school Crossword Puzzles

SCHOOL 2023-08-26

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. žák
  2. přestávka
  3. třída
  4. učitel/ka
  5. občanská výchova
  6. vyučovací hodina
  1. předmět
  2. zeměpis
  3. oběd
  4. uniforma
  5. - rozvrh hodin
  6. dějepis

12 Clues: žákobědtřídapředmětzeměpisdějepisuniformapřestávkaučitel/ka- rozvrh hodinobčanská výchovavyučovací hodina

School 2023-09-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. drama
  2. club
  3. PE
  4. handball
  5. afterschool
  1. art
  2. basketball
  3. school
  4. break
  5. uniform
  6. ICT
  7. English

12 Clues: PEartICTclubdramabreakschooluniformEnglishhandballbasketballafterschool

School 2022-11-28

School crossword puzzle
  1. ucitelka
  2. pero
  3. pravitko
  4. novy
  5. lepidlo
  6. kniha
  7. guma
  8. stary
  1. case pouzdro
  2. stul
  3. zidle
  4. tuzka
  5. destnik

13 Clues: stulperonovygumazidletuzkaknihastarylepidlodestnikucitelkapravitkocase pouzdro

School 2022-10-31

School crossword puzzle
  1. Where all school supplies is carried
  2. Where we go in to learn
  3. What we use to write in ink
  4. Used to measure something
  5. the instructor
  6. Where all our work is put away
  1. Where you sit
  2. You can read them
  3. You use it to write with
  4. Where you go check out books
  5. used when mistakes have been made
  6. You write on it

12 Clues: Where you sitthe instructorYou write on itYou can read themWhere we go in to learnYou use it to write withUsed to measure somethingWhat we use to write in inkWhere you go check out booksWhere all our work is put awayused when mistakes have been madeWhere all school supplies is carried

School 2022-05-04

School crossword puzzle
  1. Teatro
  2. laboratory Laboratorio di tecnologia
  3. nLaboratory Laboratorio di scienze
  4. segreteria
  1. mensa
  2. classroom aula informatica
  3. Archivio
  4. Cortile
  5. lim aula lim
  6. bagno
  7. workshop laboratorio di arte
  8. classe

12 Clues: mensabagnoTeatroclasseCortileArchiviosegreterialim aula limclassroom aula informaticaworkshop laboratorio di artenLaboratory Laboratorio di scienzelaboratory Laboratorio di tecnologia

School 2024-09-25

School crossword puzzle
  1. a mark
  2. a subject in which you make experiments
  3. the head teacher
  4. for example maths, art, history
  5. you can cheat on it
  6. to study before a test
  1. when you do something bad and stay after school
  2. task that you have to do at home, and bring it back to school
  3. you have to learn for them
  4. the process of learning and teaching at school
  5. when you are looking at your classmate's test
  6. a lesson plan

12 Clues: a marka lesson planthe head teacheryou can cheat on itto study before a testyou have to learn for themfor example maths, art, historya subject in which you make experimentswhen you are looking at your classmate's testthe process of learning and teaching at schoolwhen you do something bad and stay after school...

school 2024-10-23

school crossword puzzle
  1. the class where you use a lot of numbers
  2. the class where you get buff
  3. when you get to eat food
  4. basically study hall but for bhs
  5. the class where you learn about old people hundreds of years ago
  6. the other class where you can learn a different language
  1. one of the classes where you learn a different language
  2. the class you have to be in to do ffa
  3. the class where you read and write
  4. the class where you learn how to sing
  5. the class where you learn how to draw
  6. the class where you learn about how life works

12 Clues: when you get to eat foodthe class where you get buffbasically study hall but for bhsthe class where you read and writethe class you have to be in to do ffathe class where you learn how to singthe class where you learn how to drawthe class where you use a lot of numbersthe class where you learn about how life works...

School 2024-10-31

School crossword puzzle
  1. More than lazy
  2. made a knot
  3. More than one pony
  4. holding something
  5. More than one monkey
  6. lonely + ness
  1. hurry
  2. worrying
  3. to delay
  4. Rely present tense
  5. past of marry
  6. making a knot

12 Clues: hurryworryingto delaymade a knotpast of marrymaking a knotlonely + nessMore than lazyholding somethingRely present tenseMore than one ponyMore than one monkey

school 2024-10-31

school crossword puzzle
  1. if you need help with your feelings you see this person
  2. study of life
  3. la clasé where you learn about the past
  4. where you preform
  5. were tú comes en escuela
  6. matemáticas, ingles, ciencias
  7. where tú comes en escuela
  1. secretary’s clasé are there
  2. if you in trouble you see this person
  3. leer y ingles clasé
  4. espanol, english, francés
  5. clasé where you use chemicals

12 Clues: study of lifewhere you preformleer y ingles claséwere tú comes en escuelaespanol, english, francéswhere tú comes en escuelasecretary’s clasé are thereclasé where you use chemicalsmatemáticas, ingles, cienciasif you in trouble you see this personla clasé where you learn about the pastif you need help with your feelings you see this person

Central Islip Schools 2023-09-15

Central Islip Schools crossword puzzle
  1. __________ Avenue School
  2. Andrew T. _________ School
  3. The holiday that school is closed for on September 25th
  4. Full name of your school (including punctuation)
  5. The town you go to school in
  6. Francis J. __________ School
  7. Your Assistant Principal's last name
  8. The type of computer the school provided to you
  1. The amount of credits you need to graduate high school (spell the number without spaces)
  2. Your building Principal's last name
  3. Marguerite ________ Elementary School
  4. The school mascot
  5. The Superintendent's Last name
  6. The google classroom code for the Principal's page
  7. The state you live in
  8. Your Home and Career Teacher's last name
  9. Your Assistant Principal's last name
  10. Charles A. ________ School
  11. The school colors are gold and ______
  12. The number of regents exams you must pass to earn a Regents Diploma
  13. Anthony __________School

21 Clues: The school mascotThe state you live in__________ Avenue SchoolAnthony __________SchoolAndrew T. _________ SchoolCharles A. ________ SchoolThe town you go to school inFrancis J. __________ SchoolThe Superintendent's Last nameYour building Principal's last nameYour Assistant Principal's last nameYour Assistant Principal's last name...

School 2015-03-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. je meet er hoeken mee
  2. om dingen mee uit te gummen
  3. je schrijft je huiswerk er in
  4. hier staan je lestjden op
  5. je schrijft er dingen mee op & onuitgumbaar
  1. je rekent er dingen mee uit
  2. gebruik je om o.a. te tekenen
  3. je bewaard er al je spullen in
  4. je tekent er rondjes mee
  5. je zoekt er dingen op op
  6. je schrijft er dingen in
  7. een tas die je op je rug doet

12 Clues: je meet er hoeken meeje tekent er rondjes meeje zoekt er dingen op opje schrijft er dingen inhier staan je lestjden opje rekent er dingen mee uitom dingen mee uit te gummengebruik je om o.a. te tekenenje schrijft je huiswerk er ineen tas die je op je rug doetje bewaard er al je spullen inje schrijft er dingen mee op & onuitgumbaar

School 2015-12-02

School crossword puzzle
  1. you can measure anything
  2. saspraude
  3. you can put you document in (computer option)
  4. valodniecisks
  5. skavotājs
  6. eseja
  1. kopmītnes
  2. you can erase with that pencil
  3. kāda saspraude?)
  4. teacher write there with flomasters
  5. disertācija
  6. zinātne

12 Clues: esejazinātnekopmītnessaspraudeskavotājsdisertācijavalodnieciskskāda saspraude?)you can measure anythingyou can erase with that pencilteacher write there with flomastersyou can put you document in (computer option)

school 2023-02-07

school crossword puzzle
  1. you can sit in it
  2. is just like jail
  3. carry it class to class
  4. taste good
  5. is cute and fluffy
  6. is cuteeee and hot
  1. was stolen
  2. is like a jail cell
  3. is you
  4. best den leader
  5. carrys binder
  6. is stupid

12 Clues: is youis stupidwas stolentaste goodcarrys binderbest den leaderyou can sit in itis just like jailis cute and fluffyis cuteeee and hotis like a jail cellcarry it class to class

School 2022-04-16

School crossword puzzle
  1. карандаш
  2. школьная сумка
  3. окно
  4. доска
  5. ластик
  1. учебник
  2. класс
  3. линейка
  4. ручка
  5. стол
  6. стул
  7. дверь

12 Clues: столстулокноклассручкадверьдоскаластикучебниклинейкакарандашшкольная сумка

School 2022-04-16

School crossword puzzle
  1. стол
  2. доска
  3. класс
  4. ручка
  5. дверь
  6. карандаш
  1. школьная сумка
  2. учебник
  3. окно
  4. стул
  5. ластик
  6. линейка

12 Clues: столокностулдоскаклассручкадверьластикучебниклинейкакарандашшкольная сумка

SCHOOL 2023-01-06

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. You can learn about foreign language
  2. Where students can buy food
  3. Where students learn music
  4. Where students can borrow books
  5. You can learn about plants and animals
  6. You can learn numbers
  1. Who teaches you at school
  2. Where students can play at break time
  3. You can use it to draw picture
  4. You write your lesson in it
  5. Students can put books, notebooks, pens.... in it
  6. You can sing a song

12 Clues: You can sing a songYou can learn numbersWho teaches you at schoolWhere students learn musicWhere students can buy foodYou write your lesson in itYou can use it to draw pictureWhere students can borrow booksYou can learn about foreign languageWhere students can play at break timeYou can learn about plants and animals...

School 2023-01-10

School crossword puzzle
  1. In Break Area
  2. Writing
  3. Loud Noises
  4. Have to do iready on
  5. Easy To Kick
  1. Begone Mistakes
  2. Makes Something More Dangerous
  3. Snip-Snip
  4. A Splash Of Color
  5. Easy To Throw
  6. A Place To Store Books
  7. Numbers

12 Clues: WritingNumbersSnip-SnipLoud NoisesEasy To KickIn Break AreaEasy To ThrowBegone MistakesA Splash Of ColorHave to do iready onA Place To Store BooksMakes Something More Dangerous

School 2023-02-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. you write with this
  2. bus A bus that gets you to school
  3. the teacher writes on it
  4. Each teacher has their own …… (math, english, PE)
  5. A thing that we sit on
  6. We measure things with it(geometry)
  7. You write notes in it
  1. A thing that you store your pencils, scissors, glue stick, ect… in
  2. A person that is in charge of the whole school
  3. A room where we learn things
  4. A time when we can eat talk(5 minutes)
  5. A Super good app, where we had lessons in the quarantine

12 Clues: you write with thisYou write notes in itA thing that we sit onthe teacher writes on itA room where we learn thingsbus A bus that gets you to schoolWe measure things with it(geometry)A time when we can eat talk(5 minutes)A person that is in charge of the whole schoolEach teacher has their own …… (math, english, PE)...

School 2023-02-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. something you hear when recess end’s
  2. a public transport you take to school
  3. a place where we eat
  4. something you sit on at school
  5. An application where we learned when we where home during the quarantine
  1. a place where you learn
  2. place where you get books
  3. a thing where you write your notes
  4. electronic that we use every day
  5. a person who teaches you stuff
  6. something you write with every day
  7. something you get after completing a test

12 Clues: a place where we eata place where you learnplace where you get booksa person who teaches you stuffsomething you sit on at schoolelectronic that we use every daya thing where you write your notessomething you write with every daysomething you hear when recess end’sa public transport you take to schoolsomething you get after completing a test...

School 2023-02-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. a place where you can put your notebooks and other school stuff
  2. a headmaster of a school
  3. a mark indicating the quality of a student's work
  4. a book where you can solve problems
  5. a person who teaches other people
  6. a series of questions and problems on a pice of paper
  1. a room where troublemakers are punished
  2. a person who learns and studies at a school
  3. a time when students can prepare for another subject and eat their snacks
  4. a place where students can eat
  5. a regularly scheduled period in the school day for physical activity
  6. a thing where you can write on a wall

12 Clues: a headmaster of a schoola place where students can eata person who teaches other peoplea book where you can solve problemsa thing where you can write on a walla room where troublemakers are punisheda person who learns and studies at a schoola mark indicating the quality of a student's worka series of questions and problems on a pice of paper...

school 2023-04-30

school crossword puzzle
  1. type of barometer that measures air pressure
  2. belonging to a community that moves its animals from place to place
  3. a particular part or aspect of something
  4. violent uncontrollable anger
  5. a veicle driven by electricity
  6. spin quickly and lightly round
  1. a subtle difference in meaning,sound or color
  2. a noisy quarrel
  3. a man or body
  4. a large deer that lives in north of Europe Asia and north America
  5. very bad or unpleasant
  6. the fruit of the oak tree

12 Clues: a man or bodya noisy quarrelvery bad or unpleasantthe fruit of the oak treeviolent uncontrollable angera veicle driven by electricityspin quickly and lightly rounda particular part or aspect of somethingtype of barometer that measures air pressurea subtle difference in meaning,sound or color...

SCHOOL 2017-02-28

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. Here you keep your pens, pencils, rubber, etc.
  2. It is a sphere and you can see all the countries of the world.
  3. You can choose books from here.
  4. It is green and we use a chalk to write in.
  5. You use them to paint.
  1. It is a little object that you use when your pencil doesn't write.
  2. You use it to search words that you don't know.
  3. When you make a mistake, you need it.
  4. We use it to watch videos and do interactive activities.
  5. You can use this in Maths to do operations.
  6. To join or past two things.
  7. Here you copy and do your exercises or homework.

12 Clues: You use them to paint.To join or past two things.You can choose books from here.When you make a mistake, you need it.You can use this in Maths to do operations.It is green and we use a chalk to write in.Here you keep your pens, pencils, rubber, etc.You use it to search words that you don't know.Here you copy and do your exercises or homework....

School 2020-05-03

School crossword puzzle
  1. agree
  2. time
  3. too
  4. fair
  5. unfair
  1. chat
  2. hard
  3. complicated
  4. detention
  5. according to
  6. very
  7. work (noun)

12 Clues: toochathardtimeveryfairagreeunfairdetentioncomplicatedwork (noun)according to

school 2020-11-11

school crossword puzzle
  1. what you learn in
  2. what you can play outside
  3. subject
  4. what you wear to school
  5. what islanders so
  6. what you can read or write on
  1. who you can hangout with
  2. haka what maori people usually do
  3. what you do in class
  4. what you can play on
  5. what you wear n your feet
  6. who teach's you

12 Clues: subjectwho teach's youwhat you learn inwhat islanders sowhat you do in classwhat you can play onwhat you wear to schoolwho you can hangout withwhat you can play outsidewhat you wear n your feetwhat you can read or write onhaka what maori people usually do

School 2021-05-18

School crossword puzzle
  1. definitely
  2. sprightliness
  3. loss of muscle function in body
  4. opposite of longitude
  5. disorganised
  6. circuit
  1. frequent and common
  2. itch or rash
  3. attractive or pleasing to look at
  4. placing or positioning
  5. ready to be used or gettable
  6. relaxed

12 Clues: relaxedcircuitdefinitelyitch or rashdisorganisedsprightlinessfrequent and commonopposite of longitudeplacing or positioningready to be used or gettableloss of muscle function in bodyattractive or pleasing to look at

School 2022-10-31

School crossword puzzle
  1. This class involves labs.
  2. you do physical actives.
  3. you learn the language of the nation below us.
  4. they teach the students.
  5. you have students in there and they learn.
  6. you learn the past.
  1. you use this to write.
  2. you write boring long essays and read.
  3. they are responsible for the school.
  4. you write on it.
  5. you draw in the class.
  6. Its one of the five core subjects for school.

12 Clues: you write on learn the use this to draw in the do physical actives.they teach the students.This class involves labs.they are responsible for the write boring long essays and have students in there and they learn.Its one of the five core subjects for school....

school 2018-02-18

school crossword puzzle
  1. bag place for teaching people under college age
  2. a slender tube of wood, containing a thin piece of graphite, used for writing or drawing
  3. a work printed on sheets of paper bound together within covers
  4. an electronic device designed for performing operations on data at high speed
  5. one who is formally engaged in studying, learning, or training at a school.
  6. a seat, esp. for one person, usually having four legs for support and a rest for the back
  7. a piece of furniture consisting of a flat top supported on one or more legs
  1. one instance or an example of the occurrence of something
  2. a sheet of smooth material, esp. dark slate, used for writing with chalk
  3. mere nonsense; foolish talk or ideas.
  4. a person who teaches or instructs,
  5. such an opening with its frame, sashes, and panes of glass

12 Clues: a person who teaches or instructs,mere nonsense; foolish talk or ideas.bag place for teaching people under college ageone instance or an example of the occurrence of somethingsuch an opening with its frame, sashes, and panes of glassa work printed on sheets of paper bound together within covers...

school 2019-04-01

school crossword puzzle
  1. you sit on it
  2. the morning you go in
  3. you draw with it
  4. teacher write on
  5. you stick with it
  6. you´re learning from it
  7. you write with it
  1. you use it in geometry
  2. you make circle with it
  3. you wear books in it
  4. you open it when you're hot
  5. you rub out pencil

12 Clues: you sit on ityou draw with itteacher write onyou stick with ityou write with ityou rub out pencilyou wear books in itthe morning you go inyou use it in geometryyou make circle with ityou´re learning from ityou open it when you're hot

school 2019-04-16

school crossword puzzle
  1. to hold all of your books and papers on the bus
  2. to hold all of your papers
  3. what you play on during recess
  4. how you get from home to school with other kids
  5. to write with
  6. to color with
  7. to get rid of pencil
  8. to cut with
  1. what you use to help you solve a math problem
  2. who helps you learn
  3. to write on
  4. what you read from

12 Clues: to write onto cut withto write withto color withwhat you read fromwho helps you learnto get rid of pencilto hold all of your paperswhat you play on during recesswhat you use to help you solve a math problemto hold all of your books and papers on the bushow you get from home to school with other kids

School 2019-04-16

School crossword puzzle
  1. to write with
  2. to cut with
  3. to get rid of pencil
  4. what you play on during recess
  5. what you use to help you solve a math problem
  1. to color with
  2. who helps you learn
  3. what you read from
  4. to hold all of your books and papers on the bus
  5. to hold all of your papers
  6. to write on
  7. how you get from home to school with other kids

12 Clues: to cut withto write onto color withto write withwhat you read fromwho helps you learnto get rid of pencilto hold all of your paperswhat you play on during recesswhat you use to help you solve a math problemto hold all of your books and papers on the bushow you get from home to school with other kids

School 2023-06-25

School crossword puzzle
  1. The study of the natural world, including experiments, observations, and understanding how things work. It explores the wonders of nature.
  2. Physical activities and games that promote fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanship.
  3. The study of numbers, shapes, and patterns. It helps students develop problem-solving skills and logical thinking.
  4. A place in school filled with books, where students can borrow and read.
  5. Assignments given by teachers to reinforce learning outside the classroom.
  6. The art of sound and rhythm.
  7. A straight measuring tool used to draw straight lines and measure lengths.
  1. A room where students gather to learn and study.
  2. A tool used to remove mistakes or incorrect markings made with a pencil.
  3. An outdoor area in school with equipment and space for students to play and have recreational activities.
  4. Creative activities that involve drawing, painting, and crafting.
  5. A writing instrument used to write and draw. They have a graphite or lead core and can be sharpened when needed.

12 Clues: The art of sound and rhythm.A room where students gather to learn and study.Creative activities that involve drawing, painting, and crafting.A tool used to remove mistakes or incorrect markings made with a pencil.A place in school filled with books, where students can borrow and read....

School 2023-06-26

School crossword puzzle
  1. A writing instrument with a graphite core used for writing and drawing.
  2. An evaluation or assessment of a student's knowledge or skills.
  3. A person who attends school to learn and acquire knowledge.
  4. A bag worn on the back to carry books, supplies, and personal belongings.
  5. Assignments and tasks given by teachers to be completed at home.
  6. A room in a school where students and teachers gather for lessons.
  1. A break or free time during the school day for students to play and relax.
  2. A book used for learning and studying various subjects in school.
  3. A piece of furniture with a flat surface where students can sit and work.
  4. A person who instructs and guides students in their learning journey.
  5. A seat with a backrest, used for sitting at a desk or table.
  6. A book with blank or lined pages for students to write and take notes.

12 Clues: A person who attends school to learn and acquire knowledge.A seat with a backrest, used for sitting at a desk or table.An evaluation or assessment of a student's knowledge or skills.Assignments and tasks given by teachers to be completed at home.A book used for learning and studying various subjects in school....

school 2023-07-20

school crossword puzzle
  1. карандаш
  2. цветные карандаши
  3. пластик
  4. школа
  5. ученик
  6. краски
  1. ножницы
  2. пенал
  3. ручка
  4. портфель
  5. линейка
  6. книга

12 Clues: пеналручкакнигашколаучениккраскиножницыпластиклинейкакарандашпортфельцветные карандаши

School 2023-09-12

School crossword puzzle
  1. to force sb to leave a country,school,club,etc
  2. To use your strenght or power to hurt or frighten sb who is weaker or to make them do sth
  3. an area of land where children can play
  4. to stay away from school without permissions
  5. to use physical strenght,guns,weapons against sb
  6. a board on a wall for putting written information where everyone can read it
  1. to act in a dishonest or unfair way in order to get an advantage for yourself
  2. the punishment of being kept at school for a time after other students have gone home
  3. there is a ban on mobile phones in the classroom
  4. i'm having lunch in the school canteen today
  5. we play rugby on the school field
  6. the teacher in charge of a school

12 Clues: we play rugby on the school fieldthe teacher in charge of a schoolan area of land where children can playi'm having lunch in the school canteen todayto stay away from school without permissionsto force sb to leave a country,school,club,etcthere is a ban on mobile phones in the classroomto use physical strenght,guns,weapons against sb...

School 2023-10-12

School crossword puzzle
  1. chair
  2. pen
  3. sharpener
  4. book
  5. clock
  6. crayon
  7. ruler
  1. whiteboard
  2. desk
  3. pencil
  4. map
  5. globe

12 Clues: penmapdeskbookchairglobeclockrulerpencilcrayonsharpenerwhiteboard

School 2023-10-21

School crossword puzzle
  1. библиотека
  2. скучать
  3. наука
  4. носить (одежду)
  5. страна
  1. одежда
  2. спортзал
  3. кабинет (взрослого)
  4. новый
  5. вечеринка, праздник
  6. кушать
  7. старый

12 Clues: новыйнаукаодеждакушатьстранастарыйскучатьспортзалбиблиотеканосить (одежду)кабинет (взрослого)вечеринка, праздник

School 2024-04-12

School crossword puzzle
  1. you write on
  2. a class where you paint and draw
  3. something that you write with
  4. a class where you sing and play instruments
  5. a class where you learn about you body
  6. a class where you play sports
  1. a class where you use a calculator
  2. a class where you eat food
  3. a class where you learn a different language
  4. a class where you read and write
  5. a class where you learn about the world
  6. a class where you do experiments

12 Clues: you write ona class where you eat foodsomething that you write witha class where you play sportsa class where you read and writea class where you paint and drawa class where you do experimentsa class where you use a calculatora class where you learn about you bodya class where you learn about the worlda class where you sing and play instruments...

School 2024-11-04

School crossword puzzle
  1. the head of a school
  2. a type of English class
  3. place where people work
  4. where people eat food
  5. where science class happens
  1. what people speak
  2. class about the study of life
  3. where people walk from class to class
  4. science involving chemicals
  5. where performances are played
  6. a math class about long equations
  7. a language spoken somewhere in Europe

12 Clues: what people speakthe head of a schoolwhere people eat fooda type of English classplace where people workscience involving chemicalswhere science class happensclass about the study of lifewhere performances are playeda math class about long equationswhere people walk from class to classa language spoken somewhere in Europe

School 2024-11-12

School crossword puzzle
  1. You eat at this time
  2. This has a lot of words
  3. You might pass a footballing this
  4. Play outside
  5. Your teacher's name
  6. You write with this
  1. This is in the library and has a lot of books
  2. You cut with this
  3. This place has a lot of books
  4. Numbers are used in this
  5. This gets rid of pencil marks
  6. You might play boom whackers

12 Clues: Play outsideYou cut with thisYour teacher's nameYou write with thisYou eat at this timeThis has a lot of wordsNumbers are used in thisYou might play boom whackersThis place has a lot of booksThis gets rid of pencil marksYou might pass a footballing thisThis is in the library and has a lot of books

School 2025-01-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. stránka
  2. podlaha
  3. otázka
  4. příběh
  5. rozumět
  1. abeceda
  2. poslouchat
  3. hřiště
  4. tabule
  5. hodina
  6. slovo
  7. dveře

12 Clues: slovodveřehřištětabulehodinaotázkapříběhabecedastránkapodlaharozumětposlouchat

At School: à l'école 2024-10-20

At School: à l'école crossword puzzle
  1. female school principal
  2. middle school student(male)
  3. male grade school student
  4. laptop
  5. hallway
  6. window
  7. backpack
  8. office/teacher's desk
  9. pen
  10. door
  11. teacher
  12. school bag
  13. library
  14. notebook
  15. university
  16. wall clock
  17. homework
  18. high school
  19. pencil sharpner
  20. computer
  21. hole puncher
  1. gym
  2. custodian
  3. middle school
  4. stapler
  5. chair
  6. chalkboard
  7. locker
  8. female grade school student
  9. eraser
  10. highlighter
  11. school
  12. pencil case
  13. paper
  14. male school principal
  15. middle school student (female)
  16. desk
  17. cupboad/ cabinet
  18. book
  19. timetable
  20. exam/test
  21. playground
  22. pencil

43 Clues: gympendoordeskbookchairpaperlaptoplockereraserwindowschoolpencilstaplerhallwayteacherlibrarybackpacknotebookhomeworkcomputercustodiantimetableexam/testchalkboardschool baguniversitywall clockplaygroundhighlighterpencil casehigh schoolhole punchermiddle schoolpencil sharpnercupboad/ cabinetoffice/teacher's deskmale school principal...

school 2016-01-08

school crossword puzzle
  1. spieken
  2. 48 procent
  3. leren
  4. hulpmiddel om af te kijken tijdens de examens
  5. de baas van de school
  1. markeert
  2. test van je vorige les
  3. na je 6 middelbaar
  4. bus of auto om naar de school te gaan
  5. ontspanning
  6. LO
  7. overzicht van dagen

12 Clues: LOlerenspiekenmarkeert48 procentontspanningna je 6 middelbaaroverzicht van dagende baas van de schooltest van je vorige lesbus of auto om naar de school te gaanhulpmiddel om af te kijken tijdens de examens

School 2017-08-29

School crossword puzzle
  1. Not getting hurt
  2. An object students use to write
  3. When students are doing what they are told to do
  4. A school most people go to after high school
  5. When students are able to talk to other students
  6. When you are able to use your imagination
  7. A subject students go to, to learn subtraction
  1. When someone is able to tell you something or take your word for something
  2. When students are able to work with other students
  3. When students are able to not do something inappropriate
  4. Something you need to write in for different subjects
  5. When you are able to think outside the box

12 Clues: Not getting hurtAn object students use to writeWhen you are able to use your imaginationWhen you are able to think outside the boxA school most people go to after high schoolA subject students go to, to learn subtractionWhen students are doing what they are told to doWhen students are able to talk to other students...

School 2018-02-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. sillä voi piirtää
  2. sillä voi piirtää tarkasti
  3. siinä on kyniä
  4. niillä voi piirtää
  5. sillä voi pyyhkiä
  6. sitä voi lukea
  7. sillä tehdään viivoja
  1. sillä voi soittaa
  2. sillä voi piirtää paksusti
  3. niillä voi leikata
  4. siihen voi tehdä muistiin panoja
  5. sillä voi teroittaa

12 Clues: siinä on kyniäsitä voi lukeasillä voi soittaasillä voi piirtääsillä voi pyyhkiäniillä voi leikataniillä voi piirtääsillä voi teroittaasillä tehdään viivojasillä voi piirtää paksustisillä voi piirtää tarkastisiihen voi tehdä muistiin panoja

school 2018-02-18

school crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of furniture consisting of a flat top supported on one or more legs
  2. an electronic device designed for performing operations on data at high speed
  3. such an opening with its frame, sashes, and panes of glass
  4. a slender tube of wood, containing a thin piece of graphite, used for writing or drawing
  5. one who is formally engaged in studying, learning, or training at a school.
  6. one instance or an example of the occurrence of something
  7. a work printed on sheets of paper bound together within covers
  1. a sheet of smooth material, esp. dark slate, used for writing with chalk
  2. a person who teaches or instructs,
  3. mere nonsense; foolish talk or ideas.
  4. a seat, esp. for one person, usually having four legs for support and a rest for the back
  5. bag place for teaching people under college age

12 Clues: a person who teaches or instructs,mere nonsense; foolish talk or ideas.bag place for teaching people under college ageone instance or an example of the occurrence of somethingsuch an opening with its frame, sashes, and panes of glassa work printed on sheets of paper bound together within covers...

school 2018-02-23

school crossword puzzle
  1. an item that you can write with and erase
  2. a book for writing notes
  3. a written or printed series of pages put together
  4. a piece of writing(usually a test)
  5. a person that teaches in a school
  1. where you carry your lunch
  2. a thing you take when your in the middle of a chapter like a test
  3. a book used to study a subject
  4. an item that you can write with but not erase
  5. what you carry your things in
  6. what you write on
  7. a thing you take at the end of chapters

12 Clues: what you write ona book for writing noteswhere you carry your lunchwhat you carry your things ina book used to study a subjecta person that teaches in a schoola piece of writing(usually a test)a thing you take at the end of chaptersan item that you can write with and erasean item that you can write with but not erase...

School 2018-03-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. i hold your bikes
  2. you use me after play
  3. you measure with me
  4. you do your work with me
  5. i tell you when to do things
  6. i tell you off when you are naughty
  1. you write with me
  2. i help you spell
  3. i wear a orange vest
  4. i tell you when its the end of play
  5. you need a licence to use me
  6. i tell the time

12 Clues: i tell the timei help you spellyou write with mei hold your bikesyou measure with mei wear a orange vestyou use me after playyou do your work with mei tell you when to do thingsyou need a licence to use mei tell you when its the end of playi tell you off when you are naughty

School 2013-01-16

School crossword puzzle
  1. joonlaud
  2. suutma, oskama, võima, tohtima
  3. kool
  4. arvama, mõtlema
  5. tõesti, tõepoolest
  6. kustukumm
  7. lugema
  1. töövihik
  2. pinal
  3. terane, tark
  4. nemad
  5. kirjutama

12 Clues: koolpinalnemadlugematöövihikjoonlaudkirjutamakustukummterane, tarkarvama, mõtlematõesti, tõepoolestsuutma, oskama, võima, tohtima

school 2014-09-22

school crossword puzzle
  1. pen
  2. scissors
  3. ruler
  4. dictionary
  5. bag
  6. rubber
  1. book
  2. marker
  3. pencil
  4. pencil case
  5. diary
  6. glue

12 Clues: penbagbookgluediaryrulermarkerpencilrubberscissorsdictionarypencil case

School 2014-06-04

School crossword puzzle
  1. you need to drink a lot of it in hot weather
  2. footwear
  3. a piece of clothes you wear when you swim
  4. a sandy place to lie in the sun
  5. eating in the backyard
  6. usually the favourite seaso for everyone
  1. more than 30 degrees
  2. a gadget to put in beer
  3. conditioning an equipment in the house to cool down
  4. delicious fruit you can eat at the beginning of summer
  5. salty water
  6. the biggest planet

12 Clues: footwearsalty waterthe biggest planetmore than 30 degreeseating in the backyarda gadget to put in beera sandy place to lie in the sunusually the favourite seaso for everyonea piece of clothes you wear when you swimyou need to drink a lot of it in hot weatherconditioning an equipment in the house to cool down...

School 2014-08-29

School crossword puzzle
  1. whiteboard
  2. paperclips
  3. typ ex
  4. schaar
  1. woordenboek
  2. potlood
  3. stift
  4. etui
  5. perforator
  6. kladblok
  7. nietmachine
  8. liniaal

12 Clues: etuistifttyp exschaarpotloodliniaalkladblokwhiteboardpaperclipsperforatorwoordenboeknietmachine

School 2014-10-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. iiiiiiii iiiiiii
  2. yyyyyyyyyy nnnnnnn
  3. iiiiiiiiiii nnnnnnn
  4. bbbb tttttttt
  5. uuu rrrrrrrrr
  6. mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm
  1. bbbbbb yyyyyyyyy
  2. iiiii yyyyyyy
  3. iiiiiiii iiiiiiiii
  4. uuuu tttttt
  5. bbbbbbbbbb bbbbb
  6. iiiii ttttt

12 Clues: uuuu ttttttiiiii tttttiiiii yyyyyyybbbb ttttttttuuu rrrrrrrrrbbbbbb yyyyyyyyyiiiiiiii iiiiiiibbbbbbbbbb bbbbbiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiyyyyyyyyyy nnnnnnniiiiiiiiiii nnnnnnnmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm

School 2021-02-10

School crossword puzzle
  1. обед
  2. физ-ра
  3. математика
  4. наука
  5. искусство
  6. география
  7. история
  1. школа
  2. школьный предмет
  3. английский
  4. французский
  5. завтрак
  6. обед

13 Clues: обедобедшколанаукафиз-разавтракисторияискусствогеографияанглийскийматематикафранцузскийшкольный предмет

school 2021-09-03

school crossword puzzle
  1. where you play at a special time
  2. where you learn
  3. travel to and from school
  4. where you eat lunch
  5. lets you travel through the building
  1. person who cleans the building
  2. print with words and a cover
  3. big room for games involving balls
  4. where the principal is found
  5. a place to rent books
  6. where all of this happens
  7. room sometimes in building for studying science

12 Clues: where you learnwhere you eat luncha place to rent bookstravel to and from schoolwhere all of this happensprint with words and a coverwhere the principal is foundperson who cleans the buildingwhere you play at a special timebig room for games involving ballslets you travel through the buildingroom sometimes in building for studying science

School 2022-04-19

School crossword puzzle
  1. desk
  2. classroom
  3. chalkboard
  4. history
  5. gym
  6. backpack
  1. science
  2. math
  3. marker
  4. paper
  5. book
  6. pencil

12 Clues: gymdeskmathbookpapermarkerpencilsciencehistorybackpackclassroomchalkboard

School 2022-02-16

School crossword puzzle
  1. ученик
  2. стул
  3. парта
  4. коробка
  5. ластик
  6. урок
  7. линейка
  1. доска
  2. ручка
  3. портфель
  4. учитель
  5. карандаш

12 Clues: стулурокдоскаручкапартаученикластикучителькоробкалинейкапортфелькарандаш

school 2021-07-09

school crossword puzzle
  1. to write with, it needs ink
  2. to write with, needs sharpening.
  3. what you do at home.
  4. also called grade
  5. room where students sit.
  1. the person who imparts knowledge
  2. what teachers write on, could be green.
  3. teachers write with this on the blackboard
  4. the subject with numbers
  5. that which tells the time.
  6. a language commonly spoken in goa and the west coast.
  7. who does the accounts for the porvorim english primary school.

12 Clues: also called gradewhat you do at home.the subject with numbersroom where students sit.that which tells the write with, it needs inkthe person who imparts knowledgeto write with, needs sharpening.what teachers write on, could be green.teachers write with this on the blackboarda language commonly spoken in goa and the west coast....

SCHOOL 2021-05-12

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. The worst language.
  2. "Royal" game.
  3. You get it from a test.
  4. Science about atoms.
  5. Table with all your lessons.
  1. 6 ... 2 is 3
  2. One of atoms, that water is made of.
  3. Activity with music.
  4. help before the ambulance arrives (write a dot between words)
  5. Sport with bow and arrows.
  6. First school (write a dot between words)
  7. You are doing it only on computers.

12 Clues: 6 ... 2 is 3"Royal" game.The worst language.Activity with music.Science about atoms.You get it from a test.Sport with bow and arrows.Table with all your lessons.You are doing it only on computers.One of atoms, that water is made of.First school (write a dot between words)help before the ambulance arrives (write a dot between words)

School 2019-10-24

School crossword puzzle
  1. читання
  2. дошка
  3. математика
  4. фізкультура
  5. Study природознавство
  1. англійська мова
  2. вікно
  3. українська мова
  4. Studies інформатика
  5. музика
  6. стіл
  7. малювання

12 Clues: стілвікнодошкамузикачитаннямалюванняматематикафізкультураанглійська моваукраїнська моваStudies інформатикаStudy природознавство

School 2020-02-12

School crossword puzzle
  1. an act of trying to achieve something
  2. have the intention of achieving
  3. a change or difference in condition
  4. the state of being crowded
  5. provided with funding by a particular organization
  1. the state or process of a species becoming extinct
  2. a small book or magazine containing pictures and information
  3. the action of returning something to a former state
  4. intense and eager enjoyment or interest
  5. check the progress or quality
  6. make (something) widely known
  7. start or set in motion

12 Clues: start or set in motionthe state of being crowdedcheck the progress or qualitymake (something) widely knownhave the intention of achievinga change or difference in conditionan act of trying to achieve somethingintense and eager enjoyment or interestthe state or process of a species becoming extinctprovided with funding by a particular organization...

school 2020-10-26

school crossword puzzle
  1. to eat
  2. to write with
  3. to erase
  4. to use on a whiteboard
  5. to keep us safe
  6. to count
  7. to keep thinking
  1. to smoosh things together
  2. to help you learn
  3. to help you measure
  4. to write in
  5. to cut

12 Clues: to eatto cutto eraseto countto write into write withto keep us safeto keep thinkingto help you learnto help you measureto use on a whiteboardto smoosh things together

school 2020-10-16

school crossword puzzle
  1. stylo
  2. ordinateur
  3. chaise
  4. trousse
  5. porte
  6. règle
  7. fenêtre
  1. professeur
  2. crayon
  3. ciseaux
  4. gomme
  5. élève

12 Clues: styloportegommeélèverèglecrayonchaiseciseauxtroussefenêtreprofesseurordinateur

school 2020-10-16

school crossword puzzle
  1. crayon
  2. chaise
  3. élève
  4. professeur
  5. gomme
  6. fenêtre
  1. règle
  2. stylo
  3. ciseaux
  4. ordinateur
  5. trousse
  6. porte

12 Clues: règlestyloélèvegommeportecrayonchaiseciseauxtroussefenêtreordinateurprofesseur

School 2023-02-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. We measure things with this(geometry)
  2. The person that is in charge of the whole school
  3. A room where we study
  4. A bus that gets you to school
  5. A time when we can eat, talk
  1. The teacher writes on it
  2. A thing in which you store your pencils, glue stick, scissors, ect…
  3. The thing that we sit on
  4. You write with this
  5. You write notes in this
  6. Each teacher has their own…… (math, english, PE)
  7. A super good app that we used during the quarantine

12 Clues: You write with thisA room where we studyYou write notes in thisThe teacher writes on itThe thing that we sit onA time when we can eat, talkA bus that gets you to schoolWe measure things with this(geometry)The person that is in charge of the whole schoolEach teacher has their own…… (math, english, PE)...

school 2023-03-28

school crossword puzzle
  1. it teaches you about physics
  2. you use it to write
  3. its what i get from learning
  4. a place where you gain education
  5. u use a pencil or a pen on it to write in it
  6. you have a chair next to it and you sit in the chair then you use the item in front of the chair to write and put things on top of it
  7. it involves numbers
  1. you can read it
  2. the person who is learning
  3. it involves computers
  4. its the language i am typing in right now
  5. the person teaching the students

12 Clues: you can read ityou use it to writeit involves numbersit involves computersthe person who is learningit teaches you about physicsits what i get from learninga place where you gain educationthe person teaching the studentsits the language i am typing in right nowu use a pencil or a pen on it to write in it...

school 2023-03-27

school crossword puzzle
  1. / the period of education that a child is in
  2. / education for kids between five and eleven
  3. / process of teaching and learning
  4. / quelification given for completing a university course
  5. / go regularly to a particular school
  6. / school where students live and study
  7. / education for kids between eleven and eighteen
  1. / skills, qualities or experience
  2. / student who is studying for their first university degree
  3. / be unsuccessful
  4. / when the classes end and the holidays begin
  5. / be successful

12 Clues: / be successful/ be unsuccessful/ skills, qualities or experience/ process of teaching and learning/ go regularly to a particular school/ school where students live and study/ the period of education that a child is in/ education for kids between five and eleven/ when the classes end and the holidays begin...

school 2023-03-27

school crossword puzzle
  1. / the period of education that a child is in
  2. / education for kids between five and eleven
  3. / process of teaching and learning
  4. / qualification given for completing a university course
  5. / go regularly to a particular school
  6. / school where students live and study
  7. / education for kids between eleven and eighteen
  1. / skills, qualities or experience
  2. / student who is studying for their first university degree
  3. / be unsuccessful
  4. / when the classes end and the holidays begin
  5. / be successful

12 Clues: / be successful/ be unsuccessful/ skills, qualities or experience/ process of teaching and learning/ go regularly to a particular school/ school where students live and study/ the period of education that a child is in/ education for kids between five and eleven/ when the classes end and the holidays begin...

School 2023-11-17

School crossword puzzle
  1. its ability to designate an individual who does not have a disease as negative.
  2. the ratio of patients truly diagnosed as positive to all those who had positive test results
  3. to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning. More specifically, formative assessments: help students
  4. by obversing participants, without being involved
  1. by those being watched know of the fact.
  2. the probability that a person with a negative (normal) test result is truly free of disease.
  3. sets of written questions (multiple choice or short answer) that assess a learner's current knowledge base or current views on a topic/issue to be studied in the course.
  4. to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark.
  5. Where those don't know there being watched
  6. common assessments that are administered to students throughout the school year to monitor growth and achievement according to specific learning goals and academic standards.
  7. a test's ability to designate an individual with disease as positive
  8. The researchers immerses themselves in the social setting

12 Clues: by those being watched know of the fact.Where those don't know there being watchedby obversing participants, without being involvedThe researchers immerses themselves in the social settinga test's ability to designate an individual with disease as positiveits ability to designate an individual who does not have a disease as negative....

School 2023-09-12

School crossword puzzle
  1. to stay away from school without permission
  2. to force a student out of a school
  3. to use physical strenght against others
  4. where you study
  5. to damage someones property on purpose
  6. a book where you learn
  7. to use bad language
  1. an area of land where clidren can play
  2. to send a student to stay away from the school
  3. a list that shows the lessons
  4. where you eat
  5. a board on a wall that shows information

12 Clues: where you eatwhere you studyto use bad languagea book where you learna list that shows the lessonsto force a student out of a schoolan area of land where clidren can playto damage someones property on purposeto use physical strenght against othersa board on a wall that shows informationto stay away from school without permission...

school 2023-10-30

school crossword puzzle
  1. we can play games and watch movies on it.
  2. there are a lot of books in it.
  3. we can find many cities on it, but there aren't any in our classroom
  4. there are teachers working there
  5. some students sleep there at night.
  6. there is one in our classroom and teachers write on it in class.
  1. there are a lot of desks, chairs and a blackboard in it.
  2. everyone has some in his room, such as sofa, bed and table.
  3. students play games, run and jump there after class.
  4. teachers and students do experiments(实验) there.
  5. there are many in our classroom and we put our books on it.
  6. the school guards watch it all day.

12 Clues: there are a lot of books in it.there are teachers working therethe school guards watch it all day.some students sleep there at night.we can play games and watch movies on it.teachers and students do experiments(实验) there.students play games, run and jump there after class.there are a lot of desks, chairs and a blackboard in it....

School 2024-08-27

School crossword puzzle
  1. – гумка
  2. – парта
  3. – вчитель
  4. – домашнє завдання
  5. – книга
  6. – лінійка
  1. – зошит
  2. – класна кімната
  3. – дошка
  4. – олівець
  5. – учень
  6. – школа

12 Clues: – зошит– дошка– гумка– учень– парта– школа– книга– олівець– вчитель– лінійка– класна кімната– домашнє завдання

school 2024-05-08

school crossword puzzle
  1. mappar
  2. klocka
  3. dator
  4. hörlurar
  5. böcker
  6. stol
  1. lampa
  2. schema
  3. ryggsäck
  4. vecka
  5. penna
  6. bänk

12 Clues: bänkstollampaveckadatorpennamapparschemaklockaböckerryggsäckhörlurar

School 2024-10-31

School crossword puzzle
  1. holding something
  2. Rely present tense
  3. More than lazy
  4. made a knot
  5. More than one monkey
  6. worrying
  7. to delay
  1. hurry
  2. lonely + ness
  3. More than one pony
  4. making a knot
  5. past of marry

12 Clues: hurryworryingto delaymade a knotlonely + nessmaking a knotpast of marryMore than lazyholding somethingRely present tenseMore than one ponyMore than one monkey

school 2024-11-18

school crossword puzzle
  1. This instrument is key to success
  2. Math teacher; holler!
  3. The principle of our school
  4. ___ with a smile (Bruno Mars, Lady Gaga)
  5. Where the art show is located
  6. Another name for pigskin
  7. ASB President: Juna ___
  1. 5x + 2 = 27
  2. Our mascot
  3. Spicy chicken burger day
  4. English teacher; Lovely people
  5. This is the drama theater

12 Clues: Our mascot5x + 2 = 27Math teacher; holler!ASB President: Juna ___Spicy chicken burger dayAnother name for pigskinThis is the drama theaterThe principle of our schoolWhere the art show is locatedEnglish teacher; Lovely peopleThis instrument is key to success___ with a smile (Bruno Mars, Lady Gaga)

school 2024-12-02

school crossword puzzle
  1. LIBRO
  1. BANCO
  4. SEDIA
  6. PC
  7. PENNA


examwords 2014-12-01

examwords crossword puzzle
  1. desk
  2. fluency
  3. average
  4. physics
  5. dictionary
  6. erase
  7. history
  8. chemistry
  9. geography
  1. caretaker
  2. discussed
  3. school secondary school
  4. school public school
  5. primary school
  6. comprehensive school
  7. final
  8. principal's
  9. physical education
  10. careers adviser
  11. bullying
  12. oral
  13. attends
  14. notebook
  15. headmaster

24 Clues: deskoralfinalerasefluencyaveragephysicsattendshistorybullyingnotebookcaretakerdiscussedchemistrygeographydictionaryheadmasterprincipal'sprimary schoolcareers adviserphysical educationcomprehensive schoolschool public schoolschool secondary school

Lesson 5. Gakkou 2024-03-22

Lesson 5. Gakkou crossword puzzle
  1. elementary student
  2. middle school student
  3. scissors
  4. glue
  5. bag
  6. elementary school
  7. senior high school
  8. sellotape
  1. student
  2. eraser
  3. school
  4. teacher
  5. professor
  6. ruler
  7. stapler
  8. middle school
  9. pencil
  10. japanese school bag
  11. hole punch
  12. senior high school
  13. pen
  14. pencil sharpener

22 Clues: bagpengluerulereraserschoolpencilstudentteacherstaplerscissorsprofessorsellotapehole punchmiddle schoolpencil sharpenerelementary schoolelementary studentsenior high schoolsenior high schooljapanese school bagmiddle school student

Shri Crossword 2021-01-03

Shri Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What do guards check at the school gate?
  2. Total number of bus routes in school
  3. Name of the annual inter-school performing arts competition
  4. Colour of school sweater
  5. Number of sections per grade
  6. Brand of basketballs used by school
  7. Founder's month
  8. Name of rules stuck in every classroom
  9. Total number of grades in our school
  1. What are students of TSRS called?
  2. Body part we scan upon entering school
  3. Vasant Vihar was which TSRS campus to open?
  4. What was present before the MBR Hall?
  5. Location of lunch hall
  6. Location that has glow in the dark stickers in school
  7. First core value as listed on school website
  8. Colour of first stripe on school socks
  9. Colour of school logo background
  10. Colour of school notebooks
  11. Colour of white door earlier

20 Clues: Founder's monthLocation of lunch hallColour of school sweaterColour of school notebooksNumber of sections per gradeColour of white door earlierColour of school logo backgroundWhat are students of TSRS called?Brand of basketballs used by schoolTotal number of bus routes in schoolTotal number of grades in our school...

Types of High Schools 2022-03-31

Types of High Schools crossword puzzle
  1. An all-girl private high school
  2. You earn this to help pay for high school
  3. An example of a Charter school
  4. An example of a non-catholic high school
  5. Gateway Science Academy is an example of a
  6. Public school based on where you live
  7. Focus on STEM, Art, Academics, Medicine
  8. A school for boys and girls
  9. The program you enter when you graduate
  1. Worn at private schools
  2. Charter schools are funded by a
  3. Live here to go to magnet/charter schools
  4. Assigned a neighborhood school based on
  5. Private religion-based school
  6. A co-ed private high school
  7. You need this to be 2.5 for a scholarship
  8. You pay this at a private school
  9. You attend this at a Catholic school
  10. Neighborhood school in North City
  11. Magnet schools have a specific

20 Clues: Worn at private schoolsA co-ed private high schoolA school for boys and girlsPrivate religion-based schoolAn example of a Charter schoolMagnet schools have a specificCharter schools are funded by aAn all-girl private high schoolYou pay this at a private schoolNeighborhood school in North CityYou attend this at a Catholic school...

Happy birthday Tituš 2014-09-19

Happy birthday Tituš crossword puzzle
  1. town - an old part of our city with the church of St. Marco
  2. - first name of a writer our school got its name after
  3. - our hometown
  4. - a kind of party you give when you celebrate something
  5. - streets around your home
  6. - teaching staff
  7. facilities - playgrounds, courts, gym, equipement
  8. - rooms where schoolchildren learn at school
  9. canteen - place where you have your meal during break
  10. school - type of school, elementary
  11. - you lend books there
  1. - school principal
  2. - the name of our suburb
  3. - an adjective that describes the new part of our school
  4. - jubilee
  5. - task of every school
  6. - first occupation of a comedy writer our school was named after
  7. gym - indoor place where you have P.E. classes
  8. - surname of a writer our school got its name after
  9. school - type of secondary school

20 Clues: - jubilee- our hometown- teaching staff- school principal- task of every school- you lend books there- the name of our suburb- streets around your homeschool - type of secondary schoolschool - type of school, elementary- rooms where schoolchildren learn at schoolgym - indoor place where you have P.E. classes...

school 2021-06-03

school crossword puzzle
  1. juf
  2. bus
  3. school
  4. papier
  5. klassen
  6. werk
  1. lunch
  2. spel
  3. boek
  4. meister
  5. pen
  6. potlood

12 Clues: jufbuspenspelboekwerklunchschoolpapiermeisterpotloodklassen

school 2021-06-03

school crossword puzzle
  1. koptelefoon
  2. boeken
  3. lunch
  4. werkbladen
  1. muziek
  2. spellen
  3. bord wit bord
  4. juf
  5. potlood
  6. uniformen
  7. cafetaria
  8. bus

12 Clues: jufbuslunchmuziekboekenspellenpotlooduniformencafetariawerkbladenkoptelefoonbord wit bord

School 2022-09-13

School crossword puzzle
  1. математика
  2. словарь
  3. учебник
  4. скрепки
  5. доска
  1. расписание
  2. наука
  3. биология
  4. литература
  5. мелок
  6. атлас
  7. блокнот

12 Clues: наукамелокатласдоскасловарьблокнотучебникскрепкибиологиярасписаниематематикалитература

SCHOOL 2022-05-19

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. you put all your things in this
  2. what we study at IH
  3. you keep your pens and pencils in this
  4. lesson about the past
  1. lessons about countries
  2. 2+2=4
  3. lets sing together
  4. sports lesson
  5. lets draw pictures
  6. you write your own sentences in this
  7. lesson about computers
  8. Einstein was good at this

12 Clues: 2+2=4sports lessonlets sing togetherlets draw pictureswhat we study at IHlesson about the pastlesson about computerslessons about countriesEinstein was good at thisyou put all your things in thisyou write your own sentences in thisyou keep your pens and pencils in this

School 2022-11-18

School crossword puzzle
  1. something you write with
  2. something you write on
  3. seek first to __________ then be understood
  4. village ____
  5. put first things _____
  6. something you read with
  1. something you sit on
  2. some place you learn in
  3. be _________
  4. something you eat before or after recess
  5. _____ win-win
  6. sharpen the ___

12 Clues: be _________village _________ win-winsharpen the ___something you sit onsomething you write onput first things _____some place you learn insomething you read withsomething you write withsomething you eat before or after recessseek first to __________ then be understood

School 2020-05-26

School crossword puzzle
  1. Opposite of fair
  2. Person who transmits knowledge
  3. We write with it on blackboard
  4. You have a deadline to hand over homework
  5. Time without school
  6. A place where students learn in school
  7. Babysitting place
  1. You don’t listen the professor in class
  2. You have to learn for
  3. It is used to obtain a straight line
  4. Room in the school where physical activities are done
  5. In that class we learn about the past

12 Clues: Opposite of fairBabysitting placeTime without schoolYou have to learn forPerson who transmits knowledgeWe write with it on blackboardIt is used to obtain a straight lineIn that class we learn about the pastA place where students learn in schoolYou don’t listen the professor in classYou have a deadline to hand over homework...

School 2019-04-16

School crossword puzzle
  1. to get rid of pencil
  2. to write on
  3. to write with
  4. to hold all of your books and papers on the bus
  5. to cut with
  6. what you play on during recess
  1. what you read from
  2. who helps you learn
  3. what you use to help you solve a math problem
  4. to color to color with
  5. to hold all of your papers
  6. how you get from home to school with other kids

12 Clues: to write onto cut withto write withwhat you read fromwho helps you learnto get rid of pencilto color to color withto hold all of your paperswhat you play on during recesswhat you use to help you solve a math problemto hold all of your books and papers on the bushow you get from home to school with other kids

School 2019-09-17

School crossword puzzle
  1. Signals break
  2. Something you write on
  3. Boys and girls wear it
  4. Classroom instructer
  5. Students sit in it
  6. We use them for shade
  1. We write with them
  2. A form of test taking
  3. Instrument for measuring
  4. We do it at home
  5. You find them in the library
  6. An eating break

12 Clues: Signals breakAn eating breakWe do it at homeWe write with themStudents sit in itClassroom instructerA form of test takingWe use them for shadeSomething you write onBoys and girls wear itInstrument for measuringYou find them in the library

School 2020-04-09

School crossword puzzle
  1. you write on it in the classroom, it is big, it can be black, green or white
  2. a flower
  3. a place where children play, there is a slide, a swing and a roundabout
  4. children look at animals, plants and insects at this lesson
  5. a list of lessons you have every day
  6. children count and do sums in this lesson
  1. it is when children have fun between lessons
  2. they are colourful and children use them in art lessons
  3. not easy
  4. children use it to paint
  5. very good and fun
  6. children play the guitar or the piano in this lesson

12 Clues: not easya flowervery good and funchildren use it to painta list of lessons you have every daychildren count and do sums in this lessonit is when children have fun between lessonschildren play the guitar or the piano in this lessonthey are colourful and children use them in art lessonschildren look at animals, plants and insects at this lesson...

school 2021-01-20

school crossword puzzle
  1. this thing is what you use to use the bathroom in the middle school
  2. you need this to get into school and for lunch
  3. this is how you get to school
  4. you take this to school everyday
  5. you stand for this every morning
  6. you see these up on the wall of the school
  1. you need this to hold papers in for each class
  2. you need this daily to do work
  3. you need this for math
  4. you use these in class when your done with work
  5. you need these to charge you computer
  6. you see this in almost every class room

12 Clues: you need this for maththis is how you get to schoolyou need this daily to do workyou take this to school everydayyou stand for this every morningyou need these to charge you computeryou see this in almost every class roomyou see these up on the wall of the schoolyou need this to hold papers in for each class...

School 2021-01-19

School crossword puzzle
  1. very funny
  2. likes to colour
  3. likes playing with barbies
  4. playing with the dogs
  5. likes flowers
  6. likes to work in his work shop
  1. likes to knit
  2. likes to read
  3. likes hockey
  4. likes to work on his computer
  5. likes to watch TV
  6. likes dancing

12 Clues: very funnylikes hockeylikes to knitlikes to readlikes flowerslikes dancinglikes to colourlikes to watch TVplaying with the dogslikes playing with barbieslikes to work on his computerlikes to work in his work shop

school 2021-04-04

school crossword puzzle
  1. to writte in
  2. children use them to writte
  3. the information of the subject
  4. is to keep all the pens
  5. person that learns in the school
  6. to eliminate the pencil of a notebook
  1. person ho teatchs
  2. we use it in quarentine like a book
  3. book os science
  4. youu can see better the text
  5. activiti you are learning
  6. you can't whipe the ink out

12 Clues: to writte inbook os scienceperson ho teatchsis to keep all the pensactiviti you are learningchildren use them to writteyou can't whipe the ink outyouu can see better the textthe information of the subjectperson that learns in the schoolwe use it in quarentine like a bookto eliminate the pencil of a notebook

school 2021-10-24

school crossword puzzle
  1. something you use to write
  2. person that goes to school
  3. writing on it a white
  4. driving to school
  5. something you use to write on
  1. something you use for writing online
  2. something you sit on
  3. something you walkthrough
  4. person that teaches
  5. something you put paper on
  6. brings you inside
  7. something that teachers use for presenting.

12 Clues: driving to schoolbrings you insideperson that teachessomething you sit onwriting on it a whitesomething you walkthroughsomething you use to writeperson that goes to schoolsomething you put paper onsomething you use to write onsomething you use for writing onlinesomething that teachers use for presenting.

School 2021-11-04

School crossword puzzle
  1. a lesson that helps us to learn to count
  2. an object that we sit on
  3. a person that We learn from
  4. a very important person at school
  5. a thing that we put books on
  1. a lesson that we do experiments in
  2. a thing that we watch things on
  3. a language that we speak in England
  4. a place where we read books
  5. is an object that we write things with
  6. an object that we put our things in
  7. a lesson where we draw and color

12 Clues: an object that we sit ona person that We learn froma place where we read booksa thing that we put books ona thing that we watch things ona lesson where we draw and colora very important person at schoola lesson that we do experiments ina language that we speak in Englandan object that we put our things inis an object that we write things with...

School 2021-11-17

School crossword puzzle
  1. pizarra
  2. papel
  3. estudiante
  4. silla
  5. escritorio
  6. regla
  1. libro
  2. borrador
  3. lapiz
  4. boligrafo
  5. tijeras
  6. profesor

12 Clues: librolapizpapelsillareglapizarratijerasborradorprofesorboligrafoestudianteescritorio

school 2023-03-27

school crossword puzzle
  1. / the period of education that a child is in
  2. / education for kids between five and eleven
  3. / process of teaching and learning
  4. / qualification given for completing a university course
  5. / go regularly to a particular school
  6. / school where students live and study
  7. / education for kids between eleven and eighteen
  1. / skills, qualities or experience
  2. / student who is studying for their first university degree
  3. / be unsuccessful
  4. / when the classes end and the holidays begin
  5. / be successful

12 Clues: / be successful/ be unsuccessful/ skills, qualities or experience/ process of teaching and learning/ go regularly to a particular school/ school where students live and study/ the period of education that a child is in/ education for kids between five and eleven/ when the classes end and the holidays begin...

School 2023-03-27

School crossword puzzle
  1. the process of teaching and learning
  2. education of young children between 5 and 11
  3. qualification given for completing a course
  4. school and classes end and the holidays begin
  5. education of children between 11 and 18
  6. to be unsuccessful
  7. to be successful
  8. to go regularly to a particular school
  1. skills, qualities or experience you need
  2. school where students live and study
  3. period of time of education that a child is in
  4. student who is studying for university

12 Clues: to be successfulto be unsuccessfulschool where students live and studythe process of teaching and learningstudent who is studying for universityto go regularly to a particular schooleducation of children between 11 and 18skills, qualities or experience you needqualification given for completing a courseeducation of young children between 5 and 11...

School 2023-06-14

School crossword puzzle
  1. The head of a school
  2. A person who teaches students in school.
  3. A book that contains information and knowledge for a specific subject.
  4. A bag used to carry books and other school supplies.
  1. An assessment or evaluation of knowledge or skills.
  2. A place where books and other reading materials are kept and borrowed.
  3. A person who attends school to learn and study.
  4. An outdoor area where students can play sports and exercise.
  5. Assignments or tasks given by teachers to be completed at home
  6. A person you like and enjoy spending time with.
  7. An object with pages that contains information or stories.
  8. A room in the school where students have lessons and classes.

12 Clues: The head of a schoolA person who teaches students in school.A person who attends school to learn and study.A person you like and enjoy spending time with.An assessment or evaluation of knowledge or skills.A bag used to carry books and other school supplies.An object with pages that contains information or stories....

school 2014-09-22

school crossword puzzle
  1. pen
  2. scissors
  3. ruler
  4. dictionary
  5. bag
  6. rubber
  1. book
  2. marker
  3. pencil
  4. pencil case
  5. diary
  6. glue

12 Clues: penbagbookgluediaryrulermarkerpencilrubberscissorsdictionarypencil case

school 2014-09-22

school crossword puzzle
  1. balpen
  2. potlood
  3. schaar
  4. lat
  5. schoolagenda
  6. boek
  7. gom
  1. lijm
  2. pennenzak
  3. woordenboek
  4. markeerstift
  5. schooltas

12 Clues: latgomlijmboekbalpenschaarpotloodpennenzakschooltaswoordenboekmarkeerstiftschoolagenda