- 3. An unplanned, compulsory event for compliance
- 5. Dave's nickname
- 6. A "backyard neighboor" of Language Links
- 7. A document that only 2 teachers can issue
- 8. An abreviation for Language Links' best sellers
- 10. This item sometimes arrive later than scheduled.
- 11. Students ask to change this with relative ease
- 13. The smallest room on campus
- 17. Students sometime forget to collect this
- 18. An planned, compulsory event
- 19. Students study to prepare for this
- 1. Carla is most afraid of this event.
- 2. You find documents relating to classes and students here
- 4. This activity take place during class hours but not held on campus
- 8. All staff members have access to this company property.
- 9. A course with no holidays
- 12. The last big excursion that LLI held took place here.
- 14. A communication that is sometimes overlooked by our teachers
- 15. This Food recently evacuated the entire 116-120 Roe Street building
- 16. LLI used to hold this event in the Student Kitchen