school Crossword Puzzles

school 2024-12-02

school crossword puzzle
  1. LIBRO
  1. BANCO
  4. SEDIA
  6. PC
  7. PENNA


School 2025-02-13

School crossword puzzle
  1. favorite football team
  2. Favorite animal
  3. justin jeffery
  4. most massive meme
  5. Favorite soccer team
  6. my name
  1. favorite sport
  2. Favorite subject
  3. Favorite soccer player
  4. my favorite color
  5. my age
  6. Fav game

12 Clues: my agemy nameFav gamefavorite sportjustin jefferyFavorite animalFavorite subjectmy favorite colormost massive memeFavorite soccer teamfavorite football teamFavorite soccer player

At School: à l'école 2024-10-20

At School: à l'école crossword puzzle
  1. female school principal
  2. middle school student(male)
  3. male grade school student
  4. laptop
  5. hallway
  6. window
  7. backpack
  8. office/teacher's desk
  9. pen
  10. door
  11. teacher
  12. school bag
  13. library
  14. notebook
  15. university
  16. wall clock
  17. homework
  18. high school
  19. pencil sharpner
  20. computer
  21. hole puncher
  1. gym
  2. custodian
  3. middle school
  4. stapler
  5. chair
  6. chalkboard
  7. locker
  8. female grade school student
  9. eraser
  10. highlighter
  11. school
  12. pencil case
  13. paper
  14. male school principal
  15. middle school student (female)
  16. desk
  17. cupboad/ cabinet
  18. book
  19. timetable
  20. exam/test
  21. playground
  22. pencil

43 Clues: gympendoordeskbookchairpaperlaptoplockereraserwindowschoolpencilstaplerhallwayteacherlibrarybackpacknotebookhomeworkcomputercustodiantimetableexam/testchalkboardschool baguniversitywall clockplaygroundhighlighterpencil casehigh schoolhole punchermiddle schoolpencil sharpnercupboad/ cabinetoffice/teacher's deskmale school principal...

school 2021-06-03

school crossword puzzle
  1. juf
  2. bus
  3. school
  4. papier
  5. klassen
  6. werk
  1. lunch
  2. spel
  3. boek
  4. meister
  5. pen
  6. potlood

12 Clues: jufbuspenspelboekwerklunchschoolpapiermeisterpotloodklassen

school 2021-06-03

school crossword puzzle
  1. koptelefoon
  2. boeken
  3. lunch
  4. werkbladen
  1. muziek
  2. spellen
  3. bord wit bord
  4. juf
  5. potlood
  6. uniformen
  7. cafetaria
  8. bus

12 Clues: jufbuslunchmuziekboekenspellenpotlooduniformencafetariawerkbladenkoptelefoonbord wit bord

School 2022-09-13

School crossword puzzle
  1. математика
  2. словарь
  3. учебник
  4. скрепки
  5. доска
  1. расписание
  2. наука
  3. биология
  4. литература
  5. мелок
  6. атлас
  7. блокнот

12 Clues: наукамелокатласдоскасловарьблокнотучебникскрепкибиологиярасписаниематематикалитература

SCHOOL 2022-05-19

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. you put all your things in this
  2. what we study at IH
  3. you keep your pens and pencils in this
  4. lesson about the past
  1. lessons about countries
  2. 2+2=4
  3. lets sing together
  4. sports lesson
  5. lets draw pictures
  6. you write your own sentences in this
  7. lesson about computers
  8. Einstein was good at this

12 Clues: 2+2=4sports lessonlets sing togetherlets draw pictureswhat we study at IHlesson about the pastlesson about computerslessons about countriesEinstein was good at thisyou put all your things in thisyou write your own sentences in thisyou keep your pens and pencils in this

School 2022-11-18

School crossword puzzle
  1. something you write with
  2. something you write on
  3. seek first to __________ then be understood
  4. village ____
  5. put first things _____
  6. something you read with
  1. something you sit on
  2. some place you learn in
  3. be _________
  4. something you eat before or after recess
  5. _____ win-win
  6. sharpen the ___

12 Clues: be _________village _________ win-winsharpen the ___something you sit onsomething you write onput first things _____some place you learn insomething you read withsomething you write withsomething you eat before or after recessseek first to __________ then be understood

School 2020-05-26

School crossword puzzle
  1. Opposite of fair
  2. Person who transmits knowledge
  3. We write with it on blackboard
  4. You have a deadline to hand over homework
  5. Time without school
  6. A place where students learn in school
  7. Babysitting place
  1. You don’t listen the professor in class
  2. You have to learn for
  3. It is used to obtain a straight line
  4. Room in the school where physical activities are done
  5. In that class we learn about the past

12 Clues: Opposite of fairBabysitting placeTime without schoolYou have to learn forPerson who transmits knowledgeWe write with it on blackboardIt is used to obtain a straight lineIn that class we learn about the pastA place where students learn in schoolYou don’t listen the professor in classYou have a deadline to hand over homework...

School 2019-04-16

School crossword puzzle
  1. to get rid of pencil
  2. to write on
  3. to write with
  4. to hold all of your books and papers on the bus
  5. to cut with
  6. what you play on during recess
  1. what you read from
  2. who helps you learn
  3. what you use to help you solve a math problem
  4. to color to color with
  5. to hold all of your papers
  6. how you get from home to school with other kids

12 Clues: to write onto cut withto write withwhat you read fromwho helps you learnto get rid of pencilto color to color withto hold all of your paperswhat you play on during recesswhat you use to help you solve a math problemto hold all of your books and papers on the bushow you get from home to school with other kids

School 2019-09-17

School crossword puzzle
  1. Signals break
  2. Something you write on
  3. Boys and girls wear it
  4. Classroom instructer
  5. Students sit in it
  6. We use them for shade
  1. We write with them
  2. A form of test taking
  3. Instrument for measuring
  4. We do it at home
  5. You find them in the library
  6. An eating break

12 Clues: Signals breakAn eating breakWe do it at homeWe write with themStudents sit in itClassroom instructerA form of test takingWe use them for shadeSomething you write onBoys and girls wear itInstrument for measuringYou find them in the library

School 2020-04-09

School crossword puzzle
  1. you write on it in the classroom, it is big, it can be black, green or white
  2. a flower
  3. a place where children play, there is a slide, a swing and a roundabout
  4. children look at animals, plants and insects at this lesson
  5. a list of lessons you have every day
  6. children count and do sums in this lesson
  1. it is when children have fun between lessons
  2. they are colourful and children use them in art lessons
  3. not easy
  4. children use it to paint
  5. very good and fun
  6. children play the guitar or the piano in this lesson

12 Clues: not easya flowervery good and funchildren use it to painta list of lessons you have every daychildren count and do sums in this lessonit is when children have fun between lessonschildren play the guitar or the piano in this lessonthey are colourful and children use them in art lessonschildren look at animals, plants and insects at this lesson...

school 2021-01-20

school crossword puzzle
  1. this thing is what you use to use the bathroom in the middle school
  2. you need this to get into school and for lunch
  3. this is how you get to school
  4. you take this to school everyday
  5. you stand for this every morning
  6. you see these up on the wall of the school
  1. you need this to hold papers in for each class
  2. you need this daily to do work
  3. you need this for math
  4. you use these in class when your done with work
  5. you need these to charge you computer
  6. you see this in almost every class room

12 Clues: you need this for maththis is how you get to schoolyou need this daily to do workyou take this to school everydayyou stand for this every morningyou need these to charge you computeryou see this in almost every class roomyou see these up on the wall of the schoolyou need this to hold papers in for each class...

School 2021-01-19

School crossword puzzle
  1. very funny
  2. likes to colour
  3. likes playing with barbies
  4. playing with the dogs
  5. likes flowers
  6. likes to work in his work shop
  1. likes to knit
  2. likes to read
  3. likes hockey
  4. likes to work on his computer
  5. likes to watch TV
  6. likes dancing

12 Clues: very funnylikes hockeylikes to knitlikes to readlikes flowerslikes dancinglikes to colourlikes to watch TVplaying with the dogslikes playing with barbieslikes to work on his computerlikes to work in his work shop

school 2021-04-04

school crossword puzzle
  1. to writte in
  2. children use them to writte
  3. the information of the subject
  4. is to keep all the pens
  5. person that learns in the school
  6. to eliminate the pencil of a notebook
  1. person ho teatchs
  2. we use it in quarentine like a book
  3. book os science
  4. youu can see better the text
  5. activiti you are learning
  6. you can't whipe the ink out

12 Clues: to writte inbook os scienceperson ho teatchsis to keep all the pensactiviti you are learningchildren use them to writteyou can't whipe the ink outyouu can see better the textthe information of the subjectperson that learns in the schoolwe use it in quarentine like a bookto eliminate the pencil of a notebook

school 2021-10-24

school crossword puzzle
  1. something you use to write
  2. person that goes to school
  3. writing on it a white
  4. driving to school
  5. something you use to write on
  1. something you use for writing online
  2. something you sit on
  3. something you walkthrough
  4. person that teaches
  5. something you put paper on
  6. brings you inside
  7. something that teachers use for presenting.

12 Clues: driving to schoolbrings you insideperson that teachessomething you sit onwriting on it a whitesomething you walkthroughsomething you use to writeperson that goes to schoolsomething you put paper onsomething you use to write onsomething you use for writing onlinesomething that teachers use for presenting.

School 2021-11-04

School crossword puzzle
  1. a lesson that helps us to learn to count
  2. an object that we sit on
  3. a person that We learn from
  4. a very important person at school
  5. a thing that we put books on
  1. a lesson that we do experiments in
  2. a thing that we watch things on
  3. a language that we speak in England
  4. a place where we read books
  5. is an object that we write things with
  6. an object that we put our things in
  7. a lesson where we draw and color

12 Clues: an object that we sit ona person that We learn froma place where we read booksa thing that we put books ona thing that we watch things ona lesson where we draw and colora very important person at schoola lesson that we do experiments ina language that we speak in Englandan object that we put our things inis an object that we write things with...

School 2021-11-17

School crossword puzzle
  1. pizarra
  2. papel
  3. estudiante
  4. silla
  5. escritorio
  6. regla
  1. libro
  2. borrador
  3. lapiz
  4. boligrafo
  5. tijeras
  6. profesor

12 Clues: librolapizpapelsillareglapizarratijerasborradorprofesorboligrafoestudianteescritorio

school 2023-03-27

school crossword puzzle
  1. / the period of education that a child is in
  2. / education for kids between five and eleven
  3. / process of teaching and learning
  4. / qualification given for completing a university course
  5. / go regularly to a particular school
  6. / school where students live and study
  7. / education for kids between eleven and eighteen
  1. / skills, qualities or experience
  2. / student who is studying for their first university degree
  3. / be unsuccessful
  4. / when the classes end and the holidays begin
  5. / be successful

12 Clues: / be successful/ be unsuccessful/ skills, qualities or experience/ process of teaching and learning/ go regularly to a particular school/ school where students live and study/ the period of education that a child is in/ education for kids between five and eleven/ when the classes end and the holidays begin...

School 2023-03-27

School crossword puzzle
  1. the process of teaching and learning
  2. education of young children between 5 and 11
  3. qualification given for completing a course
  4. school and classes end and the holidays begin
  5. education of children between 11 and 18
  6. to be unsuccessful
  7. to be successful
  8. to go regularly to a particular school
  1. skills, qualities or experience you need
  2. school where students live and study
  3. period of time of education that a child is in
  4. student who is studying for university

12 Clues: to be successfulto be unsuccessfulschool where students live and studythe process of teaching and learningstudent who is studying for universityto go regularly to a particular schooleducation of children between 11 and 18skills, qualities or experience you needqualification given for completing a courseeducation of young children between 5 and 11...

School 2023-06-14

School crossword puzzle
  1. The head of a school
  2. A person who teaches students in school.
  3. A book that contains information and knowledge for a specific subject.
  4. A bag used to carry books and other school supplies.
  1. An assessment or evaluation of knowledge or skills.
  2. A place where books and other reading materials are kept and borrowed.
  3. A person who attends school to learn and study.
  4. An outdoor area where students can play sports and exercise.
  5. Assignments or tasks given by teachers to be completed at home
  6. A person you like and enjoy spending time with.
  7. An object with pages that contains information or stories.
  8. A room in the school where students have lessons and classes.

12 Clues: The head of a schoolA person who teaches students in school.A person who attends school to learn and study.A person you like and enjoy spending time with.An assessment or evaluation of knowledge or skills.A bag used to carry books and other school supplies.An object with pages that contains information or stories....

school 2014-09-22

school crossword puzzle
  1. pen
  2. scissors
  3. ruler
  4. dictionary
  5. bag
  6. rubber
  1. book
  2. marker
  3. pencil
  4. pencil case
  5. diary
  6. glue

12 Clues: penbagbookgluediaryrulermarkerpencilrubberscissorsdictionarypencil case

school 2014-09-22

school crossword puzzle
  1. balpen
  2. potlood
  3. schaar
  4. lat
  5. schoolagenda
  6. boek
  7. gom
  1. lijm
  2. pennenzak
  3. woordenboek
  4. markeerstift
  5. schooltas

12 Clues: latgomlijmboekbalpenschaarpotloodpennenzakschooltaswoordenboekmarkeerstiftschoolagenda

school 2016-01-20

school crossword puzzle
  1. It goes off if there is fire.
  2. A buildig where the students learn.
  3. If you do well in an exam you ... it.
  4. You must ... to a school.
  5. If you learn something and you want to know it you must ... for it a lot.
  1. It is a room in the school where the students train.
  2. If the lesson is finished. (A same word)
  3. A person who is your friend in your school.
  4. You do it if the bus doesn't start at the good time. You ... the lesson.
  5. If the teacher ask something you have to ... it.
  6. If you get a bad result for your exam you ... it.
  7. It is the school table.

12 Clues: It is the school table.You must ... to a school.It goes off if there is fire.A buildig where the students learn.If you do well in an exam you ... it.If the lesson is finished. (A same word)A person who is your friend in your school.If the teacher ask something you have to ... it.If you get a bad result for your exam you ... it....

school 2016-01-20

school crossword puzzle
  1. is groen en je kan erop schrijven
  2. om op een bord te schrijven
  3. leesboek
  4. een ander woord voor toets
  5. moedertaal
  6. schrijven met inkt
  7. om potlood zeg te zegen
  1. een zak waarin er boeken inzitten
  2. 2+2=4
  3. pagina's
  4. een persoon die je dingen leert
  5. punten in december

12 Clues: 2+2=4pagina'sleesboekmoedertaalpunten in decemberschrijven met inktom potlood zeg te zegeneen ander woord voor toetsom op een bord te schrijveneen persoon die je dingen leertis groen en je kan erop schrijveneen zak waarin er boeken inzitten

school 2015-05-13

school crossword puzzle
  1. šķēres
  2. zīmulis
  3. skolotāja
  4. kritiņš
  5. grāmata
  6. soma
  7. līmesc
  8. durvis
  1. sols
  2. dators
  3. dzēšgumija
  4. kēsls

12 Clues: solssomakēslsšķēresdatorslīmescdurviszīmuliskritiņšgrāmataskolotājadzēšgumija

school 2016-10-02

school crossword puzzle
  1. casier
  2. mouchoir
  3. tourner
  4. devoirs
  5. aider
  6. lire
  1. couloirs
  2. fermer
  3. ouvrir
  4. écouter
  5. sauter
  6. écrire

12 Clues: lireaiderfermercasierouvrirsauterécrireécoutertournerdevoirscouloirsmouchoir

School 2017-11-10

School crossword puzzle
  1. fysiikka
  2. kuvamataito
  3. viivoitin
  4. kynä
  5. vihko
  6. lyijjykynä
  7. kynäpenaali
  8. tekstikirja
  1. kuulokkeet
  2. pyyhekumi
  3. kemia
  4. väriliidut

12 Clues: kynävihkokemiafysiikkapyyhekumiviivoitinkuulokkeetlyijjykynäväriliidutkuvamataitokynäpenaalitekstikirja

school 2018-02-18

school crossword puzzle
  1. one instance or an example of the occurrence of something
  2. a person who teaches or instructs,
  3. a sheet of smooth material, esp. dark slate, used for writing with chalk
  4. an electronic device designed for performing operations on data at high speed
  1. such an opening with its frame, sashes, and panes of glass
  2. a seat, esp. for one person, usually having four legs for support and a rest for the back
  3. bag place for teaching people under college age
  4. a work printed on sheets of paper bound together within covers
  5. one who is formally engaged in studying, learning, or training at a school.
  6. a piece of furniture consisting of a flat top supported on one or more legs
  7. mere nonsense; foolish talk or ideas.
  8. a slender tube of wood, containing a thin piece of graphite, used for writing or drawing

12 Clues: a person who teaches or instructs,mere nonsense; foolish talk or ideas.bag place for teaching people under college ageone instance or an example of the occurrence of somethingsuch an opening with its frame, sashes, and panes of glassa work printed on sheets of paper bound together within covers...

school 2018-12-11

school crossword puzzle
  1. expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material
  2. your ________ grandparents are your father's parents.
  3. a group of people elected to govern a city, town, or borough.
  4. used by a movie director as a command to begin
  5. to change the appearance of an animal
  6. drive or force (a liquid) into a person or animal's body with a syringe
  1. lands newly reclaimed
  2. a large bedroom for a number of people in a school or institution.
  3. the mark that indicates that the sentence is over
  4. an old train used in the 1900s
  5. advantage or profit gained from something
  6. having appreciable weight or significance.

12 Clues: lands newly reclaimedan old train used in the 1900sto change the appearance of an animaladvantage or profit gained from somethinghaving appreciable weight or significance.used by a movie director as a command to beginthe mark that indicates that the sentence is overyour ________ grandparents are your father's parents....

School 2022-02-25

School crossword puzzle
  1. 8
  2. 10
  3. 1
  4. 4
  5. 5
  1. 7
  2. 3
  3. 11
  4. 9
  5. 2
  6. 6
  7. 12

12 Clues: 738921645111012

School 2022-03-02

School crossword puzzle
  1. see how much you have learned for a grade
  2. to pack for school
  3. eating time
  4. where you eat lunch
  5. who teaches you?
  6. draw straight lines
  1. used to write, can be erased
  2. ride to school with friends
  3. used to write, unerasable
  4. who goes to school?
  5. work to do when you get back home
  6. remove pencil marks

12 Clues: eating timewho teaches you?to pack for schoolwho goes to school?where you eat lunchremove pencil marksdraw straight linesused to write, unerasableride to school with friendsused to write, can be erasedwork to do when you get back homesee how much you have learned for a grade

school 2022-04-21

school crossword puzzle
  1. you do it at home or school
  2. you eat it every morning
  3. you eat it together at home in the evening
  4. you brush it every morning
  5. you attend it after lessons
  6. what wakes you up?
  1. you wash it every morning and before sleep
  2. you play it at home
  3. you brush it too
  4. you eat it at noon time in the school
  5. place you get knowledge
  6. you see it while sleeping

12 Clues: you brush it toowhat wakes you up?you play it at homeplace you get knowledgeyou eat it every morningyou see it while sleepingyou brush it every morningyou do it at home or schoolyou attend it after lessonsyou eat it at noon time in the schoolyou wash it every morning and before sleepyou eat it together at home in the evening

school 2022-04-27

school crossword puzzle
  1. TV set
  2. eraser
  3. blackboard
  4. chair
  5. pinboard
  6. pencil
  7. globe
  1. desk
  2. schoolbag
  3. ruler
  4. sharpener
  5. sponge

12 Clues: deskrulerchairglobeTV seteraserspongepencilpinboardschoolbagsharpenerblackboard

School 2022-03-29

School crossword puzzle


school 2023-09-12

school crossword puzzle
  1. to damage someone else property
  2. to act in a dishonest or unfair way
  3. do you have to wear
  4. to send away from their school
  5. we do experiments
  1. most of his essay was copied from the -
  2. to stay away from the school without permissio
  3. to use physical strength,guns,weapons
  4. to stay after school
  5. to leave the country school
  6. I'm having lunch at the ? today
  7. to use rude or bad language

12 Clues: we do experimentsdo you have to wearto stay after schoolto leave the country schoolto use rude or bad languageto send away from their schoolto damage someone else propertyI'm having lunch at the ? todayto act in a dishonest or unfair wayto use physical strength,guns,weaponsmost of his essay was copied from the -...

SCHOOL 2023-11-29

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. to be successful in an exam
  2. a place where books are kept for public use
  3. behave in a dishonest way
  4. positive points
  5. course of study in a school or college
  6. not required
  7. person being responsible for the school maintenance work
  1. it's a must
  2. non-classroom activities. e.g. chess
  3. eager and motivated
  4. a punishment in which a student must stay at school after others have gone home
  5. succeed in doing something

12 Clues: it's a mustnot requiredpositive pointseager and motivatedbehave in a dishonest waysucceed in doing somethingto be successful in an examnon-classroom activities. e.g. chesscourse of study in a school or collegea place where books are kept for public useperson being responsible for the school maintenance work...

School 2023-12-29

School crossword puzzle
  1. A board used by teachers for writing and displaying information.
  2. An outdoor area for students to play and have fun.
  3. An educator who guides students in their learning journey.
  4. A room where students have lessons and learn together.
  5. Lab A room equipped with computers for digital learning.
  6. A bag carried by students to hold their books and supplies.
  1. A space filled with books and resources for reading and studying.
  2. A large space for physical education and sports activities.
  3. Bus A vehicle that transports students to and from school.
  4. A writing tool used for tasks and assignments.
  5. The head of the school responsible for its overall administration.
  6. Lab A specialized room for conducting experiments and scientific activities.

12 Clues: A writing tool used for tasks and assignments.An outdoor area for students to play and have fun.A room where students have lessons and learn together.Lab A room equipped with computers for digital learning.Bus A vehicle that transports students to and from school.An educator who guides students in their learning journey....

School 2023-09-15

School crossword puzzle
  1. bút màu
  2. vở ghi
  3. 📱
  4. Thứ hai
  5. tẩy
  1. từ điển
  2. máy tính
  3. xe đạp
  4. trường học
  5. ghế dài
  6. thùng cattong

12 Clues: 📱tẩyxe đạpvở ghitừ điểnbút màughế dàiThứ haimáy tínhNGÔI SAOtrường họcthùng cattong

School 2024-04-12

School crossword puzzle
  1. a class where you paint and draw
  2. a class where you learn a different language
  3. a class where you learn about the world
  4. something you use to write with
  5. someething you write on
  6. a class where you sing and play instruments
  1. a class where you read and write
  2. a class where you learn about the body
  3. a class where you use a calculator
  4. a class where you play sports
  5. a class where you do experiments
  6. a class where you eat food

12 Clues: someething you write ona class where you eat fooda class where you play sportssomething you use to write witha class where you read and writea class where you paint and drawa class where you do experimentsa class where you use a calculatora class where you learn about the bodya class where you learn about the world...

School 2024-09-25

School crossword puzzle
  1. – Solving problems with numbers and shapes.
  2. – Study of living organisms and ecosystems.
  3. – Study of motion, energy, and forces.
  4. – Creative expression through drawing and sculpture.
  5. – Reading and analyzing books and poems.
  6. – Study of money, resources, and business.
  1. – Learning about past events and civilizations.
  2. – Study of substances and their reactions.
  3. Science – Learning coding and technology.
  4. – Study of the natural world and its processes.
  5. – Study of the English language and grammar.
  6. – Study of sounds, rhythms, and instruments.

12 Clues: – Study of motion, energy, and forces.– Reading and analyzing books and poems.Science – Learning coding and technology.– Study of substances and their reactions.– Study of money, resources, and business.– Solving problems with numbers and shapes.– Study of living organisms and ecosystems.– Study of the English language and grammar....

School 2024-08-13

School crossword puzzle
  1. Case: A container used to carry pencils, pens, and erasers.
  2. You write on this with chalk.
  3. A tool used for writing or drawing with ink.
  4. A room with desks, chairs, and a board, where lessons are taught.
  5. Lab: This room is equipped with computers for students to use.
  6. A board that uses markers instead of chalk.
  1. You carry your books and supplies in this.
  2. A place where students eat their lunch.
  3. A device used to calculate numbers quickly.
  4. A tool used to erase mistakes made with a pencil.
  5. A room where students have physical exercise and play sports.
  6. A place where students go to read books and study.

12 Clues: You write on this with chalk.A place where students eat their lunch.You carry your books and supplies in this.A device used to calculate numbers quickly.A board that uses markers instead of chalk.A tool used for writing or drawing with ink.A tool used to erase mistakes made with a pencil.A place where students go to read books and study....

School 2024-08-19

School crossword puzzle
  1. computes
  2. For holding supplies
  3. A writing utensil
  4. gets marked
  5. deletes things
  6. Marks things
  1. reading but not online
  2. useless
  3. Best part of the day
  4. to put your work on
  5. for sitting in the air but on the ground
  6. for getting good grades

12 Clues: uselesscomputesgets markedMarks thingsdeletes thingsA writing utensilto put your work onBest part of the dayFor holding suppliesreading but not onlinefor getting good gradesfor sitting in the air but on the ground

School 2024-09-01

School crossword puzzle
  1. What you should have around your neck at all times during school hours.
  2. A test you take in May.
  3. 1 for bathroom,2 for silence, etc
  4. Ends at 8:40am each morning (ON A REGULAR SCHEDULE).
  5. You sign this the first week of school.
  6. Where you go before homeroom,before lunch, after lunch, after 8th period.
  1. a belief that someone will or should achieve something.
  2. What you wear for school except on dress down days.
  3. A result to your bad actions.
  4. Where you go,4th,or 5th,or 6th period.Depending what class your in.
  5. What you make to go to the bathroom.
  6. What you shouldn't have during school hours.

12 Clues: A test you take in May.A result to your bad actions.1 for bathroom,2 for silence, etcWhat you make to go to the bathroom.You sign this the first week of school.What you shouldn't have during school hours.What you wear for school except on dress down days.Ends at 8:40am each morning (ON A REGULAR SCHEDULE)....

school 2025-01-15

school crossword puzzle
  1. gom
  2. speelplaats
  3. boekentas
  4. koek
  1. gang
  2. schaar
  3. klas
  4. map
  5. potlood
  6. lijm
  7. bord
  8. pen

12 Clues: gommappengangklaslijmbordkoekschaarpotloodboekentasspeelplaats

School 2025-01-31

School crossword puzzle
  1. Youngest grade here
  2. best newspaper
  3. How long is 5th grade recess?
  4. Lunch
  5. binary code 0=off 1=
  6. School Computer
  1. Round Snack, maybe
  2. Longest break
  3. Mascot
  4. Special
  5. Grammar school director
  6. Who educates us?

12 Clues: LunchMascotSpecialLongest breakbest newspaperSchool ComputerWho educates us?Round Snack, maybeYoungest grade herebinary code 0=off 1=Grammar school directorHow long is 5th grade recess?

examwords 2014-12-01

examwords crossword puzzle
  1. desk
  2. fluency
  3. average
  4. physics
  5. dictionary
  6. erase
  7. history
  8. chemistry
  9. geography
  1. caretaker
  2. discussed
  3. school secondary school
  4. school public school
  5. primary school
  6. comprehensive school
  7. final
  8. principal's
  9. physical education
  10. careers adviser
  11. bullying
  12. oral
  13. attends
  14. notebook
  15. headmaster

24 Clues: deskoralfinalerasefluencyaveragephysicsattendshistorybullyingnotebookcaretakerdiscussedchemistrygeographydictionaryheadmasterprincipal'sprimary schoolcareers adviserphysical educationcomprehensive schoolschool public schoolschool secondary school

Lesson 5. Gakkou 2024-03-22

Lesson 5. Gakkou crossword puzzle
  1. elementary student
  2. middle school student
  3. scissors
  4. glue
  5. bag
  6. elementary school
  7. senior high school
  8. sellotape
  1. student
  2. eraser
  3. school
  4. teacher
  5. professor
  6. ruler
  7. stapler
  8. middle school
  9. pencil
  10. japanese school bag
  11. hole punch
  12. senior high school
  13. pen
  14. pencil sharpener

22 Clues: bagpengluerulereraserschoolpencilstudentteacherstaplerscissorsprofessorsellotapehole punchmiddle schoolpencil sharpenerelementary schoolelementary studentsenior high schoolsenior high schooljapanese school bagmiddle school student

Shri Crossword 2021-01-03

Shri Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What do guards check at the school gate?
  2. Total number of bus routes in school
  3. Name of the annual inter-school performing arts competition
  4. Colour of school sweater
  5. Number of sections per grade
  6. Brand of basketballs used by school
  7. Founder's month
  8. Name of rules stuck in every classroom
  9. Total number of grades in our school
  1. What are students of TSRS called?
  2. Body part we scan upon entering school
  3. Vasant Vihar was which TSRS campus to open?
  4. What was present before the MBR Hall?
  5. Location of lunch hall
  6. Location that has glow in the dark stickers in school
  7. First core value as listed on school website
  8. Colour of first stripe on school socks
  9. Colour of school logo background
  10. Colour of school notebooks
  11. Colour of white door earlier

20 Clues: Founder's monthLocation of lunch hallColour of school sweaterColour of school notebooksNumber of sections per gradeColour of white door earlierColour of school logo backgroundWhat are students of TSRS called?Brand of basketballs used by schoolTotal number of bus routes in schoolTotal number of grades in our school...

Types of High Schools 2022-03-31

Types of High Schools crossword puzzle
  1. An all-girl private high school
  2. You earn this to help pay for high school
  3. An example of a Charter school
  4. An example of a non-catholic high school
  5. Gateway Science Academy is an example of a
  6. Public school based on where you live
  7. Focus on STEM, Art, Academics, Medicine
  8. A school for boys and girls
  9. The program you enter when you graduate
  1. Worn at private schools
  2. Charter schools are funded by a
  3. Live here to go to magnet/charter schools
  4. Assigned a neighborhood school based on
  5. Private religion-based school
  6. A co-ed private high school
  7. You need this to be 2.5 for a scholarship
  8. You pay this at a private school
  9. You attend this at a Catholic school
  10. Neighborhood school in North City
  11. Magnet schools have a specific

20 Clues: Worn at private schoolsA co-ed private high schoolA school for boys and girlsPrivate religion-based schoolAn example of a Charter schoolMagnet schools have a specificCharter schools are funded by aAn all-girl private high schoolYou pay this at a private schoolNeighborhood school in North CityYou attend this at a Catholic school...

Happy birthday Tituš 2014-09-19

Happy birthday Tituš crossword puzzle
  1. town - an old part of our city with the church of St. Marco
  2. - first name of a writer our school got its name after
  3. - our hometown
  4. - a kind of party you give when you celebrate something
  5. - streets around your home
  6. - teaching staff
  7. facilities - playgrounds, courts, gym, equipement
  8. - rooms where schoolchildren learn at school
  9. canteen - place where you have your meal during break
  10. school - type of school, elementary
  11. - you lend books there
  1. - school principal
  2. - the name of our suburb
  3. - an adjective that describes the new part of our school
  4. - jubilee
  5. - task of every school
  6. - first occupation of a comedy writer our school was named after
  7. gym - indoor place where you have P.E. classes
  8. - surname of a writer our school got its name after
  9. school - type of secondary school

20 Clues: - jubilee- our hometown- teaching staff- school principal- task of every school- you lend books there- the name of our suburb- streets around your homeschool - type of secondary schoolschool - type of school, elementary- rooms where schoolchildren learn at schoolgym - indoor place where you have P.E. classes...

School 2013-01-23

School crossword puzzle
  1. something you do before a test
  2. used to write with
  3. numbers,formulas and calculation
  4. a source of information
  5. tasks you do at home
  6. in charge of the school
  1. gather knowledge
  2. experiements, atoms , nature
  3. a board written on with chalk
  4. table/board found in classrooms
  5. in charge of the learning in a class
  6. a group of students

12 Clues: gather knowledgeused to write witha group of studentstasks you do at homea source of informationin charge of the schoolexperiements, atoms , naturea board written on with chalksomething you do before a testtable/board found in classroomsnumbers,formulas and calculationin charge of the learning in a class

school 2014-09-23

school crossword puzzle
  1. waar de docent dingen op uitlegt
  2. het gebouw waar je les krijgt
  3. waar je op zit
  4. waar je dingen op kan uitrekenen
  5. waar je dingen op kan zoeken en typen
  6. waar je mee kan schrijven
  1. de gene die je les geeft
  2. waar je je spullen in kan leggen
  3. waar je aan zit
  4. mensen waar je mee in de klas zit
  5. waar je je moet melden
  6. waar je in leest en leert

12 Clues: waar je op zitwaar je aan zitwaar je je moet meldende gene die je les geeftwaar je in leest en leertwaar je mee kan schrijvenhet gebouw waar je les krijgtwaar de docent dingen op uitlegtwaar je je spullen in kan leggenwaar je dingen op kan uitrekenenmensen waar je mee in de klas zitwaar je dingen op kan zoeken en typen

School 2015-03-16

School crossword puzzle
  1. a lot of soldiers
  2. the study of the place we live
  3. the study of things long time ago.
  4. a man that fights in war
  5. soldiers kill people with this
  6. the study of sports
  7. the study of why things happen
  1. the study of numbers
  2. where a lot of people fight
  3. the study of people
  4. when everyone is happy and no war
  5. a car made of metal, with a cannon

12 Clues: a lot of soldiersthe study of peoplethe study of sportsthe study of numbersa man that fights in warwhere a lot of people fightthe study of the place we livesoldiers kill people with thisthe study of why things happenwhen everyone is happy and no warthe study of things long time ago.a car made of metal, with a cannon

school 2015-02-21

school crossword puzzle
  1. property
  2. city centre
  3. downstairs
  4. bathroom
  5. table
  1. food preparation
  2. kitchen
  3. icecream
  4. house
  5. houses
  6. top floor
  7. agent

12 Clues: houseagenttablehouseskitchenpropertyicecreambathroomtop floordownstairscity centrefood preparation

school 2018-02-18

school crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of furniture consisting of a flat top supported on one or more legs
  2. bag place for teaching people under college age
  3. a sheet of smooth material, esp. dark slate, used for writing with chalk
  4. such an opening with its frame, sashes, and panes of glass
  5. a person who teaches or instructs,
  1. a seat, esp. for one person, usually having four legs for support and a rest for the back
  2. a slender tube of wood, containing a thin piece of graphite, used for writing or drawing
  3. a work printed on sheets of paper bound together within covers
  4. one who is formally engaged in studying, learning, or training at a school.
  5. an electronic device designed for performing operations on data at high speed
  6. mere nonsense; foolish talk or ideas.
  7. one instance or an example of the occurrence of something

12 Clues: a person who teaches or instructs,mere nonsense; foolish talk or ideas.bag place for teaching people under college ageone instance or an example of the occurrence of somethingsuch an opening with its frame, sashes, and panes of glassa work printed on sheets of paper bound together within covers...

School 2019-10-24

School crossword puzzle
  1. фізкультура
  2. читання
  3. українська мова
  4. вікно
  5. Studies інформатика
  6. стіл
  7. музика
  1. англійська мова
  2. малювання
  3. Study природознавство
  4. дошка
  5. математика

12 Clues: стілдошкавікномузикачитаннямалюванняматематикафізкультураанглійська моваукраїнська моваStudies інформатикаStudy природознавство

School 2021-01-19

School crossword puzzle
  1. very funny
  2. likes to colour
  3. likes playing with barbies
  4. playing with the dogs
  5. likes flowers
  6. likes to work in his work shop
  1. likes to knit
  2. likes to read
  3. likes hockey
  4. likes to work on his computer
  5. likes to watch TV
  6. likes dancing

12 Clues: very funnylikes hockeylikes to knitlikes to readlikes flowerslikes dancinglikes to colourlikes to watch TVplaying with the dogslikes playing with barbieslikes to work on his computerlikes to work in his work shop

School 2019-08-25

School crossword puzzle
  1. work that a student at school is asked to do at home
  2. you can sit this furniture
  3. a room that you have lessons in at a school
  4. an area of children to play,especially at school
  5. someone whose job's to teach
  6. activities a group of people who meet together to do something
  1. where you can leave anything
  2. practical activities to measure someone's skill and ability
  3. a large board with a white smooth surface
  4. a member of the same class in a school.
  5. a piece of furniture like a table
  6. an instrument that shows what time is it

12 Clues: you can sit this furniturewhere you can leave anythingsomeone whose job's to teacha piece of furniture like a tablea member of the same class in a instrument that shows what time is ita large board with a white smooth surfacea room that you have lessons in at a schoolan area of children to play,especially at school...

School 2017-10-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. write on
  2. write with
  3. technology
  4. look up word
  5. carry
  6. write in
  7. write on
  1. remove
  2. eat at
  3. sit on
  4. write with ink
  5. tell time
  6. open close

13 Clues: carryremoveeat atsit onwrite onwrite inwrite ontell timewrite withtechnologyopen closelook up wordwrite with ink

school 2020-10-16

school crossword puzzle
  1. stylo
  2. ordinateur
  3. chaise
  4. trousse
  5. porte
  6. règle
  7. fenêtre
  1. professeur
  2. crayon
  3. ciseaux
  4. gomme
  5. élève

12 Clues: styloportegommeélèverèglecrayonchaiseciseauxtroussefenêtreprofesseurordinateur

School 2020-10-22

School crossword puzzle
  1. sklepik
  2. sala gimnastyczna
  3. korytarz
  4. stołówka
  5. pokój nauczycielski
  6. sala lekcyjna
  7. biblioteka
  1. plac zabaw
  2. pracownia komputerowa
  3. sala muzyczna
  4. gabinet dyrektora
  5. schody

12 Clues: schodysklepikkorytarzstołówkaplac zabawbibliotekasala muzycznasala lekcyjnasala gimnastycznagabinet dyrektorapokój nauczycielskipracownia komputerowa

school 2020-10-26

school crossword puzzle
  1. to eat
  2. to write with
  3. to erase
  4. to use on a whiteboard
  5. to keep us safe
  6. to count
  7. to keep thinking
  1. to smoosh things together
  2. to help you learn
  3. to help you measure
  4. to write in
  5. to cut

12 Clues: to eatto cutto eraseto countto write into write withto keep us safeto keep thinkingto help you learnto help you measureto use on a whiteboardto smoosh things together

school 2019-01-08

school crossword puzzle
  1. bijna iedereen vind dat moeilijk
  2. de liefste van het eerste leerjaar
  3. we hebben het al gemaakt op de computer
  4. het is groot en we spelen er op
  5. we hadden er kranten voor nodig
  6. je kan er digitaal huiswerk op maken
  1. de strengste van het eerste leerjaar
  2. er zit veel speelgoed in
  3. hij is de grootste van de school
  4. het hangt boven de computers
  5. wie geeft computerles
  6. hoe noemt de directrice

12 Clues: wie geeft computerleshoe noemt de directriceer zit veel speelgoed inhet hangt boven de computershet is groot en we spelen er opwe hadden er kranten voor nodigbijna iedereen vind dat moeilijkhij is de grootste van de schoolde liefste van het eerste leerjaarde strengste van het eerste leerjaarje kan er digitaal huiswerk op maken...

school 2021-07-09

school crossword puzzle
  1. you read this
  2. a place you can read books
  3. the subject you're studying here in Georgia
  4. person who stands at the front of the classroom
  5. where you learn about the past
  1. child studying at school is called a...
  2. a way to get to school
  3. you carry things to school in a
  4. in the middle of the day you stop for
  5. extra study to do at home
  6. you can use this to write with
  7. a subject using numbers

12 Clues: you read thisa way to get to schoola subject using numbersextra study to do at homea place you can read booksyou can use this to write withwhere you learn about the pastyou carry things to school in ain the middle of the day you stop forchild studying at school is called a...the subject you're studying here in Georgia...

School 2021-09-27

School crossword puzzle
  1. story
  2. no
  3. do
  4. on you
  5. ,clean
  6. sense
  7. animal
  1. they
  2. bob
  3. fire
  4. big
  5. yes

12 Clues: nodobobbigyestheyfirestorysenseon you,cleananimal

School 2021-10-20

School crossword puzzle
  4. TUND
  7. KOTT
  8. VIHIK
  1. ÕPIK
  2. PINAL


School 2022-04-16

School crossword puzzle
  1. ручка
  2. класс
  3. учебник
  4. стул
  5. ластик
  6. стол
  1. окно
  2. доска
  3. дверь
  4. карандаш
  5. школьная сумка
  6. линейка

12 Clues: окностулстолдоскаручкадверьклассластикучебниклинейкакарандашшкольная сумка

School 2022-03-15

School crossword puzzle
  1. class instructor
  2. study of books
  3. school test
  4. place of learning
  5. what are you
  6. putting words down
  1. a companion
  2. school gathering
  3. theme or topic
  4. recreational play
  5. process of learning
  6. what’s the punishment for doing something

12 Clues: a companionschool testwhat are youtheme or topicstudy of booksclass instructorschool gatheringrecreational playplace of learningputting words downprocess of learningwhat’s the punishment for doing something

School 2022-11-03

School crossword puzzle
  1. something that hold all your papers
  2. who teaches you
  3. you write with it
  4. you write in it
  5. you type on
  1. what you write on
  2. what you remove something with
  3. what you wear to school
  4. something that gets documents from the computer
  5. to see the time
  6. where you learn
  7. something you read

12 Clues: you type onwho teaches youto see the timewhere you learnyou write in itwhat you write onyou write with itsomething you readwhat you wear to schoolwhat you remove something withsomething that hold all your paperssomething that gets documents from the computer

School 2022-10-31

School crossword puzzle
  1. Where all school supplies is carried
  2. Where all our work is put away
  3. used when mistakes have been made
  4. Used to measure something
  5. What we use to write in ink
  6. You can read them
  1. Where you sit
  2. Where you go check out books
  3. You use it to write with
  4. Where we go in to learn
  5. the instructor
  6. You write on it

12 Clues: Where you sitthe instructorYou write on itYou can read themWhere we go in to learnYou use it to write withUsed to measure somethingWhat we use to write in inkWhere you go check out booksWhere all our work is put awayused when mistakes have been madeWhere all school supplies is carried

school 2022-06-13

school crossword puzzle
  1. a subject
  2. what you would work on
  3. what you would sit on
  4. you could go here at recess or lunch
  5. dantes favorite subject
  6. what you might use in math class
  1. what you use to store your work
  2. what you use to cut
  3. you could use it to help you spell
  4. something you would use to write
  5. what you use to wash you hands
  6. something alot of people enjoy

12 Clues: a subjectwhat you use to cutwhat you would sit onwhat you would work ondantes favorite subjectwhat you use to wash you handssomething alot of people enjoywhat you use to store your worksomething you would use to writewhat you might use in math classyou could use it to help you spellyou could go here at recess or lunch

school 2022-12-12

school crossword puzzle
  1. drives you home
  2. a noise that dismisses you
  3. to type online
  4. to take notes in
  5. to write with
  6. to see what you have learned
  1. helps solve math problems
  2. the room where you learn
  3. a place to check out books
  4. holds all your books
  5. to hold your papers
  6. where you sit

12 Clues: where you sitto write withto type onlinedrives you hometo take notes into hold your papersholds all your booksthe room where you learnhelps solve math problemsa place to check out booksa noise that dismisses youto see what you have learned

School 2022-09-14

School crossword puzzle
  1. a number between dos and cuatro
  2. is a number between Uno and Cinco
  3. the number after the last two digit numbers
  4. something you say when someone is leaving
  5. a day everone likes
  6. something you say when someone gives you something
  7. something you say when you walk in a place
  1. is a day everyone dislikes
  2. somewhere you go when you are getting picked up
  3. somewhere you go if you get hurt at school
  4. the last day of the week
  5. something you have to have to survive

12 Clues: a day everone likesthe last day of the weekis a day everyone dislikesa number between dos and cuatrois a number between Uno and Cincosomething you have to have to survivesomething you say when someone is leavingsomewhere you go if you get hurt at schoolsomething you say when you walk in a placethe number after the last two digit numbers...

School 2022-09-14

School crossword puzzle
  1. a number between dos and cuatro
  2. is a number between Uno and Cinco
  3. the number after the last two digit numbers
  4. something you say when someone is leaving
  5. a day everone likes
  6. something you say when someone gives you something
  7. something you say when you walk in a place
  1. is a day everyone dislikes
  2. somewhere you go when you are getting picked up
  3. somewhere you go if you get hurt at school
  4. the last day of the week
  5. something you have to have to survive

12 Clues: a day everone likesthe last day of the weekis a day everyone dislikesa number between dos and cuatrois a number between Uno and Cincosomething you have to have to survivesomething you say when someone is leavingsomewhere you go if you get hurt at schoolsomething you say when you walk in a placethe number after the last two digit numbers...

School 2022-09-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. where teachers normal are
  2. used to draw lines
  3. use to dust the windows
  4. provide oxygen and filter CO2
  5. place to place books before writing
  1. use to write word on the white board
  2. for students to sit
  3. used to gain knowledge
  4. the smelliest place in school
  5. a person who teaches us in class
  6. place where students gather to eat
  7. used to clean the floor

12 Clues: used to draw linesfor students to sitused to gain knowledgeuse to dust the windowsused to clean the floorwhere teachers normal arethe smelliest place in schoolprovide oxygen and filter CO2a person who teaches us in classplace where students gather to eatplace to place books before writinguse to write word on the white board

School 2023-02-07

School crossword puzzle
  1. you can get this on a test
  2. a trip with your class
  3. a school you go to after high school
  4. a subject with numbers
  5. a bag to carry all of your stuff for school
  6. a book to write notes in
  1. English,German,French,…
  2. a thing to write on a whiteboard with
  3. to put pens and pencils in
  4. a teacher writes notes on it
  5. to throw trash away in a…
  6. students play on it during class

12 Clues: a trip with your classa subject with numbersEnglish,German,French,…a book to write notes into throw trash away in a…you can get this on a testto put pens and pencils ina teacher writes notes on itstudents play on it during classa school you go to after high schoola thing to write on a whiteboard witha bag to carry all of your stuff for school

School 2023-06-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. Bus A vehicle that transports students to and from school. It ensures safe and convenient transportation for students who live far away.
  2. A writing instrument used for taking notes and completing assignments. It is commonly made of wood with a graphite core.
  3. Lab A specialized room equipped with tools and equipment for conducting experiments and scientific investigations.
  4. An outdoor area in a school where students can play and engage in physical activities during recess or break time.
  5. Room A dedicated space in the school where students can engage in various artistic activities such as drawing and painting.
  6. Room A designated room in the school for music classes and rehearsals. It may contain musical instruments and audio equipment.
  7. A place in the school where students can access books, magazines, and other resources for reading and research.
  1. A bag carried by students to hold their books, notebooks, and other school supplies. It helps them carry their belongings.
  2. Printed materials used for learning. Books contain information, stories, and illustrations on various subjects.
  3. Lab A room with computers and internet access where students can learn and practice computer skills and use educational software.
  4. A large indoor space in a school used for physical education classes, sports activities, and school events.
  5. A container used to pack meals or snacks for school. It allows students to bring food from home to eat during lunchtime.

12 Clues: A large indoor space in a school used for physical education classes, sports activities, and school events.Printed materials used for learning. Books contain information, stories, and illustrations on various subjects.A place in the school where students can access books, magazines, and other resources for reading and research....

School 2023-04-05

School crossword puzzle
  1. a tool used for writing
  2. where children learn
  3. technology we use to type and search the internet
  4. - rings at recess and lunch
  5. - children can play on this
  6. where you take your notes
  7. people who attend school
  1. - where children play at recess
  2. children walk around showing off something
  3. a thick black Texta
  4. where you look for time
  5. - you read these

12 Clues: - you read thesea thick black Textawhere children learna tool used for writingwhere you look for timepeople who attend schoolwhere you take your notes- rings at recess and lunch- children can play on this- where children play at recesschildren walk around showing off somethingtechnology we use to type and search the internet

School 2023-04-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. - A vertical surface that forms part of the classroom.
  2. - A writing tool used by students.
  3. - A flat piece of furniture used in the classroom for eating or group work.
  4. - Someone who instructs and educates students.
  5. - A tool used to measure length or distance.
  6. - A cabinet used to store stationery, files, or other items.
  7. - A piece of furniture used to store books.
  1. - A board used in the classroom to display information and write.
  2. - A tool used to remove pencil mistakes.
  3. - Place where students go to learn.
  4. - A piece of furniture for students to sit on.
  5. - A piece of furniture used by students for writing or studying.

12 Clues: - A writing tool used by students.- Place where students go to learn.- A tool used to remove pencil mistakes.- A piece of furniture used to store books.- A tool used to measure length or distance.- Someone who instructs and educates students.- A piece of furniture for students to sit on.- A vertical surface that forms part of the classroom....

school 2023-05-08

school crossword puzzle
  1. what you carry Pencil in
  2. how you get home
  3. what you carry to school
  4. where you run
  5. what you cut paper with
  6. what you read
  7. where you sit
  1. where you keep notes
  2. where you work
  3. type on
  4. so you are safe
  5. where you do math

12 Clues: type onwhere you runwhat you readwhere you sitwhere you workso you are safehow you get homewhere you do mathwhere you keep noteswhat you cut paper withwhat you carry Pencil inwhat you carry to school

School 2023-09-12

School crossword puzzle
  1. A place where students eat.
  2. To send A student away from school for a period of time.
  3. A place where you do experiments.
  4. The place where techers go when theyre not teaching.
  5. A List that shows the times when something happens.
  6. The clothing that stidents have to wear at shcool.
  1. A place where you train at school.
  2. What room are were in.
  3. The board with information on it.
  4. The person in charge of the school.
  5. To use power To hurt someone.
  6. To use bad language.

12 Clues: To use bad language.What room are were in.A place where students eat.To use power To hurt someone.The board with information on it.A place where you do experiments.A place where you train at school.The person in charge of the school.The clothing that stidents have to wear at shcool.A List that shows the times when something happens....

School 2023-11-25

School crossword puzzle
  1. note down what's important
  2. helpful when you make a mistake
  3. connect to the internet
  4. subject in which you learn all about numbers
  5. book with blank pages for writing
  6. people you like being around
  1. comfortable place to read
  2. person who helps you learn
  3. tool you need for writing
  4. great tool for coloring
  5. person in charge of school
  6. you can use this to measure

12 Clues: great tool for coloringconnect to the internetcomfortable place to readtool you need for writingnote down what's importantperson who helps you learnperson in charge of schoolyou can use this to measurepeople you like being aroundhelpful when you make a mistakebook with blank pages for writingsubject in which you learn all about numbers

School 2024-08-13

School crossword puzzle
  1. Case: A container used to carry pencils, pens, and erasers.
  2. A tool used to erase mistakes made with a pencil.
  3. A device used to calculate numbers quickly.
  4. You write on this with chalk.
  5. A place where students go to read books and study.
  6. A room where students have physical exercise and play sports.
  7. You carry your books and supplies in this.
  1. Lab: This room is equipped with computers for students to use.
  2. A board that uses markers instead of chalk.
  3. A tool used for writing or drawing with ink.
  4. A room with desks, chairs, and a board, where lessons are taught.
  5. A place where students eat their lunch.

12 Clues: You write on this with chalk.A place where students eat their lunch.You carry your books and supplies in this.A board that uses markers instead of chalk.A device used to calculate numbers quickly.A tool used for writing or drawing with ink.A tool used to erase mistakes made with a pencil.A place where students go to read books and study....

School 2024-01-03

School crossword puzzle
  1. A break during the school day for outdoor play.
  2. An outdoor area for students to play and have fun.
  3. An educator who guides students in their learning journey.
  4. A writing tool used for tasks and assignments.
  5. Bus A vehicle that transports students to and from school.
  6. A large space for physical education and sports activities.
  1. A space filled with books and resources for reading and studying.
  2. A room where students have lessons and learn together.
  3. A bag carried by students to hold their books and supplies.
  4. Lab A specialized room for conducting experiments and scientific activities.
  5. The head of the school responsible for its overall administration.
  6. Lab A room equipped with computers for digital learning.

12 Clues: A writing tool used for tasks and assignments.A break during the school day for outdoor play.An outdoor area for students to play and have fun.A room where students have lessons and learn together.Lab A room equipped with computers for digital learning.An educator who guides students in their learning journey....

School 2023-10-09

School crossword puzzle
  1. we can join it to practice something we like
  2. a building where we study
  3. a group of subjects: biology, chemistry and physics
  4. a person who studies
  5. people take part in this and the best person wins a prize
  1. in this subject we count and solve problems
  2. a place in school where we study
  3. in this subject we study different countries
  4. Polish, English, French, etc.
  5. in this subject we talk about things that happened in the past
  6. in this subject we learn how to draw
  7. to learn new things

12 Clues: to learn new thingsa person who studiesa building where we studyPolish, English, French, etc.a place in school where we studyin this subject we learn how to drawin this subject we count and solve problemsin this subject we study different countrieswe can join it to practice something we likea group of subjects: biology, chemistry and physics...

School 2023-10-19

School crossword puzzle
  1. рюкзак
  2. скреплять скрепкой
  3. скреплять булавкой, канцелярским гвоздиком
  4. ножницы
  5. класть, ставить
  6. чертить, рисовать карандашом
  7. парта
  1. циркуль, компас
  2. скрепки
  3. канцелярские гвоздики
  4. резать
  5. точить

12 Clues: партарюкзакрезатьточитьскрепкиножницыциркуль, компаскласть, ставитьскреплять скрепкойканцелярские гвоздикичертить, рисовать карандашомскреплять булавкой, канцелярским гвоздиком

School 2024-09-25

School crossword puzzle
  1. – Solving problems with numbers and shapes.
  2. – Study of living organisms and ecosystems.
  3. – Study of motion, energy, and forces.
  4. – Creative expression through drawing and sculpture.
  5. – Reading and analyzing books and poems.
  6. – Study of money, resources, and business.
  1. – Learning about past events and civilizations.
  2. – Study of substances and their reactions.
  3. Science – Learning coding and technology.
  4. – Study of the natural world and its processes.
  5. – Study of the English language and grammar.
  6. – Study of sounds, rhythms, and instruments.

12 Clues: – Study of motion, energy, and forces.– Reading and analyzing books and poems.Science – Learning coding and technology.– Study of substances and their reactions.– Study of money, resources, and business.– Solving problems with numbers and shapes.– Study of living organisms and ecosystems.– Study of the English language and grammar....

school 2024-11-27

school crossword puzzle
  1. Where you sit and work in class. (4 letters)
  2. What you use to sharpen a pencil. (6 letters)
  3. A device that plays sounds or music in the classroom. (4 letters)
  4. An item used for writing or drawing. (6 letters)
  5. Things you read for school. (5 letters)
  6. A person who teaches students. (7 letters)
  1. The subject focused on numbers and equations. (3 letters)
  2. A type of school subject involving science experiments. (7 letters)
  3. The activity of taking notes or creating reports. (7 letters)
  4. The place where students go to learn. (6 letters)
  5. A tool used for measuring time in class. (5 letters)
  6. A material commonly used for writing or printing. (5 letters)

12 Clues: Things you read for school. (5 letters)A person who teaches students. (7 letters)Where you sit and work in class. (4 letters)What you use to sharpen a pencil. (6 letters)An item used for writing or drawing. (6 letters)The place where students go to learn. (6 letters)A tool used for measuring time in class. (5 letters)...

School 2024-11-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. school material to measure things
  2. where students learn everyday
  3. full word for tv
  4. where you store your pencil, eraser, ruler...
  5. material you use to write
  6. large object in the class where you can paint with chalk(guix)
  1. where we store (guardem)books
  2. material you use to erase pencil
  3. table where you do work and exams at school
  4. person that teaches
  5. electronic device to watch movies, do homework...
  6. bag where you store your school material

12 Clues: full word for tvperson that teachesmaterial you use to writewhere we store (guardem)bookswhere students learn everydaymaterial you use to erase pencilschool material to measure thingsbag where you store your school materialtable where you do work and exams at schoolwhere you store your pencil, eraser, ruler......

Residential Schools 2021-06-25

Residential Schools crossword puzzle
  1. Catholic patron saint for the lost
  2. South-central United Saskatchewan school
  3. Anglican-run on the North Saskatchewan River
  4. the gateway to the north, Anglican
  5. Catholic school called St. Michael's
  6. Anglican school named after a root vegetable
  7. Catholic school near my hometown
  8. United church, polygon or not a polygon?
  9. Saskatchewan's capital city, Presbyterian school
  10. Catholic school near Delmas
  1. south-central Catholic school
  2. Only residential school I visited, Catholic
  3. Catholic school on Cowesses,751 graves
  4. Near Guy Hill, Manitoba, Catholic
  5. Also called Lac la Plonge, Catholic
  6. Ran Cote Improved Federal Day School
  7. Anglican-run Punnichy school
  8. Tri-Community Anglican school
  9. Where my ancestor worked, Presbyterian

19 Clues: Catholic school near DelmasAnglican-run Punnichy schoolsouth-central Catholic schoolTri-Community Anglican schoolCatholic school near my hometownNear Guy Hill, Manitoba, CatholicCatholic patron saint for the lostthe gateway to the north, AnglicanAlso called Lac la Plonge, CatholicCatholic school called St. Michael's...

Shri Crossword 2021-01-03

Shri Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What was present before the MBR Hall?
  2. Total number of grades in our school
  3. Total number of bus routes in school
  4. Name of rules stuck in every classroom
  5. First core value as listed on school website
  6. Name of the annual inter-school performing arts competition
  7. Colour of school logo background
  1. Colour of school notebooks
  2. Location that has glow in the dark stickers in school
  3. Colour of school sweater
  4. Number of sections per grade
  5. Location of lunch hall
  6. Vasant Vihar was which TSRS campus to open?
  7. Colour of white door earlier
  8. What do guards check at the school gate?
  9. What are students of TSRS called?
  10. Brand of basketballs used by school
  11. Colour of first stripe on school socks
  12. Body part we scan upon entering school
  13. Founder's month

20 Clues: Founder's monthLocation of lunch hallColour of school sweaterColour of school notebooksNumber of sections per gradeColour of white door earlierColour of school logo backgroundWhat are students of TSRS called?Brand of basketballs used by schoolTotal number of grades in our schoolTotal number of bus routes in school...

Class of 1947 Reunion Crossword 2017-06-20

Class of 1947 Reunion Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. term for graduates
  2. physical education teacher
  3. name of your school
  4. 3 year subject requirement
  5. front drive
  6. student newspaper
  7. main address of school
  8. principal
  9. iconic architectural feature
  10. school yearbook
  1. school colors
  2. english teacher
  3. football coach
  4. school motto
  5. biology teacher
  6. back entrance of school
  7. constantly seeking knowledge
  8. Seize the day
  9. type of school
  10. school mascot
  11. name of statue
  12. number of years since you graduated
  13. inspired by Monticello
  14. nickname for a seventh grader

24 Clues: principalfront driveschool mottoschool colorsSeize the dayschool mascotfootball coachtype of schoolname of statueenglish teacherbiology teacherschool yearbookstudent newspaperterm for graduatesname of your schoolmain address of schoolinspired by Monticelloback entrance of schoolphysical education teacher3 year subject requirement...

MAVO 1 chapter 5 blz. 81 2015-01-16

MAVO 1 chapter 5 blz. 81 crossword puzzle
  1. zondag
  2. schoolagenda
  3. toets, proefwerk
  4. donderdag
  5. dinsdag
  6. fietstocht
  7. aardrijkskunde
  8. schoolspullen
  9. middelbare school
  10. maandag
  11. toekomst
  12. druk
  13. haasten
  1. zaterdag
  2. natuur/scheikunde
  3. informatica
  4. streng
  5. kostschool
  6. (strop)das
  7. geschiedenis
  8. gymnastiek
  9. woensdag
  10. smoorverliefd zijn op
  11. biologie
  12. wiskunde
  13. klas
  14. lesrooster
  15. repetitie
  16. (school)vak
  17. aula
  18. (klas)lokaal
  19. (school)rapport
  20. vroeg
  21. vrijdag
  22. lesgeven
  23. cijfer

36 Clues: klasauladrukvroegzondagstrengcijferdinsdagmaandagvrijdaghaastenzaterdagwoensdagbiologiewiskundetoekomstlesgevendonderdagrepetitiekostschool(strop)dasgymnastiekfietstochtlesroosterinformatica(school)vakgeschiedenisschoolagenda(klas)lokaalschoolspullenaardrijkskunde(school)rapporttoets, proefwerknatuur/scheikundemiddelbare schoolsmoorverliefd zijn op

School vocabulary 2021-04-14

School vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a time to eat at school
  2. Learning about god and jesus
  3. a creative subject
  4. what you wear to school
  5. a sport you play in P.E
  6. learning about countries
  7. a language you learn at school
  8. the boss of the school
  9. the front office in the school
  10. where books are kept
  11. work you do after school
  12. where you keep your pens
  13. where you can go after you finish school
  14. Learning about the past
  1. what you learn at school
  2. what you take to school
  3. a science subject
  4. the time you go to school
  5. a language you learn at school
  6. learning about the mind
  7. a worker in a school
  8. a place to relax after lessons
  9. you use chemicals in this class
  10. an object you use in I.T

24 Clues: a science subjecta creative subjecta worker in a schoolwhere books are keptthe boss of the schoola time to eat at schoolwhat you take to schoolwhat you wear to schoola sport you play in P.Elearning about the mindLearning about the pastwhat you learn at schoollearning about countrieswork you do after schoolwhere you keep your pens...

High School Terms 2022-04-19

High School Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Withdraw from one school or class and sign up for another.
  2. Official school report with a list of your grades in the subjects you studied in high school.
  3. Document that says you have successfully completed all the requirements to graduate from high school.
  4. Absent from school without permission.
  5. Records show that you are doing what is needed to move forward toward graduation.
  6. Group of people elected to be in charge of the school district.
  7. Set of rules that tell you what you can wear to school or school event.
  8. Training program for school employees.
  9. College-level courses you can take in high school.
  10. Meet the requirements to participate in sports, music, speech, and other school activities.
  11. Course that you are required to take before taking a more advanced course. Algebra I is a prerequisite to Algebra II.
  12. Keep a student out of school for a short period of time for breaking rules.
  13. Physically abuse, humiliate, or ridicule new students or team members.
  1. Arrange students from highest to lowest based on their grades or GPA.
  2. High school course that counts toward college and high school graduation.
  3. Process students go through to get into college.
  4. outside of regular school classes.
  5. Division of school that is related to a subject area. Science department.
  6. Number of courses, classes, or credits you take each semester or school year.
  7. Person who manages the school district.
  8. Program to recognize high school students who show achievement in scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
  9. Remove a student from school for breaking rules.
  10. Grade Point Average; average grade you earned, figured by dividing the grade points earned by the number of credits.

23 Clues: outside of regular school classes.Absent from school without permission.Training program for school employees.Person who manages the school district.Process students go through to get into college.Remove a student from school for breaking rules.College-level courses you can take in high school....


  1. What is the name of the Turkish town in our project
  2. What is there behind the school house in Vaatsa
  3. Where was formed the school from Croatia
  4. What is the name of the Estonian school
  5. How many teachers are there in paolo borsellino school
  6. What is the name of school from Croatia
  7. When do Sicilian students have laboratory at school
  8. Where do Estonian students have concerts and events
  9. In which County in Vaatsa
  10. What is the name of the Greek school
  1. Where is the music class in Basic school
  2. When was Paolo Borsellino school build
  3. Where is the secretary office in Paolo borsellino school
  4. Where do young people in Vaatsa can spend time
  5. What is the capital of Turkey
  6. What is the name of the Sicilian school
  7. What is the largest city of Turkey
  8. How many parts are the in Basic school
  9. What city is near Samobor
  10. Where is Mazara del vallo
  11. What time does school start at Vaatsa basic school
  12. In which prefecture is Tripolis

22 Clues: What city is near SamoborIn which County in VaatsaWhere is Mazara del valloWhat is the capital of TurkeyIn which prefecture is TripolisWhat is the largest city of TurkeyWhat is the name of the Greek schoolWhen was Paolo Borsellino school buildHow many parts are the in Basic schoolWhat is the name of the Estonian school...

In the Know: Discover some of the ESSB’s most commonly used acronyms and abbreviations by using the following titles of organizations, teaching tools, events and personnel to fill in the corresponding portion of the crossword puzzle. **Don’t forget to: -A 2013-09-15

In the Know: Discover some of the ESSB’s most commonly used acronyms and abbreviations by using the following titles of organizations, teaching tools, events and personnel to fill in the corresponding portion of the crossword puzzle. **Don’t forget to: -A crossword puzzle
  1. Human Resources
  2. Language Network (table)
  3. Evergreen High School
  4. Metis Beach School
  5. Evaluation Situation
  6. New Richmond High School
  7. Eastern Shores Teacher Association
  8. Quebec Education Plan
  9. Queen Elizabeth High School
  10. Professional Learning Community
  11. St. Patrick's Elementary School
  12. Ministre de l'Education Loisir et Sport
  13. Progression of Learning
  14. Visualizing and Verbalizing
  15. Professional Resources and Instruction for Mathematics Educators
  16. New Carlisle High School
  17. The LindaMood-Bell Learning Processes
  18. Mathematics,Science and Technology(committee)
  19. Grosse Isle High School
  20. French Second Language
  21. New Approaches, New Solutions
  22. Individualized Education Plan
  23. Riverview Intermediate School
  24. Director General
  25. Shigawake Port Daniel School
  26. Belle Anse Elementary School
  27. Gaspe Elementary School
  1. Developmental Reading Assessment
  2. English Language Arts
  3. Learning and Evaluation Situation
  4. Science,Technology, Engineering and Mathmatics
  5. Baie Comeau High School
  6. Flemming Elementary School
  7. the Leadership Committee for English Education in Quebec
  8. Research and professional development in the use of ICT
  9. Eastern Shores School Board
  10. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
  11. Electronic Portfolio
  12. Information Technology
  13. Quebec Provincial Association of Teachers
  14. Designs Evaluation English Language Arts
  15. Leaning Tool Kit
  16. Bonaventure Polyvalent School
  17. National Science Teachers Association
  18. Tell Them From Me
  19. Gaspe Polyvalent School
  20. Abracadabra
  21. Escuminac Intermediate School
  22. The Daily Five
  23. Director of Educational Services

50 Clues: AbracadabraThe Daily FiveHuman ResourcesLeaning Tool KitDirector GeneralTell Them From MeMetis Beach SchoolEvaluation SituationElectronic PortfolioEnglish Language ArtsEvergreen High SchoolQuebec Education PlanInformation TechnologyFrench Second LanguageBaie Comeau High SchoolProgression of LearningGrosse Isle High SchoolGaspe Polyvalent School...

Class of 1947 Reunion Crossword 2017-06-20

Class of 1947 Reunion Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. biology teacher
  2. Seize the day
  3. school motto
  4. name of your school
  5. term for graduates
  6. principal
  7. school mascot
  8. school yearbook
  9. name of statue
  10. type of school
  11. iconic architectural feature
  12. 3 year subject requirement
  1. football coach
  2. english teacher
  3. main address of school
  4. inspired by Monticello
  5. school colors
  6. constantly seeking knowledge
  7. nickname for a seventh grader
  8. front drive
  9. physical education teacher
  10. back entrance of school
  11. student newspaper
  12. number of years since you graduated

24 Clues: principalfront driveschool mottoSeize the dayschool colorsschool mascotfootball coachname of statuetype of schoolbiology teacherenglish teacherschool yearbookstudent newspaperterm for graduatesname of your schoolmain address of schoolinspired by Monticelloback entrance of schoolphysical education teacher3 year subject requirement...

Week 4 vocabulary word 2022-12-09

Week 4 vocabulary word crossword puzzle
  1. At school I learned that Abduct means to kidnap.
  2. school I learned that the Centromere The centromere links a pair of sister chromatids together during cell division.
  3. school I learned that Pseudopod is an arm-like projection of a eukaryotic cell membrane that emerges in the direction of movement.
  4. school I learned that photosynthesis is energy to plants from sunlight.
  5. school I learned that Insecticides are substances used to kill insects.
  6. school I learned that Metaphase is the second stage cell division.
  7. My friends said his dad study’s animals and said it is called zoology.
  8. school I learned that Phenotype is the physical appearance of an organism.
  9. school I learned that Cytokine is when the immune system cells affect other cells.
  10. school I learned that Extracurricular activities are like soccer but no for credit.
  11. school I learned that people stuff and put it on the wall.
  1. school I learned that Nomenclature is the devising or choosing of names for things, especially in a science or other discipline.
  2. school I learned that and Android is a Humanlike robot.
  3. school I learned that the branch of science concerned with classification.
  4. school I learned that a small tear in the thin, moist tissue (mucosa).
  5. At school I learned that Electrolysis is an Electric that breaks chemical bonds.
  6. school I learned that NonPerishable is canned good and dried foods.
  7. school I learned that Malnourished is when you don’t get enough nutrients or food.
  8. school I learned that Disintegrate is when something breaks down also like decay.
  9. school I learned that Ecosystem is the environment we live in.

20 Clues: At school I learned that Abduct means to I learned that and Android is a Humanlike I learned that people stuff and put it on the I learned that Ecosystem is the environment we live I learned that Metaphase is the second stage cell division....