winter Crossword Puzzles

Weather vocabulary 2021-03-04

Weather vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the hottest year season of the year
  2. year season typical for falling leaves and colourful trees
  3. when the temperature is not hot and not cold
  4. this weather is when the sun shines
  5. year season when there's snow and cold everywhere
  6. when the sun doesn't shine because it's covered by clouds
  7. type of weather when there's water everywhere in the air so you can't see properly
  1. when temperatures are on their highest
  2. in winter this falls from the sky so the weather is ...
  3. it's a type of weather when water falls from the sky
  4. year season that comes after winter
  5. type of where when the air blows everywhere
  6. not warm

13 Clues: not warmthe hottest year season of the yearthis weather is when the sun shinesyear season that comes after winterwhen temperatures are on their highesttype of where when the air blows everywherewhen the temperature is not hot and not coldyear season when there's snow and cold everywhereit's a type of weather when water falls from the sky...

kjelleke007 1ste kruiswoordraadsel 2013-04-26

kjelleke007 1ste kruiswoordraadsel crossword puzzle
  1. herfst
  2. lente
  3. sluiten
  4. donder
  5. bliksem
  6. lopen
  7. amuseren
  8. nacht
  1. winter
  2. openen
  3. geven
  4. reportage
  5. zien
  6. neus
  7. oog
  8. natuur
  9. ochtend
  10. film

18 Clues: oogzienneusfilmgevenlentelopennachtwinteropenenherfstdondernatuursluitenbliksemochtendamuserenreportage

OPPOSITES 2022-03-18

OPPOSITES crossword puzzle
  1. SOFT
  2. CLOSE
  3. SHORT
  5. WHITE
  6. CHEAP
  7. SLIM
  8. NIGHT
  9. SOUR
  10. COLD
  11. WINTER
  1. SAD
  3. DARK
  4. SMALL
  5. NOONE
  7. NEVER


10:3 Spselling 2023-04-25

10:3 Spselling crossword puzzle
  1. grustegl
  2. dalerd
  3. rentce
  4. listweh
  5. mevnoerb
  6. haregrt
  7. lunce
  8. rueppl
  1. musemr
  2. dawenr
  3. rveir
  4. titlel
  5. twiner
  6. leggig
  7. ratel
  8. bouedl
  9. otobcer
  10. aplpe

18 Clues: rveirratellunceaplpemusemrdawenrdalerdtitlelrentcetwinerleggigbouedlrueppllistwehharegrtotobcergrusteglmevnoerb

Weather 2023-05-17

Weather crossword puzzle
  1. Snows
  2. December
  3. Febuary
  4. summer
  5. Winter
  6. Octoober
  7. Spring
  8. August
  9. July
  1. September
  2. April
  3. March
  4. may
  5. November
  6. June
  7. January
  8. Fall
  9. Weather

18 Clues: mayJuneFallJulySnowsAprilMarchsummerWinterSpringAugustFebuaryJanuaryWeatherDecemberNovemberOctooberSeptember

les vêtements et le temps 2024-01-12

les vêtements et le temps crossword puzzle
  1. dress
  2. snow
  3. hot
  4. shoes
  5. skirt
  6. socks
  7. shirt
  8. autumn
  1. cold
  2. wind
  3. spring
  4. umbrella
  5. nice
  6. scarf
  7. weather
  8. winter
  9. pants
  10. summer

18 Clues: hotcoldwindsnownicedressshoesskirtscarfsocksshirtpantsspringwintersummerautumnweatherumbrella

Go for it 4 lesson 8 (months) 2024-01-22

Go for it 4 lesson 8 (months) crossword puzzle
  1. heinäkuu
  2. vuodenaika
  3. syyskuu
  4. marraskuu
  5. elokuu
  6. tammikuu
  7. joulukuu
  8. huhtikuu
  9. talvi
  1. kesäkuu
  2. maaliskuu
  3. kuukausi
  4. kevät
  5. helmikuu
  6. lokakuu
  7. toukokuu
  8. kesä
  9. syksy

18 Clues: kesäkevätsyksytalvielokuukesäkuusyyskuulokakuukuukausiheinäkuuhelmikuutoukokuutammikuujoulukuuhuhtikuumaaliskuumarraskuuvuodenaika

Ar Y Map 2022-08-28

Ar Y Map crossword puzzle
  1. Cold
  2. Foggy
  3. Hot
  4. Wet
  5. East
  6. To Walk
  7. Spring
  8. Sun
  9. Winter
  10. Cloudy
  11. Weather
  1. Sit
  2. Wind
  3. North
  4. Weak
  5. Strong
  6. Snow
  7. Autumn/October
  8. Rain
  9. West

20 Clues: SitHotWetSunColdWindWeakEastSnowRainWestFoggyNorthStrongSpringWinterCloudyTo WalkWeatherAutumn/October

Calender Vocab 2022-09-27

Calender Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. ElVerano
  2. abril
  3. anteayer
  4. ElOtoño
  5. enero
  6. ElVerano
  7. sábado
  8. jueves
  1. miércoles
  2. LaPrimavera
  3. febrero
  4. hoy
  5. martes
  6. mañana
  7. junio
  8. viernes
  9. ElFinDeSemana
  10. Mayo
  11. ayer
  12. domingo
  13. marzo
  14. lunes

22 Clues: hoyMayoayerjunioabrilmarzoenerolunesmartesmañanasábadojuevesfebreroviernesdomingoElOtoñoElVeranoanteayerElVeranomiércolesLaPrimaveraElFinDeSemana

la viajes 2023-03-28

la viajes crossword puzzle
  1. august
  2. first
  3. may
  4. june
  5. fourth
  6. september
  7. febuary
  8. novemnber
  9. winter
  10. third
  11. autum
  12. march
  1. october
  2. spring
  3. fifth
  4. july
  5. december
  6. second
  7. summer
  8. april
  9. january

21 Clues: mayjunejulyfirstfifthaprilthirdautummarchaugustspringsecondfourthwintersummeroctoberfebuaryjanuarydecemberseptembernovemnber

Le Printemps - Translate the words to French for the puzzle 2023-04-14

Le Printemps - Translate the words to French for the puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Fall
  2. Snail
  3. Mud
  4. Ladybug
  5. Raincoat
  6. Cloud
  7. Sun
  8. Winter
  9. Leaf
  1. Rain
  2. Chick
  3. Bee
  4. Spring
  5. Tree
  6. Garden
  7. Flower
  8. Caterpillar
  9. Umbrella
  10. Grass
  11. Butterfly
  12. Summer

21 Clues: BeeMudSunRainFallTreeLeafChickSnailCloudGrassSpringGardenFlowerSummerWinterLadybugRaincoatUmbrellaButterflyCaterpillar

Le Printemps - Translate the words to French for the puzzle 2023-04-14

Le Printemps - Translate the words to French for the puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Winter
  2. Snail
  3. Flower
  4. Butterfly
  5. Spring
  6. Chick
  7. Raincoat
  8. Tree
  9. Summer
  10. Bee
  11. Caterpillar
  1. Ladybug
  2. Mud
  3. Fall
  4. Umbrella
  5. Leaf
  6. Grass
  7. Rain
  8. Garden
  9. Cloud
  10. Sun

21 Clues: MudSunBeeFallLeafRainTreeSnailGrassCloudChickWinterFlowerSpringGardenSummerLadybugUmbrellaRaincoatButterflyCaterpillar

El Tiempo 2023-05-09

El Tiempo crossword puzzle
  1. garage
  2. foggy
  3. weather
  4. summer
  5. garden
  6. cold
  7. autumn
  8. good weather
  9. living room
  10. bad weather
  11. windy
  1. stormy
  2. spring
  3. bathroom
  4. winter
  5. kitchen
  6. bedroom
  7. house
  8. cloudy
  9. sunny

20 Clues: coldfoggyhousesunnywindystormyspringgaragewintersummergardenautumncloudyweatherkitchenbedroombathroomliving roombad weathergood weather

Good mli 2016-11-29

Good mli crossword puzzle
  1. Seši
  2. māģija
  3. sešpadsmit
  4. astoņpadsmit
  5. četrpadzmit
  6. skolotāji
  7. viens
  8. divpadsmit
  9. Ziema
  1. Dividesmit
  2. deviņpadsmit
  3. slēpot
  4. Šokolāde
  5. septiņpadsmit
  6. deviņi
  7. Dzimšanas diena
  8. trīspadsmit
  9. vienpadsmit
  10. Skola
  11. Septiņi
  12. desmit

21 Clues: SešiSkolaviensZiemaslēpotmāģijadeviņidesmitSeptiņiŠokolādeskolotājiDividesmitsešpadsmitdivpadsmitčetrpadzmittrīspadsmitvienpadsmitdeviņpadsmitastoņpadsmitseptiņpadsmitDzimšanas diena

Επανάληψη 2ου μαθήματος αγγλικών 2017-11-01

Επανάληψη 2ου μαθήματος αγγλικών crossword puzzle
  1. Οκτώβριος
  2. Δεκέμβριος
  3. Παρασκευή
  4. Τετάρτη
  5. Ιούλιος
  6. Φεβρουάριος
  7. Τρίτη
  8. Φθινόπωρο
  9. Χειμώνας
  10. Μάρτιος
  11. Κυριακή
  1. Δευτέρα
  2. Νοέμβριος
  3. Απρίλιος
  4. Σάββατο
  5. Πέμπτη
  6. Ιούνιος
  7. Αύγουστος
  8. Καλοκαίρι
  9. Άνοιξη
  10. Μάϊος

21 Clues: ΤρίτηΜάϊοςΠέμπτηΆνοιξηΔευτέραΣάββατοΤετάρτηΙούλιοςΙούνιοςΜάρτιοςΚυριακήΑπρίλιοςΧειμώναςΝοέμβριοςΟκτώβριοςΠαρασκευήΑύγουστοςΚαλοκαίριΦθινόπωροΔεκέμβριοςΦεβρουάριος

Months Seasons 2017-09-22

Months Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. june
  2. july
  3. winter
  4. october
  5. spring
  6. december
  7. autumn
  8. tuesday
  9. summer
  10. april
  11. friday
  1. monday
  2. thursday
  3. august
  4. november
  5. september
  6. march
  7. may
  8. wednesday
  9. january
  10. february

21 Clues: mayjunejulymarchaprilmondayaugustwinterspringautumnsummerfridayoctobertuesdayjanuarythursdaynovemberdecemberfebruaryseptemberwednesday

Los meses, días y las estaciones 2017-09-20

Los meses, días y las estaciones crossword puzzle
  1. go
  2. draw
  3. summer
  4. video games
  5. travel
  6. work
  7. Sunday
  8. run
  9. January
  1. ski
  2. spring
  3. Wednesday
  4. winter
  5. sleep
  6. Saturday
  7. write
  8. play
  9. study
  10. skate
  11. autumn
  12. read

21 Clues: goskirundrawplayworkreadsleepwritestudyskatespringwintersummertravelSundayautumnJanuarySaturdayWednesdayvideo games

Voces Chapter 6 Vocabulary Practice 2022-01-06

Voces Chapter 6 Vocabulary Practice crossword puzzle
  1. lightning
  2. Monday
  3. Friday
  4. snow
  5. spring
  6. fog
  7. winter
  8. month
  9. storm
  10. fall
  1. Thursday
  2. Tuesday
  3. Sunday
  4. humidity
  5. summer
  6. Wednesday
  7. Saturday
  8. thunder
  9. earthquake
  10. rain
  11. year

21 Clues: fogsnowrainyearfallmonthstormSundayMondayFridaysummerspringwinterTuesdaythunderThursdayhumiditySaturdaylightningWednesdayearthquake

Repaso de vocabulario (español 3) 2022-01-09

Repaso de vocabulario (español 3) crossword puzzle
  1. It's raining.
  2. beach
  3. park
  4. fire
  5. fall
  6. towel
  7. soap
  8. spring
  9. shampoo
  10. winter
  11. countryside
  1. hurricane
  2. shoes
  3. mountains
  4. summer
  5. It's snowing.
  6. storm
  7. season
  8. flood
  9. pool

20 Clues: parkfirefallsoappoolshoesbeachstormtowelfloodsummerseasonspringwintershampoohurricanemountainscountrysideIt's raining.It's snowing.

Spanish Vocab 5th grade October 2023-10-12

Spanish Vocab 5th grade  October crossword puzzle
  1. seven
  2. arm
  3. duck
  4. six
  5. dog
  6. spring
  7. chest
  8. green
  9. cow
  10. red
  11. hen
  1. Monday
  2. finger,toe
  3. Friday
  4. cat
  5. leg
  6. winter
  7. eleven
  8. foot
  9. head
  10. horse

21 Clues: catarmlegsixdogcowredhenduckfootheadsevenchesthorsegreenMondayFridaywinterelevenspringfinger,toe

Thanksgiving 2023-11-16

Thanksgiving crossword puzzle
  1. Grateful
  2. Teepee
  3. Yams
  4. Merry
  5. Bread
  6. Turkey
  7. Pilgrim hat
  8. Prayer
  9. Pumpkin
  1. Thankful
  2. Corn
  3. Prosperous
  4. Pie Candy
  5. Celebration
  6. Blessing
  7. Sweet
  8. Gratitude
  9. Spinach
  10. Home
  11. Voyage

20 Clues: CornYamsHomeSweetMerryBreadTeepeeTurkeyVoyagePrayerSpinachPumpkinThankfulGratefulBlessingPie CandyGratitudeProsperousCelebrationPilgrim hat

Vocabulario 2024-04-05

Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. Llevar
  2. amarillo
  3. calcetines
  4. winter
  5. sombrero
  6. cold
  7. feo(a)
  8. chaqueta
  9. ropa
  10. zapatos
  1. vestido
  2. Nuevo(a)
  3. price
  4. blusa
  5. camisa
  6. dinero
  7. durante
  8. calor
  9. suerte
  10. pantalones

20 Clues: coldropapriceblusacalorLlevarcamisadinerowintersuertefeo(a)vestidodurantezapatosNuevo(a)amarillosombrerochaquetacalcetinespantalones

Juan G 4.1 Vocab Crossword 2024-04-08

Juan G 4.1 Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. jeans
  2. Blouse
  3. autumn
  4. dollar
  5. hat
  6. winter hat
  7. Shoes
  8. to think
  9. Blue
  1. money
  2. brown
  3. White
  4. euro
  5. shirt
  6. price
  7. New
  8. ugly
  9. clothing
  10. store
  11. Yellow

20 Clues: NewhateurouglyBluemoneybrownWhitejeansshirtpriceShoesstoreBlouseautumndollarYellowclothingto thinkwinter hat

The weather vocabulary (traduci in inglese) 2024-05-08

The weather vocabulary (traduci in inglese) crossword puzzle
  1. tuono
  2. inverno
  3. primavera
  4. molto caldo
  5. molto molto freddo
  6. temporale
  7. autunno
  8. fulmine
  9. nuvoloso
  1. estate
  2. vento
  3. tempesta
  4. stagione
  5. neve
  6. brezza
  7. piovoso
  8. soleggiato
  9. nebbioso
  10. umido
  11. fresco

20 Clues: nevetuonoventoumidoestatebrezzafrescoinvernopiovosoautunnofulminetempestastagionenebbiosonuvolosoprimaveratemporalesoleggiatomolto caldomolto molto freddo

spanish crossword 2024-05-16

spanish crossword crossword puzzle
  1. invierno
  2. summer
  3. brown
  4. green
  5. ropa
  6. white
  7. feo
  8. blue
  9. otonio
  10. calcentines
  11. black
  1. precio
  2. gorra
  3. dollar
  4. Nuevo
  5. amarillo
  6. ir de compras
  7. Chaqueta
  8. pantalones
  9. rojo

20 Clues: feoropabluerojogorrabrownNuevogreenwhiteblackpreciosummerdollarotonioinviernoamarilloChaquetapantalonescalcentinesir de compras

Preliminary unit vocabulary 2024-09-05

Preliminary unit vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. 15
  2. Thank you
  3. winter
  4. summer
  5. name
  6. October
  7. birthday
  8. Monday
  9. 14
  10. spring
  1. 19
  2. Sunday
  3. 22
  4. January
  5. March
  6. 30
  7. fall
  8. date
  9. 20
  10. 9
  11. 4

21 Clues: 94192215302014falldatenameMarchSundaywintersummerMondayspringJanuaryOctoberbirthdayThank you

Volodymyr Ch.6 Nouns 11-12 2023-03-14

Volodymyr Ch.6 Nouns 11-12 crossword puzzle
  1. погода
  2. Клімат
  3. дощ
  4. повінь
  5. осінь
  6. температура
  7. прогноз
  8. літо
  9. кількість опадів
  10. сезон
  1. шторм
  2. термометр
  3. вітер
  4. зима
  5. хмара
  6. тепло
  7. ураган
  8. сніг
  9. весна

19 Clues: дощзимасніглітоштормвітерхмараосіньтепловеснасезонпогодаКліматповіньураганпрогнозтермометртемпературакількість опадів

Form 4 Unit 8 2017-05-05

Form 4 Unit 8 crossword puzzle
  1. август
  2. лето
  3. февраль
  4. ноябрь
  5. апрель
  6. месяц
  7. декабрь
  8. март
  9. июль
  1. январь
  2. весна
  3. осень
  4. сентябрь
  5. год
  6. пора года
  7. зима
  8. октябрь
  9. май
  10. июнь

19 Clues: годмайлетозимамартиюньиюльвеснаосеньмесяцянварьавгустноябрьапрельфевральоктябрьдекабрьсентябрьпора года

Las Meses y Estaciones 2022-04-22

Las Meses y Estaciones crossword puzzle
  1. March
  2. Months
  3. June
  4. May
  5. Seasons
  6. February
  7. September
  8. Spring
  9. Winter
  1. December
  2. July
  3. January
  4. Birthday
  5. Autumn (Fall)
  6. Summer
  7. November
  8. October
  9. April
  10. August

19 Clues: MayJulyJuneMarchAprilSummerMonthsSpringAugustWinterJanuaryOctoberSeasonsDecemberBirthdayNovemberFebruarySeptemberAutumn (Fall)

VOCABULARY 2024-06-27

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. RIJEČ
  4. LJETO
  7. FILM
  8. LJUDI
  3. ZIMA
  7. PICA
  10. NOĆ


The Knights' Quest 2019-01-25

The Knights' Quest crossword puzzle
  1. we are severely deprived of it
  2. House of Green
  3. Our Dearly Missed King
  4. The color of Lamorak
  5. Telegram
  6. Vice President of Publications
  7. The Law teacher
  8. Head of Publications
  9. I'm the genus of coniferous trees in the plant family Pinaceae
  10. The only world we could think of With an x (sorry)
  1. 'Tis the season to be jolly
  2. Specialty of c#
  3. a society of writers
  4. I'm a rooftop Restaurant
  5. My chair is next to the Admins' Office
  6. Cedar Color
  7. What you are wearing right now
  8. Newsletter
  9. Avoid these winter exams
  10. house of Red
  11. Process of Acquiring Knowledge
  12. the path you've been set to

22 Clues: TelegramNewsletterCedar Colorhouse of RedHouse of GreenSpecialty of c#The Law teachera society of writersThe color of LamorakHead of PublicationsOur Dearly Missed KingI'm a rooftop RestaurantAvoid these winter exams'Tis the season to be jollythe path you've been set towe are severely deprived of itWhat you are wearing right now...


  1. the season when everything gets green
  2. is the eleventh month of the year
  3. is between February and April
  4. is after January
  5. is after May
  6. is the first month of winter
  7. is after Thursday
  8. is between Monday and Wednesday
  9. is the second summer month
  10. is before Sunday
  11. is before Tuesday
  12. is after March
  1. is when the weather is bad
  2. when we go swimming
  3. is before Thursday
  4. is the tenth (10th) month of the year
  5. is the season when schools start
  6. the first month of the year
  7. the eighth (8th) month of the year
  8. is the last day of the weekend
  9. is after August
  10. is before June

22 Clues: is after Mayis before Juneis after Marchis after Augustis after Januaryis before Sundayis after Thursdayis before Tuesdayis before Thursdaywhen we go swimmingis when the weather is badis the second summer monththe first month of the yearis the first month of winteris between February and Aprilis the last day of the weekend...

Sparkles 2023-04-19

Sparkles crossword puzzle
  1. Roads are --- in the winter
  2. I got a ----- at Chuck-E-Cheese
  3. The season before winter
  4. another word for enthusiasm
  5. some car accidents can be...
  6. a shelf with doors
  7. some people won't tell the truth they will ---- it
  8. some secrets I...
  9. scientists take lots of...
  10. A bank takes money...
  11. It was ------- ridiculous
  12. There has been many ----- Wars in history
  13. dead
  1. Include
  2. -------- News
  3. most kids call their aunt an
  4. In your stomach
  5. To see
  6. a type of tree/wood
  7. To slow down.
  8. A terrible feeling some people feel for another person
  9. The person has many...
  10. Nothing was due
  11. to differ
  12. Next in line

25 Clues: deadTo seeIncludeto differNext in line-------- NewsTo slow down.In your stomachNothing was duesome secrets I...a shelf with doorsa type of tree/woodA bank takes money...The person has many...The season before winterIt was ------- ridiculousscientists take lots of...Roads are --- in the winteranother word for enthusiasmmost kids call their aunt an...

Trees 2023-05-05

Trees crossword puzzle
  1. seed of 10 across
  2. loses its leaves in winter
  3. tree blood?
  4. stored in trees, to help slow climate change
  5. r would make this a dead group of trees
  6. leaf symbol of the National Trust
  7. banks and trees have this in common
  8. tree for margaritas?
  9. vital gas produced by trees
  10. elephants and trees have this in common
  11. Wood wide web
  1. fresh smell but missing you lots
  2. traditional season for a change of colour
  3. u would be liked and admired
  4. sweet horse?
  5. the practice of looking after trees
  6. baby tree
  7. almost like being at the seaside
  8. doesn’t lose its leaves in winter
  9. female sheep maybe?

20 Clues: baby treetree blood?sweet horse?Wood wide webseed of 10 acrossfemale sheep maybe?tree for margaritas?loses its leaves in wintervital gas produced by treesu would be liked and admiredfresh smell but missing you lotsalmost like being at the seasideleaf symbol of the National Trustdoesn’t lose its leaves in winterthe practice of looking after trees...

ENGELS 2014-10-01

ENGELS crossword puzzle
  1. rechts
  2. leeuw
  3. koningin
  4. geel
  5. prullenbak
  6. knie
  7. meisje
  8. maandag
  9. lucht
  10. leuk
  11. kinderen
  12. muis
  13. bruin
  14. vlinder
  15. herfst
  16. tand
  17. olifant
  18. haar
  19. bloem
  20. grijs
  21. moeder
  22. potlood
  23. leerkracht
  24. boot
  25. bril
  26. brood
  27. auto
  28. snel
  29. kat
  30. huis
  31. oor
  1. hond
  2. groen
  3. straat
  4. roze
  5. zwart
  6. krullend
  7. land
  8. jongen
  9. neus
  10. koning
  11. tijger
  12. computer
  13. pen
  14. vlag
  15. winter
  16. hoog
  17. boom
  18. paleis
  19. broek
  20. vader
  21. tanden
  22. liniaal
  23. vogel
  24. deur
  25. zomer
  26. schoen
  27. blauw
  28. klok
  29. steen

60 Clues: penkatoorhondrozelandgeelknieneusleukmuisvlaghoogtandboomhaardeurbootbrilautokloksnelhuisgroenzwartleeuwluchtbruinbroekbloemvadergrijsvogelzomerbroodblauwsteenstraatrechtsjongenkoningmeisjetijgerwinterherfstpaleistandenmoederschoenmaandagvlinderolifantliniaalpotloodkrullendkoninginkinderencomputerprullenbakleerkracht

T4 Wk 3 2014-10-09

T4 Wk 3 crossword puzzle
  1. when two things touch
  2. something you tie
  3. a seat found in the park
  4. lots of cars on the road
  5. first day of school
  6. a large yellowy/orange vegetable
  7. where the ocean meets the land
  8. season before Winter
  9. 99 + 1 =
  10. a month in Winter
  11. a place to live
  1. a topic you study at school
  2. to look for
  3. past tense of know...'was ______'
  4. a competition
  5. someone who trains athletes
  6. material to sew with
  7. trash
  8. small fury animal
  9. the first month of the year
  10. the two days you can stay home
  11. a tool to write with
  12. a join in your finger

23 Clues: trash99 + 1 =to look fora competitiona place to livesomething you tiesmall fury animala month in Winterfirst day of schoolmaterial to sew witha tool to write withseason before Winterwhen two things toucha join in your fingera seat found in the parklots of cars on the roada topic you study at schoolsomeone who trains athletes...

Animals 2022-05-12

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. silverback
  2. has long ears
  3. grows horns
  4. can live in water or on land
  5. cow with no legs
  6. makes its house out of sticks
  7. has the strongest bite of any land animal.
  8. largest land mammal.
  9. found in claremore lake
  10. howls at the moon
  11. mans best friend
  12. swims in the water
  1. bison’s american nickname
  2. soars high in the sky
  3. hibernates in the winter
  4. makes noise with its tail
  5. wears a black mask
  6. makes mounds from underground
  7. fly’s south in the winter
  8. hops on 2 feet
  9. mix of a horse and a donkey
  10. North American marsupial
  11. black and white bear

23 Clues: silverbackgrows hornshas long earshops on 2 feetcow with no legsmans best friendhowls at the moonwears a black maskswims in the waterlargest land and white bearsoars high in the skyfound in claremore lakehibernates in the winterNorth American marsupialbison’s american nicknamemakes noise with its tailfly’s south in the winter...

STA Fall Crossword 2023-10-30

STA Fall Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Abbreviation for school musical this year
  2. In the fall we set our clocks ______ an hour
  3. It follows summer and precedes winter
  4. Halloween is always on the 31st of _______
  5. Another word for gathering crops before winter
  6. Not allowed at school anymore
  7. Tool to clean up leaves
  8. A vegetable with kernels
  9. Bundles of hay
  10. Covers your face on halloween
  1. A fruit you carve
  2. Centrepiece for thanksgiving dining table
  3. A cocoa based drink
  4. A colour that leaves turn
  5. A popular disliked vegetable
  6. Another word for breeze
  7. Drink made from apples
  8. Thanks giving main dish
  9. Where you go to get a pumpkin
  10. A crisp red fruit

20 Clues: Bundles of hayA fruit you carveA crisp red fruitA cocoa based drinkDrink made from applesAnother word for breezeThanks giving main dishTool to clean up leavesA vegetable with kernelsA colour that leaves turnA popular disliked vegetableNot allowed at school anymoreWhere you go to get a pumpkinCovers your face on halloween...

Canada 2022-10-14

Canada crossword puzzle
  1. sport equipment to protect your head
  2. a place where the Winter Olympic games took place in 1998
  3. a French-speaking province
  4. several cultural or ethnic communities within a society
  5. the man who gave Canada its name
  6. a name community which meaning “eater of raw meat”
  7. a hard rubber disc used in ice hockey
  8. one of the smallest ethnic communities in Canada
  9. the largest ethnic community in Canada
  10. sport equipment used to protect your knees
  11. a province between British Columbia and Saskatchewan
  12. sport equipment to protect your hand and fingers
  1. a place where the Summer Olympic games took place in 1976
  2. a Canadian winter sport
  3. a province in the south west of Canada
  4. the man who founded Quebec
  5. a province south of Nunavut
  6. the second largest ethnic community in Canada
  7. a place where the Winter Olympic games took place in 2010
  8. the First Nations people
  9. the capital city of Canada
  10. the province where the capital city of Canada is
  11. an ethnic community whose ancestor came to Canada to build railways
  12. a Huron-Iroquois word which means village
  13. a summer sport, the name means “little war”

25 Clues: a Canadian winter sportthe First Nations peoplethe man who founded Quebeca French-speaking provincethe capital city of Canadaa province south of Nunavutthe man who gave Canada its namesport equipment to protect your heada hard rubber disc used in ice hockeya province in the south west of Canadathe largest ethnic community in Canada...

Moon & Seasons in Song 2024-01-26

Moon & Seasons in Song crossword puzzle
  1. The Tide is High 1980 by ______
  2. Indian Summer 1970 The _______
  3. In the Summertime 1970 ______ Jerry
  4. Spring Vacation 2012 The Beach ______
  5. A Hazy Shade of Winter 1968 Simon and ______
  6. Bark at the Moon 1983 Ozzy ________
  7. Cruel Summer 1983 by _______
  8. Summer Breeze 1972 Seals and ______
  9. My Love is Winter 2012 ______ Pumpkins
  10. Winter Melody 1976 _______ Summer
  11. A Summer Song 1964 Chad and _____
  12. Summer in the City 1966 Lovin' ______
  13. Spring Fever 1965 ______ Presley
  14. Moondance 1970 _____ Morrison
  15. Autumn Almanac 1967 by the ______
  1. Fly me to the Moon 1964 ______ Sinatra
  2. Man on the Moon 1992 by ______
  3. Time of the Season 1968 by the _______
  4. The Boys of Summer 1984 _____ Henley
  5. Hot Fun in the Summertime 1969 ______ and the Family Stone
  6. Moonshadow 1971 _____ Stevens
  7. A Winter's Tale 1995 by ______
  8. Summer Nights 1979 Olivia Newton-______
  9. Total Eclipse of the Heart 1983 ______ Tyler
  10. Seasons in the Sun 1974 Terry _____
  11. Moonlight Feels Right 1976 by _____
  12. Summer of '69 1984 Bryan _______
  13. Moon River 1961 ______ Williams
  14. Dark Side of the Moon 1973 ______ Floyd
  15. Bad Moon Rising 1969 Creedence Clearwater ________
  16. Moonlight Serenade 1939 _____ Miller
  17. Dancing in the Moonlight 1972 _____ Harvest

32 Clues: Cruel Summer 1983 by _______Moonshadow 1971 _____ StevensMoondance 1970 _____ MorrisonMan on the Moon 1992 by ______Indian Summer 1970 The _______A Winter's Tale 1995 by ______The Tide is High 1980 by ______Moon River 1961 ______ WilliamsSummer of '69 1984 Bryan _______Spring Fever 1965 ______ PresleyWinter Melody 1976 _______ Summer...

seasons 2024-09-16

seasons crossword puzzle
  1. these change color and fall on the ground during the fall
  2. fun activity during the fall season that brings out for a ride around a pumpkin patch
  3. swim and build sandcastles
  4. you plant fruits and veggies during spring and summer in here
  5. "frosty the --"
  6. holiday that occurs in april during the spring season
  7. jacket used while its raining
  8. season where you go to the beach
  9. holiday that occurs during the winter in december
  10. fun activity to cool you off during the hot summer days
  11. hot beverage you drink during winter
  1. you carve these for Halloween
  2. season when the leaves change
  3. "April showers bring may flowers"
  4. fruit used to make pie during the holidays
  5. riding tubes down snow covered hills
  6. drink made with apples can drink hot or cold
  7. holiday that occurs during fall in october
  8. season when the flowers start to bloom
  9. used to scoop snow and move it
  10. delicious dairy snack you can eat from a bowl or a cone
  11. holiday where you spend time with family and eat turkey
  12. season where you can build a snowman

23 Clues: "frosty the --"swim and build sandcastlesyou carve these for Halloweenseason when the leaves changejacket used while its rainingused to scoop snow and move itseason where you go to the beach"April showers bring may flowers"riding tubes down snow covered hillsseason where you can build a snowmanhot beverage you drink during winter...

Winter and summer activities 2023-11-01

Winter and summer activities crossword puzzle
  1. in summer in the park or forest you can...
  2. winter sport with board
  3. summer water sport
  4. game with snow in winter
  5. create a "person" from snow
  1. when it's rainy weather children like...
  2. summer water sport
  3. you can do it in summer in water
  4. winter sport on ice
  5. you want fish, so you go...

10 Clues: summer water sportsummer water sportwinter sport on icewinter sport with boardgame with snow in winteryou want fish, so you go...create a "person" from snowyou can do it in summer in waterwhen it's rainy weather children summer in the park or forest you can...

CLOTHES 2021-08-29

CLOTHES crossword puzzle
  1. something you wear on your upper body
  2. something you wear under your pants
  3. a hat that baseball players wear
  4. something you wear on your hands
  5. footwear for the beach
  6. something women wear instead of pants and shirts
  7. very casual pants
  8. gloves without fingers that you can use in winter
  9. a shirt for women
  10. something you wear around your neck when you wear a suit
  11. what you wear instead of pants on a hot summer day
  12. something you wear to keep warm on a winter day
  13. something you wear on your head
  14. something a soldier or an athlete may wear
  1. pants that come up to your chest
  2. something you wear on your lower body
  3. this keeps your neck warm in winter
  4. something to keep your feet warm
  5. something you wear to bed
  6. like a jacket, but warmer
  7. formal clothing that you may wear to a job interview
  8. footwear that cover your shins
  9. like a dress but without the top part
  10. something to hold your pants up
  11. a very casual shirt
  12. formal clothes that men wear to a wedding or graduation

26 Clues: very casual pantsa shirt for womena very casual shirtfootwear for the beachsomething you wear to bedlike a jacket, but warmerfootwear that cover your shinssomething to hold your pants upsomething you wear on your headpants that come up to your chestsomething to keep your feet warma hat that baseball players wearsomething you wear on your hands...

Christmas 2021-12-14

Christmas crossword puzzle
  1. Many people go there on Christmas
  2. “Merry Christmas” in Spanish
  3. Santa comes into the house from there
  4. The most popular Christmas sweets
  5. Santa lives there
  6. They are lit during Christmastime
  7. This is usually put on top of the Christmas tree
  8. Grinch is written by …
  9. These are hung on the fireplace
  10. In winter people go sledding, ice skating and...
  11. Christmas season
  12. Food that people leave out for Santa
  13. Advent … has sweets in it
  1. From a song: Walking in a winter …
  2. The red-nosed reindeer
  3. Movie “Home Alone” main character
  4. Candy with red and white stripes
  5. A Christmas song or hymn
  6. a form of decoration consisting of thin strips of shiny metal foil attached to a long piece of thread
  7. People send them to each other and they contain greetings
  8. You hang these on the tree
  9. Synonym for gift
  10. The most popular Christmas ballet
  11. Santa has the bad children names on the … list
  12. He has a carrot for a nose
  13. Animals in front of Santas sled
  14. Song: … Bell Rock
  15. Tree that is decorated on Christmas
  16. He stole Christmas
  17. From a song: Let it …, let it …, let it …

30 Clues: Synonym for giftChristmas seasonSanta lives thereSong: … Bell RockHe stole ChristmasThe red-nosed reindeerGrinch is written by …A Christmas song or hymnAdvent … has sweets in itYou hang these on the treeHe has a carrot for a nose“Merry Christmas” in SpanishAnimals in front of Santas sledThese are hung on the fireplace...

Holiday Puzzle 2022-12-20

Holiday Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Kevin's last name in HOME ALONE
  2. Family name in CHRISTMAS VACATION
  3. Tim Allen's character in THE SANTA CLAUSE
  4. Harry Style's middle name
  5. Classmate who is allergic to dogs
  6. Character who lives at the top of Mt. Crumpit
  7. Where Buddy the Elf is from
  8. "I saw ________ kissing Santa Claus"
  9. Famous snowman
  10. Heartthrob singer of "Mistletoe"
  11. Topic of Andrew B's speaking presentation
  12. custodian at NRHS
  13. "Taste the rainbow!" candy
  14. Topic of Yasmeen's speaking presentation
  1. Coach who loves THE WIZARD OF OZ
  2. winter drink served on the Polar Express
  3. Most popular flavor of candy cane
  4. Loves to tell you, "Get Better Every Day!"
  5. Hebrew holiday in December
  6. classmate with a winter weather middle name
  7. Domesticated caribou (like Rudolph)
  8. Restaurant next to LCCC Ridge
  9. "Margaritaville" singer with a Christmas birthday
  10. "Walking in a winter _____________"
  11. "Merry Christmas!" in Spanish
  12. Word punched into a Polar Express ticket
  13. Coach who graduated from Iowa State
  14. to hang on the mantle above the fireplace
  15. Topic of Dylan's speaking presentation
  16. Protagonist of "A Christmas Carol"
  17. Coach with a Masters Degree from Ohio State

31 Clues: Famous snowmancustodian at NRHSHarry Style's middle nameHebrew holiday in December"Taste the rainbow!" candyWhere Buddy the Elf is fromRestaurant next to LCCC Ridge"Merry Christmas!" in SpanishKevin's last name in HOME ALONECoach who loves THE WIZARD OF OZHeartthrob singer of "Mistletoe"Most popular flavor of candy cane...

Festive Season 2023-12-10

Festive Season crossword puzzle
  1. a large, fat bird of North American origin, usually eaten at this time of year
  2. a plant with prickly green leaves and red inedible berries
  3. animal used by Father Christmas
  4. gifts given at this time of year
  5. a single crystal of snow is a snow.....
  6. a plant with inedible white berries hung in the doorway and under which people kiss
  7. something which kids like to make after a snowfall
  8. a little cold
  9. VERY cold
  1. covers the ground and buildings on a winter morning
  2. round metallic balls hung on the Christmas tree
  3. all the things that are put up around the house for Christmas
  4. an Old Englishword for the winter festival of Scandinavian origin
  5. paper tubes which break open with a bang when pulled at each end and a gift falls out
  6. long "sticks" of ice hanging from a building, for example
  7. the night of Dec 24th is Christmas .....
  8. in the UK, the name for Dec 26th, ...... Day
  9. glittery metallic strings
  10. a large piece of wood traditionally kept for the winter fire, also a kind of festive cake
  11. the "transport" used by Father Christmas

20 Clues: VERY colda little coldglittery metallic stringsanimal used by Father Christmasgifts given at this time of yeara single crystal of snow is a snow.....the night of Dec 24th is Christmas .....the "transport" used by Father Christmasin the UK, the name for Dec 26th, ...... Dayround metallic balls hung on the Christmas tree...

ahps 2.3 2013-10-30

ahps 2.3 crossword puzzle
  1. overall, shearing time may vary because one season doesn’t have ALL the benefits. Overall, either December or _________ shearing is probs the best. Depends on farm, blowfly activity, grass seeds etc.
  2. aim to sell surplus sheep right after shearing, in mid/late _______, before grass runs out. Sell older ewes (cast for age). So autumn shearing time not great from this perspective – have to keep old sheep over feed shortage season _______ until shearing.
  3. ‘____’ wool: ready to shear
  4. ______ strike: bacterial infection on skin due to moisture  exudates  attracts flies  lay eggs, maggots irritate skin, severe dermatitis  septicaemia.
  5. _________ and strength of wool fibres varies season to season  depending on nutrition. Want the skinny bits on the ends and the fat bit in the middle. This coincides wth protein in grass. However, in spring ewes lactating will have weak points. Average over time – no change in staple strength.
  6. “_____”wool: some months of wool growth
  7. shear merino wool _____ a year, other wool breeds (carpet wool etc) twice a year.
  8. “________” wool : recently shorn.
  1. blowflies active in warm ______ conditions. late spring, early autumn.
  2. the main wool length that is at risk of developing fleece rot (major risk for body strike) is not short wool (dries out) or long wool (moisture cant penetrate down to skin) but _______ length wool.
  3. shearing in winter can increase _____ requirement up to 75% more in ewes (non pregnant). Can have a higher stocking rate if not shorn in winter.
  4. one theory for shearing in winter would be that mothers would find shelter in which to give birth to _____s, thus increasing _____ survival rates. Still not a good idea to shear in winter – mother put more energy into keeping warm rather than pregnancy.
  5. _______ season is not a good opton for shearing. Too cold, would hav e to eat more to support, so would have to feed more (but winter is feed limiting time)
  6. _______ strike  develops in males into body strike. Due to moisture around ______.
  7. _________ strike  develops due to moisture/feaces and urine around ____ area  attracts flies, lay eggs, maggots, dermatitis, septicaemia.
  8. merino sheep grow around ___ cm of wool in 12 months
  9. in the first ___ days after shearing  greatest risk of hypothermia. Can be vulnerable to summer/autumn unexpected storms. Vulnerability decreases after around 2 weeks. Can put in sheltered paddock/shed or feed out before cold weather.

17 Clues: ‘____’ wool: ready to shear“________” wool : recently shorn.“_____”wool: some months of wool growthmerino sheep grow around ___ cm of wool in 12 monthsblowflies active in warm ______ conditions. late spring, early autumn.shear merino wool _____ a year, other wool breeds (carpet wool etc) twice a year....

january 2014-11-28

january crossword puzzle
  1. frozen rain
  2. has a carrot for a nose
  3. waterproof footwear
  4. keeps the neck warm
  5. thrown by kids in winter
  6. knitted top
  1. not fast
  2. a season
  3. this is made at the beginning of each year
  4. shops have these in january
  5. dinner cooked in one
  6. first month of the year
  7. used to get about in the snow

13 Clues: not fasta seasonfrozen rainknitted topwaterproof footwearkeeps the neck warmdinner cooked in onehas a carrot for a nosefirst month of the yearthrown by kids in wintershops have these in januaryused to get about in the snowthis is made at the beginning of each year

* + X-mas + * 2021-11-08

* + X-mas + * crossword puzzle
  1. What do you wear when its cold?
  2. What do you drink when its cold?
  3. The person that we thought gave us presents
  4. the red nose _____
  1. School _____
  2. seasons
  3. What do you do when it's finally winter?
  4. Winter
  5. What do you wear on your hands when its cold?
  6. flakes What falls when its winter?

10 Clues: WinterseasonsSchool _____the red nose _____What do you wear when its cold?What do you drink when its cold?flakes What falls when its winter?What do you do when it's finally winter?The person that we thought gave us presentsWhat do you wear on your hands when its cold?

Solve the crossword puzzle below! 2016-10-19

Solve the crossword puzzle below! crossword puzzle
  1. Your mom's or dad's sister.
  2. You use it to tell the time.
  3. It protects your head.
  4. A winter sport on ice.
  5. They cover your hands in winter.
  1. Your mom's or dad's brother.
  2. The sport of "driving" a boat or a yacht.
  3. A winter sport.
  4. You use them to open doors.

9 Clues: A winter sport.It protects your head.A winter sport on ice.Your mom's or dad's sister.You use them to open doors.Your mom's or dad's brother.You use it to tell the time.They cover your hands in winter.The sport of "driving" a boat or a yacht.

Wetter CE 2021-05-27

Wetter CE crossword puzzle
  1. Im Winter trage ich auf dem Kopf eine ...
  2. An den Füßen habe ich...
  3. la robe
  4. ein kurzer Mantel ist eine...
  1. Die Jeans ist eine ...
  2. Warme Schuhe für den Winter
  3. mein schulmaterial ist in einer...
  4. Für Frauen ist das am Platz von einer Hose
  5. Im Winter habe ich meine Hände in ...

9 Clues: la robeDie Jeans ist eine ...An den Füßen habe ich...Warme Schuhe für den Winterein kurzer Mantel ist eine...mein schulmaterial ist in einer...Im Winter habe ich meine Hände in ...Im Winter trage ich auf dem Kopf eine ...Für Frauen ist das am Platz von einer Hose

BLAZE 1 2.4 months seasons 2019-09-17

BLAZE 1 2.4 months seasons crossword puzzle
  1. Μάρτιος
  2. Απρίλιος
  3. Φεβρουάριος
  4. Νοέμβριος
  5. Ιούνιος
  6. καλοκαίρι
  7. Σεπτέμβριος
  8. φθινόπωρο
  1. Οκτώβριος
  2. Μάιος
  3. Ιούλιος
  4. χειμώνας
  5. Δεκέμβριος
  6. Ιανουάριος
  7. Αύγουστος
  8. εποχή
  9. άνοιξη
  10. μήνας

18 Clues: ΜάιοςεποχήμήναςάνοιξηΜάρτιοςΙούλιοςΙούνιοςχειμώναςΑπρίλιοςΟκτώβριοςΝοέμβριοςΑύγουστοςκαλοκαίριφθινόπωροΔεκέμβριοςΙανουάριοςΦεβρουάριοςΣεπτέμβριος

alt 2023-04-25

alt crossword puzzle
  1. planter
  2. sommer
  3. fredag
  4. onsdag
  5. skyer
  6. tirsdag
  7. lørdag
  8. sol
  9. mandag
  1. græs
  2. vinter
  3. blomster
  4. forår
  5. træ
  6. efterår
  7. søndag
  8. havet
  9. torsdag

18 Clues: træsolgræsforårskyerhavetvintersommerfredagonsdagsøndaglørdagmandagplanterefterårtirsdagtorsdagblomster

Opposite of... 2013-11-16

Opposite of... crossword puzzle
  1. yes
  2. old
  3. walk
  4. big
  5. enemy
  6. boy
  7. slim
  8. short
  1. closed
  2. summer
  3. rich
  4. write
  5. sad
  6. white
  7. buy
  8. slow
  9. out
  10. morning

18 Clues: yesoldsadbigbuyoutboyrichwalkslowslimwritewhiteenemyshortclosedsummermorning

Spanish 1: Lección 5 2024-02-25

Spanish 1: Lección 5 crossword puzzle
  1. Fall
  2. June
  3. Spring
  4. November
  5. December
  6. Winter
  7. October
  8. March
  1. August
  2. July
  3. Season
  4. September
  5. Summer
  6. Month
  7. February
  8. May
  9. January
  10. April

18 Clues: MayFallJuneJulyMonthAprilMarchAugustSeasonSummerSpringWinterJanuaryOctoberFebruaryNovemberDecemberSeptember

Eveliina 4a 2024-01-25

Eveliina 4a crossword puzzle
  1. palapeli
  2. orava
  3. pisamat
  4. toukokuu
  5. joulukuu
  6. syksy
  7. talvi
  1. elokuu
  2. tammikuu
  3. kevät
  4. silmälasit
  5. kettu
  6. korvakoru
  7. kesä
  8. huhtikuu
  9. eläinlääkäri
  10. hammasraudat
  11. susi

18 Clues: kesäsusikevätoravakettusyksytalvielokuupisamattammikuupalapelitoukokuuhuhtikuujoulukuukorvakorusilmälasiteläinlääkärihammasraudat

Opposites 2024-04-23

Opposites crossword puzzle
  1. Girl
  2. Day
  3. White
  4. Soft
  5. Down
  6. Right
  7. Stand
  8. Less
  9. Winter
  1. Old
  2. Outside
  3. Short
  4. Slow
  5. Small
  6. Open
  7. In
  8. Cry
  9. Cold

18 Clues: InOldDayCryGirlSlowOpenSoftDownColdLessShortWhiteSmallRightStandWinterOutside

Holiday Crossword 2022-12-08

Holiday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A jolly figure associated with the holidays
  2. You might receive some if you were nice this year
  3. A sugary and stripey holiday treat (no spaces)
  4. The term for extreme winter weather
  5. This holiday is based off of traditional African festivals celebrating family and unity
  6. A carrot, hat, scarf, bits of coal, and twigs...
  7. You might hang these on a tree or elsewhere to decorate your home
  8. Santa's catchphrase (no spaces)
  9. Like a sled, but fancier
  10. An old Christmas tradition involving singing
  11. These may or may not be silver, but they definitely jingle
  1. You would use this adjective to describe something holiday-related
  2. A famous festive animal famous for glowing
  3. A common holiday material for building houses, or people
  4. In a pear tree?
  5. Don't be naughty or you'll get ____
  6. A drink found in grocery stores during winter only
  7. The most widespread winter holiday in the US
  8. This holiday involves lighting a menorah, as well as potato pancakes
  9. A reindeer's favorite treat
  10. Maybe we'll get some this year in Oregon?
  11. The term for a special day that usually cancels school
  12. These fantasy creatures allegedly make toys for children during the holidays

23 Clues: In a pear tree?Like a sled, but fancierA reindeer's favorite treatSanta's catchphrase (no spaces)Don't be naughty or you'll get ____The term for extreme winter weatherMaybe we'll get some this year in Oregon?A famous festive animal famous for glowingA jolly figure associated with the holidaysThe most widespread winter holiday in the US...

Moon & Seasons in Song 2024-01-25

Moon & Seasons in Song crossword puzzle
  1. Summer of '69 1984 Bryan _______
  2. Fly me to the Moon 1964 ______ Sinatra
  3. Moonlight Feels Right 1976 by _____
  4. Indian Summer 1970 The _______
  5. A Winter's Tale 1995 by ______
  6. Bad Moon Rising 1969 Creedence Clearwater ________
  7. Moonlight Serenade 1939 _____ Miller
  8. Bark at the Moon 1983 Ozzy ________
  9. Man on the Moon 1992 by ______
  10. Moon River 1961 ______ Williams
  11. My Love is Winter 2012 ______ Pumpkins
  12. Dark Side of the Moon 1973 ______ Floyd
  13. Summer in the City 1966 Lovin' ______
  14. Hot Fun in the Summertime 1969 ______ and the Family Stone
  15. Moondance 1970 _____ Morrison
  1. Summer Nights 1979 Olivia Newton-______
  2. Time of the Season 1968 by the _______
  3. The Boys of Summer 1984 _____ Henley
  4. Winter Melody 1976 _______ Summer
  5. Autumn Almanac 1967 by the ______
  6. A Hazy Shade of Winter 1968 Simon and ______
  7. Spring Vacation 2012 The Beach ______
  8. Spring Fever 1965 ______ Presley
  9. Moonshadow 1971 _____ Stevens
  10. Cruel Summer 1983 by ________
  11. Summer Breeze 1972 Seals and ______
  12. Seasons in the Sun 1974 Terry _____
  13. A Summer Song 1964 Chad and _____
  14. The Tide is High 1980 by ______
  15. Total Eclipse of the Heart 1983 ______ Tyler
  16. In the Summertime 1970 ______ Jerry
  17. Dancing in the Moonlight 1972 _____ Harvest

32 Clues: Moonshadow 1971 _____ StevensCruel Summer 1983 by ________Moondance 1970 _____ MorrisonIndian Summer 1970 The _______A Winter's Tale 1995 by ______Man on the Moon 1992 by ______The Tide is High 1980 by ______Moon River 1961 ______ WilliamsSummer of '69 1984 Bryan _______Spring Fever 1965 ______ PresleyWinter Melody 1976 _______ Summer...

Christmas 2021-12-10

Christmas crossword puzzle
  1. there's a play of this
  2. One of Santa's flying helpers
  3. you get these usually on Christmas Day
  4. an example of this is like opening 1 gift on the night of christmas eve every year
  5. where Jesus was born
  6. upside down it's shaped as a letter "J" and it's red and white stripes
  7. Hang these up usually on your door or sometimes window
  8. 25 Christmas Day
  9. Another word for Santa
  10. you hang these up on the fireplace
  11. christmas plant
  12. Jesus laid in this when he was 1st born
  13. there's a farm for them
  1. hangs under the doorway
  2. all kinds of different scents and they smell
  3. shape of a hollow cup
  4. one of the gifts the wise men gave to baby Jesus
  5. hang these up to decorate
  6. drink this in the winter or when it's cold outside
  7. this happens in the winter
  8. Eve the day before christmas
  9. false off trees in the winter
  10. mother of baby Jesus
  11. Santa's helpers and there's a movie named this
  12. one of the gifts that the wise men gave to baby Jesus
  13. Santa uses this for transportation
  14. Jesus's father

27 Clues: Jesus's fatherchristmas plant25 Christmas Daywhere Jesus was bornmother of baby Jesusshape of a hollow cupthere's a play of thisAnother word for Santahangs under the doorwaythere's a farm for themhang these up to decoratethis happens in the winterEve the day before christmasOne of Santa's flying helpersfalse off trees in the winter...

Moon & Seasons in Song 2024-01-25

Moon & Seasons in Song crossword puzzle
  1. Total Eclipse of the Heart 1983 ______ Tyler
  2. A Winter's Tale 1995 by ______
  3. The Boys of Summer 1984 _____ Henley
  4. Man on the Moon 1992 by ______
  5. Fly me to the Moon 1964 ______ Sinatra
  6. In the Summertime 1970 ______ Jerry
  7. Moonlight Serenade 1939 _____ Miller
  8. Summer Nights 1979 Olivia Newton-______
  9. Spring Fever 1965 ______ Presley
  10. Moonshadow 1971 _____ Stevens
  11. Winter Melody 1976 _______ Summer
  12. Summer in the City 1966 Lovin' ______
  13. Moon River 1961 ______ Williams
  14. Moonlight Feels Right 1976 by _____
  15. Seasons in the Sun 1974 Terry _____
  16. A Hazy Shade of Winter 1968 Simon and ______
  17. My Love is Winter 2012 ______ Pumpkins
  1. Hot Fun in the Summertime 1969 ______ and the Family Stone
  2. Autumn Almanac 1967 by the ______
  3. Cruel Summer 1983
  4. Spring Vacation 2012 The Beach ______
  5. Indian Summer 1970 The _______
  6. A Summer Song 1964 Chad and _____
  7. Dark Side of the Moon 1973 ______ Floyd
  8. Bad Moon Rising 1969 Creedence Clearwater ________
  9. Time of the Season 1968 by the _______
  10. The Tide is High 1980 by ______
  11. Summer Breeze 1972 Seals and ______
  12. Bark at the Moon 1983 Ozzy ________
  13. Moondance 1970 _____ Morrison
  14. Dancing in the Moonlight 1972 _____ Harvest
  15. Summer of '69 1984 Bryan _______

32 Clues: Cruel Summer 1983Moonshadow 1971 _____ StevensMoondance 1970 _____ MorrisonIndian Summer 1970 The _______A Winter's Tale 1995 by ______Man on the Moon 1992 by ______The Tide is High 1980 by ______Moon River 1961 ______ WilliamsSpring Fever 1965 ______ PresleySummer of '69 1984 Bryan _______Autumn Almanac 1967 by the ______...

AHPS: Week 2 - Lecture 7: Shearing Time 2013-08-20

AHPS: Week 2 - Lecture 7: Shearing Time crossword puzzle
  1. in the first ___ days after shearing  greatest risk of hypothermia. Can be vulnerable to summer/autumn unexpected storms. Vulnerability decreases after around 2 weeks. Can put in sheltered paddock/shed or feed out before cold weather.
  2. _______ season is not a good opton for shearing. Too cold, would hav e to eat more to support, so would have to feed more (but winter is feed limiting time)
  3. one theory for shearing in winter would be that mothers would find shelter in which to give birth to _____s, thus increasing _____ survival rates. Still not a good idea to shear in winter – mother put more energy into keeping warm rather than pregnancy.
  4. _________ and strength of wool fibres varies season to season  depending on nutrition. Want the skinny bits on the ends and the fat bit in the middle. This coincides wth protein in grass. However, in spring ewes lactating will have weak points. Average over time – no change in staple strength.
  5. shear merino wool _____ a year, other wool breeds (carpet wool etc) twice a year.
  6. aim to sell surplus sheep right after shearing, in mid/late _______, before grass runs out. Sell older ewes (cast for age). So autumn shearing time not great from this perspective – have to keep old sheep over feed shortage season _______ until shearing.
  7. shearing in winter can increase _____ requirement up to 75% more in ewes (non pregnant). Can have a higher stocking rate if not shorn in winter.
  8. “_____”wool: some months of wool growth
  1. blowflies active in warm ______ conditions. late spring, early autumn.
  2. ‘____’ wool: ready to shear
  3. overall, shearing time may vary because one season doesn’t have ALL the benefits. Overall, either December or _________ shearing is probs the best. Depends on farm, blowfly activity, grass seeds etc.
  4. _______ strike  develops in males into body strike. Due to moisture around ______.
  5. the main wool length that is at risk of developing fleece rot (major risk for body strike) is not short wool (dries out) or long wool (moisture cant penetrate down to skin) but _______ length wool.
  6. _________ strike  develops due to moisture/feaces and urine around ____ area  attracts flies, lay eggs, maggots, dermatitis, septicaemia.
  7. ______ strike: bacterial infection on skin due to moisture  exudates  attracts flies  lay eggs, maggots irritate skin, severe dermatitis  septicaemia.
  8. merino sheep grow around ___ cm of wool in 12 months
  9. “________” wool : recently shorn.

17 Clues: ‘____’ wool: ready to shear“________” wool : recently shorn.“_____”wool: some months of wool growthmerino sheep grow around ___ cm of wool in 12 monthsblowflies active in warm ______ conditions. late spring, early autumn.shear merino wool _____ a year, other wool breeds (carpet wool etc) twice a year....

Español & English! 2014-02-09

Español & English! crossword puzzle
  1. luz
  2. miércoles
  3. niña
  4. profesora
  5. la mesa
  6. febrero
  7. boy
  8. house
  9. winter
  10. la puerta
  1. julio
  2. desk
  3. October
  4. summer
  5. diciembre
  6. Monday
  7. el libro
  8. domingo
  9. January

19 Clues: luzboydeskniñajuliohousesummerMondaywinterOctoberla mesafebrerodomingoJanuaryel libromiércolesprofesoradiciembrela puerta

luna 4 2015-05-05

luna 4 crossword puzzle
  1. plaats
  2. buitengaan
  3. vrachtwagen
  4. links
  5. lente
  6. zeven
  7. blijven
  8. huis
  9. verkeerslicht
  1. super,schitterend
  2. vertrekken
  3. rechts
  4. sneeuwen
  5. winkel
  6. winter
  7. gitaar
  8. waarom
  9. zon
  10. oud(mannelijk)

19 Clues: zonhuislinkslentezevenrechtsplaatswinkelwintergitaarwaaromblijvensneeuwenvertrekkenbuitengaanvrachtwagenverkeerslichtoud(mannelijk)super,schitterend

iwonder K2V9 2021-03-03

iwonder K2V9 crossword puzzle
  1. 다지다
  2. 조끼
  3. 보다
  4. 마시다
  5. 냄비
  6. 키가 크다
  7. 먹다
  8. 토스터에
  9. 야채
  10. 휘젓다
  1. 위에
  2. 뜨거운
  3. 눈송이
  4. 겨울
  5. 감자
  6. 장갑
  7. pepper 피망
  8. 덩굴

19 Clues: 위에조끼겨울보다냄비감자장갑먹다야채덩굴다지다뜨거운눈송이마시다휘젓다토스터에키가 크다pepper 피망

Project 2 unit 5B 2017-10-08

Project 2 unit 5B crossword puzzle
  1. studený
  2. mokrý
  3. slunečno
  4. zamračeno
  5. léto
  6. podzim
  7. přeplněný
  8. zima
  9. pěkný
  1. kopcovitý
  2. horký
  3. teplý
  4. chladný
  5. jaro
  6. obtížný
  7. roční období
  8. suchý
  9. větrno
  10. plochý, rovný

19 Clues: jarolétozimahorkýmokrýteplýsuchýpěknýpodzimvětrnostudenýchladnýobtížnýslunečnokopcovitýzamračenopřeplněnýroční obdobíplochý, rovný

At School 2024-02-15

At School crossword puzzle
  1. sommer
  2. blyant
  3. hvor
  4. undervisningstime
  5. timeplan
  6. dette/denne
  7. det/den
  8. år
  9. hvordan
  10. kladdebok
  1. måned
  2. første
  3. vinter
  4. eksamen
  5. lærebok
  6. i dag
  7. hvorfor
  8. andre
  9. når

19 Clues: årnårhvormånedi dagandresommerblyantførstevintereksamenlærebokhvorfordet/denhvordantimeplankladdebokdette/denneundervisningstime

crossword 2024-08-09

crossword crossword puzzle
  1. - wednesday
  2. - sunday
  3. - it's snowing
  4. - spring
  5. - autumn
  6. - summer
  7. - may
  8. - tueday
  9. - great
  1. - february
  2. - january
  3. - december
  4. - winter
  5. - saturday
  6. - it's raining
  7. - monday
  8. - friday
  9. - thursday
  10. - march

19 Clues: - may- march- great- sunday- winter- monday- spring- autumn- summer- friday- tueday- january- february- december- saturday- thursday- wednesday- it's snowing- it's raining

U4L1 Vocab 2021-01-08

U4L1 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. to wear
  2. blue
  3. brown
  4. dress
  5. socks
  6. shoes
  7. blouse
  8. red
  9. T-shirt
  1. white
  2. clothing
  3. green
  4. orange
  5. new
  6. shirt
  7. winter hat
  8. jacket
  9. yellow
  10. black

19 Clues: newredbluewhitegreenbrowndresssocksshirtshoesblackorangeblousejacketyellowto wearT-shirtclothingwinter hat

HAPPY WEDNESDAY :) 2023-10-25

HAPPY WEDNESDAY :) crossword puzzle
  1. What is the beer featured on the winter menu
  2. What is the name of our new pizzas being featured on the upcoming winter menu?
  3. What do guests have a chance at winning when ordering a michelob ultra during Jets games?
  4. What cocktail are we currently featuring that is $6.99
  5. What is a great bundle option when a guest is ordering takeout/delivery for just themselves?
  1. The name of our rail rum
  2. What is the pasta feature on the winter menu
  3. The name of our new beer on tap
  4. What is the dessert featured on the winter menu
  5. What can we suggest to enhance a dessert to a guest?

10 Clues: The name of our rail rumThe name of our new beer on tapWhat is the pasta feature on the winter menuWhat is the beer featured on the winter menuWhat is the dessert featured on the winter menuWhat can we suggest to enhance a dessert to a guest?What cocktail are we currently featuring that is $6.99...

Lasse's 2015-04-15

Lasse's crossword puzzle
  1. Lauhdutin
  2. exchanger Lämmön vaihdin
  3. Imu
  4. Jäähdytys
  5. Kapillaari
  6. Höyrystin
  7. Termostaatti
  8. Huolto
  9. Recovery Lämmön talteenotto
  1. kompressori
  2. Talo
  3. Kosteus
  4. Ilmanvaihto
  5. filter Ilmansuodatin
  6. Lämpötila
  7. kuivain
  8. Talvi
  9. Tuuletin
  10. alituisesti
  11. Eriste

20 Clues: ImuTaloTalviHuoltoEristeKosteuskuivainTuuletinLauhdutinJäähdytysLämpötilaHöyrystinKapillaarikompressoriIlmanvaihtoalituisestiTermostaattifilter Ilmansuodatinexchanger Lämmön vaihdinRecovery Lämmön talteenotto

New York City 2014-12-04

New York City crossword puzzle
  1. district
  2. prestigieux
  3. île
  4. une marche
  5. pont
  6. drapeau
  7. surnom
  8. courir
  9. panneau
  1. étage
  2. immeuble/bâtiment
  3. pays
  4. liberté
  5. haut
  6. gratte-ciel
  7. vieux
  8. or
  9. hiver
  10. célèbre

19 Clues: orîlepayshautpontétagevieuxhiversurnomcourirlibertédrapeaucélèbrepanneaudistrictune marcheprestigieuxgratte-cielimmeuble/bâtiment

Project 2 unit 5B 2017-10-08

Project 2 unit 5B crossword puzzle
  1. chladný
  2. suchý
  3. roční období
  4. podzim
  5. obtížný
  6. zima
  7. horký
  8. větrno
  1. studený
  2. plochý, rovný
  3. přeplněný
  4. léto
  5. jaro
  6. slunečno
  7. zamračeno
  8. pěkný
  9. mokrý
  10. kopcovitý
  11. teplý

19 Clues: létojarozimasuchýpěknýmokrýhorkýteplýpodzimvětrnostudenýchladnýobtížnýslunečnopřeplněnýzamračenokopcovitýroční obdobíplochý, rovný

this is the best thing 2023-10-23

this is the best thing crossword puzzle
  1. Monday
  2. 14
  3. 100
  4. June
  5. march
  6. 80
  7. 2
  8. January
  9. 60
  10. Friday
  11. The fall
  1. august
  2. The winter
  3. 30
  4. 12
  5. 1
  6. may
  7. 6
  8. 90

19 Clues: 126143012806090100mayJunemarchaugustMondayFridayJanuaryThe fallThe winter

sports 2024-04-23

sports crossword puzzle
  1. pom pom
  2. bat
  3. skating skate
  4. field
  5. club
  6. goal
  7. plastic
  8. winter
  9. gloves
  10. club
  1. spike
  2. water
  3. bow
  4. hoop
  5. racket
  6. running
  7. ball
  8. stroke
  9. bird
  10. fool

20 Clues: bowbathoopballclubgoalbirdfoolclubspikewaterfieldracketstrokewinterglovespom pomrunningplasticskating skate

2. Calender and Holidays 2014-12-04

2. Calender and Holidays crossword puzzle
  1. examen
  2. mes
  3. día
  4. ventoso
  5. día festivo
  6. clima
  7. ortografía
  8. mañana
  9. primavera
  10. mucha nieve
  11. año
  1. nublado
  2. soleado
  3. frío
  4. invierno
  5. favorito
  6. navidad
  7. lluvioso
  8. semana

19 Clues: mesdíaañofríoclimaexamenmañanasemananubladosoleadonavidadventosoinviernofavoritolluviosoprimaveraortografíadía festivomucha nieve

The Castle Garden 2020-04-20

The Castle Garden crossword puzzle
  1. hibernate
  2. apple
  3. moat
  4. tree
  5. heavenly kingdom
  6. blow
  7. pine
  8. season
  9. kids
  10. flower
  11. not sad
  1. rule
  2. rose
  3. hammer
  4. bloom
  5. greedy
  6. gorgeous
  7. blow
  8. fruit
  9. Goliath

20 Clues: rulerosemoattreeblowblowpinekidsapplebloomfruithammergreedyseasonflowerGoliathnot sadgorgeoushibernateheavenly kingdom

słówka 2020-11-15

słówka crossword puzzle
  1. zima
  2. koniczyna
  3. sukienka
  4. lato
  5. kwitnąć
  6. pogoda
  7. śnieg
  8. śmiać się
  9. czas
  1. przyroda
  2. park
  3. las
  4. łąka
  5. cieszyć się
  6. czas
  7. jesień
  8. wiosna
  9. ogród
  10. dużo
  11. rosnąć

20 Clues: lasparkłąkazimalatoczasdużoczasogródśniegjesieńwiosnapogodarosnąćkwitnąćprzyrodasukienkakoniczynaśmiać sięcieszyć się

gloser 2022-11-28

gloser crossword puzzle
  1. sår
  2. snø
  3. undersøking
  4. sting
  5. tre
  6. bleik
  7. gulrot
  8. sjukepleier
  9. genser
  1. cold
  2. hanskar
  3. sko
  4. sydd igjen
  5. skjerf
  6. vinter
  7. kne
  8. blå
  9. snømann
  10. strand

19 Clues: skosårsnøknetreblåcoldstingbleikskjerfvintergulrotstrandgenserhanskarsnømannsydd igjenundersøkingsjukepleier

JUSTIN GUSMANO - Live At The Sandel Center 2024-01-27

JUSTIN GUSMANO - Live At The Sandel Center crossword puzzle
  1. Flurry
  2. Piano
  3. Tune
  4. Carol
  5. Folk
  6. Concerto
  7. Glacial
  8. Tempo
  9. Rhythm
  10. Jazz
  1. Mittens
  2. Blizzard
  3. Bells, Viola
  4. Night, Ensemble
  5. Cold
  6. Frost
  7. Melody
  8. Operatic
  9. Ballad

19 Clues: TuneColdFolkJazzPianoCarolFrostTempoFlurryMelodyRhythmBalladMittensGlacialBlizzardConcertoOperaticBells, ViolaNight, Ensemble

Winter Crossword 2017-11-13

Winter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Danish for a warm cozy feeling
  2. An outdoors winter activity
  3. MeyersUSA’s founder: a Saint that brings gifts
  4. Winter fun that melts in the sun
  1. A Scandinavian Christmas lunch
  2. A greeting for winter celebrations: Happy —
  3. This winter holiday was created in the USA in 1966
  4. Essential lighting for hygge spirit: found in Menorahs

8 Clues: An outdoors winter activityA Scandinavian Christmas lunchDanish for a warm cozy feelingWinter fun that melts in the sunA greeting for winter celebrations: Happy —MeyersUSA’s founder: a Saint that brings giftsThis winter holiday was created in the USA in 1966Essential lighting for hygge spirit: found in Menorahs

Chapter 7 Vocab 2022-04-20

Chapter 7 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. what to wear to stay warm when you ski
  2. the end of the week
  3. what you are when you first start something
  4. you go here on vacation
  5. in between the sea and the land
  6. rain falls from this
  7. the big ball of gas
  8. what you ski on
  9. you wear this to swim
  10. where you buy your ticket
  11. you wear this on your skin to block the sun
  12. this season is hot
  13. the previous 365 days
  14. what you buy in order to ski
  15. this weather happens in the winter
  16. where you skate in the winter
  17. the current 365 days
  18. you wear this over your eyes
  1. the previous 7 days
  2. you swim here
  3. a sport you can play on the beach
  4. this is how hot or cold something is
  5. the night soon to come
  6. you go here to ski
  7. what you are when you have been doing something a long time
  8. this season is cold
  9. you do this activity in the ocean on a board
  10. the top of what you ski on
  11. you surf with this
  12. something you use to dry yourself off with
  13. when you ski, you are a...
  14. the current 7 days
  15. you use this to take pictures
  16. what you skate on
  17. what you wear on your feet in the winter
  18. the day before today
  19. you say this when it is beautiful outside
  20. what you wear on your hands in the winter
  21. the day befores night
  22. where the fish live
  23. what you wear on your head to be safe

41 Clues: you swim herewhat you ski onwhat you skate onyou go here to skiyou surf with thisthe current 7 daysthis season is hotthe previous 7 daysthe end of the weekthis season is coldthe big ball of gaswhere the fish liverain falls from thisthe day before todaythe current 365 daysyou wear this to swimthe previous 365 daysthe day befores night...

Seasons 2023-11-24

Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. also known as autumn
  2. cold season
  3. plants blossoming season
  4. the period from the autumn equinox to the winter solstice.
  5. meteorological conditions
  6. freezing weather
  1. weather pattern
  2. water falling down from the sky
  3. brightness from the sun
  4. Hot season
  5. warm weather
  6. periods of usual weather, four seasons in a year

12 Clues: Hot seasoncold seasonwarm weatherweather patternfreezing weatheralso known as autumnbrightness from the sunplants blossoming seasonmeteorological conditionswater falling down from the skyperiods of usual weather, four seasons in a yearthe period from the autumn equinox to the winter solstice.

Months of the year 2022-07-18

Months of the year crossword puzzle
  1. This is the first month of the year
  2. We celebrate easter
  3. We celebrate our country
  4. We are on summer holidays
  5. We celebrate Christmas
  1. We are on winter holidays
  2. We celebrate Children's day
  3. We celebrate all saint's day
  4. Winter starts this month
  5. We celebrated Halloween
  6. We start school
  7. We celebrate Mother's day

12 Clues: We start schoolWe celebrate easterWe celebrate ChristmasWe celebrated HalloweenWinter starts this monthWe celebrate our countryWe are on winter holidaysWe are on summer holidaysWe celebrate Mother's dayWe celebrate Children's dayWe celebrate all saint's dayThis is the first month of the year

weather expressions 2024-01-04

weather expressions crossword puzzle
  1. description of the temperature in winter
  2. second month of spring
  3. happens in spring
  4. its very hot
  5. windy
  1. a nice day out
  2. last month of fall
  3. when its about to rain
  4. a cool day on the beach
  5. a typical day in summer
  6. in the winter
  7. its not fun to go outside

12 Clues: windyits very hotin the wintera nice day outhappens in springlast month of fallwhen its about to rainsecond month of springa cool day on the beacha typical day in summerits not fun to go outsidedescription of the temperature in winter

Winter Paula Druwé 2016-01-04

Winter Paula Druwé crossword puzzle
  1. een kind van dezelfde vader en moeder als jij
  2. de broer van je mama of papa
  3. de zoon van je mama haar man die niet jouw vader is
  4. de vrouw van je broer
  5. een kind van dezelfde vader en moeder als jij
  6. de mama van jouw man
  7. de zoon van je tante
  8. jouw mama haar papa
  1. de dochter van je mama haar man die niet jouw vader is
  2. de man van je zus
  3. de dochter van je tante
  4. de man van je mama die niet jouw echte vader is
  5. jouw mama haar mama
  6. de vrouw van je papa die niet jouw echt mama is
  7. de zus van je mama of papa

15 Clues: de man van je zusjouw mama haar mamajouw mama haar papade mama van jouw mande zoon van je tantede vrouw van je broerde dochter van je tantede zus van je mama of papade broer van je mama of papaeen kind van dezelfde vader en moeder als jijeen kind van dezelfde vader en moeder als jijde man van je mama die niet jouw echte vader is...

winter Sieben ilias 2017-02-01

winter Sieben ilias crossword puzzle
  1. hartjesdag
  2. witte neerslag
  3. vogel die niet kan vliegen
  4. vakantie tijdens de kerstperiode
  5. kledingstuk voor op je hoofd
  6. monster uit de sneeuw
  7. wat je legt onder de kerstboom
  1. dikke man die door schoorstenen kruipt
  2. doe je aan als je in de modder gaat stappen
  3. een haas die je ziet in de alpen
  4. met twee stukken hout van een berg af gaan
  5. boom die je versiert met kerst
  6. met sneeuw in de vorm van ballen gooien
  7. een pop van drie ballen sneeuw

14 Clues: hartjesdagwitte neerslagmonster uit de sneeuwvogel die niet kan vliegenkledingstuk voor op je hoofdboom die je versiert met kersteen pop van drie ballen sneeuwwat je legt onder de kerstboomeen haas die je ziet in de alpenvakantie tijdens de kerstperiodedikke man die door schoorstenen kruiptmet sneeuw in de vorm van ballen gooien...

Winter Sports 2 2021-09-01

Winter Sports 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Race that combines skiing and rifle shooting.
  2. Used for sliding downhill on snow.
  3. Type of skiing or snowboarding with obstacles such as rails and jumps.
  4. A combination of skiing or sliding with jumps and aerials.
  5. A 'v'shape made with skis.
  6. A team game played on ice with sticks.
  7. A team game played on ice with stones.
  1. Skiing between poles.
  2. A sledge in which two or four people race on ice.
  3. Bumps on a slope.
  4. A small sled where the rider is head-first, face down)on a flat sled.
  5. U-shaped channel by freestyle skiers and snowboarders for aerial tricks.
  6. Worn to protect your eyes against sun, wind and glare.
  7. A small sled on which one sleds supine and feet-first.

14 Clues: Bumps on a slope.Skiing between poles.A 'v'shape made with skis.Used for sliding downhill on snow.A team game played on ice with sticks.A team game played on ice with stones.Race that combines skiing and rifle shooting.A sledge in which two or four people race on ice.Worn to protect your eyes against sun, wind and glare....

Winter Emergency Preparedness 2021-12-11

Winter Emergency Preparedness crossword puzzle
  1. Dressing in multiple _____ will keep you warm when working outdoors.
  2. Confusion, slurred speech, memory loss, and lack of coordination are all signs of _____.
  3. You should refresh your emergency kit every _____.
  4. Those with medical conditions should include these in their emergency kits.
  5. Contact wearers should include a pair of these in their emergency kits.
  6. Your personal emergency kit should prepare you to shelter at _____ for up to 72 hours.
  1. Don't forget to have this handy for emergency purchases.
  2. Never use these indoors during power loss.
  3. While shoveling, _____ snow rather than lifting it.
  4. Have an extra one of these handy for your phone.
  5. Leading cause of winter injuries.
  6. Dry socks and gloves will help prevent _____.
  7. When driving in snow increase your following _____.
  8. One _____ of water a day per person in emergency kits.

14 Clues: Leading cause of winter injuries.Never use these indoors during power loss.Dry socks and gloves will help prevent _____.Have an extra one of these handy for your phone.You should refresh your emergency kit every _____.While shoveling, _____ snow rather than lifting it.When driving in snow increase your following _____....

Family Winter Fun 2022-01-27

Family Winter Fun crossword puzzle
  1. plastic or wooden thing to slide down a hill
  2. sometimes make these on a snow day
  3. traveling downhill on a donut
  4. make this when you need a healthy snack
  5. when it snows a lot it's fun to make this
  6. always a good pastime in the winter
  7. frozen water that falls from the sky
  1. low temperature and you need a coat and gloves
  2. February final big football game
  3. sliding around on the ice
  4. three big snowballs on top of each other
  5. this is great hot in a mug
  6. round pie that is good to eat any day
  7. watching these are great to relax on cold days

14 Clues: sliding around on the icethis is great hot in a mugtraveling downhill on a donutFebruary final big football gamesometimes make these on a snow dayalways a good pastime in the winterfrozen water that falls from the skyround pie that is good to eat any daymake this when you need a healthy snackthree big snowballs on top of each other...

Winter Issue Crossword 2022-01-21

Winter Issue Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Each is unique (whip out some scissors and paper to make one of your own)!
  2. When I'm thirty two, there might be snow!
  3. Warning: your neck might be wider than your head with me on.
  4. Your parents might have ridden one of these now-antiques.
  5. Snow's evil younger sibling and frequent visitor of NYC.
  6. Not quite snow, not quite rain...
  7. I clear the streets!
  1. Move around your arms and legs and get this heavenly being!
  2. 🎶___ nipping at your window!
  3. Feet extensions that glide through the snow.
  4. Pour this on snow for an old-fashioned snack!
  5. I keep your hands warm, though I have no fingers.
  6. The last full month of winter.
  7. Sledding on a school week?!

14 Clues: I clear the streets!Sledding on a school week?!🎶___ nipping at your window!The last full month of winter.Not quite snow, not quite rain...When I'm thirty two, there might be snow!Feet extensions that glide through the snow.Pour this on snow for an old-fashioned snack!I keep your hands warm, though I have no fingers....

Some winter fun 2022-01-18

Some winter fun crossword puzzle
  1. When it falls it's cold
  2. She is cute and likes to snuggle in your bed
  3. First name of the street, sounds nice
  4. What we need to wear to play outside
  5. Has the best books ever
  6. Where your other grandparents live
  7. One of my favorite things to do
  1. A good dessert and your newest dog
  2. Our favorite place in the summer
  3. my favorite season.
  4. The dog you had when you moved here
  5. State where we live
  6. This yellow cat likes to go outside
  7. york Where one of your grandmothers lives

14 Clues: my favorite season.State where we liveWhen it falls it's coldHas the best books everOne of my favorite things to doOur favorite place in the summerA good dessert and your newest dogWhere your other grandparents liveThe dog you had when you moved hereThis yellow cat likes to go outsideWhat we need to wear to play outside...

Some winter fun 2022-01-18

Some winter fun crossword puzzle
  1. When it falls it's cold
  2. She is cute and likes to snuggle in your bed
  3. First name of the street, sounds nice
  4. What we need to wear to play outside
  5. Has the best books ever
  6. Where your other grandparents live
  7. One of my favorite things to do
  1. A good dessert and your newest dog
  2. Our favorite place to play in the summer
  3. my favorite season.
  4. The dog you had when you moved here
  5. State where we live
  6. This yellow cat likes to go outside
  7. york Where one of your grandmothers lives

14 Clues: my favorite season.State where we liveWhen it falls it's coldHas the best books everOne of my favorite things to doA good dessert and your newest dogWhere your other grandparents liveThe dog you had when you moved hereThis yellow cat likes to go outsideWhat we need to wear to play outsideFirst name of the street, sounds nice...

Winter Camp Crossword 2022-11-21

Winter Camp Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The act of sharing the Gospel.
  2. The opposite of fantasy.
  3. A type of Ape.
  4. A group of people who are in the process of learning.
  5. What is the current season?
  6. What is it called when you get something you don't deserve?
  7. The animal that is the first word in the English dictionary.
  1. The international "Welcome Fruit".
  2. The focus of public attention.
  3. Christian work.
  4. What are you doing right now?
  5. The magical fruit. (The more you eat the more you toot)
  6. Where are you headed right now?
  7. The hero of Gotham City.

14 Clues: A type of Ape.Christian work.The opposite of fantasy.The hero of Gotham City.What is the current season?What are you doing right now?The focus of public attention.The act of sharing the Gospel.Where are you headed right now?The international "Welcome Fruit".A group of people who are in the process of learning....

Calgary Winter Club 2020-03-25

Calgary Winter Club crossword puzzle
  1. It's as cold as ice
  2. A challenging sport and a delicious vegetable
  3. Adults only lounge
  4. One is deeper, one is warmer
  5. 166 meters on the outside lane
  6. Choose 5 or 10 pins
  7. First stop for junior members
  1. Fashions & footwear
  2. crafts, games and climbing structure
  3. CWC competitive swim team
  4. Pebbled ice
  5. Stay out of the kitchen
  6. It's a shuttle, not a birdie!
  7. Score can contain love

14 Clues: Pebbled iceAdults only loungeIt's as cold as iceFashions & footwearChoose 5 or 10 pinsScore can contain loveStay out of the kitchenCWC competitive swim teamOne is deeper, one is warmerIt's a shuttle, not a birdie!First stop for junior members166 meters on the outside lanecrafts, games and climbing structure...

Winter Trip 2022 2022-12-24

Winter Trip 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. The activity of long walks
  2. A wheeled carriage that runs on a track
  3. A band that plays songs recorded by someone else
  4. Nickname for the state of Tennessee
  5. Great______ Mountains National Park
  6. A large public green area in a town(add grill)
  7. What contains gun powder and other combustible chemicals that cause a spectacular explosion
  8. Irises are the state flower of what state
  1. A machine gun invited during the civil war(drop g and add burg
  2. The action of purchasing goods from a store
  3. 680 River Road, Gatlinburg, Tn 37738
  4. What cover band would sing Wanted Dead or Alive
  5. What is celebrated on 12/31
  6. A game in which a small metal ball shoots across a sloping board and score points (museum)

14 Clues: The activity of long walksWhat is celebrated on 12/31Nickname for the state of TennesseeGreat______ Mountains National Park680 River Road, Gatlinburg, Tn 37738A wheeled carriage that runs on a trackIrises are the state flower of what stateThe action of purchasing goods from a storeA large public green area in a town(add grill)...

Words of Winter 2022-12-05

Words of Winter crossword puzzle
  1. Source of heat, using logs, in the home
  2. Sleep through the winter
  3. March birthstone
  4. Hand tool to remove snow from sidewalks
  5. Snow crashing down a mountain
  6. Fun thing to do on ice
  7. Name of persons going south for the winter
  1. ________the Snowman
  2. Cluster of ice crystals falling from the sky
  3. January birthstone
  4. February birthstone
  5. Another word for a snowstorm
  6. Something you sit on while riding down a hill
  7. Keep your feet warm while outside

14 Clues: March birthstoneJanuary birthstone________the SnowmanFebruary birthstoneFun thing to do on iceSleep through the winterAnother word for a snowstormSnow crashing down a mountainKeep your feet warm while outsideSource of heat, using logs, in the homeHand tool to remove snow from sidewalksName of persons going south for the winter...

Cozy winter crossword 2023-12-11

Cozy winter crossword crossword puzzle
  1. brown cookie
  2. it keeps the hands warm
  3. a sport on ice
  4. ball made out of snow
  5. season of snow and cold temperatures
  6. the last month of the year
  1. animal with antlers
  2. person with feather wings
  3. pretty objects used as decoration on christmas trees
  4. synonym for gift
  5. the sun reaches its maximum or minimum declination, marked by the longest and shortest days
  6. happy and cheerful
  7. person who sings carols
  8. another word for christmas

14 Clues: brown cookiea sport on icesynonym for gifthappy and cheerfulanimal with antlersball made out of snowit keeps the hands warmperson who sings carolsperson with feather wingsanother word for christmasthe last month of the yearseason of snow and cold temperaturespretty objects used as decoration on christmas trees...

Local Government: Winter Haven 2023-02-08

Local Government: Winter Haven crossword puzzle
  1. Year Winter Haven was incorporated into a city.
  2. Amendment in the US Constitution that recognizes city governments.
  3. The city where your school is located.
  4. Known as municipal or local government,
  5. Provide legal services authorized by the City Commission
  1. City Manager system was designed to combat ____________and ___________activity in local government.
  2. Administrative head of day-to-day operations and oversees all city departments.
  3. Year Winter Haven was incorporated into a town.
  4. Form of city government utilized by Winter Haven
  5. Last name of the City Clerk
  6. Last name of the City Manager
  7. Position held by Bradley T. Dantzler
  8. Last name of the City Attorney
  9. Responsible for providing notice of all City Commission meetings, keeping minutes of those, and maintains custody of the city seal and official records.

14 Clues: Last name of the City ClerkLast name of the City ManagerLast name of the City AttorneyPosition held by Bradley T. DantzlerThe city where your school is located.Known as municipal or local government,Year Winter Haven was incorporated into a city.Year Winter Haven was incorporated into a town.Form of city government utilized by Winter Haven...

Our Earth in motion 2013-10-29

Our Earth in motion crossword puzzle
  1. this and the antarctic has full daylight oor darkness each Winter and Summer
  2. the line that ddivides the world into Northen and Southern hemispheres
  3. the other side of the world is experiancing daylight
  4. this and the artic circle has full daylight oor darkness each Winter and Summer
  5. there are 24 _______ in the world
  6. the earth does what every 23.52 hours?
  7. there are two of these. One is North and one is South
  8. the earth is on its what?
  9. the earth does this to the sun every year
  10. horizontal
  11. light
  12. a tide that is very jumpy
  13. the season that is cold
  14. the moon has these
  15. the earth is on a 23 degrees what?
  16. the planet that we live on
  17. the thing that shines in the night
  1. the ocean has these
  2. the season before winter
  3. the shortest or the longest day of the year
  4. vertical
  5. The date when the sun crosses the equator when day and night are equal (September and March)
  6. the earth has _______ line that makes everything fal to the ground
  7. the season that is hot
  8. the thing the earth revolves around every 365.25 days
  9. the other side of the world is experiancing darkness
  10. the place where the greenwich merridian is
  11. has a progressivley bigger part of the moons visible surface illuminated, so that it appears to increasein size.
  12. has a progressively smaller part of the moons visible surface illuminated, so that it appears to decrease in size.
  13. a tide that is very weak
  14. this is something that changes as the weather changes

31 Clues: lightverticalhorizontalthe moon has thesethe ocean has thesethe season that is hotthe season that is coldthe season before wintera tide that is very weakthe earth is on its what?a tide that is very jumpythe planet that we live onthere are 24 _______ in the worldthe earth is on a 23 degrees what?the thing that shines in the night...