winter Crossword Puzzles

The Ant and the Grasshopper 2024-08-05

The Ant and the Grasshopper crossword puzzle
  1. Grasshopper does not work ___ ant.
  2. Grasshopper sees ___.
  3. Grasshopper ___ no food.
  4. The ___ is green, the sky is blue.
  5. Now grasshopper ___.
  6. ___ is no time, winter is coming.
  1. She is ___ corn.
  2. The grass ___.
  3. Come ___ with me ant.
  4. It is a sunny ___ day.
  5. He does not ___ food for winter.
  6. She saves ___ of food.

12 Clues: The grass ___.She is ___ corn.Now grasshopper ___.Grasshopper sees ___.Come ___ with me ant.It is a sunny ___ day.She saves ___ of food.Grasshopper ___ no food.He does not ___ food for winter.___ is no time, winter is coming.Grasshopper does not work ___ ant.The ___ is green, the sky is blue.

Local Government: Winter Haven 2023-02-08

Local Government: Winter Haven crossword puzzle
  1. Year Winter Haven was incorporated into a city.
  2. Amendment in the US Constitution that recognizes city governments.
  3. The city where your school is located.
  4. Known as municipal or local government,
  5. Provide legal services authorized by the City Commission
  1. City Manager system was designed to combat ____________and ___________activity in local government.
  2. Administrative head of day-to-day operations and oversees all city departments.
  3. Year Winter Haven was incorporated into a town.
  4. Form of city government utilized by Winter Haven
  5. Last name of the City Clerk
  6. Last name of the City Manager
  7. Position held by Bradley T. Dantzler
  8. Last name of the City Attorney
  9. Responsible for providing notice of all City Commission meetings, keeping minutes of those, and maintains custody of the city seal and official records.

14 Clues: Last name of the City ClerkLast name of the City ManagerLast name of the City AttorneyPosition held by Bradley T. DantzlerThe city where your school is located.Known as municipal or local government,Year Winter Haven was incorporated into a city.Year Winter Haven was incorporated into a town.Form of city government utilized by Winter Haven...

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! 2022-12-12

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! crossword puzzle
  1. How many ghosts show up in A Christmas Carol?
  2. The name of The Grinch's dog
  3. Which actor played 6 different worlds in The Polar Express
  4. Will Ferrell's name in Elf
  5. The shortest day of the year is called Winter ________
  6. Frosty the Snowman's nose was made out of this
  7. Jack Skellington's nickname in The Nightmare Before Christmas
  8. In Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, what was the first name of Scrooge?
  9. The state where dog sledding first started
  10. This person unsuccessfully tried to trademark themselves as "The Queen of Christmas" this year
  11. What children had visions of in Twas the Night Before Christmas
  12. The number of nights that Hanukkah lasts
  13. The state where Illinois was filmed
  14. Love Actually is based in this city
  15. The name of the candlabra that is lit each night of Hanukkah
  1. The country that has won the most winter olympics
  2. The Grinch lives on Mount _________
  3. A happening under the mistletoe
  4. Who said, "God bless us every one?"
  5. The movie Miracle on 34th Street is based on a real-life department store. What is it?
  6. The name of the head elf in the North Pole in the movie The Santa Clause
  7. Zodiac sign from November 22nd to December
  8. The number of candles in Kwanzaa's Kinara (candleabra)
  9. A fruit that has a type called "Winter Banana"
  10. What Hansel and Gretel's house was made of
  11. What it's called when animals sleep during winter
  12. What got its wings every time a bell rang in the movie It's a Wonderful Life?
  13. Santa's reindeer whose name starts with the letter P
  14. A popular lactic holiday drink

29 Clues: Will Ferrell's name in ElfThe name of The Grinch's dogA popular lactic holiday drinkA happening under the mistletoeThe Grinch lives on Mount _________Who said, "God bless us every one?"The state where Illinois was filmedLove Actually is based in this cityThe number of nights that Hanukkah lastsZodiac sign from November 22nd to December...

SEASONS U. 14 2013-05-19

SEASONS   U. 14 crossword puzzle
  1. detsember
  2. jaanuar
  3. sügis
  4. millal(küsisõna)
  5. mai
  6. aprill
  7. puhkus
  8. lihavõtted
  9. kevad
  1. juuni
  2. veebruar
  3. jõulud
  4. talv
  5. kuu
  6. juuli
  7. märts
  8. oktoober
  9. suvi

18 Clues: kuumaitalvsuvijuunisügisjuulimärtskevadjõuludaprillpuhkusjaanuarveebruaroktooberdetsemberlihavõttedmillal(küsisõna)

angielski 2020-12-06

angielski crossword puzzle
  1. śnieg
  2. aplikacja
  3. morze
  4. pszczoła
  5. zima
  6. uczniowie - studenci
  7. zwierzęta
  8. klawiatura
  9. paszport
  10. woda
  1. głośniki
  2. środa
  3. kino
  4. muzeum
  5. pilot
  6. włosy
  7. gry
  8. zdjęcie

18 Clues: grykinozimawodaśniegmorześrodapilotwłosymuzeumzdjęciegłośnikipszczołapaszportaplikacjazwierzętaklawiaturauczniowie - studenci

My Solutions Team 2017-01-31

My Solutions Team crossword puzzle
  1. Asfaw
  2. Komma
  3. Gande
  4. Sayid
  5. Lui
  6. Ali
  7. Van
  8. Matches
  1. Vign
  2. mohammed
  3. age
  4. Chen
  5. wood
  6. Winter
  7. cute
  8. Chen
  9. capital city
  10. Ozeri
  11. wuynkler

19 Clues: ageLuiAliVanVignChenwoodcuteChenAsfawKommaGandeSayidOzeriWinterMatchesmohammedwuynklercapital city


SEASONS AND MONTHS crossword puzzle
  1. лето
  2. февраль
  3. сентябрь
  4. январь
  5. март
  6. июль
  7. время года
  8. ноябрь
  9. зима
  1. июнь
  2. декабрь
  3. октябрь
  4. август
  5. апрель
  6. месяц
  7. осень
  8. май
  9. весна

18 Clues: майиюньлетомартиюльзимамесяцосеньвеснаавгустапрельянварьноябрьдекабрьоктябрьфевральсентябрьвремя года

Sports / Friends 2023-04-02

Sports / Friends crossword puzzle
  1. blåsigt
  2. åska
  3. bossig
  4. soligt
  5. gå-promenera
  6. farlig
  1. idag
  2. vän
  3. vinter
  4. besöka
  5. exakt
  6. molningt
  7. klättra
  8. vår
  9. sommar
  10. sura
  11. slåss
  12. höst

18 Clues: vänvåridagåskasurahöstexaktslåssvinterbesökabossigsommarsoligtfarligblåsigtklättramolningtgå-promenera

New words 2024-01-09

New words crossword puzzle
  1. снежный
  2. климат
  3. тропический
  4. осень
  5. год
  6. ветреный
  7. экватор
  8. время года
  9. пустыня
  10. сухой
  1. солнечный
  2. весна
  3. зима
  4. дождливый
  5. полярный
  6. влажный
  7. умеренный
  8. лето

18 Clues: годзималетовеснаосеньсухойклиматснежныйвлажныйэкваторпустыняполярныйветреныйсолнечныйдождливыйумеренныйвремя годатропический

Las cuatro estaciones 2024-03-12

Las cuatro estaciones crossword puzzle
  1. This day is during November where everyone enjoys a big thankful feast
  2. Going down a big hill, it's a winter activity
  3. Which season is characterized by the longest nights and shortest days
  4. You carve this out, it's a fall activity
  5. This day is specific to you and celebrates you
  6. A classic winter drink
  7. This month has a special day that comes every 4 years
  1. What season's showers bring May flowers
  2. What fruit is available during September-November
  3. What is the term for the transition period between winter and spring
  4. What season follows summer
  5. You wear this in the summer to protect you from the sun
  6. You wear this when it is very cold outside
  7. A classic summer dessert, comes in many flavors

14 Clues: A classic winter drinkWhat season follows summerWhat season's showers bring May flowersYou carve this out, it's a fall activityYou wear this when it is very cold outsideGoing down a big hill, it's a winter activityThis day is specific to you and celebrates youA classic summer dessert, comes in many flavors...

My Solutions Team 2017-01-31

My Solutions Team crossword puzzle
  1. Van
  2. Vign
  3. wood
  4. capital city
  5. Ozeri
  6. Asfaw
  7. Sayid
  8. Winter
  9. Chen
  10. Lui
  11. Komma
  1. cute
  2. mohammed
  3. Matches
  4. age
  5. wuynkler
  6. Ali
  7. Gande
  8. Chen

19 Clues: VanageAliLuicuteVignwoodChenChenOzeriAsfawSayidGandeKommaWinterMatchesmohammedwuynklercapital city


SEASONS AND MONTHS crossword puzzle
  1. ноябрь
  2. апрель
  3. месяц
  4. декабрь
  5. август
  6. январь
  7. май
  8. июнь
  9. весна
  1. сентябрь
  2. октябрь
  3. март
  4. зима
  5. февраль
  6. июль
  7. лето
  8. осень
  9. время года

18 Clues: маймартзимаиюльлетоиюньмесяцосеньвеснаноябрьапрельавгустянварьоктябрьфевральдекабрьсентябрьвремя года

las estaciones y el tiempo 2023-11-07

las estaciones y el tiempo crossword puzzle
  1. itsraining
  2. hot
  3. windy
  4. fall
  5. winter
  6. itssnowing
  7. chilly/cool
  8. degrees
  9. season
  10. badweather
  1. cloudy
  2. summer
  3. goodweather
  4. spring
  5. sunny
  6. weather
  7. temperature
  8. cold

18 Clues: hotfallcoldwindysunnycloudysummerspringwinterseasonweatherdegreesitsrainingitssnowingbadweathergoodweathertemperaturechilly/cool

Project 3 1A A new home 2st part 2015-10-25

Project 3 1A A new home 2st part crossword puzzle
  1. pořád
  2. dávat přednost
  3. oblíbený
  4. darebný
  5. počasí
  6. léto
  7. brzy
  8. strana
  9. bohatý
  1. jiný
  2. plachtění
  3. rodiče
  4. ragby
  5. neobvyklý
  6. tichý
  7. zima
  8. pršet
  9. moře

18 Clues: jinýzimalétobrzymořepořádragbytichýpršetrodičepočasístranabohatýdarebnýoblíbenýplachtěníneobvyklýdávat přednost

Les saisons 2016-05-13

Les saisons crossword puzzle
  1. rain
  2. sun
  3. tree
  4. snow
  5. beach umbrella
  6. snowman
  7. winter
  8. pool
  9. flower
  1. beach
  2. shovel
  3. pumpkin
  4. leave
  5. umbrella
  6. spring
  7. fall
  8. summer
  9. rake

18 Clues: sunraintreesnowfallrakepoolbeachleaveshovelspringsummerwinterflowerpumpkinsnowmanumbrellabeach umbrella

engi hom mum 2022-12-15

engi hom mum crossword puzzle
  1. rower
  2. zmeczony
  3. zima
  4. jesien
  5. olowek
  6. glodny
  7. przedpokoj
  8. wc ubikacja
  9. kuchnia
  10. lato
  1. spodniczka
  2. lazienka
  3. kura
  4. szczeniak
  5. zmarzniety
  6. koza
  7. spodnie
  8. sypialnia

18 Clues: kurazimakozalatorowerjesienolowekglodnyspodniekuchnialazienkazmeczonyszczeniaksypialniaspodniczkazmarznietyprzedpokojwc ubikacja

Christmas in Btown 2022-12-11

Christmas in Btown crossword puzzle
  1. Frost He nips at your nose
  2. kissing branch
  3. Christmas songs
  4. classic Christams ballet
  5. "It's a Wonderful _"
  6. ornament material
  7. steamy chocolate beverage
  8. hilly winter activity
  9. long neck wrap
  10. messy Christmas tree decoration
  11. tried to steal Christmas
  12. Christmastime plumage
  13. gift topper
  14. tree illumination
  15. yolky beverage
  16. Miscreants stocking stuffer
  17. Point Reindeer
  18. Holiday season
  19. Christmas string element
  20. Mantle décor
  21. Stewart who played Bailey
  22. Angel or Star
  23. nice (ant)
  24. Chris Cringle
  25. Jingle or silver
  26. Holiday Crooner
  1. Frozen H2O
  2. cover the gifts
  3. ornament hangers
  4. pointy eared helpers
  5. December 26th in England
  6. Christmas Mailer
  7. not even they were stirring
  8. Scrooge
  9. BB gun recipient
  10. traditional Christmas dinner
  11. He had a blue Christmas
  12. Goes in the goose
  13. Gift tag word
  14. Common Christmas confection
  15. a glittery tree wrap
  16. 1983 hot Christmas gift for kids
  17. cold weather hand coverings
  18. sticky gifting tool
  19. Frosties magic source
  20. fruity fairy
  21. common Christmas tree variety
  22. Winter precipitation
  23. Minty Stocking Stuffer
  24. Lee who rocked around the Christmas tree
  25. Santa's were shiny and black
  26. Santa's ride

52 Clues: ScroogeFrozen H2Onice (ant)gift topperfruity fairyMantle décorSanta's rideGift tag wordAngel or StarChris Cringlekissing branchlong neck wrapyolky beveragePoint ReindeerHoliday seasoncover the giftsChristmas songsHoliday Croonerornament hangersChristmas MailerBB gun recipientJingle or silverornament materialGoes in the goosetree illumination...

Canada 2022-10-14

Canada crossword puzzle
  1. sport equipment to protect your head
  2. a place where the Winter Olympic games took place in 1998
  3. a French-speaking province
  4. several cultural or ethnic communities within a society
  5. the man who gave Canada its name
  6. a name community which meaning “eater of raw meat”
  7. a hard rubber disc used in ice hockey
  8. one of the smallest ethnic communities in Canada
  9. the largest ethnic community in Canada
  10. sport equipment used to protect your knees
  11. a province between British Columbia and Saskatchewan
  12. sport equipment to protect your hand and fingers
  1. a place where the Summer Olympic games took place in 1976
  2. a Canadian winter sport
  3. a province in the south west of Canada
  4. the man who founded Quebec
  5. a province south of Nunavut
  6. the second largest ethnic community in Canada
  7. a place where the Winter Olympic games took place in 2010
  8. the First Nations people
  9. the capital city of Canada
  10. the province where the capital city of Canada is
  11. an ethnic community whose ancestor came to Canada to build railways
  12. a Huron-Iroquois word which means village
  13. a summer sport, the name means “little war”

25 Clues: a Canadian winter sportthe First Nations peoplethe man who founded Quebeca French-speaking provincethe capital city of Canadaa province south of Nunavutthe man who gave Canada its namesport equipment to protect your heada hard rubber disc used in ice hockeya province in the south west of Canadathe largest ethnic community in Canada...


  1. / You use it to pay for things.
  2. / You do you hair with it.
  3. / You put it on your bed in winter to keep you warm.
  4. / You put food on it.
  5. / You wear them on your hands to keep them warm.
  6. / You do you hair with it.
  7. / You wear it on the upper part of your body. It has buttons down the front.
  8. / It's a soft object to decorate a sofa or a chair.
  9. / You wear it around your neck in winter.
  10. / You wear them on your feet, inside your shoes.
  11. / You take photos with this.
  1. / Earrings, necklaces, rings...
  2. / It tells you the time.
  3. / You wear them to see better.
  4. / You wear it around your waist.
  5. / You wear them on your legs.
  6. / You wear it in winter over your clothes when you go outside.
  7. / A kind of shoes you use to do sport.
  8. / You eat soup or milk with cereal from it.
  9. / You drink coffee or tea from it.
  10. / It gives you light.
  11. / They are open shoes that you wear in summer.
  12. / It's like a dress but just up to your waist.
  13. / It's a kind of hat.

24 Clues: / You put food on it./ It gives you light./ It's a kind of hat./ It tells you the time./ You do you hair with it./ You do you hair with it./ You take photos with this./ You wear them to see better./ You wear them on your legs./ Earrings, necklaces, rings.../ You use it to pay for things./ You wear it around your waist....


  1. Have this atleast twice a week
  2. If you go out in this you will get wet
  3. Don't use this method of cooking
  4. Remember to lose weight energy in must be less than energy ----
  5. You should still eat this in winter
  6. If you are using pastry use this type
  7. Don't use more than a scraping of this
  8. Having this in winter will warm you up.
  9. Use tuna packed in this
  10. Don't make these
  11. if you want one know what in it
  12. You should exercise at least this many times per week
  13. this will keep your head warm
  1. cheese should be low in this
  2. Use this to stop sticking
  3. When it's cold you want to eat this type of food
  4. This puts you off exercising in the winter
  5. If it is wet or cold you can still exercise here
  6. It is very important to keep these small
  7. This adds flavour to food without calories
  8. If you want chips cook them this way
  9. You should only have 3 slices of this per day
  10. This generally contains a lot of fat
  11. Avoid this in soups
  12. A serving of this is half a cup

25 Clues: Don't make theseAvoid this in soupsUse tuna packed in thisUse this to stop stickingcheese should be low in thisthis will keep your head warmHave this atleast twice a weekif you want one know what in itA serving of this is half a cupDon't use this method of cookingYou should still eat this in winterIf you want chips cook them this way...

Peter's family puzzle 2017-01-15

Peter's family puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Father
  2. Ouch, says Walter
  3. Arena
  4. Not nearby
  5. Popular pet
  6. Smooth out with a hot appliance
  7. Opposite of she
  8. Jason's father
  9. Summer water activity
  10. Contains ink
  11. Take this when walking Walter
  12. Use it to row a boat
  13. Opposite of down
  14. February 12
  15. Opposite of out
  16. She lives at 188
  17. UP's wife
  18. UP
  19. Chinese bear in black & white
  20. Use your tongue
  21. How Walter learns about his world
  22. Friend
  23. Mother
  24. Bright colour
  25. Puppy command that rhymes with hay
  26. Skinny fish
  27. Video game unit
  1. Number 1 in deck of cards
  2. After winter
  3. Our country
  4. Game: __ and seek
  5. Command for Walter when walking, rhymes with feel
  6. Red, itchy skin
  7. Peter's fashion statement
  8. Walter leaves these in fresh snow
  9. Home for a bird
  10. Location for winter activity
  11. Baby dog
  12. Move fast
  13. New family member
  14. Peter's favourite colour
  15. My brother
  16. Favourite cuddle buddy
  17. Recess is time to __
  18. Gentle rub
  19. Christmas __, when Santa loads the sleigh
  20. Winter activity
  21. I __, you are
  22. Happy tail wave

49 Clues: UPArenaFatherFriendMotherBaby dogMove fastUP's wifeNot nearbyMy brotherGentle rubOur countryPopular petFebruary 12Skinny fishAfter winterContains inkBright colourI __, you areJason's fatherRed, itchy skinOpposite of sheHome for a birdOpposite of outUse your tongueWinter activityVideo game unitHappy tail waveOpposite of downShe lives at 188...

Clothes and accessories 2024-02-09

Clothes and accessories crossword puzzle
  1. It is on my feet so I do not get cold
  2. Men wear this on their necks
  3. I put this on my legs
  4. Zichen wears this a lot
  5. It is a short ankle pants I can wear during the summer
  6. People wear this to keep their necks warm
  7. I wear this to see
  8. People put this on their eyes when it is sunny
  9. I wear denim on my legs
  10. It is something girls wear that is not a pants
  11. It is on my head to keep me warm in the winter
  1. I wear this in the fall or spring
  2. I wear this to work. It is like khakis
  3. It is a baseball hat
  4. This is what I wear around the house
  5. I wear this during the summer to keep my legs cool
  6. I wear this to keep my hands warm in the winter
  7. It is a piece of jewelry I put on my wrist
  8. It is a kind of coat in the winter
  9. I put this on to walk outside
  10. Girls wear this for a party
  11. I put this on to tell the time
  12. I wear this to look professional for work

23 Clues: I wear this to seeIt is a baseball hatI put this on my legsZichen wears this a lotI wear denim on my legsGirls wear this for a partyMen wear this on their necksI put this on to walk outsideI put this on to tell the timeI wear this in the fall or springIt is a kind of coat in the winterThis is what I wear around the house...

The Groundhog's Forecast 2015-02-02

The Groundhog's Forecast crossword puzzle
  1. Phil predicts how long the ____________________ will last.
  2. The shadow ____________________ that winter is not yet done.
  3. Phil ____________________ his shadow!
  4. Puxatawney Phil is America's most ____________________ groundhog.
  5. Each February 2, the ____________________ has a Groundhog Day celebration.
  1. He ____________________ in Puxatawney, Pennsylvania.
  2. Every February 2, America celebrates ____________________ Day.
  3. The shadow means we have six more ____________________ of winter.
  4. On February 2, ____________________ gather near Phil's hole.
  5. They all want to know if Phil saw his ____________________.

10 Clues: Phil ____________________ his shadow!He ____________________ in Puxatawney, Pennsylvania.Phil predicts how long the ____________________ will last.They all want to know if Phil saw his ____________________.The shadow ____________________ that winter is not yet done.On February 2, ____________________ gather near Phil's hole....

Eric moon winter cross word 2016-11-28

Eric moon winter cross word crossword puzzle
  1. will give you present.
  2. is the thing that you like in side.
  3. help the santa go somewhere.
  4. you sleep the santa will give you present .
  5. you also can eat candy.
  6. in the winter it will have snow.
  1. it will light up so it is pretty.
  2. winter the snow will be on tree.
  3. you can eat it in winter.
  4. you put it somewhere the santa will put present in it.

10 Clues: will give you also can eat can eat it in the santa go somewhere.winter the snow will be on the winter it will have will light up so it is the thing that you like in sleep the santa will give you present .you put it somewhere the santa will put present in it.

Welke sieraden draagt zij? 2019-03-01

Welke sieraden draagt zij? crossword puzzle
  1. Dit draag je op je neus.
  2. Dit draag je om je arm.
  3. Dit draag je aan je handen in de winter.
  4. Dit draag je op je hoofd.
  5. Dit draag je om je nek.
  1. Dit draag je in je oren.
  2. Dit draag je om je vinger.
  3. Dit draag je op je hoofd in de winter.
  4. Dit draag je om je nek in de winter.
  5. Dit draag je om je hoofd.

10 Clues: Dit draag je om je arm.Dit draag je om je nek.Dit draag je in je oren.Dit draag je op je neus.Dit draag je om je hoofd.Dit draag je op je hoofd.Dit draag je om je vinger.Dit draag je om je nek in de winter.Dit draag je op je hoofd in de winter.Dit draag je aan je handen in de winter.

January Puzzle 2024-01-18

January Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. another word for frost
  2. when you have no school and its snowing outside its called a __________
  3. We celebrate his birthday every year on Januray 15th
  4. the season of January
  5. the animal of the zodiac sign for january
  1. in war in the winter with spheres of snow
  2. frosty the ________
  3. zodiac sign from January
  4. going down the hills in the snow
  5. when it's winter, everything is made out of _____

10 Clues: frosty the ________the season of Januaryanother word for frostzodiac sign from Januarygoing down the hills in the snowin war in the winter with spheres of snowthe animal of the zodiac sign for januarywhen it's winter, everything is made out of _____We celebrate his birthday every year on Januray 15th...

El invierno 2014-01-16

El invierno crossword puzzle
  1. skier
  2. ticket
  3. telesilla
  4. boot
  5. beginner
  6. nieve
  7. winter
  8. mountain
  1. esquiar
  2. yesterday
  3. temperature
  4. coat
  5. slope
  6. ventanilla
  7. below zero
  8. expert
  9. glove
  10. snow

18 Clues: coatbootsnowskierslopeglovenieveticketexpertwinteresquiarbeginnermountainyesterdaytelesillaventanillabelow zerotemperature

Project 3 1A A new home 2st part 2015-10-25

Project 3 1A A new home 2st part crossword puzzle
  1. tichý
  2. rodiče
  3. oblíbený
  4. pršet
  5. jiný
  6. darebný
  7. bohatý
  8. léto
  9. moře
  10. počasí
  1. zima
  2. plachtění
  3. brzy
  4. pořád
  5. dávat přednost
  6. neobvyklý
  7. ragby
  8. strana

18 Clues: zimabrzyjinýlétomořetichýpořádpršetragbyrodičebohatýstranapočasídarebnýoblíbenýplachtěníneobvyklýdávat přednost


  1. thursday
  2. spring
  3. dress
  4. socks
  5. summer
  6. hat
  7. cloudy
  8. shoes
  9. t-shirt
  10. winter
  1. raincoat
  2. shirt
  3. skirt
  4. january
  5. pants
  6. saturday
  7. fall
  8. march

18 Clues: hatfallshirtskirtpantsdresssocksshoesmarchspringsummercloudywinterjanuaryt-shirtraincoatthursdaysaturday

Weather, Seasons and Nature 2021-04-22

Weather, Seasons and Nature crossword puzzle
  1. spring
  2. river
  3. snow
  4. autumn
  5. cloudy
  6. flower
  7. mountain
  8. hot spring
  1. winter
  2. summer
  3. waterfall
  4. tree
  5. ocean
  6. rain
  7. volcano
  8. village
  9. sunny
  10. forest

18 Clues: treesnowrainriveroceansunnywintersummerspringautumncloudyflowerforestvolcanovillagemountainwaterfallhot spring

Crossword 2022-12-26

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. куртка
  2. важный
  3. нетерпеливый
  4. шумный
  5. зонтик
  6. ключ
  7. странный
  8. картинка, фото
  9. полезный
  1. кресло
  2. гость
  3. совет
  4. терпеливый
  5. стул
  6. зима
  7. бесполезный
  8. подушка
  9. звук

18 Clues: стулзимаключзвукгостьсоветкреслокурткаважныйшумныйзонтикподушкастранныйполезныйтерпеливыйбесполезныйнетерпеливыйкартинка, фото


SEASONS AND WEATHER crossword puzzle
  1. sneg
  2. oblačno
  3. sončno
  4. delno oblačno
  5. dež
  6. toča
  7. poletje
  8. vroče
  9. zima
  1. megleno
  2. nevihta
  3. vetrovno
  4. pomlad
  5. mrzlo
  6. hladno
  7. ledeno
  8. jesen
  9. toplo

18 Clues: dežsnegtočazimamrzlojesenvročetoplosončnopomladhladnoledenomeglenonevihtaoblačnopoletjevetrovnodelno oblačno

Les Vêtements Vocabulary 2024-05-09

Les Vêtements Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. blouse
  2. dress
  3. mittens
  4. hat
  5. skirt
  6. socks
  7. belt
  8. sandels
  1. jacket
  2. pants
  3. sunglasses
  4. boots
  5. tie
  6. coat
  7. sweater
  8. shoes
  9. shorts
  10. winter hat

18 Clues: tiehatcoatbeltpantsdressbootsshoesskirtsocksjacketblouseshortsmittenssweatersandelssunglasseswinter hat

Christmas crossword 2021-12-15

Christmas crossword crossword puzzle
  1. children make these in the winter
  2. short description of winter
  3. it is frozen water
  4. month of new year
  1. title
  2. usually happens in winter
  3. month of christmas
  4. popular christmas character

8 Clues: titlemonth of new yearmonth of christmasit is frozen waterusually happens in wintershort description of winterpopular christmas characterchildren make these in the winter

Christmas crossword 2021-12-15

Christmas crossword crossword puzzle
  1. short description of winter
  2. it is frozen water
  3. usually happens in winter
  4. title
  5. month of new year
  1. month of christmas
  2. popular christmas character
  3. children make these in the winter

8 Clues: titlemonth of new yearmonth of christmasit is frozen waterusually happens in wintershort description of winterpopular christmas characterchildren make these in the winter

GFR House April Bdays Daya & Griffin 2023-04-18

GFR House April Bdays Daya & Griffin crossword puzzle
  1. Daya's extra curricular STEM activity
  2. Griffin's art
  3. Daya's winter sport
  4. sport Daya coached this winter
  1. Griffin's winter sport
  2. # of sports Griffin plays
  3. Griffin's fall sport
  4. the instrument Daya plays

8 Clues: Griffin's artDaya's winter sportGriffin's fall sportGriffin's winter sport# of sports Griffin playsthe instrument Daya playssport Daya coached this winterDaya's extra curricular STEM activity


  1. clothes with a zipper, what makes warm
  2. man's underwear
  3. office man wear it around his neck
  4. only int the swimmingpool or on the beach
  5. winter clothes, you wear it around you neck
  6. everybody put it on the feet
  1. only women wear on their feet
  2. only girls wear it and Scottish mans
  3. we put it on our hand, when it is winter
  4. winter shoe, what women wear

10 Clues: man's underwearwinter shoe, what women weareverybody put it on the feetonly women wear on their feetoffice man wear it around his neckonly girls wear it and Scottish mansclothes with a zipper, what makes warmwe put it on our hand, when it is winteronly int the swimmingpool or on the beachwinter clothes, you wear it around you neck

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023 2022-11-25

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. money, new years, relatives, special envelope
  2. in the sky, flying high, many shapes and sizes
  3. soba, new years eve, japanese tradition
  4. winter sport, snowy mountain, going down
  5. new years, special card, japanese tradition
  1. winter activity, on the ice, difficult special shoes
  2. card game, two players, new years activity
  3. hot food, winter, soup, convenience store
  4. temple, special paper, 100 yen, good or bad, luck
  5. new year , rising sun, early morning

10 Clues: new year , rising sun, early morningsoba, new years eve, japanese traditionwinter sport, snowy mountain, going downhot food, winter, soup, convenience storecard game, two players, new years activitynew years, special card, japanese traditionmoney, new years, relatives, special envelopein the sky, flying high, many shapes and sizes...

Österreich 2019-12-02

Österreich crossword puzzle
  1. Wo liegt Österreich? Unterhalb von...
  2. Bekannter Sänger : ... Gabalier
  3. Wo liegt Mozarts Geburtshaus?
  4. Wie viele Bundesländer gibt es?
  5. Höchster Berg
  6. Hauptstadt
  1. Sommer ... und Winter Skifahren
  2. Erster Kaiser: Kaiser ... 1.
  3. 1995 ... der Europäischen Union
  4. Hofreitschule: e... der Welt
  5. Fällt im Winter

11 Clues: HauptstadtHöchster BergFällt im WinterErster Kaiser: Kaiser ... 1.Hofreitschule: e... der WeltWo liegt Mozarts Geburtshaus?Sommer ... und Winter Skifahren1995 ... der Europäischen UnionBekannter Sänger : ... GabalierWie viele Bundesländer gibt es?Wo liegt Österreich? Unterhalb von...

Eric moon winter cross word 2016-11-28

Eric moon winter cross word crossword puzzle
  1. will give you present.
  2. is the thing that you like in side.
  3. help the santa go somewhere.
  4. you sleep the santa will give you present .
  5. you also can eat candy.
  6. in the winter it will have snow.
  1. it will light up so it is pretty.
  2. winter the snow will be on tree.
  3. you can eat it in winter.
  4. you put it somewhere the santa will put present in it.

10 Clues: will give you also can eat can eat it in the santa go somewhere.winter the snow will be on the winter it will have will light up so it is the thing that you like in sleep the santa will give you present .you put it somewhere the santa will put present in it.

Eric moon winter cross word 2016-11-28

Eric moon winter cross word crossword puzzle
  1. will give you present.
  2. is the thing that you like in side.
  3. help the santa go somewhere.
  4. you sleep the santa will give you present .
  5. you also can eat candy.
  6. in the winter it will have snow.
  1. it will light up so it is pretty.
  2. winter the snow will be on tree.
  3. you can eat it in winter.
  4. you put it somewhere the santa will put present in it.

10 Clues: will give you also can eat can eat it in the santa go somewhere.winter the snow will be on the winter it will have will light up so it is the thing that you like in sleep the santa will give you present .you put it somewhere the santa will put present in it.

Seasons 2024-04-14

Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. the days are very hot
  2. the leaves of the trees fall down in this season
  3. the peaople use this to protect the neck in winter
  4. in winter you can find ______
  5. cream the people eat ___________ in summer
  1. in this season the people go on ___________
  2. the days are very cold
  3. in this season there are many ___________
  4. the days are ______ in autumn
  5. there are many flowers in this season

10 Clues: the days are very hotthe days are very coldthe days are ______ in autumnin winter you can find ______there are many flowers in this seasonin this season there are many ___________in this season the people go on ___________cream the people eat ___________ in summerthe leaves of the trees fall down in this season...

Reine des neiges 2021-06-01

Reine des neiges crossword puzzle
  1. ice
  2. wolf
  3. true, genuine
  4. coronation
  5. winter
  6. hair
  7. kingdom
  8. queen
  9. castle
  10. heart
  11. snow
  1. reindeer
  2. gloves
  3. hug, cuddle
  4. head
  5. love
  6. snowman
  7. rock
  8. summer

19 Clues: iceheadlovewolfrockhairsnowqueenheartglovessummerwintercastlesnowmankingdomreindeercoronationhug, cuddletrue, genuine

Unit 3, Unit 4 2022-11-01

Unit 3, Unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. 가라앉다
  2. 떠오르다
  3. 정말로
  4. 세상, 세계
  5. 살다, 거주하다
  6. 도시
  7. 홍수
  1. 지도
  2. 이야기
  3. 겨울
  4. ~ 사이에
  5. 발견하다
  6. (해가) 지다
  7. 어두운
  8. 부유한
  9. 사진
  10. 추운

19 Clues: 지도겨울사진도시추운홍수이야기어두운정말로부유한발견하다가라앉다떠오르다~ 사이에세상, 세계(해가) 지다살다, 거주하다

iwonder K2V9 2021-03-03

iwonder K2V9 crossword puzzle
  1. 다지다
  2. 토스터에
  3. 뜨거운
  4. 키가 크다
  5. 덩굴
  6. 먹다
  7. 감자
  8. 장갑
  1. 조끼
  2. 냄비
  3. 마시다
  4. 눈송이
  5. 겨울
  6. pepper 피망
  7. 보다
  8. 야채
  9. 위에
  10. 휘젓다

19 Clues: 조끼냄비겨울보다덩굴야채먹다위에감자장갑다지다마시다눈송이뜨거운휘젓다토스터에키가 크다pepper 피망

KPL 13 2015-12-15

KPL 13 crossword puzzle
  1. tarkoitus
  2. usea
  3. ilmasto
  4. koulutus
  5. palkka
  6. monikulttuurinen
  7. keskitalvi
  8. puitteet
  9. ihmetellä
  10. tervehtiä
  11. ansaita
  1. säilyttää
  2. kotoisa
  3. eloonjäänti
  4. mahdollisuus
  5. samankaltainen
  6. maahanmuuttaja
  7. toisiaan
  8. taito

19 Clues: useataitopalkkakotoisailmastoansaitakoulutustoisiaanpuitteetsäilyttäätarkoitusihmetellätervehtiäkeskitalvieloonjääntimahdollisuussamankaltainenmaahanmuuttajamonikulttuurinen

PROJECT 2 5B North and south 2015-04-05

PROJECT 2 5B North and south crossword puzzle
  1. pěkný
  2. podzim
  3. horký
  4. jaro
  5. přátelský
  6. chladný, chlad
  7. teplý
  8. suchý
  9. kopcovitý
  1. zima
  2. roční období
  3. léto
  4. zamračeno
  5. větrno
  6. obtížný
  7. slunečno
  8. mokrý
  9. studený
  10. plochý, rovný

19 Clues: zimalétojaropěknýhorkýmokrýteplýsuchýpodzimvětrnoobtížnýstudenýslunečnozamračenopřátelskýkopcovitýroční obdobíplochý, rovnýchladný, chlad

Weather/Clothing 2024-03-28

Weather/Clothing crossword puzzle
  1. - gorra de beisbol
  2. - verano
  3. - invierno
  4. - pantalones
  5. - soleado
  6. - calor
  7. - calcetines
  8. - nieve
  9. - otoño
  10. - shorts
  1. - calico
  2. - vaqueros
  3. - camisa
  4. - lluvioso
  5. - zapatos
  6. - primavera
  7. - tennis
  8. - Fresca
  9. - sombrero

19 Clues: - calor- nieve- otoño- calico- verano- camisa- tennis- Fresca- shorts- zapatos- soleado- vaqueros- lluvioso- invierno- sombrero- primavera- pantalones- calcetines- gorra de beisbol

Michelle-4 2023-11-26

Michelle-4 crossword puzzle
  1. Merry & ...
  2. Walking in a Winter...
  3. In your stocking
  4. Hanging on the tree
  5. The sound bells make
  1. Keeps us warm
  2. Carrot nose
  3. Famous Winter Ballet
  4. Christmas flower
  5. The present month

10 Clues: Merry & ...Carrot noseKeeps us warmIn your stockingChristmas flowerThe present monthHanging on the treeFamous Winter BalletThe sound bells makeWalking in a Winter...

Bas II (geen lidwoord bij zn) 2014-05-19

Bas II (geen lidwoord bij zn) crossword puzzle
  1. Niet veel maar een...
  2. Peper en ...
  3. Eten dat nog niet oud is geworden
  4. Een kleine zoute vis
  5. Een alcoholisch drankje van rode wijn, rum en vruchten
  6. Winter, lente, ..., winter
  7. 'S ochtends eten
  8. Een bereidingswijze die o.a. gebruikt wordt bij friet
  1. Als je niet wint
  2. Een vloeistof die vaak genuttigd wordt voor een maaltijd of tussendoor
  3. Niet warm maar ...
  4. Een gerecht van sla
  5. Waar bijen nectar vandaan halen
  6. 100 jaar
  7. mismo Niet straks maar ...!

15 Clues: 100 jaarPeper en ...Als je niet wint'S ochtends etenNiet warm maar ...Een gerecht van slaEen kleine zoute visNiet veel maar een...Winter, lente, ..., wintermismo Niet straks maar ...!Waar bijen nectar vandaan halenEten dat nog niet oud is gewordenEen bereidingswijze die o.a. gebruikt wordt bij friet...

Boat Rally 2016 2016-09-05

Boat Rally 2016 crossword puzzle
  1. A fun place to hangout on the weekends at beach 1
  2. Early developer of Lake Mohawk
  3. One of the stores in the plaza
  4. Winter activity across the ice
  5. Water vehicle
  6. A street in the reserve
  7. God of the sea
  8. Great place to walk around the lake
  9. National Bird
  1. A popular drink for adults
  2. A group of water performers
  3. Favorite winter German tradition
  4. The Princess of Lake Mohawk
  5. Hand carved and located on properties
  6. Found on tap at Kroughs

15 Clues: Water vehicleNational BirdGod of the seaA street in the reserveFound on tap at KroughsA popular drink for adultsA group of water performersThe Princess of Lake MohawkEarly developer of Lake MohawkOne of the stores in the plazaWinter activity across the iceFavorite winter German traditionGreat place to walk around the lake...

Happiness in Winter 2021-12-01

Happiness in Winter crossword puzzle
  1. Under the snow
  2. Enjoying or affording warmth and ease
  3. Profusion
  4. A feeling of great pleasure and happiness
  5. Lighthearted gaiety or fun-making
  6. The warmth of the sun in winter
  1. Windy
  2. This fowl abandons foul climates
  3. Lancashire dialect word for thick, warm, insulating clothes
  4. Calm or peaceful
  5. Winter quarters
  6. Magical sparkly place

12 Clues: WindyProfusionUnder the snowWinter quartersCalm or peacefulMagical sparkly placeThe warmth of the sun in winterThis fowl abandons foul climatesLighthearted gaiety or fun-makingEnjoying or affording warmth and easeA feeling of great pleasure and happinessLancashire dialect word for thick, warm, insulating clothes

Crossword 2021 2021-03-10

Crossword 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. A sport that we play at reassess
  2. a pandemic
  3. A season of the year
  4. something that has to do with addition and subtraction
  5. a movie we watched in class
  6. A winter sport
  7. something we do in English
  8. We need to have at least 500 words
  1. An instrument
  2. a project that we did in teams
  3. a sport
  4. something we use in class
  5. a book we read in class
  6. United state, UK, ect
  7. a movie that has to do with dogs
  8. people that get wiped

16 Clues: a sporta pandemicAn instrumentA winter sportA season of the yearUnited state, UK, ectpeople that get wipeda book we read in classsomething we use in classsomething we do in Englisha movie we watched in classa project that we did in teamsA sport that we play at reassessa movie that has to do with dogsWe need to have at least 500 words...

Happy Holidays! 2022-10-06

Happy Holidays! crossword puzzle
  1. The color of snow
  2. Snuggly, warm & comfortable
  3. Frosty the _____!
  4. The season from December to March.
  5. Wear this around your neck to keep you warm.
  6. Put this on your head so you dont get cold!
  7. A fun winter activity down a hill.
  1. Let it ____!
  2. Red, orange, and yellow. Falling from the sky
  3. Jewish Holiday in December
  4. Who you spend the Holidays with
  5. Decorate this with ornaments and lights.
  6. He says Ho! Ho! Ho!
  7. Brrr it’s ___ outside!
  8. What you eat on Thanksgiving
  9. Years Eve December 31

16 Clues: Let it ____!The color of snowFrosty the _____!He says Ho! Ho! Ho!Years Eve December 31Brrr it’s ___ outside!Jewish Holiday in DecemberSnuggly, warm & comfortableWhat you eat on ThanksgivingWho you spend the Holidays withThe season from December to March.A fun winter activity down a hill.Decorate this with ornaments and lights....

Weihnachten 2023-12-19

Weihnachten crossword puzzle
  1. Er kommt zu den Kindern am 6. Dezember
  2. Die Kinder bekommen vom Weihnachtsmann viele ...
  3. Lieblingsgetränk auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt
  4. Die Familienmitglieder tauschen die Geschenke
  5. Am Heilgaben schmücken wir ...
  6. Am Weihnachtsmorgen gehen in die ...
  7. Er hat 24 Türchen
  8. In diesem Monat feiern wir Weihnachten
  9. Sie dauert 4 Wochen
  1. Unter dem Weihnachtsbaum liegen die ......
  2. Er hat einen roten Mantel, eine rote Mütze und die Bart
  3. Auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt spielt die ...
  4. Meine Oma backt ...
  5. Das schönste Fest im Winter
  6. Die kälteste Jahreszeit
  7. Auf dem Adventskrannz brennen 24 ...

16 Clues: Er hat 24 TürchenMeine Oma backt ...Sie dauert 4 WochenDie kälteste JahreszeitDas schönste Fest im WinterAm Heilgaben schmücken wir ...Am Weihnachtsmorgen gehen in die ...Auf dem Adventskrannz brennen 24 ...Auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt spielt die ...Er kommt zu den Kindern am 6. DezemberIn diesem Monat feiern wir Weihnachten...

Monate und Jahreszeiten 2023-10-21

Monate und Jahreszeiten crossword puzzle
  1. Das ist der zweite Sommermonat.
  2. Das ist der erste Herbstmonat.
  3. Das ist der erste Frühlingsmonat.
  4. Das ist der zweite Frühlingsmonat.
  5. Das ist der dritte Herbstmonat.
  6. Das ist der dritte Frühlingsmonat.
  7. Diese Jahreszeit kommt nach Herbst.
  8. Das ist der zweite Herbstmonat.
  1. Das ist der dritte Sommermonat.
  2. Das ist der erste Wintermonat.
  3. Das ist der zweite Wintermonat.
  4. Diese Jahreszeit kommt nach Winter.
  5. Diese Jahreszeit kommt nach Frühling.
  6. Diese Jahreszeit kommt nach Sommer.
  7. Das ist der erste Sommermonat.
  8. Das ist der dritte Wintermonat.

16 Clues: Das ist der erste Wintermonat.Das ist der erste Herbstmonat.Das ist der erste Sommermonat.Das ist der dritte Sommermonat.Das ist der zweite Sommermonat.Das ist der zweite Wintermonat.Das ist der dritte Herbstmonat.Das ist der dritte Wintermonat.Das ist der zweite Herbstmonat.Das ist der erste Frühlingsmonat.Das ist der zweite Frühlingsmonat....

SNPhA Crossword 2015-12-05

SNPhA Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Rectangular winter accessory
  2. "____ Weather" by the Neighborhood
  3. “A fresh ____ of paint”
  4. Santa's favorite snack
  5. Black is to white as hot is to ____
  6. Sabbatical, time-off, break, trip
  7. Roast marshmallows here
  8. Keep your hands warm with these
  1. “Frosty the ____”
  2. Bears and pharmacy students do this during the holidays
  3. No two are alike
  4. A sweet holiday drink served cold
  5. Thrown during a game in the winter
  6. How Santa delivers his presents
  7. Given to one another during the holidays and other celebrations

15 Clues: No two are alike“Frosty the ____”Santa's favorite snack“A fresh ____ of paint”Roast marshmallows hereRectangular winter accessoryHow Santa delivers his presentsKeep your hands warm with theseA sweet holiday drink served coldSabbatical, time-off, break, trip"____ Weather" by the NeighborhoodThrown during a game in the winter...

Christmas 2013-12-17

Christmas crossword puzzle
  1. Santa Klaus clothing color
  2. Coldest time of the year
  3. Your beloved people and with them you celebrating Christmas
  4. Eat this in Christmas eve
  5. All streets shines from their
  6. That you placed on the Christmas tree
  7. Always comes at Christmas
  8. Are always in the winter
  1. You eat this after dinner
  2. small things from which formated snow
  3. When snow falling very quickly
  4. Always decorated at Christmas
  5. Quiet time before Christmas
  6. Steal Christmas
  7. Received gifts from his

15 Clues: Steal ChristmasReceived gifts from hisColdest time of the yearYou eat this after dinnerEat this in Christmas eveAlways comes at ChristmasAre always in the winterSanta Klaus clothing colorQuiet time before ChristmasAlways decorated at ChristmasAll streets shines from theirWhen snow falling very quicklysmall things from which formated snow...

Olympics 2014 2014-02-17

Olympics 2014 crossword puzzle
  1. falls from the sky when cold
  2. something active
  3. you get this when you come second
  4. Very athletic people.
  5. you're doing this right now
  6. you do this to get up high
  7. you get this when you come first.
  8. something you do at the snow
  1. it is cold
  2. your score
  3. water turns into....
  4. they work with you
  5. you check this to see what the results are.
  6. you are this when you win.
  7. location of the Winter Olympics

15 Clues: it is coldyour scoresomething activethey work with youwater turns into....Very athletic are this when you do this to get up highyou're doing this right nowfalls from the sky when coldsomething you do at the snowlocation of the Winter Olympicsyou get this when you come secondyou get this when you come first....

Snow 2021-01-13

Snow crossword puzzle
  1. white crystals
  2. ______ down the hill
  3. you wear this on your hands for warmth
  4. I made ______ with my body
  5. drink this for warmth
  6. building a ______ family
  7. the color of snow
  8. Winter is ______
  1. season of cold
  2. you wear this on your feet for warmth
  3. sit near this for warmth
  4. you wear this on your body for warmth
  5. you wear this on your head for warmth
  6. made for digging snow
  7. you wear this around your neck

15 Clues: season of coldwhite crystalsWinter is ______the color of snow______ down the hillmade for digging snowdrink this for warmthsit near this for warmthbuilding a ______ familyI made ______ with my bodyyou wear this around your neckyou wear this on your feet for warmthyou wear this on your body for warmthyou wear this on your head for warmth...

Taiga Biome 2021-10-23

Taiga Biome crossword puzzle
  1. Average annual temperature in Fahrenheit
  2. Climate zone
  3. What size is the biome compared to others
  4. The soil is not very (blank) rich
  5. Most common natural disaster
  6. Main tree type located there
  7. Another name for Taiga
  1. Greek god the biome was named after
  2. Precipitation that falls in the winter
  3. Average inches of precipitation
  4. Most common type of animal
  5. What the biome was created by
  6. Precipitation that falls in the summer
  7. Longest season of the year
  8. Example of biome

15 Clues: Climate zoneExample of biomeAnother name for TaigaMost common type of animalLongest season of the yearMost common natural disasterMain tree type located thereWhat the biome was created byAverage inches of precipitationThe soil is not very (blank) richGreek god the biome was named afterPrecipitation that falls in the winter...

Boat Rally 2016 2016-09-05

Boat Rally 2016 crossword puzzle
  1. National Bird
  2. Hand carved and located on properties
  3. Favorite winter German tradition
  4. A popular drink for adults
  5. A group of water performers
  6. Water vehicle
  1. Early developer of Lake Mohawk
  2. One of the stores in the plaza
  3. The Princess of Lake Mohawk
  4. Found on tap at Kroughs
  5. A street in the reserve
  6. God of the sea
  7. Great place to walk around the lake
  8. Winter activity across the ice
  9. A fun place to hangout on the weekends at beach 1

15 Clues: National BirdWater vehicleGod of the seaFound on tap at KroughsA street in the reserveA popular drink for adultsThe Princess of Lake MohawkA group of water performersEarly developer of Lake MohawkOne of the stores in the plazaWinter activity across the iceFavorite winter German traditionGreat place to walk around the lake...

Christmas Crossword 2020-12-02

Christmas Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a type of cookie
  2. hung by the chimney
  3. people hang these on the tree
  4. the season that Christmas occurs in
  5. Person who brings presents down chimneys
  6. Santa’s little helpers
  7. what people hang on the door
  8. round candy
  1. sweet treat that people hang on the tree
  2. animals that pull Santa’s sleigh
  3. where a fire is lit
  4. a decoration hung on the tree
  5. What People decorate during Christmas
  6. what it does in winter
  7. a holiday treat

15 Clues: round candya holiday treata type of cookiehung by the chimneywhere a fire is litwhat it does in winterSanta’s little helperswhat people hang on the doorpeople hang these on the treea decoration hung on the treeanimals that pull Santa’s sleighthe season that Christmas occurs inWhat People decorate during Christmas...

Spring 2023-03-08

Spring crossword puzzle
  1. April showers bring ___ Flowers
  2. Baby flowers
  3. One in the fall and one in the winter
  4. Drops fall from the sky
  5. Tweet Tweet
  6. Many go to Florida on _______ _______(2 words)
  7. Don't take their lucky charms
  1. Snow melts to reveal ______
  2. Colorful insects
  3. These are due on April 18th
  4. What water becomes after rain
  5. Come out in rain
  6. Colorful blooming
  7. Pot of gold is found at the end of it
  8. Geese do this before and after winter

15 Clues: Tweet TweetBaby flowersColorful insectsCome out in rainColorful bloomingDrops fall from the skySnow melts to reveal ______These are due on April 18thWhat water becomes after rainDon't take their lucky charmsApril showers bring ___ FlowersOne in the fall and one in the winterPot of gold is found at the end of itGeese do this before and after winter...

Unit 4, Lesson 1 2024-02-09

Unit 4, Lesson 1 crossword puzzle
  1. place to buy stuff
  2. an item that touches your skin and goes on the foot
  3. opposite of black
  4. opposite of summer
  5. money in Europe
  6. overall currency
  7. overall what you wear
  1. protects your feet by using hard materials
  2. not pretty
  3. winter, fall/autumn, spring, and summer fall into this
  4. not old
  5. blue, red, and yellow all mixed together
  6. worn on the head during winter time
  7. money in the USA
  8. blue and yellow mixed together

15 Clues: not oldnot prettymoney in Europemoney in the USAoverall currencyopposite of blackplace to buy stuffopposite of summeroverall what you wearblue and yellow mixed togetherworn on the head during winter timeblue, red, and yellow all mixed togetherprotects your feet by using hard materialsan item that touches your skin and goes on the foot...

Weather and Season Vocabulary Crossword 2020-06-09

Weather and Season Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. These are a sudden and quick shock of the Earth's surface.
  2. To leave a place of danger.
  3. Is the coldest season of the year. It comes between autumn and spring.
  4. Is the season after winter and before summer. Days become longer and weather gets warmer.
  5. Is the hottest season of the year. The temperature can stay warm, even after the sun has gone down at night.
  6. An unexpected situation that requires immediate action.
  7. This happens when water covers land that is usually dry.
  8. is liquid water that freezes before it hits the ground. It looks like small pellets of ice.
  9. Is an intense storm with powerful winds and heavy rain.
  10. Tiny pieces of ice that fall to Earth.
  1. Is a type of storm in which powerful rotating winds form a column, which reaches from a cloud down toward the ground.
  2. Are violent events that are outside the control of humans. They are caused by the forces of nature and may result in loss of life, injury, and damage to property.
  3. Is one of the four seasons of the year and is the time of year that changes summer into winter.
  4. Temperature, Wind and Humidity.
  5. This is sunshine, rain, snow, wind, and storms. It's what is going on outside right now.
  6. They are spring, summer, fall, and winter, and are caused by the earth's orbit around the sun.
  7. Water that falls to the earth as hail, mist, rain, sleet, or snow.
  8. When you are unprotected from the weather and its elements.
  9. The process of water changing from a liquid to a vapor, like steam.
  10. Small lumps of ice and snow that fall from the clouds sometimes during thunderstorms.

20 Clues: To leave a place of danger.Temperature, Wind and Humidity.Tiny pieces of ice that fall to Earth.An unexpected situation that requires immediate action.Is an intense storm with powerful winds and heavy rain.This happens when water covers land that is usually dry.These are a sudden and quick shock of the Earth's surface....

By the Shores of Silver Lake 2022-04-01

By the Shores of Silver Lake crossword puzzle
  1. Laura’s aunt
  2. man who brought the money for the men’s wages
  3. an animal with a long,lonely,mournful howl
  4. a severe winter storm
  5. Pa’s nickname for Laura
  6. coal,food and supplies to last the winter
  7. cart pulled by horses or oxen for travelling
  8. the wolves’ home
  9. Laura’s mother
  10. printed cotton fabric
  11. sled pulled by horses for winter travel
  12. the town where Pa filed his homestead claim
  13. Laura’s older sister
  14. the Ingall’s home before Silver Lake
  15. Laura’s youngest sister, and baby of the family
  16. someone new to the west or to homesteading
  17. a type of small gun
  18. tuberculosis
  19. a smoky fire of old wet grass
  20. infectious disease that made Mary blind
  21. the game Pa created during the winter
  1. hung over the door for luck
  2. the shine on Silver Lake created by night sky
  3. the musical instrument Pa played
  4. a triangular corner shelf with 3 legs
  5. long strip of wood covering joins of siding
  6. name of the townsite by Silver Lake
  7. device heated on stove for pressing clothes
  8. Metis man with a white horse
  9. term for milk cow no longer producing milk
  10. the big,beautiful bird Pa shot by accident
  11. cold storage under the shanty’s floor
  12. lightweight dress made of wool or cotton
  13. parcel of land Pa will homestead
  14. a special treat heated in fat on the stove
  15. ground pawed by buffalo to roll in
  16. Laura’s younger sister
  17. Laura’s father
  18. a small pond of water with grasses and mud
  19. Pa hid the paymaster’s money here
  20. people who measure and map the land
  21. small simple shack
  22. fuel for the lamps

43 Clues: Laura’s aunttuberculosisLaura’s motherLaura’s fatherthe wolves’ homesmall simple shackfuel for the lampsa type of small gunLaura’s older sistera severe winter stormprinted cotton fabricLaura’s younger sisterPa’s nickname for Laurahung over the door for luckMetis man with a white horsea smoky fire of old wet grassthe musical instrument Pa played...

Estaciones, Meses y El Tiempo en Español 2012-07-15

Estaciones, Meses y El Tiempo en Español crossword puzzle
  1. April
  2. Fall
  3. Month
  4. Winter
  5. June
  6. Season
  7. October
  8. March
  9. September
  10. Snow
  11. February
  1. Cloudy
  2. May
  3. August
  4. Rain
  5. November
  6. Summer
  7. Sun
  8. June
  9. Weather
  10. December
  11. Spring
  12. January

23 Clues: MaySunRainFallJuneJuneSnowAprilMonthMarchCloudyAugustSummerWinterSeasonSpringWeatherOctoberJanuaryNovemberDecemberFebruarySeptember

Les Filles Du Roi Julian 7B 2015-03-06

Les Filles Du Roi Julian 7B crossword puzzle
  1. husband
  2. king
  3. sheep
  4. always
  5. marry
  6. presents
  7. lake
  8. forest
  9. orphan
  10. stay
  11. meat
  1. aller
  2. bad
  3. money
  4. augment
  5. barbarian
  6. butcher
  7. buy
  8. life
  9. farmer
  10. health
  11. winter

22 Clues: badbuykinglakelifestaymeatallermoneysheepmarryalwaysforestfarmerorphanhealthwinterhusbandaugmentbutcherpresentsbarbarian

1 2020-03-14

1 crossword puzzle
  1. terminate
  2. exam
  3. mariage
  4. cost
  5. caravan
  6. disturb
  7. aseason
  8. teaching
  9. a color
  10. gun
  1. employ
  2. move
  3. 12month
  4. extraordinary
  5. one day
  6. happens at sea
  7. inspire
  8. manufacturing plant
  9. childhood
  10. foe

20 Clues: foegunmoveexamcostemploy12monthmariageone daycaravaninspiredisturbaseasona colorteachingterminatechildhoodextraordinaryhappens at seamanufacturing plant

Season/Months/Days of the Week 2018-09-12

Season/Months/Days of the Week crossword puzzle
  1. April
  2. Spring
  3. Winter
  4. May
  5. February
  6. Sunday
  7. August
  8. September
  9. Autumn
  10. January
  11. Monday
  12. Thursday
  13. June
  1. Saturday
  2. Wednesday
  3. Friday
  4. March
  5. Summer
  6. December
  7. November
  8. Tuesday
  9. July

22 Clues: MayJulyJuneAprilMarchSpringFridayWinterSummerSundayAugustAutumnMondayTuesdayJanuarySaturdayDecemberFebruaryNovemberThursdayWednesdaySeptember

EVALUATION n°1 2021-10-02

EVALUATION n°1 crossword puzzle
  1. Lundi
  2. Juin
  3. Avril
  4. Mercredi
  5. Vert
  6. Orageux
  7. Hiver
  8. Violet
  9. Jeudi
  10. Nuageux
  11. Soleil
  1. 16
  2. Dimanche
  3. Printemps
  4. Octobre
  5. Bleu
  6. Eté
  7. Couché de soleil
  8. 20
  9. Février
  10. 30

21 Clues: 162030EtéBleuJuinVertLundiAvrilHiverJeudiVioletSoleilOctobreOrageuxFévrierNuageuxDimancheMercrediPrintempsCouché de soleil

El Tiempo 2022-10-18

El Tiempo crossword puzzle
  1. fog
  2. storm
  3. summer
  4. hail
  5. clima climate
  6. frost
  7. clouds
  8. temperature
  9. rain
  10. thunder
  1. lightning
  2. wind
  3. season
  4. winter
  5. autumn
  6. sleet
  7. spring
  8. degrees
  9. snow
  10. breeze
  11. sun
  12. rainbow
  13. tiempo weather

23 Clues: fogsunwindsnowhailrainstormsleetfrostseasonwinterautumnsummerspringbreezecloudsdegreesrainbowthunderlightningtemperatureclima climatetiempo weather

Seasons 2022-10-22

Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. túnica
  2. Tierra
  3. Agua
  4. Hada
  5. Esqueleto
  6. otoño
  7. Verano
  8. Otoño
  9. blanco
  10. Primavera
  1. Fuego
  2. palo de escoba
  3. Duende
  4. pasos
  5. Invierno
  6. dorado
  7. Viento
  8. flores
  9. Bruja
  10. Sonriente
  11. hojas
  12. Calabaza

22 Clues: AguaHadaFuegopasosBrujaotoñohojasOtoñoDuendetúnicaTierradoradoVientofloresVeranoblancoInviernoCalabazaEsqueletoSonrientePrimaverapalo de escoba

Project 2022-10-08

Project crossword puzzle
  1. Golden ticket
  2. Winter
  3. Toothpaste cap factory
  4. Oompa-loompa
  5. Hornswoggleds
  6. Chocolate river
  7. Starve
  8. children
  9. Factory
  10. Store
  1. Chocolate
  2. Whangdoodle
  3. Charlie
  4. Snozzwangers
  5. Pipes
  6. Mike
  7. Veruca
  8. Wonka
  9. Violet
  10. August

20 Clues: MikePipesWonkaStoreWinterVerucaStarveVioletAugustCharlieFactorychildrenChocolateWhangdoodleSnozzwangersOompa-loompaGolden ticketHornswoggledsChocolate riverToothpaste cap factory

French vocabulary 2022-01-19

French vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. under
  2. dark
  3. in
  4. true
  5. Sunday
  6. rain
  7. Saturday
  8. false
  9. snow
  10. Wednesday
  11. Thursday
  12. winter
  1. Monday
  2. aunt
  3. sister
  4. fries
  5. room
  6. Friday
  7. yellow
  8. foot
  9. Tuesday
  10. play

22 Clues: inauntdarkroomtruerainfootsnowplayunderfriesfalseMondaysisterFridaySundayyellowwinterTuesdaySaturdayThursdayWednesday

write the opposite 2022-06-23

write the opposite crossword puzzle
  1. fast
  2. door
  3. short
  4. toe
  5. new
  6. ugly
  7. don´t
  8. cold
  9. right
  10. thirsty
  11. can´t
  12. on
  13. eat
  1. bad
  2. big
  3. summer
  4. day
  5. new
  6. sad
  7. white
  8. fat
  9. boy

22 Clues: onbadbigtoedaynewnewsadfatboyeatfastdooruglycoldshortdon´twhiterightcan´tsummerthirsty

Ropa y Colores 2023-03-10

Ropa y Colores crossword puzzle
  1. white
  2. yellow
  3. orange
  4. sweater
  5. boots
  6. shorts
  7. hat
  8. dress
  9. black
  10. blouse
  11. pants
  1. jacket
  2. shoes
  3. socks
  4. blue
  5. winter-hat
  6. shirt
  7. brown
  8. t-shirt
  9. red
  10. green

21 Clues: redhatbluewhiteshoessocksbootsshirtbrowndressgreenblackpantsjacketyelloworangeshortsblousesweatert-shirtwinter-hat

Ferien 2023-04-17

Ferien crossword puzzle
  1. äta
  2. skriva
  3. båt
  4. cykla
  5. lyssna på musik
  6. flygplan
  7. blomma
  8. springa
  9. arbeta
  1. gå på bio
  2. tälta
  3. varmt
  4. motorväg
  5. vinter
  6. bada
  7. träffa vänner
  8. sommar
  9. måla
  10. tåg
  11. läsa

20 Clues: ätabåttågbadamålaläsatältavarmtcyklavinterskrivasommarblommaarbetaspringamotorvägflygplangå på bioträffa vännerlyssna på musik

ILE4_U16 2024-05-08

ILE4_U16 crossword puzzle
  1. klass
  2. külmkapp
  3. kandma
  4. maailm
  5. elementaarne
  6. koristus
  7. äri
  8. reisima
  9. õpilane
  10. ainulaadne
  1. projekt
  2. vana
  3. talv
  4. keemia
  5. linn
  6. kaart/maailmakaart
  7. punkt; osutama
  8. puhas
  9. Euroopa🌍
  10. väike

20 Clues: ärivanatalvlinnklasspuhasväikekeemiakandmamaailmprojektreisimaõpilanekülmkappkoristusEuroopa🌍ainulaadneelementaarnepunkt; osutamakaart/maailmakaart

Days, Seasons, Time 2024-03-03

Days, Seasons, Time crossword puzzle
  1. Afternoon
  2. Jutro
  3. Plivanje
  4. Go
  5. He Goes
  6. Podne
  7. Ponedeljak
  8. Utorak
  9. Nedelja
  10. četvrtak
  11. Petak
  12. Veče
  1. Trčanje
  2. They Play
  3. Noć
  4. Zima
  5. Sreda
  6. Subota
  7. Pasti
  8. Proleće
  9. Ljeto

21 Clues: GoNoćZimaVečeJutroSredaPodnePastiLjetoPetakSubotaUtorakTrčanjeHe GoesNedeljaPlivanjeProlećečetvrtakThey PlayAfternoonPonedeljak

Christmas 2022-12-13

Christmas crossword puzzle
  1. the animal that fly Santa around
  2. Santa helpers
  3. red & white candy
  4. a figure that in the snow
  5. the big fat jolly man
  1. An item you smooch under
  2. going out of town
  3. something you put on a Christmas tree
  4. common flavor of cookies during winter
  5. things you get on Christmas Day
  6. an item you put up for presents
  7. something you build in the snow
  8. snacks you leave santa reindeers
  9. snacks you leave Santa
  10. whether in the winter you play in

15 Clues: Santa helpersgoing out of townred & white candythe big fat jolly mansnacks you leave SantaAn item you smooch undera figure that in the snowthings you get on Christmas Dayan item you put up for presentssomething you build in the snowthe animal that fly Santa aroundsnacks you leave santa reindeerswhether in the winter you play in...

Let's See What's Next 2021-08-24

Let's See What's Next crossword puzzle
  1. The best holiday.
  2. Hayden's Harry Potter house.
  3. IS a sandwich.
  4. What would make you late for a date (it rhymes)?
  5. Where we are going next (do this one last).
  6. ...always goes with pizza.
  7. What Hayden's family eats every Christmas Eve for dinner.
  1. Is better than Captain America.
  2. ...over cats any day.
  3. Hayden's favorite show.
  4. What Hayden likes to do on Fall Saturdays.
  5. Thanksgiving dessert.
  6. The Best Season.
  7. Summer or Winter?
  8. What Morgan can't seem to find.

15 Clues: IS a sandwich.The Best Season.The best holiday.Summer or Winter?...over cats any day.Thanksgiving dessert.Hayden's favorite show....always goes with pizza.Hayden's Harry Potter house.Is better than Captain America.What Morgan can't seem to find.What Hayden likes to do on Fall Saturdays.Where we are going next (do this one last)....

November Crossword 2023-11-10

November Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the type of winter we may be in for this year
  2. girls night on the football field
  3. seasonal chocolate drink
  4. what you may have plans for on a friday this month
  5. something you may buy this month
  6. starbucks' winter syrup
  7. travis's bae
  1. newly FDA approved weightloss drug
  2. turkey fill'ins
  3. well-loved study game
  4. the youngest of the GOP candidates
  5. infamous video chat site that recently shut down
  6. writer's union
  7. french for 'thank you'
  8. fast food place that supports bay high

15 Clues: travis's baewriter's unionturkey fill'inswell-loved study gamefrench for 'thank you'starbucks' winter syrupseasonal chocolate drinksomething you may buy this monthgirls night on the football fieldnewly FDA approved weightloss drugthe youngest of the GOP candidatesfast food place that supports bay highthe type of winter we may be in for this year...

Chapter 8 Crossword 2023-12-05

Chapter 8 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Climate in Central Asia
  2. Very heavy in summer and short winter dry season
  3. Across North America and Eurasia
  4. Climate within 5°–10° of equator
  5. Centered at 30° latitude
  6. Warm/hot summers and cold winters
  7. Climate in relatively high uplands
  8. No dry season
  9. Climate in Fringes of Arctic Ocean
  1. Very hot summers and scarce rain
  2. Climate in Antarctica and Greenland
  3. Semiarid
  4. Semiarid with some winter snow
  5. Warm to hot all year
  6. Centered at 35° latitude

15 Clues: SemiaridNo dry seasonWarm to hot all yearClimate in Central AsiaCentered at 30° latitudeCentered at 35° latitudeSemiarid with some winter snowVery hot summers and scarce rainAcross North America and EurasiaClimate within 5°–10° of equatorWarm/hot summers and cold wintersClimate in relatively high uplandsClimate in Fringes of Arctic Ocean...

Unit 4, Lesson 1 2024-02-09

Unit 4, Lesson 1 crossword puzzle
  1. place to buy stuff
  2. an item that touches your skin and goes on the foot
  3. opposite of black
  4. opposite of summer
  5. money in Europe
  6. overall currency
  7. overall what you wear
  1. protects your feet by using hard materials
  2. not pretty
  3. winter, fall/autumn, spring, and summer fall into this
  4. not old
  5. blue, red, and yellow all mixed together
  6. worn on the head during winter time
  7. money in the USA
  8. blue and yellow mixed together

15 Clues: not oldnot prettymoney in Europemoney in the USAoverall currencyopposite of blackplace to buy stuffopposite of summeroverall what you wearblue and yellow mixed togetherworn on the head during winter timeblue, red, and yellow all mixed togetherprotects your feet by using hard materialsan item that touches your skin and goes on the foot...

Months and seasons! 2020-04-17

Months and seasons! crossword puzzle
  1. You need a pair of gloves, a scarf and coat.
  2. Students' day
  3. The last day of the year is on 31st of...
  4. Happy Easter!
  5. Winter holidays
  6. World Radio Day
  7. The first month of the year.
  1. Trick or treat?
  2. It's boiling hot! I need a swimming pool!
  3. "Día de la tradición" in Argentina
  4. Flowers everywhere!
  5. It starts in March and ends in May.
  6. Manuel Belgrano died in...
  7. Argentina's Independence revolution was in...
  8. José de San Martín died on 17th...
  9. Women's international day

16 Clues: Students' dayHappy Easter!Trick or treat?Winter holidaysWorld Radio DayFlowers everywhere!Women's international dayManuel Belgrano died in...The first month of the year."Día de la tradición" in ArgentinaJosé de San Martín died on 17th...It starts in March and ends in May.It's boiling hot! I need a swimming pool!...

Monate und Jahreszeiten 2023-10-21

Monate und Jahreszeiten crossword puzzle
  1. Das ist der zweite Sommermonat.
  2. Das ist der erste Herbstmonat.
  3. Das ist der erste Frühlingsmonat.
  4. Das ist der zweite Frühlingsmonat.
  5. Das ist der dritte Herbstmonat.
  6. Das ist der dritte Frühlingsmonat.
  7. Diese Jahreszeit kommt nach Herbst.
  8. Das ist der zweite Herbstmonat.
  1. Das ist der dritte Sommermonat.
  2. Das ist der erste Wintermonat.
  3. Das ist der zweite Wintermonat.
  4. Diese Jahreszeit kommt nach Winter.
  5. Diese Jahreszeit kommt nach Frühling.
  6. Diese Jahreszeit kommt nach Sommer.
  7. Das ist der erste Sommermonat.
  8. Das ist der dritte Wintermonat.

16 Clues: Das ist der erste Wintermonat.Das ist der erste Herbstmonat.Das ist der erste Sommermonat.Das ist der dritte Sommermonat.Das ist der zweite Sommermonat.Das ist der zweite Wintermonat.Das ist der dritte Herbstmonat.Das ist der dritte Wintermonat.Das ist der zweite Herbstmonat.Das ist der erste Frühlingsmonat.Das ist der zweite Frühlingsmonat....

UNIT11 2012-03-28

UNIT11 crossword puzzle
  2. VÕTI
  3. KEVAD
  5. MAI
  6. KORV
  7. SUVI
  1. PÄEV
  2. TALV
  3. KÕRV
  6. ROHI
  7. SÜGIS
  8. MÄRTS
  9. PIIM


Weather and Seasons 2022-11-11

Weather and Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. It'sHot
  2. It'sNiceWeather
  3. It'sBadWeather
  4. What'sTheWeatherLike?
  5. It'sWindy
  6. seasons
  7. fall
  1. It'sSunny
  2. It'sCold
  3. It'sCool
  4. spring
  5. It'sSnowing
  6. It'sRaining
  7. weather
  8. summer
  9. It'sCloudy
  10. winter

17 Clues: fallspringsummerwinterIt'sHotweatherseasonsIt'sColdIt'sCoolIt'sSunnyIt'sWindyIt'sCloudyIt'sSnowingIt'sRainingIt'sBadWeatherIt'sNiceWeatherWhat'sTheWeatherLike?

Seasons and months 2022-05-11

Seasons and months crossword puzzle
  1. oktobris
  2. marts
  3. aprīlis
  4. jūlijs
  5. gadalaiks
  6. septembris
  7. novembris
  1. decembris
  2. ziema
  3. februāris
  4. rudens
  5. augusts
  6. jūnijs
  7. janvāris
  8. pavasaris
  9. vasara
  10. maijs

17 Clues: ziemamartsmaijsrudensjūnijsjūlijsvasaraaugustsaprīlisoktobrisjanvārisdecembrisfebruārisgadalaikspavasarisnovembrisseptembris

Holiday Dictionary Practice - English to Spanish 2022-12-07

Holiday Dictionary Practice - English to Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. fireplace
  2. bell
  3. song
  4. toy
  5. vacation
  6. gift
  7. fire
  8. snow
  9. shiny
  10. snowflake
  1. holiday
  2. tree
  3. snowfall
  4. candlestick
  5. wreath
  6. light
  7. winter

17 Clues: toybelltreesonggiftfiresnowlightshinywreathwinterholidaysnowfallvacationfireplacesnowflakecandlestick

Weather 2023-04-19

Weather crossword puzzle
  1. pók
  2. tavasz
  3. nyár
  4. nap
  5. szeles
  6. tél
  7. május
  8. forró
  9. hideg
  1. eső
  2. esős
  3. ősz
  4. havas
  5. meleg
  6. nedves
  7. segítség
  8. hűvös

17 Clues: pókesőősznaptélesősnyárhavasmelegmájusforróhideghűvöstavaszszelesnedvessegítség

Spanish Seasons and Weather 2023-11-28

Spanish Seasons and Weather crossword puzzle
  1. rain
  2. winter
  3. sunny
  4. wind
  5. tornado
  6. spring
  7. cloudy
  8. hail
  9. lightning
  1. rainy
  2. cloud
  3. hurricane
  4. autumn
  5. storm
  6. thunder
  7. summer
  8. sun

17 Clues: sunrainwindhailrainycloudsunnystormwinterautumnsummerspringcloudythundertornadohurricanelightning

Spanish Seasons and Weather 2023-11-28

Spanish Seasons and Weather crossword puzzle
  1. rain
  2. winter
  3. sunny
  4. wind
  5. tornado
  6. spring
  7. cloudy
  8. hail
  9. lightning
  1. rainy
  2. cloud
  3. hurricane
  4. autumn
  5. storm
  6. thunder
  7. summer
  8. sun

17 Clues: sunrainwindhailrainycloudsunnystormwinterautumnsummerspringcloudythundertornadohurricanelightning


FUN WITH VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. heavy fall of rain, snow, or hail, or a violent outbreak of
  2. having very little or no light
  4. you're hungry
  5. loud, resounding noise
  6. you're hungry
  7. a precipitation in the form of ice crystal
  1. darkened state
  2. a precipitation in the form of ice crystals
  3. season between summer and winter
  4. great weight; hard to lift or carry
  5. that falls to earth in drops
  6. the cold season
  7. little or no sunshin
  8. brilliant electric spark discharge
  9. and lightning

16 Clues: MUCH SUNand lightningyou're hungryyou're hungrydarkened statethe cold seasonlittle or no sunshinloud, resounding noisethat falls to earth in dropshaving very little or no lightseason between summer and winterbrilliant electric spark dischargegreat weight; hard to lift or carrya precipitation in the form of ice crystal...

Het winterseizoen 2014-11-29

Het winterseizoen crossword puzzle
  1. Je schaatsen scherp maken
  2. De voorzitter van Softijs
  3. De mooiste kleur die er is
  4. Dresscode voor BIK
  5. De training die je naast het schaatsen kan doen in de winter
  6. De provincie waar het BIK zal zijn
  7. Een lichaamsdeel die sterk ontwikkeld is bij schaatsers
  8. Het goede doel waar wij geld voor ophalen
  1. Sinterklaaseten
  2. In de winter kun je schaatsen op?
  3. Het BUK is in?
  4. De ijsbaan waar wij op schaatsen
  5. NSK dat Softijs dit jaar organiseert
  6. Studentendrankje
  7. Een schaatsmerk

15 Clues: Het BUK is in?SinterklaasetenEen schaatsmerkStudentendrankjeDresscode voor BIKJe schaatsen scherp makenDe voorzitter van SoftijsDe mooiste kleur die er isDe ijsbaan waar wij op schaatsenIn de winter kun je schaatsen op?De provincie waar het BIK zal zijnNSK dat Softijs dit jaar organiseertHet goede doel waar wij geld voor ophalen...

It Is Time for Celebration 2020-12-17

It Is Time for Celebration crossword puzzle
  1. Christmas song
  2. decoration on the tree
  3. people..their homes on holiday
  4. The story of Christmas comes chiefly from the
  5. children write .. to Santa Claus
  6. children put their .. in front of the fireplace
  1. sinonim to word celebration
  2. a person who has broken the law
  3. "fruits" of the holidays
  4. sinonim to word change
  5. symbol of the winter holidays
  6. sinonim to word evening
  7. the main holiday of winter
  8. a person who doesnt believe in god
  9. .. told the shepherds og Jesus's birth

15 Clues: Christmas songdecoration on the treesinonim to word changesinonim to word evening"fruits" of the holidaysthe main holiday of wintersinonim to word celebrationsymbol of the winter holidayspeople..their homes on holidaya person who has broken the lawchildren write .. to Santa Clausa person who doesnt believe in god...

Animal Adaptations 2021-10-27

Animal Adaptations crossword puzzle
  1. to get used to the environment to survive
  2. salmons have four sets to these
  3. word related to "body"
  4. comes from the word behave
  5. snakes, crocodiles, and frogs do this
  6. monkeys helping each other
  7. animals that migrate to warmer waters
  8. animal that has a life cycle
  1. baby frog
  2. to move away to escape the cold
  3. to deep sleet through winter
  4. animal that transforms
  5. baby butterfly
  6. animal that hibernates in the winter
  7. bears and lions have these to hunt for food

15 Clues: baby frogbaby butterflyword related to "body"animal that transformscomes from the word behavemonkeys helping each otherto deep sleet through winteranimal that has a life cycleto move away to escape the coldsalmons have four sets to theseanimal that hibernates in the wintersnakes, crocodiles, and frogs do thisanimals that migrate to warmer waters...

My house, seasons, and food 2022-07-26

My house, seasons, and food crossword puzzle
  1. A foof from Greece
  2. It's ... in the winter
  3. A sweet, brown dessert
  4. A food from the USA
  5. People wear T-shirt and shorts in the ..
  6. I sleep in my..
  7. I plant tree in the..
  8. The weather is .. and sunny
  1. A food from China
  2. My mother cook in the..
  3. Flowers bloom in ... season
  4. I take a bath in the..
  5. People wear hats and ... in the winter
  6. A food from France
  7. Leaves fall in ... season

15 Clues: I sleep in my..A food from ChinaA foof from GreeceA food from FranceA food from the USAI plant tree in the..I take a bath in the..It's ... in the winterA sweet, brown dessertMy mother cook in the..Leaves fall in ... seasonFlowers bloom in ... seasonThe weather is .. and sunnyPeople wear hats and ... in the winter...