superhero Crossword Puzzles

Superhero Crossword 2022-06-21

Superhero Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. My favorite vacation spot is the multiverse
  2. panther Wakanda forever
  3. I've been told that green is my color
  4. My favorite tool to use is my shield
  1. For a business man I don't wear a typical suit
  2. After a certain incident i've tried to avoid bug bites
  3. I'm a man of few words - "I am..."
  4. I control the louder part of every storm
  5. I put a pretty cool sign in the sky
  6. When ordering, I always remove the kryptonite

10 Clues: panther Wakanda foreverI'm a man of few words - "I am..."I put a pretty cool sign in the skyMy favorite tool to use is my shieldI've been told that green is my colorI control the louder part of every stormMy favorite vacation spot is the multiverseWhen ordering, I always remove the kryptoniteFor a business man I don't wear a typical suit...

Superhero Crossword 2024-09-10

Superhero Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Becomes a monster when he's angry
  2. Natasha Romanova
  3. A blind lawyer
  4. Talking tree
  5. Bitten by a super spider
  6. A mutant with metal claws
  7. Runs a school for mutants
  1. Bow and arrow
  2. Can alter his size in an instant
  3. Wears a magic red cloak

10 Clues: Talking treeBow and arrowA blind lawyerNatasha RomanovaWears a magic red cloakBitten by a super spiderA mutant with metal clawsRuns a school for mutantsCan alter his size in an instantBecomes a monster when he's angry


SUPERHERO FICTION crossword puzzle
  1. Specter still takes....of moon knight.
  2. Spector grants....abilities.
  3. What is the name of god of a statue of the Egyptian moon?
  4. Marc lost in battle with who?
  5. Where Marc Spector working?
  1. What name of his secret identities?
  2. Who is a former Marine and CIA mercenary.
  3. What is Spector against?
  4. Raoul Bushman is a?
  5. Spector investing his money into....his crime.

10 Clues: Raoul Bushman is a?What is Spector against?Where Marc Spector working?Spector grants....abilities.Marc lost in battle with who?What name of his secret identities?Specter still takes....of moon knight.Who is a former Marine and CIA mercenary.Spector investing his money into....his crime.What is the name of god of a statue of the Egyptian moon?

Superhero Crossword 2022-04-26

Superhero Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The rank held by Steve Rogers
  2. Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., master spy, definitely not a spider
  3. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive; he's not a bird or a plane
  4. A woman from Themyscira, she truly is a...
  5. The fastest man alive
  1. King of the Seven Seas; talks to fish
  2. The world's greatest detective
  3. Not the real metal used by Tony Stark for his suit, but close enough
  4. Sticks to walls, swings from buildings; a friendly neighborhood hero
  5. Prince of Asgard, God of Thunder

10 Clues: The fastest man aliveThe rank held by Steve RogersThe world's greatest detectivePrince of Asgard, God of ThunderKing of the Seven Seas; talks to fishA woman from Themyscira, she truly is a...Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., master spy, definitely not a spiderNot the real metal used by Tony Stark for his suit, but close enough...

Superhero Service 2022-09-19

Superhero Service crossword puzzle
  1. Number that is obtained & repeated for accuracy
  2. Case management tool to document calls
  3. Explains what, when, where, how, & who
  4. Length of the first initial hold time
  5. The amount of times you say the caller's name
  6. Summarizing is part of these skills
  1. Offered when someone passes
  2. This knowledge based tool is used to find answers
  3. Fail for not advising of recorded line on outbounds
  4. Fail that requires escalation & urgent support

10 Clues: Offered when someone passesSummarizing is part of these skillsLength of the first initial hold timeCase management tool to document callsExplains what, when, where, how, & whoThe amount of times you say the caller's nameFail that requires escalation & urgent supportNumber that is obtained & repeated for accuracy...

Superhero-2 2023-06-04

Superhero-2 crossword puzzle
  1. The mystical artifact that grants the user the power to control time.
  2. The villainous alter ego of Norman Osborn in the Spider-Man comics.
  3. The city protected by the vigilante known as Daredevil.
  4. The parallel dimension in the DC Comics universe.
  5. The sentient alien AI in the "Guardians of the Galaxy" series.
  1. The arch-nemesis of Batman, known as the Clown Prince of Crime.
  2. The intergalactic bounty hunter with a tragic past in "The Mandalorian" series.
  3. The superhero team led by Professor X in the X-Men franchise.
  4. The ancient sorcerer and mentor to Doctor Strange.
  5. The alien race that invaded Earth in "The Avengers" movie.

10 Clues: The parallel dimension in the DC Comics universe.The ancient sorcerer and mentor to Doctor Strange.The city protected by the vigilante known as Daredevil.The alien race that invaded Earth in "The Avengers" movie.The superhero team led by Professor X in the X-Men franchise.The sentient alien AI in the "Guardians of the Galaxy" series....

Vocabulario de superhéroes: 2017-04-07

Vocabulario de superhéroes: crossword puzzle
  1. vision
  2. monster
  3. partner
  4. femenina female superhero
  5. to fight
  6. appear
  7. visión x-ray
  8. enemy
  9. to travel
  10. sobrehumana superhuman strength
  1. boat
  2. alien
  3. disguise
  4. to fly
  5. gun
  6. ability
  7. to breath
  8. planet
  9. cape
  10. jump
  11. water

21 Clues: gunboatcapejumpalienenemywatervisionto flyplanetappearmonsterpartnerabilitydisguiseto fightto breathto travelvisión x-rayfemenina female superherosobrehumana superhuman strength

Batman 2024-05-15

Batman crossword puzzle
  1. Bat
  2. Superhero
  3. Knight
  4. Penguin
  5. Signal
  6. Orphan
  7. Crusader
  8. Vengeance
  9. Scary
  10. Hook
  11. Cave
  12. Joker
  13. Riddle
  14. To Sneak
  1. Asylum
  2. Butler
  3. Gadget
  4. Criminal
  5. Genius
  6. Scarecrow
  7. Bane
  8. justice
  9. To Beat
  10. To Glide
  11. Cape

25 Clues: BatBaneHookCapeCaveScaryJokerAsylumButlerGadgetGeniusKnightSignalOrphanRiddlePenguinjusticeTo BeatCriminalCrusaderTo GlideTo SneakSuperheroScarecrowVengeance

Your login 2018-03-23

Your login crossword puzzle
  1. entertainment
  4. oscarhost
  5. AI
  6. GRPM
  7. invincible
  8. hyderabad
  1. dream within a dream
  3. rajamouli
  4. Earth's most customer centric company
  6. PM
  7. actor
  8. HYD11
  9. chatting
  10. OS
  11. pollution

19 Clues: PMAIOSGRPMactorHYD11WESTINchattingSUPERHEROrajamouliSUPERHEROoscarhostpollutionhyderabadinvincibleOPS MANAGERentertainmentdream within a dreamEarth's most customer centric company

El Deafo Crossword 2022-02-15

El Deafo Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. When you can't hear
  2. Where you go when you are sick or hurt
  3. Where you learn
  4. Cece's superhero name
  5. Main character
  1. Cece's fourth friend
  2. People who save you
  3. People you love
  4. Cece's third friend
  5. Someone who works at a hospital

10 Clues: Main characterPeople you loveWhere you learnWhen you can't hearPeople who save youCece's third friendCece's fourth friendCece's superhero nameSomeone who works at a hospitalWhere you go when you are sick or hurt

SuperHero Connecto 2017-03-01

SuperHero Connecto crossword puzzle
  1. _____ has super speed and super human reflexes
  2. _____ is Batman’s sidekick
  3. Batman protects ______ City
  4. _____ is afraid of Kryptonite
  5. Superman’s real name is Clark _____
  1. _____ from X-men manipulates weather
  2. Stark Industries is owned by _____
  3. _____ shoots arrows
  4. _____ carries a hammer around

9 Clues: _____ shoots arrows_____ is Batman’s sidekickBatman protects ______ City_____ is afraid of Kryptonite_____ carries a hammer aroundStark Industries is owned by _____Superman’s real name is Clark __________ from X-men manipulates weather_____ has super speed and super human reflexes

Superhero School 2017-10-28

Superhero School crossword puzzle
  1. Fleet and Elise's friend who looks like a tree
  2. Tom Thunder's dog
  3. to get better and better scores on your tests
  4. to listen when the teacher is talking
  5. study for an exam
  1. memorize information
  2. the villain to Tom Thunder
  3. superhero who is friends with Fleet and Elise
  4. pass an exam

9 Clues: pass an examTom Thunder's dogstudy for an exammemorize informationthe villain to Tom Thunderto listen when the teacher is talkingsuperhero who is friends with Fleet and Eliseto get better and better scores on your testsFleet and Elise's friend who looks like a tree

Superhero Puzzle 2023-06-14

Superhero Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Which character from Teen Titans is part machine?
  2. What is Violet’s superpower in The Incredibles?
  3. Who is the main antagonist in Voltron: Legendary Defender?
  4. What is Naruto’s famous catchphrase?
  1. What does Spider-Man shoot from his wrist?
  2. Who is Batman’s trusted sidekick?
  3. What is Superman’s weakness?
  4. The 3 main characters from Totally Spies! are Sam, Alex, and ______?
  5. Who is the best friend of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?

9 Clues: What is Superman’s weakness?Who is Batman’s trusted sidekick?What is Naruto’s famous catchphrase?What does Spider-Man shoot from his wrist?What is Violet’s superpower in The Incredibles?Which character from Teen Titans is part machine?Who is the main antagonist in Voltron: Legendary Defender?...

The Incredibles 2019-09-09

The Incredibles crossword puzzle
  1. antagonist.
  2. This child would become a syndrome.
  3. Production manager.
  4. Its power is to become invisible, among others.
  1. Lastname of superhero family's
  2. Assembly manager
  3. Family baby, seemingly powerless.
  4. The fastest of that family.
  5. Director of the movie.
  6. designer of superhero costumes.

10 Clues: antagonist.Assembly managerProduction manager.Director of the movie.The fastest of that family.Lastname of superhero family'sdesigner of superhero costumes.Family baby, seemingly powerless.This child would become a syndrome.Its power is to become invisible, among others.

Batman by Max 2024-10-03

Batman by Max crossword puzzle
  1. what he is
  2. the car batman uses to move around
  3. the hour when batman is out
  4. batman's enemy
  5. his superhero universe name
  1. what he lost
  2. batman's partner
  3. batman's animal logo
  4. what people use to attract him
  5. his butler and father figure

10 Clues: what he iswhat he lostbatman's enemybatman's partnerbatman's animal logothe hour when batman is outhis superhero universe namehis butler and father figurewhat people use to attract himthe car batman uses to move around

Superheroes 2023-07-02

Superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. - the members of the Green Lantern Corps, who wield power rings.
  2. - the green superhero with unimaginable powers and immense strength.
  3. - the partner of Batman, known for his acrobatic skills and intelligence.
  4. - the symbol of American patriotism and leader of the Avengers team.
  5. - the cosmic superheroine with impressive energy-based powers.
  6. - the superhero with lightning-fast speed, who protects Central City.
  7. - the iconic superhero with supernatural powers.
  1. - the primary heroine of the DC Comics world, with extraordinary strength and combat skills.
  2. - the spy and master of martial arts from the Avengers team.
  3. - the brilliant billionaire Tony Stark, who fights in a high-tech suit of armor.
  4. - the mutant with regenerative powers and steel claws.
  5. - the Nordic god of thunder, who fights with a magical hammer called Mjolnir.
  6. - the spider-themed hero with arachnid abilities and a strong sense of responsibility.
  7. - the Dark Knight and protector of Gotham City.
  8. - the powerful demigod from Greek mythology, who battles against evil forces.

15 Clues: - the Dark Knight and protector of Gotham City.- the iconic superhero with supernatural powers.- the mutant with regenerative powers and steel claws.- the spy and master of martial arts from the Avengers team.- the cosmic superheroine with impressive energy-based powers.- the members of the Green Lantern Corps, who wield power rings....

Superheroes 2020-02-08

Superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. God of thunder
  2. The man of steel
  3. A humanoid alien with metallic skin who can travel through space with the aid of his surfboard-like craft
  4. This superhero is also known as Logan. He has unstoppable healing power, adamantium metal claws
  5. A fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics also referred as the Dark Knight
  6. Wade Wilson, is a disfigured mercenary with the superhuman ability
  1. A founding member of the Justice League, she is Princess Diana of Themyscira
  2. A lawyer, Matt Murdock, lives in New York. When he was younger, he was blinded by a radioactive substance
  3. This superhero develops his suit adding weapons and other technological devices he designed through his company, Stark Industries
  4. an American teenager Peter Parker transforms into this superhero.

10 Clues: God of thunderThe man of steelan American teenager Peter Parker transforms into this superhero.Wade Wilson, is a disfigured mercenary with the superhuman abilityA founding member of the Justice League, she is Princess Diana of ThemysciraThis superhero is also known as Logan. He has unstoppable healing power, adamantium metal claws...

Superhero unit 5α 2020-01-22

Superhero unit 5α crossword puzzle
  1. φούτερ
  2. φλύαρος
  3. κοκκαλιάρης
  4. κομψός
  5. δημιουργικός
  6. υπέρβαρος
  7. αδυναμία
  8. έφηβος
  1. αδιάβροχο
  2. επίμονος
  3. χαρτοφύλακας
  4. γενναιόδωρος
  5. ευέξαπτος
  6. φακίδες
  7. υπομονετικός

15 Clues: φούτερκομψόςέφηβοςφλύαροςφακίδεςεπίμονοςαδυναμίααδιάβροχοευέξαπτοςυπέρβαροςκοκκαλιάρηςχαρτοφύλακαςγενναιόδωροςδημιουργικόςυπομονετικός

Superhero Origin Stories 2023-01-30

Superhero Origin Stories crossword puzzle
  1. a sudden change of mind, especially one that is unexplained
  2. a person thinking creatively or introducing new ideas
  3. making a firm decision, and not changing your mind about it
  4. the dismissing or refusal of an idea or proposal
  5. very famous or popular
  6. fragments of a bomb or shell thrown out from an explosion
  7. characterized by extreme distress or sorrow
  8. a loose sleeveless cloak
  1. too powerful to be defeated or overcome
  2. a person who deliberately destroys or damages something
  3. the quality of being clever, original, and inventive
  4. the dark shape or outline of someone, especially in a dim light
  5. punishment inflicted in retaliation for an injury or offense
  6. too many to be counted
  7. the most successful point of (of human ability)

15 Clues: too many to be countedvery famous or populara loose sleeveless cloaktoo powerful to be defeated or overcomecharacterized by extreme distress or sorrowthe most successful point of (of human ability)the dismissing or refusal of an idea or proposalthe quality of being clever, original, and inventivea person thinking creatively or introducing new ideas...

The thunder men puzzle. 2024-04-04

The thunder men puzzle. crossword puzzle
  1. a retired superhero in the thunder men’s.
  2. a villain that got turned into a bunny
  3. a tv show character in the thunder men’s.
  4. a superhero that retired for her family
  5. a superhero thing.
  1. maxes twin brother.
  2. has lazers
  3. brains of a brick let’t his yonder sister hurt him

8 Clues: has lazersa superhero thing.maxes twin brother.a villain that got turned into a bunnya superhero that retired for her familya retired superhero in the thunder men’s.a tv show character in the thunder men’s.brains of a brick let’t his yonder sister hurt him

41 - UNIT 3 REVIEW 2023-06-09

41 - UNIT 3 REVIEW crossword puzzle
  4. FOFO
  8. VILÃO
  9. FORTE
  3. LINDO(A)


Movies & TV 2023-05-13

Movies & TV crossword puzzle
  1. Devilish TV series (7)
  2. Workplace mockumentary (6)
  3. Biker drama set in California (4)
  4. Christian Bale's caped crusader (5)
  5. Na'vi-inhabited planet (6)
  6. Nolan's mind-bending heist film (9)
  7. Cameron's sci-fi blockbuster (6)
  8. Russell Crowe's epic Roman drama (9)
  9. Batman's dark city (6)
  10. Tom Hanks' slow-witted character (7)
  11. Keanu Reeves' chosen hero in "
  12. Spielberg's shark thriller (4)
  13. Family film about three witches (5)
  14. Beloved sitcom set in Central Perk (7)
  15. HBO's fantasy epic (4)
  16. Wes Craven's slasher film (6)
  17. Marvel mutant superheroes (4)
  18. Animated comedy featuring the Griffins (6)
  19. Mysterious TV drama set on a deserted island (4)
  20. Sci-fi series exploring a futuristic theme park (10)
  21. Disney's Arabian tale (7)
  22. Hitchcock's iconic psychological thriller (6)
  23. Blind Marvel superhero (9)
  24. Crime thriller with a deadly sins theme (5)
  1. Dinosaur-filled adventure park (8)
  2. Marvel superhero team (8)
  3. Classic romance film set in Morocco (10)
  4. Disney's icy animated adventure (6)
  5. Long-running animated family sitcom (9)
  6. Long-running show about monster-hunting brothers (12)
  7. Sci-fi trilogy about a simulated reality (6)
  8. Showtime series about a blood-spatter analyst with a dark secret (6)
  9. Titanic disaster catalyst (7)
  10. Netflix series with a supernatural twist (7)
  11. Boy wizard of Hogwarts (5)
  12. The Emerald Archer's superhero show (5)
  13. Jesse's last name in "Breaking Bad" (8)
  14. Speedster superhero (5)
  15. TV medical drama starring Hugh Laurie (5)
  16. Emmy-winning drama about a high school chemistry teacher turned drug lord (7)
  17. Modern-day adaptation of Arthur Conan Doyle's detective (8)
  18. TV series centered around a cannibalistic psychiatrist (8)
  19. Horror franchise with elaborate traps (3)
  20. Gotham's masked vigilante (6)
  21. Christopher Nolan's memory-twisting film (7)
  22. Iconic disaster film starring Leonardo DiCaprio (7)
  23. Christopher Nolan's space odyssey (12)
  24. Jennifer Aniston's character in "Friends" (6)
  25. Bryan Cranston's iconic role (3)
  26. Sarcastic Marvel mercenary (8)

50 Clues: Devilish TV series (7)Batman's dark city (6)HBO's fantasy epic (4)Speedster superhero (5)Marvel superhero team (8)Disney's Arabian tale (7)Workplace mockumentary (6)Boy wizard of Hogwarts (5)Na'vi-inhabited planet (6)Blind Marvel superhero (9)Titanic disaster catalyst (7)Gotham's masked vigilante (6)Wes Craven's slasher film (6)...

This is Us 2020-08-20

This is Us crossword puzzle
  1. My favorite form of exercise
  2. My favorite bakery, where I want our wedding cake to come from. The....
  3. Splat, My superhero name
  4. Your favorite holiday
  5. Your favorite color
  6. My favorite color
  7. People seem to like it....
  1. The place with the best Bolognese on EARF
  2. museum, Our first date started here
  3. Factory, My favorite museum in Pittsburgh
  4. Your favorite thing to do in the world
  5. dream, Our favorite Condato taco
  6. Where you took me for my birthday this year
  7. capsule, Where we put all our memories and mementos for looking at in the future
  8. Your superhero name
  9. Our first trip away from home. The.....
  10. latte, My favorite coffee shop drink

17 Clues: My favorite colorYour superhero nameYour favorite colorYour favorite holidaySplat, My superhero namePeople seem to like it....My favorite form of exercisedream, Our favorite Condato tacomuseum, Our first date started herelatte, My favorite coffee shop drinkYour favorite thing to do in the worldOur first trip away from home. The........

Uygvuygvuygg 2024-09-17

Uygvuygvuygg crossword puzzle
  1. the other guy…
  2. the first female superhero in the MCU
  3. this hero was recently portrayed by a vampire who was killed by Voldemort
  4. the most popular superhero, with 48.7% of votes according to IGN
  5. batman’s dedicated butler
  1. this hero can shift into different animals
  2. the mother of Wonder Woman (aka Diana prince)
  3. the mastermind behind the Marvel comics
  4. “I may be super, but I am no hero”
  5. genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist
  6. a precious medal native to Wakanda
  7. I am _
  8. the first avenger
  9. DC was founded in _
  10. derived from Norse mythology

15 Clues: I am _the other guy…the first avengerDC was founded in _batman’s dedicated butlerderived from Norse mythology“I may be super, but I am no hero”a precious medal native to Wakandathe first female superhero in the MCUthe mastermind behind the Marvel comicsthis hero can shift into different animalsgenius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist...

OL4, Unit 3, Station 2 2023-02-15

OL4, Unit 3, Station 2 crossword puzzle
  1. (sich)konzentrieren
  2. Außenwelt
  3. Wäschetrockner
  4. Superheld
  5. insgesamt
  6. wichtig nehmen
  7. vor
  8. Gerede
  9. Gerät
  1. verboten
  2. Mode
  3. Handy
  4. abdecken
  5. Mikrowelle
  6. durchschnittlich
  7. Kopfhörer
  8. bedauern
  9. okay

18 Clues: vorModeokayHandyGerätGeredeverbotenabdeckenbedauernKopfhörerAußenweltSuperheldinsgesamtMikrowelleWäschetrocknerwichtig nehmendurchschnittlich(sich)konzentrieren

Marvel Superheroes 2024-03-07

Marvel Superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. Chronologically, their in their 90s
  2. Widow Played by Scarlett Johansson
  3. Their a nice person when they isn't mad
  4. Technically, they're a sorcerer
  5. Hammer
  6. Not a raccoon
  1. Their superhero name is also the name of the studio that produces these movies
  2. Wakanda forever.
  3. Has their own spin-off series set during Christmas
  4. Their brother died, they also have over 20 different powers
  5. A tree
  6. Discovered time travel
  7. The first Marvel superhero movie

13 Clues: A treeHammerNot a raccoonWakanda forever.Discovered time travelTechnically, they're a sorcererThe first Marvel superhero movieWidow Played by Scarlett JohanssonChronologically, their in their 90sTheir a nice person when they isn't madHas their own spin-off series set during ChristmasTheir brother died, they also have over 20 different powers...

Superhero 2022-03-24

Superhero crossword puzzle
  1. help captan america because is his bestfriend.
  2. may have a lot of powers.
  3. must have his power outfit.
  1. is the superhero taller.
  2. need to drive batmobile..
  3. must to was bit for to be superhero.

6 Clues: is the superhero taller.need to drive batmobile..may have a lot of powers.must have his power outfit.must to was bit for to be captan america because is his bestfriend.

Veronica and Julian 2024-09-21

Veronica and Julian crossword puzzle
  1. What game does the couple play?
  2. How many siblings does Veronica have?
  3. In what city did the couple get married?
  4. What is Julian's favorite animal?
  5. What city did Julian propose in?
  6. Who is Veronica's favorite superhero?
  7. Where does Veronica live?
  8. How many siblings does Julian have?
  1. Who is older?
  2. Where did Julian attend university?
  3. Where did the couple go on their first date?
  4. What is Veronica's favorite food?
  5. Who is Julian's favorite superhero?

13 Clues: Who is older?Where does Veronica live?What game does the couple play?What city did Julian propose in?What is Veronica's favorite food?What is Julian's favorite animal?Where did Julian attend university?Who is Julian's favorite superhero?How many siblings does Julian have?How many siblings does Veronica have?Who is Veronica's favorite superhero?...

Starfish 2 2023-05-02

Starfish 2 crossword puzzle
  1. faux
  2. superwoman
  3. narrator
  4. associated
  5. bird
  6. a small fruit
  1. responses
  2. sound in a word
  3. defects
  4. honesty
  5. journal
  6. joke
  7. receive
  8. relaxed
  9. scramble
  10. eats

16 Clues: fauxjokeeatsbirddefectshonestyjournalreceiverelaxednarratorscrambleresponsessuperwomanassociateda small fruitsound in a word

Spider-Man Lesson 1 Words 2023-09-05

Spider-Man Lesson 1 Words crossword puzzle
  1. dagboek
  2. spinnenweb
  3. weg/spoorloos
  4. verslaan
  5. thrilled
  6. sense
  7. superkracht
  1. veranderen
  2. afraid
  3. vision
  4. superhero
  5. soort
  6. research
  7. bite

14 Clues: bitesoortsenseafraidvisiondagboekverslaanresearchthrilledsuperheroveranderenspinnenwebsuperkrachtweg/spoorloos

2023 Movies 2023-10-29

2023 Movies crossword puzzle
  1. Musical about a magical chocolate factory.
  2. Movie based on Nintendo's most poplar game.
  3. Movie about the creation of the Atomic Bomb.
  4. 2nd word to Disney's movie based off a ride.
  5. Movie based off a horror video game.
  6. The final chapter of the Lambert family's terrifying saga.
  7. Movie by Mattel about a doll come to life.
  1. Animated superhero movie with multiples of the Superhero.
  2. Water, Land, Fire, Air
  3. The Ballad of ___________ and Snakes
  4. The Little ________
  5. Legendary hit man
  6. Do you want to play a game?
  7. This horror figures 6th movie.

14 Clues: Legendary hit manThe Little ________Water, Land, Fire, AirDo you want to play a game?This horror figures 6th movie.The Ballad of ___________ and SnakesMovie based off a horror video game.Musical about a magical chocolate factory.Movie by Mattel about a doll come to life.Movie based on Nintendo's most poplar game....

Yoni's Marvel Crossword Challenge 2021-08-10

Yoni's Marvel Crossword Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. How many Spiderman movies are there?
  2. This villain has an evil plan to capture the blue energy
  3. This marvel character is a wall climbing, building jumping superhero.
  4. what tree-like character is a member of th Guardians of the Galaxy
  1. in this film all the heroes come together to defeat Thanos in the most recent movie
  2. This powerful superhero has glowing and powerful hands and she can fly
  3. This Marvel character is green
  4. What bug inspired the creation of Spiderman?
  5. the famous actor, Robert Downey Jr plays this superhero
  6. Who created Spiderman?

10 Clues: Who created Spiderman?This Marvel character is greenHow many Spiderman movies are there?What bug inspired the creation of Spiderman?the famous actor, Robert Downey Jr plays this superheroThis villain has an evil plan to capture the blue energywhat tree-like character is a member of th Guardians of the Galaxy...

Pop 2 2024-04-10

Pop 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Video-sharing platform
  2. Highest-grossing film of all time
  3. Epic fantasy film trilogy
  4. Marvel superhero ensemble
  5. Motion-controlled gaming console
  6. Mystery drama TV series
  1. Miley Cyrus' Disney alter ego
  2. Marvel superhero character
  3. Pop and hip-hop group
  4. High school chemistry turned crime drama

10 Clues: Pop and hip-hop groupVideo-sharing platformMystery drama TV seriesEpic fantasy film trilogyMarvel superhero ensembleMarvel superhero characterMiley Cyrus' Disney alter egoMotion-controlled gaming consoleHighest-grossing film of all timeHigh school chemistry turned crime drama

Jobs 2022-03-16

Jobs crossword puzzle
  1. пилот
  2. музыкант
  3. дайвер
  4. доктор
  5. стоматолог
  6. библиотекарь
  7. баскетболист
  8. ветеринар
  9. пожарный
  10. пират
  11. пекарь
  12. космонавт
  13. сборщик мусора
  1. детектив
  2. полицейский
  3. солдаты
  4. супергерой
  5. садовник
  6. почтальон
  7. учитель
  8. сантехник
  9. ковбой
  10. фермер
  11. астронавт
  12. художник, артист

25 Clues: пилотпиратдайвердокторковбойфермерпекарьсолдатыучительдетективсадовникмузыкантпожарныйпочтальонсантехникветеринарастронавткосмонавтсупергеройстоматологполицейскийбиблиотекарьбаскетболистсборщик мусорахудожник, артист

The Crossword Page: Marvel 2022-09-28

The Crossword Page: Marvel crossword puzzle
  1. An ex-assassin (5,5).
  2. A green-skinned girl, not related to Hulk (6).
  3. A teen and avid fan of Captain Marvel (2,6)
  4. A large grey man with red tattoos (4).
  5. The she-king of New Asgard (8).
  6. A hybrid of Jarvis and Ultron (6).
  7. Former air force pilot, who is Kree (7,6).
  8. The team of superheroes from Earth (8).
  9. A king cat (5, 7).
  10. The goddess of thunder (3,6,4).
  11. A blue half robot girl (6).
  12. "I am Thor, son of ____."(4).
  13. An iron rich dude (7).
  14. An artificial intelligence made by Tony Stark (6).
  15. The god butcher (4).
  16. A purple man with a big glove (6).
  1. The team of superheroes from space (9,2,3,6).
  2. A flying superhero who can change her size (4).
  3. He's big and green (4).
  4. A girl with antennae (6).
  5. A tree-man (5).
  6. He always gets a bullseye (7).
  7. Was stuck in a fantasy world for awhile (7,5).
  8. A genetically modified raccoon (6).
  9. He's a demi-god (4,4).
  10. The protector of the time stone (2,7).
  11. The goddess of death (4).
  12. God of mischief (4).
  13. A superhero that can change his size (6).
  14. The first avenger.
  15. A webslinging superhero (9).
  16. God of thunder (4).
  17. Quill's dad.
  18. An artificial intelligence with a real body (6).

34 Clues: Quill's dad.A tree-man (5).The first avenger.A king cat (5, 7).God of thunder (4).God of mischief (4).The god butcher (4).An ex-assassin (5,5).He's a demi-god (4,4).An iron rich dude (7).He's big and green (4).A girl with antennae (6).The goddess of death (4).A blue half robot girl (6).A webslinging superhero (9)."I am Thor, son of ____."(4)....

LESSON 4 2022-10-18

LESSON 4 crossword puzzle
  1. ίσως
  2. απογοητευμένος
  3. επιστημονική φαντασία
  4. αποκαλώ, ονομάζω
  5. περιπέτεια
  6. ταινία
  1. υπερήρωας
  2. λατρεύω
  3. έκπληκτος
  4. πρόσωπο
  5. παρακολουθώ (μάθημα)
  6. εξάλλου
  7. σίδερο/σιδερένιος
  8. κόμικ
  9. βλέμμα, ύφος/ κοιτάζω
  10. μόνος

16 Clues: ίσωςκόμικμόνοςταινίαλατρεύωπρόσωποεξάλλουυπερήρωαςέκπληκτοςπεριπέτειααπογοητευμένοςαποκαλώ, ονομάζωσίδερο/σιδερένιοςπαρακολουθώ (μάθημα)επιστημονική φαντασίαβλέμμα, ύφος/ κοιτάζω

The thunder men puzzle. 2024-04-04

The thunder men puzzle. crossword puzzle
  1. brains of a brick let’t his yonder sister hurt him
  2. a villain that got turned into a bunny
  3. a superhero that retired for her family
  4. a retired superhero in the thunder men’s.
  1. a superhero thing.
  2. maxes twin brother.
  3. has lazers
  4. a tv show character in the thunder men’s.

8 Clues: has lazersa superhero thing.maxes twin brother.a villain that got turned into a bunnya superhero that retired for her familya tv show character in the thunder men’s.a retired superhero in the thunder men’s.brains of a brick let’t his yonder sister hurt him

Word study #2 crossword puzzle - Eliseia A :D 2024-01-31

Word study #2 crossword puzzle - Eliseia A :D crossword puzzle
  1. thesis
  2. way
  3. duction
  4. historic
  5. pone
  6. able
  7. stick
  1. circle
  2. ignant
  3. cycle
  4. hero
  5. scient
  6. chrome

13 Clues: wayheroponeablecyclestickthesiscircleignantscientchromeductionhistoric

The thunder men puzzle. 2024-04-04

The thunder men puzzle. crossword puzzle
  1. a retired superhero in the thunder men’s.
  2. a villain that got turned into a bunny
  3. a tv show character in the thunder men’s.
  4. a superhero that retired for her family
  5. a superhero thing.
  1. maxes twin brother.
  2. has lazers
  3. brains of a brick let’t his yonder sister hurt him

8 Clues: has lazersa superhero thing.maxes twin brother.a villain that got turned into a bunnya superhero that retired for her familya retired superhero in the thunder men’s.a tv show character in the thunder men’s.brains of a brick let’t his yonder sister hurt him

The thunder men puzzle. 2024-04-04

The thunder men puzzle. crossword puzzle
  1. a retired superhero in the thunder men’s.
  2. a villain that got turned into a bunny
  3. a tv show character in the thunder men’s.
  4. a superhero that retired for her family
  5. a superhero thing.
  1. maxes twin brother.
  2. has lazers
  3. brains of a brick let’t his yonder sister hurt him

8 Clues: has lazersa superhero thing.maxes twin brother.a villain that got turned into a bunnya superhero that retired for her familya retired superhero in the thunder men’s.a tv show character in the thunder men’s.brains of a brick let’t his yonder sister hurt him

The thunder men puzzle. 2024-04-04

The thunder men puzzle. crossword puzzle
  1. brains of a brick let’t his yonder sister hurt him
  2. a villain that got turned into a bunny
  3. a superhero that retired for her family
  4. a retired superhero in the thunder men’s.
  1. a superhero thing.
  2. max’s twin sister
  3. has lazers
  4. a tv show character in the thunder men’s.

8 Clues: has lazersmax’s twin sistera superhero thing.a villain that got turned into a bunnya superhero that retired for her familya tv show character in the thunder men’s.a retired superhero in the thunder men’s.brains of a brick let’t his yonder sister hurt him

Superhero unit 3 2020-01-21

Superhero unit 3 crossword puzzle
  1. πολύχρωμο
  2. πρωτεύουσα
  3. θερμοκρασία
  4. τρομοκρατημένος
  5. με θαλπωρή
  1. μαζεύομαι
  2. μόλυνση
  3. βολικό
  4. ευχάριστο
  5. πέφτω
  6. παγώνω
  7. καταιγίδα
  8. τυχερός
  9. ευρύχωρος
  10. ξεφορτώνω

15 Clues: πέφτωβολικόπαγώνωμόλυνσητυχερόςμαζεύομαιευχάριστοπολύχρωμοκαταιγίδαευρύχωροςξεφορτώνωπρωτεύουσαμε θαλπωρήθερμοκρασίατρομοκρατημένος

Superhero unit 4 2020-01-21

Superhero unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. έξυπνος
  2. ουρανοξύστης
  3. γεροδεμένος
  4. γελώ
  5. ληστεία
  6. ειλικρινής
  7. συμμαζεύω
  8. φάρμακα
  1. πρωινό
  2. διασημότητα
  3. περιβάλλον
  4. πληθυσμός
  5. γυμνάζομαι
  6. μαλλιαρό
  7. προσπαθώ

15 Clues: γελώπρωινόέξυπνοςληστείαφάρμακαμαλλιαρόπροσπαθώπληθυσμόςσυμμαζεύωπεριβάλλονγυμνάζομαιειλικρινήςδιασημότηταγεροδεμένοςουρανοξύστης

Animation Characters 2023-06-25

Animation Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Undersea princess with a beautiful voice
  2. Young adventurer with a talking backpack
  3. A pink character who loves muddy puddles
  4. A mouse with red shorts and a girlfriend named Minnie
  5. A clownfish who got lost in the ocean
  6. Electric type pocket monster
  7. Snowman who loves warm hugs
  8. Web-slinging superhero
  1. Girl with a glass slipper
  2. Cowboy doll from a popular animated film
  3. Caped vigilante of Gotham City
  4. Queen of ice and snow
  5. The future king of Pride Rock
  6. An ogre who is friends with a talkative donkey
  7. A green, muscular superhero with anger management issues

15 Clues: Queen of ice and snowWeb-slinging superheroGirl with a glass slipperSnowman who loves warm hugsElectric type pocket monsterThe future king of Pride RockCaped vigilante of Gotham CityA clownfish who got lost in the oceanUndersea princess with a beautiful voiceYoung adventurer with a talking backpackCowboy doll from a popular animated film...

superhero 2019-09-25

superhero crossword puzzle
  1. son of oden
  2. super soldier
  1. got bit by a spider
  2. has a bat cave
  3. can fly
  4. got hit by lightningt

6 Clues: can flyson of odensuper soldierhas a bat cavegot bit by a spidergot hit by lightningt

PDKT 2021-02-08

PDKT crossword puzzle
  1. Fruit
  2. Holiday destination
  3. Animal
  4. Spot kampus
  5. Drink
  6. Movie
  7. Sport
  8. Food
  1. Actor/Actress
  2. Superhero
  3. Series/drakor
  4. Hobbies
  5. Singer
  6. Books
  7. Color

15 Clues: FoodFruitBooksDrinkColorMovieSportAnimalSingerHobbiesSuperheroSpot kampusActor/ActressSeries/drakorHoliday destination

KPL 2 Race To The Top 2023-09-27

KPL 2 Race To The Top crossword puzzle
  1. purjehtia
  2. hakemuslomake
  3. jonottaminen
  4. nariseva
  5. inhota
  6. avojaloin
  7. kilpailu, kisa
  1. menestyksekkäästi
  2. haaste
  3. seikkailu
  4. harjoitus
  5. albiino
  6. supersankari
  7. mitä tahansa

14 Clues: haasteinhotaalbiinonarisevapurjehtiaseikkailuharjoitusavojaloinjonottaminensupersankarimitä tahansahakemuslomakekilpailu, kisamenestyksekkäästi

Superheroes & Villains 🦸‍♂️ 2025-02-20

Superheroes & Villains 🦸‍♂️ crossword puzzle
  1. The villain who collects Infinity Stones. 🟣
  2. Woman An Amazon warrior princess. 🏹
  3. A talkative antihero with healing powers. 🎤
  4. A green giant with extreme strength. 💪
  5. A superhero who swings on webs. 🕷️
  6. The king of Atlantis. 🌊
  7. A genius billionaire with a suit of armor. 🤖
  1. A villain who controls metal. 🧲
  2. Batman's arch-nemesis. 🎭
  3. X-Men hero with sharp claws. 🦸‍♂️
  4. The God of Mischief in Marvel. 🃏
  5. America's super soldier. 🏆
  6. The fastest superhero. ⚡
  7. A hero with super strength and flight. 🦸‍♂️
  8. The Dark Knight of Gotham City. 🦇

15 Clues: The king of Atlantis. 🌊Batman's arch-nemesis. 🎭The fastest superhero. ⚡America's super soldier. 🏆A villain who controls metal. 🧲The God of Mischief in Marvel. 🃏X-Men hero with sharp claws. 🦸‍♂️The Dark Knight of Gotham City. 🦇A superhero who swings on webs. 🕷️Woman An Amazon warrior princess. 🏹A green giant with extreme strength. 💪...

the crossword puzzle 2021-12-01

the crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. WHAT THE-
  2. the person being kidnapped by bowser
  3. a website i use
  4. Detroits christmas station!
  5. where i go to learn
  6. i love my
  7. the guy who kidnaps peach
  8. a game i don't have
  9. a lot of things are under it
  10. is my favorite pokemon
  11. _, _, _ Rock
  12. pikachu is my favorite
  13. the guy who shot mars
  2. i have 2 of them
  3. i like
  4. a character i like
  5. my favorite superhero
  6. a sound for laser guns
  7. i am
  8. everybody go do the _____
  9. mario is
  10. the cool superhero team i made with my friends
  11. a stickfigure ninja
  12. a website i use too
  13. something TWA uses on his avatar
  14. i play it daily
  15. homer simpson says it

28 Clues: i ami likemario isWHAT THE-i love my_, _, _ Rocka website i usei play it dailyi have 2 of thema character i likewhere i go to learna game i don't havea stickfigure ninjaa website i use toomy favorite superherothe guy who shot marshomer simpson says ita sound for laser gunsis my favorite pokemonpikachu is my favoriteNOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO BE A...

SMP Reveal 2023-03-13

SMP Reveal crossword puzzle
  1. grade
  2. mainstage
  3. college
  4. friends
  5. neighborhood
  6. class
  1. age
  2. eyes
  3. major
  4. superhero
  5. dog
  6. sibling
  7. church
  8. hair

14 Clues: agedogeyeshairgrademajorclasschurchsiblingcollegefriendssuperheromainstageneighborhood

the Incredibles 2012-05-29

the Incredibles crossword puzzle
  1. the secretary/aid of mr incredibles new nemesis
  2. violet can make herself....
  3. the new supervillain that shows themselves at the end of the first movie
  4. the super families last name
  5. Bobs long time friend and ally
  6. mr incredible new nemesis
  7. helens old superhero name
  1. the power of jack-jack is.....
  2. the super suit maker
  3. the big machine mr incredible fights
  4. a superhero family
  5. the superpower of dash

12 Clues: a superhero familythe super suit makerthe superpower of dashmr incredible new nemesishelens old superhero nameviolet can make herself....the super families last namethe power of jack-jack is.....Bobs long time friend and allythe big machine mr incredible fightsthe secretary/aid of mr incredibles new nemesis...

Halloween Costumes 2024-09-27

Halloween Costumes crossword puzzle
  1. – Costume wrapped in bandages
  2. – Costume with eye patch and sword
  3. – Outfit representing a favorite superhero
  4. – Simple sheet costume with eye holes
  5. – Costume resembling a dinosaur
  1. – Costume with wings and magical attire
  2. – Classic costume with fangs and cape
  3. – Undead look with fake blood and makeup
  4. – Costume featuring a hat and broomstick
  5. – Creative costume inspired by creatures
  6. – Costume featuring fur and claws
  7. – Outfit with bones depicted

12 Clues: – Outfit with bones depicted– Costume wrapped in bandages– Costume resembling a dinosaur– Costume featuring fur and claws– Costume with eye patch and sword– Classic costume with fangs and cape– Simple sheet costume with eye holes– Costume with wings and magical attire– Undead look with fake blood and makeup– Costume featuring a hat and broomstick...

Superheroes & Superpowers 2018-08-03

Superheroes & Superpowers crossword puzzle
  1. Batman does not have any superpowers but he is super rich and uses lots of _________.
  2. The ability to change appearance.
  3. Most superheroes have enhanced ________ or the ability to move quickly and gracefully.
  4. Something that cannot be destroyed (such as adamantium) is said to be ___________.
  5. The history of a superhero and how he/she became powerful is often called the _______ story.
  6. This is an adjective with the same meaning as brave.
  7. Speaking to others through the mind is called _________.
  8. Iron Man has the superpower of extreme ___________.
  9. Someone who can lift heavy things has a lot of _______.
  10. This is the concept of fairness, equality, and morality that superheroes often try to uphold.
  11. This is the ability to see through solid objects.
  12. Someone who has gained superpowers from altered DNA is called a _______. (ex: X-Men)
  13. Antman has the power to _______ to microscopic sizes.
  14. Someone who assists a superhero can be called a _________. (ex: Robin)
  15. This is a fight that is usually really huge, violent, and epic.
  16. It is a superhero’s job to ________ bad guys.
  17. Batman, Superman, and Dr. Strange all have different styles of this clothing accessory.
  18. This is the type of clothing that many superheroes wear.
  19. This is the power to travel through the air like a bird.
  1. Luffy from One Piece has the super ability to ________ to any length or size.
  2. Someone who can live forever without dying of old age is __________.
  3. This is a large protective shield made of energy.
  4. The superpower of controlling fire is called ___________.
  5. The ability to change appearance.
  6. Someone who fights crime without the help of law enforcement is a __________.
  7. It is common for an evil character to have a hidden base called a ___________.
  8. An extreme genius who has the ability to plan or invent things that are crazy and brilliant.
  9. This ability allows someone to not be seen.
  10. Instantly moving from one place to another is called _________.
  11. This is a rival, an opponent, or an enemy of a superhero and is usually equal in power.
  12. Deadpool and Wolverine have the superpower of rapid ________.
  13. Someone who cannot be damaged or destroyed is ___________.
  14. The power of moving objects with your mind is called _________.
  15. This is Superman’s ultimate weakness.
  16. Someone who
  17. A superhero who can move very fast has the superpower of ________.
  18. This is the word that is often used for a bad guy in superhero stories.
  19. The act of saving someone from a dangerous situation is called ________.

38 Clues: Someone whoThe ability to change appearance.The ability to change appearance.This is Superman’s ultimate weakness.This ability allows someone to not be seen.It is a superhero’s job to ________ bad guys.This is a large protective shield made of energy.This is the ability to see through solid objects....

A Strange but True Superhero 2021-02-09

A Strange but True Superhero crossword puzzle
  1. very very smart or talented
  2. what some people believe. European painters painted about this
  3. Who a superhero fights
  4. a famous Japanese artist
  5. the scene behind a drawing
  6. a person who draws cartoons
  7. an amazing creation
  1. A person who helps people and who has special powers
  2. a dead spirit
  3. a kind of picture
  4. a powerful and magical person or creature
  5. He has a blue suit with an "S" on his chest
  6. bigger than a country. There are 7 in the world
  7. doing what is right

14 Clues: a dead spirita kind of picturedoing what is rightan amazing creationWho a superhero fightsa famous Japanese artistthe scene behind a drawingvery very smart or talenteda person who draws cartoonsa powerful and magical person or creatureHe has a blue suit with an "S" on his chestbigger than a country. There are 7 in the world...

Superheroes & Superpowers 2018-08-03

Superheroes & Superpowers crossword puzzle
  1. The ability to change appearance.
  2. The history of a superhero and how he/she became powerful is often called the _______ story.
  3. Deadpool and Wolverine have the superpower of rapid ________.
  4. It is common for an evil character to have a hidden base called a ___________.
  5. The power of moving objects with your mind is called _________.
  6. Someone who
  7. This is an adjective with the same meaning as brave.
  8. Most superheroes have enhanced ________ or the ability to move quickly and gracefully.
  9. It is a superhero’s job to ________ bad guys.
  10. Something that cannot be destroyed (such as adamantium) is said to be ___________.
  11. Instantly moving from one place to another is called _________.
  12. The superpower of controlling fire is called ___________.
  13. Someone who cannot be damaged or destroyed is ___________.
  14. Someone who can lift heavy things has a lot of _______.
  15. This is the ability to see through solid objects.
  16. This is a rival, an opponent, or an enemy of a superhero and is usually equal in power.
  17. This is the type of clothing that many superheroes wear.
  18. This is the concept of fairness, equality, and morality that superheroes often try to uphold.
  1. This is the word that is often used for a bad guy in superhero stories.
  2. Antman has the power to _______ to microscopic sizes.
  3. A superhero who can move very fast has the superpower of ________.
  4. Speaking to others through the mind is called _________.
  5. An extreme genius who has the ability to plan or invent things that are crazy and brilliant.
  6. This is a large protective shield made of energy.
  7. This is a fight that is usually really huge, violent, and epic.
  8. This is the power to travel through the air like a bird.
  9. The ability to change appearance.
  10. Iron Man has the superpower of extreme ___________.
  11. Someone who fights crime without the help of law enforcement is a __________.
  12. This ability allows someone to not be seen.
  13. Batman, Superman, and Dr. Strange all have different styles of this clothing accessory.
  14. This is Superman’s ultimate weakness.
  15. Batman does not have any superpowers but he is super rich and uses lots of _________.
  16. Someone who has gained superpowers from altered DNA is called a _______. (ex: X-Men)
  17. Luffy from One Piece has the super ability to ________ to any length or size.
  18. Someone who assists a superhero can be called a _________. (ex: Robin)
  19. Someone who can live forever without dying of old age is __________.
  20. The act of saving someone from a dangerous situation is called ________.

38 Clues: Someone whoThe ability to change appearance.The ability to change appearance.This is Superman’s ultimate weakness.This ability allows someone to not be seen.It is a superhero’s job to ________ bad guys.This is a large protective shield made of energy.This is the ability to see through solid objects....

aj 2021-05-10

aj crossword puzzle
  1. What season is Christmas in Australia.
  2. cookies, Baked dessert with an aromatic herb
  3. Marvel superhero
  4. What animal sleeps between 16 and 20 hours each day?
  5. Defunct car company
  6. lemon, and lime-flavored soft drink
  7. What color does green and yellow make?
  8. DC superhero
  9. One of two children or animals born at the same birth
  10. Funeral director
  1. Strait in French
  2. What constellation is between a crab and a maiden.
  3. Parmesan This dish includes poultry, tomato sauce, and cheese
  4. Cove Water park located in Belleville, Michigan
  5. Used chiefly to distinguish a son with the same given name as his father.
  6. Mountain, Out of business buffet.
  7. Americas national bird
  8. A famous cartoon cat

18 Clues: DC superheroStrait in FrenchMarvel superheroFuneral directorDefunct car companyA famous cartoon catAmericas national birdMountain, Out of business buffet.lemon, and lime-flavored soft drinkWhat season is Christmas in Australia.What color does green and yellow make?cookies, Baked dessert with an aromatic herb...

T&A Graaff Crossword 2024-06-23

T&A Graaff Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. In what month did Armand propose?
  2. What is Tilana’s favorite flower?
  3. In what suburb is the bride and groom's first shared apartment?
  4. Hobby Armand and Tilana share?
  5. Our favorite Marvel Superhero
  6. Where did Armand propose?
  7. What kind of dogs do we want one day?
  8. Our favorite TV show
  9. Our favorite DC Superhero
  1. What does Tilana collect?
  2. What is Tilana’a favorite order in a restaurant?
  3. What was the first live band performance we watched together?
  4. Who is Tilana’s favorite tennis player?
  5. What is Armand’s favorite order in a restaurant?
  6. What is our favorite type of holiday?
  7. Where did we meet?
  8. Who is Armand’s favorite tennis player?
  9. Which month did the couple start dating?

18 Clues: Where did we meet?Our favorite TV showWhat does Tilana collect?Where did Armand propose?Our favorite DC SuperheroOur favorite Marvel SuperheroHobby Armand and Tilana share?In what month did Armand propose?What is Tilana’s favorite flower?What is our favorite type of holiday?What kind of dogs do we want one day?...

Year Eight Wednesday Competition! 2021-07-14

Year Eight Wednesday Competition! crossword puzzle
  1. a film about a shark
  2. surname: zephaniah
  3. when a word sounds like the sound it makes
  4. the surname of Arthur in The Woman In Black
  5. the most misused punctuation in English!
  6. comparing two things using 'like' or 'as
  1. giving an object human qualities
  2. a superhero that isn't technically a superhero
  3. the surname of the deceased owner of the house
  4. when there is more than one of something
  5. comparing two things
  6. the name of a famous author
  7. a word indicating an action
  8. the second name of the poet l--n
  9. --- marsh house, the setting of TWIB

15 Clues: surname: zephaniaha film about a sharkcomparing two thingsthe name of a famous authora word indicating an actiongiving an object human qualitiesthe second name of the poet l--n--- marsh house, the setting of TWIBwhen there is more than one of somethingthe most misused punctuation in English!comparing two things using 'like' or 'as...

Eli's crossword puzzle 2021-07-16

Eli's crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. He kinda looks like spiderman
  2. This bunny loves carrots
  3. This superhero is named after a high-flying bird
  4. The color of Hulk's skin
  5. This agent is a little bananas
  6. This fortnite character is a little fishy
  1. Labron's last name
  2. He gives coyote a run for his money
  3. This superhero is known for his big claws
  4. Tom likes to chase him
  5. What Taz is
  6. Thor's brother

12 Clues: What Taz isThor's brotherLabron's last nameTom likes to chase himThis bunny loves carrotsThe color of Hulk's skinHe kinda looks like spidermanThis agent is a little bananasHe gives coyote a run for his moneyThis superhero is known for his big clawsThis fortnite character is a little fishyThis superhero is named after a high-flying bird

Marvel Superhero Crossword 2021-06-05

Marvel Superhero Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Place where Black Panther is king
  2. Nick Fury is director of...
  3. Wants pictures of Spider-Man
  4. Ancient mutant named En Sabah Nur
  5. What Captain America's shield is made of
  6. Mutant who can control weather
  7. Groot's raccoon friend
  8. Killed half the universe with a snap
  9. You won't like him when he's angry
  1. Tony Stark's secret identity
  2. Runs a school for mutants
  3. The Man Without Fear
  4. Russian spy turned Avenger
  5. Dr. Strange's first name
  6. Species of shapeshifting aliens

15 Clues: The Man Without FearGroot's raccoon friendDr. Strange's first nameRuns a school for mutantsRussian spy turned AvengerNick Fury is director of...Tony Stark's secret identityWants pictures of Spider-ManMutant who can control weatherSpecies of shapeshifting aliensPlace where Black Panther is kingAncient mutant named En Sabah Nur...

Halloween 2022-10-06

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. momie
  2. monstre
  3. alien
  4. fantôme
  5. cowboy
  6. chauvesouris
  7. citrouille
  8. bonbons ou sort
  1. astronaut
  2. pirate
  3. superhéros
  4. sorcière
  5. octobre
  6. vampire

14 Clues: momiealienpiratecowboymonstrefantômeoctobrevampiresorcièreastronautsuperhéroscitrouillechauvesourisbonbons ou sort

Female Superheroes 2017-02-12

Female Superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. reincarnated Egyptian princess who, often appears with her male counterpart in comics
  2. Core member of "The Avengers"; a former bad girl out for redemption
  3. The daughter of Gotham Police Commissioner James Gordon
  4. A vigilante of Star City; recently killed of in the show "Arrow"
  5. Adopted by Thanos, to become a deadly assassin;later joined Guardians of The Galaxy
  6. Sometimes an anti-hero; often a sidekick of Daredevil
  7. Has her own show on Netflix, second female member of the "The Defenders"
  8. Will partner up Scott Lang in the next Ant Man movie
  1. Alter ego of the first Muslim superhero to lead her own comics
  2. Probably the most iconic female superhero;hails from Amazonian island of Themyscira
  3. Brie Larson has been cast by Marvel to star in a movie with same name as this superhero
  4. Daughter of Batman & Catwoman
  5. Recruited by Professor X to join X-Men; abilities include weather manipulation

13 Clues: Daughter of Batman & CatwomanWill partner up Scott Lang in the next Ant Man movieSometimes an anti-hero; often a sidekick of DaredevilThe daughter of Gotham Police Commissioner James GordonAlter ego of the first Muslim superhero to lead her own comicsA vigilante of Star City; recently killed of in the show "Arrow"...

Spider-Man 2017-05-15

Spider-Man crossword puzzle
  1. very similar to Venom but red
  2. Peter's first girlfriend
  3. DC hero that Spider-Man fought
  4. one of Spider-Man's greatest enemies
  5. what Peter was in high school
  6. a clone of Spider-Man
  7. company that Peter owns
  8. what Peter is a photographer for
  9. Peter's best friend
  10. villain made up of sand
  11. Superhero that fought Spider-Man a lot
  12. African-American Spider-Man after Peter died
  13. first villain that Spider-Man fought
  14. Spider-Man's archenemy
  15. Peter's love interest
  16. villain that is one of Peter's best friends
  17. what J.J.Jameson called Spider-Man
  18. symbiote villain that is black
  1. Spider-Man's nickname
  2. occupation of Peter's parents before they died
  3. said "With great power comes great responsibility"
  4. first and best actor to portray Spider-Man
  5. what gave Peter his powers
  6. Spider-Man joined this superhero team
  7. where Spider-Man lives and operates
  8. Spider-Man's "Bromance" partner
  9. Peter's first love
  10. suit that Iron Man made for Spider-Man
  11. Spider-Man from 2099 AD
  12. number of Spider-Man movies so far
  13. Spider-Man's biggest fan
  14. Peter's mom-like figure and Uncle Ben's wife
  15. secret identity of Spider-Man
  16. creator of Spider-Man
  17. villain that killed Spider-Man
  18. villain J.J.Jameson made to defeat Spider-Man
  19. Peter's boss
  20. Spider-Man is this president's favorite superhero

38 Clues: Peter's bossPeter's first lovePeter's best friendSpider-Man's nicknamea clone of Spider-Mancreator of Spider-ManPeter's love interestSpider-Man's archenemycompany that Peter ownsSpider-Man from 2099 ADvillain made up of sandPeter's first girlfriendSpider-Man's biggest fanwhat gave Peter his powersvery similar to Venom but red...

Umbrella Academy Review 2023-12-04

Umbrella Academy Review crossword puzzle
  1. Who is the main villain in the comic?
  2. Who does Hazel want to run away with?
  3. What is Diego's weapon of choice?
  4. Who does Vanya like in the show?
  5. Who gets locked into a crypt during their childhood?
  6. What is their "mom's" name?
  7. What instrument does Vanya play?
  8. What is the detective's name in the show?
  9. What is Rumor's real name?
  10. Who was Five's companion in the future?
  11. How many children (total) were born at the same time?
  12. What is Allison's occupation?
  13. Who is the only deceased member of the UA?
  14. Which character is secretly a space alien?
  15. Who does Klaus fall in love with?
  16. What is Luther's superhero name?
  1. What is Leonard's true identity?
  2. What does Hargreeves want to be called?
  3. Who hires Five to the Commission?
  4. Who is Hazel's partner?
  5. Who was on the moon for 4 years?
  6. What is the detective's name in the comic?
  7. What character was experimented on in their youth?
  8. Who is the most powerful member of the UA?
  9. What is Klaus's superhero name?
  10. In the book, who has a crush on Vanya?
  11. Who shoots Vanya in the comic?
  12. What is Diego's superhero name?
  13. What prosthetic body part provides a clue about the apocalypse?
  14. How many members are in the UA?
  15. Who is Hargreeves' bodyguard?

31 Clues: Who is Hazel's partner?What is Rumor's real name?What is their "mom's" name?What is Allison's occupation?Who is Hargreeves' bodyguard?Who shoots Vanya in the comic?What is Klaus's superhero name?What is Diego's superhero name?How many members are in the UA?What is Leonard's true identity?Who does Vanya like in the show?...

Media and Entertainment 2024-09-26

Media and Entertainment crossword puzzle
  1. – The person in charge of making a movie or TV show.
  2. – A movie that continues the story from an earlier one.
  3. Panther – A superhero movie about the king of a secret African country.
  4. – A person’s opinion or thoughts about a movie or TV show.
  5. – A very popular and successful movie.
  6. – A short video that shows parts of a movie before it comes out.
  7. – The way a movie is filmed, including camera angles and lighting.
  8. – A movie about a magical game that brings the jungle to life.
  9. – The main story in a movie or TV show.
  10. Potter – A movie series about a boy who goes to a school for wizards.
  1. – The first public showing of a new movie or TV show.
  2. – A superhero movie about a young man with spider-like powers.
  3. – Someone who plays a character in a movie or TV show.
  4. – An animated movie about two sisters, one with magical ice powers.
  5. – Watching movies or TV shows online without downloading them.
  6. – One part of a TV series, often about 30-60 minutes long.
  7. Avengers – A superhero team that fights to save the world.
  8. Story – An animated movie about toys that come to life when no one is watching.
  9. – The music played in a movie or TV show.
  10. effects – Technology used in movies to create things that aren't real, like explosions or monsters.

20 Clues: – A very popular and successful movie.– The main story in a movie or TV show.– The music played in a movie or TV show.– The person in charge of making a movie or TV show.– The first public showing of a new movie or TV show.– Someone who plays a character in a movie or TV show.– A movie that continues the story from an earlier one....

Superheroes & Superpowers 2018-08-03

Superheroes & Superpowers crossword puzzle
  1. Batman, Superman, and Dr. Strange all have different styles of this clothing accessory.
  2. This is the type of clothing that many superheroes wear.
  3. Antman has the power to _______ to microscopic sizes.
  4. Someone who cannot be damaged or destroyed is ___________.
  5. Someone who assists a superhero can be called a _________. (ex: Robin)
  6. This is the ability to see through solid objects.
  7. Instantly moving from one place to another is called _________.
  8. This is a fight that is usually really huge, violent, and epic.
  9. This is Superman’s ultimate weakness.
  10. Most superheroes have enhanced ________ or the ability to move quickly and gracefully.
  11. Something that cannot be destroyed (such as adamantium) is said to be ___________.
  12. An extreme genius who has the ability to plan or invent things that are crazy and brilliant.
  13. Speaking to others through the mind is called _________.
  14. Luffy from One Piece has the super ability to ________ to any length or size.
  15. This is a rival, an opponent, or an enemy of a superhero and is usually equal in power.
  16. Someone who
  17. Someone who fights crime without the help of law enforcement is a __________.
  18. This is the word that is often used for a bad guy in superhero stories.
  19. A superhero who can move very fast has the superpower of ________.
  20. The history of a superhero and how he/she became powerful is often called the _______ story.
  1. Someone who has gained superpowers from altered DNA is called a _______. (ex: X-Men)
  2. This is the power to travel through the air like a bird.
  3. It is a superhero’s job to ________ bad guys.
  4. The superpower of controlling fire is called ___________.
  5. Someone who can lift heavy things has a lot of _______.
  6. The power of moving objects with your mind is called _________.
  7. This is an adjective with the same meaning as brave.
  8. Iron Man has the superpower of extreme ___________.
  9. Someone who can live forever without dying of old age is __________.
  10. The ability to change appearance.
  11. This is the concept of fairness, equality, and morality that superheroes often try to uphold.
  12. This is a large protective shield made of energy.
  13. This ability allows someone to not be seen.
  14. The ability to change appearance.
  15. It is common for an evil character to have a hidden base called a ___________.
  16. Batman does not have any superpowers but he is super rich and uses lots of _________.
  17. The act of saving someone from a dangerous situation is called ________.
  18. Deadpool and Wolverine have the superpower of rapid ________.

38 Clues: Someone whoThe ability to change appearance.The ability to change appearance.This is Superman’s ultimate weakness.This ability allows someone to not be seen.It is a superhero’s job to ________ bad guys.This is a large protective shield made of energy.This is the ability to see through solid objects....

Spider - Man No Way Home Crossword Puzzle 2022-12-29

Spider - Man No Way Home Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. said "With great power comes great responsibility"
  2. Spider-Man joined this superhero team
  3. suit that Iron Man made for Spider-Man Liz Peter's first crush
  4. What Peter is a photographer for
  5. Villain that pretended to be a superhero
  6. Peter's best friends
  7. Peter's first girlfriend
  1. first villain that Spider-Man fought
  2. The colors that are on Spidermans suit
  3. Spider-Man's nickname
  4. Peter's Aunt and Uncle Ben's wife
  5. Secret identity of Spider - Man
  6. what gave Peter his powers
  7. Spider-Man's biggest fan
  8. Peter's crush

15 Clues: Peter's crushPeter's best friendsSpider-Man's nicknameSpider-Man's biggest fanPeter's first girlfriendwhat gave Peter his powersSecret identity of Spider - ManWhat Peter is a photographer forPeter's Aunt and Uncle Ben's wifefirst villain that Spider-Man foughtSpider-Man joined this superhero teamThe colors that are on Spidermans suit...

Taylor Swift Songs 2021-08-24

Taylor Swift Songs crossword puzzle
  1. dirty
  2. superhero
  3. yours
  4. 2ndAlbum
  5. color
  6. halloween
  1. magic
  2. visible
  3. switch
  4. fairytale
  5. woman
  6. famous
  7. you

13 Clues: youmagicdirtyyourswomancolorswitchfamousvisible2ndAlbumsuperherofairytalehalloween

Spider-Man 2020-06-15

Spider-Man crossword puzzle
  1. villain J.J.Jameson made to defeat Spider-Man
  2. suit that Iron Man made for Spider-Man
  3. symbiote villain that is black
  4. Spider-Man is this president's favorite superhero
  5. creator of Spider-Man
  6. Superhero that fought Spider-Man a lot
  7. one of Spider-Man's greatest enemies
  8. Peter's love interest
  9. very similar to Venom but red
  10. first and best actor to portray Spider-Man
  11. Spider-Man's "Bromance" partner
  12. first villain that Spider-Man fought
  13. African-American Spider-Man after Peter died
  14. company that Peter owns
  15. Spider-Man joined this superhero team
  16. villain that killed Spider-Man
  17. Peter's boss
  18. villain made up of sand
  19. Peter's first love
  1. said "With great power comes great responsibility"
  2. what gave Peter his powers
  3. Spider-Man's biggest fan
  4. Peter's first girlfriend
  5. what J.J.Jameson called Spider-Man
  6. Spider-Man's archenemy
  7. secret identity of Spider-Man
  8. what Peter is a photographer for
  9. Peter's best friend
  10. what Peter was in high school
  11. number of Spider-Man movies so far
  12. villain that is one of Peter's best friends
  13. Spider-Man from 2099 AD
  14. DC hero that Spider-Man fought
  15. occupation of Peter's parents before they died
  16. a clone of Spider-Man
  17. Spider-Man's nickname
  18. where Spider-Man lives and operates
  19. Peter's mom-like figure and Uncle Ben's wife

38 Clues: Peter's bossPeter's first lovePeter's best friendcreator of Spider-ManPeter's love interesta clone of Spider-ManSpider-Man's nicknameSpider-Man's archenemySpider-Man from 2099 ADcompany that Peter ownsvillain made up of sandSpider-Man's biggest fanPeter's first girlfriendwhat gave Peter his powerssecret identity of Spider-Man...

Grade 3 Spelling List #16 2018-10-24

Grade 3 Spelling List #16 crossword puzzle
  1. durmiendo
  2. tiempo libre
  3. picnic
  4. disfrutar
  5. globo de agua
  6. abajo
  7. deslizando
  8. chateando
  1. bicicleta
  2. superhéroe
  3. escuchando
  4. mirando
  5. libros
  6. estar de acuerdo
  7. montando

15 Clues: abajopicniclibrosmirandomontandobicicletadurmiendodisfrutarchateandosuperhéroeescuchandodeslizandotiempo libreglobo de aguaestar de acuerdo

Olilang Trivia 2023-05-30

Olilang Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. new jersey
  2. sees candy
  3. laugher
  4. hacker
  5. cleaner
  6. blasian
  7. butcher
  8. fire wrestler
  9. veteran
  10. triple smoker
  1. nails
  2. gardener
  3. hustler
  4. wild shedder dog
  5. superhero dog
  6. rawr
  7. boss
  8. engineer
  9. stand up comedian
  10. senior citizen dog
  11. old lady dog

21 Clues: rawrbossnailshackerhustlerlaughercleanerblasianbutcherveterangardenerengineernew jerseysees candyold lady dogsuperhero dogfire wrestlertriple smokerwild shedder dogstand up comediansenior citizen dog

Cartoons 2 2025-01-08

Cartoons 2 crossword puzzle
  1. - Zoo animals on an unexpected journey.
  2. - A young man who transforms into a bear.
  3. - Colorful creatures who sing and hug a lot.
  4. - A small worker ant with big dreams.
  5. - A town where food falls from the sky.
  6. - A dog who thinks he's a superhero.
  7. - The snow queen with ice powers.
  8. - A boy with a magical gemstone.
  9. - A wild horse on a big adventure.
  10. - A boy genius with crazy inventions.
  11. - A Disney movie with magical music.
  12. - A snail with incredible racing speed.
  13. - A tiny fairy who helps Peter Pan.
  14. - A bull who loves flowers.
  1. - A talking horse in a popular animated series.
  2. - Charlie Brown and his dog Snoopy.
  3. - A blue cat and his quirky family.
  4. PATROL - A team of heroic pups saving the day.
  5. - A penguin who dances instead of sings.
  6. - Scrooge McDuck and his adventurous nephews.
  7. - Three superhero girls created in a lab.
  8. - A bear and a deer becoming unlikely friends.
  9. - A movie about prehistoric creatures on a journey.
  10. - A friendly ghost who loves making friends.
  11. - A robot boy superhero.
  12. - Penguins competing in a surfing competition.
  13. - An explorer with a talking backpack.
  14. - A supervillain who finds his heroic side.
  15. - A girl who discovers a creepy alternate world.
  16. - An Australian Blue Heeler pup and her family.

30 Clues: - A robot boy superhero.- A bull who loves flowers.- A boy with a magical gemstone.- The snow queen with ice powers.- A wild horse on a big adventure.- Charlie Brown and his dog Snoopy.- A blue cat and his quirky family.- A tiny fairy who helps Peter Pan.- A dog who thinks he's a superhero.- A Disney movie with magical music....

Mod 2 Vocab-Spanish III 2022-11-09

Mod 2 Vocab-Spanish III crossword puzzle
  1. for
  2. without
  3. to remember, recall, remind
  4. quiet, silent
  5. to like
  6. to dream
  7. disobedient
  8. talkative, chatty
  9. obedient
  1. to bother
  2. to imagine, envision, picture
  3. naughty, mischievous
  4. during
  5. park
  6. outside
  7. superhero
  8. to watch, look
  9. childhood
  10. with

19 Clues: forparkwithduringwithoutto likeoutsideto dreamobedientto bothersuperherochildhooddisobedientquiet, silentto watch, looktalkative, chattynaughty, mischievousto remember, recall, remindto imagine, envision, picture

Sip & Solve 2024-03-10

Sip & Solve crossword puzzle
  1. How many siblings does the bride have?
  2. The groom’s go-to dish is ____, rice, and eggs.
  3. Where did the groom propose?
  4. What is the Bride’s favorite aphrodisiac to eat?
  5. The month the groom proposed to the bride?
  6. What is our dog’s name?
  7. The groom’s guilty-pleasure breakfast is ____ & coffee.
  8. The Bride’s mom’s name
  9. What is the bride’s middle name?
  1. Where was the couple’s first date? Movies or Bowling.
  2. Bride eats hot Cheetos with _____.
  3. What is the bride’s birthday month?
  4. What is the Bride’s nickname?
  5. Where did the couple meet?
  6. What is the groom’s middle name?
  7. Groom’s favorite Marvel superhero?
  8. What is the groom’s birthday month?
  9. If the groom needs to order from a taco truck, what would he get?
  10. Bride’s favorite Marvel superhero?
  11. The couple’s favorite restaurant?

20 Clues: The Bride’s mom’s nameWhat is our dog’s name?Where did the couple meet?Where did the groom propose?What is the Bride’s nickname?What is the groom’s middle name?What is the bride’s middle name?The couple’s favorite restaurant?Bride eats hot Cheetos with _____.Groom’s favorite Marvel superhero?Bride’s favorite Marvel superhero?...

superhero 2024-05-17

superhero crossword puzzle
  1. webs
  2. Black
  3. dead parents
  1. rich
  2. Frozen for a while
  3. Green big boy

6 Clues: richwebsBlackdead parentsGreen big boyFrozen for a while

Professions 2022-05-06

Professions crossword puzzle
  1. policial
  2. médico
  3. piloto
  4. mergulhador
  5. detetive
  6. dentista
  7. bombeiro
  8. astronauta
  9. lixeiro
  10. músico
  11. jogador
  12. bibliotecário
  13. encanador
  14. soldado
  1. professor
  2. cauboi
  3. artista
  4. caugarota
  5. pirata
  6. fazendeiro
  7. astrônomo
  8. veterinário
  9. confeiteiro
  10. carteiro
  11. jardineiro
  12. super herói
  13. cientista

27 Clues: cauboimédicopilotopiratamúsicoartistalixeirojogadorsoldadopolicialdetetivedentistacarteirobombeiroprofessorcaugarotaastrônomocientistaencanadorfazendeirojardineiroastronautamergulhadorveterinárioconfeiteirosuper heróibibliotecário

Superhero Camp Day 1 2021-12-26

Superhero Camp Day 1 crossword puzzle
  1. 시민
  2. 모습
  3. 캐릭터
  4. 사악한
  5. 보호하다
  6. 악당
  7. 사려주다
  1. 묘사하다
  2. 대단한
  3. 슈퍼히어로
  4. 영웅
  5. 슈퍼악당
  6. 정체성

13 Clues: 시민영웅모습악당대단한캐릭터사악한정체성묘사하다슈퍼악당보호하다사려주다슈퍼히어로

Academy final challenge 2024-12-05

Academy final challenge crossword puzzle
  1. The ability to fly through the air
  2. Special clothing worn by a superhero to hide their identity
  3. The ability to become unseen or disappear
  4. To get away from a dangerous situation
  5. Doing what is right and making sure that everyone is treated fairly
  6. A bad person who tries to hurt others or cause trouble
  7. Special tools or equipment that superheroes use to help them with their tasks
  1. A special task or job that a superhero must complete to help others
  2. A person who helps others and does good things, often with special powers or abilities
  3. The ability to move from one place to another instantly
  4. The ability to do something special, like invisibility or super strength
  5. A protective item used by a superhero to defend themselves from attacks

12 Clues: The ability to fly through the airTo get away from a dangerous situationThe ability to become unseen or disappearA bad person who tries to hurt others or cause troubleThe ability to move from one place to another instantlySpecial clothing worn by a superhero to hide their identityA special task or job that a superhero must complete to help others...

Superheroes 2022-05-30

Superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. A weapon with a silent "w"
  2. Iron Man's real identity
  3. Superman wears one
  4. He is green, strong and can lift anything
  5. Captain America has one to protect people
  6. Namor and Aquaman can do it under water
  7. Thor's weapon
  1. Iron Man created it to become a superhero
  2. He can shoot webs from his wrists
  3. Mr. Fantastic can do it
  4. You can wear it on your head
  5. Storm can control it
  6. Mrs Fagnoni's favorite superhero lives in Gotham City

13 Clues: Thor's weaponSuperman wears oneStorm can control itMr. Fantastic can do itIron Man's real identityA weapon with a silent "w"You can wear it on your headHe can shoot webs from his wristsNamor and Aquaman can do it under waterIron Man created it to become a superheroHe is green, strong and can lift anythingCaptain America has one to protect people...

IGYUK Angol rejtvény 2022 Augusztus 2022-08-23

IGYUK Angol rejtvény 2022 Augusztus crossword puzzle
  1. An action comic title known for its excessive violence
  2. Bruce ... = Batman's secret identity
  3. Batman's greatest villain
  4. Graphic novel by Alan Moore
  5. Villain of the Spider-Man comics
  1. Garfield's partner, John's other pet
  2. ... Lee well known comic artist
  3. Blind superhero
  4. ... Duck, quack-quack
  5. ... Knight, superhero with multiple personalities

10 Clues: Blind superhero... Duck, quack-quackBatman's greatest villainGraphic novel by Alan Moore... Lee well known comic artistVillain of the Spider-Man comicsGarfield's partner, John's other petBruce ... = Batman's secret identity... Knight, superhero with multiple personalitiesAn action comic title known for its excessive violence

Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid Crossword 2021-10-08

Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. something that is like a journal
  2. Rowley Jefferson and Greg Heffley
  3. something Rowley doesn't like to be
  4. something Greg is bad at being
  5. Greg's version of a diary
  1. a really annoying catch phrase
  2. Someone who doesn't like greg
  3. Greg's superhero
  4. someplace awful for teenagers
  5. Rowley's superhero

10 Clues: Greg's superheroRowley's superheroGreg's version of a diarySomeone who doesn't like gregsomeplace awful for teenagersa really annoying catch phrasesomething Greg is bad at beingsomething that is like a journalRowley Jefferson and Greg Heffleysomething Rowley doesn't like to be

Costumes 2022-11-01

Costumes crossword puzzle
  1. superhero
  2. dragon
  1. pirate
  2. butterfly
  3. astronaut
  4. cupcake
  5. princess

7 Clues: piratedragoncupcakeprincessbutterflyastronautsuperhero

Prefix 'sub' and 'super' 2023-02-05

Prefix 'sub' and 'super' crossword puzzle
  1. A famous superhero
  2. Being better than a human
  3. An underground passage or a type of sandwich
  4. Being of a lower rank
  5. An underwater vehicle
  6. To watch over something
  1. To replace something
  2. Dunking something underwater
  3. A heading that comes after the main heading
  4. Something that a superhero has

10 Clues: A famous superheroTo replace somethingBeing of a lower rankAn underwater vehicleTo watch over somethingBeing better than a humanDunking something underwaterSomething that a superhero hasA heading that comes after the main headingAn underground passage or a type of sandwich

Superheroes and Fun 2021-02-23

Superheroes and Fun crossword puzzle
  1. If you had Arachnophobia, you are scared of what
  2. A group of Lions
  3. Peppa Pig's little brother
  4. Town where the Flintstones live
  5. Anna's sister in Frozen
  6. Mickey Mouse's pet dog
  7. How many legs a spider has
  8. this small, spikey animal has super SONIC speed
  9. The molten rock that spills from a volcano
  10. A female deer
  11. This could make Harry Potter Invisible
  12. The Princess in Shrek
  1. Batman's sidekick
  2. An element that makes Superman weak
  3. Where the American president stays
  4. The fastest animal
  5. A caterpillar turns into one of these
  6. The home of Superman
  7. The city of the Eiffel Tower
  8. A superhero who spins webs
  9. The fairy in Peter Pan
  10. Incredible superhero who turns green
  11. patron Saint of Wales
  12. A young sheep

24 Clues: A female deerA young sheepA group of LionsBatman's sidekickThe fastest animalThe home of Supermanpatron Saint of WalesThe Princess in ShrekMickey Mouse's pet dogThe fairy in Peter PanAnna's sister in FrozenPeppa Pig's little brotherA superhero who spins websHow many legs a spider hasThe city of the Eiffel TowerTown where the Flintstones live...

Braun & Only 2024-09-09

Braun & Only crossword puzzle
  1. Erica’s middle name.
  2. Town where Erica grew up.
  3. Erica’s favorite color.
  4. Ryan’s favorite superhero.
  5. Proposal month.
  6. One of their dog’s names.
  7. State the couple lives in now.
  8. The couple’s favorite pet.
  9. Name of the couple’s favorite book series.(6 words)
  10. Name of the street they live on.
  11. Ryan’s dream car.
  12. Ryan’s middle name.
  13. One of their dog’s names.
  14. One of their dog’s names.
  15. Location of first date.
  16. The game they met on.
  1. Their elopement honeymoon.
  2. Town where Ryan grew up.
  3. Ryan’s favorite animal.
  4. Ryan’s favorite music artist. (2 words)
  5. Month they eloped.
  6. Branch of Ryan’s service.
  7. Name of the creature the couple has matching tattoos of.
  8. One of their dog’s names.
  9. Erica’s favorite music artist. (2 words)
  10. Asian love theory couple relates to. (2 Words)
  11. Erica’s favorite animal.
  12. Erica’s favorite scary movie.
  13. Erica’s favorite superhero.
  14. The couple’s song.

30 Clues: Proposal month.Ryan’s dream car.Month they eloped.The couple’s song.Ryan’s middle name.Erica’s middle name.The game they met on.Erica’s favorite color.Ryan’s favorite animal.Location of first date.Town where Ryan grew up.Erica’s favorite animal.Town where Erica grew up.Branch of Ryan’s service.One of their dog’s names.One of their dog’s names....

The flash 2023-04-14

The flash crossword puzzle
  1. dead
  2. rival
  3. wife
  4. student
  5. arsenal
  6. superhero friend
  7. resurrected
  1. speedy
  2. friend
  3. overwatch
  4. spartan
  5. alien
  6. friend
  7. how many people barry has kissed
  8. father
  9. criminal turned hero
  10. dead legend

17 Clues: deadwiferivalalienspeedyfriendfriendfatherspartanstudentarsenaloverwatchresurrecteddead legendsuperhero friendcriminal turned herohow many people barry has kissed

Superheroes 2022-01-13

Superheroes crossword puzzle
  1. 미친
  2. 예쁘다
  3. 강하다
  4. 잘 생겼다
  5. 슈퍼히어로
  6. 비행
  7. 텔레파시
  1. 용감하다
  2. 스트레칭
  3. 약점
  4. 악당
  5. 조수
  6. 빠르다

13 Clues: 미친약점악당조수비행예쁘다강하다빠르다용감하다스트레칭텔레파시잘 생겼다슈퍼히어로

Guess the Female Superhero 2017-02-12

Guess the Female Superhero crossword puzzle
  1. Sometimes an anti-hero; often a sidekick of Daredevil
  2. Has her own show on Netflix, second female member of the "The Defenders"
  3. The daughter of Gotham Police Commissioner James Gordon
  4. Adopted by Thanos, to become a deadly assassin;later joined Guardians of The Galaxy
  5. Probably the most iconic female superhero;hails from Amazonian island of Themyscira
  1. A vigilante of Star City; recently killed of in the show "Arrow"
  2. Daughter of Batman & Catwoman
  3. reincarnated Egyptian princess who, often appears with her male counterpart in comics
  4. Brie Larson has been cast by Marvel to star in a movie with same name as this superhero
  5. Alter ego of the first Muslim superhero to lead her own comics
  6. Core member of "The Avengers"; a former bad girl out for redemption
  7. Recruited by Professor X to join X-Men; abilities include weather manipulation
  8. Will partner up Scott Lang in the next Ant Man movie

13 Clues: Daughter of Batman & CatwomanWill partner up Scott Lang in the next Ant Man movieSometimes an anti-hero; often a sidekick of DaredevilThe daughter of Gotham Police Commissioner James GordonAlter ego of the first Muslim superhero to lead her own comicsA vigilante of Star City; recently killed of in the show "Arrow"...

Superhero and Supervillains 2022-06-26

Superhero and Supervillains crossword puzzle
  3. Brother of thor
  4. A strage hero
  5. Half man, Half robot
  6. Acquaintance of Batman
  7. king of the ocean
  8. Fear of Kryptonite
  1. A teen titan from space
  2. Swing web to web
  3. Lightning God. From mortal kombat
  4. He has a ___mobile
  5. An acquaintance of Joker
  6. She has a sword&shield

14 Clues: HEHEHEHEHEHA strage heroBrother of thorSwing web to webking of the oceanHe has a ___mobileFear of KryptoniteHalf man, Half robotAcquaintance of BatmanShe has a sword&shieldA teen titan from spaceAn acquaintance of JokerWHO LET THE HAMMER DOWN!?Lightning God. From mortal kombat

The flash 2023-04-14

The flash crossword puzzle
  1. dead
  2. rival
  3. wife
  4. student
  5. arsenal
  6. superhero friend
  7. resurrected
  1. speedy
  2. friend
  3. overwatch
  4. spartan
  5. alien
  6. friend
  7. how many people barry has kissed
  8. father
  9. criminal turned hero
  10. dead legend

17 Clues: deadwiferivalalienspeedyfriendfriendfatherspartanstudentarsenaloverwatchresurrecteddead legendsuperhero friendcriminal turned herohow many people barry has kissed

Game 2025-01-03

Game crossword puzzle
  1. India state
  2. Biology
  3. Anime
  4. Kitchen Staple
  5. Teammate
  6. Angelina Jolie Movie
  7. Hero
  8. Disease
  9. Superhero
  1. Video Game character
  2. FREC
  3. Athlete
  4. A hobby
  5. Holiday
  6. Ex seven wonder
  7. Animal
  8. Asian Dish

17 Clues: FRECHeroAnimeAnimalAthleteA hobbyBiologyHolidayDiseaseTeammateSuperheroAsian DishIndia stateKitchen StapleEx seven wonderVideo Game characterAngelina Jolie Movie

The CHALLENGE: Peter's Birthday Games 2021-08-12

The CHALLENGE: Peter's Birthday Games crossword puzzle
  1. His favorite DC superhero is?
  2. Who is Peter's favorite basketball team?
  3. Who is Peter's oldest(longest) friend here?
  4. Who is his best friend?
  5. His favorite color is?
  6. His favorite DJ is?
  7. The name of his parents' donut shop is?
  1. Who's Birthday is up next?!
  2. Are you having fun?
  3. Who is Peter's favorite football player?
  4. His favorite Marvel Superhero is?

11 Clues: Are you having fun?His favorite DJ is?His favorite color is?Who is his best friend?Who's Birthday is up next?!His favorite DC superhero is?His favorite Marvel Superhero is?The name of his parents' donut shop is?Who is Peter's favorite football player?Who is Peter's favorite basketball team?Who is Peter's oldest(longest) friend here?

Puzzle 2022-08-26

Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. sport with 18 holes and metal clubs
  2. sport with rackets and a net. can play with singles or doubles
  3. big carnivore dinosaur that is king of dinosaurs
  4. The ocean by Boston
  5. capital and biggest city of Massachusetts
  6. Last day of the school week
  7. city you live in
  8. Day of the week 2 days before Wednesday
  1. staff name
  2. superhero from Krypton
  3. superhero that shoots webs and climbs walls
  4. BCBA name

12 Clues: BCBA namestaff namecity you live inThe ocean by Bostonsuperhero from KryptonLast day of the school weeksport with 18 holes and metal clubsDay of the week 2 days before Wednesdaycapital and biggest city of Massachusettssuperhero that shoots webs and climbs wallsbig carnivore dinosaur that is king of dinosaurs...

Superhero : unit vocab 2023-04-18

Superhero : unit vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a special quality that makes something different from other things
  2. to show, or point out, something
  3. showing or having good qualities, like honesty and bravery
  4. unable to die; everlasting
  5. an imaginary or fictional way of sending thoughts from one person’s mind to another’s without using sounds or signs
  6. when sound or light bounce off an object or to think carefully about something
  1. to see or notice something
  2. to bring back
  3. as a result
  4. to get or make the most out of something
  5. a powerful effect
  6. exact
  7. very unfriendly; describing an enemy

13 Clues: exactas a resultto bring backa powerful effectto see or notice somethingunable to die; everlastingto show, or point out, somethingvery unfriendly; describing an enemyto get or make the most out of somethingshowing or having good qualities, like honesty and braverya special quality that makes something different from other things...

The Watchmen 2023-10-07

The Watchmen crossword puzzle
  1. super hero in relation ship with nightowl helps brake rorschach out of jail.
  2. retierd super villan who rorschach vists multiply times in the story.
  3. city ware the book manly takes place.
  4. author of Watchmen
  5. killed half of New York to save the whole world also goes by the world's smartest man.
  6. superhero who gained powers after being exposed to radiation.
  1. the act that made superheros illegal.
  2. super hero with lots of gadjets helps brake rorshach out of jail.
  3. superhero who is killed during the start of the book.
  4. superhero who wears a white mask with black markings over it.

10 Clues: author of Watchmenthe act that made superheros ware the book manly takes place.superhero who is killed during the start of the book.superhero who wears a white mask with black markings over it.superhero who gained powers after being exposed to radiation.super hero with lots of gadjets helps brake rorshach out of jail....

She Delivers 2023-01-04

She Delivers crossword puzzle
  1. The missing superhero who is still alive
  2. What the red names on the family tree mean
  3. A spotted dog commonly found in fire stations
  4. The password
  5. Ghost Girl’s companion
  6. His story is in most of your dark secret sections
  7. A type of weapon; a legendary one was said to have been able to cause volcanoes to erupt
  8. The number of lit candles
  9. The forty-second word in the song
  1. The Taylor Swift classic, covered by Olivia Best
  2. The superhero who can stun you
  3. Verity Best
  4. A serial cheater
  5. Captain Butterfly’s favorite character
  6. The one who the ghosts speak to
  7. The number of Captain Butterfly quotes

16 Clues: Verity BestThe passwordA serial cheaterGhost Girl’s companionThe number of lit candlesThe superhero who can stun youThe one who the ghosts speak toThe forty-second word in the songCaptain Butterfly’s favorite characterThe number of Captain Butterfly quotesThe missing superhero who is still aliveWhat the red names on the family tree mean...

New Superhero Movie 2015-05-01

New Superhero Movie crossword puzzle
  1. The ____________________ is "Avengers: Age of Ultron."
  2. It is an entertainment ____________________.
  3. They must work ____________________ to stop the robot.
  4. The Avengers is a ____________________ of superheroes.
  5. Will the ____________________ stop the robot?
  6. Their ____________________ movie was in 2012.
  1. The superheroes want to stop the ____________________.
  2. The story's ____________________ is "New Superman Movie."
  3. Superhero movies have ____________________ fans.
  4. A superhero movie is in ____________________ May 1.
  5. The robot is ____________________ and very smart.
  6. In the new movie, a robot wants to ____________________ Earth.

12 Clues: It is an entertainment ____________________.Will the ____________________ stop the robot?Their ____________________ movie was in 2012.Superhero movies have ____________________ fans.The robot is ____________________ and very smart.A superhero movie is in ____________________ May 1.The superheroes want to stop the ____________________....

COLOURS 2022-11-25

COLOURS crossword puzzle
  2. STORY)


MOVIES GENRES 2021-10-12

MOVIES GENRES crossword puzzle
  1. scifi
  2. romance
  3. superhero
  1. western
  2. action
  3. comedy
  4. horror

7 Clues: scifiactioncomedyhorrorwesternromancesuperhero

Superhero Powers 2014-12-08

Superhero Powers crossword puzzle
  1. Incredible-Hulk
  2. Superman
  3. Goku
  4. Elsa
  5. Leonardo
  6. Wonderwoman
  1. Batman
  2. Captain-America
  3. Ironman

9 Clues: GokuElsaBatmanIronmanSupermanLeonardoWonderwomanCaptain-AmericaIncredible-Hulk