school Crossword Puzzles
School Day 2023-11-30
- Pen
- Paper
- Clock;Watch
- Semester
- Black/White Board
- Chalk
- Trimester;Quarter
- Bookstore
- High School
- Table
- Class
- Chair
- Door
- Book
- Subject
- Student(girl)
- Map
- Stadium
- Library
- Nurse's Office
- Calculator
- Cafeteria
- Fancy Pen
- Computer
- Wastebasket
- Quiz
- Cell Phone
- University;College
- Course
- Classmate(boy)
- Classmate(girl)
- Eraser
- Marker
- Student(boy)
- Trash Can
- Gym
- Homework
- House/Home
- Pen
- Quiz
- Test;Exam
- Stapler
- Pencil
- Desk
- Tablet
- Dictionary
- Window
- Schedule
- Backpack
- School
- Phone
51 Clues: Pen • Gym • Pen • Map • Quiz • Quiz • Door • Book • Desk • Paper • Chalk • Table • Class • Chair • Phone • Course • Eraser • Marker • Pencil • Tablet • Window • School • Stapler • Subject • Stadium • Library • Semester • Homework • Schedule • Backpack • Computer • Trash Can • Bookstore • Test;Exam • Cafeteria • Fancy Pen • Cell Phone • House/Home • Dictionary • Calculator • Wastebasket • Clock;Watch • High School • Student(boy) • Student(girl) • Classmate(boy) • Nurse's Office • ...
ELICOS School 2023-12-05
- An unplanned, compulsory event for compliance
- Dave's nickname
- A "backyard neighboor" of Language Links
- A document that only 2 teachers can issue
- An abreviation for Language Links' best sellers
- This item sometimes arrive later than scheduled.
- Students ask to change this with relative ease
- The smallest room on campus
- Students sometime forget to collect this
- An planned, compulsory event
- Students study to prepare for this
- Carla is most afraid of this event.
- You find documents relating to classes and students here
- This activity take place during class hours but not held on campus
- All staff members have access to this company property.
- A course with no holidays
- The last big excursion that LLI held took place here.
- A communication that is sometimes overlooked by our teachers
- This Food recently evacuated the entire 116-120 Roe Street building
- LLI used to hold this event in the Student Kitchen
20 Clues: Dave's nickname • A course with no holidays • The smallest room on campus • An planned, compulsory event • Students study to prepare for this • Carla is most afraid of this event. • A "backyard neighboor" of Language Links • Students sometime forget to collect this • A document that only 2 teachers can issue • An unplanned, compulsory event for compliance • ...
school crossword 2023-12-03
- where people learn about nature
- place where students learn
- students write their note into it
- this place is where students eat
- manages the school
- wash up if it necessary
- you get these after tests
- makes life difficult for students
- task what you have to do at home
- where teacher write
- teacher use this to present PPts or something like that
- student packs into it
- who educate
- u can write with it but you can fix it
- where people learn about poems
- u can write with it but you can t fix it
- where 8 years old shout out when older people try to learn
- tool what you use to draw a staight line
- 2 and 3 years olds came here
- where some student learn how to count
20 Clues: who educate • manages the school • where teacher write • student packs into it • wash up if it necessary • you get these after tests • place where students learn • 2 and 3 years olds came here • where people learn about nature • where people learn about poems • this place is where students eat • task what you have to do at home • students write their note into it • ...
Escola/ School 2023-09-23
- mala de mão onde se transporta a comida
- com que se traça retas
- instrumento para estender as tintas
- utensílio que contém tinta e serve para pintar
- instrumento em forma de triângulo
- móvel de escritório com gavetas
- espaço ou objeto limitado por quatro lados iguais
- porção de folhas de papel unidas e sobrepostas, como num livro
- utensílio que contém tinta e serve para escrever
- aquele que recebe formação do professor
- onde o aluno se senta
- preparado glutinoso usado para aderir papel, madeira
- mecanismo eletrónico que efetua cálculos matemáticos
- o que se usa para apagar
- documentos de estudo
- o que se usa para escrever em quadros de ardósia
- objeto com que se escreve ou risca
- onde se guardam papéis
- Quem ensina
- mesa inclinada para escrever ou estudar
- instrumento para afiar os lápis
- livro de uma disciplina
- instrumento cortante, formado de duas lâminas
- saco que se transporta às costas
- aparelho eletrónico que armazena e processa grandes quantidades de informação
- pequena caixa ou bolsa de pele para guardar lápis
- instrumento para traçar circunferências
27 Clues: Quem ensina • documentos de estudo • onde o aluno se senta • onde se guardam papéis • com que se traça retas • livro de uma disciplina • o que se usa para apagar • instrumento para afiar os lápis • móvel de escritório com gavetas • saco que se transporta às costas • instrumento em forma de triângulo • objeto com que se escreve ou risca • instrumento para estender as tintas • ...
School objects 2023-09-04
21 Clues: tool • pinal • vihik • raamat • arvuti • käärid • õpetaja • pintsel • õpilane • joonlaud • koolikott • liimipulk • kleeplint • kustukumm • kalkulaator • kirjutuslaud • tindipliiats • valge tahvel • harilik pliiats • pliiatsiteritaja • värvilised pliiatsid
School life 2023-09-04
- a period of instruction given by a university/college tutor to an individual or very small group
- someone who is already established in the academic community that tutees are joining
- a brief record of facts, topics or thoughts written down as an aid to memory
- a task or piece of work assigned as part of a job or course of study
- a person who gives a lecture, especially for a profession
- a grant or payment made to support a student's education and the associated fees
- Time when people stop working or studying to eat
- grouping of multiple overtime assignments
- a mark indicating the quality of a student's work
- a qualification awarded to a student upon successful completion of a course of study in higher education, usually at a college/university
- programs that are used by schools to increase the academic achievement of students
- in or to a foreign country or countries
- residential accomodation which has been built solely for the purpose of being provided to students
- schedule (something) to take place at a particular time
- be present at(a lecture or talk)
- relating to a course of study undertaken after completing an undergraduate degree
- an educational talk to an audience, especially to students in a university/college
- a branch of knowledge studied or taught in a school, college, or university
- a place, amenity, or piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose
- the grounds and buildings of a university or college/school
- an activity at a school/college pursued in addition to the normal course of study
- a hall for lectures with seats in tiers
- a student at a college or university who has not yet earned a bachelor's or equivalent degree
- education beyond high school, especially at a college or university
24 Clues: be present at(a lecture or talk) • a hall for lectures with seats in tiers • in or to a foreign country or countries • grouping of multiple overtime assignments • Time when people stop working or studying to eat • a mark indicating the quality of a student's work • schedule (something) to take place at a particular time • ...
School Concerns 2023-09-08
- - Assignments or tasks given by teachers to be completed during a class or at school.
- - Clothing or what someone is wearing.
- - Not going to a place or an event that you are supposed to attend, like skipping school.
- - Taking something that belongs to someone else without their permission.
- - Skipping school or classes without permission.
- - Copying someone else's work or ideas and presenting them as your own, usually in school or writing.
- - Repeated and unwanted behavior, often intended to annoy or harm someone.
- - A plant that is used to make cigarettes and other products that people smoke or chew.
- - Related to devices or systems that use electricity or computer technology.
- - Not connected to the internet or not using a computer or device that is connected to the internet.
- - Substances that can change the way a person thinks, feels, or behaves. Some drugs are used as medicine, while others can be harmful if misused.
- - The way people communicate using words and sounds.
- - A small laptop computer designed for internet use and schoolwork.
- - A small electronic device used for making phone calls, sending messages, and accessing the internet.
- - When something causes a disturbance or interruption, often making it difficult for things to proceed as usual.
- - When people use physical force to harm each other, often in anger or disagreement.
- - The act of causing severe damage or harm to something.
- - Connected to the internet or using a computer or device that is connected to the internet.
- - Refusing to obey someone or something, often in a rebellious or disobedient manner.
- - Suitable or proper for a particular situation or age group.
- - Being late or not arriving at a scheduled time.
- - Groups of people who often engage in illegal or harmful activities together.
- - Trying to frighten or threaten someone to make them do something they might not want to do.
- - Assignments or tasks given by teachers to be completed at home.
- - A drink that can make people feel relaxed or intoxicated when consumed in excess. It is not allowed for children.
- - Acting dishonestly to gain an unfair advantage, especially in school or games.
- - An object used to cause harm or defend oneself, like a knife or gun.
27 Clues: - Clothing or what someone is wearing. • - Skipping school or classes without permission. • - Being late or not arriving at a scheduled time. • - The way people communicate using words and sounds. • - The act of causing severe damage or harm to something. • - Suitable or proper for a particular situation or age group. • ...
School Subjects 2024-01-14
22 Clues: rajz • írás • német • etika • kórus • kémia • magyar • hittan • órarend • olvasás • földrajz • biológia • irodalom • nyelvtan • fogalmazás • történelem • zene, ének • testnevelés • fizika (1.i=y) • digitális kultúra • kézműves, technika (többesszám) • természetismeret, természettudomány
School Holidays 2024-01-02
- - The people closest to you, often gathered during holidays.
- - Entertaining films watched for fun during holidays.
- - The bright, shining star in the sky that warms us during holidays.
- - A sandy shore by the sea, perfect for building castles.
- - Celebratory events with music, food, and activities.
- - Going on a journey to explore new places.
- - Unwinding and taking it easy during your break.
- - Exciting and daring experiences during the holidays.
- - Reading for pleasure during your leisure time.
- - Enjoying a meal outdoors with a blanket and good company.
- - The joyous sound that accompanies good times.
- - Companions with whom you create lasting holiday memories.
- cream - A delightful frozen treat enjoyed on hot summer days.
- - Constructed at the beach with buckets and shovels.
- - Activities for amusement and friendly competition.
- - To discover and investigate new places or ideas.
- - The refreshing activity of moving through water.
- - Recollections of special moments created during holidays.
- - Outdoor living in a tent, under the stars.
- - The outdoors, including forests, parks, and wildlife.
20 Clues: - Going on a journey to explore new places. • - Outdoor living in a tent, under the stars. • - The joyous sound that accompanies good times. • - Reading for pleasure during your leisure time. • - Unwinding and taking it easy during your break. • - To discover and investigate new places or ideas. • - The refreshing activity of moving through water. • ...
School Subjects 2024-01-23
27 Clues: art • math • band • lunch • german • health • chorus • french • spanish • tech ed • english • physics • algebra • chinese • history • italian • biology • science • computer • geometry • calculus • breakfast • chemistry • portuguese • literature • teen living • physical education
Brede school 2024-08-04
- kranten, tv, radio en tijdschriften als bronnen van informatie
- Een instituut, niet zelden behorend tot de gezondheidszorg of anderszins met enig gezag bekleed
- school de samenwerkende partijen die zich bezighouden met opgroeiende kinderen
- vraag en aanbod van werk
- iets dat je gebruikt om weer gezond te worden
- manier waarop je iets regelt en leidt
- alle voorzieningen bij elkaar die eraan bijdragen dat de zorgleerlingen optimaal profiteren van het zorgaanbod binnen de school
- het geheel aan activiteiten dat gericht is op de verbetering van de gezondheid van de mensen in dat land
- manier waarop iets verandert
- bedoeld om van te leren
- het aan hetzelfde werken met een of meer anderen
- Afwezigheid van gevaar
- de wijze waarop in een samenleving de meningsverschillen van groepen en individuen tot hun recht komen
- die of dat verband houdt met de samenleving
- afzondering van een bevolkingsgroep uit de maatschappij
- een groep mensen die samen een half-gesloten systeem vormt, en waarbinnen interactie bestaat tussen de groepsleden
- achterstand opgbouwd door ongelijke kansen in het onderwijs
- Zorg voor de jeugd
- Gevoel van welbevinden
- ouders met hun kinderen
20 Clues: Zorg voor de jeugd • Afwezigheid van gevaar • Gevoel van welbevinden • bedoeld om van te leren • ouders met hun kinderen • vraag en aanbod van werk • manier waarop iets verandert • manier waarop je iets regelt en leidt • die of dat verband houdt met de samenleving • iets dat je gebruikt om weer gezond te worden • het aan hetzelfde werken met een of meer anderen • ...
School Supplies 2024-03-08
32 Clues: map • pen • door • flag • book • table • ruler • chair • light • globe • mouse • paper • lunch • clock • eraser • window • tablet • pencil • folder • school • stapler • keyboard • scissors • notebook • calendar • computer • homework • backpack • sharpener • whiteboard • desk(student) • desk(teacher)
School Supplies 2024-03-08
32 Clues: map • pen • door • flag • book • table • ruler • chair • light • globe • mouse • paper • lunch • clock • eraser • window • tablet • pencil • folder • school • stapler • keyboard • scissors • notebook • calendar • computer • homework • backpack • sharpener • whiteboard • desk(student) • desk(teacher)
trade school 2024-02-26
- a driver licensed to operate vehicles classified as commercial vehicles
- a person who makes and repairs locks.
- a person who welds metal.
- a person who installs and repairs the pipes and fittings of water supply, sanitation, or heating systems.
- allied healthcare professional who specializes in the use of ultrasonic imaging devices to produce diagnostic images, scans, videos or three-dimensional volumes of anatomy and diagnostic data
- A truck driver is a person who earns a living as the driver of a truck, which is commonly defined as a large goods vehicle or heavy goods vehicle.
- who services and repairs automobiles, sometimes specializing in one or more automobile brands or sometimes working with any brand
- a trade specialist who works on systems and equipment designed by engineers, sometimes directly supporting engineers. Mechanical technicians can sometimes be referred to as mechanical engineering technicians.
- the ground-based personnel and equipment concerned with monitoring and controlling air traffic within a particular area.
- heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. It refers to the systems that regulate and move heated and cooled air throughout residential and commercial buildings, from homes to offices to indoor stadiums
- a person who installs and maintains electrical equipment.
- health professional that deal with the circulatory system
- a builder and worker in stone.
- the surgical opening or puncture of a vein in order to withdraw blood or introduce a fluid, or (historically) as part of the procedure of letting blood.
- someone who constructs, modernizes, repairs or services conveyances. Typically, elevator mechanics work on elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, wheelchair lifts, moving walkways and other equipment providing vertical transportation.
- a professional operator of a film camera or video camera as part of a film crew.
- ensure that construction meets local and national building codes and ordinances, zoning regulations, and contract specifications.
- a person trained in subsidiary legal matters but not fully qualified as a lawyer.
- specialize in magnetic resonance imaging scanners
- performs pharmacy-related functions. Training, certification, licensing, and actual practice of pharmacy technicians varies not only worldwide but in some countries regionally as well as by employer.
20 Clues: a person who welds metal. • a builder and worker in stone. • a person who makes and repairs locks. • specialize in magnetic resonance imaging scanners • a person who installs and maintains electrical equipment. • health professional that deal with the circulatory system • a driver licensed to operate vehicles classified as commercial vehicles • ...
trade school 2024-02-26
- a trade specialist who works on systems and equipment designed by engineers, sometimes directly supporting engineers. Mechanical technicians can sometimes be referred to as mechanical engineering technicians.
- ensure that construction meets local and national building codes and ordinances, zoning regulations, and contract specifications.
- a builder and worker in stone.
- heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. It refers to the systems that regulate and move heated and cooled air throughout residential and commercial buildings, from homes to offices to indoor stadiums
- A truck driver is a person who earns a living as the driver of a truck, which is commonly defined as a large goods vehicle or heavy goods vehicle.
- a person who installs and repairs the pipes and fittings of water supply, sanitation, or heating systems.
- a person who welds metal.
- the ground-based personnel and equipment concerned with monitoring and controlling air traffic within a particular area.
- a professional operator of a film camera or video camera as part of a film crew.
- someone who constructs, modernizes, repairs or services conveyances. Typically, elevator mechanics work on elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, wheelchair lifts, moving walkways and other equipment providing vertical transportation.
- performs pharmacy-related functions. Training, certification, licensing, and actual practice of pharmacy technicians varies not only worldwide but in some countries regionally as well as by employer.
- a person who installs and maintains electrical equipment.
- the surgical opening or puncture of a vein in order to withdraw blood or introduce a fluid, or (historically) as part of the procedure of letting blood.
- a person who makes boilers.
- health professional that deal with the circulatory system
- a person who makes and repairs locks.
- allied healthcare professional who specializes in the use of ultrasonic imaging devices to produce diagnostic images, scans, videos or three-dimensional volumes of anatomy and diagnostic data
- a driver licensed to operate vehicles classified as commercial vehicles
- who services and repairs automobiles, sometimes specializing in one or more automobile brands or sometimes working with any brand
- a person trained in subsidiary legal matters but not fully qualified as a lawyer.
- specialize in magnetic resonance imaging scanners
21 Clues: a person who welds metal. • a person who makes boilers. • a builder and worker in stone. • a person who makes and repairs locks. • specialize in magnetic resonance imaging scanners • a person who installs and maintains electrical equipment. • health professional that deal with the circulatory system • ...
school objects 2023-10-03
- something you work on at school
- something you sharpen pencils with
- something you put marker on
- something you sit on
- something you hold your lunch in
- something you hold stuff with
- something you wright in to remember stuff
- something you hold food with
- your doing it right now
- something you type with that is metal
- something you blow your nose with
- something that kills 99.9% of germs
- something you wright on
- something you can drink out of
- something you wright with that can erase
- something you unlock
- something to see the time with
- something you wear to buy lunch
- something you work on
- something you hate to do after school
- something you open
21 Clues: something you open • something you unlock • something you sit on • something you work on • something you wright on • your doing it right now • something you put marker on • something you hold food with • something you hold stuff with • something you can drink out of • something to see the time with • something you work on at school • something you wear to buy lunch • ...
At School 2023-10-13
High School 2024-05-21
- Bag used to carry books and supplies
- Creative course involving various mediums
- A storage compartment for students' belongings
- A facility for physical education classes and sports
- A formal dance typically held for high school students
- Student with the highest academic achievement in a graduating class
- Lack of motivation among seniors nearing graduation
- A publication featuring photos and memories from the school year
- Event where students present scientific projects
- A popular sport played in many high schools
- Branch of mathematics dealing with shapes and their properties
- Standardized test used for college admissions
- Activity outside of regular curriculum
- Vocal ensemble performing choral music
- The study of living organisms
- The head administrator of a school
- Ceremony marking the completion of high school
- Musical ensemble often found in high schools
- A punishment for breaking school rules
- Vehicle used to transport students to and from school
- Document showing a student's grades for a term
- A place for students to borrow books and study
- Substance with a distinct molecular composition
- Branch of mathematics dealing with triangles and angles
- Educational outing outside of the classroom
- The study of matter and its properties
- Someone who provides academic assistance outside of class
- Where students eat lunch at school
- Theatrical productions performed by students
- Classroom where students start their day and take attendance
- Event to boost school spirit before a sports game
- Courses for college credit
- A branch of mathematics often dreaded by students
- Study sessions to prepare for the college entrance exam
- Tradition of welcoming back alumni to the school
- Measuring tool used in math and drafting
- Group of students who argue opposing viewpoints
- Study of past events and their significance
- Assignments given to students to complete outside of class
39 Clues: Courses for college credit • The study of living organisms • Where students eat lunch at school • The head administrator of a school • Bag used to carry books and supplies • The study of matter and its properties • Activity outside of regular curriculum • Vocal ensemble performing choral music • A punishment for breaking school rules • ...
School adv 2024-04-14
- the study about the natural world
- a smooth white board that can be written or drawn on with markers
- the study of matter and how it changes
- principal, the person in charge of a school
- having a good judgement or common sense
- how much is being done or achieved
- the teacher of a particular class
- cafeteria
- Study of the Earth
- The study of life
- lesson that involves the use of computers and other electronic devices
- sport and physical activity taught as a school subject
- the study or science of numbers and shapes
- a school subject, that focuses on the study of the English language
- a table that you sit at to write or work
- the study of matter and energy
- to earn or merit something because of what you have done
- a school subject where students use your imagination and learn about art
- laboratory where scientific experiments take place
- to start making a noise(as an alarm or signal)
20 Clues: cafeteria • The study of life • Study of the Earth • the study of matter and energy • the study about the natural world • the teacher of a particular class • how much is being done or achieved • the study of matter and how it changes • having a good judgement or common sense • a table that you sit at to write or work • the study or science of numbers and shapes • ...
School Supplies 2024-08-22
- This tool is used to perform mathematical calculations.
- You need this for sticking paper pieces together permanently.
- You write on this surface in classrooms, and it's often green or white.
- You use this to organize papers into sections or store important documents.
- A handheld device used to fix sheets of paper together with staples.
- You use this to carry all your school supplies and books.
- These come in different colors and are used to draw and color pictures.
- You use this to erase mistakes made with a pencil.
- A larger pad of paper often used for sketches or drawings.
- A flat tool used to measure and draw straight lines.
- This item holds sheets of paper together temporarily.
- This colorful tool is used to highlight important text.
- A book with blank pages where you write notes.
- You use this to cut paper into shapes or strips.
- This container holds all your pens, pencils, and erasers.
- A sticky item used to attach papers to surfaces or other papers.
- A calendar or planner used to track homework and assignments.
- This device sharpens your pencils.
- This tool is used to write on paper and can be sharpened.
- A container filled with colored ink, often used in art class.
20 Clues: This device sharpens your pencils. • A book with blank pages where you write notes. • You use this to cut paper into shapes or strips. • You use this to erase mistakes made with a pencil. • A flat tool used to measure and draw straight lines. • This item holds sheets of paper together temporarily. • This tool is used to perform mathematical calculations. • ...
School Vocabulary 2025-02-07
- to refuse or become smaller or weaker.
- to produce or create something.
- feeling sure about something or having self-assurance.
- a short statement describing the main idea and key points of a story
- to give or add something to a common cause.
- the end result
- to explain or make something clear by giving examples or pictures.
- important or meaningful.
- having the ability or skill to do something.
- showing a variety of different types or elements.
- to show differences between two or more things.
- to leave something behind or give up on it.
- to show or point out something.
- to demand something firmly or forcefully.
- to continue or keep something in a certain state or condition.
- a warning, or hint that a future event will happen
- to understand
- to reply or react to something.
- to put a plan or idea into action.
- to change or differ in some way
- to convince someone to do something or believe something.
- to judge or assess the value or quality of something.
- to recognize or admit something.
- Words that mean the same thing
- to work together with others on a project or task.
- to create or devise a strategy, plan, or idea.
- to change or modify something to make it better or more suitable.
- to make an educated guess or conclusion based on evidence.
- extremely important or necessary.
- to come out or become visible after being hidden.
- the effect or influence something has on something else.
- to keep something going or maintain it over time.
- to increase in size, number, or importance.
- Words that mean the opposite thing
- an advantage or positive result.
- to explain or make something clear.
- to expect or look forward to something.
- a reason for doing something.
- to evaluate or judge the quality or importance of something.
39 Clues: to understand • the end result • important or meaningful. • a reason for doing something. • Words that mean the same thing • to reply or react to something. • to change or differ in some way • to produce or create something. • to show or point out something. • to recognize or admit something. • an advantage or positive result. • extremely important or necessary. • ...
School Life 2025-01-15
- Treating people equally without bias.
- To examine something carefully to understand it better.
- To develop or improve a skill or quality.
- To put a plan or decision into action.
- Taking action in advance to prevent or solve problems.
- Able to find quick and clever ways to solve problems.
- Being modest and not thinking too highly of oneself.
- To successfully reach a goal through effort.
- Having a strong reason or desire to act or achieve something.
- Concern for the suffering or well-being of others.
- To improve the quality or value of something.
- Feeling very happy and energetic.
- Showing great attention to detail.
- Feeling nervous or worried about something.
- Feeling annoyed or upset due to being unable to achieve something.
- Introducing or using new ideas and methods.
- To work together with others to achieve a goal.
- Able to recover quickly from difficulties or setbacks.
- Being responsible for your actions and decisions.
- To keep trying despite difficulties.
- Having a strong desire to succeed or achieve something.
- Extremely happy and excited.
- Being honest and having strong moral principles.
- Having a positive outlook on future events.
- To arrange tasks in order of importance.
- The ability to understand and share others' feelings.
- Holding on firmly to a task or idea; persistent.
- Showing persistent and careful effort in doing something.
- Continued effort despite difficulties.
- Showing regard for others' feelings or rights.
30 Clues: Extremely happy and excited. • Feeling very happy and energetic. • Showing great attention to detail. • To keep trying despite difficulties. • Treating people equally without bias. • To put a plan or decision into action. • Continued effort despite difficulties. • To arrange tasks in order of importance. • To develop or improve a skill or quality. • ...
School Stuff 2024-10-24
- where do you get candy after school?
- After school program.
- Grade that you read The Odyssey?
- Coins Plastic circles.
- 8th grade ELA.
- Story time with.
- 5th grade trip.
- Elementary school art.
- writing.
- Bills fan.
- Spanish teacher.
- Weather reader.
- Room inside the library.
- boards big boards.
- K-8 principle.
- Every month.
- Wolf pack.
- Small loud doors.
- Garfield lover.
- has 2 axolotls.
20 Clues: writing. • Wolf pack. • Bills fan. • Every month. • K-8 principle. • 8th grade ELA. • Weather reader. • Garfield lover. • 5th grade trip. • has 2 axolotls. • Story time with. • Spanish teacher. • Small loud doors. • boards big boards. • After school program. • Coins Plastic circles. • Elementary school art. • Room inside the library. • Grade that you read The Odyssey? • ...
School Vocab 2024-10-30
- school
- to help
- to teach
- to pay attention
- to take
- hallway
- swimming pool
- principal (feminine)
- auditorium
- to walk
- library
- to go back home
- laboratory
- to wear; to bring
- building
- soccer field
- secretary (feminine)
- exchange
- ceremony
- to have lunch
- to study
- to participate
- principal (masculine)
- national anthem
- to sing
- bus
- office
- gymnasium
- to use
- to work in teams
- secretary (masculine)
31 Clues: bus • school • office • to use • to help • to take • hallway • to sing • to walk • library • exchange • ceremony • to study • to teach • building • gymnasium • auditorium • laboratory • soccer field • to have lunch • swimming pool • to participate • national anthem • to go back home • to pay attention • to work in teams • to wear; to bring • secretary (feminine) • principal (feminine) • principal (masculine) • secretary (masculine)
After School 2024-10-24
- One of the favorite activities to do on Friday... "next word!!!"
- at 4:15 we take a break to eat ____
- The activity where you PLAY with notes and sounds
- The day of the week we usually WHEEL around in the gym
- after school, this club really moves and grooves to church songs
- Before we go play, we have time to do our ____
- We are JAZZED up to have this music talent on the after school team!
- some teachers stay after school for this--helping kids grow stronger with their learning
- The staff member of after school probably wearing blue!
- She leads Cheer and Praise Dance, plus our PK squad
- This team member is the newest to the after school team in 2024!
- These athletes definitely have school spirit
- Lots of students want to make these...just dont spill the beads all over the floor!
- this is the room we meet in for after school
- this club runs far and fast!
- Be careful not to get a violation from this team member!
- this sport is a real slam dunk!
- this after school worker used to be a student of CWSCS
- The team member who walkie talkies us when it is time to go home.
- the group where you can sing with Mrs. Language and Mr. Isaac
- the room where we can play and be loud
21 Clues: this club runs far and fast! • this sport is a real slam dunk! • at 4:15 we take a break to eat ____ • the room where we can play and be loud • These athletes definitely have school spirit • this is the room we meet in for after school • Before we go play, we have time to do our ____ • The activity where you PLAY with notes and sounds • ...
school vocab 2024-11-04
- powtarzać materiał
- chemia
- przedszkole
- historia
- teacher wychowawca
- school szkoła prywatna
- uczeń
- podejść ponownie
- zdać (egzamin)
- matematyka
- podręcznik
- Technology informatyka
- school szkoła państwowa
- podejść do egzaminu
- school szkoła podstawowa
- teacher dyrektor
- education wychowanie fizyczne
- geografia
- fizyka
- oblać (egzamin)
- school szkoła średnia
21 Clues: uczeń • chemia • fizyka • historia • geografia • matematyka • podręcznik • przedszkole • zdać (egzamin) • oblać (egzamin) • teacher dyrektor • podejść ponownie • powtarzać materiał • teacher wychowawca • podejść do egzaminu • school szkoła średnia • Technology informatyka • school szkoła prywatna • school szkoła państwowa • school szkoła podstawowa • education wychowanie fizyczne
Law School 2024-11-18
- Case about foreseeability of damages.
- Case about strict liability in products.
- of the University of California - Duty to warn in negligence.
- Case about possession of a baseball.
- Case about property rights in cohabitation.
- Homes - Right to exclude others from private property.
- Case defining intentional torts.
- Case about automatism as a defense.
- "Pregnant cow" case about mutual mistake.
- York Case about economic liberties under substantive due process.
- Finder's rights over property.
- Case about harmful or offensive contact.
- Case about ownership of wild animals.
- Case about juvenile death penalty.
- of New London - Case about eminent domain and public use.
- Case about trespassing to aid another.
- StatesvPark Case about corporate criminal liability.
- Duty of care in negligence for product defects.
- Smoke Ball Co. Case establishing unilateral contracts.
- Case about privacy and abortion rights.
- Case distinguishing gifts from enforceable promises.
- Coal & Mining Co. Case about damages for performance.
- Case about internment and strict scrutiny.
- - Case about strict liability in statutory crimes.
- "Peerless" ship case about mutual mistake.
- Case involving spring guns and property defense.
- Case about federal power and necessary and proper clause.
- Case about privacy and contraceptive use.
- Case establishing judicial review.
- Island Railroad Co. - Case about proximate cause.
- Case about commerce power.
- Case defining the insanity defense.
- Case about ownership of lost property.
- Case about negligence in manslaughter.
- Case about free speech and flag burning.
- Case about self-defense and reasonable belief.
- Case on omission and duty to act.
- Case defining consideration in contract law.
- Case about regulatory takings.
- and Stephens Case about necessity as a defense to murder.
- Case defining strict liability for dangerous activities.
- Case about intentionality in a battery claim.
- Case of contract formation over a "joke" offer.
- Case about liability for spring-loaded traps.
- Case striking down laws against interracial marriage.
- Case about impossibility of performance.
- of Education Landmark case about desegregation.
- Case defining property rights under discovery doctrine.
- Lady Duff Gordon Case about implied obligations in a contract.
49 Clues: Case about commerce power. • Case about regulatory takings. • Finder's rights over property. • Case defining intentional torts. • Case on omission and duty to act. • Case establishing judicial review. • Case about juvenile death penalty. • Case defining the insanity defense. • Case about automatism as a defense. • Case about possession of a baseball. • ...
School Life 2024-11-12
- The long boat that we all sat on in year 2 and OBS
- The sweetest aunty who sells healthy food
- The name of the year 4 celebration
- The location that the sports fiesta was held at
- The structure of the staircase taking the shape of a snail shell
- Year 4 celebration theme
- The very first band from our cohort
- A stall that involves a pun with the school’s name
- The mechanical infrastructure that leads us up
- A Theban princess a theatre showcase had the name of
- The subject 11. teaches
- 2024 cohort colour
- The year 4 dance showcase
- Running challenge
- The activity we did for BLU this year
- A sport we played this year has this fermented snack in its name
- A sassy uncle who sells snacks
- An open area, clean slate
- A gothic novel we read for Literature
- Our year mentor
- The score all of us hope to get for IB
- The country some of our friends journeyed to for service learning
22 Clues: Our year mentor • Running challenge • 2024 cohort colour • The subject 11. teaches • Year 4 celebration theme • An open area, clean slate • The year 4 dance showcase • A sassy uncle who sells snacks • The name of the year 4 celebration • The very first band from our cohort • The activity we did for BLU this year • A gothic novel we read for Literature • ...
Lertlah 2024-07-19
- - Early childhood education program for young children
- - Full name of the Lertlah School branch located in the Kaset area
- - Special activities or occasions held at the school
- - Physical activities and games part of school activities
- - Office for managing school operations and records
- - Place for education, where students learn
- - Professionals who instruct and guide students
- - Head of the school who oversees administration and staff
- - Capital city of Thailand where Lertlah School is located
- - The first stage of formal education at the school
- - Place where students can borrow books and study
- - Collective term for the teaching staff
- - Tests that students take to assess their knowledge
- - Various programs and things to do outside of regular classes
- - Creative subjects such as drawing and painting offered at the school
- - Young people who attend classes at the school
- - President
- - Room where students have lessons
- - The next stage of education following primary school
- - Activities outside of regular academic classes
- - Standard clothing worn by students at Lertlah School
- - Outdoor area at the school for relaxation and plants
22 Clues: - President • - Room where students have lessons • - Collective term for the teaching staff • - Place for education, where students learn • - Young people who attend classes at the school • - Professionals who instruct and guide students • - Activities outside of regular academic classes • - Place where students can borrow books and study • ...
woorden school 2015-11-15
- hierin kan je lezen
- hierdoor kijk je naar buiten
- in juli en augustus
- de eerste maand van het jaar
- de eerste dag van de week
- om te verven
- niet achter maar...
- sommen maken
- als je pipi moet doen
- als de bel gaat ga je naar de...
- de kleur van het gras
- de laatste dag les
- we hebben maar een halve dag les
- op de ... zijn we stil
- de kleur van de lucht
- seizoen in november
- persoon die je Nederlands leert
- die doen we aan als we naar buiten gaan
- 3+4=
- je stoel staat aan de...
- hier zijn we de hele dag
- doe je als je dorst hebt
- de laatste dag van de week
- hierop kan je tekenen
- hierop zit je
- dit draag ik op mijn rug
- de maand waar in de lente begint
- de baas van de school
- hiermee schrijf je
- ik blaf
- gebruik je als je iets verkeerd geschreven hebt
- hier zitten we 's morgens
- ik ben een huisdier
- we moeten niet naar school
- het schooljaar begint
- als de bel gaat staan we in de ...
- schijnt in de zomer
- de kleur van papier
- de ... wolken
39 Clues: 3+4= • ik blaf • om te verven • sommen maken • hierop zit je • de ... wolken • hiermee schrijf je • de laatste dag les • hierin kan je lezen • in juli en augustus • ik ben een huisdier • niet achter maar... • schijnt in de zomer • de kleur van papier • seizoen in november • hierop kan je tekenen • de baas van de school • als je pipi moet doen • het schooljaar begint • de kleur van het gras • ...
verjaardagsfeestje School 2015-12-15
- Italiaans gerecht
- jeugdbeweging
- rijwiel
- muziekinstrument van de Last Post
- volleyballclub in Retie
- hoofdstad van ons land
- rustperiode die straks begint
- beste meester ter wereld
- zonder fouten woordjes schrijven
- broer van Thea
- hond van Gert
- lijkt op een konijn, maar heeft langere poten en oren
- baas van Xavier, Olivia en Rik
- daar slapen vele kinderen mee, sommige grote mensen ook
- zij wordt heel waarschijnlijk koningin na Filip
- jeugdjournaal op ketnet
- baas van onze school
- buurgemeente met A
- dun en rond, lekker met suiker
- muisjes voor op de boterham
- les om een beetje fitter te worden
- dit soort afval gaat in de groene bak of de composthoop
- tweede dag van het weekend
- diertje met 8 poten
24 Clues: rijwiel • jeugdbeweging • hond van Gert • broer van Thea • Italiaans gerecht • buurgemeente met A • diertje met 8 poten • baas van onze school • hoofdstad van ons land • jeugdjournaal op ketnet • volleyballclub in Retie • beste meester ter wereld • tweede dag van het weekend • muisjes voor op de boterham • rustperiode die straks begint • baas van Xavier, Olivia en Rik • ...
School Supplies 2016-02-19
25 Clues: pen • test • quiz • glue • ruler • clock • paper • pencil • folder • marker • poster • stapler • notebook • backpack • computer • scissors • whiteboard • dictionary • paper clip • calculator • sticky tape • teacher desk • student desk • school supplies • pencil sharpener
Revision: SCHOOL 2017-01-27
29 Clues: RE • PE • bad • ICT • Art • good • easy • awful • Maths • Drama • great • Music • French • Sunday • Monday • boring • German • Friday • History • English • Science • Tuesday • Thursday • Saturday • Geography • difficult • Wednesday • interesting • Design&Technology
School Supplies 2018-03-12
- You use a ... to highlight important things.
- You use this object to cut things.
- You keep your pens and pencils together in a ...
- An object you use to make holes in paper.
- The teacher writes on a ...
- A pen with ink.
- You rub out your mistakes with an ...
- When you don't know a word, you can look it up in a ...
- That ... is 3O cm long.
- You sit on it.
- When the teacher makes a Kahoot, she uses the ...
- She has a big ... of One Direction hanging above her bed.
- I don't like to read a ...
- During the math test, you can't use a ...
- You carry your books in this object.
- An object you use to put pieces of paper together.
- A pen with a ballpoint.
- You keep your workbook in a ...
- At the beginning of each lesson, the pupils write in their ...
- On that ..., you can see the different parts of the UK.
- The teacher sits at her ...
- You throw your garbage in a ...
22 Clues: You sit on it. • A pen with ink. • That ... is 3O cm long. • A pen with a ballpoint. • I don't like to read a ... • The teacher writes on a ... • The teacher sits at her ... • You keep your workbook in a ... • You throw your garbage in a ... • You use this object to cut things. • You carry your books in this object. • You rub out your mistakes with an ... • ...
U4 School 2018-01-10
23 Clues: õun • kott • kool • parim • kunst • nemad • palju • kümme • pinal • üheksa • tänama • päevik • seitse • segadus • kaheksa • muidugi • pastakas • töövihik • joonlaud • koolitund • ruum, tuba • terane, tark • arvama; mõtlema
After school 2018-04-14
20 Clues: laul • päev • käsi • mäng • ujuma • kloun • limbo • laulma • ronima • väljas • leidma • ümisema • koletis • rääkima • tantsima • joonistama • nende (oma) • suurepärane • rula; rulaga sõitma • (kellegi /millegi) kohta)
AFTER SCHOOL 2018-04-27
school classroom 2018-04-19
- stand for
- teacher writes on
- write on
- kids in class
- put your things in
- tell time
- were you sit
- ink writing material
- person in charge
- use to leave class
- finished work
- work after school
- write with
- paper dew
- read
- to call outside of classroom
- look things up
- tells you when you can leave
- get rid of mistakes
- draw with
20 Clues: read • write on • stand for • paper dew • tell time • draw with • write with • were you sit • finished work • kids in class • look things up • person in charge • work after school • teacher writes on • put your things in • use to leave class • get rid of mistakes • ink writing material • to call outside of classroom • tells you when you can leave
AT SCHOOL 2014-02-26
AT SCHOOL 2014-02-20
- prestare
- sottolineare
- carta geografia
- capire
- cancellare
- fallire
- lavagna
- cartella
- spiegare
- laurearsi
- comportarsi bene
- verificare
- zaino
- imparare
- chiedere in prestito
- condividere
- ripassare
- colla
- preside
- frequentare
- disegnare
- significare
- superare
- compagno di classe
- mensa
- allenarsi
- gesso
- banco
- armadietto
- imbrogliare
- gomma
- sapere
32 Clues: colla • mensa • gesso • banco • zaino • gomma • capire • sapere • preside • fallire • lavagna • prestare • superare • cartella • spiegare • imparare • disegnare • allenarsi • laurearsi • ripassare • cancellare • armadietto • verificare • frequentare • significare • imbrogliare • condividere • sottolineare • carta geografia • comportarsi bene • compagno di classe • chiedere in prestito
After School 2014-02-18
20 Clues: Room • Book • Read • Comic • Radio • Photo • Listen • Stroll • Weekend • Fishing • Practice • Homework • Magazine • Shopping • This week • Last week • Newspaper • Next week • Every week • Take (photo)
School Courses 2013-11-16
23 Clues: FCS • Art • Music • Latin • German • French • English • Algebra • Biology • History • Physics • Spanish • Geometry • Calculus • Geography • Chemistry • Arithmetic • Mathematics • The Sciences • The languages • Social Studies • Computer Science • Physical Education
School Courses 2013-11-16
23 Clues: Art • FCS • Latin • Music • German • French • Spanish • Algebra • Biology • English • History • Physics • Calculus • Geometry • Geography • Chemistry • Arithmetic • Mathematics • The Sciences • The languages • Social Studies • Computer Science • Physical Education
School Courses 2013-11-16
23 Clues: FCS • Art • Latin • Music • French • German • Biology • Algebra • Physics • History • English • Spanish • Geometry • Calculus • Geography • Chemistry • Arithmetic • Mathematics • The Sciences • The Languages • Social Studies • Computer Science • Physical Education
School Courses 2013-11-16
23 Clues: FCS • Art • Music • Latin • German • French • Algebra • Biology • English • Spanish • Physics • History • Calculus • Geometry • Geography • Chemistry • Arithmetic • Mathematics • The Sciences • The Languages • Social Studies • Computer Science • Physical Education
School Vocabulary 2014-11-09
- totalk
- study
- interesting
- who?
- amusing,fun
- ninth
- toteach
- first
- youneed
- dictionary
- sixth
- threeringbinder
- ver let's see
- class
- easy
- tenth
- for
- class
- mathematics
- boring
- fourth
- more...than
- homework
- a lot
- favorite
- lunch
- Ihave
- youhave
- science
- technology/computers
- art
- second
- inthehour
- third
- Ineed
- practical
- socialstudies
- physicaleducation
- schedule
- calculator
- difficult
- english
- seventh
- eighth
- fifth
- spanish
46 Clues: art • for • who? • easy • study • lunch • Ihave • ninth • first • third • Ineed • sixth • class • tenth • class • fifth • a lot • totalk • second • eighth • boring • fourth • youhave • science • toteach • youneed • english • seventh • spanish • favorite • schedule • homework • inthehour • practical • difficult • dictionary • calculator • interesting • amusing,fun • mathematics • more...than • socialstudies • ver let's see • threeringbinder • physicaleducation • ...
school words 2015-04-28
23 Clues: un stylo • la colle • un crayon • une regle • un cahier • une gomme • le bureau • le gymnase • une chaise • la fontaine • un marqueur • un cartable • un sac a dos • la cafeteria • le concierge • une etudiante • le professeur • la bibliotheque • la cour d'ecole • la bibliothecaire • la salle de classe • la sale des professeurs • les toilettes des garcons
School Supplies 2015-07-10
22 Clues: cola • livro • pasta • régua • lápis • estojo • caneta • caderno • mochila • tesoura • cadeira • carteira • borracha • lapiseira • apontador • canetinha • grampeador • marca texto • giz de cera • lápis de cor • quadro de avisos • bloquinho/caderninho de anotações
School crossword 2015-03-08
- Lesson starts or ends when it rings.
- When you fail an exam, you have to ... it.
- Lessons take place there.
- A schedule of lessons.
- When you have two lessons in row.
- Subject where you learn about the past.
- Between two lessons.
- When you take a one-year break between high school and studies.
- A document that confirms you finished e.g. a course.
- A place in school where books are kept.
- People who are in your class.
- Antonym for absent.
- You can pass or ... your exam.
- Synonym: obligatory.
- Person that is absent.
- The latest time to hand in homework.
- Schoolwork that student has to do at home.
- ... subjects - e.g. maths, physics.
- A half of the school year.
- You get this when you win e.g. a contest.
20 Clues: Antonym for absent. • Synonym: obligatory. • Between two lessons. • Person that is absent. • A schedule of lessons. • Lessons take place there. • A half of the school year. • People who are in your class. • You can pass or ... your exam. • When you have two lessons in row. • ... subjects - e.g. maths, physics. • Lesson starts or ends when it rings. • ...
School crossword 2015-03-08
- When you get ... you are absent from school and have to stay at home because you had done sth wrong
- Person who learns in primary school
- Subject where you do exercises
- When you fail an exam you have to ... it
- Teacher who take care of class
- The lates time to hand in homework
- Subject where you learn singing
- You write your notes there
- Unallowable help on exam
- When you do not going to school you ... lessons
- Person who administrates the school
- You eat it on break
- A document which you get winning a contest
- Free time between two lessons
- A schedule of lessons
- When you win e.g. a contest you go on ...-giving
- You give it to PE teacher when you can not train
- Person who finished university
- Place where you eat lunch
- Place where you can borrow books
20 Clues: You eat it on break • A schedule of lessons • Unallowable help on exam • Place where you eat lunch • You write your notes there • Free time between two lessons • Subject where you do exercises • Person who finished university • Teacher who take care of class • Subject where you learn singing • Place where you can borrow books • The lates time to hand in homework • ...
School Schedule 2021-09-13
PGS7G_O2:School 2021-03-03
- tupperware
- pen's parent
- our group name
- The "car" of all school stuff
- the most used stationary
- view
- neon
- the object that always get hit by the teacher when the student is noisy
- eraser soul mate
- made from rubber thangs
- Sir Seno
- water carrier
- student's eye catcher
- the sponge of our teeth
- the mother of all stationary
- where your back can rest
- number
- ink
- elbat
- place to lean
20 Clues: ink • view • neon • elbat • number • Sir Seno • tupperware • pen's parent • water carrier • place to lean • our group name • eraser soul mate • student's eye catcher • the sponge of our teeth • made from rubber thangs • where your back can rest • the most used stationary • the mother of all stationary • The "car" of all school stuff • ...
21 Clues: обед • химия • дизайн • физика • музыка • русский • история • перемена • биология • собрание • искусство • математика • расписание • технология • английский • информатика • физкультура • французский • обществознание • основы религий • естественные науки
school MATURA 2021-01-18
- dobrobyt, pomyślność
- from odejmować od
- bodziec, zachęta
- wymówka
- jąkanie się
- exam egzamin próbny
- out rozdać
- dziedzina, domena
- details wymagane dane
- back to pochodzić z
- surowy
- różnorodny, rozmaity
- up for zapisać się na
- form formularz zgłoszeniowy
- wzbogacić, urozmaicić
- out a loan wziąć pożyczkę
- raty
- education szkolnictwo wyższe
- dręczyć, prześladować
- school szkoła państwowa (BrE)
- stypendium, kwestura
- błagać
- reluctance z niechęcią
- założyciel
- wymagający
- ogromny, olbrzymi
- prosperujący, kwitnący
- zmieszanie, zakłopotanie
- an essay oddać wypracowanie
- tlen
- dobrze prosperujący
- nieśmiało
- fee opłata wpisowa
- obecność na zajęciach, frekwencja
- pielęgnować, rozwijać, wspierać
- fee opłata za naukę, czesne
- a lesson / play truant pójść na wagary
- WOS, obywatelstwo
- rezerwa, powściągliwość
- pressure presja rówieśników
- z zapałem
- sciences nauki przyrodnicze
- student ostatniego roku, uczeń ostatniej klasy
- roll call sprawdzać obecność
- samodzielność, niezależność
- praca / zadanie
- school szkoła zawodowa, szkoła branżowa
- wydział
- terapeuta, doradca
- tempo
- tożsamość
- podejrzany, wątpliwy
- robić próby
- obowiązkowy
- exam egzamin państwowy
- potwierdzać, uzasadniać
- data dane statystyczne
- wnieść wkład
- decydujący
- praktyka, staż
- by heart uczyć się na pamięć
- union samorząd studencki/uczniowski
- sala wykładowa, aula
- zajęcia teatralne
- expenses koszty utrzymania
- the opportunity przegapić okazję
- dotacja
- wodór
- sum jednorazowa wpłata lub wypłata
- room gabinet pielęgniarki
- your mind doskonalić umysł
- form college dwuletnia szkoła przygotowująca do egzaminu dojrzałości
- classes uczęszczać na zajęcia
- składka, wkład
- dobrze prosperować, kwitnąć
- vast majority of ogromna większość
- on skupić się na
- to przemawiać do kogoś, trafiać, odwołać się
78 Clues: raty • tlen • tempo • wodór • surowy • błagać • wymówka • wydział • dotacja • z zapałem • tożsamość • nieśmiało • out rozdać • decydujący • założyciel • wymagający • jąkanie się • robić próby • obowiązkowy • wnieść wkład • praktyka, staż • składka, wkład • praca / zadanie • bodziec, zachęta • on skupić się na • from odejmować od • dziedzina, domena • zajęcia teatralne • ogromny, olbrzymi • WOS, obywatelstwo • terapeuta, doradca • ...
School Vocabulary 2022-04-05
23 Clues: Art • pen • desk • Math • book • I use • paper • school • pencil • I have • I need • History • Science • Spanish • English • markers • crayons • notebook • computer • backpack • scissors • teacher(male) • teacher(female)
School life 2022-04-14
30 Clues: ütü • ses • söz • pano • özel • ders • ders • yurt • kimya • tarih • fıkır • deney • bilim • sanat • terzi • asitli • biçmek • taramak • tamirci • değişim • takılmak • yürüyerek • beslenmek • boş zaman • den ziyade • ilgili olmak • sohbet etmek • muayene etmek • tekrar yapmak • misafir perver
School Objects 2022-02-28
23 Clues: map • pen • door • desk • book • clock • chair • table • ruler • poster • eraser • pencil • binder • marker • window • notebook • backpack • dictionary • whiteboard • pencil case • piece of paper • laptop computer • pencil sharpener
school supplies 2022-03-27
20 Clues: desk • tape • book • class • school • binder • pencil • marker • eraser • folder • i need • crayon • bookbag • stapler • computer • notebook • you need • headphones • dictionary • colored pencil
School life 2022-04-27
21 Clues: hinne • kiusama • erakool • kordama • keskkool • õppeaine • sõbrunema • koolivorm • riigikool • prioriteet • vabatahtlik • kokkuvõttes • poppi tegema • läbi kukkuma • minu arvates • välja viskama • koolidirektor • kooli reeglid • internaatkool • eksamit ära tegema • koduseid töid tegema
School Supplies 2022-05-13
- where you play
- you keep all your papers in here
- you can sharpen your pencil with me
- i can answer math problems
- a computer device
- you can make me colorful
- you can use me to measure things
- you can connect papers together
- used to highlight key words
- I am given to you to do at home
- you go here to study
- what you write on
- you carry me to school
- you use me to read and learn
- you can use me to erase a mistake
- something you write with
- something you cut with
- you can stick things together
- someone who teaches you
- something you write on
20 Clues: where you play • what you write on • a computer device • you go here to study • you carry me to school • something you cut with • something you write on • someone who teaches you • something you write with • you can make me colorful • i can answer math problems • used to highlight key words • you use me to read and learn • you can stick things together • I am given to you to do at home • ...
School life 2022-05-27
30 Clues: ütü • ses • söz • pano • özel • ders • ders • yurt • kimya • terzi • bilim • tarih • fikır • deney • resim • asitli • biçmek • taramak • değişim • tamirci • boşzaman • takılmak • yürüyerek • beslenmek • denziyade • ilgiliolmak • sohbetetmek • muayeneetmek • tekraryapmak • misafirperver
School things 2022-07-15
School Experience 2022-06-03
- My class is the _______
- A catching game
- Back to school
- The best quiz website
- Online puzzle of the decade (in my opinion)
- My best friend
- My very own creation
- A great achievement
- The best cooking company
- We need to make Finn better
- It was harder, but I still learned them all
- a lovely school subject
- I learned them all
- Gabriel
- My favorite sport
- persevere
- Kahoot but better
- Arguments
- Annotate
- Block Game
20 Clues: Gabriel • Annotate • persevere • Arguments • Block Game • Back to school • My best friend • A catching game • My favorite sport • Kahoot but better • I learned them all • A great achievement • My very own creation • The best quiz website • a lovely school subject • My class is the _______ • The best cooking company • We need to make Finn better • It was harder, but I still learned them all • ...
school supplies 2022-09-16
27 Clues: pen • flag • book • door • tape • ruler • clock • chair • paper • window • eraser • folder • marker • poster • pencil • stapler • book bag • scissors • computer • dictionary • calculator • whiteboard • wastebasket • student desk • teacher’s desk • pencil sharpener • notebook / binder
School members 2022-02-02
25 Clues: Teo • Emma • Maja • Noel • Olof • Hugo • Belma • Lucas • Elias • Klara • Sonja • Erika • Filip • Signe • Edith • Hilma • Marco • Anton • Valter • Emelie • OliverS • OliverL • Benjamin • Oliver r • Jhonatan
My school 2021-11-25
21 Clues: rajz • matek • angol • kémia • fizika • hittan • órarend • francia • biológia • földrajz • tantárgy • ének-zene • történelem • tudományok • testnevelés • informatika • hittan (rövidítés) • állampolgári ismeretek • informatika (rövidítés) • testnevelés (rövidítés) • technika (dizájn és technológia)
School Supplies 2022-02-11
24 Clues: map • pen • desk • book • wall • door • page • paper • ruler • clock • chair • board • chalk • window • marker • eraser • pencil • backpack • magazine • notebook • sharpener • trash can • newspaper • student desk
:) school is... 2021-07-26
- this dosint even relate to school
- they teach you
- the boss of the school
- opposite of unsafe
- some people have them
- these are not aloud at school
- someone you love as well
- its in the title
- its free
- some people have them
- everyone has them
- its fun
- opposite of safe
- the best bit
- where it happens
- a type of school
- like a cap
- this happens at everyday
- year
- they learn with you
- someone you love
- something you can where
22 Clues: year • its fun • its free • like a cap • the best bit • they teach you • opposite of safe • where it happens • a type of school • someone you love • its in the title • everyone has them • opposite of unsafe • they learn with you • some people have them • some people have them • the boss of the school • something you can where • someone you love as well • this happens at everyday • ...
School Contacts 2021-07-06
- This special type of call is only to be used in special circumstances under the direction of a supervisor or school specialist.
- Tracers who are interviewing minors with separated parents should confirm they are interviewing the ________ parent.
- The ______ ____ should be triggered for all school-age contacts that attend summer school, camp, or recreation program.
- Camp staff are not required to be fully __________ but it is highly encouraged.
- If a _____ is missing from the school hub drop-down menu, let a supervisor know so it can be entered into the system.
- If you have questions or concerns about a school contact, a great person to ask is the _______ ________ for that county.
- If you are unable to reach a school contact by the end of the day, leave the school _______ to alert them of the contact's exposure.
- School-age contacts have the highest ________ among all contacts.
- Daycares, after-school programs, school-sanctioned sports events, and recreational sports teams are considered ______ ___ ________ and must NOT be disclosed as a source of exposure.
- When triggering the school hub, it is very important to select the correct _____ _____ from the drop-down menu.
- Children who are attending ______ camps and are quarantining on site will most likely be handled by the LHD.
- Masks are ______ at summer school, but are only encouraged at camps.
- Children ages ______ and over are able to be vaccinated at this time.
- For minor contacts, the interview must be conducted with a ______/_______.
- Summer school exposures are treated like regular school contacts and may be ______.
- After six attempts over _____ days, you will need to submit another SNF if you are still unable to reach school contacts.
- For school contacts residing in a different county, you will complete the interview, _______ the record, and notify the school specialist or supervisor.
- School contacts that are fully vaccinated and asymptomatic may be closed out as vaccinated, _____ from quarantine.
- It is highly advisable to read an entire record before making a call, particularly the ______ put in by the school specialist.
- If unable to reach a school contact at the end of day 1, a _____ must be submitted.
- Minors may be interviewed directly if they are __________, pregnant, married, or living away at college.
- You should attempt to reach school contacts (and all contacts) _______ times per day.
- The only type of _______ that may be disclosed in all of contact tracing is for school or summer school.
- In team Tricia, school contacts must be taken care of when you are off and it is your responsibility to get them ________ with the help of your teammates.
24 Clues: School-age contacts have the highest ________ among all contacts. • Masks are ______ at summer school, but are only encouraged at camps. • Children ages ______ and over are able to be vaccinated at this time. • For minor contacts, the interview must be conducted with a ______/_______. • ...
Mayberry School 2021-05-06
- The number on the bottom of a fraction
- Literacy program taught everyday
- Giant bummer that kept us home
- Teacher of the year
- Home to books
- A favorite online game often played in class
- Deoxyribonucleic Acid
- Creatures often seen outside Mayberry School
- Place where students don't eat anymore
- Last month of school year
- Has a really cool car
- Favorite candy is Reeses Peanut butter Cups
- Smallest liquid measurement
- Loopy, fancy writing
- After school program
- Text that is not based on history or fact
- Last grade level before Middle School
- 5th grade RLE teacher
- Mayberrys big kahuna
- Do this when travelling down the halls
20 Clues: Home to books • Teacher of the year • Loopy, fancy writing • After school program • Mayberrys big kahuna • Has a really cool car • 5th grade RLE teacher • Deoxyribonucleic Acid • Last month of school year • Smallest liquid measurement • Giant bummer that kept us home • Literacy program taught everyday • Last grade level before Middle School • The number on the bottom of a fraction • ...
Subject/School 2020-11-15
- During break time, you should go to _______ so you don't have to go during class time.
- You need to wash your hand when you come inside the house to _______ yourself.
- The bird is _______ the window! I think the bird will come inside the house!
- When you study, you get more ________ to use in the future.
- If you want to learn a skill to use at a work, you should take this class so you can be ready soon. For example, to work with cars.
- If you move to a new country, and you want to live there, you need to apply to become a __________.
- This person works hard to make food for the students.
- You decided to plan a surprise birthday party for your mom, so you need to be _______ and clean up after the party.
- If you are finished with the movie, you need to find the ______ door to leave.
- Annie wants to study _______ in college so she can work at a company.
- I don't know what class I want to take for an _____ because there are so many classes.
- Are you looking for a book? Do you need help? You should go ask this person.
- When the bell rings for the class, there are many students in the _________ to get to their class.
- When you need to change your class, you can go to this person.
- I know how to play trumpet instrument so I want to join the ________ class.
- All the students at school went to the _______ to hear the principal talk.
- There are many ________ classes you can take in America, for example, Chinese.
- This is the place where the principal and counselors are at.
- If you want to go to ski during winter time, you need to bring this to keep your eyes safe.
- Today, we are going to play basketball inside the _____.
- The science class is not on this floor, you need to go the ____________.
- Where is the restaurant? The restaurant is ________ the coffee shop.
- Do you have a fever? You need to go see this person now.
- You have so many binders in your backpack, go put them in your ________.
- Today, we have an experiment so I am excited to go to the _________.
- When the test is over, the teacher asks me to ______ the papers and give it to her.
- In this class, I like to use watercolor paint to paint.
- Our school is very clean because of this person.
- When you go ________ the classroom, you will find the teacher at the desk.
- When you need to cut the tree, you need to wear this on your hand so you don't get hurt.
- If we want to have a clean air in the future, we should do this.
- When John was young, he watched his father work with computers and now, John wants to take this class to be like his father.
- Sam always wanted to be a scientist and his ideal future would be to make the cure for cancer.
- In this class, I learn how to use emotions like sad, mad and happy.
- I love being active and playing sports so my favorite class is ___________.
- I am done reading Harry Potter so I am going to the _______ to return the book.
- I like to write stories and read books so in high school, I am going to take this class.
- It is nice to have a ________ cousin who calls you often to ask how you are doing and helps you.
- If you go _______________ you will find your math class at the end.
- It's sunny right now, let's go _______ and go to the park.
- This person makes sure that the school is a good place for students and teachers.
41 Clues: Our school is very clean because of this person. • This person works hard to make food for the students. • In this class, I like to use watercolor paint to paint. • Do you have a fever? You need to go see this person now. • Today, we are going to play basketball inside the _____. • It's sunny right now, let's go _______ and go to the park. • ...
About School 2021-02-12
- After school hangouts
- Something that can be safe and cannot be safe.
- Where people hang out
- 1-star restaurant
- laptop Used for Microsoft Teams
- A lot to do with numbers
- something with the periodic table
- Last minute
- Wood + horse hair = music
- Something you lose all the time
- Something has to do with measurements
- Crazy old man
- If you lean you die
- You get timed on
- Something that belongs in the trash, not the floor
- where we put our stuff in
- have to do with a lot of CER's and Paragraphs
- Things teachers assign
- Information about the World
- It gives a stress week
20 Clues: Last minute • Crazy old man • You get timed on • 1-star restaurant • If you lean you die • After school hangouts • Where people hang out • Things teachers assign • It gives a stress week • A lot to do with numbers • Wood + horse hair = music • where we put our stuff in • Information about the World • Something you lose all the time • laptop Used for Microsoft Teams • ...
School Odjects 2022-10-26
- A utensil you use to write with
- Something that you can read
- A person who teaches
- Something you sharpen your pencils with
- Something you can write on with a white erase marker
- Something to carry your stuff while at school
- A thing that you can look out of
- A person who works at a elementary school( female)
- Something to store important paper in
- An important utensil for school that you write notes on then store it away
- A child that goes to school
- Something you use to cut things
- A paper your teacher gives you for you to complete at home and bring back finished
- A thing where you put your laptop
- A place you go to study
- A utensil you use to erase
- A utensil you use to help with math
- Something to measure with
- cloths that remain the same type of style for the school
- Something you write on
- A utensil you use to write on a white board
- Something you can use to stick things together
- A bag to store pencils
- A place where students eat at
- A person who works at a elementary school (male)
- A place to store you gym cloths or stuff
- A room where you will find children learning
- A thing where you sit on
- no
- A utensil Teachers use for grading
- A important thing you can use when you're lost and can't find your way to your destination
31 Clues: no • A person who teaches • Something you write on • A bag to store pencils • A place you go to study • A thing where you sit on • Something to measure with • A utensil you use to erase • Something that you can read • A child that goes to school • A place where students eat at • A utensil you use to write with • Something you use to cut things • A thing that you can look out of • ...
SCHOOL RULES 2022-10-20
23 Clues: crier • rangez • stores • ecrire • entrer • coller • sortir • parler • courir • ecouter • bonjour • setaire • allumer • eteindre • regarder • travailler • levezlamain • parlezplusfort • faitel'exercise • fermez la porte • ecrivezlareponse • ouvrezvoscahiers • allerauxtoilettes
High School 2022-10-21
- the official leader of the school
- what most students carry and use to do most of their work
- the thing students set their work on during class
- the thing that every student sits on
- this is where classes are usually held
- the thing people use to keep their events and tasks organized; can be digital or on paper
- a writing utensil that has an eraser on it
- people walk inside this to get from one classroom to another
- where students and sometimes staff get food during lunch/brunch
- where PE and basketball games are often held
- the ceremony that happens when all of the requirements have been completed
- these types of "boards" are used by teachers and near the front of the classrooms
- this signal makes it possible for everyone to use the internet for free while on campus
- the things that students have to attend when they come to school each day
- a writing utensil that does not usually have an eraser
- what people can use more of when it is hot and they have to be outside
- the type of trip that is paid for by the school
- usually red, blue, and white and hanging up in a classroom
- people drink water from this
- groups that students choose to be a part of during lunch and/or after school, mostly because of one specific shared interest
- an event a school will have usually before a game, to try to get students excited for it
- where teams play football and soccer
- usually found on the wall in History classrooms, but can also be in English classrooms
23 Clues: people drink water from this • the official leader of the school • the thing that every student sits on • where teams play football and soccer • this is where classes are usually held • a writing utensil that has an eraser on it • where PE and basketball games are often held • the type of trip that is paid for by the school • ...
- A plan to make America economically independent.
- distinct region of the country.
- A war between natives, led by Black Hawk, and the U.S. in Illinois. Won by the U.S.
- areas made up of farms and countryside.
- A system in which each worker performs just one part of an entire production process.
- A change in the way Americans made, bought, and sold goods.
- The use of machinery to make goods.
- A heavy tax on imported manufactured goods, designed to strengthen American business.
- A band of states stretching from South Carolina to Texas
- commerce.
- crowded apartments with poor standards of sanitation.
- To reject.
- Invented by Eli Whitney, separates cotton from seeds, led to an
- development of industry.
- The powers neither given to the federal government nor denied to the states.
- A license from the government giving an inventor the sole right to make, use, and sell an invention for a certain period of time.
- hemisphere.
- An organization of workers formed to protect the interests of
- To withdraw
- a work stoppage.
- A violent slave uprising in 1831.
- An ongoing effort over many decades to increase production by using machines.
- The Supreme Court case where the court ruled that states could not interfere with the Federal government’s regulation of
- A practice where the winner of an election chose who would fill government jobs, regardless of qualifications.
- An 1830 law giving the President authority to move Native tribes from the homeland to territories in the west.
- Told the rest of the world to stay out of all affairs in the
- in the use of slave labor
- cities.
- A Supreme Court case where the court ruled that the powers of the Federal government went beyond those spelled out in the
- Enterprise System An economic system in which companies compete for profits.
- A 116 day forced march of the Cherokee people to the Indian territory. 1 out of every 4 Cherokees died.
- the United States. Won by the U.S.
- Parts that are exactly alike, and can be easily replaced.
- A Supreme Court Case where the court ruled that states cannot interfere with private contracts.
- A single factory where all tasks involved in making a product are carried out.
- Money that a business spends in hopes of a future gain.
- members.
- A piece of paper that the bank issues to their customers.
- The practice of rewarding political backers with government jobs.
- Seminole War: An 1835 uprising of the Seminoles, led by Osceola
40 Clues: cities. • members. • commerce. • To reject. • hemisphere. • To withdraw • a work stoppage. • development of industry. • in the use of slave labor • distinct region of the country. • A violent slave uprising in 1831. • the United States. Won by the U.S. • The use of machinery to make goods. • areas made up of farms and countryside. • A plan to make America economically independent. • ...
Latin School 2022-10-28
20 Clues: Art • math • Lunch • Music • French • Health • Physics • History • Italian • Algebra • Spanish • English • Biology • Calculus • Mandarin • Chemistry • Geography • Arithmetic • Social Studies • Computer technology
School Vocabulary 2020-05-13
School Vocabulary 2020-07-25
- examination
- opposite of pen
- It takes you to school
- a school friend
- a break
- The teacher writes on this
- You write notes in this
- Another word for class
- School staff work here
- you hang your coat here
- You keep your pencils and pens in this
- You use this to draw lines
- where you keep something safe
- like a table
- This is very sticky
- You cut paper with these
- opposite of pencil
- A book you use in class
- yuo use this to rub out mistakes
20 Clues: PUPILS • a break • examination • like a table • opposite of pen • a school friend • opposite of pencil • This is very sticky • It takes you to school • Another word for class • School staff work here • A book you use in class • You write notes in this • you hang your coat here • You cut paper with these • You use this to draw lines • The teacher writes on this • where you keep something safe • ...
Andrew - School 2019-04-01
- Kindergarten teacher's first name
- Pre-K teacher's last name
- sport in P.E dealing with rackets and birdies
- class dealing with commas and apostrophes
- Music teacher's first name
- location of school
- 5th Grade teacher's last name
- How many fingerprint doors in this school?
- first name of teacher of pre-algeabra
- Physical education teacher.
- Class with instruments
- Subject dealing with atoms and energy
- 8th grade teacher's first name
- librarian's last name
- vice principal's first name
- 7th grade teacher's last name
- subject with numbers and variables
- 3rd grade teacher's last name
- Principal's first name
- computer teacher's first name
20 Clues: location of school • librarian's last name • Class with instruments • Principal's first name • Pre-K teacher's last name • Music teacher's first name • vice principal's first name • Physical education teacher. • 7th grade teacher's last name • 3rd grade teacher's last name • 5th Grade teacher's last name • computer teacher's first name • 8th grade teacher's first name • ...
Bell-School 2019-04-01
- what is the technology teachers last name"
- What is hot lunch on Mondays"
- what is one of the math teachers"
- what month is spring break in"
- what month is id Mr.Suttons birthday"
- what is the 7th grade teachers last name"
- What's the last last name of the eighth grade teacher"
- what is the p.e. teachers last name"
- What's the last name of our principal"
- how many vans does the school have"
- what is hot lunch on wednesdays"
- What's one of the sports at mce"
- What's the school mascot"
- how many sports does the school have"
- what is the library teachers last name"
- what is the art teachers last name"
- What's one of the school colors"
- what is the 6th grade teachers last name"
- what is the third grade teachers last name"
- what month is 8th grade graduation"
20 Clues: What's the school mascot" • What is hot lunch on Mondays" • what month is spring break in" • what is hot lunch on wednesdays" • What's one of the sports at mce" • What's one of the school colors" • what is one of the math teachers" • what is the art teachers last name" • how many vans does the school have" • what month is 8th grade graduation" • ...
School shootings 2019-09-27
- Verletzung
- psychisch
- alleine
- inspirieren
- Notruf
- Angreifer
- Verantwortung übernehmen
- umstritten
- Sündenbock
- Abschreckung
- Selbstbewusstsein
- verhindern
- bedrohen
- Zugang haben
- hilflos
- unsicher
- ärgern, mobben
- vernünftig
- depressiv
- zweiter Verfassungszusatz
- Todesopfer
- wütend
- beschützen
- Krankenwagen
- verantwortlich
- beschuldigen
- unschuldig
- gewaltsam
- durchdrehen
- verteidigen
- Schusswaffen (Plural)
- Rache
- Gesetz
- Hass
34 Clues: Hass • Rache • wütend • Notruf • Gesetz • alleine • hilflos • unsicher • bedrohen • psychisch • depressiv • Angreifer • gewaltsam • Verletzung • vernünftig • Todesopfer • beschützen • unschuldig • umstritten • Sündenbock • verhindern • inspirieren • durchdrehen • verteidigen • Krankenwagen • beschuldigen • Abschreckung • Zugang haben • ärgern, mobben • verantwortlich • Selbstbewusstsein • Schusswaffen (Plural) • Verantwortung übernehmen • ...
SCHOOL ITEMS 2019-09-01
- An object used to cut paper.
- You look at this object to know the time.
- An object filled with ink. You can write with it.
- A place where you have your lessons.
- A young child who goes to school.
- A box or a small bag used to carry your pencils, your pen and you rubber.
- A large object used to carry your school items.
- A person who teaches.
- You walk on it.
- A long object used too underline.
- An object used to draw pictures.
- A kind of book where you can copy what's written on the blackboard.
- A small computer that you can carry or put on your lap.
- An object you can read.
- An object similar to a table with a box under where you can put your books inside.
- A piece of wood you can open and close.
- An object used to draw circles.
- A transparent sticky paper.
- a small object used to sharpen your pencils.
- A large board fixed on a wall where the teacher writes with chalk.
- A small object used to erase something written with your pencil.
- A kind of book where you write your homework or lessons.
- An object used to paint.
- An object used to sit around a table.
- A place where teachers and pupils usually go everyday from Monday to Friday.
- Paste used to stick paper.
- A block of sheets of paper.
- A board with four legs.
28 Clues: You walk on it. • A person who teaches. • A board with four legs. • An object you can read. • An object used to paint. • Paste used to stick paper. • A transparent sticky paper. • A block of sheets of paper. • An object used to cut paper. • An object used to draw circles. • An object used to draw pictures. • A young child who goes to school. • A long object used too underline. • ...
Middle school 2019-11-28
At school 2019-11-26
37 Clues: Nome • Aula • Arte • Penna • Colla • Croce • Bordo • Piolo • Libro • Foglio • Classe • Matita • Spunta • Storia • Disegno • Forbici • Lettera • Lezione • Ragazza • Ragazzo • Scienze • Bambini • Schermo • Righello • Pastelli • Alfabeto • Tastiera • Libreria • Dipingere • Geografia • Insegnante • Pennarelli • Matematica • Registratore • Libro di lavoro • Terreno di gioco • Gomma da cancellare
school items 2020-02-29
24 Clues: mesa • mapa • cinta • papel • pluma • lapiz • reloj • libro • regla • globo • silla • mochila • bandera • autobus • tijeras • profesora • pegamento • calendario • sacapuntas • escritorio • estudiantes • computadora • portapapeles • clip de papel
Op school 2020-10-19
- l'éducatrice ou l'éducateur
- chouette
- ... opvoeding
- la ou le titulaire
- ennuyeux
- excitant
- l'élève
- délicieux
- chouette
- morale
- néerlandais
- la branche, la matière
- l'horaire
- facile
- français
- la professeure
- la directrice ou le directeur
- géographie
- le professeur
- mathématiques
- histoire
- difficile
- la ou le professeur.e
- sciences
- ennuyeux
25 Clues: facile • morale • l'élève • chouette • français • ennuyeux • histoire • excitant • chouette • sciences • ennuyeux • l'horaire • difficile • délicieux • géographie • néerlandais • ... opvoeding • le professeur • mathématiques • la professeure • la ou le titulaire • la ou le professeur.e • la branche, la matière • l'éducatrice ou l'éducateur • la directrice ou le directeur
School Quiz 2020-09-21
- time until which you must hand over your homework
- a place where you can read books in silence
- student who leave school this year
- it's synonymous with compose
- go against the system
- do your test again
- place where pupilc can play games
- period of study from kindergarten to now
- the student who abuses everyone around
- split into sections
- when something is not mandatory
- person who cares about the safety of the institution
- a project that you have been preparing for several months
- the next educational institution after school or instead of school
- when supervisor noticed your cheating u ...
- memorize material diligently
- people who work in this organisation
- subject where students training
- a place where students can have lunch
- the student who is in charge of the whole class
20 Clues: do your test again • split into sections • go against the system • it's synonymous with compose • memorize material diligently • when something is not mandatory • subject where students training • place where pupilc can play games • student who leave school this year • people who work in this organisation • a place where students can have lunch • ...
SCHOOL UNIFORMS_vocab 2020-04-10
- Mühe haben
- eine Bindung eingehen
- Kennzeichen, Zeichen
- Zugehörigkeit
- Aussehen, Erscheinung
- außerdem, nebenbei, darüber hinaus
- verfügbaar sein
- Anforderungen, Voraussetzungen
- ablehnen, protestieren, einwenden
- beleidigend, anstößig
- Gegner
- Grundsatz, Strategie
- absichtlich
- bedauern
- Kleidungsstück
- freizügig
- unabsichtlich
- prüfen (ganz genau)
- Absolvent
- Befürworter
- erblicken
- hart, mühsam
22 Clues: Gegner • bedauern • freizügig • Absolvent • erblicken • Mühe haben • Befürworter • absichtlich • hart, mühsam • unabsichtlich • Zugehörigkeit • Kleidungsstück • verfügbaar sein • prüfen (ganz genau) • Kennzeichen, Zeichen • Grundsatz, Strategie • eine Bindung eingehen • Aussehen, Erscheinung • beleidigend, anstößig • Anforderungen, Voraussetzungen • ablehnen, protestieren, einwenden • ...
School Daze 2020-05-08
- headliners at the Vet's in '64
- for 25 cents a box
- Friday night tradition
- place where memories are stored
- for actors, dancers, and musicians
- Gary Rasche loved it
- girls on the march
- he commanded an aircraft carrier
- helped reopen the school
- SRHS Ag vintage
- weighty test
- nickname for North Gym
- the way to get into SRHS
- Peggy Sue director
- closed the school for a year
- what SRHS and Notre-Dame de Paris have in common
- perennial summertime hang out
- favored fundraiser food
- current Foundation Prez
- Field of Dreams
20 Clues: weighty test • SRHS Ag vintage • Field of Dreams • Peggy Sue director • for 25 cents a box • girls on the march • Gary Rasche loved it • nickname for North Gym • Friday night tradition • favored fundraiser food • current Foundation Prez • the way to get into SRHS • helped reopen the school • closed the school for a year • perennial summertime hang out • headliners at the Vet's in '64 • ...
School crossword 2020-05-23
- we are the ____________ my friends
- when you get scared you are _______
- when you get it right the first time it's a ________
- wheres the ____________ for beds
- to walk across the street without looking you are __________
- i ___________ the apple
- my dentist __________ got canceled
- you must __________ when we meet your grandmother
- you must wear this ___________ it's cold outside
- I ________ something very loud over there
- First Second Third _______
- You must remember this it's very_________.
- when you don't believe someone you _________ them
- a to have a mini game in soccer you have a ___________
- the ___________ of the house must be very strong
- my pet __________ in the water
- never doubt ____________
- if you hurt someone in a sport on purpose you get a _____
- i get great ____________ when i finish my homework
- starter pro _________
- someone who is behind the center is called a _______________
- why did you ________ that store
- when one thing is not like the other
- you tell amazing ______
- i __________ love to go but i'm busy tomorrow
- i don't get the ___________ of this science project
- can you ___________ those plants please
- don't drink that it's _________
- don't give me that _________ please
- different fruit _______ in shape and size
- my and my brothers ____________ all the time
- owls are ____________ animals
- i got sand in my eyes now my vision is ________
- I will ________ do that
- use a sponge to __________ all the water
- i'm ____ excited for my birthday
- you have a very positive __________ on life
- plural of oasis is ________
- i'm very __________ after my cat passed away
- i had to _______ out my wet clothes
- it is ______________ that you pack a tent for camping
- you have ice cream and chocolate whats your _____
- the atmosphere of a planet occupied by living organisms is called a ___________
- people who study the stars are called ________________
- it was a heavy ________ to carry
45 Clues: starter pro _________ • you tell amazing ______ • i ___________ the apple • I will ________ do that • never doubt ____________ • First Second Third _______ • plural of oasis is ________ • owls are ____________ animals • my pet __________ in the water • don't drink that it's _________ • why did you ________ that store • wheres the ____________ for beds • ...
School work 2020-05-02
- something to sit on while working
- able to eat food there
- Something to write on
- Picks you up from home and drops you off at school but also home
- Able to write and erase
- something to do your work on
- Keep notes for your work
- You have to keep in lunch
- When the teacher isn't able to make it
- Able to help you in math
- The one that runs the school
- Something your not suppose to be on
- place full of books
- The one that teaches you
- something to write with computer to do your work online
- Place where you play sport
- coloring sheet you need
- Something you do every Friday
- Not able to keep on the table because it might spill
- Where you go if you have to pee or poo
- Something to read when finished with work
21 Clues: place full of books • Something to write on • able to eat food there • Able to write and erase • coloring sheet you need • The one that teaches you • Keep notes for your work • Able to help you in math • You have to keep in lunch • Place where you play sport • The one that runs the school • something to do your work on • Something you do every Friday • something to sit on while working • ...
School vocabulary 2020-11-22
20 Clues: vihko • kemia • oppia • kansio • läksyt • laskin • uskonto • rehtori • pulpetti • historia • fysiikka • oppiaine • arvosana • oppitunti • maantieto • lyijykynä • opiskella • matematiikka • lukujärjestys • jälki-istunto
School learning 2020-09-30
- a current global pandemic
- an angle below 90 degrees
- a closed shape made out of only straight lines
- flips friend
- it's hot (in Xhosa)
- we are all proud of our?
- an angle below 360 degrees and above 180 degrees
- a three sided polygon
- something we do in PE
- a shape with two pairs of parallel lines and no other specifications
- the name for a 360 degree angle
- two lines that travel exactly next to each other and will never meet
- blue headed salamander (in Afrikaans)
- it's thundering (in Xhosa)
- an angle above 90 degrees and below 180 degrees
- news reporters do a daily report on it
- four sided polygon
- you can find these using a protractor
- a canopy walk nicknamed after a snake
- term of measurement for angles
20 Clues: flips friend • four sided polygon • it's hot (in Xhosa) • a three sided polygon • something we do in PE • we are all proud of our? • a current global pandemic • an angle below 90 degrees • it's thundering (in Xhosa) • term of measurement for angles • the name for a 360 degree angle • blue headed salamander (in Afrikaans) • you can find these using a protractor • ...
ECO-SCHOOL 2022-12-22
- un pochino aggressivo
- a una spada come se fosse un corno
- Lo indossa chi non sa nuotare
- lancia l'inchiostro per difendersi
- emolto strano
- se ti tocca ti fai molto male
- d'estate sono bollenti come il ferro
- assomiglia a un delfino
- se sventola non devi fare il bagno
- cammina con gl'occhi
- non si fa se il mare e inquinato
- il mare e stato
- ti mozzica ed e rosso
- e un cavalluccio
- nuota nel mare
- ti mozzica e fa ridere
- fa andare le macchine
- punge con i suoi aculei
- e in una domanda
- Ha tantissimi tentacoli
- e grande e blu
- punge se e gonfio
- migliaia di … si sono rivolte nel mare
- cammina di lato
- vive anche fuori dall'acqua
- e nel mare
- vuol dire che il mare e pulito
- ha la coda gialla
28 Clues: e nel mare • emolto strano • nuota nel mare • e grande e blu • cammina di lato • il mare e stato • e un cavalluccio • e in una domanda • punge se e gonfio • ha la coda gialla • cammina con gl'occhi • un pochino aggressivo • fa andare le macchine • ti mozzica ed e rosso • ti mozzica e fa ridere • punge con i suoi aculei • Ha tantissimi tentacoli • assomiglia a un delfino • vive anche fuori dall'acqua • ...
At School 2023-05-12
SCHOOL LIFE 2023-02-02
22 Clues: loin • pied • près • vélo • élève • métro • train • jamais • morale • parfois • langues • souvent • matière • toujours • français • religion • d'habitude • professeur • néerlandais • informatique • mathématiques • éducation physique
School Unit 2023-01-23
20 Clues: pen • book • desk • paper • chair • board • ruler • binder • pencil • marker • eraser • scissors • notebook • backpack • computer • dictionary • glue stick • garbage can • pencil pouch • pencil sharpener
School Fun 2023-06-26
- everyone's favorite time for play and exercise
- the division that includes kindergarten to grade 3
- the special education resource teacher
- a device that makes math much easier
- something a teacher uses to makes notes on during large group brainstorming
- the division that includes grades 7 and 8
- the favorite subject of most students
- a subject that studies how things work
- a subject that no longer exists after grade 6
- a day celebrated by many that includes mozzarella cheese
- a celebration at the end of the year for grade 8 students
- a day when most students try to look their best
- the division that includes grade 4 through 6
- something a student sits at to work
- this is what PD stands for in PD day
- in larger schools this is the place where students would eat their lunch
- a subject that involves moving to music
- a school game that is similar to tennis but on a smaller scale
- the best month of the school year
- a subject that many students dislike but is very useful in Canada
- a subject that looks at the structure of the earth
- a sports team that uses hoops and balls
- an object used to hold children from falling to the floor
- a fun celebratory event held in June
- the amount of time students have off at Christmas time
- the person who does the maintenance work in the school
- each student is given one of these when they start school and it appears on their report card
- a school team that uses a high wide net and balls
- the person in charge of the school
- a new treat day that provides cold snacks for students in exchange for 2 dollars
- a subject that involves hearing and understanding rhythmic sounds
- a subject that involves creating images on canvas or paper or other surfaces
- a fun celebratory event in December
- the wildest grade level where students may still soil their pants
- another name for the week off in the month after February
- the month when the school is the cleanest during the year
- an object that can be used to make striaght lines
- the most important device used by almost all students on a daily basis
- the device that is ruining most students lives by occupying time and giving them a false sense of reality
- a day when a variety of meals may be ordered each week
- a subject that looks at events in the past
41 Clues: the best month of the school year • the person in charge of the school • a fun celebratory event in December • something a student sits at to work • a fun celebratory event held in June • a device that makes math much easier • this is what PD stands for in PD day • the favorite subject of most students • the special education resource teacher • ...