.the instrument used to measure is the amount of matter an object contains.The instrument which is used to measure length.every measurement has two parts-a unit and ______.the fixed known quantity used to measure something....

physics 2020-01-07

physics crossword puzzle
  1. είναι ένα σωμα που παραμένει συνεχώς στο ίδιο σημείο/θέση
  2. τι φυσικό μέγεθος είναι η θέση;
  3. είδος κίνησης
  4. ειναι η ποσότητα της ύλης που περιέχει ενα σώμα
  5. μας δίχνει την συνολική διανυόμενη απόσταση του σώματος
  6. Μου διχνει την επιφάνεια ενός σώματος
  1. μας δίχνει την αλλαγή στη θέση ενός σώματος
  2. πιό είναι το όργανο μέτρησης του χρόνου;
  3. το συμβολο της ειναι το U
  4. είδος φυσικού μεγέθους
  5. για να υπολογιστεί ο όγκος του χρειάζετε ογκομετρικό κύλινδρο.
  6. όταν η ταχύτητα του αλλάζει τότε έχουμε αυτή την κίνηση
  7. ειναι το φυσικό μέγεθος το οποίο δεν χρειάζετε βοήθεια άλλων μεγέθωνγια να υπολογιστεί
  8. είναι η απόσταση ανάμεσα σε 2 σημεία

14 Clues: είδος κίνησηςείδος φυσικού μεγέθουςτο συμβολο της ειναι το Uτι φυσικό μέγεθος είναι η θέση;είναι η απόσταση ανάμεσα σε 2 σημείαΜου διχνει την επιφάνεια ενός σώματοςπιό είναι το όργανο μέτρησης του χρόνου;μας δίχνει την αλλαγή στη θέση ενός σώματοςειναι η ποσότητα της ύλης που περιέχει ενα σώμαόταν η ταχύτητα του αλλάζει τότε έχουμε αυτή την κίνηση...

physics 2023-11-13

physics crossword puzzle
  1. The man who created the law of universal gravitation
  2. A physicist known as the father of modern physics and known for his theory of relativity
  3. The type of energy stored in chemical bonds
  4. Force that opposes motion
  5. A scientist who conducted experiments on objects in free fall.
  6. The amount of matter in an object
  7. Where is most energy wasted
  1. The force of gravity on an object
  2. Developed the first atomic bomb
  3. Created the phythagoreon theorum
  4. The ability to do work
  5. What helped inspire Isaac Newton's theory of gravity?
  6. The energy of an object due to its motion
  7. The unit of electrical resistance

14 Clues: The ability to do workForce that opposes motionWhere is most energy wastedDeveloped the first atomic bombCreated the phythagoreon theorumThe force of gravity on an objectThe unit of electrical resistanceThe amount of matter in an objectThe energy of an object due to its motionThe type of energy stored in chemical bonds...

Physics 2023-11-13

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. An SI unit measure of distance
  2. An SI unit measure of mass
  3. A vector quantity having speed and direction
  4. An SI unit measure of time
  5. A vector quantity with units of meters describing the change in position
  6. A vector quantity describing the the rate of change in velocity
  1. The tendency of an object to resist to its motion
  2. An SI unit of measure of force, named after a famous scientist
  3. Any Push or Pull
  4. A type of collision between objects where the objects remain separated after the collision
  5. The product of an object's mass and its velocity
  6. The change in momentum of an object when a forces acts on it for a period of time
  7. A scalar quantity with units of meters describing the total path traveled
  8. A type of collision between objects where the objects attach or stick together after the collision

14 Clues: Any Push or PullAn SI unit measure of massAn SI unit measure of timeAn SI unit measure of distanceA vector quantity having speed and directionThe product of an object's mass and its velocityThe tendency of an object to resist to its motionAn SI unit of measure of force, named after a famous scientist...

physics 2024-02-23

physics crossword puzzle
  1. a temperature scale based on 0o for the freezing point of water and 100o for the boiling point of water
  2. a scale of temperature on which water freezes at 32° and boils at 212° under standard conditions
  3. the process of turning from liquid into vapor
  4. the SI base unit of temperature
  5. water which collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it
  6. a material that is a poor conductor
  7. the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves,which cause ionization.
  1. the materials or substances which allow electricity to flow through them
  2. the intensity of heat, measuring the average kinetic energy of molecules in a substance
  3. process by which heat is transferred by movement of a heated fluid
  4. when heat moves from one object to another object through direct touch
  5. the quality of being hot or a high temperature
  6. state of matter in which an ionized substance becomes highly electrically conductive to the point that long-range electric and magnetic fields dominate its behaviour
  7. When all the forces that act on an object are balanced

14 Clues: the SI base unit of temperaturea material that is a poor conductorthe process of turning from liquid into vaporthe quality of being hot or a high temperatureWhen all the forces that act on an object are balancedprocess by which heat is transferred by movement of a heated fluidwhen heat moves from one object to another object through direct touch...

Physics 2024-05-06

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy, including mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms.
  2. energy that is transferred from one body to another as the result of a difference in temperature
  3. a room or building equipped for scientific experiments, research, or teaching, or for the manufacture of drugs or chemicals
  4. the scientific study of sight and the behavior of light
  5. a dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface
  6. a unit used to measure the intensity of a sound or the power level of an electrical signal by comparing it with a given level on a logarithmic scale.
  1. the process of becoming smaller
  2. a physical phenomenon produced by the motion of electric charge, resulting in attractive and repulsive forces between objects
  3. the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates
  4. the action of becoming larger or more extensive
  5. the degree of highness or lowness of a tone
  6. an arch of colors formed in the sky in certain circumstances, caused by the refraction and dispersion of the sun's light by rain or other water droplets in the atmosphere
  7. relating to heat
  8. vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear

14 Clues: relating to heatthe process of becoming smallerthe degree of highness or lowness of a tonethe action of becoming larger or more extensivethe scientific study of sight and the behavior of lighta dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface...

Scientific Wildcat Crossword 2024-11-25

Scientific Wildcat Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the study of cosmos
  2. theory equivalent
  3. erlenmeyer _____
  4. they're everywhere!
  5. creation of WALL-E for one
  6. relating to movement and force
  1. new physics teacher
  2. quantity?
  3. father of e= mc^2
  4. used for holding liquid
  5. shallow dish
  6. field of study abbrev.

12 Clues: quantity?shallow disherlenmeyer _____father of e= mc^2theory equivalentnew physics teacherthe study of cosmosthey're everywhere!field of study abbrev.used for holding liquidcreation of WALL-E for onerelating to movement and force

Oxford meet-up 18-11-23 2023-11-17

Oxford meet-up 18-11-23 crossword puzzle
  1. Bath SU Wednesday club night
  2. Ryan's dad's name
  3. Sport that Clíodhna played in uni
  4. Where Physics friends hang out
  5. Bath Physics professor
  6. Where Helen's mum is from (NI)
  7. Mineral in water in Roman Baths
  8. Bath SU Saturday club night
  9. "F*ck the ___"
  10. Dylan's Nando's spice level
  11. University that Ryan attended
  12. James and Sarah walked from here to Oxford
  13. Physics lab technician
  14. Bath Christmas market staple
  15. Dylan's PhD supervisor Adelina
  1. Somewhere Robbie and Clíodhna have both lived
  2. Avenue on which Clíodhna, Will and Dylan all lived on
  3. Where Will is from
  4. Where Clíodhna works
  5. Bath Summer Ball 2018 headline act
  6. Ian Purchase-Galarza's game
  7. Where Rob P and Sam both worked
  8. Where Hannah T did her year abroad
  9. Location of Helen's most recent work trip
  10. Dylan's PhD supervisor Marcin
  11. Saturday night club of choice in Bath
  12. London Sevens 2023 (men's) winning team
  13. James, Rhian, Will and Clíodhna went on a covid holiday here
  14. Steve Andrews' dog's name
  15. Sport that Clíodhna played in uni

30 Clues: "F*ck the ___"Ryan's dad's nameWhere Will is fromWhere Clíodhna worksBath Physics professorPhysics lab technicianSteve Andrews' dog's nameIan Purchase-Galarza's gameBath SU Saturday club nightDylan's Nando's spice levelBath SU Wednesday club nightBath Christmas market stapleDylan's PhD supervisor MarcinUniversity that Ryan attended...

Physics 2021-09-22

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. quantity / A quantity that has magnitude and acts in a particular direction is described as a vector.
  2. / Is a scalar quantity that refers to "how fast an object is moving." Speed can be thought of as the rate at which an object covers distance.
  3. / Is a scalar quantity that refers to "how much ground an object has covered" during its motion.
  4. / Are quantities that are fully described by both a magnitude and a direction.
  5. / Are quantities that are fully described by a magnitude (or numerical value) alone.
  6. / Is a vector quantity that is defined as the rate at which an object changes its velocity.
  7. Speed / The average of all instantaneous speeds; found simply by a distance/time ratio.
  8. / Is the phenomenon in which an object changes its position over time.
  1. / Is a vector quantity that refers to "how far out of place an object is"; it is the object's overall change in position.
  2. Speed / The speed at any given instant in time.
  3. / The study of the motion of objects.
  4. quantity / A quantity that has magnitude but no particular direction is described as scalar.
  5. / Is the science of describing the motion of objects using words, diagrams, numbers, graphs, and equations. Kinematics is a branch of mechanics.
  6. / Is a vector quantity that refers to "the rate at which an object changes its position."

14 Clues: / The study of the motion of objects.Speed / The speed at any given instant in time./ Is the phenomenon in which an object changes its position over time./ Are quantities that are fully described by both a magnitude and a direction./ Are quantities that are fully described by a magnitude (or numerical value) alone....

Physics 2023-03-24

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. крутить
  2. твердый
  3. металл
  4. отталкивать
  5. притягивать
  6. таять
  1. тонуть
  2. древесина
  3. мягкий
  4. батарейка
  5. магнит
  6. плавать
  7. энергия
  8. бумага

14 Clues: таятьтонутьмягкийметаллмагнитбумагакрутитьтвердыйплаватьэнергиядревесинабатарейкаотталкиватьпритягивать

Physics 2023-05-16

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the rate of change of velocity
  2. action that occurs between opposite charges
  3. a magnet produced when a current is passed through a wire or coil of wire.
  4. a flow of elections
  5. material used to make magnets
  6. opposite to the North Pole
  7. the force acting normally at right angles per unit area
  1. distance moved in a particular direction
  2. unit of force in the SI units.
  3. the power to attract magnetic material
  4. speed in a particular direction
  5. materials that do not allow current to flow through them
  6. materials that allow a current to flow freely through them because of loosely bonded elections
  7. a push or pull on one object or another

14 Clues: a flow of electionsopposite to the North Polematerial used to make magnetsunit of force in the SI units.the rate of change of velocityspeed in a particular directionthe power to attract magnetic materiala push or pull on one object or anotherdistance moved in a particular directionaction that occurs between opposite charges...

physics 2014-04-01

physics crossword puzzle
  1. an infinitely dense black-body that is created by a star imploding
  2. The best physics teacher EVER
  3. The fear of money
  4. dual per second
  5. The science of the production, transmission and effects of sound
  6. The property of a body to resist a change in its state of rest or of uniform motion.
  7. The property of a body to resist a change in its state of rest or of uniform motion.
  8. Fixed amounts; usually referring to fixed amounts of energy absorbed or emitted by matter
  9. The point of maximum negative displacement on a transverse wave.
  10. Unit of power of a lens
  1. a theory developed by Charles Darwin claiming that all species came from one ancestor
  2. The temperature of - 273.16 or 0 K at which molecular motion vanishes
  3. sini/sinr
  4. current The rate of flow of electric charge
  5. flavoured water that apparently cures you

15 Clues: sini/sinrdual per secondThe fear of moneyUnit of power of a lensThe best physics teacher EVERflavoured water that apparently cures youcurrent The rate of flow of electric chargeThe science of the production, transmission and effects of soundThe point of maximum negative displacement on a transverse wave....

Physics 2016-09-29

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. magnitude only
  2. unit for time
  3. the objects become one and move with the same velocity and direction
  4. collision causes deformation
  5. inertia in motion
  6. the ability to do work
  7. done when force applied on an object causes displacement on that object
  1. after collision, the two objects separate
  2. speed
  3. transfer of momentum between objects
  4. measure of heat
  5. the rate of doing work
  6. the ability to resist change
  7. with magnitude and direction

14 Clues: speedunit for timemagnitude onlymeasure of heatinertia in motionthe rate of doing workthe ability to do workcollision causes deformationthe ability to resist changewith magnitude and directiontransfer of momentum between objectsafter collision, the two objects separatethe objects become one and move with the same velocity and direction...

Physics 2024-02-22

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. speed up
  2. positive charged particle in an atom
  3. lots of free electrons, electricity moves easily
  4. unit of current
  5. force of gravity on an object
  6. negatively charged particle in an atom
  1. potential difference between two points
  2. arrow drawn from where a force is acting
  3. how much of something there is
  4. how electricity moves
  5. neutral particle in an atom
  6. caused by charge ions and electrons
  7. few free electrons, electricity doesn't moved through it well
  8. energy transferred unit

14 Clues: speed upunit of currenthow electricity movesenergy transferred unitneutral particle in an atomforce of gravity on an objecthow much of something there iscaused by charge ions and electronspositive charged particle in an atomnegatively charged particle in an atompotential difference between two pointsarrow drawn from where a force is acting...

physics 2024-02-21

physics crossword puzzle
  1. point the process by which a liquid turns into a vapor when it is heated
  2. water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees
  3. water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees
  4. when heat moves from one object to another object through direct touch
  5. Emission or propagation of energy in the form of waves or particles.
  6. water which collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it.
  7. energy the energy contained within a system that is responsible for its temperature.
  1. heat transfers through a direct contact
  2. heat transfers in a circular motion
  3. the quality of being hot; high temperature
  4. the degree of hotness or coldness of the atmosphere on some chosen scale.
  5. point the temperature at which a solid changes into a liquid
  6. the process by which a liquid turns into a gas.
  7. Any material that keeps energy such as electricity, heat, or cold from easily transferring through

14 Clues: heat transfers in a circular motionheat transfers through a direct contactthe quality of being hot; high temperaturethe process by which a liquid turns into a gas.water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degreeswater freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degreespoint the temperature at which a solid changes into a liquid...

physics 2023-12-12

physics crossword puzzle
  1. - The push or pull on an object with mass causes it to change its velocity.
  2. - force - all forces acting on an object
  3. pair - whenever a force is acted upon an object, that object acts back with an equal force in the opposite direction of the action force.
  4. - a term that quantifies the overall effect of a force acting over time.
  5. - rate of change
  6. - is the motion of an object thrown
  7. - a quantity that has both magnitude and direction
  1. - a force that exists among all material objects in the universe
  2. - newtons first law
  3. -the force that resists motion when the surface of one object comes in contact with the surface of another.
  4. - a physical quantity that is completely described by its magnitude.
  5. - the change in position of an object.
  6. - a measurement of mass in motion
  7. - The rate of change of position of an object in any direction
  8. - the measure of the amount of matter in a body.

15 Clues: - rate of change- newtons first law- a measurement of mass in motion- is the motion of an object thrown- the change in position of an object.- force - all forces acting on an object- the measure of the amount of matter in a body.- a quantity that has both magnitude and direction- The rate of change of position of an object in any direction...

physics 2024-02-16

physics crossword puzzle
  1. how far from where you started
  2. falling
  3. gaining speed
  4. a idea
  5. where its located
  6. how far traveled
  7. balanced
  1. body mass
  2. amount of matter heaviness of mass
  3. magnitude and direction
  4. strength
  5. speed of something in a going direction
  6. how fast
  7. only magnitude

14 Clues: a ideafallingstrengthhow fastbalancedbody massgaining speedonly magnitudehow far traveledwhere its locatedmagnitude and directionhow far from where you startedamount of matter heaviness of massspeed of something in a going direction

physics crossword 2020-09-27

physics crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a natural science concerning the interactions of different aspects of the observable universe
  2. any thing with mass
  3. physical laws that apply to the microscopic (e.g. protons, neutrons, and electrons)
  4. a branch of physics that applies the principles of physics to the study of the earth
  5. english theoretical physicist, wrote A Brief History of Time
  6. the study of light motion
  7. physical laws developed by Einstein that concern very large bodies (e.g. galaxies, supermassive black holes)
  1. the study of changes in temperature, pressure, and volume
  2. the study of motion of objects
  3. the study of the nature of particles
  4. a branch of physics concerning the interactions and properties of cosmic bodies

11 Clues: any thing with massthe study of light motionthe study of motion of objectsthe study of the nature of particlesthe study of changes in temperature, pressure, and volumeenglish theoretical physicist, wrote A Brief History of Timea branch of physics concerning the interactions and properties of cosmic bodies...

Physics 2014-03-23

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. SI unit of velocity
  2. p=m/v
  3. Also known as 'retardation'
  4. When the bob of a pendulum moves from R to S and back to R, it completes an _________.
  1. SI unit of acceleration
  2. _______ is the amount of matter in a body
  3. SI unit of length
  4. Displacement/time taken
  5. Distance travelled/time taken
  6. Velocity is the rate of change of _________.
  7. W= m x g
  8. SI unit of mass
  9. _________ refers to the reluctance of an object to change its state of rest or motion, due to its mass.
  10. SI unit of time

14 Clues: p=m/vW= m x gSI unit of massSI unit of timeSI unit of lengthSI unit of velocitySI unit of accelerationDisplacement/time takenAlso known as 'retardation'Distance travelled/time taken_______ is the amount of matter in a bodyVelocity is the rate of change of _________....

physics 2020-01-07

physics crossword puzzle
  1. ειναι το φυσικό μέγεθος το οποίο δεν χρειάζετε βοήθεια άλλων μεγέθωνγια να υπολογιστεί
  2. τι φυσικό μέγεθος είναι η θέση;
  3. είδος κίνησης
  4. ειναι η ποσότητα της ύλης που περιέχει ενα σώμα
  5. πιό είναι το όργανο μέτρησης του χρόνου;
  6. μας δίχνει την αλλαγή στη θέση ενός σώματος
  1. είναι ένα σωμα που παραμένει συνεχώς στο ίδιο σημείο/θέση
  2. μας δίχνει την συνολική διανυόμενη απόσταση του σώματος
  3. Μου διχνει την επιφάνεια ενός σώματος
  4. όταν η ταχύτητα του αλλάζει τότε έχουμε αυτή την κίνηση
  5. για να υπολογιστεί ο όγκος του χρειάζετε ογκομετρικό κύλινδρο.
  6. είδος φυσικού μεγέθους
  7. είναι η απόσταση ανάμεσα σε 2 σημεία
  8. το συμβολο της ειναι το U

14 Clues: είδος κίνησηςείδος φυσικού μεγέθουςτο συμβολο της ειναι το Uτι φυσικό μέγεθος είναι η θέση;είναι η απόσταση ανάμεσα σε 2 σημείαΜου διχνει την επιφάνεια ενός σώματοςπιό είναι το όργανο μέτρησης του χρόνου;μας δίχνει την αλλαγή στη θέση ενός σώματοςειναι η ποσότητα της ύλης που περιέχει ενα σώμαμας δίχνει την συνολική διανυόμενη απόσταση του σώματος...

physics 2021-10-03

physics crossword puzzle
  1. an electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts
  2. Gravitational force decreases as ________ increases.
  3. the product of the mass and velocity of an object
  4. unit of power
  5. earth___ about its axis
  1. How heavy something is
  2. newtons first law
  3. push and pull
  4. amount of matter on a object
  5. downward movement of gravity
  6. every action has equal and opposite reaction
  7. object with an equal number of electrons and protons
  8. distance by time
  9. a discrete region of magnetism in ferromagnetic material

14 Clues: push and pullunit of powerdistance by timenewtons first lawHow heavy something isearth___ about its axisamount of matter on a objectdownward movement of gravityevery action has equal and opposite reactionthe product of the mass and velocity of an objectobject with an equal number of electrons and protons...

Physics 2021-12-01

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the rate at which velocity changes over time; an object accelerates if its speed, direction, or both change
  2. when one object exerts a force on a second object, the second one exerts a force on the first hat is equal in magnitude and opposite on direction
  3. ?=force/acceleration
  4. an object's overall change in position
  1. the amount of space an object takes up
  2. stored energy
  3. energy of motion
  4. A push or pull
  5. Speed and direction
  6. The tendency of an object to resist a change in motion
  7. mass/volume
  8. the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another
  9. opposite of unbalanced
  10. distance/time

14 Clues: mass/volumestored energydistance/timeA push or pullenergy of motionSpeed and direction?=force/accelerationopposite of unbalancedthe amount of space an object takes upan object's overall change in positionThe tendency of an object to resist a change in motionthe resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another...

Physics 2021-12-02

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the force when an object is accelerating are
  2. gravitational force on an object
  3. gravity is a force: t or f
  4. a change in speed or direction
  5. speed with direction
  6. the net force when an object is moving at a constant rate
  7. according to newton, all forces are
  8. The forces on an object that is at rest are
  1. Newton third law in two words
  2. who made the three laws of motion
  3. Newtons first law in one word
  4. distance-time graphs measure ___
  5. Mass time acceleration
  6. the amount of stuff in an object

14 Clues: speed with directionMass time accelerationgravity is a force: t or fNewton third law in two wordsNewtons first law in one worda change in speed or directiongravitational force on an objectdistance-time graphs measure ___the amount of stuff in an objectwho made the three laws of motionaccording to newton, all forces are...

Physics 2022-03-31

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. F=MA
  2. resistance to change in motion
  3. speed in a given direction
  4. measure of force
  5. push or pull
  6. how much matter is in an object
  1. objects change in position
  2. uneven force
  3. how fast you are going
  4. force that pulls things down
  5. 0 newtons
  6. rate velocity changes
  7. Action/reaction
  8. law of inertia

14 Clues: F=MA0 newtonsuneven forcepush or pulllaw of inertiaAction/reactionmeasure of forcerate velocity changeshow fast you are goingobjects change in positionspeed in a given directionforce that pulls things downresistance to change in motionhow much matter is in an object

Physics 2022-12-09

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. Energy of motion
  2. Measurement of force
  3. Measurement of distance
  4. Stored energy
  5. Change in position
  1. Gravity is known as a ___________ attractive force
  2. Energy stored in the bonds of atoms
  3. Measurement of work and energy
  4. Force times displacement
  5. Energy due to vibration or molecules
  6. abbreviation for gravitational potential energy
  7. Measurement of power
  8. The rate at which work is done
  9. Actual path traveled

14 Clues: Stored energyEnergy of motionChange in positionMeasurement of forceMeasurement of powerActual path traveledMeasurement of distanceForce times displacementMeasurement of work and energyThe rate at which work is doneEnergy stored in the bonds of atomsEnergy due to vibration or moleculesabbreviation for gravitational potential energy...

Physics 2023-06-29

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. Vibrations that travel through the air or other materials and can be heard by our ears.
  2. How fast an object's speed changes over time. It can speed up, slow down, or change direction.
  3. A form of energy that can flow through wires and power devices. It can also create light, heat, and sound.
  4. The force that happens when two things rub against each other and try to slow down or stop each other's motion.
  5. The force applied to a certain area. It can be high or low and can be measured in different units, like pounds per square inch.
  1. The speed of an object in a specific direction. It tells us how fast and in which way something is moving.
  2. The act of moving or changing position. It can be fast or slow, straight or curved, and in different directions.
  3. The force that attracts certain materials, like iron, towards magnets. It can also push or pull other magnets.
  4. The force that pulls objects towards each other, like how Earth pulls everything towards its center.
  5. A push or a pull that can make objects move, stop, or change direction.
  6. The ability to do work or make things happen. It can come in many forms, such as light, heat, or motion.
  7. An object that can attract certain materials, like iron or steel. It has two ends, called poles, called North and South.
  8. The tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion. It likes to keep doing what it's already doing, either moving or staying still.
  9. How much matter (stuff) is packed into a certain space. It can determine whether something floats or sinks in water.

14 Clues: A push or a pull that can make objects move, stop, or change direction.Vibrations that travel through the air or other materials and can be heard by our ears.How fast an object's speed changes over time. It can speed up, slow down, or change direction....

Physics 2023-06-29

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. A push or a pull that can make objects move, stop, or change direction.
  2. The force applied to a certain area. It can be high or low and can be measured in different units, like pounds per square inch.
  3. An object that can attract certain materials, like iron or steel. It has two ends, called poles, called North and South.
  4. The act of moving or changing position. It can be fast or slow, straight or curved, and in different directions.
  5. How fast an object's speed changes over time. It can speed up, slow down, or change direction.
  6. How much matter (stuff) is packed into a certain space. It can determine whether something floats or sinks in water.
  7. The speed of an object in a specific direction. It tells us how fast and in which way something is moving.
  1. A form of energy that can flow through wires and power devices. It can also create light, heat, and sound.
  2. The tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion. It likes to keep doing what it's already doing, either moving or staying still.
  3. The force that attracts certain materials, like iron, towards magnets. It can also push or pull other magnets.
  4. The force that pulls objects towards each other, like how Earth pulls everything towards its center.
  5. Vibrations that travel through the air or other materials and can be heard by our ears.
  6. The ability to do work or make things happen. It can come in many forms, such as light, heat, or motion.
  7. The force that happens when two things rub against each other and try to slow down or stop each other's motion.

14 Clues: A push or a pull that can make objects move, stop, or change direction.Vibrations that travel through the air or other materials and can be heard by our ears.How fast an object's speed changes over time. It can speed up, slow down, or change direction....

Physics 2024-11-22

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. the length between objects or points
  2. the force exerted on a body by gravity.
  3. pulls objects with mass toward each other
  4. the measure of how much stuff is in an object
  5. any type of force that causes objects to come together
  6. a law stating that the intensity of an effect such as illumination or gravitational force changes in inverse proportion to the square of the distance from the source.
  7. the force of fundamental attraction between all things that have mass or energy
  1. force that acts on a body moving in a circular path
  2. any particle of matter in the universe attracts any other
  3. a regular, repeating path that one object in space takes around another one
  4. the minimum velocity required by a body to be projected to overcome the gravitational pull of the earth.
  5. the force field that exists in the space around every mass or group of masses
  6. the motion of an object where gravity is the only force acting upon it
  7. the gravitational force acting between two bodies of unit mass
  8. a position defined relative to an object or system of objects

15 Clues: the length between objects or pointsthe force exerted on a body by gravity.pulls objects with mass toward each otherthe measure of how much stuff is in an objectforce that acts on a body moving in a circular pathany type of force that causes objects to come togetherany particle of matter in the universe attracts any other...

Spellings 26th February 2024-02-18

Spellings 26th February crossword puzzle
  1. training people to obey rules
  2. perfume or odour
  3. apart from
  4. King Charles does this
  5. a shape like less than half a moon
  6. lovely countryside
  7. going upward
  8. you find it very interesting
  1. cutting tool
  2. not forgetting
  3. someone who is good at physics, chemistry and biology
  4. a group of words punctuated with a full stop.
  5. physics, chemistry and biology
  6. different from what is usual
  7. going downward

15 Clues: apart fromcutting toolgoing upwardnot forgettinggoing downwardperfume or odourlovely countrysideKing Charles does thisdifferent from what is usualyou find it very interestingtraining people to obey rulesphysics, chemistry and biologya shape like less than half a moona group of words punctuated with a full stop....

Elizabeth Schachter 2014-10-17

Elizabeth Schachter crossword puzzle
  1. How to spell my last name
  2. Pet of choice
  3. The lamest "science"
  4. The winter sport that I play
  5. My favourite physics course (2 words)
  1. An object's resistance to change, also one of my least favourite physics words
  2. A physicist's name that I can never pronounce, has a programming "project" website named after him
  3. My favourite synonym for confused
  4. What I dressed up for as Halloween one year
  5. My least favourite physics course (2 words)
  6. The number I frequently use when one asks "guess what"
  7. My favourite colour

12 Clues: Pet of choiceMy favourite colourThe lamest "science"How to spell my last nameThe winter sport that I playMy favourite synonym for confusedMy favourite physics course (2 words)What I dressed up for as Halloween one yearMy least favourite physics course (2 words)The number I frequently use when one asks "guess what"...

School subjects 2021-10-15

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. foreignlanguage
  2. music
  3. science
  1. biology
  2. chemistry
  3. history
  4. mathematics
  5. physics
  6. geography

9 Clues: musicbiologyhistoryphysicssciencechemistrygeographymathematicsforeignlanguage

S4B1 Vocabulary 2024-03-17

S4B1 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Plouzané has a town ____________ but Brest has a city _________.
  2. A person who works in the field of physics
  3. We need to __________ this problem head on, we mustn't try to avoid it
  4. ________ physics is a fundamental theory in physics that describes the behavior of nature at and below the scale of atoms
  5. A _________ is like a piece of research, since "research" is uncountable
  6. Cultural ____________ are the cultural elements that influence behavior
  7. This is usually how we translate "concours" in English
  8. If a company has high employee ______________, it's a bad sign for what it's like there for employees.
  9. Basketball and soccer are hard on ankles. Lots of people ___________ their ankle playing.
  1. IMT Atlantique currently has a ____________ requiring everyone to enter by the front door.
  2. A two-word phrasal verb that is a more polite way to say "die".
  3. When you _______ _____, you stay in bed much later than usual
  4. To reach a partly (or totally) unconfirmed conclusion; to engage in conjecture; to speculate
  5. If you are ______________, you don't have a job but you want one
  6. Scientists conduct _______________ to discover new truths
  7. You are _____________ to become an engineer if you are terrible at math and physics
  8. This new social media site is ______________ like wildfire. Their numbers are doubling every month!
  9. Relatives by marriage, typically the relation to one's spouse's family member. (There is a hyphen after the first two letters)

18 Clues: A person who works in the field of physicsThis is usually how we translate "concours" in EnglishScientists conduct _______________ to discover new truthsWhen you _______ _____, you stay in bed much later than usualA two-word phrasal verb that is a more polite way to say "die".Plouzané has a town ____________ but Brest has a city _________....

School Classes 2020-09-04

School Classes crossword puzzle
  1. Algebra
  2. Hauswirtschaftslehre
  3. Grammatik
  4. Fremdsprachenunterricht
  5. Chemie
  6. Pause
  7. Sportunterricht
  8. lesen
  9. Physik
  10. Geografie
  1. Literatur
  2. Werken
  3. Kunstunterricht
  4. Wissenschaft,
  5. Mathematik
  6. Geometrie
  7. Musik
  8. Schreiben
  9. Geschichte
  10. spielen

20 Clues: MusikPauselesenWerkenChemiePhysikAlgebraspielenLiteraturGrammatikGeometrieSchreibenGeografieMathematikGeschichteWissenschaft,KunstunterrichtSportunterrichtHauswirtschaftslehreFremdsprachenunterricht

Review Vocabulary 2020-08-25

Review Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. /wɪnd/
  2. /koʊtʃ/
  3. /ˈkʌn.tri.saɪd/
  4. /wel/
  5. /haɪt/
  6. /ˈpæl.ɪs/
  7. /ˈdaɪ.ə.lɑːɡ/
  8. /ˈfɪz.ɪks/
  9. /wɪn/
  10. /ˈkʌl.tʃɚ/
  11. /kənˈtɪn.juː/
  12. /ˈeɪn.ʃənt/
  1. /pɚˈmɪʃ.ən/
  2. /ˈker.ləs/
  3. /ˈkem.ə.stri/
  4. /ˈsɝː.tə
  5. /ˈæk.ʃən/
  6. /ˈkæl.kjə.leɪt/
  7. /taɪˈfuːn/
  8. /wiːk/

20 Clues: /wel//wɪn//wɪnd//haɪt//wiːk//koʊtʃ//ˈæk.ʃən//ˈpæl.ɪs//ˈker.ləs//taɪˈfuːn//ˈfɪz.ɪks//ˈkʌl.tʃɚ//pɚˈmɪʃ.ən//ˈeɪn.ʃənt//ˈkem.ə.stri//ˈsɝː.təˈdaɪ.ə.lɑːɡ//kənˈtɪn.juː//ˈkʌn.tri.saɪd//ˈkæl.kjə.leɪt/

YOUR CO-WORKER 2022-12-13

YOUR CO-WORKER crossword puzzle
  1. BIO
  3. ICT
  6. MUSIC
  7. CUTE
  8. NEW
  9. NICE
  3. SPORT
  4. SHY
  7. HOD
  10. EXAM
  11. ART


crossword 2020-10-07

crossword crossword puzzle
  1. university
  2. trimester
  3. cafeteria
  4. laboratory
  5. semester
  6. sciences
  7. school
  8. class
  9. house
  1. stadium
  2. art
  3. physics
  4. test
  5. homework
  6. test
  7. music
  8. course
  9. schedule
  10. bookstore
  11. biology
  12. library

21 Clues: arttesttestmusicclasshousecourseschoolstadiumphysicsbiologylibraryhomeworksemesterschedulesciencestrimestercafeteriabookstoreuniversitylaboratory

en la clase vocabulario 2020-10-06

en la clase vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. pen
  2. chalk
  3. door
  4. window
  5. quiz
  6. whiteboard
  7. schedule
  8. course
  9. chemistry
  10. desk
  1. journalism
  2. bookstore
  3. accounting
  4. trashcan
  5. calculator
  6. classmate
  7. psychology
  8. clock/watch
  9. physics
  10. eraser

20 Clues: pendoorquizdeskchalkwindowerasercoursephysicstrashcanschedulebookstoreclassmatechemistryjournalismaccountingcalculatorpsychologywhiteboardclock/watch

Unit 2 Vocab 2020-10-06

Unit 2 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. sciences
  2. music
  3. quiz
  4. accounting
  5. course
  6. art
  7. biology
  8. physics
  9. spanish
  10. class
  11. schedule
  1. cafeteria
  2. geography
  3. trimester
  4. library
  5. exam
  6. homework
  7. economics
  8. computerscience
  9. semester

20 Clues: artquizexammusicclasscourselibrarybiologyphysicsspanishscienceshomeworksemesterschedulecafeteriageographytrimestereconomicsaccountingcomputerscience

Spanish crossword 2020-10-06

Spanish crossword crossword puzzle
  1. music
  2. exam
  3. art
  4. stadium
  5. accounting
  6. semester
  7. quiz
  8. sciences
  9. physics
  10. library
  11. schedule
  1. class
  2. economics
  3. university
  4. laboratory
  5. house
  6. trimester
  7. bookstore
  8. homework
  9. course

20 Clues: artexamquizclassmusichousecoursestadiumphysicslibrarysemesterscienceshomeworkscheduleeconomicstrimesterbookstoreuniversitylaboratoryaccounting

Vocabulary Test 2017-02-05

Vocabulary Test crossword puzzle
  1. biologia
  2. halálos
  3. szenvedélyes
  4. vonzalom
  5. elhagyni
  6. földrajz
  7. tudomány
  8. diák
  1. gyár
  2. gyorsan
  3. fizika
  4. megszallotság
  5. iradalom
  6. nyelvtan
  7. együtt
  8. atlétika
  9. halál
  10. aerobik
  11. szellem
  12. megye

20 Clues: gyárdiákhalálmegyefizikaegyüttgyorsanhalálosaerobikszellembiologiairadalomnyelvtanatlétikavonzalomelhagyniföldrajztudományszenvedélyesmegszallotság

Vocab 2023-05-04

Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. álgebra
  2. Parahacerunapregunta
  3. literatura
  4. bilología
  5. proyecto
  6. informe
  7. Darundiscuro
  8. contestar
  9. geografía
  10. Serexitosa
  1. memorizar
  2. Paraexplicar
  3. químicaTo
  4. Pedirayuda
  5. laboratorio
  6. Paradiscutir
  7. geometría
  8. parabola
  9. historia
  10. física

20 Clues: físicaálgebrainformeproyectoparabolahistoriamemorizarquímicaTobilologíageometríacontestargeografíaPedirayudaliteraturaSerexitosalaboratorioParaexplicarParadiscutirDarundiscuroParahacerunapregunta

First Names of Subject Teachers 2023-08-17

First Names of Subject Teachers crossword puzzle
  1. Omotola
  2. Usman
  3. Godwin
  4. Ejike
  5. Auta
  6. Dorcas
  7. John
  8. Sarah
  9. Amina
  10. Ruth
  1. Chikadibia
  2. Ngozi
  3. Kafayat
  4. Antoinette
  5. Esther
  6. Comfort
  7. Amaka
  8. Kehinde
  9. Gloria
  10. Chinelo

20 Clues: AutaJohnRuthNgoziUsmanAmakaEjikeSarahAminaGodwinEstherDorcasGloriaOmotolaKafayatComfortKehindeChineloChikadibiaAntoinette

Spanish/Matthew 2023-09-21

Spanish/Matthew crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. biology
  3. tohavedinner
  4. computerscience
  5. totheleftof
  6. wastebasket
  7. english
  8. tohavebreakfast
  9. totherightof
  10. businessadministration
  11. psychology
  1. economics
  2. bookstore
  3. mathematics
  4. because
  5. libary
  6. chemistry
  7. physics
  8. toarrive
  9. nextto;besides

20 Clues: libaryhistorybiologybecausephysicsenglishtoarriveeconomicsbookstorechemistrypsychologymathematicstotheleftofwastebaskettohavedinnertotherightofnextto;besidescomputersciencetohavebreakfastbusinessadministration

Frankie's Epic Crossword (Better than Hudson's) 2023-01-11

Frankie's Epic Crossword (Better than Hudson's) crossword puzzle
  1. ex. milky white
  2. scientific instrument that can also walk down stairs
  3. Phineas's brother
  4. where kelly and frankie are going this spring
  5. where Martha sometimes goes after physics
  6. high in her tower she sits by the hour
  7. carnivorous marsupial native to Australia
  8. plastic tip of a shoelace
  1. frankie's dog
  2. annie's sworn enemy
  3. runs on oxygen and hatred
  4. Alexa's breakfast
  5. yellow elongated fruit
  6. haunts the student center
  7. cloud dandruff
  8. where martha goes before physics
  9. dessert or person we see after school

17 Clues: frankie's dogcloud dandruffex. milky whiteAlexa's breakfastPhineas's brotherannie's sworn enemyyellow elongated fruitruns on oxygen and hatredhaunts the student centerplastic tip of a shoelacewhere martha goes before physicsdessert or person we see after schoolhigh in her tower she sits by the hourwhere Martha sometimes goes after physics...

Crossword of ElecEng Subjects --- (1976 - 1990) // (1991 - 2018) 2021-01-29

Crossword of ElecEng Subjects --- (1976 - 1990) // (1991 - 2018) crossword puzzle
  1. 1.961 // PHYS1121
  2. 10.111A // MATH2099 --- LINEAR ... // MATHS 2B - LINEAR ...
  3. 6.911 // 4120 --- FINAL YEAR PROJECT
  4. 26.XXX -- ... STUDIES
  5. 6.911 // ELEC4120 or ELEC4121 --- FINAL YEAR PROJECT
  6. 1.972 --- ...ISM // ELEC3115 -- ..IC ENGINEERING
  7. ROBSMITH 210127
  8. 6.0317 // TELE3113 --- SYSTEMS I // ANALOGUE & DIGITAL ...
  1. 6.021E // ELEC2141--- ... LOGIC SYSTEMS // ... CIRCUITS DESIGN
  2. 10.361 // MATH2099 --- ... SE // MATHS 2B - PROBABILITY & ...
  3. 6.0315 // ELEC3105 --- ELECTRICAL ...
  4. 6.021C // ELEC2133 --- ANALOG ...
  5. 6.903 // 4903 --- ... TRAINING // part of ELEC4122
  6. 10.001 // MATH1131 or MATH1231
  8. 6.0314 // ELEC3114 --- ... & CONTROL // CONTROL ...
  9. 10.2111 // MARH2069 --- VECTOR ... // MATH 2A - COMPLEX ...
  10. 6.201A // ELEC2134 --- ... THEORY // ...S and SIGNALS
  11. 1.982 // ELEC4603 --- ... STATE PHYSICS // ... STATE ELECTRONICS

19 Clues: ROBSMITH 2101271.961 // PHYS112126.XXX -- ... STUDIES10.001 // MATH1131 or MATH12316.021C // ELEC2133 --- ANALOG ...6.911 // 4120 --- FINAL YEAR PROJECT6.0315 // ELEC3105 --- ELECTRICAL ...1.972 --- ...ISM // ELEC3115 -- ..IC ENGINEERING6.903 // 4903 --- ... TRAINING // part of ELEC41226.911 // ELEC4120 or ELEC4121 --- FINAL YEAR PROJECT...

Crossword . . . ElecEng Subjects . . . 1976++ and 1991++ 2021-01-29

Crossword . . . ElecEng Subjects . . . 1976++ and 1991++ crossword puzzle
  1. 1.961 // PHYS1121
  2. 10.111A // MATH2099 --- LINEAR ... // MATHS 2B - LINEAR ...
  3. 6.911 // 4120 --- FINAL YEAR PROJECT
  4. 26.XXX -- ... STUDIES
  5. 6.911 // ELEC4120 or ELEC4121 --- FINAL YEAR PROJECT
  6. 1.972 --- ...ISM // ELEC3115 -- ..IC ENGINEERING
  7. ROBSMITH 210127
  8. 6.0317 // TELE3113 --- SYSTEMS I // ANALOGUE & DIGITAL ...
  1. 6.021E // ELEC2141--- ... LOGIC SYSTEMS // ... CIRCUITS DESIGN
  2. 10.361 // MATH2099 --- ... SE // MATHS 2B - PROBABILITY & ...
  3. 6.0315 // ELEC3105 --- ELECTRICAL ...
  4. 6.021C // ELEC2133 --- ANALOG ...
  5. 6.903 // ELEC4122 --- ... TRAINING // part of ELEC4122
  6. 10.001 // MATH1131 or MATH1231
  8. 6.0314 // ELEC3114 --- ... & CONTROL // CONTROL ...
  9. 10.2111 // MARH2069 --- VECTOR ... // MATH 2A - COMPLEX ...
  10. 6.201A // ELEC2134 --- ... THEORY // ...S and SIGNALS
  11. 1.982 // ELEC4603 --- ... STATE PHYSICS // ... STATE ELECTRONICS

19 Clues: ROBSMITH 2101271.961 // PHYS112126.XXX -- ... STUDIES10.001 // MATH1131 or MATH12316.021C // ELEC2133 --- ANALOG ...6.911 // 4120 --- FINAL YEAR PROJECT6.0315 // ELEC3105 --- ELECTRICAL ...1.972 --- ...ISM // ELEC3115 -- ..IC ENGINEERING6.911 // ELEC4120 or ELEC4121 --- FINAL YEAR PROJECT6.0314 // ELEC3114 --- ... & CONTROL // CONTROL ......

A Truly Beautiful Mind 2020-06-30

A Truly Beautiful Mind crossword puzzle
  1. kinds of toys
  2. Private life
  3. Interested in
  4. high school
  1. mother's opinion
  2. gifted in
  3. Patent Office
  4. moustache
  5. 1919
  6. bureau of theoretical physics

10 Clues: 1919gifted inmoustachehigh schoolPrivate lifePatent Officekinds of toysInterested inmother's opinionbureau of theoretical physics

A Truly Beautiful Mind 2020-06-30

A Truly Beautiful Mind crossword puzzle
  1. kinds of toys
  2. Private life
  3. Interested in
  4. high school
  1. mother's opinion
  2. gifted in
  3. Patent Office
  4. moustache
  5. 1919
  6. bureau of theoretical physics

10 Clues: 1919gifted inmoustachehigh schoolPrivate lifePatent Officekinds of toysInterested inmother's opinionbureau of theoretical physics

Feelings 2023-09-16

Feelings crossword puzzle
  1. Your friend won a prize and they thanked you in the speech.
  2. You don't know who ate your cookie. It can be anyone.
  3. Your friend promised to help you, but didn't.
  4. Your mum is showing your photos to a friend. You don't like these photos.
  5. Somebody complimented your hair.
  6. You forgot if you turned off the iron.
  7. The man wanted to steal money but the lady caught him red-handed.
  1. You're very angry because you don't understand physics.
  2. You watched a sad film.
  3. You're running away from a goose. The goose is angry.
  4. You understand everything in physics lesson, but your classmates don't.
  5. You don't understand physics.
  6. Someone told you crazy news.
  7. You're going to Disneyland tomorrow and you can't wait.
  8. You were worried about the test, but the result is great.
  9. Your friend got a better phone than you (as a birthday present).

16 Clues: You watched a sad film.Someone told you crazy news.You don't understand physics.Somebody complimented your hair.You forgot if you turned off the iron.Your friend promised to help you, but didn't.You're running away from a goose. The goose is angry.You don't know who ate your cookie. It can be anyone....

Physics 2021-03-31

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. This is the greek letter that looks like a triangle that means "change in".
  2. This holiday is celebrated on the first Sunday that comes after the first full moon of spring.
  3. The study of motion and energy.
  4. This quantity is measured in meters.
  5. This baseball team has won the most World Series.
  6. The term which means velocity decreasing over time.
  1. What does (2+2)x 2 equal?
  2. This material in Minecraft is tougher than diamond.
  3. This state covers the most land in the USA.
  4. Another name for the x-axis along the bottom of a graph.
  5. This measures distance over time
  6. Change in position.
  7. This note in music has 2 beats.

13 Clues: Change in position.What does (2+2)x 2 equal?The study of motion and energy.This note in music has 2 beats.This measures distance over timeThis quantity is measured in meters.This state covers the most land in the USA.This baseball team has won the most World Series.This material in Minecraft is tougher than diamond....

Physics 2017-05-20

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. Engineer a career in physics?
  2. Change has dangerous effects on this planet?
  3. Europe’s largest research oriented organization?
  4. Light Decreases the production of sleep hormones?
  5. What is reflected back into space?
  6. Studying the interaction between matter and?
  1. Physical laws?
  2. A person who studies the natural universe?
  3. of Basel Where the study of light improving performances of athlete's took place?
  4. Sleep hormone?
  5. light different than normal light?
  6. A new technique?
  7. motivated  Skill for an optical engineer?

13 Clues: Physical laws?Sleep hormone?A new technique?Engineer a career in physics?What is reflected back into space?light different than normal light?A person who studies the natural universe?motivated  Skill for an optical engineer?Change has dangerous effects on this planet?Studying the interaction between matter and?...

Physics 2024-05-30

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. something that is defined when somehting is a push, pull, twist
  2. Closest planet to the sun
  3. A line that is shown as a curve on a distance time graph
  4. A red super giant star that explodes
  5. The lowest point below the resting point
  6. star A lot of gravitaional pull that no light can escape
  1. A word that defines somehting gradually gettiing slower
  2. A large cloud of gas or dust in space
  3. the highest point above the rest position
  4. Another word for The Northern Lights
  5. Furthest planet from the sun
  6. ray Shows the direction of the light is travelling
  7. The earliest stage of a starss life

13 Clues: Closest planet to the sunFurthest planet from the sunThe earliest stage of a starss lifeAnother word for The Northern LightsA red super giant star that explodesA large cloud of gas or dust in spaceThe lowest point below the resting pointthe highest point above the rest positionray Shows the direction of the light is travelling...

Physics 2024-09-27

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. A push or pull that can change the motion of an object.
  2. The rate of change of velocity over time.
  3. The measured or measurable period during which an event or process occurs.
  4. The total lenght between 2 points or places.
  5. The force exerted by gravity on an object
  6. The speed of something in a given direction.
  1. The force that attracts objects toward the center of the Earth.
  2. The process of changing position or place.
  3. The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.
  4. The process of slowing down or reducing speed.
  5. How fast an object is moving, regardless of direction.
  6. The amount of matter in an object, often measured in kilograms.
  7. The amount of mass per unit volume of a substance.

13 Clues: The rate of change of velocity over time.The force exerted by gravity on an objectThe process of changing position or place.The total lenght between 2 points or places.The speed of something in a given direction.The process of slowing down or reducing speed.The amount of mass per unit volume of a substance....

Branches of Physics 2017-10-08

Branches of Physics crossword puzzle
  1. Go with the flow. Don't be too solid.
  2. If you can't stand the HEAT, get out of the kitchen.
  3. Who knew physics could be dangerous? Invest in protection today!
  4. May not teach us how to add love or minus hate, but it gives us hope that every problem has a solution.
  5. I know why I'm moving. Do you?
  6. We live on this planet. It's about time we tried to study it.
  7. I'm moving. I don't need to know why.
  8. It's a weapon, it's a study, you can split it even though it's tiny. Bombs Away!!!
  9. Mrs. Alfa's two subjects put together
  10. Who knew physics and life could be combined?
  11. Watch the thrust. We're going out of here in lightspeed! -Han Solo
  1. There's more to space than just planets.
  2. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: TO EXPLORE STRANGE NEW WORLDS, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before. -Star Trek
  3. I've got a SHAPE, I've got a FORM, I have mass, I MATTER more!
  4. Schrödinger got nothing on me.
  5. Quite a SHOCK to know that OPPOSITES ATTRACT.
  6. I like to move it move it. We like to move it move it.
  7. This branch of physics is so small, you can't see it!
  8. Burr! It's cold in here! There must be some physics in the atmosphere!
  9. I wish I may. I wish I might. Find the branch that deals with light

20 Clues: Schrödinger got nothing on me.I know why I'm moving. Do you?Go with the flow. Don't be too solid.I'm moving. I don't need to know why.Mrs. Alfa's two subjects put togetherThere's more to space than just planets.Who knew physics and life could be combined?Quite a SHOCK to know that OPPOSITES ATTRACT....

School Classes 2020-09-04

School Classes crossword puzzle
  1. Algebra
  2. Hauswirtschaftslehre
  3. Grammatik
  4. Fremdsprachenunterricht
  5. Chemie
  6. Pause
  7. Sportunterricht
  8. lesen
  9. Physik
  10. Geografie
  1. Literatur
  2. Werken
  3. Kunstunterricht
  4. Wissenschaft,
  5. Mathematik
  6. Geometrie
  7. Musik
  8. schreiben
  9. Geschichte
  10. spielen

20 Clues: MusikPauselesenWerkenChemiePhysikAlgebraspielenLiteraturGrammatikGeometrieschreibenGeografieMathematikGeschichteWissenschaft,KunstunterrichtSportunterrichtHauswirtschaftslehreFremdsprachenunterricht

Spanish Classwork Vocab 2020-10-04

Spanish Classwork Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. school
  2. quiz
  3. music
  4. biology
  5. semester
  6. art
  7. university
  8. schedule
  9. stadium
  10. economy
  1. class
  2. library
  3. course
  4. geography
  5. test
  6. labratory
  7. home
  8. science
  9. homework
  10. physics

20 Clues: artquiztesthomeclassmusicschoolcourselibrarysciencebiologyphysicsstadiumeconomyhomeworksemesterschedulegeographylabratoryuniversity

Spanish Vocab 2020-10-06

Spanish Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. exam
  2. class
  3. homework
  4. physics
  5. house
  6. door
  7. art
  8. science
  9. Backpack
  10. economics
  1. quiz
  2. student
  3. geography
  4. pen
  5. music
  6. chair
  7. biology
  8. Spanish
  9. course
  10. calculator

20 Clues: penartquizexamdoorclassmusicchairhousecoursestudentphysicsbiologySpanishsciencehomeworkBackpackgeographyeconomicscalculator

Page 40-41 20 Word Crossword 2020-10-05

Page 40-41 20 Word Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. psychology
  2. art
  3. history
  4. school
  5. course
  6. cafeteria
  7. English
  8. class
  9. physics
  10. chemistry
  11. bookstore
  12. quiz
  1. literature
  2. semester
  3. house
  4. stadium
  5. library
  6. schedule
  7. homework
  8. laboratory

20 Clues: artquizhouseclassschoolcoursehistorystadiumlibraryEnglishphysicssemesterschedulehomeworkcafeteriachemistrybookstorepsychologyliteraturelaboratory

Spanish 2020-10-05

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. exam
  3. university
  4. cafeteria
  5. art
  6. course
  7. house
  8. semester
  9. homework
  1. economics
  2. physics
  3. geography
  4. bookstore
  5. trimester
  6. schedule
  7. class
  8. spanish
  9. sciences
  10. quiz
  11. music

20 Clues: artexamquizclasshousemusiccoursephysicsbiologyspanishschedulesciencessemesterhomeworkeconomicsgeographybookstoretrimestercafeteriauniversity

Spanish Crossword puzzle 2020-10-05

Spanish Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. course
  2. map
  3. teacher
  4. cafeteria
  5. student
  6. physics
  7. table
  8. clock
  1. music
  2. exam
  3. book
  4. pen
  5. house
  6. chalk
  7. stadium
  8. class
  9. semester
  10. Spanish
  11. paper
  12. art

20 Clues: penmapartexambookmusichousechalkclasspapertableclockcoursestadiumteacherstudentSpanishphysicssemestercafeteria