shapes Crossword Puzzles

SHAPES 2024-06-14

SHAPES crossword puzzle
  1. dodecaedro
  2. pentágono
  3. cuboide
  4. rectángulo
  5. esfera
  6. icosaedro
  7. óvalo
  8. cono
  9. piramidehexagonal
  10. prismapentagrámico
  11. rodete-aro
  12. hexágono
  1. octágono
  2. tetraedro
  3. cilindro
  4. prismapentagonal
  5. prismatriangular
  6. piramidecuadrada
  7. cubo
  8. cuadrado
  9. círculo
  10. octaedro
  11. triágulo
  12. prismahexagonal

24 Clues: cuboconoóvaloesferacuboidecírculooctágonocilindrocuadradooctaedrotriágulohexágonopentágonotetraedroicosaedrododecaedrorectángulorodete-aroprismahexagonalprismapentagonalprismatriangularpiramidecuadradapiramidehexagonalprismapentagrámico

shapes 2022-04-09

shapes crossword puzzle
  1. rombo
  2. pentagono
  3. quadrato
  4. rettangolo
  5. penna
  6. pennarello
  7. cubo
  8. stella
  9. cerchio
  10. ovale
  11. gomma
  12. cartella
  1. temperino
  2. triangolo
  3. libro
  4. portapenne
  5. righello
  6. uovo
  7. quaderno
  8. cuore
  9. matita

21 Clues: uovocubolibrorombopennacuoreovalegommamatitastellacerchiorighelloquadratoquadernocartellatemperinotriangolopentagonoportapennerettangolopennarello

Shapes 2022-04-22

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. shape 3
  2. a triangle with no equal sides or angles
  3. 2D shape with equal angles and sides
  4. a straight line from centre to circle rim
  5. number of squares fit inside a 2D shape
  6. a fraction of the circle made by a chord
  7. meaning two lines meet at right angles
  8. a straight line passing through the centre
  9. part of the circumference
  10. a 5 sided polygon
  11. shape 4
  12. shape 1
  13. pizza slice shaped part of a circle
  14. a regular triangle
  15. the length of the edge of a shape
  1. these arrows mean these lines are...
  2. the perimeter of a circle
  3. meets radius at right angles
  4. has 4 right angles and 4 equal sides
  5. shape 7
  6. has four equal sides
  7. any quadrilateral with 4 right angles
  8. shape 2
  9. a triangle with two equal sides and angles
  10. shape 5
  11. a line joining two points on a circle
  12. 2D shape made of straight sides

27 Clues: shape 3shape 7shape 2shape 4shape 1shape 5a 5 sided polygona regular trianglehas four equal sidesthe perimeter of a circlepart of the circumferencemeets radius at right angles2D shape made of straight sidesthe length of the edge of a shapepizza slice shaped part of a circlethese arrows mean these lines are...has 4 right angles and 4 equal sides...

SHAPES 2023-05-31

SHAPES crossword puzzle
  1. - A shape with multiple points and angles, often with five points
  2. - A shape that represents love or affection, with two curved halves meeting at a point
  3. - A round shape with no corners or edges
  4. - A shape with four sides and four right angles, where opposite sides are equal in length
  5. - A shape with four sides of equal length, but not necessarily right angles
  6. - A shape with one pair of parallel sides
  7. - A shape with eight sides and eight angles
  8. - A shape that resembles a fluffy, irregular mass
  9. - A shape with six sides and six angles
  1. - A shape with opposite sides that are parallel and equal in length
  2. - A shape with three sides and three angles
  3. - A shape with four sides of equal length forming two pairs of parallel lines
  4. - A shape with four equal sides and four right angles
  5. - A shape that resembles a curved, crescent moon
  6. - A shape with five sides and five angles
  7. - A shape with a pointed end and a feathered or fletched end
  8. - A shape resembling a star with multiple arms or rays
  9. - A shape that is elongated and curved, like an elongated circle
  10. - A shape that represents Earth's natural satellite, often in a crescent or circular form
  11. - A shape that represents a bright, shining star with rays extending outward

20 Clues: - A shape with six sides and six angles- A round shape with no corners or edges- A shape with five sides and five angles- A shape with one pair of parallel sides- A shape with three sides and three angles- A shape with eight sides and eight angles- A shape that resembles a curved, crescent moon- A shape that resembles a fluffy, irregular mass...

Shapes 2023-11-14

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. - "A shape with a pointed end, indicating direction"
  2. - "A shape with eight sides and angles"
  3. - "An elongated, rounded shape, like an egg"
  4. - "A three-dimensional square, with six equal sides"
  5. - "A shape with points, often seen in the night sky"
  6. - "A shape with five sides"
  7. - "A three-dimensional shape with circular bases"
  8. - "A shape with three sides"
  9. - "A shape with four equal sides and four right angles"
  10. - "A three-dimensional shape with a pointed top and circular base"
  11. - "A perfectly round three-dimensional shape"
  12. - "A four-sided shape with equal sides, like a card suit"
  1. - "A four-sided figure with equal sides but no right angles"
  2. - "A shape with one pair of parallel sides"
  3. - "A shape that looks like a curved moon"
  4. - "A shape with two pairs of equal sides and four right angles"
  5. - "A shape formed by intersecting lines at right angles"
  6. - "A shape with no corners and a round boundary"
  7. - "A shape with six sides"
  8. - "A symbol of love, shaped like the organ"

20 Clues: - "A shape with six sides"- "A shape with five sides"- "A shape with three sides"- "A shape with eight sides and angles"- "A shape that looks like a curved moon"- "A shape with one pair of parallel sides"- "A symbol of love, shaped like the organ"- "An elongated, rounded shape, like an egg"- "A perfectly round three-dimensional shape"...

Shapes 2021-08-17

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. Nine Sides
  2. Uneven Square
  3. 10 Sides
  4. 12 Sides
  5. One Sides
  6. Three Sides
  7. Uneven Circle
  8. Googol Sides
  9. 100 Sides
  10. Six Sides
  1. 1,000,000 Sides
  2. Four Sides
  3. Two Sides
  4. 11 Sides
  5. 14 Sides
  6. 13 Sides
  7. 15 Sides
  8. Seven Sides
  9. Five Sides
  10. Eight Sides
  11. No Sides
  12. 1,000 Sides

22 Clues: 11 Sides14 Sides13 Sides15 Sides10 Sides12 SidesNo SidesTwo SidesOne Sides100 SidesSix SidesFour SidesNine SidesFive SidesSeven SidesEight SidesThree Sides1,000 SidesGoogol SidesUneven SquareUneven Circle1,000,000 Sides

Shapes 2023-06-22

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with points radiating from a central point
  2. A shape representing love or affection
  3. A shape that curves and expands around a central point
  4. A shape with four sides and four right angles, opposite sides are equal in length
  5. A three-dimensional shape with two circular bases and a curved surface
  6. A shape with a pointed end and a tail, indicating direction
  7. A shape resembling a curved moon
  8. A shape resembling a squashed circle
  9. A shape with five sides and five angles
  10. A shape resembling a fluffy mass of condensed water vapor in the sky
  11. A shape with six sides and six angles
  1. A three-dimensional shape resembling a round ball
  2. A shape formed by two intersecting lines
  3. A shape with three sides and three angles
  4. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles
  5. A shape with no corners and all points equidistant from the center
  6. A three-dimensional shape with six square faces
  7. A shape with four sides, two acute angles, and two obtuse angles
  8. A three-dimensional shape with a circular base and a pointed top
  9. A shape with eight sides and eight angles

20 Clues: A shape resembling a curved moonA shape resembling a squashed circleA shape with six sides and six anglesA shape representing love or affectionA shape with five sides and five anglesA shape formed by two intersecting linesA shape with three sides and three anglesA shape with eight sides and eight angles...

Shapes 2024-07-25

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. Shape with six equal square faces.
  2. Shape with multiple points, like a star.
  3. Shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  4. Shape with circular bases.
  5. Three-dimensional round shape.
  6. Shape resembling a gemstone cut.
  7. Shape resembling an elongated circle.
  8. Shape with six sides.
  9. Shape with eight sides.
  10. Shape tapering from a base to a point.
  1. Shape with intersecting lines forming right angles.
  2. Shape with five sides.
  3. Shape with a polygonal base and triangular faces meeting at a point.
  4. Shape indicating direction.
  5. Straight or curved continuous extent of length.
  6. Shape with four sides and four right angles, opposite sides equal.
  7. Shape with three sides.
  8. Round shape with no corners.
  9. Shape symbolizing love.
  10. Line that deviates from straightness in a smooth, continuous fashion.

20 Clues: Shape with six sides.Shape with five sides.Shape with three sides.Shape symbolizing love.Shape with eight sides.Shape with circular bases.Shape indicating direction.Round shape with no corners.Three-dimensional round shape.Shape resembling a gemstone cut.Shape with six equal square faces.Shape resembling an elongated circle....

shapes 2023-02-05

shapes crossword puzzle
  1. bayrak
  2. koni
  3. yıldız
  4. üçgen
  5. beşgen
  6. küp
  7. prizma
  8. silindir
  9. şimşek
  10. daire
  1. kalp
  2. hilal
  3. altıgen
  4. kare
  5. ok
  6. oval
  7. dikdörtgen
  8. yuvarlak
  9. piramit
  10. elmas

20 Clues: okküpkalpkonikareovalhilalüçgenelmasdairebayrakyıldızbeşgenprizmaşimşekaltıgenpiramityuvarlaksilindirdikdörtgen

Shapes 2022-05-14

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. has 5 sides
  2. looks like a soda can
  3. looks like a plus sign
  4. has no sides
  5. star that has equal length sides
  6. has 10 sides
  7. has 4 sides with two sides longer than other
  8. looks like a ring
  9. 4 sides with different lengths
  1. has 9 sides
  2. has 7 sides
  3. looks like half moon
  4. triangle has a right angle triangle
  5. has 4 sides
  6. has 8 sides
  7. looks like a diamond
  8. pointing to one direction
  9. heart sign
  10. has three sides
  11. has 6 sides

20 Clues: heart signhas 9 sideshas 7 sideshas 5 sideshas 4 sideshas 8 sideshas 6 sideshas no sideshas 10 sideshas three sideslooks like a ringlooks like half moonlooks like a diamondlooks like a soda canlooks like a plus signpointing to one direction4 sides with different lengthsstar that has equal length sidestriangle has a right angle triangle...

Shapes 2024-10-04

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. I can be one side or multiple sides
  2. you need me for parties
  3. you see me at night
  4. a shape of an egg
  5. you use me on jewellery
  6. the title of this unit
  7. a slice of pizza
  8. a shape on our school logo
  9. you see me at a wedding
  10. A shape of a banana
  11. I fly up the sky
  12. I can melt you
  13. little kids love playing with me
  1. a slice of watermelon
  2. we are living on ...
  3. my opposite length is the same size
  4. twinkle twinkle little ...
  5. you see me when you have a doughnut
  6. I make noise
  7. You need me for archery
  8. I'm round
  9. You see me at the hospital
  10. a ladder
  11. all my sides are perfect

24 Clues: a ladderI'm roundI make noiseI can melt youa slice of pizzaI fly up the skya shape of an eggyou see me at nightA shape of a bananawe are living on ...a slice of watermelonthe title of this unityou need me for partiesyou use me on jewelleryYou need me for archeryyou see me at a weddingall my sides are perfecttwinkle twinkle little ......

shapes 2023-10-22

shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A four-sided shape with equal-length sides
  2. A round shape with no corners
  3. A three-dimensional shape with two circular bases
  4. A romantic shape with two curves meeting at a point
  5. A three-dimensional shape like a ball
  6. A five-sided shape
  7. A shape with three sides
  8. An elongated, rounded shape
  9. A four-sided shape with one pair of parallel sides
  10. A shape with four equal sides and right angles
  1. A shape with multiple points
  2. A four-sided shape with two pairs of parallel sides
  3. A three-dimensional shape with six equal square faces
  4. A shape that looks like a partial moon
  5. A three-dimensional shape with a circular base and a single point
  6. An eight-sided shape
  7. A shape with two pairs of equal opposite sides
  8. A six-sided shape
  9. A three-dimensional shape with a polygonal base and triangular sides

19 Clues: A six-sided shapeA five-sided shapeAn eight-sided shapeA shape with three sidesAn elongated, rounded shapeA shape with multiple pointsA round shape with no cornersA three-dimensional shape like a ballA shape that looks like a partial moonA four-sided shape with equal-length sidesA shape with two pairs of equal opposite sides...

Shapes 2022-12-07

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. polisi
  2. tukang foto
  3. tukang daging
  4. pengacara
  5. tukang roti
  6. koki
  7. guru
  8. nelayan
  9. seniman
  10. hakim
  11. tukang kebun
  1. wartawan
  2. petugas pemadam
  3. petani
  4. dokter hewan
  5. pelatih
  6. dokter gigi
  7. arsitek
  8. pengasuh
  9. kasir

20 Clues: kokigurukasirhakimpolisipetanipelatiharsiteknelayansenimanwartawanpengasuhpengacaratukang fotodokter gigitukang rotidokter hewantukang kebuntukang dagingpetugas pemadam

Shapes 2023-11-14

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. - "A symbol of love, shaped like the organ"
  2. - "A shape with points, often seen in the night sky"
  3. - "A four-sided shape with equal sides, like a card suit"
  4. - "A three-dimensional shape with circular bases"
  5. - "A perfectly round three-dimensional shape"
  6. - "A shape that looks like a curved moon"
  7. - "A shape with a pointed end, indicating direction"
  8. - "A three-dimensional shape with a pointed top and circular base"
  9. - "A six-sided polygon"
  10. - "A shape with no corners and a round boundary"
  11. - "Has four equal sides and four right angles"
  1. - "A four-sided figure with equal sides but no right angles"
  2. - "A shape with three sides and three angles"
  3. - "A five-sided polygon"
  4. - "A three-dimensional shape with a base and triangular sides"
  5. - "Longer than a square, with opposite sides equal"
  6. - "A shape with eight sides and angles"
  7. - "An elongated and rounded shape, like an egg"
  8. - "A shape formed by intersecting lines at right angles"
  9. - "A three-dimensional square, with six equal sides"

20 Clues: - "A six-sided polygon"- "A five-sided polygon"- "A shape with eight sides and angles"- "A shape that looks like a curved moon"- "A symbol of love, shaped like the organ"- "A shape with three sides and three angles"- "A perfectly round three-dimensional shape"- "Has four equal sides and four right angles"...

Shapes 2023-01-09

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A three-dimensional shape with a polygonal base and flat sides
  2. A three-dimensional shape with a curved surface and no edges
  3. A flat, two-dimensional shape with three sides
  4. A three-dimensional shape with a flat base and a vertex
  5. A three-dimensional shape with four faces and six vertices
  6. A three-dimensional shape with a circular base and curved sides
  7. A flat, two-dimensional shape with eight sides
  8. A flat, two-dimensional shape with an infinite number of sides
  9. A three-dimensional shape with no edges or vertices
  10. A three-dimensional shape with six faces and eight vertices
  11. A flat, two-dimensional shape with five sides
  1. A three-dimensional shape with a circular base and flat sides
  2. A flat, two-dimensional shape with four sides and unequal lengths
  3. A three-dimensional shape with one circular base and one vertex
  4. A flat, two-dimensional shape with four sides and four right angles
  5. A flat, two-dimensional shape with four sides and one right angle
  6. A flat, two-dimensional shape with six sides
  7. A three-dimensional shape with eight faces and twelve edges
  8. A three-dimensional shape with twenty faces and thirty edges

19 Clues: A flat, two-dimensional shape with six sidesA flat, two-dimensional shape with five sidesA flat, two-dimensional shape with three sidesA flat, two-dimensional shape with eight sidesA three-dimensional shape with no edges or verticesA three-dimensional shape with a flat base and a vertexA three-dimensional shape with four faces and six vertices...

Shapes 2017-05-10

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. The shape of a witches hat
  2. Another word for tall
  3. A 3D shape with 2 circular bases
  4. 3 sided shape
  5. 4 sided shape
  6. When you look in the mirror you see ______
  7. 3D circle
  8. Buildings in Egypt
  9. 6 sided shape
  1. 3D square
  2. 8 sided shape
  3. Left and right, begins with 'H'
  4. A long square
  5. Round object
  6. Almost the same
  7. In the middle of 2 things
  8. Up and down, begins with 'V'
  9. Squashed circle

18 Clues: 3D square3D circleRound object8 sided shapeA long square3 sided shape4 sided shape6 sided shapeAlmost the sameSquashed circleBuildings in EgyptAnother word for tallIn the middle of 2 thingsThe shape of a witches hatUp and down, begins with 'V'Left and right, begins with 'H'A 3D shape with 2 circular basesWhen you look in the mirror you see ______

Shapes 2023-06-17

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. - Flat, oval-shaped body
  2. - Round body with eight legs
  3. - Segmented body with a narrow waist
  4. - Long, slender body with long legs and wings
  5. - Small, slender body
  6. - Small and elongated body with strong hind legs for jumping
  7. - Flat and elongated body
  8. - Long and slender body with four elongated wings
  9. - Cylindrical body with multiple segments
  1. - Small, elongated body with straight antennae
  2. - Broad, triangular wings
  3. - Flat, oval-shaped body
  4. - Wings in a triangular or fan-like shape
  5. - Slender body with long legs
  6. - Small, elongated body
  7. - Oval-shaped body
  8. - Rounded, dome-shaped body
  9. Mantis - Long and slender body with elongated front legs
  10. - Oval or elongated body with a hard shell
  11. - Slender body with a narrow waist

20 Clues: - Oval-shaped body- Small, slender body- Small, elongated body- Flat, oval-shaped body- Flat, oval-shaped body- Broad, triangular wings- Flat and elongated body- Rounded, dome-shaped body- Round body with eight legs- Slender body with long legs- Slender body with a narrow waist- Segmented body with a narrow waist...

Shapes 2023-09-27

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. a shape which represent lunar phase
  2. A three-dimensional shape with a curved surface and no edges.
  3. A shape that looks like a flattened circle.
  4. A shape with no corners.
  5. A three-sided polygon.
  6. A parallelogram with all sides of equal length.
  7. A three-dimensional shape with a circular base and a pointed top.
  8. A polygon with six sides.
  9. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  10. A shape that represent Plus sign
  1. A shape with four sides but opposite sides are parallel.
  2. A three-dimensional shape with six equal square faces.
  3. a shape which is also a body organ
  4. A polygon with five sides.
  5. A quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides.
  6. A three-dimensional shape with two circular ends and a curved surface.
  7. A four-sided figure with opposite sides of equal length and four right angles.
  8. A precious gem-shaped figure.

18 Clues: A three-sided polygon.A shape with no corners.A polygon with six sides.A polygon with five sides.A precious gem-shaped figure.A shape that represent Plus signa shape which is also a body organa shape which represent lunar phaseA shape that looks like a flattened circle.A parallelogram with all sides of equal length....

Shapes 2023-11-14

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. 3D rectangle
  2. Number of sides a heptagon has
  3. 4 sided shape with two parallel but unequal sides
  4. 4 sided shape with two parallel and equal sides
  5. Triangle with one angle greater than 90 degrees
  6. Triangle where all sides and all angles are different
  7. Shape with 9 sides
  8. General name for a shape with 4 sides
  1. Triangle with two equal sides and two equal angles
  2. Shape where the interior angles of the regular version are 72 degrees
  3. Shape with 10 sides
  4. A wonky square
  5. The third angle of a triangle when the others are 24 and 76 degrees
  6. General name for a 3D shape
  7. Triangle with no angle greater than 90 degrees
  8. Angle between 180 and 360 degrees
  9. Vertically opposite angles are this
  10. Each interior angle in a rectangle

18 Clues: 3D rectangleA wonky squareShape with 9 sidesShape with 10 sidesGeneral name for a 3D shapeNumber of sides a heptagon hasAngle between 180 and 360 degreesEach interior angle in a rectangleVertically opposite angles are thisGeneral name for a shape with 4 sidesTriangle with no angle greater than 90 degrees...

Shapes 2023-12-14

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. a parallelogram with opposite equal acute angles, opposite equal obtuse angles, and four equal sides.
  2. eight-sided polygon or 8-gon.
  3. a plane figure with four straight sides and four right angles, especially one with unequal adjacent sides, in contrast to a square. quadrilateral with reflection symmetry across a diagonal.
  4. round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed point (the center). having a rounded and slightly elongated outline or shape like that of an egg.
  5. polygon with three corners and three sides.
  6. a triangle, chevron, or concave kite, usually affixed to a line segment or rectangle
  7. six-sided polygon.
  8. five-sided polygon or 5-gon.
  1. seven-sided polygon or 7-gon
  2. a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles.
  3. geometrical figure consisting of two intersecting lines or bars, usually perpendicular to each other.
  4. three-dimensional solid object bounded by six square faces, facets, or sides, with three meeting at each vertex.
  5. a square put on its side, resembling a diamond. On the top, two semi-circles are placed.
  6. one-dimensional locus of points that forms half of a circle
  7. a 2D shape known for its lunar form.
  8. a polygon having ten sides or a ten-sided polygon.
  9. type of non-convex polygon.
  10. nine-sided polygon or 9-gon.

18 Clues: six-sided polygon.type of non-convex polygon or 7-gonnine-sided polygon or 9-gon.five-sided polygon or 5-gon.eight-sided polygon or 8-gon.a 2D shape known for its lunar form.polygon with three corners and three sides.a polygon having ten sides or a ten-sided locus of points that forms half of a circle...

Shapes 2024-12-03

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A diamond-shaped figure.
  2. Four equal sides and right angles.
  3. Four sides with opposite sides equal.
  4. Three-sided shape.
  5. Elongated circle.
  6. Eight-sided shape.
  7. Four equal sides, slanted corners.
  1. Shape with five or more points.
  2. Shape associated with love.
  3. Five-sided shape.
  4. Six-sided shape.
  5. Curving shape that winds around.
  6. Round shape with no corners.
  7. Opposite sides parallel and equal.
  8. Four sides, with one pair of parallel sides.
  9. Moon-shaped curve.
  10. Shape used to indicate direction.

17 Clues: Six-sided shape.Five-sided shape.Elongated circle.Moon-shaped curve.Three-sided shape.Eight-sided shape.A diamond-shaped figure.Shape associated with love.Round shape with no corners.Shape with five or more points.Curving shape that winds around.Shape used to indicate direction.Four equal sides and right angles.Opposite sides parallel and equal....

Shapes 2023-05-15

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. two intersecting lines, usually perpendicualar to each other
  2. 5 straight sides
  3. two parallel circular bases at a distance
  4. similar to an egg, that has no straight lines and vertices
  5. 7 sides and 7 angles
  6. a shape formed when 3 straight lines meets
  7. Also a organ in your body
  8. a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides
  9. 8 sides and 8 angles
  1. six equal, square-shaped sides
  2. 4 equal sides and 4 vertices
  3. the shape of the rain drop
  4. a round-shaped figure that has no corners or edges
  5. 4 sides, 4 corners, and 4 right angles
  6. the shape of a ice cream cone
  7. 6 straight sides
  8. its also in the sky

17 Clues: 5 straight sides6 straight sidesits also in the sky7 sides and 7 angles8 sides and 8 anglesAlso a organ in your bodythe shape of the rain drop4 equal sides and 4 verticesthe shape of a ice cream conesix equal, square-shaped sides4 sides, 4 corners, and 4 right anglestwo parallel circular bases at a distancea shape formed when 3 straight lines meets...

SHAPES 2023-02-28

SHAPES crossword puzzle
  1. belah ketupat
  2. trapezoid
  3. kerucut
  4. segi tiga
  5. tabung
  6. rectangle
  7. panah
  8. kubus
  1. lingkaran
  2. star
  3. setengah lingkaran
  4. segi enam
  5. pentagon
  6. square
  7. tambah
  8. sphere
  9. oval

17 Clues: starovalpanahkubussquaretambahspheretabungkerucutpentagonlingkaransegi enamtrapezoidsegi tigarectanglebelah ketupatsetengah lingkaran

Shapes 2023-05-15

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. two intersecting lines, usually perpendicualar to each other
  2. 5 straight sides
  3. two parallel circular bases at a distance
  4. similar to an egg, that has no straight lines and vertices
  5. 7 sides and 7 angles
  6. a shape formed when 3 straight lines meets
  7. Also a organ in your body
  8. a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides
  9. 8 sides and 8 angles
  1. six equal, square-shaped sides
  2. 4 equal sides and 4 vertices
  3. the shape of the rain drop
  4. a round-shaped figure that has no corners or edges
  5. 4 sides, 4 corners, and 4 right angles
  6. the shape of a ice cream cone
  7. 6 straight sides
  8. its also in the sky

17 Clues: 5 straight sides6 straight sidesits also in the sky7 sides and 7 angles8 sides and 8 anglesAlso a organ in your bodythe shape of the rain drop4 equal sides and 4 verticesthe shape of a ice cream conesix equal, square-shaped sides4 sides, 4 corners, and 4 right anglestwo parallel circular bases at a distancea shape formed when 3 straight lines meets...

Shapes 2021-10-12

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. shorter side of a rectangle
  2. Distance from center of the circle to the circumference
  3. It has one circle base and 1 curved face
  4. the shape of a egg
  5. A book is in this shape
  6. Our earth is in this shape
  7. It has 4 sides with two opposite sides that are equal
  8. It has six sides
  9. 3 sided 2d shape.
  1. outer line of the circle
  2. A Shape that is flat
  3. Shapes that are found in nature such as animal
  4. A shape that is thick
  5. A 3d shapes with two circular basses
  6. Another word for tall
  7. a shape with 4 equal sides
  8. A 2d shape with no sides

17 Clues: It has six sides3 sided 2d shape.the shape of a eggA Shape that is flatA shape that is thickAnother word for tallA book is in this shapeouter line of the circleA 2d shape with no sidesOur earth is in this shapea shape with 4 equal sidesshorter side of a rectangleA 3d shapes with two circular bassesIt has one circle base and 1 curved face...

Shapes 2024-01-03

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A pointed shape indicating direction.
  2. A shape with five or more pointed ends.
  3. A four-sided shape with opposite sides equal and parallel.
  4. A six-sided shape with equal sides.
  5. A three-sided shape with straight lines.
  6. A fluffy, rounded shape often seen in the sky.
  7. A symbol of love with two rounded sides meeting at the bottom.
  8. A five-sided shape with straight sides.
  1. A shape with two lines crossing each other at right angles.
  2. An eight-sided shape with straight sides.
  3. A shape with four equal sides and corners.
  4. A stretched and slightly round shape.
  5. A round shape with no corners.
  6. A four-sided shape, often used in jewelry.
  7. A curved shape, like a thin, sliver moon.
  8. A shape that winds around a central point.

16 Clues: A round shape with no corners.A six-sided shape with equal sides.A pointed shape indicating direction.A stretched and slightly round shape.A shape with five or more pointed ends.A five-sided shape with straight sides.A three-sided shape with straight lines.An eight-sided shape with straight sides.A curved shape, like a thin, sliver moon....

Shapes 2023-06-19

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. This shape is like two round shapes that meet at the bottom and come up into a point at the top. It looks like a symbol of love or a Valentine's card. You can find hearts in things like drawings and decorations.
  2. This shape looks like a curved moon. It is like a circle with a part cut out. It looks like a smile in the sky. You can find crescents in things like moon-shaped decorations and some musical instruments.
  3. This shape has six sides and six angles. It looks like a honeycomb or a stop sign. You can find hexagons in things like beehives and some tiles.
  4. This shape looks like a trunk with branches and leaves on top. It can be tall or short and has different shapes depending on the type of tree. You can find trees in parks and forests.
  5. This shape has eight sides and eight angles. It looks like a stop sign or a big cookie. You can find octagons in things like street signs and some buildings.
  6. This shape is not a regular shape like the others. It is fluffy and can change its form. It looks like a white puff floating in the sky. You can find clouds on a sunny day or when it's about to rain.
  1. This shape has four equal sides that are straight and meet at right angles. It looks like a box or a piece of paper. You can find squares in things like windows and picture frames.
  2. This shape has four sides and four right angles. It looks like a door or a piece of paper. It is longer on one side and shorter on the other. You can find rectangles in things like books and tablets.
  3. This shape has three sides and three angles. It looks like a slice of pizza or a road sign. You can find triangles in things like rooftops and arrows.
  4. This shape is round like a big, bright ball in the sky. It has rays that come out in all directions. It looks like a happy face with beams of light. You can find the sun during the daytime.
  5. This shape is like a square that is tilted. It has four equal sides, but the corners are not right angles. It looks like a diamond ring or a playing card. You can find diamonds in things like jewelry and signs.
  6. This shape has five sides and five angles. It looks like a house or a shield. You can find pentagons in things like signs and some buildings.
  7. This shape has five or more points that radiate out from the center. It looks like a shining star in the sky. You can find stars in things like flags and stickers.
  8. This shape has petals that form a beautiful and colorful circle. It can have different numbers of petals and different colors. You can find flowers in gardens and on plants.
  9. This shape is round like a ball or a wheel. It has no corners, and it looks like a never-ending curve. You can find circles in things like coins and buttons.
  10. This shape is like a stretched-out circle. It is longer and narrower, but it has the same rounded curves. It looks like an egg or a football. You can find ovals in things like balloons and mirrors.

16 Clues: This shape has five sides and five angles. It looks like a house or a shield. You can find pentagons in things like signs and some buildings.This shape has six sides and six angles. It looks like a honeycomb or a stop sign. You can find hexagons in things like beehives and some tiles....

Shapes 2023-06-23

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with points or rays that extend from a central point. It looks like a star in the night sky.
  2. A shape with six sides and six corners. It looks like a stop sign or a honeycomb in a beehive.
  3. A shape that looks like the symbol for love, with a pointy bottom and two rounded curves on top.
  4. A shape that looks like a straight line with a pointy end, used to show direction or movement.
  5. A shape with five sides and five corners. It can look like a house with a pointy roof.
  6. A shape that looks like a fluffy white mass in the sky, similar to what you see on a sunny day.
  7. A shape with eight sides and eight corners. It looks like a stop sign with eight equal sides.
  8. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles. It looks like a flat box or a piece of paper.
  1. A shape that looks like a jagged line with zigzag patterns, similar to the shape of a lightning bolt.
  2. A round shape that looks like a perfectly round ball or a coin.
  3. A shape that winds around and around in a circular or curving pattern, similar to the shape of a seashell.
  4. A shape with four sides and four right angles. It looks like a long and flat shape, similar to a tablet.
  5. A shape that looks like a partial moon or a curved shape similar to a smile.
  6. A shape that looks like a stretched-out circle, similar to the shape of an egg or a rugby ball.
  7. A shape with three sides and three corners. It can be tall and pointy like a mountain or flat like a slice of pizza.
  8. A shape that looks like two triangles stuck together at the base, forming a sparkling and shiny shape.

16 Clues: A round shape that looks like a perfectly round ball or a coin.A shape that looks like a partial moon or a curved shape similar to a smile.A shape with five sides and five corners. It can look like a house with a pointy roof.A shape with eight sides and eight corners. It looks like a stop sign with eight equal sides....

Shapes 2023-07-06

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with four equal sides that form two pairs of parallel lines.
  2. A shape that winds around a central point in a continuous curve.
  3. A shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  4. A shape that is elongated and curved, like the shape of an egg.
  5. A shape that is round and has no corners.
  6. A shape with three sides and three angles.
  7. A shape with several pointed ends radiating from a central point.
  8. A shape that is commonly used to represent love or affection.
  1. A shape with six sides and six angles.
  2. A pattern or shape characterized by a series of sharp angles in alternating directions.
  3. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  4. A shape with five sides and five angles.
  5. A shape with four sides and four right angles, where the opposite sides are equal in length.
  6. A shape that is curved and resembles a crescent moon.
  7. A shape formed by two intersecting lines at right angles.
  8. A shape with a pointed end used to indicate direction.

16 Clues: A shape with six sides and six angles.A shape with five sides and five angles.A shape that is round and has no corners.A shape with eight sides and eight angles.A shape with three sides and three angles.A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.A shape that is curved and resembles a crescent moon....

shapes 2023-07-19

shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A spiral is a curved shape that continuously winds or curls around a central point. It can be found in shells or a coiled spring.
  2. A circle is a round shape with no corners or edges. It looks like a perfectly round ring or a ball.
  3. A hexagon is a six-sided shape with six angles. It has straight sides and can look like a honeycomb or a stop sign.
  4. A rectangle is a four-sided shape with opposite sides that are equal and four right angles. It looks like a door or a window.
  5. A diamond is a four-sided shape with two pairs of parallel sides. It looks like a tilted square or a kite.
  6. An arrow is a shape with a pointed end and a straight, elongated body. It represents direction and can be found on signs.
  1. A star is a shape with multiple points or rays extending from a center. It can have five or more points and represents a shining celestial body.
  2. A triangle is a three-sided shape with three angles. It can have different types of angles like acute or obtuse.
  3. An oval is a shape that is elongated and rounded, like an elongated circle. It looks like an egg or an oval-shaped face.
  4. A pentagon is a five-sided shape with five angles. It has straight sides and can resemble a house or a shield.
  5. A heart is a shape that represents love and affection. It has a curved top and two rounded sides that come to a point at the bottom.
  6. A square is a four-sided shape with equal sides and four right angles. It looks like a box or a checkerboard.
  7. A cloud is a soft and irregular shape often seen in the sky. It can resemble a fluffy ball or a cotton candy shape.
  8. A cross is a shape with two intersecting lines, one vertical and one horizontal. It represents Christianity and has a symmetrical structure.
  9. An octagon is an eight-sided shape with eight angles. It has straight sides and can resemble a stop sign or a regular stop table.
  10. A crescent is a curved shape that looks like a partially illuminated moon. It is curved and has a distinct shape.

16 Clues: A circle is a round shape with no corners or edges. It looks like a perfectly round ring or a ball.A diamond is a four-sided shape with two pairs of parallel sides. It looks like a tilted square or a kite.A square is a four-sided shape with equal sides and four right angles. It looks like a box or a checkerboard....

Shapes 2024-12-19

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. 橢圓形
  2. 圓形
  3. 褐色
  4. 白色
  5. 形狀
  6. 菱形
  7. 正方形
  8. 長方形
  1. 顏色
  2. 三角形
  3. 黑色
  4. 橙色
  5. 心形
  6. 星形
  7. 粉色
  8. 紫色

16 Clues: 顏色黑色橙色圓形褐色白色心形形狀星形粉色紫色菱形三角形橢圓形正方形長方形

Shapes 2023-06-29

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. This shape has several points or rays radiating from a center, like a star in the sky.
  2. This shape is round and perfectly symmetrical, like a wheel or a ball.
  3. This shape has two perpendicular lines intersecting each other, like a plus sign.
  4. This shape has six sides and six angles, like a honeycomb or a stop sign.
  5. This shape has a pointed end and a straight body, like the direction indicator on a sign.
  6. This shape curls or winds around a central point, like a seashell or a tornado.
  7. This shape is fluffy and irregular, like a white cloud in the sky.
  8. This shape has eight sides and eight angles, like a traffic sign.
  9. This shape is a symbol of love and has two curves meeting at a point.
  10. This shape is elongated and rounded, like an egg or a football.
  1. This shape is curved and resembles a partial moon.
  2. This shape has four equal sides and four right angles, like a window frame.
  3. This shape has three sides and three angles, like a slice of pizza.
  4. This shape has four sides with opposite sides equal and four right angles, like a book or a sheet of paper.
  5. This shape has five sides and five angles, like a house or a star.
  6. This shape is a four-sided figure with equal length sides, like a playing card.

16 Clues: This shape is curved and resembles a partial moon.This shape is elongated and rounded, like an egg or a football.This shape has eight sides and eight angles, like a traffic sign.This shape has five sides and five angles, like a house or a star.This shape is fluffy and irregular, like a white cloud in the sky....

Shapes 2023-06-19

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. - A shape that resembles the outline of a heart symbol.
  2. - A shape that consists of two lines intersecting at a right angle, forming a plus sign (+).
  3. - A shape with four equal sides, where opposite sides are parallel but not all angles are right angles.
  4. - A shape with a pointed end and a feathered end, indicating direction.
  5. - A round shape with no straight edges.
  6. - A shape with four equal sides, where opposite sides are parallel but all angles are equal.
  7. - A shape with five sides and five angles.
  8. - A shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  9. - A shape with three sides and three angles.
  1. - A shape with four sides, where one pair of sides is parallel but not all angles are right angles.
  2. - A shape with several pointed arms radiating from a central point.
  3. - A shape that is elongated and curved, resembling an elongated circle.
  4. - A shape with four sides and four right angles, where opposite sides are equal in length.
  5. - A shape with six sides and six angles.
  6. - A shape that is curved and resembles a crescent moon.
  7. - A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.

16 Clues: - A round shape with no straight edges.- A shape with six sides and six angles.- A shape with five sides and five angles.- A shape with eight sides and eight angles.- A shape with three sides and three angles.- A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.- A shape that resembles the outline of a heart symbol....

Shapes 2023-06-19

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. - A shape with four sides and four right angles, where opposite sides are equal in length.
  2. - A shape with a pointed end and a feathered end, indicating direction.
  3. - A shape that consists of two lines intersecting at a right angle, forming a plus sign (+).
  4. - A shape that is curved and resembles a crescent moon.
  5. - A shape with four sides, where one pair of sides is parallel but not all angles are right angles.
  6. - A shape that is elongated and curved, resembling an elongated circle.
  7. - A shape with six sides and six angles.
  1. - A shape with five sides and five angles.
  2. - A shape with three sides and three angles.
  3. - A shape with four equal sides, where opposite sides are parallel but all angles are equal.
  4. - A shape that resembles the outline of a heart symbol.
  5. - A round shape with no straight edges.
  6. - A shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  7. - A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  8. - A shape with four equal sides, where opposite sides are parallel but not all angles are right angles.
  9. - A shape with several pointed arms radiating from a central point.

16 Clues: - A round shape with no straight edges.- A shape with six sides and six angles.- A shape with five sides and five angles.- A shape with three sides and three angles.- A shape with eight sides and eight angles.- A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.- A shape that resembles the outline of a heart symbol....

Shapes 2023-12-29

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A pointed shape indicating direction.
  2. A shape with five or more pointed ends.
  3. A four-sided shape with opposite sides equal and parallel.
  4. A six-sided shape with equal sides.
  5. A three-sided shape with straight lines.
  6. A fluffy, rounded shape often seen in the sky.
  7. A symbol of love with two rounded sides meeting at the bottom.
  8. A five-sided shape with straight sides.
  1. A shape with two lines crossing each other at right angles.
  2. An eight-sided shape with straight sides.
  3. A shape with four equal sides and corners.
  4. A stretched and slightly round shape.
  5. A round shape with no corners.
  6. A four-sided shape, often used in jewelry.
  7. A curved shape, like a thin, sliver moon.
  8. A shape that winds around a central point.

16 Clues: A round shape with no corners.A six-sided shape with equal sides.A pointed shape indicating direction.A stretched and slightly round shape.A shape with five or more pointed ends.A five-sided shape with straight sides.A three-sided shape with straight lines.An eight-sided shape with straight sides.A curved shape, like a thin, sliver moon....

shapes 2021-01-17

shapes crossword puzzle
  1. Four sides
  2. Prism like a block of Toblerone chocolate
  3. A tube
  4. Five sides
  5. Found in Egypt
  6. Like a cricket ground
  7. Prism with five sides
  8. Prism like a box
  1. Eight sides
  2. Round
  3. Like an ice cream
  4. Three sides
  5. Six sides
  6. Four equal sides
  7. Half a ball
  8. Like a ball
  9. Like a dice

17 Clues: RoundA tubeSix sidesFour sidesFive sidesEight sidesThree sidesHalf a ballLike a ballLike a diceFound in EgyptFour equal sidesPrism like a boxLike an ice creamLike a cricket groundPrism with five sidesPrism like a block of Toblerone chocolate

Shapes 2023-06-19

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. - A shape that consists of two lines intersecting at a right angle, forming a plus sign (+).
  2. - A shape with three sides and three angles.
  3. - A shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  4. - A shape with five sides and five angles.
  5. - A shape with four sides, where one pair of sides is parallel but not all angles are right angles.
  6. - A shape with four equal sides, where opposite sides are parallel but all angles are equal.
  7. - A shape with a pointed end and a feathered end, indicating direction.
  8. - A shape that resembles the outline of a heart symbol.
  9. - A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  1. - A shape that is curved and resembles a crescent moon.
  2. - A shape with several pointed arms radiating from a central point.
  3. - A round shape with no straight edges.
  4. - A shape that is elongated and curved, resembling an elongated circle.
  5. - A shape with six sides and six angles.
  6. - A shape with four equal sides, where opposite sides are parallel but not all angles are right angles.
  7. - A shape with four sides and four right angles, where opposite sides are equal in length.

16 Clues: - A round shape with no straight edges.- A shape with six sides and six angles.- A shape with five sides and five angles.- A shape with three sides and three angles.- A shape with eight sides and eight angles.- A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.- A shape that is curved and resembles a crescent moon....

Shapes 2023-06-20

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. It is a shape with two intersecting lines, one vertical and one horizontal.
  2. It is a shape that resembles the symbol of love, with two curves meeting at a point.
  3. It is a shape with four sides and four right angles.
  4. It is a round shape with no corners or edges.
  5. It is a shape with several pointed ends, like a twinkling star.
  6. It is a shape that resembles a fluffy, irregular mass, often seen in the sky.
  7. It is a shape with four sides, where the top and bottom sides are parallel but of different lengths.
  8. It is a shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  1. It is a shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  2. It is a shape that is elongated and curved, similar to an egg.
  3. It is a shape that looks like a curved moon.
  4. It is a shape with six sides and six angles.
  5. It is a shape with four sides that are equal in length, forming a point at the top and bottom.
  6. It is a shape with five sides and five angles.
  7. It is a shape with three sides and three angles.
  8. It is a shape with a pointed end and a straight body, resembling a directional symbol.

16 Clues: It is a shape that looks like a curved moon.It is a shape with six sides and six angles.It is a round shape with no corners or edges.It is a shape with five sides and five angles.It is a shape with three sides and three angles.It is a shape with eight sides and eight angles.It is a shape with four sides and four right angles....

SHAPES 2013-05-20

SHAPES crossword puzzle
  1. It comes at the night
  2. Its a ball
  3. You have it in you
  4. You can but it
  5. Double the square
  6. Shape of a bird house
  7. Three -d form of a square
  8. Shape that has egiht sides
  9. Shape of a can
  10. This shape starts wit a O and ends with a L
  1. Has three sides
  2. It has four right angles
  3. Has six sides
  4. Looks like a roof top
  5. They fly it at the beach
  6. It is round

16 Clues: Its a ballIt is roundHas six sidesYou can but itShape of a canHas three sidesDouble the squareYou have it in youIt comes at the nightLooks like a roof topShape of a bird houseIt has four right anglesThey fly it at the beachThree -d form of a squareShape that has egiht sidesThis shape starts wit a O and ends with a L

Shapes 2023-06-16

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A curved shape that resembles a partial moon, often with a tapering end.
  2. A shape that resembles a fluffy mass or cluster, often seen in the sky.
  3. A shape with multiple pointed ends or branches, often associated with the night sky.
  4. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  5. A perfectly round object or shape with no corners or edges.
  6. A shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  7. A shape that is elongated and curved, similar to a flattened circle.
  8. A shape with five sides and five angles.
  1. A shape with six sides and six angles.
  2. A shape formed by two intersecting lines, typically vertical and horizontal, representing Christianity.
  3. A symbol or shape that represents love, often with a curved top and pointed bottom.
  4. A shape with three sides and three angles.
  5. A shape with four sides and four right angles, where opposite sides are of equal length.
  6. A shape with a pointed end and a straight or curved body, often used to indicate direction.
  7. A shape that curves and winds around a central point, often in a circular or helical pattern.
  8. A shape with four sides of equal length, arranged in a slanted or tilted position.

16 Clues: A shape with six sides and six angles.A shape with five sides and five angles.A shape with three sides and three angles.A shape with eight sides and eight angles.A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.A perfectly round object or shape with no corners or edges.A shape that is elongated and curved, similar to a flattened circle....

Shapes 2023-06-19

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. - A shape with several pointed arms radiating from a central point.
  2. - A round shape with no straight edges.
  3. - A shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  4. - A shape with four equal sides, where opposite sides are parallel but all angles are equal.
  5. - A shape that is curved and resembles a crescent moon.
  6. - A shape with three sides and three angles.
  7. - A shape with six sides and six angles.
  8. - A shape with four equal sides, where opposite sides are parallel but not all angles are right angles.
  1. - A shape that is elongated and curved, resembling an elongated circle.
  2. - A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  3. - A shape with five sides and five angles.
  4. - A shape with four sides and four right angles, where opposite sides are equal in length.
  5. - A shape that consists of two lines intersecting at a right angle, forming a plus sign (+).
  6. - A shape that resembles the outline of a heart symbol.
  7. - A shape with four sides, where one pair of sides is parallel but not all angles are right angles.
  8. - A shape with a pointed end and a feathered end, indicating direction.

16 Clues: - A round shape with no straight edges.- A shape with six sides and six angles.- A shape with five sides and five angles.- A shape with eight sides and eight angles.- A shape with three sides and three angles.- A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.- A shape that resembles the outline of a heart symbol....

Shapes 2023-06-19

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. - A shape that resembles the outline of a heart symbol.
  2. - A shape that consists of two lines intersecting at a right angle, forming a plus sign (+).
  3. - A shape with four equal sides, where opposite sides are parallel but not all angles are right angles.
  4. - A shape with a pointed end and a feathered end, indicating direction.
  5. - A round shape with no straight edges.
  6. - A shape with four equal sides, where opposite sides are parallel but all angles are equal.
  7. - A shape with five sides and five angles.
  8. - A shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  9. - A shape with three sides and three angles.
  1. - A shape with four sides, where one pair of sides is parallel but not all angles are right angles.
  2. - A shape with several pointed arms radiating from a central point.
  3. - A shape that is elongated and curved, resembling an elongated circle.
  4. - A shape with four sides and four right angles, where opposite sides are equal in length.
  5. - A shape with six sides and six angles.
  6. - A shape that is curved and resembles a crescent moon.
  7. - A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.

16 Clues: - A round shape with no straight edges.- A shape with six sides and six angles.- A shape with five sides and five angles.- A shape with eight sides and eight angles.- A shape with three sides and three angles.- A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.- A shape that resembles the outline of a heart symbol....

Shapes 2023-07-06

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with five sides and five angles.
  2. A three-dimensional shape with two circular bases and a curved surface connecting them.
  3. A shape with four straight sides of equal length, forming a rhombus.
  4. A three-dimensional shape with a circular base and a pointed top.
  5. A shape with four sides and four right angles, with opposite sides being equal in length.
  6. A shape with multiple points extending from a central point, like a twinkling star.
  7. A shape with six sides and six angles.
  8. A perfectly round three-dimensional shape, like a ball.
  1. A shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  2. A shape that resembles a curved moon, with a rounded shape on one side.
  3. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  4. A three-dimensional shape with six equal square faces.
  5. A perfectly round shape with no corners or edges.
  6. A shape with two curves at the top and a point at the bottom, symbolizing love.
  7. A shape with three sides and three angles.
  8. A shape that is elongated and rounded, similar to an egg.

16 Clues: A shape with six sides and six angles.A shape with five sides and five angles.A shape with eight sides and eight angles.A shape with three sides and three angles.A perfectly round shape with no corners or edges.A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.A three-dimensional shape with six equal square faces....

Shapes 2024-12-19

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. 粉色
  2. 圓形
  3. 星形
  4. 橢圓形
  5. 菱形
  6. 黑色
  7. 形狀
  8. 心形
  1. 紫色
  2. 長方形
  3. 褐色
  4. 顏色
  5. 正方形
  6. 橙色
  7. 白色
  8. 三角形

16 Clues: 紫色粉色褐色圓形顏色星形菱形橙色白色黑色形狀心形長方形正方形橢圓形三角形

Basic concepts of shapes 2017-01-30

Basic concepts of shapes crossword puzzle
  1. forms that follow a mathematical order
  2. a style or flattening of shapes
  3. the organization of parts of a shape that determines its appearance
  4. created by placing shapes on top of other shapes on a 2D plane to create a 3D effect
  5. forms that have broken borders that allows color and texture to mix with other colors on the surface
  6. warm ________ give a "closer" appearance whereas cool _________ are more remote
  7. shapes made by humans, such as a chair
  8. consists of reducing visual elements to present only essential images and maintains proportions
  9. an art style where there is little similarity between the shapes and real physical shapes
  10. occurs when place different sized shapes on a 2D plane to create depth
  1. a form that has two dimensions
  2. shapes that have defined borders and can be silhouettes and are drawn with unbroken outlines
  3. simplifies shapes to communicate a visual message
  4. shapes that appear to have a 3D appearance
  5. an image of everyday objects or scenes in a style that resembles a photo
  6. forms that have an irregular outline and inner surface
  7. dimension of a shape in comparison to others around it
  8. a style of art that represents objects or scenes that resembles real shapes but not a realistic picture
  9. forms that are found in nature, such as an animal
  10. occurs when color creates the appearance of closeness and distance

20 Clues: a form that has two dimensionsa style or flattening of shapesforms that follow a mathematical ordershapes made by humans, such as a chairshapes that appear to have a 3D appearancesimplifies shapes to communicate a visual messageforms that are found in nature, such as an animalforms that have an irregular outline and inner surface...

Basic concepts of shapes 2017-01-30

Basic concepts of shapes crossword puzzle
  1. an image of everyday objects or scenes in a style that resembles a photo
  2. forms that are found in nature, such as an animal
  3. simplifies shapes to communicate a visual message
  4. forms that have broken borders that allows color and texture to mix with other colors on the surface
  5. a style or flattening of shapes
  6. a style of art that represents objects or scenes that resembles real shapes but not a realistic picture
  7. forms that follow a mathematical order
  8. the organization of parts of a shape that determines its appearance
  9. shapes made by humans, such as a chair
  10. occurs when color creates the appearance of closeness and distance
  11. created by placing shapes on top of other shapes on a 2D plane to create a 3D effect
  12. warm ________ give a "closer" appearance whereas cool _________ are more remote
  1. shapes that have defined borders and can be silhouettes and are drawn with unbroken outlines
  2. consists of reducing visual elements to present only essential images and maintains proportions
  3. forms that have an irregular outline and inner surface
  4. shapes that appear to have a 3D appearance
  5. dimension of a shape in comparison to others around it
  6. a form that has two dimensions
  7. occurs when place different sized shapes on a 2D plane to create depth
  8. an art style where there is little similarity between the shapes and real physical shapes

20 Clues: a form that has two dimensionsa style or flattening of shapesforms that follow a mathematical ordershapes made by humans, such as a chairshapes that appear to have a 3D appearanceforms that are found in nature, such as an animalsimplifies shapes to communicate a visual messageforms that have an irregular outline and inner surface...

SHAPES 2013-05-20

SHAPES crossword puzzle
  1. Shape that has egiht sides
  2. It is round
  3. Three -d form of a square
  4. Looks like a roof top
  5. It comes at the night
  6. Has six sides
  7. You can but it
  8. Its a ball
  1. Double the square
  2. Shape of a can
  3. They fly it at the beach
  4. Has three sides
  5. Shape of a bird house
  6. It has four right angles
  7. You have it in you
  8. This shape starts wit a O and ends with a L

16 Clues: Its a ballIt is roundHas six sidesShape of a canYou can but itHas three sidesDouble the squareYou have it in youLooks like a roof topShape of a bird houseIt comes at the nightThey fly it at the beachIt has four right anglesThree -d form of a squareShape that has egiht sidesThis shape starts wit a O and ends with a L

Shapes 2023-06-25

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. This is a shape that winds around a central point in a continuously widening or narrowing pattern. It is often seen in objects like seashells, galaxies, or staircases. Spirals have a unique and flowing shape that can be found in nature and art.
  2. This is a shape with four equal sides and four right angles. It is often seen in objects like windows, books, or dice. Squares are symmetrical and have straight lines that are all the same length.
  3. This is a shape with three sides and three angles. It is often seen in objects like traffic signs, pizza slices, or roof designs. Triangles can have different types of angles, such as acute, obtuse, or right angles.
  4. This is a shape often associated with love and affection. It is often seen in objects like Valentine's Day cards, balloons, or jewelry. Hearts have a curved top, two round bumps at the bottom, and a pointed tip.
  5. This is a shape with four sides and four right angles. It is often seen in objects like doors, picture frames, or tablets. Rectangles have opposite sides that are equal in length and parallel to each other.
  6. This is a shape with eight sides and eight angles. It is often seen in objects like stop signs, spiders' webs, or stamps. Octagons have straight lines and angles, and all sides are equal in length.
  7. This is a rounded shape similar to a stretched circle. It is often seen in objects like eggs, footballs, or faces. Ovals have a curved outline, but the distance from the center is not the same in all directions.
  8. This is a shape with four sides and two pairs of parallel sides. It is often seen in objects like playing cards, jewelry, or kites. Diamonds have opposite angles that are equal, and they can be turned in different orientations.
  9. This is a rounded shape similar to a stretched circle. It is often seen in objects like eggs, footballs, or faces. Ovals have a curved outline, but the distance from the center is not the same in all directions.
  1. This is a shape often associated with Christianity and sacrifice. It is often seen in objects like churches, graveyards, or jewelry. Crosses have two intersecting lines, one vertical and one horizontal.
  2. This is a shape resembling a curved moon or a banana. It is often seen in objects like Islamic symbols, moon phases, or decorative jewelry. Crescents have a curved outline that is wider in the middle and tapers at the ends.
  3. This is a shape often associated with clouds in the sky. It is often seen in objects like weather symbols, drawings, or decorations. Clouds have a fluffy and irregular outline that can vary in shape and size.
  4. This is a round shape with no corners or edges. It is often seen in objects like wheels, coins, or the sun. Circles are symmetrical and have a curved outline that is the same distance from the center at all points.
  5. This is a shape with four sides and two pairs of parallel sides. It is often seen in objects like playing cards, jewelry, or kites. Diamonds have opposite angles that are equal, and they can be turned in different orientations.
  6. This is a shape with six sides and six angles. It is often seen in objects like beehives, snowflakes, or nuts. Hexagons have straight lines and angles, and all sides are equal in length.
  7. This is a shape resembling a pointed shaft with a feathered end. It is often seen in objects like signs, directions, or archery targets. Arrows have a straight line that narrows to a point at one end.
  8. This is a shape with four sides and four right angles. It is often seen in objects like doors, picture frames, or tablets. Rectangles have opposite sides that are equal in length and parallel to each other.
  9. This is a shape with five sides and five angles. It is often seen in objects like government buildings, stars, or school emblems. Pentagons have straight lines and angles, and all sides are not equal in length.
  10. This is a shape often associated with celestial bodies and fame. It is often seen in objects like flags, decorations, or night skies. Stars have multiple points radiating outward from a central point.

19 Clues: This is a shape with six sides and six angles. It is often seen in objects like beehives, snowflakes, or nuts. Hexagons have straight lines and angles, and all sides are equal in length....

Shapes 2023-07-20

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with five or more points radiating from a center.
  2. A three-dimensional shape with six square faces.
  3. A round figure with all points equidistant from the center.
  4. A three-dimensional shape with a circular base and a pointed top.
  5. A polygon with six sides and six angles.
  6. A rounded shape resembling an elongated circle.
  7. A symbol of love, typically depicted as two conjoined shapes.
  8. A four-sided shape with two pairs of parallel sides.
  1. A curved, crescent moon-like shape.
  2. A four-sided polygon with all sides of equal length.
  3. A polygon with five sides and five angles.
  4. A polygon with three sides and three angles.
  5. A three-dimensional shape with two circular bases.
  6. A three-dimensional shape resembling a ball or globe.
  7. A four-sided polygon with opposite sides of equal length.
  8. A polygon with eight sides and eight angles.

16 Clues: A curved, crescent moon-like shape.A polygon with six sides and six angles.A polygon with five sides and five angles.A polygon with three sides and three angles.A polygon with eight sides and eight angles.A rounded shape resembling an elongated circle.A three-dimensional shape with six square faces.A three-dimensional shape with two circular bases....

Basic concepts of shapes 2017-01-30

Basic concepts of shapes crossword puzzle
  1. occurs when color creates the appearance of closeness and distance
  2. shapes made by humans, such as a chair
  3. forms that are found in nature, such as an animal
  4. an image of everyday objects or scenes in a style that resembles a photo
  5. forms that follow a mathematical order
  6. forms that have broken borders that allows color and texture to mix with other colors on the surface
  7. shapes that appear to have a 3D appearance
  8. forms that have an irregular outline and inner surface
  9. simplifies shapes to communicate a visual message
  10. an art style where there is little similarity between the shapes and real physical shapes
  1. occurs when place different sized shapes on a 2D plane to create depth
  2. a form that has two dimensions
  3. created by placing shapes on top of other shapes on a 2D plane to create a 3D effect
  4. shapes that have defined borders and can be silhouettes and are drawn with unbroken outlines
  5. consists of reducing visual elements to present only essential images and maintains proportions
  6. dimension of a shape in comparison to others around it
  7. a style or flattening of shapes
  8. the organization of parts of a shape that determines its appearance
  9. a style of art that represents objects or scenes that resembles real shapes but not a realistic picture
  10. warm ________ give a "closer" appearance whereas cool _________ are more remote

20 Clues: a form that has two dimensionsa style or flattening of shapesshapes made by humans, such as a chairforms that follow a mathematical ordershapes that appear to have a 3D appearanceforms that are found in nature, such as an animalsimplifies shapes to communicate a visual messagedimension of a shape in comparison to others around it...

Basic concepts of shapes 2017-01-30

Basic concepts of shapes crossword puzzle
  1. dimension of a shape in comparison to others around it
  2. simplifies shapes to communicate a visual message
  3. a style of art that represents objects or scenes that resembles real shapes but not a realistic picture
  4. occurs when place different sized shapes on a 2D plane to create depth
  5. warm ________ give a "closer" appearance whereas cool _________ are more remote
  6. occurs when color creates the appearance of closeness and distance
  7. the organization of parts of a shape that determines its appearance
  8. an image of everyday objects or scenes in a style that resembles a photo
  1. consists of reducing visual elements to present only essential images and maintains proportions
  2. shapes that appear to have a 3D appearance
  3. a style or flattening of shapes
  4. forms that have broken borders that allows color and texture to mix with other colors on the surface
  5. shapes that have defined borders and can be silhouettes and are drawn with unbroken outlines
  6. shapes made by humans, such as a chair
  7. forms that follow a mathematical order
  8. an art style where there is little similarity between the shapes and real physical shapes
  9. a form that has two dimensions
  10. forms that are found in nature, such as an animal
  11. created by placing shapes on top of other shapes on a 2D plane to create a 3D effect
  12. forms that have an irregular outline and inner surface

20 Clues: a form that has two dimensionsa style or flattening of shapesshapes made by humans, such as a chairforms that follow a mathematical ordershapes that appear to have a 3D appearancesimplifies shapes to communicate a visual messageforms that are found in nature, such as an animaldimension of a shape in comparison to others around it...

Shapes 2020-05-27

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. This has 5 sides.
  2. This has 4 sides, but it’s not a square.
  3. This has 4 sides, but it’s not a rectangle or a square.
  4. This is the shape of the moon.
  5. This has 8 sides.
  6. This is a 3D triangle.
  7. This is the shape of a kite.
  1. triangle This has 3 equal sides.
  2. This has 12 sides.
  3. This has 6 faces.
  4. This is round, but it’s not a circle.
  5. This is a round shape.
  6. This has 6 sides.
  7. This has 4 sides and it’s not a rectangle.
  8. This has 3 sides.

15 Clues: This has 5 sides.This has 6 faces.This has 6 sides.This has 8 sides.This has 3 sides.This has 12 sides.This is a round shape.This is a 3D triangle.This is the shape of a kite.This is the shape of the moon.triangle This has 3 equal sides.This is round, but it’s not a circle.This has 4 sides, but it’s not a square....

Shapes 2024-02-29

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with a central point and five or more radiating arms or points, often depicted as a figure with intersecting lines forming a symmetrical pattern.
  2. A shape resembling a flattened circle or elongated ellipse, with two equal and symmetrical curved sides, often depicted as a stretched-out circle.
  3. A shape with four equal sides and opposite angles that are equal, often represented by a figure with four sides of equal length and non-right angles.
  4. A shape with eight straight sides and eight angles, often represented by a figure with eight connected lines or sides.
  5. A shape with four sides, where one pair of opposite sides are parallel and the other pair are not, often depicted by a figure with parallel top and bottom sides.
  6. A shape with six straight sides and six angles, often depicted by a figure with six connected lines or sides.
  7. A shape with three straight sides and three angles, often depicted as a figure with three connected lines or sides.
  8. A shape with five straight sides and five angles, often represented by a figure with five connected lines or sides.
  1. A shape consisting of two intersecting lines or bars, often depicted as a vertical line intersecting a horizontal line, symbolizing various religious and cultural meanings.
  2. A shape with four sides and four right angles, where opposite sides are equal in length, often depicted as a figure with longer sides and shorter sides.
  3. A shape resembling a thin, curved moon shape, often depicted as a figure with a rounded edge and a tapering point.
  4. A shape with four straight sides of equal length forming two opposite acute angles and two opposite obtuse angles, often depicted as a figure with a pointed top and bottom.
  5. A shape with all points in a plane equidistant from a fixed center point, often represented by a round outline or symbol.
  6. A shape resembling a stylized representation of a heart symbol, often associated with love and affection, with two curved sides meeting at a point.
  7. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles, often represented by a figure with four sides of equal length and perpendicular corners.

15 Clues: A shape with six straight sides and six angles, often depicted by a figure with six connected lines or sides.A shape resembling a thin, curved moon shape, often depicted as a figure with a rounded edge and a tapering point.A shape with three straight sides and three angles, often depicted as a figure with three connected lines or sides....

Shapes 2024-02-29

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with four equal sides and opposite angles that are equal, often represented by a figure with four sides of equal length and non-right angles.
  2. A shape with four sides, where one pair of opposite sides are parallel and the other pair are not, often depicted by a figure with parallel top and bottom sides.
  3. A shape with six straight sides and six angles, often depicted by a figure with six connected lines or sides.
  4. A shape resembling a flattened circle or elongated ellipse, with two equal and symmetrical curved sides, often depicted as a stretched-out circle.
  5. A shape resembling a thin, curved moon shape, often depicted as a figure with a rounded edge and a tapering point.
  6. A shape with five straight sides and five angles, often represented by a figure with five connected lines or sides.
  7. A shape with three straight sides and three angles, often depicted as a figure with three connected lines or sides.
  1. A shape with four sides and four right angles, where opposite sides are equal in length, often depicted as a figure with longer sides and shorter sides.
  2. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles, often represented by a figure with four sides of equal length and perpendicular corners.
  3. A shape with a central point and five or more radiating arms or points, often depicted as a figure with intersecting lines forming a symmetrical pattern.
  4. A shape with four straight sides of equal length forming two opposite acute angles and two opposite obtuse angles, often depicted as a figure with a pointed top and bottom.
  5. A shape with eight straight sides and eight angles, often represented by a figure with eight connected lines or sides.
  6. A shape resembling a stylized representation of a heart symbol, often associated with love and affection, with two curved sides meeting at a point.
  7. A shape consisting of two intersecting lines or bars, often depicted as a vertical line intersecting a horizontal line, symbolizing various religious and cultural meanings.
  8. A shape with all points in a plane equidistant from a fixed center point, often represented by a round outline or symbol.

15 Clues: A shape with six straight sides and six angles, often depicted by a figure with six connected lines or sides.A shape resembling a thin, curved moon shape, often depicted as a figure with a rounded edge and a tapering point.A shape with five straight sides and five angles, often represented by a figure with five connected lines or sides....

Shapes 2024-02-29

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with four sides, where one pair of opposite sides are parallel and the other pair are not, often depicted by a figure with parallel top and bottom sides.
  2. A shape with four sides and four right angles, where opposite sides are equal in length, often depicted as a figure with longer sides and shorter sides.
  3. A shape with four equal sides and opposite angles that are equal, often represented by a figure with four sides of equal length and non-right angles.
  4. A shape resembling a flattened circle or elongated ellipse, with two equal and symmetrical curved sides, often depicted as a stretched-out circle.
  5. A shape consisting of two intersecting lines or bars, often depicted as a vertical line intersecting a horizontal line, symbolizing various religious and cultural meanings.
  6. A shape with a central point and five or more radiating arms or points, often depicted as a figure with intersecting lines forming a symmetrical pattern.
  7. A shape with six straight sides and six angles, often depicted by a figure with six connected lines or sides.
  1. A shape with three straight sides and three angles, often depicted as a figure with three connected lines or sides.
  2. A shape resembling a stylized representation of a heart symbol, often associated with love and affection, with two curved sides meeting at a point.
  3. A shape with four straight sides of equal length forming two opposite acute angles and two opposite obtuse angles, often depicted as a figure with a pointed top and bottom.
  4. A shape with all points in a plane equidistant from a fixed center point, often represented by a round outline or symbol.
  5. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles, often represented by a figure with four sides of equal length and perpendicular corners.
  6. A shape resembling a thin, curved moon shape, often depicted as a figure with a rounded edge and a tapering point.
  7. A shape with eight straight sides and eight angles, often represented by a figure with eight connected lines or sides.
  8. A shape with five straight sides and five angles, often represented by a figure with five connected lines or sides.

15 Clues: A shape with six straight sides and six angles, often depicted by a figure with six connected lines or sides.A shape resembling a thin, curved moon shape, often depicted as a figure with a rounded edge and a tapering point.A shape with three straight sides and three angles, often depicted as a figure with three connected lines or sides....

Shapes 2024-05-20

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with four sides, with one pair of sides parallel.
  2. A shape with four sides and four right angles, with opposite sides equal.
  3. A shape with a pointed end, used to show direction.
  4. A shape with four sides, where opposite sides are parallel and equal in length.
  5. A shape like a curved moon.
  1. A shape with five sides and five corners.
  2. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  3. A shape with five or more points, often used to represent stars in the sky.
  4. A shape with four sides, like a square turned on its corner.
  5. A shape with six sides and six corners.
  6. A shape with three sides and three corners.
  7. A round shape with no corners or edges.
  8. A shape like a stretched circle, longer in one direction.
  9. A shape with eight sides and eight corners.
  10. A shape that represents love, with two rounded parts at the top and a point at the bottom.

15 Clues: A shape like a curved moon.A shape with six sides and six corners.A round shape with no corners or edges.A shape with five sides and five corners.A shape with three sides and three corners.A shape with eight sides and eight corners.A shape with a pointed end, used to show direction.A shape with four equal sides and four right angles....

Shapes 2023-06-12

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with six sides and six angles, often represented as a honeycomb pattern.
  2. A shape with four sides and four right angles, where opposite sides are equal in length.
  3. A shape with three sides and three angles, often depicted as a mountain-like figure.
  4. A shape resembling a curved, crescent moon, with a curved and pointed end.
  5. A shape with a pointed end and a straight body, used to indicate direction.
  6. A shape with four sides, where opposite sides are parallel, and the angles are equal.
  7. A shape that gradually curls around a central point, often seen in seashells and galaxies.
  1. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles, forming a box-like figure.
  2. A shape that symbolizes love and affection, resembling two curved lobes meeting at the bottom.
  3. A shape with all points on its boundary equidistant from the center, forming a round outline.
  4. A shape with five sides and five angles, often associated with a five-pointed star.
  5. A shape with eight sides and eight angles, resembling a stop sign.
  6. A shape that is elongated and curved, resembling a flattened circle.
  7. A shape formed by two lines intersecting at a right angle, often used as a religious symbol.
  8. A shape with multiple points, often associated with brightness and success.

15 Clues: A shape with eight sides and eight angles, resembling a stop sign.A shape that is elongated and curved, resembling a flattened circle.A shape resembling a curved, crescent moon, with a curved and pointed end.A shape with a pointed end and a straight body, used to indicate direction....

Shapes 2023-06-13

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. I am a shape with four equal sides, like a tilted square that glides.
  2. I am a shape with one pair of parallel sides, like a seesaw ready for playful rides.
  3. I am a shape with four sides, two long and two short, like a picture frame, a perfect support.
  4. I am a shape like a moon in the sky, curved and shining, oh so high.
  5. I am a shape with five sides, a strong and sturdy form that truly guides.
  6. I am a shape with three sides, straight and true, like a slice of pizza just for you.
  7. I am an elongated shape, like an egg or a face, a curvy delight in every place.
  1. I am round like a delicious pizza slice, no edges or corners to give you a surprise.
  2. I am a shape with six sides, like a honeycomb or a playful dice.
  3. I am a shape with eight sides, like a stop sign on the road that guides.
  4. I am a shape that's full of love and emotion, a symbol of affection and devotion.
  5. I am a shape with four equal sides, like a perfect box where secrets hide.
  6. I am a shape with four sides, slanted and sleek, a gemstone's peek.
  7. I am a shape with two pairs of parallel sides, like a slanted rectangle that guides.
  8. I am a shape with points so bright, lighting up the sky on a clear night.

15 Clues: I am a shape with six sides, like a honeycomb or a playful dice.I am a shape with four sides, slanted and sleek, a gemstone's peek.I am a shape like a moon in the sky, curved and shining, oh so high.I am a shape with four equal sides, like a tilted square that glides.I am a shape with eight sides, like a stop sign on the road that guides....

Shapes 2023-06-15

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A four-sided shape with equal length sides, but no right angles; sometimes called a diamond.
  2. Has four equal sides and four right angles, each corner meets at 90 degrees.
  3. Has three sides and three angles, can be classified as equilateral, isosceles, or scalene.
  4. Round and without any corners, every point on its edge is the same distance from the center.
  5. Similar to a square but with two pairs of equal sides, it also has four right angles.
  6. With six sides and six angles, it can also be regular or irregular based on the equality of sides and angles.
  7. Has four sides with one pair of parallel sides, can be isosceles or scalene.
  8. Comprised of eight sides and eight angles, often seen in traffic stop signs.
  1. Resembles the shape of a human heart, with two curves at the top and a point at the bottom.
  2. Has multiple points extending out from its center, often seen in a five-pointed version.
  3. A winding curve that starts from a central point and expands out while circling around it.
  4. Its opposite sides are parallel and equal in length, creating two pairs of congruent angles.
  5. Like a squashed circle, it has a long and a short axis, with every point on its edge having a special property.
  6. A curve that looks like a thin, waxing or waning moon shape, either bulging inward or outward.
  7. Has five sides and five angles, can be regular or irregular depending on the side lengths and angles.

15 Clues: Has four equal sides and four right angles, each corner meets at 90 degrees.Has four sides with one pair of parallel sides, can be isosceles or scalene.Comprised of eight sides and eight angles, often seen in traffic stop signs.Similar to a square but with two pairs of equal sides, it also has four right angles....

SHAPES 2023-06-06

SHAPES crossword puzzle
  1. - A shape with four sides and four right angles.
  2. - Half of a circle shape.
  3. - A shape with five sides and angles.
  4. - A shape with one pair of parallel sides.
  5. - A shape that represents love and affection.
  6. - A shape that resembles a curved moon.
  7. - A shape with eight sides and angles.
  8. - A shape with pointed arms radiating from a center.
  1. - A shape with six sides and angles.
  2. - A shape with three sides and three angles.
  3. - A shape with four equal sides and angles.
  4. - A shape with four sides of equal length.
  5. - A shape that is perfectly round.
  6. - A shape with four equal sides and opposite angles.
  7. - A shape that is elongated and rounded.

15 Clues: - Half of a circle shape.- A shape that is perfectly round.- A shape with six sides and angles.- A shape with five sides and angles.- A shape with eight sides and angles.- A shape that resembles a curved moon.- A shape that is elongated and rounded.- A shape with four sides of equal length.- A shape with one pair of parallel sides....

Shapes 2023-06-18

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with four sides of equal length, arranged in a slanted manner.
  2. A shape resembling a fluffy mass, often seen in the sky.
  3. A shape with a pointed end and a tail, indicating direction.
  4. A shape with two intersecting lines, forming four equal segments.
  5. A shape with multiple pointed ends, resembling a star in the sky.
  6. A shape with five sides and five angles.
  7. A shape with four sides, where opposite sides are equal in length and four right angles.
  1. A stretched or elongated circle shape.
  2. A shape that represents love, with two rounded curves meeting at a point.
  3. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  4. A shape resembling a curved, crescent moon.
  5. A round shape with no corners or edges.
  6. A shape with three sides and three angles.
  7. A shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  8. A shape with six sides and six angles.

15 Clues: A stretched or elongated circle shape.A shape with six sides and six angles.A round shape with no corners or edges.A shape with five sides and five angles.A shape with three sides and three angles.A shape with eight sides and eight angles.A shape resembling a curved, crescent moon.A shape with four equal sides and four right angles....

Shapes 2023-06-23

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. It is a shape that swirls around like a tornado or a seashell.
  2. It is a round shape that looks like a perfectly shaped pizza slice.
  3. It is a shape with four sides and four corners, like the shape of a door or a window.
  4. It is a shape that is like a squished circle, similar to the shape of an egg.
  5. It is a shape that looks like a plus sign, with two lines intersecting each other.
  6. It is a shape with four equal sides, resembling a sparkling jewel.
  7. It is a shape that looks like a moon that is partly lit, with a curved and pointed end.
  1. It is a shape with four equal sides and four corners, just like a box.
  2. It is a shape that points in a specific direction, like the arrows you see on signs.
  3. It is a shape with five sides and five corners, like a house with a slanted roof.
  4. It is a shape with eight sides and eight corners, like a stop sign.
  5. It is a shape that looks like the symbol for love, with a curved top and pointy bottom.
  6. It is a shape with six sides and six corners, resembling a beehive.
  7. It is a shape with three sides and three corners, resembling a slice of pizza.
  8. It is a shape that looks like a shiny star in the night sky, with multiple pointed ends.

15 Clues: It is a shape that swirls around like a tornado or a seashell.It is a shape with four equal sides, resembling a sparkling jewel.It is a shape with eight sides and eight corners, like a stop sign.It is a round shape that looks like a perfectly shaped pizza slice.It is a shape with six sides and six corners, resembling a beehive....

Shapes 2023-09-20

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. Eight sides and eight angles, often used in signs.
  2. Symbolic shape of love, with two rounded lobes.
  3. Four sides with sharp angles, like a kite.
  4. Four equal sides, like a tilted square.
  5. Three sides and three angles, often with a point.
  6. Four sides with opposite sides of equal length.
  7. Opposite sides are parallel and equal in length.
  8. Four equal sides and four right angles.
  1. Five sides and five angles, like a house.
  2. Six sides and six angles, similar to a stop sign.
  3. Round and symmetrical, no corners or edges.
  4. Elongated circle, symmetrical but stretched.
  5. Pointed with five or more branches or points.
  6. Four sides with one pair of parallel sides.
  7. Curved shape resembling a quarter moon.

15 Clues: Four equal sides, like a tilted square.Curved shape resembling a quarter moon.Four equal sides and four right angles.Five sides and five angles, like a house.Four sides with sharp angles, like a kite.Round and symmetrical, no corners or edges.Four sides with one pair of parallel sides.Elongated circle, symmetrical but stretched....

Shapes 2023-06-17

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape formed by intersecting lines, with one vertical and one horizontal line crossing each other.
  2. A shape that resembles a curved moon, with a round part missing.
  3. A shape with six sides and six angles.
  4. A shape that is round and has no corners.
  5. A shape that winds or curves around a central point in a continuous pattern.
  6. A shape with three sides and three angles.
  7. A shape with several pointed ends that resembles the shape of a star.
  8. A shape with five sides and five angles.
  1. A shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  2. A shape that is elongated and curved, resembling an egg or an ellipse.
  3. A shape with four equal sides that are arranged in a slanted manner.
  4. A shape with four sides and four right angles where opposite sides are equal in length.
  5. A shape made up of a series of sharp angles in alternating directions.
  6. A shape that represents love, usually with two curved sides meeting at a point.
  7. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.

15 Clues: A shape with six sides and six angles.A shape with five sides and five angles.A shape that is round and has no corners.A shape with eight sides and eight angles.A shape with three sides and three angles.A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.A shape that resembles a curved moon, with a round part missing....

Shapes 2023-07-12

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. It is a symbol or shape representing love or affection, often with two curved lobes at the top and a point at the bottom.
  2. It is a four-sided polygon with one pair of parallel sides.
  3. It is an eight-sided polygon with eight angles and eight sides.
  4. It is a shape with four sides that are equal in length, forming a tilted square.
  5. It is a shape with multiple points extending from a central point, often with five or more points.
  6. It is a three-sided polygon with three angles and three sides.
  7. It is a shape that resembles a thin, curved moon or a partially filled circle.
  1. It is a four-sided polygon with all sides of equal length and all angles of 90 degrees.
  2. It is a six-sided polygon with six angles and six sides.
  3. It is a perfectly round shape with all points on the boundary equidistant from the center.
  4. It is a four-sided polygon with opposite sides that are parallel and equal in length, but with angles that are not right angles.
  5. It is a four-sided polygon with opposite sides that are parallel and equal in length.
  6. It is a five-sided polygon with five angles and five sides.
  7. It is a shape that is elongated and curved, similar to a stretched-out circle.
  8. It is a shape with a pointed end and a shaft, often used to indicate direction or movement.

15 Clues: It is a six-sided polygon with six angles and six sides.It is a four-sided polygon with one pair of parallel sides.It is a five-sided polygon with five angles and five sides.It is a three-sided polygon with three angles and three sides.It is an eight-sided polygon with eight angles and eight sides....

Shapes 2023-06-22

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape formed by intersecting lines at right angles, with a vertical and horizontal line crossing each other.
  2. A shape that represents love and affection, with a rounded top and two curves at the bottom.
  3. A shape that is round and perfectly symmetrical. It looks like a wheel or the outline of a coin.
  4. A shape that has four sides of equal length but is wider in the middle. It looks like a kite or a playing card symbol.
  5. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles. It looks like a box or the outline of a window.
  6. A shape with multiple points that radiate outwards, similar to the shape of a star in the sky.
  7. A shape with three sides and three angles. It looks like a slice of pizza or a road sign pointing upwards.
  8. A shape with eight sides and eight angles. It looks like a stop sign or a large diamond shape.
  1. A shape that is elongated and curved, similar to an egg or the outline of a face.
  2. A shape with four sides and four right angles, where opposite sides are equal in length. It looks like a door or a book.
  3. A shape with four sides of equal length but not necessarily right angles. It looks like a tilted square or a diamond.
  4. A shape that resembles a curved, crescent moon. It looks like a smile or a boat's sail.
  5. A shape that curls or winds in a continuous pattern, like a spring or a seashell.
  6. A shape with five sides and five angles. It looks like a house or a road sign with five sides.
  7. A shape with six sides and six angles. It looks like a honeycomb or a stop sign.

15 Clues: A shape with six sides and six angles. It looks like a honeycomb or a stop sign.A shape that is elongated and curved, similar to an egg or the outline of a face.A shape that curls or winds in a continuous pattern, like a spring or a seashell.A shape that resembles a curved, crescent moon. It looks like a smile or a boat's sail....

Shapes 2023-07-05

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A square is a shape with four equal sides and four right angles. It looks like a box.
  2. A star is a shape with several points or rays extending from a central point. It looks like the shape of a star in the night sky.
  3. A crescent is a shape that looks like a curved or crescent moon. It is curved and pointed at the ends.
  4. A cross is a shape that has two intersecting lines, one vertical and one horizontal. It is a symbol of Christianity.
  5. An arrow is a shape that has a pointed end and a tail, used to indicate direction.
  6. A hexagon is a shape with six sides and six angles. It looks like a stop sign.
  7. A triangle is a shape with three sides and three angles. It looks like a slice of pizza.
  8. An oval is a shape that is elongated and curved, like the shape of an egg.
  1. A rectangle is a shape with four sides and four right angles. It looks like a door or a window.
  2. A circle is a perfectly round shape. It looks like the outline of a ball or a coin.
  3. An octagon is a shape with eight sides and eight angles. It looks like a stop sign.
  4. A spiral is a shape that winds around a central point in a circular or curved pattern. It looks like a coiled spring.
  5. A diamond is a shape with four sides that are equal in length, arranged in a slanted or tilted manner.
  6. A heart is a shape that looks like two curved lines meeting at a point, with a dent in the middle. It represents love.
  7. A pentagon is a shape with five sides and five angles. It looks like a house with a slanted roof.

15 Clues: An oval is a shape that is elongated and curved, like the shape of an egg.A hexagon is a shape with six sides and six angles. It looks like a stop sign.An arrow is a shape that has a pointed end and a tail, used to indicate direction.A circle is a perfectly round shape. It looks like the outline of a ball or a coin....

Shapes 2023-06-19

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape that starts round and ends with two elongated curves
  2. A figure with eight sides
  3. A shape formed by two perpendicular lines
  4. A shape pointing in one direction
  5. A shape representing a cloudy weather
  6. A symbol representing love
  7. A figure with five sides
  8. A four-sided shape with opposite sides parallel
  9. A figure with six sides
  10. A shape formed by connecting several long points
  1. A four-sided shape with two pairs of parallel sides
  2. A rounded figure with no corners or edges
  3. A four-sided shape with all sides of equal length
  4. A figure with three sides and three angles
  5. A shape resembling the curved shape of the moon

15 Clues: A figure with six sidesA figure with five sidesA figure with eight sidesA symbol representing loveA shape pointing in one directionA shape representing a cloudy weatherA rounded figure with no corners or edgesA shape formed by two perpendicular linesA figure with three sides and three anglesA four-sided shape with opposite sides parallel...

Shapes 2023-07-19

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with several pointed ends extending from a central point. It is commonly seen in the night sky and used to represent achievement or fame.
  2. A shape with a pointed end and a tail. It indicates direction and is commonly used as a symbol for movement.
  3. A shape formed by two intersecting lines that divide the space into four equal parts. It has religious and symbolic meanings in different cultures.
  4. A curved shape that resembles a stretched circle. It has no corners and can be seen in objects like eggs and certain fruits.
  5. A shape that curves around a central point, forming a continuous pattern that gradually expands or contracts. It is seen in seashells and galaxies.
  6. A six-sided shape with six angles. It can be seen in honeycomb structures and is often used in architectural designs.
  7. A five-sided shape with five angles. It is commonly found in buildings, such as the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and in certain sports equipment.
  1. A shape that resembles the symbol of love, with a curved top and pointed bottom. It is often associated with affection and romantic feelings.
  2. A four-sided shape with opposite sides that are equal in length and four right angles. It is a common shape for books, doors, and windows.
  3. A curved shape that resembles a partial moon. It has a round shape with a tapered end and is often used in religious and cultural symbols.
  4. A four-sided shape with equal-length sides and two pairs of parallel sides. It is also known as a rhombus and can be seen in playing cards.
  5. A three-sided shape with straight sides and three angles. It can be equilateral (all sides and angles are equal) or have different lengths.
  6. An eight-sided shape with eight angles. It is commonly seen in stop signs and some building designs.
  7. A round shape with no corners or edges. It is perfectly symmetrical and can be found in objects like wheels and coins.
  8. A four-sided shape with equal length sides and right angles. It is a simple and symmetrical shape often seen in tiles and building blocks.

15 Clues: An eight-sided shape with eight angles. It is commonly seen in stop signs and some building designs.A shape with a pointed end and a tail. It indicates direction and is commonly used as a symbol for movement.A six-sided shape with six angles. It can be seen in honeycomb structures and is often used in architectural designs....

Shapes 2023-07-21

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. It's a shape resembling a star with five triangles forming its points.
  2. It's a shape resembling a curved moon or a banana.
  3. It's a shape with four equal sides. It looks like a slanted square.
  4. It's a shape with opposite sides parallel and equal in length.
  5. It's a shape with four sides, and opposite sides have equal length. Adjacent sides are perpendicular to each other.
  6. It's a shape with eight sides and eight corners.
  7. It's a shape with one continuous curved edge. All points on the edge are equidistant from the center.
  8. It's a shape with only one pair of parallel sides."
  1. It's a shape with five sides and five corners.
  2. It's a shape with six sides and six corners.
  3. It's a shape with four sides of equal length. All four corners are right angles.
  4. It's a shape with three sides. There are different types of triangles.
  5. It's a shape with two curves at the top meeting to form a point at the bottom.
  6. It's similar to a circle but elongated.
  7. It's a shape with four equal sides. It looks like a tilted square.

15 Clues: It's similar to a circle but elongated.It's a shape with six sides and six corners.It's a shape with five sides and five corners.It's a shape with eight sides and eight corners.It's a shape resembling a curved moon or a banana.It's a shape with only one pair of parallel sides."It's a shape with opposite sides parallel and equal in length....

Shapes 2023-11-22

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. línea
  2. triángulo
  3. recta
  4. cerrada
  5. menos
  6. rombo
  7. círculo
  1. lados
  2. rectángulo
  3. curva
  4. abierta
  5. esquinas
  6. cuadrado
  7. igual
  8. más

15 Clues: másladoscurvalínearectamenosigualromboabiertacerradacírculoesquinascuadradotriángulorectángulo

shapes 2023-10-10

shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A symbol of love, shaped like two rounded triangles meeting at the bottom.
  2. A shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  3. A shape with six sides and six angles.
  4. A perfectly round object, like a pizza or a wheel.
  5. A shape that looks like a curved moon.
  6. A shape with four sides, like a square tipped on its corner.
  7. A 3D shape like a ball, completely round all over.
  1. A shape with three straight sides and corners.
  2. A shape with points, like the ones you see in the night sky.
  3. A shape that is elongated like an egg or a football.
  4. A 3D shape with six equal square faces.
  5. A shape with four sides where opposite sides are equal and parallel.
  6. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  7. A five-sided shape with straight sides and angles.
  8. A 3D shape like a can, with two circular faces and a curved side.

15 Clues: A shape with six sides and six angles.A shape that looks like a curved moon.A 3D shape with six equal square faces.A shape with eight sides and eight angles.A shape with three straight sides and corners.A perfectly round object, like a pizza or a wheel.A five-sided shape with straight sides and angles....

Shapes 2024-05-15

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A perfectly round geometrical object in three-dimensional space, such as a globe or a ball.
  2. A five-sided polygon with five edges and five vertices.
  3. A shape resembling a segment of a ring tapering to points at the ends.
  4. A rounded shape like that of an egg or an ellipse.
  5. A four-sided figure with all sides of equal length and all angles of 90 degrees.
  6. An eight-sided polygon with eight edges and eight vertices.
  7. A three-dimensional shape with two parallel circular bases connected by a curved surface.
  1. A three-sided polygon with three edges and three vertices.
  2. A symbol or representation of the human heart shape, often used to convey affection or love.
  3. A shape with a pointed end formed by intersecting lines or edges, typically with five or more points.
  4. A four-sided figure with opposite sides that are equal in length and all angles of 90 degrees.
  5. A rhombus or a four-sided figure with opposite sides parallel and equal in length.
  6. A six-sided polygon with six edges and six vertices.
  7. A three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular faces, all of equal size.
  8. A round shape with all points on its boundary equidistant from its center.

15 Clues: A rounded shape like that of an egg or an ellipse.A six-sided polygon with six edges and six vertices.A five-sided polygon with five edges and five vertices.A three-sided polygon with three edges and three vertices.An eight-sided polygon with eight edges and eight vertices.A shape resembling a segment of a ring tapering to points at the ends....

Shapes 2022-09-20

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. rhombus
  2. diamond
  3. sphere
  4. ring
  5. square
  6. cylinder
  7. cube
  8. oval
  1. crescent
  2. star
  3. pentagon
  4. triangle
  5. heart
  6. circle
  7. rectangle

15 Clues: starringcubeovalheartspherecirclesquarerhombusdiamondcrescentpentagontrianglecylinderrectangle

Shapes 2022-11-15

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. innoiiso'itsii
  2. o'tukssin
  3. naaitsii
  4. iitawaakommootsiiyo' p'
  5. moisskitsiipaa"p
  6. atuksaaksin
  7. isinapinno'tukssin
  8. naaniiso'itsii
  1. i'kitsiikaitsii
  2. niiwksskaitsi
  3. naatsiikoopo'to'itsii
  4. niiso'itsii
  5. kiippo'itsii
  6. niitsito'itsii
  7. isinapinno'yi

15 Clues: naaitsiio'tukssinniiso'itsiiatuksaaksinkiippo'itsiiniiwksskaitsiisinapinno'yiniitsito'itsiiinnoiiso'itsiinaaniiso'itsiii'kitsiikaitsiimoisskitsiipaa"pisinapinno'tukssinnaatsiikoopo'to'itsiiiitawaakommootsiiyo' p'

Shapes 2023-05-19

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. 화살
  2. 결합하다
  3. 삼각형
  4. 다이아몬드형
  5. 복잡한
  6. 똑같은
  1. 모서리
  2. 모양
  3. 정사각형
  4. 사각형
  5. 원형
  6. 지붕

15 Clues: 모양화살원형지붕모서리사각형삼각형복잡한똑같은정사각형결합하다다이아몬드형

Shapes 2023-06-13

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with four sides and one set of parallel sides.
  2. A shape with four sides and four right angles, opposite sides are equal in length.
  3. A shape with multiple points that usually has five or more.
  4. A shape with six sides and six angles.
  5. A shape with five sides and five angles.
  6. A shape with all points the same distance from its center.
  1. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  2. A shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  3. A shape that looks like a moon that is partially lit.
  4. A shape with three sides and three angles.
  5. A shape that looks like a stretched-out circle.
  6. A shape with two lines that intersect perpendicularly.
  7. A shape with four equal sides, but opposite angles are acute and obtuse.
  8. A shape that has a point on one end and a tail on the other, used to show direction.
  9. A shape that looks like the symbol for love.

15 Clues: A shape with six sides and six angles.A shape with five sides and five angles.A shape with eight sides and eight angles.A shape with three sides and three angles.A shape that looks like the symbol for love.A shape that looks like a stretched-out circle.A shape with four equal sides and four right angles....

Shapes 2023-06-12

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. It has four equal sides and all corners are right angles.
  2. It's like a diamond or a square that's been pushed over. It has four equal sides but not all right angles.
  3. It's the shape of the moon when it's not full. It's round on one side and curves in on the other.
  4. It's the symbol of love. It has a point at the bottom and a curve that dips in at the top.
  5. It's like a stretched square. It has four sides with opposite sides equal and all corners are right angles.
  6. It has five sides and five corners.
  7. It's like a square, but tilted so it looks like a kite.
  1. It often has five points, but can have more. It's what you might draw when you doodle a star in the sky.
  2. It has three sides and three corners.
  3. This is a three-dimensional shape. It's like a square box, with six equal square sides.
  4. It has eight sides and eight corners. This is the shape of a stop sign.
  5. It's similar to a circle, but stretched out. It's round, but longer in one direction.
  6. It's round and every point on its edge is the same distance from the center.
  7. It has six sides and six corners.
  8. It has four sides. Two sides are parallel and the other two are not.

15 Clues: It has six sides and six corners.It has five sides and five corners.It has three sides and three corners.It's like a square, but tilted so it looks like a kite.It has four equal sides and all corners are right angles.It has four sides. Two sides are parallel and the other two are not....

Shapes 2023-06-13

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape that winds and curves around a central point.
  2. A shape with four equal sides, resembling a tilted square.
  3. A shape that resembles a curved moon, with a round edge and tapered ends.
  4. A shape with four sides, one pair of which is parallel.
  5. A shape with six sides and six angles.
  6. A shape with five sides and five angles.
  1. A shape with four equal sides and angles, resembling a sparkling gem.
  2. A shape with three sides and three angles.
  3. A shape with multiple points, resembling a star in the sky.
  4. A shape with four sides and four right angles, with opposite sides of equal length.
  5. A shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  6. A symbol of love and affection, with two curved sides meeting at a point.
  7. A perfectly round shape with no corners or edges.
  8. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  9. A elongated shape that is wider in the middle and rounded at the ends.

15 Clues: A shape with six sides and six angles.A shape with five sides and five angles.A shape with three sides and three angles.A shape with eight sides and eight angles.A perfectly round shape with no corners or edges.A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.A shape that winds and curves around a central point....

Shapes 2023-06-16

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape like a can or a soup can.
  2. A shape with pointy arms, like the ones in the sky.
  3. A shape with four equal sides and corners.
  4. A round shape like a ball or a wheel.
  5. A shape with six sides and six angles.
  6. A shape with three sides and three corners.
  7. A shape that looks like love or a Valentine's symbol.
  8. A stretched-out circle shape.
  1. A shape with six equal square sides.
  2. A shape like a ball or a globe.
  3. A shape like an ice cream cone or a traffic cone.
  4. A shape with three sides and three corners.
  5. A shape with four sides and four right angles.
  6. A shape with four equal sides that form a point at the top and bottom.
  7. A shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  8. A shape with five sides and five angles.

16 Clues: A stretched-out circle shape.A shape like a ball or a globe.A shape like a can or a soup can.A shape with six equal square sides.A round shape like a ball or a wheel.A shape with six sides and six angles.A shape with five sides and five angles.A shape with four equal sides and corners.A shape with eight sides and eight angles....

Shapes 2023-06-22

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with points radiating from a central point, resembling a star in the sky.
  2. A shape with three sides and three angles.
  3. A shape with four sides and four right angles, where opposite sides are equal in length.
  4. A round shape with all points equidistant from the center.
  5. A shape with six sides and six angles.
  6. A shape with four sides, where opposite sides are parallel and all angles are equal.
  1. A shape that represents love, usually with two curves meeting at a point at the bottom and a cleft at the top.
  2. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  3. A shape with five sides and five angles.
  4. A three-dimensional shape with a polygon base and triangular faces that meet at a common point
  5. A three-dimensional shape that is perfectly round in all directions, like a ball.
  6. A three-dimensional shape with two circular bases and a curved surface connecting them.
  7. A shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  8. A rounded shape resembling an elongated circle.
  9. A three-dimensional shape with six equal square faces and all edges of equal length.

15 Clues: A shape with six sides and six angles.A shape with five sides and five angles.A shape with eight sides and eight angles.A shape with three sides and three angles.A rounded shape resembling an elongated circle.A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.A round shape with all points equidistant from the center....

Shapes 2023-06-18

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. This is a shape with two intersecting lines, one vertical and one horizontal. It represents the intersection of ideas, faith, and beliefs. You can find crosses in objects like religious symbols, flags, and monuments. Crosses have deep cultural and religious significance in various traditions. They serve as a reminder of hope, sacrifice, and spiritual connection.
  2. This is a shape with multiple points or rays extending from a central point. Stars can have different numbers of points, such as five-pointed stars or six-pointed stars. You can find stars in objects like flags, decorations, and celestial bodies. Stars are often associated with beauty, brilliance, and guidance. They add a touch of magic and wonder to our surroundings.
  3. This is a shape with three sides and three angles. Triangles can have different types of angles, such as acute, obtuse, or right angles. You can find triangles in objects like road signs, roofs, and pizza slices. Triangles are strong and stable shapes. They are used in various fields, including geometry, engineering, and art.
  4. This is a shape that represents love and affection. Hearts have a rounded bottom and two lobes at the top, meeting in a point. You can find hearts in objects like Valentine's Day cards, decorations, and symbols of love. Hearts are universally recognized as a symbol of love and emotions. They bring warmth and joy to our lives and express deep feelings of affection.
  5. This is a shape with eight sides and eight angles. Each angle of an octagon is equal to 135 degrees. You can find octagons in objects like stop signs, building foundations, and some architectural designs. Octagons are strong and stable shapes. They have a unique and striking appearance, making them stand out in various applications.
  6. This is a shape that curves around a central point, gradually expanding or contracting. Spirals can be found in objects like seashells, tornadoes, and some architectural designs. Spirals have a dynamic and captivating appearance. They symbolize growth, evolution, and the continuous flow of energy. Spirals can be seen in nature, art, and various cultural representations.
  7. This is a shape with four sides that are equal in length but not at right angles. A diamond has two pairs of parallel sides. You can find diamonds in objects like playing cards, jewelry, and signs. Diamonds are often associated with elegance and luxury. Their sparkling appearance and symmetrical structure make them captivating and visually appealing.
  8. This is a shape that is elongated and curved, resembling an egg or an ellipse. Ovals have no straight sides or corners. You can find ovals in objects like eggs, balloons, and footballs. Ovals have a smooth and graceful appearance. They are used in various applications, from art and design to sports and transportation.
  9. This is a shape that resembles a curved, crescent moon. It has a rounded edge and tapers towards the center. You can find crescents in objects like moon shapes, Islamic symbols, and some decorative elements. Crescents have a mystical and enchanting appearance. They are often associated with lunar cycles, dreams, and spirituality.
  1. This is a shape that is round and symmetrical. It has no corners or straight sides. You can find circles in objects like wheels, plates, and coins. Circles are often used to represent unity and wholeness. They are all around us in nature and man-made objects, and their smooth curves make them pleasing to the eye.
  2. This is a shape with five sides and five angles. Each angle of a pentagon is equal to 108 degrees. You can find pentagons in objects like traffic signs, military badges, and some architectural structures. Pentagons are strong and stable shapes. They have a unique and distinctive appearance, making them stand out in various designs and symbols.
  3. This is a shape with four sides, where only two opposite sides are parallel. The other two sides of a trapezoid are not parallel and have different lengths. You can find trapezoids in objects like tables, roofs, and bridges. Trapezoids have a dynamic and asymmetrical structure. They are often used in geometry and engineering to create stable and functional designs.
  4. This is a shape with four sides and four right angles. Opposite sides of a rectangle are equal in length. You can find rectangles in objects like doors, windows, and book covers. Rectangles are widely used in construction and design because of their practicality and versatility. They can be seen in buildings, furniture, and electronic devices.
  5. This is a shape with six sides and six angles. Each angle of a hexagon is equal to 120 degrees. You can find hexagons in objects like honeycombs, nuts, and bolts. Hexagons are known for their efficiency and strength. They are commonly used in engineering, architecture, and nature, as they provide a balance between stability and material usage.
  6. This is a shape with four equal sides and four right angles. Each side of a square is the same length. You can find squares in objects like windows, tiles, and building blocks. Squares are known for their stability and balance. They are often used in architecture and design, and they can be stacked together to create patterns and structures.

15 Clues: This is a shape that is round and symmetrical. It has no corners or straight sides. You can find circles in objects like wheels, plates, and coins. Circles are often used to represent unity and wholeness. They are all around us in nature and man-made objects, and their smooth curves make them pleasing to the eye....

Shapes 2023-06-19

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. This is a shape that has four equal sides and four corners. Each side is straight, and all the angles are right angles, just like the sides of a perfect box.
  2. This is a shape that has three sides and three corners. It looks like a slice of pizza or the roof of a house.
  3. This is a shape that has multiple points or rays. It looks like a sparkly shape in the night sky or a shape you might draw to represent a star.
  4. This is a shape that looks like a curved moon. It is a shape that is curved and ends in two points.
  5. This is a shape that is elongated and rounded, similar to the shape of an egg or a football.
  6. This is a shape that has five sides and five corners. It looks like a house with a slanted roof or a sign you might see on the road.
  7. This is a shape that has four equal sides, but unlike a square, it has two longer sides and two shorter sides. It looks like a sparkling gem or a kite.
  8. This is a shape that has six sides and six corners. It looks like a stop sign or a honeycomb in a beehive.
  1. This is a shape that has four sides and four corners. The opposite sides are equal in length, and all the angles are right angles.
  2. This is a shape that has three sides and three corners. It looks like a slice of pizza or the roof of a house.
  3. This is a shape that represents love and affection. It has a curved top and two rounded sides that come to a point at the bottom.
  4. This is a shape that is round and doesn't have any straight sides. It looks like the outline of a cookie or the shape of a ball.
  5. The sun is a shape that is round and shines brightly in the sky. It is like a big, glowing circle that gives us light and warmth.
  6. This is a shape that has eight sides and eight corners. It looks like a stop sign or a regular-shaped stoplight.
  7. This is a shape that is fluffy and doesn't have a specific outline. It looks like a puffy shape you might see in the sky.
  8. The moon is a shape that changes its appearance in the sky. It can be a full circle, a half-circle, or just a thin crescent shape.

16 Clues: This is a shape that is elongated and rounded, similar to the shape of an egg or a football.This is a shape that looks like a curved moon. It is a shape that is curved and ends in two points.This is a shape that has six sides and six corners. It looks like a stop sign or a honeycomb in a beehive....

Shapes 2023-06-15

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A perfectly round shape that looks like a flattened ball. All points on the edge of a circle are equidistant from the center.
  2. A shape with a pointed end and a straight or curved line extending from it. Arrows are often used to indicate direction or movement.
  3. A shape with eight sides and eight angles. All angles in a regular octagon are equal.
  4. A shape with four sides and four right angles. Opposite sides of a rectangle are equal in length, but the adjacent sides may have different lengths.
  5. A shape that resembles a fluffy mass or cluster of vapor or smoke. Clouds can have irregular and varying shapes in the sky.
  6. A shape with three straight sides and three angles. It can have different types of angles, such as acute, right, or obtuse.
  1. A shape that looks like a curved moon or a curved shape that is wider in the middle and tapers towards the ends.
  2. A shape that winds or curls around a central point, creating a pattern that expands or contracts as it goes.
  3. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles. All sides of a square are the same length.
  4. A shape that is wider in the middle and narrower at the top and bottom, resembling the outline of a diamond gemstone.
  5. A shape with six sides and six angles. All angles in a regular hexagon are equal.
  6. A shape with five sides and five angles. All angles in a regular pentagon are equal.
  7. A shape that is traditionally associated with love and affection. It has a curved top and two rounded halves at the bottom.
  8. A shape that is elongated and rounded, similar to an egg or an ellipse. It has no straight sides or corners.
  9. A shape that is typically drawn with five or more points radiating from a central point. The points can be straight or curved.

15 Clues: A shape with six sides and six angles. All angles in a regular hexagon are equal.A shape with five sides and five angles. All angles in a regular pentagon are equal.A shape with eight sides and eight angles. All angles in a regular octagon are equal.A shape with four equal sides and four right angles. All sides of a square are the same length....

Shapes 2023-06-30

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with eight sides and eight angles. All sides and angles of a regular octagon are equal.
  2. A shape formed by two intersecting lines, one vertical and one horizontal. It is often associated with Christianity.
  3. A shape that resembles a fluffy mass with no definite edges or angles, similar to a cloud in the sky.
  4. A shape with a pointed end and a straight body. It is often used to indicate direction.
  5. A shape that resembles the outline of a heart, with a curved top and a pointy bottom.
  6. A shape with six sides and six angles. All sides and angles of a regular hexagon are equal.
  7. A shape with four sides and four right angles. The opposite sides of a rectangle are equal in length.
  8. A shape with several pointed ends. It usually has five or more branches that extend outward.
  1. A shape with five sides and five angles. The sides and angles can be different sizes.
  2. A shape with four straight sides that are equal in length, forming two pairs of opposite angles.
  3. A shape that is elongated and rounded, similar to an egg. It has no straight sides or corners.
  4. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles. All sides of a square are the same length.
  5. A shape that is round and has no corners or edges. It looks like a perfectly round disc.
  6. A shape with three sides and three angles. The sides can be different lengths, and the angles can be different sizes.
  7. A shape that looks like a partial moon or a curved shape with a pointed end.

15 Clues: A shape that looks like a partial moon or a curved shape with a pointed end.A shape with five sides and five angles. The sides and angles can be different sizes.A shape that resembles the outline of a heart, with a curved top and a pointy bottom.A shape with a pointed end and a straight body. It is often used to indicate direction....

Shapes 2013-05-19

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. It has four sides and looks like a window.
  2. The moon is shaped like a ___.
  3. It has five sides.
  4. A gluestick is shaped like a ___.
  5. It's a square standing on one end.
  6. It has four sides and you can fly it on a windy day.
  7. It looks like a long circle.
  1. The clock is shaped like a ___.
  2. The door is shaped like a ___.
  3. Your birthday party hat is shaped like a ___.
  4. It has eight sides.
  5. It has three sides.
  6. It has six sides.
  7. It means "I love you!"
  8. You can see it in the sky at night.

15 Clues: It has six sides.It has five sides.It has eight sides.It has three sides.It means "I love you!"It looks like a long circle.The door is shaped like a ___.The moon is shaped like a ___.The clock is shaped like a ___.A gluestick is shaped like a ___.It's a square standing on one end.You can see it in the sky at night....

Shapes 2023-07-27

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape formed by two lines intersecting at right angles.
  2. A shape that curls around a central point in a circular pattern.
  3. An eight-sided shape with eight angles.
  4. A shape that represents love, with two curved sides meeting at a point.
  5. A six-sided shape with six angles.
  6. A rounded shape similar to a stretched circle.
  7. A shape that resembles a thin, curved moon.
  1. A round shape with no corners or edges.
  2. A five-sided shape with five angles.
  3. A three-sided shape with three angles.
  4. A four-sided shape with all sides and angles equal.
  5. A four-sided shape with opposite sides equal and four right angles.
  6. A four-sided shape with all sides equal but not necessarily right angles.
  7. A four-sided shape with two pairs of parallel sides and equal angles.
  8. A shape with several points, often used to represent a star in the sky.

15 Clues: A six-sided shape with six angles.A five-sided shape with five angles.A three-sided shape with three angles.A round shape with no corners or edges.An eight-sided shape with eight angles.A shape that resembles a thin, curved moon.A rounded shape similar to a stretched circle.A four-sided shape with all sides and angles equal....

shapes 2023-10-10

shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A symbol of love, shaped like two rounded triangles meeting at the bottom.
  2. A shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  3. A shape with six sides and six angles.
  4. A perfectly round object, like a pizza or a wheel.
  5. A shape that looks like a curved moon.
  6. A shape with four sides, like a square tipped on its corner.
  7. A 3D shape like a ball, completely round all over.
  1. A shape with three straight sides and corners.
  2. A shape with points, like the ones you see in the night sky.
  3. A shape that is elongated like an egg or a football.
  4. A 3D shape with six equal square faces.
  5. A shape with four sides where opposite sides are equal and parallel.
  6. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  7. A five-sided shape with straight sides and angles.
  8. A 3D shape like a can, with two circular faces and a curved side.

15 Clues: A shape with six sides and six angles.A shape that looks like a curved moon.A 3D shape with six equal square faces.A shape with eight sides and eight angles.A shape with three straight sides and corners.A perfectly round object, like a pizza or a wheel.A five-sided shape with straight sides and angles....

Shapes 2023-11-08

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. An eight-sided shape with eight angles.
  2. A winding or coiling shape that can resemble a spring or snail's shell.
  3. A four-sided shape with all sides of equal length.
  4. A shape that looks like a curved-out moon.
  5. A five-sided shape with five angles.
  6. A four-sided shape with opposite sides of equal length and four right angles.
  7. A three-sided shape with three angles.
  1. A shape that looks like two halves of a heart symbolizing love.
  2. A four-sided shape with opposite sides parallel, but not necessarily of equal length.
  3. A shape made up of a series of sharp angles or corners.
  4. A round shape with no corners.
  5. A shape with four sides, where the opposite sides are parallel and of equal length, forming a rhombus.
  6. A six-sided shape with six angles.
  7. A shape similar to a circle but slightly elongated.
  8. A shape with multiple points radiating from a center.

15 Clues: A round shape with no corners.A six-sided shape with six angles.A five-sided shape with five angles.A three-sided shape with three angles.An eight-sided shape with eight angles.A shape that looks like a curved-out moon.A four-sided shape with all sides of equal length.A shape similar to a circle but slightly elongated....

Shapes 2023-11-08

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. An eight-sided shape with eight angles.
  2. A winding or coiling shape that can resemble a spring or snail's shell.
  3. A four-sided shape with all sides of equal length.
  4. A shape that looks like a curved-out moon.
  5. A five-sided shape with five angles.
  6. A four-sided shape with opposite sides of equal length and four right angles.
  7. A three-sided shape with three angles.
  1. A shape that looks like two halves of a heart symbolizing love.
  2. A four-sided shape with opposite sides parallel, but not necessarily of equal length.
  3. A shape made up of a series of sharp angles or corners.
  4. A round shape with no corners.
  5. A shape with four sides, where the opposite sides are parallel and of equal length, forming a rhombus.
  6. A six-sided shape with six angles.
  7. A shape similar to a circle but slightly elongated.
  8. A shape with multiple points radiating from a center.

15 Clues: A round shape with no corners.A six-sided shape with six angles.A five-sided shape with five angles.A three-sided shape with three angles.An eight-sided shape with eight angles.A shape that looks like a curved-out moon.A four-sided shape with all sides of equal length.A shape similar to a circle but slightly elongated....

Shapes 2023-11-10

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A symbol or shape that represents love, often seen on valentine cards.
  2. Similar to a square but with opposite sides of unequal length.
  3. A curved shape that is less than a full circle, often seen in moon phases.
  4. A pointed shape with a straight shaft, indicating direction.
  5. A shape with eight sides and eight angles, often seen in stop signs.
  6. A stretched-out, rounded shape, like an elongated circle.
  1. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles, like a box.
  2. A shape with six sides and six angles, like a beehive cell.
  3. A round shape with no corners or edges, like the shape of a coin.
  4. A shape with points radiating from a center, like a celestial body.
  5. A five-sided shape with five angles, often seen in star patterns.
  6. An irregular, fluffy shape often seen in the sky, resembling cotton.
  7. A shape with three sides and three angles, often seen in pyramids.
  8. A shape with two intersecting lines, often associated with Christianity.
  9. A shape with four sides of equal length, forming a rhombus.

15 Clues: A stretched-out, rounded shape, like an elongated circle.A shape with six sides and six angles, like a beehive cell.A shape with four sides of equal length, forming a rhombus.A pointed shape with a straight shaft, indicating direction.Similar to a square but with opposite sides of unequal length....

Shapes 2023-12-01

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape resembling a curved moon.
  2. A shape with three sides and three angles.
  3. A shape with six sides and six angles.
  4. A shape with four equal sides and opposite angles equal to each other.
  5. A shape with four sides, where the opposite sides are equal, forming a rhombus.
  6. A shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  7. A shape with four sides where opposite sides are equal and four right angles.
  8. A shape with several pointed ends radiating from a central point.
  9. A shape similar to a circle but slightly stretched.
  10. A shape with two rounded sections at the top and a V-shape at the bottom.
  1. A shape with four sides, where one pair of opposite sides are parallel.
  2. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  3. A shape with four sides where opposite sides are parallel.
  4. A shape with five sides and five angles.
  5. A round, flat shape with no corners.

15 Clues: A shape resembling a curved moon.A round, flat shape with no corners.A shape with six sides and six angles.A shape with five sides and five angles.A shape with three sides and three angles.A shape with eight sides and eight angles.A shape similar to a circle but slightly stretched.A shape with four equal sides and four right angles....

Shapes 2023-12-13

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with multiple points extending from a center.
  2. A shape resembling a curved moon.
  3. A symbol representing love or affection, typically with two rounded lobes at the top.
  4. A four-sided polygon with opposite sides of equal length and four right angles.
  5. A shape resembling a stretched circle.
  6. A six-sided polygon.
  7. A shape with all points equidistant from the center.
  1. A four-sided polygon with equal sides and angles.
  2. An eight-sided polygon.
  3. A five-sided polygon.
  4. A three-sided polygon with three angles.
  5. A three-dimensional object resembling a ball.
  6. A four-sided polygon with one pair of parallel sides.
  7. A shape with four sides of equal length forming a rhombus.
  8. A four-sided polygon with all sides having equal length.

15 Clues: A six-sided polygon.A five-sided polygon.An eight-sided polygon.A shape resembling a curved moon.A shape resembling a stretched circle.A three-sided polygon with three angles.A three-dimensional object resembling a ball.A four-sided polygon with equal sides and angles.A shape with all points equidistant from the center....

Shapes 2023-12-07

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with a center and radiating points. Stars can have varying numbers of points, and they are often associated with the night sky.
  2. A shape with three sides and three angles. Triangles can be different types, such as equilateral (all sides equal), isosceles (two sides equal), or scalene (no sides equal).
  3. A shape with four sides, where one pair of opposite sides is parallel but the other pair is not. Trapezoids are often seen in buildings and signs.
  4. A shape that looks like a curved or crescent moon. It's a curved shape with two ends that do not meet, forming a partial circle. Crescents are often used in symbols and decorations.
  5. A shape that is elongated like an egg or stretched circle. Ovals are not perfectly symmetrical but share some characteristics with circles.
  6. A shape with opposite sides that are parallel and equal in length. Parallelograms have opposite angles that are equal, and they are commonly found in geometric designs and structures.
  1. A shape with four sides and four right angles. In a rectangle, opposite sides are equal in length. Rectangles are found in objects like doors, books, and computer screens.
  2. A shape with four sides, like a square, but with unequal sides and acute angles. Diamonds are often used in jewelry and playing cards.
  3. A shape with five sides and five angles. Pentagons are often used in designs, and they can be found in various structures and patterns.
  4. shape A shape that does not have a regular or symmetrical form. Irregular shapes can vary in size and angles and may not fit the standard definitions of other geometric shapes.
  5. A shape with six sides and six angles. Hexagons are commonly seen in beehives, nuts, and bolts. They have a regular and symmetrical structure.
  6. A shape with eight sides and eight angles. Octagons are frequently used in signs and stop signs have an octagonal shape. They have a balanced and structured appearance.
  7. A round shape with no corners or angles. It's often seen in objects like wheels, coins, and buttons. Circles are smooth and symmetrical.
  8. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles. Squares are common in everyday objects like windows, tiles, and picture frames.
  9. A shape that symbolizes love, typically with two rounded lobes at the top and a point at the bottom. Hearts are commonly used in art, decorations, and expressions of affection.

15 Clues: A shape with four equal sides and four right angles. Squares are common in everyday objects like windows, tiles, and picture frames.A shape with four sides, like a square, but with unequal sides and acute angles. Diamonds are often used in jewelry and playing cards....

Shapes 2023-09-09

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with six sides and six angles.
  2. A shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  3. A shape with four sides, where opposite sides are equal and parallel.
  4. A shape formed by two intersecting lines, one vertical and one horizontal.
  5. A shape with sharp, alternating angles or peaks and troughs.
  6. A shape with five sides and five angles.
  7. A shape that curls and winds around a central point.
  1. A shape with four sides, where opposite sides are equal in length but not parallel.
  2. A shape resembling a crescent moon, with a curved and pointed end.
  3. A shape with pointed tips radiating from a center.
  4. A shape that is elongated and rounded, like an egg.
  5. A shape that resembles a symbol of love, with a curved top and pointy bottom.
  6. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  7. A perfectly round shape with no corners or edges.
  8. A shape with three sides and three angles.

15 Clues: A shape with six sides and six angles.A shape with five sides and five angles.A shape with eight sides and eight angles.A shape with three sides and three angles.A perfectly round shape with no corners or edges.A shape with pointed tips radiating from a center.A shape that is elongated and rounded, like an egg....

Shapes 2024-02-29

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with four sides, where one pair of opposite sides are parallel and the other pair are not, often depicted by a figure with parallel top and bottom sides.
  2. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles, often represented by a figure with four sides of equal length and perpendicular corners.
  3. A shape with four equal sides and opposite angles that are equal, often represented by a figure with four sides of equal length and non-right angles.
  4. A shape with eight straight sides and eight angles, often represented by a figure with eight connected lines or sides.
  5. A shape with three straight sides and three angles, often depicted as a figure with three connected lines or sides.
  6. A shape with a central point and five or more radiating arms or points, often depicted as a figure with intersecting lines forming a symmetrical pattern.
  1. A shape with four straight sides of equal length forming two opposite acute angles and two opposite obtuse angles, often depicted as a figure with a pointed top and bottom.
  2. A shape with six straight sides and six angles, often depicted by a figure with six connected lines or sides.
  3. A shape with four sides and four right angles, where opposite sides are equal in length, often depicted as a figure with longer sides and shorter sides.
  4. A shape resembling a thin, curved moon shape, often depicted as a figure with a rounded edge and a tapering point.
  5. A shape consisting of two intersecting lines or bars, often depicted as a vertical line intersecting a horizontal line, symbolizing various religious and cultural meanings.
  6. A shape with all points in a plane equidistant from a fixed center point, often represented by a round outline or symbol.
  7. A shape resembling a flattened circle or elongated ellipse, with two equal and symmetrical curved sides, often depicted as a stretched-out circle.
  8. A shape with five straight sides and five angles, often represented by a figure with five connected lines or sides.
  9. A shape resembling a stylized representation of a heart symbol, often associated with love and affection, with two curved sides meeting at a point.

15 Clues: A shape with six straight sides and six angles, often depicted by a figure with six connected lines or sides.A shape resembling a thin, curved moon shape, often depicted as a figure with a rounded edge and a tapering point.A shape with five straight sides and five angles, often represented by a figure with five connected lines or sides....

Shapes 2023-09-25

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape formed by intersecting lines, often associated with Christianity.
  2. A shape that winds around a central point in a continuous curve.
  3. A triangular shape often used as the tip of an arrow.
  4. A five-sided shape with five angles.
  5. A shape with three sides and three angles.
  6. A shape resembling a curved moon, typically with a concave edge.
  1. A round shape with no corners or edges.
  2. A shape with four equal sides forming a rhombus, often used in jewelry.
  3. A shape with five or more points radiating outward from a central point.
  4. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  5. A symbol of love and affection, typically with two rounded lobes at the top.
  6. An elongated, curved shape resembling an egg or ellipse.
  7. A shape with four sides, opposite sides equal in length, and four right angles.
  8. An eight-sided shape with eight angles.
  9. A six-sided shape with six angles.

15 Clues: A six-sided shape with six angles.A five-sided shape with five angles.A round shape with no corners or edges.An eight-sided shape with eight angles.A shape with three sides and three angles.A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.A triangular shape often used as the tip of an arrow....

Shapes 2024-04-16

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape resembling the outline of a human heart.
  2. A three-dimensional shape resembling a ball.
  3. A shape with four equal sides but not necessarily right angles.
  4. A shape with three sides and three angles.
  5. A shape with six sides and six angles.
  6. A shape resembling a curved moon.
  7. A shape resembling an elongated circle.
  8. A shape with four equal sides in a rhombus formation.
  1. A shape with four sides and four right angles, opposite sides are equal.
  2. A round shape with no corners or edges.
  3. A shape with five sides and five angles.
  4. A shape with five or more pointed ends.
  5. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  6. A shape with four sides and one pair of parallel sides.
  7. A shape with eight sides and eight angles.

15 Clues: A shape resembling a curved moon.A shape with six sides and six angles.A round shape with no corners or edges.A shape with five or more pointed ends.A shape resembling an elongated circle.A shape with five sides and five angles.A shape with three sides and three angles.A shape with eight sides and eight angles....

Shapes 2013-02-04

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. My perimeter equal circumference.
  2. I have 4 sides and both of them are parallel.
  3. I have 4 sides and I equal 360.
  4. I have 5 sides.
  5. I have 7 sides.
  6. Triangle I have one angle that is 90 degrees.
  7. I am a different version of a square.
  8. I have 4 sides.
  9. I have 8 sides.
  10. I have 10 sides.
  1. Where two sides meet at a point.
  2. I at least have two sides that are equal.
  3. I have 3 sides and I equal 180.
  4. I have 6 faces.
  5. I have 9 sides.

15 Clues: I have 5 sides.I have 7 sides.I have 4 sides.I have 8 sides.I have 6 faces.I have 9 sides.I have 10 sides.I have 4 sides and I equal 360.I have 3 sides and I equal 180.Where two sides meet at a point.My perimeter equal circumference.I am a different version of a square.I at least have two sides that are equal....

Shapes 2021-07-30

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. 5 points
  2. Because his love, Jesus died in it
  3. 7 sides
  4. love
  5. 6 sides
  6. 2 sides with the same size and 2 with different size
  7. 5 sides
  8. egg's shape
  1. completely round
  2. 8 sides
  3. 9 sides
  4. 4 sides with the same size
  5. like a standing square
  6. 3 sides
  7. To point

15 Clues: love8 sides7 sides9 sides3 sides6 sides5 sides5 pointsTo pointegg's shapecompletely roundlike a standing square4 sides with the same sizeBecause his love, Jesus died in it2 sides with the same size and 2 with different size