winter Crossword Puzzles

Monate und Jahreszeiten 2023-10-21

Monate und Jahreszeiten crossword puzzle
  1. Das ist der zweite Sommermonat.
  2. Das ist der erste Herbstmonat.
  3. Das ist der erste Frühlingsmonat.
  4. Das ist der zweite Frühlingsmonat.
  5. Das ist der dritte Herbstmonat.
  6. Das ist der dritte Frühlingsmonat.
  7. Diese Jahreszeit kommt nach Herbst.
  8. Das ist der zweite Herbstmonat.
  1. Das ist der dritte Sommermonat.
  2. Das ist der dritte Wintermonat.
  3. Das ist der zweite Wintermonat.
  4. Diese Jahreszeit kommt nach Winter.
  5. Diese Jahreszeit kommt nach Frühling.
  6. Diese Jahreszeit kommt nach Sommer.
  7. Das ist der erste Sommermonat.
  8. Das ist der dritte Wintermonat.

16 Clues: Das ist der erste Herbstmonat.Das ist der erste Sommermonat.Das ist der dritte Sommermonat.Das ist der zweite Sommermonat.Das ist der dritte Wintermonat.Das ist der zweite Wintermonat.Das ist der dritte Herbstmonat.Das ist der dritte Wintermonat.Das ist der zweite Herbstmonat.Das ist der erste Frühlingsmonat.Das ist der zweite Frühlingsmonat....

Jolly J 2015-11-03

Jolly J crossword puzzle
  1. havet
  2. onsdag
  3. mandag
  4. tirsdag
  5. solrig
  6. sommer
  7. kedelig
  8. fødselsdag
  9. fredag
  10. november
  11. efterår
  12. koldt
  13. vinter
  1. forår
  2. glat
  3. lørdag
  4. bølger
  5. torsdag
  6. søndag
  7. vindruer
  8. dezember
  9. tåget

22 Clues: glatforårhavettågetkoldtlørdagbølgeronsdagmandagsolrigsøndagsommerfredagvintertorsdagtirsdagkedeligefterårvindruerdezembernovemberfødselsdag

1 2015-10-21

1 crossword puzzle
  1. река
  2. облачно
  3. дождливо
  4. болтать
  5. пожалуйста
  6. утро
  7. ночь
  8. тепло
  9. друг
  10. нравиться
  1. ветрено
  2. утка
  3. зима
  4. осень
  5. видеть
  6. весна
  7. солнечно
  8. лето
  9. время
  10. хотеть
  11. лягушка
  12. добрый

22 Clues: рекаутказималетоутроночьдругосеньвеснавремятепловидетьхотетьдобрыйветренооблачноболтатьлягушкадождливосолнечнонравитьсяпожалуйста

Seasons and Weather 2017-10-05

Seasons and Weather crossword puzzle
  1. июнь
  2. ветреный
  3. осень
  4. холодный
  5. теплый
  6. август
  7. февраль
  8. зима
  9. туманный
  10. мороз
  11. жаркий
  1. июль
  2. дождь
  3. солнечный
  4. январь
  5. гроза
  6. декабрь
  7. облако
  8. влажный
  9. весна
  10. лето
  11. снег

22 Clues: июльиюньлетозимаснегдождьгрозаосеньвеснаморозянварьоблакотеплыйавгустжаркийдекабрьвлажныйфевральветреныйхолодныйтуманныйсолнечный

weather and food 2013-04-28

weather and food crossword puzzle
  1. burro
  2. prosciutto
  3. neve
  4. freddo,fresco
  5. salsicce
  6. caldo
  7. media
  8. umido
  9. nebbia
  10. pane
  1. caldissimo
  2. pioggia
  3. mite
  4. tempo atmosferico
  5. formaggio
  6. estate
  7. pomodoro
  8. soleggiato
  9. torta
  10. inverno
  11. ventoso

21 Clues: mitenevepaneburrotortacaldomediaumidoestatenebbiapioggiainvernoventosopomodorosalsicceformaggiocaldissimoprosciuttosoleggiatofreddo,frescotempo atmosferico

Body Parts and Seasons 2022-08-17

Body Parts and Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. cara
  2. estomago
  3. cuello
  4. boca
  5. orejas
  6. invierno
  7. espalda
  8. plernas
  9. dientes
  10. primavera
  1. brazos
  2. corazon
  3. nariz
  4. otono
  5. verno
  6. manos
  7. pies
  8. cabeza
  9. dedo
  10. ojos
  11. rodilla
  12. pelo

22 Clues: carapiesbocadedoojospelonarizotonovernomanosbrazoscuellocabezaorejascorazonespaldarodillaplernasdientesestomagoinviernoprimavera

Calendario 2022-10-11

Calendario crossword puzzle
  1. December
  2. ¿Qué día es hoy?
  3. Wednesday
  4. Friday
  5. Saturday
  6. day
  7. tomorrow
  8. ¿Qué mes es?
  9. Winter
  10. today
  1. Spring
  2. first
  3. yesterday
  4. month
  5. year
  6. Thursday
  7. summer
  8. season
  9. Fall
  10. yesterday
  11. February

21 Clues: dayyearFallfirstmonthtodaySpringFridaysummerseasonWinterDecemberThursdaySaturdaytomorrowFebruaryyesterdayWednesdayyesterday¿Qué mes es?¿Qué día es hoy?

Seasons 2022-10-22

Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. túnica
  2. Otoño
  3. hojas
  4. blanco
  5. Primavera
  6. Fuego
  7. Verano
  8. Esqueleto
  9. dorado
  10. otoño
  11. Invierno
  1. pasos
  2. palo de escoba
  3. Tierra
  4. flores
  5. Agua
  6. Duende
  7. Viento
  8. Sonriente
  9. Calabaza
  10. Bruja
  11. Hada

22 Clues: AguaHadapasosOtoñohojasFuegoBrujaotoñoTierraflorestúnicaDuendeVientoblancoVeranodoradoCalabazaInviernoPrimaveraEsqueletoSonrientepalo de escoba

Days of the week, months, seasons 2022-09-23

Days of the week, months, seasons crossword puzzle
  1. tammikuu
  2. kesäkuu
  3. helmikuu
  4. syksy
  5. syyskuu
  6. lauantai
  7. toukokuu
  8. torstai
  9. huhtikuu
  10. maaliskuu
  1. maanantai
  2. heinäkuu
  3. marraskuu
  4. lokakuu
  5. keskiviikko
  6. tiistai
  7. joulukuu
  8. kevät
  9. kesä
  10. perjantai
  11. talvi
  12. perjantai
  13. elokuu

23 Clues: kesäkevättalvisyksyelokuulokakuutiistaikesäkuusyyskuutorstaiheinäkuutammikuujoulukuuhelmikuulauantaitoukokuuhuhtikuumaanantaimarraskuuperjantaiperjantaimaaliskuukeskiviikko

stage 1 2022-10-19

stage 1 crossword puzzle
  1. setembro
  2. fevereiro
  3. quinta
  4. junho
  5. março
  6. outono
  7. abril
  8. sabado
  9. domingo
  10. terça
  11. inverno
  12. segunda
  1. dezembro
  2. quarta
  3. outubro
  4. julho
  5. novembro
  6. verão
  7. sexta
  8. janeiro
  9. agosto
  10. primavera

22 Clues: julhoverãosextajunhomarçoabrilterçaquartaquintaoutonoagostosabadooutubrojaneirodomingoinvernosegundadezembrosetembronovembrofevereiroprimavera

Spanish Vocab. 2020-06-05

Spanish Vocab. crossword puzzle
  1. Monday
  2. Winter
  3. Tall
  4. Ten
  5. White
  6. Summer
  7. Hello
  8. Sunday
  9. Red
  1. June
  2. Sound of B
  3. Ugly
  4. Sound of C
  5. Tuesday
  6. Goodbye
  7. May
  8. Pink
  9. Good
  10. April
  11. Grey

20 Clues: TenMayRedJuneUglyTallPinkGoodGreyWhiteAprilHelloMondayWinterSummerSundayTuesdayGoodbyeSound of BSound of C

Las Estaciones y El Tiempo 2019-03-05

Las Estaciones y El Tiempo crossword puzzle
  1. good weather
  2. cool
  3. bad weather
  4. degrees
  5. cold
  6. season
  7. lightening
  8. thunder
  9. weather
  10. snowing
  1. so so
  2. hot
  3. cloudy
  4. winter
  5. temperature
  6. spring
  7. sunny
  8. fall
  9. windy
  10. summer
  11. raining

21 Clues: hotcoolfallcoldso sosunnywindycloudywinterspringsummerseasondegreesrainingthunderweathersnowinglighteningtemperaturebad weathergood weather

Repaso- Capitulo Preliminario 2019-09-19

Repaso- Capitulo Preliminario crossword puzzle
  1. thereis/thereare
  2. fall
  3. year
  4. book
  5. desk
  6. season
  7. notebook
  8. month
  9. summer
  10. tomorrow
  11. itswindy
  12. week
  1. itssunny
  2. today
  3. itscold
  4. folder
  5. winter
  6. spring
  7. itsraining
  8. thedate
  9. itssnowing
  10. in

22 Clues: infallyearbookdeskweektodaymonthfolderwinterspringseasonsummeritscoldthedateitssunnynotebooktomorrowitswindyitsrainingitssnowingthereis/thereare

Jahreszeiten 2020-01-09

Jahreszeiten crossword puzzle
  1. Žiema
  2. plaukti
  3. Rugpjūtis
  4. Vasara
  5. Gegužė
  6. Balandis
  7. Pavasaris
  8. Sausis
  9. Rugsėjis
  10. Lapkritis
  11. žalia
  1. balta
  2. Gruodis
  3. ruda
  4. Spalis
  5. Liepa
  6. čiuožti
  7. Ruduo
  8. žiūrėti tv
  9. Vasaris
  10. Birželis
  11. Kovas

22 Clues: rudabaltaŽiemaLiepaRuduoKovasžaliaSpalisVasaraGegužėSausisGruodisplauktičiuožtiVasarisBalandisBirželisRugsėjisRugpjūtisPavasarisLapkritisžiūrėti tv

Tarea #52-Clothing 2020-10-15

Tarea #52-Clothing crossword puzzle
  1. wallet
  2. cap
  3. pants
  4. t-shirt
  5. glasses
  6. winter coat
  7. gloves
  8. blouse
  9. dress
  10. dress shirt
  1. jacket
  2. shoes
  3. clothes/clothing
  4. purse/bag
  5. umbrella
  6. socks
  7. boots
  8. scarf
  9. skirt
  10. suit

20 Clues: capsuitshoessockspantsbootsscarfskirtdressjacketwalletglovesblouset-shirtglassesumbrellapurse/bagwinter coatdress shirtclothes/clothing

Le Calendrier 2020-10-29

Le Calendrier crossword puzzle
  1. June
  2. spring
  3. December
  4. Wednesday
  5. April
  6. Friday
  7. winter
  8. July
  9. November
  10. summer
  1. autumn/fall
  2. March
  3. Sunday
  4. September
  5. May
  6. Tuesday
  7. January
  8. February
  9. Monday
  10. Saturday
  11. August
  12. Thursday

22 Clues: MayJuneJulyMarchAprilSundayspringMondayFridaywinterAugustsummerTuesdayJanuaryDecemberFebruarySaturdayThursdayNovemberSeptemberWednesdayautumn/fall

Vocabulary 2023-04-04

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. June
  2. Fall
  3. Summer
  4. December
  5. Winter
  6. October
  7. It's cool
  8. It's snowing
  9. May
  1. November
  2. August
  3. March
  4. July
  5. Spring
  6. April
  7. January
  8. It's sunny
  9. February
  10. September
  11. It's cloudy

20 Clues: MayJuneJulyFallMarchAprilAugustSpringSummerWinterJanuaryOctoberNovemberDecemberFebruarySeptemberIt's coolIt's sunnyIt's cloudyIt's snowing

I Giorni, Mesi, Stagioni 2023-01-17

I Giorni, Mesi, Stagioni crossword puzzle
  1. March
  2. September
  3. Thursday
  4. December
  5. July
  6. Fall
  7. Friday
  8. Spring
  9. August
  10. January
  11. June
  1. May
  2. November
  3. February
  4. April
  5. Wednesday
  6. Summer
  7. Sunday
  8. Monday
  9. Saturday
  10. Tuesday
  11. Winter

22 Clues: MayJulyFallJuneMarchAprilSummerSundayMondayFridaySpringWinterAugustTuesdayJanuaryNovemberFebruaryThursdayDecemberSaturdayWednesdaySeptember

Eleanor Nguyen Weather Project 2023-02-07

Eleanor Nguyen Weather Project crossword puzzle
  1. Hot
  2. Beautiful
  3. March
  4. October
  5. Spring
  6. July
  7. Snowing
  8. January
  9. Foggy
  10. Fall
  11. Summer
  1. Winter
  2. December
  3. August
  4. Cold
  5. April
  6. May
  7. Sunny
  8. September
  9. June
  10. February
  11. November

22 Clues: HotMayColdJulyJuneFallMarchAprilSunnyFoggyWinterAugustSpringSummerOctoberSnowingJanuaryDecemberFebruaryNovemberBeautifulSeptember

Review 2022-12-17

Review crossword puzzle
  1. дешевый
  2. государство
  3. лето
  4. использовать
  5. весна
  6. зависит от
  7. выходной
  8. наличные деньги
  9. зима
  10. любимый
  11. покинуть;уйти
  1. зарядник
  2. осень
  3. рабочиий день
  4. расческа
  5. включить
  6. выключить
  7. погода
  8. сфотографировать
  9. дорогой

20 Clues: летозимаосеньвеснапогодадешевыйдорогойлюбимыйзарядникрасческавключитьвыходнойвыключитьзависит отгосударствоиспользоватьрабочиий деньпокинуть;уйтиналичные деньгисфотографировать

Christmas 2023-12-05

Christmas crossword puzzle
  1. jászol
  2. kakaó
  3. szánkó
  4. fahéj
  5. hópihe
  6. angyal
  7. ajándék
  8. tél
  9. csillag
  10. gyertyafény
  11. Karácsony
  1. Krisztus
  2. Mikulás
  3. dekoráció
  4. hóember
  5. harang
  6. mézeskalács
  7. rénszarvas
  8. fagyöngy
  9. pásztor
  10. cukorka

22 Clues: télkakaófahéjjászolharangszánkóhópiheangyalMikuláshóemberpásztorajándékcukorkacsillagKrisztusfagyöngydekorációKarácsonyrénszarvasmézeskalácsgyertyafény

La Ropa Vocab 2023-09-21

La Ropa Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. pants
  2. boots
  3. blouse
  4. winter hat
  5. wool
  6. leather
  7. baseball cap
  8. silk
  9. denim
  10. gloves
  1. scarf
  2. sandals
  3. coat
  4. sweater
  5. cotton
  6. polka dot
  7. shirt
  8. striped
  9. plaid
  10. tennis shoes

20 Clues: coatwoolsilkscarfpantsbootsshirtdenimplaidblousecottonglovessandalssweaterleatherstripedpolka dotwinter hatbaseball captennis shoes

Spanish vocab 2023-10-23

Spanish vocab crossword puzzle
  1. July
  2. April
  3. November
  4. December
  5. August
  6. September
  7. Winter
  8. March
  9. weather
  10. January
  1. Spring
  2. February
  3. cold
  4. May
  5. hot
  6. sunny
  7. Autumn
  8. October
  9. cool
  10. June
  11. Summer
  12. windy

22 Clues: MayhotJulycoldcoolJuneAprilsunnywindyMarchSpringAugustAutumnSummerWinterOctoberweatherJanuaryFebruaryNovemberDecemberSeptember

EL CLIMA 2024-04-18

EL CLIMA crossword puzzle
  1. garden
  2. warm
  3. chilly
  4. cold
  5. winter
  6. rainbow
  7. cloudy
  8. sunny
  9. snow
  10. beach
  1. park
  2. fog
  3. fall
  4. raining
  5. thunder
  6. storm
  7. storm
  8. pool
  9. summer
  10. spring
  11. cloud
  12. sun
  13. rain

23 Clues: fogsunparkfallwarmcoldpoolsnowrainstormstormcloudsunnybeachgardenchillywintersummerspringcloudyrainingthunderrainbow

animal test 2015-09-13

animal test crossword puzzle
  1. man's best friend
  2. lays eggs
  3. eats eucalyptus
  4. The smart animal in children's stories.
  5. The largest animal on land.
  6. is almost as smart as a human
  7. The fastest animal in the world.
  8. fly south for the winter every year
  1. an ugly butterfly
  2. Has a long neck so it can reach leaves on high trees.
  3. Lives in dirty kitchens
  4. An animal that can jump high.
  5. A tree that is green in winter.
  6. evolved into a bird
  7. gives us milk
  8. An animal that everyone is afraid of.

16 Clues: lays eggsgives us milkeats eucalyptusan ugly butterflyman's best friendevolved into a birdLives in dirty kitchensThe largest animal on land.An animal that can jump almost as smart as a humanA tree that is green in winter.The fastest animal in the south for the winter every yearAn animal that everyone is afraid of....

Crossword 2021 2021-03-10

Crossword 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. A sport that we play at reassess
  2. a project that we did in teams
  3. A season of the year
  4. We need to have at least 500 words
  5. something we do in English
  6. a sport
  7. something we use in class
  8. people that get wiped
  1. a movie we watched in class
  2. something that has to do with addition and subtraction
  3. a movie that has to do with dogs
  4. a book we read in class
  5. An instrument
  6. United state, UK, ect
  7. A winter sport
  8. a pandemic

16 Clues: a sporta pandemicAn instrumentA winter sportA season of the yearUnited state, UK, ectpeople that get wipeda book we read in classsomething we use in classsomething we do in Englisha movie we watched in classa project that we did in teamsA sport that we play at reassessa movie that has to do with dogsWe need to have at least 500 words...

December 2019-11-18

December crossword puzzle
  1. What does the F in SFRG stand for?
  2. Under the _________?
  3. ________ is also known as the festival of lights?
  4. He’s a mean one?
  5. Keeps your hands warm?
  6. Hung with care?
  7. Candy canes are traditionally what flavor?
  8. What is one week after Christmas? (3 wds)
  9. Seven candles in a kinara symbolize the seven principles of _________?
  10. Winter sport?
  1. What camp is Delta on?
  2. What did the SFRG send to Delta as gifts?
  3. German Christmas carol? (2 wds)
  4. Delta SFRG Treasurer's first name?
  5. The most famous reindeer of all?
  6. Winter precipitation?

16 Clues: Winter sport?Hung with care?He’s a mean one?Under the _________?Winter precipitation?What camp is Delta on?Keeps your hands warm?German Christmas carol? (2 wds)The most famous reindeer of all?What does the F in SFRG stand for?Delta SFRG Treasurer's first name?What did the SFRG send to Delta as gifts?What is one week after Christmas? (3 wds)...

Masterson and Glass Crossword 2023-10-03

Masterson and Glass Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Sport played with a small racket
  2. Winter Holiday
  3. Sport played with a ball made of pigskin
  4. Winter activity on snowy hills
  5. Who plays people in movies
  6. Holiday where you get dressed up
  7. School subject with numbers
  8. The first month of the year
  1. The fifth color of the rainbow
  2. Long food with a bun;eaten at baseball games a lot
  3. Italian food with noodles
  4. Hot state down south
  5. Season when Halloween occurs
  6. Sport played with your feet
  7. Sandy fun place
  8. Professional Football league

16 Clues: Winter HolidaySandy fun placeHot state down southItalian food with noodlesWho plays people in moviesSport played with your feetSchool subject with numbersThe first month of the yearSeason when Halloween occursProfessional Football leagueThe fifth color of the rainbowWinter activity on snowy hillsSport played with a small racket...

Seasons Crossword Puzzle 2023-10-27

Seasons Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. something that earth tilts on
  2. something that changes year round there are 4
  3. something that the earth revolves around
  4. comes after summer
  5. comes after fall
  6. comes after winter
  7. 365.25 days
  1. the north star
  2. hemisphere has a pair in the north on the earth
  3. something that the sun produces
  4. hemisphere it has a pair in the south on the earth
  5. revolves around the sun
  6. 24 hours
  7. something that revolves around the earth
  8. something that planets do around the sun
  9. comes after spring

16 Clues: 24 hours365.25 daysthe north starcomes after fallcomes after summercomes after wintercomes after springrevolves around the sunsomething that earth tilts onsomething that the sun producessomething that the earth revolves aroundsomething that revolves around the earthsomething that planets do around the sun...

El Calendario 2021-12-08

El Calendario crossword puzzle
  1. spring
  2. February
  3. October
  4. summer
  5. December
  6. March
  7. autumn
  8. Wednesday
  9. June
  10. Friday
  11. April
  12. August
  1. Saturday
  2. Tuesday
  3. May
  4. September
  5. Thursday
  6. January
  7. Sunday
  8. November
  9. Monday
  10. winter

22 Clues: MayJuneMarchAprilspringsummerSundayautumnMondaywinterFridayAugustTuesdayOctoberJanuarySaturdayFebruaryThursdayDecemberNovemberSeptemberWednesday

Schnitzeljagd 3, Lektion 3 Hier wohne ich! 2022-09-06

Schnitzeljagd 3, Lektion 3 Hier wohne ich! crossword puzzle
  1. kesä
  2. nähtävyydet
  3. olivat
  4. Länsi-Saksa
  5. vaeltaa
  6. todella
  7. sijaita
  8. purjehtia
  9. yksinkertaisesti
  10. siksi
  11. vierailla
  1. kaupunki
  2. urheilukenttä
  3. polkupyörä
  4. laskeutua
  5. haluta
  6. suositella
  7. asukas
  8. noin
  9. lentokenttä
  10. eläimiä
  11. talvi

22 Clues: kesänointalvisiksiolivathalutaasukasvaeltaatodellasijaitaeläimiäkaupunkilaskeutuapurjehtiavieraillapolkupyöräsuositellanähtävyydetLänsi-Saksalentokenttäurheilukenttäyksinkertaisesti

S14 Vocabulary 2023-02-17

S14 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Good
  2. gladly
  3. Nine
  4. Winter
  5. Ordinary, little
  6. Even
  7. Something
  8. Hey
  9. price
  1. Come on!
  2. Leave
  3. Terrible
  4. Changeable, Inconsistent
  5. For
  6. Honey
  7. Tripods
  8. It
  9. Slave
  10. Sauce
  11. So many

20 Clues: ItForHeyGoodNineEvenLeaveHoneySlaveSaucepricegladlyWinterTripodsSo manyCome on!TerribleSomethingOrdinary, littleChangeable, Inconsistent

Marcelino Pan y Vino Capitulo 4 2023-04-29

Marcelino Pan y Vino Capitulo 4 crossword puzzle
  1. cross
  2. rain
  3. head
  4. party
  5. bread
  6. eyes
  7. hands
  8. men
  9. time
  10. foods
  11. sons or children
  1. house
  2. winter
  3. meat
  4. table
  5. below
  6. low
  7. protagonista del especatáculo
  8. kitchen
  9. days

20 Clues: lowmenrainmeatheadeyestimedayscrosshousetablebelowpartybreadhandsfoodswinterkitchensons or childrenprotagonista del especatáculo

Seasons and Weather 2017-10-05

Seasons and Weather crossword puzzle
  1. облако
  2. август
  3. июнь
  4. влажный
  5. лето
  6. зима
  7. февраль
  8. туманный
  9. гроза
  10. снег
  11. дождь
  12. июль
  1. осень
  2. холодный
  3. январь
  4. жаркий
  5. декабрь
  6. весна
  7. ветреный
  8. теплый
  9. мороз
  10. солнечный

22 Clues: июньлетозимаснегиюльосеньвеснаморозгрозадождьоблакоянварьжаркийавгусттеплыйдекабрьвлажныйфевральхолодныйветреныйтуманныйсолнечный

Miss Pledran's Thanksgiving crossword 2020-11-06

Miss Pledran's Thanksgiving crossword crossword puzzle
  1. enseigner
  2. automne(US)
  3. vêtements
  4. récolte
  5. dinde
  6. vivre/habiter
  7. faire pousser
  8. quitter
  9. accoster
  10. navire
  11. potiron
  12. maïs
  1. naviguer
  2. nourriture
  3. hiver
  4. printemps
  5. légumes
  6. colon
  7. repas
  8. célébration
  9. froid

21 Clues: maïshivercolonrepasdindefroidnavirelégumesrécoltequitterpotironnavigueraccosterenseignervêtementsprintempsnourritureautomne(US)célébrationvivre/habiterfaire pousser

Holidays 2020-12-09

Holidays crossword puzzle
  1. case stationary
  2. hot day
  3. pool
  4. Christmas
  5. online
  6. eyes
  7. head
  8. winter
  9. shelf
  10. 19 2020
  11. snow
  1. food
  2. autumn
  3. time
  4. spring
  5. holidays
  6. camera
  7. clothes
  8. man’s best friend
  9. pink

20 Clues: foodtimepooleyesheadpinksnowshelfautumnspringcameraonlinewinterhot dayclothes19 2020holidaysChristmascase stationaryman’s best friend

Diana Goddess Of The Moon vocab 2021-02-24

Diana Goddess Of The Moon vocab crossword puzzle
  1. sail
  2. dark
  3. hear
  4. temple
  5. heaven
  6. stay
  7. hurry
  8. near
  9. flame
  10. winter
  11. altar
  1. gift
  2. worship
  3. no
  4. help
  5. word
  6. palace
  7. town
  8. war
  9. beast
  10. far away
  11. wisdom

22 Clues: nowargiftsaildarkhelphearwordstaytownnearhurrybeastflamealtartemplepalaceheavenwisdomwinterworshipfar away

Spanish 2021-09-09

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. class
  2. tomorrow
  3. summer
  4. raining
  5. day
  6. spring
  7. snow
  8. morning
  9. student
  10. pen
  11. today
  12. cold
  13. book
  1. winter
  2. like....
  3. hot
  4. year
  5. pencil
  6. month
  7. notebook
  8. fall
  9. sun

22 Clues: hotdaypensunyearsnowfallcoldbookclassmonthtodaywintersummerpencilspringrainingmorningstudentlike....tomorrownotebook

U14 2022-05-13

U14 crossword puzzle
  1. puhkus
  2. andma
  3. ema
  4. aastaaeg
  5. vesi
  6. suvi
  7. tuuline
  8. talv
  9. külm
  10. kevad
  11. vihmane
  1. kallistus
  2. millal
  3. isa
  4. teener
  5. kuu
  6. veebruar
  7. lihavõtted
  8. vihmavari
  9. kuningas
  10. jaanuar
  11. soe

22 Clues: isaemakuusoevesisuvitalvkülmandmakevadmillalpuhkusteenerjaanuartuulinevihmaneveebruaraastaaegkuningaskallistusvihmavarilihavõtted

Ein bisschen Frieden 2019-03-31

Ein bisschen Frieden crossword puzzle
  1. wichura
  2. kwiatek
  3. ognień
  4. płakać
  5. krzyki
  6. ziemia
  7. nadzieja
  8. zima
  9. mieszkać
  10. piosenka
  1. lalka
  2. ptak
  3. ludzie
  4. miłość
  5. radość
  6. wiatr
  7. słońce
  8. pokój
  9. dzień
  10. chłopak
  11. chmura
  12. świat

22 Clues: ptakzimalalkawiatrpokójdzieńświatludziemiłośćognieńradośćpłakaćkrzykisłońceziemiachmurawichurakwiatekchłopaknadziejamieszkaćpiosenka

Repaso- Capitulo Preliminario 2019-09-19

Repaso- Capitulo Preliminario crossword puzzle
  1. in
  2. itssunny
  3. book
  4. itssnowing
  5. week
  6. season
  7. year
  8. month
  9. spring
  10. itswindy
  11. itscold
  1. thedate
  2. thereis/thereare
  3. desk
  4. itsraining
  5. tomorrow
  6. folder
  7. fall
  8. notebook
  9. summer
  10. winter
  11. today

22 Clues: indeskbookfallweekyearmonthtodayfolderseasonsummerwinterspringthedateitscolditssunnytomorrownotebookitswindyitsrainingitssnowingthereis/thereare

Jahreszeiten 2020-01-09

Jahreszeiten crossword puzzle
  1. Žiema
  2. plaukti
  3. Rugpjūtis
  4. Vasara
  5. Gegužė
  6. Balandis
  7. Pavasaris
  8. Sausis
  9. Rugsėjis
  10. Lapkritis
  11. žalia
  1. balta
  2. Gruodis
  3. ruda
  4. Spalis
  5. Liepa
  6. čiuožti
  7. Ruduo
  8. žiūrėti tv
  9. Vasaris
  10. Birželis
  11. Kovas

22 Clues: rudabaltaŽiemaLiepaRuduoKovasžaliaSpalisVasaraGegužėSausisGruodisplauktičiuožtiVasarisBalandisBirželisRugsėjisRugpjūtisPavasarisLapkritisžiūrėti tv

Amser 2023-06-06

Amser crossword puzzle
  1. Friday
  2. January
  3. Wednesday
  4. Summer
  5. November
  6. May
  7. Saturday
  8. October
  9. Winter
  10. Autumn
  1. Thursday
  2. April
  3. Spring
  4. March
  5. February
  6. June
  7. Sunday
  8. Monday
  9. December
  10. September
  11. August
  12. July
  13. Tuesday

23 Clues: MayJuneJulyAprilMarchSpringFridaySundayMondaySummerAugustWinterAutumnJanuaryTuesdayOctoberThursdayFebruaryDecemberNovemberSaturdayWednesdaySeptember

Zeit, Monate und Wochentage 2024-01-18

Zeit, Monate und Wochentage crossword puzzle
  1. kväll
  2. Lördag
  3. Torsdag
  4. Mars
  5. Tisdag
  6. Vinter
  7. Onsdag
  8. Månad
  9. Vecka
  10. januari
  11. Fredag
  12. Höst
  1. Måndag
  2. Vår
  3. natt
  4. Sommar
  5. Morgon
  6. dag
  7. December
  8. Söndag
  9. Helg
  10. Augusti

22 Clues: VårdagnattMarsHelgHöstkvällMånadVeckaMåndagLördagSommarMorgonTisdagSöndagVinterOnsdagFredagTorsdagAugustijanuariDecember

Crucigrama 2023-09-21

Crucigrama crossword puzzle
  1. Flower
  2. Autumn
  3. Friday
  4. Nine
  5. Cat
  6. Spring
  7. Tuesday
  8. Winter
  9. Moon
  10. Seven
  11. Dog
  12. House
  1. Thirty
  2. Twelve
  3. Sun
  4. Summer
  5. October
  6. Thank you
  7. March
  8. Fifteen
  9. Thursday
  10. January

22 Clues: SunCatDogNineMoonMarchSevenHouseThirtyTwelveFlowerSummerAutumnFridaySpringWinterOctoberFifteenTuesdayJanuaryThursdayThank you

Calendario 2023-10-23

Calendario crossword puzzle
  1. September
  2. June
  3. Friday
  4. April
  5. Summer
  6. May
  7. February
  8. Thrusday
  9. sunday
  1. August
  2. December
  3. July
  4. November
  5. saturday
  6. January
  7. winter
  8. spring
  9. March
  10. monday
  11. Wednesday
  12. tuesday
  13. fall

22 Clues: MayJulyJunefallMarchAprilAugustwinterspringFridaymondaySummersundayJanuarytuesdayDecemberNovembersaturdayFebruaryThrusdaySeptemberWednesday

CHRISTMAS PUZZLE 06 2023-08-08

CHRISTMAS PUZZLE 06 crossword puzzle
  1. A vehicle designed for winter travel over snow-covered terrain
  2. A delicate ice crystal that falls from the sky in winter
  3. Playthings that bring joy and fun to kids
  1. Santa's other name, often used in Christmas stories
  2. Footwear for walking on deep winter surfaces
  3. Colorful strips used to decorate gifts and packages
  4. Presents given to celebrate special occasions
  5. A black material often used to represent naughty children's gift
  6. What falls softly in winter, covering the ground in a white blanket

9 Clues: Playthings that bring joy and fun to kidsFootwear for walking on deep winter surfacesPresents given to celebrate special occasionsSanta's other name, often used in Christmas storiesColorful strips used to decorate gifts and packagesA delicate ice crystal that falls from the sky in winterA vehicle designed for winter travel over snow-covered terrain...

Winter 2023 - 2023 2022-10-25

Winter 2023 - 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. This is often used to go down a hill
  2. What bears do for the winter
  3. What gets shoveled
  4. Red and white
  5. There are no two alike
  6. The other reindeer
  7. They have pointy ears and shoes
  1. A chocolate calendar
  2. Corn cob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of coal
  3. Be careful who you stand beside underneath the
  4. When this factor is added, it feels much colder
  5. These are often left out for Santa
  6. Where Santa Claus lives
  7. Was visited by three ghosts

14 Clues: Red and whiteWhat gets shoveledThe other reindeerA chocolate calendarThere are no two alikeWhere Santa Claus livesWas visited by three ghostsWhat bears do for the winterThey have pointy ears and shoesThese are often left out for SantaThis is often used to go down a hillBe careful who you stand beside underneath the...

Words for Winter 2022-12-05

Words for Winter crossword puzzle
  1. Source of heat, using logs, in the home
  2. Sleep through the winter
  3. March
  4. Hand tool to remove snow from sidewalks
  5. Snow crashing down a mountain
  6. Fun thing to do on ice
  7. Name of persons going south for the winter
  1. the Snowman
  2. Cluster of ice crystals falling from the sky
  3. January
  4. February
  5. Another word for a snowstorm
  6. Something you sit on while riding down a hill
  7. Keep your feet warm while outside

14 Clues: MarchJanuaryFebruarythe SnowmanFun thing to do on iceSleep through the winterAnother word for a snowstormSnow crashing down a mountainKeep your feet warm while outsideSource of heat, using logs, in the homeHand tool to remove snow from sidewalksName of persons going south for the winterCluster of ice crystals falling from the sky...

Winter Class 3 2021-01-12

Winter Class 3 crossword puzzle
  1. free ride or take a car for free
  2. interesting and fun
  3. to stop something
  4. a thing you usually do at home
  5. things you have been through
  6. a play or a concert
  7. to need or depend on sb/sth
  1. wash clothes
  2. arrive at
  3. all the world
  4. write or say something back to somebody
  5. move one's hand
  6. travel between home and where you work
  7. a long travel

14 Clues: arrive atwash clothesall the worlda long travelmove one's handto stop somethinginteresting and funa play or a concertto need or depend on sb/sththings you have been througha thing you usually do at homefree ride or take a car for freetravel between home and where you workwrite or say something back to somebody

[2023 Winter IPK] 2023-02-21

[2023 Winter IPK] crossword puzzle
  1. a person who buys goods and services
  2. o cause something (such as dead plants and the bodies of dead animals) to be slowly destroyed and broken down by natural processes, chemicals, etc...
  3. a person who is trained in a science and whose job involves doing scientific research or solving scientific problems
  4. to decide what group something belongs to
  5. not like something or someone else, or not like before
  6. an idea of how something is, or how something should be done
  1. to act together; to come together and have an effect on each other
  2. to think about something that you are not sure about and try to guess what is true, what will happen etc
  3. all the animals and plants in a particular area, and the way in which they are related to each other and to their environment
  4. an animal, plant, human, or any other living thing
  5. helping you to do or get what you want
  6. something invented
  7. no longer alive or living, no longer having life
  8. o make or produce (something), to cause (something new) to exist

14 Clues: something inventeda person who buys goods and serviceshelping you to do or get what you wantto decide what group something belongs tono longer alive or living, no longer having lifean animal, plant, human, or any other living thingnot like something or someone else, or not like beforean idea of how something is, or how something should be done...

Winter in Europe 2012-12-09

Winter in Europe crossword puzzle
  1. 4.Young children wear it when they play in the snow. It is thick, warm, and waterproof.
  2. 13.The coldest Scandinavian country in wintertime.
  3. 10.Country where the first celebration of the Winter Olympics was held.
  4. 1.Frozen precipitation that falls from the sky.
  5. 8.A large mass of snow that slides down a mountain.
  6. 6.Snowfall that is so heavy one can see little or nothing on the horizon.
  1. 11.The coldest country in Europe. By the coldest temperature.
  2. 2.Activity that you strap long boards to your feet.
  3. 3.Sport that takes place on ice. It’s very popular in Finland.
  4. 5.A standardized measure of how hot or cold it is outside.
  5. 12.This animal lives in cold places. 8 (or 9) help Santa fly in the sky. A famous one has a shiny red nose.
  6. Claus 9.Christmas figure with legendary, mythical, historicaland folkloric origins also known as Saint Nicholas.
  7. 7.Country which has one of the most expensive resort outside the Alps. It is near Lithuania.
  8. hockey 14.What winter sport did not originate in Europe? (2 words)

14 Clues: 1.Frozen precipitation that falls from the sky.13.The coldest Scandinavian country in wintertime.2.Activity that you strap long boards to your feet.8.A large mass of snow that slides down a mountain.5.A standardized measure of how hot or cold it is outside.11.The coldest country in Europe. By the coldest temperature....

Winter Hibbo Bex 2014-01-07

Winter Hibbo Bex crossword puzzle
  1. een dier dat blaft en vaak wordt gezien als huisdier
  2. snelste dier ter wereld
  3. welk merk van auto is ook een bloemsoort
  4. welke kleur heeft sneeuw
  5. wat voor een soort dier is een dolfijn
  6. wat valt er uit de lucht in de winter
  7. het is niet vierkant niet rechthoekig niet driehoekig maar
  1. welk land telt de meeste inwoners
  2. welk dier heeft de langste nek
  3. hoeveel uren telt een dag
  4. het wordt gebruikt om te zien wat je doet op je computer
  5. het grootste geheugensoort dat er is
  6. welk land is het grootste als je alleen maar naar oppervlakte kijkt
  7. in welke periode valt er meestal sneeuw

14 Clues: snelste dier ter wereldwelke kleur heeft sneeuwhoeveel uren telt een dagwelk dier heeft de langste nekwelk land telt de meeste inwonershet grootste geheugensoort dat er iswat valt er uit de lucht in de winterwat voor een soort dier is een dolfijnin welke periode valt er meestal sneeuwwelk merk van auto is ook een bloemsoort...

Validate Winter Crossword 2013-10-08

Validate Winter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Bird Seen at Christmas
  2. We would give a present to one
  3. Beaches
  4. Sometimes goes on top of a Christmas tree
  5. Children are this on Christmas morning
  6. These can be roasted for lunch
  1. Veg to add to gravy
  2. Jack Sprats wife ate it
  3. Bread eaten with Curry
  4. First wife of Prince Charles
  5. Send one of these
  6. Helps Santa
  7. Boiled for breakfast
  8. White Blanket on ground

14 Clues: BeachesHelps SantaSend one of theseVeg to add to gravyBoiled for breakfastBird Seen at ChristmasBread eaten with CurryJack Sprats wife ate itWhite Blanket on groundFirst wife of Prince CharlesWe would give a present to oneThese can be roasted for lunchChildren are this on Christmas morningSometimes goes on top of a Christmas tree

Winter Veerle Hofman 2014-01-21

Winter Veerle Hofman crossword puzzle
  1. Een doe-woord
  2. Een tekst die gezegd is door een bepaald persoon
  3. een toets waarin de leerkracht kan zien of je alles correct schrijft
  4. een verzameling van woorden om een taal te spreken
  5. Dit plaats je na een vraag
  6. Dit is een aaneenschakeling van letters
  7. Een spreekwoord
  1. een rijmende tekst
  2. Een woordspel
  3. wanneer je letters verwisselt van plaats, heb je ...
  4. Dit plaats je na een zin
  5. een verzonnen tekst
  6. aeiou
  7. een tekst die je moet schrijven over een bepaald onderwerp

14 Clues: aeiouEen woordspelEen doe-woordEen spreekwoordeen rijmende teksteen verzonnen tekstDit plaats je na een zinDit plaats je na een vraagDit is een aaneenschakeling van lettersEen tekst die gezegd is door een bepaald persooneen verzameling van woorden om een taal te sprekenwanneer je letters verwisselt van plaats, heb je ......

Winter Larissa Cansse 2016-01-04

Winter Larissa Cansse crossword puzzle
  1. Bloemen
  2. Herfstbladeren
  3. Bomen
  4. Koud
  5. Zonnebril
  6. Vriezen
  7. Zomer
  1. Kerstmis
  2. Vriendschap
  3. Liefde
  4. Ijs
  5. Sneeuwvlokjes
  6. Herfst
  7. Lente

14 Clues: IjsKoudBomenLenteZomerLiefdeHerfstBloemenVriezenKerstmisZonnebrilVriendschapSneeuwvlokjesHerfstbladeren

Some winter fun 2022-01-18

Some winter fun crossword puzzle
  1. What we need to wear to play outside
  2. my favorite season.
  3. A good dessert and your newest dog
  4. Has the best books ever
  5. Our favorite place to play in the summer
  6. Where your other grandparents live
  7. One of my favorite things to do
  1. State where we live
  2. What you visit at a grandmothers house
  3. She is cute and likes to snuggle in your bed
  4. When it falls it's cold
  5. First name of the street, sounds nice
  6. The dog you had when you moved here
  7. This yellow cat likes to go outside

14 Clues: State where we livemy favorite season.When it falls it's coldHas the best books everOne of my favorite things to doA good dessert and your newest dogWhere your other grandparents liveThe dog you had when you moved hereThis yellow cat likes to go outsideWhat we need to wear to play outsideFirst name of the street, sounds nice...

Winter Holiday Themed 2023-12-11

Winter Holiday Themed crossword puzzle
  1. we put this on top of the shelf
  2. a nose that shines brightly
  3. we open on christmas day
  4. a beginning of a chapter
  5. eats cookies before giving presents
  6. a beverage that is hot and sweet
  1. opportunity to just hang out without school
  2. celebrates this
  3. we hange on a tree for christmas
  4. time to relax
  5. falls in super cold weather
  6. this animal named rodoloph lied once
  7. we spend time with these loved ones
  8. on a dark night

14 Clues: time to relaxcelebrates thison a dark nightwe open on christmas daya beginning of a chaptera nose that shines brightlyfalls in super cold weatherwe put this on top of the shelfwe hange on a tree for christmasa beverage that is hot and sweetwe spend time with these loved oneseats cookies before giving presentsthis animal named rodoloph lied once...

Crossword 2022-02-15

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What men could do to look more attractive
  2. The best baseball player of all time
  3. The biggest scandal of the year
  4. Type of hat to cover your head in the style of a bowl
  5. The number of home runs Babe Ruth hit this season
  6. The number of days in a school year
  7. By giving your lady your coat you would be considered a _________.
  1. All that Men wear
  2. The Winter sport that requires a sled form 4 to 5 people
  3. Where the first Winter Olympics will be held
  4. The greatest fashionable hairstyle for women
  5. The greatest age one could wish to become
  6. The state with the secret lease to produce more oil companies
  7. The material of dress to wear during the Winter

14 Clues: All that Men wearThe biggest scandal of the yearThe number of days in a school yearThe best baseball player of all timeWhat men could do to look more attractiveThe greatest age one could wish to becomeWhere the first Winter Olympics will be heldThe greatest fashionable hairstyle for womenThe material of dress to wear during the Winter...

unit 11 2012-04-03

unit 11 crossword puzzle
  1. laud
  2. võtmed
  3. jõulud
  4. linn
  5. suvi
  6. talv
  7. jooksma
  8. naljakas
  9. peal
  1. politseiauto
  2. sügis
  3. lihavõtted
  4. tänav
  5. sees
  6. all
  7. kevad
  8. põrand

17 Clues: alllaudseeslinnsuvitalvpealsügistänavkevadvõtmedjõuludpõrandjooksmanaljakaslihavõttedpolitseiauto

Deutsch/Tschechisch Monate + Jahreszeiten 2021-01-14

Deutsch/Tschechisch Monate + Jahreszeiten crossword puzzle
  1. léto
  2. červen
  3. zima
  4. září
  5. duben
  6. únor
  7. leden
  1. listopad
  2. srpen
  3. podzim
  4. prosinec
  5. říjen
  6. březen
  7. rok
  8. červenec
  9. jaro
  10. květen

17 Clues: roklétozimazáříúnorjarosrpenříjendubenledenpodzimbřezenčervenkvětenlistopadprosinecčervenec

Seasons and months 2022-05-11

Seasons and months crossword puzzle
  1. jūnijs
  2. ziema
  3. novembris
  4. gadalaiks
  5. aprīlis
  6. augusts
  7. maijs
  8. februāris
  9. marts
  1. decembris
  2. septembris
  3. oktobris
  4. janvāris
  5. jūlijs
  6. vasara
  7. pavasaris
  8. rudens

17 Clues: ziemamaijsmartsjūnijsjūlijsvasararudensaprīlisaugustsoktobrisjanvārisdecembrisnovembrisgadalaikspavasarisfebruārisseptembris

Antonyms 2023-01-23

Antonyms crossword puzzle
  1. dirty
  2. sick
  3. above
  4. winter
  5. quiet
  6. day
  7. polite
  8. asleep
  9. rough
  1. heavy
  2. deep
  3. dull
  4. always
  5. full
  6. frown
  7. learn
  8. child

17 Clues: daydeepdullsickfulldirtyheavyabovefrownquietlearnchildroughalwayswinterpoliteasleep

La Navidad 2 2023-12-18

La Navidad 2 crossword puzzle
  1. carols
  2. elves
  3. winter
  4. tree
  5. angels
  6. reindeer
  7. mistletoe
  8. chimney
  9. lights
  10. stockings
  1. candy
  2. stars
  3. toys
  4. sleigh
  5. gifts
  6. tinsel
  7. snow

17 Clues: toystreesnowcandystarselvesgiftscarolswintersleighangelstinsellightschimneyreindeermistletoestockings

weather 2024-02-05

weather crossword puzzle
  1. luminen
  2. lämmin
  3. kylmä
  4. viileä
  5. märkä
  6. tuulinen
  7. aurinkoinen
  8. kuuma
  9. myrskyinen
  10. sateinen
  1. talvi
  2. syksy
  3. pilvinen
  4. kuiva
  5. sää
  6. kesä
  7. kevät

17 Clues: sääkesätalvisyksykylmämärkäkuivakuumakevätlämminviileäluminenpilvinentuulinensateinenmyrskyinenaurinkoinen

Clothing 2017-11-05

Clothing crossword puzzle
  1. a belt keeps me up
  2. You wear me in a formal outing
  3. you wear me nearly everywhere
  4. I am really good in summer
  5. i’ve got holes in myself
  6. I go with a T-shirt
  7. don’t wear me in winter!
  8. you need me for winter
  9. you wear me to work
  1. I can have patterns
  2. you wear me with a shoe
  3. I don’t cover your ears
  4. you wear me when you go skiing
  5. part of the school uniform
  6. no me no beach!
  7. don’t wear me with sandles!

16 Clues: no me no beach!a belt keeps me upI can have patternsI go with a T-shirtyou wear me to workyou need me for winteryou wear me with a shoeI don’t cover your earsi’ve got holes in myselfdon’t wear me in winter!part of the school uniformI am really good in summerdon’t wear me with sandles!you wear me nearly everywhereYou wear me in a formal outing...

Monate und Jahreszeiten 2023-10-21

Monate und Jahreszeiten crossword puzzle
  1. Das ist der zweite Sommermonat.
  2. Das ist der erste Herbstmonat.
  3. Das ist der erste Frühlingsmonat.
  4. Das ist der zweite Frühlingsmonat.
  5. Das ist der dritte Herbstmonat.
  6. Das ist der dritte Frühlingsmonat.
  7. Diese Jahreszeit kommt nach Herbst.
  8. Das ist der zweite Herbstmonat.
  1. Das ist der dritte Sommermonat.
  2. Das ist der erste Wintermonat.
  3. Das ist der zweite Wintermonat.
  4. Diese Jahreszeit kommt nach Winter.
  5. Diese Jahreszeit kommt nach Frühling.
  6. Diese Jahreszeit kommt nach Sommer.
  7. Das ist der erste Sommermonat.
  8. Das ist der dritte Wintermonat.

16 Clues: Das ist der erste Wintermonat.Das ist der erste Herbstmonat.Das ist der erste Sommermonat.Das ist der dritte Sommermonat.Das ist der zweite Sommermonat.Das ist der zweite Wintermonat.Das ist der dritte Herbstmonat.Das ist der dritte Wintermonat.Das ist der zweite Herbstmonat.Das ist der erste Frühlingsmonat.Das ist der zweite Frühlingsmonat....

HIBERNATION :)) 2023-12-24

HIBERNATION :)) crossword puzzle
  1. Some animals can survive without ___ when hibernating.
  2. In which season do bears hibernate?
  3. Animals eat a lot of ___ before hibernation.
  4. Some animals build ___?
  5. Some ___ may attack hibernating prey.
  6. During hibernation, their body ___ drops.
  7. When wood frogs hibernate they stop ___.
  8. Hibernation is like ___.
  1. When animals hibernate, they lose ___
  2. ___- blooded animals can't hibernate.
  3. Animals ___ in winter.
  4. What state are animals in when hibernating?
  5. These furry bees hibernate.
  6. ___ hibernate up to 11 months.
  7. Animals save ___ when hibernating.
  8. Which animal hibernate for 3 years?

16 Clues: Animals ___ in winter.Some animals build ___?Hibernation is like ___.These furry bees hibernate.___ hibernate up to 11 months.Animals save ___ when hibernating.In which season do bears hibernate?Which animal hibernate for 3 years?When animals hibernate, they lose ______- blooded animals can't hibernate.Some ___ may attack hibernating prey....

dddd 2021-12-24

dddd crossword puzzle
  1. Kappeln
  2. Juli
  3. Ferien
  4. im
  5. zusammen
  6. und
  7. Sommer
  8. Jannis
  9. Katja
  10. in
  1. null
  2. Reise
  3. zwei
  4. den
  5. zwei
  6. Nach
  7. zwei
  8. Albert
  9. mit

19 Clues: imindenundmitnullzweiJulizweiNachzweiReiseKatjaFerienSommerAlbertJannisKappelnzusammen

Jahreszeit und monate 2022-03-09

Jahreszeit und monate crossword puzzle
  1. juuli
  2. veebruar
  3. oktober
  4. kalender
  5. mai
  6. suvi
  7. jaanuar
  8. sügis
  9. aprill
  1. talv
  2. kevad
  3. september
  4. detsember
  5. märts
  6. juuni
  7. november
  8. august

17 Clues: maitalvsuvikevadjuulimärtsjuunisügisaugustaprilloktoberjaanuarveebruarkalendernovemberseptemberdetsember

Seasons and months- French 2022-03-13

Seasons and months- French crossword puzzle
  1. winter
  2. December
  3. April
  4. autumn
  5. August
  6. summer
  7. spring
  8. March
  9. June
  1. July
  2. fog
  3. wind
  4. May
  5. October
  6. rain
  7. snow
  8. January

17 Clues: fogMayJulywindrainsnowJuneAprilMarchwinterautumnAugustsummerspringOctoberJanuaryDecember

Te Ahuahanga 2021-11-21

Te Ahuahanga crossword puzzle
  1. hot
  2. winter
  3. snow
  4. wind
  5. overcast
  6. summer
  7. dry
  8. storm
  9. hail
  1. autumn
  2. warm
  3. spring
  4. cold
  5. tornado
  6. rain
  7. frozen
  8. lightning

17 Clues: hotdrywarmsnowcoldwindrainhailstormautumnwinterspringsummerfrozentornadoovercastlightning

Te Ahuahanga 2021-11-21

Te Ahuahanga crossword puzzle
  1. hot
  2. winter
  3. snow
  4. wind
  5. overcast
  6. summer
  7. dry
  8. storm
  9. hail
  1. autumn
  2. warm
  3. spring
  4. cold
  5. tornado
  6. rain
  7. frozen
  8. lightning

17 Clues: hotdrywarmsnowcoldwindrainhailstormautumnwinterspringsummerfrozentornadoovercastlightning

Luna 3 2015-04-29

Luna 3 crossword puzzle
  1. temps
  2. attention
  3. lire
  4. mauvais
  5. vite
  6. écouter
  7. montrer
  8. hiver
  1. pull
  2. arrêter
  3. printemps
  4. apprendre
  5. cahier
  6. jupe
  7. maintenant
  8. sur
  9. fenêtre

17 Clues: surpulllirevitejupetempshivercahierarrêtermauvaisécoutermontrerfenêtreattentionprintempsapprendremaintenant

nomad 2016-03-29

nomad crossword puzzle
  1. traffic
  2. satisfied
  3. skyscrapers
  4. withoutanimals
  5. becomingmoremodern
  6. anothernameforlet
  7. world
  1. lifestyle
  2. eyes
  3. anomadwhomovesfromoneplacetoanother
  4. fullofpeople
  5. goingtoanotherplace
  6. travellong
  7. winter
  8. easily
  9. keepsafe
  10. anothernamefordifficult

17 Clues: eyesworldwintereasilytraffickeepsafelifestylesatisfiedtravellongskyscrapersfullofpeoplewithoutanimalsanothernameforletbecomingmoremoderngoingtoanotherplaceanothernamefordifficultanomadwhomovesfromoneplacetoanother

SEASONS and MONTHS 2016-02-10

SEASONS and MONTHS crossword puzzle
  1. KEVAD
  2. SÜGIS
  3. JUULI
  5. SUVI
  9. KEVAD
  5. JUUNI
  6. TALV
  8. MAI
  9. MÄRTS


Unit 3 Extra Credit- The weather/El clima 2021-03-22

Unit 3 Extra Credit- The weather/El clima crossword puzzle
  1. Itswindy
  2. Itshot
  3. suit
  4. shoes
  5. scarf
  6. dress
  7. jacket
  8. Itsraining
  9. summer
  10. blouse
  1. winter
  2. skirt
  3. Itscold
  4. itsniceweather
  5. pants
  6. primavera
  7. autumn

17 Clues: suitskirtshoesscarfdresspantswinterItshotautumnjacketsummerblouseItscoldItswindyprimaveraItsrainingitsniceweather

Days,Months and Seasons 2021-10-18

Days,Months and Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. Καλοκαίρι
  2. Φθινόπωρο
  3. Δεκέμβριος
  4. Μάρτιος
  5. Κυριακή
  6. Σεπτέμβριος
  7. Απρίλιος
  8. Ιούλιος
  9. Τρίτη
  10. Άνοιξη
  11. Ιανουάριος
  1. Χειμώνας
  2. Δευτέρα
  3. Ιούνιος
  4. Τετάρτη
  5. Οκτώβριος
  6. Αύγουστος
  7. Κυριακή

18 Clues: ΤρίτηΆνοιξηΔευτέραΙούνιοςΤετάρτηΜάρτιοςΚυριακήΙούλιοςΚυριακήΧειμώναςΑπρίλιοςΚαλοκαίριΦθινόπωροΟκτώβριοςΑύγουστοςΔεκέμβριοςΙανουάριοςΣεπτέμβριος

Unit 11 words 2024-03-12

Unit 11 words crossword puzzle
  1. sein
  2. korv
  3. politseiauto
  4. karp
  5. kevad
  6. piim
  7. tuba
  8. kuu
  9. võti
  10. korter
  1. talv
  2. elutuba
  3. plakat
  4. põrand
  5. sügis
  6. suvi
  7. laud

17 Clues: kuuseintalvkorvkarpsuvipiimtubalaudvõtisügiskevadplakatpõrandkorterelutubapolitseiauto

angielski 2020-12-06

angielski crossword puzzle
  1. zima
  2. muzeum
  3. paszport
  4. pilot
  5. klawiatura
  6. aplikacja
  7. morze
  8. włosy
  9. śnieg
  10. pszczoła
  1. kino
  2. zwierzęta
  3. uczniowie - studenci
  4. głośniki
  5. piątek
  6. gry
  7. zdjęcie
  8. woda

18 Clues: grykinozimawodapilotmorzewłosyśniegpiątekmuzeumzdjęciegłośnikipaszportpszczołazwierzętaaplikacjaklawiaturauczniowie - studenci

My Solutions Team 2017-01-31

My Solutions Team crossword puzzle
  1. capital city
  2. Chen
  3. Matches
  4. Lui
  5. mohammed
  6. Ali
  7. Komma
  8. wood
  9. cute
  1. Asfaw
  2. Van
  3. wuynkler
  4. Chen
  5. Winter
  6. Ozeri
  7. Sayid
  8. Vign
  9. Gande
  10. age

19 Clues: VanLuiAliageChenChenVignwoodcuteAsfawOzeriSayidGandeKommaWinterMatcheswuynklermohammedcapital city

Angielskiego 2020-12-02

Angielskiego crossword puzzle
  1. śnieg
  2. aplikacja
  3. morze
  4. pszczoła
  5. zima
  6. uczniowie - studenci
  7. zwierzęta
  8. klawiatura
  9. paszport
  10. woda
  1. głośniki
  2. środa
  3. kino
  4. muzeum
  5. pilot
  6. włosy
  7. gry
  8. zdjęcie

18 Clues: grykinozimawodaśniegmorześrodapilotwłosymuzeumzdjęciegłośnikipszczołapaszportaplikacjazwierzętaklawiaturauczniowie - studenci

Angielskiego 2020-12-02

Angielskiego crossword puzzle
  1. śnieg
  2. aplikacja
  3. morze
  4. pszczoła
  5. zima
  6. uczniowie - studenci
  7. zwierzęta
  8. klawiatura
  9. paszport
  10. woda
  1. głośniki
  2. środa
  3. kino
  4. muzeum
  5. pilot
  6. włosy
  7. gry
  8. zdjęcie

18 Clues: grykinozimawodaśniegmorześrodapilotwłosymuzeumzdjęciegłośnikipszczołapaszportaplikacjazwierzętaklawiaturauczniowie - studenci

page-130 How many words 2021-02-03

page-130 How many words crossword puzzle
  1. גרביים
  2. ענן
  3. מכנסיים
  4. חורף
  5. חולצה
  6. לעשות
  7. פארק
  8. יפה
  1. בריכה
  2. שלג
  3. מעיל
  4. שמלה
  5. לטפס
  6. אביב
  7. קיץ
  8. הם
  9. סתיו
  10. שטוף שמש

18 Clues: הםשלגענןקיץיפהמעילשמלהלטפסאביבחורףפארקסתיובריכהחולצהלעשותגרבייםמכנסייםשטוף שמש


SEASONS AND MONTHS crossword puzzle
  1. лето
  2. июль
  3. время года
  4. апрель
  5. август
  6. зима
  7. месяц
  8. ноябрь
  9. декабрь
  10. июнь
  1. февраль
  2. январь
  3. май
  4. осень
  5. весна
  6. октябрь
  7. март
  8. сентябрь

18 Clues: майлетоиюльзимамартиюньосеньвеснамесяцянварьапрельавгустноябрьфевральоктябрьдекабрьсентябрьвремя года


SEASONS AND MONTHS crossword puzzle
  1. весна
  2. ноябрь
  3. май
  4. декабрь
  5. месяц
  6. осень
  7. зима
  8. март
  9. июль
  10. лето
  1. время года
  2. февраль
  3. апрель
  4. сентябрь
  5. октябрь
  6. январь
  7. август
  8. июнь

18 Clues: майзимамартиюльиюньлетовеснамесяцосеньноябрьапрельянварьавгустфевральдекабрьоктябрьсентябрьвремя года

Chapter - 5 2021-02-19

Chapter - 5 crossword puzzle
  1. - cherries
  2. - star
  3. -p fall
  4. - walk
  5. - weather
  6. - leaves
  7. - day
  8. -winter
  1. - notebook
  2. - moon
  3. - su
  4. - wind
  5. - hot
  6. - earth
  7. - month
  8. - car
  9. snow
  10. - cold

18 Clues: - susnow- hot- car- day- moon- wind- star- walk- cold-p fall- earth- month-winter- leaves- weather- notebook- cherries

Weather Crossword 2021-10-09

Weather Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. рубашка
  2. сапоги/ботинки
  3. шарф
  4. лето
  5. снег
  6. пальто
  7. ветреный
  8. перчатки
  9. дождь
  1. юбка
  2. холодно
  3. cнеговик
  4. весна
  5. солнечно
  6. зима
  7. осень
  8. джинсы
  9. жаркo

18 Clues: юбкашарфзималетоснегвеснаосеньжаркoдождьджинсыпальторубашкахолодноcнеговиксолнечноветреныйперчаткисапоги/ботинки

Spanish Seasons 2024-07-24

Spanish Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. Relaxing
  2. Lovely Flowers
  3. FallingLeaves
  4. Summer
  5. Sandcastles
  6. BuildingSnowman
  7. Winter
  8. Snowball
  9. Christmas
  1. Swimming
  2. Halloween
  3. Autumn
  4. Easter
  5. CollectingSeaShells
  6. BeachTime
  7. Snowflakes
  8. Spring
  9. VolleyBall

18 Clues: AutumnEasterSummerSpringWinterRelaxingSwimmingSnowballHalloweenBeachTimeChristmasSnowflakesVolleyBallSandcastlesFallingLeavesLovely FlowersBuildingSnowmanCollectingSeaShells

Spanish Seasons 2024-07-24

Spanish Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. Relaxing
  2. Lovely Flowers
  3. FallingLeaves
  4. Summer
  5. Sandcastles
  6. BuildingSnowman
  7. Winter
  8. Snowball
  9. Christmas
  1. Swimming
  2. Halloween
  3. Autumn
  4. Easter
  5. CollectingSeaShells
  6. BeachTime
  7. Snowflakes
  8. Spring
  9. VolleyBall

18 Clues: AutumnEasterSummerSpringWinterRelaxingSwimmingSnowballHalloweenBeachTimeChristmasSnowflakesVolleyBallSandcastlesFallingLeavesLovely FlowersBuildingSnowmanCollectingSeaShells

gerry transferable skills 2015-10-26

gerry transferable skills crossword puzzle
  1. to your family from Canada.
  2. skills-speaking and writing.
  3. solving skills-handling conflict.
  4. and planning skills-time management.
  5. to the news.
  6. to my math teacher of a problem that i don't know.
  7. making skills-making wise decisions.
  1. skills-adjusting to change.
  2. to school on time.
  3. a fight.
  4. football with your team.
  5. skills- computer knowledge.
  6. a winter coat in the winter.
  7. skills-sending and receiving messages.
  8. skills-working with team members.

15 Clues: a the school on with your team.skills-adjusting to change.skills- computer your family from Canada.skills-speaking and writing.a winter coat in the winter.solving skills-handling conflict.skills-working with team members.and planning skills-time management.making skills-making wise decisions....

Jet Lesson 31 2021-01-09

Jet Lesson 31 crossword puzzle
  1. you wear it around your neck
  2. people wear it
  3. it happens when it's very cold
  4. In summer I wear a ...
  5. out be careful
  6. when it's cold you wear a...
  7. a very cold season
  1. you do it with clothes
  2. place full of trees
  3. we don't go to scholl during the...
  4. winter shoe
  5. we wear it under the shoe
  6. you pay and stay there during the holiday
  7. opposite of cold

14 Clues: winter shoepeople wear itout be carefulopposite of colda very cold seasonplace full of treesyou do it with clothesIn summer I wear a ...we wear it under the shoeyou wear it around your neckwhen it's cold you wear happens when it's very coldwe don't go to scholl during pay and stay there during the holiday

All About You 2023-10-29

All About You crossword puzzle
  1. your favorite horse
  2. kind of monkey with no thumbs
  3. Winter activity on snow
  4. J's favorite toy
  5. Trail J. crashed on
  6. things that appear in the sky at night
  7. Dip made out of chickpeas that Dad thinks is gross
  8. things that suck your blood
  1. stuff you get on Halloween
  2. your favorite animal
  3. what J. was for halloween last year
  4. What the dentist calls a poke
  5. your dream horse
  6. Dad's favorite drink
  7. Winter activity on ice

15 Clues: your dream horseJ's favorite toyyour favorite horseTrail J. crashed onyour favorite animalDad's favorite drinkWinter activity on iceWinter activity on snowstuff you get on Halloweenthings that suck your bloodkind of monkey with no thumbsWhat the dentist calls a pokewhat J. was for halloween last yearthings that appear in the sky at night...

winter extravaganza 2017-08-23

winter extravaganza crossword puzzle
  1. shoes
  2. made of snow
  3. be happy
  4. on a slay
  5. cocoa drink
  1. shoes
  2. white
  3. Christmas movies
  4. classic movies
  5. decoration

10 Clues: shoesshoeswhitebe happyon a slaydecorationcocoa drinkmade of snowclassic moviesChristmas movies

Winter Crossword 2012-12-23

Winter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Keepers tools
  2. Can't play football or in the snow without 'em.
  3. for Managers or Santas
  4. ....ball
  5. a Legion midfield maestro or received at Christmas
  6. for the naughty players or your friends and family
  1. ..... as snow or ..... lines
  2. Worn by Legion players and hung up.
  3. for Christmas Candles or Footballers

9 Clues: ....ballKeepers toolsfor Managers or Santas..... as snow or ..... linesWorn by Legion players and hung up.for Christmas Candles or FootballersCan't play football or in the snow without 'em.a Legion midfield maestro or received at Christmasfor the naughty players or your friends and family

Winter Vegetables 2015-01-31

Winter Vegetables crossword puzzle
  1. strong smell, spicy, used in cooking and in medicine
  2. looks like potato but sweet
  3. a white and pink round root
  4. looks like carrot but white
  1. round, taste strong and smell, with layers
  2. round, has big green leaves
  3. a cap shaped vegetable
  4. dark red colour inside and out
  5. comes from a kind of cabbage

9 Clues: a cap shaped vegetableround, has big green leaveslooks like potato but sweeta white and pink round rootlooks like carrot but whitecomes from a kind of cabbagedark red colour inside and outround, taste strong and smell, with layersstrong smell, spicy, used in cooking and in medicine

winter holidays 2022-01-31

winter holidays crossword puzzle
  1. A brown rodent that comes out of his burrow on February 2
  2. A little man that protects a pot of gold
  3. If you don't wear green on this day you will get pinched
  4. A piece of paper with a sweet message written on it
  1. A holiday were a groundhog comes out of a hole
  2. A sweet, brown treat
  3. A sweet, hard candy with a loving message given on Valentine's day
  4. The part of a plant that is colorful and fragrant
  5. A magical man with a bow and arrows

9 Clues: A sweet, brown treatA magical man with a bow and arrowsA little man that protects a pot of goldA holiday were a groundhog comes out of a holeThe part of a plant that is colorful and fragrantA piece of paper with a sweet message written on itIf you don't wear green on this day you will get pinched...

WINTER BREAK 2021-12-20

WINTER BREAK crossword puzzle
  1. Mrs. Eberhardt's dog's name
  2. the month Mrs. E was born
  3. the month Mrs. L was born
  4. Mrs. Loutsch's favorite food
  5. the number of children Mrs. Gundersen has
  1. Mrs. Loutsch's favorite candy
  2. the number of children Mrs. L has
  3. the number of classes Mrs. L and Mrs. E teach a day
  4. who is joining Mrs. E's family in the april
  5. one of the names of Mrs. L's children

10 Clues: the month Mrs. E was bornthe month Mrs. L was bornMrs. Eberhardt's dog's nameMrs. Loutsch's favorite foodMrs. Loutsch's favorite candythe number of children Mrs. L hasone of the names of Mrs. L's childrenthe number of children Mrs. Gundersen haswho is joining Mrs. E's family in the aprilthe number of classes Mrs. L and Mrs. E teach a day

Winter Sports 2022-01-12

Winter Sports crossword puzzle
  1. gliding over the ice with special shoes
  2. a unique game using brooms to move an object
  3. this game similar to soccer/football, but on ice
  4. gliding downhill or across snowy ground with poles and special equipment for the feet
  5. travel over the snow with both feet on one board
  1. climbing up a hill or mountain with boots and poles
  2. pulled over the snow with the help of the wind
  3. sit down and gravity will pull you down a hill
  4. looking for dinner in a frozen lake

9 Clues: looking for dinner in a frozen lakegliding over the ice with special shoesa unique game using brooms to move an objectpulled over the snow with the help of the windsit down and gravity will pull you down a hillthis game similar to soccer/football, but on icetravel over the snow with both feet on one board...

Winter Festival 2022-11-21

Winter Festival crossword puzzle
  1. the activity of making something look more attractive by putting things on it or around it
  2. a small device containing powder that produces bright coloured lights and loud noises
  3. the feeling of being entertained or made to laugh
  4. A time when someone does not go to work or school but is free to do what they want.
  1. We held a party to ___ our success.
  2. a feeling of pleasure
  3. 25 December
  4. a small piece of snow that falls from the sky
  5. happening once every year

9 Clues: 25 Decembera feeling of pleasurehappening once every yearWe held a party to ___ our success.a small piece of snow that falls from the skythe feeling of being entertained or made to laughA time when someone does not go to work or school but is free to do what they want....