winter Crossword Puzzles

NDHS Library 2020-12-11

NDHS Library crossword puzzle
  1. the red-nosed reindeer
  2. Peppermint treat
  3. what you want in winter!
  4. delivers presents on Christmas Eve
  5. You kiss under this!
  6. O Christmas ____
  7. Jesus was laid in this
  8. Jesus was wrapped in this
  9. the season Christmas is in
  10. A celebration
  1. Christmas _____
  2. white stuff that you want for CHristmas
  3. celebrated on December 25
  4. light these for great scents
  5. another name for hot chocolate
  6. find these under your tree
  7. a spicy christmas cookie
  8. hang this on your door
  9. Frosty was one
  10. what you put on your tree
  11. Mary rode one one to the manger
  12. tasty Christmas treats
  13. Buddy the ___
  14. A bush with bright red berries

24 Clues: Buddy the ___A celebrationFrosty was oneChristmas _____Peppermint treatO Christmas ____You kiss under this!the red-nosed reindeerhang this on your doortasty Christmas treatsJesus was laid in thisa spicy christmas cookiewhat you want in winter!celebrated on December 25what you put on your treeJesus was wrapped in thisfind these under your tree...

MARIANNE 2017-03-27

MARIANNE crossword puzzle
  1. One of her favorite outdoor sports
  2. Screams when she sees these critters
  3. Just left there for good
  4. Always giving back
  5. Always picks the biggest one on the lot
  6. Perfect shot for seniors
  7. Quiet pastime
  8. Road trip
  9. She is a very caring person
  10. Takes inventory every winter
  11. Brother & Sister-in-law
  12. Cat's name
  13. Walks on the wild side
  1. Stocking location for emergencies
  2. Covers her ears during discussions of this
  3. Winter holiday display
  4. The other tennis organization
  5. Best quality
  6. Dog's name
  7. Tennis Center
  8. She is well known for this dessert
  9. Her church
  10. Tennis organization
  11. Favorite football team
  12. Pastime with cards
  13. Healthy exercise

26 Clues: Road tripDog's nameHer churchCat's nameBest qualityQuiet pastimeTennis CenterHealthy exerciseAlways giving backPastime with cardsTennis organizationWinter holiday displayFavorite football teamWalks on the wild sideBrother & Sister-in-lawJust left there for goodPerfect shot for seniorsShe is a very caring personTakes inventory every winter...

Titel4 2017-02-20

Titel4 crossword puzzle
  1. Was frisiert man
  2. Ein Möbel um zu sitzen
  3. Wo sind die Kühe drin
  4. Was Autos produzieren
  5. Maschine um Heu zu wenden
  6. Mit was pflegt man die Pisten
  7. Brauchtum in der man viel Holz verbrennt
  8. Wie nennt man Gras das zum zweiten mahl gemäht wird
  9. Kubota Eine Baggermarke
  10. Eine Strasse auf der man 120kmh fahren darf
  1. Was braucht man um Anhänger anzukuppeln
  2. Ein Ort zum lernen
  3. Der Grösster Kontinent
  4. Schreiner,... Ein Beruf mit Holz
  5. Ein Gerät um Tagesschau zu schauen
  6. Ein Ort um Heu zu lagern
  7. Eine Jahreszeit wen es Schnee hat
  8. Baderaum im Winter
  9. Holland Ein Blauer Traktor
  10. Aus was bestehen Kleider

20 Clues: Was frisiert manEin Ort zum lernenBaderaum im WinterWo sind die Kühe drinWas Autos produzierenEin Möbel um zu sitzenDer Grösster KontinentEin Ort um Heu zu lagernAus was bestehen KleiderKubota Eine BaggermarkeMaschine um Heu zu wendenHolland Ein Blauer TraktorMit was pflegt man die PistenSchreiner,... Ein Beruf mit Holz...

Titel4 2017-02-20

Titel4 crossword puzzle
  1. Aus was bestehen Kleider
  2. Wie nennt man Gras das zum zweiten mahl gemäht wird
  3. Holland Ein Blauer Traktor
  4. Mit was pflegt man die Pisten
  5. Maschine um Heu zu wenden
  6. Ein Ort zum lernen
  7. Was frisiert man
  8. Was braucht man um Anhänger anzukuppeln
  9. Kubota Eine Baggermarke
  10. Der Grösster Kontinent
  1. Schreiner,... Ein Beruf mit Holz
  2. Ein Gerät um Tagesschau zu schauen
  3. Eine Jahreszeit wen es Schnee hat
  4. Brauchtum in der man viel Holz verbrennt
  5. Was Autos produzieren
  6. Ein Ort um Heu zu lagern
  7. Wo sind die Kühe drin
  8. Eine Strasse auf der man 120kmh fahren darf
  9. Baderaum im Winter
  10. Ein Möbel um zu sitzen

20 Clues: Was frisiert manEin Ort zum lernenBaderaum im WinterWas Autos produzierenWo sind die Kühe drinDer Grösster KontinentEin Möbel um zu sitzenAus was bestehen KleiderEin Ort um Heu zu lagernKubota Eine BaggermarkeMaschine um Heu zu wendenHolland Ein Blauer TraktorMit was pflegt man die PistenSchreiner,... Ein Beruf mit Holz...

Neue Lehrperson 2017-01-13

Neue Lehrperson crossword puzzle
  1. meine Art von Humor
  2. Dort bin ich aufgewachsen
  3. diese Musik mag ich besonders
  4. Ich unterrichte an der MST
  5. In diesem Monat habe ich Geburtstag
  6. Dort bin ich gerne unterwegs.
  7. mein liebstes Ferienziel
  8. Mein Lieblingsessen
  9. dieses Auto würde ich gerne besitzen
  10. das mache ich gerne im Winter
  11. Diesen Menschen würde ich gerne kennenlernen
  1. Dieses Fach unterrichte ich am liebsten
  2. mein Haustier
  3. meine liebste Jahreszeit
  4. Das ist mir im Alltag wichtig
  5. in diesem Stock liegt unser Klassenzimmer
  6. Meine LEidenschaft
  7. So heisst mein Pferd
  8. Dort wohne ich.
  9. der Beste Film aller Zeiten
  10. Etwas, was ich gar nicht mag.
  11. Ohne ... könnte ich nicht leben

22 Clues: mein HaustierDort wohne ich.Meine LEidenschaftmeine Art von HumorMein LieblingsessenSo heisst mein Pferdmeine liebste Jahreszeitmein liebstes FerienzielDort bin ich aufgewachsenIch unterrichte an der MSTder Beste Film aller Zeitendiese Musik mag ich besondersDas ist mir im Alltag wichtigDort bin ich gerne unterwegs.Etwas, was ich gar nicht mag....

Les 2.1 Mag ik je iets vragen? 2021-10-04

Les 2.1 Mag ik je iets vragen? crossword puzzle
  1. Hij komt .... 10 uur en half 11.
  2. De winter is een ........
  3. 1+1=2, 2 is het ......
  4. Niet koud maar ....
  5. Niet droog maar .....
  6. Het voorjaar is de .......
  7. De temperatuur is 17 ..........
  8. Hoog en .....
  9. Niet warm maar ......
  1. 's Nachts is in de ...........
  2. In de ..... waait en regent het veel.
  3. Niet beneden maar ......
  4. In Nederland hebben wij heuvels en geen hoge .....
  5. Het is koud en er is sneeuw en ijs in de .......
  6. Laag en .....
  7. Niet altijd maar .........
  8. De ......... is 20 graden.
  9. Niet nat maar ......
  10. Nederland is een ..... en Pakistan is ook een .....
  11. In de ....... zijn veel golven.
  12. Nederland is een ...... land er zijn geen bergen.

21 Clues: Laag en .....Hoog en .....Niet koud maar ....Niet nat maar ......Niet droog maar .....Niet warm maar ......1+1=2, 2 is het ......Niet beneden maar ......De winter is een ........Niet altijd maar .........De ......... is 20 graden.Het voorjaar is de .......'s Nachts is in de ...........In de ....... zijn veel golven.De temperatuur is 17 .............

for JD 2021-11-17

for JD crossword puzzle
  1. past tense of shiver
  2. What the f?
  3. one-_____, a fraction
  4. a mitten with fingers
  5. check the ____ on tv to see the temperature
  6. a place to live that is not a house
  7. second-hand
  8. 12 _____ by 4 equals 3
  9. keep your feet warm in the winter
  10. Deng's first winter was terrible b/c he did not have ____ clothes
  11. hug your ____
  1. temperature below zero
  2. ____ your jacket on; we're going shopping
  3. before twelfth
  4. plural of scarf
  5. a short word for inexpensive
  6. after fourth
  7. day after Friday
  8. lets you see the snow from inside the house
  9. before second
  10. no kiss, no hug, just a hand _____

21 Clues: What the f?second-handafter fourthbefore secondhug your ____before twelfthplural of scarfday after Fridaypast tense of shiverone-_____, a fractiona mitten with fingerstemperature below zero12 _____ by 4 equals 3a short word for inexpensivekeep your feet warm in the winterno kiss, no hug, just a hand _____a place to live that is not a house...

Caroling, Caroling 2022-11-07

Caroling, Caroling crossword puzzle
  1. Bells ring on these
  2. We three kings of
  3. The holly and the
  4. God rest ye merry
  5. Walking in a winter
  6. Laid to rest on who's lap?
  7. All I want for Christmas is my two front
  8. Want a ? that loops the loop
  9. The ? are brightly shining
  1. Please have snow and
  2. Have a holly ? Christmas
  3. And ransom captive
  4. In a pear tree
  5. 'Twas in the moon of ? time
  6. Oh little town of
  7. Over the river and through the
  8. Type of king Wenceslas was
  9. He was made of snow
  10. What you dash through the snow in
  11. Hark the herald
  12. I saw Mommy kissing

21 Clues: In a pear treeHark the heraldWe three kings ofThe holly and theOh little town ofGod rest ye merryAnd ransom captiveBells ring on theseWalking in a winterHe was made of snowI saw Mommy kissingPlease have snow andHave a holly ? ChristmasType of king Wenceslas wasLaid to rest on who's lap?The ? are brightly shining'Twas in the moon of ? time...

Chloé 2022-02-08

Chloé crossword puzzle
  1. ik ben boven de ogen
  2. op december het is de ...
  3. we eten op een ...
  4. je opent me
  5. wat je 's morgens drinkt
  6. elke avond doe ik mijn ... voor school
  7. ik ben gebruikt om te horen
  8. de dag na een schoolweek
  9. er zitten 6 ... in de Nederlandse klas
  10. de directeur is ...(émotion)
  1. ik drink graag ... in winter
  2. er ligt een mooie tapijt op de ...
  3. ik moet voor een toets ...
  4. de tweede vrucht van Luikse siroop
  5. hij snijdt je haar
  6. daar ga je op jeugdbeweging
  7. we hebben er op het einde van het jaar
  8. mijn leraar schrijft erop
  9. kleren voor voeten
  10. huis van de treinen

20 Clues: je opent mewe eten op een ...hij snijdt je haarkleren voor voetenhuis van de treinenik ben boven de ogenwat je 's morgens drinktde dag na een schoolweekop december het is de ...mijn leraar schrijft eropik moet voor een toets ...daar ga je op jeugdbewegingik ben gebruikt om te horenik drink graag ... in winterde directeur is ...(émotion)...

Animals 2022-05-12

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. silverback
  2. has long ears
  3. grows horns
  4. can live in water or on land
  5. cow with no legs
  6. makes its house out of sticks
  7. has the strongest bite of any land animal.
  8. largest land mammal.
  9. found in claremore lake
  10. howls at the moon
  11. mans best friend
  12. swims in the water
  1. bison’s american nickname
  2. soars high in the sky
  3. hibernates in the winter
  4. makes noise with its tail
  5. wears a black mask
  6. makes mounds from underground
  7. fly’s south in the winter
  8. hops on 2 feet
  9. mix of a horse and a donkey
  10. North American marsupial
  11. black and white bear

23 Clues: silverbackgrows hornshas long earshops on 2 feetcow with no legsmans best friendhowls at the moonwears a black maskswims in the waterlargest land and white bearsoars high in the skyfound in claremore lakehibernates in the winterNorth American marsupialbison’s american nicknamemakes noise with its tailfly’s south in the winter...

Spanish Vocab 4.1 2023-03-29

Spanish Vocab 4.1 crossword puzzle
  1. New
  2. Spring
  3. Button-down shirt
  4. Socks
  5. To be lucky
  6. To be cold
  7. Pants
  8. Jacket
  9. To close
  10. To play
  11. To wear
  12. Green
  13. Dollar
  14. Red
  15. Yellow
  16. To begin
  17. To prefer
  18. Orange
  19. Skirt
  20. Shoes
  21. Hat
  22. Money
  23. Season
  24. Brown
  25. Autumn
  1. T-shirt
  2. Black
  3. Shopping Center
  4. How much does it cost?
  5. Winter
  6. To go shopping
  7. To understand
  8. White
  9. Blouse
  10. Shorts
  11. Ugly
  12. To be hot
  13. To want
  14. Blue
  15. To think/plan
  16. To be right
  17. Summer
  18. Clothing
  19. Store
  20. Jeans
  21. Dress
  22. The price
  23. During
  24. Winter Hat

49 Clues: NewRedHatUglyBlueBlackSocksWhitePantsGreenSkirtStoreJeansShoesDressMoneyBrownSpringWinterBlouseShortsJacketDollarSummerYellowOrangeDuringSeasonAutumnT-shirtTo wantTo playTo wearTo closeTo beginClothingTo be hotTo preferThe priceTo be coldWinter HatTo be luckyTo be rightTo understandTo think/planTo go shoppingShopping CenterButton-down shirt...

me pt 2 2024-02-16

me pt 2 crossword puzzle
  1. fav song from folklore
  2. fav disney movie
  3. fav WINTER starbucks drink
  4. fav eras tour outfit
  5. favorite disney song
  6. fav song from debut
  7. fav song from fearless
  8. fav song from lover
  9. other fav WINTER starbucks drink
  10. my middle name
  11. other fav disney song
  12. fav restaurant
  1. fav crying song
  2. fav song from evermore
  3. fav song from reputation
  4. where do i dance
  5. fav song from midnights
  6. current go-to starbucks drink
  7. favorite musical
  8. fav snl taylor song
  9. zodiac sign
  10. fav song from red
  11. fav song from 1989
  12. my favorite olivia rodrigo song
  13. fav song from speak now
  14. fav alarm song

26 Clues: zodiac signfav alarm songmy middle namefav restaurantfav crying songwhere do i dancefav disney moviefavorite musicalfav song from redfav song from 1989fav song from debutfav snl taylor songfav song from loverfav eras tour outfitfavorite disney songother fav disney songfav song from evermorefav song from folklorefav song from fearless...

Junior Autumn Crossword 2023 2023-10-08

Junior Autumn Crossword 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. Bringing in of the crops
  2. Used to collect leaves
  3. Fruit of the oak tree
  4. Birds leave to escape for the winter
  5. Also known as maize
  6. Not green forever
  7. Autumn seed used for playing games
  8. O'Lantern
  9. Name for a baby hedgehog
  10. The American name for Autumn
  1. Good hot and buttered
  2. Hope your not afraid of their legs!
  3. When animals go to sleep for the winter
  4. Brown spice used to flavour cakes and biscuits
  5. A tree and a syrup
  6. Time to put them on with thick socks
  7. Edible funghi
  8. Autumn shade of red
  9. Chocolatey drink to keep you warm
  10. Used to tidy up leaves

20 Clues: O'LanternEdible funghiNot green foreverA tree and a syrupAlso known as maizeAutumn shade of redGood hot and butteredFruit of the oak treeUsed to collect leavesUsed to tidy up leavesBringing in of the cropsName for a baby hedgehogThe American name for AutumnChocolatey drink to keep you warmAutumn seed used for playing games...

Kreuzwortrratsel zu Weihnachten 2022-12-13

Kreuzwortrratsel zu Weihnachten crossword puzzle
  1. bekommen wir am Weihnachtsmorgen?
  2. Wie heißt das wichtigste Rentier des Weihnachtsmanns?
  3. wird vor Weihnachten geschmückt?
  4. Jahreszeit kommt nach dem Herbst?
  5. Wie viele Gerichte werden auf dem Markt serviert?
  6. kommt der Weihnachtsmann zu uns nach Hause?
  7. Womit skatest du im Winter?
  1. 31/An welchem ​​Tag begrüßen wir das neue Jahr?
  2. Tag ist der 25.Dezember?
  3. Mit wem reist der Weihnachtsmann, um Geschenke zu verteilen?
  4. Worauf kann man im Winter skaten?
  5. ist weiss und fallt nur im Winter?

12 Clues: Tag ist der 25.Dezember?Womit skatest du im Winter?wird vor Weihnachten geschmückt?bekommen wir am Weihnachtsmorgen?Jahreszeit kommt nach dem Herbst?Worauf kann man im Winter skaten?ist weiss und fallt nur im Winter?kommt der Weihnachtsmann zu uns nach Hause?31/An welchem ​​Tag begrüßen wir das neue Jahr?...

Autumn and Nature 2020-10-02

Autumn and Nature crossword puzzle
  1. we carve this fruit for Halloween
  2. animals start growing in this fur for winter
  3. mountain with all the different colors look
  4. three colors the leaves turn in fall
  1. bears eat a lot to get ready for this
  2. trees lose these in October
  3. animal eats a lot of acorns and store for winter
  4. In October the weather starts to get
  5. the earth gets like this with the cold weather
  6. people lose their hats because there it is very
  7. geese fly there to stay the winter

11 Clues: trees lose these in Octoberwe carve this fruit for Halloweengeese fly there to stay the winterIn October the weather starts to getthree colors the leaves turn in fallbears eat a lot to get ready for thismountain with all the different colors lookanimals start growing in this fur for winterthe earth gets like this with the cold weather...

Unità 3 2018-08-24

Unità 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Kleid
  2. eng
  3. Sommer
  4. breit
  5. Gürtel
  6. Frühling
  7. Pullover
  8. Herbst
  9. Handschuhe
  10. Stiefel
  1. Schuhe
  2. Rock
  3. Schal
  4. Winter
  5. Jacke
  6. T-Shirt
  7. Hut
  8. Socken
  9. Hemd

19 Clues: engHutRockHemdKleidSchalbreitJackeSchuheSommerGürtelWinterSockenHerbstT-ShirtStiefelFrühlingPulloverHandschuhe

Crucigrama 2021-01-12

Crucigrama crossword puzzle
  1. shoes
  2. spring
  3. shirt
  4. jeans
  5. blue
  6. green
  7. autumn
  8. socks
  9. orange
  10. hat
  1. hat
  2. blouse
  3. jacket
  4. yellow
  5. pants
  6. t-shirt
  7. winter
  8. summer
  9. dress
  10. red

20 Clues: hatredhatblueshoespantsshirtjeansdressgreensocksblousejacketyellowspringwintersummerautumnoranget-shirt

Aventura congelada 2021-06-01

Aventura congelada crossword puzzle
  1. queen
  2. reindeer
  3. love
  4. heart
  5. castle
  6. hug
  7. head
  8. snow
  9. winter
  10. hair
  1. gloves
  2. ice
  3. rock
  4. wolf
  5. snowman
  6. coronation
  7. true, genuine
  8. kingdom
  9. summer

19 Clues: icehugrockwolfloveheadsnowhairqueenheartglovescastlesummerwintersnowmankingdomreindeercoronationtrue, genuine

El Tiempo: The Weather 2022-12-10

El Tiempo: The Weather crossword puzzle
  1. it'scold
  2. it'sraining
  3. theseasons
  4. winter
  5. it'shumid
  6. summer
  7. itissnowing
  8. it'scool
  9. theweather
  10. it'scloudy
  1. itisrainingalot
  2. it'shot
  3. it'sthundering
  4. fall
  5. spring
  6. it'sgoodweather
  7. it'swindy
  8. it'ssunny
  9. it'sbad weather

19 Clues: fallspringwintersummerit'shotit'scoldit'scoolit'swindyit'ssunnyit'shumidtheseasonstheweatherit'scloudyit'srainingitissnowingit'sthunderingitisrainingalotit'sgoodweatherit'sbad weather

Ceremonial Cycle Vocabulary 2024-02-26

Ceremonial Cycle Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. ëdwahëögwa’šyö:’
  2. Goshe:neh
  3. Ohki:we:h
  4. Wahda’
  5. Ado:wë’
  6. Ha’degoshaëh
  7. Gei:h niyoiwa:geh
  8. Goneo’
  9. Gadzë’ge:kha’
  1. Ostowä’go:wah
  2. ënönöhsado:wi’
  3. Wasa:se'
  4. Adekweö’
  5. Gaiwi:yo:h
  6. ëdwatähgwe:göh
  7. ëdwada:ye:g
  8. Gëgwidekneh
  9. Gehe:neh
  10. Gë’ökneh

19 Clues: Wahda’Goneo’Ado:wë’Wasa:se'Adekweö’Gehe:nehGë’öknehGoshe:nehOhki:we:hGaiwi:yo:hëdwada:ye:gGëgwideknehHa’degoshaëhOstowä’go:wahGadzë’ge:kha’ënönöhsado:wi’ëdwatähgwe:göhëdwahëögwa’šyö:’Gei:h niyoiwa:geh

Repaso 2021-10-19

Repaso crossword puzzle
  1. winter
  2. thursday
  3. miss
  4. January
  5. june
  6. thanks
  7. cheers
  8. may
  9. july
  10. octubre
  1. friday
  2. mister
  3. Goodbye
  4. tuesday
  5. goodevening
  6. domingo
  7. Hi
  8. august
  9. very well

19 Clues: HimaymissjunejulyfridaywintermisteraugustthankscheersGoodbyetuesdaydomingoJanuaryoctubrethursdayvery wellgoodevening

U4 L1 vocabulario 2017-05-30

U4 L1 vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. clothing
  2. blue
  3. winter
  4. socks
  5. to want
  6. I am lucky
  7. spring
  8. to begin
  9. store
  10. east
  11. I am right
  12. during
  13. season
  14. brown
  15. winter hat
  16. to close
  17. ugly
  18. hat
  19. gray
  20. to wear
  21. yellow
  22. shoes
  23. purple
  24. pink
  25. green
  26. black
  1. coat
  2. to prefer
  3. shirt
  4. It costs
  5. west
  6. to go shopping
  7. orange
  8. red
  9. north
  10. T-shirt
  11. I am cold
  12. dress
  13. white
  14. to understand
  15. to think, to plan
  16. summer
  17. south
  18. I am hot
  19. new
  20. to pay
  21. gloves
  22. price
  23. skirt
  24. autumn, fall

50 Clues: rednewhatcoatbluewesteastuglygraypinkshirtsocksnorthdresswhitesouthstorebrownpriceshoesskirtgreenblackwinterorangespringsummerduringseasonto payglovesyellowpurpleto wantT-shirtto wearclothingIt coststo beginI am hotto closeto preferI am coldI am luckyI am rightwinter hatautumn, fallto understandto go shoppingto think, to plan

Bomen 2014-08-11

Bomen crossword puzzle
  1. heeft een boom nodig om te roeien
  2. groeien aan bomen
  3. hoe dichter aan de evenaar hoe ...
  4. boom die zijn bladeren verliest
  5. dit zou een boom doen als de blaadjes niet vallen
  6. heeft een boom nodig om te groeien
  7. zit in de bladeren
  8. heeft een boom nodig om te groeien
  9. gemaakt van rottende bladeren
  10. zie je vaak in de zomer
  1. blaadjes aan bomen dicht bij de evenaar blijven ... hangen
  2. dit doet water in de winter
  3. kleine diertjes
  4. dit nemen de wortels op
  5. groeien aan de takken
  6. hebben we nodig om te leven
  7. zitten in de grond
  8. in de winter wordt het ...
  9. soort boom
  10. onze kerstboom is dit soort boom
  11. kerstboom

21 Clues: kerstboomsoort boomkleine diertjesgroeien aan bomenzitten in de grondzit in de bladerengroeien aan de takkendit nemen de wortels opzie je vaak in de zomerin de winter wordt het ...dit doet water in de winterhebben we nodig om te levengemaakt van rottende bladerenboom die zijn bladeren verliestonze kerstboom is dit soort boom...

Random 2021-09-14

Random crossword puzzle
  1. helps to support your body
  2. a cold season
  3. worn on feet in the winter
  4. king of the jungle
  5. helps a detective solve a crime
  6. current pandemic
  7. a place to lock up your money
  8. beats in your chest
  9. most used movie app
  10. a person that helps you learn
  11. small animated picture add to a text
  1. worn on your face during pandemic
  2. a place to hide during a tornado
  3. bad for your health
  4. a place of worship
  5. police carry for protection
  6. card game that skips and reverses
  7. spins a web
  8. too many people in a room
  9. a frozen desert
  10. slender tube used to drink

21 Clues: spins a weba cold seasona frozen desertcurrent pandemica place of worshipking of the junglebad for your healthbeats in your chestmost used movie apptoo many people in a roomhelps to support your bodyworn on feet in the winterslender tube used to drinkpolice carry for protectiona place to lock up your moneya person that helps you learn...

3 nensei Crossword Puzzle 2021-12-09

3 nensei Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. people speak this in China
  2. Special Olympics
  3. very big and in Japan
  4. Pandas, Whales, Elephants are____
  5. Asami likes this person
  6. to protest by not eating
  7. Asami's family has one
  8. Liam does not like _____
  9. His image is on Indian money
  10. about Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
  11. a sports player
  12. famous food in America
  13. the most important match
  1. Mr. Baker has been in Japan for ___ years
  2. famous food in Japan
  3. trains go here
  4. a yellow fruit
  5. 7,000 different ____ are spoken
  6. Indian money
  7. all countries
  8. Asami plays this sport
  9. December, January, February
  10. You are here now
  11. "fried noodles" in Japanese
  12. a Japaese poem
  13. "I think..."

26 Clues: Indian money"I think..."all countriestrains go herea yellow fruita Japaese poema sports playerSpecial OlympicsYou are here nowfamous food in Japanvery big and in JapanAsami plays this sportAsami's family has onefamous food in AmericaAsami likes this personto protest by not eatingLiam does not like _____the most important match...

Holiday Fun 2021-12-03

Holiday Fun crossword puzzle
  1. what you receive during the holidays
  2. traditional winter plant
  3. Rudolph and friends
  4. first month of the year
  5. typically found on a Christmas tree
  6. frozen water that falls from the sky
  7. if you stand under this, expect a smooch
  8. last month of the year
  9. 8-day Jewish holiday
  10. a fun activity in the snow
  1. last season of the year
  2. a warm drink
  3. celebrated the first day of the year
  4. a trip you can take with family
  5. Figure made of frozen water
  6. Santa's helpers
  7. typically celebrated on December 25th
  8. annual celebration African-American culture
  9. Brings presents
  10. things to make a room more festive

20 Clues: a warm drinkSanta's helpersBrings presentsRudolph and friends8-day Jewish holidaylast month of the yearlast season of the yearfirst month of the yeartraditional winter planta fun activity in the snowFigure made of frozen watera trip you can take with familythings to make a room more festivetypically found on a Christmas tree...

Grant 2022-10-24

Grant crossword puzzle
  1. Super video game plumber
  2. Something you do on two wheels
  3. Favorite football team
  4. A stringed instrument
  5. How old you are!
  6. Building with blocks (not a video game)
  7. Vacation spot in Western MD
  8. Winter activity on the slopes
  9. Sport with tees and balls
  10. Something you do on a large rock
  11. potter Book series that mommy read all of them to you
  1. Sport with a boom
  2. The Crusaders
  3. Building with blocks (Video Game)
  4. Favorite baseball team
  5. The beach!
  6. Where we visit Bob & Gigi in the winter
  7. Breakfast of champions
  8. Aladdin's foe
  9. Ski mountain that you know better than any other
  10. Bro

21 Clues: BroThe beach!The CrusadersAladdin's foeHow old you are!Sport with a boomA stringed instrumentFavorite baseball teamFavorite football teamBreakfast of championsSuper video game plumberSport with tees and ballsVacation spot in Western MDWinter activity on the slopesSomething you do on two wheelsSomething you do on a large rock...

Form 4 Unit 8 2017-05-05

Form 4 Unit 8 crossword puzzle
  1. весна
  2. месяц
  3. октябрь
  4. август
  5. сентябрь
  6. год
  7. январь
  8. июль
  9. март
  1. зима
  2. лето
  3. декабрь
  4. ноябрь
  5. февраль
  6. май
  7. апрель
  8. пора года
  9. осень
  10. июнь

19 Clues: майгодзималетоиюльиюньмартвеснамесяцосеньноябрьавгустапрельянварьдекабрьоктябрьфевральсентябрьпора года

winter 2016-10-20

winter crossword puzzle
  1. Een feest.
  2. Op het ijs ... je.
  3. Wat je op je hoofd doet voor kerstmis.
  1. In de sneeuw liggen en een ... maken.
  2. Wanneer er vuurwerk komt.
  3. In de sneeuw gaan we ...

6 Clues: Een feest.Op het ijs ... je.In de sneeuw gaan we ...Wanneer er vuurwerk komt.In de sneeuw liggen en een ... maken.Wat je op je hoofd doet voor kerstmis.

winter 2016-06-17

winter crossword puzzle
  1. It is very ----- outside
  2. I love --------- puzzles
  1. I want hot ----
  2. I cot a --------- on my tong
  3. Look,theres a ---- storm
  4. I am very ----

6 Clues: I am very ----I want hot ----It is very ----- outsideLook,theres a ---- stormI love --------- puzzlesI cot a --------- on my tong

winter 2019-03-04

winter crossword puzzle
  1. playing
  2. cold
  3. hotchocolate
  1. hurts
  2. frostbite
  3. fun

6 Clues: funcoldhurtsplayingfrostbitehotchocolate

winter 2020-11-20

winter crossword puzzle
  1. brings gifts to kids
  2. light in night sky
  3. happy
  1. carols
  2. heavenly creature with wings
  3. fir

6 Clues: firhappycarolslight in night skybrings gifts to kidsheavenly creature with wings

Winter 2023-04-23

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. It gets too cold for _______ outside in the winter
  2. the month where winter starts
  3. when freezing rain occurs
  1. Animals_______ in the winter when it is cold out
  2. the temperature for the winter is chilly and___?
  3. When animals hibernate they stay nice and _________?

6 Clues: when freezing rain occursthe month where winter startsAnimals_______ in the winter when it is cold outthe temperature for the winter is chilly and___?It gets too cold for _______ outside in the winterWhen animals hibernate they stay nice and _________?

winter 2023-12-16

winter crossword puzzle
  1. not rain
  2. early
  3. from north
  1. not hot
  2. blow in wind
  3. when it’s cold

6 Clues: earlynot hotnot rainfrom northblow in windwhen it’s cold

Winter 2023-12-02

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. Cold weather
  2. Red Nose
  3. A holiday
  1. A season
  2. Walking in a winter ...
  3. ho ho ho

6 Clues: A seasonRed Noseho ho hoA holidayCold weatherWalking in a winter ...

winter 2024-03-20

winter crossword puzzle
  1. Tuesday is the ... day.
  2. December is the ... month.
  3. Saturday is the ... day.
  1. September is the ... month.
  2. Friday is the .... day.
  3. March ist the ... month.

6 Clues: Tuesday is the ... day.Friday is the .... day.March ist the ... month.Saturday is the ... day.December is the ... month.September is the ... month.

Winter 2024-05-22

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. (Keeps you warm in the cold)[4]
  2. (Frozen water on the ground)[3]
  3. (Keeps hands warm)[6]
  4. (Wintery blow)[4]
  1. (Makes you shiver)[5]
  2. (White stuff falling from sky)[4]

6 Clues: (Wintery blow)[4](Makes you shiver)[5](Keeps hands warm)[6](Keeps you warm in the cold)[4](Frozen water on the ground)[3](White stuff falling from sky)[4]

Winter 2024-05-22

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. (Keeps you warm in the cold)
  2. (Frozen water on the ground)[3]
  3. (Keeps hands warm)[6]
  4. (Wintery blow)[4]
  1. (Makes you shiver)[5]
  2. (White stuff falling from sky)[4]

6 Clues: (Wintery blow)[4](Makes you shiver)[5](Keeps hands warm)[6](Keeps you warm in the cold)(Frozen water on the ground)[3](White stuff falling from sky)[4]

Winter 2024-05-22

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. (Keeps you warm in the cold)
  2. (Frozen water on the ground)[3]
  3. (Keeps hands warm)[6]
  4. (Wintery blow)[4]
  1. (Makes you shiver)[5]
  2. (White stuff falling from sky)[4]

6 Clues: (Wintery blow)[4](Makes you shiver)[5](Keeps hands warm)[6](Keeps you warm in the cold)(Frozen water on the ground)[3](White stuff falling from sky)[4]

What we know! 2018-01-10

What we know! crossword puzzle
  1. Opposite of back
  2. Fruit popular for making pie
  3. Opposite of cold
  4. Where many religious people go on Sundays
  5. Next to
  6. Time of year when it snows and is very cold
  7. Time of year when the leaves fall off the trees
  8. Plural of child
  9. What you eat at night
  10. hijastra
  11. What you put in the car
  12. Opposite of left
  1. Perfect temperature to be in winter
  2. Son of your sister or brother
  3. Daughter of your sister or brother
  4. Not near
  5. Your house or apartment!
  6. What you eat in the morning
  7. What you do to have clean clothes (ropa)
  8. Near
  9. Nieto
  10. Below
  11. Mother-in-law

23 Clues: NearNietoBelowNext toNot nearhijastraMother-in-lawPlural of childOpposite of backOpposite of coldOpposite of leftWhat you eat at nightWhat you put in the carYour house or apartment!What you eat in the morningFruit popular for making pieSon of your sister or brotherDaughter of your sister or brotherPerfect temperature to be in winter...

Christmas Time 2013-12-20

Christmas Time crossword puzzle
  1. the reindeer with the shiny red nose
  2. precipitation from the sky during winter
  3. where Santa lives
  4. the silver decorations for the tree
  5. delicious peppermint treat
  6. the number of reindeer
  7. Santa's ride
  8. the month in which we celebrate Christmas
  9. hung by the fireplace
  10. the season in which we celebrate Christmas
  11. people you celebrate the holidays with
  12. the songs sung at Christmas time
  1. gifts under the tree
  2. bright decorations that lite up the house
  3. the jolly man who brings gifts
  4. the hot drink with marshmallows
  5. decorations for the trees
  6. Santa's little helpers
  7. the type of Christmas tree
  8. frozen water found on roof tops

20 Clues: Santa's ridewhere Santa livesgifts under the treehung by the fireplaceSanta's little helpersthe number of reindeerdecorations for the treesdelicious peppermint treatthe type of Christmas treethe jolly man who brings giftsthe hot drink with marshmallowsfrozen water found on roof topsthe songs sung at Christmas timethe silver decorations for the tree...

Spelling Bee Vocabulary 2023-03-10

Spelling Bee Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Flashlight
  2. Map
  3. Storm
  4. Wind
  5. Encylopedia
  6. Dumplings
  7. Kebabs
  8. Trumpet
  9. Sculptures
  10. Plastic
  11. Tent
  12. Aluminum
  13. Message
  14. Winter
  15. Violin
  16. Paper
  17. Saxophone
  18. Gas
  19. Instrument
  20. Flood
  21. Acrobatics
  22. Bottle
  23. Cardboard
  24. Letter
  25. Magazine
  26. Cartwheels
  27. Electricity
  1. Lightning
  2. Guitar
  3. Portraits
  4. Juggle
  5. Spring
  6. Noodles
  7. Cymbals
  8. Keyboard
  9. Curry
  10. Drought
  11. Website
  12. Sushi
  13. Clarinet
  14. Cup
  15. Summer
  16. Email
  17. Blanket
  18. Tacos
  19. Newspaper
  20. Drums
  21. Plate
  22. Fall
  23. Backpack
  24. Ebook
  25. Solar
  26. Trombone
  27. Monsoon
  28. Flute
  29. Stew
  30. Bowl
  31. Paella
  32. Tricks
  33. Glass
  34. Thunder
  35. Dictionary

62 Clues: MapCupGasWindTentFallStewBowlStormCurrySushiEmailTacosDrumsPlatePaperEbookSolarFloodFluteGlassGuitarJuggleSpringKebabsSummerWinterViolinBottlePaellaLetterTricksNoodlesCymbalsDroughtWebsiteTrumpetPlasticBlanketMessageMonsoonThunderKeyboardClarinetAluminumBackpackTromboneMagazineLightningPortraitsDumplingsNewspaperSaxophoneCardboardFlashlight...

Crossword puzzel 2020-12-18

Crossword puzzel crossword puzzle
  1. It’s the season for giving .......
  2. Light made of wax
  3. Used to decorate a Christmas tree
  4. Jewish holiday celebrated in December
  5. This huge creature lives in the polar region
  6. Santa’s helpers
  7. Animal of Christmas
  8. These keep your hand warm
  9. Time of from school or work
  1. Winter sport on frozen water
  2. The month following January
  3. holiday celebrated on January 1st
  4. Burning
  5. A populair christmas colour
  6. African/American holiday celebrated in winter
  7. Flakes that fall from the sky
  8. Strap them down on an go downhill on snow
  9. I am dreaming of a ....... Christmas
  10. Famous snowman
  11. Opposite of hot
  12. Keeps your neck warm

21 Clues: BurningFamous snowmanSanta’s helpersOpposite of hotLight made of waxAnimal of ChristmasKeeps your neck warmThese keep your hand warmThe month following JanuaryA populair christmas colourTime of from school or workWinter sport on frozen waterFlakes that fall from the skyholiday celebrated on January 1stUsed to decorate a Christmas tree...

The Watchers on the Wall 2021-04-16

The Watchers on the Wall crossword puzzle
  1. 14 flames
  2. Summer land
  3. Rose of Winter
  4. Blonde of hair
  5. Minions
  6. Old and creepy
  7. It melts the ice
  8. Rightful heir
  9. Queen of Riverlands
  10. Free city
  11. The best of them
  12. Cersei's love
  13. Likes to read
  14. Once a shoemaker (2 words)
  15. Likes to sing
  16. Blow me if you dare
  17. The real Azor Ahai (2 words)
  18. Kissed by fire
  1. Build by Gardener
  2. Sociopath
  3. Butterflies garden
  4. Route 66 (2 words)
  5. Queen of hearts
  6. Good for ride (2 words, pl)
  7. Lead by vengeance (2 words)
  8. Likes castles
  9. Is always coming
  10. Everything before but
  11. Refuses to die
  12. Man of honor

30 Clues: Minions14 flamesSociopathFree citySummer landMan of honorRightful heirLikes castlesCersei's loveLikes to readLikes to singRose of WinterBlonde of hairOld and creepyRefuses to dieKissed by fireQueen of heartsIt melts the iceIs always comingThe best of themBuild by GardenerButterflies gardenRoute 66 (2 words)Queen of RiverlandsBlow me if you dare...

Canada Walmley Club 2021-06-21

Canada Walmley Club crossword puzzle
  1. Father of Confederation with first name John
  2. who played Capt. Von Trapp in Sound of Music
  3. The Great One- Wayne ____
  4. word meaning "village"
  5. Quebec food staple
  6. Who is the head of state- Queen ___
  7. newest territory
  8. man who ran across canada to raise money
  9. What is the only bilingual province
  10. 2010 olympic winter games
  1. billingual quebec city
  2. Canadian symbol
  3. National Anthem Title
  4. department store named after the bay
  5. host of jeopardy
  6. another word for dollar
  7. Who is the current prime minister of Canada
  8. Coffee shop named after hockey player
  9. What is the largest great lake
  10. What is the Canadian winter sport

20 Clues: Canadian symbolhost of jeopardynewest territoryQuebec food stapleNational Anthem Titlebillingual quebec cityword meaning "village"another word for dollarThe Great One- Wayne ____2010 olympic winter gamesWhat is the largest great lakeWhat is the Canadian winter sportWho is the head of state- Queen ___What is the only bilingual province...

Animals 2022-05-12

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. soars high in the sky
  2. wears a black mask
  3. can live in water or on land
  4. fly’s south in the winter
  5. hops on 2 feet
  6. bison’s american nickname
  7. largest land mammal.
  8. mix of a horse and a donkey
  9. has the strongest bite of any land animal.
  10. swims in the water
  11. grows horns
  1. makes its house out of sticks
  2. hibernates in the winter
  3. found in claremore lake
  4. cow with no legs
  5. mans best friend
  6. has long ears
  7. howls at the moon
  8. North American marsupial
  9. makes noise with its tail
  10. makes mounds from underground
  11. silverback
  12. black and white bear

23 Clues: silverbackgrows hornshas long earshops on 2 feetcow with no legsmans best friendhowls at the moonwears a black maskswims in the waterlargest land and white bearsoars high in the skyfound in claremore lakehibernates in the winterNorth American marsupialfly’s south in the winterbison’s american nicknamemakes noise with its tail...

Animals 2023-05-15

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. mans best friend
  2. black and white bear
  3. makes its house out of sticks
  4. grows horns
  5. found in claremore lake
  6. cow with no legs
  7. hibernates in the winter
  8. silverback
  9. has long ears
  10. howls at the moon
  11. swims in the water
  12. has the strongest bite of any land animal.
  13. mix of a horse and a donkey
  1. makes mounds from underground
  2. largest land mammal.
  3. wears a black mask
  4. soars high in the sky
  5. fly’s south in the winter
  6. bison’s american nickname
  7. can live in water or on land
  8. makes noise with its tail
  9. hops on 2 feet
  10. North American marsupial

23 Clues: silverbackgrows hornshas long earshops on 2 feetmans best friendcow with no legshowls at the moonwears a black maskswims in the waterlargest land and white bearsoars high in the skyfound in claremore lakehibernates in the winterNorth American marsupialfly’s south in the winterbison’s american nicknamemakes noise with its tail...

Hobbys, Interessen, und das Wetter 2023-10-31

Hobbys, Interessen, und das Wetter crossword puzzle
  1. Es _______ (rains).
  2. Ich höre gern _______.
  3. Im _______ ist es kühler als im Sommer.
  4. Sie spielt gern _______ (guitar).
  5. David _______ (to clean) nicht gern.
  6. Ich _______ gern fern.
  7. Im Winter ist es _______.
  8. In ______ gibt es die Städte Salzburg, Innsbruck, und Wien.
  9. In _______ gibt es die Städte Heidelberg, Berlin, und Frankfurt.
  10. Im _______ ist es sehr heiß und sonnig.
  11. Die Sonne _______.
  1. Heute ist es _______ (sunny).
  2. Es ist _______ (cloudy).
  3. Spielst du gern _______ (video games)?
  4. Im _______ ist es wärmer und regnerisch.
  5. Ich _______ gern Basketball.
  6. _______ (to cook) du gern?
  7. Er _______ (to dance).
  8. Ich _______ (swim) gern.
  9. In der _______ gibt es die Städte Luzern, Geneva, und Bern.
  10. _______ ist die Jahreszeit im Dezember, Januar, und Februar.

21 Clues: Die Sonne _______.Es _______ (rains).Ich höre gern _______.Er _______ (to dance).Ich _______ gern fern.Es ist _______ (cloudy).Ich _______ (swim) gern.Im Winter ist es _______._______ (to cook) du gern?Ich _______ gern Basketball.Heute ist es _______ (sunny).Sie spielt gern _______ (guitar).David _______ (to clean) nicht gern....

Trees 2024-01-04

Trees crossword puzzle
  1. seed of 10 across
  2. loses its leaves in winter
  3. tree blood?
  4. stored in trees, to help slow climate change
  5. r would make this a dead group of trees
  6. leaf symbol of the National Trust
  7. banks and trees have this in common
  8. tree for margaritas?
  9. vital gas produced by trees
  10. elephants and trees have this in common
  11. Wood wide web
  1. fresh smell but missing you lots
  2. traditional season for a change of colour
  3. u would be liked and admired
  4. sweet horse?
  5. the practice of looking after trees
  6. baby tree
  7. almost like being at the seaside
  8. doesn’t lose its leaves in winter
  9. female sheep maybe?

20 Clues: baby treetree blood?sweet horse?Wood wide webseed of 10 acrossfemale sheep maybe?tree for margaritas?loses its leaves in wintervital gas produced by treesu would be liked and admiredfresh smell but missing you lotsalmost like being at the seasideleaf symbol of the National Trustdoesn’t lose its leaves in winterthe practice of looking after trees...

February Fun! 2024-01-26

February Fun! crossword puzzle
  1. Phil's favorite holiday
  2. In other words: Fat Tuesday
  3. cherub; reindeer
  4. G.W.'s Birthday
  5. Language of love (also Italian, French, Spanish...)
  6. A Valentine's Day treat
  7. A love card
  8. Note from your sweetheart
  9. Traditional meal celebrating Galentine's Day
  10. Winter precipitation
  11. A day to celebrate lady friends & gal pals
  1. The shape of love
  2. 2024: Year of the dragon
  3. A special meal out with your sweetie
  4. Relationship with a pal
  5. Love-themed candies that talk
  6. Deep affection for another
  7. Crimson, Rose, Lipstick
  8. Tis the season
  9. LVIII
  10. These flowers symbolize love
  11. A time to hop, skip, or jump
  12. White, milky or dark
  13. Month-long history celebration

24 Clues: LVIIIA love cardTis the seasonG.W.'s Birthdaycherub; reindeerThe shape of loveWhite, milky or darkWinter precipitationPhil's favorite holidayRelationship with a palA Valentine's Day treatCrimson, Rose, Lipstick2024: Year of the dragonNote from your sweetheartDeep affection for anotherIn other words: Fat TuesdayThese flowers symbolize love...

Vocab 7/8 2024-05-31

Vocab 7/8 crossword puzzle
  1. your daughter’s daughter
  2. you wear it on your hand
  3. when your mom gets remarried they are called _____
  4. help you see clearly
  5. Things you wear on your earrings
  6. meow
  7. what you wear on your clothes in the winter
  8. what you wear when you swim
  9. moms sister
  10. what you wear on your finger
  11. moms brother
  1. what you wear with your sneakers
  2. where you buy most things
  3. bark
  4. cover your neck in the winter
  5. gave birth to you
  6. brother
  7. you wear it on your head
  8. 2 siblings born at the same time
  9. when you jump in muddy puddles you wear ___
  10. a boy with no siblings

21 Clues: barkmeowbrothermoms sistermoms brothergave birth to youhelp you see clearlya boy with no siblingsyour daughter’s daughteryou wear it on your handyou wear it on your headwhere you buy most thingswhat you wear when you swimwhat you wear on your fingercover your neck in the winterwhat you wear with your sneakersThings you wear on your earrings...

quiz 2017-02-20

quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Was frisiert man
  2. Wie nennt man Gras das zum zweiten mahl gemäht wird
  3. Ein Gerät um Tagesschau zu schauen
  4. Der Grösster Kontinent
  5. Was braucht man um Anhänger anzukuppeln
  6. Aus was bestehen Kleider
  7. Ein Ort um Heu zu lagern
  8. Baderaum im Winter
  9. Wo sind die Kühe drin
  10. Eine Jahreszeit wen es Schnee hat
  1. Schreiner,... Ein Beruf mit Holz
  2. Mit was pflegt man die Pisten
  3. Brauchtum in der man viel Holz verbrennt
  4. Was Autos produzieren
  5. Maschine um Heu zu wenden
  6. Holland Ein Blauer Traktor
  7. Eine Strasse auf der man 120kmh fahren darf
  8. Ein Möbel um zu sitzen
  9. Ein Ort zum lernen
  10. Kubota Eine Baggermarke

20 Clues: Was frisiert manEin Ort zum lernenBaderaum im WinterWas Autos produzierenWo sind die Kühe drinDer Grösster KontinentEin Möbel um zu sitzenAus was bestehen KleiderEin Ort um Heu zu lagernKubota Eine BaggermarkeMaschine um Heu zu wendenHolland Ein Blauer TraktorMit was pflegt man die PistenSchreiner,... Ein Beruf mit Holz...

Dieters Geburtstagsrätsel 2017-10-17

Dieters Geburtstagsrätsel crossword puzzle
  1. Gretas Lieblingstier
  2. gibt es an Silvester
  3. da sollte man nicht sein Auto parken
  4. darf nicht kalt sein
  5. fängt die größten Fische
  6. Einkaufsstadt
  7. gehört zu den Stockenten
  8. Rasenmäherexperte
  9. wohnten früher auch hier
  10. steht gerne auf der Kanzel
  11. steht montags auf dem Tisch
  12. Mitbewohner mit Federn
  13. Verwandter mit Russlanderfahrung
  14. Geburtstagsmonat
  15. Sitzt gerne auf dem Pferderücken
  1. Heimat der großen Pyramiden
  2. Uhrenexpertin
  3. im Winter ein guter Zeitvertreib
  4. Mitbewohner auf vier Pfoten
  5. Verwandte mit Afrikaerfahrung
  6. Emils Lieblingsfarbe
  7. Heimat der Pyramiden
  8. Vogel oder Fluss
  9. irischer Enkelsohn
  10. Alter des jüngsten Enkels
  11. Zeitvertreib im Winter
  12. Mitbewohner auf vier Rädern
  13. lernt gut lesen
  14. Enkelsohn unter 1,30m

29 Clues: UhrenexpertinEinkaufsstadtlernt gut lesenVogel oder FlussGeburtstagsmonatRasenmäherexperteirischer EnkelsohnGretas Lieblingstiergibt es an SilvesterEmils Lieblingsfarbedarf nicht kalt seinHeimat der PyramidenEnkelsohn unter 1,30mZeitvertreib im WinterMitbewohner mit Federnfängt die größten Fischegehört zu den Stockentenwohnten früher auch hier...

Christmas Crossword 2021-11-22

Christmas Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Home Alone
  2. Sweet holiday bread
  3. images dancing in your head
  4. Winter wonderland in a bubble
  5. - Red nosed reindeer
  6. Winter fight ammo
  7. Roasting on an open fire
  8. Well-fed man in a red suit
  9. Fruit of a Pine Tree
  10. _____ all the way
  11. Christmas Day
  1. - Bah Humbug
  2. Ballet soldier
  3. something special a family does every year
  4. Nips at your nose
  5. - Pucker Up
  6. The tallest elf
  7. Santa’s Helpers
  8. The Night Before Christmas
  9. Riding down a hill
  10. Bauble that hangs on a tree
  11. - Stays green year round
  12. A stuffed oversized sock
  13. An old fashioned term for christmas
  14. A winged tree topper

25 Clues: Home Alone- Pucker Up- Bah HumbugChristmas DayBallet soldierThe tallest elfSanta’s HelpersNips at your noseWinter fight ammo_____ all the wayRiding down a hillSweet holiday bread- Red nosed reindeerFruit of a Pine TreeA winged tree topperRoasting on an open fire- Stays green year roundA stuffed oversized sockThe Night Before Christmas...

Zero Harm 2022 - MFLEETS 2022-02-15

Zero Harm 2022 - MFLEETS crossword puzzle
  1. Type of ladder
  2. Used to reach raised areas
  3. KBR Safety Observation and Conservation Process
  4. Winter Condition
  5. global harmonized system
  7. 2/16/2022
  8. Alarm with Flashing Strobe
  9. KBR's commitment to the safety of our people and our planet
  10. Hazard Materials Information System
  11. Type of ladder
  12. OSHA Standard 1910.1200
  1. Alarm type, 4 chimes, repeats
  2. Hand protection equipment
  3. Hazard Materials Information System
  4. the study of people's efficiency in their working environment
  5. KBR's Zero harm policy focuses on
  6. Government Safety Agency
  7. OSHA Standard 1915.157
  8. KBR Accident Goal
  9. Type of Glove
  10. KBR MFLEETS Program Manager
  11. KBR "Stop Work Authority"
  12. Current Virus (Nickname)
  13. KBR #1 accident cause
  14. Parking Lot Winter Hazard

26 Clues: 2/16/2022Type of GloveType of ladderKBR MFLEETS HRType of ladderWinter ConditionKBR Accident GoalKBR #1 accident causeOSHA Standard 1915.157OSHA Standard 1910.1200Government Safety Agencyglobal harmonized systemCurrent Virus (Nickname)Hand protection equipmentKBR "Stop Work Authority"Parking Lot Winter HazardUsed to reach raised areas...

Vote Gabby and Michele! 2023-04-28

Vote Gabby and Michele! crossword puzzle
  1. class that requires 4 credits to graduate
  2. ___league
  3. newspaper
  4. Place where the seniors hangout
  5. hewitt's video journalism
  6. only faculty, staff, and seniors can use these
  7. years gabby and michele have been at hewitt
  8. upperclassmen classes
  9. your next senior class president
  10. Dr. Kinsey's dog
  11. hewitt spans across a ___
  1. the winter musical
  2. class of twenty-___ ____ ,kindergarten
  3. both a measurement of height and where cards are
  4. ____for us!
  5. hewitt shortened
  6. ___in the winter
  7. not biology or chemistry
  8. one of the four pillars beginning with "r"
  9. your next senior class vice president
  10. Commencement ceremony
  11. new hewitt sport
  12. league with divisions (d1, d2,...)

23 Clues: ___leaguenewspaper____for us!hewitt shortened___in the winterDr. Kinsey's dognew hewitt sportthe winter musicalupperclassmen classesCommencement ceremonynot biology or chemistryhewitt's video journalismhewitt spans across a ___Place where the seniors hangoutyour next senior class presidentleague with divisions (d1, d2,...)...

Evalyn 2023-04-19

Evalyn crossword puzzle
  1. I got a ----- at Chuck-E-Cheese
  2. To see
  3. most kids call their aunt an
  4. a shelf with doors
  5. Include
  6. to differ
  7. In your stomach
  8. some car accidents can be...
  9. some secrets I...
  10. scientists take lots of...
  11. dead
  12. It was ------- ridiculous
  13. Nothing was due
  1. A bank takes money...
  2. -------- News
  3. a type of tree/wood
  4. A terrible feeling some people feel for another person
  5. There has been many ----- Wars in history
  6. Roads are --- in the winter
  7. another word for enthusiasm
  8. To slow down.
  9. The person has many...
  10. The season before winter
  11. some people won't tell the truth they will ---- it
  12. Next in line

25 Clues: deadTo seeIncludeto differNext in line-------- NewsTo slow down.In your stomachNothing was duesome secrets I...a shelf with doorsa type of tree/woodA bank takes money...The person has many...The season before winterIt was ------- ridiculousscientists take lots of...Roads are --- in the winteranother word for enthusiasmmost kids call their aunt an...

Explore and Express (Unit 2) 2023-04-20

Explore and Express (Unit 2) crossword puzzle
  1. "We like to ____ a funny face."
  2. "I love swimming in the ______."
  3. "And, we will make a snow _____."
  4. "My _____ doesn't like summer."
  5. "We like to ____ in the pile."
  6. "When _____ comes, they fly back to me."
  7. "Our garden has many ______."
  8. "That's because we have _____ in the winter."
  9. "They fly ______ me."
  10. "My friends and I like _____."
  11. "First, we will make a ______."
  12. "They will lay _____ on the plants."
  1. "Then we will _____ together."
  2. "He loves to eat ice cream and ______."
  3. "I love to see _______ fly."
  4. "_____ is very cold."
  5. "First, we collect _____."
  6. "Next, we can pick ______."
  7. "He doesn't like to _____."
  8. "My family has a ______."
  9. "Some like ______, but some don't."

21 Clues: "_____ is very cold.""They fly ______ me.""My family has a ______.""First, we collect _____.""Next, we can pick ______.""He doesn't like to _____.""I love to see _______ fly.""Our garden has many ______.""Then we will _____ together.""We like to ____ in the pile.""My friends and I like _____.""We like to ____ a funny face."...

Animals 2022-05-12

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. hops on 2 feet
  2. silverback
  3. grows horns
  4. black and white bear
  5. North American marsupial
  6. makes its house out of sticks
  7. makes noise with its tail
  8. found in claremore lake
  9. makes mounds from underground
  10. has long ears
  11. fly’s south in the winter
  1. has the strongest bite of any land animal.
  2. soars high in the sky
  3. cow with no legs
  4. howls at the moon
  5. wears a black mask
  6. largest land mammal.
  7. mix of a horse and a donkey
  8. hibernates in the winter
  9. mans best friend
  10. can live in water or on land
  11. bison’s american nickname
  12. swims in the water

23 Clues: silverbackgrows hornshas long earshops on 2 feetcow with no legsmans best friendhowls at the moonwears a black maskswims in the waterblack and white bearlargest land mammal.soars high in the skyfound in claremore lakeNorth American marsupialhibernates in the wintermakes noise with its tailbison’s american nicknamefly’s south in the winter...

Animals 2023-03-02

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. fly's south in the winter
  2. has the strongest bite of any land animal
  3. black and white bear
  4. grows horns and lives in the high country
  5. largest North American reptile
  6. silverback
  7. mix of a horse and a donkey
  8. wears a black mask
  9. howls at the moon
  10. mans best friend
  11. cow with no legs
  12. has long ears
  13. hops on 2 feet
  1. largest land mammal
  2. bison's American nickname
  3. North American marsupial
  4. makes noise with it's tail
  5. soars high in the sky
  6. makes its house out of sticks
  7. makes mounds from underground
  8. hibernates in the winter
  9. can live in the water or on land
  10. swims in the water

23 Clues: silverbackhas long earshops on 2 feetmans best friendcow with no legshowls at the moonwears a black maskswims in the waterlargest land mammalblack and white bearsoars high in the skyNorth American marsupialhibernates in the winterbison's American nicknamefly's south in the wintermakes noise with it's tailmix of a horse and a donkey...

Holiday Crossword 2023-12-05

Holiday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Santa's mode of transportation (5)
  2. Desired state during the holidays (5)
  3. Merry and cheerful (5)
  4. Full of happiness (7)
  5. Warm winter beverage (8)
  6. Hanging place for small gifts (8)
  7. Decorative strip used for wrapping (6)
  8. Comforting holiday feeling (6)
  9. Shiny strands used for decoration (6)
  10. Festive song (5)
  1. Expressing desires for the season (6)
  2. Ringing sound associated with the holidays (5)
  3. Melodies often sung during festivities (5)
  4. Adorn with festive items (8)
  5. Winter figure made of snow (7)
  6. Sweet treats often left for Santa (7)
  7. Source of holiday illumination (6)
  8. Often gathered during celebrations (6)
  9. Thoughtful present (4)
  10. Santa's little helpers (4)

20 Clues: Festive song (5)Full of happiness (7)Merry and cheerful (5)Thoughtful present (4)Warm winter beverage (8)Santa's little helpers (4)Adorn with festive items (8)Winter figure made of snow (7)Comforting holiday feeling (6)Hanging place for small gifts (8)Santa's mode of transportation (5)Source of holiday illumination (6)...

Christmas 2023-12-18

Christmas crossword puzzle
  1. A Jolly Man
  2. A season in December
  3. A month
  4. Decorations you put on your house outside
  5. Something you use to wrap presents
  6. You put them out for Santa on Christmas Eve
  7. Santa's transportation
  8. Santa's toy makers
  9. Get Santa across the world
  1. Decorations put on your tree
  2. A big sock with candy inside
  3. Things Santa puts under your tree
  4. Things you do to celebrate
  5. Where Santa lives
  6. A holiday in December
  7. Santa's wife
  8. A Hot Beverage
  9. Santa goes down it to get in your house
  10. Decorations to put on top of your tree
  11. you sit next to it to keep you warm in winter

20 Clues: A monthA Jolly ManSanta's wifeA Hot BeverageWhere Santa livesSanta's toy makersA season in DecemberA holiday in DecemberSanta's transportationThings you do to celebrateGet Santa across the worldDecorations put on your treeA big sock with candy insideThings Santa puts under your treeSomething you use to wrap presents...

Fifi's Skiing Crossword (with the odd Rivona word thrown in) 2024-01-25

Fifi's Skiing Crossword (with the odd Rivona word thrown in) crossword puzzle
  1. will hopefully be helpful (10)
  2. necessary winter clothing (8)
  3. heated liquid container (3,5,6)
  4. post-ski party (5-3)
  5. town we first met (9)
  6. don't stand under these (7)
  7. you've probably not taken this with you (6)
  8. the colour to avoid (5)
  9. where two became one (5)
  10. common skiing attire (10)
  11. ouch marks (7)
  1. shakey shakey makey makey... (6,6)
  2. a popular airport establishment (12)
  3. your roommate (6,4)
  4. alternative (more fun?) snow activity (11)
  5. twilight average (7,8)
  6. darling (alternative) (7)
  7. used for snaffles (7,4)
  8. one of our favourite things to do (10)
  9. winter creature (4,7)
  10. i stun moan (anag) (9)
  11. ski slope (5)

22 Clues: ski slope (5)ouch marks (7)your roommate (6,4)post-ski party (5-3)town we first met (9)winter creature (4,7)twilight average (7,8)i stun moan (anag) (9)used for snaffles (7,4)the colour to avoid (5)where two became one (5)darling (alternative) (7)common skiing attire (10)don't stand under these (7)necessary winter clothing (8)...

my crossword 2021-05-09

my crossword crossword puzzle
  1. You wear them in summer, to keep your legs cool.
  2. You wear it to keep the top half of your body warm in winter.
  3. You wear it around your neck in winter.
  4. Something you wear in winter, to keep you warm.
  5. on In the morning, you …….. your clothes. (Two words)
  6. You wear it around your neck.
  7. rings Jewelry. You usually wear two of them.
  8. Men wear them on their legs. (American English)
  9. The bottom half of a girl's school uniform.
  1. cap Young men often wear one on their head, backwards. (Two words)
  2. A kind of shirt, for women.
  3. You wear them on your feet.
  4. It can have long sleeves, or short sleeves.
  5. suit You wear it when you are training. (Two words)
  6. off When you enter a Japanese house, you should ….. your shoes. (Two words)
  7. Men wear them on their legs. (British English)
  8. You wear it to hold up your trousers.

17 Clues: A kind of shirt, for women.You wear them on your feet.You wear it around your neck.You wear it to hold up your trousers.You wear it around your neck in winter.It can have long sleeves, or short sleeves.The bottom half of a girl's school uniform.rings Jewelry. You usually wear two of them.Men wear them on their legs. (British English)...

Seasons 2017-09-21

Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. Season it’s hot
  2. Season leaves fall
  3. Tell the temperature everyday
  4. Need raincoat
  5. Soft ice
  6. check how hot or cold it is
  1. tell how hot or cold
  2. Ice pallet
  3. Spring,winter,fall,and summer
  4. Season for snow
  5. Flower blossom

11 Clues: Soft iceIce palletNeed raincoatFlower blossomSeason it’s hotSeason for snowSeason leaves falltell how hot or coldcheck how hot or cold it isTell the temperature everydaySpring,winter,fall,and summer

AUTUMN 2023-10-25

AUTUMN crossword puzzle
  1. It is the time when day and night are of equal length.
  2. Object used to cover us from the heavy rains of autumn.
  3. These small objects tend to fall in autumn and their color is characteristic.
  4. It is a state that some animals present in order to survive the winter.
  5. After autumn it follows:
  6. Climate by which autumn is characterized.
  7. Yellow flower whose seeds are edible.
  8. Characteristic color of autumn.
  9. It is a favorite fruit for squirrels, which they collect in autumn to feed on in the winter.
  1. Mostly worn in halloween is a type of clothing.
  2. American tradition celebrated on the last day of October.
  3. This is what autumn is called.
  4. this plant characterizes all seasons, it grows too tall
  5. What month does autumn start in the Southern Hemisphere?
  6. Date that begins autumn.

15 Clues: After autumn it follows:Date that begins autumn.This is what autumn is called.Characteristic color of autumn.Yellow flower whose seeds are edible.Climate by which autumn is characterized.Mostly worn in halloween is a type of clothing.It is the time when day and night are of equal length.Object used to cover us from the heavy rains of autumn....

kjelleke007 1ste kruiswoordraadsel 2013-04-26

kjelleke007 1ste kruiswoordraadsel crossword puzzle
  1. zien
  2. neus
  3. geven
  4. herfst
  5. ochtend
  6. reportage
  7. sluiten
  8. winter
  9. bliksem
  10. film
  1. lopen
  2. donder
  3. natuur
  4. nacht
  5. amuseren
  6. openen
  7. lente
  8. oog

18 Clues: oogzienneusfilmlopengevennachtlentedondernatuurherfstopenenwinterochtendsluitenbliksemamuserenreportage

Krydsord kapiel 2 Der Sprung 2014-11-04

Krydsord kapiel 2 Der Sprung crossword puzzle
  1. svamp
  2. snart
  3. årstid
  4. sne
  5. naturligvis
  6. sommer
  7. elev
  8. mørk
  1. efterår
  2. vinter
  3. cykel
  4. skøjte
  5. særligt
  6. sol
  7. dreng
  8. fantastisk
  9. forår
  10. blomst

18 Clues: solsneelevmørkcykelsvampsnartdrengforårvinterskøjteårstidsommerblomstefterårsærligtfantastisknaturligvis

Actividades de Verano 2015-06-03

Actividades de Verano crossword puzzle
  1. beach
  2. sun
  3. boat
  4. ocean
  5. resort
  6. sand
  7. waves
  8. spring
  9. fall
  10. snorkel
  11. hammock
  1. hot
  2. pool
  3. umbrella
  4. lake
  5. suit
  6. winter
  7. summer
  8. umbrella
  9. pool

20 Clues: hotsunpoollakeboatsuitsandpoolfallbeachoceanwavesresortwintersummerspringsnorkelhammockumbrellaumbrella

Go for it 4 lesson 8 (months) 2021-02-18

Go for it 4 lesson 8 (months) crossword puzzle
  1. heinäkuu
  2. vuodenaika
  3. syyskuu
  4. marraskuu
  5. elokuu
  6. tammikuu
  7. joulukuu
  8. huhtikuu
  9. talvi
  1. kesäkuu
  2. maaliskuu
  3. kuukausi
  4. kevät
  5. helmikuu
  6. lokakuu
  7. toukokuu
  8. kesä
  9. syksy

18 Clues: kesäkevätsyksytalvielokuukesäkuusyyskuulokakuukuukausiheinäkuuhelmikuutoukokuutammikuujoulukuuhuhtikuumaaliskuumarraskuuvuodenaika

Unit 3, Lesson 3α 2020-06-13

Unit 3, Lesson 3α crossword puzzle
  1. εποχές
  2. χειμώνας
  3. Ιούλιος
  4. δεκέμβριος
  5. μήνες
  6. Απρίλιος
  7. Μάιος
  8. καλοκαίρι
  9. άνοιξη
  1. Ιούνιος
  2. Φεβρουάριος
  3. Σεπτέμβριος
  4. Οκτώβριος
  5. Νοέμβριος
  6. Ιανουάριος
  7. φθινόπωρο
  8. Αύγουστος
  9. Μάρτιος

18 Clues: μήνεςΜάιοςεποχέςάνοιξηΙούνιοςΙούλιοςΜάρτιοςχειμώναςΑπρίλιοςΟκτώβριοςΝοέμβριοςφθινόπωροΑύγουστοςκαλοκαίριΙανουάριοςδεκέμβριοςΦεβρουάριοςΣεπτέμβριος

La Ropa-Los Colores-Las Estaciones 2017-05-18

La Ropa-Los Colores-Las Estaciones crossword puzzle
  1. skirt
  2. jacket
  3. green
  4. brown
  5. summer
  6. shorts
  7. red
  8. hat
  9. clothes
  1. shirt
  2. sandles
  3. cap
  4. winter
  5. shoes
  6. dress
  7. black
  8. blouse
  9. blue

18 Clues: capredhatblueshirtskirtgreenshoesbrowndressblackjacketwintersummershortsblousesandlesclothes

Spanish 1 Prelim C & D 2 2020-09-10

Spanish 1 Prelim C & D 2 crossword puzzle
  1. June
  2. January
  3. Spring
  4. December
  5. months
  6. October
  7. Fall
  8. March
  9. July
  1. birthday
  2. Winter
  3. November
  4. February
  5. Summer
  6. September
  7. August
  8. April
  9. May

18 Clues: MayJuneFallJulyAprilMarchWinterSummerSpringmonthsAugustJanuaryOctoberbirthdayNovemberFebruaryDecemberSeptember

ANTONYMS 2020-11-16

ANTONYMS crossword puzzle
  1. moon
  2. cold
  3. ugly
  4. night
  5. strong
  6. summer
  7. tall
  8. boy
  1. hard
  2. smart
  3. old
  4. happy
  5. modern
  6. white
  7. slow
  8. salty
  9. big
  10. bad

18 Clues: oldbigboybadhardmooncolduglyslowtallsmarthappywhitesaltynightmodernstrongsummer

New English Adventure units 1-2 2022-10-24

New English Adventure units 1-2 crossword puzzle
  1. zima
  2. wiosna
  3. jesień
  4. znudzony
  5. słonecznie
  6. wietrznie
  7. zimno
  8. pochmurno
  9. przestraszony
  1. zmartwiony
  2. deszczowo
  3. burzowo
  4. szczęśliwy
  5. śnieżnie
  6. spragniony
  7. smutny
  8. gorąco
  9. lato

18 Clues: zimalatozimnowiosnajesieńsmutnygorącoburzowośnieżnieznudzonydeszczowowietrzniepochmurnozmartwionyszczęśliwyspragnionysłonecznieprzestraszony

Jan 5 Vocab 2023-01-05

Jan 5 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Vasara
  2. Angliski
  3. Galvaspilsēta
  4. Bieži
  5. Auksti
  6. Jūra
  7. Vācija
  8. Karsti
  9. Ēdiens
  10. Pavasaris
  1. Rudens
  2. Kalni
  3. Ziema
  4. Mācīties
  5. Garš
  6. Franciski
  7. Igaunija
  8. Slēpot

18 Clues: GaršJūraKalniZiemaBiežiRudensVasaraAukstiVācijaKarstiĒdiensSlēpotAngliskiMācītiesIgaunijaFranciskiPavasarisGalvaspilsēta

Revision 2022-08-27

Revision crossword puzzle
  1. مدرسة
  2. مفتاح
  3. شتاء
  4. سيّارة
  5. خريف
  6. ربيع
  7. مظلّة
  8. درج
  9. صلاة
  1. كتاب
  2. مريض
  3. مستشفى
  4. شارع
  5. مكتبة
  6. صيف
  7. معطف
  8. طبيب
  9. قلم

18 Clues: صيفدرجقلمكتابمريضشتاءشارعخريفربيعمعطفطبيبصلاةمدرسةمفتاحمكتبةمظلّةمستشفىسيّارة

Weather and Seasons 2023-03-15

Weather and Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. cold
  2. lightning
  3. warm
  4. windy
  5. foggy
  6. cloudy
  7. rain
  8. weather
  1. fall
  2. humid
  3. sunny
  4. temperature
  5. spring
  6. summer
  7. thunder
  8. winter
  9. cool
  10. snowy

18 Clues: coldfallwarmcoolrainhumidsunnywindyfoggysnowyspringsummerwintercloudythunderweatherlightningtemperature

EASTER 2016-03-14

EASTER crossword puzzle
  1. what came first,the chicken, or the ___?
  2. what some familys eat on easter
  3. hop,hop,hop.
  4. A tisket a tasket a green and yellow ______
  5. if it gets too warm, it melts!
  6. after winter
  1. find me in the eggs
  2. woolly symbol of spring
  3. turns green after winter
  4. lamb's cry
  5. look for
  6. baby chicken
  7. in the sky

13 Clues: look forlamb's cryin the skyhop,hop, chickenafter winterfind me in the eggswoolly symbol of springturns green after winterif it gets too warm, it melts!what some familys eat on easterwhat came first,the chicken, or the ___?A tisket a tasket a green and yellow ______

Christmas puzzle 2020-12-02

Christmas puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the light of the world
  2. christian festival
  3. modern winter festival
  4. scared away evil winter spirits
  5. jesus going to the jewish temple as a baby
  6. old english word 'writhen'
  7. represent the crown of thorns
  1. mary's favorite plant
  2. mythical figure
  3. poo on a stick
  4. special candle holder
  5. represent the star of bethlehem
  6. symbolises the victory of god over the devil

13 Clues: poo on a stickmythical figurechristian festivalmary's favorite plantspecial candle holderthe light of the worldmodern winter festivalold english word 'writhen'represent the crown of thornsrepresent the star of bethlehemscared away evil winter spiritsjesus going to the jewish temple as a babysymbolises the victory of god over the devil

December 2022-11-29

December crossword puzzle
  1. Jack
  2. Red suite and white beard
  3. cold wet and fluffy
  4. Down hill winter activity
  5. Frosty the
  6. Best thing to wrap up in on a cold day
  1. usually found in ones living room
  2. Roasting on an open fire
  3. Warm winter drink
  4. Kids favorite thing
  5. Best played on ice
  6. One of Santas reindeer
  7. Lots of wind and snow

13 Clues: JackFrosty theWarm winter drinkBest played on iceKids favorite thingcold wet and fluffyLots of wind and snowOne of Santas reindeerRoasting on an open fireRed suite and white beardDown hill winter activityusually found in ones living roomBest thing to wrap up in on a cold day

8th Grade Tech 2020-12-14

8th Grade Tech crossword puzzle
  1. Rudolph was one
  2. how you spend Christmas with family & friends
  3. a Christmas waffle cookie
  4. ___ on a shelf
  5. Frosty the _______
  6. Deck the hall with boughs of _____
  7. an icy white winter raindrop
  8. A winter beverage popular at Christmas
  1. You find these under your tree
  2. a red plant popular at Christmas
  3. O Christmas ____
  4. who you spend Christmas with
  5. Christmas treats

13 Clues: ___ on a shelfRudolph was oneO Christmas ____Christmas treatsFrosty the _______a Christmas waffle cookiewho you spend Christmas withan icy white winter raindropYou find these under your treea red plant popular at ChristmasDeck the hall with boughs of _____A winter beverage popular at Christmashow you spend Christmas with family & friends

UNIT 8b 2017-03-25

UNIT 8b crossword puzzle
  1. fantastic
  2. poor
  3. science
  4. help
  5. suddenly
  6. summer
  7. empty
  1. fish
  2. pennies
  3. spring
  4. kind
  5. sleep
  6. autumn
  7. leaf
  8. winter
  9. blossom
  10. sky
  11. season

18 Clues: skyfishkindpoorleafhelpsleepemptyspringautumnwintersummerseasonpenniesscienceblossomsuddenlyfantastic

Unit 14 2022-05-12

Unit 14 crossword puzzle
  1. aastaaeg
  2. kuu
  3. isa
  4. külm
  5. tuuline
  6. vihmavari
  7. lumi
  8. päikseline
  9. vesi
  1. vihmane
  2. ema
  3. suvi
  4. kuum
  5. puhkus
  6. sügis
  7. unine
  8. soe
  9. talv

18 Clues: emakuuisasoesuvikuumkülmtalvlumivesisügisuninepuhkusvihmanetuulineaastaaegvihmavaripäikseline

English P.3-5 2021-06-11

English P.3-5 crossword puzzle
  1. บาสเกตบอล
  2. วอลเลย์บอล
  3. ได้ยิน
  4. เห็นแก่ตัว
  5. ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง
  6. หมากรุก
  7. สเกตบอร์ด
  8. ยักษ์
  9. วันสุดสัปดาห์
  1. หลุม
  2. สร้าง
  3. ถ่ายรูป
  4. ฤดูหนาว
  5. ฤดูร้อน
  6. หนังสือการ์ตูน
  7. ปลาฉลาม
  8. ฤดูใบไม้พลิ
  9. ฤดูกาล

18 Clues: หลุมสร้างยักษ์ได้ยินฤดูกาลถ่ายรูปฤดูหนาวฤดูร้อนหมากรุกปลาฉลามบาสเกตบอลสเกตบอร์ดวอลเลย์บอลเห็นแก่ตัวฤดูใบไม้พลิฤดูใบไม้ร่วงวันสุดสัปดาห์หนังสือการ์ตูน

Crossword, 28.02 2021-02-25

Crossword, 28.02 crossword puzzle
  1. пятница
  2. вечер
  3. осень
  4. ночь
  5. четверг
  6. среда
  7. утро
  8. воскресенье
  9. лето
  1. понедельник
  2. полночь
  3. полдень
  4. вторник
  5. день
  6. зима
  7. весна
  8. суббота
  9. спать

18 Clues: деньзиманочьутролетовечеросеньсредавеснаспатьполночьпятницаполденьвторникчетвергсубботапонедельниквоскресенье

Crossword, 28.02 2021-02-25

Crossword, 28.02 crossword puzzle
  1. вечер
  2. спать
  3. пятница
  4. полдень
  5. ночь
  6. воскресенье
  7. осень
  8. четверг
  9. утро
  10. вторник
  1. среда
  2. день
  3. понедельник
  4. зима
  5. полночь
  6. суббота
  7. весна
  8. лето

18 Clues: деньзиманочьутролетосредавечерспатьосеньвеснапятницаполденьполночьсубботачетвергвторникпонедельниквоскресенье

Español 2023-10-27

Español crossword puzzle
  1. Cloudy
  2. Windy
  3. Sunny
  4. Jacket
  5. Pants
  6. Hot
  7. Winter
  8. Hat
  9. Snowy
  1. Spring
  2. Rainy
  3. Shoes
  4. Dress
  5. Shirt
  6. Summer
  7. Cool
  8. Coat
  9. Fall

18 Clues: HotHatCoolCoatFallRainyShoesDressWindyShirtSunnyPantsSnowySpringCloudySummerJacketWinter

Spanish days, months and seasons 2024-01-12

Spanish days, months and seasons crossword puzzle
  1. August
  2. April
  3. July
  4. Monday
  5. winter
  6. Wednesday
  7. Saturday
  8. Thursday
  9. autumn
  10. May
  11. summer
  1. Sunday
  2. Tuesday
  3. Friday
  4. spring
  5. December
  6. January
  7. March

18 Clues: MayJulyAprilMarchSundayAugustFridayMondayspringwinterautumnsummerTuesdayJanuaryDecemberSaturdayThursdayWednesday

Winter Wonderland Crossword 2013-12-18

Winter Wonderland Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What falls from the sky?
  2. You make him out of snow!
  3. Wear this over top of a t-shirt.
  4. Drink this in the winter to keep you warm.
  5. The first month of the year.
  1. What sport can you do in the snow?
  2. What season is cold and snowy?
  3. You wear these on your hands.
  4. You wear this around your neck.
  5. Winter weather.

10 Clues: Winter weather.What falls from the sky?You make him out of snow!The first month of the year.You wear these on your hands.What season is cold and snowy?You wear this around your neck.Wear this over top of a t-shirt.What sport can you do in the snow?Drink this in the winter to keep you warm.

Timpul - Die Zeit 2018-12-23

Timpul - Die Zeit crossword puzzle
  1. Herbst
  2. Sommer
  3. Jahr
  4. Zeit
  5. Sonntag
  6. Winter
  7. Dienstag
  8. gestern
  9. Fruehling
  10. morgen
  1. Monat
  2. Samstag
  3. wann
  4. Freitag
  5. Jahreszeit
  6. Mittwoch
  7. Woche
  8. Tag

18 Clues: TagwannJahrZeitMonatWocheHerbstSommerWintermorgenSamstagFreitagSonntaggesternMittwochDienstagFruehlingJahreszeit

Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr 2014-11-27

Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr crossword puzzle
  1. 5
  2. 11
  3. 3
  4. 13
  5. 12
  6. 14
  7. 6
  8. 10
  9. 9
  1. 15
  2. 16
  3. 7
  4. 18
  5. 2
  6. 4
  7. 1
  8. 17
  9. 8

18 Clues: 572341689151611181713121410

Krydsord Kapitel 2 Der Sprung 2014-11-04

Krydsord Kapitel 2 Der Sprung crossword puzzle
  1. elev
  2. blomst
  3. snart
  4. sommer
  5. naturligvis
  6. årstid
  7. efterår
  1. mørk
  2. forår
  3. sne
  4. skøjte
  5. fantastisk
  6. svamp
  7. særligt
  8. cykel
  9. vinter
  10. dreng
  11. sol

18 Clues: snesolmørkelevforårsvampsnartcykeldrengblomstskøjtesommervinterårstidsærligtefterårfantastisknaturligvis

Het jaar 2016-01-24

Het jaar crossword puzzle
  1. automne
  2. juin
  3. octobre
  4. soleil
  5. mars
  6. avril
  7. décembre
  8. janvier
  9. août
  10. hiver
  1. mai
  2. septembre
  3. novembre
  4. été
  5. février
  6. printemps
  7. juillet
  8. nuage

18 Clues: maiétéjuinmarsaoûtavrilhivernuagesoleilautomneoctobrefévrierjanvierjuilletnovembredécembreseptembreprintemps

Days of the week 2021-02-16

Days of the week crossword puzzle
  1. вересень
  2. березень
  3. весна
  4. осінь
  5. неділя
  6. п'ятниця
  7. травень
  8. серпень
  9. четвер
  1. листопад
  2. зима
  3. червень
  4. жовтень
  5. понеділок
  6. субота
  7. квітень
  8. січень
  9. вівторок

18 Clues: зимавеснаосіньсуботанеділясіченьчетверчервеньжовтеньквітеньтравеньсерпеньлистопадвересеньберезеньвівторокп'ятницяпонеділок

Dias de la semana, meses, estaciones 2021-03-08

Dias de la semana, meses, estaciones crossword puzzle
  1. verano
  2. lunes
  3. marzo
  4. diciembre
  5. domingo
  6. julio
  7. otono
  8. viernes
  9. Abril
  10. agosto
  1. Septiembre
  2. miercoles
  3. invierno
  4. jueves
  5. martes
  6. enero
  7. octubre
  8. sabado

18 Clues: lunesmarzoenerojuliootonoAbrilveranojuevesmartessabadoagostodomingooctubreviernesinviernomiercolesdiciembreSeptiembre

Respaso 2021-09-03

Respaso crossword puzzle
  1. October
  2. Tuesday
  3. Wednesday
  4. Sunday
  5. Saturday
  6. Friday
  7. December
  8. July
  1. when
  2. Thursday
  3. summer
  4. who
  5. June
  6. how
  7. bye
  8. where
  9. winter
  10. what

18 Clues: whohowbyewhenJunewhatJulywheresummerSundaywinterFridayOctoberTuesdayThursdaySaturdayDecemberWednesday

Lessons 28-32 2023-06-13

Lessons 28-32 crossword puzzle
  1. = αστερι
  2. παρουσιαστής
  3. = πυροσβέστης
  4. = ταχυδρόμος
  5. = καφέ
  6. = πλανήτης
  7. = φθινόπωρο
  8. = τραγουδιστής
  1. = εποχή
  2. = πύραυλος
  3. = εξωγήινος
  4. = χειμώνας
  5. = καλοκαίρι
  6. = αστροναύτης
  7. = μωβ
  8. = χορευτής
  9. = πορτοκαλί
  10. = άνοιξη

18 Clues: = μωβ= καφέ= εποχή= αστερι= άνοιξη= πύραυλος= χειμώνας= πλανήτης= εξωγήινος= καλοκαίρι= χορευτής= πορτοκαλί= φθινόπωροπαρουσιαστής= ταχυδρόμος= πυροσβέστης= αστροναύτης= τραγουδιστής

Dates 2023-10-03

Dates crossword puzzle
  1. verano
  2. mayo
  3. noviembre
  4. primavera
  5. martes
  6. Viernes
  7. Julio
  1. Domingo
  2. octubre
  3. miercoles
  4. Jueves
  5. Sabado
  6. lunes
  7. diciembre
  8. enero
  9. invierno
  10. Junio
  11. otono

18 Clues: mayoluneseneroJuniootonoJulioJuevesveranoSabadomartesDomingooctubreViernesinviernomiercolesdiciembrenoviembreprimavera

Seasons 2024-02-02

Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. sade
  2. aurinko
  3. talvi
  4. lintu
  5. viileä
  6. syksy
  7. kuuma
  8. aurinkolasit
  9. hiihtää
  10. lämmin
  1. lehti
  2. lumi
  3. perhonen
  4. kylmä
  5. kukka
  6. loma
  7. kevät
  8. kesä

18 Clues: lumisadelomakesälehtitalvilintukylmäsyksykukkakuumakevätviileälämminaurinkohiihtääperhonenaurinkolasit