school Crossword Puzzles
school subject 2014-04-06
23 Clues: BI • bad • got • math • quiz • easy • funny • study • music • result • failed • strict • science • english • teacher • tomorrow • mandarin • religion • test/exam • dictation • yesterday • interesting • hard/difficult
AT SCHOOL 2014-02-19
- gesso
- mensa
- bidello
- comportarsi bene
- prestare
- square squadra
- lavagna
- condividere
- imparare
- preside
- sottolineare
- room sala insegnanti
- disegnare
- prendere in prestito
- cancellare
- armadietto
- verificare
- frequentare
- compagno di classe
- ripassare
- insegnare
- spiegare
- attaccapanni
- laurearsi
- esercitarsi
- libro di testo
- mate compagno di banco
- fallire
- significare
- imbrogliare
30 Clues: gesso • mensa • bidello • lavagna • preside • fallire • spiegare • prestare • imparare • ripassare • insegnare • laurearsi • disegnare • cancellare • armadietto • verificare • frequentare • condividere • esercitarsi • significare • imbrogliare • attaccapanni • sottolineare • square squadra • libro di testo • comportarsi bene • compagno di classe • room sala insegnanti • prendere in prestito • mate compagno di banco
AT SCHOOL 2014-02-19
After school 2013-03-10
24 Clues: käsi • igav • nöör • teda • ujuma • vasak • ronima • väljas • leidma • tegema • ämblik • sõitma • kitarr • taevas • vaatama • ümisema • kiikuma • rääkima • vene keel • joonistama • rulaga sõitma • viis, meloodia • koos, -ga (eessõna) • kellegi/millegi kohta midagi (eessõna)
School Crossword 2013-02-16
- This person teaches you in your lessons
- A male pupil
- You have your lessons in one of these
- The opposite to modern
- In this subject you can experiment with different chemicals
- This is where you eat your dinner
- Shelley College is one of these
- If you find something hard, you will ask for this
- High school
- Male
- An assembley
- You use these when you get changed into your pe kit
- This word might be mistaken for a gym
- We wear these
- When nobody else is the same as you, you are ...
- Both boys and girls
- You collect these on exams and tests
- This is where the assemblies are usually held
- A female pupil
- Female
20 Clues: Male • Female • High school • An assembley • A male pupil • We wear these • A female pupil • Both boys and girls • The opposite to modern • Shelley College is one of these • This is where you eat your dinner • You collect these on exams and tests • This word might be mistaken for a gym • You have your lessons in one of these • This person teaches you in your lessons • ...
AT SCHOOL 2014-11-27
- is used to write on the blackboard.
- you can find the cities.
- a person that clean the school.
- measure the centimetres.
- room where you can learn the languages.
- here you put the globe or some other things.
- you put the books in.
- shop where there are sports objects.
- a ball where you can find the states.
- is sometimes made of bricks.
- you hang your vest.
- you can sit down.
- you can find the word that you don't know.
- there is a lot of food.
- is the director of the school.
- go the students that make the bad guys.
- you put the books to write.
- room where there are the students who do a lesson.
- there is a shower,water and a sink,
- do physical exercises.
20 Clues: you can sit down. • you hang your vest. • you put the books in. • do physical exercises. • there is a lot of food. • you can find the cities. • measure the centimetres. • you put the books to write. • is sometimes made of bricks. • is the director of the school. • a person that clean the school. • is used to write on the blackboard. • there is a shower,water and a sink, • ...
School crossword 2015-03-08
- A schedule of lessons.
- When you have two lessons in row.
- You get this when you win e.g. a contest.
- The latest time to hand in homework.
- Person that is absent.
- A half of the school year.
- When you fail an exam, you have to ... it.
- Subject where you learn about the past.
- Schoolwork that student has to do at home.
- ... subjects - e.g. maths, physics.
- Lessons take place there.
- Synonym: obligatory.
- People who are in your class.
- A document that confirms you finished e.g. a course.
- Antonym for absent.
- You can pass or ... your exam.
- A place in school where books are kept.
- Between two lessons.
- When you take a one-year break between high school and studies.
- Lesson starts or ends when it rings.
20 Clues: Antonym for absent. • Synonym: obligatory. • Between two lessons. • A schedule of lessons. • Person that is absent. • Lessons take place there. • A half of the school year. • People who are in your class. • You can pass or ... your exam. • When you have two lessons in row. • ... subjects - e.g. maths, physics. • The latest time to hand in homework. • ...
School crossword 2015-03-08
- When you do not going to school you ... lessons
- When you fail an exam you have to ... it
- Person who administrates the school
- The lastes time to hand in homework
- Person who learns in primary school
- You write your notes there
- Place where you eat lunch
- A schedule of lessons
- You give it to PE teacher when you can not train
- When you get ... you are absent from school and have to stay at home because you had done sth wrong
- Teacher who take care of class
- Unallowable help on exam
- Place where you can borrow books
- Subject where you do exercises
- Person who finished university
- A document which you get winning a contest
- When you win e.g. a contest you go on ...-giving
- Free time between two lessons
- You eat it on break
- Subject where you learn singing
20 Clues: You eat it on break • A schedule of lessons • Unallowable help on exam • Place where you eat lunch • You write your notes there • Free time between two lessons • Teacher who take care of class • Subject where you do exercises • Person who finished university • Subject where you learn singing • Place where you can borrow books • Person who administrates the school • ...
School crossword 2015-03-10
- rewrite
- PE lessons are there
- part of a school year
- focus
- teachers
- saying words aloud to be written down
- you can borrow books there
- someone who accomplished school
- rings in school
- latest date by which should be completed
- practise before test
- study intensivly
- plan of lessons
- colleage from class
- obligatory
- document attesting study level
- staying in school after lessons
- do not pass
- you spend there breaks
- mark
20 Clues: mark • focus • rewrite • teachers • obligatory • do not pass • plan of lessons • rings in school • study intensivly • colleage from class • PE lessons are there • practise before test • part of a school year • you spend there breaks • you can borrow books there • document attesting study level • staying in school after lessons • someone who accomplished school • saying words aloud to be written down • ...
SCHOOL WORLD 2015-11-29
34 Clues: лес • брюки • хвост • озеро • новый • разный • быстро • гордый • резать • погода • носить • блузка • ловить • значок • рубашка • ученики • палатка • храбрый • средняя • награда • здоровый • четверть • рисование • начальная • расписание • начинаться • популярный • бесплатный • дыра, лунка • обязательный • соревнования • заканчиваться • школьная форма • перерыв, каникулы
verjaardagsfeestje school 2015-12-15
- buurgemeente met A
- zij wordt heel waarschijnlijk koningin na Filip
- hond van Gert
- dun en rond, gebakken in de pan, lekker met suiker
- muziekinstrument van de Last Post
- broer van Thea
- baas van onze school
- beste meester ter wereld
- Italiaans gerecht : een laagje deeg met tomaat en kaas en nog wat ander beleg
- favoriet broodbeleg van vele kinderen
- rustperiode die straks begint
- lijkt op een konijn, maar heeft langere poten en oren
- daar slapen vele kinderen mee, sommige grote mensen ook
- zonder fouten woordjes schrijven
- jeugdjournaal op ketnet
- les om een beetje fitter te worden
- baas van Xavier, Olivia en Rik
- hoofdstad van ons land
- tweede dag van het weekend
- heeft twee wielen, stuur en zadel
- jeugdbeweging
21 Clues: hond van Gert • jeugdbeweging • broer van Thea • buurgemeente met A • baas van onze school • hoofdstad van ons land • jeugdjournaal op ketnet • beste meester ter wereld • tweede dag van het weekend • rustperiode die straks begint • baas van Xavier, Olivia en Rik • zonder fouten woordjes schrijven • muziekinstrument van de Last Post • heeft twee wielen, stuur en zadel • ...
School supplies 2015-10-22
20 Clues: Book • Look • Euro • Cent • only • Money • there • cheap • pencil • Tocost • rather • eraser • cassette • Notebook • schoolbag • expansive • Dictionary • ballpointPen • pocketcalator • Schoolsupplies
DHARMA SCHOOL 2016-04-22
- son of King Suddhodana and Queen Maya
- 'I am a link in Amida's'
- and all living things - second gratitude
- where Siddhartha was born
- on the altar to remind us of Amida's light
- third gratitude
- Siddhartha's cousin
- Siddhartha's wife
- I am one with Amida
- the Buddha's teachings
- buddhist community
- Siddhartha became enlightened on this day in December
- on the altar to remind us to clear our monkey minds
- Siddhartha's father
- noble eightfold path
- first gratitude
- hands together in gratitude
- on the altar to remind us of impermanence
- Siddhartha's charioteer and friend
- Siddhartha's birthday celebration in April
- beads used for gassho
- Siddhartha's mother
- Siddhartha's horse
- selfless giving
24 Clues: first gratitude • third gratitude • selfless giving • Siddhartha's wife • Siddhartha's horse • buddhist community • Siddhartha's father • Siddhartha's mother • Siddhartha's cousin • I am one with Amida • noble eightfold path • beads used for gassho • the Buddha's teachings • 'I am a link in Amida's' • where Siddhartha was born • hands together in gratitude • Siddhartha's charioteer and friend • ...
DHARMA SCHOOL 2016-04-22
- on the altar to remind us of Amida's light
- selfless giving
- and all living things - second gratitude
- where Siddhartha was born
- the Buddha's teachings
- buddhist community
- I am one with Amida
- Siddhartha became enlightened on this day in December
- Siddhartha's charioteer and friend
- Siddhartha's cousin
- Siddhartha's wife
- on the altar to remind us to clear our monkey minds
- 'I am a link in Amida's'
- on the altar to remind us of impermanence
- Siddhartha's father
- third gratitude
- noble eightfold path
- first gratitude
- Siddhartha's birthday celebration in April
- Siddhartha's mother
- Siddhartha's horse
- son of King Suddhodana and Queen Maya
- beads used for gassho
- hands together in gratitude
24 Clues: third gratitude • selfless giving • first gratitude • Siddhartha's wife • Siddhartha's horse • buddhist community • Siddhartha's father • Siddhartha's mother • I am one with Amida • Siddhartha's cousin • noble eightfold path • beads used for gassho • the Buddha's teachings • 'I am a link in Amida's' • where Siddhartha was born • hands together in gratitude • Siddhartha's charioteer and friend • ...
School Vocab 2023-03-06
- A section or table of additional matter at the end of a book
- An advertisement in newspapers for jobs
- The most intense, exciting, or important point of something
- A sentence containing a subordinate clause or clauses
- Discover or reveal something through detailed examination
- The action of making a statement or situation less confused
- A way of listening and responding to another person that improves mutual understanding
- The study of records to establish the dates of past events
- The creation or construction of a fictional character
- The Subject performs that action denoted by the verb
- A sentence having both independent and dependent clauses
- The state of being different from something else
- The expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes
- A formal request to an authority for something
- A record of events starting with the earliest
- Detailed examination of the elements or structure of something
- Describe the distinctive nature or features of
- The parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede
- A complete list of items
- Version of a Story
20 Clues: Version of a Story • A complete list of items • An advertisement in newspapers for jobs • A record of events starting with the earliest • A formal request to an authority for something • Describe the distinctive nature or features of • The state of being different from something else • The Subject performs that action denoted by the verb • ...
School supplies 2023-03-23
22 Clues: pen • book • ruler • email • paper • folder • eraser • pencil • bookbag • spanish • stapler • teacher • question • scissors • question • computer • notebook • telephone • materials • television • calculator • pencil sharpener
School Days 2023-03-17
- animal mascot of our school
- caring for others
- the town our school is in
- the principal of our school
- where students play instruments and learn about rhythm
- where we move our bodies and play sports
- after school groups
- doing our best to live up to expectations
- time to get outside and play!
- everybody's favorite playground feature
- reading and writing textbooks
- a room full of books!
- yearly fundraiser and outdoor event with music
- adults who help us learn
- third grade school government
- a special reward at lunch time
- where we learn about numbers
- students who sing
- listening, following instructions, and not talking over others
- where the FES chorus sang this year
- where students express with paint and other materials
- where we learn about words
22 Clues: caring for others • students who sing • after school groups • a room full of books! • adults who help us learn • the town our school is in • where we learn about words • animal mascot of our school • the principal of our school • where we learn about numbers • third grade school government • time to get outside and play! • reading and writing textbooks • a special reward at lunch time • ...
- _________ IS A PART OF
- _________ IS PART OF THE TUDY OF
- _________ IS A
- _________ IS PART OF THE
- _________ IS PART OF THE
School Words 2023-03-27
20 Clues: gym • desk • math • chalk • school • pencil • history • classes • library • science • teacher • students • language • computer • backpack • notebook • cafeteria • classroom • playground • blackboard
School supplies 2022-09-20
- a thing that you use to write something and you can erase it
- a paper that show you diferent locations
- small metal things that we use keep papers together
- a table in the classtroom
- a place where students study
- a thing that you use to make straight lines
- a thing that you use to erase something that you have written with pencil
- we use this thing to paint something
- a sticky material that you use to stick something to the wall
- you use this thing to highlight words in the book
- a thing that we use to show a picture from computer on the wall or special digital board
- many papers tied together that have text
- a pupil
- a piece of furniture where you put your books
- a thing that you use to write something and you cannot erase it
- a thing that you use to stick something
- a thing that you use to go online, study and play games
- colored pencils
- a thing that you use to tie papers together
- a thing that you sit on in the classrom
- a thing that you use to make your pencils sharp
- you use this thing to cheat on yout math test
- a thing where you throw used objects (papers usually)
- an object where you put all your papers by topics
- a thing where we write out notes in
- a thing that you use to cut something
- we use it to write on the balckboard
- a map that is round, has a leg and show the whole planet
- a thing that you use to know the time
29 Clues: a pupil • colored pencils • a table in the classtroom • a place where students study • a thing where we write out notes in • we use this thing to paint something • we use it to write on the balckboard • a thing that you use to cut something • a thing that you use to know the time • a thing that you use to stick something • a thing that you sit on in the classrom • ...
School Words 2022-12-07
- A way to carry books.
- Ink writing utensil.
- In trouble
- Where you eat lunch.
- A writing utensil.
- A place to sit.
- Passing period
- Where you take notes.
- Where you wash hands.
- See through.
- Where you sit in class
- Does math problems.
- Indoor sports area
- Check out books here.
- Tells time in the classroom
- To write on the board.
- Opens and closes.
- The world on paper.
- Loose leaf.
- Removes mistakes.
- Where the teacher writes
21 Clues: In trouble • Loose leaf. • See through. • Passing period • A place to sit. • Opens and closes. • Removes mistakes. • Indoor sports area • A writing utensil. • Does math problems. • The world on paper. • Ink writing utensil. • Where you eat lunch. • A way to carry books. • Check out books here. • Where you take notes. • Where you wash hands. • To write on the board. • Where you sit in class • ...
Vencer School 2023-01-31
- The color of the sun
- The principal of Vencer school
- your father´s father
- Social media from Meta
- Your P.E. coach
- Twenty four hours is a...
- A week has _____ days
- The last name of this social media is Tok
- Four plus two minus one
- A day before Sunday
- When you´re very tired you...
- The coordinador of Vencer school
- Neymar´s sport
- Millie Bobby Brown´s character in a serie
- The opposite of day
- Styles. Singer of "Golden"
- People love this day of the week
- Middle name of your English teacher
- A daughter of a king is a...
- The person who cleans our school
- The _____ of us, HBO serie
- Fruit with the same name of a cellphone company
- You use this to do your school exercises
23 Clues: Neymar´s sport • Your P.E. coach • The opposite of day • A day before Sunday • The color of the sun • your father´s father • A week has _____ days • Social media from Meta • Four plus two minus one • Twenty four hours is a... • Styles. Singer of "Golden" • The _____ of us, HBO serie • A daughter of a king is a... • When you´re very tired you... • The principal of Vencer school • ...
School supplies 2023-01-10
20 Clues: mesa • mapa • regla • lápiz • libro • pizarra • mochila • tijeras • escuela • oficina • cuaderno • profesor • borrador • estudiante • sacapuntas • computadora • calculadora • boligrafo/pluma • globo del mundo • lápices de colores
- to praise
- an interruption in work or action
- to moderate, soften
- not quick or alert; dull
- reserved,indifferent
- a very heavy, large book
- unending
- to expose as false or exaggerated
- to show grief, sorrow, regret
- to cut short
- conventional; middle-class
- to stand or rise
- an overabundance
- affecting or moving emotions
- affluent;abundant
- to pass over, along, or through
- showing good judgment
- impertinently bold; forward
- immature
- lonely;dreary
20 Clues: unending • immature • to praise • to cut short • lonely;dreary • an overabundance • to stand or rise • affluent;abundant • to moderate, soften • reserved,indifferent • showing good judgment • not quick or alert; dull • a very heavy, large book • conventional; middle-class • impertinently bold; forward • affecting or moving emotions • to show grief, sorrow, regret • to pass over, along, or through • ...
School Nouns 2023-04-05
- estudios sociales
- pasillo
- sala de arte
- tijeras
- biología
- tutor
- escaleras
- cuaderno
- maestro
- cafetería
- grapadora
- regla
- lápiz de color
- marcador
- música
- alemán
- educación física
- tecnología
- papel
- aula de música
- taquilla, casillero
- crayola
- matemáticas
- tarea
- historia
- borrador
- escritorio
- alfabetización digital
- director
- pegamento
- escuela
- diccionario
- pizarrón blanco
- baño
- silla
- gimnasio
- estuche
- oficina
- cinta
- carpeta
- salud
- carpeta
- autobús
- mapa
- mesa
- arte
- sacapuntas
- estudiante
- lectura
- libro
- computadora
- subdirector
- pluma
- salón, sala, aula
- ciencia
- vestuario
- español
- estacionamiento
- mochila
- auditorio
- biblioteca
- inglés
- lápiz
- pintura
64 Clues: baño • mapa • mesa • arte • silla • tutor • cinta • salud • regla • libro • pluma • papel • tarea • lápiz • música • alemán • inglés • pasillo • tijeras • estuche • oficina • carpeta • carpeta • autobús • maestro • lectura • ciencia • español • mochila • crayola • pintura • escuela • gimnasio • biología • cuaderno • marcador • historia • borrador • director • escaleras • cafetería • grapadora • vestuario • auditorio • pegamento • sacapuntas • estudiante • tecnología • biblioteca • escritorio • ...
Wayside School 2023-03-30
- This student cries a lot
- This teacher might not really exist?
- Calvin's tattoo
- School Psychologist
- A hairdo that Paul can't resist to pull
- School principal
- This floor doesn't exist
- What Mac brought in for show and tell
- Louis had a crush on her
- The color of Mrs. Drazil's notebook
- Mark Miller's real name
- Louis Sachar
- the number of ears Miss Nogard has
- Name of school
- The cafeteria is located on this level
- Mrs. Gorf got turned into this
- The fun yard teacher
- "Write your name on the board under the word__"
- Mr. Gorf stole this from each person
- Teacher on the 30th level
- The cloud of _____
- 3 students have this same name
- the new word for 'door'
- This student is mean to everyone
24 Clues: Louis Sachar • Name of school • Calvin's tattoo • School principal • The cloud of _____ • School Psychologist • The fun yard teacher • Mark Miller's real name • the new word for 'door' • This student cries a lot • This floor doesn't exist • Louis had a crush on her • Teacher on the 30th level • Mrs. Gorf got turned into this • 3 students have this same name • This student is mean to everyone • ...
Middle School 2023-04-26
- This is where all the lovely learning is done!
- This person is at the school to help anyone who has been hurt or is sick
- The class you read so many books in and write so many stories
- These are here to keep you from standing during class
- 1+1=2 , which class do you learn this in?
- This class you learn about the reason behind things through labs and experiments
- You check out books here
- The person who gives students the information to learn and obtain knowledge on a given subject
- You sit at a ____ during class
- A game outside with four people and a ball
- A time where all students and staff come together in the gym
- Assemblies are held here and so are basketball games
- You will be sent to the _________ if you're big trouble
- This is where your backpack and items for the day go
- What role do you play at Freedom Middle School?
- Teachers give you this at the end of class for you finish and bring back the next day
- These show on your report card
- The part of the school day where you have a break and enjoy some tasty food
- A class that gives you freedom to create something with anything from a pencil to paint
- A class to learn about the past
- This class is also a club where students learn about theatre and acting
- You can sign up to participate in these, practices are typically after school
22 Clues: You check out books here • These show on your report card • You sit at a ____ during class • A class to learn about the past • 1+1=2 , which class do you learn this in? • A game outside with four people and a ball • This is where all the lovely learning is done! • What role do you play at Freedom Middle School? • Assemblies are held here and so are basketball games • ...
school subjects. 2023-05-03
- the history class
- What subjects do you take in school?
- the french class
- the schedule
- the english class
- to learn
- how frequently do you...
- to answer questions
- to arrive to school
- the classes
- once in awhile
- never
- many times
- always
- once
- to draw in the notebook
- a lot
- to use the computer
- the class of Language Arts
- the class
- the art class
- the humanities class
- to write notes
- the science class
- the music class
- to get bad grades
- the spanish class
- the physical education class
- twice
- to read a book
- to take notes
- school subjects
- the math class
- to get good grades
34 Clues: once • twice • never • a lot • always • to learn • the class • many times • the classes • the schedule • to take notes • the art class • to write notes • to read a book • the math class • once in awhile • the music class • school subjects • the french class • the science class • the history class • to get bad grades • the english class • the spanish class • to get good grades • to answer questions • to arrive to school • ...
School subjects 2020-05-04
20 Clues: ofö • rajz • ének • tesi • info • dráma • matek • úszás • angol • szünet • tanóra • hittan • földrajz • nyelvtan • irodalom • technika • erkölcstan • történelem • tanulószoba • természetismeret
School Activites 2020-04-12
- The kids in school
- A mini time to eat around 5-10 minutes
- 7+5, 10+16=
- Everything is made up of matter
- Bonjour, Merci
- Colouring and painting
- The long time to eat around 12:00
- You work on them, then tell them to the class
- They teach you all the things in school
- Project: A multiply person assignment
- Huge indoor room
- Everyone getting an announcement with the whole school
- Day: Professional Activity Day
- Go through a book
- Teams: Activities that involve lots of energy and teamwork
- First thing in the morning after "Oh Canada"
- Fun time with other outside
- Drums, Trumpet, Flute, Guitar, Piano
- New Years, Valentines, Easter, Canada Day
- Maps, locations, places
- Bus Ride, Park Bench, What changed
- Lab: The library with a lot of desktops
- The people you can trust with your life
- Out of school activites with your class
- To understand the importance of your own health
- Day: A day of school at home during winter
- Arts: Writing
- Studies: The subject of history
- Recess: Fun time with others inside
29 Clues: 7+5, 10+16= • Arts: Writing • Bonjour, Merci • Huge indoor room • Go through a book • The kids in school • Colouring and painting • Maps, locations, places • Fun time with other outside • Day: Professional Activity Day • Everything is made up of matter • Studies: The subject of history • The long time to eat around 12:00 • Bus Ride, Park Bench, What changed • ...
TOPIC : SCHOOL 2020-12-16
- loại tàu mà trên có đầy đủ và đa dạng các dịch vụ giải trí
- chi phí phải trả khi lên tàu, xe, máy bay
- thứ dùng để dừng xe lại
- danh từ chỉ sự rời đi của tàu ra khỏi ga hoặc máy bay rời khỏi sân bây
- tên gọi một hoạt động cưỡi lên một con vật
- giờ cao điểm hay xảy ra hiện tượng này trên đường
- bề mặt hai bên đường dành cho người đi bộ
- tên gọi chung của xe máy, xe đạp, xe ô tô của bạn
- nơi mà bạn đứng chờ để lên tàu
- xe máy, xe ô tô phải có cái này mới chạy được
- chỗ này giờ cao điểm hay xảy ra tắc đường
- người đi bộ trên đường
- người ngồi trên xe mà không lái
- tên gọi cho bất kì con đường nào, dù là đường nhìn thấy được hoặc trìu tượng
- loại xe lớn có kéo theo container ở đằng sau
- hoạt động máy bay bay lên trên trời
- mặt trời mọc đằng
- nơi bạn ngồi trong xe ô tô
- loại máy bay mà tên gọi liên quan đến nguyên tố heli trong hóa học
- các loại xe phải có thứ này mới di chuyển trên đường bộ được
20 Clues: mặt trời mọc đằng • người đi bộ trên đường • thứ dùng để dừng xe lại • nơi bạn ngồi trong xe ô tô • nơi mà bạn đứng chờ để lên tàu • người ngồi trên xe mà không lái • hoạt động máy bay bay lên trên trời • chỗ này giờ cao điểm hay xảy ra tắc đường • chi phí phải trả khi lên tàu, xe, máy bay • bề mặt hai bên đường dành cho người đi bộ • tên gọi một hoạt động cưỡi lên một con vật • ...
School Supplies 2021-02-08
24 Clues: hi • pen • boy • desk • door • who? • book • what? • ruler • when? • pencil • I like • where? • I have • teacher • I'm sad • student • backpack • scissors • notebook • I'm Happy • I'm tired • calculator • what is your name?
school objects 2021-02-15
23 Clues: règle • gomme • casier • blanco • souris • bureau • trousse • agrafes • tableau • cartable • effaceur • trombone • agrafeuse • surligneur • stylo plume • tube de colle • stylo à bille • taille-crayon • paire de ciseaux • feuille de papier • rouleau de scotch • pochette plastique • crayons de couleurs
School vocabulary 2021-02-12
- When a student avoids his learning session
- It´s a person that by his own account wants to help in many things
- Synonymous of smart
- In calligraphy class we learn how to improve our
- When you get the max score possible in a work
- When you get bored in a class and you decide to left it
- When you have a group and you all cooperate to do a work
- If you really want to learn you have to... in the class
- To be the best you must...
- Where you can find which classes do you have in the day
- A place where you can learn how to performance
- A person who always wants to be the best
- Learn something to the letter (litterally)
- It´s a restringed thing that generally the students does in exams
- A person who likes studing
- I s the "face" of the class, the person that represents the class
- It´s an education model where two people works together
- It´s the person who teaches you the subjects
- Generally in the sciences subjects if you want to learn more you must...
- To lose a cuestionary
20 Clues: Synonymous of smart • To lose a cuestionary • A person who likes studing • To be the best you must... • A person who always wants to be the best • Learn something to the letter (litterally) • When a student avoids his learning session • It´s the person who teaches you the subjects • When you get the max score possible in a work • ...
- used to store items and is easy to bring around
- a device to show images on the screen
- a tool used for cutting
- a flat surface that has four legs supporting it, used for putting items on it.
- used for writing and is erasable
- used to stick things together and is usually in the liquid form
- a usually plastic container that holds material that has been thrown away
- a set of written sheets of skin or paper or tablets of wood or ivory
- used to hold papers
- used for erasing writing on a paper
- a usually swinging or sliding barrier by which an entry is closed and opened
- used for keeping books
- used to contain water and is usually made out of plastic
- an opening in the wall of a building or vehicle, usually covered with glass
- used to quickly fasten papers together
- used to show time
- a chart that shows the days of each month and often maps out a class lesson plan over the school year
- used for writing on a whiteboard
- used for sitting down
- used for writing and is not erasable
20 Clues: used to show time • used to hold papers • used for sitting down • used for keeping books • a tool used for cutting • used for writing and is erasable • used for writing on a whiteboard • used for erasing writing on a paper • used for writing and is not erasable • a device to show images on the screen • used to quickly fasten papers together • ...
School Vocabulary 2021-04-29
- clase
- patio
- grupe
- estudiar
- escuchar
- correcto
- ensenar
- pagina
- econtrar
- session
- hablar
- parte
- error
- color
- competicion
- club
- universidad
- tijeras
- pegamento
- goma
- prueba
- lenguage
- abierto
- linia
- texto
- profesora
- ciencias
- aprender
- mates
- deberes
- entender
- contar
- historia
- bandera
- tema
- respuesta
- palabra
- colegio
- estudiante
- dibujar
- ver
- ejemplo
- cuadro
- tick
- cerrado
- abecedario
- diccionario
- cruz
- historia
- rejla
- pregunta
- numero
- letra
- arte
- frase
- geografia
- ingles
- examen
- ordenador
- preguntar
- escribir
- saber
- leer
63 Clues: ver • tema • tick • cruz • club • arte • goma • leer • clase • patio • grupe • parte • error • color • rejla • letra • frase • linia • texto • mates • saber • contar • pagina • hablar • cuadro • numero • ingles • prueba • examen • bandera • palabra • colegio • dibujar • ensenar • session • ejemplo • cerrado • tijeras • abierto • deberes • historia • estudiar • escuchar • correcto • econtrar • historia • pregunta • lenguage • ciencias • aprender • escribir • entender • respuesta • pegamento • geografia • ...
Positive School 2021-04-28
- a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities
- a school that gets money from and is controlled by a local government is ...
- The elements that make the physical space of the school
- relating to the body as opposed to the mind
- an independent school supported wholly by the payment of fees is ...
- An unwanted aggressive behaviour(s) by another person (or group), that involves an observed or perceived power imbalance and is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated
- the act of living in the moment
- instinctive or intuitive feeling as distinguished from reasoning or knowledge
- superlative of content
- The opposite of negativity
- relating to the mind
- the act of including someone in something, like a school, club, or team
- Framework for education
- Antonym of non-involvement
- The atmosphere at a school that lets students feel comfortable, wanted, valued, accepted and secure
- the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy
- something that has been achieved successfully
- a school pupil
- the way in which two or more people or groups regard and behave towards each other
- a person who teaches, especially in a school
- implied or explicit significance
21 Clues: a school pupil • relating to the mind • superlative of content • Framework for education • The opposite of negativity • Antonym of non-involvement • the act of living in the moment • implied or explicit significance • relating to the body as opposed to the mind • a person who teaches, especially in a school • something that has been achieved successfully • ...
thema school 2021-10-13
21 Clues: juste • sévère • timide • LA prof • sciences • corriger • religion • expliquer • la matière • géographie • sûr de soi • des copions • temps de midi • un exposé oral • rester en retenue • le chouchou du prof • le bulletin scolaire • la branche(de cours) • la cour de récréation • la salle de cours/la classe • résumer / faire un résumer de
School Vocab 2021-10-13
23 Clues: fun • art • great • after • never • I have • during • boring • always • to read • science • to walk • it ends • at night • terrible • difficult • chemistry • fantastic • literature • once in a while • listen to music • physical education • to talk on the phone
School Morning 2022-05-05
- Transportation
- Your mom and dad
- Keeps you hydrated throughout the day
- The first thing you do in the morning
- What you wear to school
- Where you sleep
- Keeps all your school supplies safe
- The forecast
- Where you wait for the bus
- The place your getting ready to go to
- What you do to clean yourself everyday
- What many people where to stay safe from covid
- What wakes you up in the morning
- When you wake up
- Everyday technology
- Your fuel for the day
- How you get to your bus stop
- Used to straighten your hair
- Where all your hair products and soap are
- Used to keep your teeth clean
20 Clues: The forecast • Transportation • Where you sleep • Your mom and dad • When you wake up • Everyday technology • Your fuel for the day • What you wear to school • Where you wait for the bus • How you get to your bus stop • Used to straighten your hair • Used to keep your teeth clean • What wakes you up in the morning • Keeps all your school supplies safe • ...
Middle School 2022-05-13
- number of 8th graders
- our principal
- online game used to study for Social Studies tests
- walk-a-thon chant
- our favorite teacher
- Mass day
- Friday's special
- field trip to Union Station
- school secretary
- new playground equipment
- the day for smoothies
- Tuesday's Special
- grammar workbook
- Fr. Kreidler
- the Mass when we crown Mary
- Last day of school
- science teacher
- math teacher
- Number of seventh graders
- St. Gabe's mascot
- president from Missouri
- Number of sixth graders
22 Clues: Mass day • Fr. Kreidler • math teacher • our principal • science teacher • grammar workbook • Friday's special • school secretary • walk-a-thon chant • St. Gabe's mascot • Tuesday's Special • Last day of school • our favorite teacher • number of 8th graders • the day for smoothies • president from Missouri • Number of sixth graders • new playground equipment • Number of seventh graders • ...
Lertlah School 2022-05-18
- someone that you do not know
- usual, typical, or expected
- a long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary
- to pay someone to work for you
- the power to make impossible things happen by saying special words or doing special actions
- the mixture of gases that surrounds a planet
- willing to give money, spend time etc, in order to help people or give them pleasure
- not considering yourself or your ideas to be as important as other people’s
- when you do a particular thing, often regularly, in order to improve your skill at it
- extremely unhappy, for example because you feel lonely, cold, or badly treated
- a book that tells what has happened in someone’s life, written by someone else
- entertainment that is intended to make people laugh
- not useful or effective in any way
- to tell someone that you will or will not do something
- very bad – used, for example, about things you see, taste, or smell, or about the weather
- to stop being angry with someone and stop blaming them, although they have done something wrong
- to get pleasure from something
- the planet that we live on
- a unit for measuring time
- to arrange for a book, magazine etc to be written, printed, and sold
- feeling kind or thankful
- an important job that someone has been given to do, especially when they are sent to another place
- hurtful and unkind
- to die
24 Clues: to die • hurtful and unkind • feeling kind or thankful • a unit for measuring time • the planet that we live on • usual, typical, or expected • someone that you do not know • to get pleasure from something • to pay someone to work for you • not useful or effective in any way • the mixture of gases that surrounds a planet • entertainment that is intended to make people laugh • ...
school crossword 2022-07-19
- plays rugby for neath
- loves apex legends
- always happy
- counciler for year 5
- Likes minecraft and roblox
- dad owns macron
- loves lidls cookies
- likes music
- birthday tommorow
- good at fpootball in every position
- loves horses
- has a opinion for everytghing
- from india
- loud
- track runner
- quiet
- likes tye lakers
- drinks monster
- dog called buscuit
- good at drawing
- massive
- new to the school
- has nike shoes
- pheonix centre
- Has a gym product in his second name
- anger issues
- fastest in the class
- does his work very fast and good
- bird named after him
29 Clues: loud • quiet • massive • from india • likes music • track runner • always happy • anger issues • loves horses • drinks monster • has nike shoes • pheonix centre • good at drawing • dad owns macron • likes tye lakers • new to the school • birthday tommorow • loves apex legends • dog called buscuit • loves lidls cookies • fastest in the class • bird named after him • plays rugby for neath • counciler for year 5 • ...
School Vocab 2022-10-11
- Clock
- Loudspeaker
- Poster
- Ceiling/roof
- Wall
- Folder
- Notebook
- Backpack
- Male professor
- Paper
- Tape
- Digital camera
- Female teacher
- Light
- Pencil eraser
- Computer
- Computer
- Whiteboard
- Door
- Floor (ground)
- Spanish
- Male pupil
- Window
- Female professor
- Dictionary
- Glue
- Male teacher
- Calendar
- Teacher desk
- Science
- Book
- Screen
- Pencil sharpener
- DVD Player
- Table
- Scissors
- Ruler
- English
- Student desk
- History
- Math
- Art
- Pen
- Chair
- Calculator
- CD Player
- Pencil
- Board eraser
- Classroom
- Floor (story)
- Classroom
- Stapler
- Wastebasket
- Student
- Physical education
- Garbage
- Female pupil
57 Clues: Art • Pen • Book • Wall • Math • Tape • Door • Glue • Clock • Table • Ruler • Paper • Chair • Light • Poster • Screen • Folder • Pencil • Window • Science • English • History • Spanish • Stapler • Student • Garbage • Calendar • Notebook • Backpack • Scissors • Computer • Computer • CD Player • Classroom • Classroom • DVD Player • Calculator • Whiteboard • Male pupil • Dictionary • Loudspeaker • Wastebasket • Teacher desk • Ceiling/roof • Student desk • Board eraser • Male teacher • ...
My School 2022-10-27
22 Clues: art • math • lunch • music • health • french • i like • physics • italian • algebra • biology • history • english • spanish • Mandarin • its easy • languages • geography • the classes • i dont like • notas, i get good grades • domestica, home and careers
School objects 2022-10-25
- something to sharpen with
- you use this if you are having a hard time finding out an equation in math
- something you write on
- place where you eat
- thing you hold your stuff in and take it with you
- you put it on your back and carry it with you
- utensil use to write but can be erased
- something you write with that uses ink
- someone who teaches at a very young school that is a male
- what you take notes in
- where you eat
- a metal box you put your stuff in
- something you can use to erase
- school work you have to take home
- someone who goes to school to learn
- someone who teaches
- effacable a sec something you use to write on a white board
- someone who teaches at college
- room where you learn
- something you are required to wear
- someplace you can sit
- you use this to stick something together
- something that you can draw colors with
- where you go to learn
- someone who teaches at a very young school that is a female
- if you're lost you look at this object
- some thing you look out of
- something you measure with
- you use this to cut something
- something to keep your papers in
- where you place your stuff on at work or school
- something you write with
- you use this to read
- blanc its white and is on the wall and can use it to write stuff down
- something to hold your utensils in
- a fellow student
36 Clues: where you eat • a fellow student • place where you eat • someone who teaches • you use this to read • room where you learn • someplace you can sit • where you go to learn • something you write on • what you take notes in • something you write with • something to sharpen with • some thing you look out of • something you measure with • you use this to cut something • ...
School Odjects 2022-10-25
- Something you use to cut things
- A thing where you sit on
- A utensil you use to write on a white board
- Something that you can read
- Something you write on
- Something you can use to stick things together
- An important utensil for school that you write notes on then store it away
- Something you sharpen your pencils with
- A utensil Teachers use for grading
- A thing that you can look out of
- A bag to store pencils
- A utensil you use to help with math
- Something you can write on with a white erase marker
- A paper your teacher gives you for you to complete at home and bring back finished
- A thing where you put your laptop
- A utensil you use to write with
- A utensil you use to erase
- Something to store important paper in
- A important thing you can use when you're lost and can't find your way to your destination
- Something to measure with
- Something to carry your stuff while at school
21 Clues: A bag to store pencils • Something you write on • A thing where you sit on • Something to measure with • A utensil you use to erase • Something that you can read • Something you use to cut things • A utensil you use to write with • A thing that you can look out of • A thing where you put your laptop • A utensil Teachers use for grading • A utensil you use to help with math • ...
school objects 2022-10-25
- thing for your eyes
- bag for school
- teacher that is male [ primary school
- clothing for school or work
- thing that hold paper and documents
- makes crayon work better
- table where you set and study
- writing utensil can be erased
- places where places are found
- marker that can be erased
- place where to sit
- place where you place food
- place to keep things at locked
- crayon with color
- place to look out of
- work for after school or home
- things you can write on
- teacher that is female [primary school]
- place to eat in school
- utensil with ink
- place to go to learn
- pieces of paper together where you write
- case with utensils
- person who teaches
- thing used to measure inches centimeters
- can be a remover of crayon
- bag for back
- room for classes
- writing utensil doesn't erase
- person who helps you learn
30 Clues: bag for back • bag for school • utensil with ink • room for classes • crayon with color • case with utensils • person who teaches • place where to sit • thing for your eyes • place to go to learn • place to look out of • place to eat in school • things you can write on • makes crayon work better • marker that can be erased • can be a remover of crayon • place where you place food • ...
School Odjects 2022-10-26
- Something you can write on with a white erase marker
- A room where you will find children learning
- Something to store important paper in
- Something you can use to stick things together
- A bag to store pencils
- A person who works at a elementary school (male)
- A utensil Teachers use for grading
- A child that goes to school
- A place where students eat at
- A person who teaches
- A paper your teacher gives you for you to complete at home and bring back finished
- Something that you can read
- A utensil you use to write on a white board
- A utensil you use to erase
- A person who works at a elementary school( female)
- Something to carry your stuff while at school
- A thing where you sit on
- Something you sharpen your pencils with
- A utensil you use to help with math
- A place to store you gym cloths or stuff
- Something you write on
- Something you use to cut things
- A place you go to study
- A thing where you put your laptop
- A important thing you can use when you're lost and can't find your way to your destination
- A utensil you use to write with
- A thing that you can look out of
- An important utensil for school that you write notes on then store it away
- Something to measure with
- cloths that remain the same type of style for the school
30 Clues: A person who teaches • Something you write on • A bag to store pencils • A place you go to study • A thing where you sit on • Something to measure with • A utensil you use to erase • A child that goes to school • Something that you can read • A place where students eat at • Something you use to cut things • A utensil you use to write with • A thing that you can look out of • ...
School Objects 2022-10-26
- you sit in it
- crayon sharpens pencils
- you sit at them at school
- something teachers assign
- male elementary teachers
- you use it to see were to go
- students at a school
- holds pencils
- is 12 inches and used to measure
- holds papers
- you draw on it
- they teach students
- what you use to write
- female teachers
- you go here to learn
- you wear it to strict school.
- its a marker
- you draw with it
- cantine you eat here at school lunch
- its on pencils and erases
- holds school supplies and goes on your back
- they teach biology and are considered professors
- you write in it
- you see out of it
- pupil
- you come here in the school and sit and learn
- it holds school supplies and goes on your back
- something you sit at
- effacable markers for dry erase boards
- a permanent pencil
- locker
31 Clues: pupil • locker • holds papers • its a marker • you sit in it • holds pencils • you draw on it • you write in it • female teachers • you draw with it • you see out of it • a permanent pencil • they teach students • students at a school • something you sit at • you go here to learn • what you use to write • crayon sharpens pencils • male elementary teachers • you sit at them at school • ...
school 2 2022-11-23
29 Clues: nota • aula • arte • error • libro • silla • móvil • mates • cruce • música • lengua • letras • campana • números • pizarra • deberes • libreta • pupitre • papelera • historia • biología • suspender • geografía • pegamento • ordenador • contestar • abecedario • calculadora • diccionario
SCHOOL SYSTEM 2017-01-30
- ___________ mistakes
- a discipline
- training course
- to copy information at the exams
- __________ homework
- member of the government dedicated to develop the education policies
- the way your subjects or activities are organised on a day
- get bad marks in an exam
- get more than 5 in an exam
- a university or college course, normally lasting three years or more.
- as one's lifework.
- urgency, as that induced by deadlines at school or work
- to enter
- to stop attending school or college
- without interest or energy to so anything
- ___________ an exam
- a gift of money to help a student
- adjective that describes a classroom with too many students
- fees money you pay for your education
- an occupation or profession, esp. one requiring special training,
- teachers qualifications for a subject
21 Clues: to enter • a discipline • training course • as one's lifework. • ___________ an exam • __________ homework • ___________ mistakes • get bad marks in an exam • get more than 5 in an exam • to copy information at the exams • a gift of money to help a student • to stop attending school or college • fees money you pay for your education • teachers qualifications for a subject • ...
School Vocabulary 2017-10-16
23 Clues: la tiza • la silla • la tarea • la cinta • la prueba • la puerta • la ventana • el armario • el horario • la carpeta • la mochila • la bandera • el almuerzo • el borrador • el cuaderno • el pizarron • el marcador • las tijeras • la papelera • la grapadora • la computadora • el diccionario • el sujetapapeles
School Expressions 2018-03-03
- An occasion when a teacher or expert and a group of students meet to study and discuss something is called a _____.
- A student from another university who comes to study for one or two semesters is called an _____ student.
- The _____ ceremony is when you receive your degree for completing your education or a course of study.
- The teacher calls your name to take _____ at the beginning of class.
- The period of time between classes when children do not study is called _____.
- The teacher writes on the _____.
- To _____ at the college means to put yourself in the official list of members of that college.
- One of my friends is _____ in Chemistry.
- A complete listing of courses offered will be found in the class _____.
- The book that contains detailed information about a subject is called a _____.
- A _____ is someone in their final year of university.
- A _____ is a student in the first year of university.
- Another way of saying "dormitory" is "student _____"
- The head teacher of a school is called a _____.
- An _____ is a graduate or former student of a school, college, or university.
- A tour of the campus (university area) and information session for new students.
- Exams that are given during the middle of each semester are called _____.
- What is the short form for "professor"?
- The periods into which a year is divided at school, college or university are called _____.
- A college or university building containing living quarters for students is called a _____.
20 Clues: The teacher writes on the _____. • What is the short form for "professor"? • One of my friends is _____ in Chemistry. • The head teacher of a school is called a _____. • Another way of saying "dormitory" is "student _____" • A _____ is a student in the first year of university. • A _____ is someone in their final year of university. • ...
After school 2018-03-15
22 Clues: laul • nöör • film • mäng • limbo • ujuma • ronima • laulma • väljas • tegema • pärast • kitarr • vaatama • ümisema • kiikuma • rääkima • tantsima • vene keel • joonistama • sõit, sõitma • viis, meloodia • rula; rulaga sõitma
- To persuade another person to act in a certain way.
- Of, in or from a country or an area other than one's own.
- To say or show that one is unwilling to give, accept or do something.
- Showing too much pride in oneself and too little consideration for others.
- The direction in which the sun sets.
- A young cat
- A device we hold over our heads to protect ourselves from rain.
- A person walking in the street, not somebody in a vehicle.
- A small rise in the land. It is similar to a mountain, but smaller.
- To put somebody/something into working order, to arrange parts, people, etc into an efficient system.
- The work that a student is required to do in the house.
- A film or radio or television programme giving facts about something especially animals.
- The sports of fighting with swords.
- Not graceful in movement, awkward.
- Having a lot of money or property, wealthy.
- A person that one does not know or who is not familiar to one.
- Unable to hear at all or to hear well.
- A bird's house
- A large area of land that has very little water and very few plants growing on it.
- Not difficult
- Any type of drink except water.
- A large covered area that contains many different shops.
- To treat things that have already been used so that they can be used again.
- A state of fighting between nations or groups within a nation using military force.
- The release of harmful substances into the air or water.
- The sea in the south of Turkey.
- To be of the same opinion.
- A process of burning that produces light and heat and often smoke and flames.
- Feeling shy, ashamed or guilty about something.
- The natural environment of an animal or a plant.
- The author of the book series Harry Potter
- Any of the long stiff hairs that grow near the mouth of some animals.
- A sentence that asks for information.
- A spoken or written request to go somewhere.
- The largest continent of the world.
- A person who cuts and sells meat.
- Causing great interest or enthusiasm.
- The smallest planet of the solar system.
- To give goods in exchange for money.
- The regular pattern of weather conditions.
- An activity that involves breaking the law.
- An animal that eats meat.
- Important
- An area of land, and the buildings on it, used for growing crops or keeping animals.
- A conversation in which a journalist puts questions to someone such as a famous person or politician.
- To change something spoken or especially written into another language.
- An idea or plan put forward for someone to think about.
- To find or learn about a place, object, etc for the first time.
- A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit round a star.
- Moving fast or doing something in a short time.
- An unusual, exciting or dangerous experience.
- To converse with a salesperson, negotiating a lower price.
- Causing amusement or laughter.
- Holding attention, causing curiosity.
- A person who is invited to visit one's house.
- Success in a war, contest, game, etc.
- A pair of covering made of leather, wool, etc for the hand, usually with separate parts for each finger and the thumb.
- A public notice offering or asking for goods, services etc.
- warm.
- A violent storm with very strong winds, especially in the western Atlantic Ocean.
- An open area with swings, rides, etc. for people to have fun.
- A person between thirteen and nineteen years old.
- Of excellent ability or quality.
- The process of cutting down or burning a forest.
- A person who travels into or around a country in order to learn about it.
- A thick woollen covering used, especially on beds, for keeping
- A sport done on a type of shoe with small wheels fitted to the bottom.
- The day before today.
- Thinking first of one's own interests, needs, etc without concern for others, not sharing what one has with others.
- The highest level of educational institution, in which students study for degrees and academic research is done.
- A line of hair growing on a man's upper lip.
- Without a bend or curve; extending or moving continuously in one direction.
- To take over something and have or use it as one's own.
- A large strong wild bird that hunts and eats small animals.
- The part of the house in which people sleep.
- A body of water which travels through a channel in the Earth’s surface.
76 Clues: warm. • Important • A young cat • Not difficult • A bird's house • The day before today. • An animal that eats meat. • To be of the same opinion. • Causing amusement or laughter. • Any type of drink except water. • The sea in the south of Turkey. • Of excellent ability or quality. • A person who cuts and sells meat. • Not graceful in movement, awkward. • The sports of fighting with swords. • ...
School Finance 2019-04-28
- the two fiscal years that make up each state budget
- A percentage reduction in the taxes charged against real property
- agricultural property is valued lower because of this
- Levy used primarily for purposes of funding district's general expenses
- the county auditor adjusts appraised values
- value of property which is 35% of market value
- factor caused by HB 920
- percentage levy based on the income of district residents
- state-determined minimum amount necessary for funding
- limits district's annual funding increase to 3.0% of prior year funding
- levy which begins from the point where the original levy ends
- property Property which the owner occupies as a residence which qualifies for the additional 2.5% rollback
- taxable, valuation of real and personal tangible property to produce tax revenue.
- Annual period used for government accounting purposes. Ends on June 30
- voted mills beyond the 10 mill limit
- Taxable value of all Class I and Class II real property
- levy proposing a millage rate or school district income tax that is assessed indefinitely
- Levy proposing a millage rate assessed for a specified period of time
- levy which reverts rate equal to the original effective rate
- Millage imposed by local governments without voter approval
- Rate below which voted mills cannot be reduced
- Ohio Supreme Court decision which ruled Ohio’s school funding system was unconstitutional
- Alternative calculation of state funding that insulates school districts from the effects of dramatic changes
- student count used to determine funding
- Real property not subject to taxation
25 Clues: factor caused by HB 920 • voted mills beyond the 10 mill limit • Real property not subject to taxation • student count used to determine funding • the county auditor adjusts appraised values • Rate below which voted mills cannot be reduced • value of property which is 35% of market value • the two fiscal years that make up each state budget • ...
School Finance 2019-04-28
- percentage levy based on the income of district residents
- Real property not subject to taxation
- property Property which the owner occupies as a residence which qualifies for the additional 2.5% rollback
- Ohio Supreme Court decision which ruled Ohio’s school funding system was unconstitutional
- A percentage reduction in the taxes charged against real property
- the county auditor adjusts appraised values
- voted mills beyond the 10 mill limit
- Alternative calculation of state funding that insulates school districts from the effects of dramatic changes
- state-determined minimum amount necessary for funding
- Taxable value of all Class I and Class II real property
- Levy used primarily for purposes of funding district's general expenses
- Millage imposed by local governments without voter approval
- student count used to determine funding
- value of property which is 35% of market value
- Levy proposing a millage rate assessed for a specified period of time
- Annual period used for government accounting purposes. Ends on June 30
- Rate below which voted mills cannot be reduced
- levy which reverts rate equal to the original effective rate
- the two fiscal years that make up each state budget
- limits district's annual funding increase to 3.0% of prior year funding
- factor caused by HB 920
- levy proposing a millage rate or school district income tax that is assessed indefinitely
- levy which begins from the point where the original levy ends
- agricultural property is valued lower because of this
- taxable, valuation of real and personal tangible property to produce tax revenue.
25 Clues: factor caused by HB 920 • voted mills beyond the 10 mill limit • Real property not subject to taxation • student count used to determine funding • the county auditor adjusts appraised values • value of property which is 35% of market value • Rate below which voted mills cannot be reduced • the two fiscal years that make up each state budget • ...
School vocabulary 2019-12-16
At school 2019-11-26
34 Clues: Aula • Nome • Arte • Libro • Bordo • Penna • Colla • Croce • Piolo • Matita • Foglio • Storia • Classe • Spunta • Forbici • Lezione • Ragazzo • Scienze • Ragazza • Schermo • Disegno • Lettera • Tastiera • Libreria • Righello • Pastelli • Geografia • Dipingere • Insegnante • Pennarelli • Matematica • Registratore • Libro di lavoro • Gomma da cancellare
School Life 2023-05-18
- Students in the same class. (n.)
- It’s something to make a sound so that students can know the class begins or ends. (n.)
- A study of numbers. (n.)
- You take part in some activity, like a meeting or a speech. (v.)
- A place with a lot of books. (n.)
- Instructions for people to know what to do and what not to do. (n.)
- A study of places. (n.)
- It’s a place for students to play games or have PE class. (n.)
- a short time to rest between classes. (n.)
- It’s an activity when you ask people questions to see how well they know. (n.)
- You give other people instructions so that they know about it or how to do it. (v.)
- A person in a certain group. (n.)
- A scientific test. People do it to see what happens and to gain new knowledge. (n.)
- The title of a newspaper story. (n.)
- A group of classes. In these classes the children are of the similar age. (n.)
- A person you do something with, like in a game or in an activity. (n.)
- A telephone makes a sound to let you know someone is calling you. (v.)
- It’s something you do regularly to do it better. (n.)
- It’s an event when people can show or sell their things or products. (n.)
- It’s an organization for people with the same hobby. (n.)
20 Clues: A study of places. (n.) • A study of numbers. (n.) • Students in the same class. (n.) • A person in a certain group. (n.) • A place with a lot of books. (n.) • The title of a newspaper story. (n.) • a short time to rest between classes. (n.) • It’s something you do regularly to do it better. (n.) • It’s an organization for people with the same hobby. (n.) • ...
School vocab 2023-05-19
- - a greater amount or quantity
- - having a high level of skill, knowledge, or expertise
- - a form of humor or a witty remark intended to amuse or entertain others
- - moving or proceeding at a low speed or pace
- - a person engaged in a physical or verbal struggle or conflict
- - the study of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, and evolution
- - a competition or series of contests in which participants compete for a championship
- - to have the ability or capability to do something
- - feeling deep satisfaction or pleasure as a result of one's achievements, qualities, or possessions
- - past tense of "teach"
- - past tense of "can't"
- - the branch of science that deals with the composition, properties, and reactions of substances
- time - punctually or at the scheduled or expected time
- - to start
- - a martial art originating from Japan that emphasizes striking techniques using kicks, punches, and knee strikes
- - a contest or rivalry between individuals or groups
- - of great significance or value
- - past tense of "begin"
- at - skilled or proficient in something
- - past tense of "fail"
- - in fact or in reality
- economics - the study of managing household tasks, such as cooking, sewing, and budgeting
- - the act or process of expressing thoughts, ideas, or information in written form
- - the state or quality of being hard or challenging
- - moving or acting at high speed
- - past tense of "can"
- - contraction of "cannot" (not able to do something)
- - a reward or prize given to commemorate a victory or achievement
- - a small metal disc or decoration awarded for an achievement or honor
- - the branch of physics that deals with motion and forces, especially in relation to physical objects
- - the study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, and more
- - pertaining to the level of skill or knowledge between beginner and advanced
- - a person who is starting to learn or do something for the first time
- - identical or not different
- - the branch of science that deals with matter, energy, and their interactions
- - to not succeed
- - to impart knowledge or skills to someone
37 Clues: - to start • - to not succeed • - past tense of "can" • - past tense of "fail" • - in fact or in reality • - past tense of "teach" • - past tense of "can't" • - past tense of "begin" • - identical or not different • - a greater amount or quantity • - moving or acting at high speed • - of great significance or value • at - skilled or proficient in something • ...
School Subjects 2023-06-19
- - The study of government, citizenship, and political systems.
- - The study of society, culture, and human behavior.
- - The study of the Earth's physical features, climates, and cultures.
- - The study of the natural world, including biology, chemistry, and physics.
- - The study of acting, improvisation, and theatrical performances.
- - The study of written works, including novels, poems, and plays.
- - The study of the rules and structure of a language.
- - The study of matter, its properties, and its transformations.
- - The study of past events, people, and civilizations.
- - The study of numbers, calculations, and problem-solving.
- - The development of reading skills and comprehension.
- - The study of matter, motion, energy, and forces.
- - The study of language, reading, writing, and literature.
- - The study of physical fitness, sports, and exercise.
- - The study of non-living matter and energy.
- - The study of computers, programming, and digital technology.
- - The study of the natural environment and its ecosystems.
- - The development of legible and neat handwriting.
- - The study of correct spelling and word formation.
- - The study of living organisms, including plants and animals.
- - The study of personal well-being, hygiene, and healthy habits.
- - The study of visual expression through drawing, painting, and other creative mediums.
- - The development of writing skills, including grammar and composition.
- - The study of sound, rhythm, and musical instruments.
- - The study of a language other than one's native language.
25 Clues: - The study of non-living matter and energy. • - The development of legible and neat handwriting. • - The study of matter, motion, energy, and forces. • - The study of correct spelling and word formation. • - The study of society, culture, and human behavior. • - The study of the rules and structure of a language. • ...
School Crossword 2023-06-25
- mum or dads brother
- able to maintain
- someone who studies life
- to make a breathe out sound
- the day of someone's birth date
- to go
- for a plant to use sunlight to grow
- characteristic of one person or thing
- a warrior in armour
- to be the most clean
- to be closer than something else
- land surrounded by ocean
- to stretch out your arm
- a shine that can hurt your eyes
- to fly
- to see something
- to be venom
- to book a seat
- to make something tidy
- 60 seconds
20 Clues: to go • to fly • 60 seconds • to be venom • to book a seat • able to maintain • to see something • mum or dads brother • a warrior in armour • to be the most clean • to make something tidy • to stretch out your arm • land surrounded by ocean • someone who studies life • to make a breathe out sound • a shine that can hurt your eyes • the day of someone's birth date • to be closer than something else • ...
- Door =
- Window =
- Place where students sit to do work
- Electronic device for doing work, etc
- Female teacher
- Gives information about days & dates
- Used to write on or print info on
- Used for group of students or a course
- Screen =
- Writes with ink & also called "pluma"
- The Spanish word for composition book
- Student =
- Another word for "professor" or "teacher"
- Something to carry school things
- A way to say binder or notebook
- Marker =
- Writes but also erases
- Something people read & has many pages
- Something to sit on
- Can be called whiteboard or chalkboard
20 Clues: Door = • Window = • Marker = • Screen = • Student = • Female teacher • Something to sit on • Writes but also erases • A way to say binder or notebook • Something to carry school things • Used to write on or print info on • Place where students sit to do work • Gives information about days & dates • Electronic device for doing work, etc • Writes with ink & also called "pluma" • ...
School things 2023-11-28
21 Clues: all • peal • sees • ilus • kool • väike • päevik • nägema • lugema • pliiats • töövihik • joonlaud • kirjutama • kustukumm • eesti keel • matemaatika • kunstiõpetus • inglise keel • arvama, mõtlema • terane, taibukas • oskama, suutma, võima, tohtima
the school 2023-11-28
- really smart, a big reader
- spicy, sweet, the aid
- competitive, good at sports
- tallest, FUN, loves coffee
- short, loves hockey
- spunky, tall
- small, very sweet, fun
- tallish, really kind
- short, fun
- good at softball, hilarious
- round glasses, loves girly things
- good at sports, quiet but fun
- small, wild, glasses
- fun, first grader, wild
- cool, funny
- blond hair, only 3rd grader
- athletic, always happy
- tells funny jokes, tallest in the class
- super fast at reading, fun
- short, blond hair, good at hockey
- blond hair, spirited
- gives hugs, tallest girl in her grade
- very sweet, animated
- full of interesting facts
- loves all animals, oldest in the grade
- brown hair, only boy in his grade, funny
26 Clues: short, fun • cool, funny • spunky, tall • short, loves hockey • blond hair, spirited • very sweet, animated • tallish, really kind • small, wild, glasses • spicy, sweet, the aid • athletic, always happy • small, very sweet, fun • fun, first grader, wild • full of interesting facts • really smart, a big reader • super fast at reading, fun • tallest, FUN, loves coffee • blond hair, only 3rd grader • ...
School Day 2023-11-30
- Pen
- Paper
- Clock;Watch
- Semester
- Black/White Board
- Chalk
- Trimester;Quarter
- Bookstore
- High School
- Table
- Class
- Chair
- Door
- Book
- Subject
- Student(girl)
- Map
- Stadium
- Library
- Nurse's Office
- Calculator
- Cafeteria
- Fancy Pen
- Computer
- Wastebasket
- Quiz
- Cell Phone
- University;College
- Course
- Classmate(boy)
- Classmate(girl)
- Eraser
- Marker
- Student(boy)
- Trash Can
- Gym
- Homework
- House/Home
- Pen
- Quiz
- Test;Exam
- Stapler
- Pencil
- Desk
- Tablet
- Dictionary
- Window
- Schedule
- Backpack
- School
- Phone
51 Clues: Pen • Gym • Pen • Map • Quiz • Quiz • Door • Book • Desk • Paper • Chalk • Table • Class • Chair • Phone • Course • Eraser • Marker • Pencil • Tablet • Window • School • Stapler • Subject • Stadium • Library • Semester • Homework • Schedule • Backpack • Computer • Trash Can • Bookstore • Test;Exam • Cafeteria • Fancy Pen • Cell Phone • House/Home • Dictionary • Calculator • Wastebasket • Clock;Watch • High School • Student(boy) • Student(girl) • Classmate(boy) • Nurse's Office • ...
ELICOS School 2023-12-05
- An unplanned, compulsory event for compliance
- Dave's nickname
- A "backyard neighboor" of Language Links
- A document that only 2 teachers can issue
- An abreviation for Language Links' best sellers
- This item sometimes arrive later than scheduled.
- Students ask to change this with relative ease
- The smallest room on campus
- Students sometime forget to collect this
- An planned, compulsory event
- Students study to prepare for this
- Carla is most afraid of this event.
- You find documents relating to classes and students here
- This activity take place during class hours but not held on campus
- All staff members have access to this company property.
- A course with no holidays
- The last big excursion that LLI held took place here.
- A communication that is sometimes overlooked by our teachers
- This Food recently evacuated the entire 116-120 Roe Street building
- LLI used to hold this event in the Student Kitchen
20 Clues: Dave's nickname • A course with no holidays • The smallest room on campus • An planned, compulsory event • Students study to prepare for this • Carla is most afraid of this event. • A "backyard neighboor" of Language Links • Students sometime forget to collect this • A document that only 2 teachers can issue • An unplanned, compulsory event for compliance • ...
school crossword 2023-12-03
- where people learn about nature
- place where students learn
- students write their note into it
- this place is where students eat
- manages the school
- wash up if it necessary
- you get these after tests
- makes life difficult for students
- task what you have to do at home
- where teacher write
- teacher use this to present PPts or something like that
- student packs into it
- who educate
- u can write with it but you can fix it
- where people learn about poems
- u can write with it but you can t fix it
- where 8 years old shout out when older people try to learn
- tool what you use to draw a staight line
- 2 and 3 years olds came here
- where some student learn how to count
20 Clues: who educate • manages the school • where teacher write • student packs into it • wash up if it necessary • you get these after tests • place where students learn • 2 and 3 years olds came here • where people learn about nature • where people learn about poems • this place is where students eat • task what you have to do at home • students write their note into it • ...
Escola/ School 2023-09-23
- mala de mão onde se transporta a comida
- com que se traça retas
- instrumento para estender as tintas
- utensílio que contém tinta e serve para pintar
- instrumento em forma de triângulo
- móvel de escritório com gavetas
- espaço ou objeto limitado por quatro lados iguais
- porção de folhas de papel unidas e sobrepostas, como num livro
- utensílio que contém tinta e serve para escrever
- aquele que recebe formação do professor
- onde o aluno se senta
- preparado glutinoso usado para aderir papel, madeira
- mecanismo eletrónico que efetua cálculos matemáticos
- o que se usa para apagar
- documentos de estudo
- o que se usa para escrever em quadros de ardósia
- objeto com que se escreve ou risca
- onde se guardam papéis
- Quem ensina
- mesa inclinada para escrever ou estudar
- instrumento para afiar os lápis
- livro de uma disciplina
- instrumento cortante, formado de duas lâminas
- saco que se transporta às costas
- aparelho eletrónico que armazena e processa grandes quantidades de informação
- pequena caixa ou bolsa de pele para guardar lápis
- instrumento para traçar circunferências
27 Clues: Quem ensina • documentos de estudo • onde o aluno se senta • onde se guardam papéis • com que se traça retas • livro de uma disciplina • o que se usa para apagar • instrumento para afiar os lápis • móvel de escritório com gavetas • saco que se transporta às costas • instrumento em forma de triângulo • objeto com que se escreve ou risca • instrumento para estender as tintas • ...
School objects 2023-09-04
21 Clues: tool • pinal • vihik • raamat • arvuti • käärid • õpetaja • pintsel • õpilane • joonlaud • koolikott • liimipulk • kleeplint • kustukumm • kalkulaator • kirjutuslaud • tindipliiats • valge tahvel • harilik pliiats • pliiatsiteritaja • värvilised pliiatsid
School life 2023-09-04
- a period of instruction given by a university/college tutor to an individual or very small group
- someone who is already established in the academic community that tutees are joining
- a brief record of facts, topics or thoughts written down as an aid to memory
- a task or piece of work assigned as part of a job or course of study
- a person who gives a lecture, especially for a profession
- a grant or payment made to support a student's education and the associated fees
- Time when people stop working or studying to eat
- grouping of multiple overtime assignments
- a mark indicating the quality of a student's work
- a qualification awarded to a student upon successful completion of a course of study in higher education, usually at a college/university
- programs that are used by schools to increase the academic achievement of students
- in or to a foreign country or countries
- residential accomodation which has been built solely for the purpose of being provided to students
- schedule (something) to take place at a particular time
- be present at(a lecture or talk)
- relating to a course of study undertaken after completing an undergraduate degree
- an educational talk to an audience, especially to students in a university/college
- a branch of knowledge studied or taught in a school, college, or university
- a place, amenity, or piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose
- the grounds and buildings of a university or college/school
- an activity at a school/college pursued in addition to the normal course of study
- a hall for lectures with seats in tiers
- a student at a college or university who has not yet earned a bachelor's or equivalent degree
- education beyond high school, especially at a college or university
24 Clues: be present at(a lecture or talk) • a hall for lectures with seats in tiers • in or to a foreign country or countries • grouping of multiple overtime assignments • Time when people stop working or studying to eat • a mark indicating the quality of a student's work • schedule (something) to take place at a particular time • ...
School Concerns 2023-09-08
- - Assignments or tasks given by teachers to be completed during a class or at school.
- - Clothing or what someone is wearing.
- - Not going to a place or an event that you are supposed to attend, like skipping school.
- - Taking something that belongs to someone else without their permission.
- - Skipping school or classes without permission.
- - Copying someone else's work or ideas and presenting them as your own, usually in school or writing.
- - Repeated and unwanted behavior, often intended to annoy or harm someone.
- - A plant that is used to make cigarettes and other products that people smoke or chew.
- - Related to devices or systems that use electricity or computer technology.
- - Not connected to the internet or not using a computer or device that is connected to the internet.
- - Substances that can change the way a person thinks, feels, or behaves. Some drugs are used as medicine, while others can be harmful if misused.
- - The way people communicate using words and sounds.
- - A small laptop computer designed for internet use and schoolwork.
- - A small electronic device used for making phone calls, sending messages, and accessing the internet.
- - When something causes a disturbance or interruption, often making it difficult for things to proceed as usual.
- - When people use physical force to harm each other, often in anger or disagreement.
- - The act of causing severe damage or harm to something.
- - Connected to the internet or using a computer or device that is connected to the internet.
- - Refusing to obey someone or something, often in a rebellious or disobedient manner.
- - Suitable or proper for a particular situation or age group.
- - Being late or not arriving at a scheduled time.
- - Groups of people who often engage in illegal or harmful activities together.
- - Trying to frighten or threaten someone to make them do something they might not want to do.
- - Assignments or tasks given by teachers to be completed at home.
- - A drink that can make people feel relaxed or intoxicated when consumed in excess. It is not allowed for children.
- - Acting dishonestly to gain an unfair advantage, especially in school or games.
- - An object used to cause harm or defend oneself, like a knife or gun.
27 Clues: - Clothing or what someone is wearing. • - Skipping school or classes without permission. • - Being late or not arriving at a scheduled time. • - The way people communicate using words and sounds. • - The act of causing severe damage or harm to something. • - Suitable or proper for a particular situation or age group. • ...
School Subjects 2024-01-14
22 Clues: rajz • írás • német • etika • kórus • kémia • magyar • hittan • órarend • olvasás • földrajz • biológia • irodalom • nyelvtan • fogalmazás • történelem • zene, ének • testnevelés • fizika (1.i=y) • digitális kultúra • kézműves, technika (többesszám) • természetismeret, természettudomány
School Holidays 2024-01-02
- - The people closest to you, often gathered during holidays.
- - Entertaining films watched for fun during holidays.
- - The bright, shining star in the sky that warms us during holidays.
- - A sandy shore by the sea, perfect for building castles.
- - Celebratory events with music, food, and activities.
- - Going on a journey to explore new places.
- - Unwinding and taking it easy during your break.
- - Exciting and daring experiences during the holidays.
- - Reading for pleasure during your leisure time.
- - Enjoying a meal outdoors with a blanket and good company.
- - The joyous sound that accompanies good times.
- - Companions with whom you create lasting holiday memories.
- cream - A delightful frozen treat enjoyed on hot summer days.
- - Constructed at the beach with buckets and shovels.
- - Activities for amusement and friendly competition.
- - To discover and investigate new places or ideas.
- - The refreshing activity of moving through water.
- - Recollections of special moments created during holidays.
- - Outdoor living in a tent, under the stars.
- - The outdoors, including forests, parks, and wildlife.
20 Clues: - Going on a journey to explore new places. • - Outdoor living in a tent, under the stars. • - The joyous sound that accompanies good times. • - Reading for pleasure during your leisure time. • - Unwinding and taking it easy during your break. • - To discover and investigate new places or ideas. • - The refreshing activity of moving through water. • ...
School Subjects 2024-01-23
27 Clues: art • math • band • lunch • german • health • chorus • french • spanish • tech ed • english • physics • algebra • chinese • history • italian • biology • science • computer • geometry • calculus • breakfast • chemistry • portuguese • literature • teen living • physical education
Brede school 2024-08-04
- kranten, tv, radio en tijdschriften als bronnen van informatie
- Een instituut, niet zelden behorend tot de gezondheidszorg of anderszins met enig gezag bekleed
- school de samenwerkende partijen die zich bezighouden met opgroeiende kinderen
- vraag en aanbod van werk
- iets dat je gebruikt om weer gezond te worden
- manier waarop je iets regelt en leidt
- alle voorzieningen bij elkaar die eraan bijdragen dat de zorgleerlingen optimaal profiteren van het zorgaanbod binnen de school
- het geheel aan activiteiten dat gericht is op de verbetering van de gezondheid van de mensen in dat land
- manier waarop iets verandert
- bedoeld om van te leren
- het aan hetzelfde werken met een of meer anderen
- Afwezigheid van gevaar
- de wijze waarop in een samenleving de meningsverschillen van groepen en individuen tot hun recht komen
- die of dat verband houdt met de samenleving
- afzondering van een bevolkingsgroep uit de maatschappij
- een groep mensen die samen een half-gesloten systeem vormt, en waarbinnen interactie bestaat tussen de groepsleden
- achterstand opgbouwd door ongelijke kansen in het onderwijs
- Zorg voor de jeugd
- Gevoel van welbevinden
- ouders met hun kinderen
20 Clues: Zorg voor de jeugd • Afwezigheid van gevaar • Gevoel van welbevinden • bedoeld om van te leren • ouders met hun kinderen • vraag en aanbod van werk • manier waarop iets verandert • manier waarop je iets regelt en leidt • die of dat verband houdt met de samenleving • iets dat je gebruikt om weer gezond te worden • het aan hetzelfde werken met een of meer anderen • ...
School Supplies 2024-03-08
32 Clues: map • pen • door • flag • book • table • ruler • chair • light • globe • mouse • paper • lunch • clock • eraser • window • tablet • pencil • folder • school • stapler • keyboard • scissors • notebook • calendar • computer • homework • backpack • sharpener • whiteboard • desk(student) • desk(teacher)
School Supplies 2024-03-08
32 Clues: map • pen • door • flag • book • table • ruler • chair • light • globe • mouse • paper • lunch • clock • eraser • window • tablet • pencil • folder • school • stapler • keyboard • scissors • notebook • calendar • computer • homework • backpack • sharpener • whiteboard • desk(student) • desk(teacher)
trade school 2024-02-26
- a driver licensed to operate vehicles classified as commercial vehicles
- a person who makes and repairs locks.
- a person who welds metal.
- a person who installs and repairs the pipes and fittings of water supply, sanitation, or heating systems.
- allied healthcare professional who specializes in the use of ultrasonic imaging devices to produce diagnostic images, scans, videos or three-dimensional volumes of anatomy and diagnostic data
- A truck driver is a person who earns a living as the driver of a truck, which is commonly defined as a large goods vehicle or heavy goods vehicle.
- who services and repairs automobiles, sometimes specializing in one or more automobile brands or sometimes working with any brand
- a trade specialist who works on systems and equipment designed by engineers, sometimes directly supporting engineers. Mechanical technicians can sometimes be referred to as mechanical engineering technicians.
- the ground-based personnel and equipment concerned with monitoring and controlling air traffic within a particular area.
- heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. It refers to the systems that regulate and move heated and cooled air throughout residential and commercial buildings, from homes to offices to indoor stadiums
- a person who installs and maintains electrical equipment.
- health professional that deal with the circulatory system
- a builder and worker in stone.
- the surgical opening or puncture of a vein in order to withdraw blood or introduce a fluid, or (historically) as part of the procedure of letting blood.
- someone who constructs, modernizes, repairs or services conveyances. Typically, elevator mechanics work on elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, wheelchair lifts, moving walkways and other equipment providing vertical transportation.
- a professional operator of a film camera or video camera as part of a film crew.
- ensure that construction meets local and national building codes and ordinances, zoning regulations, and contract specifications.
- a person trained in subsidiary legal matters but not fully qualified as a lawyer.
- specialize in magnetic resonance imaging scanners
- performs pharmacy-related functions. Training, certification, licensing, and actual practice of pharmacy technicians varies not only worldwide but in some countries regionally as well as by employer.
20 Clues: a person who welds metal. • a builder and worker in stone. • a person who makes and repairs locks. • specialize in magnetic resonance imaging scanners • a person who installs and maintains electrical equipment. • health professional that deal with the circulatory system • a driver licensed to operate vehicles classified as commercial vehicles • ...
trade school 2024-02-26
- a trade specialist who works on systems and equipment designed by engineers, sometimes directly supporting engineers. Mechanical technicians can sometimes be referred to as mechanical engineering technicians.
- ensure that construction meets local and national building codes and ordinances, zoning regulations, and contract specifications.
- a builder and worker in stone.
- heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. It refers to the systems that regulate and move heated and cooled air throughout residential and commercial buildings, from homes to offices to indoor stadiums
- A truck driver is a person who earns a living as the driver of a truck, which is commonly defined as a large goods vehicle or heavy goods vehicle.
- a person who installs and repairs the pipes and fittings of water supply, sanitation, or heating systems.
- a person who welds metal.
- the ground-based personnel and equipment concerned with monitoring and controlling air traffic within a particular area.
- a professional operator of a film camera or video camera as part of a film crew.
- someone who constructs, modernizes, repairs or services conveyances. Typically, elevator mechanics work on elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, wheelchair lifts, moving walkways and other equipment providing vertical transportation.
- performs pharmacy-related functions. Training, certification, licensing, and actual practice of pharmacy technicians varies not only worldwide but in some countries regionally as well as by employer.
- a person who installs and maintains electrical equipment.
- the surgical opening or puncture of a vein in order to withdraw blood or introduce a fluid, or (historically) as part of the procedure of letting blood.
- a person who makes boilers.
- health professional that deal with the circulatory system
- a person who makes and repairs locks.
- allied healthcare professional who specializes in the use of ultrasonic imaging devices to produce diagnostic images, scans, videos or three-dimensional volumes of anatomy and diagnostic data
- a driver licensed to operate vehicles classified as commercial vehicles
- who services and repairs automobiles, sometimes specializing in one or more automobile brands or sometimes working with any brand
- a person trained in subsidiary legal matters but not fully qualified as a lawyer.
- specialize in magnetic resonance imaging scanners
21 Clues: a person who welds metal. • a person who makes boilers. • a builder and worker in stone. • a person who makes and repairs locks. • specialize in magnetic resonance imaging scanners • a person who installs and maintains electrical equipment. • health professional that deal with the circulatory system • ...
school objects 2023-10-03
- something you work on at school
- something you sharpen pencils with
- something you put marker on
- something you sit on
- something you hold your lunch in
- something you hold stuff with
- something you wright in to remember stuff
- something you hold food with
- your doing it right now
- something you type with that is metal
- something you blow your nose with
- something that kills 99.9% of germs
- something you wright on
- something you can drink out of
- something you wright with that can erase
- something you unlock
- something to see the time with
- something you wear to buy lunch
- something you work on
- something you hate to do after school
- something you open
21 Clues: something you open • something you unlock • something you sit on • something you work on • something you wright on • your doing it right now • something you put marker on • something you hold food with • something you hold stuff with • something you can drink out of • something to see the time with • something you work on at school • something you wear to buy lunch • ...
At School 2023-10-13
High School 2024-05-21
- Bag used to carry books and supplies
- Creative course involving various mediums
- A storage compartment for students' belongings
- A facility for physical education classes and sports
- A formal dance typically held for high school students
- Student with the highest academic achievement in a graduating class
- Lack of motivation among seniors nearing graduation
- A publication featuring photos and memories from the school year
- Event where students present scientific projects
- A popular sport played in many high schools
- Branch of mathematics dealing with shapes and their properties
- Standardized test used for college admissions
- Activity outside of regular curriculum
- Vocal ensemble performing choral music
- The study of living organisms
- The head administrator of a school
- Ceremony marking the completion of high school
- Musical ensemble often found in high schools
- A punishment for breaking school rules
- Vehicle used to transport students to and from school
- Document showing a student's grades for a term
- A place for students to borrow books and study
- Substance with a distinct molecular composition
- Branch of mathematics dealing with triangles and angles
- Educational outing outside of the classroom
- The study of matter and its properties
- Someone who provides academic assistance outside of class
- Where students eat lunch at school
- Theatrical productions performed by students
- Classroom where students start their day and take attendance
- Event to boost school spirit before a sports game
- Courses for college credit
- A branch of mathematics often dreaded by students
- Study sessions to prepare for the college entrance exam
- Tradition of welcoming back alumni to the school
- Measuring tool used in math and drafting
- Group of students who argue opposing viewpoints
- Study of past events and their significance
- Assignments given to students to complete outside of class
39 Clues: Courses for college credit • The study of living organisms • Where students eat lunch at school • The head administrator of a school • Bag used to carry books and supplies • The study of matter and its properties • Activity outside of regular curriculum • Vocal ensemble performing choral music • A punishment for breaking school rules • ...
School adv 2024-04-14
- the study about the natural world
- a smooth white board that can be written or drawn on with markers
- the study of matter and how it changes
- principal, the person in charge of a school
- having a good judgement or common sense
- how much is being done or achieved
- the teacher of a particular class
- cafeteria
- Study of the Earth
- The study of life
- lesson that involves the use of computers and other electronic devices
- sport and physical activity taught as a school subject
- the study or science of numbers and shapes
- a school subject, that focuses on the study of the English language
- a table that you sit at to write or work
- the study of matter and energy
- to earn or merit something because of what you have done
- a school subject where students use your imagination and learn about art
- laboratory where scientific experiments take place
- to start making a noise(as an alarm or signal)
20 Clues: cafeteria • The study of life • Study of the Earth • the study of matter and energy • the study about the natural world • the teacher of a particular class • how much is being done or achieved • the study of matter and how it changes • having a good judgement or common sense • a table that you sit at to write or work • the study or science of numbers and shapes • ...
School Supplies 2024-08-22
- This tool is used to perform mathematical calculations.
- You need this for sticking paper pieces together permanently.
- You write on this surface in classrooms, and it's often green or white.
- You use this to organize papers into sections or store important documents.
- A handheld device used to fix sheets of paper together with staples.
- You use this to carry all your school supplies and books.
- These come in different colors and are used to draw and color pictures.
- You use this to erase mistakes made with a pencil.
- A larger pad of paper often used for sketches or drawings.
- A flat tool used to measure and draw straight lines.
- This item holds sheets of paper together temporarily.
- This colorful tool is used to highlight important text.
- A book with blank pages where you write notes.
- You use this to cut paper into shapes or strips.
- This container holds all your pens, pencils, and erasers.
- A sticky item used to attach papers to surfaces or other papers.
- A calendar or planner used to track homework and assignments.
- This device sharpens your pencils.
- This tool is used to write on paper and can be sharpened.
- A container filled with colored ink, often used in art class.
20 Clues: This device sharpens your pencils. • A book with blank pages where you write notes. • You use this to cut paper into shapes or strips. • You use this to erase mistakes made with a pencil. • A flat tool used to measure and draw straight lines. • This item holds sheets of paper together temporarily. • This tool is used to perform mathematical calculations. • ...
School Stuff 2024-10-24
- where do you get candy after school?
- After school program.
- Grade that you read The Odyssey?
- Coins Plastic circles.
- 8th grade ELA.
- Story time with.
- 5th grade trip.
- Elementary school art.
- writing.
- Bills fan.
- Spanish teacher.
- Weather reader.
- Room inside the library.
- boards big boards.
- K-8 principle.
- Every month.
- Wolf pack.
- Small loud doors.
- Garfield lover.
- has 2 axolotls.
20 Clues: writing. • Wolf pack. • Bills fan. • Every month. • K-8 principle. • 8th grade ELA. • Weather reader. • Garfield lover. • 5th grade trip. • has 2 axolotls. • Story time with. • Spanish teacher. • Small loud doors. • boards big boards. • After school program. • Coins Plastic circles. • Elementary school art. • Room inside the library. • Grade that you read The Odyssey? • ...
School Vocab 2024-10-30
- school
- to help
- to teach
- to pay attention
- to take
- hallway
- swimming pool
- principal (feminine)
- auditorium
- to walk
- library
- to go back home
- laboratory
- to wear; to bring
- building
- soccer field
- secretary (feminine)
- exchange
- ceremony
- to have lunch
- to study
- to participate
- principal (masculine)
- national anthem
- to sing
- bus
- office
- gymnasium
- to use
- to work in teams
- secretary (masculine)
31 Clues: bus • school • office • to use • to help • to take • hallway • to sing • to walk • library • exchange • ceremony • to study • to teach • building • gymnasium • auditorium • laboratory • soccer field • to have lunch • swimming pool • to participate • national anthem • to go back home • to pay attention • to work in teams • to wear; to bring • secretary (feminine) • principal (feminine) • principal (masculine) • secretary (masculine)
After School 2024-10-24
- One of the favorite activities to do on Friday... "next word!!!"
- at 4:15 we take a break to eat ____
- The activity where you PLAY with notes and sounds
- The day of the week we usually WHEEL around in the gym
- after school, this club really moves and grooves to church songs
- Before we go play, we have time to do our ____
- We are JAZZED up to have this music talent on the after school team!
- some teachers stay after school for this--helping kids grow stronger with their learning
- The staff member of after school probably wearing blue!
- She leads Cheer and Praise Dance, plus our PK squad
- This team member is the newest to the after school team in 2024!
- These athletes definitely have school spirit
- Lots of students want to make these...just dont spill the beads all over the floor!
- this is the room we meet in for after school
- this club runs far and fast!
- Be careful not to get a violation from this team member!
- this sport is a real slam dunk!
- this after school worker used to be a student of CWSCS
- The team member who walkie talkies us when it is time to go home.
- the group where you can sing with Mrs. Language and Mr. Isaac
- the room where we can play and be loud
21 Clues: this club runs far and fast! • this sport is a real slam dunk! • at 4:15 we take a break to eat ____ • the room where we can play and be loud • These athletes definitely have school spirit • this is the room we meet in for after school • Before we go play, we have time to do our ____ • The activity where you PLAY with notes and sounds • ...
school vocab 2024-11-04
- powtarzać materiał
- chemia
- przedszkole
- historia
- teacher wychowawca
- school szkoła prywatna
- uczeń
- podejść ponownie
- zdać (egzamin)
- matematyka
- podręcznik
- Technology informatyka
- school szkoła państwowa
- podejść do egzaminu
- school szkoła podstawowa
- teacher dyrektor
- education wychowanie fizyczne
- geografia
- fizyka
- oblać (egzamin)
- school szkoła średnia
21 Clues: uczeń • chemia • fizyka • historia • geografia • matematyka • podręcznik • przedszkole • zdać (egzamin) • oblać (egzamin) • teacher dyrektor • podejść ponownie • powtarzać materiał • teacher wychowawca • podejść do egzaminu • school szkoła średnia • Technology informatyka • school szkoła prywatna • school szkoła państwowa • school szkoła podstawowa • education wychowanie fizyczne
Law School 2024-11-18
- Case about foreseeability of damages.
- Case about strict liability in products.
- of the University of California - Duty to warn in negligence.
- Case about possession of a baseball.
- Case about property rights in cohabitation.
- Homes - Right to exclude others from private property.
- Case defining intentional torts.
- Case about automatism as a defense.
- "Pregnant cow" case about mutual mistake.
- York Case about economic liberties under substantive due process.
- Finder's rights over property.
- Case about harmful or offensive contact.
- Case about ownership of wild animals.
- Case about juvenile death penalty.
- of New London - Case about eminent domain and public use.
- Case about trespassing to aid another.
- StatesvPark Case about corporate criminal liability.
- Duty of care in negligence for product defects.
- Smoke Ball Co. Case establishing unilateral contracts.
- Case about privacy and abortion rights.
- Case distinguishing gifts from enforceable promises.
- Coal & Mining Co. Case about damages for performance.
- Case about internment and strict scrutiny.
- - Case about strict liability in statutory crimes.
- "Peerless" ship case about mutual mistake.
- Case involving spring guns and property defense.
- Case about federal power and necessary and proper clause.
- Case about privacy and contraceptive use.
- Case establishing judicial review.
- Island Railroad Co. - Case about proximate cause.
- Case about commerce power.
- Case defining the insanity defense.
- Case about ownership of lost property.
- Case about negligence in manslaughter.
- Case about free speech and flag burning.
- Case about self-defense and reasonable belief.
- Case on omission and duty to act.
- Case defining consideration in contract law.
- Case about regulatory takings.
- and Stephens Case about necessity as a defense to murder.
- Case defining strict liability for dangerous activities.
- Case about intentionality in a battery claim.
- Case of contract formation over a "joke" offer.
- Case about liability for spring-loaded traps.
- Case striking down laws against interracial marriage.
- Case about impossibility of performance.
- of Education Landmark case about desegregation.
- Case defining property rights under discovery doctrine.
- Lady Duff Gordon Case about implied obligations in a contract.
49 Clues: Case about commerce power. • Case about regulatory takings. • Finder's rights over property. • Case defining intentional torts. • Case on omission and duty to act. • Case establishing judicial review. • Case about juvenile death penalty. • Case defining the insanity defense. • Case about automatism as a defense. • Case about possession of a baseball. • ...
School Life 2024-11-12
- The long boat that we all sat on in year 2 and OBS
- The sweetest aunty who sells healthy food
- The name of the year 4 celebration
- The location that the sports fiesta was held at
- The structure of the staircase taking the shape of a snail shell
- Year 4 celebration theme
- The very first band from our cohort
- A stall that involves a pun with the school’s name
- The mechanical infrastructure that leads us up
- A Theban princess a theatre showcase had the name of
- The subject 11. teaches
- 2024 cohort colour
- The year 4 dance showcase
- Running challenge
- The activity we did for BLU this year
- A sport we played this year has this fermented snack in its name
- A sassy uncle who sells snacks
- An open area, clean slate
- A gothic novel we read for Literature
- Our year mentor
- The score all of us hope to get for IB
- The country some of our friends journeyed to for service learning
22 Clues: Our year mentor • Running challenge • 2024 cohort colour • The subject 11. teaches • Year 4 celebration theme • An open area, clean slate • The year 4 dance showcase • A sassy uncle who sells snacks • The name of the year 4 celebration • The very first band from our cohort • The activity we did for BLU this year • A gothic novel we read for Literature • ...
Lertlah 2024-07-19
- - Early childhood education program for young children
- - Full name of the Lertlah School branch located in the Kaset area
- - Special activities or occasions held at the school
- - Physical activities and games part of school activities
- - Office for managing school operations and records
- - Place for education, where students learn
- - Professionals who instruct and guide students
- - Head of the school who oversees administration and staff
- - Capital city of Thailand where Lertlah School is located
- - The first stage of formal education at the school
- - Place where students can borrow books and study
- - Collective term for the teaching staff
- - Tests that students take to assess their knowledge
- - Various programs and things to do outside of regular classes
- - Creative subjects such as drawing and painting offered at the school
- - Young people who attend classes at the school
- - President
- - Room where students have lessons
- - The next stage of education following primary school
- - Activities outside of regular academic classes
- - Standard clothing worn by students at Lertlah School
- - Outdoor area at the school for relaxation and plants
22 Clues: - President • - Room where students have lessons • - Collective term for the teaching staff • - Place for education, where students learn • - Young people who attend classes at the school • - Professionals who instruct and guide students • - Activities outside of regular academic classes • - Place where students can borrow books and study • ...
Vocabulary: Education and Learning 2022-05-16
- to do very poorly on a test.
- The first year of required school in the U.S.
- To achieve excellence.
- The study of the past.
- Isaac Newton’s discoveries are studied in this class.
- Activity outside of school, such as sports, choir, or marching band.
- You can take this class if you want to, but it is not required.
- Teachers ___ you do your homework before class.
- Another name of each year in school.
- A science that focuses on molecules.
- Having a high school diploma means you completed ________ education.
- ___ school comes after elementary school.
- Children go to _________ school between ages 5 and 11.
- ________ education comes after high school.
- You must take this class because it is required.
- The second year of high school or college.
- The third year of high school or college.
- Someone who has finished high school or college.
- Extra; more
- The fourth year in high school or college.
- To go to a class.
- To do well on a test.
22 Clues: Extra; more • To go to a class. • To do well on a test. • To achieve excellence. • The study of the past. • to do very poorly on a test. • Another name of each year in school. • A science that focuses on molecules. • ___ school comes after elementary school. • The third year of high school or college. • The second year of high school or college. • ...
School 3 2020-10-04
- a very large college
- person who attends class
- person in charge of school
- document used to publish student's grades (2 words)
- first year of high school
- four year school after high school
- third year of high school
- adjective describing something that must be done, something that is required, mandatory
- school for grades 6,7, and 8 (2 words)
- a community college for first 2 years after high school (2 words)
- another word for student
- the grade level before 1st grade
- first, second, and third grade are sometimes called ________ grades
- instructor in the classroom
- school for very young children
- school for grades 1,2,3,4, and 5 (2 words)
- fourth year of high scool
- second year of high school
- adjective describing something they you may choose to do, not required, not mandatory
- school for grades 9,10,11, and 12
20 Clues: a very large college • person who attends class • another word for student • first year of high school • fourth year of high scool • third year of high school • person in charge of school • second year of high school • instructor in the classroom • school for very young children • the grade level before 1st grade • school for grades 9,10,11, and 12 • ...
woorden school 2015-11-15
- hierin kan je lezen
- hierdoor kijk je naar buiten
- in juli en augustus
- de eerste maand van het jaar
- de eerste dag van de week
- om te verven
- niet achter maar...
- sommen maken
- als je pipi moet doen
- als de bel gaat ga je naar de...
- de kleur van het gras
- de laatste dag les
- we hebben maar een halve dag les
- op de ... zijn we stil
- de kleur van de lucht
- seizoen in november
- persoon die je Nederlands leert
- die doen we aan als we naar buiten gaan
- 3+4=
- je stoel staat aan de...
- hier zijn we de hele dag
- doe je als je dorst hebt
- de laatste dag van de week
- hierop kan je tekenen
- hierop zit je
- dit draag ik op mijn rug
- de maand waar in de lente begint
- de baas van de school
- hiermee schrijf je
- ik blaf
- gebruik je als je iets verkeerd geschreven hebt
- hier zitten we 's morgens
- ik ben een huisdier
- we moeten niet naar school
- het schooljaar begint
- als de bel gaat staan we in de ...
- schijnt in de zomer
- de kleur van papier
- de ... wolken
39 Clues: 3+4= • ik blaf • om te verven • sommen maken • hierop zit je • de ... wolken • hiermee schrijf je • de laatste dag les • hierin kan je lezen • in juli en augustus • ik ben een huisdier • niet achter maar... • schijnt in de zomer • de kleur van papier • seizoen in november • hierop kan je tekenen • de baas van de school • als je pipi moet doen • het schooljaar begint • de kleur van het gras • ...
verjaardagsfeestje School 2015-12-15
- Italiaans gerecht
- jeugdbeweging
- rijwiel
- muziekinstrument van de Last Post
- volleyballclub in Retie
- hoofdstad van ons land
- rustperiode die straks begint
- beste meester ter wereld
- zonder fouten woordjes schrijven
- broer van Thea
- hond van Gert
- lijkt op een konijn, maar heeft langere poten en oren
- baas van Xavier, Olivia en Rik
- daar slapen vele kinderen mee, sommige grote mensen ook
- zij wordt heel waarschijnlijk koningin na Filip
- jeugdjournaal op ketnet
- baas van onze school
- buurgemeente met A
- dun en rond, lekker met suiker
- muisjes voor op de boterham
- les om een beetje fitter te worden
- dit soort afval gaat in de groene bak of de composthoop
- tweede dag van het weekend
- diertje met 8 poten
24 Clues: rijwiel • jeugdbeweging • hond van Gert • broer van Thea • Italiaans gerecht • buurgemeente met A • diertje met 8 poten • baas van onze school • hoofdstad van ons land • jeugdjournaal op ketnet • volleyballclub in Retie • beste meester ter wereld • tweede dag van het weekend • muisjes voor op de boterham • rustperiode die straks begint • baas van Xavier, Olivia en Rik • ...
School Supplies 2016-02-19
25 Clues: pen • test • quiz • glue • ruler • clock • paper • pencil • folder • marker • poster • stapler • notebook • backpack • computer • scissors • whiteboard • dictionary • paper clip • calculator • sticky tape • teacher desk • student desk • school supplies • pencil sharpener