twilight Crossword Puzzles

Grandpa's Great Escape 2017-06-27

Grandpa's Great Escape crossword puzzle
  1. Twilight ................... ?
  2. The young hero ?
  3. Mrs............. who broke the rope ?
  4. The senior hero of the story ?
  5. What did Grandpa climb at the start of the book ?
  6. What day is visiting ?
  7. They take them instead of pills ?
  8. How many minutes are allowed for visiting ?
  9. What were on the 'nurses' arms ?
  1. Gives an electric shock to the pensioners ?
  2. Who recommends Twilight Towers ?
  3. German secret police ?
  4. What is a Spitfire ?
  5. What the rope was made of ?
  6. The tree you have to climb to escape
  7. Concentration.............. ?
  8. What does Grandpa wear on his feet ?
  9. What museum does Jack like visiting ?
  10. Miss ........ the evil matron ?

19 Clues: The young hero ?What is a Spitfire ?German secret police ?What day is visiting ?What the rope was made of ?Concentration.............. ?Twilight ................... ?The senior hero of the story ?Miss ........ the evil matron ?Who recommends Twilight Towers ?What were on the 'nurses' arms ?They take them instead of pills ?...

b fip 2013-05-21

b fip crossword puzzle
  1. vlot
  2. levensduur
  3. bloei
  4. onophoudelijk
  5. duurzaamheid
  6. kort
  7. aanvankelijk
  8. ochtendschemering
  9. schemering
  10. avondschemering
  1. eerstgenoemde
  2. dadelijk
  3. avondklok
  4. altijd
  5. puur
  6. gebruikelijk
  7. volwassen
  8. samenvallen
  9. onophoudelijk
  10. tijdsverloop
  11. bloeiperiode

21 Clues: vlotpuurkortbloeialtijddadelijkavondklokvolwassenlevensduurschemeringsamenvallengebruikelijkduurzaamheidaanvankelijktijdsverloopbloeiperiodeeerstgenoemdeonophoudelijkonophoudelijkavondschemeringochtendschemering

Kpl9 kodin koneita 2019-02-14

Kpl9 kodin koneita crossword puzzle
  1. siirtokunta
  2. soppa
  3. hämärä
  4. ilma
  5. reititin
  6. häntä
  7. kaiuttimet
  8. ilmakehä
  9. tukikohta
  10. mehu
  1. saadaselville
  2. astianpesukone
  3. nitoja
  4. pehmeästi
  5. uudelleenkäyttö
  6. avaruus
  7. vedenkeitin
  8. lämmittää
  9. liha
  10. mönkijä

20 Clues: ilmalihamehusoppahäntänitojahämäräavaruusmönkijäreititinilmakehäpehmeästilämmittäätukikohtakaiuttimetsiirtokuntavedenkeitinsaadaselvilleastianpesukoneuudelleenkäyttö

Do you actually know me?? puzzle for my bf 2021-12-18

Do you actually know me?? puzzle for my bf crossword puzzle
  1. favbandrn
  2. favserie
  3. favbook
  4. favfood
  5. Disneycrush
  6. favhobby
  7. whatamiinsecureof
  1. favsong
  2. whatjobidreamedof
  3. languageiwanttolearn
  4. myfear
  5. favanimal
  6. favartist
  7. favchocolate
  8. favcolor
  9. favmovie
  10. eyecolor
  11. mylastname
  12. favweather
  13. birthmonth
  14. mysecondname

21 Clues: myfearfavsongfavbookfavfoodfavseriefavcolorfavmovieeyecolorfavhobbyfavanimalfavbandrnfavartistmylastnamefavweatherbirthmonthDisneycrushfavchocolatemysecondnamewhatjobidreamedofwhatamiinsecureoflanguageiwanttolearn

Parody Movies 2024-02-28

Parody Movies crossword puzzle
  1. Parodies Romantic Comedies
  2. National Lampoon Parody
  3. Parodies Teen Films
  4. Parodies Westerns
  5. Parodies Twilight
  6. Eat It
  7. Ben Stiller and War
  8. Parodies Top Gun
  9. It's Fronkenstein
  10. I Can't Tell You! (its a___.)
  11. Parodies Superhero Films
  12. Pearl Harbor Sucks
  13. Don't Call me Shirley
  14. Parodies Spy Films
  1. Parodies The Hunger Games
  2. Will Ferrel acts like a child and eats onions
  3. Ludicrous Speed
  4. The Worst
  5. From the guy who brought you Ted
  6. Parodies Narnia
  7. Parodies 300
  8. Parodies Robin Hood
  9. Do you like____?
  10. 15 Comman-- 10 Commandments
  11. Leslie Neilson and a Gun
  12. Parodies Fast and Furious
  13. Also Parodies Twilight (Fart Pun)

27 Clues: Eat ItThe WorstParodies 300Ludicrous SpeedParodies NarniaDo you like____?Parodies Top GunParodies WesternsParodies TwilightIt's FronkensteinPearl Harbor SucksParodies Spy FilmsParodies Teen FilmsParodies Robin HoodBen Stiller and WarDon't Call me ShirleyNational Lampoon ParodyLeslie Neilson and a GunParodies Superhero FilmsParodies The Hunger Games...

Twilight 2021-04-21

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Met wie speelde Bella vroeger in de zandbak?
  2. Wat spelen de Cullens graag als het donderd?
  3. Wat is jacob naar Bella toe?
  4. Van welk land is Edward afkomstig van?
  5. Waar woont Bella nu?
  1. Vanwaar is zogezegd de colluns familie?
  2. Van welke Familie komt Edward?
  3. Welk cadeau kreeg Bella van haar vader als ze terug was?

8 Clues: Waar woont Bella nu?Wat is jacob naar Bella toe?Van welke Familie komt Edward?Van welk land is Edward afkomstig van?Vanwaar is zogezegd de colluns familie?Met wie speelde Bella vroeger in de zandbak?Wat spelen de Cullens graag als het donderd?Welk cadeau kreeg Bella van haar vader als ze terug was?

Twilight 2024-03-03

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Town in which the story takes placSS
  2. Character with ability to see into the future
  3. Character is #4's brother, owns a jeep
  4. Minor League Baseball player, dating #2's mom
  1. doctor #4's dad
  2. Makes a vampires glow
  3. In love with #2
  4. Main character, is from Arizona

8 Clues: doctor #4's dadIn love with #2Makes a vampires glowMain character, is from ArizonaTown in which the story takes placSSCharacter is #4's brother, owns a jeepCharacter with ability to see into the futureMinor League Baseball player, dating #2's mom

Halloween 2016-10-26

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. Swagger
  2. restaurant table
  3. Twilight
  4. Coverings
  5. Woodcut
  6. Halloween
  7. framework
  8. JunkFood
  9. kcalb
  10. Crawly
  1. egnaro
  2. Witch
  3. Moaned
  4. Seed
  5. Popular
  6. Creepier
  7. MonsterMash
  8. Vapor

18 Clues: SeedWitchkcalbVaporegnaroMoanedCrawlySwaggerPopularWoodcutTwilightCreepierJunkFoodCoveringsHalloweenframeworkMonsterMashrestaurant table

Twilight Crossword Puzzle 2021-04-27

Twilight Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Where Bella used to live
  2. The type of car Bella drives
  3. The year of high school Bella is in
  4. What Mike wanted to go with Bella to
  5. The fruit that appears on the cover of the book
  6. Where the story takes place
  7. The color of Bellas car
  8. Edwards last name
  9. The boy at school that has a crush on Bella
  10. The number of siblings Edward has
  11. The class that Bella hates
  1. Bellas age
  2. Edwards dads job
  3. The music artist that Edward listens to
  4. Bellas dads name
  5. The part of the body Bella hit when a car hit her
  6. Charlies job
  7. How Bella contacts her mom
  8. The type of car that hit Bella
  9. The class Bella and Edward have together

20 Clues: Bellas ageCharlies jobEdwards dads jobBellas dads nameEdwards last nameThe color of Bellas carWhere Bella used to liveHow Bella contacts her momThe class that Bella hatesWhere the story takes placeThe type of car Bella drivesThe type of car that hit BellaThe number of siblings Edward hasThe year of high school Bella is in...

Spelling List 1 2022-08-28

Spelling List 1 crossword puzzle
  1. lhoih
  2. lkoij
  3. kjoij
  4. ijoj
  5. ijoij
  6. iojoj
  7. lkhoih
  8. kioijo
  9. lkoij
  10. kijoijoi
  1. ijoj
  2. ijoijo
  3. oijoij
  4. lkoih
  5. joioj
  6. lijoij
  7. jlioj
  8. ijoij
  9. oijhoij
  10. lijoi

20 Clues: ijojijojlhoihlkoijlkoihkjoijjoiojijoijjliojiojojijoijlkoijlijoiijoijooijoijlijoijlkhoihkioijooijhoijkijoijoi

Ch Nelson Mandela Long walk to freedom 2021-05-10

Ch Nelson Mandela Long walk to freedom crossword puzzle
  1. Emancipation
  2. Twilight
  3. Despised
  4. podium
  5. negro president
  6. Exactness
  7. Resilence
  8. establishment
  9. Monks
  10. Profound
  1. Illusion
  2. Brutality
  3. Conquers
  4. Transitory
  5. Inevitably
  6. Prejudice
  7. Obstructed
  8. Erected
  9. Camarades
  10. Yearned
  11. deprivation
  12. chevron

22 Clues: MonkspodiumErectedYearnedchevronIllusionConquersTwilightDespisedProfoundBrutalityPrejudiceExactnessCamaradesResilenceTransitoryInevitablyObstructeddeprivationEmancipationestablishmentnegro president

vormsel 2013-03-25

vormsel crossword puzzle
  1. thee
  2. sterrenbeeld
  3. vormsel
  4. lente
  5. spiritus
  6. do
  7. angribirds
  8. $
  9. thuis
  10. fantasia
  1. blauw
  2. ke$ha
  3. femke
  4. kleuterjuf
  5. appelmoes
  6. ego
  7. icarly
  8. hond
  9. volleybal
  10. twilight
  11. frietjes

21 Clues: $doegotheehondblauwke$hafemkelentethuisicarlyvormselspiritustwilightfrietjesfantasiaappelmoesvolleybalkleuterjufangribirdssterrenbeeld

The Twilight Zone 2021-03-04

The Twilight Zone crossword puzzle
  1. Submitted for your _________.
  2. The narrator and creator
  3. Season 1, Episode 3: "Mr. Denton on _______"
  4. There is a _________ dimension.
  5. From Episode 1, Season 1, "Where is Everybody?": "The barrier of _________ -- that's one thing we haven't licked yet."
  6. The original writer of the short story that inspired the episode titled "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge"
  7. The television network that originally aired The Twilight Zone
  8. From the episode "Living Doll": "My name is talky ____, and I am going to kill you."
  9. Creature on the wing of the plan in "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet"
  10. Appears in four episode of The Twilight Zone, including "Time Enough at Last," "The Obsolete Man," Mr. Dingle the Strong," and "Printer's Devil."
  11. The vehicle of death for Elizabeth Powell in the episode "Twenty-Two"
  12. From Season 1, Episode 20 titled "Elegy," Mr. Wickwire's haunting quote: "Where there are men, there can be no ______"
  13. Episode titled "It's a Good Life" in which a little boy named Anthony can wish people away into the __________
  14. From the episode "A Game of Pool": "The _______ doesn't die because the man does"
  15. The original writer of the episode "I Sing the Body Electric"
  16. In the episode titled "Death's-Head Revisited," Becker's quote to S.S. Captain Lutze: "But this is only the beginning, Captain. Only the beginning. Your final judgement will come from ______"
  17. One writer of the original series, Charles ________.
  18. Who Serling originally wanted to narrate the show.
  19. The name of the astronaut who gets caged in the episode titled "People Are Alike All Over"
  20. In the episode "Back There," a man finds he has gone back in time, and he tries to save the life of this assassinated president
  21. Episode title "A Stop at ________"; also a town Serling passed through frequently in his own life
  22. Wrote the original music score for the show; Bernard ___________.
  23. The episode "The Passersby" takes place at the end of the ______ War
  24. From the episode "The Hitch-Hiker": "Going _____ ______?"
  25. The identity of the tiny robot creatures who sabotage a woman in her own home in the episode "The Invaders"; the emblem on the side of their UFO
  26. where Marsha White purchases a scratched gold thimble in the episode "The After Hours"
  27. The holiday on which Serling was born.
  28. Serling tells us after Miss Tyler's "failed procedure" that "beauty is in the eye of the ________"
  29. One writer of the original series, Richard _________.
  1. Episode titled "The __________ Sun" in which the earth falls out of orbit
  2. The name of the nursing home in the episode "Kick the Can": __________ Rest
  3. A young _________ __________ plays this endearing personification of death in the episode "Nothing in the Dark"
  4. The names of the two characters who find each other on a deserted planet in the episode "Probe 7--Over and Out"
  5. Episode titled "The _________ Man" in which a librarian living in a totalitarian society is sentenced to death
  6. Episode titled "The _______" in which a family must participate in a Mardi Gras party in order to acquire their dying father/grandfather's inheritance
  7. Serling quotes Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" in the closing narration of the episode "A Quality of Mercy": "The quality of mercy is not __________. It dropped as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath."
  8. The name of the dog in the episode titled "The Hunt"
  9. The staff of _______; Brother Jerome uses it to cage "The Howling Man"
  10. Episode titled "Will the Real ________ Please Stand Up" in which a group of people in a diner try to identify which of them is not human
  11. Episode titled "The _________" in which two men bet on whether one of them can stay silent for an entire year
  12. The name of the "man" who saves Joey Crowne in the episode "A Passage for Trumpet"
  13. Season 1, Episode 14: "_____ from the Sun"
  14. Number of total seasons
  15. Jack ________, also known as Joey Crowne, Max Phillips, Jesse Cardiff, and Captain Ross.
  16. From the closing narration in "The Monsters are Due on Maple Street," "There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, _________ to be found only in the minds of men"
  17. From the episode "Walking Distance," Robert Sloan says to Martin Sloan, "You've been looking behind you, Martin. Try looking _______."
  18. You unlock this door with the key of ___________.
  19. In the episode "The New Exhibit," one of Martin's prized wax figures is the London serial killer Jack the _________.
  20. From the episode "Five Characters in Search of an Exit," the clown says, "That's one thing we have an abundance of-- ___________"
  21. Episode titled "The Big Tall ______" was the first television episode in history to feature a predominately black cast.
  22. In this episode titled "Nick of Time," William Shatner plays a man who goes into a diner with his wife and finds a mystic ______
  23. In the episode "The Changing of the Guard," a student of Professor Fowler's quotes Howard Arnold Walter: "I would be brave for there is much to ________"
  24. A hobby of Serling's that is evident in The Twilight Zone episode "Steel"
  25. From the episode "And When the Sky Was Opened," the final news article title reads "______ Spaceman Completes Journey; Lands in Desert"
  26. Millicent Barnes is haunted by her ___________ in the episode "Mirror Image."
  27. Name of the character who tragically breaks his glasses in the episode "Time Enough at Last"
  28. From the episode "The Last Flight," the nickname of Mackaye: Old _____________
  29. From the episode "Judgement Night," the name of the ship: S.S. Queen of _________
  30. In the episode titled "To Serve Man," the Kanamits' book actually turns out to be a _________.
  31. One writer of the original series, Earl _________ Jr.
  32. The college in Ohio which Serling attended, and eventually taught at.
  33. From the episode "I am the Night - Color Me Black": "Do you know why it's dark? Do you know why it's night all around us? Do you know what the blackness is? It's the ______ he felt..."
  34. From the episode "Long Live Walter Jameson": "It's death that gives this world its point. We love a rose because we know it'll soon be gone. Who ever loved a ______?"

63 Clues: Number of total seasonsThe narrator and creatorSubmitted for your _________.There is a _________ dimension.The holiday on which Serling was born.Season 1, Episode 14: "_____ from the Sun"Season 1, Episode 3: "Mr. Denton on _______"You unlock this door with the key of ___________.Who Serling originally wanted to narrate the show....

Twilight Character Crossword 2013-09-05

Twilight Character Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. in the newborn army;surrendered
  2. finally gives up on Bella and dates Jessica
  3. Second vampire Carlisle created
  4. Eleazar's mate
  5. killed by Edward; he's a tracker
  6. Likes to hunt bears
  7. Irina's mate
  8. killed by Caius; Kate and Tanya's sister
  9. Kate and Irina's sister
  10. not a people's person
  11. almost hit Bella with his van
  12. Leader of the Olympic clan
  13. red hair, James's mate
  14. glasses and takes pictures
  15. Ripped off the head of the Denali's mother
  16. Clearly a third wheel; the mechanic-type friend
  17. likes Mike Newton
  18. stands by Zafrina's side; amazon
  19. She grows really fast
  20. someone to take care of Charlie
  21. Bella's dad
  22. Bella's stepfather
  23. Don't look into her red eyes
  24. Victoria's puppet
  25. died of heart attack
  26. Leader of the Volturi
  1. Amun's mate
  2. first it was in her palms, now she can radiate it
  3. flirts with Kate
  4. Bella's mom
  5. Siobhan's mate; Irish coven
  6. Clumsy (as a human)
  7. power over the elements
  8. wheelchair guy
  9. makes you see what she wants
  10. Jane's brother
  11. Peter's mate
  12. Fastest of the Cullens
  13. likes saying "la Push"
  14. Liam's mate; Irish coven
  15. Our newest vegetarian
  16. Benjamin's mate
  17. "Blondie"
  18. Fought with Edward in New Moon
  19. curly hair; irish coven
  20. Killed Irina; blonde
  21. Leah's brother
  22. Kebi's mate
  23. Aro's mate
  24. Carmen's mate
  25. ALpha wolf
  26. "The little dark haired girl"
  27. fought alongside Jasper as a newborn
  28. Seth's sister
  29. Bree's almost mate

55 Clues: "Blondie"Aro's mateALpha wolfAmun's mateBella's momKebi's mateBella's dadIrina's matePeter's mateCarmen's mateSeth's sisterEleazar's matewheelchair guyJane's brotherLeah's brotherBenjamin's mateflirts with Katelikes Mike NewtonVictoria's puppetBella's stepfatherBree's almost mateClumsy (as a human)Likes to hunt bearsKilled Irina; blonde...

Twilight Zone Day 2022-05-10

Twilight Zone Day crossword puzzle
  1. Last name of 'Nightmare at 20,000 Feet' actor
  2. The Monsters are due on what street?
  3. An inmate whose fate is solitary confinement on a desert planet receives this gift to help with his loneliness
  4. This show took a parody page out of 'To Serve Man' and introduced Kang and Kodos as man eating aliens
  5. In the 2019 retelling of 'Nightmare at 20,000 Feet' the plane crash is told to Adam Scott's character through what true crime medium?
  6. The purchaser of souls throughout The Twilight Zone
  7. A deadly talking doll
  8. Will Janet finally be pretty in this classic episode? Eye of the what?
  9. Award winning French film turned Twilight Zone episode about a man waiting execution takes place on what Owl named infrastructure
  10. The Grim Reaper manifests as what in the back of Nan's car?
  11. This is the dimension of what?
  1. In the 'After Hours' employees on the ninth floor turn into these still props
  2. Last name of this Blues Brother star from Twilight Zone the Movie
  3. What are the '5 Characters in Search of an Exit?'
  4. 'Time Enough At Last' to read but without these what's the point?
  5. Where a 6 year old boy with telekinetic powers sends people who displease him
  6. The 'People Are Alike All Over' protagonist winds up in what despite his captors performative hospitality?
  7. Acclaimed horror filmmaker who took on the reboot of The Twilight Zone
  8. Grab a coffee in this location for 'Nick of Time' and 'Will The Real Martian Please Stand Up'
  9. Rod
  10. In Family Guy, Rod Serling is accused of stealing this from the neighborhood
  11. In 'A Hundred Yards Over the Rim' a time traveling pioneer brings this modern day invention back to his people
  12. Numerically named post apocalyptic episode that looks at surviving rivals from a catastrophic conflict

23 Clues: RodA deadly talking dollThis is the dimension of what?The Monsters are due on what street?Last name of 'Nightmare at 20,000 Feet' actorWhat are the '5 Characters in Search of an Exit?'The purchaser of souls throughout The Twilight ZoneThe Grim Reaper manifests as what in the back of Nan's car?...

Twilight Crossword Puzzle 2023-10-26

Twilight Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. When you do something fun
  2. Something bad might happen
  3. When you really want something
  4. Something that is not like the other things
  5. When you have to choose something
  6. Where you are most likely to die
  7. Something that is hard to understand
  8. When you make someone feel scared
  9. When two people have an affection for each other
  10. Being a fighter, physically and mental
  11. When you don't understand something
  12. Something you don't see ever day
  13. A being that sucks blood, and does not age
  1. When you are serious about getting something
  2. When you do something with your body
  3. Not the same as other things
  4. Not likely to happen
  5. Something that can make you worry
  6. Something that's not safe
  7. Something that make you feel weird

20 Clues: Not likely to happenWhen you do something funSomething that's not safeSomething bad might happenNot the same as other thingsWhen you really want somethingWhere you are most likely to dieSomething you don't see ever dayWhen you have to choose somethingSomething that can make you worryWhen you make someone feel scared...

1950s TV 2023-12-04

1950s TV crossword puzzle
  1. Groundbreaking sitcom from 1951 to 1957 (3words)
  2. Host of The Twilight Zone
  3. filming style of The Twilight Zone (2words)
  4. Production company headed by Lucille Ball
  5. Repeated airing of a previously broadcast television episode
  6. the characteristics of a population that have been categorized by distinct criteria—such as age, gender and income
  7. Popular game show rigged in 1956 (two words)
  1. integration of products organically into the storyline of a tv show (2 Words)
  2. Type of show the Twilight Zone was
  3. Research method used to comprehend viewers' preferences
  4. Lucille Ball's role beyond acting on I Love Lucy
  5. Lighting setup use don I Love Lucy (2words)
  6. I love lucy was shot on this instead of broadcasting live
  7. The Commission that required networks to disclose the rules and guidelines of each show to the contestants
  8. Genre of TV show of the $64,000 Question (2 words)

15 Clues: Host of The Twilight ZoneType of show the Twilight Zone wasProduction company headed by Lucille BallLighting setup use don I Love Lucy (2words)filming style of The Twilight Zone (2words)Popular game show rigged in 1956 (two words)Groundbreaking sitcom from 1951 to 1957 (3words)Lucille Ball's role beyond acting on I Love Lucy...

Twilight Cast & Characters 2019-05-05

Twilight Cast & Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Matt Bushell
  2. Robert Pattinson
  3. Sarah Clarke
  4. Anna Kendrick
  5. Ned Bellamy
  6. Kristen Stewart
  7. Michael Welch
  8. Rachelle Lefevre
  9. Billy Burke
  10. Elizabeth Reaser
  1. Ashley Greene
  2. Gregory Tyree Boyce
  3. Christian Serratos
  4. Gil Birmingham
  5. Nikki Reed
  6. Jackson Rathbone
  7. Peter Facinelli
  8. Justin Chon
  9. Edi Gathegi
  10. Cam Gigadent
  11. Taylor Lautner
  12. Ayanna Berkshire
  13. Kellan Lutz

23 Clues: Nikki ReedNed BellamyJustin ChonEdi GathegiBilly BurkeKellan LutzMatt BushellSarah ClarkeCam GigadentAshley GreeneAnna KendrickMichael WelchGil BirminghamTaylor LautnerPeter FacinelliKristen StewartRobert PattinsonJackson RathboneRachelle LefevreAyanna BerkshireElizabeth ReaserChristian SerratosGregory Tyree Boyce

Twilight, Breaking Dawn 2023-04-06

Twilight, Breaking Dawn crossword puzzle
  1. One that is injured, or sacrificed under any of various conditions
  2. A dead person returned to life
  3. Edwards favorite place he took Bella to
  4. Fastest Vampire
  5. The vehicle that Bella drives
  6. Where Edward tries to reveal herself
  7. The class Bella passed out in
  8. The state Bella was raised
  9. Dark red liquid in your body
  10. Where the Swans house is located
  11. Shocking or disgusting
  1. The name of the tribe that was enemies with the cullens
  2. The place James wanted to meet Bella alone
  3. Half-human, half-vampires
  4. Werewolf
  5. Main Character
  6. A man who turns into a wolf at night but returns to human form by day.
  7. The color of the Cullen's eyes
  8. The invisible phase of the Moon
  9. The beach where Jacob and Bella first met

20 Clues: WerewolfMain CharacterFastest VampireShocking or disgustingHalf-human, half-vampiresThe state Bella was raisedDark red liquid in your bodyThe vehicle that Bella drivesThe class Bella passed out inA dead person returned to lifeThe color of the Cullen's eyesThe invisible phase of the MoonWhere the Swans house is located...

Spectrum of Lightning 2022-12-16

Spectrum of Lightning crossword puzzle
  1. A descriptor that classifies Night Light's telescope
  2. Number of days Spike has hidden the diary from Princess Twilight
  3. Number of enchanted items Meadowbrook IV were responsible for
  4. An explosive mineral under the impulse of unicorn magic
  5. The delicacy distracting Velvet when raiding the airship with Daring Do
  1. Mercenary codeword for intruders onboard
  2. Name of Twilight Velvet's motorcycle
  3. Twilight Velvet and Night Light were supposed to check out __ minutes before noon from the hotel
  4. Name of the Sparkles' Eastern Ticked Tabby; also a flower
  5. The conjurer of void-like portals
  6. The first name of the UK-2642 Dynastat hybrid airship used by the mercenaries
  7. The ocean separating Equestria with the Orient
  8. The land of curries, chakrams in this universe

13 Clues: The conjurer of void-like portalsName of Twilight Velvet's motorcycleMercenary codeword for intruders onboardThe ocean separating Equestria with the OrientThe land of curries, chakrams in this universeA descriptor that classifies Night Light's telescopeAn explosive mineral under the impulse of unicorn magic...

Ch Nelson Mandela Long walk to freedom crossword 2021-05-10

Ch Nelson Mandela Long walk to freedom crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Transitory
  2. Exactness
  3. Yearned
  4. Prejudice
  5. Illusion
  6. chevron
  7. Obstructed
  8. deprivation
  9. Resilence
  10. Erected
  11. podium
  12. Emancipation
  1. Twilight
  2. Monks
  3. establishment
  4. negro president
  5. Inevitably
  6. Brutality
  7. Profound
  8. Camarades
  9. Conquers
  10. Despised

22 Clues: MonkspodiumYearnedchevronErectedTwilightIllusionProfoundConquersDespisedExactnessPrejudiceBrutalityCamaradesResilenceTransitoryInevitablyObstructeddeprivationEmancipationestablishmentnegro president

1 2024-08-11

1 crossword puzzle
  1. 9
  2. 7
  3. 11
  4. 14
  5. 3
  6. 10
  7. 8
  8. 4
  1. 13
  2. 12
  3. 17
  4. 1
  5. 6
  6. 5
  7. 15
  8. 16
  9. 2

17 Clues: 9716352841312171114151016

Anaesthesia 2023-10-31

Anaesthesia crossword puzzle
  3. MAC


MY LITTLE PONY 2016-05-06

MY LITTLE PONY crossword puzzle


Drake Sisters Series 2024-09-26

Drake Sisters Series crossword puzzle
  1. “Animals Abigail Drake has a bond with”
  2. “Common threat faced by the sisters”
  3. “Hannah Drake’s story”
  4. “Sheriff and Elle Drake’s lifemate”
  5. “Kate Drake’s story”
  6. “Manipulating elements like water and fire”
  7. “Marine biologist with a bond to dolphins in Oceans of Fire”
  8. Star “Joley Drake’s profession”
  9. “First novella in the Drake Sisters Series”
  1. “Linked to the Torpedo Ink series”
  2. “Sarah Drake’s ability to foresee events”
  3. “Holiday featured in The Twilight Before Christmas”
  4. “Oldest sister and security expert in Magic in the Wind”
  5. “Kate Drake’s lifemate”
  6. “Abigail Drake’s story”
  7. “Libby Drake’s story”
  8. “Strong bond among the Drake sisters”
  9. “Sarah Drake’s lifemate”
  10. “Bestselling novelist in The Twilight Before Christmas”
  11. “Central theme in the series”

20 Clues: “Kate Drake’s story”“Libby Drake’s story”“Hannah Drake’s story”“Kate Drake’s lifemate”“Abigail Drake’s story”“Sarah Drake’s lifemate”“Central theme in the series”Star “Joley Drake’s profession”“Linked to the Torpedo Ink series”“Sheriff and Elle Drake’s lifemate”“Common threat faced by the sisters”“Strong bond among the Drake sisters”...

My little Pony 2016-04-03

My little Pony crossword puzzle
  1. Rainbow dash is this
  2. ____ Sparkle, the main my little pony
  3. The honesty my little pony
  4. Twilight's pet
  5. She is really shy
  6. _____ ponies, a third type of ponies
  7. Rarity is this
  1. What Twilight and her friends are
  2. The pony Queen
  3. An athletic pony
  4. A crazy,partying,pony
  5. All the princesses are this
  6. She is a fancy pony who Spike likes

13 Clues: The pony QueenTwilight's petRarity is thisAn athletic ponyShe is really shyRainbow dash is thisA crazy,partying,ponyThe honesty my little ponyAll the princesses are thisWhat Twilight and her friends areShe is a fancy pony who Spike likes_____ ponies, a third type of ponies____ Sparkle, the main my little pony

Miran and Maryam 2024-07-21

Miran and Maryam crossword puzzle
  1. ветеринар
  2. кампания
  3. вершина
  4. очки для плавания
  5. оценка
  6. бита
  7. инспекция
  8. изголодавшийся
  1. ремонт
  2. оборудование
  3. конструктор, проектировщик
  4. измученный
  5. блестящий
  6. гидрокостюм
  7. плотоядный
  8. извергаться
  9. сумерки
  10. надувная лодка, шлюпка
  11. казаться

19 Clues: битаремонтоценкавершинасумеркикампанияказатьсяветеринарблестящийинспекцияизмученныйплотоядныйгидрокостюмизвергатьсяоборудованиеизголодавшийсяочки для плаваниянадувная лодка, шлюпкаконструктор, проектировщик

Random Twilight Crossword 2024-10-11

Random Twilight Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. what kind of drug does Edward compare bella too?
  2. what state did Bella live in before?
  3. what flower is on the cover of the second book?
  4. what is Bella and Edwards child's name?
  5. where does James lure Bella too?
  6. how old is Bella in the first book?
  7. what book does the Cullen family leave Forks?
  8. who are the werewolf's enemy?
  9. What is Edward's family name?
  10. Which sibling has super strength?
  11. what color are the Cullen family's eyes?
  12. what book do Bella and Edward get married?
  13. what kind of blood do the Cullens drink instead of human?
  14. who is the youngest of the cullen siblings?
  15. which parent does bella go to live with?
  16. what school does bella go to?
  17. Which sibling can read minds?
  18. who is the author of the twilight series?
  19. who is the oldest cullen sibling?
  20. what sport do the Cullens play?
  21. what disease kills Edward?
  22. what class do Bella and Edward meet?
  1. what brand is Bella's truck?
  2. what book do they read in the second book?
  3. What does jacob do to renesmee?
  4. what is the tribe called that the Black family is apart of?
  5. which sibling doesn't like bella in the first book?
  6. what town does the story take place?
  7. how old is edward in the first book?
  8. what bird has the same name as Bella's last name?
  9. what book does bella turn into a vampire?
  10. how many people are in the cullen family?
  11. what fruit is bella holding on the cover of the first book?
  12. what is Carlisle Cullen's job?
  13. who is the villain in the third book?
  14. what is the third book called?
  15. what is the temperature of the Vampires?
  16. what do jacob and bella build together in the second book?
  17. what is Edward's mom's name?
  18. what is the group that controls the vampires?
  19. edward watches bella when she is?
  20. who warns the Cullen family about James?
  21. who is the main villain hunting bella in the first book?
  22. what is Bella's father's name?
  23. what game is on the cover of the forth book?
  24. what island do they spend their honeymoon?
  25. what is jacob's secret power?
  26. what does edward listin too?

48 Clues: what disease kills Edward?what brand is Bella's truck?what is Edward's mom's name?what does edward listin too?who are the werewolf's enemy?What is Edward's family name?what school does bella go to?Which sibling can read minds?what is jacob's secret power?what is Carlisle Cullen's job?what is the third book called?what is Bella's father's name?...

Twilight Saga 2020-08-16

Twilight Saga crossword puzzle
  1. What species did Irina think Renesmee was? (2 words)
  2. Where did Bella and Edward go on their honeymoon? (2 words)
  3. Where does Bella's mom and Phil move to in Twilight?
  4. What US state did the Cullen's move from prior to Twilight?
  5. What country does Bella claim to be in Eclipse?
  6. What hormone illicit's Bella's hallucination of Edward?
  1. What city does the Volturi live in?
  2. What food does Bella crave when pregnant with Renesmee?
  3. What animal is found on the Cullen coven crest?
  4. Who was the newborn vampire the Cullen's attempted to save? (2 words)
  5. What city do Carlisle and Esme find Benjamin's coven?
  6. Who is the first to bat in the baseball game?

12 Clues: What city does the Volturi live in?Who is the first to bat in the baseball game?What animal is found on the Cullen coven crest?What country does Bella claim to be in Eclipse?What species did Irina think Renesmee was? (2 words)Where does Bella's mom and Phil move to in Twilight?What city do Carlisle and Esme find Benjamin's coven?...

Twilight Cross-Word Puzzle By: Madi Sorber 2023-10-30

Twilight Cross-Word Puzzle By: Madi Sorber crossword puzzle
  1. what class did Bella and Edward meet?
  2. "This is the _ of a killer, Bella"
  3. Jacob was a _
  4. James was a _
  5. What kind of car did Edward drive?
  6. One of Bella's frequent moods
  7. the time of day that was "most safe"
  8. Where Bella grew-up
  9. Edwards skin _ in the sun
  1. Vampire's need _ to survive
  2. what Jacob did to Bella's daughter
  3. What sport did they all play together?
  4. The last name of the main Vampire family
  5. a common theme in "Twilight"
  6. how old were Edward and Bella?
  7. Edwards father was a _
  8. Alice had _
  9. Who was Edward's love interest?
  10. Edward and his family were _
  11. what was the common weather in Forks?

20 Clues: Alice had _Jacob was a _James was a _Where Bella grew-upEdwards father was a _Edwards skin _ in the sunVampire's need _ to survivea common theme in "Twilight"Edward and his family were _One of Bella's frequent moodshow old were Edward and Bella?Who was Edward's love interest?what Jacob did to Bella's daughter"This is the _ of a killer, Bella"...

CHAPTERS 5 AND 6 2018-03-02

CHAPTERS 5 AND 6 crossword puzzle
  11. BUONO
  2. SOLE
  11. PIGRO
  12. VOLERE


Synonyms 2012-12-11

Synonyms crossword puzzle
  1. tale
  2. bicker
  3. affluent
  4. miserable
  5. enormous
  6. terrify
  7. courageous
  8. exterminate
  1. terminate
  2. irate
  3. fury
  4. loathe
  5. response
  6. twilight
  7. hazard

15 Clues: talefuryiratebickerloathehazardterrifyaffluentresponsetwilightenormousterminatemiserablecourageousexterminate

TWILIGHT; New Moon 2023-10-31

TWILIGHT; New Moon crossword puzzle
  1. gone what bella kept saying after edward left
  2. thousand nine Year the book came out
  3. A half-suppressed or muttered complaint
  4. half human, half animal
  5. number of the book of the series
  6. name of a person who's blood "sings" for a vampire.
  7. show of intention to inflict harm, threat
  8. bella's age in the book
  9. dead human that feeds of blood
  10. name of the author of the series
  11. perception of objects with no reality
  1. Edward's super power
  2. Edward's dad name
  3. Charlie's profession
  4. Edward's last name
  5. "New Moon" in Spanish
  6. state where they lived
  7. number of months that edward left bella
  8. Bella's last name

19 Clues: Edward's dad nameBella's last nameEdward's last nameEdward's super powerCharlie's profession"New Moon" in Spanishstate where they livedhalf human, half animalbella's age in the bookdead human that feeds of bloodnumber of the book of the seriesname of the author of the seriesperception of objects with no reality...

SYNONYMS 2016-03-22

SYNONYMS crossword puzzle
  1. twilight
  2. permit
  3. commence
  4. dress
  5. narrate
  6. conduct
  7. immitate
  1. yearly
  2. evil
  3. destitute
  4. odour
  5. admit
  6. edible
  7. burglar
  8. powerful

15 Clues: evilodouradmitdressyearlypermitedibleburglarnarrateconducttwilightcommencepowerfulimmitatedestitute

Twilight Crossword Puzzle 2018-01-31

Twilight Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Main character who Edward falls in love with
  2. Most vampires have covens but the Cullens are a ______.
  3. Bella and Edward's daughter
  4. Title of the first novel
  5. Title of third novel
  6. Bella's best friend(and werewolf)
  7. Title of second novel
  8. chief of police and Bella's dad
  1. Bella's sister-in-law who can see into the future
  2. Edward is always concerned about Bella's ______.
  3. The mythical creature that drinks blood to survive
  4. Edward's last name
  5. Title of fourth novel
  6. What Edward would normally be considered
  7. The mythical creature that huts vampires
  8. The only "Vampire Royalty" there is
  9. Bella falls in love with this vampire
  10. Edward wants Bella to stay _____.

18 Clues: Edward's last nameTitle of third novelTitle of fourth novelTitle of second novelTitle of the first novelBella and Edward's daughterchief of police and Bella's dadBella's best friend(and werewolf)Edward wants Bella to stay _____.The only "Vampire Royalty" there isBella falls in love with this vampireWhat Edward would normally be considered...

Twilight 2024-04-24

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Bella where the hella you been loca
  2. sees the future
  3. she has a weird vampire kink?
  4. sparkly man
  5. random country accent
  1. his kid is into some weird dudes
  2. ugly baby

7 Clues: ugly babysparkly mansees the futurerandom country accentshe has a weird vampire kink?his kid is into some weird dudesBella where the hella you been loca

Valentine 2022-02-14

Valentine crossword puzzle
  1. Saw_his_concert_for_our_3months
  2. Our_song_(No_spaces)
  3. Of_Ann_Arbor
  4. Wedding_theme
  5. My_astrological_sign
  6. Flower_truck
  7. Our_favorite_ship
  8. Seasonal_date_place
  1. First_date_movie
  2. Your_astrological_sign
  3. Where_we_glamped
  4. Your_favorite_dog
  5. Fake_engagement_ring_stone
  6. Our_ship_name
  7. Our_first_date

15 Clues: Of_Ann_ArborFlower_truckWedding_themeOur_ship_nameOur_first_dateFirst_date_movieWhere_we_glampedYour_favorite_dogOur_favorite_shipSeasonal_date_placeOur_song_(No_spaces)My_astrological_signYour_astrological_signFake_engagement_ring_stoneSaw_his_concert_for_our_3months

Star-Spangled Banner 2013-07-03

Star-Spangled Banner crossword puzzle
  1. Explodir
  2. Pela
  3. Fluindo
  4. Terra
  5. Gritamos
  6. Larga
  7. Perigosa
  8. Olhar furioso
  9. Foguete
  1. Paete (para decoração de roupas)
  2. Crepúsculo
  3. Amanhecer
  4. Muralhas
  5. Galantemente
  6. Orgulhosamente
  7. Listras
  8. Bravo

17 Clues: PelaTerraLargaBravoFluindoListrasFogueteExplodirMuralhasGritamosPerigosaAmanhecerCrepúsculoGalantementeOlhar furiosoOrgulhosamentePaete (para decoração de roupas)

My Little Pony 2021-09-09

My Little Pony crossword puzzle
  1. Granny Smith
  2. Pinkie Pie
  3. Shining Armor
  4. Celestia
  5. Fluttershy
  6. Rainbow Dash
  7. Twilight Sparkle
  8. Luna
  1. Big McIntosh
  2. Flurry Heart
  3. Sweetie Belle
  4. Spike
  5. Discord
  6. Rarity
  7. Scootaloo
  8. Applebloom
  9. Starlight Glimmer
  10. Cadence
  11. Applejack

19 Clues: LunaSpikeRarityDiscordCadenceCelestiaScootalooApplejackPinkie PieApplebloomFluttershyBig McIntoshFlurry HeartGranny SmithRainbow DashSweetie BelleShining ArmorTwilight SparkleStarlight Glimmer

Twilight- Noe 2022-10-19

Twilight- Noe crossword puzzle
  1. Town where Bella lives?
  2. Leader of the wolf packs full name?
  3. who was Formerly a Confederate Soldier?
  4. The State where Bella lived with her mom?
  5. Where Bella first saw Edward?
  6. The State where Forks is located?
  7. What is Edwards "gift" in twilight?
  1. What is the name of the high school Bella attended?
  2. What is the prize that Edward and Bella won in Biology class?
  3. Full name of the Fork's police chief?
  4. What is the eye color of the vegetarian pack?
  5. Where did James bite bella?
  6. Full name of the author of Twilight?

13 Clues: Town where Bella lives?Where did James bite bella?Where Bella first saw Edward?The State where Forks is located?Leader of the wolf packs full name?What is Edwards "gift" in twilight?Full name of the author of Twilight?Full name of the Fork's police chief?who was Formerly a Confederate Soldier?The State where Bella lived with her mom?...

Twilight Crossword 2024-05-28

Twilight Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Edward's rival.
  2. One of Edward's sisters.
  3. A red liquid that run in the veins.
  4. A large white waterbird and Edward's lover's surname.
  5. A creature that loves sucking blood.
  6. A human that turns into a wolf during full moon.
  1. What Edward's skin looks like in the sunlight.
  2. Edward's lover
  3. The colour of Edward's skin.
  4. Where Twilight takes place.
  5. Round, white and bright in the night sky.
  6. Edward's surname.

12 Clues: Edward's loverEdward's rival.Edward's surname.One of Edward's sisters.Where Twilight takes place.The colour of Edward's skin.A red liquid that run in the veins.A creature that loves sucking blood.Round, white and bright in the night sky.What Edward's skin looks like in the sunlight.A human that turns into a wolf during full moon....

Unit 10 - Daniel and Hugo 2019-05-14

Unit 10 - Daniel and Hugo crossword puzzle
  1. So I bought this fancy new UHD 4K TV, how does it work?
  2. It's a book with... countries.
  3. Text. In bubbles. In pictures. In a book.
  4. How do you write "grandma"? Or "grammar"?
  5. I'm in Spain for holiday. WHAT DO I DO!?
  6. Actors do very, very weird things on a stage, you should see that.
  7. They can make you laugh and cry. Or scream because how long the story is. Or none of that.
  8. Read the story of an egoist who wrote a story about their life.
  9. It's a book with text in it, use that as a hint.
  1. Most of the world's knowledge in 1 book! Or 98 volumes of that book.
  2. The only love story that's not better than Twilight. Hint: It's Twilight.
  3. How do I know what "angsty" means?
  4. Wrote the play "Romeo and Juliet". I won't spoil the ending =)
  5. It's a book for finding synonyms that only... dinosaurs... use. Use that as a hint.
  6. It's just news. On a paper. Cool.
  7. Learn how to cook. From a book!
  8. It's a long story, with the exception that it's not.

17 Clues: It's a book with... countries.Learn how to cook. From a book!It's just news. On a paper. Cool.How do I know what "angsty" means?I'm in Spain for holiday. WHAT DO I DO!?Text. In bubbles. In pictures. In a book.How do you write "grandma"? Or "grammar"?It's a book with text in it, use that as a hint.It's a long story, with the exception that it's not....

Jesse McCartney 2024-07-09

Jesse McCartney crossword puzzle
  1. QUEN
  2. F
  3. Z
  4. CK
  5. STA
  6. V
  7. P
  8. CARE
  1. DX
  3. MORN
  5. GHOST
  6. F
  7. JY
  8. B


Vocab Four 2024-10-16

Vocab Four crossword puzzle
  1. Releaseofemotion
  2. Distructive
  3. Praise
  4. Establishedtruth
  5. Laughable
  6. Twilight
  7. Questionable
  8. Respect
  1. Nature
  2. Effective
  3. Luxury
  4. Slave
  5. Alienate
  6. Foul
  7. Overwhelmed

15 Clues: FoulSlaveNatureLuxuryPraiseRespectAlienateTwilightEffectiveLaughableDistructiveOverwhelmedQuestionableReleaseofemotionEstablishedtruth

2017 2018-09-05

2017 crossword puzzle
  1. 운동의
  2. 과부하
  3. 친척
  4. 인지의
  5. 황혼
  6. 상대방
  7. 선수를치다
  8. 알리다
  1. 전술적인
  2. 발표하다
  3. 공격의
  4. 지각의
  5. 중요한(s로시작)
  6. 열광,열성(e로시작)
  7. 압도하다
  8. ~를기반으로하다
  9. 평가하다(w로시작)

17 Clues: 친척황혼운동의과부하공격의지각의인지의상대방알리다전술적인발표하다압도하다선수를치다~를기반으로하다중요한(s로시작)평가하다(w로시작)열광,열성(e로시작)

Vocab 2023-03-13

Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. luxurious
  2. willing
  3. harmless
  4. disconnect
  5. praise
  6. stinky
  7. doubtful
  8. group
  9. disrespect
  10. junk
  11. intro
  12. disturb
  13. funny
  14. anxious
  1. twilight
  2. natural
  3. different
  4. criticism
  5. atone
  6. statement
  7. contents
  8. collection
  9. vivid
  10. incompatible
  11. abundance

25 Clues: junkatonegroupintrovividfunnypraisestinkywillingnaturaldisturbanxioustwilightharmlessdoubtfulcontentsluxuriousdifferentcriticismstatementabundancedisconnectdisrespectcollectionincompatible

Classic TV Shows 2023-12-23

Classic TV Shows crossword puzzle
  1. Comedy
  2. Island
  3. Western
  5. Hitchcock
  6. Love Lucy
  7. Bar
  8. War
  1. Mason
  2. Zone
  3. Bunch
  4. Dynamic
  5. Trek
  6. Mayberry
  7. Sitcom

15 Clues: BarWarZoneTrekMasonBunchComedyIslandTARDISSitcomDynamicWesternMayberryHitchcockLove Lucy

Zoe 2020-06-29

Zoe crossword puzzle
  1. Alura's father
  2. other love of Zoe's life (twilight)
  3. love of Zoe's life (atla)
  4. love of Zoe's life (last name Moseley)
  5. "___, I know your sister turns everyone on."
  6. Mario Kart character of choice (2 words)
  7. Sir Cole
  8. "Don't cry for me ______" (w101)
  9. ____ and Ebony
  10. "Ope, gimme a deathblade because I'm gonna ____" -Katy (w101)
  1. "noooo, I don't do ____"
  2. "Village of _____"
  3. "how sad does your life have to be if you get killed by a _______." -Zoe (w101)
  4. "Mother Wu, guide thy ____ to victory!"
  5. Zoe's iconic voice acting character
  6. Zoe's birth month
  7. "let's get some ___ up in hurrrr!" (w101)
  8. "awww! baby's first ___ pip" (w101)
  9. love of Zoe's life (twilight)
  10. Ellen's drink of choice
  11. "I was in the ___, so that didn't affect me." (MK)

21 Clues: Sir ColeAlura's father____ and EbonyZoe's birth month"Village of _____"Ellen's drink of choice"noooo, I don't do ____"love of Zoe's life (atla)love of Zoe's life (twilight)"Don't cry for me ______" (w101)other love of Zoe's life (twilight)Zoe's iconic voice acting character"awww! baby's first ___ pip" (w101)love of Zoe's life (last name Moseley)...

twilight 2013-02-28

twilight crossword puzzle
  1. vampire
  2. vampire
  3. edwards foster mom
  4. edwards foster dad
  5. main character
  1. bellas dad
  2. main character
  3. bellas mom
  4. vampire
  5. wolf

10 Clues: wolfvampirevampirevampirebellas dadbellas mommain charactermain characteredwards foster momedwards foster dad

Twilight Hauntings 2021-10-12

Twilight Hauntings crossword puzzle
  1. (of a person) famous and respected within a particular sphere or profession.
  2. a hunter
  3. stiffen (fabric or clothing) with starch.
  4. markedly short and abrupt
  5. give out or reflect small flashes of light
  1. raise doubts or objections or show reluctance
  2. a type of loose pants
  3. a prediction
  4. a narrow opening or fissure, especially in a rock or wall.
  5. a slender threadlike appendage of a climbing plant, often growing in a spiral form, that stretches out and twines around any suitable support.
  6. of the world's most eminent statisticians"

11 Clues: a huntera predictiona type of loose pantsmarkedly short and abruptstiffen (fabric or clothing) with starch.of the world's most eminent statisticians"give out or reflect small flashes of lightraise doubts or objections or show reluctancea narrow opening or fissure, especially in a rock or wall....

H 2022-03-20

H crossword puzzle
  1. Tim
  2. twilight
  3. bey
  4. Taylor
  5. jb
  6. Demi
  7. Brit
  8. lady gaga
  1. Harry Potter
  2. ari
  3. Selene
  4. lizzo
  5. nicki
  6. Miley
  7. one d

15 Clues: jbariTimbeyDemiBritlizzonickiMileyone dSeleneTaylortwilightlady gagaHarry Potter

Twilight 2024-05-06

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. what is Jacob?
  2. how many movies are there?
  3. who is the main characters boyfriend?
  1. what is Bella's daughters name?
  2. where does bella live
  3. what is Edward?
  4. what is bella's 2nd name?

7 Clues: what is Jacob?what is Edward?where does bella livewhat is bella's 2nd name?how many movies are there?what is Bella's daughters name?who is the main characters boyfriend?

Spelling Words 2022-08-30

Spelling Words crossword puzzle
  1. guest
  2. answer
  3. How big?
  4. keyboard
  5. 9_______
  6. happy
  7. Flys a plane
  8. What you do in a car
  9. Animals in nature
  10. cooking
  11. trust
  1. inhale
  2. shocked
  3. fashion
  4. nice
  5. pointer
  6. water
  7. Glow
  8. proud
  9. ignore

20 Clues: niceGlowguesthappywaterproudtrustinhaleanswerignoreshockedfashionpointercookingHow big?keyboard9_______Flys a planeAnimals in natureWhat you do in a car

For Theodore 2023-03-25

For Theodore crossword puzzle
  1. character from Bluey the best tv show, or a thief
  2. a pet, mans best friend
  3. a drop of water on a beautiful spring morning\
  4. your sibling (sort of?), or highest limit or penalty
  5. on your knee
  6. rhymes with TWILIGHT
  7. a coworker or injury remnant
  8. rhymes with Sam Neill.
  9. a cup type, or "your ugly..."
  10. an orange fruit that can be dried
  11. a creature that roamed the earth once (its what you are too)
  12. non-realistic genre (your fav for sure)
  1. olden underpants or "late-..."
  2. opposite of clean
  3. the tank engine. also work colleague
  4. the greatest ya series from our youth
  5. not a crocodile
  6. "... the condensation"
  7. you. your number one occupation.
  8. what kimmy k called t swizzle

20 Clues: on your kneenot a crocodileopposite of cleanrhymes with TWILIGHTrhymes with Sam Neill."... the condensation"a pet, mans best frienda coworker or injury remnanta cup type, or "your ugly..."what kimmy k called t swizzleolden underpants or "late-..."you. your number one orange fruit that can be driedthe tank engine. also work colleague...

Puzzle Hunt #7 2024-05-31

Puzzle Hunt #7 crossword puzzle
  1. Clue9
  2. Clue10
  3. Clue14
  4. Clue4
  5. Clue6
  6. Clue2
  1. Clue5
  2. Clue8
  3. Clue1
  4. Clue13
  5. Clue7
  6. Clue3
  7. Clue12
  8. Clue11

14 Clues: Clue5Clue8Clue9Clue1Clue7Clue3Clue4Clue6Clue2Clue10Clue13Clue14Clue12Clue11

cane 2017-11-16

cane crossword puzzle
  1. 6
  2. 3
  3. 10
  4. 4
  5. 8
  6. 12
  7. 2
  8. 14
  1. 5
  2. 9
  3. 1
  4. 11
  5. 13
  6. 7

14 Clues: 5916348271113101214

Diseases first 3 questions 2024-11-12

Diseases first 3 questions crossword puzzle
  1. розлад
  2. поверхня
  3. відбуватися, траплятися, проходити, мати місце
  4. оксидація
  5. гальмувати, пригнічувати
  6. розширення
  7. зір
  8. вовчак
  9. гідроксилювання
  1. кальциноз шкіри
  2. порушений, погіршений
  3. проявлятися, показувати
  4. дефіцит, нестача
  5. стравоходний
  6. моторика
  7. сутінковий
  8. відкладення

17 Clues: зіррозладвовчакповерхнямоторикаоксидаціясутінковийрозширеннявідкладеннястравоходнийкальциноз шкіригідроксилюваннядефіцит, нестачапорушений, погіршенийпроявлятися, показуватигальмувати, пригнічувативідбуватися, траплятися, проходити, мати місце

Twilight Hauntings 2021-10-12

Twilight Hauntings crossword puzzle
  1. (of a person) famous and respected within a particular sphere or profession.
  2. a hunter
  3. stiffen (fabric or clothing) with starch.
  4. markedly short and abrupt
  5. give out or reflect small flashes of light
  1. raise doubts or objections or show reluctance
  2. a type of loose pants
  3. a prediction
  4. a narrow opening or fissure, especially in a rock or wall.
  5. a slender threadlike appendage of a climbing plant, often growing in a spiral form, that stretches out and twines around any suitable support.
  6. of the world's most eminent statisticians"

11 Clues: a huntera predictiona type of loose pantsmarkedly short and abruptstiffen (fabric or clothing) with starch.of the world's most eminent statisticians"give out or reflect small flashes of lightraise doubts or objections or show reluctancea narrow opening or fissure, especially in a rock or wall....

Think B1+ Unit 5 Fairy Tales 2018-03-14

Think B1+ Unit 5 Fairy Tales crossword puzzle
  1. очевидный
  2. дополнительный
  3. пересматривать
  4. персонаж
  5. злой
  6. молодой человек; юноша; девушка; подростокá
  7. современный
  1. сумерки, полумрак
  2. очарованный
  3. аудитория
  4. убедить
  5. осознавать
  6. злодей
  7. сюжет
  8. нацеленный

15 Clues: злойсюжетзлодейубедитьперсонажочевидныйаудиторияосознаватьнацеленныйочарованныйсовременныйдополнительныйпересматриватьсумерки, полумракмолодой человек; юноша; девушка; подростокá

Better Days 2020-12-15

Better Days crossword puzzle
  1. coffee
  2. twilight
  3. theatre
  4. enlist
  5. sleepingbag
  6. gala
  7. steer
  1. copper
  2. tranquil
  3. oyster
  4. pacman
  5. bodyrub
  6. merengue

13 Clues: galasteercoppercoffeeoysterpacmanenlistbodyrubtheatretranquiltwilightmerenguesleepingbag

Twilight Hauntings 2021-10-12

Twilight Hauntings crossword puzzle
  1. (of a person) famous and respected within a particular sphere or profession.
  2. a hunter
  3. stiffen (fabric or clothing) with starch.
  4. markedly short and abrupt
  5. give out or reflect small flashes of light
  1. raise doubts or objections or show reluctance
  2. a type of loose pants
  3. a prediction
  4. a narrow opening or fissure, especially in a rock or wall.
  5. a slender threadlike appendage of a climbing plant, often growing in a spiral form, that stretches out and twines around any suitable support.
  6. of the world's most eminent statisticians"

11 Clues: a huntera predictiona type of loose pantsmarkedly short and abruptstiffen (fabric or clothing) with starch.of the world's most eminent statisticians"give out or reflect small flashes of lightraise doubts or objections or show reluctancea narrow opening or fissure, especially in a rock or wall....

Twilight Hauntings 2021-10-12

Twilight Hauntings crossword puzzle
  1. a narrow opening or fissure, especially in a rock or wall.
  2. stiffen (fabric or clothing) with starch.
  3. markedly short and abrupt
  4. a type of loose pants
  5. a hunter
  1. (of a person) famous and respected within a particular sphere or profession.
  2. a prediction
  3. a slender threadlike appendage of a climbing plant, often growing in a spiral form, that stretches out and twines around any suitable support.
  4. give out or reflect small flashes of light
  5. raise doubts or objections or show reluctance
  6. of the world's most eminent statisticians"

11 Clues: a huntera predictiona type of loose pantsmarkedly short and abruptstiffen (fabric or clothing) with starch.give out or reflect small flashes of lightof the world's most eminent statisticians"raise doubts or objections or show reluctancea narrow opening or fissure, especially in a rock or wall....

ILE 7 Unit 11 2014-01-31

ILE 7 Unit 11 crossword puzzle
  1. peaosa mängima
  2. agul, vaeste linnaosa
  3. arvustus
  4. dubleerima
  5. subtitle
  6. plot
  7. röövel
  8. miljonär
  9. videvik, hämarik
  10. ülinaljakas
  11. happening
  1. hero
  2. liik, laad, žanr
  3. equipment
  4. enemy
  5. vastik, jälk
  6. determined
  7. vaimustav
  8. set
  9. juhtima, juhatama
  10. vampiir
  11. institute

22 Clues: setheroplotenemyröövelvampiirarvustussubtitlemiljonärequipmentvaimustavinstitutehappeningdubleerimadeterminedülinaljakasvastik, jälkpeaosa mängimaliik, laad, žanrvidevik, hämarikjuhtima, juhatamaagul, vaeste linnaosa

twilight crossword puzzle 2021-03-02

twilight crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. where bella and edward reunite
  2. who bought bella the dress she wore to the party
  3. how old was edward when he was changed
  4. bella swans bestfriend who is also a werewolf
  5. what caused bella to crash into a rock
  6. who helps stitch up bellas arm after jasper attacked her
  7. the vampire who almost exposed himself to humans
  8. the name of the vampire who was killed by werewolves
  1. where did the cullens family leave and go to
  2. who did bella see underwater
  3. what colour drapes were the people wearing at the parade
  4. what almost killed bella after cliffjumping
  5. whats bellas dads name
  6. new moon was the ______ book of the series
  7. who attacked bella
  8. what is edward
  9. who got a paper cut trying to open a gift
  10. how many twilight books are there

18 Clues: what is edwardwho attacked bellawhats bellas dads namewho did bella see underwaterwhere bella and edward reunitehow many twilight books are therehow old was edward when he was changedwhat caused bella to crash into a rockwho got a paper cut trying to open a giftnew moon was the ______ book of the serieswhat almost killed bella after cliffjumping...

chapter 4 2013-06-05

chapter 4 crossword puzzle
  1. schemer
  2. populaire film
  3. soort
  4. voorstellen
  5. spannend
  6. toetje
  7. verkennen
  8. specialiseren
  9. delen
  10. verrassen met
  11. kanalen
  12. bestellen
  1. uitvinden
  2. polsbandje
  3. biefstuk
  4. verzamelen
  5. absoluut
  6. mogelijk
  7. voorgerecht
  8. hoofdgerecht
  9. voorbij komen
  10. eindelijk
  11. voorvertonong
  12. doorgaan met
  13. beekje

25 Clues: soortdelentoetjebeekjeschemerkanalenbiefstukabsoluutspannendmogelijkuitvindenverkenneneindelijkbestellenpolsbandjeverzamelenvoorstellenvoorgerechthoofdgerechtdoorgaan metspecialiserenvoorbij komenverrassen metvoorvertonongpopulaire film

guess the character 2023-07-31

guess the character crossword puzzle
  1. it occurs at the darkest stage of twilight
  2. the biggest star in the sky
  3. a bar of milk chocolate filled with nougat
  4. the natural light of the day
  5. partial shadow
  6. a white butterfly with orange-tipped wings
  7. the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise
  8. another name for a meteor
  9. hyles lineata
  10. a bright pink and yellow moth
  11. a period of 24 consecutive hours
  1. you make me happy when skies are grey
  2. butterfly bush
  3. a butterfly with black wings, red bands, and white spots
  4. Callimorpha dominula
  5. polyommatus bellargus
  6. it causes tides
  7. the period of time before sunrise and after sunset
  8. up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky
  9. a word similar to galaxy
  10. the alignment of three or more celestial bodies

21 Clues: hyles lineatabutterfly bushpartial shadowit causes tidesCallimorpha dominulapolyommatus bellargusa word similar to galaxyanother name for a meteorthe biggest star in the skythe natural light of the daya bright pink and yellow motha period of 24 consecutive hoursyou make me happy when skies are greyit occurs at the darkest stage of twilight...

All Stitched Up 2022-12-07

All Stitched Up crossword puzzle
  1. To make something more appealing
  2. Film director known for corpse bride.
  3. A husband and a _____?
  4. Holiday in late October.
  5. Style type consisting of brown shades.
  6. One colour or hew used in an outfit.
  7. two flexible metal strips to close/open.
  8. Coastal country known for mythology.
  9. Certain pleasing theme.
  10. Items of clothing to achieve a look.
  1. Trending clothes are called:
  2. Outfit inspiration/mood board app.
  3. Weaved through a sewing machine.
  4. Style icon from the series "Twilight".
  5. Canada's second language.
  6. Secretion from a snakes fangs.
  7. Symbol for remembrance.
  8. Early 2000's vampire/werewolf trilogy.
  9. Material made into clothes.
  10. Penetrates fabric to add thread.
  11. A way to bind fabric.
  12. small disc sewn onto a garment.
  13. App with short videos, used by teens.
  14. Thin, see through, and breathable fabric.

24 Clues: A way to bind fabric.A husband and a _____?Symbol for remembrance.Certain pleasing theme.Holiday in late October.Canada's second language.Material made into clothes.Trending clothes are called:Secretion from a snakes fangs.small disc sewn onto a garment.To make something more appealingWeaved through a sewing machine.Penetrates fabric to add thread....

Papas Parot 2014-09-18

Papas Parot crossword puzzle
  1. dim light
  2. coming
  3. uncomfortable
  4. lovely
  5. stove
  6. stinky
  1. try out
  2. red fruit
  3. syrup flavor
  4. simply
  5. baked
  6. emergency
  7. ramble
  8. plays

14 Clues: bakedplaysstovecomingsimplyramblelovelystinkytry outred fruitdim lightemergencysyrup flavoruncomfortable

Riverdale Crossword 2022-06-07

Riverdale Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. gang
  2. Hal
  3. andrew
  4. vixens
  5. jones
  6. river
  7. house
  1. Jangle
  2. Pop's
  3. Lodge
  4. mascot
  5. drive-in
  6. town
  7. cooper
  8. Gargoyles
  9. circle

16 Clues: HalgangtownPop'sLodgejonesriverhouseJangleandrewmascotcoopervixenscircledrive-inGargoyles

deadzootest1 2020-03-27

deadzootest1 crossword puzzle
  1. SaloonTycoon
  2. Vast
  3. western legends
  4. Catan
  5. fireball island
  6. twilight imperium
  7. Decrypto
  8. TreasureIsland
  9. don't get got
  1. Visitor
  2. dragoon
  3. Bang
  4. Betrayal
  5. SpaceCadets
  6. Wavelength
  7. die hard
  8. Deception
  9. TDS
  10. Root
  11. Barenpark
  12. Star wars
  13. Witness
  14. Taboo
  15. arboretum

24 Clues: TDSBangVastRootCatanTabooVisitordragoonWitnessBetrayaldie hardDecryptoDeceptionBarenparkStar warsarboretumWavelengthSpaceCadetsSaloonTycoondon't get gotTreasureIslandwestern legendsfireball islandtwilight imperium

KADER KLAS 2 ch 4 deel 2 2017-05-12

KADER KLAS 2 ch 4 deel 2 crossword puzzle
  1. baan
  2. eng
  3. voorstellen
  4. zonsondergang
  5. uitvinden
  6. beelden
  7. buiten
  8. mogelijkheid
  9. rit
  10. schemer
  11. voorbijkomen
  12. populaire film
  13. korting
  14. verrassen met
  15. eindelijk
  16. vrijetijdsbesteding
  1. verzamelen
  2. voorvertoning
  3. soort
  4. noemen
  5. wedstrijd
  6. rijbewijs
  7. onderzoeken
  8. mogelijk
  9. scherm
  10. channels

26 Clues: engritbaansoortnoemenbuitenschermbeeldenschemerkortingmogelijkchannelswedstrijduitvindenrijbewijseindelijkverzamelenvoorstellenonderzoekenmogelijkheidvoorbijkomenvoorvertoningzonsondergangverrassen metpopulaire filmvrijetijdsbesteding

Dictionary Skills 2013-06-18

Dictionary Skills crossword puzzle
  1. illegal
  2. cucumber
  3. make-up
  4. world
  5. yesterday
  6. food
  7. cup
  8. penguin
  9. tie
  10. sometimes
  11. niece
  12. tree
  13. health
  1. cow
  2. unbelievable
  3. shirt
  4. curtain
  5. teacher
  6. ending
  7. shadow
  8. twilight
  9. bear
  10. tomato
  11. nephew
  12. wardrobe
  13. clouds
  14. sky

27 Clues: cowcuptieskybearfoodtreeshirtworldnieceendingshadowtomatonephewcloudshealthillegalcurtainteachermake-uppenguincucumbertwilightwardrobeyesterdaysometimesunbelievable

ILE 7 Unit 11 2014-01-31

ILE 7 Unit 11 crossword puzzle
  1. determined
  2. equipment
  3. enemy
  4. happening
  5. agent
  6. institute
  7. arvustus
  8. miljonär
  9. juhtima, juhatama
  10. hero
  11. ülinaljakas
  12. dubleerima
  13. liik, laad, žanr
  14. vaimustav
  1. documentary
  2. subtitle
  3. vastik, jälk
  4. peaosa mängima
  5. vampiir
  6. plot
  7. agul, vaeste linnaosa
  8. videvik, hämarik
  9. set
  10. röövel

24 Clues: setplotheroenemyagentröövelvampiirsubtitlearvustusmiljonärequipmenthappeninginstitutevaimustavdetermineddubleerimadocumentaryülinaljakasvastik, jälkpeaosa mängimavidevik, hämarikliik, laad, žanrjuhtima, juhatamaagul, vaeste linnaosa

mylittleponyandanimaljam 2017-01-10

mylittleponyandanimaljam crossword puzzle
  1. fast,loyal
  2. givemespikeplsoratuo
  3. shipping for derp,butter
  4. spinnybois
  5. dont go in my shed
  6. mom
  7. loud wistparri
  8. cello
  9. dumb,fancy
  1. happy,cupcakes
  2. cheeseheads
  3. spy
  4. cute,loaf,ur life
  5. princess of friendship
  6. wubs
  7. batter pinkimina
  8. tree...:p
  9. ponies = rainbows
  10. honesty
  11. hands

20 Clues: spymomwubshandscellohonestytree...:pfast,loyalspinnyboisdumb,fancycheeseheadshappy,cupcakesloud wistparribatter pinkiminacute,loaf,ur lifeponies = rainbowsdont go in my shedgivemespikeplsoratuoprincess of friendshipshipping for derp,butter

Can You Figure It Out? 2016-01-04

Can You Figure It Out? crossword puzzle
  1. Britney Spears
  2. Frankfort
  3. Largest land mammal
  4. Bill Gates
  5. Officer
  6. Blanket
  7. Demi
  8. Monkey
  9. Lives
  10. Plant/ Food
  11. Disney
  1. Webbed feet
  2. Cotton Candy
  3. Nugget
  4. Doctor
  5. Dover
  6. God
  7. Mouse
  8. Book and Movie
  9. Lyrics
  10. Flower
  11. Hello from the other side'

22 Clues: GodDemiDoverMouseLivesNuggetDoctorLyricsFlowerMonkeyDisneyOfficerBlanketFrankfortBill GatesWebbed feetPlant/ FoodCotton CandyBritney SpearsBook and MovieLargest land mammalHello from the other side'

Twilight Hauntings 2021-10-12

Twilight Hauntings crossword puzzle
  1. (of a person) famous and respected within a particular sphere or profession.
  2. a hunter
  3. stiffen (fabric or clothing) with starch.
  4. markedly short and abrupt
  5. give out or reflect small flashes of light
  1. raise doubts or objections or show reluctance
  2. a type of loose pants
  3. a prediction
  4. a narrow opening or fissure, especially in a rock or wall.
  5. a slender threadlike appendage of a climbing plant, often growing in a spiral form, that stretches out and twines around any suitable support.
  6. of the world's most eminent statisticians"

11 Clues: a huntera predictiona type of loose pantsmarkedly short and abruptstiffen (fabric or clothing) with starch.of the world's most eminent statisticians"give out or reflect small flashes of lightraise doubts or objections or show reluctancea narrow opening or fissure, especially in a rock or wall....

0115 Day 11 2018-01-14

0115 Day 11 crossword puzzle
  1. 단결, 통일성
  2. 부족, 종족
  3. 사소한
  4. 삼각형
  5. 특별한
  6. 복사하다, 복사의
  7. 2개국어 가능한
  8. 군주, 제왕
  9. 자전거
  1. 통일하다, 통합하다
  2. 비틀다, 왜곡하다
  3. 조합, 단체, 연합
  4. 세 겹의
  5. 황혼, 어스름
  6. 독백
  7. 우주

16 Clues: 독백우주사소한삼각형특별한자전거세 겹의부족, 종족군주, 제왕단결, 통일성황혼, 어스름2개국어 가능한비틀다, 왜곡하다복사하다, 복사의통일하다, 통합하다조합, 단체, 연합

Test 2023-05-24

Test crossword puzzle
  1. This trainer loves Dutch Bros, K-Pop, and reading. Favorite book is Pride and Prejudice
  2. This trainer loves going to the beach, trying new foods, and has a tattoo of Eevee
  3. This trainer was once chased by an elephant in South Africa
  4. This trainer is the 1st girl born in her family in 75 years
  5. This trainer has a passion for cinematography and content creation in video production and animation
  6. This trainer likes to travel and is a huge sports fan
  7. This trainer has 5 brothers and lives off energy drinks
  8. This trainer loves collectibles, LEGOs (not building them), Star Wars, and Twilight
  1. This trainer loves to sleep, read, and Twilight
  2. This trainer went to school for Cyber Security Analytics
  3. This trainer loves going to concerts, watching K-dramas and Twilight
  4. This trainer has a superpower of being late to everything and survives off caffeine
  5. This trainer is cooler than a polar bear's toenail
  6. This trainer once surfed a volcano in Nicaragua

14 Clues: This trainer loves to sleep, read, and TwilightThis trainer once surfed a volcano in NicaraguaThis trainer is cooler than a polar bear's toenailThis trainer likes to travel and is a huge sports fanThis trainer has 5 brothers and lives off energy drinksThis trainer went to school for Cyber Security Analytics...

Legend of Zelda 2023-05-09

Legend of Zelda crossword puzzle
  1. Villain in Skyward Sword
  2. Most Famous/Well Known LOZ Game
  3. Bow to seal the Darkness
  4. Warrior of Courage
  1. The land which the game takes place
  2. Weapon to seal the Darkness
  3. Princess of Wisdom
  4. Villain of Power
  5. Most popular LOZ Game
  6. The famous color the hero wears

10 Clues: Villain of PowerPrincess of WisdomWarrior of CourageMost popular LOZ GameVillain in Skyward SwordBow to seal the DarknessWeapon to seal the DarknessMost Famous/Well Known LOZ GameThe famous color the hero wearsThe land which the game takes place

SULLE KRYDS 2023-05-27

SULLE KRYDS crossword puzzle
  1. Hjemme
  2. Twilight
  3. brikker
  4. Ekskæreste
  5. Intolerant
  6. hobby
  1. Mellemnavn
  2. Født
  3. Tattoo
  4. Bryllupsrejse
  5. Kælenavn
  6. Hund

12 Clues: FødtHundhobbyTattooHjemmebrikkerTwilightKælenavnMellemnavnEkskæresteIntolerantBryllupsrejse

Movies 2021-11-09

Movies crossword puzzle
  1. Forks
  2. Good Guy
  3. As If
  4. Mr. Anderson
  5. Bill Murray
  6. Ship
  1. Float
  2. Snape
  3. Marvel
  4. They're here
  5. beach
  6. Mondo burger
  7. Pottery
  8. Ghostface

14 Clues: ShipFloatForksSnapebeachAs IfMarvelPotteryGood GuyGhostfaceBill MurrayThey're hereMondo burgerMr. Anderson

Enrico pap 2016-11-28

Enrico pap crossword puzzle
  1. 24
  2. 22
  3. 19
  4. 29
  5. 28
  6. 5
  7. 1
  8. 4
  9. 17
  10. 11
  11. 23
  12. 12
  13. 2
  14. 10
  1. 21
  2. 30
  3. 13
  4. 7
  5. 8
  6. 18
  7. 14
  8. 25
  9. 9
  10. 27
  11. 20
  12. 26
  13. 6
  14. 3
  15. 16

29 Clues: 7895146322124301322181425192928272026171123161210

The Enemy - Vocabulary II 2023-10-30

The Enemy - Vocabulary II crossword puzzle
  1. branch
  2. in control
  3. carry out
  4. abruptly
  5. enthusiasm
  6. strengthened
  7. 14 days
  8. abhor
  9. did not perform obligations
  10. place to sell personal property
  11. call on urgently
  1. concern
  2. calmed
  3. agree
  4. very thin
  5. obligate
  6. disrespectful
  7. untidy
  8. bright red
  9. twilight
  10. prove guilty

21 Clues: agreeabhorcalmedbranchuntidyconcern14 daysobligateabruptlytwilightvery thincarry outin controlbright redenthusiasmstrengthenedprove guiltydisrespectfulcall on urgentlydid not perform obligationsplace to sell personal property

Ocean Levels Crossword 2022-03-16

Ocean Levels Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. these are fishes with lamps that live in the midnight zone
  2. These animals live in the twilight zone
  3. These animals also live in the twilight zone
  4. The deepest zone of the ocean
  1. These animals also live in the sunlight zone
  2. The middle zone of the ocean
  3. The most shallow zone of the ocean
  4. These animals live in the sunlight zone

8 Clues: The middle zone of the oceanThe deepest zone of the oceanThe most shallow zone of the oceanThese animals live in the twilight zoneThese animals live in the sunlight zoneThese animals also live in the sunlight zoneThese animals also live in the twilight zonethese are fishes with lamps that live in the midnight zone

Twilight Crossword 2023-01-13

Twilight Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. to take someone else’s child into your family for a period of time but without becoming their legal parent
  2. colors that are very bright and easy to see, even in the dark
  3. to make something seem larger, better, worse or more important than it really is
  4. very thin,especially in a way that is unattractive
  1. the first stage of cell division, before metaphase, during which the chromosomes become visible as paired chromatids and the nuclear envelope disappears
  2. a work of outstanding skill
  3. informal way of referring to a man
  4. to get rid of something or someone that is no longer wanted
  5. causing a strong feeling of dislike or disinclination
  6. to stay at one place and not to decide, not certain what to do

10 Clues: a work of outstanding skillinformal way of referring to a manvery thin,especially in a way that is unattractivecausing a strong feeling of dislike or disinclinationto get rid of something or someone that is no longer wantedcolors that are very bright and easy to see, even in the darkto stay at one place and not to decide, not certain what to do...

Twilight Puzzle 2017-11-14

Twilight Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Existing everywhere at once
  2. Group of similar things
  3. Threatening or foreshadowing evil
  1. Hunter who wishes to kill bella
  2. Mystical creature with fangs
  3. Make peace with
  4. The creature Jacob turns into
  5. zone Ambiguous region between two states
  6. Be located at the sides or something or someone
  7. Move quickly

10 Clues: Move quicklyMake peace withGroup of similar thingsExisting everywhere at onceMystical creature with fangsThe creature Jacob turns intoHunter who wishes to kill bellaThreatening or foreshadowing evilzone Ambiguous region between two statesBe located at the sides or something or someone

THE LIGHT 2015-01-09

THE LIGHT crossword puzzle
  1. nap
  2. fény, világos
  3. gyertya
  4. sötét
  5. napsütés
  6. alkonyat
  7. elemlámpa
  1. hold
  2. süt
  3. holdvilág
  4. fényes
  5. nap
  6. éjszaka

13 Clues: napsütnapholdsötétfényesgyertyaéjszakanapsütésalkonyatholdvilágelemlámpafény, világos

Films 2014-02-06

Films crossword puzzle
  1. Hoe noem je een half weerwolf half vampier in The Vampire Diaries?
  2. Hoe heet de nu dode beste vriendin van Stefan Salvatore uit The Vampire Diaries?
  3. Wat staat er op de speld van Katniss Everdeen?
  4. Wat is de poort naar Narnia?
  5. Vanuit welke stad verhuizen Dre Parker (Jaden Smith) en zijn moeder uit the Karate Kid naar China?
  6. Hoeveel delen zijn er van Diehard verschenen?
  7. Wat kan Alice Cullen uit twilight zien?
  8. Wat is het grootste probleem uit The Walking Dead?
  9. Wat is de achternaam van Jenni en Dan uit Gossip Girl?
  10. Op wat speelt de film Blue Lagoon zich het meest af?
  11. Waardoor is de hoofdrolspeler uit Fast & Furious overleden?
  12. Hoe heet de jongen waar Jenna Hamilton door wordt ontmaagd in Awkward?
  13. Waar lijdt het broertje van Serena Vanderwoodsen uit Gossip Girl aan?
  1. Wat is de voornaam van de hoofdrolspeler van Ghost Rider?
  2. In welk district woont Katniss Everdeen van The Hunger Games?
  3. Waar werkt Max uit Bro's before Ho's?
  4. In welk land woont de Volturi uit Twilight?
  5. Van welke god is Percy Jackson de zoon?
  6. Hoe oud is Edward Cullen uit Twilight als hij vampier wordt?
  7. Waarmee knoeit het zusje van Carrie uit The Carrie Diaries op de tas die Carrie geërfd heeft van haar moeder?
  8. Hoe heet het gekkenhuis in Pretty Little Liars waar zowel Mona als Spencer in heeft gezeten?
  9. Hoe heet het meisje uit Pretty Little Liars dat blind is geworden?

22 Clues: Wat is de poort naar Narnia?Waar werkt Max uit Bro's before Ho's?Van welke god is Percy Jackson de zoon?Wat kan Alice Cullen uit twilight zien?In welk land woont de Volturi uit Twilight?Hoeveel delen zijn er van Diehard verschenen?Wat staat er op de speld van Katniss Everdeen?Wat is het grootste probleem uit The Walking Dead?...

Vanessa 2014-03-05

Vanessa crossword puzzle
  1. spiel
  2. sänger
  3. kleidermarke
  4. marke
  5. englischWort
  6. ort
  1. Fußballspieler
  2. schule
  3. handymarke
  4. film
  5. zahl
  6. shoppingcenter

12 Clues: ortfilmzahlspielmarkeschulesängerhandymarkekleidermarkeenglischWortFußballspielershoppingcenter

Kpop Edition 2020-05-26

Kpop Edition crossword puzzle
  1. lion ?
  2. daechwita ?
  3. palette ?
  4. gotta go ?
  5. russian roulette ?
  6. la vie en rose ?
  7. any song ?
  8. twilight ?
  1. kill this love ?
  2. congratulations ?
  3. view ?
  4. answer ?
  5. fancy ?
  6. call me baby ?
  7. a ?

15 Clues: a ?lion ?view ?fancy ?answer ?palette ?gotta go ?any song ?twilight ?daechwita ?call me baby ?kill this love ?la vie en rose ?congratulations ?russian roulette ?

Spellmaster 2000 2023-10-21

Spellmaster 2000 crossword puzzle
  1. a plant
  2. wanting a lot
  3. sweep over
  4. to write
  5. unworthy person
  6. out of breath
  7. to sit on
  8. of great value
  9. bug
  10. twilight
  1. pass easily
  2. what is written
  3. strongly interested
  4. to see
  5. naughty
  6. finish
  7. smell
  8. to not see
  9. impossible to understand

19 Clues: bugsmellto seefinisha plantnaughtyto writetwilightto sit onsweep overto not seepass easilywanting a lotout of breathof great valuewhat is writtenunworthy personstrongly interestedimpossible to understand

15 2024-06-24

15 crossword puzzle
  1. Ghost Story
  2. REC
  3. The Stuff
  4. Twilight Zone
  5. Frankenstein
  6. Misery
  7. Mid-night Me Train
  8. What Lies Beneath
  1. The Fly
  2. The Midnight Meat Train
  3. Jacob's Ladder
  4. Ring
  5. Commando
  6. The Invisible Man
  7. Van Helsing
  8. Frankenstein
  9. 30 Days of Night
  10. Phantasm
  11. Skin
  12. The Exorcist

20 Clues: RECRingSkinMiseryThe FlyCommandoPhantasmThe StuffGhost StoryVan HelsingFrankensteinFrankensteinThe ExorcistTwilight ZoneJacob's Ladder30 Days of NightThe Invisible ManWhat Lies BeneathMid-night Me TrainThe Midnight Meat Train

GOAT 2024-02-18

GOAT crossword puzzle
  1. fey speech
  2. moonlight
  3. enthralling
  4. sings
  5. bright
  6. illusion
  1. illuminated
  2. tale
  3. shimmering
  4. fierce
  5. queen mab
  6. diviner

12 Clues: talesingsfiercebrightdivinerillusionmoonlightqueen mabfey speechshimmeringilluminatedenthralling

Ocean Zones 2021-12-17

Ocean Zones crossword puzzle
  1. organism found in twilight zone
  2. amount of light in midnight zone
  3. amount of light in the twilight zone
  4. depth of the hadal zone
  5. organism found in hadal zone
  6. organism found in the abyssal zone
  7. another name for abyssal zone
  1. animals are this in the midnight zone
  2. depth of the sunlight zone
  3. another name for sunlight zone
  4. another name for sunlight zone

11 Clues: depth of the hadal zonedepth of the sunlight zoneorganism found in hadal zoneanother name for abyssal zoneanother name for sunlight zoneanother name for sunlight zoneorganism found in twilight zoneamount of light in midnight zoneorganism found in the abyssal zoneamount of light in the twilight zoneanimals are this in the midnight zone

Esperanza Renace Vocab. cap. 1-2 2021-09-15

Esperanza Renace Vocab. cap. 1-2 crossword puzzle
  1. vulture
  2. ambush
  3. lace
  4. goatee
  5. scythe
  1. bandits
  2. twilight
  3. will
  4. de llaves, housekeeper
  5. vine
  6. lattice
  7. winery

12 Clues: willlacevineambushgoateewineryscythebanditsvulturelatticetwilightde llaves, housekeeper

Guess The Movies 2023-05-10

Guess The Movies crossword puzzle
  1. Satria baja hitam
  2. Mobil ngebut-ngebutan
  3. Raja batu akik
  4. Pisau
  5. Dress Biru
  6. 007
  7. Senja
  8. Robot jadi manusia
  9. Pembunuh bayaran
  10. Kapal tenggelem
  1. Pesawat
  2. 1 Tahun
  3. Laper
  4. Dinosaur
  5. Si setengah darah
  6. Bintang baru
  7. Anak kecil kaya
  8. Boardgame
  9. Singa si raja
  10. Kuning

20 Clues: 007LaperPisauSenjaKuningPesawat1 TahunDinosaurBoardgameDress BiruBintang baruSinga si rajaRaja batu akikAnak kecil kayaKapal tenggelemPembunuh bayaranSatria baja hitamSi setengah darahRobot jadi manusiaMobil ngebut-ngebutan

Week 16 2013-06-25

Week 16 crossword puzzle
  1. twilight time
  2. soar
  3. give up
  4. to scribe
  5. to behold
  6. above
  7. atmosphere
  8. doubles
  9. let out air
  10. traverse air
  11. strength
  1. attempt
  2. high quality
  3. correct
  4. battle
  5. almost
  6. question
  7. antonym of die
  8. bashful
  9. antonym of black
  10. to wail
  11. stands out
  12. speed

23 Clues: soarabovespeedbattlealmostattemptcorrectgive upbashfuldoublesto wailquestionstrengthto scribeto beholdatmospherestands outlet out airhigh qualitytraverse airtwilight timeantonym of dieantonym of black

Cloud Dreaming 2024-06-26

Cloud Dreaming crossword puzzle
  1. - Artist's surface
  2. - Imagined sight
  3. - Puffy cloud
  4. - Gentle wind
  5. - Layered cloud
  6. - Form mental images
  7. - Unrealistic vision
  8. - Aimless drawing
  9. - Sleep vision
  10. - Thin fog
  1. - Sky colors
  2. - Evening sun
  3. - Rainy cloud
  4. - Night sky
  5. - Drift gently
  6. - Quick drawing
  7. - Wispy cloud
  8. - Dusk or dawn
  9. - Without purpose
  10. - Steady look

20 Clues: - Thin fog- Night sky- Sky colors- Evening sun- Rainy cloud- Puffy cloud- Gentle wind- Wispy cloud- Steady look- Drift gently- Dusk or dawn- Sleep vision- Layered cloud- Quick drawing- Imagined sight- Without purpose- Aimless drawing- Artist's surface- Form mental images- Unrealistic vision

PAPIRO ENRICO 2016-11-30

PAPIRO ENRICO crossword puzzle
  1. 21
  2. 5
  3. 28
  4. 12
  5. 32
  6. 30
  7. 31
  8. 7
  9. 27
  10. 8
  11. 24
  12. 1
  13. 18
  14. 25
  1. 10
  2. 19
  3. 20
  4. 29
  5. 9
  6. 11
  7. 16
  8. 6
  9. 3
  10. 26
  11. 17
  12. 2
  13. 23
  14. 14
  15. 22
  16. 4
  17. 13

31 Clues: 59632781421101920291128161232302617233114272224182513

ILE 5 Revision crossword 2013-12-12

ILE 5 Revision crossword crossword puzzle
  1. merereis
  2. õigekiri
  3. jalgrada
  4. rõõmsalt
  5. videvik
  6. edukas
  7. kokkuvõte
  8. tegelaskuju
  9. vapustatud
  10. rahvastik
  11. kiusamine
  12. välismaalane
  13. emotsionaalne
  14. üllatav
  15. röövretk
  16. marmelaad
  17. praeahi
  1. vahetama
  2. suusõnaline
  3. püssirohi
  4. etendus
  5. tikutoos
  6. kosmoselaev
  7. üldkogunemine
  8. varemed
  9. ajalooline
  10. restaureeritud
  11. päikest võtma
  12. ala, pindala
  13. kergesti

30 Clues: edukasetendusvidevikvaremedüllatavpraeahivahetamamerereisõigekirijalgradatikutoosrõõmsaltröövretkkergestipüssirohikokkuvõterahvastikkiusaminemarmelaadajaloolinevapustatudsuusõnalinekosmoselaevtegelaskujuvälismaalaneala, pindalaüldkogunemineemotsionaalnepäikest võtmarestaureeritud