riddles Crossword Puzzles

Riddles Crossword 2024-03-16

Riddles Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Take off my skin - I won't cry, but you will! What am I?
  2. What word is pronounced the same if you take away four of its five letters?
  3. What starts with a T, ends with a T, and has T in it?
  4. What goes up but never comes down?
  1. What word starts with e and ends with e but only has one letter in it ?
  2. What gets wet while drying?
  3. What has many keys but can’t open a single lock?
  4. What has to be broken before you can use it?

8 Clues: What gets wet while drying?What goes up but never comes down?What has to be broken before you can use it?What has many keys but can’t open a single lock?What starts with a T, ends with a T, and has T in it?Take off my skin - I won't cry, but you will! What am I?What word starts with e and ends with e but only has one letter in it ?...

Risky Riddles 2024-05-01

Risky Riddles crossword puzzle
  1. The name of Michael McKenna's cat (see "unleashed" section of this newsletter)
  2. The primary cloud service for L&ER's technology
  3. The US Reg rule under PFAR that restricts a certain type of treatment to investors.
  4. The acronym of our department's new name.
  1. The third party software that houses or compliance archive
  2. If you fail to complete your quarterly or annual certifications, you will hear from this team.
  3. A meeting where employees learn about a topic or department initiative. The name of this originally referred to the practice of employees bringing a packed lunch from home to this workplace meeting.
  4. We are currently celebrating the 10th anniversary of WMC in this country

8 Clues: The acronym of our department's new name.The primary cloud service for L&ER's technologyThe third party software that houses or compliance archiveWe are currently celebrating the 10th anniversary of WMC in this countryThe name of Michael McKenna's cat (see "unleashed" section of this newsletter)...


ANIMAL RIDDLES crossword puzzle
  1. The colour of the milk of this mammal is pink.
  2. This animal spends 20 hours a day at rest or asleep
  3. This animal is the largest of big cats.
  4. A large animal with a long neck that lives in a desert and has one or two humps (hills) on its bag
  1. This animal can leap (jump) more than 6 metres.
  2. This is the only animal that can`t jump.
  3. In their family the father takes care of eggs.
  4. This is a large primate that comes from Western Africa

8 Clues: This animal is the largest of big cats.This is the only animal that can`t jump.The colour of the milk of this mammal is pink.In their family the father takes care of eggs.This animal can leap (jump) more than 6 metres.This animal spends 20 hours a day at rest or asleepThis is a large primate that comes from Western Africa...

Space Riddles 2024-08-22

Space Riddles crossword puzzle
  1. I have tails, but I'm not an animal. I travel through space and grow brighter near the Sun.
  2. I'm invisible but powerful, keeping planets in line.
  3. I'm a god, a planet, and a measurer of heat.
  4. I was once a planet, but now I'm not.
  5. I birth stars but I'm not a mother.
  1. I'm a flash in the sky, quick and bright, but I'm not lightning.
  2. I orbit a planet, but I'm not a satellite .I control tides, but I'm not the sea.
  3. I'm a twin planet, but you can't live on me.

8 Clues: I birth stars but I'm not a mother.I was once a planet, but now I'm not.I'm a twin planet, but you can't live on me.I'm a god, a planet, and a measurer of heat.I'm invisible but powerful, keeping planets in line.I'm a flash in the sky, quick and bright, but I'm not lightning....

Riddles and More 2022-08-06

Riddles and More crossword puzzle
  1. what has 13 hearts but no organs
  2. I can fly but I have no wings I can cry but I have no eyes
  3. what has many keys but cant open any door
  4. what begins with an E and contains one letter
  5. what has a head and a tale and no arms or legs and isn't alive
  1. I have no legs I will never walk but always run
  2. what runs but never gets tired
  3. what has hands but cant clap
  4. ill follow you all the time and copy your every move but you cant touch me or catch me
  5. I can be hot I can be cold I can run and I can be still I can be hard and I can be soft
  6. what has many ears but can not hear
  7. what can you catch but cant throw

12 Clues: what has hands but cant clapwhat runs but never gets tiredwhat has 13 hearts but no organswhat can you catch but cant throwwhat has many ears but can not hearwhat has many keys but cant open any doorwhat begins with an E and contains one letterI have no legs I will never walk but always runI can fly but I have no wings I can cry but I have no eyes...

Taro And His Grandmother 2017-09-25

Taro And His Grandmother crossword puzzle
  1. a question or statement intentionally phrased so as to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning.
  2. great joy; jubilation.
  3. used to express good wishes on parting.
  4. a cultivated plant that is grown on a large scale commercially, especially a cereal, fruit, or vegetable.
  1. the chief or leader of a community or tribe.
  2. a military commander
  3. wealthy;successful
  4. A series of rings;a spiral

8 Clues: wealthy;successfula military commandergreat joy; jubilation.A series of rings;a spiralused to express good wishes on parting.the chief or leader of a community or tribe.a cultivated plant that is grown on a large scale commercially, especially a cereal, fruit, or vegetable....

Diddle ma Riddles 2021-02-04

Diddle ma Riddles crossword puzzle
  1. What has six faces, but does not wear makeup, and twenty-one eyes, but cannot see?
  2. What do you throw away the outside & cook the inside, then eat the outside and throw away the inside?
  3. What goes around in circles, but always goes straight ahead?
  4. Dirty when white.
  5. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth?
  1. What part of roads do ghosts love to travel?
  2. What has hands, but cannot clap?
  3. The more there is, the less you see.
  4. What can you catch, but not throw?
  5. What loses its head in the morning and gets it back at night?
  6. Walk on the living, they don’t even mumble. Walk on the dead, they mutter and grumble.
  7. What word has 3 letters and fewer when you add 2 more?
  8. Forward it's heavy, backwards it's not.

13 Clues: Dirty when white.What has hands, but cannot clap?What can you catch, but not throw?The more there is, the less you see.Forward it's heavy, backwards it's not.What part of roads do ghosts love to travel?What word has 3 letters and fewer when you add 2 more?What goes around in circles, but always goes straight ahead?...

Fun Facts/Riddles 2021-02-10

Fun Facts/Riddles crossword puzzle
  1. Is full of holes, but can still hold on to water (R)
  2. An average person does this thirteen times a day?
  3. Sushi is wrapped in this
  4. Parent company of Lamborghini, Audi, and Porsche
  5. The capital city of Spain
  6. The closest planet to the sun
  1. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' favourite food
  2. In this book Christmas comes before thanksgiving (R)
  3. The largest island
  4. A perpetually sad fruit (R)
  5. This item has a head and a tail, but no body (R)
  6. A kind of room with no doors or windows (R)

12 Clues: The largest islandSushi is wrapped in thisThe capital city of SpainA perpetually sad fruit (R)The closest planet to the sunA kind of room with no doors or windows (R)The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' favourite foodParent company of Lamborghini, Audi, and PorscheThis item has a head and a tail, but no body (R)...

Fun with Riddles! 2016-11-11

Fun with Riddles! crossword puzzle
  1. What does everyone have and will never lose?
  2. What is full of keys, but can’t open any doors?
  3. What needs an answer, but doesn’t ask a question?
  4. What has to be broken before you use it?
  5. What starts out tall, but the longer it stands, the shorter it grows?
  1. What has three feet, but cannot walk?
  2. What gets wetter the more it dries?
  3. What has a thumb and four fingers, but is not alive?
  4. What is full of wholes, but can still hold water?
  5. What has a neck, but no head?
  6. What goes up, but doesn’t come back down?
  7. What has a face and two hands, but no arms or legs?

12 Clues: What has a neck, but no head?What gets wetter the more it dries?What has three feet, but cannot walk?What has to be broken before you use it?What goes up, but doesn’t come back down?What does everyone have and will never lose?What is full of keys, but can’t open any doors?What is full of wholes, but can still hold water?...

Puzzle Game 2023-12-17

Puzzle Game crossword puzzle
  1. Game Matching pairs of cards from a set arranged face down.
  2. Search Game where players find hidden words in a grid.
  3. Word puzzle where words intersect in a grid.
  4. Number puzzle game with a 9x9 grid and specific rules.
  5. Puzzle Puzzle that requires logical reasoning to solve.
  1. Tile-matching video game where shapes fall and stack.
  2. Puzzle Puzzle that involves assembling three-dimensional shapes.
  3. Brainteasers or puzzles that require creative thinking.
  4. Cube 3D combination puzzle with colored squares.
  5. Differences: Game where players spot seven distinctions between two images.

10 Clues: Word puzzle where words intersect in a grid.Cube 3D combination puzzle with colored squares.Tile-matching video game where shapes fall and stack.Search Game where players find hidden words in a grid.Number puzzle game with a 9x9 grid and specific rules.Brainteasers or puzzles that require creative thinking....

Riddles Crossword 2021-01-19

Riddles Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. They come at night without being called and are lost in the day without being stolen.
  2. You answer me, although I never ask you questions. What am I?
  3. The more you take the more you leave behind.
  4. If you have it, you want to share it. If you share it, you don't have it. What is it
  1. What goes up and down stairs without moving?
  2. What do you fill with empty hands
  3. A barrel of water weighs 20 pounds. What must you add to it to make it weigh 12 pounds?
  4. Give it food and it will live; give it water and it will die.

8 Clues: What do you fill with empty handsWhat goes up and down stairs without moving?The more you take the more you leave behind.You answer me, although I never ask you questions. What am I?Give it food and it will live; give it water and it will die.If you have it, you want to share it. If you share it, you don't have it. What is it...


ANIMALS RIDDLES crossword puzzle
  1. What jumps when it walks and sits when it stands?
  2. I’m too big to be your pet. I have an extremely long trunk.
  3. I sleep by day and fly at night, but I have no feathers to aid my flight.
  4. I like to hop around. I am green and I croak. And catch flies with my long tongue.
  1. I like to use my long tongue to eat leaves from tops of trees.I don't have to climb up though. With my long neck, it's a breeze.
  2. A king without a crown.
  3. The strangest creature you'll ever find: two eyes in front and many more behind.
  4. am I?

8 Clues: am I?A king without a crown.What jumps when it walks and sits when it stands?I’m too big to be your pet. I have an extremely long trunk.I sleep by day and fly at night, but I have no feathers to aid my flight.The strangest creature you'll ever find: two eyes in front and many more behind....


RELISHING RIDDLES crossword puzzle
  1. I am a round, hollow, deep-fried crisp flatbread, filled with a mixture of flavoured water, chaat masala, tamarind chutney, potatoes, chickpeas, or onions. I am popped into the mouth to experience an explosion of vibrant flavours and textures. Who am I?
  2. A classic Indian spiced rice dish with many variations. The rice and the fish/meat/vegetables are cooked separately, before being layered and cooked together so that the gravy can be absorbed into the rice. Who am I?
  3. I am an icon of South Indian food. I am a thin pancake made with lentil and rice flour batter, usually served with chutney or sambar.
  4. I am a widely consumed beverage in India that is a need in the sweltering summers. I am a cool beverage made from yogurt, a variety of spices like ginger, cumin as well as ice. I am known for my acidic and spicy flavour. Who am I?
  1. I am a classic Indian dessert made from deep-fried milk solids or khoya. After frying, I am soaked in a sweet syrup flavored with cardamom and rose water and sometimes garnished with almonds or cashews. Who am I?
  2. Also known as ‘Bombay Burger’, I am a famous vegetarian street food dish of Maharashtra. The popular dish consists of a deep-fried potato dumpling inside a soft bread bun accompanied by chutneys and green chili peppers. I am also known as ‘Bombay Burger’. Who am I?
  3. I am a well-liked triangular Indian street snack with a soft, delicious inside and a crispy shell. I'm delicious whether loaded with potato, peas, or just cottage cheese. Who am I?
  4. I am sometimes called a traditional Indian ice cream, a frozen dairy dessert that comes in many flavours ranging from saffron and mango to vanilla and rose.

8 Clues: I am an icon of South Indian food. I am a thin pancake made with lentil and rice flour batter, usually served with chutney or sambar.I am sometimes called a traditional Indian ice cream, a frozen dairy dessert that comes in many flavours ranging from saffron and mango to vanilla and rose....

Renaissance Riddles 2024-05-19

Renaissance Riddles crossword puzzle
  1. the illusion of depth
  2. winding canals and grand palaces
  3. inventor of printing press
  4. astronomy
  5. rice chicken broth and parmesian
  1. a sculptor painter and architect
  2. emerges as a guiding light
  3. an important science figure

8 Clues: astronomythe illusion of depthemerges as a guiding lightinventor of printing pressan important science figurea sculptor painter and architectwinding canals and grand palacesrice chicken broth and parmesian

Renaissance Riddles 2024-05-19

Renaissance Riddles crossword puzzle
  1. the illusion of depth
  2. winding canals and grand palaces
  3. inventor of printing press
  4. astronomy
  5. rice chicken broth and parmesian
  1. a sculptor painter and architect
  2. emerges as a guiding light
  3. an important science figure

8 Clues: astronomythe illusion of depthemerges as a guiding lightinventor of printing pressan important science figurea sculptor painter and architectwinding canals and grand palacesrice chicken broth and parmesian

FUN RIDDLES 2024-05-06

FUN RIDDLES crossword puzzle
  1. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
  2. I fly without wings, I cry without eyes. Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I?
  3. What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
  4. What has keys but can't open locks?
  1. I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?
  2. I am full of holes, but I can still hold a lot of water. What am I?
  3. I can travel all around the world without leaving my corner. What am I?
  4. I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?

8 Clues: What has keys but can't open locks?The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?I am full of holes, but I can still hold a lot of water. What am I?I can travel all around the world without leaving my corner. What am I?What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?...


ANIMAL RIDDLES crossword puzzle
  1. The colour of the milk of this mammal is pink.
  2. This animal spends 20 hours a day at rest or asleep
  3. This animal is the largest of big cats.
  4. A large animal with a long neck that lives in a desert and has one or two humps (hills) on its bag
  1. This animal can leap (jump) more than 6 metres.
  2. This is the only animal that can`t jump.
  3. In their family the father takes care of eggs.
  4. This is a large primate that comes from western A

8 Clues: This animal is the largest of big cats.This is the only animal that can`t jump.The colour of the milk of this mammal is pink.In their family the father takes care of eggs.This animal can leap (jump) more than 6 metres.This is a large primate that comes from western AThis animal spends 20 hours a day at rest or asleep...

Happy Bday Elena 2019-09-14

Happy Bday Elena crossword puzzle
  1. Flynn's best friend
  2. His last name is Stone, but his first name is not Jacob
  3. Cassandra's ability, which allows her to link all five senses to her memory
  4. They come to life in "And the Fables of Doom"
  5. "And the point of..."
  6. The Ultimate Ship
  7. But wait! The riddles are Librarians-proof! If the right answer to the puzzle is wrong, then the wrong answer has to be right. What's the opposite of the previous answer?
  8. Flynn equals Carsen so Eve equals...
  1. Prospero's servant
  2. It records all unexplained magical disturbances around the world
  3. "Jenkins, quick______!"
  4. "Many are called but only one is..."
  5. Department of Statistical Anomalies
  6. The Egyptian god of chaos
  7. You have to play it to enter the Bank of Thieves
  8. Jenkins' Arthurian name
  9. If you feed me I will live, if you give me a drink I will die
  10. What Ezekiel deserved

18 Clues: The Ultimate ShipProspero's servantFlynn's best friend"And the point of..."What Ezekiel deserved"Jenkins, quick______!"Jenkins' Arthurian nameThe Egyptian god of chaosDepartment of Statistical Anomalies"Many are called but only one is..."Flynn equals Carsen so Eve equals...They come to life in "And the Fables of Doom"...

International Games Month: Noarlunga Library 2023-11-08

International Games Month: Noarlunga Library crossword puzzle
  1. Chess piece that can only move diagonally (6).
  2. Card game played alone (9).
  3. Popular PlayStation game which mimicked karaoke (8).
  4. Fantasy role-playing game, popularised in the 1970s (8,3,7).
  5. Expensive property in the original Monopoly (7).
  6. Game where the host draws balls at random (5).
  7. Video game company, consoles include Switch, DS, Super, and 360 (8).
  8. The best hand in poker (5,5).
  9. Famous arcade game that features a maze, ghosts and fruit (6).
  1. The main antagonist in the Mario Bros video games (6).
  2. Exit game featuring riddles and puzzles(6,4).
  3. Block stacking game (5).
  4. Popular spelling game (8).
  5. Second name of the Colonel character in Cluedo (7).
  6. Tokens in poker (5).
  7. Card game that includes the cards Reverse, Wild Card and Skip (3).
  8. Popular board game marketed by Parker Brothers from 1935 (8).
  9. The end of a chess game (9).

18 Clues: Tokens in poker (5).Block stacking game (5).Popular spelling game (8).Card game played alone (9).The end of a chess game (9).The best hand in poker (5,5).Exit game featuring riddles and puzzles(6,4).Chess piece that can only move diagonally (6).Game where the host draws balls at random (5).Expensive property in the original Monopoly (7)....

chapter 4 2024-02-29

chapter 4 crossword puzzle
  1. what you eat in Chinese New year
  2. a special Chinese festival in September
  3. you light and play with this in Mid-Autumn Festival (it has fire!)
  4. you watch this in Chinese New Year
  5. you stick this at home in Chinese New Year (e.g. on the door)
  6. you do this cleaning in Ching Ming Festival
  7. you give special food to dead ____ in Ching Ming Festival
  1. a fruit you eat in Mid-Autumn Festival
  2. a performance you see in Chinese New Year
  3. what you eat in Mid-Autumn Festival
  4. what you eat in Chinese New Year
  5. a guessing game and you tie them to the lanterns
  6. ______ display in Chinese New Year

13 Clues: what you eat in Chinese New yearwhat you eat in Chinese New Yearyou watch this in Chinese New Year______ display in Chinese New Yearwhat you eat in Mid-Autumn Festivala fruit you eat in Mid-Autumn Festivala special Chinese festival in Septembera performance you see in Chinese New Yearyou do this cleaning in Ching Ming Festival...

The Hobbit 2024-06-06

The Hobbit crossword puzzle
  1. What did Beron ask them to return when they reached the fores edge
  2. Who told them about the Dale Dwarfs coming for the treasure
  3. What did they take from the Trolls cace
  4. What did they call Bilbo when they were stuck in the Elf castle
  5. Who saved them from the Trolls
  1. where were the captured by the goblins
  2. What are the Wargs afraid of
  3. what was the first thing Bilbo took from Smaug
  4. What did Bilbo exchange with Gollum
  5. what did Bilbo name his sword
  6. what did Bilbo steal from Gollum
  7. What did they use to escape the elf castle

12 Clues: What are the Wargs afraid ofwhat did Bilbo name his swordWho saved them from the Trollswhat did Bilbo steal from GollumWhat did Bilbo exchange with Gollumwhere were the captured by the goblinsWhat did they take from the Trolls caceWhat did they use to escape the elf castlewhat was the first thing Bilbo took from Smaug...

Guess 2023-09-23

Guess crossword puzzle
  1. active adventure
  2. treasure unity
  1. clues hunt
  2. quest riddles

4 Clues: clues huntquest riddlestreasure unityactive adventure

Les devinettes ( riddles ) 2021-06-01

Les devinettes ( riddles ) crossword puzzle
  1. Qu'est-ce qui est si fragile que dire son nom le brise?
  2. que pouvez-vous attraper mais ne jamais lancer?
  3. je fais 2 personnes sur 1 ( out of ) que suis je?
  4. qu'est-ce qui court dans toute la cour, mais qui ne bouge pas?
  5. j'ai des branches, mais pas de fruits, de tronc ou de feuilles, que suis-je?
  6. que pouvez-vous garder après avoir donne a quelqu'un?
  1. je ne suis pas vivent, mais je grandis, je n'ai pas de poumons, mais je besoin d'air, je n'ai pas de bouche, mais l'eau me tue. que suis je?
  2. le gens me font, me sauvent, me changent,m'elevent. que suis je?
  3. qu'est ce qui a des mot, mais ne parle jamais?
  4. plus vous prenez, plus vous laisser derriere.Que suis je?
  5. il vous appartient, mais les autres l'utilise plus que vous, qu'est-ce que c'est?
  6. qu'est-ce qui monte mais ne descend jamais?

12 Clues: qu'est-ce qui monte mais ne descend jamais?qu'est ce qui a des mot, mais ne parle jamais?que pouvez-vous attraper mais ne jamais lancer?je fais 2 personnes sur 1 ( out of ) que suis je?que pouvez-vous garder après avoir donne a quelqu'un?Qu'est-ce qui est si fragile que dire son nom le brise?plus vous prenez, plus vous laisser derriere.Que suis je?...

CHRISTMAS 2016-12-20

CHRISTMAS crossword puzzle
  1. The things that the three kings brought to baby Jesus.
  2. A silver thing that people find in Christmas pudding.
  3. Things put on the table that make sounds and have riddles or a rhyme inside.
  4. Traditional songs that people sing at Christmas.
  5. People put presents at the... of a Christmas tree.
  6. People who came to pay their respects to baby Jesus.
  1. A kind of house where Christ was born.
  2. Children hang Christmas stockings on the ...
  3. The Bishop of Myra gave presents to the children who were ...
  4. Father Christmas was first called Saint ....
  5. People eat .... turkey for Christmas dinner.
  6. The day before Christmas is called Christmas ....

12 Clues: A kind of house where Christ was born.Children hang Christmas stockings on the ...Father Christmas was first called Saint ....People eat .... turkey for Christmas dinner.Traditional songs that people sing at Christmas.The day before Christmas is called Christmas ....People put presents at the... of a Christmas tree....

Balto Iditarod Crossword 2023-03-02

Balto Iditarod Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The most famous sled dog, whose journey in 1925 inspired the Iditarod race
  2. The person in control of the sled is called a ___
  3. Last name of the first woman to win the Iditarod
  4. City where the Iditarod begins
  5. A breed often used as a sled dog. Similar to a husky but typically larger in size.
  1. Last name of 2022's Iditarod winner
  2. US state in which the Iditarod takes place
  3. Town where the Iditarod ends
  4. Dog sled command for right turn
  5. 1995 animated film featuring a sled dog and his journey to deliver medicine to Nome
  6. Dog sled command for left turn
  7. Award given to the last musher to cross the finish line
  8. Month in which the Iditarod traditionally takes place
  9. A rad software company that makes the best real-time guidance platform for contact centers

14 Clues: Town where the Iditarod endsDog sled command for left turnCity where the Iditarod beginsDog sled command for right turnLast name of 2022's Iditarod winnerUS state in which the Iditarod takes placeLast name of the first woman to win the IditarodThe person in control of the sled is called a ___Month in which the Iditarod traditionally takes place...


ENGLISH FESTIVAL crossword puzzle
  1. An unfortunate, unhappy, or mean person.
  2. Is key to all effective communication.
  3. Describes the subject in the sentence.
  4. Is about telling stories. It is about using stories to engage your audience or to make something more clear.
  5. Are poetic compositions used to challenge the mind of the audience.
  1. It composes of a subject and a predicate.
  2. Lacking of self-confidence; shy.
  3. Is a series of sentences that are related to each other.
  4. Is considered a universal language.
  5. Any of the birds that are usually found in rice fields.

10 Clues: Lacking of self-confidence; shy.Is considered a universal language.Is key to all effective communication.Describes the subject in the sentence.An unfortunate, unhappy, or mean person.It composes of a subject and a predicate.Any of the birds that are usually found in rice fields.Is a series of sentences that are related to each other....

Noun form of verbs 2021-08-28

Noun form of verbs crossword puzzle
  1. it is really wonderful to see the _______(fly) of an eagle in the sky
  2. I want to know the types of ____________(calculate)
  3. in maths I like ______________(add)
  4. before speaking on a topic we must have _______(clear})
  5. before teaching a subject ____________(explore) of a text book is important.
  1. George Bernard Shaw says _________(imitate) is suicide.
  2. for every work we need a plan of _________ (act)
  3. we do many thing in our ___________(live) for comfortable living.
  4. I need an ______(act) on division to teach students effectively.
  5. riddles, puzzle activities are _________ (feed) for brain

10 Clues: in maths I like ______________(add)for every work we need a plan of _________ (act)I want to know the types of ____________(calculate)George Bernard Shaw says _________(imitate) is suicide.before speaking on a topic we must have _______(clear})riddles, puzzle activities are _________ (feed) for brain...

The Hobbit 2024-06-06

The Hobbit crossword puzzle
  1. What did Beron ask them to return when they reached the fores edge
  2. Who told them about the Dale Dwarfs coming for the treasure
  3. What did they take from the Trolls cace
  4. What did they call Bilbo when they were stuck in the Elf castle
  5. Who saved them from the Trolls
  1. where were the captured by the goblins
  2. What are the Wargs afraid of
  3. what was the first thing Bilbo took from Smaug
  4. What did Bilbo exchange with Gollum
  5. what did Bilbo name his sword
  6. what did Bilbo steal from Gollum
  7. What did they use to escape the elf castle

12 Clues: What are the Wargs afraid ofwhat did Bilbo name his swordWho saved them from the Trollswhat did Bilbo steal from GollumWhat did Bilbo exchange with Gollumwhere were the captured by the goblinsWhat did they take from the Trolls caceWhat did they use to escape the elf castlewhat was the first thing Bilbo took from Smaug...

What is the Book of Proverbs For? 2021-02-14

What is the Book of Proverbs For? crossword puzzle
  1. The wise one hears and _____ learning. [Mishle 1:5]
  2. ..______and discretion to the young. [Mishle 1:4]
  3. For receiving the discipline of wisdom, ______, right-ruling, and straightness. [Mishle 1:3]
  4. ..the words of the wise and their _____. [Mishle 1:6]
  5. Son of Dawid, sovereign of Yisra'el. [Mishle 1:1]
  1. ..for understanding a proverb and a ____. [Mishle 1:6]
  2. ..the understanding one gets wise ____. [Mishle 1:5]
  3. For understanding the words of______. [Mishle 1:2]
  4. ...giving insight to the______. [Mishle 1:4]

9 Clues: ...giving insight to the______. [Mishle 1:4]..______and discretion to the young. [Mishle 1:4]Son of Dawid, sovereign of Yisra'el. [Mishle 1:1]For understanding the words of______. [Mishle 1:2]The wise one hears and _____ learning. [Mishle 1:5]..the understanding one gets wise ____. [Mishle 1:5]..the words of the wise and their _____. [Mishle 1:6]...

YA1 - A contest of riddles 2018-07-14

YA1 - A contest of riddles crossword puzzle
  1. (n) the fur around the neck of a lion
  2. (v) to lose colors, to become pale or grey
  3. (n)a person whose job is making cloth and other materials by using threads and needles
  4. (n) a person who serves someone as their master
  5. (n) duty
  6. (v)to make something bad certain to happen
  7. (n) daughter of the king
  8. (n) someone who asks riddles
  9. (n) singing, saying in chorus
  1. (n) destiny, something that happens to a person finally as their ending
  2. (n) where the king and royal family live
  3. (n) a salesperson
  4. (v) make a loud sound (usually animals)
  5. (v) explain, understand, figure out the meaning
  6. (adj) feeling scared or upset about some gross/ ugly things
  7. (v) talk quietly to someone in the softest voice
  8. (v) to feel or show great happiness about something
  9. (n)a country ruled by a king or queen

18 Clues: (n) duty(n) a salesperson(n) daughter of the king(n) someone who asks riddles(n) singing, saying in chorus(n) the fur around the neck of a lion(n)a country ruled by a king or queen(v) make a loud sound (usually animals)(n) where the king and royal family live(v) to lose colors, to become pale or grey(v)to make something bad certain to happen...

International Games Month: Noarlunga Library 2023-11-08

International Games Month: Noarlunga Library crossword puzzle
  1. Chess piece that can only move diagonally (6).
  2. Card game played alone (9).
  3. Popular PlayStation game which mimicked karaoke (8).
  4. Fantasy role-playing game, popularised in the 1970s (8,3,7).
  5. Expensive property in the original Monopoly (7).
  6. Game where the host draws balls at random (5).
  7. Video game company, consoles include Switch, DS, Super, and 360 (8).
  8. The best hand in poker (5,5).
  9. Famous arcade game that features a maze, ghosts and fruit (6).
  1. The main antagonist in the Mario Bros video games (6).
  2. Exit game featuring riddles and puzzles(6,4).
  3. Block stacking game (5).
  4. Popular spelling game (8).
  5. Second name of the Colonel character in Cluedo (7).
  6. Tokens in poker (5).
  7. Card game that includes the cards Reverse, Wild Card and Skip (3).
  8. Popular board game marketed by Parker Brothers from 1935 (8).
  9. The end of a chess game (9).

18 Clues: Tokens in poker (5).Block stacking game (5).Popular spelling game (8).Card game played alone (9).The end of a chess game (9).The best hand in poker (5,5).Exit game featuring riddles and puzzles(6,4).Chess piece that can only move diagonally (6).Game where the host draws balls at random (5).Expensive property in the original Monopoly (7)....

riddles 2021-12-24

riddles crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

Emma CH1-18 2023-11-14

Emma CH1-18 crossword puzzle
  1. (2 words) mr. knightly's estate
  2. emma's hobby- she is particularly good at this
  3. where mr. elton offers to take emma's painting to the hung
  4. emma's estate
  5. woodhouse girl, the center of the narrative thus far
  6. last name of the family who lives at enscombe
  7. emma's sister
  8. mr. ____: the apothecary that woodhouse wants his daughter to seek out.
  1. the last name of the couple whose wedding takes place at the beginning of the book
  2. (2 words): the reason why harriet skips the dinner party
  3. the book that is being compiled for fun by harriet
  4. the geological condition that ends the dinner party early
  5. the location elton travels to after emma rejects his proposal
  6. last name of the author of emma

14 Clues: emma's estateemma's sister(2 words) mr. knightly's estatelast name of the author of emmalast name of the family who lives at enscombeemma's hobby- she is particularly good at thisthe book that is being compiled for fun by harrietwoodhouse girl, the center of the narrative thus far(2 words): the reason why harriet skips the dinner party...

riddles 2021-01-18

riddles crossword puzzle
  1. in which season do we need to water plants less
  2. I have ice in my name and I require a lot of water to grow
  3. used to scare away pests
  1. used to scare away insects
  2. if you remove my first 3 letters I become something you wear

5 Clues: used to scare away pestsused to scare away insectsin which season do we need to water plants lessI have ice in my name and I require a lot of water to growif you remove my first 3 letters I become something you wear

riddles 2021-12-24

riddles crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

Carolina Arntsen 2016-07-11

Carolina Arntsen crossword puzzle
  1. Some people went to see it on Friday.
  2. It changes a lot in England.
  3. When a ship sinks.
  4. It is prohibited in study hall.
  5. It happens when someone is tricked.
  6. To say something without having trained before.
  7. Charades that we had to solve.
  1. If we get late to class one or twice, we receive it.
  2. Where the students like to stay in the free time.
  3. Shuttles leave almost everyday to take us there.
  4. We use this type of plate to eat street food.
  5. If we get late to class a lot of times, we receive it.
  6. We don't use it when we are eating street food.
  7. If we don't do it, we can't go to Staines.

14 Clues: When a ship sinks.It changes a lot in England.Charades that we had to solve.It is prohibited in study hall.It happens when someone is tricked.Some people went to see it on Friday.If we don't do it, we can't go to Staines.We use this type of plate to eat street food.We don't use it when we are eating street food....

The Hobbit 2022-05-31

The Hobbit crossword puzzle
  1. The great wizard that helps them in many parts of the journey
  2. The fattest dwarf
  3. The dragon that guards the dwarfs’ gold.
  4. A stone that is very important to the dwarfs and Bilbo steals
  5. ______ Son of Thrain, son of Thror, King under the Mountain
  1. A creature obsessed with a ring who also loves riddles
  2. The place where the Hobbit lives
  3. Amazing animals that help the main characters out of trouble
  4. The great and amazing burglar that helps the dwarfs.
  5. A shapeshifter that can be either a bear or a big man

10 Clues: The fattest dwarfThe place where the Hobbit livesThe dragon that guards the dwarfs’ gold.The great and amazing burglar that helps the dwarfs.A shapeshifter that can be either a bear or a big manA creature obsessed with a ring who also loves riddles______ Son of Thrain, son of Thror, King under the Mountain...

Genre Crossword Puzzle 2020-01-29

Genre Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. this is a book with real facts
  2. this has made up stories with monsters or dragons
  3. a book with riddles, crimes, and detectives
  1. stories like Cinderella, Gingerbread Man, and the Three Little Pigs
  2. the history of one person's life
  3. a book that sometimes has rhyming
  4. novel, a story with a lot of pictures, sometimes called a comic

7 Clues: this is a book with real factsthe history of one person's lifea book that sometimes has rhyminga book with riddles, crimes, and detectivesthis has made up stories with monsters or dragonsnovel, a story with a lot of pictures, sometimes called a comicstories like Cinderella, Gingerbread Man, and the Three Little Pigs

The hobbit 2013-06-20

The hobbit crossword puzzle
  1. The arrow protruded through the ____ Breast
  2. Smaug reffered to Bilbo as a name from the riddles
  3. Inside Smaugs Cave there is a huge pile of
  1. The dwarves considered bilbo a..?
  2. and seek When smaug left to terrorize the town bilbo thought he was playing a game of ______With Him in the dark
  3. Smaug Smells Sneaky Sawgy Hobbit
  4. A new master was named. his name was
  5. The object that killed smaug was a long black
  6. The wind from Smaugs wings flapped like a 100km/h wind.
  7. Golums present was a

10 Clues: Golums present was aSmaug Smells Sneaky Sawgy HobbitThe dwarves considered bilbo a..?A new master was named. his name wasInside Smaugs Cave there is a huge pile ofThe arrow protruded through the ____ BreastThe object that killed smaug was a long blackSmaug reffered to Bilbo as a name from the riddles...

Riddles 2023-05-20

Riddles crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

Riddles 2023-03-21

Riddles crossword puzzle
  1. What building has the most stories?
  2. What beings with an "e" and only contains one letter?
  3. Throw away the outside and cook the inside, then eat the outside and throw away the inside. What is it?
  1. What can travel all around the world without leaving its corner?
  2. What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?

5 Clues: What building has the most stories?What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?What beings with an "e" and only contains one letter?What can travel all around the world without leaving its corner?Throw away the outside and cook the inside, then eat the outside and throw away the inside. What is it?

Riddles 2023-03-10

Riddles crossword puzzle
  1. I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?
  2. Which word in the dictionary is always spelled incorrectly?
  1. What has many keys, but can't open any doors?
  2. What disappears as soon as you say its name?
  3. I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?

5 Clues: What disappears as soon as you say its name?What has many keys, but can't open any doors?Which word in the dictionary is always spelled incorrectly?I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?

The Hobbit Crossword Puzzle 2022-11-04

The Hobbit Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. hottest dwarf ong
  2. Enjoys riddles in a cave
  3. the Elven king
  4. extremely sneaky and short
  5. Giant creatures in the dark forest
  6. descendants of the okenshield blood line
  7. Is a Dragon
  8. Protectors of the forest
  9. What Bilbo claims to be in front of Smaug
  10. where the elven king is from
  11. where the elves are from
  12. Lives in a hole
  13. cooks and eats ponies
  14. Large part of Bilbo's body
  15. Where Bilbo lives
  16. the gem most precious to the dwarves
  1. where does the story take place
  2. opposite of elves
  3. throws boulders super easy
  4. how many dwarves are in the group
  5. fat
  6. Wizard
  7. helped Bilbo and the gang escape
  8. archer from lake town
  9. town in the middle of the lake
  10. first dwarf to arrive at Bilbo's house
  11. where a lot of gold is
  12. the precious
  13. are master forgers
  14. is a skin changer
  15. Name of Bilbo's Weapon

31 Clues: fatWizardIs a Dragonthe preciousthe Elven kingLives in a holehottest dwarf ongopposite of elvesis a skin changerWhere Bilbo livesare master forgersarcher from lake towncooks and eats ponieswhere a lot of gold isName of Bilbo's WeaponEnjoys riddles in a caveProtectors of the forestwhere the elves are fromthrows boulders super easy...

MYTHOLOGY 2024-10-19

MYTHOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. Greek hero with a vulnerable heel
  2. Egyptian goddess with a cat’s head
  3. Creature that posed riddles to travelers
  4. Queen of the underworld in Greek myth
  5. Greek goddess of love and beauty
  6. Winged horse in Greek mythology
  7. Creature with lion, goat, and serpent parts
  8. Greek god of the sea
  9. Powerful beings who ruled before the Greek gods
  10. Multi-headed serpent slain by Hercules
  1. Giant sea monster from Norse mythology
  2. One-eyed Norse god, ruler of Asgard
  3. King of the Greek gods
  4. Greek goddess of wisdom and war
  5. Half-man, half-bull creature in a labyrinth
  6. Norse goddess of love and fertility
  7. Mythical bird that rises from its ashes
  8. God of the underworld in Greek mythology
  9. Hero famous for his twelve labors
  10. Three-headed dog guarding the underworld
  11. Gorgon with snakes for hair
  12. Norse trickster god
  13. Egyptian god of the dead
  14. Egyptian sun god
  15. Norse god of thunder

25 Clues: Egyptian sun godNorse trickster godGreek god of the seaNorse god of thunderKing of the Greek godsEgyptian god of the deadGorgon with snakes for hairGreek goddess of wisdom and warWinged horse in Greek mythologyGreek goddess of love and beautyGreek hero with a vulnerable heelHero famous for his twelve laborsEgyptian goddess with a cat’s head...

Word Play 2012-02-10

Word Play crossword puzzle
  1. The name of the spelling game that my practicum teacher did.
  2. These should have a theme, not too many words,(it is what you are doing now).
  3. When teaching show drawings of things that are _____.
  4. The most important function of words is to create...
  5. The focus of my presentation starts with a V___.
  1. These help teach meaning, and figurative vs. literal language.
  2. A really long word that kids love to learn.
  3. This is a fun story, teaches verb, and noun.
  4. Title of my presentation.

9 Clues: Title of my presentation.A really long word that kids love to learn.This is a fun story, teaches verb, and noun.The focus of my presentation starts with a V___.The most important function of words is to create...When teaching show drawings of things that are _____.The name of the spelling game that my practicum teacher did....

The New York Zodiac Killer: Heriberto Seda 2024-01-22

The New York Zodiac Killer: Heriberto Seda crossword puzzle
  1. Seda matched the constellations in the sky to his victims’ _____ sign
  2. How did Seda know his victims star signs?
  3. Seda was arrested after holding his sister _____
  4. Seda idolized and researched
  5. Number of victims wounded or killed by the New York Zodiac Killer
  1. Seda communicated with authorities through notes containing riddles and _____
  2. Dropped out of school after being suspended for _____ possession
  3. Seda’s homemade weapon of choice
  4. What Seda included in his written confession that identified him as the NY Zodiac Killer

9 Clues: Seda idolized and researchedSeda’s homemade weapon of choiceHow did Seda know his victims star signs?Seda was arrested after holding his sister _____Dropped out of school after being suspended for _____ possessionNumber of victims wounded or killed by the New York Zodiac KillerSeda matched the constellations in the sky to his victims’ _____ sign...

The Hobbit Crossword Puzzle 2024-04-04

The Hobbit Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the rich dragon
  2. this object is the first thing that is stolen from the rich dragon
  3. this is the hobbit's role in the group
  4. the killer of the rich dragon's name is ________
  5. the rich dragon lives in the _________ mountain
  6. the hobbit plays this with Gollum to get out of the tunnel
  7. the leader of the dwarves
  8. the hobbit's last name
  1. Beorn can turn in this animal
  2. the party are imprisoned by these animals in their journey
  3. the hobbit and his companions escape from the elvenking in these
  4. this object has sentimental value to Thorin, and is buried next to him
  5. the hobbit's first name
  6. the wizard that leaves the party halfway through
  7. the hobbit steals this from Gollum, and it makes him invisible

15 Clues: the rich dragonthe hobbit's last namethe hobbit's first namethe leader of the dwarvesBeorn can turn in this animalthis is the hobbit's role in the groupthe rich dragon lives in the _________ mountainthe killer of the rich dragon's name is ________the wizard that leaves the party halfway through...

Do you like riddles? 2021-08-13

Do you like riddles? crossword puzzle
  1. What has many eyes but can't see?
  2. What kind of room has no windows?
  3. What starts with a T, ends with a T, and has T in it?
  4. What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
  5. My first is in chocolate but not in ham, my second’s in cake and also in jam, my third at tea-time is easily found, my whole is a friend who’s often around. What am I?
  6. What are the next three letters in this sequence? OTTFFSS (hint: also kind of doctor)
  7. What begins with an “e” and only contains one letter?
  8. What has ten letters and starts with gas?
  1. What English word has three consecutive double letters?
  2. What has a head and a tail, but no body
  3. What five-letter word stays the same when you take away the first, third, and last letter?
  4. Paul's height is six feet, he's an assistant at a butcher's shop, and wears size 9 shoes. What does he weigh?
  5. Where does Friday come before Thursday?
  6. With pointed fangs I sit and wait, with piercing force I serve out fate. Grabbing bloodless victims, proclaiming my might; physically joining with a single bite. What am I?
  7. What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat and 2/4 goat?
  8. What has many teeth but can't bite?
  9. I have keys, but no locks and space, and no rooms. You can enter, but you can’t go outside. What am I?

17 Clues: What has many eyes but can't see?What kind of room has no windows?What has many teeth but can't bite?What has a head and a tail, but no bodyWhere does Friday come before Thursday?What has ten letters and starts with gas?What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat and 2/4 goat?What starts with a T, ends with a T, and has T in it?...

Back to School Riddles 2023-08-21

Back to School Riddles crossword puzzle
  1. What is a math teacher's favorite desert?
  2. You will always find me in the past, I can be created in the present but the future won't change me. What am I?
  3. Despite my name, I am not a queen. When you hold me up to things their length is seen. What am I?
  4. I am used as a place where many different sporting events occur. What am I?
  5. Sometimes you use me at school,I am not a clock,I am something that beats paper, but I am beaten by a rock. What am I?
  6. What do librarians take with them when they go fishing?
  7. I hold a lot of kids and am often very noisy.What am I?
  8. I have a hand and a face yet can't speak or smile, and am used to keep people on track what am I?
  9. I have a back and legs, but don't have hair, you sit in me this makes me a....
  10. What is the color brown and has heads and tails, but no legs
  1. Which subject is easiest for a witch
  2. I don't get put on a bed even though I am a sheet, I am stored in your binder to keep your desk nice and neat, what am I?
  3. Where do students in New York learn multiplication?
  4. I am an area of the school that has the most stories
  5. I represent the face of the school and am often in a costume on the sidelines cheering on the football or basketball teams. What am I?
  6. I can't speak, yet am filled with lots of knowledge. What am I?
  7. I take your books home from school, I have zippers and am often riding on someones back.. what am I?

17 Clues: Which subject is easiest for a witchWhat is a math teacher's favorite desert?Where do students in New York learn multiplication?I am an area of the school that has the most storiesWhat do librarians take with them when they go fishing?I hold a lot of kids and am often very noisy.What am I?What is the color brown and has heads and tails, but no legs...

Chapter 13; The Secret Riddle 2022-03-28

Chapter 13; The Secret Riddle crossword puzzle
  1. The matron mistakenly introduces Dumbledoor as _
  2. Dumbledore reveals to Tom that he is a _
  3. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had a theory that Draco was a _
  1. The matron calls young Tom Riddle this
  2. the matron at Tom Riddles orphanage
  3. The drink the matron offers Dumbledore
  4. Dumbledore points out to Harry that Tom has a similar tendency to a certain bird- what is the bird?
  5. Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries

8 Clues: the matron at Tom Riddles orphanageThe matron calls young Tom Riddle thisThe drink the matron offers DumbledoreDumbledore reveals to Tom that he is a _Hospital for Magical Maladies and InjuriesThe matron mistakenly introduces Dumbledoor as _Harry, Ron, and Hermione had a theory that Draco was a _...

Carolina Arntsen 2016-07-11

Carolina Arntsen crossword puzzle
  1. We don't use it when we are eating street food.
  2. It is prohibited in study hall.
  1. Shuttles leave almost everyday to take us there.
  2. Some people went to see it on Friday.
  3. Charades that we had to solve.
  4. It happens when someone is tricked.

6 Clues: Charades that we had to solve.It is prohibited in study hall.It happens when someone is tricked.Some people went to see it on Friday.We don't use it when we are eating street food.Shuttles leave almost everyday to take us there.

Crossword Puzzle 1 2024-03-04

Crossword Puzzle 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Who was the sister of Zeus as well as being his wife?
  2. What is the name of Spot the dog’s mother?
  3. What Greek monster asked riddles?
  4. Who wore a wolf suit when he visited wild monsters?
  1. According to JK Rowling what colour is an Ickabog?
  2. What grew out of the Gorgons’ heads?
  3. What was the poet Wordsworth’s first name?

7 Clues: What Greek monster asked riddles?What grew out of the Gorgons’ heads?What was the poet Wordsworth’s first name?What is the name of Spot the dog’s mother?According to JK Rowling what colour is an Ickabog?Who wore a wolf suit when he visited wild monsters?Who was the sister of Zeus as well as being his wife?

Speech and Debate 2020-03-11

Speech and Debate crossword puzzle
  1. event:get a topic write a five-minute script in two minutes
  2. event:thirty-minutes to write a seven-minute script
  3. an event with a black book and multiple parts usually seven minutes
  4. where selected people from around the nation go to compete ( this year in Albuquerque, NM)
  5. the main thing of speech and debate
  6. where speech and debate compete with other schools
  7. a short story (black book event)
  8. ten minute script usually funny
  9. key thing that will mark off points if you arent
  10. those who have advanced
  11. beginners or someone who has advanced
  1. preparation before run throughs ( riddles, shake it out)
  2. a progam Mendez does thats a class and club
  3. what you get if you make it to finals
  4. ten minute script usually sad
  5. acting in your scripts
  6. a self-written event usually ten-minutes
  7. an event with two people
  8. the largest speech event we have usually five minutes
  9. what you get if you make it to semi-finals

20 Clues: acting in your scriptsthose who have advancedan event with two peopleten minute script usually sadten minute script usually funnya short story (black book event)the main thing of speech and debatewhat you get if you make it to finalsbeginners or someone who has advanceda self-written event usually ten-minutes...

speech and debate 2020-03-10

speech and debate crossword puzzle
  1. and debate a progam Mendez does thats a class and club
  2. event:get a topic write a five-minute script in two minutes
  3. ten minute script usually sad
  4. those who have advanced
  5. a short story (black book event)
  6. what you get if you make it to finals
  7. where selected people from around the nation go to compete ( this year in Albuquerque, NM)
  8. key thing that will mark off points if you arent
  9. acting in your scripts
  10. the main part of speech and debate
  1. what you get if you make it to semi-finals
  2. ten minute script usually funny
  3. a self-written event usually ten-minutes
  4. beginners or someone who has advanced
  5. event:thirty-minutes to write a seven-minute script
  6. the largest speech event we have usually five minutes
  7. an event with a black book and multiple parts usually seven minutes
  8. preparation before run throughs ( riddles, shake it out)
  9. where speech and debate compete with other schools
  10. an event with two people

20 Clues: acting in your scriptsthose who have advancedan event with two peopleten minute script usually sadten minute script usually funnya short story (black book event)the main part of speech and debatebeginners or someone who has advancedwhat you get if you make it to finalsa self-written event usually ten-minutes...

Oedipus Review 2021-03-11

Oedipus Review crossword puzzle
  1. Oedipus'and Jocasta's daughter. Own story
  2. Oedipus' step-brother.
  3. Oedipus' dad. Killed by Oedipus
  4. Interrogated by Oedipus for the truth of his past.
  5. Posed riddles to Thebes. stopped by Oedipus
  6. Prophesized Oedipus killing his dad and sleeping with his mom.
  7. King of Thebes.Married his mom/killed his dad.
  8. Revealed Polybus isn't Oedipus' real dad.
  9. Oedipus gouges his eyes out with ____
  1. Blind Prophet that accused Oedipus of murder
  2. How many children did Oedipus have with his mother?
  3. Oedipus says because of his horrific fate his daughters will never be ___
  4. After learning his fate was true Oedipus asks Creon for ___
  5. The townspeople in the play are represented by the ___
  6. The city of Thebes is being destroyed by a ___
  7. Oedipus' wife/mother
  8. King Polybus ruled this city.
  9. Believed to be Oedipus' mom
  10. Oedipus was the king of this city.
  11. believed to be Oedipus' dad
  12. Jocasta commits ___ after learning she slept with her son.

21 Clues: Oedipus' wife/motherOedipus' step-brother.Believed to be Oedipus' mombelieved to be Oedipus' dadKing Polybus ruled this city.Oedipus' dad. Killed by OedipusOedipus was the king of this city.Oedipus gouges his eyes out with ____Oedipus'and Jocasta's daughter. Own storyRevealed Polybus isn't Oedipus' real dad....

The Hobbit Trail 2024-03-04

The Hobbit Trail crossword puzzle
  1. An evil wolf
  2. Bilbo's last name
  3. Gandalf and Thorin took ________________ from the trolls' cave
  4. Bilbo is a___________
  5. Gandalf gave Thorin this_______ and a key
  6. Creatures who like to cause mass destruction
  7. The Goblin Cleaver
  8. Land of the Elves
  9. a creature who has not experienced civilization a long time
  10. Gollum couldn't guess what was in Bilbo's ________
  11. Dwarves New Year; _____________ day
  12. Considered greedy creatures, not liked by many in Middle-earth
  13. mountain; where Smaug lived
  1. The__________________side in Bilbo makes him comfortable
  2. The game that Bilbo and Gollum play
  3. Dragon Inn.
  4. Gollum's name for the ring
  5. The reason why the dwarves have no home land
  6. Bilbo is the ______________ for Thorin and Company
  7. ________________the Grey
  8. The ______________side in Bilbo made him adventurous
  9. The narrator of the story
  10. zone Bilbo leaves his _________________________ by going on this quest
  11. Battle of ________ Armies
  12. The biggest treasure to the dwarves
  13. Misty or Lonely
  14. Town ruins in the shadow of the mountain.

27 Clues: Dragon Inn.An evil wolfMisty or LonelyBilbo's last nameLand of the ElvesThe Goblin CleaverBilbo is a___________________________the GreyThe narrator of the storyBattle of ________ ArmiesGollum's name for the ringmountain; where Smaug livedThe game that Bilbo and Gollum playThe biggest treasure to the dwarvesDwarves New Year; _____________ day...

The Inheritance Games 2024-05-17

The Inheritance Games crossword puzzle
  1. Name of Avery's friend who helps her in her new life
  2. Avery's love interest and one of the Hawthorne brothers
  3. Eldest Hawthorne brother
  4. Main character of the story
  5. Name of Avery's half-sister
  6. One of the people who lives in the mansion and is not a family member
  7. A significant part of Avery's inheritance aside from money
  8. Name of the school Avery used to attend
  9. Last name of the billionaire who leaves Avery his fortune
  10. The game everyone is trying to win
  1. Name of the family mansion
  2. A location where clues are hidden, often requiring a key
  3. Last name of the lawyer managing the Hawthorne estate
  4. A sport that two of the Hawthorne brothers enjoy
  5. What Avery must do to inherit the estate
  6. Type of puzzles Avery must solve
  7. Avery's last name
  8. Type of school Avery attends after the inheritance
  9. State where the story is set
  10. A game piece that is central to the story
  11. Youngest Hawthorne brother

21 Clues: Avery's last nameEldest Hawthorne brotherName of the family mansionYoungest Hawthorne brotherMain character of the storyName of Avery's half-sisterState where the story is setType of puzzles Avery must solveThe game everyone is trying to winName of the school Avery used to attendWhat Avery must do to inherit the estate...

Dorothee's Birthday 2024-08-15

Dorothee's Birthday crossword puzzle
  1. number of singers of "when all my sanity's gone"
  2. potency with no sexual context
  3. landing place for pigeon
  4. Bestagons
  5. Dixit princess headshape
  6. color in the ace, rainbow and bi flag
  7. John's punny middle and last name
  8. Mattie's Laptop
  9. Elle's secret pie ingrediant
  10. what Peter has
  11. what Ezequiel is sure you can create
  12. Emily aus dem ewigen ___
  1. Author of "Our love, our fear and our passion encapsulate millions of years of practical wisdom."
  2. to be thrown 111 times
  3. 6279 mirrored
  4. makes a set with peanut and quadrangle
  5. what you'd buy with cookies, mascarpone and and curd
  6. The _ of her - Work of author Lea fancied
  7. a place for birthday riddles
  8. a game of missions and tasks
  9. what Rust would call Y
  10. secret hiding spot for your present
  11. a thing of twisted numbers
  12. crows, crimsons, origines e.g.
  13. small glass relative of E and N
  14. hidden in paris
  15. often seen in purple connections category name

27 Clues: Bestagons6279 mirroredwhat Peter hasMattie's Laptophidden in paristo be thrown 111 timeswhat Rust would call Ylanding place for pigeonDixit princess headshapeEmily aus dem ewigen ___a thing of twisted numbersa place for birthday riddlesa game of missions and tasksElle's secret pie ingrediantpotency with no sexual context...

Meso-American Civilizations 2024-10-21

Meso-American Civilizations crossword puzzle
  1. This game used a rubber ball and getting into a hoop
  2. This Conquistador took out the Aztecs (Last name)
  3. This is the type of area the Mayans were in
  4. Aztecs did this for fun, that involved taking a heart out
  1. this is the country the Mayans, Olmecs, and Aztecs lived in
  2. The Andes ________ is where the Incans lived
  3. this type of farming was done by the Incans
  4. Incans did this for fun, involved word puzzles
  5. this pyramid (starts with a Z) is all around the mMesoamericancivilizations

9 Clues: this type of farming was done by the IncansThis is the type of area the Mayans were inThe Andes ________ is where the Incans livedIncans did this for fun, involved word puzzlesThis Conquistador took out the Aztecs (Last name)This game used a rubber ball and getting into a hoopAztecs did this for fun, that involved taking a heart out...

Primus cross word 2023-09-28

Primus cross word crossword puzzle
  1. What Ler used to be according to Les in an interview
  2. Mud’s full name
  3. What C.G and Les needs in Spaghetti Western
  4. One of the things that Nature Boy thinks aren’t what he’d “quite like them to be”
  5. The band that made Riddles Are Abound Tonight
  6. What Don used to “hurt Steve”
  1. What Mrs Blaileen uses to control the children
  2. What Professor Nutterbutter says it’s alright to fear
  3. The app that Sean Ono Lennon and Les met on according to an interview
  4. What Wynona might have mistaken for a beaver
  5. What Mr Knowitall doesn’t have to waste
  6. The name of Nature Boy’s kitty
  7. The only thing The Frizzle Fry believes in
  8. The sticker Jerry had on his 442
  9. The type of baseball bat that Mud used
  10. What bob used to… y’know…

16 Clues: Mud’s full nameWhat bob used to… y’know…What Don used to “hurt Steve”The name of Nature Boy’s kittyThe sticker Jerry had on his 442The type of baseball bat that Mud usedWhat Mr Knowitall doesn’t have to wasteThe only thing The Frizzle Fry believes inWhat C.G and Les needs in Spaghetti WesternWhat Wynona might have mistaken for a beaver...

Macbeth Crossword! 2022-05-12

Macbeth Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. King of Scotland, most people like him.
  2. Murdered by Macbeth's followers even though they were good.
  3. The keeper of Macbeth's castle.
  4. Scottish Nobleman; brave warrior. Married to Lady Macbeth.
  1. Scottish Nobleman, Friend of Macbeth. Has a son named Fleance.
  2. Married to Macbeth, more of a masculine figure.
  3. The kings son. Next in line to be the king.
  4. A loyal brave clever lord, suspicious of Macbeth.
  5. Evil creatures who speak in riddles, use foul magic potions to destroy all goodness in Scotland.

9 Clues: The keeper of Macbeth's castle.King of Scotland, most people like him.The kings son. Next in line to be the king.Married to Macbeth, more of a masculine figure.A loyal brave clever lord, suspicious of Macbeth.Scottish Nobleman; brave warrior. Married to Lady Macbeth.Murdered by Macbeth's followers even though they were good....

The Hobbit 2016-06-09

The Hobbit crossword puzzle
  1. Bilbo's invisible power comes from the _____ that he stole from Gollum.
  2. Thorin's sword is named ______.
  3. The ______ once saved the company from danger.
  4. Leader of the Dwarves
  5. The protagonist of the book.
  6. Thorin used to lived in _____________.
  7. Gollum is a very _____ and weird creature.
  8. Using a ___ is a way to open a locked door.
  9. _______ don't usually go to adventures.
  10. Bilbo talked to Smaug using _______.
  11. The dragon slayer.
  12. A weapon.
  13. He helped Gandalf and the company to open the secret door, his name is ______.
  1. Bard killed Smaug with an _____.
  2. The wizard that lead the dwarves in the edge of the Mirkwood forest is?
  3. Beorn helped Bilbo and _______.
  4. A leader of a kingdom.
  5. Wargs and _______ are allies.
  6. Cousin of Thorin.
  7. Thorin __________.
  8. The company set to adventure to take back their stolen ________.
  9. Bilbo and the Dwarves used _______ to escape from wood elves.
  10. There are thirteen ______ in adventure.
  11. The antagonist of the book.
  12. Thorin's greed resulted a ___.

25 Clues: A weapon.Cousin of Thorin.Thorin __________.The dragon slayer.Leader of the DwarvesA leader of a kingdom.The antagonist of the book.The protagonist of the book.Wargs and _______ are allies.Thorin's greed resulted a ___.Beorn helped Bilbo and _______.Thorin's sword is named ______.Bard killed Smaug with an _____.Bilbo talked to Smaug using _______....

Do you know your classmates 2021-01-25

Do you know your classmates crossword puzzle
  1. loves to crochet and always pays close attention
  2. loves Megadolons and Tyrannosaurus Rex
  3. drawing is his passion and is no longer shy
  4. plays chess and is a big reader
  5. has a new haircut and is a great writer
  6. rodent owner and loves nature
  7. mom teaches yoga to class and loves soccer
  8. top girl soccer player and loves math
  9. loves soccer and leave blowers
  10. speaks another language and very good writer
  1. dog lover and sings with headphones on
  2. has a missing tooth and loves soccer
  3. dances and plays piano
  4. speaks German and loves soccer
  5. always says good morning to Ms. Bahareh and Mr. Jess
  6. grunts when she is upset and loves breaks
  7. from another planet and hard to get his attention
  8. loves cats and even wears cat ears for headphones
  9. loves soccer and to write
  10. loves to show us his forehead and is fast in math
  11. mom gave us cotton and loves riddles

21 Clues: dances and plays pianoloves soccer and to writerodent owner and loves naturespeaks German and loves soccerloves soccer and leave blowersplays chess and is a big readerhas a missing tooth and loves soccermom gave us cotton and loves riddlestop girl soccer player and loves mathdog lover and sings with headphones on...

YA1 - Rachel The Clever 2018-07-07

YA1 - Rachel The Clever crossword puzzle
  1. (adj) lovable, lovely
  2. (n) a big piece of cloth used to keep warm
  3. (n) a poor farmer
  4. (n) a female horse
  5. (n) belongings, something that belongs to someone
  6. (n) the owner of a hotel/ motel
  7. (n) a baby horse
  8. (v) to act like you are doing something but you are not
  9. (adj) able to solve a lot of riddles or do tricks
  10. (n) an opinion of someone on something/ someone else
  11. (n) a tricky question
  1. (v) to stay together with another one permanently
  2. (v) to let go of someone/ something
  3. (v) to dominate, to have more power than something else
  4. (v) pull something on the ground
  5. (n) a tool used to catch a huge number of fish
  6. (adj) amazed, shocked
  7. (v) to forget about one's mistake
  8. (adj) hard and difficult to take
  9. (adj) feeling special/important about someone or something
  10. (adv)having the same characteristics, in the same way

21 Clues: (n) a baby horse(n) a poor farmer(n) a female horse(adj) lovable, lovely(adj) amazed, shocked(n) a tricky question(n) the owner of a hotel/ motel(v) pull something on the ground(adj) hard and difficult to take(v) to forget about one's mistake(v) to let go of someone/ something(n) a big piece of cloth used to keep warm...

Hobbit Crossword 2024-03-22

Hobbit Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Bilbo invited gandalf to this event “chapter 1 major event”
  2. This is what Dain and his dwarves act as “chapter 17 major event”
  3. “The last homely home” “chapter 3 setting”
  4. Killed by Glamdring “chapter 4 character”
  5. The gray wanderer “chapter 1 character”
  6. Known As Esgaroth “chapter 10 setting”
  7. Home of Bilbo Baggins “chapter 19 setting”
  8. Stolen from Smaug “chapter 12 major event”
  9. The infested forest “chapter 8 setting”
  10. Loves riddles “chapter 5 character”
  11. Killer of Smaug “chapter 14 character”
  12. Biggest of the five armies “chapter 18 major event”
  13. Skinwalker “chapter 7 character “
  1. Taken here after getting captured by elves “chapter 9 setting”
  2. This Dragon went rampage “chapter 13 major event”
  3. Kidnapped by goblins under this mountain “chapter 6 setting”
  4. Bilbo tries to avert a battle with this jewel“chapter 16 major event”
  5. Owner of Orcist “chapter 2 character”
  6. It shadows laketown “chapter 11 setting”
  7. This Raven tells of smaug's death “chapter 15 major event”
  8. The protagonist “chapter 1 character”

21 Clues: Skinwalker “chapter 7 character “Loves riddles “chapter 5 character”Known As Esgaroth “chapter 10 setting”The protagonist “chapter 1 character”Owner of Orcist “chapter 2 character”The gray wanderer “chapter 1 character”The infested forest “chapter 8 setting”Killer of Smaug “chapter 14 character”Killed by Glamdring “chapter 4 character”...

MYTHOLOGY 2024-10-19

MYTHOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. Gorgon with snakes for hair
  2. Hero famous for his twelve labors
  3. Egyptian goddess with a cat’s head
  4. Greek goddess of love and beauty
  5. Queen of the underworld in Greek myth
  6. Powerful beings who ruled before the Greek gods
  7. Half-man, half-bull creature in a labyrinth
  8. Greek hero with a vulnerable heel
  9. Egyptian sun god
  10. Winged horse in Greek mythology
  11. Mythical bird that rises from its ashes
  1. God of the underworld in Greek mythology
  2. Multi-headed serpent slain by Hercules
  3. Three-headed dog guarding the underworld
  4. Norse goddess of love and fertility
  5. One-eyed Norse god, ruler of Asgard
  6. King of the Greek gods
  7. Greek goddess of wisdom and war
  8. Norse trickster god
  9. Creature with lion, goat, and serpent parts
  10. Giant sea monster from Norse mythology
  11. Norse god of thunder
  12. Creature that posed riddles to travelers
  13. Egyptian god of the dead
  14. Greek god of the sea

25 Clues: Egyptian sun godNorse trickster godNorse god of thunderGreek god of the seaKing of the Greek godsEgyptian god of the deadGorgon with snakes for hairGreek goddess of wisdom and warWinged horse in Greek mythologyGreek goddess of love and beautyHero famous for his twelve laborsGreek hero with a vulnerable heelEgyptian goddess with a cat’s head...

Christmas Riddles 2022-12-08

Christmas Riddles crossword puzzle
  1. What has many needles but doesn't sew.
  2. Where do snowmen go to dance?
  3. What has many keys but can’t open Santa’s sleigh?
  4. Jingle's owner (Santa) has eight reindeer: Dasher, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and what’s the name of the eighth son?
  1. I’m found in Christmas socks, Christmas scarves and Christmas mittens; and often in the paws of playful kittens. What am I?
  2. I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?
  3. What can travel all around the world like Santa Clause and never leave its corner?
  4. Where does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?

8 Clues: Where do snowmen go to dance?What has many needles but doesn't sew.Where does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?What has many keys but can’t open Santa’s sleigh?I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?What can travel all around the world like Santa Clause and never leave its corner?...

Binsus Riddles 2022-12-01

Binsus  Riddles crossword puzzle
  1. Something that most students hate
  2. Nickname for Binsus students on instagram
  3. The "L" in "GLS"stands for
  1. The ammount of canteen that Binsus have
  2. Something that you always find around the school
  3. The "Bin" in "Binsus" stands for
  4. Something that has to be white coloured except for wednesday
  5. Binsus English Wall Magazine

8 Clues: The "L" in "GLS"stands forBinsus English Wall MagazineThe "Bin" in "Binsus" stands forSomething that most students hateThe ammount of canteen that Binsus haveNickname for Binsus students on instagramSomething that you always find around the schoolSomething that has to be white coloured except for wednesday

Ranch Riddles 2022-03-08

Ranch Riddles crossword puzzle
  1. a person who appears in movies
  2. a type of Indian tribe
  3. wrestling cattle to the ground
  1. a place where cowboys live and work
  2. a cowboy contest
  3. an action of catching something with rope
  4. an unusual or difficult act
  5. a man typically on horseback and tends to cattle

8 Clues: a cowboy contesta type of Indian tribean unusual or difficult acta person who appears in movieswrestling cattle to the grounda place where cowboys live and workan action of catching something with ropea man typically on horseback and tends to cattle

english riddles 2023-08-18

english riddles crossword puzzle
  1. Trapezoid in Indonesian is...
  2. segitiga in English is...
  3. the color of the apple is...
  4. the color of a banana is...
  5. lingkaran in english is...
  1. the color of the sky is...
  2. the color of the grass is...
  3. square in Indonesian is...

8 Clues: segitiga in English is...the color of the sky is...square in Indonesian is...lingkaran in english is...the color of a banana is...the color of the grass is...the color of the apple is...Trapezoid in Indonesian is...


RELISHING RIDDLES crossword puzzle
  1. I am a round, hollow, deep-fried crisp flatbread, filled with a mixture of flavoured water, chaat masala, tamarind chutney, potatoes, chickpeas, or onions. I am popped into the mouth to experience an explosion of vibrant flavours and textures. Who am I?
  2. A classic Indian spiced rice dish with many variations. The rice and the fish/meat/vegetables are cooked separately, before being layered and cooked together so that the gravy can be absorbed into the rice. Who am I?
  3. I am an icon of South Indian food. I am a thin pancake made with lentil and rice flour batter, usually served with chutney or sambar.
  4. I am a widely consumed beverage in India that is a need in the sweltering summers. I am a cool beverage made from yogurt, a variety of spices like ginger, cumin as well as ice. I am known for my acidic and spicy flavour. Who am I?
  1. I am a classic Indian dessert made from deep-fried milk solids or khoya. After frying, I am soaked in a sweet syrup flavored with cardamom and rose water and sometimes garnished with almonds or cashews. Who am I?
  2. Also known as ‘Bombay Burger’, I am a famous vegetarian street food dish of Maharashtra. The popular dish consists of a deep-fried potato dumpling inside a soft bread bun accompanied by chutneys and green chili peppers. I am also known as ‘Bombay Burger’. Who am I?
  3. I am a well-liked triangular Indian street snack with a soft, delicious inside and a crispy shell. I'm delicious whether loaded with potato, peas, or just cottage cheese. Who am I?
  4. I am sometimes called a traditional Indian ice cream, a frozen dairy dessert that comes in many flavours ranging from saffron and mango to vanilla and rose.

8 Clues: I am an icon of South Indian food. I am a thin pancake made with lentil and rice flour batter, usually served with chutney or sambar.I am sometimes called a traditional Indian ice cream, a frozen dairy dessert that comes in many flavours ranging from saffron and mango to vanilla and rose....

Riddles frenzy 2024-08-29

Riddles frenzy crossword puzzle
  1. One who solve crimes
  2. story or excuse a suspect uses to try and prove their innocence.
  3. A machine used to harm someones Person who confesses in court case
  4. The internal framework of the body.
  1. The character who is
  2. that connects a suspect to a crime
  3. the middle of chaos.
  4. glass Helps see objects not. big enough for the human eye

8 Clues: the middle of chaos.The character who isOne who solve crimesthat connects a suspect to a crimeThe internal framework of the body.glass Helps see objects not. big enough for the human eyestory or excuse a suspect uses to try and prove their innocence.A machine used to harm someones Person who confesses in court case

Audrey's 12th Birthday 2024-01-09

Audrey's 12th Birthday crossword puzzle
  1. this party date marks the third Saturday of January,
  2. Audrey's ____ at 8804 Mandalay Court
  3. the party doesn't have to end should you choose to stay
  4. people who wish to celebrate Audrey's birthday
  5. o'clock starts the fun
  6. ______ (Audrey's Mom)can be reached at 989-292-0278
  1. the age Audrey is celebrating
  2. this party is all about ______:pieces must be put in place and riddles must be solved
  3. a yummy meal served in the morning before girls get picked up
  4. the amazing circular dessert for Audrey's guests
  5. a circular food with toppings, many or few, to be shared
  6. tell us if we should expect you no later than the 13th of January

12 Clues: o'clock starts the funthe age Audrey is celebratingAudrey's ____ at 8804 Mandalay Courtpeople who wish to celebrate Audrey's birthdaythe amazing circular dessert for Audrey's guests______ (Audrey's Mom)can be reached at 989-292-0278this party date marks the third Saturday of January,the party doesn't have to end should you choose to stay...

atn Wiki Crossword 2024-05-03

atn Wiki Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. / Where Meg worked prior
  2. / Rob’s icebreaker before atn
  1. / number of pods
  2. / Created the wiki

4 Clues: / number of pods/ Created the wiki/ Where Meg worked prior/ Rob’s icebreaker before atn

An 'le' Crossword (all the answers are 'le' words) 2015-03-24

An 'le' Crossword (all the answers are 'le' words) crossword puzzle
  1. A type of gun.
  2. A fruit that can be red or green.
  3. Bad kids get into _____.
  4. It's used on a horses back.
  5. An onion is a _____.
  6. A baby plays with it.
  7. Horses live in them.
  8. A type of laugh.
  9. Kid love jokes and _____.
  10. People do this in rugby or football.
  11. The runner pulled a ____ in his leg.
  12. It is used to sew.
  13. You eat dinner around a _____.
  14. I can = I am ____.
  1. He stood on the _____ of the circle.
  2. It's on a birthday cake.
  3. To write untidily.
  4. The name of a book or movie is the ____.
  5. I like ____ eggs.
  6. An yellow Australian flower.
  7. A car, truck or bus is a _____.
  8. The opposite of lady is a ___man.
  9. You make it out of sand.
  10. A round shape.
  11. Lions and tigers are found in the ______.
  12. My father's brother is my ______.
  13. A short story that teaches a lesson is a f____.

27 Clues: A type of gun.A round shape.A type of laugh.I like ____ eggs.To write untidily.It is used to sew.I can = I am ____.An onion is a _____.Horses live in them.A baby plays with it.It's on a birthday cake.Bad kids get into _____.You make it out of sand.Kid love jokes and _____.It's used on a horses back.An yellow Australian flower....

Ready Player One Crossword 2023-05-10

Ready Player One Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The name of Halliday's avatar in the OASIS
  2. The main character of the book
  3. A famous OASIS blogger and Wade's love interest
  4. The name of the company that created the OASIS
  5. The language class Wade takes in high school
  6. What players wear on their hands to feel things
  7. What avatars decipher to get clues
  8. Three things that need to be found to find the egg
  9. What the first key was made out of
  10. What players wear in order to enter the OASIS
  1. What the second key was made out of
  2. What the third key was made out of
  3. The place the final gate was located
  4. Wade's best friend in the OASIS
  5. What needs to be found to inherit Halliday's will
  6. What people call egg hunters in the OASIS
  7. The man that created the OASIS before dying
  8. The name of the head of IOI
  9. The name of the planet with all of the schools
  10. The corporate company that's exploiting the egg hunt

20 Clues: The name of the head of IOIThe main character of the bookWade's best friend in the OASISWhat the third key was made out ofWhat avatars decipher to get cluesWhat the first key was made out ofWhat the second key was made out ofThe place the final gate was locatedWhat people call egg hunters in the OASISThe name of Halliday's avatar in the OASIS...

Room 11 2023-06-04

Room 11 crossword puzzle
  1. Most on WOW board
  2. Has a cousin in room 14
  3. Won money for Mrs. Ruelas errors
  4. Kind to new students
  5. Was in Mrs. Hugar's for 3rd grade
  6. Saw Mrs. Ruelas bike riding
  7. Amazing artist
  8. Knows how to knit
  9. Newest Shull Shark
  10. Has been to Paris
  11. Has lots of perseverance
  12. Is a big helper
  13. Tells jokes and riddles
  1. Lives in Mrs. Ruelas's neighborhood
  2. Went to Mrs. Becerra for math
  3. Super hard worker
  4. Loves to play
  5. Can speak Spanish
  6. Has a twin
  7. Goes by a nickname
  8. Older sibling had Mrs. Ruelas for 4th
  9. Careful and considerate Student
  10. Was told on a lot for sharing
  11. Went to school in another state
  12. Was told on a lot for being nice
  13. Plays with Shannon
  14. Won a second place at the fair
  15. Has a little brother and sister
  16. Likes chickens
  17. Loves to read
  18. First year at Shull
  19. Plays with Rosalie

32 Clues: Has a twinLoves to playLoves to readAmazing artistLikes chickensIs a big helperMost on WOW boardSuper hard workerCan speak SpanishKnows how to knitHas been to ParisGoes by a nicknamePlays with ShannonNewest Shull SharkPlays with RosalieFirst year at ShullKind to new studentsHas a cousin in room 14Tells jokes and riddlesHas lots of perseverance...

The Hobbit crossword puzzle 2024-04-14

The Hobbit crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Leader of the Dwarf group
  2. Dragon who lived in the Lonely Mountain
  3. Thorin and Company come here for refuge
  4. Grey Wizard
  5. Thorin and Company were first captured by three things
  6. Bilbo and Gollum tell each other these when the meet
  7. Orc who led the Goblin Army during the battle of the five armies
  8. Author of the book "The Hobbit"
  9. The other name for the Lonely Mountain
  10. First Dwarf to visit Bilbo at his home
  1. Thorin and Company go through this gnarled, dark forest
  2. The butler who works at the Inn Thorin and Company stayed at
  3. Second Dwarf to die during the battle of the five armies
  4. This town was destroyed and had their wealth stolen
  5. Name of Bilbo's sword
  6. Character who was in possession of the One Ring
  7. Thorin and Company were secondly captured by these things
  8. Bilbo left this place to begin his journey
  9. Hobbit who joined Gandalf to slay the dragon
  10. He killed Smaug and became the king of Dale

20 Clues: Grey WizardName of Bilbo's swordLeader of the Dwarf groupAuthor of the book "The Hobbit"The other name for the Lonely MountainFirst Dwarf to visit Bilbo at his homeDragon who lived in the Lonely MountainThorin and Company come here for refugeBilbo left this place to begin his journeyHe killed Smaug and became the king of Dale...

Tim & Janelle 2024-07-16

Tim & Janelle crossword puzzle
  1. Town where we will live
  2. Name of our church
  3. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something. . .
  4. Flavor of the fancy wedding cake
  5. Tim's favorite soda
  6. Janelle's favorite dessert
  7. Tim's biggest fear
  8. Destination of the honeymoon
  9. Tim's favorite pie dessert
  10. What did Janelle study at the U of M?
  11. How many siblings we have combined
  12. Sports activity Tim loves to do
  13. Janelle's favorite drink
  14. Instrument Janelle plays
  1. Color of Tim's eyes
  2. Building where Janelle had her first job
  3. Avenue where we will first live
  4. Janelle's favorite fruit
  5. Store where the wedding rings were purchased
  6. Month when Tim proposed
  7. What did Tim study at Dordt?
  8. Location of their first trip
  9. Name of our cat
  10. Name of Tim's childhood dog
  11. Number of bedrooms in the parsonage
  12. Tim's birthday month
  13. Janelle's maiden name
  14. Janelle's favorite board game
  15. Number of dresses Janelle tried on
  16. Town where they first met

30 Clues: Name of our catName of our churchTim's biggest fearColor of Tim's eyesTim's favorite sodaTim's birthday monthJanelle's maiden nameTown where we will liveMonth when Tim proposedJanelle's favorite fruitJanelle's favorite drinkInstrument Janelle playsTown where they first metJanelle's favorite dessertTim's favorite pie dessert...

The Hobbit Crossword Puzzle 2022-05-22

The Hobbit Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A small village in the Shire where Bilbo lived
  2. The main protagonist of the story
  3. A community of men upon the Long Lake
  4. The slayer of the dragon Smaug who lived in Esgaroth
  5. A city near the Lonely Mountain formerly ruled by Girion Lord
  1. A forest known for evil happenings inside which the Elven-king's realm is situated
  2. The creature with whom Bilbo played riddles and won who finally led poor Bilbo find the Ring
  3. The place where Thorin Oakenshield and Company first visited in their journey
  4. A term used for wolves of Middle-earth
  5. A place free from the happenings of Middle-earth
  6. The master of Rivendell

11 Clues: The master of RivendellThe main protagonist of the storyA community of men upon the Long LakeA term used for wolves of Middle-earthA small village in the Shire where Bilbo livedA place free from the happenings of Middle-earthThe slayer of the dragon Smaug who lived in EsgarothA city near the Lonely Mountain formerly ruled by Girion Lord...

The Hobbit Crossword puzzle 2021-03-03

The Hobbit Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. One of the transportations used during the adventure
  2. An Important dwarf that starts with a "B"
  3. Bilbo's home
  4. A character that can turn itself into a bear
  5. The weapon that killed Smaug
  6. King of the elves
  7. Most prized object by Thorin
  8. Killed Smaug
  9. A sword that Thorin uses
  10. The kings of the orcs
  11. What Bilbo is
  12. A dwarf that holds 2 axes in battle
  13. The city of the elves
  14. A big and lazy dwarf
  1. Died in the story
  2. A river that would make you asleep from drinking it
  3. A city for the humans
  4. THe ring that Bilbo uses to become invisible (Twowords)
  5. The brother of Thorin
  6. A wizard
  7. The first obstacle they reached during the adventure
  8. THe leader of laketown at first
  9. Monsters that brought the dwarves into Goblin Town
  10. Played riddles with Bilbo
  11. A hobbit, main character
  12. Wolf like animals in the story
  13. Defeated by Bard

27 Clues: A wizardBilbo's homeKilled SmaugWhat Bilbo isDefeated by BardDied in the storyKing of the elvesA big and lazy dwarfA city for the humansThe brother of ThorinThe kings of the orcsThe city of the elvesA sword that Thorin usesA hobbit, main characterPlayed riddles with BilboThe weapon that killed SmaugMost prized object by Thorin...

Happy National Crossword Puzzle Day 2021-12-21

Happy National Crossword Puzzle Day crossword puzzle
  1. Nickel, dime, quarter
  2. mushrooms and frogs
  3. "I'm not Ethan"
  4. Elephants!
  5. Flags. I love them.
  6. Want me to bust out some breakdancing moves?
  7. Monday
  8. Late or absent? I'll take care of the bubble.
  9. Flag expert.
  10. I have twin sisters and a blue coat.
  11. Give me a wall with rocks and I'll climb it!
  12. I have many, many riddles up my sleeve.
  1. I have a pink bookbag with lots of accessories.
  2. Mojo
  3. What do we need for math today?
  4. I recently got a dog named Coco
  5. Herschel Supply Company
  6. I have 2 sisters and I love baseball.
  7. I have a bro who has the same name as someone in 306.
  8. Too bad I'm a Red Sox fan
  9. Palanca Power!
  10. I have glasses and sit facing the leveled baskets
  11. I have a red coat and awesome glasses.
  12. I started the year with long hair, now it's short!

24 Clues: MojoMondayElephants!Flag expert.Palanca Power!"I'm not Ethan"mushrooms and frogsFlags. I love them.Nickel, dime, quarterHerschel Supply CompanyToo bad I'm a Red Sox fanWhat do we need for math today?I recently got a dog named CocoI have twin sisters and a blue coat.I have 2 sisters and I love baseball.I have a red coat and awesome glasses....

Criss-cross through London 2022-10-10

Criss-cross through London crossword puzzle
  1. headquarters of the Metropolitan Police
  2. monument crossing the river Thames
  3. home of the world most famous "consulting detective"
  4. don't forget the tissues when you watch the movie
  5. "Siehst du den Mond über ???" - "Ich sehe ihn!"
  6. a stele that helped to solve linguistic riddles
  7. official London residence of the Prince of Wales
  8. famous wax museum
  9. a 72-storey skyscraper
  10. administrative headquarters of the monarch of the UK
  1. Europe's tallest cantilevered observation wheel
  2. nickname for the Great Bell of a famous striking clock
  3. "Finally facing my ???"
  4. famous burial site of englisch and british monarchs
  5. building that houses the parliament
  6. historical castle near the river Thames
  7. Omnia Omnibus Ubique
  8. district formerly known for a greyhound-racing track
  9. the hogwarts express starts here
  10. second-longest river in UK
  11. many premières have been held there
  12. we miss her deeply
  13. a popular hot dish
  14. traditional British dessert served on Cristmas Eve
  15. major park in Westminster

25 Clues: famous wax museumwe miss her deeplya popular hot dishOmnia Omnibus Ubiquea 72-storey skyscraper"Finally facing my ???"major park in Westminstersecond-longest river in UKthe hogwarts express starts heremonument crossing the river Thamesbuilding that houses the parliamentmany premières have been held thereheadquarters of the Metropolitan Police...

Recreação e Passatempos 2019-08-21

Recreação e Passatempos crossword puzzle
  1. (dáis) - dados
  2. games (cárd guéims) - jogo de baralho
  3. (sáikling) - ciclismo
  4. (compiúting) - informática
  5. (skálpting) - escultura
  6. (márbls) - bolinhas de gude
  7. (párachuting) - pára-quedismo
  8. (bóuling) - boliche
  9. (mauntiníiring) - alpinismo
  10. (pót-jóuling) - caldeirão
  11. (dróing) - desenho
  12. (kanúing) - canoagem
  13. (engréiving) - gravação
  14. (sínging) - canto
  15. (dárts) - jogo de dardos
  16. (skéiting) - patinação
  17. games (vídiu guéims) - 'video game'
  18. puzzle (dchíg-so pásl) - quebra-cabeças
  19. (dóminous) - dominó
  20. (sóuing) - costura
  21. (péinting) - pintura
  1. (hánting) - caça
  2. (dáncing) - dança
  3. (chékers) - damas
  4. (cámping) - acampamento
  5. (háng gláiding) - asa delta
  6. (kúking) - cozinha
  7. (póteri) - cerâmica
  8. (fotógrafí) - fotografía
  9. (físhing) - pesca
  10. (rídls) - adivinhação
  11. puzzle (crós-uérd pásl) - jogo de palavras cruzadas
  12. collecting (stámp colékting) - coleção de selos
  13. (gámbling) - jogos de azar
  14. (embróideri) - bordado
  15. riding (hórsbak ráiding) - equitação
  16. (bréintísers) - adivinhação
  17. (cárpintri) - carpintaria
  18. (bíliards) - bilhar
  19. (ríiding) - leitura
  20. (dchóguing) - corrida
  21. (níting) - tricô
  22. (gárdening) - jardinagem
  23. (sérfing) - surfe
  24. (háiking) - caminhada
  25. (ióga) - ioga
  26. (chés) - xadrez
  27. (skíng) - esqui
  28. (púul) - sinuca

49 Clues: (ióga) - ioga(dáis) - dados(chés) - xadrez(skíng) - esqui(púul) - sinuca(hánting) - caça(níting) - tricô(dáncing) - dança(chékers) - damas(físhing) - pesca(sínging) - canto(sérfing) - surfe(kúking) - cozinha(dróing) - desenho(sóuing) - costura(póteri) - cerâmica(bóuling) - boliche(bíliards) - bilhar(ríiding) - leitura(dóminous) - dominó...

Crossword of Riddles 2015-09-23

Crossword of Riddles crossword puzzle
  1. Mary’s father has 5 daughters – Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughters name?
  2. hey come out at night without being called, and are lost in the day without being stolen. What are they?
  3. I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?
  4. Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?
  5. What travels around the world but stays in one spot?
  6. What has hands but can not clap?
  1. What comes down but never goes up?
  2. What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it?
  3. What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
  4. What starts with the letter “t”, is filled with “t” and ends in “t”?
  5. What goes up but never comes down?
  6. What can you catch but not throw?

12 Clues: What has hands but can not clap?What can you catch but not throw?What comes down but never goes up?What goes up but never comes down?What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it?What travels around the world but stays in one spot?What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?...

OMM Chapter 5 2023-06-06

OMM Chapter 5 crossword puzzle
  1. what did the hobbit found on the ground?
  2. who is winning in the riddle gaming?
  3. what does Gollum have to allow him to cross the lake?
  4. what did Bilbo lose as he slipped through the back door?
  5. what does Gollum call himself?
  6. the last question the hobbit ask that ends their mind game: What is in my ______
  1. what game are they playing?
  2. was Gollum going to keep his part of the bargain?
  3. what happens to the person who wears the ring?
  4. who is the creature living on the underground lake?
  5. who got separated from the rest of the company?
  6. where did the company escaped from? the _____ town
  7. what is the answer to the last riddle ask by Gollum?
  8. what did Gollum accused the hobbit of?

14 Clues: what game are they playing?what does Gollum call himself?who is winning in the riddle gaming?what did Gollum accused the hobbit of?what did the hobbit found on the ground?what happens to the person who wears the ring?who got separated from the rest of the company?was Gollum going to keep his part of the bargain?...

St. Patrick's Day Crossword 2024-03-04

St. Patrick's Day Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. nonsense or misleading talk
  2. capital of the Republic of Ireland
  3. a form of verse, usually humorous, with 5 lines and an AABBA rhyme scheme
  4. Irish writer and 1922 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature
  5. patron saint of Ireland, engineers, and paralegals
  6. culture group that includes Irish and Scottish
  1. type of Irish dance
  2. capital of Northern Ireland
  3. symbol of Irish mythology and Catholic history, said to represent the holy trinity
  4. St. Patrick was said to rush these animals out of Ireland
  5. a four leaf clover gives you ____
  6. character of Irish folklore associated with gold and rainbows
  7. musical intrument said to have been stolen from the Irish God Dagda, who used it to order the seasons

13 Clues: type of Irish dancecapital of Northern Irelandnonsense or misleading talka four leaf clover gives you ____capital of the Republic of Irelandculture group that includes Irish and Scottishpatron saint of Ireland, engineers, and paralegalsSt. Patrick was said to rush these animals out of Ireland...

Puzzle - 11: Hobbies and Interests 2023-10-15

Puzzle - 11: Hobbies and Interests crossword puzzle
  1. The hobby of identifying and observing birds.
  2. The hobby of constructing miniature replicas.
  3. A pursuit where you capture moments with a camera.
  4. A craft that involves cutting and pasting paper.
  5. The collection of postage stamps as a hobby.
  6. A pursuit where you explore the great outdoors.
  7. The practice of arranging and displaying collectibles.
  8. The art of folding paper into various shapes.
  9. The collection and study of coins.
  10. A leisure activity of creating visual art with colors.
  11. A hobby of solving riddles and brain-teasers.
  1. A hobby that involves flying small, remote-controlled aircraft.
  2. The collection and study of antique and rare books.
  3. A hobby that involves solving crossword puzzles.
  4. The hobby of collecting and trading small, decorative items.
  5. A leisure activity of making models from plastic kits.
  6. A pastime where you knit and purl with needles.
  7. An activity involving the arrangement of flowers.
  8. A pastime where you solve puzzles to escape a room.
  9. A relaxing pastime of completing grid-based puzzles.

20 Clues: The collection and study of coins.The collection of postage stamps as a hobby.The hobby of identifying and observing birds.The hobby of constructing miniature replicas.The art of folding paper into various shapes.A hobby of solving riddles and brain-teasers.A pastime where you knit and purl with needles....

Riddle Crossword 2021-08-27

Riddle Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What has hands but can't clap?
  2. What gets bigger when more is taken away?
  3. The more of this there is, the less you see. What is it?
  4. What can travel around the world without leaving it's corner?
  5. What goes up and down but never moves?
  6. what belongs to you but others use it more?
  7. I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t hold me for five minutes. What am I?
  8. What gets wetter and wetter the more you dry it?
  1. What has a head and tale but no body?
  2. What can you catch but not throw?
  3. What has words but never speaks?
  4. What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?
  5. What has legs but does not walk?
  6. what is in this crossword?
  7. What goes up but never comes down?

15 Clues: what is in this crossword?What has hands but can't clap?What has words but never speaks?What has legs but does not walk?What can you catch but not throw?What goes up but never comes down?What has a head and tale but no body?What goes up and down but never moves?What gets bigger when more is taken away?what belongs to you but others use it more?...


  1. three riddles taro lovely grandmother solved this
  2. the place where taro and his village lived
  3. the wise character in this story
  4. farewells all family send this thing to their relatives except taro
  1. he doesnt have a family so he doesnt now how to be follow to peaple
  2. the headman told to send age above this age
  3. the only thing ,in that villagers get food

7 Clues: the wise character in this storythe place where taro and his village livedthe only thing ,in that villagers get foodthe headman told to send age above this agethree riddles taro lovely grandmother solved thishe doesnt have a family so he doesnt now how to be follow to peaplefarewells all family send this thing to their relatives except taro

The Hobbit, Chapter 1-6 2021-10-13

The Hobbit, Chapter 1-6 crossword puzzle
  1. The dwarf Bilbo holds onto while they are being carried
  2. These were buried not far from the track by the river after the troll encounter
  3. Bilbo loses all of these
  4. The name of the valley where Elrond lives
  5. This many dwarves came for tea
  6. The name of the evil wolves
  7. The dwarves will cover the cost for one of these if the journey goes wrong
  1. Bilbo wishes he was eating this instead of meat on a stick
  2. It has roots nobody sees, is taller than trees, goes up and up and never grows
  3. The trolls are bored of eating this
  4. Bilbo and Gollum tell these to each other
  5. The name of Bilbo's hobbit-hole
  6. The Foe-hammer, worn by the king of Gondolin
  7. Gollum's birthday present

14 Clues: Bilbo loses all of theseGollum's birthday presentThe name of the evil wolvesThis many dwarves came for teaThe name of Bilbo's hobbit-holeThe trolls are bored of eating thisBilbo and Gollum tell these to each otherThe name of the valley where Elrond livesThe Foe-hammer, worn by the king of Gondolin...

Taro and his Grandmother 2019-09-10

Taro and his Grandmother crossword puzzle
  1. the one to work as a farmer
  2. the one to send the riddles
  1. the one to solve all the riddles

3 Clues: the one to work as a farmerthe one to send the riddlesthe one to solve all the riddles

Jeanette and Flavio’s Riddles 2023-10-23

Jeanette and Flavio’s Riddles crossword puzzle
  1. Known for its trees and wolverines, J&F almost moved to this town just before the pandemic struck
  2. New Zealand’s team is famous in this sport that Flavio attempted to play at Oakland University
  3. Their collection of these items does not fit into their ladder shelf anymore
  4. What did Jeanette offer Flavio to ask him out?
  5. J&F have visited many of these in the US, and hope to check off more in the years to come
  6. Probably their most played game, but most importantly the one with the biggest box
  1. Flavio didn’t really pick up his sense of fashion from this city where he was born
  2. Savory, soft, and yellow, this dish will always lift up Jeanette’s spirit
  3. Where did Jeanette and Flavio meet?
  4. This round dumpling is so cute Disney made a short about it, it’s also a nickname Jeanette has used for Flavio
  5. The coldest body of fresh water J&F have swam in
  6. The day J&F exchanged vows, also Jeanette’s lucky number
  7. Where did Jeanette and Flavio get engaged?
  8. Minus the thumb, that’s how many undergrad classes J&F have had together
  9. This instrument had to be carefully hauled over the steps leading up their home
  10. Jeanette is a big advocate of this type of mail

16 Clues: Where did Jeanette and Flavio meet?Where did Jeanette and Flavio get engaged?What did Jeanette offer Flavio to ask him out?Jeanette is a big advocate of this type of mailThe coldest body of fresh water J&F have swam inThe day J&F exchanged vows, also Jeanette’s lucky numberMinus the thumb, that’s how many undergrad classes J&F have had together...

Haunted Carnival Riddles 2021-02-25

Haunted Carnival Riddles crossword puzzle
  1. a point of view.
  2. capable of bending easily without breaking.
  3. rain falling rapidly and in huge quantities.
  4. strengthen or support (an object or substance), especially with additional material.
  5. another word for deaths.
  1. reduce (a building or place) to a state of decay, collapse, or disintegration.
  2. suppose that something is the case on the basis of probability.
  3. huge
  4. sudden increase in the # of cases of a disease.
  5. a giant wave created by underwater earthquakes.
  6. a thing with distinct and independent existence.

11 Clues: hugea point of view.another word for deaths.capable of bending easily without breaking.rain falling rapidly and in huge quantities.sudden increase in the # of cases of a disease.a giant wave created by underwater earthquakes.a thing with distinct and independent existence.suppose that something is the case on the basis of probability....

Skid City Riddles 2022-10-03

Skid City Riddles crossword puzzle
  1. "Mumbai"
  2. "Locking" NFT for returns
  3. ____ rat mafia
  4. The #1 "Value"
  5. wen _____?
  1. "Claiming" your NFT
  2. "Mainnet"
  3. Founder of "Pixelated" NFT
  4. Founder of Apocalytpic Apes
  5. A community center
  6. Skid

11 Clues: Skid"Mumbai""Mainnet"wen _____?____ rat mafiaThe #1 "Value"A community center"Claiming" your NFT"Locking" NFT for returnsFounder of "Pixelated" NFTFounder of Apocalytpic Apes

Vocab List #8 2022-10-05

Vocab List #8 crossword puzzle
  1. She was very ___ when Mickey Mouse showed up on screen.
  2. The class was ___ when working together, they gave me a headache!
  3. We saw a ___ house when going to the park.
  4. I had to ___ her for the killing of Mia.
  5. Emily's ___ at the death of her sister affected friends and family.
  6. He had so much ___ that almost the whole school would gather around him.
  1. Why was your cat so ___ against me?
  2. Olivia's friends always ___ her with their riddles.
  3. Liam's face has a ___ look to it.
  4. The science assignment was so ___ to the point that I almost gave up.
  5. The ___ was gladly giving $1000+ dollars to charity.
  6. The ___ offer was explained well but not believable.

12 Clues: Liam's face has a ___ look to it.Why was your cat so ___ against me?I had to ___ her for the killing of Mia.We saw a ___ house when going to the park.Olivia's friends always ___ her with their riddles.The ___ was gladly giving $1000+ dollars to charity.The ___ offer was explained well but not believable....

Bilbo's Crossword 2023-02-16

Bilbo's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What creatures turn to stone in the sunlight?
  2. Who killed the dragon with an arrow?
  3. What turns the user invisible when it is worn?
  4. Who dies in the battle of the five armies?
  5. Who is the chief of the ravens?
  6. Who is the main character of the hobbit?
  7. What is the name of the dragon that destroyed lake town?
  1. Who is the shapeshifter that feeds the dwarfs?
  2. What does Biblo put the dwarfs in to escape from the elfs?
  3. Who is the wizard that helps free the dwarfs from the goblins?
  4. What does Bilbo name his sword?
  5. What is the name of the creature that does riddles with Bilbo?

12 Clues: What does Bilbo name his sword?Who is the chief of the ravens?Who killed the dragon with an arrow?Who is the main character of the hobbit?Who dies in the battle of the five armies?What creatures turn to stone in the sunlight?Who is the shapeshifter that feeds the dwarfs?What turns the user invisible when it is worn?...

Curiosity 2023-11-19

Curiosity crossword puzzle
  1. Euphoria Experiencing euphoria through the thrill of exploration.
  2. Quasar A celestial force propelling questions into the unknown.
  3. Wave Riding the waves of whimsical curiosity and discovery.
  4. Vortex Spiraling into exciting ventures of curiosity and wonder.
  5. Insight Gaining insight through the lens of endless questions.
  6. Cascade A flowing cascade of questions, sparking exploration.
  1. Parade Marching through the parade of puzzles with curiosity.
  2. Impulse The impulsive drive to be captivated by the unknown.
  3. Quotient The measure of excitement in seeking new adventures.
  4. Pinnacle Reaching the peak of exploration through questioning.
  5. Mingle Mingling with fascination in the world of the unknown.
  6. Search Sparking a search for knowledge through curiosity.
  7. Whirl A spinning sensation of eager interest and discovery.
  8. Essence The mysterious essence that fuels the desire to unravel.
  9. Rally Participating in a rally of riddles and wonder.

15 Clues: Rally Participating in a rally of riddles and wonder.Search Sparking a search for knowledge through curiosity.Wave Riding the waves of whimsical curiosity and discovery.Whirl A spinning sensation of eager interest and discovery.Impulse The impulsive drive to be captivated by the unknown.Parade Marching through the parade of puzzles with curiosity....

Burlingame Homeroom 2023-01-06

Burlingame Homeroom crossword puzzle
  1. her uncle is a filmmaker
  2. he knows a lot of facts and riddles
  3. he likes the chiefs and has a short last name
  4. she loves to ski
  5. just got his ear pierced
  6. he likes the chiefs and has a long last name
  7. she has long hair and a brother in fourth grade
  8. she loves to draw
  9. she got a new dog over winter break
  1. she just recently came to HP and has a sister in fourth grade
  2. he has a black chihuahua
  3. she has glasses a little sister in first grade
  4. she has a little sister in first grade and a name twin
  5. she has glasses and is the teacher's assistant
  6. she has a step brother in class
  7. she went to her uncle's over winter break
  8. she got a phone for Christmas
  9. Mrs. Burlingame held him as a baby
  10. she leaves at 2:30 everyday and has a sister in fifth grade

19 Clues: she loves to skishe loves to drawher uncle is a filmmakerhe has a black chihuahuajust got his ear piercedshe got a phone for Christmasshe has a step brother in classMrs. Burlingame held him as a babyhe knows a lot of facts and riddlesshe got a new dog over winter breakshe went to her uncle's over winter break...

Mind games 2023-07-21

Mind games crossword puzzle
  1. A word puzzle where you fill in the answers based on clues.
  2. Remembering and recalling things you've learned or seen.
  3. A puzzle with hidden words to find in a grid of letters.
  4. Tricky questions or puzzles that require clever answers.
  5. Using reasoning and thinking to solve problems.
  1. Deciphering codes and secret messages using clues.
  2. Paying careful attention to details and what's happening.
  3. A number puzzle game with a 9x9 grid and specific rules.
  4. Planning and making smart moves to win games.
  5. A strategic board game where players move pieces to capture the king.
  6. Games Fun activities that challenge your brain and thinking skills.

11 Clues: Planning and making smart moves to win games.Using reasoning and thinking to solve problems.Deciphering codes and secret messages using clues.A number puzzle game with a 9x9 grid and specific rules.Remembering and recalling things you've learned or seen.A puzzle with hidden words to find in a grid of letters....