  1. 3. Fastest mammal
  2. 5. red fruit
  3. 7. Luke has a blue one
  4. 8. Jesus's Death
  5. 10. Dads and Zuris
  6. 16. occcurs when something is funny
  7. 17. Keira really wanted this
  8. 19. Lots of these is California
  9. 20. Keiras favorite
  1. 1. Luke has it on his arm
  2. 2. Lukes favorite number
  3. 4. girls fight over this
  4. 6. What Dad calls Luke
  5. 9. middle school students say it to greet
  6. 11. Mia loves these
  7. 12. Dad and Luke are...
  8. 13. Dad says that these escaped
  9. 14. yellow fruit
  10. 15. Helps move the computer
  11. 18. Unlocks doors
  12. 19. Luke needs this on his door