twilight Crossword Puzzles

Fear Vocab pt 1 Review 2024-09-10

Fear Vocab pt 1 Review crossword puzzle
  1. narrow crack or opening
  2. ending or downfall
  3. destroy completely
  4. mental process of gaining knowledge - having to do with the brain
  5. entrance room
  6. a thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organism
  7. shout loudly and insistently
  8. not spoken out loud or expressed
  9. in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects
  1. remote; set back
  2. active during twilight; of or resembling twilight
  3. a tension or clash
  4. causing vertigo (dizziness), especially by being extremely high or steep
  5. very great age
  6. not well-known
  7. loud, exited, and emotional
  8. large; roomy
  9. violent or forceful pulling apart of something
  10. a disturbed state of mind that occurs in fever, intoxication, and other disorders and is characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence of thought and speech
  11. difficult to hear because something is covering and softening the sound

20 Clues: large; roomyentrance roomvery great agenot well-knownremote; set backa tension or clashending or downfalldestroy completelynarrow crack or openingloud, exited, and emotionalshout loudly and insistentlynot spoken out loud or expressedviolent or forceful pulling apart of somethingactive during twilight; of or resembling twilight...

Zombies and more -test- 2021-10-13

Zombies and more -test- crossword puzzle
  1. ramper
  2. trouver
  3. vers l'arrière
  4. attendre
  5. la peur
  6. là, là-bas
  7. minuit
  8. un cimetière
  9. à travers
  10. un fantôme
  11. prêt(e)
  1. dans la direction de ...
  2. fermer à clef
  3. une bande annonce
  4. vers l'avant
  5. les dents
  6. le crépuscule
  7. partir, quitter
  8. ici
  9. le dégoût
  10. pendant que

21 Clues: iciramperminuittrouverla peurprêt(e)attendreles dentsle dégoûtà traverslà, là-basun fantômependant quevers l'avantun cimetièrefermer à clefle crépusculevers l'arrièrepartir, quitterune bande annoncedans la direction de ...

Twilight Zone 2024-01-16

Twilight Zone crossword puzzle
  1. not likely to be true
  2. a small remaining quantity
  3. the act of speaking against God
  4. a person who is guided or supported by another
  5. expensive-looking
  1. explorer or navigator
  2. friendly, good natured
  3. showing concern or interest
  4. force of character,determination,or nerve
  5. of little importance

10 Clues: expensive-lookingof little importanceexplorer or navigatornot likely to be truefriendly, good natureda small remaining quantityshowing concern or interestthe act of speaking against Godforce of character,determination,or nervea person who is guided or supported by another

LE PETIT PRINCE CHAPT 6-7 2022-03-08

LE PETIT PRINCE CHAPT 6-7 crossword puzzle
  1. rencontrer
  2. coucher de soleil
  3. everything that
  4. tight
  5. to give up
  6. un boulon
  7. tellement
  8. to be enough for
  9. le crepuscule
  10. la mechancete
  11. une epine
  1. to ask a question
  2. worried
  3. grave
  4. eloigne
  5. irritated
  6. to unscrew

17 Clues: gravetightworriedeloigneun boulontellementirritatedune epinerencontrerto give upto unscrewle crepusculela mechanceteeverything thatto be enough forto ask a questioncoucher de soleil

Twilight Words 2022-09-08

Twilight Words crossword puzzle
  1. a power some vampires have...
  2. Edward And Bella Fall In
  3. the town Charlie lives
  4. The Main Character
  5. The Love Intrest
  1. Bella Leads Herself through the story into
  2. Bella's Best Friend
  3. The first name of the author
  4. Edward and his family are vampires
  5. a school dance the characters go to

10 Clues: The Love IntrestThe Main CharacterBella's Best Friendthe town Charlie livesEdward And Bella Fall InThe first name of the authora power some vampires have...Edward and his family are vampiresa school dance the characters go toBella Leads Herself through the story into

Ocean Zones 2023-09-06

Ocean Zones crossword puzzle
  1. A type of vehicle used for deep-sea exploration.
  2. Tiny plants that float in the sunlight zone.
  3. Where most plants in the ocean grow.
  4. The deepest, darkest part of the ocean.
  5. The zone where you find twilight creatures.
  6. How creatures survive in different ocean zones.
  7. The ability of some creatures to glow in the dark.
  8. The ocean's deepest and most mysterious zone.
  9. What increases as you go deeper into the ocean.
  1. The zone where it starts to get dark.
  2. Tiny animals that drift with ocean currents.
  3. Another name for the sunlight zone.
  4. Animals that can swim against the current.
  5. Where the water is pitch black.
  6. Home to strange-looking deep-sea fish.

15 Clues: Where the water is pitch black.Another name for the sunlight zone.Where most plants in the ocean grow.The zone where it starts to get dark.Home to strange-looking deep-sea fish.The deepest, darkest part of the ocean.Animals that can swim against the current.The zone where you find twilight creatures.Tiny animals that drift with ocean currents....

Esperanza Renace Vocab. cap. 1-2 2021-09-15

Esperanza Renace Vocab. cap. 1-2 crossword puzzle
  1. vulture
  2. ambush
  3. lace
  4. goatee
  5. scythe
  1. bandits
  2. twilight
  3. will
  4. de llaves, housekeeper
  5. vine
  6. lattice
  7. winery

12 Clues: willlacevineambushgoateewineryscythebanditsvulturelatticetwilightde llaves, housekeeper

Stars and stripes 2023-11-09

Stars and stripes crossword puzzle
  1. skymning
  2. försvara
  3. hamn
  4. gryning
  5. stolthet
  6. strid
  1. ränder
  2. hymn,(national)sång
  3. självständig
  4. farlig
  5. flagga
  6. författare

12 Clues: hamnstridränderfarligflaggagryningskymningförsvarastolthetförfattaresjälvständighymn,(national)sång

Twilight Saga 2022-12-13

Twilight Saga crossword puzzle
  1. who was the main character
  2. who was the leader of the council
  3. during the fight who tried to hurt edward
  4. who assumed that she was getting married because she was pregnant
  5. who was bella's daughter's name
  1. who was bella's mom's name
  2. who had all the visions before it happened
  3. who tried to kill bella in the room of mirrors
  4. who was like a second mom to bella
  5. besides edward who was in love with bella

10 Clues: who was bella's mom's namewho was the main characterwho was bella's daughter's namewho was the leader of the councilwho was like a second mom to belladuring the fight who tried to hurt edwardbesides edward who was in love with bellawho had all the visions before it happenedwho tried to kill bella in the room of mirrors...

Twilight boek 2024-04-06

Twilight boek crossword puzzle
  1. Wie is het hoofdpersonage?
  2. Wat is Carlisle zijn job?
  3. Met hoeveel woont Edward?
  4. Wat is Edward voor wezen?
  5. Wat is de naam van haar vader?
  1. Waar gaat Isabella naartoe in haar vrije tijd?
  2. Wat zag Alice in haar visioen?
  3. Op wie is Isabella verliefd?
  4. Wat is Isabella heel vaak?
  5. Waar komt Isabella vandaan?

10 Clues: Wat is Carlisle zijn job?Met hoeveel woont Edward?Wat is Edward voor wezen?Wie is het hoofdpersonage?Wat is Isabella heel vaak?Waar komt Isabella vandaan?Op wie is Isabella verliefd?Wat zag Alice in haar visioen?Wat is de naam van haar vader?Waar gaat Isabella naartoe in haar vrije tijd?

Esperanza Renace Vocab. cap. 1-2 2021-09-15

Esperanza Renace Vocab. cap. 1-2 crossword puzzle
  1. bandits
  2. winery
  3. lattice
  4. ambush
  5. goatee
  6. lace
  1. will
  2. scythe
  3. vine
  4. twilight
  5. vulture

11 Clues: willvinelacewineryscytheambushgoateebanditslatticevulturetwilight

spanish 2021-11-12

spanish crossword puzzle
  1. de Wall Street
  2. 1962 john and clarence
  3. FNAF
  4. ropa elegante de escuela
  5. vidrio
  6. amogus
  7. lo que mas quieres
  8. empleadas deben
  9. LOTR
  1. capitan
  2. Twilight
  3. chico malo
  4. menique
  5. Micheal Scott
  6. Ted Bundy
  7. cuerpo
  8. liberado en 1863
  9. jack napier
  10. papel del mundo
  11. deportes

20 Clues: FNAFLOTRcuerpovidrioamoguscapitanmeniqueTwilightdeportesTed Bundychico malojack napierMicheal Scottde Wall Streetpapel del mundoempleadas debenliberado en 1863lo que mas quieres1962 john and clarenceropa elegante de escuela

Unit1 2022-10-03

Unit1 crossword puzzle
  1. робкий
  2. острый/точно
  3. зеркало
  4. мужественный
  5. надежный
  6. скромный
  7. лысый
  8. мебель
  9. разочарованный
  10. усы
  11. вязать
  12. челка
  13. обидчивый
  14. агрессивный
  15. коса
  16. потерскивать
  1. бакенбарды
  2. раздражительный
  3. бледный
  4. пухленький
  5. сумерки
  6. хвостик
  7. кудрявый
  8. прямой
  9. довольный
  10. неряшливый
  11. упрямый
  12. несовершенный
  13. тщетный
  14. женственная

30 Clues: усыкосалысыйчелкаробкиймебельпрямойвязатьбледныйзеркалосумеркихвостикупрямыйтщетныйнадежныйскромныйкудрявыйдовольныйобидчивыйбакенбардыпухленькийнеряшливыйагрессивныйженственнаяострый/точномужественныйпотерскиватьнесовершенныйразочарованныйраздражительный

A SHADY PLOT 2023-08-14

A SHADY PLOT crossword puzzle
  1. Strange
  2. Pressurized
  3. Sharp corners
  4. Dusk
  5. long piece of cloth
  6. an inclination towards a particular behavior
  7. Strange
  8. Spoke angrily
  9. Suitable
  1. Parts
  2. Overconfident
  3. Ran after
  4. Idea
  5. Unsuccessful
  6. Slightest clue
  7. Trend
  8. Troubling
  9. Move away slowly
  10. To find something
  11. Help
  12. Rolled up
  13. look intently
  14. scream

23 Clues: IdeaDuskHelpPartsTrendscreamStrangeStrangeSuitableRan afterTroublingRolled upPressurizedUnsuccessfulOverconfidentSharp cornersSpoke angrilylook intentlySlightest clueMove away slowlyTo find somethinglong piece of clothan inclination towards a particular behavior

French 2/3 Vocab #2 2024-05-16

French 2/3 Vocab #2 crossword puzzle
  1. usually
  2. to lie
  3. fall (n)
  4. reward
  5. twilight
  6. throat
  7. mouth
  8. freedom
  9. to kill
  10. magic wand
  11. bridge
  12. horse
  13. eldest, oldest
  1. fox
  2. once upon a time
  3. inn
  4. crow
  5. wax
  6. on the ground
  7. truth
  8. the next day
  9. bull
  10. wings
  11. wall
  12. feathers

25 Clues: foxinnwaxcrowbullwalltruthmouthwingshorseto lierewardthroatbridgeusuallyfreedomto killfall (n)twilightfeathersmagic wandthe next dayon the groundeldest, oldestonce upon a time

Twilight Zone Vocabulary 2024-05-08

Twilight Zone Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. gives the audience hints or signs about the future of the character or storyline
  2. A way to divide a plot in drama. Each is a group of scenes that form an important part of the story.
  3. Unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people and their actions
  4. A thing or event attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature
  5. any image, object, or action that stands for a deeper meaning
  6. A remarkable or extraordinary person, event, or wonder
  1. a feeling of excitement or anxiety while waiting for something uncertain to happen
  2. a device that moves an audience from the present moment in a chronological narrative to a scene in the past
  3. an unsuspected occurrence or turn of events in the story that completely changes the direction or expected outcome of the plot
  4. A short mini-act at the beginning of the show that is used to set up the episode and catch the audience's attention
  5. when phrases in a sentence have similar or the same grammatical structure
  6. the forbidding of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security
  7. a story within a story. It has a “surface story” that contains a hidden political or moral message
  8. When the camera moves horizontally from one direction to the other. Can also include moving up and down or diagonally.
  9. A situation or event that seems purposely contrary to expectations
  10. A collection of selected writings, radio, or television episodes - usually on the same genre or subject - but with different storyline and characters

16 Clues: A remarkable or extraordinary person, event, or wonderany image, object, or action that stands for a deeper meaningA situation or event that seems purposely contrary to expectationsUnjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people and their actionswhen phrases in a sentence have similar or the same grammatical structure...

A DOG NAMED DUKE 2022-07-07

A DOG NAMED DUKE crossword puzzle
  1. Changing well paid
  2. To shake
  3. pushed
  4. Target
  5. Jumped
  6. Bark
  7. Evening
  1. Desk Job
  2. Dangerous
  3. Fatal
  4. Tight
  5. Criticising

12 Clues: BarkFatalTightpushedTargetJumpedEveningDesk JobTo shakeDangerousCriticisingChanging well paid

A DOG NAMED DUKE 2022-07-07

A DOG NAMED DUKE crossword puzzle
  1. Changing well paid
  2. To shake
  3. pushed
  4. Target
  5. Jumped
  6. Bark
  7. Evening
  1. Desk Job
  2. Dangerous
  3. Fatal
  4. Tight
  5. Criticising

12 Clues: BarkFatalTightpushedTargetJumpedEveningDesk JobTo shakeDangerousCriticisingChanging well paid

Tigers at Twilight 2018-02-01

Tigers at Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. To turn something over by throwing it up in the air with a quick movement.
  2. To pass the tongue over an object.
  3. A narrow shelf that is attached to the bottom of a window.
  4. Different from what is usual or normal.
  5. To run or move quickly or suddenly.
  6. A tropical forest where plants and trees grow very thickly.
  7. To suddenly force air out through your nose and mouth with a usually loud noise.
  1. A puzzling questions.
  2. To utter the harsh raucous natural call of the crow or similar cry.
  3. To put a magic spell on someone or something.
  4. To move something from side to side repeatedly.
  5. A loud and very high sound.
  6. To run or move quickly and often playfully.
  7. To jump from a surface.
  8. To talk in a quick or casual way.

15 Clues: A puzzling questions.To jump from a surface.A loud and very high sound.To talk in a quick or casual way.To pass the tongue over an object.To run or move quickly or suddenly.Different from what is usual or normal.To run or move quickly and often playfully.To put a magic spell on someone or something.To move something from side to side repeatedly....

Squeeze Puzzle #1 2024-11-06

Squeeze Puzzle #1 crossword puzzle
  1. time of day
  2. cooking utensil
  3. sense
  4. app
  5. mythical figure
  6. a sport
  7. color
  8. european language
  1. furniture
  2. something that can ruin your day
  3. natural disaster
  4. big animal
  5. popular drama series
  6. instrument
  7. fruit
  8. an entertainment company

16 Clues: appsensefruitcolora sportfurniturebig animalinstrumenttime of daycooking utensilmythical figurenatural disastereuropean languagepopular drama seriesan entertainment companysomething that can ruin your day

Ocean Zones 2023-09-06

Ocean Zones crossword puzzle
  1. A type of vehicle used for deep-sea exploration.
  2. Tiny plants that float in the sunlight zone.
  3. Where most plants in the ocean grow.
  4. The deepest, darkest part of the ocean.
  5. The zone where you find twilight creatures.
  6. How creatures survive in different ocean zones.
  7. The ability of some creatures to glow in the dark.
  8. The ocean's deepest and most mysterious zone.
  9. What increases as you go deeper into the ocean.
  1. The zone where it starts to get dark.
  2. Tiny animals that drift with ocean currents.
  3. Another name for the sunlight zone.
  4. Animals that can swim against the current.
  5. Where the water is pitch black.
  6. Home to strange-looking deep-sea fish.

15 Clues: Where the water is pitch black.Another name for the sunlight zone.Where most plants in the ocean grow.The zone where it starts to get dark.Home to strange-looking deep-sea fish.The deepest, darkest part of the ocean.Animals that can swim against the current.The zone where you find twilight creatures.Tiny animals that drift with ocean currents....

aw 2022-11-15

aw crossword puzzle
  1. 9
  2. 7c
  3. 1
  4. 10
  5. 4
  6. 5
  7. 7b
  1. 2
  2. 6
  3. 7a
  4. 8
  5. 3

12 Clues: 296183457a7c107b

aw 2022-11-15

aw crossword puzzle
  1. 9
  2. 7c
  3. 1
  4. 10
  5. 4
  6. 5
  7. 7b
  1. 2
  2. 6
  3. 7a
  4. 8
  5. 3

12 Clues: 296183457a7c107b

Esperanza Renace Vocabulario Capitulo 1-2 2022-09-20

Esperanza Renace Vocabulario Capitulo 1-2 crossword puzzle
  1. vulture
  2. lattice
  3. lace
  4. scythe
  1. ambush
  2. twilight
  3. will
  4. goatee
  5. vine
  6. winery
  7. bandits

11 Clues: willvinelaceambushgoateewineryscythevulturelatticebanditstwilight

ปรากฏการณ์ 2021-08-17

ปรากฏการณ์ crossword puzzle
  1. ระยะเชิงมุม
  2. เกิดจากแสงดวงอาทิตย์สะท้อนจากโลกไปดวงจันทร์
  3. ปรากฏการณ์เคียงกันบนท้องฟ้า
  4. เป็นแสงลักษณะสามเหลี่ยมขอบฟ้า
  5. ปรากฏการณ์ที่ปรากฏคล้ายแถบม่านจางๆบนท้องฟ้า
  1. ประเทศไทยเปลี่ยนแปลงทุกๆ 4 เดือน
  2. เกิดกลางท้องฟ้า 00:00 น.
  3. เป็นสายรุ่งวงกลมระยะเชิงมุม 22 องศา
  4. ตกจากนอกโลก
  5. ดวงจันทร์เต็มดวง
  6. ดวงอาทิตย์เป็นเลขแปด
  7. เกิดหลังดวงอาทิตย์ตกและดวงอาทิตย์ขึ้น
  8. ปรากฏการณ์ที่เกิดจากอิทธิพลของดวงจันทร์และดวงอาทิตย์

13 Clues: ตกจากนอกโลกระยะเชิงมุมดวงจันทร์เต็มดวงดวงอาทิตย์เป็นเลขแปดเกิดกลางท้องฟ้า 00:00 น.ปรากฏการณ์เคียงกันบนท้องฟ้าเป็นแสงลักษณะสามเหลี่ยมขอบฟ้าประเทศไทยเปลี่ยนแปลงทุกๆ 4 เดือนเป็นสายรุ่งวงกลมระยะเชิงมุม 22 องศาเกิดหลังดวงอาทิตย์ตกและดวงอาทิตย์ขึ้นเกิดจากแสงดวงอาทิตย์สะท้อนจากโลกไปดวงจันทร์ปรากฏการณ์ที่ปรากฏคล้ายแถบม่านจางๆบนท้องฟ้า...

THE TWILIGHT 2021-03-15

THE TWILIGHT crossword puzzle
  1. can change pleople feelings
  2. is mean and cute
  3. is strong and hot
  4. is very kind
  5. can see the future
  1. is a doctor
  2. id Edward and Bella's daughter
  3. is very fast
  4. is a newborn
  5. is a werewolf

10 Clues: is a doctoris very fastis a newbornis very kindis a werewolfis mean and cuteis strong and hotcan see the futurecan change pleople feelingsid Edward and Bella's daughter

Twilight quiz! 2021-06-17

Twilight quiz! crossword puzzle
  1. Alice's full human n ame
  2. Alice's sister's name
  3. the prize that Edward and Bella got in biology
  1. The state Jasper was born in
  2. Jasper's old coven leader
  3. Carlisle's human father profession
  4. The state Bella was born in
  5. Bella's only class without Edward
  6. Where Alice's niece is currently alive an living
  7. Jacob's great great grandfather's name

10 Clues: Alice's sister's nameAlice's full human n ameJasper's old coven leaderThe state Bella was born inThe state Jasper was born inBella's only class without EdwardCarlisle's human father professionJacob's great great grandfather's namethe prize that Edward and Bella got in biologyWhere Alice's niece is currently alive an living

Twilight Crossword 2022-01-26

Twilight Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What job does Carlisle have
  2. Who else goes dress shopping with Bella and Jessica
  3. Who tries to hunt down Bella
  4. Bella has what colored hair
  5. Who does Jessica like
  6. Who almost crashes a car into Bella
  1. What do vampires do in the sunlight
  2. What Cullen didn't like Bella at first
  3. What sports game did Bella play with the Cullens
  4. How many Cullen children are there

10 Clues: Who does Jessica likeWhat job does Carlisle haveBella has what colored hairWho tries to hunt down BellaHow many Cullen children are thereWhat do vampires do in the sunlightWho almost crashes a car into BellaWhat Cullen didn't like Bella at firstWhat sports game did Bella play with the CullensWho else goes dress shopping with Bella and Jessica

Twilight Crossword 2023-10-31

Twilight Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The city the book takes place in
  2. Bella's last name
  3. Edwards last name
  4. Main male character
  5. Title of Book
  1. Edward's dad name
  2. The mythical creature Edward is
  3. Edwards skin turns _____ in the sun
  4. Bella's dads name
  5. Main Female character

10 Clues: Title of BookEdward's dad nameBella's last nameEdwards last nameBella's dads nameMain male characterMain Female characterThe mythical creature Edward isThe city the book takes place inEdwards skin turns _____ in the sun

ILE 5 Revision crossword 2013-12-12

ILE 5 Revision crossword crossword puzzle
  1. rahvastik
  2. valesti mõistma
  3. tegelaskuju
  4. suusõnaline
  5. päikest võtma
  6. kosmoselaev
  7. õigekiri
  8. rõõmsalt
  9. varemed
  10. püssirohi
  11. videvik
  12. merereis
  13. üldkogunemine
  14. restaureeritud
  15. jalgrada
  16. kiusamine
  1. kokkuvõte
  2. üllatav
  3. praeahi
  4. etendus
  5. kergesti
  6. ajalooline
  7. edukas
  8. välismaalane
  9. marmelaad
  10. vahetama
  11. emotsionaalne
  12. tikutoos
  13. vapustatud
  14. röövretk
  15. ala, pindala

31 Clues: edukasüllatavpraeahietendusvaremedvidevikkergestivahetamaõigekirirõõmsaltmerereistikutoosröövretkjalgradakokkuvõterahvastikmarmelaadpüssirohikiusamineajaloolinevapustatudtegelaskujusuusõnalinekosmoselaevvälismaalaneala, pindalapäikest võtmaemotsionaalneüldkoguneminerestaureeritudvalesti mõistma

CROSS WORD 2024-10-06

CROSS WORD crossword puzzle
  2. BIKE
  9. ABE
  11. M____C
  12. CYCLE
  2. PHD
  3. TEAM
  4. ROAD
  8. GLAZE


SAT Vocab list #6 & #7 2021-02-10

SAT Vocab list #6 & #7 crossword puzzle
  1. not self indulgent
  2. lacking brilliance or vitality
  3. flexible
  4. to conceal
  5. realating to twilight
  6. to confuse
  7. tearful
  8. arrogance
  9. to refrain
  10. stubborn
  1. to reject
  2. to repeal
  3. cheerful lighthearted
  4. overabundance
  5. gullible
  6. the state of being tedious
  7. not influenced by emotions
  8. a persons state of mind
  9. clear pronunciation
  10. suffering

20 Clues: tearfulflexiblegulliblestubbornto rejectto repealarrogancesufferingto concealto confuseto refrainoverabundancenot self indulgentclear pronunciationcheerful lightheartedrealating to twilighta persons state of mindthe state of being tediousnot influenced by emotionslacking brilliance or vitality

Vocabulary 2023-12-08

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. amaze
  2. generations
  3. details; description
  4. more than half
  5. after sunset
  6. group meeting
  7. not believe
  8. suddenly
  1. meeting
  2. more than can be counted
  3. sum it all up
  4. driver of a ship
  5. write about the news
  6. trust
  7. myth
  8. face to face discussion
  9. certain
  10. that something that represents
  11. exact words
  12. reject

20 Clues: mythamazetrustrejectmeetingcertainsuddenlygenerationsexact wordsnot believeafter sunsetsum it all upgroup meetingmore than halfdriver of a shipwrite about the newsdetails; descriptionface to face discussionmore than can be countedthat something that represents

pop17 2024-06-16

pop17 crossword puzzle
  1. Media mogul
  2. Twilight actor
  3. Dead Poets actor
  4. Gravity actress
  5. Firework singer
  6. Batman actor
  7. Pretty Woman actress
  8. Thriller singer
  9. Rolling Stones frontman
  10. Joker actor
  1. Hunger Games actress
  2. Titanic actor
  3. Godfather actor
  4. Super Bass rapper
  5. Rocky actor
  6. Confident singer
  7. Shape of You singer
  8. Hustlers actress
  9. Vogue singer
  10. Reality star

20 Clues: Media mogulRocky actorJoker actorVogue singerReality starBatman actorTitanic actorTwilight actorGodfather actorGravity actressFirework singerThriller singerDead Poets actorConfident singerHustlers actressSuper Bass rapperShape of You singerHunger Games actressPretty Woman actressRolling Stones frontman

Spotlight 10 1d 2023-10-18

Spotlight 10 1d crossword puzzle
  1. проясняться, оживляться
  2. довольный
  3. острый
  4. стройный
  5. решительный
  6. стремительный
  7. цвести
  8. задумчивый
  9. простой
  10. грациозный
  11. беспокоить
  12. потрескивать
  13. вежливый
  14. тщеславный, самодовольный
  15. жизнерадостный
  1. сумерки
  2. внутри
  3. подметать
  4. пучок
  5. выцветший, потухший
  6. изношенный
  7. осознающий
  8. быстро расти
  9. прерывать
  10. полный
  11. обеспечить, предоставить
  12. редко
  13. яростный
  14. вклиниться
  15. вязать
  16. конечность

31 Clues: пучокредковнутриострыйполныйцвестивязатьсумеркипростойстройныйяростныйвежливыйподметатьдовольныйпрерыватьизношенныйосознающийзадумчивыйвклинитьсяграциозныйбеспокоитьконечностьрешительныйбыстро растипотрескиватьстремительныйжизнерадостныйвыцветший, потухшийпроясняться, оживлятьсяобеспечить, предоставитьтщеславный, самодовольный

Words in Sniper 2023-10-10

Words in Sniper crossword puzzle
  1. A protective wall
  2. Self disciplined
  3. Pain
  4. Suddenly
  5. A weapon on a tank
  6. Emotion
  7. Sarcasm
  8. Old and Torn
  1. Rattle
  2. Sudden attack
  3. Difficult
  4. Visual image
  5. Glowing light
  6. marksman rifle

14 Clues: PainRattleEmotionSarcasmSuddenlyDifficultVisual imageOld and TornSudden attackGlowing lightmarksman rifleSelf disciplinedA protective wallA weapon on a tank

Literature 2013-12-11

Literature crossword puzzle
  1. How was called Martynas Mažvydas book?
  2. What is the main character in J.K Rowling book?
  3. Who was Harry Potter?
  4. Who wrote book "Anykščių šilelis"?
  5. Who was vampire in book "Twilight"?
  1. Who is the main enemy Batman?
  2. Who wrote book "Grybų karas"
  3. Who wrote the first Lithuanian book?
  4. Where are living kings in fairy tales?
  5. Who is the main character in book "Twilight"?

10 Clues: Who was Harry Potter?Who wrote book "Grybų karas"Who is the main enemy Batman?Who wrote book "Anykščių šilelis"?Who was vampire in book "Twilight"?Who wrote the first Lithuanian book?How was called Martynas Mažvydas book?Where are living kings in fairy tales?Who is the main character in book "Twilight"?...

sksk 2022-08-31

sksk crossword puzzle
  1. cowboy
  2. sky
  3. nobody
  4. wizard
  5. happy
  1. dog
  2. bread
  3. one
  4. drink
  5. vampire
  6. winged woman

11 Clues: dogskyonebreaddrinkhappycowboynobodywizardvampirewinged woman

Autumn term week 8 suri 2023-11-30

Autumn term week 8 suri crossword puzzle
  1. an mesage for a gathering
  2. underline
  3. add
  4. lighter
  5. light
  6. getting lighter
  7. like a gift
  1. turn
  2. really strong
  3. horizon
  4. sh
  5. a shelter
  6. refuse
  7. cooking

14 Clues: shaddturnlightrefusehorizonlightercookingunderlinea shelterlike a giftreally stronggetting lighteran mesage for a gathering

Authors 2022-06-16

Authors crossword puzzle
  1. Holes
  2. Romeo and Juliet
  3. Twilight
  4. Matilda
  5. The Great Gatsby
  6. Animal Farm
  7. Pride and Prejudice
  8. 13 Reasons Why
  9. Looking For Alaska
  1. Hunger Games
  2. Harry Potter
  3. Jane Eyre
  4. The Shining
  5. My Sister's Keeper
  6. Oliver Twist
  7. Wuthering Heights
  8. Uncanny

17 Clues: HolesMatildaUncannyTwilightJane EyreThe ShiningAnimal FarmHunger GamesHarry PotterOliver Twist13 Reasons WhyRomeo and JulietThe Great GatsbyWuthering HeightsMy Sister's KeeperLooking For AlaskaPride and Prejudice

Deep Sea Exploration 2022-03-03

Deep Sea Exploration crossword puzzle
  1. Zone where light fades out and most fish live
  2. Small, polluting particles of synthetic material
  3. dead organisms which fall to the sea floor (2 words)
  4. Zone where organisms
  5. Aspect of water which decreases
  6. The animal found the deepest in the ocean
  1. Zone between twilight zone and the Abyss
  2. The most populous vertebrate on earth
  3. Zone including deep sea trenches
  4. Metabolic process turning chemicals into energy
  5. Force of water which increases with depth
  6. Type of vent releasing hot water and chemicals on the sea floor
  7. type of squid,living deeper than any other

13 Clues: Zone where organismsAspect of water which decreasesZone including deep sea trenchesThe most populous vertebrate on earthZone between twilight zone and the AbyssForce of water which increases with depthThe animal found the deepest in the oceantype of squid,living deeper than any otherZone where light fades out and most fish live...

aw 2022-11-15

aw crossword puzzle
  1. 9
  2. 7c
  3. 1
  4. 10
  5. 4
  6. 5
  7. 7b
  1. 2
  2. 6
  3. 7a
  4. 8
  5. 3

12 Clues: 296183457a7c107b

Sniper Vocabulary 2023-10-10

Sniper Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. sarcasm
  2. glowing light
  3. shallow trough
  4. fluffy
  5. suddenly
  6. marksman rifle
  7. self-discipline
  1. visual image
  2. chemical
  3. piece of fabric worn by women
  4. sudden attack
  5. old and torn
  6. protective wall
  7. emotion
  8. excessive zeal

15 Clues: fluffysarcasmemotionchemicalsuddenlyvisual imageold and tornsudden attackglowing lightshallow troughexcessive zealmarksman rifleprotective wallself-disciplinepiece of fabric worn by women

Twilight 2023-11-28

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. one main character in the book
  2. has a picture of a werewolf on her wall
  3. How many Twilight Movies
  1. Stewart- plays Bella Swan
  2. Oldest Twilight character
  3. Most loved character

6 Clues: Most loved characterHow many Twilight MoviesStewart- plays Bella SwanOldest Twilight characterone main character in the bookhas a picture of a werewolf on her wall

Favorites 2018-08-30

Favorites crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite Book Series
  2. Favorite Season
  3. Favorite Show
  4. Favorite Color
  5. Favorite Sibling
  6. Favorite MLP
  7. Favorite Necklace
  1. Favorite Holiday
  2. Favorite Cousin
  3. Favorite Job
  4. Favorite Pet
  5. Favorite Horse
  6. Favorite Food
  7. Favorite Mythical Creature
  8. Favorite Animal

15 Clues: Favorite JobFavorite PetFavorite MLPFavorite ShowFavorite FoodFavorite HorseFavorite ColorFavorite CousinFavorite SeasonFavorite AnimalFavorite HolidayFavorite SiblingFavorite NecklaceFavorite Book SeriesFavorite Mythical Creature

Female Heroes In Mobile Legends 2024-05-10

Female Heroes In Mobile Legends crossword puzzle
  1. - Dawnbreak Soldier
  2. - The Enlightened One
  3. - The Bunnylove
  4. - Shadow Blade
  5. - Mage Genius
  6. - Queen of the North
  7. - Embrace of Night
  8. - Son of Flames
  9. - Onmyouji Master
  1. - Abyssal Witch
  2. - Astrowarden
  3. - Super Magic
  4. - Malefic Gunner
  5. - The Moonlight Archer
  6. - Wings of Vengeance
  7. and Kupa - Icefield Companions
  8. - Bio Frontier
  9. - Shadow of Twilight
  10. - Astrologer
  11. - Necromancer

20 Clues: - Astrologer- Astrowarden- Super Magic- Mage Genius- Necromancer- Shadow Blade- Bio Frontier- Abyssal Witch- The Bunnylove- Son of Flames- Malefic Gunner- Onmyouji Master- Embrace of Night- Dawnbreak Soldier- Wings of Vengeance- Shadow of Twilight- Queen of the North- The Enlightened One- The Moonlight Archerand Kupa - Icefield Companions

Vocab Crossword - Y 2023-03-15

Vocab Crossword - Y crossword puzzle
  1. not aware
  2. twilight
  3. truth
  4. distress
  5. laughter
  6. overwhlemed
  7. takes the blame
  8. take by force
  9. composed
  10. calming
  11. choosing names
  12. freedom
  1. trust
  2. gang ambusher
  3. sad
  4. dark
  5. short and truthful
  6. luxurious
  7. immoral or unfair
  8. show contempt
  9. prohibitation
  10. dry
  11. willing to serve
  12. mutually destructive
  13. doubtful

25 Clues: saddrydarktrusttruthcalmingfreedomtwilightdistresslaughterdoubtfulcomposednot awareluxuriousoverwhlemedgang ambushershow contemptprohibitationtake by forcechoosing namestakes the blamewilling to serveimmoral or unfairshort and truthfulmutually destructive

Le Petit Prince Vocabulaire 2024-05-16

Le Petit Prince Vocabulaire crossword puzzle
  1. a root
  2. keep quiet
  3. a drawing
  4. spiteful
  5. in my opinion
  6. metier job
  7. reverbere street lamp
  8. the wheat fields
  9. a misunderstanding
  10. wander off
  11. masterpiece
  12. puzzle/riddle
  13. twilight
  1. keep going
  2. charming/beautiful
  3. talon
  4. a kingdom
  5. a thorne
  6. breakdown
  7. to tame
  8. lazy
  9. "a mister"
  10. Prideful
  11. scared of
  12. to dream

25 Clues: lazytalona rootto tamea thornespitefulPridefulto dreamtwilighta kingdoma drawingbreakdownscared ofkeep goingkeep quiet"a mister"metier jobwander offmasterpiecein my opinionpuzzle/riddlethe wheat fieldscharming/beautifula misunderstandingreverbere street lamp

Spotlight 10 1d 2023-10-18

Spotlight 10 1d crossword puzzle
  1. проясняться, оживляться
  2. решительный
  3. яростный
  4. редко
  5. вклиниться
  6. сумерки
  7. осознающий
  8. стройный
  9. прерывать
  10. вежливый
  11. задумчивый
  12. стремительный
  13. цвести
  1. жизнерадостный
  2. пучок
  3. обеспечить, предоставить
  4. тщеславный, самодовольный
  5. потрескивать
  6. довольный
  7. изношенный
  8. подметать
  9. острый
  10. вязать
  11. быстро расти
  12. грациозный
  13. простой
  14. беспокоить
  15. внутри
  16. полный
  17. выцветший, потухший
  18. конечность

31 Clues: пучокредкоострыйвязатьвнутриполныйцвестисумеркипростойяростныйстройныйвежливыйдовольныйподметатьпрерыватьизношенныйвклинитьсяосознающийграциозныйбеспокоитьзадумчивыйконечностьрешительныйпотрескиватьбыстро растистремительныйжизнерадостныйвыцветший, потухшийпроясняться, оживлятьсяобеспечить, предоставитьтщеславный, самодовольный

twilight 2023-02-22

twilight crossword puzzle
  1. setting
  2. main character
  3. where she met the Cullens
  1. who did she marry
  2. what game did they play?
  3. hates wolves

6 Clues: settinghates wolvesmain characterwho did she marrywhat game did they play?where she met the Cullens

TWILIGHT 2024-10-28

TWILIGHT crossword puzzle
  1. How many books are there?
  2. Main boy character
  3. Is there a movie adaptation?
  1. Is Edward human?
  2. Town
  3. Main girl character

6 Clues: TownIs Edward human?Main boy characterMain girl characterHow many books are there?Is there a movie adaptation?

Medium 2013-10-31

Medium crossword puzzle
  1. Fast food chain
  2. The ship that sank in 1912
  3. The square root of 9
  4. The first name of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's baby
  5. AFL grand final winners 2013
  6. How many letters are in the alphabet
  7. Swiss tennis player _ _ _ _ _
  8. The brand Streets, is famous for what
  9. An australian actor who plays a part in bridesmaids is rebel _ _ _ _ _ _
  10. A popular book turned into a movie starring Jennifer Lawrence is called The _ _ _ _ _ _ Games
  1. Female lead in Twilight
  2. A reality music competition where contestands go through 3 stages; auditions, bootcamp and the live shows
  3. The company Stabilo makes what
  4. The author of the twilight saga _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Meyer
  5. 9 take 3 times 5 divided-by three
  6. The first prime number
  7. Vans are a type of what
  8. The name of popular American comedy TV series _ _ _ _ _ _ Family
  9. A famous boy band known for their song 'what makes you beautiful' One _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  10. In which country is the leaning tower of pisa

20 Clues: Fast food chainThe square root of 9The first prime numberFemale lead in TwilightVans are a type of whatThe ship that sank in 1912AFL grand final winners 2013Swiss tennis player _ _ _ _ _The company Stabilo makes what9 take 3 times 5 divided-by threeHow many letters are in the alphabetThe brand Streets, is famous for what...

Chapter 13 2020-11-24

Chapter 13 crossword puzzle
  1. not able to be tolerated
  2. struggle mentally; show or feel great confusion
  3. night time
  4. showing or suffering from nervousness
  5. another word for peasants
  6. make or become slack
  7. an object or flat figure in an elongated rectangle or oval shape
  8. special importance, value, or prominence given to something
  9. (of a person or animal) heavily or solidly built; stocky
  1. a thing used for tying or binding something tightly
  2. twilight; dusk
  3. a load, typically a heavy one
  4. fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing
  5. suddenly and unexpectedly
  6. is large or threatening
  7. Wood of various trees. Used for flooring
  8. The tramp that helps the invisible man
  9. no longer produced or used; out of date
  10. The town where the invisible man works and lives in
  11. Griffin
  12. extreme tiredness from mental or physical exertion
  13. physical strength and good health
  14. in a quiet voice
  15. A flushed or red face
  16. to stop

25 Clues: Griffinto stopnight timetwilight; duskin a quiet voicemake or become slackA flushed or red faceis large or threateningnot able to be toleratedsuddenly and unexpectedlyanother word for peasantsa load, typically a heavy onephysical strength and good healthshowing or suffering from nervousnessThe tramp that helps the invisible man...

Chapter 13 2020-11-24

Chapter 13 crossword puzzle
  1. twilight; dusk
  2. showing or suffering from nervousness
  3. no longer produced or used; out of date
  4. extreme tiredness from mental or physical exertion
  5. a thing used for tying or binding something tightly
  6. Wood of various trees. Used for flooring
  7. not able to be tolerated
  8. make or become slack
  9. is large or threatening
  10. night time
  11. special importance, value, or prominence given to something
  12. A flushed or red face
  13. an object or flat figure in an elongated rectangle or oval shape
  14. fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing
  15. to stop
  1. suddenly and unexpectedly
  2. appear as a shadowy form, especially one that is large or threatening.
  3. another word for peasants
  4. The tramp that helps the invisible man
  5. physical strength and good health
  6. struggle mentally; show or feel great confusion
  7. Griffin
  8. in a quiet voice
  9. (of a person or animal) heavily or solidly built; stocky
  10. a load, typically a heavy one
  11. The town where the invisible man works and lives in

26 Clues: Griffinto stopnight timetwilight; duskin a quiet voicemake or become slackA flushed or red faceis large or threateningnot able to be toleratedsuddenly and unexpectedlyanother word for peasantsa load, typically a heavy onephysical strength and good healthshowing or suffering from nervousnessThe tramp that helps the invisible man...

My Little Crossword 2021-11-06

My Little Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Where do Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy both originally come from
  2. Carrot, Cup, Pumpkin and Pound make up which family
  3. Who is the not so evil witch who lives in Everfree forest
  4. Capital of Equestria
  5. What element does Rarity represent
  6. What is Maud's pet rocks name
  7. Pinkie Pie works at _________ corner
  8. The con ponies ____ and ____
  9. Spike loves to eat these
  10. What sort of creature is Gilda
  1. Applejacks farm is called Sweet Apple _____
  2. What is Rarity's passion?
  3. What is Cheerilee's occupation
  4. Applejacks little sister
  5. What is Pinkie Pie's Cutie Mark
  6. Whats the name of the pegasi aerobatic team
  7. What's the name of Fluttershys pet bunny?
  8. who is 'the great and powerful'?
  9. Pony version of Christmas is called Hearths ________
  10. In season 3 Twilight Sparkle transforms into this
  11. Where does Twilight Sparkle live when she first gets to Ponyville
  12. Princess Luna is also known as Nightmare ____
  13. Rainbow Dash's famous aerobatic manoeuvre is called a Sonic ________

23 Clues: Capital of EquestriaApplejacks little sisterSpike loves to eat theseWhat is Rarity's passion?The con ponies ____ and ____What is Maud's pet rocks nameWhat is Cheerilee's occupationWhat sort of creature is GildaWhat is Pinkie Pie's Cutie Markwho is 'the great and powerful'?What element does Rarity representPinkie Pie works at _________ corner...

Tigers at Twilight 2018-02-01

Tigers at Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. To turn something over by throwing it up in the air with a quick movement.
  2. To pass the tongue over an object.
  3. A narrow shelf that is attached to the bottom of a window.
  4. Different from what is usual or normal.
  5. To run or move quickly or suddenly.
  6. A tropical forest where plants and trees grow very thickly.
  7. To suddenly force air out through your nose and mouth with a usually loud noise.
  1. A puzzling questions.
  2. To utter the harsh raucous natural call of the crow or similar cry.
  3. To put a magic spell on someone or something.
  4. To move something from side to side repeatedly.
  5. A loud and very high sound.
  6. To run or move quickly and often playfully.
  7. To jump from a surface.
  8. To talk in a quick or casual way.

15 Clues: A puzzling questions.To jump from a surface.A loud and very high sound.To talk in a quick or casual way.To pass the tongue over an object.To run or move quickly or suddenly.Different from what is usual or normal.To run or move quickly and often playfully.To put a magic spell on someone or something.To move something from side to side repeatedly....

Vocab #8 2023-12-11

Vocab #8 crossword puzzle
  1. Bottom point
  2. Star pattern
  3. Heavenly
  4. Sun's apogee
  1. Twilight-like
  2. Winterly
  3. Nightly
  4. Polar lights
  5. Half-sphere
  6. Astrological wheel
  7. Vernal point
  8. Apex

12 Clues: ApexNightlyWinterlyHeavenlyHalf-sphereBottom pointPolar lightsStar patternVernal pointSun's apogeeTwilight-likeAstrological wheel

Les Mots Préférés de la Classe 2021-05-01

Les Mots Préférés de la Classe crossword puzzle
  1. Skating
  2. Rabbit
  3. Twilight
  4. Knit
  5. Library
  1. Poppy
  2. Cake
  3. Raspberry
  4. Grapefruit
  5. Butterfly

10 Clues: CakeKnitPoppyRabbitSkatingLibraryTwilightRaspberryButterflyGrapefruit

Vocab #8 2023-12-11

Vocab #8 crossword puzzle
  1. Winter
  2. Heavenly beings
  3. Highest point
  4. Zenith Opposite?
  5. Twilight
  1. Half circle
  2. Viking Holiday
  3. Grouping of stars
  4. ____Borealis
  5. Owls are?
  6. Scorpio
  7. Spring ___

12 Clues: WinterScorpioTwilightOwls are?Spring ___Half circle____BorealisHighest pointViking HolidayHeavenly beingsZenith Opposite?Grouping of stars

my little pony 2024-01-23

my little pony crossword puzzle
  1. loyalty
  2. Princess of night
  3. Candence's daughter
  4. Laughter
  5. Rarity's sister
  6. Honesty
  7. The princess of the friendship
  1. Lord of khaos
  2. Twilight's brother
  3. Kindness
  4. The princess of love
  5. Rainbowdash's sister
  6. Applejack's grannie
  7. AppleJack's sister
  8. AppleJack's older brother
  9. Generosity

16 Clues: loyaltyHonestyKindnessLaughterGenerosityLord of khaosRarity's sisterPrincess of nightTwilight's brotherAppleJack's sisterApplejack's grannieCandence's daughterThe princess of loveRainbowdash's sisterAppleJack's older brotherThe princess of the friendship

Xavier 2024-01-25

Xavier crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite cuisine
  2. Favorite color
  3. Extracurricular activity
  4. Age
  5. Childhood favorite movie
  6. Second favorite band
  7. Favorite number
  8. Favorite movie
  1. Guilty pleasure
  2. Favorite subject
  3. Favorite band
  4. Grade level/class
  5. Number of siblings
  6. Dream college
  7. Last name
  8. School

16 Clues: AgeSchoolLast nameFavorite bandDream collegeFavorite colorFavorite movieGuilty pleasureFavorite numberFavorite cuisineFavorite subjectGrade level/classNumber of siblingsSecond favorite bandExtracurricular activityChildhood favorite movie

능률보카 Day 11 2016-11-03

능률보카 Day 11 crossword puzzle
  1. 꼬다,외국하다,비틀다
  2. 긴이야기,독백
  3. 삼각형,삼각관계
  4. 보통이아닌,독특한,유일한
  5. 단결,결속,통일성
  6. 새겹의,세배로하다
  7. 복사하다
  1. 조합,단체,결합,연합
  2. 2개국어를할수있는
  3. 군주,제왕
  4. 자전거
  5. 통일하다,통합하다,통합
  6. 사소한
  7. 우주,만물,전세계
  8. 황혼,어스름,황혼기,쇠퇴기
  9. 부족,종족

16 Clues: 자전거사소한복사하다군주,제왕부족,종족긴이야기,독백삼각형,삼각관계2개국어를할수있는우주,만물,전세계단결,결속,통일성새겹의,세배로하다조합,단체,결합,연합꼬다,외국하다,비틀다통일하다,통합하다,통합보통이아닌,독특한,유일한황혼,어스름,황혼기,쇠퇴기

The dog named duke 2024-06-30

The dog named duke crossword puzzle
  1. shaking or trembling
  2. dusk
  3. to bark
  4. made explosive sound
  5. fair
  6. skipped or jumped
  7. to shout
  1. move suddenly
  2. honor
  3. tall and slender
  4. smiling by showing teeth
  5. pulled
  6. heavy bleeding
  7. dog house
  8. footpath

15 Clues: duskfairhonorpulledto barkfootpathto shoutdog housemove suddenlyheavy bleedingtall and slenderskipped or jumpedshaking or tremblingmade explosive soundsmiling by showing teeth

baise assignment 2020-01-30

baise assignment crossword puzzle
  1. indian people
  2. animals with tusks
  3. today
  4. something tested
  5. they are apes
  6. process of something
  7. infrequently
  8. a monkey
  9. principles of science
  10. is a big monkey
  11. replied
  1. food brand
  2. is apes
  3. is you are good at craft
  4. conversion
  5. is a person
  6. someone smart
  7. the wilderness
  8. dont like something
  9. stage of twilight

20 Clues: todayis apesreplieda monkeyfood brandconversionis a personinfrequentlyindian peoplesomeone smartthey are apesthe wildernessis a big monkeysomething testedstage of twilightanimals with tusksdont like somethingprocess of somethingprinciples of scienceis you are good at craft

ONLY 11 2020-12-03

ONLY 11 crossword puzzle
  1. connector of land
  2. being free
  3. clap
  4. draw attention
  5. dawn or dusk
  6. high landform
  7. need food
  8. what's ...1 and 10
  9. a crystal of snow
  10. feels slippery
  11. makes one worried
  1. to tell something
  2. stealer
  3. washing stuff
  4. quick look
  5. change
  6. process of thinking
  7. invisible force
  8. sun behind moon
  9. not telling others

20 Clues: clapchangestealerneed foodquick lookbeing freedawn or duskwashing stuffhigh landformdraw attentionfeels slipperyinvisible forcesun behind moonto tell somethingconnector of landa crystal of snowmakes one worriedwhat's ...1 and 10not telling othersprocess of thinking

Daria/Michael 14th of September 2021-09-14

Daria/Michael 14th of September crossword puzzle
  1. - кожа головы
  2. - мститель
  3. - борода
  4. - ноздря
  5. - уши
  6. - усы (у животных)
  7. - висок
  8. - подбородок
  9. lobe - мочка уха
  10. - арбуз
  11. - исчезать
  12. - сумерки, полумрак
  13. - седой
  14. - усы
  15. - веснушки
  16. - редкий
  17. - вместе
  1. - имбирь
  2. - щеки
  3. bone - скула
  4. - брови
  5. - прямой
  6. - губы
  7. - внешность
  8. - описать, характеризовать
  9. - череп
  10. - шарф
  11. - лоб
  12. - появляться
  13. - музей
  14. - ресницы

31 Clues: - уши- лоб- усы- щеки- губы- шарф- брови- череп- висок- арбуз- музей- седой- имбирь- прямой- борода- ноздря- редкий- вместе- ресницы- мститель- исчезать- веснушки- внешностьbone - скула- подбородок- появляться- кожа головыlobe - мочка уха- усы (у животных)- сумерки, полумрак- описать, характеризовать

Janey 2014-10-20

Janey crossword puzzle
  1. Sounds like a drain
  2. freckly
  3. cousin
  4. fave book
  5. dads mug (4,7)
  6. italian
  7. Purple house
  8. pitch perfect (3,3,4)
  9. The perfect age
  10. tooth fairy (3,4)
  11. body popper
  12. go…
  1. todays baking
  2. 88 keys
  3. Mr. Gritton
  4. cutest thing ever (6,6)
  5. Worst character
  6. fresh young king
  7. Hoodie colour
  8. clumsy
  9. dopey
  10. aunty

22 Clues: go…dopeyauntycousinclumsy88 keysfrecklyitalianfave bookMr. Grittonbody popperPurple housetodays bakingHoodie colourdads mug (4,7)Worst characterThe perfect agefresh young kingtooth fairy (3,4)Sounds like a drainpitch perfect (3,3,4)cutest thing ever (6,6)

Golden Age of Television 2023-12-23

Golden Age of Television crossword puzzle
  1. Twilight Zone
  2. Father Knows Best
  3. What's My Line
  4. Honeymooners
  5. Captain Video
  6. The $64,000 Question
  7. Ed Sullivan
  8. American Bandstand
  1. Alfred Hitchcock
  2. The Lone Ranger
  3. Perry Mason
  4. Dr. Kildare
  5. Gunsmoke
  6. I Love Lucy
  7. Guiding Light

15 Clues: GunsmokePerry MasonDr. KildareI Love LucyEd SullivanHoneymoonersTwilight ZoneCaptain VideoGuiding LightWhat's My LineThe Lone RangerAlfred HitchcockFather Knows BestAmerican BandstandThe $64,000 Question

TV shows from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. 2024-01-17

TV shows from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. crossword puzzle
  1. Caped crusader
  2. Magical wish-granter
  3. Comedic redhead
  4. Zone mysteries
  5. Blended family
  6. NYC couple
  7. Bald crime solver
  1. Sheriff's hometown
  2. Spooky sitcom
  3. Island castaway
  4. Ponderosa ranch
  5. Magical housewife
  6. Master of suspense
  7. Legal eagle
  8. Space exploration

15 Clues: NYC coupleLegal eagleSpooky sitcomCaped crusaderZone mysteriesBlended familyIsland castawayPonderosa ranchComedic redheadMagical housewifeSpace explorationBald crime solverSheriff's hometownMaster of suspenseMagical wish-granter

Chapter 13 2020-11-24

Chapter 13 crossword puzzle
  1. twilight; dusk
  2. showing or suffering from nervousness
  3. no longer produced or used; out of date
  4. extreme tiredness from mental or physical exertion
  5. a thing used for tying or binding something tightly
  6. Wood of various trees. Used for flooring
  7. not able to be tolerated
  8. make or become slack
  9. is large or threatening
  10. night time
  11. special importance, value, or prominence given to something
  12. A flushed or red face
  13. an object or flat figure in an elongated rectangle or oval shape
  14. fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing
  15. to stop
  1. suddenly and unexpectedly
  2. appear as a shadowy form, especially one that is large or threatening.
  3. another word for peasants
  4. The tramp that helps the invisible man
  5. physical strength and good health
  6. struggle mentally; show or feel great confusion
  7. Griffin
  8. in a quiet voice
  9. (of a person or animal) heavily or solidly built; stocky
  10. a load, typically a heavy one
  11. The town where the invisible man works and lives in

26 Clues: Griffinto stopnight timetwilight; duskin a quiet voicemake or become slackA flushed or red faceis large or threateningnot able to be toleratedsuddenly and unexpectedlyanother word for peasantsa load, typically a heavy onephysical strength and good healthshowing or suffering from nervousnessThe tramp that helps the invisible man...

Chapter 13 2020-11-24

Chapter 13 crossword puzzle
  1. physical strength and good health
  2. a thing used for tying or binding something tightly
  3. night time
  4. twilight; dusk
  5. not able to be tolerated
  6. in a quiet voice
  7. showing or suffering from nervousness
  8. struggle mentally; show or feel great confusion
  9. another word for peasants
  10. a load, typically a heavy one
  11. special importance, value, or prominence given to something
  12. Wood of various trees. Used for flooring
  13. is large or threatening
  14. The tramp that helps the invisible man
  1. extreme tiredness from mental or physical exertion
  2. The town where the invisible man works and lives in
  3. to stop
  4. make or become slack
  5. A flushed or red face
  6. no longer produced or used; out of date
  7. Griffin
  8. an object or flat figure in an elongated rectangle or oval shape
  9. appear as a shadowy form, especially one that is large or threatening.
  10. fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing
  11. suddenly and unexpectedly
  12. (of a person or animal) heavily or solidly built; stocky

26 Clues: to stopGriffinnight timetwilight; duskin a quiet voicemake or become slackA flushed or red faceis large or threateningnot able to be toleratedanother word for peasantssuddenly and unexpectedlya load, typically a heavy onephysical strength and good healthshowing or suffering from nervousnessThe tramp that helps the invisible man...

Petit Prince Words 2022-01-13

Petit Prince Words crossword puzzle
  1. Thousands of Miles
  2. Wings
  3. By Chance
  4. To Sweep
  5. Ripples of Sand
  6. Numbers
  7. To Lie
  8. Needles
  9. To Stroll
  10. To Mop
  11. This Afternoon
  12. Switchman
  13. Enchanted Forest
  14. Twilight
  15. Muzzle
  1. Ephemeral
  2. Wet
  3. Pills
  4. Seeds
  5. To Cross
  6. Vain
  7. Weather Vane
  8. Leather Strap
  9. Misunderstanding
  10. Enigmas
  11. A Mournful Look
  12. Watering Can

27 Clues: WetVainPillsWingsSeedsTo LieTo MopMuzzleNumbersNeedlesEnigmasTo CrossTo SweepTwilightEphemeralBy ChanceTo StrollSwitchmanWeather VaneWatering CanLeather StrapThis AfternoonRipples of SandA Mournful LookMisunderstandingEnchanted ForestThousands of Miles

ILE 5 Revision crossword 2013-12-12

ILE 5 Revision crossword crossword puzzle
  1. vapustatud
  2. kiusamine
  3. praeahi
  4. rahvastik
  5. edukas
  6. tegelaskuju
  7. rõõmsalt
  8. valesti mõistma
  9. suusõnaline
  10. välismaalane
  11. merereis
  12. emotsionaalne
  13. restaureeritud
  14. kosmoselaev
  15. üldkogunemine
  16. püssirohi
  17. ala, pindala
  18. röövretk
  19. kergesti
  20. vahetama
  1. ettekandja
  2. õigekiri
  3. paljukultuuriline
  4. jalgrada
  5. marmelaad
  6. tikutoos
  7. ajalooline
  8. etendus
  9. üllatav
  10. päikest võtma
  11. kokkuvõte
  12. videvik
  13. varemed

33 Clues: edukaspraeahietendusüllatavvidevikvaremedõigekirijalgradatikutoosrõõmsaltmerereisröövretkkergestivahetamakiusaminerahvastikmarmelaadkokkuvõtepüssirohiettekandjavapustatudajaloolinetegelaskujusuusõnalinekosmoselaevvälismaalaneala, pindalaemotsionaalnepäikest võtmaüldkoguneminerestaureeritudvalesti mõistmapaljukultuuriline

Terry’s TimeOut 2022-06-23

Terry’s TimeOut crossword puzzle
  1. lab rats
  2. green light/ jazz
  3. Mississippi River
  4. District x2
  5. prolonged and comics are better
  6. Team Jacob
  7. Turkey with sunglasses
  8. Society chooses life
  1. the boo looks good
  2. bee sting
  3. True American
  4. interstellar society
  5. Checkmate + green pill
  6. Faction
  7. fake agency
  8. ‘Obliviate’
  9. Plastic Surgery
  10. Z is Queen High
  11. Princess -> Queen
  12. DND
  13. abbv

21 Clues: DNDabbvFactionlab ratsbee stingTeam Jacobfake agency‘Obliviate’District x2True AmericanPlastic SurgeryZ is Queen Highgreen light/ jazzMississippi RiverPrincess -> Queenthe boo looks goodinterstellar societySociety chooses lifeCheckmate + green pillTurkey with sunglassesprolonged and comics are better

gothic novel 2017-12-18

gothic novel crossword puzzle
  1. adjective for gothic setting synonym for dim
  2. common colour in gothic genre
  3. harry potter byronic hero
  4. a popular character in gothic novels
  5. A hero described by lord byron
  6. type of book genre
  7. film genre linked to gothic novels
  8. additive for gothic setting
  9. a personality trait for a byronic hero
  10. adjective for a gothic setting
  11. popular gothic novel about a vampire
  12. a saga series with a popular byronic hero
  13. a popular character for a gothic novel
  1. part of the novel that is later resolved
  2. an emotion used to describe gothic settings
  3. a word to describe a gothic scene
  4. the first part of a gothic novel
  5. gossip girl
  6. personality trait of byronic heroes
  7. common gothic setting
  8. common scene for gothic genre
  9. what happens after the dilema
  10. a popular byronic hero out of the series twilight
  11. a popular subject for gothic novels
  12. linked to the genre of gothic novels

25 Clues: gossip girltype of book genrecommon gothic settingharry potter byronic heroadditive for gothic settingcommon colour in gothic genrecommon scene for gothic genrewhat happens after the dilemaA hero described by lord byronadjective for a gothic settingthe first part of a gothic novela word to describe a gothic scenefilm genre linked to gothic novels...

Traditional Symbols Crossword 2014-04-14

Traditional Symbols Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. adventure
  2. source/origin
  3. spiritual/intellectual
  4. unnaturalness
  5. birth/youth
  6. sorrow/evil
  7. mystery/departure
  8. passion/love/destruction
  9. energy/life
  10. purity
  11. femininity/ beauty
  1. color of winter/approach of old age/all colors in one
  2. freedom
  3. royalty/riches
  4. optimism
  5. death/the unknown
  6. intellect/truth
  7. fruition/fulfillment
  8. first indication of fertility
  9. anger/passion

20 Clues: purityfreedomoptimismadventurebirth/youthsorrow/evilenergy/lifesource/originunnaturalnessanger/passionroyalty/richesintellect/truthdeath/the unknownmystery/departurefemininity/ beautyfruition/fulfillmentspiritual/intellectualpassion/love/destructionfirst indication of fertilitycolor of winter/approach of old age/all colors in one

London Market Pubs & Bars 2020-03-31

London Market Pubs & Bars crossword puzzle
  1. Braveheart
  2. In the garden
  3. Not Johnnys
  4. Great fire of London
  5. Foolish
  6. Elton John's hangout
  7. Austen, Black
  8. Les Mis
  9. Opposite the Tower
  10. Makes wine
  11. Boat
  12. Not bottled
  13. Young Sheep
  1. Not cheddar
  2. Twilight Saga
  3. Silver
  4. Toothy furniture
  5. Calculator
  6. Not PG Tips
  7. Angry way to open a door
  8. Sounds rude
  9. Bong!

22 Clues: BoatBong!SilverFoolishLes MisBraveheartCalculatorMakes wineNot cheddarNot JohnnysNot PG TipsSounds rudeNot bottledYoung SheepTwilight SagaIn the gardenAusten, BlackToothy furnitureOpposite the TowerGreat fire of LondonElton John's hangoutAngry way to open a door

Team Get Togather 2020-10-25

Team Get Togather crossword puzzle
  1. 👨🏻🔨⚡
  2. 🍔🤴🏻
  3. 🚢
  4. 🧒🏻📚
  5. Upcoming Birthday
  6. New CEO
  7. 🌙🚀1️⃣3️⃣
  8. 🕷️🧔🏻
  9. 🎯
  10. 👰🏻‍♀️🙎🏻‍♀️🙍🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️
  11. 🚫🔑🅰️
  12. 🌊1️⃣1️⃣
  1. 👑📴💍
  2. 🐼🥋👊🏻
  3. 🌗👩‍❤️‍👨🦊
  4. 💉💎
  5. 👁️☎️
  6. 👳🚤🐯
  7. 🔎🐠
  8. Recent Birthday
  9. 🐆

21 Clues: 🚢🐆🎯💉💎🔎🐠👑📴💍🍔🤴🏻🧒🏻📚👳🚤🐯👨🏻🔨⚡🐼🥋👊🏻👁️☎️🕷️🧔🏻🚫🔑🅰️New CEO🌊1️⃣1️⃣🌗👩‍❤️‍👨🦊🌙🚀1️⃣3️⃣Recent BirthdayUpcoming Birthday👰🏻‍♀️🙎🏻‍♀️🙍🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️

Daria/Michael 14th of September 2021-09-14

Daria/Michael 14th of September crossword puzzle
  1. - кожа головы
  2. - мститель
  3. - борода
  4. - ноздря
  5. - уши
  6. - усы (у животных)
  7. - висок
  8. - подбородок
  9. lobe - мочка уха
  10. - арбуз
  11. - исчезать
  12. - сумерки, полумрак
  13. - седой
  14. - усы
  15. - веснушки
  16. - редкий
  17. - вместе
  1. - имбирь
  2. - щеки
  3. bone - скула
  4. - брови
  5. - прямой
  6. - губы
  7. - внешность
  8. - описать, характеризовать
  9. - череп
  10. - шарф
  11. - лоб
  12. - появляться
  13. - музей
  14. - ресницы

31 Clues: - уши- лоб- усы- щеки- губы- шарф- брови- череп- висок- арбуз- музей- седой- имбирь- прямой- борода- ноздря- редкий- вместе- ресницы- мститель- исчезать- веснушки- внешностьbone - скула- подбородок- появляться- кожа головыlobe - мочка уха- усы (у животных)- сумерки, полумрак- описать, характеризовать

unit 6 and 7 2021-05-24

unit 6 and 7 crossword puzzle
  1. gurita
  2. solusi
  3. lumba-lumba
  4. lapisan
  5. listrik
  6. dapat hancur di alam
  7. cahaya matahari
  8. masalah
  9. berguna
  10. spill tumpahan minyak
  11. lapisan di bawah laut
  12. lapisan di tengah laut
  1. binatang kecil tidak terlihat
  2. kecelakaan
  3. sumber daya
  4. tangan gurita
  5. imajinasi
  6. hilang
  7. polusi
  8. makhluk hidup
  9. penemuan
  10. sampah
  11. memancing berlebihan
  12. kreativitas

24 Clues: guritahilangpolusisolusisampahlapisanlistrikmasalahbergunapenemuanimajinasikecelakaansumber dayalumba-lumbakreativitastangan guritamakhluk hidupcahaya mataharidapat hancur di alammemancing berlebihanspill tumpahan minyaklapisan di bawah lautlapisan di tengah lautbinatang kecil tidak terlihat

untilted 7 2024-06-04

untilted 7 crossword puzzle
  1. Upper story
  2. Wise person or herb
  3. Bed covering
  4. Bright gas
  5. Run away to marry
  6. Ripped apart
  7. Amusement
  8. Ancient letter
  9. Monastery
  10. Out of focus
  1. Lift with effort
  2. Medieval contest
  3. Bird or lifting machine
  4. Evening twilight
  5. Strong wind
  6. Layer in the atmosphere
  7. Core of a fruit
  8. Elephant tusk material
  9. Door handle
  10. Young deer

20 Clues: AmusementMonasteryBright gasYoung deerUpper storyStrong windDoor handleBed coveringRipped apartOut of focusAncient letterCore of a fruitLift with effortMedieval contestEvening twilightRun away to marryWise person or herbElephant tusk materialBird or lifting machineLayer in the atmosphere

mr smiths vocab puzzle for 4/19/24 2024-04-19

mr smiths vocab puzzle for 4/19/24 crossword puzzle
  1. Self-governing independence
  2. a stiff or unnatural expression.
  3. Cheerful
  4. Using very few words
  5. point of no return
  6. Ruling with absolute authority
  7. daydreaming
  8. Lying down
  9. destructive fire
  10. wandering
  1. unique
  2. sad
  3. conscious choice
  4. Concerned with beauty
  5. survive
  6. To shed dead skin or cells
  7. twilight
  8. improvised
  9. criticize or punish severely
  10. Random and haphazard

20 Clues: saduniquesurviveCheerfultwilightwanderingimprovisedLying downdaydreamingconscious choicedestructive firepoint of no returnUsing very few wordsRandom and haphazardConcerned with beautyTo shed dead skin or cellsSelf-governing independencecriticize or punish severelyRuling with absolute authoritya stiff or unnatural expression.

Russian state exam 5 2024-10-09

Russian state exam 5 crossword puzzle
  1. хрупкий
  2. исследование
  3. выгода
  4. молитва
  5. уделятьвнимание
  6. мечеть
  7. выступать
  8. кнопка
  9. язык
  10. знание
  11. значимый
  12. арфа
  13. доход
  14. текущий
  15. надежный
  16. однако
  17. творчество
  18. инструмент
  1. обнимать
  2. препятствия
  3. восприятие
  4. извержение
  5. иностранец
  6. храм
  7. набережная
  8. тромбон
  9. длина
  10. сумерки
  11. тревога
  12. способ
  13. запрет
  14. твердый
  15. сила
  16. хор
  17. извергаться

35 Clues: хорхрамязыксилаарфадлинадоходвыгодамечетькнопкаспособзнаниезапретоднакохрупкиймолитватромбонсумеркитревогатвердыйтекущийобниматьзначимыйнадежныйвыступатьвосприятиеизвержениеиностранецнабережнаятворчествоинструментпрепятствияизвергатьсяисследованиеуделятьвнимание

Vocabulary crossword - June 2023-07-11

Vocabulary crossword - June crossword puzzle
  1. enjoyment
  2. embarrassment
  3. soft light from sky
  4. old-fashioned
  5. exact
  1. a practical exhibition
  2. feeling sick
  3. rough calculation
  4. punctual
  5. achieve
  6. a plan of action
  7. slightly warm
  8. walk unlawfully
  9. measure of performance

14 Clues: exactachievepunctualenjoymentfeeling sickslightly warmembarrassmentold-fashionedwalk unlawfullya plan of actionrough calculationsoft light from skya practical exhibitionmeasure of performance

Twilight quiz( easy) 2021-06-17

Twilight quiz( easy) crossword puzzle
  1. the valedictorian in the books
  2. that darn annoying girl character that DIDN'T APPEAR IN TYE MOVIES
  3. Leah's brother
  4. tyhe name bella would have given renesmee if she wasn't a girl
  5. Bella's dad
  6. Jared's girlfriend
  1. renee's husband
  2. Bella's best friend
  3. the most easily angered werewolf
  4. angela's ACTUAL boyfriend
  5. the 4th wolf to join the pack
  6. the "ruling class" of vampires
  7. Anthony Masen Edward's human name
  8. Edward's mom

14 Clues: Bella's dadEdward's momLeah's brotherrenee's husbandJared's girlfriendBella's best friendangela's ACTUAL boyfriendthe 4th wolf to join the packthe valedictorian in the booksthe "ruling class" of vampiresthe most easily angered werewolfAnthony Masen Edward's human nametyhe name bella would have given renesmee if she wasn't a girl...

The Sniper 2023-10-10

The Sniper crossword puzzle
  1. Visual description
  2. clank
  3. extreme physical or mental suffering.
  4. suddenly
  5. marksman rifle
  6. cast as a shadow
  7. tremble convulsively
  1. sarcasm
  2. enthusiasm
  3. Sudden attack
  4. low protective wall
  5. Obscurity
  6. emotional feeling of audience
  7. look keenly

14 Clues: clanksarcasmsuddenlyObscurityenthusiasmlook keenlySudden attackmarksman riflecast as a shadowVisual descriptionlow protective walltremble convulsivelyemotional feeling of audienceextreme physical or mental suffering.

Happy One Year 2023-02-09

Happy One Year crossword puzzle
  1. podcast
  2. place we met
  3. first gift
  4. first date
  5. late night snack
  6. first movie we watched
  7. drink
  1. number
  2. kid's name
  3. amount of love
  4. ring's symbol
  5. song
  6. i miss...
  7. don't forget your

14 Clues: songdrinknumberpodcasti miss...kid's namefirst giftfirst dateplace we metring's symbolamount of lovelate night snackdon't forget yourfirst movie we watched

my little pony 2023-03-08

my little pony crossword puzzle
  1. princess of love
  2. applejack's granny
  3. the princess of friendship
  4. rarity's sister
  5. kindness
  6. honest
  1. applejack's brother
  2. generosity
  3. laughter
  4. loyalty
  5. princess of day
  6. applejack's sister
  7. princess of night

13 Clues: honestloyaltylaughterkindnessgenerosityprincess of dayrarity's sisterprincess of loveprincess of nightapplejack's grannyapplejack's sisterapplejack's brotherthe princess of friendship

Twilight Zone Notes 2024-11-12

Twilight Zone Notes crossword puzzle
  1. This author actually dropped out of high school and published short stories for magazines to make money
  2. wrote for Twilight Zone, various novels and was even a veteran
  3. Twilight Zone episodes featured this at the end, which added to the suspense
  1. Matheson wrote this novel which was later adapted into a popular movie
  2. Matheson was a WWII veteran and had this position/career
  3. This story inspired Matheson to write his most popular novel
  4. son of famous writer, who also went on to be a successful writer like his father
  5. Beaumont suffered from a mysterious illness that made him ____ quickly, causing him to look 95 at 38 years old
  6. The Twilight Zone used to air on this tv channel
  7. starred in Matheson's Movie adaptation of his novel

10 Clues: The Twilight Zone used to air on this tv channelstarred in Matheson's Movie adaptation of his novelMatheson was a WWII veteran and had this position/careerThis story inspired Matheson to write his most popular novelwrote for Twilight Zone, various novels and was even a veteranMatheson wrote this novel which was later adapted into a popular movie...

Vocabulario - Sueños de la buena vida 2023-09-29

Vocabulario - Sueños de la buena vida crossword puzzle
  1. giving up, surrendering
  2. shell
  3. campesinos
  4. coccoon
  5. mangrove
  6. nooks and crannies
  1. raso cieling
  2. unreadable, difficult to understand
  3. refusing
  4. dusk, twilight
  5. uprooting
  6. terrifed, frozen

12 Clues: shellcoccoonrefusingmangroveuprootingcampesinosraso cielingdusk, twilightterrifed, frozennooks and cranniesgiving up, surrenderingunreadable, difficult to understand

Wie gut kennst du deinen Freund 2015-12-21

Wie gut kennst du deinen Freund crossword puzzle
  1. Name des 2. Kindes meiner Eltern
  2. Mein Geburtsmonat
  3. Mein Motorrad
  4. Mein Chinesisches Lieblingsessen
  5. Meine Funktion beim HSV
  6. Mein Dienstgrad
  7. Mein Ersatzteil
  8. Mein Geburtsort
  1. Name meiner Liebsten
  2. Mein Auto
  3. Erster Kinofilm mit dir
  4. Lieblingshunderasse
  5. Mein Arbeitgeber
  6. Anzahl meiner Tattoos
  7. Erlernter Beruf
  8. Meine Spielkonsole
  9. Mein Handy
  10. Mein Wohnort
  11. Lieblingssportart

19 Clues: Mein AutoMein HandyMein WohnortMein MotorradErlernter BerufMein DienstgradMein ErsatzteilMein GeburtsortMein ArbeitgeberMein GeburtsmonatLieblingssportartMeine SpielkonsoleLieblingshunderasseName meiner LiebstenAnzahl meiner TattoosErster Kinofilm mit dirMeine Funktion beim HSVName des 2. Kindes meiner ElternMein Chinesisches Lieblingsessen

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 2017-05-03

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess crossword puzzle
  1. The shop that your friend Malo opened that sold the Magic Armor
  2. Armor that enables Link to breathe underwater
  3. Your home village
  4. Dungeon item of Arbiter's Grounds
  5. The huge dragon in the City in the Sky
  1. Dungeon item of Lakebed Temple and City in the Sky
  2. The blade of evil's bane
  3. The final boss
  4. The big hand that tries to prevent you from getting the Sol in the Palace of Twilight
  5. The form Link takes when entering the Twilight Realm
  6. The name for the boss key in this game (not 'boss key')
  7. Link's companion

12 Clues: The final bossLink's companionYour home villageThe blade of evil's baneDungeon item of Arbiter's GroundsThe huge dragon in the City in the SkyArmor that enables Link to breathe underwaterDungeon item of Lakebed Temple and City in the SkyThe form Link takes when entering the Twilight RealmThe name for the boss key in this game (not 'boss key')...

Inventors or Creators or USA Credited 2022-02-27

Inventors or Creators or USA Credited crossword puzzle
  1. Winged Flight
  2. Gatorade
  3. Telephone
  4. Charcoal
  5. Bifocal Glasses
  6. Peanut Butter (+ hundreds more)
  7. Light Bulb
  8. The Simpsons
  9. Modern Assembly Line Improvement
  10. jetted whirlpool bathtubs
  11. General Motors
  1. Twilight Zone
  2. Internet (not invented, helped create it's public usefulness)
  3. Cotton Gin
  4. Star Trek
  5. Phonograph
  6. Watson

17 Clues: WatsonGatoradeCharcoalTelephoneStar TrekCotton GinPhonographLight BulbThe SimpsonsTwilight ZoneWinged FlightGeneral MotorsBifocal Glassesjetted whirlpool bathtubsPeanut Butter (+ hundreds more)Modern Assembly Line ImprovementInternet (not invented, helped create it's public usefulness)

TV shows from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. 2024-01-17

TV shows from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. crossword puzzle
  1. Bald crime solver
  2. Blended family
  3. Caped Crusader
  4. Magical wish-granter
  5. Master of Suspense
  6. Legal eagle
  7. Comedic redhead
  8. Zone mysteries
  9. Spooky sitcom
  1. Ponderosa ranch
  2. NYC couple
  3. Space exploration
  4. Magical housewife
  5. Sheriff's hometown
  6. Island Castaway

15 Clues: NYC coupleLegal eagleSpooky sitcomBlended familyCaped CrusaderZone mysteriesPonderosa ranchIsland CastawayComedic redheadBald crime solverSpace explorationMagical housewifeSheriff's hometownMaster of SuspenseMagical wish-granter

mr smiths vocab puzzle for 4/19/24 2024-04-19

mr smiths vocab puzzle for 4/19/24 crossword puzzle
  1. point of no return
  2. criticize or punish severely
  3. survive
  4. wandering
  5. Cheerful
  6. Random and haphazard
  7. Ruling with absolute authority
  8. sad
  9. unique
  1. improvised
  2. twilight
  3. destructive fire
  4. a stiff or unnatural expression.
  5. Concerned with beauty
  6. Using very few words
  7. To shed dead skin or cells
  8. Self-governing independence
  9. Lying down
  10. daydreaming
  11. conscious choice

20 Clues: saduniquesurvivetwilightCheerfulwanderingimprovisedLying downdaydreamingdestructive fireconscious choicepoint of no returnUsing very few wordsRandom and haphazardConcerned with beautyTo shed dead skin or cellsSelf-governing independencecriticize or punish severelyRuling with absolute authoritya stiff or unnatural expression.

1960s TV Shows: Popular TV Series 2023-10-16

1960s TV Shows: Popular TV Series crossword puzzle
  1. Island castaway.
  2. Andy Griffith's town.
  3. Magical servant.
  4. Boldly going.
  5. Spooky family.
  6. Blended family.
  7. Dr. Kimble's pursuit.
  1. Rural to Beverly Hills.
  2. Monster family.
  3. Secret missions.
  4. Witch's mishaps.
  5. Ponderosa western.
  6. Bumbling spy.
  7. Dimension of imagination.
  8. Caped crusader.

15 Clues: Bumbling spy.Boldly going.Spooky family.Monster family.Caped crusader.Blended family.Island castaway.Secret missions.Witch's mishaps.Magical servant.Ponderosa western.Andy Griffith's town.Dr. Kimble's pursuit.Rural to Beverly Hills.Dimension of imagination.

Lewis and Clark and Me! 2012-10-04

Lewis and Clark and Me! crossword puzzle
  1. rice
  2. vampires in love
  3. heavy
  4. Boat lot
  5. tangy
  6. parking for a boat
  1. huuuh
  2. ligh a candle please
  3. correct
  4. birds do this
  5. after 7
  6. please,please,please
  7. eyeballs

13 Clues: ricehuuuhheavytangycorrectafter 7Boat loteyeballsbirds do thisvampires in loveparking for a boatligh a candle pleaseplease,please,please

Twilight 1 2021-05-05

Twilight 1 crossword puzzle
  1. give up something that you want in order to get something else or help someone
  2. go together well or agree together
  3. acting or moving in ways that are not consistent
  1. clumsy or difficult to deal with
  2. to stay very close to a person or place
  3. thin or narrow
  4. heavy hooded jacket
  5. being away or restricted from a place
  6. the lower edge of a roof that sticks out past the wall

9 Clues: thin or narrowheavy hooded jacketclumsy or difficult to deal withgo together well or agree togetherbeing away or restricted from a placeto stay very close to a person or placeacting or moving in ways that are not consistentthe lower edge of a roof that sticks out past the wall...

Twilight een gevaarlijke liefde 2013-02-19

Twilight een gevaarlijke liefde crossword puzzle
  1. vriend van Bella
  2. roos/rosharige vriendin van James
  3. schrijfster van twilight( voornaam)
  4. dochter van charlie
  5. eindejaarsfeest
  6. vader Bella
  7. the cullens zijn
  8. blonde haren, vriendin van Emmett
  9. komt the cullens waarschuwen voor Victoria & James
  10. ziet Bella als zijn snack na hun ontmoeting
  11. waar alles begint
  12. vader van jacob, goeie vriend van Charlie
  1. ze ziet de toekomst, bruin kort haar
  2. dokter, vader van Edward
  3. het verhaal op het strand
  4. de nieuwe vriend van Bella's moeder
  5. moeder Bella
  6. echte naam van Bella
  7. jongen waar Bella verliefd op is, geheimzinige jongen
  8. pas vegetarisch, vriendje van Alice
  9. de stad waar ze woonde met haar moeder
  10. spierbundel van familie, vriendje van Rosalie
  11. moeder van Edward

23 Clues: vader Bellamoeder Bellaeindejaarsfeestvriend van Bellathe cullens zijnmoeder van Edwardwaar alles begintdochter van charlieechte naam van Belladokter, vader van Edwardhet verhaal op het strandroos/rosharige vriendin van Jamesblonde haren, vriendin van Emmettde nieuwe vriend van Bella's moederschrijfster van twilight( voornaam)...

Twilight Alli Wilkey 6th 2013-05-16

Twilight Alli Wilkey 6th crossword puzzle
  1. - Wooded areas.
  2. moon - Warewolfs howl at this.
  3. - A person who glitters when exposed to sun light.
  4. - Edward and Bella go out on a _____.
  5. - The main female character.
  6. - A vampire battle
  7. - Edwards father.
  8. - Bad for vampires to be in.
  9. - A vampires trusty side kick.
  10. - A very hairy male who howls at the moon.
  11. - Where Bellas mom lives.
  12. moon - When the moon is starting to form.
  13. - Bellas fear because Edward will always stay 18.
  14. - When the suna dn the moon are perfectly alined.
  15. - Bellas dads profession.
  16. - Bellas last name.
  17. - What cops do whent they get a work call.
  18. - Edwards newest brother.
  19. - Edwards last name.
  20. - What Bella and Edward need to do for eachother.
  21. - Vampires humans and warewolfs all have there own _______.
  22. Ball - A vampires version of baseball.
  23. - The genre of this book; hint not fiction
  24. - The last name of the author.
  25. - What warewolves have on their body.
  26. - Jacobs last name.
  1. - Another one of Edwards sisters.
  2. - The evil vampire who trys to kill Bella.
  3. - A warewolf battle.
  4. - vampires do this to make people forget things
  5. - The early morning.
  6. - The main male warewolf.
  7. - All the stars and planets in space.
  8. - What vampires drink.
  9. - The first name of the author af this book.
  10. - What Edward wont let Bella do.
  11. - Bellas fathers name.
  12. - A very large house much like the one Edward lives in.
  13. - Where Bellas dad lives.
  14. - When you live forever.
  15. - The main male vampire.
  16. - THe type of car Bella drives.
  17. - The light in the sky when the sun is below the horizion.
  18. - Bellas mothers name.
  19. - Edwards sister and Bellas close friend
  20. - What vampires never do at night.
  21. - The car that almost killed Bella
  22. - The rainest place on Earth.
  23. - Edwards brother.
  24. Minds - Edwards gift.
  25. - What they are afraid will happen.

51 Clues: - Wooded areas.- Edwards father.- A vampire battle- Edwards brother.- Bellas last name.- Jacobs last name.- A warewolf battle.- The early morning.- Edwards last name.Minds - Edwards gift.- What vampires drink.- Bellas fathers name.- Bellas mothers name.- When you live forever.- The main male vampire.- The main male warewolf....