- 2. ___________ mistakes
- 5. a discipline
- 7. training course
- 10. to copy information at the exams
- 12. __________ homework
- 14. member of the government dedicated to develop the education policies
- 15. the way your subjects or activities are organised on a day
- 17. get bad marks in an exam
- 18. get more than 5 in an exam
- 20. a university or college course, normally lasting three years or more.
- 21. as one's lifework.
- 1. urgency, as that induced by deadlines at school or work
- 3. to enter
- 4. to stop attending school or college
- 6. without interest or energy to so anything
- 8. ___________ an exam
- 9. a gift of money to help a student
- 11. adjective that describes a classroom with too many students
- 13. fees money you pay for your education
- 16. an occupation or profession, esp. one requiring special training,
- 19. teachers qualifications for a subject