school Crossword Puzzles

Outdoor School 2021-12-21

Outdoor School crossword puzzle
  1. a tree that produces syrup
  2. what you want to wear so you don't get wet
  3. the state characterized by lowered body temperature, slower breathing and heart rate mostly in winter
  4. an animal that eats only plants
  5. a small rodent that actually hibernates and often sits on stone walls nibbling seeds and nuts
  6. the river that the Pennacook people used as a highway
  7. to protect your feet from getting soaked and freezing
  8. an animal that eats meat and plants
  9. a natural home for an animal, plant or other organism
  10. a tree that smells like wintergreen when you scratch its bark
  11. an animal that hunts other animals
  1. an amphibian that looks a bit like a lizard
  2. one of the fundamental human needs
  3. organic matter produced by the decomposition of organisms
  4. a good food source, usually red or purple
  5. something that lives in the water that native people could eat
  6. an animal that eats meat
  7. an animal that is hunted and killed by another for food
  8. the stream/river/reservoir near outdoor school, also a strange green vegetable that grows in warm climates
  9. the seasonal movement of animals from one region to another

20 Clues: an animal that eats meata tree that produces syrupan animal that eats only plantsone of the fundamental human needsan animal that hunts other animalsan animal that eats meat and plantsa good food source, usually red or purplewhat you want to wear so you don't get wetan amphibian that looks a bit like a lizard...

School Subjects 2022-04-08

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. difficult
  2. intelligent (f)
  3. literature
  4. Chinese
  5. computer science
  6. geometry
  7. biology
  8. easy
  9. visual arts
  10. study hall
  11. history
  12. because
  13. language
  14. energetic
  1. algebra
  2. computer science
  3. interesting (m)
  4. French
  5. Spanish
  6. intelligent (m)
  7. German
  8. science
  9. interesting (f)
  10. funny
  11. to be
  12. English
  13. class subject
  14. PE (abbreviation)

28 Clues: easyfunnyto beFrenchGermanalgebraSpanishChinesebiologyscienceEnglishhistorybecausegeometrylanguagedifficultenergeticliteraturestudy hallvisual artsclass subjectinteresting (m)intelligent (f)intelligent (m)interesting (f)computer sciencecomputer sciencePE (abbreviation)

family + school 2021-09-30

family + school crossword puzzle
  1. kodutöö
  2. lapsevanem
  3. elukaaslane
  4. tütar
  5. harjutus
  6. laps
  7. ajalugu
  8. onutütar
  9. õetütar
  1. geograafia
  2. naine (abikaasa)
  3. tädi
  4. abielus
  5. ema
  6. pojapoeg
  7. onu
  8. matemaatika
  9. kaksik
  10. mees (abikaasa)
  11. kehaline kasvatus

20 Clues: emaonutädilapstütarkaksikkodutööabielusajaluguõetütarpojapoegharjutusonutütargeograafialapsevanemelukaaslanematemaatikamees (abikaasa)naine (abikaasa)kehaline kasvatus

School stuff 2017-12-15

School stuff crossword puzzle
  1. mõtlema
  2. üheksa
  3. päevik
  4. käärid
  5. pinal
  6. kustutuskumm
  7. töövihik
  8. kümme
  9. kaheksa
  10. kirjutuslaud
  1. seitse
  2. lugema
  3. nemad, nad
  4. kirjutama
  5. tõeliselt, tõepoolest
  6. vihik, kaustik
  7. teritaja
  8. õpik
  9. koolikott
  10. rasvakriit
  11. joonlaud
  12. terane, tark
  13. liim

23 Clues: õpikliimpinalkümmeseitselugemaüheksapäevikkääridmõtlemakaheksateritajajoonlaudtöövihikkirjutamakoolikottnemad, nadrasvakriitkustutuskummterane, tarkkirjutuslaudvihik, kaustiktõeliselt, tõepoolest

SCHOOL THINGS 2017-09-18

SCHOOL THINGS crossword puzzle
  1. porte
  2. carte géographique
  3. chaise
  4. stylo
  5. colle (2 mots)
  6. ciseaux
  7. cartable
  8. table !
  9. crayon
  10. gomme
  1. fenêtre
  2. règle
  3. trousse (2 mots)
  4. feutres
  5. ordinateur
  6. bureau
  7. drapeau
  8. classeur
  9. tableau
  10. livre

20 Clues: porterèglestylogommelivrechaisebureaucrayonfenêtrefeutresciseauxdrapeautable !tableaucartableclasseurordinateurcolle (2 mots)trousse (2 mots)carte géographique

School Handbook 2018-08-29

School Handbook crossword puzzle
  1. must have permission to take
  2. Man's best friend
  3. Has a trunk
  4. where you can find books
  5. what you need to play sports
  6. what you will have this year
  7. where the lost and Found is located
  8. In School Suspension
  9. Can be assigned for certain disciplinary violations
  10. I can look on the web or news for this
  11. verbal praise
  12. Cell phones used during instructional time
  13. where you eat lunch
  1. appropriate attire
  2. The pilot program for GCS
  3. not in the assigned classroom when bell rings
  4. Visitors must wear at all time.
  5. Started as Solomon P. Blair School
  6. What is not permitted in the classroom
  7. available upon request
  8. Flying mammal
  9. buses and bikes are forms
  10. Large marsupial
  11. key to being academically successful
  12. Likes to chase mice

25 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalverbal praiseLarge marsupialMan's best friendappropriate attireLikes to chase micewhere you eat lunchIn School Suspensionavailable upon requestwhere you can find booksThe pilot program for GCSbuses and bikes are formsmust have permission to takewhat you need to play sportswhat you will have this year...

School Crossword 2016-05-26

School Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 学生
  2. 先生
  3. 技術
  4. 電卓
  5. 鉛筆
  6. 宿題
  7. 筆入れ
  8. 小学校
  9. 高校
  10. ノート
  11. 勉強
  1. 数学
  2. 教科書
  3. 理科
  4. 国語
  5. 中学校
  6. 大学
  7. 定規
  8. 社会
  9. 英語

20 Clues: 数学学生理科国語先生技術電卓鉛筆宿題大学定規社会高校英語勉強教科書中学校筆入れ小学校ノート

After School 2019-11-12

After School crossword puzzle
  1. If you do a good job at Advance, the teacher puts it on the board next to your name.
  2. Put your papers, pencils, and books ON it. 1 per student.
  3. At Advance After School, 1-6 kids can sit at this rectangle
  4. Before snack time, "May I have a _____ please?"
  5. Sticky roll that starts with a "T". Rip off a piece.
  6. Sit in this during class time
  7. Use this to write on the worksheet
  8. Take your drink to class in this
  9. Like a pencil, but you can't erase it
  10. Use this if you make a mistake on your paper
  11. Put your papers, pencils, and books IN it. 1 per student.
  12. Small black circle that can stick to metal, or the whiteboard
  1. Cuts paper
  2. In "Rock, Scissors, Paper", it can beat rock
  3. Use this to check "What time is it?"
  4. A big white rectangle in the front of the class
  5. After snack time, you need this to clean the table
  6. Listen to the _____!
  7. School work that you do at home
  8. Use in a craft to stick paper together. It can be very messy!
  9. If you do a bad job at Advance, the teacher gives you this small dot next to your name.
  10. The teacher writes on the whiteboard with this
  11. Read it!

23 Clues: Read it!Cuts paperListen to the _____!Sit in this during class timeSchool work that you do at homeTake your drink to class in thisUse this to write on the worksheetUse this to check "What time is it?"Like a pencil, but you can't erase itIn "Rock, Scissors, Paper", it can beat rockUse this if you make a mistake on your paper...

School life 2012-10-22

School life crossword puzzle
  1. other than
  2. besides
  3. to speak/say
  4. can/be able to
  5. meanwhile
  6. later
  7. computer
  8. recently
  9. to hope/hope
  10. semester
  11. concert
  12. to tell
  13. right now doing sth.
  14. to wake up
  15. letter
  16. before/ago
  1. to laugh/smile
  2. after
  3. dining room/cafeteria
  4. can/know how to
  5. measure word for letters
  6. already
  7. to chat
  8. to use
  9. to wish
  10. classroom
  11. to take a shower
  12. to go online
  13. now
  14. major

30 Clues: nowafterlatermajorto useletterbesidesalreadyto chatto wishconcertto tellcomputerrecentlysemestermeanwhileclassroomother thanto wake upbefore/agoto speak/sayto hope/hopeto go onlineto laugh/smilecan/be able tocan/know how toto take a showerright now doing sth.dining room/cafeteriameasure word for letters

wayside school 2012-07-26

wayside school crossword puzzle
  1. what teacher writes with
  2. punishes bad kids
  3. cleans blackboard
  4. playtime outside
  5. teaches the class
  6. what teacher writes on
  7. pet teachers favorite
  8. what you write with
  9. had curly hair
  10. wore light blue windbreaker
  11. what kids read
  1. cleans floors
  2. class President
  3. building with students
  4. where kids eat lunch
  5. what kids do after school
  6. had long eyelashes
  7. went to the vet
  8. kids turned into
  9. bell this means your late
  10. permission to leave classroom
  11. carries books
  12. fastest drawer
  13. yard teacher
  14. aid serves lunch
  15. how kids get home

26 Clues: yard teachercleans floorscarries booksfastest drawerhad curly hairwhat kids readclass Presidentwent to the vetkids turned intoplaytime outsidepunishes bad kidscleans blackboardteaches the classhow kids get homehad long eyelashesaid serves lunchwhat you write withwhere kids eat lunchbuilding with studentswhat teacher writes on...

school supplies 2013-06-06

school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. sampcos
  2. luge
  3. phaneresr
  4. kotobone
  5. badrbocalk
  6. eenpccila
  7. relru
  8. rtparrcoto
  9. rokcle
  10. hhhggiilter
  11. ctrheae
  1. tentdus
  2. khalc
  3. remrak
  4. cissosrs
  5. gsoocalbh
  6. lpcnei
  7. racotlluca
  8. cridda
  9. kosob
  10. plaster
  11. pptttaaeeli
  12. npe
  13. rreesa

24 Clues: npelugekhalckosobrelruremraklpcneicriddarokclerreesatentdussampcosplasterctrheaecissosrskotobonephaneresrgsoocalbheenpccilaracotllucabadrbocalkrtparrcotopptttaaeelihhhggiilter

School Shopping 2013-08-05

School Shopping crossword puzzle
  1. box or cash register
  2. backpack
  3. school bus
  4. Folder or binder
  5. book
  6. opening
  7. pen
  8. Thing
  9. Tshirt
  10. waiter
  11. blouse
  12. pencil
  13. Clothing
  14. Professor
  1. pantes
  2. Store
  3. school
  4. pen
  5. Soda
  6. shirt
  7. Mrs. Booth is my ____
  8. employee
  9. estudiante

23 Clues: penpenSodabookStoreThingshirtpantesschoolTshirtwaiterblousepencilopeningbackpackemployeeClothingProfessorschool busestudianteFolder or binderbox or cash registerMrs. Booth is my ____

my school 2014-01-07

my school crossword puzzle
  1. dělat
  2. škola
  3. hlavní jídlo
  4. tělocvik
  5. třída (skupina)
  6. biologie
  7. školský systém
  8. zeměpis
  9. sportovní zápas
  10. návrhářství
  11. občanská nauka
  12. porovnat
  13. iniforma
  14. sendvič
  1. hudební výchova
  2. odznak
  3. rok
  4. polovina
  5. hodina (školní)
  6. náboženství
  7. první stupeň
  8. výtvarná výchova
  9. předmět
  10. pololetí
  11. žák
  12. chemie
  13. matematika
  14. technologie
  15. angličtina
  16. dějepis
  17. balený oběd

31 Clues: rokžákdělatškolaodznakchemiepředmětzeměpisdějepissendvičpolovinatělocvikbiologiepololetíporovnatiniformamatematikaangličtinanáboženstvínávrhářstvítechnologiebalený obědhlavní jídloprvní stupeňškolský systémobčanská naukahudební výchovahodina (školní)třída (skupina)sportovní zápasvýtvarná výchova

school project 2014-01-29

school project crossword puzzle
  1. the house ... of six rooms
  2. a shape with 4 corners
  3. to send
  4. shape of a box
  5. part of a ...saw
  6. a sponge .... water
  7. to get someting
  8. type of cylinder
  9. uses witch math
  10. if I drive will you ....?
  11. sunk beneath the surface
  12. little orka (flipper)
  13. to generat electricity
  14. make an annoing sound
  15. not on board
  16. able to see
  17. to climb up
  18. ..... on the alarm clock
  1. I .... my own clothes
  2. ball
  3. shape of a cone
  4. .... pin
  5. 6 sided squere
  6. iluminatie/ piramid
  7. plank shape
  8. a shape with 3 points
  9. its round
  10. to cross a river
  11. storage space
  12. skatting on water
  13. duc...
  14. bowl what u drink soup out of
  15. u can ... a song on the enternet
  16. a big party

34 Clues: send.... pinits roundplank shapea big partyable to seeto climb upnot on boardstorage spaceshape of a box6 sided squereshape of a coneto get sometinguses witch mathpart of a ...sawtype of cylinderto cross a riverskatting on wateriluminatie/ piramida sponge .... waterI .... my own clothesa shape with 3 pointslittle orka (flipper)...

school trouble 2014-02-18

school trouble crossword puzzle
  1. Work for home.
  2. A person who teaches.
  3. Not comming to class on time.
  4. A backpack for school.
  5. Male name.
  6. Female name.
  7. Fruit.
  8. Favourite drink of England.
  9. A place to put your stuff away.
  10. Capital of England.
  11. A fantasy animal.
  12. A horoscope.
  13. Man's best friend.
  14. A flower.
  1. Something that you need to study.
  2. If you have a bat atitude.
  3. Music note.
  4. English river.
  5. Transportation.
  6. A box for food.
  7. A pet.
  8. Place where people eat.
  9. A writing tool.
  10. Little reindeer.
  11. a school lesson.
  12. Clothing.
  13. A school lesson.

27 Clues: A pet.Fruit.Clothing.A flower.Male name.Music note.Female name.A horoscope.Work for home.English river.Transportation.A box for food.A writing tool.Little reindeer.a school lesson.A school lesson.A fantasy animal.Man's best friend.Capital of England.A person who teaches.A backpack for school.Place where people eat.If you have a bat atitude....

AT SCHOOL 2014-02-20

AT SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. attaccapanni
  2. imparare
  3. lavagna
  4. insegnare
  5. significare
  6. sala insegnanti
  7. sottolineare
  8. ripassare
  9. prestare
  10. squadra
  11. condividere
  12. armadietto
  13. compagno di banco
  14. disegnare
  15. libro di testo
  16. bidello
  1. comportarsi bene
  2. fallire
  3. prendere in prestito
  4. dirigente
  5. esercitarsi
  6. mensa
  7. compagno di classe
  8. cartella
  9. spiegare
  10. frequentare
  11. laurearsi
  12. verificare
  13. gesso
  14. imbrogliare
  15. cancellare

31 Clues: mensagessofallirelavagnasquadrabidelloimparareprestarecartellaspiegaredirigenteinsegnareripassarelaurearsidisegnareverificarearmadiettocancellareesercitarsisignificarecondividerefrequentareimbrogliareattaccapannisottolinearelibro di testosala insegnanticomportarsi benecompagno di bancocompagno di classeprendere in prestito

School crossword 2015-03-08

School crossword crossword puzzle
  1. You get this when you win e.g. a contest.
  2. Lesson starts or ends when it rings.
  3. Schoolwork that student has to do at home.
  4. A document that confirms you finished e.g. a course.
  5. Synonym: obligatory.
  6. ... subjects - e.g. maths, physics.
  7. Subject where you learn about the past.
  8. When you fail an exam, you have to ... it.
  9. Person that is absent.
  10. A schedule of lessons.
  11. Between two lessons.
  1. You can pass or ... your exam.
  2. When you take a one-year break between high school and studies.
  3. When you have two lessons in row.
  4. Antonym for absent.
  5. People who are in your class.
  6. Lessons take place there.
  7. The latest time to hand in homework.
  8. A half of the school year.
  9. A place in school where books are kept.

20 Clues: Antonym for absent.Synonym: obligatory.Between two lessons.Person that is absent.A schedule of lessons.Lessons take place there.A half of the school year.People who are in your class.You can pass or ... your exam.When you have two lessons in row.... subjects - e.g. maths, physics.Lesson starts or ends when it rings....

School Supplies 2015-05-27

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. paper
  2. dictionary
  3. paint
  4. pencil
  5. crayons
  6. eraser
  7. scissors
  8. notebook
  9. board
  10. pen
  11. paintbrush
  12. marker
  1. chair
  2. backpack
  3. ruler
  4. color pencil
  5. tape
  6. desk
  7. calculator
  8. folder/binder
  9. book

21 Clues: pentapedeskbookchairpaperrulerpaintboardpencilerasermarkercrayonsbackpackscissorsnotebookdictionarycalculatorpaintbrushcolor pencilfolder/binder

School Vocabulary 2014-11-09

School Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. ninth
  2. tenth
  3. toteach
  4. threeringbinder
  5. amusing,fun
  6. schedule
  7. interesting
  8. totalk
  9. youneed
  10. socialstudies
  11. fifth
  12. for
  13. class
  14. youhave
  15. inthehour
  16. spanish
  17. art
  18. homework
  19. practical
  20. dictionary
  21. easy
  22. second
  23. a lot
  1. sixth
  2. english
  3. difficult
  4. study
  5. mathematics
  6. ver let's see
  7. science
  8. eighth
  9. physicaleducation
  10. Ineed
  11. technology/computers
  12. calculator
  13. lunch
  14. Ihave
  15. more...than
  16. class
  17. seventh
  18. third
  19. boring
  20. fourth
  21. favorite
  22. who?
  23. first

46 Clues: forartwho?easysixthninthtenthstudyIneedlunchIhavefifthclassclassthirdfirsta loteighthtotalkboringfourthsecondenglishtoteachscienceyouneedseventhyouhavespanishschedulefavoritehomeworkdifficultinthehourpracticalcalculatordictionarymathematicsamusing,funinterestingmore...thanver let's seesocialstudiesthreeringbinderphysicaleducation...

School Supplies 2014-11-04

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. trousse
  2. styloplume
  3. cartouchedencre
  4. cahier
  5. crayondepapier
  6. stylo
  7. crayondecouleur
  8. carnet
  9. surligneur
  10. ciseaux
  11. livre
  1. taille crayon
  2. règle
  3. gomme
  4. agenda
  5. feutre
  6. blanccorrecteur
  7. cartable
  8. colle
  9. effaceur

20 Clues: règlegommestylocollelivreagendafeutrecahiercarnettrousseciseauxcartableeffaceurstyloplumesurligneurtaille crayoncrayondepapiercartouchedencreblanccorrecteurcrayondecouleur

At school 2014-11-30

At school crossword puzzle
  1. vloer
  2. wascokrijtje
  3. bord
  4. sommen
  5. krijt
  6. muur
  7. klaslokaal
  8. leraar
  9. lijm
  10. wereldbol
  1. lineaal
  2. schaar
  3. schrift
  4. verf
  5. landkaart
  6. klei
  7. alfabet
  8. tekening
  9. apier
  10. bureau

20 Clues: bordverfkleimuurlijmvloerkrijtapierschaarsommenleraarbureaulineaalschriftalfabettekeninglandkaartwereldbolklaslokaalwascokrijtje

SCHOOL DAYS 2014-04-03

SCHOOL DAYS crossword puzzle
  4. KLASA
  10. UCZEŃ
  12. ZESZYT
  9. OCENA


School Supplies 2016-03-14

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. scissors
  2. graphaper
  3. protractor
  4. pen
  5. calculator
  6. folder
  7. markers
  8. colored pencils
  9. backpack
  10. pencil
  11. crayons
  12. sharpener
  1. mechanicalpencil
  2. paper
  3. notebook
  4. highlighters
  5. ruler
  6. textbooks
  7. gluestick
  8. pencil box
  9. indexcards
  10. compass
  11. binder
  12. eraser

24 Clues: penpaperrulerfolderbinderpencilerasermarkerscompasscrayonsscissorsnotebookbackpackgraphapertextbooksgluesticksharpenerprotractorpencil boxcalculatorindexcardshighlighterscolored pencilsmechanicalpencil

School Life 2016-04-26

School Life crossword puzzle
  1. teaches real life & politics
  2. # of classes a day
  3. study of life
  4. graduate 15-16
  5. buses leave at ___
  6. 3 first names, h optional
  7. student services
  8. senior skip day
  9. Mr.P teaches, in Spanish
  10. teacher in room 118
  11. advanced history
  1. graduate 16-17
  2. release date, month
  3. pass the ____ ceremony
  4. Library
  5. two teachers
  6. back-to-back,school
  7. best period of the day
  8. newbies to high school
  9. top choice, class for 16-17
  10. served on Mondays
  11. pencil & pen, action
  12. grade after 11th
  13. opposite onyx, person
  14. type of website you're on
  15. long paper
  16. book, action

27 Clues: Librarylong papertwo teachersbook, actionstudy of lifegraduate 16-17graduate 15-16senior skip daygrade after 11thstudent servicesadvanced historyserved on Mondays# of classes a daybuses leave at ___release date, monthback-to-back,schoolteacher in room 118pencil & pen, actionopposite onyx, personpass the ____ ceremonybest period of the day...

School Supplies 2016-05-18

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. English
  2. physics
  3. pen
  4. chemistry
  5. art
  6. stapler
  7. trigonometry
  8. folder
  1. backpack
  2. pencil
  3. algebra
  4. geography
  5. computer
  6. calculator
  7. geometry
  8. glue
  9. biology
  10. notebook
  11. health
  12. paper

20 Clues: penartgluepaperpencilhealthfolderalgebraEnglishphysicsbiologystaplerbackpackcomputergeometrynotebookgeographychemistrycalculatortrigonometry

school supplies 2023-10-27

school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. something that you write on.
  2. something that dose math for you.
  3. something that sharpens a pencil.
  4. A Sick that writes on paper.
  5. A stick that comes with color.
  6. something that cleans up a spill.
  7. a pile of paper together
  8. Something that pokes wholes on walls.
  9. something you carry your things in.
  10. a stick that comes with black ink
  1. something that helps you stick paper together.
  2. Something that gets rid of germs.
  3. something that holds papers.
  4. something you stick things together without glue.
  5. A long stick to measure things.
  6. something that holds pencils.
  7. Small stiff sticks that come with color.
  8. A stick that makes writing on a paper more visible.
  9. something that helps u carry your lunch.
  10. something that puts two in two together.

20 Clues: a pile of paper togethersomething that you write on.something that holds papers.A Sick that writes on paper.something that holds pencils.A stick that comes with color.A long stick to measure things.Something that gets rid of germs.something that dose math for you.something that sharpens a pencil.something that cleans up a spill....

Animals & School 2023-10-25

Animals & School crossword puzzle
  1. baby dog
  2. a big fish with big teeth that lives in the ocean
  3. an mammal that lives in the sea or ocean; they can jump out of the water
  4. baby cat
  5. a bear that loves to eat bamboo; is from China
  6. an animal with a hard shell that moves slowly; hates salt
  7. to help someone learn; what the adults in a classroom do
  8. the words on the page
  9. an activity that teachers give students to practice the lesson
  10. an animal found in the wild that roars loudly; his family is called a pride
  11. a page on the internet that contains a lot of information; starts with www.
  12. a small animal that hops around and loves to eat carrots
  1. birds, kites, and planes can do this
  2. a colorful bird that can speak many languages
  3. a bird that cannot fly but loves to play in the snow
  4. to stop and take time to rest between classes or work
  5. a box that can keep or catch animals
  6. an animal with a pouch that likes to jump around; lives in Australia
  7. to be wrong about something
  8. the largest mammal that lives in the ocean
  9. an animal that sleeps upside down and flies at night

21 Clues: baby dogbaby catthe words on the pageto be wrong about somethingbirds, kites, and planes can do thisa box that can keep or catch animalsthe largest mammal that lives in the oceana colorful bird that can speak many languagesa bear that loves to eat bamboo; is from Chinaa big fish with big teeth that lives in the ocean...

School Supplies 2023-11-14

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. - "Carries food for lunch"
  2. - "Helps with math calculations"
  3. - "Used for writing and drawing"
  4. - "A place to write notes and draw"
  5. - "Measures length or draws straight lines"
  6. - "Colorful drawing tools"
  7. - "Writes in bold colors"
  8. - "A source of information or stories"
  9. - "Holds pencils, erasers, and more"
  10. - "Provides a hard surface for writing"
  11. - "Cuts paper and craft materials"
  1. - "Emphasizes important information"
  2. - "Keeps pencils sharp"
  3. - "Carries books and supplies"
  4. - "Fixes mistakes on paper"
  5. - "A piece of furniture for studying"
  6. - "Binds things together"
  7. - "Organizes and stores papers"
  8. - "Helps keep track of dates and assignments"
  9. - "Used for artistic creations"

20 Clues: - "Keeps pencils sharp"- "Writes in bold colors"- "Binds things together"- "Carries food for lunch"- "Colorful drawing tools"- "Fixes mistakes on paper"- "Carries books and supplies"- "Organizes and stores papers"- "Used for artistic creations"- "Helps with math calculations"- "Used for writing and drawing"- "Cuts paper and craft materials"...

School Revision 2023-11-24

School Revision crossword puzzle
  1. hat
  2. chatty
  3. tie
  4. normally
  5. english
  6. chemistry
  7. hazel
  8. speak
  9. boring
  1. tiring
  2. shops
  3. bald
  4. crisps
  5. friends
  6. brown
  7. art
  8. easy
  9. quite
  10. hair
  11. purple
  12. practical

21 Clues: hattieartbaldeasyhairshopsbrownquitehazelspeaktiringchattycrispspurpleboringfriendsenglishnormallychemistrypractical

the school 2023-11-29

the school crossword puzzle
  1. round glasses, loves girly things
  2. blond hair, spirited
  3. short, fun
  4. athletic, always happy
  5. blond hair, only 3rd grader
  6. short, blond hair, good at hockey
  7. tallish, really kind
  8. spunky, tall
  9. small, wild, glasses
  10. short, loves hockey
  11. good at sports, quiet but fun
  12. small, very sweet, fun
  1. cool, funny
  2. really smart, a big reader
  3. fun, first grader, wild
  4. tallest, FUN, loves coffee
  5. brown hair, only boy in his grade, funny
  6. competitive, good at sports
  7. very sweet, animated
  8. good at softball, hilarious
  9. tells funny jokes, tallest in the class
  10. super fast at reading, fun
  11. full of interesting facts
  12. loves all animals, oldest in the grade
  13. spicy, sweet, the aid
  14. gives hugs, tallest girl in her grade

26 Clues: short, funcool, funnyspunky, tallshort, loves hockeyblond hair, spiritedvery sweet, animatedtallish, really kindsmall, wild, glassesspicy, sweet, the aidathletic, always happysmall, very sweet, funfun, first grader, wildfull of interesting factsreally smart, a big readertallest, FUN, loves coffeesuper fast at reading, funcompetitive, good at sports...

School year 2022-06-10

School year crossword puzzle
  1. hits it in the hall
  2. quietly talkative
  3. north carolina
  4. tiny writer
  5. highly hydrated
  6. bump set spike
  7. pure energy
  8. no jelly all jam
  9. part of a duo
  10. dribbler swisher colorer
  11. bless you
  12. outer space
  1. too many squishies
  2. smelly month
  3. number one quarterback
  4. wears dark belts
  5. queen of varms
  6. fists of furry
  7. little creature lover
  8. wants to live in a shell
  9. kahooter
  10. he's in the songs
  11. jeudy jeudy jeudy
  12. snakes on a plane
  13. stealthy worker
  14. she prefers jam on her sandwich

26 Clues: kahooterbless youtiny writerpure energyouter spacesmelly monthpart of a duonorth carolinaqueen of varmsfists of furrybump set spikehighly hydratedstealthy workerwears dark beltsno jelly all jamquietly talkativehe's in the songsjeudy jeudy jeudysnakes on a planetoo many squishieshits it in the halllittle creature lovernumber one quarterback...

School Objects 2022-10-25

School Objects crossword puzzle
  1. de couleur: like a pencil but colored
  2. thick colored pen
  3. certain type of
  4. work table
  5. elementary school teacher
  6. different name for student
  7. use to erase something you write
  8. place at school where you eat
  9. clothing for school
  10. a thing where you can look out of on a wall
  11. a place where you go to learn
  12. ustencil to write with but can't erase
  13. place to write down your notes
  14. de papier:single piece of paper
  15. place to hold your papers
  16. another name for teacher
  17. ustensil to write but can be erased
  18. a teacher
  1. effacable de sec: a marker that is used on a white board
  2. locked box where you keep your stuff
  3. a hard material that you place stuff on
  4. a object to help you find a location
  5. bag for school
  6. de classe: different rooms in a school
  7. straight object that helps you measure things
  8. a dos:a bag that you put on your back
  9. female elementary school teacher
  10. when you have to finish schoolwork afterschool
  11. a place to hold your pencils
  12. to sharpen your pencil
  13. a thing where you sit down

31 Clues: a teacherwork tablebag for schoolcertain type ofthick colored penclothing for schoolto sharpen your pencilanother name for teacherelementary school teacherplace to hold your papersdifferent name for studenta thing where you sit downa place to hold your pencilsplace at school where you eata place where you go to learnplace to write down your notes...

Our School 2022-10-27

Our School crossword puzzle
  1. The cutest animals in Ag
  2. _ _ _ _ Paragraphs
  3. Where assemblies are held
  4. Where kids wait for the bus
  5. Place to play footy
  6. Where to buy food
  7. Best year 8 class
  8. Our school dog
  9. Female school captain
  10. A place to borrow books
  11. The big animal picture on the ground
  12. What is at the front of the school
  13. When year 12 is completed
  1. Male school captain
  2. Biggest classroom
  3. The biggest block in the school
  4. Used to complete online work
  5. School singing group
  6. A program where you train puppies
  7. The first Core Value
  8. Where year 8 has year meetings

21 Clues: Our school dogBiggest classroomWhere to buy foodBest year 8 class_ _ _ _ ParagraphsMale school captainPlace to play footySchool singing groupThe first Core ValueFemale school captainA place to borrow booksThe cutest animals in AgWhere assemblies are heldWhen year 12 is completedWhere kids wait for the busUsed to complete online work...

school objects 2022-10-26

school objects crossword puzzle
  1. something to write with
  2. the person who teaches the kids in high school
  3. something you can put your stuff on
  4. something you use to measure stuff
  5. something you use to find a way
  6. can put your stuff in there in the gym
  7. to use to keep your pencil writing when it runs out of the gray thingy at the top.
  8. something you use to sit on
  9. can see out of it
  10. de papier- one thin white thing you write on
  11. something your teachers give you to work at home
  12. the place you wake up and go to monday-friday
  13. the person who teaches the kids but a guy
  14. something you open up and write in
  1. something you use to carry you pencils in
  2. bottom of something you use to write with
  3. the teachers teach the ------
  4. effacable a sec- something you use to write on a whiteboard
  5. de couleur- something you use to write with but its colorful
  6. something you use to put your paper in
  7. de classe- you place you go after the bell rings
  8. something you write with but cant be erased
  9. the place you wake up and go to monday-friday
  10. the place you get and eat your lunch at at school
  11. thing you write with
  12. the person who teaches the kids but a girl
  13. you usually wear it at a private school
  14. something you carry all your school stuff in
  15. a dos- same thing as the top but differently worded
  16. person who teaches the kids
  17. somewhere you sit at at school
  18. dont even know what this word is in english

32 Clues: can see out of itthing you write withsomething to write withsomething you use to sit onperson who teaches the kidsthe teachers teach the ------somewhere you sit at at schoolsomething you use to find a waysomething you use to measure stuffsomething you open up and write insomething you can put your stuff onsomething you use to put your paper in...

School Odjects 2022-10-26

School Odjects crossword puzzle
  1. A utensil you use to erase
  2. A utensil you use to help with math
  3. Something to store important paper in
  4. A place you go to study
  5. A child that goes to school
  6. A utensil Teachers use for grading
  7. An important utensil for school that you write notes on then store it away
  8. A place to store you gym cloths or stuff
  9. A paper your teacher gives you for you to complete at home and bring back finished
  10. A important thing you can use when you're lost and can't find your way to your destination
  11. Something you write on
  12. A thing that you can look out of
  13. Something you sharpen your pencils with
  14. A person who teaches
  15. A place where students eat at
  16. A thing where you sit on
  1. cloths that remain the same type of style for the school
  2. A bag to store pencils
  3. Something you can use to stick things together
  4. Something to measure with
  5. Something you can write on with a white erase marker
  6. A utensil you use to write on a white board
  7. A room where you will find children learning
  8. Something to carry your stuff while at school
  9. A person who works at a elementary school (male)
  10. Something that you can read
  11. Something you use to cut things
  12. A person who works at a elementary school( female)
  13. A utensil you use to write with
  14. A thing where you put your laptop

30 Clues: A person who teachesA bag to store pencilsSomething you write onA place you go to studyA thing where you sit onSomething to measure withA utensil you use to eraseA child that goes to schoolSomething that you can readA place where students eat atSomething you use to cut thingsA utensil you use to write withA thing that you can look out of...

school subjects 2023-03-14

school subjects crossword puzzle
  1. geography
  2. anatomy
  3. oceangraphy
  4. statistics
  5. Communication
  6. science
  7. creative writing
  8. chemistry
  9. literature
  10. journalism
  11. business
  12. government
  13. photography
  14. music
  1. computer science
  2. cinema studies
  3. physics
  4. math
  5. foreign language
  6. finance
  7. choir
  8. astronomy
  9. history
  10. biology
  11. philosophy
  12. ceramics

26 Clues: mathchoirmusicanatomyphysicsfinancesciencehistorybiologybusinessceramicsgeographychemistryastronomystatisticsliteraturejournalismphilosophygovernmentoceangraphyphotographyCommunicationcinema studiescomputer scienceforeign languagecreative writing

School life 2024-02-19

School life crossword puzzle
  1. оценка
  2. ...the learnt material повторить выученный материал
  3. математика
  4. прилежный ученик
  5. to learn by... учить наизусть
  6. окончить (университет)
  7. химия
  8. ученик
  9. ...a university поступить
  10. музыка
  11. ...language skills развивать языковые умения
  12. начальная школа
  13. to be ... отсутствовать
  14. русский
  15. подготовка
  16. ...перемена
  17. to have...lessons иметь доп занятия
  18. английский
  19. exam провалить экзамен
  20. to be...for school опаздывать
  21. частная школа
  1. одноклассник
  2. биология
  3. география
  4. ИЗО
  5. ... exchange programs зарубежные программы по обмену
  6. списывать
  7. ... out of school бросить школу
  8. средняя школа
  9. физика
  10. education обязательное образование
  11. to do exercises... делать упр устно
  12. литература
  13. расписание
  14. история

35 Clues: ИЗОхимияоценкаученикфизикамузыкарусскийисториябиологиягеографиясписыватьматематикалитератураподготовкарасписаниеанглийский...переменаодноклассникприлежный ученикокончить (университет) средняя школаto be ... отсутствовать частная школа...a university поступить начальная школа exam провалить экзамен...

School Subjects 2024-02-22

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Creative Expression
  2. Heavenly Bodies
  3. Physical Fitness Activities
  4. Literary Works Analysis
  5. Language Arts
  6. Rules of Language Usage
  7. Historical Events and Facts
  8. Understanding Societies
  1. Principles of Government
  2. Earth and Its Processes
  3. Study of Living Organisms
  4. The Study of Matter and Energy
  5. Musical Theory
  6. The Art of Numbers
  7. Investigating Crime Scenes
  8. Mathematical Logic
  9. Math's Alphabetical Cousin
  10. Mind and Behavior
  11. Lab Experiments
  12. Economic Systems

20 Clues: Language ArtsMusical TheoryHeavenly BodiesLab ExperimentsEconomic SystemsMind and BehaviorThe Art of NumbersMathematical LogicCreative ExpressionEarth and Its ProcessesLiterary Works AnalysisRules of Language UsageUnderstanding SocietiesPrinciples of GovernmentStudy of Living OrganismsInvestigating Crime ScenesMath's Alphabetical Cousin...

MY SCHOOL 2024-03-19

MY SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. i turned off the ***** at school
  2. i have a ***** for lots of books
  3. i use ***** to cover the scribbles from the pen
  4. i always read books in the *****.
  5. i usually use a ***** to sit when studying
  6. i use a ***** to sharpen the pencil
  7. At school there is a ***** court for playing volleyball
  8. at school I have a ***** for playing basketball
  9. in my class there is a ***** for writing on the blackboard
  10. i saw many teachers in the *****.
  11. i went to pee into the ***** .
  12. I use a ***** to make notes
  13. i usually go to the ***** to buy food
  14. i use ***** to attach a piece of work
  1. i saw there was a ***** for heating liquids in the physics lab
  2. in schools there are ***** for providing information or data
  3. i usually use a ***** to write
  4. At my school there is an ***** to fill in the attendance list
  5. i usually use an ***** to erase a scratch
  6. At my school there is a ***** for throwing away rubbish
  7. At my school there is a ***** big enough to play badminton
  8. i used a ***** to measure
  9. At my school there is a very holy room,namely the *****.
  10. i saw there was a ***** on the teachers desk
  11. i usually use the ***** to store my bags
  12. i saw a lot of ***** in the computer lab
  13. At my school there is a ***** to show the time
  14. i usually use a ***** to study
  15. i bring a ***** to school every day to eat during breaks
  16. i usually use a ***** to draw

30 Clues: i used a ***** to measureI use a ***** to make notesi usually use a ***** to drawi usually use a ***** to writei went to pee into the ***** .i usually use a ***** to studyi turned off the ***** at schooli have a ***** for lots of booksi always read books in the *****.i saw many teachers in the *****.i use a ***** to sharpen the pencil...

26. School 2024-03-13

26. School crossword puzzle
  1. the way you think and feel about someone or something
  2. the respect that you receive from other people
  3. a teacher in a college or university
  4. to give all your attention to the thing you are doing
  5. a talk to a group of people about a particular subject
  6. the reason why you do something or why something exists
  7. a piece of work given to someone
  8. a prize given to someone for something they have achieved
  9. to become or make someone become an official member of something
  10. a natural skill or an ability to do something well
  11. to allow someone to enter a place; to agree that something is true
  12. to make something start to exist or start to happen
  13. an official document that allows you to do something
  14. to finish doing or making something
  15. to let someone do something
  16. a place where students study at a high level to get a degree
  17. very good; extremely clever
  1. a way of training someone so that they learn to control their behavior
  2. to officially tell someone to do something
  3. lack of knowledge, understanding or education
  4. information and skills acquired through experience or education
  5. an amount of money that is given to someone to help pay for their education
  6. to say that you admire someone or something, especially publicly
  7. the basic idea that a plan or system is based on
  8. to be at an event or go to a place
  9. the act of recognizing and naming someone or something
  10. to complete school successfully; a person who has finished their school
  11. teaching someone, especially in a school or college
  12. a large school where you can study after high school and get a degree
  13. to give or offer something for a decision to be made by others

30 Clues: to let someone do somethingvery good; extremely clevera piece of work given to someoneto be at an event or go to a placeto finish doing or making somethinga teacher in a college or universityto officially tell someone to do somethinglack of knowledge, understanding or educationthe respect that you receive from other people...

at school 2024-03-25

at school crossword puzzle
  1. oppilas
  2. laulaa
  3. tehdä
  4. laskea
  5. piirtää
  6. kirjoittaa
  7. kello
  8. tuoli
  9. kumi
  10. kirja
  11. liitutaulu
  1. ikkuna
  2. mustekynä
  3. ovi
  4. uusi
  5. lyijykynä
  6. pulpetti
  7. lukea
  8. vihko
  9. opettaja
  10. liitu

21 Clues: oviuusikumitehdälukeavihkokellotuoliliitukirjaikkunalaulaalaskeaoppilaspiirtääpulpettiopettajamustekynälyijykynäkirjoittaaliitutaulu

school stuff 2024-08-04

school stuff crossword puzzle
  1. stylo
  2. gomme US
  3. tableau blanc
  4. ardoise
  5. trousse
  6. correcteur
  7. chaise
  8. écouteurs
  9. surligneur
  10. règle
  11. poubelle
  1. crayon
  2. rideau
  3. gomme GB
  4. taille crayon
  5. tabouret
  6. bureau
  7. fenêtre
  8. feuilles
  9. porte-vue
  10. cartable
  11. table
  12. salle
  13. agenda

24 Clues: stylotablesallerèglecrayonrideaubureauchaiseagendafenêtreardoisetroussegomme USgomme GBtabouretfeuillescartablepoubelleporte-vueécouteurscorrecteursurligneurtaille crayontableau blanc

School Items 2024-10-10

School Items crossword puzzle
  1. Bolígrafo
  2. Folder
  3. Wall
  4. Lápiz
  5. Tijeras
  6. Window
  7. Glue
  8. Book
  9. Pencil Sharpener
  10. Reloj
  11. Stapler
  1. Mesa
  2. Door
  3. Regla
  4. Desk
  5. Cartel
  6. Cuaderno
  7. Cinta Pegante
  8. Backpack
  9. Papel
  10. Classroom
  11. Silla
  12. Piso
  13. Pencil Eraser

24 Clues: MesaDoorWallDeskGlueBookPisoReglaLápizPapelRelojSillaFolderCartelWindowTijerasStaplerCuadernoBackpackBolígrafoClassroomCinta PegantePencil EraserPencil Sharpener

School Vocabulary 2024-10-01

School Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. sala de sport
  2. Română
  3. geografie
  4. rechizite
  5. liceu
  6. bancă
  7. gimnaziu
  8. grădiniță
  9. administrație
  10. cantină
  11. scaun
  12. temă pentru acasă
  13. școală primară
  1. clasă
  2. caiet
  3. știință
  4. tablă
  5. elev
  6. student
  7. cabinet
  8. matematică
  9. geantă
  10. profesor
  11. manual
  12. istorie

25 Clues: elevclasăcaiettablăliceubancăscaunRomânăgeantămanualștiințăstudentcabinetcantinăistoriegimnaziuprofesorgeografierechizitegrădinițămatematicăsala de sportadministrațieșcoală primarătemă pentru acasă

At School 2023-06-06

At School crossword puzzle
  1. A period of rest between classes.
  2. Formal ceremony where students receive their degrees.
  3. A written examination at the end of a school term.
  4. A written work submitted for evaluation.
  5. A small group discussion led by a teacher.
  6. A specialized area of study within a broader subject.
  7. The study of numbers and their properties.
  8. A break from classes.
  9. The official school timetable.
  10. A social event for students, often held at the end of the school year.
  11. A person who assists a teacher in a classroom.
  12. A list of books recommended for reading.
  13. An organized event where parents meet with teachers.
  14. A subject that involves the study of past events.
  15. An organized group of students who share similar interests.
  16. Educational institution for children aged between five and eleven.
  17. A written composition on a particular subject.
  18. An educational institution for students aged between 12 and 18.
  19. A period of time during which classes are not held.
  20. A person attending school.
  21. The study of the structure and properties of matter.
  1. A place where students learn and receive education.
  2. A person who instructs students.
  3. The study of living organisms.
  4. The process of acquiring knowledge and skills.
  5. A course of study focused on numbers, quantities, and shapes.
  6. A student's academic record.
  7. A gathering of students for learning.
  8. A test taken to determine a student's knowledge or abilities.
  9. An activity that helps students practice and reinforce what they've learned.
  10. The study of the Earth's physical features.
  11. A place where books are kept for borrowing.
  12. A short break from class.
  13. Person responsible for managing a school.
  14. CARD: A document that shows a student's progress and grades.
  15. A building where science experiments and demonstrations take place.
  16. An annual publication featuring information about a school and its students.
  17. A school subject that focuses on written and spoken language.
  18. A method of solving mathematical problems step by step.
  19. A room where students gather for meals.

40 Clues: A break from classes.A short break from class.A person attending school.A student's academic record.The study of living organisms.The official school timetable.A person who instructs students.A period of rest between classes.A gathering of students for learning.A room where students gather for meals.A written work submitted for evaluation....

School Subjects 2023-06-12

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. - The study of maintaining physical and mental well-being.
  2. - The study of matter, elements, and chemical reactions.
  3. - The study of energy, motion, and the properties of matter.
  4. - The study of creative expression through various mediums.
  5. - The study of acting, plays, and theatrical performances.
  6. - The study of written works, including novels and poetry.
  7. - The study of physical fitness, sports, and exercise.
  8. - The study of sounds, melodies, and musical instruments.
  9. - The study of a language other than one's native language.
  10. - The study of money, resources, and financial systems.
  1. - The study of the Earth's features, locations, and environments.
  2. - The study of computers, programming, and technology.
  3. - The study of the mind, behavior, and human thoughts.
  4. - The study of past events, people, and civilizations.
  5. - The study of society, cultures, and human behavior.
  6. - The study of the natural world and how it works.
  7. - The study of a specific language, such as French or Spanish.
  8. - The study of language, reading, writing, and literature.
  9. - The study of living organisms and their life processes.
  10. - The study of numbers, calculations, and equations.

20 Clues: - The study of the natural world and how it works.- The study of numbers, calculations, and equations.- The study of society, cultures, and human behavior.- The study of computers, programming, and technology.- The study of the mind, behavior, and human thoughts.- The study of past events, people, and civilizations....

school supplies 2023-06-16

school supplies crossword puzzle
  1. A straight measuring tool with markings for measuring length or drawing straight lines. It helps in making accurate measurements.
  2. A tool used to sharpen the tips of pencils or crayons. It has a hole or blade to remove the worn-out part.
  3. A device used for mathematical calculations. It has buttons and a screen to display numbers. It helps in solving math problems.
  4. A writing instrument with ink that is dispensed through a ballpoint or felt-tip. It is used for writing neatly.
  5. A folded piece of cardstock or plastic used for organizing and storing papers. It keeps papers neat and organized.
  6. A bag worn on the back, usually with shoulder straps, used to carry books and other belongings. It makes it easy to transport items.
  7. A drawing tool with a pointed end and a pencil holder used for drawing circles and arcs. It helps in drawing precise circles.
  8. Colorful drawing tools made of wax. They come in different colors and are used for coloring and drawing.
  9. A sticky adhesive material used to stick things together or to secure papers. It is often on a roll and can be cut into desired lengths.
  1. A device used to fasten papers together by bending metal staples. It helps in keeping papers organized.
  2. A marker pen with bright ink used to highlight or underline important information. It helps to make things stand out.
  3. A small stick of colored wax used for coloring and drawing. It comes in various colors and is easy to hold.
  4. A writing tool used for drawing and writing. It has a graphite or lead core and is held with fingers.
  5. A small tool used to remove pencil marks or mistakes. It helps to make corrections.
  6. A book with blank or lined pages used for writing notes or recording information. It is bound together.
  7. A sticky substance used to stick or attach things together. It helps to make things stay in place.
  8. cards Small cards made of stiff paper used for writing notes or creating flashcards. They are portable and easy to carry.
  9. A semi-circular tool with degree markings used to measure and draw angles. It helps in geometry and drawing accurate angles.
  10. A cutting tool with two blades that are joined in the middle. It is used for cutting paper, fabric, and other materials.
  11. A colored pen with a felt tip used for writing or drawing on various surfaces. It leaves a bold and visible mark.

20 Clues: A small tool used to remove pencil marks or mistakes. It helps to make corrections.A sticky substance used to stick or attach things together. It helps to make things stay in place.A writing tool used for drawing and writing. It has a graphite or lead core and is held with fingers....

School subjects 2023-06-22

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Representation of the Earth
  2. Place with books for borrowing
  3. Educator who leads the classroom
  4. Creative subject involving painting and drawing
  5. Furniture for studying and writing
  6. Writing tool used for schoolwork
  7. Test or assessment of knowledge
  8. Subject that explores the natural world
  9. Study of past events and civilizations
  10. Assignments to be completed outside of class
  1. Device for mathematical calculations
  2. Outdoor area for recreational activities during breaks
  3. Bag used to carry school supplies
  4. Surface for writing with chalk
  5. Learner attending school
  6. Set of letters used for writing and reading
  7. Container for carrying meals to school
  8. Vehicle for transporting students to school
  9. Tool for measuring lengths
  10. Source of knowledge and stories

20 Clues: Learner attending schoolTool for measuring lengthsRepresentation of the EarthPlace with books for borrowingSurface for writing with chalkTest or assessment of knowledgeSource of knowledge and storiesEducator who leads the classroomWriting tool used for schoolworkBag used to carry school suppliesFurniture for studying and writing...

at school 2023-05-11

at school crossword puzzle
  1. What time is it?
  2. Where the staff work
  3. Open to go in
  4. The big boss of the school!
  5. I have 4 legs but no tail
  6. Where you sit and learn
  7. In an emergency, follow me
  8. I go up and down
  9. a monthly or bi-monthly reading treat
  10. I have a mouse but no cheese
  11. have a seat on me
  12. Look out of me to see the trees
  1. where the teachers can take a break
  2. Use me in case of a fire!
  3. I really need to go to the.....
  4. Kids can play and hang out between classes
  5. At 16h30, I am full of loud students
  6. I make it hot
  7. Paper, words, author, read
  8. Where your parents can talk to the Prinipal
  9. Either the stairs or the ......
  10. I can see!

22 Clues: I can see!Open to go inI make it hotWhat time is it?I go up and downhave a seat on meWhere the staff workWhere you sit and learnUse me in case of a fire!I have 4 legs but no tailPaper, words, author, readIn an emergency, follow meThe big boss of the school!I have a mouse but no cheeseI really need to go to the.....Either the stairs or the .........

for school 2023-04-26

for school crossword puzzle
  1. a self-propelled vehicle that runs on rails and is used for moving railroad cars.
  2. a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade.
  3. the action of buying and selling goods and services.
  4. an apparatus using mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function and together performing a particular task.
  5. the employment of children in an industry or business, especially when illegal or considered
  6. an organization made up of members (a membership-based organization) and its membership must be made up mainly of workers.
  7. typically cash or liquid assets being held or obtained for expenditures.
  8. the difference between revenue that an economic entity has received from its outputs and total costs of its inputs.
  9. an amount or section which, when combined with others, makes up the whole of something.
  10. the ability of an individual or organization to obtain goods or services before payment, based on an agreement to pay later.
  11. an industrial facility, often a complex consisting of several buildings filled with machinery, where workers manufacture items or operate machines which process each item into another.
  12. a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively.
  1. the process or product which is invented
  2. the concentration of human populations into discrete areas.
  3. make (something) on a large scale using machinery.
  4. the total amount of a specific good or service that is available to consumers.
  5. a person who makes profit
  6. the desire, willingness and ability of consumers to pay a certain price for a product or service at a given period.
  7. limited resource
  8. selfish desire for food, money, or possessions over and above one's needs.

20 Clues: limited resourcea person who makes profitthe process or product which is inventedmake (something) on a large scale using machinery.a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade.the action of buying and selling goods and services.the concentration of human populations into discrete areas....

School Staff 2023-05-30

School Staff crossword puzzle
  1. I love to talk to Nik and Fabio about football
  2. I am VERY tall
  3. I am in charge
  4. I also help the choir
  5. I fix all the iPads
  6. I am your favourite teacher
  7. I help 6th class with their learning
  1. I help with the football team
  2. I am the second best 5th class teacher
  3. Two of you love to annoy me on yard
  4. I do after school activities with two of you
  5. I have cool long hair
  6. I answer all the phones
  7. I taught you before
  8. I like to work with Akash
  9. I teach the choir
  10. I cut the grass
  11. I am an Arsenal fan
  12. My class is way worse at dodgeball then you
  13. There is two of us

20 Clues: I am VERY tallI am in chargeI cut the grassI teach the choirThere is two of usI taught you beforeI fix all the iPadsI am an Arsenal fanI have cool long hairI also help the choirI answer all the phonesI like to work with AkashI am your favourite teacherI help with the football teamTwo of you love to annoy me on yard...

ECO - SCHOOL 2022-12-22

ECO - SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. può essere caldo freddo o temperato
  2. ha i tentacoli
  3. animale che punge nel mare
  4. è grande e può essere di tante forme
  5. ha dei denti lunghissimi ma è piccolo
  6. è l'animale più grande del mare
  7. Può essere marina o di terra.
  8. inquina l'ambiente
  9. si gonfia ed è velenoso
  10. è l'animale più bello del mare
  11. nuota nel mare liberamente
  12. fa male se lo tocchi dal viso
  13. fa molto male
  1. seahorse
  2. inquina il mare
  3. ha i denti lunghi
  4. è u animale chè è anche fuori dall'acqua
  5. nuota nel mare con le protezioni
  6. fa male al mare
  8. si muove lentamente
  9. è grande e blu

22 Clues: seahorsePIANTE MARINEfa molto maleha i tentacoliè grande e bluinquina il marefa male al mareha i denti lunghiinquina l'ambientesi muove lentamentesi gonfia ed è velenosoanimale che punge nel marenuota nel mare liberamentePuò essere marina o di terra.fa male se lo tocchi dal visoè l'animale più bello del mareè l'animale più grande del mare...

ECO-SCHOOL 2022-12-22

ECO-SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. ha la faccia a forma di martello
  2. assomiglia ad un delfino
  3. contengono ossigeno
  4. è grande e blu
  5. ha un naso lungo, molto lungo
  6. inquina il mare
  7. lo indossa chi non sa nuotare
  8. sono grigie, sono dure e si possono trovare nella sabbia, sono piccoli e grandi e si possono trovare anche nel mare
  9. e blu
  10. punge con i suoi aculei
  11. vive anche fuori dall'acqua
  12. è molto aggressivo e pericoloso
  13. può cambiare
  14. vuol dire che il mare è pulito mare
  15. ha la pinna gialla
  1. tanto sale nel mare
  2. i suoi tentacoli sono urticanti
  3. ha origine fossili
  4. inquina ed è fatta col petrolio
  5. si muove con pedicelli fuori dall'acqua
  6. poco sale nel mare
  7. fa andare le macchine
  8. se sventola non devi fare il bagno
  9. ha una coda lunga, non così lunga
  10. nuotano nel mare
  11. stanno sempre in gruppo
  12. cammina di lato
  13. ha otto tentacoli
  14. non si fa se il mare è inquinato
  15. piante marine

30 Clues: e blupuò cambiarepiante marineè grande e bluinquina il marecammina di latonuotano nel mareha otto tentacoliha origine fossilipoco sale nel mareha la pinna giallatanto sale nel marecontengono ossigenofa andare le macchinestanno sempre in gruppopunge con i suoi aculeiassomiglia ad un delfinovive anche fuori dall'acquaha un naso lungo, molto lungo...

Spy School 2023-01-12

Spy School crossword puzzle
  1. Villain
  2. who did Ben fight in his first class?
  3. what color did warren become after the paint ball fight?
  4. What does the assassin ask about?
  5. Who was the girl that likes Ben?
  6. What is Ben's full name?
  7. what explosive was the bomb made out of?
  8. What age was Ben accepted into Spy School?
  9. What is the unbreakable code breaker file called?
  10. where did Ben get moved to after the assassin?
  11. What was Warren used for in the paint ball game.
  12. Who's timer was used for the bomb?
  1. who is one of chips goons?
  2. Best friend
  3. What subject is Ben gifted at?
  4. What is the evil organization
  5. Main Character
  6. Where was the bomb hidden?
  7. who is Girl that helped Ben find the assassin?
  8. Who was the first C.I.A. agent Ben met?

20 Clues: VillainBest friendMain CharacterWhat is Ben's full name?who is one of chips goons?Where was the bomb hidden?What is the evil organizationWhat subject is Ben gifted at?Who was the girl that likes Ben?What does the assassin ask about?Who's timer was used for the bomb?who did Ben fight in his first class?Who was the first C.I.A. agent Ben met?...

spanish school 2023-01-17

spanish school crossword puzzle
  1. book
  2. notebook
  3. biology
  4. chalkboard
  5. ruler
  7. math
  8. pencil
  9. algebra
  10. table
  11. teacher desk
  12. health
  13. science
  14. crayons
  15. psychology
  16. geometry
  17. scissors
  18. glue
  19. social.studies
  20. pen
  1. agenda
  2. eraser
  3. art
  5. backpack
  6. folder
  7. bookmark
  8. globe
  9. english
  10. chair
  11. music
  12. calculator
  13. dictionary
  14. geography
  15. student desk
  16. spanish
  17. tape

37 Clues: artpenbookmathgluetapegloberulerchairmusictableagendaeraserfolderpencilhealthbiologyenglishalgebrasciencecrayonsspanishnotebookbackpackbookmarkgeometryscissorsgeographychalkboardcalculatordictionarypsychologyteacher deskstudent

School crossword 2022-11-02

School crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a desert
  2. A similar meaning to detect
  3. the front part of something, especially a ship
  4. a problem between one and another
  5. a different spoken thing
  6. a certain way to do something
  7. used as a function word to indicate purpose
  8. between something
  9. a thing you use to watch the news
  10. a particular place with name
  11. Having great strength
  1. to try and convince someone
  2. a smaller amount then dollar
  3. 1,2,3,?
  4. to try and persuade someone
  5. a device used to call one and another
  6. a quick movement
  7. a thing to look closer with(hint:it’s used to look in space)
  8. a brown substance when it meets water
  9. what quality is it?
  10. to get extremely quickly to one place and another place

21 Clues: 1,2,3,?a deserta quick movementbetween somethingwhat quality is it?Having great strengtha different spoken thingto try and convince someoneA similar meaning to detectto try and persuade someonea smaller amount then dollara particular place with namea certain way to do somethinga problem between one and anothera thing you use to watch the news...

school crossword 2022-11-10

school crossword crossword puzzle
  1. wooden writing tool
  2. eating time
  3. subject of learning adding, subtracting, multiplying, division, fractions and more
  4. a room that is used to have everything needed to learn
  5. personal portable storage device
  6. free time outside or inside
  7. adult that teaches
  8. used to get rid of mistakes on a writing surface
  9. subject of learning the past
  10. writing tool that uses ink
  11. one of the specials and has to do with drawing
  12. room full of books
  13. tool for holding things in a specific subject
  1. subject of learning where things are
  2. tool for keeping things together
  3. transportation for leaving and arriving school
  4. writing surface usually on wall
  5. used for showing work someone made to the room
  6. a group of many pupils and an adult
  7. tool for sitting
  8. subject that teaches the laws of the universe and more
  9. flat surface with storage
  10. one of the specials and has to do with instruments
  11. long room for getting place to place
  12. room for physical education
  13. pupil
  14. thin surface for writing on

27 Clues: pupileating timetool for sittingadult that teachesroom full of bookswooden writing toolflat surface with storagewriting tool that uses inkfree time outside or insideroom for physical educationthin surface for writing onsubject of learning the pastwriting surface usually on walltool for keeping things togetherpersonal portable storage device...

School Crossword 2022-12-13

School Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This allows students to do work online.
  2. Something to write on with a marker.
  3. A subject with landscapes and culture.
  4. A divider of skills to learn.
  5. Someone who learns the skills.
  6. This projects the computer's image.
  7. Something to sit on.
  8. A subject with books.
  9. A subject with the study of anything, really.
  10. Someone who teaches the skills.
  11. A subject with numbers.
  12. Scores on homework, assignments, tests, etc.
  13. A place where students learn.
  1. Something to write on with chalk.
  2. A place where students eat.
  3. An assignment to do at home.
  4. Something to write with that uses ink.
  5. Something that you write with that uses led.
  6. A subject with spelling.
  7. Something to write at and store items.
  8. A group of students.
  9. A subject with the past.

22 Clues: Something to sit on.A group of students.A subject with books.A subject with numbers.A subject with spelling.A subject with the past.A place where students eat.An assignment to do at home.A divider of skills to learn.A place where students learn.Someone who learns the skills.Someone who teaches the skills.Something to write on with chalk....

School subjects 2023-01-29

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. we study forces like heat, light, sound, pressure, gravity and electricity and how they affect objects
  2. facultatif
  3. The study of past events of a particular period, country or subject
  4. the study of paintings and other objects made by famous artists
  5. compositeur
  6. expérience scientifique
  7. the study of the countries in the world and things like lands, seas, climate, towns and populations
  8. résoudre
  9. we learn interesting things about animals and plants
  10. we learn about our mother tongue
  1. we study the language that people speak in Spain and in many countries in South and Central America
  2. we read poetry and novels by great writers
  3. logiciel
  4. you learn how to act and perform on stage
  5. we study the structure of substances and how they react with other substances
  6. we learn about using computers
  7. obligatoire
  8. we study numbers, shapes, symbols and find out how to calculate
  9. We stretch, bend, run and jump
  10. carry out
  11. we learn about minerals

21 Clues: logicielrésoudrecarry outfacultatifobligatoirecompositeurexpérience scientifiquewe learn about mineralswe learn about using computersWe stretch, bend, run and jumpwe learn about our mother tongueyou learn how to act and perform on stagewe read poetry and novels by great writerswe learn interesting things about animals and plants...

Environment, school 2022-09-28

Environment, school crossword puzzle
  1. the verb that expresses success in an exam
  2. a violent shaking of the ground
  3. use again or more than once.
  4. chemical waste material capable of causing death or injury to life.
  5. when u don't pass an exam
  6. in some schools you have to wear it.
  7. due to overflow of watercourses.
  8. the teacher in charge of a school.
  9. wild animals collectively.
  10. a qualification in a specific subject typically taken by school students aged 14–16, at a level below A level.
  11. Lack of rain and humidity in general.
  12. the variety of plant and animal life in the world or in an habitat.
  13. a community of living organisms and the environment in which they live.
  14. after this you get a degree.
  1. what do you get at the end of university.
  2. alteration of the environment by polluting elements.
  3. the rise in the average temperature of the Earth.
  4. the definitive disappearance of an animal or plant species.
  5. where students do PE.
  6. a school which provides accommodation and meals for the pupils.
  7. convert waste into reusable material.
  8. when a lot of trees are cut down.
  9. where students eat their lunch at college.
  10. a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject.
  11. an escape of oil into the sea.
  12. Very violent storm with wind and rain
  13. the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments.
  14. the abbreviation of mathematics.

28 Clues: where students do PE.when u don't pass an examwild animals collectively.use again or more than once.after this you get a escape of oil into the sea.a violent shaking of the grounddue to overflow of watercourses.the abbreviation of mathematics.when a lot of trees are cut down.the teacher in charge of a school....

At School 2022-05-02

At School crossword puzzle
  1. Đường Thẳng
  2. Cái Bảng
  3. Cái Bàn
  4. Thước Kẻ
  5. Âm Nhạc
  6. Trang Giấy
  7. Cây Bút
  8. Kí Tự
  9. Máy Tính
  10. Cuốn Sách
  11. Dấu Đúng
  12. Bóng Đá
  13. Khúc Côn Cầu
  14. Bàn Phím
  15. Cục Gôm
  16. Phòng Học
  1. Con Chuột
  2. Cái Sàn
  3. Cục Gôm
  4. Học Sinh
  5. Bóng Rổ
  6. Bảng Chữ Cái
  7. Phần
  8. Cuốn Sách
  9. Giáo Viên
  10. Dấu Gạch Chéo
  11. Bóng Đá
  12. Bút Chì
  13. Vẽ Tranh

29 Clues: PhầnKí TựCái SànCục GômCái BànBóng RổÂm NhạcCây BútBóng ĐáBút ChìBóng ĐáCục GômCái BảngHọc SinhThước KẻMáy TínhDấu ĐúngBàn PhímVẽ TranhCon ChuộtCuốn SáchCuốn SáchGiáo ViênPhòng HọcTrang GiấyĐường ThẳngBảng Chữ CáiKhúc Côn CầuDấu Gạch Chéo

School words 2022-08-22

School words crossword puzzle
  1. rektor
  2. oppdrag/skoleoppgave
  3. tavle
  4. skoletime
  5. oppgave
  6. K/H
  7. pult
  8. språk
  9. blyant
  10. kroppsøving
  11. lekse
  12. friminutt
  1. korridor
  2. naturfag
  3. søppelbøtte
  4. vannkjele
  5. linjal
  6. levere
  7. skap
  8. hyller

20 Clues: K/Hpultskaptavlespråklekserektorlinjallevereblyanthylleroppgavekorridornaturfagvannkjeleskoletimefriminuttsøppelbøttekroppsøvingoppdrag/skoleoppgave

My School 2023-09-18

My School crossword puzzle
  1. Our school _____ with.
  2. Wenshan district where Taipei ____ is
  3. And Blue______.
  4. We see ___field and tea houses .
  5. Wenshan district, ______city
  6. And ____waste approach.
  7. We have _____ compound.
  8. Wanfu ________School.
  9. Home of black ____.
  10. We share ideas with friends _____.
  11. We ____natural resources .
  12. ________progress.
  13. We have _____.
  14. Classrooms from _____around the world
  1. For future ________.
  2. _____ five.
  3. From Maokong ______.
  4. When you visit Jingmei Night______ .
  5. And ______.
  6. Excellent _______.
  7. With _____cultures, values and beliefs
  8. We can hear different ______.
  9. We _____ pollution and wastage .
  10. We are ______scholars.
  11. On_______ road.
  12. From ______.

26 Clues: _____ five.And ______.From ______.We have _____.And Blue______.On_______ road.________progress.Excellent _______.Home of black ____.For future ________.From Maokong ______.Wanfu ________School.Our school _____ with.We are ______scholars.And ____waste approach.We have _____ compound.We ____natural resources .Wenshan district, ______city...

school vocab 2023-09-13

school vocab crossword puzzle
  1. demander
  2. devoirs
  3. plus fort
  4. signifier
  5. expliquer
  6. surligneur
  7. emprunter
  8. se déplacer
  9. l'infirmière
  10. mot
  1. papier
  2. savoir,connaître
  3. ouvrir
  4. sens,signification
  5. les lumières
  6. comprendre
  7. poubelle
  8. être d'accord
  9. la fenêtre
  10. prononcer

20 Clues: motpapierouvrirdevoirsdemanderpoubelleplus fortsignifierexpliqueremprunterprononcercomprendresurligneurla fenêtrese déplacerles lumièresl'infirmièreêtre d'accordsavoir,connaîtresens,signification

School Concerns 2023-09-14

School Concerns crossword puzzle
  1. - Assignments or tasks given by teachers to be completed during a class or at school.
  2. - Clothing or what someone is wearing.
  3. - Not going to a place or an event that you are supposed to attend, like skipping school.
  4. - Taking something that belongs to someone else without their permission.
  5. - Skipping school or classes without permission.
  6. - Copying someone else's work or ideas and presenting them as your own, usually in school or writing.
  7. - Repeated and unwanted behavior, often intended to annoy or harm someone.
  8. - A plant that is used to make cigarettes and other products that people smoke or chew.
  9. - Related to devices or systems that use electricity or computer technology.
  10. - Not connected to the internet or not using a computer or device that is connected to the internet.
  11. - Substances that can change the way a person thinks, feels, or behaves. Some drugs are used as medicine, while others can be harmful if misused.
  12. - The way people communicate using words and sounds.
  13. - A small laptop computer designed for internet use and schoolwork.
  14. - A small electronic device used for making phone calls, sending messages, and accessing the internet.
  1. - When something causes a disturbance or interruption, often making it difficult for things to proceed as usual.
  2. - When people use physical force to harm each other, often in anger or disagreement.
  3. - The act of causing severe damage or harm to something.
  4. - Connected to the internet or using a computer or device that is connected to the internet.
  5. - Refusing to obey someone or something, often in a rebellious or disobedient manner.
  6. - Suitable or proper for a particular situation or age group.
  7. - Being late or not arriving at a scheduled time.
  8. - Groups of people who often engage in illegal or harmful activities together.
  9. - Trying to frighten or threaten someone to make them do something they might not want to do.
  10. - Assignments or tasks given by teachers to be completed at home.
  11. - A drink that can make people feel relaxed or intoxicated when consumed in excess. It is not allowed for children.
  12. - Acting dishonestly to gain an unfair advantage, especially in school or games.
  13. - An object used to cause harm or defend oneself, like a knife or gun.

27 Clues: - Clothing or what someone is wearing.- Skipping school or classes without permission.- Being late or not arriving at a scheduled time.- The way people communicate using words and sounds.- The act of causing severe damage or harm to something.- Suitable or proper for a particular situation or age group....

School Supplies 2023-09-18

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. خزانه
  2. كرسي
  3. معلم
  4. phone: هاتف خلوي
  5. لون
  6. مكتب
  7. طالب
  8. كتاب
  9. مجلد
  10. مساحة
  11. دفتر
  1. خريطة
  2. مظلة
  3. sharpener: بَرَّايَة
  4. hole punch: ثلاثة ثقب لكمة
  5. حاسوب
  6. علامه
  7. قاموس
  8. الاحذيه
  9. مقص

20 Clues: لونمقصمظلةكرسيمعلممكتبطالبكتابمجلددفترخريطةخزانهحاسوبعلامهقاموسمساحةالاحذيهphone: هاتف خلويsharpener: بَرَّايَةhole punch: ثلاثة ثقب لكمة

school things 2022-12-02

school things crossword puzzle
  1. Fenster
  2. Uhr
  3. Tafel
  4. Schrank
  5. Tisch
  6. Bad
  7. Bild
  8. Mensa
  9. Name
  10. Antwort
  11. Bleistift
  12. Lineal
  13. lesen
  1. Kugelschreiber
  2. Buch
  3. Stuhl
  4. Haus
  5. Mittagessen
  6. Schüler
  7. Sekretariat
  8. Straße
  9. Bett
  10. Frage
  11. Radiergummi
  12. Schultasche
  13. Lehrer
  14. Auto
  15. schreiben

28 Clues: UhrBadBuchHausBettBildNameAutoStuhlTafelTischFrageMensalesenStraßeLehrerLinealFensterSchülerSchrankAntwortBleistiftschreibenMittagessenSekretariatRadiergummiSchultascheKugelschreiber

school 2 2022-11-23

school 2 crossword puzzle
  1. jardín
  2. dormitorio
  3. caja
  4. sillón
  5. cámara
  6. puerta
  7. ordenador
  8. balcón
  9. chimenea
  10. casa
  1. espejo
  2. escaleras
  3. sobre
  4. sofá
  5. cuarto de baño
  6. agenda
  7. bane
  8. sótano
  9. cama
  10. estantería
  11. reloj (de pared)
  12. ventana
  13. llave
  14. cocina

24 Clues: sofácajabanecamacasasobrellaveespejojardínagendasillónsótanocámarapuertabalcóncocinaventanachimeneaescalerasordenadordormitorioestanteríacuarto de bañoreloj (de pared)

My school 2022-11-16

My school crossword puzzle
  1. a special method of learning, it was created in 1907
  2. named given to people who go to school
  3. there ... a cafeteria (il y a)
  4. an outdoor area at school, you go there during recess time
  5. place where you can read books
  6. what you can eat during recess time
  7. there ... many corridors (il y a)
  8. everybody must respect them
  9. translation of "traîner"
  10. translation of "contrairement à"
  1. a special room where you can sleep
  2. Complete the sentence : "It is ... to fight"
  3. translation of "finir"
  4. English, History, Techonology, Science are ...
  5. synonym of perhaps
  6. synonym of break
  7. place you can find a lot of computers
  8. translation of "commencer"
  9. synonym of different
  10. translation of "comme"

20 Clues: synonym of breaksynonym of perhapssynonym of differenttranslation of "finir"translation of "comme"translation of "traîner"translation of "commencer"everybody must respect themthere ... a cafeteria (il y a)place where you can read bookstranslation of "contrairement à"there ... many corridors (il y a)a special room where you can sleep...

SCHOOL PUZZLE 2022-10-20

SCHOOL PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. US spy drone shot down in 2019 by Iran Saadatabad School's neighbourhood
  2. TIS Principal
  3. Square by school (meaning Culture in Persian)
  4. The most precious period
  5. locks without keys!
  6. First Iraninan Covid vaccine
  7. Vice principal
  8. Vice principal
  9. Man's enemy
  10. Iranina top general agains ISIS
  11. friend of top students
  12. Makes perfect
  13. break Lunch time
  14. well-know Persian poet prasied by Goethe
  15. Call for prayer
  16. an Iranian export
  1. world's Largest lake
  2. Discovered that earth turns Sun 11th century
  3. broke idols in his teens
  4. Middle schoolers have blue
  5. Nurce
  6. Scientist and father of missile industry
  7. last heavenly book
  8. CA
  9. Former Iranian Province before 1971
  10. Sadam Hosein's Supporter of chemical weapons
  11. Vice principal
  12. Them most expensive spice
  13. Late actor and street name near school

29 Clues: CANurceMan's enemyTIS PrincipalMakes perfectVice principalVice principalVice principalCall for prayeran Iranian exportlast heavenly booklocks without keys!world's Largest lakebreak Lunch timefriend of top studentsbroke idols in his teensThe most precious periodThem most expensive spiceMiddle schoolers have blueFirst Iraninan Covid vaccine...


SCHOOL CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. A plan to make America economically independent.
  2. distinct region of the country.
  3. A war between natives, led by Black Hawk, and the U.S. in Illinois. Won by the U.S.
  4. areas made up of farms and countryside.
  5. A system in which each worker performs just one part of an entire production process.
  6. A change in the way Americans made, bought, and sold goods.
  7. The use of machinery to make goods.
  8. A heavy tax on imported manufactured goods, designed to strengthen American business.
  9. A band of states stretching from South Carolina to Texas
  10. commerce.
  11. crowded apartments with poor standards of sanitation.
  12. To reject.
  13. Invented by Eli Whitney, separates cotton from seeds, led to an
  14. development of industry.
  15. The powers neither given to the federal government nor denied to the states.
  16. A license from the government giving an inventor the sole right to make, use, and sell an invention for a certain period of time.
  17. hemisphere.
  18. An organization of workers formed to protect the interests of
  19. To withdraw
  20. a work stoppage.
  21. A violent slave uprising in 1831.
  1. An ongoing effort over many decades to increase production by using machines.
  2. The Supreme Court case where the court ruled that states could not interfere with the Federal government’s regulation of
  3. A practice where the winner of an election chose who would fill government jobs, regardless of qualifications.
  4. An 1830 law giving the President authority to move Native tribes from the homeland to territories in the west.
  5. Told the rest of the world to stay out of all affairs in the
  6. in the use of slave labor
  7. cities.
  8. A Supreme Court case where the court ruled that the powers of the Federal government went beyond those spelled out in the
  9. Enterprise System An economic system in which companies compete for profits.
  10. A 116 day forced march of the Cherokee people to the Indian territory. 1 out of every 4 Cherokees died.
  11. the United States. Won by the U.S.
  12. Parts that are exactly alike, and can be easily replaced.
  13. A Supreme Court Case where the court ruled that states cannot interfere with private contracts.
  14. A single factory where all tasks involved in making a product are carried out.
  15. Money that a business spends in hopes of a future gain.
  16. members.
  17. A piece of paper that the bank issues to their customers.
  18. The practice of rewarding political backers with government jobs.
  19. Seminole War: An 1835 uprising of the Seminoles, led by Osceola

40 Clues: cities.members.commerce.To reject.hemisphere.To withdrawa work stoppage.development of the use of slave labordistinct region of the country.A violent slave uprising in 1831.the United States. Won by the U.S.The use of machinery to make goods.areas made up of farms and countryside.A plan to make America economically independent....


SCHOOL CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. A plan to make America economically independent.
  2. distinct region of the country.
  3. A war between natives, led by Black Hawk, and the U.S. in Illinois. Won by the U.S.
  4. areas made up of farms and countryside.
  5. A system in which each worker performs just one part of an entire production process.
  6. A change in the way Americans made, bought, and sold goods.
  7. The use of machinery to make goods.
  8. A heavy tax on imported manufactured goods, designed to strengthen American business.
  9. A band of states stretching from South Carolina to Texas
  10. commerce.
  11. crowded apartments with poor standards of sanitation.
  12. To reject.
  13. Invented by Eli Whitney, separates cotton from seeds, led to an
  14. development of industry.
  15. The powers neither given to the federal government nor denied to the states.
  16. A license from the government giving an inventor the sole right to make, use, and sell an invention for a certain period of time.
  17. hemisphere.
  18. An organization of workers formed to protect the interests of
  19. To withdraw
  20. a work stoppage.
  21. A violent slave uprising in 1831.
  1. An ongoing effort over many decades to increase production by using machines.
  2. The Supreme Court case where the court ruled that states could not interfere with the Federal government’s regulation of
  3. A practice where the winner of an election chose who would fill government jobs, regardless of qualifications.
  4. An 1830 law giving the President authority to move Native tribes from the homeland to territories in the west.
  5. Told the rest of the world to stay out of all affairs in the
  6. in the use of slave labor
  7. cities.
  8. A Supreme Court case where the court ruled that the powers of the Federal government went beyond those spelled out in the
  9. Enterprise System An economic system in which companies compete for profits.
  10. A 116 day forced march of the Cherokee people to the Indian territory. 1 out of every 4 Cherokees died.
  11. the United States. Won by the U.S.
  12. Parts that are exactly alike, and can be easily replaced.
  13. A Supreme Court Case where the court ruled that states cannot interfere with private contracts.
  14. A single factory where all tasks involved in making a product are carried out.
  15. Money that a business spends in hopes of a future gain.
  16. members.
  17. A piece of paper that the bank issues to their customers.
  18. The practice of rewarding political backers with government jobs.
  19. Seminole War: An 1835 uprising of the Seminoles, led by Osceola

40 Clues: cities.members.commerce.To reject.hemisphere.To withdrawa work stoppage.development of the use of slave labordistinct region of the country.A violent slave uprising in 1831.the United States. Won by the U.S.The use of machinery to make goods.areas made up of farms and countryside.A plan to make America economically independent....

School Work 2022-05-10

School Work crossword puzzle
  1. true meaning
  2. sound of something moving
  3. Incorrect
  4. sound
  5. saying text
  6. Theme
  7. outer shape
  8. showing
  9. people working together
  10. Good decision
  11. screaming at each other
  12. sure of yourself
  13. face emotion
  14. statement
  1. checking
  2. text
  3. YLP
  4. creative
  5. sentence that shows agreement
  6. summary
  7. speaking
  8. remade
  9. definitely not
  10. cooperating with each other
  11. searching for something
  12. different
  13. movement
  14. past or future
  15. clock

29 Clues: YLPtextsoundThemeclockremadesummaryshowingcheckingcreativespeakingmovementIncorrectdifferentstatementsaying textouter shapetrue meaningface emotionGood decisiondefinitely notpast or futuresure of yourselfsearching for somethingpeople working togetherscreaming at each othersound of something movingcooperating with each other...

Middle school 2023-05-15

Middle school crossword puzzle
  1. tallest teacher in school
  2. teacher who used to go to school here.
  3. students nickname is hippo
  4. student got caught "checking time"
  5. teacher in room 111
  6. this teacher knows how to play lots of instruments
  7. students twin is smarter than the other
  8. teacher who likes to play video games
  9. students has shark shoes
  10. student misses Gaby
  11. teacher who helps watch you guys during lunch
  12. student is related to sky
  13. student should bring me donuts
  1. a teacher who can help you figure out the radius
  2. teacher who has taught most of your siblings/ parents
  3. teacher will not be here next year
  4. student stands out in class
  5. students nickname is monkey/richy
  6. student has like 20 siblings
  7. student wears glasses
  8. this coach is like 100 years old
  9. The middle school principle
  10. Student complains about everything
  11. student missed an event for his girl
  12. this teacher is really awesome

25 Clues: teacher in room 111student misses Gabystudent wears glassesstudents has shark shoestallest teacher in schoolstudent is related to skystudents nickname is hippostudent stands out in classThe middle school principlestudent has like 20 siblingsthis teacher is really awesomestudent should bring me donutsthis coach is like 100 years old...

School Puzzle 2023-05-19

School Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. teacher in the Culinary Academy
  2. Teacher in charge of the Year book
  3. GJHS mascot
  4. PowerPoint, Word, and Excel
  5. The school you currently attend.
  6. Art teacher that does 2D Art
  7. local business owner that started Publix
  1. Mr. Robinson’s side hustle.
  2. students that just came from a middle school
  3. School during the months of June and July.
  4. current principle at GJ
  5. abbreviation of the name the high school you currently attend
  6. one of the teachers in the GEICO Academy
  7. Engineering teacher who recently passed away
  8. students that are 2nd year in high school
  9. Art teacher who teaches photography
  10. students that have one more year to become seniors.
  11. the GEICO mascot
  12. online platform used by teachers and students for school assignments
  13. Final year students

20 Clues: GJHS mascotthe GEICO mascotFinal year studentscurrent principle at GJMr. Robinson’s side hustle.PowerPoint, Word, and ExcelArt teacher that does 2D Artteacher in the Culinary AcademyThe school you currently attend.Teacher in charge of the Year bookArt teacher who teaches photographyone of the teachers in the GEICO Academy...

School Practice 2023-05-07

School Practice crossword puzzle
  1. A person who rides a skateboard.
  2. A person from Mexico.
  3. A person who teaches, especially at school.
  4. Being in a state of fear or panic.
  5. A red fruit.
  6. Person from Australia.
  7. A person from the United Kingdom.
  8. The father of your parents.
  9. A person who paints.
  1. A female parent.
  2. A person who studies.
  3. A male who has the same parents as you.
  4. A person who is not interested in something.
  5. The opposite of hot.
  6. A country in Asia.
  7. Country were you speak Spanish.
  8. Feeling a need or desire to eat food.
  9. Person from Brazil.
  10. A person who sings songs.
  11. A feeling of joy, pleasure, or good fortune.

20 Clues: A red fruit.A female parent.A country in Asia.Person from Brazil.The opposite of hot.A person who paints.A person who studies.A person from Mexico.Person from Australia.A person who sings songs.The father of your parents.Country were you speak Spanish.A person who rides a skateboard.A person from the United Kingdom....

School Work 2024-09-17

School Work crossword puzzle
  1. not a couple but a
  2. a machine that allows the internet
  3. a type of animal
  4. something you sit on
  5. not a fork but a
  6. a grill for cooking outside
  7. when you respond to someone
  8. something you pit your clothes in to travel
  9. search and
  10. how tall something is
  1. you where this to smell good
  2. a room in a house
  3. movies where they sing a lot
  4. not the sun but the
  5. opposite of know
  6. don't make noise
  7. follow the
  8. not old but
  9. not pretty but
  10. what is an apple

20 Clues: follow thesearch andnot old butnot pretty buta type of animalopposite of knownot a fork but adon't make noisewhat is an applea room in a housenot a couple but anot the sun but thesomething you sit onhow tall something isa grill for cooking outsidewhen you respond to someoneyou where this to smell goodmovies where they sing a lot...

School vocab 2024-10-25

School vocab crossword puzzle
  1. imperfect AR ellos Ella's ustedes ending
  2. changes to qu in the yo form
  3. imperfect AR tu ending
  4. he/she went
  5. imperfect IR nosotros ending
  6. not the preterite the ____
  7. ano pasado my birthday was ____
  8. we were in school ________
  9. imperfect IR ellos Ella's ustedes ending
  10. I went
  11. imperfect AR yo and El Ella usted ending
  12. teachers table
  13. not the imperfect the ___
  1. different irregular verb endings in the yo form
  2. imperfect IR tú ending
  3. becomes gu in the yo from
  4. imperfect AR nosotros ending
  5. after middle school
  6. students table
  7. they went
  8. the ___ before ____
  9. we went
  10. you went
  11. z becomes c in the yo form

24 Clues: I wentwe wentyou wentthey wenthe/she wentstudents tableteachers tableafter middle schoolthe ___ before ____imperfect IR tú endingimperfect AR tu endingbecomes gu in the yo fromnot the imperfect the ___not the preterite the ____we were in school ________z becomes c in the yo formimperfect AR nosotros endingchanges to qu in the yo form...

My School 2024-11-15

My School crossword puzzle
  1. A tool for writing or drawing.
  2. Used for writing notes.
  3. Carries your school supplies.
  4. For coloring.
  5. Lets light into the classroom.
  6. Other students in your class.
  7. A plan that shows when classes or events will happen.
  8. Where students play during breaks.
  9. A room filled with books.
  10. Used to enter or exit a room.
  11. Where physical education classes are held.
  12. What you sit on.
  13. Where a student sits and works.
  1. Used to measure things.
  2. You write or draw on it.
  3. Something you read or study.
  4. The place where students learn.
  5. A restroom in the school.
  6. The head of a school.
  7. Keeps your pencil sharp.
  8. A gathering of all students and teachers, often in the auditorium.
  9. Used to correct mistakes.
  10. An interactive electronic board.

23 Clues: For coloring.What you sit on.The head of a school.Used to measure things.Used for writing notes.You write or draw on it.Keeps your pencil sharp.A restroom in the school.Used to correct mistakes.A room filled with books.Something you read or study.Carries your school supplies.Other students in your class.Used to enter or exit a room....

School commands 2024-11-22

School commands crossword puzzle
  1. down: "Take a seat."
  2. "Mark with a check."
  3. "Use your voice for music."
  4. "Leave the ground!"
  5. "Draw a round shape."
  6. "Draw a line below."
  7. "Jump on one foot."
  8. "Use a pen or pencil."
  9. "Follow the lines."
  1. "Show with your finger."
  2. "Talk with others."
  3. a game: "Have fun following rules."
  4. "Use your ears."
  5. "Hit your hands together."
  6. "Add colours."
  7. "Use scissors."
  8. quiet: "Don’t make noise."
  9. "Feel with your hand."
  10. up: "Get on your feet."
  11. around: "Spin your body."

20 Clues: "Add colours.""Use scissors.""Use your ears.""Talk with others.""Leave the ground!""Jump on one foot.""Follow the lines."down: "Take a seat.""Mark with a check.""Draw a line below.""Draw a round shape.""Use a pen or pencil.""Feel with your hand."up: "Get on your feet.""Show with your finger."around: "Spin your body.""Hit your hands together."...

School subjects 2024-12-03

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. - svenska
  2. - teknisk slöjd
  3. - fysik
  4. - textilslöjd
  5. - hälsokunskap
  6. - engelska
  7. - bildkonst
  8. - livsåskådning
  9. - spanska
  10. - huslig ekonomi
  11. - filosofi
  12. - matematik
  13. - naturvetenskap
  14. - kemi
  15. - franska
  16. - samhällslära
  17. - tyska
  18. - företagsamhet
  1. - modersmål och litteratur
  2. - musik
  3. - biologi
  4. - religion
  5. - historia
  6. - geografi
  7. - finska
  8. - gymnastik

26 Clues: - kemi- fysik- musik- tyska- finska- svenska- biologi- spanska- franska- engelska- religion- historia- geografi- filosofi- bildkonst- gymnastik- matematik- textilslöjd- hälsokunskap- samhällslära- teknisk slöjd- livsåskådning- företagsamhet- huslig ekonomi- naturvetenskap- modersmål och litteratur

School subjects 2024-12-03

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. - svenska
  2. - teknisk slöjd
  3. - fysik
  4. - textilslöjd
  5. - hälsokunskap
  6. - engelska
  7. - bildkonst
  8. - livsåskådning
  9. - spanska
  10. - huslig ekonomi
  11. - filosofi
  12. - matematik
  13. - naturvetenskap
  14. - kemi
  15. - franska
  16. - samhällslära
  17. - tyska
  18. - företagsamhet
  1. - modersmål och litteratur
  2. - musik
  3. - biologi
  4. - religion
  5. - historia
  6. - geografi
  7. - finska
  8. - gymnastik

26 Clues: - kemi- fysik- musik- tyska- finska- svenska- biologi- spanska- franska- engelska- religion- historia- geografi- filosofi- bildkonst- gymnastik- matematik- textilslöjd- hälsokunskap- samhällslära- teknisk slöjd- livsåskådning- företagsamhet- huslig ekonomi- naturvetenskap- modersmål och litteratur

My school 2024-12-09

My school crossword puzzle
  1. to make a straight line
  2. for teachers to write the note infront
  3. to play sport
  4. a place to pee
  5. ring every period
  6. to throw the trash
  7. to keep the stationaries
  8. to share screen
  9. to write down the notes
  10. a place to read a book
  1. a place for study
  2. the parking
  3. to sit
  4. a place for student not going home stay
  5. a things that student use to refer
  6. a place for all teachers rest
  7. to do experiment
  8. a place to eat
  9. to gather (many people)
  10. used to write
  11. for muslim to pray

21 Clues: to sitthe parkingto play sportused to writea place to peea place to eatto share screento do experimenta place for studyring every periodto throw the trashfor muslim to praya place to read a bookto make a straight lineto gather (many people)to write down the notesto keep the stationariesa place for all teachers resta things that student use to refer...

School Days 2018-05-18

School Days crossword puzzle
  1. my career has been a
  2. funniest thing on Fridays
  3. can't fix
  4. word for retirement
  5. something I'll never miss
  6. world traveller
  7. name for undesirable students
  8. female
  9. where little fuckers go
  10. I will fondly remember
  11. why get involved in
  12. complete helplessness
  13. the best!
  14. I just
  15. favorite art tool
  16. thing that bugs me
  17. apple of your eye
  1. teachers are
  2. junior high science
  3. said under your breath many times
  4. long winded repetitive, bullshit waste of time
  5. something you wish to never receive
  6. rocking the ears
  7. sometimes I wonder
  8. I don't make the rules, I just
  9. yourteaching days are
  10. Wednesday meetings
  11. your favorite weekend activity
  12. should be a 2 day stat holiday
  13. every student is
  14. every kid needs an
  15. the education system is...
  16. teaching is
  17. the kind that's not in your pants and kids shouldn't touch

34 Clues: femaleI justcan't fixthe best!teaching isteachers areworld travellerrocking the earsevery student isfavorite art toolapple of your eyesometimes I wonderWednesday meetingsevery kid needs anthing that bugs mejunior high scienceword for retirementwhy get involved inmy career has been ayourteaching days arecomplete helplessnessI will fondly remember...

High School 2021-12-08

High School crossword puzzle
  1. darby watch your wallet
  2. first date
  3. sledding event
  4. painful contribution to #2
  5. moving stage
  6. SB2K14
  7. 17,20
  8. joe gets the call about #20 at
  9. the great flood
  10. partytime
  1. MCL injury
  2. what gretta is that nina isnt
  3. homecoming
  4. where we met
  5. darby clearly did not have one
  6. don't get locked in
  7. MEA trip
  8. inside joke involving a shower
  9. promposal
  10. made it official on a
  11. replacement for the ford
  12. please leave your keys

22 Clues: 17,20SB2K14MEA trippromposalpartytimeMCL injuryhomecomingfirst datewhere we metmoving stagesledding eventthe great flooddon't get locked inmade it official on aplease leave your keysdarby watch your walletreplacement for the fordpainful contribution to #2what gretta is that nina isntdarby clearly did not have oneinside joke involving a shower...

school objects 2021-12-21

school objects crossword puzzle
  1. tape
  2. brush
  3. scissors
  4. desk
  5. classroom
  6. pencillead
  7. boardmarker
  8. ruler
  9. printer
  10. compasses
  11. board
  12. notebook
  13. pencil
  14. pencilsharpener
  1. colouredpencils
  2. eraser
  3. stapler
  4. glue
  5. book
  6. chair
  7. schoolbag
  8. table
  9. craftknife
  10. school
  11. crayons
  12. pincilcase
  13. pen

27 Clues: pentapedeskgluebookbrushchairtablerulerboarderaserschoolpencilstaplerprintercrayonsscissorsnotebookclassroomschoolbagcompassespencilleadcraftknifepincilcaseboardmarkercolouredpencilspencilsharpener

SCHOOL DAY 2021-12-11

SCHOOL DAY crossword puzzle
  1. I think I'll start my breakfast with a tall glass of apple _________.
  2. I'll start the day with a glass of juice, a banana, and a bowl of _________ with milk.
  3. ___________ you remember to set the alarm for tomorrow morning? I need to get up at 6:30.
  4. What is more delicious than hot bread with melted ___________on it?
  5. Bring the dog ___________the house before it starts to rain.
  6. That was a fast taxi ___ from the hotel to the airport. I'm glad we didn't crash.
  7. Bananas usually are one of three colors: green, ___________, or brown.
  8. Take a look __ to see if it's raining or not.
  9. Why is __BASEBALL__ the most popular sport in America? Is it the hot dogs or the
  10. Have you ___________any change? I need four quarters.
  11. You must be sleepy; you open your mouth
  12. If you are a heavy smoker, you will have bad breath and yellow or brown ______.
  1. Has his plane ___________ at the airport yet? He said he would call when the plane landed.
  2. What is your __________ movie? Titanic, I love that movie!
  3. She is a bad ___________; she's had three traffic accidents in three years.
  4. A loving husband and wife go through life ___________.
  5. Good ___________s help each other out.
  6. Take the _________ out of the ________er and put some butter and jelly on it.
  7. I love_______ and cookies. I don't care if it's nonfat, low fat, or whole ________.
  8. A potato changes color from white to ___________when you fry it.
  9. In New York City, travelers use a Metro card to travel on the subway, ferry and ___________.
  10. What time did you __ up this morning? I woke up at 7.

22 Clues: Good ___________s help each other out.You must be sleepy; you open your mouthTake a look __ to see if it's raining or not.Have you ___________any change? I need four quarters.What time did you __ up this morning? I woke up at 7.A loving husband and wife go through life ___________.What is your __________ movie? Titanic, I love that movie!...

School Classes 2020-09-04

School Classes crossword puzzle
  1. Geschichte
  2. class Werken
  3. Pause (zwischen Schulstunden)
  4. Religionsunterricht
  5. Zeichnung
  6. Kunstunterricht
  7. Wissenschaft, Naturwissenschaft
  8. Geometrie
  9. Grammatik
  10. Ethik
  11. debattieren
  12. Physik
  13. spielen
  14. Musik
  15. Geografie
  1. economics Hauswirtschaftslehre
  2. schreiben
  3. Theater, Schauspiel (n)
  4. Chemie
  5. studies Fremdsprachenunterricht
  6. Mathematik
  7. Algebra
  8. Education (PE) Sportunterricht, Turnen
  9. lesen
  10. Literatur
  11. class Gesundheitserziehung

26 Clues: lesenEthikMusikChemiePhysikAlgebraspielenschreibenZeichnungGeometrieLiteraturGrammatikGeografieGeschichteMathematikdebattierenclass WerkenKunstunterrichtReligionsunterrichtTheater, Schauspiel (n)class GesundheitserziehungPause (zwischen Schulstunden)economics Hauswirtschaftslehrestudies FremdsprachenunterrichtWissenschaft, Naturwissenschaft...

School Classes 2020-09-04

School Classes crossword puzzle
  1. Geografie
  2. Pause
  3. Sportunterricht
  4. Kunstunterricht
  5. Grammatik
  6. schreiben
  7. Algebra
  8. Werken
  9. Geometrie
  10. Hauswirtschaftslehre
  11. Physik
  1. Fremdsprachenunterricht
  2. Chemie
  3. Geschichte
  4. Literatur
  5. Zeichnung
  6. Mathematik
  7. lesen
  8. Wissenschaft,
  9. spielen
  10. Musik

21 Clues: PauselesenMusikChemieWerkenPhysikAlgebraspielenGeografieLiteraturGrammatikZeichnungschreibenGeometrieGeschichteMathematikWissenschaft,SportunterrichtKunstunterrichtHauswirtschaftslehreFremdsprachenunterricht

School Classes 2020-09-04

School Classes crossword puzzle
  1. Algebra
  2. Hauswirtschaftslehre
  3. Grammatik
  4. Fremdsprachenunterricht
  5. Chemie
  6. Pause
  7. Sportunterricht
  8. lesen
  9. Physik
  10. Geografie
  1. Literatur
  2. Werken
  3. Kunstunterricht
  4. Wissenschaft,
  5. Mathematik
  6. Geometrie
  7. Musik
  8. Schreiben
  9. Geschichte
  10. spielen

20 Clues: MusikPauselesenWerkenChemiePhysikAlgebraspielenLiteraturGrammatikGeometrieSchreibenGeografieMathematikGeschichteWissenschaft,KunstunterrichtSportunterrichtHauswirtschaftslehreFremdsprachenunterricht

School Vocabulary 2020-08-30

School Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Is this the right answer? Is it ____?
  2. Who knows the answer? If you know, I want to see your hand up!
  3. You decide between the two. Do you want chocolate or ice cream?
  4. If I have 2 iphones, should I give one to my sister?
  5. Please draw a line write below the words you don't know.
  6. Wow. ______ at the airplane in the sky!
  7. When you are finished, you should look over your homework again.
  8. Let's _______ the answers to make sure you did them right.
  9. If you have a question, you should______.
  10. When you get a contract, you need to put your name on it.
  11. Before you play video games, you should ____ your school homework.
  12. I am going to get everyone's papers.
  13. Can you hear me? Make sure you _______.
  14. The words are mixed up! Can you _____?
  15. From your backpack, ______ a pencil.
  16. When you write down the same thing your teacher wrote on a whiteboard.
  17. Smallest to tallest flowers
  18. Can I get a new pencil? A ______ pencil from my old one.
  19. How do you say this new word? Can you ______ it?
  20. Your friend fell on the floor so you should....
  21. When it is time to sleep, what do you do with the lights?
  22. We are on page 23 on this book, can you ______ this?
  1. It is so dark right now, we need the light.
  2. We are going to talk in small groups about the weather.
  3. For this homework, you will not work with your friends.
  4. On the paper, use your pen to do what?
  5. If we all help with this project, we will do well.
  6. We are going to start the class so go to your chair.
  7. This is not the right answer. Draw an x.
  8. When your teacher is writing, you should also write down.
  9. It's time to go home everyone, let's get up.
  10. What goes in this blank area? What can you write there?
  11. When you go into the bathroom, you should do what with the door?
  12. 5+5= 10 Then 10 is what?
  13. If you are wrong, draw an X and if you are right draw a ______.
  14. Is this picture the same as that picture?
  15. To start the class you need to get the book and do what?
  16. We have 30 students so let's get into small groups.
  17. I didn't hear you, can you say it again?
  18. I wrote this word wrong.

40 Clues: 5+5= 10 Then 10 is what?I wrote this word wrong.Smallest to tallest flowersI am going to get everyone's papers.From your backpack, ______ a pencil.Is this the right answer? Is it ____?On the paper, use your pen to do what?The words are mixed up! Can you _____?Wow. ______ at the airplane in the sky!Can you hear me? Make sure you _______....

School Puzzle 2020-09-01

School Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. -able to speak two languages with the facility of a native speaker.
  2. - any of various dinosaurs of the genus Triceratops, of the late Cretaceous Period, having a bony crest on the neck, a long horn over each eye, and a shorter horn on the nose.
  3. - a strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease.
  4. - the faculty of understanding.
  5. - three offspring born at one birth.
  6. - he downy, yellow, sometimes rosy fruit, somewhat resembling a small peach, of the tree Prunus armeniaca.
  7. - a messenger, usually traveling in haste, bearing urgent news, important reports or packages, diplomatic messages, etc.
  8. - a customary or regular course of procedure
  9. - a closed plane figure having three sides and three angles.
  10. - any of a class of heavier-than-air craft that are lifted and sustained in the air horizontally by rotating wings or blades turning on vertical axes through power supplied by an engine.
  1. - to spell incorrectly.
  2. - a series or group of three plays, novels, operas, etc., that, although individually complete, are closely related in theme, sequence, or the like.
  3. -a white, starchy pasta of Italian origin that is made in the form of long strings, boiled, and served with any of a variety of meat, tomato, or other sauces
  4. - a musical instrument in which felt-covered hammers, operated from a keyboard, strike the metal strings.
  5. - objects that are worn for personal adornment, such as bracelets, rings, necklaces, etc, considered collectively
  6. - the day following today
  7. - a vehicle, especially one for children, having one large front wheel and two small rear wheels, propelled by foot pedals.
  8. - happening every two years
  9. - a stool, table, pedestal, etc., with three legs.
  10. - existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics:

20 Clues: - to spell incorrectly.- the day following today- happening every two years- the faculty of understanding.- three offspring born at one birth.- a customary or regular course of procedure- a stool, table, pedestal, etc., with three legs.- a closed plane figure having three sides and three angles....

Middle School 2020-05-20

Middle School crossword puzzle
  1. 1+1=2 , which class do you learn this in?
  2. You sit at a ____ during class
  3. You can sign up to participate in these, practices are typically after school
  4. A time where all students and staff come together in the gym
  5. You check out books here
  6. You will be sent to the _________ if you're big trouble
  7. What role do you play at Skyview Middle School?
  8. These are here to keep you from standing during class
  9. These show on your report card
  10. A class that gives you freedom to create something with anything from a pencil to paint
  1. Assemblies are held here and so are basketball games
  2. A game outside with four people and a ball
  3. A class to learn about the past
  4. This is where your backpack and items for the day go
  5. This person is at the school to help anyone who has been hurt or is sick
  6. Teachers give you this at the end of class for you finish and bring back the next day
  7. This class you learn about the reason behind things through labs and experiments
  8. The part of the school day where you have a break and enjoy some tasty food
  9. This is where all the lovely learning is done!
  10. The person who gives students the information to learn and obtain knowledge on a given subject
  11. The class you read so many books in and write so many stories
  12. This class is also a club where students learn about theatre and acting

22 Clues: You check out books hereYou sit at a ____ during classThese show on your report cardA class to learn about the past1+1=2 , which class do you learn this in?A game outside with four people and a ballThis is where all the lovely learning is done!What role do you play at Skyview Middle School?Assemblies are held here and so are basketball games...

School thing 2022-03-04

School thing crossword puzzle
  1. The last Russian Dynasty; House of ________
  2. Russia used them to invade Ukraine on another side
  3. Lover of the Russian Queen
  4. Division of certain countries or empires
  5. USSR ideology
  6. No tariffs
  7. Terms for Russian King (both spellings)
  8. Prime Minister of Russia thrown over by the Bolsheviks
  9. Emergency government for new country
  10. First ruler after Nicholas 2
  1. Wrote The Communist Manifesto
  2. The ones that won the Russian civil war
  3. They just got invaded
  4. Is ______ or Hitler worse
  5. Abbreviation of the official name of the Soviet Union
  6. Ended the House of Romanovs
  7. Started the House of Romanovs
  8. Lover of Frida Khalo
  9. Stalin was born here
  10. The working class

20 Clues: No tariffsUSSR ideologyThe working classLover of Frida KhaloStalin was born hereThey just got invadedIs ______ or Hitler worseLover of the Russian QueenEnded the House of RomanovsFirst ruler after Nicholas 2Wrote The Communist ManifestoStarted the House of RomanovsEmergency government for new countryThe ones that won the Russian civil war...

School reunion 2021-11-09

School reunion crossword puzzle
  1. Designed "sailing" building 1957
  2. What we wrote on in Prep 1
  3. "Mountainous" glass balls
  4. Colour of Mr Abraham's hair
  5. Popular movie in 1955
  6. Barrier Reef in ..... Sea
  7. Whirled around heavens 1956
  8. Fizzy lime ......
  9. A sweet "stopper"
  10. Banned by head-teacher Mr Boland
  1. Transportation for trip to Redcliffe in 1950s
  2. Bodgies and .......
  3. 2nd largest desert- Great ..... Desert
  4. School alphabet - X = ... crossed sticks
  5. Nickname of iconic bridge
  6. First seen in 1956
  7. "Little ..... Girl" from school reader
  8. Musical instrument
  9. Chasing game
  10. Item of footwear - bobby .....

20 Clues: Chasing gameFizzy lime ......A sweet "stopper"First seen in 1956Musical instrumentBodgies and .......Popular movie in 1955Nickname of iconic bridge"Mountainous" glass ballsBarrier Reef in ..... SeaWhat we wrote on in Prep 1Colour of Mr Abraham's hairWhirled around heavens 1956Item of footwear - bobby .....Designed "sailing" building 1957...


SCHOOL SUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  1. BAND
  8. CHOIR
  10. DRAMA
  4. ART
  5. DANCE
  10. MUSIC
  12. HEALTH



SCHOOL PROJECT crossword puzzle
  1. Banes friend is ____
  2. Our dog is named ________
  3. I like ___
  4. I ____ bane sometimes
  5. will be _____ next birthday
  6. Bane _____ alot
  7. bane is _________
  8. Gavin is a ___
  9. I have a ____
  10. Banes breed is a _______
  11. Bane is ____
  12. I ____ mom
  1. THE oldest sibling is ______
  2. My jacket is ______
  3. I play ______________________
  4. The middle sibling is _______
  5. My school ends at _____
  6. I am ___ years old
  7. Bane likes ______

20 Clues: I like ___I ____ momBane is ____I have a ____Gavin is a ___Bane _____ alotbane is _________Bane likes ______I am ___ years oldMy jacket is ______Banes friend is ____I ____ bane sometimesBANE IS ____ YEARS OLDMy school ends at _____Banes breed is a _______Our dog is named ________will be _____ next birthdayTHE oldest sibling is ______...


SCHOOL OBJECTS crossword puzzle
  1. pincel
  2. mochila escolar
  3. tinta
  4. marcador de texto
  5. quadro de giz
  6. grafite
  7. carteira
  8. livro
  9. prova
  10. cola de gliter
  11. régua
  12. lancheira
  13. lapiseira
  14. armário
  15. cadeira
  16. apagador
  17. agenda de endereços
  18. calculadora
  19. giz de cera
  20. compasso
  21. caderno
  22. caneta
  23. globo
  24. lata de lixo
  25. prateleira
  26. estojo
  27. pasta
  1. computador
  2. tesoura
  3. giz
  4. quadro de avisos
  5. cola de bastão
  6. elástico de papéis
  7. lápis
  8. texto
  9. quadro negro
  10. mapa
  11. aquarela
  12. livro de texto
  13. mesa
  14. livro de exercício
  15. grampeador
  16. merenda escolar
  17. clipe
  18. apostila
  19. apontador
  20. papel
  21. estilete
  22. cola
  23. relógio

50 Clues: gizmapamesacolatintalápistextolivroprovaréguaclipepapelglobopastapincelcanetaestojotesouragrafitearmáriocadeiracadernorelógioaquarelacarteiraapostilaapagadorestiletecompassolancheiralapiseiraapontadorcomputadorgrampeadorprateleiracalculadoragiz de ceraquadro negrolata de lixoquadro de gizcola de bastãolivro de textocola de glitermochila escolar...

School Courses 2013-11-16

School Courses crossword puzzle
  1. English
  2. FCS
  3. Physics
  4. History
  5. The Sciences
  6. Music
  7. Arithmetic
  8. The languages
  9. Geometry
  10. Chemistry
  11. Algebra
  12. Latin
  13. German
  1. Calculus
  2. Spanish
  3. Social Studies
  4. Physical Education
  5. Mathematics
  6. Computer Science
  7. French
  8. Geography
  9. Biology
  10. Art

23 Clues: FCSArtMusicLatinFrenchGermanEnglishSpanishPhysicsHistoryBiologyAlgebraCalculusGeometryGeographyChemistryArithmeticMathematicsThe SciencesThe languagesSocial StudiesComputer SciencePhysical Education

School Crossword 2013-10-22

School Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a number to be divided by another number
  2. sleep
  3. a answer to a division problem
  4. a number or algebraic expression by which another is exactly divisible
  5. a radio or television broadcast of news reports
  6. withstand the action or effect of
  7. used to introduce a final point or reason
  8. the length of the space between two points
  9. the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information
  10. answer to a multiplication problem
  11. conducted by a guide
  1. all of;entire
  2. travel through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it
  3. is true
  4. a thing or things belonging to someone
  5. a person in command of a ship
  6. a word used for time on a clock
  7. a number by which another number is to be divided
  8. a settled way of thinking or feeling about something
  9. continue to have

20 Clues: sleepis trueall of;entirecontinue to haveconducted by a guidea person in command of a shipa word used for time on a clocka answer to a division problemwithstand the action or effect ofanswer to a multiplication problema thing or things belonging to someonea number to be divided by another numberused to introduce a final point or reason...