superhero Crossword Puzzles
HAHA U WILL NOT BEAT THIS costume guess 2021-10-28
How Well Did You Read the Article? 2016-10-03
- Nickname for one of Memorial’s math teachers
- Happening on October 15th.
- This is something Hillary Clinton wants to increase and something Donald Trump wants to decrease
- Feature of new iPhone
- Cost of play.
- Will premiere in October.
- Due October 14th.
- The Serpent Holder
- ‘summer’s end’
- More essential than Pumpkin Spice Lattes in the fall.
- celebrated what is now called Halloween
- Number of Memorial’s National Merit Semifinalists.
- Type of tea offered at art show.
- Wrapped in TP.
- Hillary Clinton’s response to Donald Trump’s Tax Discussion
- Takes the stage.
- Elementary School Superhero Club volunteered at.
- Volunteer opportunity offered by Superhero Club
- Educational Resource Officer at Memorial.
- South Indian exhibition feature
20 Clues: Cost of play. • Wrapped in TP. • ‘summer’s end’ • Takes the stage. • Due October 14th. • The Serpent Holder • Feature of new iPhone • Will premiere in October. • Happening on October 15th. • South Indian exhibition feature • Type of tea offered at art show. • celebrated what is now called Halloween • Educational Resource Officer at Memorial. • ...
CARNIVAL 2020-02-15
- She can do magic
- Wears an armour
- She is weraing a dress and a crown
- The superhero is wearing a __________
- They are scary
- she is wearing a skirt of flowers
- They have got superpowers
- He can do magic
- He is metallic
- He is wearing red and black clothes
- Wizards and witches use a _____________
- The king has got a ___________
- She has got braids and she is weraing feathers
- They investigate mysteries
- He has got a big red nose
- He is wearing a hat and an eyepatch
- It protects your head
- The knight has got a ___________
- She has got a beautiful dress and wings
- You put it in your face
20 Clues: They are scary • He is metallic • Wears an armour • He can do magic • She can do magic • It protects your head • You put it in your face • He has got a big red nose • They have got superpowers • They investigate mysteries • The king has got a ___________ • The knight has got a ___________ • she is wearing a skirt of flowers • She is weraing a dress and a crown • ...
nine 2018-03-23
21 Clues: PM • OS • 4g • GRPM • hyd11 • WESTIN • Amitabh • congress • SUPERHERO • hyderabad • rajamouli • SUPERHERO • oscarhost • beautiful • yourlogin • invincible • hillstation • OPS MANAGER • entertainment • dream within a dream • Earth's most customer centric company
Superhero Study Guide 2017-11-27
- When making text balloons, ___________________ should never cross.
- When lettering, crossbar I is only for the personal _______________________ “I”
- Heroes wearing red, white, and blue were especially _______________ during the time of WWII
- In the Great Depression and WWII era the first ________________ comics appeared; including the debut of Superman.
- Comic Books are ________________ that consist of sequential panels that represent individual scenes.
- In __________________ with several artists, he created Spider-Man, the Hulk, Iron Man, Daredevil, Thor, and the X-Men
- The ______________ Age of Comic Books was from the 1930’s-1950’s
- When lettering with text balloons, don’t ever ________________ a head or important art with the balloon or text.
- Beginning in the 50’s DC began publishing versions of their 1940’s superheroes with more of a _____________________ focus (two words)
- When making text balloons, tails should point in the direction of a characters ________________________ as much as possible.
- Stan Lee introduced characters with more complex ______________ which had more dramatic potential.
- The _______________ is usually the opposition or the bad guy.
- __________________ are a medium used to express ideas with images, often combined with text
- The ______________ is usually the main character or the good guy the audience relates to.
- During the late 1940’s the popularity of superhero comics _______________.
- is an ___________________American comic-book writer, editor, publisher, actor, and former president of Marvel Comics. (First and last name)
16 Clues: The _______________ is usually the opposition or the bad guy. • The ______________ Age of Comic Books was from the 1930’s-1950’s • When making text balloons, ___________________ should never cross. • During the late 1940’s the popularity of superhero comics _______________. • When lettering, crossbar I is only for the personal _______________________ “I” • ...
dog man 2021-12-05
10 Clues: the hero • a naughty cat • petty's clone • news reporter • news reporters dog • dog mans robot friend • 80hd's superhero name • the creators of dog man • lil peteys superhero name • another word for a bad guy
Hashtag Us 2023-02-15
- This was a good thing we made too.
- Fell off after the first one.
- The best day.
- The best gift you've gotten me.
- Parts of our first date 5.
- Babe so good.
- Best game ever.
- What I rate you on a scale of 1-10.
- The best thing ever 2.
- We don't talk about him.
- Our epic spot.
- The worst thing to ever exist.
- Parts of our first date 4.
- Parts of our first date.
- The best thing ever.
- Souvenirs of our dates.
- Must read.
- The best show.
- Best movie ever.
- Our word.
- Ma fav number.
- My favorite thing about you.
- Dog.
- First date topic.
- Second fav superhero.
- Second fav color.
- Best thing we've ever made.
- The first time.
- Best sign.
- The best starbs drink.
- Parts of our first date 3.
- Our families binding.
- Second best sign.
- My blanket.
- Our epic song.
- Catchphrase.
- You.
- Parts of our first date 2.
- Some of the first movies we finished fully.
- Third fav color.
- My fav muscle to workout.
- Ma fav color.
- Third fav superhero.
- Ma birfday.
- My fav superhero.
45 Clues: You. • Dog. • Our word. • Best sign. • Must read. • My blanket. • Ma birfday. • Catchphrase. • The best day. • Babe so good. • Ma fav color. • Our epic song. • Our epic spot. • The best show. • Ma fav number. • The first time. • Best game ever. • Third fav color. • Best movie ever. • Second fav color. • Second best sign. • My fav superhero. • First date topic. • The best thing ever. • Third fav superhero. • ...
FILM DAN MUSIK 2025-02-14
- Film musikal yang menceritakan kisah hidup band Queen
- Aktor yang berperan sebagai Tony Stark dalam film Marvel
- Festival musik terbesar di Amerika yang diadakan setiap tahun di California
- Film animasi Disney tentang seorang putri dengan kekuatan es
- Piala penghargaan tertinggi dalam industri perfilman Hollywood
- Penyanyi perempuan yang terkenal dengan lagu "Rolling in the Deep"
- Aktor yang terkenal berperan sebagai Jack di film "Titanic"
- Penyanyi pop perempuan yang dikenal dengan julukan "Queen of Pop"
- Studio film yang memproduksi film-film superhero seperti Spider-Man dan X-Men
- Film animasi Pixar tentang robot pembersih di luar angkasa
- Grup musik asal Korea Selatan yang terkenal dengan lagu "Dynamite"
- Alat musik berdawai yang dimainkan dengan cara dipetik
- Penyanyi yang dikenal dengan lagu "Thriller" dan dijuluki King of Pop
- Film musikal Disney tentang seorang anak yang masuk ke dunia arwah dan bermain gitar
- Musisi asal Inggris yang terkenal dengan lagu "Shape of You"
- Film superhero dari DC yang bercerita tentang pangeran Amazon bernama Diana
- Sutradara terkenal yang membuat film "Inception" dan "The Dark Knight
- Film superhero dari Marvel yang menghadirkan tim pahlawan seperti Iron Man dan Captain America
- Alat musik tradisional Indonesia yang dimainkan dengan cara digoyangkan
- Film horor Indonesia yang mengisahkan hantu perempuan dengan suara khas tangisan bayi
20 Clues: Film musikal yang menceritakan kisah hidup band Queen • Alat musik berdawai yang dimainkan dengan cara dipetik • Aktor yang berperan sebagai Tony Stark dalam film Marvel • Film animasi Pixar tentang robot pembersih di luar angkasa • Aktor yang terkenal berperan sebagai Jack di film "Titanic" • Film animasi Disney tentang seorang putri dengan kekuatan es • ...
Top grossing films this year 2023-03-30
- unstoppable rampaging bear
- Wakanda must band together to defeat the sea people
- robotic killing doll
- superhero family
- 1970s love story
- Tom Hanks as a grump widower
- Tall blue people on another planet
- a family is stuck and a sacrifice can save the world
- Coach Woody Harrelson and his basketball team
- A mom is missing in this thriller
- lighting strands a plane on a war-torn island
- Spanish speaking sword wielding kitty
- Spinoff of a classic boxing movie
- was an infamous hitman
- Tiny superhero
- new addition to a famous slashing horror
16 Clues: Tiny superhero • superhero family • 1970s love story • robotic killing doll • was an infamous hitman • unstoppable rampaging bear • Tom Hanks as a grump widower • A mom is missing in this thriller • Spinoff of a classic boxing movie • Tall blue people on another planet • Spanish speaking sword wielding kitty • new addition to a famous slashing horror • ...
Super heroes 2021-10-08
7 Clues: a guy with a shield • mommy's baby superhero • a spider based superhero • feminine gender of Batman • a superhero with a green ring • a superhero defeated by krypton • robins trainer from teen Titans go
films,game,musical 2022-11-07
10 Clues: films • movie • and series • characters • instruments • funny films • based on facts • show-food program • game-the game is playing • movie in which something is happening
Superheroes 2021-07-27
11 Clues: she can fly • Peter parker • god of thunder • he has time stone • He is from Krypton • He can become huge • Gotham's city superhero • his suit has many weapons • he has a stone on his forehead • his weapons are his uper claws • This superhero has a special shield
Idols and Celebrities 2020-02-13
- Slovak Hitler
- surname of basketball player who died during helicopter crash
- he could steal your girlfriend very easy (flex factory)
- American rapper (Slim Shady)
- superhero wearing red suit who can shoot spider webs
- politician, who steals a lot of money
- superhero wearing iron suit
- most famous slovak cs:go player
- best english teacher
- one of the most famous culturists
- Slovak female anchor with big nose
- acted in homosexual video for adults
- outdated orange youtuber
- youtuber who invented wafland
- gypsy rapper
- shoes brand and name of one of the most famous basketball player
- slovak football player , he plays in china since 2019
17 Clues: gypsy rapper • Slovak Hitler • best english teacher • outdated orange youtuber • superhero wearing iron suit • American rapper (Slim Shady) • youtuber who invented wafland • most famous slovak cs:go player • one of the most famous culturists • Slovak female anchor with big nose • acted in homosexual video for adults • politician, who steals a lot of money • ...
Comic Crosswords! 2024-04-19
- Something a superhero wears on their backside
- Stories that aren't true but are fun to read.
- A puzzle or secret that needs solving.
- What a superhero wears on their face to hide their identity.
- A group of heroes or villains teaming up for a common goal.
- To gain knowledge
- What superheroes often fight for.
- An exciting quest or journey
- The main villain a hero faces repeatedly.
- The backstory explaining how a superhero got their powers.
10 Clues: To gain knowledge • An exciting quest or journey • What superheroes often fight for. • A puzzle or secret that needs solving. • The main villain a hero faces repeatedly. • Something a superhero wears on their backside • Stories that aren't true but are fun to read. • The backstory explaining how a superhero got their powers. • ...
Superheroes 2019-02-18
- What is the opposite of a superhero?
- How do you call it when somebody is not able to move?
- Where do you usually go when you are injured?
- How do you call it when you study something very carefully?
- Where does a scientist normally work? (short form!)
- What is another word for "bad"?
- In what do you have to sit when you are paralyzed?
- Which superhero is able to climb like a spider?
- How do you call it when someone gets really nervous during an appearance before an audience?
- What is another word for a frightening dream?
- Which supervillain does have green hair, white skin and ugly red lips?
- Which superhero is very big and does have green skin?
- How do you call something that is enjoyable or attractive?
13 Clues: What is another word for "bad"? • What is the opposite of a superhero? • What is another word for a frightening dream? • Where do you usually go when you are injured? • Which superhero is able to climb like a spider? • In what do you have to sit when you are paralyzed? • Where does a scientist normally work? (short form!) • ...
Superhero Crossword 2020-03-30
10 Clues: / he is a plant • / he is a panther • / he is big and green • / he speaks with fishes • / he got bit by a spider • / he is the god of thunder • / he is a Doctor and is strange • / he has a iron suit and he's rich • / he is a captain who has a shield • / he has a cave and he's like a bat,.
Superhero-4 2023-06-04
- The superpowered teenager with incredible speed in the "X-Men" franchise.
- The powerful mutant who can manipulate and control metal.
- The iconic villainess with a whip and a seductive personality in Batman comics.
- The antihero mercenary with accelerated healing powers.
- The ancient mystical artifact that grants the user infinite power in the Marvel Universe.
- The archenemy of Spider-Man, known for his maniacal laughter.
- The mutant with the ability to control and manipulate weather.
- The extraterrestrial superhero team led by Star-Lord.
- The villainous alter ego of Harvey Dent in the Batman series.
- The advanced artificial intelligence that becomes a major threat in "Avengers: Age of Ultron."
10 Clues: The extraterrestrial superhero team led by Star-Lord. • The antihero mercenary with accelerated healing powers. • The powerful mutant who can manipulate and control metal. • The villainous alter ego of Harvey Dent in the Batman series. • The archenemy of Spider-Man, known for his maniacal laughter. • The mutant with the ability to control and manipulate weather. • ...
Superhero Academy 2022-05-18
- a person that you can't see.
- a person that has super strength.
- a person that can guess what you are thinking.
- something you use on your face.
- something that protects your body.
- a person that can create fire.
- you can use it to fly.
- a person that melt things.
- you wear them in your hands.
- a person that can make cold things.
10 Clues: you can use it to fly. • a person that melt things. • a person that you can't see. • you wear them in your hands. • a person that can create fire. • something you use on your face. • a person that has super strength. • something that protects your body. • a person that can make cold things. • a person that can guess what you are thinking.
Superhero Adjectives 2024-07-24
Superhero gadgets 2024-06-22
- - A device for talking to team members.
- - Worn to hide the superhero’s identity.
- - A gadget used by a spider-themed hero.
- - A tool for climbing buildings.
- - Protective gear worn by superheroes.
- - A belt with tools and gadgets.
- - The ability to see through objects.
- - A piece of clothing worn by many superheroes.
- - A protective device used by superheroes.
- - A superhero's high-tech car.
10 Clues: - A superhero's high-tech car. • - A belt with tools and gadgets. • - A tool for climbing buildings. • - The ability to see through objects. • - Protective gear worn by superheroes. • - A device for talking to team members. • - Worn to hide the superhero’s identity. • - A gadget used by a spider-themed hero. • - A protective device used by superheroes. • ...
cinema 2023-04-18
- A movie that makes you feel scared
- The main character in "The Hunger Games"
- A superhero known for his patriotic costume
- A preserved dead body, often wrapped in cloth and stored in a sarcophagus
- A classic Disney movie about a lion cub
- The smart daughter of the Addams Family
- A superhero known for his green suit and mask
- A superhero known for his spider-like abilities
- A movie that makes you feel scared
- A popular horror movie about a killer clown
- A type of movie that makes you laugh
11 Clues: A movie that makes you feel scared • A movie that makes you feel scared • A type of movie that makes you laugh • A classic Disney movie about a lion cub • The smart daughter of the Addams Family • The main character in "The Hunger Games" • A superhero known for his patriotic costume • A popular horror movie about a killer clown • ...
Filipino Heroes 2023-08-07
- color of Flavio's sleeveless shirt
- superhero played by Bob Soler in 1965
- Filipino Captain America
- formerly known as Transformer Man
- owns a magical amulet that guides him in fighting mythical creatures
- a powerful outer space warrior and Darna's nemesis
- number of actresses who played Darna in live adaptation for TV and movie
- has unique abilities to stretch his body like rubber
- business woman and mother turned superhero
- gained superhero power by swallowing a "wonder pill” containing highly active atomic energy
10 Clues: Filipino Captain America • formerly known as Transformer Man • color of Flavio's sleeveless shirt • superhero played by Bob Soler in 1965 • business woman and mother turned superhero • a powerful outer space warrior and Darna's nemesis • has unique abilities to stretch his body like rubber • owns a magical amulet that guides him in fighting mythical creatures • ...
Your login 2018-03-23
20 Clues: AI • PM • OS • GRPM • HYD11 • actor • WESTIN • chatting • hyderabad • SUPERHERO • oscarhost • yourlogin • pollution • rajamouli • SUPERHERO • invincible • OPS MANAGER • entertainment • dream within a dream • Earth's most customer centric company
Two 2018-03-23
20 Clues: AI • OS • PM • GRPM • HYD11 • actor • WESTIN • chatting • SUPERHERO • hyderabad • rajamouli • oscarhost • yourlogin • pollution • SUPERHERO • invincible • OPS MANAGER • entertainment • dream within a dream • Earth's most customer centric company
five 2018-03-23
20 Clues: PM • OS • AI • hyd1 • GRPM • actor • WESTIN • chatting • SUPERHERO • oscarhost • rajamouli • yourlogin • beautiful • SUPERHERO • hyderabad • invincible • OPS MANAGER • entertainment • dream within a dream • Earth's most customer centric company
An Teilifís 2021-03-08
23 Clues: old • book • scary • funny • comic • movie • based • sight • brave • Sci-Fi • clever • actors • powers • action • costume • villian • cartoon • special • musicial • magicial • superhero • trying to • interesting
ten 2018-03-23
21 Clues: OS • 4g • PM • GRPM • hyd11 • WESTIN • Amitabh • congress • yourlogin • hyderabad • oscarhost • beautiful • SUPERHERO • rajamouli • SUPERHERO • invincible • hillstation • OPS MANAGER • entertainment • dream within a dream • Earth's most customer centric company
Plurals 2024-04-08
An Teilifís 2021-03-08
23 Clues: old • book • scary • funny • comic • movie • based • sight • brave • Sci-Fi • clever • actors • powers • action • costume • villian • cartoon • special • musicial • magicial • superhero • tryung to • interesting
AT HOME - vocabulary revision 2024-05-08
23 Clues: okno • drzwi • półka • szafa • lampa • łóżko • biurko • laptop • plakat • brelok • komiks • magnes • odznaka • roślina • podłoga • krzesło • dinozaur • naklejka • telewizor • skamielina • czasopismo • karta piłkarska • figurka superbohatera
spidey 2023-08-10
Superhero Type Quiz 2023-06-15
- A guardian is a superhero who watches over others and shields them from harm. They are known for their exceptional strength and courage. With their unwavering determination, guardians strive to maintain peace and justice in the world. They are always ready to lend a helping hand and protect those in need.
- A captain is a superhero who leads and guides others in the fight against evil. They have exceptional leadership skills and inspire their team to work together towards a common goal. Captains are known for their strategic thinking and ability to make tough decisions in challenging situations. They are respected and admired by both allies and foes.
- A legend is a superhero who is known for their extraordinary feats and remarkable abilities. They have become iconic figures in the superhero world, often inspiring others to follow in their footsteps. Legends are remembered for their heroic acts and the positive impact they have made on society. They leave behind a legacy that continues to inspire future generations.
- A crusader is a superhero who fights for a specific cause or stands up against injustice. They are passionate about making a positive change in the world and are willing to go to great lengths to achieve it. Crusaders are driven by their unwavering belief in doing what is right and never back down from a challenge. They are an inspiration to others.
- A saviour is a superhero who rescues and saves people in times of danger or crisis. They possess incredible strength, agility, or other extraordinary powers that enable them to come to the aid of those in need. A saviour's selflessness and bravery make them a beacon of hope for others, and they inspire others to be heroes in their own lives.
- A vigilante is a superhero who takes justice into their own hands and fights against
- An avenger is a superhero who seeks justice for the innocent and fights against evil. They have a strong sense of right and wrong and are driven by a desire to make the world a better place. Avengers often have unique powers or skills that they use to defeat villains and ensure that justice prevails.
- A defender is a superhero who stands up for what is right and protects others from harm. They have a strong moral compass and are always ready to fight against injustice. Defenders use their unique powers or skills to shield the innocent and ensure that everyone has a chance to live in a safe and fair world.
- A protector is a superhero who defends and keeps others safe. They use their special abilities and skills to fight against villains and ensure the well-being of the community. Whether it's guarding a city or safeguarding innocent people, protectors are always there to help and save the day.
- A sentinel is a superhero who keeps a vigilant watch and protects others from threats. They have heightened senses and extraordinary perception, allowing them to detect danger before it strikes. Sentinels act as the first line of defense and ensure the safety of their surroundings. They are always alert and ready to take action.
- A champion is a superhero who excels in combat and uses their abilities to win battles and overcome challenges. They are known for their bravery, skill, and determination. Champions inspire others with their heroic acts and strive to make a positive impact on the world. Their unwavering spirit and never-give-up attitude make them a force to be reckoned with.
11 Clues: A vigilante is a superhero who takes justice into their own hands and fights against • ...
PJ Masks 2021-05-28
10 Clues: Good wolf kid • Green superhero • Has a luna magnet • Luna Girl's helper • Has super cat speed • Superhero with wings • Super ninja sidekicks • Leader of the wolf kids • The leader of the ninjalinos • Trying to take over the world
En el cine 2025-03-01
Superheroes 2023-07-20
- The ability to become unseen by the naked eye.
- Possessing abilities beyond those of regular humans.
- A loyal companion or assistant to a superhero.
- The act of saving someone from danger or harm.
- A person admired for their courage and noble qualities.
- The ability to soar through the air without wings or a vehicle.
- An evil or wicked character who opposes the hero.
- A superhero's commitment to fairness and doing what is right.
- A piece of clothing worn by some superheroes for style.
- A covering for the face used to conceal a superhero's identity.
- The physical power and force possessed by a superhero.
- A special ability or strength that sets a superhero apart.
12 Clues: The ability to become unseen by the naked eye. • A loyal companion or assistant to a superhero. • The act of saving someone from danger or harm. • An evil or wicked character who opposes the hero. • Possessing abilities beyond those of regular humans. • The physical power and force possessed by a superhero. • A piece of clothing worn by some superheroes for style. • ...
History of Superheros 2023-03-13
- the second age of comics
- this character didn't originally belong to fawcett comics but was later acquired and rebranded to Shazam!
- this was the name of the psychologist who blamed comics for the high rates of juvenile delinquency following the end of WWII in the decline age of comics
- the first superhero in western fiction written by Emma Orczy
- one of three characters that sill had a comics series after the Comics Code Authority came to power
- this was the focus of silver age comics
- this was the new way of publishing comics in the modern age of comics
- one of three characters that sill had a comics series after the Comics Code Authority came to power
- the most important character to Detective Comics
- this comics company would later become Marvel Comics
- child crime supposedly brought on by reading comics
- one of three characters that sill had a comics series after the Comics Code Authority came to power
- this character originates in the bronze age and had a major motion picture made during the modern age
- government body responsible for the censorship of comics
- this is was DC stands for
- the first comic superhero
- the age where comics got very political
- the character that kicked off the golden age of comics
- this is one half of the creative team behind spiderman
- this is one half of the creative team behind spiderman
- the alter ego of the superhero Phantom
21 Clues: the second age of comics • this is was DC stands for • the first comic superhero • the alter ego of the superhero Phantom • this was the focus of silver age comics • the age where comics got very political • the most important character to Detective Comics • child crime supposedly brought on by reading comics • this comics company would later become Marvel Comics • ...
Superhero Crossword 2014-03-23
- / Who is Matt Murdock
- / This super hero has a side kick named kato
- / Who is Remy Etienne LeBeau?
- / Batman film featuring The Penguin. "Batman ..."
- / The Son of Zeus
- / Batman's Butler
- / Superman's home planet
- / Who did Jim Carrey play in Batman Forever
- / The first avenger
- / Finish the quote "You are not ..."
10 Clues: / Batman's Butler • / The Son of Zeus • / The first avenger • / Who is Matt Murdock • / Superman's home planet • / Who is Remy Etienne LeBeau? • / Finish the quote "You are not ..." • / Who did Jim Carrey play in Batman Forever • / This super hero has a side kick named kato • / Batman film featuring The Penguin. "Batman ..."
superhero movies 2021-11-08
10 Clues: woman • queen • league • :batman son • is fast as speed • works with joker • name of dc superheroes are • majestic superhero and is a leader • is very powerful and she is a leader • is a superhero but lives in the water
Superhero-5 2023-06-04
- The interdimensional hero with the ability to shrink and access the Quantum Realm.
- The half-human, half-Atlantean superhero with the ability to breathe underwater.
- The deadly assassin and member of the X-Men with exceptional martial arts skills.
- The highly intelligent villain and nemesis of Batman with a fascination for riddles.
- The alien symbiote that bonds with Peter Parker in the "Spider-Man" series.
- The mutant with retractable bone claws and a regenerative healing factor.
- The sorceress and member of the Justice League known for her magical abilities.
- The powerful cosmic entity and embodiment of Death in Marvel Comics.
- The powerful superheroine from the DC Comics universe known for her lasso of truth.
- The crime-fighting duo made up of a blind lawyer and his masked vigilante alter ego.
10 Clues: The powerful cosmic entity and embodiment of Death in Marvel Comics. • The mutant with retractable bone claws and a regenerative healing factor. • The alien symbiote that bonds with Peter Parker in the "Spider-Man" series. • The sorceress and member of the Justice League known for her magical abilities. • ...
Superhero-5 2023-06-04
- The alien symbiote that bonds with Peter Parker in the "Spider-Man" series.
- The interdimensional hero with the ability to shrink and access the Quantum Realm.
- The half-human, half-Atlantean superhero with the ability to breathe underwater.
- The deadly assassin and member of the X-Men with exceptional martial arts skills.
- The highly intelligent villain and nemesis of Batman with a fascination for riddles.
- The powerful superheroine from the DC Comics universe known for her lasso of truth.
- The mutant with retractable bone claws and a regenerative healing factor.
- The sorceress and member of the Justice League known for her magical abilities.
- The powerful cosmic entity and embodiment of Death in Marvel Comics.
- The crime-fighting duo made up of a blind lawyer and his masked vigilante alter ego.
10 Clues: The powerful cosmic entity and embodiment of Death in Marvel Comics. • The mutant with retractable bone claws and a regenerative healing factor. • The alien symbiote that bonds with Peter Parker in the "Spider-Man" series. • The sorceress and member of the Justice League known for her magical abilities. • ...
Trabajos 2024-10-16
24 Clues: nurse • skier • singer • farmer • artist • writer • welder • banker • doctor • lawyer • soldier • athlete • laborer • teacher • mechanic • reporter • engineer • fisherman • astronaut • architect • secretary • superhero • millionaire • photographer
Marvel Superheroes 2024-01-14
- he's a powerful superhero who controls time and reality.
- He's Thor's brother, he's a mischievious god that wears a horned hat.
- Superhero that rules the fictional nation of Wakanda
- He fought in the second world war, where he did an experiment that consisted of freezing him.
- He's Odin's son, he's the most powerful god,he uses a hammer which only he can lift.
- He's inmortal, and he is a character in comics and films that breaks the fourth wall.
- He's a character that only says a sentence, he's a tree.
- He started having superpowers when he was bitten by a spider.
- Superhero who becames a powerful and violent green monster when he's angry.
- Superhero whose inventions are very important, and he also owns Stark Industries.
10 Clues: Superhero that rules the fictional nation of Wakanda • he's a powerful superhero who controls time and reality. • He's a character that only says a sentence, he's a tree. • He started having superpowers when he was bitten by a spider. • He's Thor's brother, he's a mischievious god that wears a horned hat. • ...
HÁL 2019-02-11
Principal Miller Trivia 2023-01-17
9 Clues: College • Favorite color • Worst superhero • Favorite TV show • Go-to restaurant • Favorite musician • Favorite superhero • Favorite football team • Position played on his football team
for my bored javi bear 2021-02-11
- my favorite basketball player,
- your favorite superhero
- where did we meet?
- your favorite basketball team
- best city in the world
- how long will i love you?
- bear what i call you
- my favorite superhero
- the guy whose car i hit LOL
- boo your favorite nickname for me
- bad tv show that i put you on
- my favorite football team
- we are the king/queen of __________
- what you love calling me when i get hurt
14 Clues: where did we meet? • bear what i call you • my favorite superhero • best city in the world • your favorite superhero • my favorite football team • how long will i love you? • the guy whose car i hit LOL • bad tv show that i put you on • your favorite basketball team • my favorite basketball player, • boo your favorite nickname for me • we are the king/queen of __________ • ...
Ridge Nadan's Superhero Crossword 2024-12-03
- What is Loki the God of?
- Who can beat Wolverine?
- What realm is Thor from?
- Who can “do this all day?”
- Who is the arch-nemesis of Batman?
- Who was the first superhero created
- Is Deadpool stronger than Wolverine?
- What is the name of Superman's home planet?
- is the name of Batman's butler?
- Who is the leader of the Avengers?
- Who is the youngest Avenger?
- Who is Tony Stark's father?
- who is the hero underneath spider-mans mask
- Who gave ghost riders powers
- How many Infinity Stones are there?
- Who was Marvel's first superhero?
16 Clues: Who can beat Wolverine? • What is Loki the God of? • What realm is Thor from? • Who can “do this all day?” • Who is Tony Stark's father? • Who is the youngest Avenger? • Who gave ghost riders powers • is the name of Batman's butler? • Who was Marvel's first superhero? • Who is the leader of the Avengers? • Who is the arch-nemesis of Batman? • How many Infinity Stones are there? • ...
Orientation quiz 2014-07-25
25 Clues: Ad • IBM • URL • Inc • Math • Logo • City • Meme • Word • Song • Film • Apple • Brand • Plane • Poster • Speech • Journey • Connect • Android • Display • Cricket • SuperHero • Litconnect • Famousperson • Advertisement
Superheros 2020-03-11
- Wolverine has these coming out of his hands
- Starts with B and ends in E
- Thor's brother
- Wonder woman's signature weapon
- What is the name of the only girl in the Justice League?
- Which Norse God uses a hammer?
- Captain America carries one of these
- For your face
- You wear this around your neck
- Someone who defends the innocent
- Spiderman shoots these out of his hands
- A superheroes enemy
- The Hulk is this colour
- Every superhero has.....
14 Clues: For your face • Thor's brother • A superheroes enemy • The Hulk is this colour • Every superhero has..... • Starts with B and ends in E • You wear this around your neck • Which Norse God uses a hammer? • Wonder woman's signature weapon • Someone who defends the innocent • Captain America carries one of these • Spiderman shoots these out of his hands • ...
HFI U3 2024-09-10
- The ____ superhero test is tomorrow!
- "Bad ____, Tom," said a loud voice.
- Tom ___ his arms.
- "You ____ me Tom Thunder."
- He could only see ____ light.
- ... opened his book and started to ____.
- " can eat all the ______ soup you want."
- Jones held up a bowl of __ soup.
- "I help them when they have ___ super students."
- "I only have two more books to _____. Easy."
- ____ is a superhero's worst enemy."
- Today's ____ is soup."
- He was playing in ____ Park.
- "You have to do your best to _____ this test, Tom"
- "You're in Superhero ____!"
- "Yes. Sometimes I __ for the Thunderbolts,"
- The tree was ____.
17 Clues: Tom ___ his arms. • The tree was ____. • Today's ____ is soup." • "You ____ me Tom Thunder." • "You're in Superhero ____!" • He was playing in ____ Park. • He could only see ____ light. • Jones held up a bowl of __ soup. • ____ is a superhero's worst enemy." • "Bad ____, Tom," said a loud voice. • The ____ superhero test is tomorrow! • ... opened his book and started to ____. • ...
Classic 1970s Cartoons 2024-05-30
- - Friends, superhero team-up
- - Bear, pic-a-nic basket enthusiast
- - Street, educational puppet show
- - Albert and the Cosby Kids
- - The futuristic family
- - Races, animated racing series
- - Bunny and friends
- - T animated character from "The Letter People"
- - Scifi animated series
- - Caveman, prehistoric hero
- - Albert, animated character and his gang
- - Panther, bumbling detective
- - Phantom, superhero rock band
- - and Jerry, classic cat-and-mouse duo
- - and the Sea Monsters
- - Runner and Wile E. Coyote
- - Grape Ape, giant purple gorilla
- - Animated shark and his band
- - Animated series based on comics
- - The Globetrotters, animated adventures of the basketball team
- - and the Pussycats, all-female band
- - Racer, racing adventure anime
- 5 - The animated series about the Jackson 5
- - Kong Phooey, animated crime fighter
- - Mystery-solving dog and friends
25 Clues: - Bunny and friends • - and the Sea Monsters • - The futuristic family • - Scifi animated series • - Runner and Wile E. Coyote • - Albert and the Cosby Kids • - Caveman, prehistoric hero • - Friends, superhero team-up • - Animated shark and his band • - Panther, bumbling detective • - Phantom, superhero rock band • - Races, animated racing series • - Racer, racing adventure anime • ...
Paul and Hannah 2023-05-09
- Where Paul and Hannah met
- What month did the couple get engaged
- Maid of Honor
- The couple's favorite cartoon character
- What is Hannah's favorite dessert
- The month the couple started dating
- Paul's favorite color
- The couple's favorite dinosaur
- Best Man
- In what month did Paul propose?
- Paul's favorite superhero
- Something old, new, borrowed, and _____
- First vacation destination together?
- What age is the couple?
- As of today, the number of nephews the couple has
- What holiday did the couple start dating on?
- Hannah's middle name
- Paul's favorite place to be
- What state is their honeymoon destination?
- Their four-legged friend's name?
- Paul's brother's name
- Their pet snake's name
- Hannah's job (acronym)
- Paul's middle name
- Hannah's new last name
- Hannah's favorite superhero
26 Clues: Best Man • Maid of Honor • Paul's middle name • Hannah's middle name • Paul's brother's name • Paul's favorite color • Their pet snake's name • Hannah's job (acronym) • Hannah's new last name • What age is the couple? • Where Paul and Hannah met • Paul's favorite superhero • Paul's favorite place to be • Hannah's favorite superhero • The couple's favorite dinosaur • ...
Cinema 2023-04-18
- A movie that makes you feel scared
- The main character in "The Hunger Games"
- A superhero known for his patriotic costume
- A preserved dead body, often wrapped in cloth and stored in a sarcophagus
- A classic Disney movie about a lion cub
- The smart daughter of the Addams Family
- A superhero known for his green suit and mask
- A superhero known for his spider-like abilities
- A movie that makes you feel scared
- A popular horror movie about a killer clown
- A type of movie that makes you laugh
11 Clues: A movie that makes you feel scared • A movie that makes you feel scared • A type of movie that makes you laugh • A classic Disney movie about a lion cub • The smart daughter of the Addams Family • The main character in "The Hunger Games" • A superhero known for his patriotic costume • A popular horror movie about a killer clown • ...
Filipino Superheroes 2023-08-07
- color of Flavio's sleeveless shirt
- superhero played by Bob Soler in 1965
- Filipino Captain America
- formerly known as Transformer Man
- owns a magical amulet that guides him in fighting mythical creatures
- a powerful outer space warrior and Darna's nemesis
- number of actresses who played Darna in live adaptation for TV and movie
- has unique abilities to stretch his body like rubber
- business woman and mother turned superhero
- gained superhero power by swallowing a "wonder pill” containing highly active atomic energy
10 Clues: Filipino Captain America • formerly known as Transformer Man • color of Flavio's sleeveless shirt • superhero played by Bob Soler in 1965 • business woman and mother turned superhero • a powerful outer space warrior and Darna's nemesis • has unique abilities to stretch his body like rubber • owns a magical amulet that guides him in fighting mythical creatures • ...
FILM GENRES 2024-01-16
16 Clues: animé • drame • action • biopic • horreur • comédie • musical • aventure • détective • historique • superhéros • romantique • fantastique • documentaire • science-fiction • comédie-romantique
National Superhero Day! 2021-04-26
- Peter _______ was bitten by a spider and became Spider-Man
- Superman's only weakness
- defends the ocean's and is able to talk to the creatures of the sea
- this hero calls Wakanda home
- batman's giggling nemesis
- god of thunder and an original Avenger; wields Mjölnir
- this Amazonian princess uses the lasso of truth and can fly and invisible plane
- "_________ SMASH!!!"
- Tony Stark's superhero name
- this captain was a super solider with a that used a shield as his weapon
- fastest man on earth
- superhero crew Fantastic _______
- the Man of Steel
- a group of mutants lead by Professor Charles Xavier; The X-______
- half man, half machine
- captain america, thor, ironman, hulk, hawkeye, black widow make up this group
16 Clues: the Man of Steel • "_________ SMASH!!!" • fastest man on earth • half man, half machine • Superman's only weakness • batman's giggling nemesis • Tony Stark's superhero name • this hero calls Wakanda home • superhero crew Fantastic _______ • god of thunder and an original Avenger; wields Mjölnir • Peter _______ was bitten by a spider and became Spider-Man • ...
four 2018-03-23
20 Clues: OS • AI • PM • GRPM • actor • HYD11 • WESTIN • chatting • oscarhost • rajamouli • SUPERHERO • SUPERHERO • beautiful • yourlogin • hyderabad • invincible • OPS MANAGER • entertainment • dream within a dream • Earth's most customer centric company
six 2018-03-23
20 Clues: OS • PM • hyd1 • GRPM • actor • ebook • WESTIN • chatting • SUPERHERO • rajamouli • oscarhost • SUPERHERO • hyderabad • yourlogin • beautiful • invincible • OPS MANAGER • entertainment • dream within a dream • Earth's most customer centric company
First one 2018-03-23
20 Clues: AI • PM • OS • GRPM • HYD11 • actor • WESTIN • chatting • hyderabad • SUPERHERO • yourlogin • oscarhost • SUPERHERO • pollution • rajamouli • invincible • OPS MANAGER • entertainment • dream within a dream • Earth's most customer centric company
Three 2018-03-23
20 Clues: AI • OS • PM • GRPM • HYD11 • actor • WESTIN • chatting • hyderabad • SUPERHERO • rajamouli • oscarhost • SUPERHERO • pollution • yourlogin • invincible • OPS MANAGER • entertainment • dream within a dream • Earth's most customer centric company
19 Clues: מהר • חזק • כמו • כוח • מלכה • למות • אמיתי • לקפוץ • מיוחד • חצאית • מסיכה • מפורסם • גיבור על • בדרך כלל • כדור הארץ • עזרה , לעזור • לזוז , להזיז • אהוד , פופולרי • אף פעם , לעולם לא
Comic Books 2024-07-25
- X-Men's metal-clawed mutant
- Leader of the X-Men
- Anti-hero with a healing factor and sarcasm
- Marvel Comics' first family, "Fantastic ___"
- DC Comics' billionaire vigilante
- Wonder Woman's homeland
- Peter Parker's boss at the Daily Bugle
- Superhero team with Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America
- "The Man of Steel"
- Gotham City's police commissioner
- who got powers from a radioactive spider
- Superhero who wields Mjolnir
- Marvel's king of Wakanda, "___ Panther"
13 Clues: "The Man of Steel" • Leader of the X-Men • Wonder Woman's homeland • X-Men's metal-clawed mutant • Superhero who wields Mjolnir • DC Comics' billionaire vigilante • Gotham City's police commissioner • Peter Parker's boss at the Daily Bugle • Marvel's king of Wakanda, "___ Panther" • who got powers from a radioactive spider • Anti-hero with a healing factor and sarcasm • ...
Hero - Vocabulary 2023-02-01
15 Clues: Modig • Hjelp • Redde • Rolig • Usynlig • Tegnefilm • Brannmann • Superhelt • Medhjelper • Superkraft • Sykepleier • Tegneserie • Snakkebobler • Hverdagshelt • Skurk(Fiende)
Two 2018-03-23
20 Clues: OS • PM • AI • GRPM • HYD11 • actor • WESTIN • chatting • SUPERHERO • yourlogin • oscarhost • pollution • hyderabad • SUPERHERO • rajamouli • invincible • OPS MANAGER • entertainment • dream within a dream • Earth's most customer centric company
Three 2018-03-23
20 Clues: AI • PM • OS • GRPM • HYD11 • actor • WESTIN • chatting • rajamouli • pollution • oscarhost • SUPERHERO • hyderabad • yourlogin • SUPERHERO • invincible • OPS MANAGER • entertainment • dream within a dream • Earth's most customer centric company
seven 2018-03-23
20 Clues: PM • OS • GRPM • hyd11 • actor • ebook • WESTIN • chatting • SUPERHERO • rajamouli • beautiful • SUPERHERO • oscarhost • hyderabad • yourlogin • invincible • OPS MANAGER • entertainment • dream within a dream • Earth's most customer centric company
eight 2018-03-23
20 Clues: PM • OS • GRPM • hyd11 • WESTIN • Amitabh • congress • chatting • beautiful • rajamouli • SUPERHERO • SUPERHERO • hyderabad • yourlogin • oscarhost • invincible • OPS MANAGER • entertainment • dream within a dream • Earth's most customer centric company
First one 2018-03-23
20 Clues: AI • AI • OS • PM • GRPM • actor • HYD11 • WESTIN • chatting • rajamouli • pollution • hyderabad • oscarhost • SUPERHERO • SUPERHERO • invincible • OPS MANAGER • entertainment • dream within a dream • Earth's most customer centric company
Superheroes Analytical Challenge 2022-03-30
10 Clues: female power • relatable feature • hero in the comic • where you are now • enemy in the comic • portrayal of a group • a form of discrimination • an example of a superhero • a common way to a solution • Example of non-traditional approach
allconnect 2019-05-29
- Moving or capable of moving at high speed
- Superhero that uses a shield; Steve Rogers
- Bruce Wayne
- Possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done
- Wears a powered suit of armor, Tony Stark
- Allconnect can help you save...
- The Man of Steel
- Self-assured
- A worldwide network of computer networks
- A member of a partnership especially in a business
- Fearless and daring
- A fictional hero having extraordinary or superhuman powers
- Allconnect slogan
- Diana Prince
- Possessing or showing courage or determination
- Not deterred by danger or pain; brave
- Move to another service; change to another place
- Has spidey senses;Peter Parker
- Possessing outstanding qualities
19 Clues: Bruce Wayne • Diana Prince • Self-assured • The Man of Steel • Allconnect slogan • Fearless and daring • Has spidey senses;Peter Parker • Allconnect can help you save... • Possessing outstanding qualities • Not deterred by danger or pain; brave • A worldwide network of computer networks • Moving or capable of moving at high speed • Wears a powered suit of armor, Tony Stark • ...
superheroes 2023-10-22
- Emitting focused beams of energy
- A group of heroes working together
- A formidable adversary for superheroes
- The ability to soar through the air
- The antagonist, opposing the hero
- Exceptional physical power
- A distinctive piece of clothing worn by many superheroes
- A superpower to see through objects
- Special abilities or skills that heroes possess
- The background narrative of a hero's beginnings
- The power to become unseen
- The concealed real persona of a superhero
- Reading or communicating through thoughts
- A character with extraordinary abilities
- The pursuit of fairness and right in superhero narratives
- A defensive tool often carried by heroes
- A loyal companion or partner to a hero
- Extraordinary swiftness
- A covering to conceal a superhero's face
19 Clues: Extraordinary swiftness • The power to become unseen • Exceptional physical power • Emitting focused beams of energy • The antagonist, opposing the hero • A group of heroes working together • The ability to soar through the air • A superpower to see through objects • A formidable adversary for superheroes • A loyal companion or partner to a hero • ...
Superheroes WRIT-106 2022-03-31
- Superhero films have been criticized in the past for not having much of this but has started to evolve recently
- the actions that justify the reasons why superheroes commit acts of violence
- Popular author of comics such as X-men, The Fantastic Four, and Spiderman; seen as an influential figure in comics
- a magazine which presents stories using primarily illustration; often features superheroes
- Characters with powers and abilities that regular people do not have; uses powers for evil
- the first Marvel movie to feature a primarily African-American cast
- the highest grossing superhero movie with a female lead
- Characters with powers and abilities that regular people do not have; uses powers for good
- The most popular producer of superhero films
- the story which explains the beginnings of a superhero and why they fight
10 Clues: The most popular producer of superhero films • the highest grossing superhero movie with a female lead • the first Marvel movie to feature a primarily African-American cast • the story which explains the beginnings of a superhero and why they fight • the actions that justify the reasons why superheroes commit acts of violence • ...
Your login 2018-03-23
21 Clues: AI • OS • PM • AI • GRPM • actor • HYD11 • WESTIN • chatting • rajamouli • oscarhost • hyderabad • pollution • SUPERHERO • your desk • SUPERHERO • invincible • OPS MANAGER • entertainment • dream within a dream • Earth's most customer centric company
First one 2018-03-23
20 Clues: OS • AI • PM • GRPM • HYD11 • actor • WESTIN • chatting • SUPERHERO • rajamouli • pollution • oscarhost • SUPERHERO • hyderabad • yourlogin • invincible • OPS MANAGER • entertainment • dream within a dream • Earth's most customer centric company
seven 2018-03-23
20 Clues: OS • PM • GRPM • hyd11 • WESTIN • Amitabh • chatting • congress • rajamouli • SUPERHERO • oscarhost • beautiful • hyderabad • SUPERHERO • yourlogin • invincible • OPS MANAGER • entertainment • dream within a dream • Earth's most customer centric company
nine 2018-03-23
20 Clues: PM • OS • GRPM • hyd11 • WESTIN • Amitabh • congress • chatting • yourlogin • oscarhost • hyderabad • SUPERHERO • rajamouli • beautiful • SUPERHERO • invincible • OPS MANAGER • entertainment • dream within a dream • Earth's most customer centric company
Superhero History 2022-03-31
10 Clues: bad guy • good guy • stan's ____box • died at the age 95 • example of a violent act • later evolved into Marvel • have more acts of violence • first black superhero in a comic book • created during the civil right movement • superhero programs tend to be made for _____ audiences
Superhero aliases 2022-08-04
Superhero Crossword 2022-06-22
- My favorite vacation spot is the multiverse
- I'm a man of few words - "I am..."
- I've been told that green is my color
- Wakanda forever
- After a certain incident i've tried to avoid bug bites
- For a business man I don't wear a typical suit
- I put a pretty cool sign in the sky
- My favorite tool to use is my shield
- I control the louder part of every storm
- When ordering, I always remove the kryptonite
10 Clues: Wakanda forever • I'm a man of few words - "I am..." • I put a pretty cool sign in the sky • My favorite tool to use is my shield • I've been told that green is my color • I control the louder part of every storm • My favorite vacation spot is the multiverse • When ordering, I always remove the kryptonite • For a business man I don't wear a typical suit • ...
- a guy live under the sea and using a trident
- a man who wearing blue shirt and red cloak
- his power from a green ring
- his shirt have a lightning design and red shirt
- a guy who lose his one eye
- his shirt have a bat pattern
- he is a strong green man
- his weapon is a hammer,name(Mjolnir)
- a young boy using web to beat bad guy
- the guy just look like a clown
10 Clues: he is a strong green man • a guy who lose his one eye • his power from a green ring • his shirt have a bat pattern • the guy just look like a clown • his weapon is a hammer,name(Mjolnir) • a young boy using web to beat bad guy • a man who wearing blue shirt and red cloak • a guy live under the sea and using a trident • his shirt have a lightning design and red shirt
- a guy live under the sea and using a trident
- a man who wearing blue shirt and red cloak
- his power from a green ring
- his shirt have a lightning design and red shirt
- a guy who lose his one eye
- his shirt have a bat pattern
- he is a strong green man
- his weapon is a hammer,name(Mjolnir)
- a young boy using web to beat bad guy
- the guy just look like a clown
10 Clues: he is a strong green man • a guy who lose his one eye • his power from a green ring • his shirt have a bat pattern • the guy just look like a clown • his weapon is a hammer,name(Mjolnir) • a young boy using web to beat bad guy • a man who wearing blue shirt and red cloak • a guy live under the sea and using a trident • his shirt have a lightning design and red shirt
- a guy live under the sea and using a trident
- a man who wearing blue shirt and red cloak
- his power from a green ring
- his shirt have a lightning design and red shirt
- a guy who lose his one eye
- his shirt have a bat pattern
- he is a strong green man
- his weapon is a hammer,name(Mjolnir)
- a young boy using web to beat bad guy
- the guy just look like a clown
10 Clues: he is a strong green man • a guy who lose his one eye • his power from a green ring • his shirt have a bat pattern • the guy just look like a clown • his weapon is a hammer,name(Mjolnir) • a young boy using web to beat bad guy • a man who wearing blue shirt and red cloak • a guy live under the sea and using a trident • his shirt have a lightning design and red shirt
- a guy live under the sea and using a trident
- a man who wearing blue shirt and red cloak
- his power from a green ring
- his shirt have a lightning design and red shirt
- a guy who lose his one eye
- his shirt have a bat pattern
- he is a strong green man
- his weapon is a hammer,name(Mjolnir)
- a young boy using web to beat bad guy
- the guy just look like a clown
10 Clues: he is a strong green man • a guy who lose his one eye • his power from a green ring • his shirt have a bat pattern • the guy just look like a clown • his weapon is a hammer,name(Mjolnir) • a young boy using web to beat bad guy • a man who wearing blue shirt and red cloak • a guy live under the sea and using a trident • his shirt have a lightning design and red shirt
Superhero-1 2023-06-04
- The radioactive spider bite that gives Peter Parker his powers.
- The android superhero created by Tony Stark in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
- The mystical city protected by the Black Panther.
- The villainous organization led by Loki in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
- The powerful mutant telepath in the X-Men franchise.
- The powerful artifact sought after by Thanos in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
- The interdimensional portal in "Doctor Strange."
- The cosmic entity that grants the Power Cosmic in the Marvel Universe.
- The alien symbiote that bonds with Eddie Brock in "Venom."
- The mind-controlling villain in "Jessica Jones" series.
10 Clues: The interdimensional portal in "Doctor Strange." • The mystical city protected by the Black Panther. • The powerful mutant telepath in the X-Men franchise. • The mind-controlling villain in "Jessica Jones" series. • The alien symbiote that bonds with Eddie Brock in "Venom." • The radioactive spider bite that gives Peter Parker his powers. • ...
Superhero-4 2023-06-04
- The ancient mystical artifact that grants the user infinite power in the Marvel Universe.
- The antihero mercenary with accelerated healing powers.
- The iconic villainess with a whip and a seductive personality in Batman comics.
- The superpowered teenager with incredible speed in the "X-Men" franchise.
- The archenemy of Spider-Man, known for his maniacal laughter.
- The extraterrestrial superhero team led by Star-Lord.
- The advanced artificial intelligence that becomes a major threat in "Avengers: Age of Ultron."
- The powerful mutant who can manipulate and control metal.
- The villainous alter ego of Harvey Dent in the Batman series.
- The mutant with the ability to control and manipulate weather.
10 Clues: The extraterrestrial superhero team led by Star-Lord. • The antihero mercenary with accelerated healing powers. • The powerful mutant who can manipulate and control metal. • The villainous alter ego of Harvey Dent in the Batman series. • The archenemy of Spider-Man, known for his maniacal laughter. • The mutant with the ability to control and manipulate weather. • ...
Super hero 2023-06-25
- Woman A powerful superheroine with super strength, a magical lasso, and indestructible bracelets. She fights for justice and peace.
- Marvel A superhero with the ability to fly and shoot energy blasts. She uses her powers to defend Earth from threats and fight for truth and justice.
- Superman's cousin and a powerful superheroine. She has similar powers to Superman, including super strength, speed, and the ability to fly.
- Flash A superhero with super speed. He can run faster than anyone and uses his speed to fight crime and help others in need.
- America A super-soldier with enhanced strength and agility. He carries a shield and fights for justice, always standing up against bullies.
- A superhero who can communicate with and control sea creatures. He protects the ocean and uses his strength to defend against villains.
- Panther The king of a hidden, advanced African nation called Wakanda. He has a special suit that enhances his strength and agility, and fights for justice.
- A friendly neighborhood superhero who can climb walls and has a "spidey sense" that helps him fight crime and save people.
- A mighty superhero with a magical hammer called Mjolnir. He can control lightning and has incredible strength, defending the world from evil.
- A billionaire who fights crime using his intelligence, gadgets, and martial arts skills. He has a cool Batmobile and helps keep the city safe.
- Lantern A member of an intergalactic police force. He wears a special ring that grants him superpowers and helps him protect the universe from threats.
- Widow A highly skilled spy and martial artist who fights alongside other superheroes. She uses her intelligence and agility to defeat villains.
- Man A genius inventor who created a high-tech suit that gives him super strength and allows him to fly. He uses his suit to fight evil and protect the world.
- A superhero with superhuman strength and the ability to fly. He protects the world from villains and uses his powers for good.
- A scientist who transforms into a giant, green, super-strong creature when he gets angry. He uses his strength to smash bad guys and protect people.
15 Clues: A friendly neighborhood superhero who can climb walls and has a "spidey sense" that helps him fight crime and save people. • Flash A superhero with super speed. He can run faster than anyone and uses his speed to fight crime and help others in need. • ...
Superhero unit 1 2020-01-20
15 Clues: νάνος • λεπτό • κρέας • πλούσιος • επίπλωση • φοιτητής • συμβουλή • αποσκευές • υπάλληλος • η σύζυγος • καθηγητής • εξοπλισμός • καλλιτέχνης • πληροφορίες • αεροσυνοδός
Superhero unit 5b 2020-01-22
15 Clues: φόρμα • σκούφος • επιμελής • σχισμένο • γενναίος • ανυπόμονος • τσιγκούνης • γκρινιάρης • ειλικρινής • εφευρετικός • απαισιόδοξος • σκανταλιάρης • συγκρατημένος • αποφασισμένος • νοικοκυρευμένο
Thanksgiving Fun 2014-11-25
- Superhero symbol in Mr. Stober's room
- How many days were the first Thanksgiving in 1621 celebrated?
- Have a great ______________
- Mr. Stober's favorite TV show
- Female turkey
- Mr. Stober's favorite superhero (Hint: has a bow)
- Goals are more __________________ than a mission statement.
- Think __________________
- Country up north that also celebrates Thanksgiving
- First president to make Thanksgiving a national holiday.
- Busiest day is Black Friday (Hint: "crappy job")
- Key #1 _____________ the cost
- Habit #1
- Watch-Out #3
- The _______________ games
- Jefferson ________________
- Male turkey
- The Friday after Thanksgiving
- The sound a female turkey makes
- Watch-Out #1 ______________ labels
- Professional soccer team poster in Mr. Stober's room
- The sound a male turkey makes
- The _____________ Thanksgiving Day Parade began in 1920.
23 Clues: Habit #1 • Male turkey • Watch-Out #3 • Female turkey • Think __________________ • The _______________ games • Jefferson ________________ • Have a great ______________ • Key #1 _____________ the cost • The Friday after Thanksgiving • Mr. Stober's favorite TV show • The sound a male turkey makes • The sound a female turkey makes • Watch-Out #1 ______________ labels • ...
MOVIE TIME! 2022-05-16
- iron man
- green superhero
- won the oscar for best movie in 1972
- best superman actor
- your friendly neighborhood
- everybody watches movies at home with it
- actor, martial artist, died 1973
- created the multiverse
- best james bond actor
- part of the twilight saga movie of 2011
- killed the universe
- actress who starred in the movie sleeping with the enemy
- stars in the mission impossible movies
- you eat at the movies with salt or butter
- best batman actor
- a group of superheros
- superhero with a hammer
- you see them before the movie starts
- rocky
- dwayne jhonson
- prize given from the movie academy
- robert de niro won oscar for best actor in this 1980 movie
- YOU BUY them to see the movie
23 Clues: rocky • iron man • dwayne jhonson • green superhero • best batman actor • best superman actor • killed the universe • a group of superheros • best james bond actor • created the multiverse • superhero with a hammer • your friendly neighborhood • YOU BUY them to see the movie • actor, martial artist, died 1973 • prize given from the movie academy • won the oscar for best movie in 1972 • ...
Nadine and Jeremy 2024-03-02
- Instrument Jeremy plays
- Nadine's favourite cuisine
- Their favourite beach in Ontario
- The Season they first met
- The first Disney movie they watched together
- Their favourite game to play together
- Nadine's favourite tea
- Jeremy's middle name
- Nickname they have for eachother
- How many years they've known eachother
- Their favourite fruit
- The street Nadine grew up on
- Jeremy's undergraduate degree
- Who said I love you first
- Nadine's favourite superhero
- Jeremy's favourite superhero
- The chef in the relationship
- Nadine's biggest fear
- Jeremy's favourite food
- The Social Media platform Jeremy messaged Nadine
- Their favourite restaurant
- Jeremy's biggest fear
- Nadine's favourite cheese
- The month he proposed
- Nadine's undergraduate degree
- Their cat's name
- Where Jeremy first saw Nadine
27 Clues: Jeremy's middle name • Jeremy's biggest fear • Their favourite fruit • Their cat's name • Instrument Jeremy plays • Nadine's biggest fear • Jeremy's favourite food • Nadine's favourite tea • Nadine's favourite cuisine • Nadine's favourite cheese • The chef in the relationship • The month he proposed • The street Nadine grew up on • Where Jeremy first saw Nadine • ...
Final bday james 2021-03-28
20 Clues: AC • baby • sharp • Spiro • -five • watch • purple • canary • rob-and- • stovetop • Nintendo • second... • coffee-is • superhero • inglorious • _and-chill • Jame-solves- • job-description • we-should-buy-a • bringer-of-gifts
All About the Covingtons 2023-05-04
- grooms college major
- what activity the couple loves to do together
- where the couple went to college
- groom's favorite anime show
- how many dresses the bride tried on
- the month the couple started dating
- what is the couple's favorite show
- groom's favorite superhero
- bride's favorite show
- where the couple lives
- where the couple went to high school
- where the groom proposed
- what year the couple started dating
- brides college major
- bride's middle name
- what spring sport did the groom play
- groom's favorite artist
- the couple's fur baby's breed (hint: two breeds, one name)
- what instrument did the bride play in middle school
- bride's favorite artist
- the couple's fur baby's name
- bride's favorite superhero
- groom's middle name
23 Clues: bride's middle name • groom's middle name • grooms college major • brides college major • bride's favorite show • where the couple lives • groom's favorite artist • bride's favorite artist • where the groom proposed • groom's favorite superhero • bride's favorite superhero • groom's favorite anime show • the couple's fur baby's name • where the couple went to college • ...
Words 2023-11-06
15 Clues: - Wald • - Farbe • - Geist • - sauber • - Strand • - berühmt • - dreckig • - Bewegung • - Zauberer • - Superheld • - Berg, Hügel • - selbstsicher • - Übernachtung • - Herausforderung • - unheimlich, gruselig
Cloak and Dagger 2019-06-13
- Tyrone's accessory
- a group of American States located in the south
- a car accident
- a policeman
- the education given by Tyrone's parents
- go away, like magic
- the biggest city in Louisiana
- a series
- beautiful
- aspect of the dagger
- sport practiced by Tyrone
- Tandy's surname
- killed by a gun
- sport practiced by Tandy when she was a girl
- a very bad memory which has consequences in the present
- talk to somebody
- Tyrone's surname
- Marvel's main characters
- a sick person who is addicted to drugs
- work place of police officers
- opposite of present
- escape from danger
- a sick person who drinks too much
- opposite of past
- a pretty lady who becomes a superhero
- Tandy's weapon
26 Clues: a series • beautiful • a policeman • a car accident • Tandy's weapon • Tandy's surname • killed by a gun • talk to somebody • Tyrone's surname • opposite of past • Tyrone's accessory • escape from danger • opposite of present • go away, like magic • aspect of the dagger • Marvel's main characters • sport practiced by Tyrone • work place of police officers • the biggest city in Louisiana • ...
Caitlin & Ronnie 2023-10-25
- Ronnie's favorite place
- Luna's nickname
- A beloved stuffed animal that Ronnie's mom ran in traffic to save
- Ronnie's favorite food
- Caitlin has lived in Georgia, _______, and Indiana
- Ronnie's childhood obsession
- Another word for "Bulldozer" according to Caitlin
- A way Ronnie used to describe abnormally high temperatures
- Besides his DC, Ronnie also has a degree in _______
- Caitlin's childhood stuffed animal
- Caitlin's childhood career aspiration
- Caitlin's favorite soda
- Caitlin and Ronnie are always playing __________
- What Ronnie is always wearing
- Where Caitlin grew up
- What instrument Ronnie played in band
- Caitlin's favorite superhero
- Where the Wozniaks are from
- Everything Ronnie eats is covered in ________
- Caitlin's favorite childhood movie
- Ronnie has a DC from _____________
- Caitlin's favorite candy
- Ronnie's favorite superhero
23 Clues: Luna's nickname • Where Caitlin grew up • Ronnie's favorite food • Ronnie's favorite place • Caitlin's favorite soda • Caitlin's favorite candy • Where the Wozniaks are from • Ronnie's favorite superhero • Caitlin's favorite superhero • Ronnie's childhood obsession • What Ronnie is always wearing • Caitlin's favorite childhood movie • Ronnie has a DC from _____________ • ...
Your login 2018-03-23
20 Clues: AI • PM • OS • AI • GRPM • actor • HYD11 • WESTIN • chatting • pollution • SUPERHERO • hyderabad • rajamouli • oscarhost • SUPERHERO • invincible • OPS MANAGER • entertainment • dream within a dream • Earth's most customer centric company
Superheroes 2019-02-04
8 Clues: / Adopted by Thanos • / The God of Thunder • / The God of Mischief • / A superhero who can shrink • / His weakness is Cryptonite • / Possesses all five infinity stones • / A superhero who can crawl on walls and shoot webs • / A superhero who becomes very powerful when he gets enraged
El Deafo Crossword 2022-02-15
10 Clues: Main character • People you love • Where you learn • When you can't hear • People who save you • Cece's third friend • Cece's fourth friend • Cece's superhero name • Someone who works at a hospital • Where you go when you are sick or hurt