school Crossword Puzzles

school subject 2014-04-06

school subject crossword puzzle
  1. bad
  2. test/exam
  3. got
  4. music
  5. result
  6. mandarin
  7. BI
  8. teacher
  9. interesting
  10. yesterday
  11. strict
  1. funny
  2. study
  3. science
  4. math
  5. quiz
  6. easy
  7. english
  8. dictation
  9. tomorrow
  10. religion
  11. hard/difficult
  12. failed

23 Clues: BIbadgotmathquizeasyfunnystudymusicresultfailedstrictscienceenglishteachertomorrowmandarinreligiontest/examdictationyesterdayinterestinghard/difficult

AT SCHOOL 2014-02-19

AT SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. gesso
  2. mensa
  3. bidello
  4. comportarsi bene
  5. prestare
  6. square squadra
  7. lavagna
  8. condividere
  9. imparare
  10. preside
  11. sottolineare
  12. room sala insegnanti
  13. disegnare
  14. prendere in prestito
  15. cancellare
  16. armadietto
  17. verificare
  1. frequentare
  2. compagno di classe
  3. ripassare
  4. insegnare
  5. spiegare
  6. attaccapanni
  7. laurearsi
  8. esercitarsi
  9. libro di testo
  10. mate compagno di banco
  11. fallire
  12. significare
  13. imbrogliare

30 Clues: gessomensabidellolavagnapresidefallirespiegareprestareimparareripassareinsegnarelaurearsidisegnarecancellarearmadiettoverificarefrequentarecondividereesercitarsisignificareimbrogliareattaccapannisottolinearesquare squadralibro di testocomportarsi benecompagno di classeroom sala insegnantiprendere in prestitomate compagno di banco

AT SCHOOL 2014-02-19

AT SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  14. COLLA
  7. GESSO
  15. SAPERE


After school 2013-03-10

After school crossword puzzle
  1. vaatama
  2. ümisema
  3. viis, meloodia
  4. leidma
  5. rulaga sõitma
  6. kellegi/millegi kohta midagi (eessõna)
  7. joonistama
  8. ämblik
  9. kiikuma
  10. nöör
  11. teda
  12. taevas
  1. ujuma
  2. ronima
  3. väljas
  4. käsi
  5. vasak
  6. tegema
  7. vene keel
  8. igav
  9. koos, -ga (eessõna)
  10. rääkima
  11. sõitma
  12. kitarr

24 Clues: käsiigavnöörtedaujumavasakronimaväljasleidmategemaämbliksõitmakitarrtaevasvaatamaümisemakiikumarääkimavene keeljoonistamarulaga sõitmaviis, meloodiakoos, -ga (eessõna)kellegi/millegi kohta midagi (eessõna)

School Crossword 2013-02-16

School Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This person teaches you in your lessons
  2. A male pupil
  3. You have your lessons in one of these
  4. The opposite to modern
  5. In this subject you can experiment with different chemicals
  6. This is where you eat your dinner
  7. Shelley College is one of these
  8. If you find something hard, you will ask for this
  1. High school
  2. Male
  3. An assembley
  4. You use these when you get changed into your pe kit
  5. This word might be mistaken for a gym
  6. We wear these
  7. When nobody else is the same as you, you are ...
  8. Both boys and girls
  9. You collect these on exams and tests
  10. This is where the assemblies are usually held
  11. A female pupil
  12. Female

20 Clues: MaleFemaleHigh schoolAn assembleyA male pupilWe wear theseA female pupilBoth boys and girlsThe opposite to modernShelley College is one of theseThis is where you eat your dinnerYou collect these on exams and testsThis word might be mistaken for a gymYou have your lessons in one of theseThis person teaches you in your lessons...

AT SCHOOL 2014-11-27

AT SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. is used to write on the blackboard.
  2. you can find the cities.
  3. a person that clean the school.
  4. measure the centimetres.
  5. room where you can learn the languages.
  6. here you put the globe or some other things.
  7. you put the books in.
  8. shop where there are sports objects.
  9. a ball where you can find the states.
  1. is sometimes made of bricks.
  2. you hang your vest.
  3. you can sit down.
  4. you can find the word that you don't know.
  5. there is a lot of food.
  6. is the director of the school.
  7. go the students that make the bad guys.
  8. you put the books to write.
  9. room where there are the students who do a lesson.
  10. there is a shower,water and a sink,
  11. do physical exercises.

20 Clues: you can sit hang your put the books physical exercises.there is a lot of can find the cities.measure the put the books to sometimes made of the director of the school.a person that clean the used to write on the blackboard.there is a shower,water and a sink,...

School crossword 2015-03-08

School crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A schedule of lessons.
  2. When you have two lessons in row.
  3. You get this when you win e.g. a contest.
  4. The latest time to hand in homework.
  5. Person that is absent.
  6. A half of the school year.
  7. When you fail an exam, you have to ... it.
  8. Subject where you learn about the past.
  1. Schoolwork that student has to do at home.
  2. ... subjects - e.g. maths, physics.
  3. Lessons take place there.
  4. Synonym: obligatory.
  5. People who are in your class.
  6. A document that confirms you finished e.g. a course.
  7. Antonym for absent.
  8. You can pass or ... your exam.
  9. A place in school where books are kept.
  10. Between two lessons.
  11. When you take a one-year break between high school and studies.
  12. Lesson starts or ends when it rings.

20 Clues: Antonym for absent.Synonym: obligatory.Between two lessons.A schedule of lessons.Person that is absent.Lessons take place there.A half of the school year.People who are in your class.You can pass or ... your exam.When you have two lessons in row.... subjects - e.g. maths, physics.The latest time to hand in homework....

School crossword 2015-03-08

School crossword crossword puzzle
  1. When you do not going to school you ... lessons
  2. When you fail an exam you have to ... it
  3. Person who administrates the school
  4. The lastes time to hand in homework
  5. Person who learns in primary school
  6. You write your notes there
  7. Place where you eat lunch
  8. A schedule of lessons
  9. You give it to PE teacher when you can not train
  1. When you get ... you are absent from school and have to stay at home because you had done sth wrong
  2. Teacher who take care of class
  3. Unallowable help on exam
  4. Place where you can borrow books
  5. Subject where you do exercises
  6. Person who finished university
  7. A document which you get winning a contest
  8. When you win e.g. a contest you go on ...-giving
  9. Free time between two lessons
  10. You eat it on break
  11. Subject where you learn singing

20 Clues: You eat it on breakA schedule of lessonsUnallowable help on examPlace where you eat lunchYou write your notes thereFree time between two lessonsTeacher who take care of classSubject where you do exercisesPerson who finished universitySubject where you learn singingPlace where you can borrow booksPerson who administrates the school...

School crossword 2015-03-10

School crossword crossword puzzle
  1. rewrite
  2. PE lessons are there
  3. part of a school year
  4. focus
  5. teachers
  6. saying words aloud to be written down
  7. you can borrow books there
  8. someone who accomplished school
  9. rings in school
  10. latest date by which should be completed
  11. practise before test
  1. study intensivly
  2. plan of lessons
  3. colleage from class
  4. obligatory
  5. document attesting study level
  6. staying in school after lessons
  7. do not pass
  8. you spend there breaks
  9. mark

20 Clues: markfocusrewriteteachersobligatorydo not passplan of lessonsrings in schoolstudy intensivlycolleage from classPE lessons are therepractise before testpart of a school yearyou spend there breaksyou can borrow books theredocument attesting study levelstaying in school after lessonssomeone who accomplished schoolsaying words aloud to be written down...

SCHOOL WORLD 2015-11-29

SCHOOL WORLD crossword puzzle
  1. рубашка
  2. быстро
  3. рисование
  4. школьная форма
  5. соревнования
  6. палатка
  7. начинаться
  8. хвост
  9. заканчиваться
  10. популярный
  11. озеро
  12. дыра, лунка
  13. средняя
  14. погода
  15. начальная
  16. бесплатный
  17. блузка
  18. ловить
  19. значок
  1. перерыв, каникулы
  2. разный
  3. гордый
  4. обязательный
  5. резать
  6. расписание
  7. ученики
  8. брюки
  9. храбрый
  10. лес
  11. новый
  12. здоровый
  13. носить
  14. награда
  15. четверть

34 Clues: лесбрюкихвостозероновыйразныйбыстрогордыйрезатьпогоданоситьблузкаловитьзначокрубашкаученикипалаткахрабрыйсредняянаградаздоровыйчетвертьрисованиеначальнаярасписаниеначинатьсяпопулярныйбесплатныйдыра, лункаобязательныйсоревнованиязаканчиватьсяшкольная формаперерыв, каникулы

verjaardagsfeestje school 2015-12-15

verjaardagsfeestje school crossword puzzle
  1. buurgemeente met A
  2. zij wordt heel waarschijnlijk koningin na Filip
  3. hond van Gert
  4. dun en rond, gebakken in de pan, lekker met suiker
  5. muziekinstrument van de Last Post
  6. broer van Thea
  7. baas van onze school
  8. beste meester ter wereld
  1. Italiaans gerecht : een laagje deeg met tomaat en kaas en nog wat ander beleg
  2. favoriet broodbeleg van vele kinderen
  3. rustperiode die straks begint
  4. lijkt op een konijn, maar heeft langere poten en oren
  5. daar slapen vele kinderen mee, sommige grote mensen ook
  6. zonder fouten woordjes schrijven
  7. jeugdjournaal op ketnet
  8. les om een beetje fitter te worden
  9. baas van Xavier, Olivia en Rik
  10. hoofdstad van ons land
  11. tweede dag van het weekend
  12. heeft twee wielen, stuur en zadel
  13. jeugdbeweging

21 Clues: hond van Gertjeugdbewegingbroer van Theabuurgemeente met Abaas van onze schoolhoofdstad van ons landjeugdjournaal op ketnetbeste meester ter wereldtweede dag van het weekendrustperiode die straks begintbaas van Xavier, Olivia en Rikzonder fouten woordjes schrijvenmuziekinstrument van de Last Postheeft twee wielen, stuur en zadel...

School supplies 2015-10-22

School supplies crossword puzzle
  1. ballpointPen
  2. Book
  3. cassette
  4. Look
  5. pocketcalator
  6. Euro
  7. eraser
  8. cheap
  9. Cent
  10. expansive
  1. schoolbag
  2. Money
  3. pencil
  4. Tocost
  5. Dictionary
  6. Schoolsupplies
  7. there
  8. rather
  9. only
  10. Notebook

20 Clues: BookLookEuroCentonlyMoneytherecheappencilTocostrathererasercassetteNotebookschoolbagexpansiveDictionaryballpointPenpocketcalatorSchoolsupplies

DHARMA SCHOOL 2016-04-22

DHARMA SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. son of King Suddhodana and Queen Maya
  2. 'I am a link in Amida's'
  3. and all living things - second gratitude
  4. where Siddhartha was born
  5. on the altar to remind us of Amida's light
  6. third gratitude
  7. Siddhartha's cousin
  8. Siddhartha's wife
  9. I am one with Amida
  10. the Buddha's teachings
  11. buddhist community
  1. Siddhartha became enlightened on this day in December
  2. on the altar to remind us to clear our monkey minds
  3. Siddhartha's father
  4. noble eightfold path
  5. first gratitude
  6. hands together in gratitude
  7. on the altar to remind us of impermanence
  8. Siddhartha's charioteer and friend
  9. Siddhartha's birthday celebration in April
  10. beads used for gassho
  11. Siddhartha's mother
  12. Siddhartha's horse
  13. selfless giving

24 Clues: first gratitudethird gratitudeselfless givingSiddhartha's wifeSiddhartha's horsebuddhist communitySiddhartha's fatherSiddhartha's motherSiddhartha's cousinI am one with Amidanoble eightfold pathbeads used for gasshothe Buddha's teachings'I am a link in Amida's'where Siddhartha was bornhands together in gratitudeSiddhartha's charioteer and friend...

DHARMA SCHOOL 2016-04-22

DHARMA SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. on the altar to remind us of Amida's light
  2. selfless giving
  3. and all living things - second gratitude
  4. where Siddhartha was born
  5. the Buddha's teachings
  6. buddhist community
  7. I am one with Amida
  8. Siddhartha became enlightened on this day in December
  9. Siddhartha's charioteer and friend
  10. Siddhartha's cousin
  11. Siddhartha's wife
  1. on the altar to remind us to clear our monkey minds
  2. 'I am a link in Amida's'
  3. on the altar to remind us of impermanence
  4. Siddhartha's father
  5. third gratitude
  6. noble eightfold path
  7. first gratitude
  8. Siddhartha's birthday celebration in April
  9. Siddhartha's mother
  10. Siddhartha's horse
  11. son of King Suddhodana and Queen Maya
  12. beads used for gassho
  13. hands together in gratitude

24 Clues: third gratitudeselfless givingfirst gratitudeSiddhartha's wifeSiddhartha's horsebuddhist communitySiddhartha's fatherSiddhartha's motherI am one with AmidaSiddhartha's cousinnoble eightfold pathbeads used for gasshothe Buddha's teachings'I am a link in Amida's'where Siddhartha was bornhands together in gratitudeSiddhartha's charioteer and friend...

School Vocab 2023-03-06

School Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. A section or table of additional matter at the end of a book
  2. An advertisement in newspapers for jobs
  3. The most intense, exciting, or important point of something
  4. A sentence containing a subordinate clause or clauses
  5. Discover or reveal something through detailed examination
  6. The action of making a statement or situation less confused
  7. A way of listening and responding to another person that improves mutual understanding
  8. The study of records to establish the dates of past events
  9. The creation or construction of a fictional character
  10. The Subject performs that action denoted by the verb
  1. A sentence having both independent and dependent clauses
  2. The state of being different from something else
  3. The expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes
  4. A formal request to an authority for something
  5. A record of events starting with the earliest
  6. Detailed examination of the elements or structure of something
  7. Describe the distinctive nature or features of
  8. The parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede
  9. A complete list of items
  10. Version of a Story

20 Clues: Version of a StoryA complete list of itemsAn advertisement in newspapers for jobsA record of events starting with the earliestA formal request to an authority for somethingDescribe the distinctive nature or features ofThe state of being different from something elseThe Subject performs that action denoted by the verb...


SCHOOL SUPPLIES crossword puzzle
  2. LIVRO
  4. MESA
  5. RÉGUA
  8. PAPEL
  9. TINTA
  2. PASTA
  5. LÁPIS
  6. COLA
  7. GIZ
  9. CLIPE


School supplies 2023-03-23

School supplies crossword puzzle
  1. scissors
  2. folder
  3. teacher
  4. television
  5. calculator
  6. book
  7. email
  8. computer
  9. pencil
  10. notebook
  1. bookbag
  2. question
  3. ruler
  4. pencil sharpener
  5. question
  6. spanish
  7. telephone
  8. eraser
  9. stapler
  10. pen
  11. materials
  12. paper

22 Clues: penbookruleremailpaperfoldereraserpencilbookbagspanishstaplerteacherquestionscissorsquestioncomputernotebooktelephonematerialstelevisioncalculatorpencil sharpener

School Days 2023-03-17

School Days crossword puzzle
  1. animal mascot of our school
  2. caring for others
  3. the town our school is in
  4. the principal of our school
  5. where students play instruments and learn about rhythm
  6. where we move our bodies and play sports
  7. after school groups
  8. doing our best to live up to expectations
  9. time to get outside and play!
  10. everybody's favorite playground feature
  11. reading and writing textbooks
  12. a room full of books!
  1. yearly fundraiser and outdoor event with music
  2. adults who help us learn
  3. third grade school government
  4. a special reward at lunch time
  5. where we learn about numbers
  6. students who sing
  7. listening, following instructions, and not talking over others
  8. where the FES chorus sang this year
  9. where students express with paint and other materials
  10. where we learn about words

22 Clues: caring for othersstudents who singafter school groupsa room full of books!adults who help us learnthe town our school is inwhere we learn about wordsanimal mascot of our schoolthe principal of our schoolwhere we learn about numbersthird grade school governmenttime to get outside and play!reading and writing textbooksa special reward at lunch time...


SCHOOL SUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  2. _________ IS A PART OF
  12. _________ IS PART OF THE TUDY OF
  7. _________ IS A
  9. _________ IS PART OF THE
  10. _________ IS PART OF THE


School Words 2023-03-27

School Words crossword puzzle
  1. desk
  2. gym
  3. cafeteria
  4. school
  5. history
  6. backpack
  7. blackboard
  8. library
  9. science
  10. teacher
  1. students
  2. classroom
  3. language
  4. playground
  5. computer
  6. pencil
  7. chalk
  8. math
  9. classes
  10. notebook

20 Clues: gymdeskmathchalkschoolpencilhistoryclasseslibraryscienceteacherstudentslanguagecomputerbackpacknotebookcafeteriaclassroomplaygroundblackboard

School supplies 2022-09-20

School supplies crossword puzzle
  1. a thing that you use to write something and you can erase it
  2. a paper that show you diferent locations
  3. small metal things that we use keep papers together
  4. a table in the classtroom
  5. a place where students study
  6. a thing that you use to make straight lines
  7. a thing that you use to erase something that you have written with pencil
  8. we use this thing to paint something
  9. a sticky material that you use to stick something to the wall
  10. you use this thing to highlight words in the book
  11. a thing that we use to show a picture from computer on the wall or special digital board
  12. many papers tied together that have text
  13. a pupil
  1. a piece of furniture where you put your books
  2. a thing that you use to write something and you cannot erase it
  3. a thing that you use to stick something
  4. a thing that you use to go online, study and play games
  5. colored pencils
  6. a thing that you use to tie papers together
  7. a thing that you sit on in the classrom
  8. a thing that you use to make your pencils sharp
  9. you use this thing to cheat on yout math test
  10. a thing where you throw used objects (papers usually)
  11. an object where you put all your papers by topics
  12. a thing where we write out notes in
  13. a thing that you use to cut something
  14. we use it to write on the balckboard
  15. a map that is round, has a leg and show the whole planet
  16. a thing that you use to know the time

29 Clues: a pupilcolored pencilsa table in the classtrooma place where students studya thing where we write out notes inwe use this thing to paint somethingwe use it to write on the balckboarda thing that you use to cut somethinga thing that you use to know the timea thing that you use to stick somethinga thing that you sit on in the classrom...

School Words 2022-12-07

School Words crossword puzzle
  1. A way to carry books.
  2. Ink writing utensil.
  3. In trouble
  4. Where you eat lunch.
  5. A writing utensil.
  6. A place to sit.
  7. Passing period
  8. Where you take notes.
  9. Where you wash hands.
  10. See through.
  11. Where you sit in class
  1. Does math problems.
  2. Indoor sports area
  3. Check out books here.
  4. Tells time in the classroom
  5. To write on the board.
  6. Opens and closes.
  7. The world on paper.
  8. Loose leaf.
  9. Removes mistakes.
  10. Where the teacher writes

21 Clues: In troubleLoose leaf.See through.Passing periodA place to sit.Opens and closes.Removes mistakes.Indoor sports areaA writing utensil.Does math problems.The world on paper.Ink writing utensil.Where you eat lunch.A way to carry books.Check out books here.Where you take notes.Where you wash hands.To write on the board.Where you sit in class...

Vencer School 2023-01-31

Vencer School crossword puzzle
  1. The color of the sun
  2. The principal of Vencer school
  3. your father´s father
  4. Social media from Meta
  5. Your P.E. coach
  6. Twenty four hours is a...
  7. A week has _____ days
  8. The last name of this social media is Tok
  9. Four plus two minus one
  10. A day before Sunday
  11. When you´re very tired you...
  12. The coordinador of Vencer school
  1. Neymar´s sport
  2. Millie Bobby Brown´s character in a serie
  3. The opposite of day
  4. Styles. Singer of "Golden"
  5. People love this day of the week
  6. Middle name of your English teacher
  7. A daughter of a king is a...
  8. The person who cleans our school
  9. The _____ of us, HBO serie
  10. Fruit with the same name of a cellphone company
  11. You use this to do your school exercises

23 Clues: Neymar´s sportYour P.E. coachThe opposite of dayA day before SundayThe color of the sunyour father´s fatherA week has _____ daysSocial media from MetaFour plus two minus oneTwenty four hours is a...Styles. Singer of "Golden"The _____ of us, HBO serieA daughter of a king is a...When you´re very tired you...The principal of Vencer school...

School supplies 2023-01-10

School supplies crossword puzzle
  1. computadora
  2. pizarra
  3. mesa
  4. tijeras
  5. lápiz
  6. mapa
  7. sacapuntas
  8. calculadora
  9. oficina
  10. libro
  1. estudiante
  2. lápices de colores
  3. mochila
  4. regla
  5. cuaderno
  6. boligrafo/pluma
  7. profesor
  8. borrador
  9. escuela
  10. globo del mundo

20 Clues: mesamapareglalápizlibropizarramochilatijerasescuelaoficinacuadernoprofesorborradorestudiantesacapuntascomputadoracalculadoraboligrafo/plumaglobo del mundolápices de colores


SCHOOL PROJECT crossword puzzle
  1. to praise
  2. an interruption in work or action
  3. to moderate, soften
  4. not quick or alert; dull
  5. reserved,indifferent
  6. a very heavy, large book
  7. unending
  8. to expose as false or exaggerated
  9. to show grief, sorrow, regret
  10. to cut short
  11. conventional; middle-class
  12. to stand or rise
  1. an overabundance
  2. affecting or moving emotions
  3. affluent;abundant
  4. to pass over, along, or through
  5. showing good judgment
  6. impertinently bold; forward
  7. immature
  8. lonely;dreary

20 Clues: unendingimmatureto praiseto cut shortlonely;drearyan overabundanceto stand or riseaffluent;abundantto moderate, softenreserved,indifferentshowing good judgmentnot quick or alert; dulla very heavy, large bookconventional; middle-classimpertinently bold; forwardaffecting or moving emotionsto show grief, sorrow, regretto pass over, along, or through...

School Nouns 2023-04-05

School Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. estudios sociales
  2. pasillo
  3. sala de arte
  4. tijeras
  5. biología
  6. tutor
  7. escaleras
  8. cuaderno
  9. maestro
  10. cafetería
  11. grapadora
  12. regla
  13. lápiz de color
  14. marcador
  15. música
  16. alemán
  17. educación física
  18. tecnología
  19. papel
  20. aula de música
  21. taquilla, casillero
  22. crayola
  23. matemáticas
  24. tarea
  25. historia
  26. borrador
  27. escritorio
  28. alfabetización digital
  29. director
  30. pegamento
  31. escuela
  1. diccionario
  2. pizarrón blanco
  3. baño
  4. silla
  5. gimnasio
  6. estuche
  7. oficina
  8. cinta
  9. carpeta
  10. salud
  11. carpeta
  12. autobús
  13. mapa
  14. mesa
  15. arte
  16. sacapuntas
  17. estudiante
  18. lectura
  19. libro
  20. computadora
  21. subdirector
  22. pluma
  23. salón, sala, aula
  24. ciencia
  25. vestuario
  26. español
  27. estacionamiento
  28. mochila
  29. auditorio
  30. biblioteca
  31. inglés
  32. lápiz
  33. pintura

64 Clues: bañomapamesaartesillatutorcintasaludreglalibroplumapapeltarealápizmúsicaalemáningléspasillotijerasestucheoficinacarpetacarpetaautobúsmaestrolecturacienciaespañolmochilacrayolapinturaescuelagimnasiobiologíacuadernomarcadorhistoriaborradordirectorescalerascafeteríagrapadoravestuarioauditoriopegamentosacapuntasestudiantetecnologíabibliotecaescritorio...

Wayside School 2023-03-30

Wayside School crossword puzzle
  1. This student cries a lot
  2. This teacher might not really exist?
  3. Calvin's tattoo
  4. School Psychologist
  5. A hairdo that Paul can't resist to pull
  6. School principal
  7. This floor doesn't exist
  8. What Mac brought in for show and tell
  9. Louis had a crush on her
  10. The color of Mrs. Drazil's notebook
  1. Mark Miller's real name
  2. Louis Sachar
  3. the number of ears Miss Nogard has
  4. Name of school
  5. The cafeteria is located on this level
  6. Mrs. Gorf got turned into this
  7. The fun yard teacher
  8. "Write your name on the board under the word__"
  9. Mr. Gorf stole this from each person
  10. Teacher on the 30th level
  11. The cloud of _____
  12. 3 students have this same name
  13. the new word for 'door'
  14. This student is mean to everyone

24 Clues: Louis SacharName of schoolCalvin's tattooSchool principalThe cloud of _____School PsychologistThe fun yard teacherMark Miller's real namethe new word for 'door'This student cries a lotThis floor doesn't existLouis had a crush on herTeacher on the 30th levelMrs. Gorf got turned into this3 students have this same nameThis student is mean to everyone...

Middle School 2023-04-26

Middle School crossword puzzle
  1. This is where all the lovely learning is done!
  2. This person is at the school to help anyone who has been hurt or is sick
  3. The class you read so many books in and write so many stories
  4. These are here to keep you from standing during class
  5. 1+1=2 , which class do you learn this in?
  6. This class you learn about the reason behind things through labs and experiments
  7. You check out books here
  8. The person who gives students the information to learn and obtain knowledge on a given subject
  9. You sit at a ____ during class
  10. A game outside with four people and a ball
  11. A time where all students and staff come together in the gym
  1. Assemblies are held here and so are basketball games
  2. You will be sent to the _________ if you're big trouble
  3. This is where your backpack and items for the day go
  4. What role do you play at Freedom Middle School?
  5. Teachers give you this at the end of class for you finish and bring back the next day
  6. These show on your report card
  7. The part of the school day where you have a break and enjoy some tasty food
  8. A class that gives you freedom to create something with anything from a pencil to paint
  9. A class to learn about the past
  10. This class is also a club where students learn about theatre and acting
  11. You can sign up to participate in these, practices are typically after school

22 Clues: You check out books hereThese show on your report cardYou sit at a ____ during classA class to learn about the past1+1=2 , which class do you learn this in?A game outside with four people and a ballThis is where all the lovely learning is done!What role do you play at Freedom Middle School?Assemblies are held here and so are basketball games...

school subjects. 2023-05-03

school subjects. crossword puzzle
  1. the history class
  2. What subjects do you take in school?
  3. the french class
  4. the schedule
  5. the english class
  6. to learn
  7. how frequently do you...
  8. to answer questions
  9. to arrive to school
  10. the classes
  11. once in awhile
  12. never
  13. many times
  14. always
  15. once
  16. to draw in the notebook
  17. a lot
  18. to use the computer
  19. the class of Language Arts
  20. the class
  21. the art class
  1. the humanities class
  2. to write notes
  3. the science class
  4. the music class
  5. to get bad grades
  6. the spanish class
  7. the physical education class
  8. twice
  9. to read a book
  10. to take notes
  11. school subjects
  12. the math class
  13. to get good grades

34 Clues: oncetwicenevera lotalwaysto learnthe classmany timesthe classesthe scheduleto take notesthe art classto write notesto read a bookthe math classonce in awhilethe music classschool subjectsthe french classthe science classthe history classto get bad gradesthe english classthe spanish classto get good gradesto answer questionsto arrive to school...

School subjects 2020-05-04

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. szünet
  2. rajz
  3. ofö
  4. tanulószoba
  5. tanóra
  6. tesi
  7. erkölcstan
  8. technika
  9. hittan
  10. angol
  11. történelem
  1. földrajz
  2. nyelvtan
  3. dráma
  4. természetismeret
  5. ének
  6. irodalom
  7. matek
  8. info
  9. úszás

20 Clues: oförajzénektesiinfodrámamatekúszásangolszünettanórahittanföldrajznyelvtanirodalomtechnikaerkölcstantörténelemtanulószobatermészetismeret

School Activites 2020-04-12

School Activites crossword puzzle
  1. The kids in school
  2. A mini time to eat around 5-10 minutes
  3. 7+5, 10+16=
  4. Everything is made up of matter
  5. Bonjour, Merci
  6. Colouring and painting
  7. The long time to eat around 12:00
  8. You work on them, then tell them to the class
  9. They teach you all the things in school
  10. Project: A multiply person assignment
  11. Huge indoor room
  12. Everyone getting an announcement with the whole school
  13. Day: Professional Activity Day
  14. Go through a book
  15. Teams: Activities that involve lots of energy and teamwork
  1. First thing in the morning after "Oh Canada"
  2. Fun time with other outside
  3. Drums, Trumpet, Flute, Guitar, Piano
  4. New Years, Valentines, Easter, Canada Day
  5. Maps, locations, places
  6. Bus Ride, Park Bench, What changed
  7. Lab: The library with a lot of desktops
  8. The people you can trust with your life
  9. Out of school activites with your class
  10. To understand the importance of your own health
  11. Day: A day of school at home during winter
  12. Arts: Writing
  13. Studies: The subject of history
  14. Recess: Fun time with others inside

29 Clues: 7+5, 10+16=Arts: WritingBonjour, MerciHuge indoor roomGo through a bookThe kids in schoolColouring and paintingMaps, locations, placesFun time with other outsideDay: Professional Activity DayEverything is made up of matterStudies: The subject of historyThe long time to eat around 12:00Bus Ride, Park Bench, What changed...

TOPIC : SCHOOL 2020-12-16

TOPIC : SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. loại tàu mà trên có đầy đủ và đa dạng các dịch vụ giải trí
  2. chi phí phải trả khi lên tàu, xe, máy bay
  3. thứ dùng để dừng xe lại
  4. danh từ chỉ sự rời đi của tàu ra khỏi ga hoặc máy bay rời khỏi sân bây
  5. tên gọi một hoạt động cưỡi lên một con vật
  6. giờ cao điểm hay xảy ra hiện tượng này trên đường
  7. bề mặt hai bên đường dành cho người đi bộ
  8. tên gọi chung của xe máy, xe đạp, xe ô tô của bạn
  1. nơi mà bạn đứng chờ để lên tàu
  2. xe máy, xe ô tô phải có cái này mới chạy được
  3. chỗ này giờ cao điểm hay xảy ra tắc đường
  4. người đi bộ trên đường
  5. người ngồi trên xe mà không lái
  6. tên gọi cho bất kì con đường nào, dù là đường nhìn thấy được hoặc trìu tượng
  7. loại xe lớn có kéo theo container ở đằng sau
  8. hoạt động máy bay bay lên trên trời
  9. mặt trời mọc đằng
  10. nơi bạn ngồi trong xe ô tô
  11. loại máy bay mà tên gọi liên quan đến nguyên tố heli trong hóa học
  12. các loại xe phải có thứ này mới di chuyển trên đường bộ được

20 Clues: mặt trời mọc đằngngười đi bộ trên đườngthứ dùng để dừng xe lạinơi bạn ngồi trong xe ô tônơi mà bạn đứng chờ để lên tàungười ngồi trên xe mà không láihoạt động máy bay bay lên trên trờichỗ này giờ cao điểm hay xảy ra tắc đườngchi phí phải trả khi lên tàu, xe, máy baybề mặt hai bên đường dành cho người đi bộtên gọi một hoạt động cưỡi lên một con vật...

School Supplies 2021-02-08

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. backpack
  2. scissors
  3. pencil
  4. ruler
  5. teacher
  6. door
  7. who?
  8. notebook
  9. student
  10. I'm tired
  11. I have
  1. what is your name?
  2. hi
  3. what?
  4. pen
  5. calculator
  6. desk
  7. I like
  8. I'm sad
  9. where?
  10. boy
  11. book
  12. I'm Happy
  13. when?

24 Clues: hipenboydeskdoorwho?bookwhat?rulerwhen?pencilI likewhere?I haveteacherI'm sadstudentbackpackscissorsnotebookI'm HappyI'm tiredcalculatorwhat is your name?

school objects 2021-02-15

school objects crossword puzzle
  1. tube de colle
  2. cartable
  3. règle
  4. agrafes
  5. rouleau de scotch
  6. trombone
  7. pochette plastique
  8. gomme
  9. agrafeuse
  1. surligneur
  2. casier
  3. crayons de couleurs
  4. stylo plume
  5. trousse
  6. effaceur
  7. feuille de papier
  8. paire de ciseaux
  9. stylo à bille
  10. blanco
  11. tableau
  12. taille-crayon
  13. souris
  14. bureau

23 Clues: règlegommecasierblancosourisbureautrousseagrafestableaucartableeffaceurtromboneagrafeusesurligneurstylo plumetube de collestylo à billetaille-crayonpaire de ciseauxfeuille de papierrouleau de scotchpochette plastiquecrayons de couleurs

School vocabulary 2021-02-12

School vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. When a student avoids his learning session
  2. It´s a person that by his own account wants to help in many things
  3. Synonymous of smart
  4. In calligraphy class we learn how to improve our
  5. When you get the max score possible in a work
  6. When you get bored in a class and you decide to left it
  7. When you have a group and you all cooperate to do a work
  8. If you really want to learn you have to... in the class
  9. To be the best you must...
  10. Where you can find which classes do you have in the day
  1. A place where you can learn how to performance
  2. A person who always wants to be the best
  3. Learn something to the letter (litterally)
  4. It´s a restringed thing that generally the students does in exams
  5. A person who likes studing
  6. I s the "face" of the class, the person that represents the class
  7. It´s an education model where two people works together
  8. It´s the person who teaches you the subjects
  9. Generally in the sciences subjects if you want to learn more you must...
  10. To lose a cuestionary

20 Clues: Synonymous of smartTo lose a cuestionaryA person who likes studingTo be the best you must...A person who always wants to be the bestLearn something to the letter (litterally)When a student avoids his learning sessionIt´s the person who teaches you the subjectsWhen you get the max score possible in a work...


PGS7G_ERASER: SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. used to store items and is easy to bring around
  2. a device to show images on the screen
  3. a tool used for cutting
  4. a flat surface that has four legs supporting it, used for putting items on it.
  5. used for writing and is erasable
  6. used to stick things together and is usually in the liquid form
  7. a usually plastic container that holds material that has been thrown away
  8. a set of written sheets of skin or paper or tablets of wood or ivory
  9. used to hold papers
  10. used for erasing writing on a paper
  11. a usually swinging or sliding barrier by which an entry is closed and opened
  1. used for keeping books
  2. used to contain water and is usually made out of plastic
  3. an opening in the wall of a building or vehicle, usually covered with glass
  4. used to quickly fasten papers together
  5. used to show time
  6. a chart that shows the days of each month and often maps out a class lesson plan over the school year
  7. used for writing on a whiteboard
  8. used for sitting down
  9. used for writing and is not erasable

20 Clues: used to show timeused to hold papersused for sitting downused for keeping booksa tool used for cuttingused for writing and is erasableused for writing on a whiteboardused for erasing writing on a paperused for writing and is not erasablea device to show images on the screenused to quickly fasten papers together...

School Vocabulary 2021-04-29

School Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. clase
  2. patio
  3. grupe
  4. estudiar
  5. escuchar
  6. correcto
  7. ensenar
  8. pagina
  9. econtrar
  10. session
  11. hablar
  12. parte
  13. error
  14. color
  15. competicion
  16. club
  17. universidad
  18. tijeras
  19. pegamento
  20. goma
  21. prueba
  22. lenguage
  23. abierto
  24. linia
  25. texto
  26. profesora
  27. ciencias
  28. aprender
  29. mates
  30. deberes
  31. entender
  1. contar
  2. historia
  3. bandera
  4. tema
  5. respuesta
  6. palabra
  7. colegio
  8. estudiante
  9. dibujar
  10. ver
  11. ejemplo
  12. cuadro
  13. tick
  14. cerrado
  15. abecedario
  16. diccionario
  17. cruz
  18. historia
  19. rejla
  20. pregunta
  21. numero
  22. letra
  23. arte
  24. frase
  25. geografia
  26. ingles
  27. examen
  28. ordenador
  29. preguntar
  30. escribir
  31. saber
  32. leer

63 Clues: vertematickcruzclubartegomaleerclasepatiogrupeparteerrorcolorrejlaletrafraseliniatextomatessabercontarpaginahablarcuadronumeroinglespruebaexamenbanderapalabracolegiodibujarensenarsessionejemplocerradotijerasabiertodebereshistoriaestudiarescucharcorrectoecontrarhistoriapreguntalenguagecienciasaprenderescribirentenderrespuestapegamentogeografia...

Positive School 2021-04-28

Positive School crossword puzzle
  1. a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities
  2. a school that gets money from and is controlled by a local government is ...
  3. The elements that make the physical space of the school
  4. relating to the body as opposed to the mind
  5. an independent school supported wholly by the payment of fees is ...
  6. An unwanted aggressive behaviour(s) by another person (or group), that involves an observed or perceived power imbalance and is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated
  7. the act of living in the moment
  8. instinctive or intuitive feeling as distinguished from reasoning or knowledge
  9. superlative of content
  1. The opposite of negativity
  2. relating to the mind
  3. the act of including someone in something, like a school, club, or team
  4. Framework for education
  5. Antonym of non-involvement
  6. The atmosphere at a school that lets students feel comfortable, wanted, valued, accepted and secure
  7. the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy
  8. something that has been achieved successfully
  9. a school pupil
  10. the way in which two or more people or groups regard and behave towards each other
  11. a person who teaches, especially in a school
  12. implied or explicit significance

21 Clues: a school pupilrelating to the mindsuperlative of contentFramework for educationThe opposite of negativityAntonym of non-involvementthe act of living in the momentimplied or explicit significancerelating to the body as opposed to the minda person who teaches, especially in a schoolsomething that has been achieved successfully...

thema school 2021-10-13

thema school crossword puzzle
  1. sévère
  2. temps de midi
  3. un exposé oral
  4. corriger
  5. la cour de récréation
  6. le bulletin scolaire
  7. le chouchou du prof
  8. la branche(de cours)
  9. sûr de soi
  1. expliquer
  2. résumer / faire un résumer de
  3. rester en retenue
  4. timide
  5. la matière
  6. LA prof
  7. sciences
  8. religion
  9. géographie
  10. des copions
  11. la salle de cours/la classe
  12. juste

21 Clues: justesévèretimideLA profsciencescorrigerreligionexpliquerla matièregéographiesûr de soides copionstemps de midiun exposé oralrester en retenuele chouchou du profle bulletin scolairela branche(de cours)la cour de récréationla salle de cours/la classerésumer / faire un résumer de

School Vocab 2021-10-13

School Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. difficult
  2. at night
  3. literature
  4. science
  5. to talk on the phone
  6. art
  7. after
  8. boring
  9. never
  10. always
  11. it ends
  12. fantastic
  1. once in a while
  2. to read
  3. fun
  4. listen to music
  5. great
  6. I have
  7. physical education
  8. during
  9. to walk
  10. chemistry
  11. terrible

23 Clues: funartgreatafterneverI haveduringboringalwaysto readscienceto walkit endsat nightterribledifficultchemistryfantasticliteratureonce in a whilelisten to musicphysical educationto talk on the phone

School Morning 2022-05-05

School Morning crossword puzzle
  1. Transportation
  2. Your mom and dad
  3. Keeps you hydrated throughout the day
  4. The first thing you do in the morning
  5. What you wear to school
  6. Where you sleep
  7. Keeps all your school supplies safe
  8. The forecast
  9. Where you wait for the bus
  10. The place your getting ready to go to
  1. What you do to clean yourself everyday
  2. What many people where to stay safe from covid
  3. What wakes you up in the morning
  4. When you wake up
  5. Everyday technology
  6. Your fuel for the day
  7. How you get to your bus stop
  8. Used to straighten your hair
  9. Where all your hair products and soap are
  10. Used to keep your teeth clean

20 Clues: The forecastTransportationWhere you sleepYour mom and dadWhen you wake upEveryday technologyYour fuel for the dayWhat you wear to schoolWhere you wait for the busHow you get to your bus stopUsed to straighten your hairUsed to keep your teeth cleanWhat wakes you up in the morningKeeps all your school supplies safe...

Middle School 2022-05-13

Middle School crossword puzzle
  1. number of 8th graders
  2. our principal
  3. online game used to study for Social Studies tests
  4. walk-a-thon chant
  5. our favorite teacher
  6. Mass day
  7. Friday's special
  8. field trip to Union Station
  9. school secretary
  10. new playground equipment
  11. the day for smoothies
  12. Tuesday's Special
  1. grammar workbook
  2. Fr. Kreidler
  3. the Mass when we crown Mary
  4. Last day of school
  5. science teacher
  6. math teacher
  7. Number of seventh graders
  8. St. Gabe's mascot
  9. president from Missouri
  10. Number of sixth graders

22 Clues: Mass dayFr. Kreidlermath teacherour principalscience teachergrammar workbookFriday's specialschool secretarywalk-a-thon chantSt. Gabe's mascotTuesday's SpecialLast day of schoolour favorite teachernumber of 8th gradersthe day for smoothiespresident from MissouriNumber of sixth gradersnew playground equipmentNumber of seventh graders...

Lertlah School 2022-05-18

Lertlah School crossword puzzle
  1. someone that you do not know
  2. usual, typical, or expected
  3. a long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary
  4. to pay someone to work for you
  5. the power to make impossible things happen by saying special words or doing special actions
  6. the mixture of gases that surrounds a planet
  7. willing to give money, spend time etc, in order to help people or give them pleasure
  8. not considering yourself or your ideas to be as important as other people’s
  9. when you do a particular thing, often regularly, in order to improve your skill at it
  10. extremely unhappy, for example because you feel lonely, cold, or badly treated
  11. a book that tells what has happened in someone’s life, written by someone else
  12. entertainment that is intended to make people laugh
  13. not useful or effective in any way
  1. to tell someone that you will or will not do something
  2. very bad – used, for example, about things you see, taste, or smell, or about the weather
  3. to stop being angry with someone and stop blaming them, although they have done something wrong
  4. to get pleasure from something
  5. the planet that we live on
  6. a unit for measuring time
  7. to arrange for a book, magazine etc to be written, printed, and sold
  8. feeling kind or thankful
  9. an important job that someone has been given to do, especially when they are sent to another place
  10. hurtful and unkind
  11. to die

24 Clues: to diehurtful and unkindfeeling kind or thankfula unit for measuring timethe planet that we live onusual, typical, or expectedsomeone that you do not knowto get pleasure from somethingto pay someone to work for younot useful or effective in any waythe mixture of gases that surrounds a planetentertainment that is intended to make people laugh...

school crossword 2022-07-19

school crossword crossword puzzle
  1. plays rugby for neath
  2. loves apex legends
  3. always happy
  4. counciler for year 5
  5. Likes minecraft and roblox
  6. dad owns macron
  7. loves lidls cookies
  8. likes music
  9. birthday tommorow
  10. good at fpootball in every position
  11. loves horses
  12. has a opinion for everytghing
  13. from india
  1. loud
  2. track runner
  3. quiet
  4. likes tye lakers
  5. drinks monster
  6. dog called buscuit
  7. good at drawing
  8. massive
  9. new to the school
  10. has nike shoes
  11. pheonix centre
  12. Has a gym product in his second name
  13. anger issues
  14. fastest in the class
  15. does his work very fast and good
  16. bird named after him

29 Clues: loudquietmassivefrom indialikes musictrack runneralways happyanger issuesloves horsesdrinks monsterhas nike shoespheonix centregood at drawingdad owns macronlikes tye lakersnew to the schoolbirthday tommorowloves apex legendsdog called buscuitloves lidls cookiesfastest in the classbird named after himplays rugby for neathcounciler for year 5...

School Vocab 2022-10-11

School Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Clock
  2. Loudspeaker
  3. Poster
  4. Ceiling/roof
  5. Wall
  6. Folder
  7. Notebook
  8. Backpack
  9. Male professor
  10. Paper
  11. Tape
  12. Digital camera
  13. Female teacher
  14. Light
  15. Pencil eraser
  16. Computer
  17. Computer
  18. Whiteboard
  19. Door
  20. Floor (ground)
  21. Spanish
  22. Male pupil
  23. Window
  24. Female professor
  25. Dictionary
  26. Glue
  27. Male teacher
  1. Calendar
  2. Teacher desk
  3. Science
  4. Book
  5. Screen
  6. Pencil sharpener
  7. DVD Player
  8. Table
  9. Scissors
  10. Ruler
  11. English
  12. Student desk
  13. History
  14. Math
  15. Art
  16. Pen
  17. Chair
  18. Calculator
  19. CD Player
  20. Pencil
  21. Board eraser
  22. Classroom
  23. Floor (story)
  24. Classroom
  25. Stapler
  26. Wastebasket
  27. Student
  28. Physical education
  29. Garbage
  30. Female pupil

57 Clues: ArtPenBookWallMathTapeDoorGlueClockTableRulerPaperChairLightPosterScreenFolderPencilWindowScienceEnglishHistorySpanishStaplerStudentGarbageCalendarNotebookBackpackScissorsComputerComputerCD PlayerClassroomClassroomDVD PlayerCalculatorWhiteboardMale pupilDictionaryLoudspeakerWastebasketTeacher deskCeiling/roofStudent deskBoard eraserMale teacher...

My School 2022-10-27

My School crossword puzzle
  1. math
  2. geography
  3. its easy
  4. art
  5. the classes
  6. music
  7. i dont like
  8. notas, i get good grades
  9. domestica, home and careers
  1. physics
  2. health
  3. Mandarin
  4. italian
  5. algebra
  6. biology
  7. languages
  8. french
  9. lunch
  10. history
  11. english
  12. spanish
  13. i like

22 Clues: artmathlunchmusichealthfrenchi likephysicsitalianalgebrabiologyhistoryenglishspanishMandarinits easylanguagesgeographythe classesi dont likenotas, i get good gradesdomestica, home and careers

School objects 2022-10-25

School objects crossword puzzle
  1. something to sharpen with
  2. you use this if you are having a hard time finding out an equation in math
  3. something you write on
  4. place where you eat
  5. thing you hold your stuff in and take it with you
  6. you put it on your back and carry it with you
  7. utensil use to write but can be erased
  8. something you write with that uses ink
  9. someone who teaches at a very young school that is a male
  10. what you take notes in
  11. where you eat
  12. a metal box you put your stuff in
  13. something you can use to erase
  14. school work you have to take home
  15. someone who goes to school to learn
  16. someone who teaches
  17. effacable a sec something you use to write on a white board
  18. someone who teaches at college
  19. room where you learn
  1. something you are required to wear
  2. someplace you can sit
  3. you use this to stick something together
  4. something that you can draw colors with
  5. where you go to learn
  6. someone who teaches at a very young school that is a female
  7. if you're lost you look at this object
  8. some thing you look out of
  9. something you measure with
  10. you use this to cut something
  11. something to keep your papers in
  12. where you place your stuff on at work or school
  13. something you write with
  14. you use this to read
  15. blanc its white and is on the wall and can use it to write stuff down
  16. something to hold your utensils in
  17. a fellow student

36 Clues: where you eata fellow studentplace where you eatsomeone who teachesyou use this to readroom where you learnsomeplace you can sitwhere you go to learnsomething you write onwhat you take notes insomething you write withsomething to sharpen withsome thing you look out ofsomething you measure withyou use this to cut something...

School Odjects 2022-10-25

School Odjects crossword puzzle
  1. Something you use to cut things
  2. A thing where you sit on
  3. A utensil you use to write on a white board
  4. Something that you can read
  5. Something you write on
  6. Something you can use to stick things together
  7. An important utensil for school that you write notes on then store it away
  8. Something you sharpen your pencils with
  9. A utensil Teachers use for grading
  10. A thing that you can look out of
  1. A bag to store pencils
  2. A utensil you use to help with math
  3. Something you can write on with a white erase marker
  4. A paper your teacher gives you for you to complete at home and bring back finished
  5. A thing where you put your laptop
  6. A utensil you use to write with
  7. A utensil you use to erase
  8. Something to store important paper in
  9. A important thing you can use when you're lost and can't find your way to your destination
  10. Something to measure with
  11. Something to carry your stuff while at school

21 Clues: A bag to store pencilsSomething you write onA thing where you sit onSomething to measure withA utensil you use to eraseSomething that you can readSomething you use to cut thingsA utensil you use to write withA thing that you can look out ofA thing where you put your laptopA utensil Teachers use for gradingA utensil you use to help with math...

school objects 2022-10-25

school objects crossword puzzle
  1. thing for your eyes
  2. bag for school
  3. teacher that is male [ primary school
  4. clothing for school or work
  5. thing that hold paper and documents
  6. makes crayon work better
  7. table where you set and study
  8. writing utensil can be erased
  9. places where places are found
  10. marker that can be erased
  11. place where to sit
  12. place where you place food
  13. place to keep things at locked
  14. crayon with color
  15. place to look out of
  1. work for after school or home
  2. things you can write on
  3. teacher that is female [primary school]
  4. place to eat in school
  5. utensil with ink
  6. place to go to learn
  7. pieces of paper together where you write
  8. case with utensils
  9. person who teaches
  10. thing used to measure inches centimeters
  11. can be a remover of crayon
  12. bag for back
  13. room for classes
  14. writing utensil doesn't erase
  15. person who helps you learn

30 Clues: bag for backbag for schoolutensil with inkroom for classescrayon with colorcase with utensilsperson who teachesplace where to sitthing for your eyesplace to go to learnplace to look out ofplace to eat in schoolthings you can write onmakes crayon work bettermarker that can be erasedcan be a remover of crayonplace where you place food...

School Odjects 2022-10-26

School Odjects crossword puzzle
  1. Something you can write on with a white erase marker
  2. A room where you will find children learning
  3. Something to store important paper in
  4. Something you can use to stick things together
  5. A bag to store pencils
  6. A person who works at a elementary school (male)
  7. A utensil Teachers use for grading
  8. A child that goes to school
  9. A place where students eat at
  10. A person who teaches
  11. A paper your teacher gives you for you to complete at home and bring back finished
  12. Something that you can read
  13. A utensil you use to write on a white board
  14. A utensil you use to erase
  15. A person who works at a elementary school( female)
  1. Something to carry your stuff while at school
  2. A thing where you sit on
  3. Something you sharpen your pencils with
  4. A utensil you use to help with math
  5. A place to store you gym cloths or stuff
  6. Something you write on
  7. Something you use to cut things
  8. A place you go to study
  9. A thing where you put your laptop
  10. A important thing you can use when you're lost and can't find your way to your destination
  11. A utensil you use to write with
  12. A thing that you can look out of
  13. An important utensil for school that you write notes on then store it away
  14. Something to measure with
  15. cloths that remain the same type of style for the school

30 Clues: A person who teachesSomething you write onA bag to store pencilsA place you go to studyA thing where you sit onSomething to measure withA utensil you use to eraseA child that goes to schoolSomething that you can readA place where students eat atSomething you use to cut thingsA utensil you use to write withA thing that you can look out of...

School Objects 2022-10-26

School Objects crossword puzzle
  1. you sit in it
  2. crayon sharpens pencils
  3. you sit at them at school
  4. something teachers assign
  5. male elementary teachers
  6. you use it to see were to go
  7. students at a school
  8. holds pencils
  9. is 12 inches and used to measure
  10. holds papers
  11. you draw on it
  12. they teach students
  13. what you use to write
  14. female teachers
  15. you go here to learn
  16. you wear it to strict school.
  17. its a marker
  1. you draw with it
  2. cantine you eat here at school lunch
  3. its on pencils and erases
  4. holds school supplies and goes on your back
  5. they teach biology and are considered professors
  6. you write in it
  7. you see out of it
  8. pupil
  9. you come here in the school and sit and learn
  10. it holds school supplies and goes on your back
  11. something you sit at
  12. effacable markers for dry erase boards
  13. a permanent pencil
  14. locker

31 Clues: pupillockerholds papersits a markeryou sit in itholds pencilsyou draw on ityou write in itfemale teachersyou draw with ityou see out of ita permanent pencilthey teach studentsstudents at a schoolsomething you sit atyou go here to learnwhat you use to writecrayon sharpens pencilsmale elementary teachersyou sit at them at school...

school 2 2022-11-23

school 2 crossword puzzle
  1. papelera
  2. pizarra
  3. calculadora
  4. lengua
  5. libro
  6. ordenador
  7. deberes
  8. letras
  9. historia
  10. mates
  11. pupitre
  12. diccionario
  13. abecedario
  14. biología
  1. música
  2. campana
  3. error
  4. suspender
  5. números
  6. geografía
  7. pegamento
  8. nota
  9. aula
  10. silla
  11. móvil
  12. libreta
  13. arte
  14. cruce
  15. contestar

29 Clues: notaaulaarteerrorlibrosillamóvilmatescrucemúsicalengualetrascampananúmerospizarradebereslibretapupitrepapelerahistoriabiologíasuspendergeografíapegamentoordenadorcontestarabecedariocalculadoradiccionario

SCHOOL SYSTEM 2017-01-30

SCHOOL SYSTEM crossword puzzle
  1. ___________ mistakes
  2. a discipline
  3. training course
  4. to copy information at the exams
  5. __________ homework
  6. member of the government dedicated to develop the education policies
  7. the way your subjects or activities are organised on a day
  8. get bad marks in an exam
  9. get more than 5 in an exam
  10. a university or college course, normally lasting three years or more.
  11. as one's lifework.
  1. urgency, as that induced by deadlines at school or work
  2. to enter
  3. to stop attending school or college
  4. without interest or energy to so anything
  5. ___________ an exam
  6. a gift of money to help a student
  7. adjective that describes a classroom with too many students
  8. fees money you pay for your education
  9. an occupation or profession, esp. one requiring special training,
  10. teachers qualifications for a subject

21 Clues: to entera disciplinetraining courseas one's lifework.___________ an exam__________ homework___________ mistakesget bad marks in an examget more than 5 in an examto copy information at the examsa gift of money to help a studentto stop attending school or collegefees money you pay for your educationteachers qualifications for a subject...

School Vocabulary 2017-10-16

School Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. la silla
  2. el armario
  3. el horario
  4. el cuaderno
  5. la cinta
  6. el pizarron
  7. la tiza
  8. el marcador
  9. las tijeras
  10. el sujetapapeles
  11. la papelera
  12. la puerta
  13. la bandera
  1. el almuerzo
  2. la ventana
  3. el borrador
  4. la prueba
  5. la computadora
  6. la tarea
  7. la grapadora
  8. la carpeta
  9. el diccionario
  10. la mochila

23 Clues: la tizala sillala tareala cintala pruebala puertala ventanael armarioel horariola carpetala mochilala banderael almuerzoel borradorel cuadernoel pizarronel marcadorlas tijerasla papelerala grapadorala computadorael diccionarioel sujetapapeles

School Expressions 2018-03-03

School Expressions crossword puzzle
  1. An occasion when a teacher or expert and a group of students meet to study and discuss something is called a _____.
  2. A student from another university who comes to study for one or two semesters is called an _____ student.
  3. The _____ ceremony is when you receive your degree for completing your education or a course of study.
  4. The teacher calls your name to take _____ at the beginning of class.
  5. The period of time between classes when children do not study is called _____.
  6. The teacher writes on the _____.
  7. To _____ at the college means to put yourself in the official list of members of that college.
  8. One of my friends is _____ in Chemistry.
  9. A complete listing of courses offered will be found in the class _____.
  10. The book that contains detailed information about a subject is called a _____.
  11. A _____ is someone in their final year of university.
  1. A _____ is a student in the first year of university.
  2. Another way of saying "dormitory" is "student _____"
  3. The head teacher of a school is called a _____.
  4. An _____ is a graduate or former student of a school, college, or university.
  5. A tour of the campus (university area) and information session for new students.
  6. Exams that are given during the middle of each semester are called _____.
  7. What is the short form for "professor"?
  8. The periods into which a year is divided at school, college or university are called _____.
  9. A college or university building containing living quarters for students is called a _____.

20 Clues: The teacher writes on the _____.What is the short form for "professor"?One of my friends is _____ in Chemistry.The head teacher of a school is called a _____.Another way of saying "dormitory" is "student _____"A _____ is a student in the first year of university.A _____ is someone in their final year of university....

After school 2018-03-15

After school crossword puzzle
  1. limbo
  2. laul
  3. pärast
  4. film
  5. joonistama
  6. rula; rulaga sõitma
  7. kitarr
  8. viis, meloodia
  9. kiikuma
  10. mäng
  1. ronima
  2. laulma
  3. väljas
  4. tegema
  5. ujuma
  6. vaatama
  7. nöör
  8. vene keel
  9. sõit, sõitma
  10. tantsima
  11. ümisema
  12. rääkima

22 Clues: laulnöörfilmmänglimboujumaronimalaulmaväljastegemapärastkitarrvaatamaümisemakiikumarääkimatantsimavene keeljoonistamasõit, sõitmaviis, meloodiarula; rulaga sõitma


SCHOOL NEWSPAPER crossword puzzle
  1. To persuade another person to act in a certain way.
  2. Of, in or from a country or an area other than one's own.
  3. To say or show that one is unwilling to give, accept or do something.
  4. Showing too much pride in oneself and too little consideration for others.
  5. The direction in which the sun sets.
  6. A young cat
  7. A device we hold over our heads to protect ourselves from rain.
  8. A person walking in the street, not somebody in a vehicle.
  9. A small rise in the land. It is similar to a mountain, but smaller.
  10. To put somebody/something into working order, to arrange parts, people, etc into an efficient system.
  11. The work that a student is required to do in the house.
  12. A film or radio or television programme giving facts about something especially animals.
  13. The sports of fighting with swords.
  14. Not graceful in movement, awkward.
  15. Having a lot of money or property, wealthy.
  16. A person that one does not know or who is not familiar to one.
  17. Unable to hear at all or to hear well.
  18. A bird's house
  19. A large area of land that has very little water and very few plants growing on it.
  20. Not difficult
  21. Any type of drink except water.
  22. A large covered area that contains many different shops.
  23. To treat things that have already been used so that they can be used again.
  24. A state of fighting between nations or groups within a nation using military force.
  25. The release of harmful substances into the air or water.
  26. The sea in the south of Turkey.
  27. To be of the same opinion.
  28. A process of burning that produces light and heat and often smoke and flames.
  29. Feeling shy, ashamed or guilty about something.
  30. The natural environment of an animal or a plant.
  31. The author of the book series Harry Potter
  32. Any of the long stiff hairs that grow near the mouth of some animals.
  33. A sentence that asks for information.
  34. A spoken or written request to go somewhere.
  35. The largest continent of the world.
  36. A person who cuts and sells meat.
  37. Causing great interest or enthusiasm.
  38. The smallest planet of the solar system.
  39. To give goods in exchange for money.
  1. The regular pattern of weather conditions.
  2. An activity that involves breaking the law.
  3. An animal that eats meat.
  4. Important
  5. An area of land, and the buildings on it, used for growing crops or keeping animals.
  6. A conversation in which a journalist puts questions to someone such as a famous person or politician.
  7. To change something spoken or especially written into another language.
  8. An idea or plan put forward for someone to think about.
  9. To find or learn about a place, object, etc for the first time.
  10. A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit round a star.
  11. Moving fast or doing something in a short time.
  12. An unusual, exciting or dangerous experience.
  13. To converse with a salesperson, negotiating a lower price.
  14. Causing amusement or laughter.
  15. Holding attention, causing curiosity.
  16. A person who is invited to visit one's house.
  17. Success in a war, contest, game, etc.
  18. A pair of covering made of leather, wool, etc for the hand, usually with separate parts for each finger and the thumb.
  19. A public notice offering or asking for goods, services etc.
  20. warm.
  21. A violent storm with very strong winds, especially in the western Atlantic Ocean.
  22. An open area with swings, rides, etc. for people to have fun.
  23. A person between thirteen and nineteen years old.
  24. Of excellent ability or quality.
  25. The process of cutting down or burning a forest.
  26. A person who travels into or around a country in order to learn about it.
  27. A thick woollen covering used, especially on beds, for keeping
  28. A sport done on a type of shoe with small wheels fitted to the bottom.
  29. The day before today.
  30. Thinking first of one's own interests, needs, etc without concern for others, not sharing what one has with others.
  31. The highest level of educational institution, in which students study for degrees and academic research is done.
  32. A line of hair growing on a man's upper lip.
  33. Without a bend or curve; extending or moving continuously in one direction.
  34. To take over something and have or use it as one's own.
  35. A large strong wild bird that hunts and eats small animals.
  36. The part of the house in which people sleep.
  37. A body of water which travels through a channel in the Earth’s surface.

76 Clues: warm.ImportantA young catNot difficultA bird's houseThe day before today.An animal that eats meat.To be of the same opinion.Causing amusement or laughter.Any type of drink except water.The sea in the south of Turkey.Of excellent ability or quality.A person who cuts and sells meat.Not graceful in movement, awkward.The sports of fighting with swords....

School Finance 2019-04-28

School Finance crossword puzzle
  1. the two fiscal years that make up each state budget
  2. A percentage reduction in the taxes charged against real property
  3. agricultural property is valued lower because of this
  4. Levy used primarily for purposes of funding district's general expenses
  5. the county auditor adjusts appraised values
  6. value of property which is 35% of market value
  7. factor caused by HB 920
  8. percentage levy based on the income of district residents
  9. state-determined minimum amount necessary for funding
  10. limits district's annual funding increase to 3.0% of prior year funding
  11. levy which begins from the point where the original levy ends
  12. property Property which the owner occupies as a residence which qualifies for the additional 2.5% rollback
  1. taxable, valuation of real and personal tangible property to produce tax revenue.
  2. Annual period used for government accounting purposes. Ends on June 30
  3. voted mills beyond the 10 mill limit
  4. Taxable value of all Class I and Class II real property
  5. levy proposing a millage rate or school district income tax that is assessed indefinitely
  6. Levy proposing a millage rate assessed for a specified period of time
  7. levy which reverts rate equal to the original effective rate
  8. Millage imposed by local governments without voter approval
  9. Rate below which voted mills cannot be reduced
  10. Ohio Supreme Court decision which ruled Ohio’s school funding system was unconstitutional
  11. Alternative calculation of state funding that insulates school districts from the effects of dramatic changes
  12. student count used to determine funding
  13. Real property not subject to taxation

25 Clues: factor caused by HB 920voted mills beyond the 10 mill limitReal property not subject to taxationstudent count used to determine fundingthe county auditor adjusts appraised valuesRate below which voted mills cannot be reducedvalue of property which is 35% of market valuethe two fiscal years that make up each state budget...

School Finance 2019-04-28

School Finance crossword puzzle
  1. percentage levy based on the income of district residents
  2. Real property not subject to taxation
  3. property Property which the owner occupies as a residence which qualifies for the additional 2.5% rollback
  4. Ohio Supreme Court decision which ruled Ohio’s school funding system was unconstitutional
  5. A percentage reduction in the taxes charged against real property
  6. the county auditor adjusts appraised values
  7. voted mills beyond the 10 mill limit
  8. Alternative calculation of state funding that insulates school districts from the effects of dramatic changes
  9. state-determined minimum amount necessary for funding
  10. Taxable value of all Class I and Class II real property
  11. Levy used primarily for purposes of funding district's general expenses
  12. Millage imposed by local governments without voter approval
  13. student count used to determine funding
  1. value of property which is 35% of market value
  2. Levy proposing a millage rate assessed for a specified period of time
  3. Annual period used for government accounting purposes. Ends on June 30
  4. Rate below which voted mills cannot be reduced
  5. levy which reverts rate equal to the original effective rate
  6. the two fiscal years that make up each state budget
  7. limits district's annual funding increase to 3.0% of prior year funding
  8. factor caused by HB 920
  9. levy proposing a millage rate or school district income tax that is assessed indefinitely
  10. levy which begins from the point where the original levy ends
  11. agricultural property is valued lower because of this
  12. taxable, valuation of real and personal tangible property to produce tax revenue.

25 Clues: factor caused by HB 920voted mills beyond the 10 mill limitReal property not subject to taxationstudent count used to determine fundingthe county auditor adjusts appraised valuesvalue of property which is 35% of market valueRate below which voted mills cannot be reducedthe two fiscal years that make up each state budget...

School vocabulary 2019-12-16

School vocabulary crossword puzzle
  2. AULA
  5. TIZA
  7. SILLA
  13. LÁPIZ
  3. LIBRO
  9. REGLA
  13. GOMA


At school 2019-11-26

At school crossword puzzle
  1. Insegnante
  2. Libro
  3. Pennarelli
  4. Libreria
  5. Storia
  6. Geografia
  7. Bordo
  8. Dipingere
  9. Schermo
  10. Colla
  11. Nome
  12. Lettera
  13. Libro di lavoro
  14. Matematica
  15. Croce
  16. Piolo
  1. Matita
  2. Forbici
  3. Lezione
  4. Ragazzo
  5. Tastiera
  6. Aula
  7. Foglio
  8. Scienze
  9. Ragazza
  10. Registratore
  11. Righello
  12. Penna
  13. Pastelli
  14. Classe
  15. Disegno
  16. Gomma da cancellare
  17. Spunta
  18. Arte

34 Clues: AulaNomeArteLibroBordoPennaCollaCrocePioloMatitaFoglioStoriaClasseSpuntaForbiciLezioneRagazzoScienzeRagazzaSchermoDisegnoLetteraTastieraLibreriaRighelloPastelliGeografiaDipingereInsegnantePennarelliMatematicaRegistratoreLibro di lavoroGomma da cancellare

School Life 2023-05-18

School Life crossword puzzle
  1. Students in the same class. (n.)
  2. It’s something to make a sound so that students can know the class begins or ends. (n.)
  3. A study of numbers. (n.)
  4. You take part in some activity, like a meeting or a speech. (v.)
  5. A place with a lot of books. (n.)
  6. Instructions for people to know what to do and what not to do. (n.)
  7. A study of places. (n.)
  8. It’s a place for students to play games or have PE class. (n.)
  9. a short time to rest between classes. (n.)
  10. It’s an activity when you ask people questions to see how well they know. (n.)
  11. You give other people instructions so that they know about it or how to do it. (v.)
  1. A person in a certain group. (n.)
  2. A scientific test. People do it to see what happens and to gain new knowledge. (n.)
  3. The title of a newspaper story. (n.)
  4. A group of classes. In these classes the children are of the similar age. (n.)
  5. A person you do something with, like in a game or in an activity. (n.)
  6. A telephone makes a sound to let you know someone is calling you. (v.)
  7. It’s something you do regularly to do it better. (n.)
  8. It’s an event when people can show or sell their things or products. (n.)
  9. It’s an organization for people with the same hobby. (n.)

20 Clues: A study of places. (n.)A study of numbers. (n.)Students in the same class. (n.)A person in a certain group. (n.)A place with a lot of books. (n.)The title of a newspaper story. (n.)a short time to rest between classes. (n.)It’s something you do regularly to do it better. (n.)It’s an organization for people with the same hobby. (n.)...

School vocab 2023-05-19

School vocab crossword puzzle
  1. - a greater amount or quantity
  2. - having a high level of skill, knowledge, or expertise
  3. - a form of humor or a witty remark intended to amuse or entertain others
  4. - moving or proceeding at a low speed or pace
  5. - a person engaged in a physical or verbal struggle or conflict
  6. - the study of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, and evolution
  7. - a competition or series of contests in which participants compete for a championship
  8. - to have the ability or capability to do something
  9. - feeling deep satisfaction or pleasure as a result of one's achievements, qualities, or possessions
  10. - past tense of "teach"
  11. - past tense of "can't"
  12. - the branch of science that deals with the composition, properties, and reactions of substances
  13. time - punctually or at the scheduled or expected time
  14. - to start
  15. - a martial art originating from Japan that emphasizes striking techniques using kicks, punches, and knee strikes
  16. - a contest or rivalry between individuals or groups
  17. - of great significance or value
  18. - past tense of "begin"
  1. at - skilled or proficient in something
  2. - past tense of "fail"
  3. - in fact or in reality
  4. economics - the study of managing household tasks, such as cooking, sewing, and budgeting
  5. - the act or process of expressing thoughts, ideas, or information in written form
  6. - the state or quality of being hard or challenging
  7. - moving or acting at high speed
  8. - past tense of "can"
  9. - contraction of "cannot" (not able to do something)
  10. - a reward or prize given to commemorate a victory or achievement
  11. - a small metal disc or decoration awarded for an achievement or honor
  12. - the branch of physics that deals with motion and forces, especially in relation to physical objects
  13. - the study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, and more
  14. - pertaining to the level of skill or knowledge between beginner and advanced
  15. - a person who is starting to learn or do something for the first time
  16. - identical or not different
  17. - the branch of science that deals with matter, energy, and their interactions
  18. - to not succeed
  19. - to impart knowledge or skills to someone

37 Clues: - to start- to not succeed- past tense of "can"- past tense of "fail"- in fact or in reality- past tense of "teach"- past tense of "can't"- past tense of "begin"- identical or not different- a greater amount or quantity- moving or acting at high speed- of great significance or valueat - skilled or proficient in something...

School Subjects 2023-06-19

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. - The study of government, citizenship, and political systems.
  2. - The study of society, culture, and human behavior.
  3. - The study of the Earth's physical features, climates, and cultures.
  4. - The study of the natural world, including biology, chemistry, and physics.
  5. - The study of acting, improvisation, and theatrical performances.
  6. - The study of written works, including novels, poems, and plays.
  7. - The study of the rules and structure of a language.
  8. - The study of matter, its properties, and its transformations.
  9. - The study of past events, people, and civilizations.
  10. - The study of numbers, calculations, and problem-solving.
  11. - The development of reading skills and comprehension.
  12. - The study of matter, motion, energy, and forces.
  13. - The study of language, reading, writing, and literature.
  14. - The study of physical fitness, sports, and exercise.
  1. - The study of non-living matter and energy.
  2. - The study of computers, programming, and digital technology.
  3. - The study of the natural environment and its ecosystems.
  4. - The development of legible and neat handwriting.
  5. - The study of correct spelling and word formation.
  6. - The study of living organisms, including plants and animals.
  7. - The study of personal well-being, hygiene, and healthy habits.
  8. - The study of visual expression through drawing, painting, and other creative mediums.
  9. - The development of writing skills, including grammar and composition.
  10. - The study of sound, rhythm, and musical instruments.
  11. - The study of a language other than one's native language.

25 Clues: - The study of non-living matter and energy.- The development of legible and neat handwriting.- The study of matter, motion, energy, and forces.- The study of correct spelling and word formation.- The study of society, culture, and human behavior.- The study of the rules and structure of a language....

School Crossword 2023-06-25

School Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. mum or dads brother
  2. able to maintain
  3. someone who studies life
  4. to make a breathe out sound
  5. the day of someone's birth date
  6. to go
  7. for a plant to use sunlight to grow
  8. characteristic of one person or thing
  9. a warrior in armour
  1. to be the most clean
  2. to be closer than something else
  3. land surrounded by ocean
  4. to stretch out your arm
  5. a shine that can hurt your eyes
  6. to fly
  7. to see something
  8. to be venom
  9. to book a seat
  10. to make something tidy
  11. 60 seconds

20 Clues: to goto fly60 secondsto be venomto book a seatable to maintainto see somethingmum or dads brothera warrior in armourto be the most cleanto make something tidyto stretch out your armland surrounded by oceansomeone who studies lifeto make a breathe out sounda shine that can hurt your eyesthe day of someone's birth dateto be closer than something else...


SCHOOL VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. Door =
  2. Window =
  3. Place where students sit to do work
  4. Electronic device for doing work, etc
  5. Female teacher
  6. Gives information about days & dates
  7. Used to write on or print info on
  8. Used for group of students or a course
  9. Screen =
  10. Writes with ink & also called "pluma"
  11. The Spanish word for composition book
  1. Student =
  2. Another word for "professor" or "teacher"
  3. Something to carry school things
  4. A way to say binder or notebook
  5. Marker =
  6. Writes but also erases
  7. Something people read & has many pages
  8. Something to sit on
  9. Can be called whiteboard or chalkboard

20 Clues: Door =Window =Marker =Screen =Student =Female teacherSomething to sit onWrites but also erasesA way to say binder or notebookSomething to carry school thingsUsed to write on or print info onPlace where students sit to do workGives information about days & datesElectronic device for doing work, etcWrites with ink & also called "pluma"...

School things 2023-11-28

School things crossword puzzle
  1. töövihik
  2. päevik
  3. nägema
  4. kunstiõpetus
  5. eesti keel
  6. sees
  7. ilus
  8. lugema
  9. matemaatika
  10. kool
  1. kirjutama
  2. terane, taibukas
  3. joonlaud
  4. pliiats
  5. oskama, suutma, võima, tohtima
  6. peal
  7. kustukumm
  8. inglise keel
  9. all
  10. väike
  11. arvama, mõtlema

21 Clues: allpealseesiluskoolväikepäeviknägemalugemapliiatstöövihikjoonlaudkirjutamakustukummeesti keelmatemaatikakunstiõpetusinglise keelarvama, mõtlematerane, taibukasoskama, suutma, võima, tohtima

the school 2023-11-28

the school crossword puzzle
  1. really smart, a big reader
  2. spicy, sweet, the aid
  3. competitive, good at sports
  4. tallest, FUN, loves coffee
  5. short, loves hockey
  6. spunky, tall
  7. small, very sweet, fun
  8. tallish, really kind
  9. short, fun
  10. good at softball, hilarious
  11. round glasses, loves girly things
  12. good at sports, quiet but fun
  13. small, wild, glasses
  14. fun, first grader, wild
  1. cool, funny
  2. blond hair, only 3rd grader
  3. athletic, always happy
  4. tells funny jokes, tallest in the class
  5. super fast at reading, fun
  6. short, blond hair, good at hockey
  7. blond hair, spirited
  8. gives hugs, tallest girl in her grade
  9. very sweet, animated
  10. full of interesting facts
  11. loves all animals, oldest in the grade
  12. brown hair, only boy in his grade, funny

26 Clues: short, funcool, funnyspunky, tallshort, loves hockeyblond hair, spiritedvery sweet, animatedtallish, really kindsmall, wild, glassesspicy, sweet, the aidathletic, always happysmall, very sweet, funfun, first grader, wildfull of interesting factsreally smart, a big readersuper fast at reading, funtallest, FUN, loves coffeeblond hair, only 3rd grader...

School Day 2023-11-30

School Day crossword puzzle
  1. Pen
  2. Paper
  3. Clock;Watch
  4. Semester
  5. Black/White Board
  6. Chalk
  7. Trimester;Quarter
  8. Bookstore
  9. High School
  10. Table
  11. Class
  12. Chair
  13. Door
  14. Book
  15. Subject
  16. Student(girl)
  17. Map
  18. Stadium
  19. Library
  20. Nurse's Office
  21. Calculator
  22. Cafeteria
  23. Fancy Pen
  24. Computer
  1. Wastebasket
  2. Quiz
  3. Cell Phone
  4. University;College
  5. Course
  6. Classmate(boy)
  7. Classmate(girl)
  8. Eraser
  9. Marker
  10. Student(boy)
  11. Trash Can
  12. Gym
  13. Homework
  14. House/Home
  15. Pen
  16. Quiz
  17. Test;Exam
  18. Stapler
  19. Pencil
  20. Desk
  21. Tablet
  22. Dictionary
  23. Window
  24. Schedule
  25. Backpack
  26. School
  27. Phone

51 Clues: PenGymPenMapQuizQuizDoorBookDeskPaperChalkTableClassChairPhoneCourseEraserMarkerPencilTabletWindowSchoolStaplerSubjectStadiumLibrarySemesterHomeworkScheduleBackpackComputerTrash CanBookstoreTest;ExamCafeteriaFancy PenCell PhoneHouse/HomeDictionaryCalculatorWastebasketClock;WatchHigh SchoolStudent(boy)Student(girl)Classmate(boy)Nurse's Office...

ELICOS School 2023-12-05

ELICOS School crossword puzzle
  1. An unplanned, compulsory event for compliance
  2. Dave's nickname
  3. A "backyard neighboor" of Language Links
  4. A document that only 2 teachers can issue
  5. An abreviation for Language Links' best sellers
  6. This item sometimes arrive later than scheduled.
  7. Students ask to change this with relative ease
  8. The smallest room on campus
  9. Students sometime forget to collect this
  10. An planned, compulsory event
  11. Students study to prepare for this
  1. Carla is most afraid of this event.
  2. You find documents relating to classes and students here
  3. This activity take place during class hours but not held on campus
  4. All staff members have access to this company property.
  5. A course with no holidays
  6. The last big excursion that LLI held took place here.
  7. A communication that is sometimes overlooked by our teachers
  8. This Food recently evacuated the entire 116-120 Roe Street building
  9. LLI used to hold this event in the Student Kitchen

20 Clues: Dave's nicknameA course with no holidaysThe smallest room on campusAn planned, compulsory eventStudents study to prepare for thisCarla is most afraid of this event.A "backyard neighboor" of Language LinksStudents sometime forget to collect thisA document that only 2 teachers can issueAn unplanned, compulsory event for compliance...

school crossword 2023-12-03

school crossword crossword puzzle
  1. where people learn about nature
  2. place where students learn
  3. students write their note into it
  4. this place is where students eat
  5. manages the school
  6. wash up if it necessary
  7. you get these after tests
  8. makes life difficult for students
  9. task what you have to do at home
  1. where teacher write
  2. teacher use this to present PPts or something like that
  3. student packs into it
  4. who educate
  5. u can write with it but you can fix it
  6. where people learn about poems
  7. u can write with it but you can t fix it
  8. where 8 years old shout out when older people try to learn
  9. tool what you use to draw a staight line
  10. 2 and 3 years olds came here
  11. where some student learn how to count

20 Clues: who educatemanages the schoolwhere teacher writestudent packs into itwash up if it necessaryyou get these after testsplace where students learn2 and 3 years olds came herewhere people learn about naturewhere people learn about poemsthis place is where students eattask what you have to do at homestudents write their note into it...

Escola/ School 2023-09-23

Escola/ School crossword puzzle
  1. mala de mão onde se transporta a comida
  2. com que se traça retas
  3. instrumento para estender as tintas
  4. utensílio que contém tinta e serve para pintar
  5. instrumento em forma de triângulo
  6. móvel de escritório com gavetas
  7. espaço ou objeto limitado por quatro lados iguais
  8. porção de folhas de papel unidas e sobrepostas, como num livro
  9. utensílio que contém tinta e serve para escrever
  10. aquele que recebe formação do professor
  11. onde o aluno se senta
  12. preparado glutinoso usado para aderir papel, madeira
  13. mecanismo eletrónico que efetua cálculos matemáticos
  1. o que se usa para apagar
  2. documentos de estudo
  3. o que se usa para escrever em quadros de ardósia
  4. objeto com que se escreve ou risca
  5. onde se guardam papéis
  6. Quem ensina
  7. mesa inclinada para escrever ou estudar
  8. instrumento para afiar os lápis
  9. livro de uma disciplina
  10. instrumento cortante, formado de duas lâminas
  11. saco que se transporta às costas
  12. aparelho eletrónico que armazena e processa grandes quantidades de informação
  13. pequena caixa ou bolsa de pele para guardar lápis
  14. instrumento para traçar circunferências

27 Clues: Quem ensinadocumentos de estudoonde o aluno se sentaonde se guardam papéiscom que se traça retaslivro de uma disciplinao que se usa para apagarinstrumento para afiar os lápismóvel de escritório com gavetassaco que se transporta às costasinstrumento em forma de triânguloobjeto com que se escreve ou riscainstrumento para estender as tintas...

School objects 2023-09-04

School objects crossword puzzle
  1. liimipulk
  2. raamat
  3. pliiatsiteritaja
  4. valge tahvel
  5. pinal
  6. õpilane
  7. joonlaud
  8. harilik pliiats
  1. kirjutuslaud
  2. koolikott
  3. tool
  4. kleeplint
  5. õpetaja
  6. arvuti
  7. tindipliiats
  8. pintsel
  9. kalkulaator
  10. käärid
  11. vihik
  12. värvilised pliiatsid
  13. kustukumm

21 Clues: toolpinalvihikraamatarvutikääridõpetajapintselõpilanejoonlaudkoolikottliimipulkkleeplintkustukummkalkulaatorkirjutuslaudtindipliiatsvalge tahvelharilik pliiatspliiatsiteritajavärvilised pliiatsid

School life 2023-09-04

School life crossword puzzle
  1. a period of instruction given by a university/college tutor to an individual or very small group
  2. someone who is already established in the academic community that tutees are joining
  3. a brief record of facts, topics or thoughts written down as an aid to memory
  4. a task or piece of work assigned as part of a job or course of study
  5. a person who gives a lecture, especially for a profession
  6. a grant or payment made to support a student's education and the associated fees
  7. Time when people stop working or studying to eat
  8. grouping of multiple overtime assignments
  9. a mark indicating the quality of a student's work
  10. a qualification awarded to a student upon successful completion of a course of study in higher education, usually at a college/university
  11. programs that are used by schools to increase the academic achievement of students
  12. in or to a foreign country or countries
  13. residential accomodation which has been built solely for the purpose of being provided to students
  1. schedule (something) to take place at a particular time
  2. be present at(a lecture or talk)
  3. relating to a course of study undertaken after completing an undergraduate degree
  4. an educational talk to an audience, especially to students in a university/college
  5. a branch of knowledge studied or taught in a school, college, or university
  6. a place, amenity, or piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose
  7. the grounds and buildings of a university or college/school
  8. an activity at a school/college pursued in addition to the normal course of study
  9. a hall for lectures with seats in tiers
  10. a student at a college or university who has not yet earned a bachelor's or equivalent degree
  11. education beyond high school, especially at a college or university

24 Clues: be present at(a lecture or talk)a hall for lectures with seats in tiersin or to a foreign country or countriesgrouping of multiple overtime assignmentsTime when people stop working or studying to eata mark indicating the quality of a student's workschedule (something) to take place at a particular time...

School Concerns 2023-09-08

School Concerns crossword puzzle
  1. - Assignments or tasks given by teachers to be completed during a class or at school.
  2. - Clothing or what someone is wearing.
  3. - Not going to a place or an event that you are supposed to attend, like skipping school.
  4. - Taking something that belongs to someone else without their permission.
  5. - Skipping school or classes without permission.
  6. - Copying someone else's work or ideas and presenting them as your own, usually in school or writing.
  7. - Repeated and unwanted behavior, often intended to annoy or harm someone.
  8. - A plant that is used to make cigarettes and other products that people smoke or chew.
  9. - Related to devices or systems that use electricity or computer technology.
  10. - Not connected to the internet or not using a computer or device that is connected to the internet.
  11. - Substances that can change the way a person thinks, feels, or behaves. Some drugs are used as medicine, while others can be harmful if misused.
  12. - The way people communicate using words and sounds.
  13. - A small laptop computer designed for internet use and schoolwork.
  14. - A small electronic device used for making phone calls, sending messages, and accessing the internet.
  1. - When something causes a disturbance or interruption, often making it difficult for things to proceed as usual.
  2. - When people use physical force to harm each other, often in anger or disagreement.
  3. - The act of causing severe damage or harm to something.
  4. - Connected to the internet or using a computer or device that is connected to the internet.
  5. - Refusing to obey someone or something, often in a rebellious or disobedient manner.
  6. - Suitable or proper for a particular situation or age group.
  7. - Being late or not arriving at a scheduled time.
  8. - Groups of people who often engage in illegal or harmful activities together.
  9. - Trying to frighten or threaten someone to make them do something they might not want to do.
  10. - Assignments or tasks given by teachers to be completed at home.
  11. - A drink that can make people feel relaxed or intoxicated when consumed in excess. It is not allowed for children.
  12. - Acting dishonestly to gain an unfair advantage, especially in school or games.
  13. - An object used to cause harm or defend oneself, like a knife or gun.

27 Clues: - Clothing or what someone is wearing.- Skipping school or classes without permission.- Being late or not arriving at a scheduled time.- The way people communicate using words and sounds.- The act of causing severe damage or harm to something.- Suitable or proper for a particular situation or age group....

School Subjects 2024-01-14

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. földrajz
  2. német
  3. biológia
  4. történelem
  5. rajz
  6. kézműves, technika (többesszám)
  7. kórus
  8. olvasás
  9. kémia
  10. írás
  11. fizika (1.i=y)
  12. természetismeret, természettudomány
  1. magyar
  2. digitális kultúra
  3. fogalmazás
  4. etika
  5. irodalom
  6. nyelvtan
  7. órarend
  8. hittan
  9. zene, ének
  10. testnevelés

22 Clues: rajzírásnémetetikakóruskémiamagyarhittanórarendolvasásföldrajzbiológiairodalomnyelvtanfogalmazástörténelemzene, énektestnevelésfizika (1.i=y)digitális kultúrakézműves, technika (többesszám)természetismeret, természettudomány

School Holidays 2024-01-02

School Holidays crossword puzzle
  1. - The people closest to you, often gathered during holidays.
  2. - Entertaining films watched for fun during holidays.
  3. - The bright, shining star in the sky that warms us during holidays.
  4. - A sandy shore by the sea, perfect for building castles.
  5. - Celebratory events with music, food, and activities.
  6. - Going on a journey to explore new places.
  7. - Unwinding and taking it easy during your break.
  8. - Exciting and daring experiences during the holidays.
  9. - Reading for pleasure during your leisure time.
  10. - Enjoying a meal outdoors with a blanket and good company.
  11. - The joyous sound that accompanies good times.
  1. - Companions with whom you create lasting holiday memories.
  2. cream - A delightful frozen treat enjoyed on hot summer days.
  3. - Constructed at the beach with buckets and shovels.
  4. - Activities for amusement and friendly competition.
  5. - To discover and investigate new places or ideas.
  6. - The refreshing activity of moving through water.
  7. - Recollections of special moments created during holidays.
  8. - Outdoor living in a tent, under the stars.
  9. - The outdoors, including forests, parks, and wildlife.

20 Clues: - Going on a journey to explore new places.- Outdoor living in a tent, under the stars.- The joyous sound that accompanies good times.- Reading for pleasure during your leisure time.- Unwinding and taking it easy during your break.- To discover and investigate new places or ideas.- The refreshing activity of moving through water....

School Subjects 2024-01-23

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. art
  2. tech ed
  3. german
  4. breakfast
  5. portuguese
  6. health
  7. chinese
  8. math
  9. history
  10. french
  11. italian
  12. physical education
  13. lunch
  1. spanish
  2. teen living
  3. english
  4. computer
  5. physics
  6. algebra
  7. chemistry
  8. geometry
  9. literature
  10. chorus
  11. band
  12. biology
  13. science
  14. calculus

27 Clues: artmathbandlunchgermanhealthchorusfrenchspanishtech edenglishphysicsalgebrachinesehistoryitalianbiologysciencecomputergeometrycalculusbreakfastchemistryportugueseliteratureteen livingphysical education

Brede school 2024-08-04

Brede school crossword puzzle
  1. kranten, tv, radio en tijdschriften als bronnen van informatie
  2. Een instituut, niet zelden behorend tot de gezondheidszorg of anderszins met enig gezag bekleed
  3. school de samenwerkende partijen die zich bezighouden met opgroeiende kinderen
  4. vraag en aanbod van werk
  5. iets dat je gebruikt om weer gezond te worden
  6. manier waarop je iets regelt en leidt
  7. alle voorzieningen bij elkaar die eraan bijdragen dat de zorgleerlingen optimaal profiteren van het zorgaanbod binnen de school
  8. het geheel aan activiteiten dat gericht is op de verbetering van de gezondheid van de mensen in dat land
  9. manier waarop iets verandert
  1. bedoeld om van te leren
  2. het aan hetzelfde werken met een of meer anderen
  3. Afwezigheid van gevaar
  4. de wijze waarop in een samenleving de meningsverschillen van groepen en individuen tot hun recht komen
  5. die of dat verband houdt met de samenleving
  6. afzondering van een bevolkingsgroep uit de maatschappij
  7. een groep mensen die samen een half-gesloten systeem vormt, en waarbinnen interactie bestaat tussen de groepsleden
  8. achterstand opgbouwd door ongelijke kansen in het onderwijs
  9. Zorg voor de jeugd
  10. Gevoel van welbevinden
  11. ouders met hun kinderen

20 Clues: Zorg voor de jeugdAfwezigheid van gevaarGevoel van welbevindenbedoeld om van te lerenouders met hun kinderenvraag en aanbod van werkmanier waarop iets verandertmanier waarop je iets regelt en leidtdie of dat verband houdt met de samenlevingiets dat je gebruikt om weer gezond te wordenhet aan hetzelfde werken met een of meer anderen...

School Supplies 2024-03-08

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. keyboard
  2. door
  3. notebook
  4. window
  5. chair
  6. map
  7. light
  8. desk(teacher)
  9. pen
  10. pencil
  11. mouse
  12. homework
  13. flag
  14. whiteboard
  15. school
  16. book
  1. table
  2. scissors
  3. eraser
  4. desk(student)
  5. stapler
  6. calendar
  7. ruler
  8. sharpener
  9. globe
  10. computer
  11. tablet
  12. paper
  13. backpack
  14. lunch
  15. folder
  16. clock

32 Clues: mappendoorflagbooktablerulerchairlightglobemousepaperlunchclockeraserwindowtabletpencilfolderschoolstaplerkeyboardscissorsnotebookcalendarcomputerhomeworkbackpacksharpenerwhiteboarddesk(student)desk(teacher)

School Supplies 2024-03-08

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. keyboard
  2. door
  3. notebook
  4. window
  5. chair
  6. map
  7. light
  8. desk(teacher)
  9. pen
  10. pencil
  11. mouse
  12. homework
  13. flag
  14. whiteboard
  15. school
  16. book
  1. table
  2. scissors
  3. eraser
  4. desk(student)
  5. stapler
  6. calendar
  7. ruler
  8. sharpener
  9. globe
  10. computer
  11. tablet
  12. paper
  13. backpack
  14. lunch
  15. folder
  16. clock

32 Clues: mappendoorflagbooktablerulerchairlightglobemousepaperlunchclockeraserwindowtabletpencilfolderschoolstaplerkeyboardscissorsnotebookcalendarcomputerhomeworkbackpacksharpenerwhiteboarddesk(student)desk(teacher)

trade school 2024-02-26

trade school crossword puzzle
  1. a driver licensed to operate vehicles classified as commercial vehicles
  2. a person who makes and repairs locks.
  3. a person who welds metal.
  4. a person who installs and repairs the pipes and fittings of water supply, sanitation, or heating systems.
  5. allied healthcare professional who specializes in the use of ultrasonic imaging devices to produce diagnostic images, scans, videos or three-dimensional volumes of anatomy and diagnostic data
  6. A truck driver is a person who earns a living as the driver of a truck, which is commonly defined as a large goods vehicle or heavy goods vehicle.
  7. who services and repairs automobiles, sometimes specializing in one or more automobile brands or sometimes working with any brand
  8. a trade specialist who works on systems and equipment designed by engineers, sometimes directly supporting engineers. Mechanical technicians can sometimes be referred to as mechanical engineering technicians.
  9. the ground-based personnel and equipment concerned with monitoring and controlling air traffic within a particular area.
  1. heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. It refers to the systems that regulate and move heated and cooled air throughout residential and commercial buildings, from homes to offices to indoor stadiums
  2. a person who installs and maintains electrical equipment.
  3. health professional that deal with the circulatory system
  4. a builder and worker in stone.
  5. the surgical opening or puncture of a vein in order to withdraw blood or introduce a fluid, or (historically) as part of the procedure of letting blood.
  6. someone who constructs, modernizes, repairs or services conveyances. Typically, elevator mechanics work on elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, wheelchair lifts, moving walkways and other equipment providing vertical transportation.
  7. a professional operator of a film camera or video camera as part of a film crew.
  8. ensure that construction meets local and national building codes and ordinances, zoning regulations, and contract specifications.
  9. a person trained in subsidiary legal matters but not fully qualified as a lawyer.
  10. specialize in magnetic resonance imaging scanners
  11. performs pharmacy-related functions. Training, certification, licensing, and actual practice of pharmacy technicians varies not only worldwide but in some countries regionally as well as by employer.

20 Clues: a person who welds metal.a builder and worker in stone.a person who makes and repairs locks.specialize in magnetic resonance imaging scannersa person who installs and maintains electrical professional that deal with the circulatory systema driver licensed to operate vehicles classified as commercial vehicles...

trade school 2024-02-26

trade school crossword puzzle
  1. a trade specialist who works on systems and equipment designed by engineers, sometimes directly supporting engineers. Mechanical technicians can sometimes be referred to as mechanical engineering technicians.
  2. ensure that construction meets local and national building codes and ordinances, zoning regulations, and contract specifications.
  3. a builder and worker in stone.
  4. heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. It refers to the systems that regulate and move heated and cooled air throughout residential and commercial buildings, from homes to offices to indoor stadiums
  5. A truck driver is a person who earns a living as the driver of a truck, which is commonly defined as a large goods vehicle or heavy goods vehicle.
  6. a person who installs and repairs the pipes and fittings of water supply, sanitation, or heating systems.
  7. a person who welds metal.
  8. the ground-based personnel and equipment concerned with monitoring and controlling air traffic within a particular area.
  9. a professional operator of a film camera or video camera as part of a film crew.
  1. someone who constructs, modernizes, repairs or services conveyances. Typically, elevator mechanics work on elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, wheelchair lifts, moving walkways and other equipment providing vertical transportation.
  2. performs pharmacy-related functions. Training, certification, licensing, and actual practice of pharmacy technicians varies not only worldwide but in some countries regionally as well as by employer.
  3. a person who installs and maintains electrical equipment.
  4. the surgical opening or puncture of a vein in order to withdraw blood or introduce a fluid, or (historically) as part of the procedure of letting blood.
  5. a person who makes boilers.
  6. health professional that deal with the circulatory system
  7. a person who makes and repairs locks.
  8. allied healthcare professional who specializes in the use of ultrasonic imaging devices to produce diagnostic images, scans, videos or three-dimensional volumes of anatomy and diagnostic data
  9. a driver licensed to operate vehicles classified as commercial vehicles
  10. who services and repairs automobiles, sometimes specializing in one or more automobile brands or sometimes working with any brand
  11. a person trained in subsidiary legal matters but not fully qualified as a lawyer.
  12. specialize in magnetic resonance imaging scanners

21 Clues: a person who welds metal.a person who makes boilers.a builder and worker in stone.a person who makes and repairs locks.specialize in magnetic resonance imaging scannersa person who installs and maintains electrical professional that deal with the circulatory system...

school objects 2023-10-03

school objects crossword puzzle
  1. something you work on at school
  2. something you sharpen pencils with
  3. something you put marker on
  4. something you sit on
  5. something you hold your lunch in
  6. something you hold stuff with
  7. something you wright in to remember stuff
  8. something you hold food with
  9. your doing it right now
  10. something you type with that is metal
  1. something you blow your nose with
  2. something that kills 99.9% of germs
  3. something you wright on
  4. something you can drink out of
  5. something you wright with that can erase
  6. something you unlock
  7. something to see the time with
  8. something you wear to buy lunch
  9. something you work on
  10. something you hate to do after school
  11. something you open

21 Clues: something you opensomething you unlocksomething you sit onsomething you work onsomething you wright onyour doing it right nowsomething you put marker onsomething you hold food withsomething you hold stuff withsomething you can drink out ofsomething to see the time withsomething you work on at schoolsomething you wear to buy lunch...

At School 2023-10-13

At School crossword puzzle
  1. 尺子
  2. 苹果
  3. 蜡笔
  4. 粉色
  5. 记事本
  6. 灰色
  7. 紫色
  8. 白色
  9. 红色
  1. 黑色
  2. 书包
  3. 褐色,棕色
  4. 蓝色
  5. 橙色
  6. 钢笔
  7. 黄色
  8. 绿色
  9. 手表
  10. 纸张
  11. 橡皮
  12. 铅笔

23 Clues: 黑色书包蓝色橙色尺子苹果钢笔蜡笔黄色粉色绿色手表纸张灰色橡皮紫色铅笔白色红色记事本褐色,棕色

High School 2024-05-21

High School crossword puzzle
  1. Bag used to carry books and supplies
  2. Creative course involving various mediums
  3. A storage compartment for students' belongings
  4. A facility for physical education classes and sports
  5. A formal dance typically held for high school students
  6. Student with the highest academic achievement in a graduating class
  7. Lack of motivation among seniors nearing graduation
  8. A publication featuring photos and memories from the school year
  9. Event where students present scientific projects
  10. A popular sport played in many high schools
  11. Branch of mathematics dealing with shapes and their properties
  12. Standardized test used for college admissions
  13. Activity outside of regular curriculum
  14. Vocal ensemble performing choral music
  15. The study of living organisms
  16. The head administrator of a school
  17. Ceremony marking the completion of high school
  18. Musical ensemble often found in high schools
  19. A punishment for breaking school rules
  20. Vehicle used to transport students to and from school
  21. Document showing a student's grades for a term
  22. A place for students to borrow books and study
  1. Substance with a distinct molecular composition
  2. Branch of mathematics dealing with triangles and angles
  3. Educational outing outside of the classroom
  4. The study of matter and its properties
  5. Someone who provides academic assistance outside of class
  6. Where students eat lunch at school
  7. Theatrical productions performed by students
  8. Classroom where students start their day and take attendance
  9. Event to boost school spirit before a sports game
  10. Courses for college credit
  11. A branch of mathematics often dreaded by students
  12. Study sessions to prepare for the college entrance exam
  13. Tradition of welcoming back alumni to the school
  14. Measuring tool used in math and drafting
  15. Group of students who argue opposing viewpoints
  16. Study of past events and their significance
  17. Assignments given to students to complete outside of class

39 Clues: Courses for college creditThe study of living organismsWhere students eat lunch at schoolThe head administrator of a schoolBag used to carry books and suppliesThe study of matter and its propertiesActivity outside of regular curriculumVocal ensemble performing choral musicA punishment for breaking school rules...

School adv 2024-04-14

School adv crossword puzzle
  1. the study about the natural world
  2. a smooth white board that can be written or drawn on with markers
  3. the study of matter and how it changes
  4. principal, the person in charge of a school
  5. having a good judgement or common sense
  6. how much is being done or achieved
  7. the teacher of a particular class
  8. cafeteria
  9. Study of the Earth
  1. The study of life
  2. lesson that involves the use of computers and other electronic devices
  3. sport and physical activity taught as a school subject
  4. the study or science of numbers and shapes
  5. a school subject, that focuses on the study of the English language
  6. a table that you sit at to write or work
  7. the study of matter and energy
  8. to earn or merit something because of what you have done
  9. a school subject where students use your imagination and learn about art
  10. laboratory where scientific experiments take place
  11. to start making a noise(as an alarm or signal)

20 Clues: cafeteriaThe study of lifeStudy of the Earththe study of matter and energythe study about the natural worldthe teacher of a particular classhow much is being done or achievedthe study of matter and how it changeshaving a good judgement or common sensea table that you sit at to write or workthe study or science of numbers and shapes...

School Supplies 2024-08-22

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. This tool is used to perform mathematical calculations.
  2. You need this for sticking paper pieces together permanently.
  3. You write on this surface in classrooms, and it's often green or white.
  4. You use this to organize papers into sections or store important documents.
  5. A handheld device used to fix sheets of paper together with staples.
  6. You use this to carry all your school supplies and books.
  7. These come in different colors and are used to draw and color pictures.
  8. You use this to erase mistakes made with a pencil.
  9. A larger pad of paper often used for sketches or drawings.
  10. A flat tool used to measure and draw straight lines.
  11. This item holds sheets of paper together temporarily.
  12. This colorful tool is used to highlight important text.
  13. A book with blank pages where you write notes.
  1. You use this to cut paper into shapes or strips.
  2. This container holds all your pens, pencils, and erasers.
  3. A sticky item used to attach papers to surfaces or other papers.
  4. A calendar or planner used to track homework and assignments.
  5. This device sharpens your pencils.
  6. This tool is used to write on paper and can be sharpened.
  7. A container filled with colored ink, often used in art class.

20 Clues: This device sharpens your pencils.A book with blank pages where you write notes.You use this to cut paper into shapes or strips.You use this to erase mistakes made with a pencil.A flat tool used to measure and draw straight lines.This item holds sheets of paper together temporarily.This tool is used to perform mathematical calculations....

School Stuff 2024-10-24

School Stuff crossword puzzle
  1. where do you get candy after school?
  2. After school program.
  3. Grade that you read The Odyssey?
  4. Coins Plastic circles.
  5. 8th grade ELA.
  6. Story time with.
  7. 5th grade trip.
  8. Elementary school art.
  9. writing.
  10. Bills fan.
  11. Spanish teacher.
  1. Weather reader.
  2. Room inside the library.
  3. boards big boards.
  4. K-8 principle.
  5. Every month.
  6. Wolf pack.
  7. Small loud doors.
  8. Garfield lover.
  9. has 2 axolotls.

20 Clues: writing.Wolf pack.Bills fan.Every month.K-8 principle.8th grade ELA.Weather reader.Garfield lover.5th grade trip.has 2 axolotls.Story time with.Spanish teacher.Small loud doors.boards big boards.After school program.Coins Plastic circles.Elementary school art.Room inside the library.Grade that you read The Odyssey?...

School Vocab 2024-10-30

School Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. school
  2. to help
  3. to teach
  4. to pay attention
  5. to take
  6. hallway
  7. swimming pool
  8. principal (feminine)
  9. auditorium
  10. to walk
  11. library
  12. to go back home
  13. laboratory
  14. to wear; to bring
  15. building
  16. soccer field
  1. secretary (feminine)
  2. exchange
  3. ceremony
  4. to have lunch
  5. to study
  6. to participate
  7. principal (masculine)
  8. national anthem
  9. to sing
  10. bus
  11. office
  12. gymnasium
  13. to use
  14. to work in teams
  15. secretary (masculine)

31 Clues: busschoolofficeto useto helpto takehallwayto singto walklibraryexchangeceremonyto studyto teachbuildinggymnasiumauditoriumlaboratorysoccer fieldto have lunchswimming poolto participatenational anthemto go back hometo pay attentionto work in teamsto wear; to bringsecretary (feminine)principal (feminine)principal (masculine)secretary (masculine)

After School 2024-10-24

After School crossword puzzle
  1. One of the favorite activities to do on Friday... "next word!!!"
  2. at 4:15 we take a break to eat ____
  3. The activity where you PLAY with notes and sounds
  4. The day of the week we usually WHEEL around in the gym
  5. after school, this club really moves and grooves to church songs
  6. Before we go play, we have time to do our ____
  7. We are JAZZED up to have this music talent on the after school team!
  8. some teachers stay after school for this--helping kids grow stronger with their learning
  9. The staff member of after school probably wearing blue!
  10. She leads Cheer and Praise Dance, plus our PK squad
  1. This team member is the newest to the after school team in 2024!
  2. These athletes definitely have school spirit
  3. Lots of students want to make these...just dont spill the beads all over the floor!
  4. this is the room we meet in for after school
  5. this club runs far and fast!
  6. Be careful not to get a violation from this team member!
  7. this sport is a real slam dunk!
  8. this after school worker used to be a student of CWSCS
  9. The team member who walkie talkies us when it is time to go home.
  10. the group where you can sing with Mrs. Language and Mr. Isaac
  11. the room where we can play and be loud

21 Clues: this club runs far and fast!this sport is a real slam dunk!at 4:15 we take a break to eat ____the room where we can play and be loudThese athletes definitely have school spiritthis is the room we meet in for after schoolBefore we go play, we have time to do our ____The activity where you PLAY with notes and sounds...

school vocab 2024-11-04

school vocab crossword puzzle
  1. powtarzać materiał
  2. chemia
  3. przedszkole
  4. historia
  5. teacher wychowawca
  6. school szkoła prywatna
  7. uczeń
  8. podejść ponownie
  9. zdać (egzamin)
  10. matematyka
  11. podręcznik
  1. Technology informatyka
  2. school szkoła państwowa
  3. podejść do egzaminu
  4. school szkoła podstawowa
  5. teacher dyrektor
  6. education wychowanie fizyczne
  7. geografia
  8. fizyka
  9. oblać (egzamin)
  10. school szkoła średnia

21 Clues: uczeńchemiafizykahistoriageografiamatematykapodręcznikprzedszkolezdać (egzamin)oblać (egzamin)teacher dyrektorpodejść ponowniepowtarzać materiałteacher wychowawcapodejść do egzaminuschool szkoła średniaTechnology informatykaschool szkoła prywatnaschool szkoła państwowaschool szkoła podstawowaeducation wychowanie fizyczne

Law School 2024-11-18

Law School crossword puzzle
  1. Case about foreseeability of damages.
  2. Case about strict liability in products.
  3. of the University of California - Duty to warn in negligence.
  4. Case about possession of a baseball.
  5. Case about property rights in cohabitation.
  6. Homes - Right to exclude others from private property.
  7. Case defining intentional torts.
  8. Case about automatism as a defense.
  9. "Pregnant cow" case about mutual mistake.
  10. York Case about economic liberties under substantive due process.
  11. Finder's rights over property.
  12. Case about harmful or offensive contact.
  13. Case about ownership of wild animals.
  14. Case about juvenile death penalty.
  15. of New London - Case about eminent domain and public use.
  16. Case about trespassing to aid another.
  17. StatesvPark Case about corporate criminal liability.
  18. Duty of care in negligence for product defects.
  19. Smoke Ball Co. Case establishing unilateral contracts.
  20. Case about privacy and abortion rights.
  21. Case distinguishing gifts from enforceable promises.
  22. Coal & Mining Co. Case about damages for performance.
  1. Case about internment and strict scrutiny.
  2. - Case about strict liability in statutory crimes.
  3. "Peerless" ship case about mutual mistake.
  4. Case involving spring guns and property defense.
  5. Case about federal power and necessary and proper clause.
  6. Case about privacy and contraceptive use.
  7. Case establishing judicial review.
  8. Island Railroad Co. - Case about proximate cause.
  9. Case about commerce power.
  10. Case defining the insanity defense.
  11. Case about ownership of lost property.
  12. Case about negligence in manslaughter.
  13. Case about free speech and flag burning.
  14. Case about self-defense and reasonable belief.
  15. Case on omission and duty to act.
  16. Case defining consideration in contract law.
  17. Case about regulatory takings.
  18. and Stephens Case about necessity as a defense to murder.
  19. Case defining strict liability for dangerous activities.
  20. Case about intentionality in a battery claim.
  21. Case of contract formation over a "joke" offer.
  22. Case about liability for spring-loaded traps.
  23. Case striking down laws against interracial marriage.
  24. Case about impossibility of performance.
  25. of Education Landmark case about desegregation.
  26. Case defining property rights under discovery doctrine.
  27. Lady Duff Gordon Case about implied obligations in a contract.

49 Clues: Case about commerce power.Case about regulatory takings.Finder's rights over property.Case defining intentional torts.Case on omission and duty to act.Case establishing judicial review.Case about juvenile death penalty.Case defining the insanity defense.Case about automatism as a defense.Case about possession of a baseball....

School Life 2024-11-12

School Life crossword puzzle
  1. The long boat that we all sat on in year 2 and OBS
  2. The sweetest aunty who sells healthy food
  3. The name of the year 4 celebration
  4. The location that the sports fiesta was held at
  5. The structure of the staircase taking the shape of a snail shell
  6. Year 4 celebration theme
  7. The very first band from our cohort
  8. A stall that involves a pun with the school’s name
  9. The mechanical infrastructure that leads us up
  10. A Theban princess a theatre showcase had the name of
  11. The subject 11. teaches
  12. 2024 cohort colour
  13. The year 4 dance showcase
  1. Running challenge
  2. The activity we did for BLU this year
  3. A sport we played this year has this fermented snack in its name
  4. A sassy uncle who sells snacks
  5. An open area, clean slate
  6. A gothic novel we read for Literature
  7. Our year mentor
  8. The score all of us hope to get for IB
  9. The country some of our friends journeyed to for service learning

22 Clues: Our year mentorRunning challenge2024 cohort colourThe subject 11. teachesYear 4 celebration themeAn open area, clean slateThe year 4 dance showcaseA sassy uncle who sells snacksThe name of the year 4 celebrationThe very first band from our cohortThe activity we did for BLU this yearA gothic novel we read for Literature...

Lertlah 2024-07-19

Lertlah crossword puzzle
  1. - Early childhood education program for young children
  2. - Full name of the Lertlah School branch located in the Kaset area
  3. - Special activities or occasions held at the school
  4. - Physical activities and games part of school activities
  5. - Office for managing school operations and records
  6. - Place for education, where students learn
  7. - Professionals who instruct and guide students
  8. - Head of the school who oversees administration and staff
  9. - Capital city of Thailand where Lertlah School is located
  10. - The first stage of formal education at the school
  11. - Place where students can borrow books and study
  1. - Collective term for the teaching staff
  2. - Tests that students take to assess their knowledge
  3. - Various programs and things to do outside of regular classes
  4. - Creative subjects such as drawing and painting offered at the school
  5. - Young people who attend classes at the school
  6. - President
  7. - Room where students have lessons
  8. - The next stage of education following primary school
  9. - Activities outside of regular academic classes
  10. - Standard clothing worn by students at Lertlah School
  11. - Outdoor area at the school for relaxation and plants

22 Clues: - President- Room where students have lessons- Collective term for the teaching staff- Place for education, where students learn- Young people who attend classes at the school- Professionals who instruct and guide students- Activities outside of regular academic classes- Place where students can borrow books and study...

Vocabulary: Education and Learning 2022-05-16

Vocabulary: Education and Learning crossword puzzle
  1. to do very poorly on a test.
  2. The first year of required school in the U.S.
  3. To achieve excellence.
  4. The study of the past.
  5. Isaac Newton’s discoveries are studied in this class.
  6. Activity outside of school, such as sports, choir, or marching band.
  7. You can take this class if you want to, but it is not required.
  8. Teachers ___ you do your homework before class.
  9. Another name of each year in school.
  10. A science that focuses on molecules.
  11. Having a high school diploma means you completed ________ education.
  1. ___ school comes after elementary school.
  2. Children go to _________ school between ages 5 and 11.
  3. ________ education comes after high school.
  4. You must take this class because it is required.
  5. The second year of high school or college.
  6. The third year of high school or college.
  7. Someone who has finished high school or college.
  8. Extra; more
  9. The fourth year in high school or college.
  10. To go to a class.
  11. To do well on a test.

22 Clues: Extra; moreTo go to a class.To do well on a test.To achieve excellence.The study of the do very poorly on a test.Another name of each year in school.A science that focuses on molecules.___ school comes after elementary school.The third year of high school or college.The second year of high school or college....

School 3 2020-10-04

School 3 crossword puzzle
  1. a very large college
  2. person who attends class
  3. person in charge of school
  4. document used to publish student's grades (2 words)
  5. first year of high school
  6. four year school after high school
  7. third year of high school
  8. adjective describing something that must be done, something that is required, mandatory
  9. school for grades 6,7, and 8 (2 words)
  10. a community college for first 2 years after high school (2 words)
  11. another word for student
  1. the grade level before 1st grade
  2. first, second, and third grade are sometimes called ________ grades
  3. instructor in the classroom
  4. school for very young children
  5. school for grades 1,2,3,4, and 5 (2 words)
  6. fourth year of high scool
  7. second year of high school
  8. adjective describing something they you may choose to do, not required, not mandatory
  9. school for grades 9,10,11, and 12

20 Clues: a very large collegeperson who attends classanother word for studentfirst year of high schoolfourth year of high scoolthird year of high schoolperson in charge of schoolsecond year of high schoolinstructor in the classroomschool for very young childrenthe grade level before 1st gradeschool for grades 9,10,11, and 12...

woorden school 2015-11-15

woorden school crossword puzzle
  1. hierin kan je lezen
  2. hierdoor kijk je naar buiten
  3. in juli en augustus
  4. de eerste maand van het jaar
  5. de eerste dag van de week
  6. om te verven
  7. niet achter maar...
  8. sommen maken
  9. als je pipi moet doen
  10. als de bel gaat ga je naar de...
  11. de kleur van het gras
  12. de laatste dag les
  13. we hebben maar een halve dag les
  14. op de ... zijn we stil
  15. de kleur van de lucht
  16. seizoen in november
  17. persoon die je Nederlands leert
  18. die doen we aan als we naar buiten gaan
  1. 3+4=
  2. je stoel staat aan de...
  3. hier zijn we de hele dag
  4. doe je als je dorst hebt
  5. de laatste dag van de week
  6. hierop kan je tekenen
  7. hierop zit je
  8. dit draag ik op mijn rug
  9. de maand waar in de lente begint
  10. de baas van de school
  11. hiermee schrijf je
  12. ik blaf
  13. gebruik je als je iets verkeerd geschreven hebt
  14. hier zitten we 's morgens
  15. ik ben een huisdier
  16. we moeten niet naar school
  17. het schooljaar begint
  18. als de bel gaat staan we in de ...
  19. schijnt in de zomer
  20. de kleur van papier
  21. de ... wolken

39 Clues: 3+4=ik blafom te vervensommen makenhierop zit jede ... wolkenhiermee schrijf jede laatste dag leshierin kan je lezenin juli en augustusik ben een huisdierniet achter maar...schijnt in de zomerde kleur van papierseizoen in novemberhierop kan je tekenende baas van de schoolals je pipi moet doenhet schooljaar begintde kleur van het gras...

verjaardagsfeestje School 2015-12-15

verjaardagsfeestje School crossword puzzle
  1. Italiaans gerecht
  2. jeugdbeweging
  3. rijwiel
  4. muziekinstrument van de Last Post
  5. volleyballclub in Retie
  6. hoofdstad van ons land
  7. rustperiode die straks begint
  8. beste meester ter wereld
  9. zonder fouten woordjes schrijven
  10. broer van Thea
  11. hond van Gert
  1. lijkt op een konijn, maar heeft langere poten en oren
  2. baas van Xavier, Olivia en Rik
  3. daar slapen vele kinderen mee, sommige grote mensen ook
  4. zij wordt heel waarschijnlijk koningin na Filip
  5. jeugdjournaal op ketnet
  6. baas van onze school
  7. buurgemeente met A
  8. dun en rond, lekker met suiker
  9. muisjes voor op de boterham
  10. les om een beetje fitter te worden
  11. dit soort afval gaat in de groene bak of de composthoop
  12. tweede dag van het weekend
  13. diertje met 8 poten

24 Clues: rijwieljeugdbeweginghond van Gertbroer van TheaItaliaans gerechtbuurgemeente met Adiertje met 8 potenbaas van onze schoolhoofdstad van ons landjeugdjournaal op ketnetvolleyballclub in Retiebeste meester ter wereldtweede dag van het weekendmuisjes voor op de boterhamrustperiode die straks begintbaas van Xavier, Olivia en Rik...

School Supplies 2016-02-19

School Supplies crossword puzzle
  1. test
  2. whiteboard
  3. quiz
  4. pen
  5. dictionary
  6. glue
  7. notebook
  8. marker
  9. school supplies
  10. computer
  11. calculator
  12. scissors
  1. ruler
  2. pencil
  3. clock
  4. teacher desk
  5. folder
  6. pencil sharpener
  7. sticky tape
  8. paper clip
  9. student desk
  10. stapler
  11. paper
  12. backpack
  13. poster

25 Clues: pentestquizgluerulerclockpaperpencilfoldermarkerposterstaplernotebookbackpackcomputerscissorswhiteboarddictionarypaper clipcalculatorsticky tapeteacher deskstudent deskschool suppliespencil sharpener