school Crossword Puzzles
Japanese School 2024-07-25
17 Clues: state • public • school • private • university • high school • option subject • junior college • primary school • elementary school • junior high school • university student • compulsory subject • high school student • primary school student • elementary school children • junior high school student
week 4 vocabulary choice board 2022-12-09
- At school I learned that Abduct means to kidnap.
- school I learned that the Centromere The centromere links a pair of sister chromatids together during cell division.
- school I learned that Pseudopod is an arm-like projection of a eukaryotic cell membrane that emerges in the direction of movement.
- school I learned that photosynthesis is energy to plants from sunlight.
- school I learned that Insecticides are substances used to kill insects.
- school I learned that Metaphase is the second stage cell division.
- My friends said his dad study’s animals and said it is called zoology.
- school I learned that Phenotype is the physical appearance of an organism.
- school I learned that Cytokine is when the immune system cells affect other cells.
- school I learned that Extracurricular activities are like soccer but no for credit.
- school I learned that people stuff and put it on the wall.
- school I learned that Nomenclature is the devising or choosing of names for things, especially in a science or other discipline.
- school I learned that and Android is a Humanlike robot.
- school I learned that the branch of science concerned with classification.
- school I learned that a small tear in the thin, moist tissue (mucosa).
- At school I learned that Electrolysis is an Electric that breaks chemical bonds.
- school I learned that NonPerishable is canned good and dried foods.
- school I learned that Malnourished is when you don’t get enough nutrients or food.
- school I learned that Disintegrate is when something breaks down also like decay.
- school I learned that Ecosystem is the environment we live in.
20 Clues: At school I learned that Abduct means to kidnap. • school I learned that and Android is a Humanlike robot. • school I learned that people stuff and put it on the wall. • school I learned that Ecosystem is the environment we live in. • school I learned that Metaphase is the second stage cell division. • ...
School vocabulary 2021-02-03
24 Clues: lire • jupe • être • crier • gomme • short • agenda • parler • préféré • couloir • manteau • une clé • baskets • pouvoir • natation • détester • classeur • pantalon • cartable • sac à dos • se battre • surligneur • chaussettes • salle des profs
School subjects 2021-02-11
- fysiikka
- saksa
- kuvataide
- ympäristöoppi
- espanja
- suomi
- uskonto
- _____studies = yhteiskuntaoppi
- historia
- home _____ = kotitalous
- liikunta
- _____ education = terveystieto
- elämänkatsomustieto
- maantiede
- ruotsi
- venäjä
- englanti
- biologia
- käsityö
- musiikki
- pupil _____ = oppilaanohjaus
- kemia
- ranska
- _____ tongue and literature = äidinkieli ja kirjallisuus
- matematiikka
25 Clues: saksa • suomi • kemia • ruotsi • venäjä • ranska • käsityö • espanja • uskonto • fysiikka • englanti • biologia • musiikki • historia • liikunta • kuvataide • maantiede • matematiikka • ympäristöoppi • elämänkatsomustieto • home _____ = kotitalous • pupil _____ = oppilaanohjaus • _____studies = yhteiskuntaoppi • _____ education = terveystieto • _____ tongue and literature = äidinkieli ja kirjallisuus
School work 2021-01-26
- they design the fashion
- when you do stuff by your own
- people get it when you finish school
- person who drives lorry
- you clean with it something like toilet
- people who work with you in one office
- person who makes food
- person who assists veterinar
- work in summer
- person who translites talks
- person who will try to save our life
- person who gives you job
- person who designs apps
- they give you books in library
- when you do something you can show it to somebody so they know you did it
- person who directs films
- when you don't mess up
- you get that in school after class if you miss behave
- when you work all day you work ...time
- when you cut people to help them
- you get enough money off work
- they can paint you like Mona Lisa
- you get more money when this happens
- you write that so the employer knows you better
- extra something
- every human has atleast one of it
- hours when you work
27 Clues: work in summer • extra something • hours when you work • person who makes food • when you don't mess up • they design the fashion • person who designs apps • person who drives lorry • person who gives you job • person who directs films • person who translites talks • person who assists veterinar • when you do stuff by your own • you get enough money off work • ...
school supplies 2021-03-17
22 Clues: map • pen • book • tape • flag • paper • ruler • clock • folder • eraser • binder • pencil • stapler • backpack • scissors • notebook • trash can • calculator • dictionary • rubber band • colored pencil • school supplies
school subjects 2021-02-08
20 Clues: химия • право • физик • оценка • стипендия • сочинение • расписание • оценивание • психология • архитектура • работодатель • инженерное дело • курсовая работа • повторно сдавать • семестр, четверть • деловое управление • повалиться на экзамене • сотрудник, подчиненный • теория массовых коммуникаций • задание для самостоятельной работы
School Suplies 2019-12-10
31 Clues: pen • map • tape • flag • book • paper • globe • clock • ruler • chair • pencil • screen • school • folder • eraser • stapler • student • teacher • scissors • calendar • computer • notebook • back pack • trash can • chalkboard • book shelf • calculator • studentdesk • teacher's desk • pencil sharpner • three-ring binder
School shooting 2021-01-11
22 Clues: lide • sorg • såret • besat • sørge • forbud • flygte • øvelse • overfald • bortvist • mistænkt • være imod • undersøge • forstyrret • adgang til • forsvarsløs • skrækslagen • anskaffelse • stramninger • ondskabsfuld • gerningsmand • national rifle association
School Life 2020-12-07
HOME SCHOOL 2020-04-08
- Fastest mammal
- red fruit
- Luke has a blue one
- Jesus's Death
- Dads and Zuris
- occcurs when something is funny
- Keira really wanted this
- Lots of these is California
- Keiras favorite
- Luke has it on his arm
- Lukes favorite number
- girls fight over this
- What Dad calls Luke
- middle school students say it to greet
- Mia loves these
- Dad and Luke are...
- Dad says that these escaped
- yellow fruit
- Helps move the computer
- Unlocks doors
- Luke needs this on his door
21 Clues: red fruit • yellow fruit • Jesus's Death • Unlocks doors • Fastest mammal • Dads and Zuris • Mia loves these • Keiras favorite • What Dad calls Luke • Luke has a blue one • Dad and Luke are... • Lukes favorite number • girls fight over this • Luke has it on his arm • Helps move the computer • Keira really wanted this • Dad says that these escaped • Lots of these is California • ...
HOME SCHOOL 2020-04-07
- number of steph curry
- fun for hide and seek
- Lainey likes this animal
- Lainey, Abby, Keira, Daddy and Luke have these
- Luke has these
- Lukes friend
- Mia charges this on the computer
- Abby and Lainey's room is
- Covid-19
- Color
- Capital of Missouri
- Lukes School
- the nickname sport
- Helps us draw
- Lukes favorite word
- Our guitar teacher
- Zuri's stuffed bear
- Lainey is the
- Our favorite piano teacher
- Abby likes this animal
- Luke and Keira do this
- Luke like this animal
- Sycamore Ridge gave us this
- Mia is the
24 Clues: Color • Covid-19 • Mia is the • Lukes friend • Lukes School • Helps us draw • Lainey is the • Luke has these • the nickname sport • Our guitar teacher • Lukes favorite word • Zuri's stuffed bear • Capital of Missouri • number of steph curry • fun for hide and seek • Luke like this animal • Abby likes this animal • Luke and Keira do this • Lainey likes this animal • Abby and Lainey's room is • ...
nursery school 2020-04-23
- realize
- longer than expected or planned
- Verantwortung
- intended to be kept secret
- aktuelle Gebühren
- a lot of something good or useful
- showing a particular feeling
- ermutigen
- to make it possible for someone to do something
- look after something
- gesamte Potential
- an other word for quite
- sichere Umgebung
- the process of watching something
- special or great
- schedule what the children should learn
- to improve something
- to make certain that something will happen properly
- able to be used
- weicher Raum (Entspannungsraum)
20 Clues: realize • ermutigen • Verantwortung • able to be used • sichere Umgebung • special or great • aktuelle Gebühren • gesamte Potential • to improve something • look after something • an other word for quite • intended to be kept secret • showing a particular feeling • longer than expected or planned • weicher Raum (Entspannungsraum) • the process of watching something • ...
School Supplies 2020-04-25
29 Clues: luz • mesa • lapiz • reloj • silla • gorra • libro • escoba • llaves • bocina • abrigo • puerta • mochila • tablero • cortina • ventana • basurero • cubiculo • cuaderno • gabinete • paraguas • alfombra • extintor • impresora • boligrafo • maestro/a • proyector • computadora • diccionario
School Age 2021-04-15
- / third grader who sits at table 8
- / has an older brother in school age
- / second grader with green eyes
- / has three L’s in her first name
- / Last name rhymes with trees
- / Last name ends with two of the same letter
- / has two E’s and two S’s in their first name
- / Last name is also a city
- / Has a sister in kindergarten
- / First grader with their last name scrambled is ldroaf
- / First and Last name has 5 As in total
- / First name ends in Y and last name starts in A
- / First name starts with two of the same letter
- / First name rhymes with Mariah
- / First name ends in yah
- / First name scrambled is yobrsn
- / has the same last name as another student but are not related
- / has the shortest combined first and last name
- / Last name is 10 letters long
- / Third oldest boy in School Age
- / boy wears and glasses and has a big black backpack
- / Has a sister but different last names
- / Has the same name as a boy but spelled differently
- / Has a sister who wears glasses
24 Clues: / First name ends in yah • / Last name is also a city • / Last name rhymes with trees • / Last name is 10 letters long • / Has a sister in kindergarten • / First name rhymes with Mariah • / second grader with green eyes • / First name scrambled is yobrsn • / Third oldest boy in School Age • / Has a sister who wears glasses • / has three L’s in her first name • ...
School bus 2020-09-05
- Used to secure wheelchair to the floor inside of the bus.
- School _________ driver.
- 6 month time period.
- Direction sheet.
- ______________ County School District.
- Each driver was recently issued on of these.
- One of the five bus yards.
- We transport ____________ to and from school.
- Hang this in the back of the bus before exiting.
- A neat and _________________ appearance is required at all times.
- CCSD ID ____________ is part of your uniform.
- To accept a new assigned route you must first ___________ on it.
- ________________ examination.
- Press you foot on to stop the bus.
- Complete you work ___________ daily.
- Clock in and out with this on your bus.
- When your license is going to expire you must ____________ it.
- Number of students allowed on the bus is called.
- What kind of license need to drive a bus.
- Arville Home of the ____________.
20 Clues: Direction sheet. • 6 month time period. • School _________ driver. • One of the five bus yards. • ________________ examination. • Arville Home of the ____________. • Press you foot on to stop the bus. • Complete you work ___________ daily. • ______________ County School District. • Clock in and out with this on your bus. • What kind of license need to drive a bus. • ...
School spelling 2020-06-14
30 Clues: Prey • Ache • Fire • Change • Adding • Normal • Column • Impact • Drought • Brevity • Produces • Painless • Predator • Hopeless • Chemical • clueless • Floating • Shameless • Desperate • Disasters • Consumers • Adrenaline • technology • Facilities • guaranteed • Not listening • Where you learn • Sing in a group • Not doing anything • A thing you fright with
School Classes 2020-09-04
20 Clues: Musik • Pause • lesen • Werken • Chemie • Physik • Algebra • spielen • Literatur • Grammatik • Geometrie • schreiben • Geografie • Mathematik • Geschichte • Wissenschaft, • Kunstunterricht • Sportunterricht • Hauswirtschaftslehre • Fremdsprachenunterricht
School Colors 2020-06-11
- rhymes with dead sea
- really messy science experiment
- past tense school subject
- Deanna's majestic steed
- Super Villain or Revelations
- Wilson #1 sport
- comic series
- white and blue (one star)
- fourth grade recess game
- didn't happen this year lol
- Starts June 19th
- bad at her job, no one likes her
- musical artist and time
- the antonym of antonym
- causes quakes and assigns blame
- red with an A
- my face when embarrased, laughing, or angry
- beloved afterschool club
- with the mostest
- our school team after Colton left
- "It wasn't me"
- How I feel about Wilson Team
- "I didn't do it"
- esteemed, personalized awards
- on wednesdays we wear
- I think we only had two??
- a rare morning treat
- small-group space
- a crazy person from Maine
- Most important part of Miss Nikki's job
- the color of Nikki's hair
- Anna's favorite musician
- the perfect evening snack
- causes growling and bad temper
- No one knows how to do this
- "Why can't I run in the hallways?"
- green, blue, yellow, red
- what we did at our community meeting
- Joke about Deanna's deserved success
- Gives out ice packs
- shiny ocean rock (and name)
- the perfect movie to end 2019
- a leopard gecko
- fancier Dunkin
- My favorite meal
- Joke about colton's undeserved success
- story and club
- green light
48 Clues: green light • comic series • red with an A • fancier Dunkin • story and club • "It wasn't me" • Wilson #1 sport • a leopard gecko • Starts June 19th • My favorite meal • with the mostest • "I didn't do it" • small-group space • Gives out ice packs • rhymes with dead sea • a rare morning treat • on wednesdays we wear • the antonym of antonym • Deanna's majestic steed • musical artist and time • ...
School Life 2020-08-06
23 Clues: gym • pens • exam • math • desk • kids • club • books • study • tests • pencil • marker • recess • reading • writing • teacher • friends • science • history • notebook • principal • highlighter • extra credit
School Vocabulary 2020-08-30
- Is this the right answer? Is it ____?
- Who knows the answer? If you know, I want to see your hand up!
- You decide between the two. Do you want chocolate or ice cream?
- If I have 2 iphones, should I give one to my sister?
- Please draw a line write below the words you don't know.
- Wow. ______ at the airplane in the sky!
- When you are finished, you should look over your homework again.
- Let's _______ the answers to make sure you did them right.
- If you have a question, you should______.
- When you get a contract, you need to put your name on it.
- Before you play video games, you should ____ your school homework.
- I am going to get everyone's papers.
- Can you hear me? Make sure you _______.
- The words are mixed up! Can you _____?
- From your backpack, ______ a pencil.
- When you write down the same thing your teacher wrote on a whiteboard.
- Smallest to tallest flowers
- Can I get a new pencil? A ______ pencil from my old one.
- How do you say this new word? Can you ______ it?
- Your friend fell on the floor so you should....
- When it is time to sleep, what do you do with the lights?
- We are on page 23 on this book, can you ______ this?
- It is so dark right now, we need the light.
- We are going to talk in small groups about the weather.
- For this homework, you will not work with your friends.
- On the paper, use your pen to do what?
- If we all help with this project, we will do well.
- We are going to start the class so go to your chair.
- This is not the right answer. Draw an x.
- When your teacher is writing, you should also write down.
- It's time to go home everyone, let's get up.
- What goes in this blank area? What can you write there?
- When you go into the bathroom, you should do what with the door?
- 5+5= 10 Then 10 is what?
- If you are wrong, draw an X and if you are right draw a ______.
- Is this picture the same as that picture?
- To start the class you need to get the book and do what?
- We have 30 students so let's get into small groups.
- I didn't hear you, can you say it again?
- I wrote this word wrong.
40 Clues: 5+5= 10 Then 10 is what? • I wrote this word wrong. • Smallest to tallest flowers • I am going to get everyone's papers. • From your backpack, ______ a pencil. • Is this the right answer? Is it ____? • On the paper, use your pen to do what? • The words are mixed up! Can you _____? • Wow. ______ at the airplane in the sky! • Can you hear me? Make sure you _______. • ...
School Vocabulary 2020-08-30
- Is this the right answer? Is it ____?
- Who knows the answer? If you know, I want to see your hand up!
- You decide between the two. Do you want chocolate or ice cream?
- If I have 2 iphones, should I give one to my sister?
- Please draw a line write below the words you don't know.
- Wow. ______ at the airplane in the sky!
- When you are finished, you should look over your homework again.
- Let's _______ the answers to make sure you did them right.
- If you have a question, you should______.
- When you get a contract, you need to put your name on it.
- Before you play video games, you should ____ your school homework.
- I am going to get everyone's papers.
- Can you hear me? Make sure you _______.
- The words are mixed up! Can you _____?
- From your backpack, ______ a pencil.
- When you write down the same thing your teacher wrote on a whiteboard.
- Smallest to tallest flowers
- Can I get a new pencil? A ______ pencil from my old one.
- How do you say this new word? Can you ______ it?
- Your friend fell on the floor so you should....
- When it is time to sleep, what do you do with the lights?
- We are on page 23 on this book, can you ______ this?
- It is so dark right now, we need the light.
- We are going to talk in small groups about the weather.
- For this homework, you will not work with your friends.
- On the paper, use your pen to do what?
- If we all help with this project, we will do well.
- We are going to start the class so go to your chair.
- This is not the right answer. Draw an x.
- When your teacher is writing, you should also write down.
- It's time to go home everyone, let's get up.
- What goes in this blank area? What can you write there?
- When you go into the bathroom, you should do what with the door?
- 5+5= 10 Then 10 is what?
- If you are wrong, draw an X and if you are right draw a ______.
- Is this picture the same as that picture?
- To start the class you need to get the book and do what?
- We have 30 students so let's get into small groups.
- I didn't hear you, can you say it again?
- I wrote this word wrong.
40 Clues: 5+5= 10 Then 10 is what? • I wrote this word wrong. • Smallest to tallest flowers • I am going to get everyone's papers. • From your backpack, ______ a pencil. • Is this the right answer? Is it ____? • On the paper, use your pen to do what? • The words are mixed up! Can you _____? • Wow. ______ at the airplane in the sky! • Can you hear me? Make sure you _______. • ...
21 Clues: pero • tabla • knjiga • lepilo • zvezek • globus • škarje • šilček • marker • slovar • radirka • barvice • ravnilo • šestilo • svinčnik • flomastri • peresnica • šolska torba • nalivno pero • delovni zvezek • kemični svinčnik
School Objects 2021-05-29
- the opposite of girl
- what you use to solve exercises
- it loves to bark
- a photo
- the singular form of men
- book a book with lessons to do
- what you open to walk into a place
- the green object in classrooms
- to see the time
- a fruit
- a child, "she"
- what you use to write
- the thing you put your notebook to go to school
- meow
- the place you put your book or notebook to study
- "sit down"
- you can see the outside
- the opposite of man
- you use when it's raining
- the place you live
20 Clues: meow • a photo • a fruit • "sit down" • a child, "she" • to see the time • it loves to bark • the place you live • the opposite of man • the opposite of girl • what you use to write • you can see the outside • the singular form of men • you use when it's raining • book a book with lessons to do • the green object in classrooms • what you use to solve exercises • what you open to walk into a place • ...
Pre- school 2021-05-15
school words 2021-06-14
- the “villian” of the story against the protaganist
- a figure of speech
- of view- the position from which something or someone is observed
- character- a character that exhibits opposite or conflicting traits of another character
- a person that is defined as “hero” to always save the day
- the main events of a story
- the “hero” of the story that is either fighting the antagonist or trying to save the day
- the person that is explaining the story to you
- solution to the problem
- characterization- its describing your character through their actions, thoughts, their speech
- a disagrement
- a sudden or striking realization
- to give a particular setting or ambience to amuse or frighten the reader
- the attitude of the character or how the writer is trying to push the reader to see and feel what type of story they are reading
- characterization- describing a character by stating their personality traits
- indirect or passing refrence
- a picture of somethof or story that hass a hidden meaning
- the place the story is taking place
- something that gives hints of what's going or might happen at a later time
- something that uses opposite effects to sound more humerouse
- action- the boring part of the story that gets to where the “hero” of the story gets to the best part of their story line
- setting of the story plot and the phases of the story line
- a moment where a character things back
- character- a round character that remains the same throughout the story
- action- this is after the climax going to what's the end of the “heros” story
25 Clues: a disagrement • a figure of speech • solution to the problem • the main events of a story • indirect or passing refrence • a sudden or striking realization • the place the story is taking place • a moment where a character things back • the person that is explaining the story to you • the “villian” of the story against the protaganist • ...
School things 2021-09-09
- mundurek
- biurko lub lawka
- gabka
- mapa
- wakacje
- krzeslo
- kalkulator
- komputer
- kreda
- tornister
- dlugopis
- pedzel
- gumka
- tablica suchoscieralna
- przerwa
- podrecznik
- segregator
- kredki swiecowe
- klasa
- zeszyt
- sprawdzian
- olowek
- plecak
- nauczyciel
- szkola
- temperowka
- egzamin
- szafka szkolna
- nozyczki
- zegar scienny
- zeszyt cwiczen
- wycieczka
- linijka
- globus
- ocena
- slownik
- ksiazka
- tablica (czarna)
- tablica ogloszen
39 Clues: mapa • gabka • kreda • ocena • gumka • klasa • zeszyt • olowek • plecak • szkola • globus • pedzel • egzamin • wakacje • krzeslo • linijka • slownik • przerwa • ksiazka • mundurek • nozyczki • komputer • dlugopis • wycieczka • tornister • sprawdzian • nauczyciel • temperowka • kalkulator • podrecznik • segregator • zegar scienny • szafka szkolna • zeszyt cwiczen • kredki swiecowe • biurko lub lawka • tablica (czarna) • tablica ogloszen • tablica suchoscieralna
School life 2022-02-20
23 Clues: Наука • Школа • Форма • Брюки • Пиджак • Учитель • Правило • Строгий • Рубашка • Экзамены • Студенты • Оснащение • Мотивация • Библиотека • Лаборатория • Оборудование • Дорогой(о цене) • Домашняя работа • Носить (об одежде) • Предмет (школьный) • Частная(тип школы) • Программа (школьная) • Пансион, школа-интернат)
school life 2022-02-18
- a piece of writing on a particular subject.
- science and mathematics to develop machines
- the study of behavior and mental processes
- a number that shows how well you have done
- the expression of human creative an
- The study of matter and energy
- Periods when instructions is given in a school
- the study of the past
- study of written works.
- a piece of work that you are given to do
- the study of the earth's features
- the art of performing on a stage
- Money offered to students as help
- the science of building
- The study of the properties of matter
- The evaluation of someone or something
- to take an examination again after failing it
- be unsuccessful in achieving school goals
- the study or science of numbers and shapes
- The study of life
20 Clues: The study of life • the study of the past • the science of building • study of written works. • The study of matter and energy • the art of performing on a stage • the study of the earth's features • Money offered to students as help • the expression of human creative an • The study of the properties of matter • The evaluation of someone or something • ...
:) school is... 2021-07-27
- this happens at everyday
- where it happens
- opposite of unsafe
- like a cap
- the boss of the school
- they teach you
- its fun
- some people have them
- this dosint even relate to school
- someone you love as well
- its free
- these are not aloud at school
- some people have them
- opposite of safe
- its in the title
- something you can where
- everyone has them
- they learn with you
- a type of school
- the best bit
- year
- someone you love
22 Clues: year • its fun • its free • like a cap • the best bit • they teach you • opposite of safe • where it happens • its in the title • a type of school • someone you love • everyone has them • opposite of unsafe • they learn with you • some people have them • some people have them • the boss of the school • something you can where • this happens at everyday • someone you love as well • ...
Outdoor School 2021-12-21
- a tree that produces syrup
- what you want to wear so you don't get wet
- the state characterized by lowered body temperature, slower breathing and heart rate mostly in winter
- an animal that eats only plants
- a small rodent that actually hibernates and often sits on stone walls nibbling seeds and nuts
- the river that the Pennacook people used as a highway
- to protect your feet from getting soaked and freezing
- an animal that eats meat and plants
- a natural home for an animal, plant or other organism
- a tree that smells like wintergreen when you scratch its bark
- an animal that hunts other animals
- an amphibian that looks a bit like a lizard
- one of the fundamental human needs
- organic matter produced by the decomposition of organisms
- a good food source, usually red or purple
- something that lives in the water that native people could eat
- an animal that eats meat
- an animal that is hunted and killed by another for food
- the stream/river/reservoir near outdoor school, also a strange green vegetable that grows in warm climates
- the seasonal movement of animals from one region to another
20 Clues: an animal that eats meat • a tree that produces syrup • an animal that eats only plants • one of the fundamental human needs • an animal that hunts other animals • an animal that eats meat and plants • a good food source, usually red or purple • what you want to wear so you don't get wet • an amphibian that looks a bit like a lizard • ...
School Subjects 2022-04-08
28 Clues: easy • funny • to be • French • German • algebra • Spanish • Chinese • biology • science • English • history • because • geometry • language • difficult • energetic • literature • study hall • visual arts • class subject • interesting (m) • intelligent (f) • intelligent (m) • interesting (f) • computer science • computer science • PE (abbreviation)
family + school 2021-09-30
20 Clues: ema • onu • tädi • laps • tütar • kaksik • kodutöö • abielus • ajalugu • õetütar • pojapoeg • harjutus • onutütar • geograafia • lapsevanem • elukaaslane • matemaatika • mees (abikaasa) • naine (abikaasa) • kehaline kasvatus
School stuff 2017-12-15
23 Clues: õpik • liim • pinal • kümme • seitse • lugema • üheksa • päevik • käärid • mõtlema • kaheksa • teritaja • joonlaud • töövihik • kirjutama • koolikott • nemad, nad • rasvakriit • kustutuskumm • terane, tark • kirjutuslaud • vihik, kaustik • tõeliselt, tõepoolest
SCHOOL THINGS 2017-09-18
20 Clues: porte • règle • stylo • gomme • livre • chaise • bureau • crayon • fenêtre • feutres • ciseaux • drapeau • table ! • tableau • cartable • classeur • ordinateur • colle (2 mots) • trousse (2 mots) • carte géographique
School Handbook 2018-08-29
- must have permission to take
- Man's best friend
- Has a trunk
- where you can find books
- what you need to play sports
- what you will have this year
- where the lost and Found is located
- In School Suspension
- Can be assigned for certain disciplinary violations
- I can look on the web or news for this
- verbal praise
- Cell phones used during instructional time
- where you eat lunch
- appropriate attire
- The pilot program for GCS
- not in the assigned classroom when bell rings
- Visitors must wear at all time.
- Started as Solomon P. Blair School
- What is not permitted in the classroom
- available upon request
- Flying mammal
- buses and bikes are forms
- Large marsupial
- key to being academically successful
- Likes to chase mice
25 Clues: Has a trunk • Flying mammal • verbal praise • Large marsupial • Man's best friend • appropriate attire • Likes to chase mice • where you eat lunch • In School Suspension • available upon request • where you can find books • The pilot program for GCS • buses and bikes are forms • must have permission to take • what you need to play sports • what you will have this year • ...
School Crossword 2016-05-26
After School 2019-11-12
- If you do a good job at Advance, the teacher puts it on the board next to your name.
- Put your papers, pencils, and books ON it. 1 per student.
- At Advance After School, 1-6 kids can sit at this rectangle
- Before snack time, "May I have a _____ please?"
- Sticky roll that starts with a "T". Rip off a piece.
- Sit in this during class time
- Use this to write on the worksheet
- Take your drink to class in this
- Like a pencil, but you can't erase it
- Use this if you make a mistake on your paper
- Put your papers, pencils, and books IN it. 1 per student.
- Small black circle that can stick to metal, or the whiteboard
- Cuts paper
- In "Rock, Scissors, Paper", it can beat rock
- Use this to check "What time is it?"
- A big white rectangle in the front of the class
- After snack time, you need this to clean the table
- Listen to the _____!
- School work that you do at home
- Use in a craft to stick paper together. It can be very messy!
- If you do a bad job at Advance, the teacher gives you this small dot next to your name.
- The teacher writes on the whiteboard with this
- Read it!
23 Clues: Read it! • Cuts paper • Listen to the _____! • Sit in this during class time • School work that you do at home • Take your drink to class in this • Use this to write on the worksheet • Use this to check "What time is it?" • Like a pencil, but you can't erase it • In "Rock, Scissors, Paper", it can beat rock • Use this if you make a mistake on your paper • ...
School life 2012-10-22
- other than
- besides
- to speak/say
- can/be able to
- meanwhile
- later
- computer
- recently
- to hope/hope
- semester
- concert
- to tell
- right now doing sth.
- to wake up
- letter
- before/ago
- to laugh/smile
- after
- dining room/cafeteria
- can/know how to
- measure word for letters
- already
- to chat
- to use
- to wish
- classroom
- to take a shower
- to go online
- now
- major
30 Clues: now • after • later • major • to use • letter • besides • already • to chat • to wish • concert • to tell • computer • recently • semester • meanwhile • classroom • other than • to wake up • before/ago • to speak/say • to hope/hope • to go online • to laugh/smile • can/be able to • can/know how to • to take a shower • right now doing sth. • dining room/cafeteria • measure word for letters
wayside school 2012-07-26
- what teacher writes with
- punishes bad kids
- cleans blackboard
- playtime outside
- teaches the class
- what teacher writes on
- pet teachers favorite
- what you write with
- had curly hair
- wore light blue windbreaker
- what kids read
- cleans floors
- class President
- building with students
- where kids eat lunch
- what kids do after school
- had long eyelashes
- went to the vet
- kids turned into
- bell this means your late
- permission to leave classroom
- carries books
- fastest drawer
- yard teacher
- aid serves lunch
- how kids get home
26 Clues: yard teacher • cleans floors • carries books • fastest drawer • had curly hair • what kids read • class President • went to the vet • kids turned into • playtime outside • punishes bad kids • cleans blackboard • teaches the class • how kids get home • had long eyelashes • aid serves lunch • what you write with • where kids eat lunch • building with students • what teacher writes on • ...
school supplies 2013-06-06
24 Clues: npe • luge • khalc • kosob • relru • remrak • lpcnei • cridda • rokcle • rreesa • tentdus • sampcos • plaster • ctrheae • cissosrs • kotobone • phaneresr • gsoocalbh • eenpccila • racotlluca • badrbocalk • rtparrcoto • pptttaaeeli • hhhggiilter
School Shopping 2013-08-05
23 Clues: pen • pen • Soda • book • Store • Thing • shirt • pantes • school • Tshirt • waiter • blouse • pencil • opening • backpack • employee • Clothing • Professor • school bus • estudiante • Folder or binder • box or cash register • Mrs. Booth is my ____
my school 2014-01-07
- dělat
- škola
- hlavní jídlo
- tělocvik
- třída (skupina)
- biologie
- školský systém
- zeměpis
- sportovní zápas
- návrhářství
- občanská nauka
- porovnat
- iniforma
- sendvič
- hudební výchova
- odznak
- rok
- polovina
- hodina (školní)
- náboženství
- první stupeň
- výtvarná výchova
- předmět
- pololetí
- žák
- chemie
- matematika
- technologie
- angličtina
- dějepis
- balený oběd
31 Clues: rok • žák • dělat • škola • odznak • chemie • předmět • zeměpis • dějepis • sendvič • polovina • tělocvik • biologie • pololetí • porovnat • iniforma • matematika • angličtina • náboženství • návrhářství • technologie • balený oběd • hlavní jídlo • první stupeň • školský systém • občanská nauka • hudební výchova • hodina (školní) • třída (skupina) • sportovní zápas • výtvarná výchova
school project 2014-01-29
- the house ... of six rooms
- a shape with 4 corners
- to send
- shape of a box
- part of a ...saw
- a sponge .... water
- to get someting
- type of cylinder
- uses witch math
- if I drive will you ....?
- sunk beneath the surface
- little orka (flipper)
- to generat electricity
- make an annoing sound
- not on board
- able to see
- to climb up
- ..... on the alarm clock
- I .... my own clothes
- ball
- shape of a cone
- .... pin
- 6 sided squere
- iluminatie/ piramid
- plank shape
- a shape with 3 points
- its round
- to cross a river
- storage space
- skatting on water
- duc...
- bowl what u drink soup out of
- u can ... a song on the enternet
- a big party
34 Clues: ball • duc... • to send • .... pin • its round • plank shape • a big party • able to see • to climb up • not on board • storage space • shape of a box • 6 sided squere • shape of a cone • to get someting • uses witch math • part of a ...saw • type of cylinder • to cross a river • skatting on water • iluminatie/ piramid • a sponge .... water • I .... my own clothes • a shape with 3 points • little orka (flipper) • ...
school trouble 2014-02-18
- Work for home.
- A person who teaches.
- Not comming to class on time.
- A backpack for school.
- Male name.
- Female name.
- Fruit.
- Favourite drink of England.
- A place to put your stuff away.
- Capital of England.
- A fantasy animal.
- A horoscope.
- Man's best friend.
- A flower.
- Something that you need to study.
- If you have a bat atitude.
- Music note.
- English river.
- Transportation.
- A box for food.
- A pet.
- Place where people eat.
- A writing tool.
- Little reindeer.
- a school lesson.
- Clothing.
- A school lesson.
27 Clues: A pet. • Fruit. • Clothing. • A flower. • Male name. • Music note. • Female name. • A horoscope. • Work for home. • English river. • Transportation. • A box for food. • A writing tool. • Little reindeer. • a school lesson. • A school lesson. • A fantasy animal. • Man's best friend. • Capital of England. • A person who teaches. • A backpack for school. • Place where people eat. • If you have a bat atitude. • ...
AT SCHOOL 2014-02-20
- attaccapanni
- imparare
- lavagna
- insegnare
- significare
- sala insegnanti
- sottolineare
- ripassare
- prestare
- squadra
- condividere
- armadietto
- compagno di banco
- disegnare
- libro di testo
- bidello
- comportarsi bene
- fallire
- prendere in prestito
- dirigente
- esercitarsi
- mensa
- compagno di classe
- cartella
- spiegare
- frequentare
- laurearsi
- verificare
- gesso
- imbrogliare
- cancellare
31 Clues: mensa • gesso • fallire • lavagna • squadra • bidello • imparare • prestare • cartella • spiegare • dirigente • insegnare • ripassare • laurearsi • disegnare • verificare • armadietto • cancellare • esercitarsi • significare • condividere • frequentare • imbrogliare • attaccapanni • sottolineare • libro di testo • sala insegnanti • comportarsi bene • compagno di banco • compagno di classe • prendere in prestito
School crossword 2015-03-08
- You get this when you win e.g. a contest.
- Lesson starts or ends when it rings.
- Schoolwork that student has to do at home.
- A document that confirms you finished e.g. a course.
- Synonym: obligatory.
- ... subjects - e.g. maths, physics.
- Subject where you learn about the past.
- When you fail an exam, you have to ... it.
- Person that is absent.
- A schedule of lessons.
- Between two lessons.
- You can pass or ... your exam.
- When you take a one-year break between high school and studies.
- When you have two lessons in row.
- Antonym for absent.
- People who are in your class.
- Lessons take place there.
- The latest time to hand in homework.
- A half of the school year.
- A place in school where books are kept.
20 Clues: Antonym for absent. • Synonym: obligatory. • Between two lessons. • Person that is absent. • A schedule of lessons. • Lessons take place there. • A half of the school year. • People who are in your class. • You can pass or ... your exam. • When you have two lessons in row. • ... subjects - e.g. maths, physics. • Lesson starts or ends when it rings. • ...
School Supplies 2015-05-27
21 Clues: pen • tape • desk • book • chair • paper • ruler • paint • board • pencil • eraser • marker • crayons • backpack • scissors • notebook • dictionary • calculator • paintbrush • color pencil • folder/binder
School Vocabulary 2014-11-09
- ninth
- tenth
- toteach
- threeringbinder
- amusing,fun
- schedule
- interesting
- totalk
- youneed
- socialstudies
- fifth
- for
- class
- youhave
- inthehour
- spanish
- art
- homework
- practical
- dictionary
- easy
- second
- a lot
- sixth
- english
- difficult
- study
- mathematics
- ver let's see
- science
- eighth
- physicaleducation
- Ineed
- technology/computers
- calculator
- lunch
- Ihave
- more...than
- class
- seventh
- third
- boring
- fourth
- favorite
- who?
- first
46 Clues: for • art • who? • easy • sixth • ninth • tenth • study • Ineed • lunch • Ihave • fifth • class • class • third • first • a lot • eighth • totalk • boring • fourth • second • english • toteach • science • youneed • seventh • youhave • spanish • schedule • favorite • homework • difficult • inthehour • practical • calculator • dictionary • mathematics • amusing,fun • interesting • more...than • ver let's see • socialstudies • threeringbinder • physicaleducation • ...
School Supplies 2014-11-04
20 Clues: règle • gomme • stylo • colle • livre • agenda • feutre • cahier • carnet • trousse • ciseaux • cartable • effaceur • styloplume • surligneur • taille crayon • crayondepapier • cartouchedencre • blanccorrecteur • crayondecouleur
At school 2014-11-30
20 Clues: bord • verf • klei • muur • lijm • vloer • krijt • apier • schaar • sommen • leraar • bureau • lineaal • schrift • alfabet • tekening • landkaart • wereldbol • klaslokaal • wascokrijtje
SCHOOL DAYS 2014-04-03
School Supplies 2016-03-14
24 Clues: pen • paper • ruler • folder • binder • pencil • eraser • markers • compass • crayons • scissors • notebook • backpack • graphaper • textbooks • gluestick • sharpener • protractor • pencil box • calculator • indexcards • highlighters • colored pencils • mechanicalpencil
School Life 2016-04-26
- teaches real life & politics
- # of classes a day
- study of life
- graduate 15-16
- buses leave at ___
- 3 first names, h optional
- student services
- senior skip day
- Mr.P teaches, in Spanish
- teacher in room 118
- advanced history
- graduate 16-17
- release date, month
- pass the ____ ceremony
- Library
- two teachers
- back-to-back,school
- best period of the day
- newbies to high school
- top choice, class for 16-17
- served on Mondays
- pencil & pen, action
- grade after 11th
- opposite onyx, person
- type of website you're on
- long paper
- book, action
27 Clues: Library • long paper • two teachers • book, action • study of life • graduate 16-17 • graduate 15-16 • senior skip day • grade after 11th • student services • advanced history • served on Mondays • # of classes a day • buses leave at ___ • release date, month • back-to-back,school • teacher in room 118 • pencil & pen, action • opposite onyx, person • pass the ____ ceremony • best period of the day • ...
School Supplies 2016-05-18
20 Clues: pen • art • glue • paper • pencil • health • folder • algebra • English • physics • biology • stapler • backpack • computer • geometry • notebook • geography • chemistry • calculator • trigonometry
school supplies 2023-10-27
- something that you write on.
- something that dose math for you.
- something that sharpens a pencil.
- A Sick that writes on paper.
- A stick that comes with color.
- something that cleans up a spill.
- a pile of paper together
- Something that pokes wholes on walls.
- something you carry your things in.
- a stick that comes with black ink
- something that helps you stick paper together.
- Something that gets rid of germs.
- something that holds papers.
- something you stick things together without glue.
- A long stick to measure things.
- something that holds pencils.
- Small stiff sticks that come with color.
- A stick that makes writing on a paper more visible.
- something that helps u carry your lunch.
- something that puts two in two together.
20 Clues: a pile of paper together • something that you write on. • something that holds papers. • A Sick that writes on paper. • something that holds pencils. • A stick that comes with color. • A long stick to measure things. • Something that gets rid of germs. • something that dose math for you. • something that sharpens a pencil. • something that cleans up a spill. • ...
Animals & School 2023-10-25
- baby dog
- a big fish with big teeth that lives in the ocean
- an mammal that lives in the sea or ocean; they can jump out of the water
- baby cat
- a bear that loves to eat bamboo; is from China
- an animal with a hard shell that moves slowly; hates salt
- to help someone learn; what the adults in a classroom do
- the words on the page
- an activity that teachers give students to practice the lesson
- an animal found in the wild that roars loudly; his family is called a pride
- a page on the internet that contains a lot of information; starts with www.
- a small animal that hops around and loves to eat carrots
- birds, kites, and planes can do this
- a colorful bird that can speak many languages
- a bird that cannot fly but loves to play in the snow
- to stop and take time to rest between classes or work
- a box that can keep or catch animals
- an animal with a pouch that likes to jump around; lives in Australia
- to be wrong about something
- the largest mammal that lives in the ocean
- an animal that sleeps upside down and flies at night
21 Clues: baby dog • baby cat • the words on the page • to be wrong about something • birds, kites, and planes can do this • a box that can keep or catch animals • the largest mammal that lives in the ocean • a colorful bird that can speak many languages • a bear that loves to eat bamboo; is from China • a big fish with big teeth that lives in the ocean • ...
School Supplies 2023-11-14
- - "Carries food for lunch"
- - "Helps with math calculations"
- - "Used for writing and drawing"
- - "A place to write notes and draw"
- - "Measures length or draws straight lines"
- - "Colorful drawing tools"
- - "Writes in bold colors"
- - "A source of information or stories"
- - "Holds pencils, erasers, and more"
- - "Provides a hard surface for writing"
- - "Cuts paper and craft materials"
- - "Emphasizes important information"
- - "Keeps pencils sharp"
- - "Carries books and supplies"
- - "Fixes mistakes on paper"
- - "A piece of furniture for studying"
- - "Binds things together"
- - "Organizes and stores papers"
- - "Helps keep track of dates and assignments"
- - "Used for artistic creations"
20 Clues: - "Keeps pencils sharp" • - "Writes in bold colors" • - "Binds things together" • - "Carries food for lunch" • - "Colorful drawing tools" • - "Fixes mistakes on paper" • - "Carries books and supplies" • - "Organizes and stores papers" • - "Used for artistic creations" • - "Helps with math calculations" • - "Used for writing and drawing" • - "Cuts paper and craft materials" • ...
School Revision 2023-11-24
21 Clues: hat • tie • art • bald • easy • hair • shops • brown • quite • hazel • speak • tiring • chatty • crisps • purple • boring • friends • english • normally • chemistry • practical
the school 2023-11-29
- round glasses, loves girly things
- blond hair, spirited
- short, fun
- athletic, always happy
- blond hair, only 3rd grader
- short, blond hair, good at hockey
- tallish, really kind
- spunky, tall
- small, wild, glasses
- short, loves hockey
- good at sports, quiet but fun
- small, very sweet, fun
- cool, funny
- really smart, a big reader
- fun, first grader, wild
- tallest, FUN, loves coffee
- brown hair, only boy in his grade, funny
- competitive, good at sports
- very sweet, animated
- good at softball, hilarious
- tells funny jokes, tallest in the class
- super fast at reading, fun
- full of interesting facts
- loves all animals, oldest in the grade
- spicy, sweet, the aid
- gives hugs, tallest girl in her grade
26 Clues: short, fun • cool, funny • spunky, tall • short, loves hockey • blond hair, spirited • very sweet, animated • tallish, really kind • small, wild, glasses • spicy, sweet, the aid • athletic, always happy • small, very sweet, fun • fun, first grader, wild • full of interesting facts • really smart, a big reader • tallest, FUN, loves coffee • super fast at reading, fun • competitive, good at sports • ...
School year 2022-06-10
- hits it in the hall
- quietly talkative
- north carolina
- tiny writer
- highly hydrated
- bump set spike
- pure energy
- no jelly all jam
- part of a duo
- dribbler swisher colorer
- bless you
- outer space
- too many squishies
- smelly month
- number one quarterback
- wears dark belts
- queen of varms
- fists of furry
- little creature lover
- wants to live in a shell
- kahooter
- he's in the songs
- jeudy jeudy jeudy
- snakes on a plane
- stealthy worker
- she prefers jam on her sandwich
26 Clues: kahooter • bless you • tiny writer • pure energy • outer space • smelly month • part of a duo • north carolina • queen of varms • fists of furry • bump set spike • highly hydrated • stealthy worker • wears dark belts • no jelly all jam • quietly talkative • he's in the songs • jeudy jeudy jeudy • snakes on a plane • too many squishies • hits it in the hall • little creature lover • number one quarterback • ...
School Objects 2022-10-25
- de couleur: like a pencil but colored
- thick colored pen
- certain type of
- work table
- elementary school teacher
- different name for student
- use to erase something you write
- place at school where you eat
- clothing for school
- a thing where you can look out of on a wall
- a place where you go to learn
- ustencil to write with but can't erase
- place to write down your notes
- de papier:single piece of paper
- place to hold your papers
- another name for teacher
- ustensil to write but can be erased
- a teacher
- effacable de sec: a marker that is used on a white board
- locked box where you keep your stuff
- a hard material that you place stuff on
- a object to help you find a location
- bag for school
- de classe: different rooms in a school
- straight object that helps you measure things
- a dos:a bag that you put on your back
- female elementary school teacher
- when you have to finish schoolwork afterschool
- a place to hold your pencils
- to sharpen your pencil
- a thing where you sit down
31 Clues: a teacher • work table • bag for school • certain type of • thick colored pen • clothing for school • to sharpen your pencil • another name for teacher • elementary school teacher • place to hold your papers • different name for student • a thing where you sit down • a place to hold your pencils • place at school where you eat • a place where you go to learn • place to write down your notes • ...
Our School 2022-10-27
- The cutest animals in Ag
- _ _ _ _ Paragraphs
- Where assemblies are held
- Where kids wait for the bus
- Place to play footy
- Where to buy food
- Best year 8 class
- Our school dog
- Female school captain
- A place to borrow books
- The big animal picture on the ground
- What is at the front of the school
- When year 12 is completed
- Male school captain
- Biggest classroom
- The biggest block in the school
- Used to complete online work
- School singing group
- A program where you train puppies
- The first Core Value
- Where year 8 has year meetings
21 Clues: Our school dog • Biggest classroom • Where to buy food • Best year 8 class • _ _ _ _ Paragraphs • Male school captain • Place to play footy • School singing group • The first Core Value • Female school captain • A place to borrow books • The cutest animals in Ag • Where assemblies are held • When year 12 is completed • Where kids wait for the bus • Used to complete online work • ...
school objects 2022-10-26
- something to write with
- the person who teaches the kids in high school
- something you can put your stuff on
- something you use to measure stuff
- something you use to find a way
- can put your stuff in there in the gym
- to use to keep your pencil writing when it runs out of the gray thingy at the top.
- something you use to sit on
- can see out of it
- de papier- one thin white thing you write on
- something your teachers give you to work at home
- the place you wake up and go to monday-friday
- the person who teaches the kids but a guy
- something you open up and write in
- something you use to carry you pencils in
- bottom of something you use to write with
- the teachers teach the ------
- effacable a sec- something you use to write on a whiteboard
- de couleur- something you use to write with but its colorful
- something you use to put your paper in
- de classe- you place you go after the bell rings
- something you write with but cant be erased
- the place you wake up and go to monday-friday
- the place you get and eat your lunch at at school
- thing you write with
- the person who teaches the kids but a girl
- you usually wear it at a private school
- something you carry all your school stuff in
- a dos- same thing as the top but differently worded
- person who teaches the kids
- somewhere you sit at at school
- dont even know what this word is in english
32 Clues: can see out of it • thing you write with • something to write with • something you use to sit on • person who teaches the kids • the teachers teach the ------ • somewhere you sit at at school • something you use to find a way • something you use to measure stuff • something you open up and write in • something you can put your stuff on • something you use to put your paper in • ...
School Odjects 2022-10-26
- A utensil you use to erase
- A utensil you use to help with math
- Something to store important paper in
- A place you go to study
- A child that goes to school
- A utensil Teachers use for grading
- An important utensil for school that you write notes on then store it away
- A place to store you gym cloths or stuff
- A paper your teacher gives you for you to complete at home and bring back finished
- A important thing you can use when you're lost and can't find your way to your destination
- Something you write on
- A thing that you can look out of
- Something you sharpen your pencils with
- A person who teaches
- A place where students eat at
- A thing where you sit on
- cloths that remain the same type of style for the school
- A bag to store pencils
- Something you can use to stick things together
- Something to measure with
- Something you can write on with a white erase marker
- A utensil you use to write on a white board
- A room where you will find children learning
- Something to carry your stuff while at school
- A person who works at a elementary school (male)
- Something that you can read
- Something you use to cut things
- A person who works at a elementary school( female)
- A utensil you use to write with
- A thing where you put your laptop
30 Clues: A person who teaches • A bag to store pencils • Something you write on • A place you go to study • A thing where you sit on • Something to measure with • A utensil you use to erase • A child that goes to school • Something that you can read • A place where students eat at • Something you use to cut things • A utensil you use to write with • A thing that you can look out of • ...
school subjects 2023-03-14
26 Clues: math • choir • music • anatomy • physics • finance • science • history • biology • business • ceramics • geography • chemistry • astronomy • statistics • literature • journalism • philosophy • government • oceangraphy • photography • Communication • cinema studies • computer science • foreign language • creative writing
School life 2024-02-19
- оценка
- ...the learnt material повторить выученный материал
- математика
- прилежный ученик
- to learn by... учить наизусть
- окончить (университет)
- химия
- ученик
- ...a university поступить
- музыка
- ...language skills развивать языковые умения
- начальная школа
- to be ... отсутствовать
- русский
- подготовка
- ...перемена
- to have...lessons иметь доп занятия
- английский
- exam провалить экзамен
- to be...for school опаздывать
- частная школа
- одноклассник
- биология
- география
- ... exchange programs зарубежные программы по обмену
- списывать
- ... out of school бросить школу
- средняя школа
- физика
- education обязательное образование
- to do exercises... делать упр устно
- литература
- расписание
- история
35 Clues: ИЗО • химия • оценка • ученик • физика • музыка • русский • история • биология • география • списывать • математика • литература • подготовка • расписание • английский • ...перемена • одноклассник • прилежный ученик • окончить (университет) • средняя школа • to be ... отсутствовать • частная школа • ...a university поступить • начальная школа • exam провалить экзамен • ...
School Subjects 2024-02-22
- Creative Expression
- Heavenly Bodies
- Physical Fitness Activities
- Literary Works Analysis
- Language Arts
- Rules of Language Usage
- Historical Events and Facts
- Understanding Societies
- Principles of Government
- Earth and Its Processes
- Study of Living Organisms
- The Study of Matter and Energy
- Musical Theory
- The Art of Numbers
- Investigating Crime Scenes
- Mathematical Logic
- Math's Alphabetical Cousin
- Mind and Behavior
- Lab Experiments
- Economic Systems
20 Clues: Language Arts • Musical Theory • Heavenly Bodies • Lab Experiments • Economic Systems • Mind and Behavior • The Art of Numbers • Mathematical Logic • Creative Expression • Earth and Its Processes • Literary Works Analysis • Rules of Language Usage • Understanding Societies • Principles of Government • Study of Living Organisms • Investigating Crime Scenes • Math's Alphabetical Cousin • ...
MY SCHOOL 2024-03-19
- i turned off the ***** at school
- i have a ***** for lots of books
- i use ***** to cover the scribbles from the pen
- i always read books in the *****.
- i usually use a ***** to sit when studying
- i use a ***** to sharpen the pencil
- At school there is a ***** court for playing volleyball
- at school I have a ***** for playing basketball
- in my class there is a ***** for writing on the blackboard
- i saw many teachers in the *****.
- i went to pee into the ***** .
- I use a ***** to make notes
- i usually go to the ***** to buy food
- i use ***** to attach a piece of work
- i saw there was a ***** for heating liquids in the physics lab
- in schools there are ***** for providing information or data
- i usually use a ***** to write
- At my school there is an ***** to fill in the attendance list
- i usually use an ***** to erase a scratch
- At my school there is a ***** for throwing away rubbish
- At my school there is a ***** big enough to play badminton
- i used a ***** to measure
- At my school there is a very holy room,namely the *****.
- i saw there was a ***** on the teachers desk
- i usually use the ***** to store my bags
- i saw a lot of ***** in the computer lab
- At my school there is a ***** to show the time
- i usually use a ***** to study
- i bring a ***** to school every day to eat during breaks
- i usually use a ***** to draw
30 Clues: i used a ***** to measure • I use a ***** to make notes • i usually use a ***** to draw • i usually use a ***** to write • i went to pee into the ***** . • i usually use a ***** to study • i turned off the ***** at school • i have a ***** for lots of books • i always read books in the *****. • i saw many teachers in the *****. • i use a ***** to sharpen the pencil • ...
26. School 2024-03-13
- the way you think and feel about someone or something
- the respect that you receive from other people
- a teacher in a college or university
- to give all your attention to the thing you are doing
- a talk to a group of people about a particular subject
- the reason why you do something or why something exists
- a piece of work given to someone
- a prize given to someone for something they have achieved
- to become or make someone become an official member of something
- a natural skill or an ability to do something well
- to allow someone to enter a place; to agree that something is true
- to make something start to exist or start to happen
- an official document that allows you to do something
- to finish doing or making something
- to let someone do something
- a place where students study at a high level to get a degree
- very good; extremely clever
- a way of training someone so that they learn to control their behavior
- to officially tell someone to do something
- lack of knowledge, understanding or education
- information and skills acquired through experience or education
- an amount of money that is given to someone to help pay for their education
- to say that you admire someone or something, especially publicly
- the basic idea that a plan or system is based on
- to be at an event or go to a place
- the act of recognizing and naming someone or something
- to complete school successfully; a person who has finished their school
- teaching someone, especially in a school or college
- a large school where you can study after high school and get a degree
- to give or offer something for a decision to be made by others
30 Clues: to let someone do something • very good; extremely clever • a piece of work given to someone • to be at an event or go to a place • to finish doing or making something • a teacher in a college or university • to officially tell someone to do something • lack of knowledge, understanding or education • the respect that you receive from other people • ...
at school 2024-03-25
21 Clues: ovi • uusi • kumi • tehdä • lukea • vihko • kello • tuoli • liitu • kirja • ikkuna • laulaa • laskea • oppilas • piirtää • pulpetti • opettaja • mustekynä • lyijykynä • kirjoittaa • liitutaulu
school stuff 2024-08-04
24 Clues: stylo • table • salle • règle • crayon • rideau • bureau • chaise • agenda • fenêtre • ardoise • trousse • gomme US • gomme GB • tabouret • feuilles • cartable • poubelle • porte-vue • écouteurs • correcteur • surligneur • taille crayon • tableau blanc
School Items 2024-10-10
24 Clues: Mesa • Door • Wall • Desk • Glue • Book • Piso • Regla • Lápiz • Papel • Reloj • Silla • Folder • Cartel • Window • Tijeras • Stapler • Cuaderno • Backpack • Bolígrafo • Classroom • Cinta Pegante • Pencil Eraser • Pencil Sharpener
School Vocabulary 2024-10-01
25 Clues: elev • clasă • caiet • tablă • liceu • bancă • scaun • Română • geantă • manual • știință • student • cabinet • cantină • istorie • gimnaziu • profesor • geografie • rechizite • grădiniță • matematică • sala de sport • administrație • școală primară • temă pentru acasă
At School 2023-06-06
- A period of rest between classes.
- Formal ceremony where students receive their degrees.
- A written examination at the end of a school term.
- A written work submitted for evaluation.
- A small group discussion led by a teacher.
- A specialized area of study within a broader subject.
- The study of numbers and their properties.
- A break from classes.
- The official school timetable.
- A social event for students, often held at the end of the school year.
- A person who assists a teacher in a classroom.
- A list of books recommended for reading.
- An organized event where parents meet with teachers.
- A subject that involves the study of past events.
- An organized group of students who share similar interests.
- Educational institution for children aged between five and eleven.
- A written composition on a particular subject.
- An educational institution for students aged between 12 and 18.
- A period of time during which classes are not held.
- A person attending school.
- The study of the structure and properties of matter.
- A place where students learn and receive education.
- A person who instructs students.
- The study of living organisms.
- The process of acquiring knowledge and skills.
- A course of study focused on numbers, quantities, and shapes.
- A student's academic record.
- A gathering of students for learning.
- A test taken to determine a student's knowledge or abilities.
- An activity that helps students practice and reinforce what they've learned.
- The study of the Earth's physical features.
- A place where books are kept for borrowing.
- A short break from class.
- Person responsible for managing a school.
- CARD: A document that shows a student's progress and grades.
- A building where science experiments and demonstrations take place.
- An annual publication featuring information about a school and its students.
- A school subject that focuses on written and spoken language.
- A method of solving mathematical problems step by step.
- A room where students gather for meals.
40 Clues: A break from classes. • A short break from class. • A person attending school. • A student's academic record. • The study of living organisms. • The official school timetable. • A person who instructs students. • A period of rest between classes. • A gathering of students for learning. • A room where students gather for meals. • A written work submitted for evaluation. • ...
School Subjects 2023-06-12
- - The study of maintaining physical and mental well-being.
- - The study of matter, elements, and chemical reactions.
- - The study of energy, motion, and the properties of matter.
- - The study of creative expression through various mediums.
- - The study of acting, plays, and theatrical performances.
- - The study of written works, including novels and poetry.
- - The study of physical fitness, sports, and exercise.
- - The study of sounds, melodies, and musical instruments.
- - The study of a language other than one's native language.
- - The study of money, resources, and financial systems.
- - The study of the Earth's features, locations, and environments.
- - The study of computers, programming, and technology.
- - The study of the mind, behavior, and human thoughts.
- - The study of past events, people, and civilizations.
- - The study of society, cultures, and human behavior.
- - The study of the natural world and how it works.
- - The study of a specific language, such as French or Spanish.
- - The study of language, reading, writing, and literature.
- - The study of living organisms and their life processes.
- - The study of numbers, calculations, and equations.
20 Clues: - The study of the natural world and how it works. • - The study of numbers, calculations, and equations. • - The study of society, cultures, and human behavior. • - The study of computers, programming, and technology. • - The study of the mind, behavior, and human thoughts. • - The study of past events, people, and civilizations. • ...
school supplies 2023-06-16
- A straight measuring tool with markings for measuring length or drawing straight lines. It helps in making accurate measurements.
- A tool used to sharpen the tips of pencils or crayons. It has a hole or blade to remove the worn-out part.
- A device used for mathematical calculations. It has buttons and a screen to display numbers. It helps in solving math problems.
- A writing instrument with ink that is dispensed through a ballpoint or felt-tip. It is used for writing neatly.
- A folded piece of cardstock or plastic used for organizing and storing papers. It keeps papers neat and organized.
- A bag worn on the back, usually with shoulder straps, used to carry books and other belongings. It makes it easy to transport items.
- A drawing tool with a pointed end and a pencil holder used for drawing circles and arcs. It helps in drawing precise circles.
- Colorful drawing tools made of wax. They come in different colors and are used for coloring and drawing.
- A sticky adhesive material used to stick things together or to secure papers. It is often on a roll and can be cut into desired lengths.
- A device used to fasten papers together by bending metal staples. It helps in keeping papers organized.
- A marker pen with bright ink used to highlight or underline important information. It helps to make things stand out.
- A small stick of colored wax used for coloring and drawing. It comes in various colors and is easy to hold.
- A writing tool used for drawing and writing. It has a graphite or lead core and is held with fingers.
- A small tool used to remove pencil marks or mistakes. It helps to make corrections.
- A book with blank or lined pages used for writing notes or recording information. It is bound together.
- A sticky substance used to stick or attach things together. It helps to make things stay in place.
- cards Small cards made of stiff paper used for writing notes or creating flashcards. They are portable and easy to carry.
- A semi-circular tool with degree markings used to measure and draw angles. It helps in geometry and drawing accurate angles.
- A cutting tool with two blades that are joined in the middle. It is used for cutting paper, fabric, and other materials.
- A colored pen with a felt tip used for writing or drawing on various surfaces. It leaves a bold and visible mark.
20 Clues: A small tool used to remove pencil marks or mistakes. It helps to make corrections. • A sticky substance used to stick or attach things together. It helps to make things stay in place. • A writing tool used for drawing and writing. It has a graphite or lead core and is held with fingers. • ...
School subjects 2023-06-22
- Representation of the Earth
- Place with books for borrowing
- Educator who leads the classroom
- Creative subject involving painting and drawing
- Furniture for studying and writing
- Writing tool used for schoolwork
- Test or assessment of knowledge
- Subject that explores the natural world
- Study of past events and civilizations
- Assignments to be completed outside of class
- Device for mathematical calculations
- Outdoor area for recreational activities during breaks
- Bag used to carry school supplies
- Surface for writing with chalk
- Learner attending school
- Set of letters used for writing and reading
- Container for carrying meals to school
- Vehicle for transporting students to school
- Tool for measuring lengths
- Source of knowledge and stories
20 Clues: Learner attending school • Tool for measuring lengths • Representation of the Earth • Place with books for borrowing • Surface for writing with chalk • Test or assessment of knowledge • Source of knowledge and stories • Educator who leads the classroom • Writing tool used for schoolwork • Bag used to carry school supplies • Furniture for studying and writing • ...
at school 2023-05-11
- What time is it?
- Where the staff work
- Open to go in
- The big boss of the school!
- I have 4 legs but no tail
- Where you sit and learn
- In an emergency, follow me
- I go up and down
- a monthly or bi-monthly reading treat
- I have a mouse but no cheese
- have a seat on me
- Look out of me to see the trees
- where the teachers can take a break
- Use me in case of a fire!
- I really need to go to the.....
- Kids can play and hang out between classes
- At 16h30, I am full of loud students
- I make it hot
- Paper, words, author, read
- Where your parents can talk to the Prinipal
- Either the stairs or the ......
- I can see!
22 Clues: I can see! • Open to go in • I make it hot • What time is it? • I go up and down • have a seat on me • Where the staff work • Where you sit and learn • Use me in case of a fire! • I have 4 legs but no tail • Paper, words, author, read • In an emergency, follow me • The big boss of the school! • I have a mouse but no cheese • I really need to go to the..... • Either the stairs or the ...... • ...
for school 2023-04-26
- a self-propelled vehicle that runs on rails and is used for moving railroad cars.
- a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade.
- the action of buying and selling goods and services.
- an apparatus using mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function and together performing a particular task.
- the employment of children in an industry or business, especially when illegal or considered
- an organization made up of members (a membership-based organization) and its membership must be made up mainly of workers.
- typically cash or liquid assets being held or obtained for expenditures.
- the difference between revenue that an economic entity has received from its outputs and total costs of its inputs.
- an amount or section which, when combined with others, makes up the whole of something.
- the ability of an individual or organization to obtain goods or services before payment, based on an agreement to pay later.
- an industrial facility, often a complex consisting of several buildings filled with machinery, where workers manufacture items or operate machines which process each item into another.
- a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively.
- the process or product which is invented
- the concentration of human populations into discrete areas.
- make (something) on a large scale using machinery.
- the total amount of a specific good or service that is available to consumers.
- a person who makes profit
- the desire, willingness and ability of consumers to pay a certain price for a product or service at a given period.
- limited resource
- selfish desire for food, money, or possessions over and above one's needs.
20 Clues: limited resource • a person who makes profit • the process or product which is invented • make (something) on a large scale using machinery. • a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade. • the action of buying and selling goods and services. • the concentration of human populations into discrete areas. • ...
School Staff 2023-05-30
- I love to talk to Nik and Fabio about football
- I am VERY tall
- I am in charge
- I also help the choir
- I fix all the iPads
- I am your favourite teacher
- I help 6th class with their learning
- I help with the football team
- I am the second best 5th class teacher
- Two of you love to annoy me on yard
- I do after school activities with two of you
- I have cool long hair
- I answer all the phones
- I taught you before
- I like to work with Akash
- I teach the choir
- I cut the grass
- I am an Arsenal fan
- My class is way worse at dodgeball then you
- There is two of us
20 Clues: I am VERY tall • I am in charge • I cut the grass • I teach the choir • There is two of us • I taught you before • I fix all the iPads • I am an Arsenal fan • I have cool long hair • I also help the choir • I answer all the phones • I like to work with Akash • I am your favourite teacher • I help with the football team • Two of you love to annoy me on yard • ...
ECO - SCHOOL 2022-12-22
- può essere caldo freddo o temperato
- ha i tentacoli
- animale che punge nel mare
- è grande e può essere di tante forme
- ha dei denti lunghissimi ma è piccolo
- è l'animale più grande del mare
- Può essere marina o di terra.
- inquina l'ambiente
- si gonfia ed è velenoso
- è l'animale più bello del mare
- nuota nel mare liberamente
- fa male se lo tocchi dal viso
- fa molto male
- seahorse
- inquina il mare
- ha i denti lunghi
- è u animale chè è anche fuori dall'acqua
- nuota nel mare con le protezioni
- fa male al mare
- si muove lentamente
- è grande e blu
22 Clues: seahorse • PIANTE MARINE • fa molto male • ha i tentacoli • è grande e blu • inquina il mare • fa male al mare • ha i denti lunghi • inquina l'ambiente • si muove lentamente • si gonfia ed è velenoso • animale che punge nel mare • nuota nel mare liberamente • Può essere marina o di terra. • fa male se lo tocchi dal viso • è l'animale più bello del mare • è l'animale più grande del mare • ...
ECO-SCHOOL 2022-12-22
- ha la faccia a forma di martello
- assomiglia ad un delfino
- contengono ossigeno
- è grande e blu
- ha un naso lungo, molto lungo
- inquina il mare
- lo indossa chi non sa nuotare
- sono grigie, sono dure e si possono trovare nella sabbia, sono piccoli e grandi e si possono trovare anche nel mare
- e blu
- punge con i suoi aculei
- vive anche fuori dall'acqua
- è molto aggressivo e pericoloso
- può cambiare
- vuol dire che il mare è pulito mare
- ha la pinna gialla
- tanto sale nel mare
- i suoi tentacoli sono urticanti
- ha origine fossili
- inquina ed è fatta col petrolio
- si muove con pedicelli fuori dall'acqua
- poco sale nel mare
- fa andare le macchine
- se sventola non devi fare il bagno
- ha una coda lunga, non così lunga
- nuotano nel mare
- stanno sempre in gruppo
- cammina di lato
- ha otto tentacoli
- non si fa se il mare è inquinato
- piante marine
30 Clues: e blu • può cambiare • piante marine • è grande e blu • inquina il mare • cammina di lato • nuotano nel mare • ha otto tentacoli • ha origine fossili • poco sale nel mare • ha la pinna gialla • tanto sale nel mare • contengono ossigeno • fa andare le macchine • stanno sempre in gruppo • punge con i suoi aculei • assomiglia ad un delfino • vive anche fuori dall'acqua • ha un naso lungo, molto lungo • ...
Spy School 2023-01-12
- Villain
- who did Ben fight in his first class?
- what color did warren become after the paint ball fight?
- What does the assassin ask about?
- Who was the girl that likes Ben?
- What is Ben's full name?
- what explosive was the bomb made out of?
- What age was Ben accepted into Spy School?
- What is the unbreakable code breaker file called?
- where did Ben get moved to after the assassin?
- What was Warren used for in the paint ball game.
- Who's timer was used for the bomb?
- who is one of chips goons?
- Best friend
- What subject is Ben gifted at?
- What is the evil organization
- Main Character
- Where was the bomb hidden?
- who is Girl that helped Ben find the assassin?
- Who was the first C.I.A. agent Ben met?
20 Clues: Villain • Best friend • Main Character • What is Ben's full name? • who is one of chips goons? • Where was the bomb hidden? • What is the evil organization • What subject is Ben gifted at? • Who was the girl that likes Ben? • What does the assassin ask about? • Who's timer was used for the bomb? • who did Ben fight in his first class? • Who was the first C.I.A. agent Ben met? • ...
spanish school 2023-01-17
37 Clues: art • pen • book • math • glue • tape • globe • ruler • chair • music • table • agenda • eraser • folder • pencil • health • biology • english • algebra • science • crayons • spanish • notebook • backpack • bookmark • geometry • scissors • geography • chalkboard • calculator • dictionary • psychology • teacher desk • student desk • • social.studies •
School crossword 2022-11-02
- a desert
- A similar meaning to detect
- the front part of something, especially a ship
- a problem between one and another
- a different spoken thing
- a certain way to do something
- used as a function word to indicate purpose
- between something
- a thing you use to watch the news
- a particular place with name
- Having great strength
- to try and convince someone
- a smaller amount then dollar
- 1,2,3,?
- to try and persuade someone
- a device used to call one and another
- a quick movement
- a thing to look closer with(hint:it’s used to look in space)
- a brown substance when it meets water
- what quality is it?
- to get extremely quickly to one place and another place
21 Clues: 1,2,3,? • a desert • a quick movement • between something • what quality is it? • Having great strength • a different spoken thing • to try and convince someone • A similar meaning to detect • to try and persuade someone • a smaller amount then dollar • a particular place with name • a certain way to do something • a problem between one and another • a thing you use to watch the news • ...
school crossword 2022-11-10
- wooden writing tool
- eating time
- subject of learning adding, subtracting, multiplying, division, fractions and more
- a room that is used to have everything needed to learn
- personal portable storage device
- free time outside or inside
- adult that teaches
- used to get rid of mistakes on a writing surface
- subject of learning the past
- writing tool that uses ink
- one of the specials and has to do with drawing
- room full of books
- tool for holding things in a specific subject
- subject of learning where things are
- tool for keeping things together
- transportation for leaving and arriving school
- writing surface usually on wall
- used for showing work someone made to the room
- a group of many pupils and an adult
- tool for sitting
- subject that teaches the laws of the universe and more
- flat surface with storage
- one of the specials and has to do with instruments
- long room for getting place to place
- room for physical education
- pupil
- thin surface for writing on
27 Clues: pupil • eating time • tool for sitting • adult that teaches • room full of books • wooden writing tool • flat surface with storage • writing tool that uses ink • free time outside or inside • room for physical education • thin surface for writing on • subject of learning the past • writing surface usually on wall • tool for keeping things together • personal portable storage device • ...
School Crossword 2022-12-13
- This allows students to do work online.
- Something to write on with a marker.
- A subject with landscapes and culture.
- A divider of skills to learn.
- Someone who learns the skills.
- This projects the computer's image.
- Something to sit on.
- A subject with books.
- A subject with the study of anything, really.
- Someone who teaches the skills.
- A subject with numbers.
- Scores on homework, assignments, tests, etc.
- A place where students learn.
- Something to write on with chalk.
- A place where students eat.
- An assignment to do at home.
- Something to write with that uses ink.
- Something that you write with that uses led.
- A subject with spelling.
- Something to write at and store items.
- A group of students.
- A subject with the past.
22 Clues: Something to sit on. • A group of students. • A subject with books. • A subject with numbers. • A subject with spelling. • A subject with the past. • A place where students eat. • An assignment to do at home. • A divider of skills to learn. • A place where students learn. • Someone who learns the skills. • Someone who teaches the skills. • Something to write on with chalk. • ...
School subjects 2023-01-29
- we study forces like heat, light, sound, pressure, gravity and electricity and how they affect objects
- facultatif
- The study of past events of a particular period, country or subject
- the study of paintings and other objects made by famous artists
- compositeur
- expérience scientifique
- the study of the countries in the world and things like lands, seas, climate, towns and populations
- résoudre
- we learn interesting things about animals and plants
- we learn about our mother tongue
- we study the language that people speak in Spain and in many countries in South and Central America
- we read poetry and novels by great writers
- logiciel
- you learn how to act and perform on stage
- we study the structure of substances and how they react with other substances
- we learn about using computers
- obligatoire
- we study numbers, shapes, symbols and find out how to calculate
- We stretch, bend, run and jump
- carry out
- we learn about minerals
21 Clues: logiciel • résoudre • carry out • facultatif • obligatoire • compositeur • expérience scientifique • we learn about minerals • we learn about using computers • We stretch, bend, run and jump • we learn about our mother tongue • you learn how to act and perform on stage • we read poetry and novels by great writers • we learn interesting things about animals and plants • ...
Environment, school 2022-09-28
- the verb that expresses success in an exam
- a violent shaking of the ground
- use again or more than once.
- chemical waste material capable of causing death or injury to life.
- when u don't pass an exam
- in some schools you have to wear it.
- due to overflow of watercourses.
- the teacher in charge of a school.
- wild animals collectively.
- a qualification in a specific subject typically taken by school students aged 14–16, at a level below A level.
- Lack of rain and humidity in general.
- the variety of plant and animal life in the world or in an habitat.
- a community of living organisms and the environment in which they live.
- after this you get a degree.
- what do you get at the end of university.
- alteration of the environment by polluting elements.
- the rise in the average temperature of the Earth.
- the definitive disappearance of an animal or plant species.
- where students do PE.
- a school which provides accommodation and meals for the pupils.
- convert waste into reusable material.
- when a lot of trees are cut down.
- where students eat their lunch at college.
- a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject.
- an escape of oil into the sea.
- Very violent storm with wind and rain
- the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments.
- the abbreviation of mathematics.
28 Clues: where students do PE. • when u don't pass an exam • wild animals collectively. • use again or more than once. • after this you get a degree. • an escape of oil into the sea. • a violent shaking of the ground • due to overflow of watercourses. • the abbreviation of mathematics. • when a lot of trees are cut down. • the teacher in charge of a school. • ...
At School 2022-05-02
29 Clues: Phần • Kí Tự • Cái Sàn • Cục Gôm • Cái Bàn • Bóng Rổ • Âm Nhạc • Cây Bút • Bóng Đá • Bút Chì • Bóng Đá • Cục Gôm • Cái Bảng • Học Sinh • Thước Kẻ • Máy Tính • Dấu Đúng • Bàn Phím • Vẽ Tranh • Con Chuột • Cuốn Sách • Cuốn Sách • Giáo Viên • Phòng Học • Trang Giấy • Đường Thẳng • Bảng Chữ Cái • Khúc Côn Cầu • Dấu Gạch Chéo
School words 2022-08-22
20 Clues: K/H • pult • skap • tavle • språk • lekse • rektor • linjal • levere • blyant • hyller • oppgave • korridor • naturfag • vannkjele • skoletime • friminutt • søppelbøtte • kroppsøving • oppdrag/skoleoppgave
My School 2023-09-18
- Our school _____ with.
- Wenshan district where Taipei ____ is
- And Blue______.
- We see ___field and tea houses .
- Wenshan district, ______city
- And ____waste approach.
- We have _____ compound.
- Wanfu ________School.
- Home of black ____.
- We share ideas with friends _____.
- We ____natural resources .
- ________progress.
- We have _____.
- Classrooms from _____around the world
- For future ________.
- _____ five.
- From Maokong ______.
- When you visit Jingmei Night______ .
- And ______.
- Excellent _______.
- With _____cultures, values and beliefs
- We can hear different ______.
- We _____ pollution and wastage .
- We are ______scholars.
- On_______ road.
- From ______.
26 Clues: _____ five. • And ______. • From ______. • We have _____. • And Blue______. • On_______ road. • ________progress. • Excellent _______. • Home of black ____. • For future ________. • From Maokong ______. • Wanfu ________School. • Our school _____ with. • We are ______scholars. • And ____waste approach. • We have _____ compound. • We ____natural resources . • Wenshan district, ______city • ...
school vocab 2023-09-13
20 Clues: mot • papier • ouvrir • devoirs • demander • poubelle • plus fort • signifier • expliquer • emprunter • prononcer • comprendre • surligneur • la fenêtre • se déplacer • les lumières • l'infirmière • être d'accord • savoir,connaître • sens,signification
School Concerns 2023-09-14
- - Assignments or tasks given by teachers to be completed during a class or at school.
- - Clothing or what someone is wearing.
- - Not going to a place or an event that you are supposed to attend, like skipping school.
- - Taking something that belongs to someone else without their permission.
- - Skipping school or classes without permission.
- - Copying someone else's work or ideas and presenting them as your own, usually in school or writing.
- - Repeated and unwanted behavior, often intended to annoy or harm someone.
- - A plant that is used to make cigarettes and other products that people smoke or chew.
- - Related to devices or systems that use electricity or computer technology.
- - Not connected to the internet or not using a computer or device that is connected to the internet.
- - Substances that can change the way a person thinks, feels, or behaves. Some drugs are used as medicine, while others can be harmful if misused.
- - The way people communicate using words and sounds.
- - A small laptop computer designed for internet use and schoolwork.
- - A small electronic device used for making phone calls, sending messages, and accessing the internet.
- - When something causes a disturbance or interruption, often making it difficult for things to proceed as usual.
- - When people use physical force to harm each other, often in anger or disagreement.
- - The act of causing severe damage or harm to something.
- - Connected to the internet or using a computer or device that is connected to the internet.
- - Refusing to obey someone or something, often in a rebellious or disobedient manner.
- - Suitable or proper for a particular situation or age group.
- - Being late or not arriving at a scheduled time.
- - Groups of people who often engage in illegal or harmful activities together.
- - Trying to frighten or threaten someone to make them do something they might not want to do.
- - Assignments or tasks given by teachers to be completed at home.
- - A drink that can make people feel relaxed or intoxicated when consumed in excess. It is not allowed for children.
- - Acting dishonestly to gain an unfair advantage, especially in school or games.
- - An object used to cause harm or defend oneself, like a knife or gun.
27 Clues: - Clothing or what someone is wearing. • - Skipping school or classes without permission. • - Being late or not arriving at a scheduled time. • - The way people communicate using words and sounds. • - The act of causing severe damage or harm to something. • - Suitable or proper for a particular situation or age group. • ...
School Supplies 2023-09-18
20 Clues: لون • مقص • مظلة • كرسي • معلم • مكتب • طالب • كتاب • مجلد • دفتر • خريطة • خزانه • حاسوب • علامه • قاموس • مساحة • الاحذيه • phone: هاتف خلوي • sharpener: بَرَّايَة • hole punch: ثلاثة ثقب لكمة
school things 2022-12-02
28 Clues: Uhr • Bad • Buch • Haus • Bett • Bild • Name • Auto • Stuhl • Tafel • Tisch • Frage • Mensa • lesen • Straße • Lehrer • Lineal • Fenster • Schüler • Schrank • Antwort • Bleistift • schreiben • Mittagessen • Sekretariat • Radiergummi • Schultasche • Kugelschreiber
school 2 2022-11-23
24 Clues: sofá • caja • bane • cama • casa • sobre • llave • espejo • jardín • agenda • sillón • sótano • cámara • puerta • balcón • cocina • ventana • chimenea • escaleras • ordenador • dormitorio • estantería • cuarto de baño • reloj (de pared)
My school 2022-11-16
- a special method of learning, it was created in 1907
- named given to people who go to school
- there ... a cafeteria (il y a)
- an outdoor area at school, you go there during recess time
- place where you can read books
- what you can eat during recess time
- there ... many corridors (il y a)
- everybody must respect them
- translation of "traîner"
- translation of "contrairement à"
- a special room where you can sleep
- Complete the sentence : "It is ... to fight"
- translation of "finir"
- English, History, Techonology, Science are ...
- synonym of perhaps
- synonym of break
- place you can find a lot of computers
- translation of "commencer"
- synonym of different
- translation of "comme"
20 Clues: synonym of break • synonym of perhaps • synonym of different • translation of "finir" • translation of "comme" • translation of "traîner" • translation of "commencer" • everybody must respect them • there ... a cafeteria (il y a) • place where you can read books • translation of "contrairement à" • there ... many corridors (il y a) • a special room where you can sleep • ...
SCHOOL PUZZLE 2022-10-20
- US spy drone shot down in 2019 by Iran Saadatabad School's neighbourhood
- TIS Principal
- Square by school (meaning Culture in Persian)
- The most precious period
- locks without keys!
- First Iraninan Covid vaccine
- Vice principal
- Vice principal
- Man's enemy
- Iranina top general agains ISIS
- friend of top students
- Makes perfect
- break Lunch time
- well-know Persian poet prasied by Goethe
- Call for prayer
- an Iranian export
- world's Largest lake
- Discovered that earth turns Sun 11th century
- broke idols in his teens
- Middle schoolers have blue
- Nurce
- Scientist and father of missile industry
- last heavenly book
- CA
- Former Iranian Province before 1971
- Sadam Hosein's Supporter of chemical weapons
- Vice principal
- Them most expensive spice
- Late actor and street name near school
29 Clues: CA • Nurce • Man's enemy • TIS Principal • Makes perfect • Vice principal • Vice principal • Vice principal • Call for prayer • an Iranian export • last heavenly book • locks without keys! • world's Largest lake • break Lunch time • friend of top students • broke idols in his teens • The most precious period • Them most expensive spice • Middle schoolers have blue • First Iraninan Covid vaccine • ...