work Crossword Puzzles

Work 2021-09-15

Work crossword puzzle
  1. proficient
  2. you start receiving this when you are about 65 years old
  3. __ labor = physical work
  4. for example a doctor who has a medical degree as well as work experience
  5. when you could finish working at four but decide to continue until six
  6. Henry’s boss didn’t accept his announcement that he would leave his job
  1. unemployment benefit
  2. intern
  3. a job opening
  4. telecommuting
  5. when you climb the ladder and get a better job in the same company
  6. the person who is employed by someone
  7. fringe benefit
  8. sack
  9. when you are trying to get a job, you ___ for it

15 Clues: sackinternproficienta job openingtelecommutingfringe benefitunemployment benefit__ labor = physical workthe person who is employed by someonewhen you are trying to get a job, you ___ for ityou start receiving this when you are about 65 years oldwhen you climb the ladder and get a better job in the same company...

work 2022-01-27

work crossword puzzle
  1. A city north of Mecca that some people call Yathrib.
  2. a struggle against the enemies of Islam.
  3. Five acts of worship
  4. a belief in one true God.
  5. belief that there is only one true god.
  6. a religious belief in one God and people who I like to call Jews.
  7. prayers done by Muslims
  8. First wife of Muhammad.
  1. a hood worn by Muslim women
  2. A city in the Arabian Peninsul.
  3. A group of people who wanted to make a kinda country like place.
  4. a holy book from Islam
  5. A cube house in Makka.
  6. One of the five pillars of Islam
  7. A Religious leader and a founder of Islam.

15 Clues: Five acts of worshipa holy book from IslamA cube house in Makka.prayers done by MuslimsFirst wife of Muhammad.a belief in one true God.a hood worn by Muslim womenA city in the Arabian Peninsul.One of the five pillars of Islambelief that there is only one true god.a struggle against the enemies of Islam.A Religious leader and a founder of Islam....

Work 2023-11-05

Work crossword puzzle
  1. keluar
  2. uni
  3. rim
  4. set
  5. rumus
  6. or
  7. hu
  8. orang
  9. hem
  10. job
  1. kerja
  2. klr
  3. jar
  4. lis
  5. ok
  6. per

16 Clues: orokhuklrunirimsetjarlisperhemjobkerjarumusorangkeluar

work 2024-02-25

work crossword puzzle
  1. clothes that soldiers or doctors wear
  2. all the things you need to do something
  3. technologically advanced
  4. in another country
  5. great, wonderful, amazing
  6. a person who creates music
  7. a place you go to see a doctor
  1. designs buildings
  2. children go there to play and learn
  3. a person who repairs cars
  4. a place where you repair your car
  5. to encourage and believe in somebody
  6. a place where a group of people work for one boss
  7. works in a laboratory
  8. cooks in a restaurant

15 Clues: designs buildingsin another countryworks in a laboratorycooks in a restauranttechnologically advanceda person who repairs carsgreat, wonderful, amazinga person who creates musica place you go to see a doctora place where you repair your carchildren go there to play and learnto encourage and believe in somebodyclothes that soldiers or doctors wear...

Work 2024-08-19

Work crossword puzzle
  1. When you move to a higher-level job with more responsibilities.
  2. A piece of work to be done, usually as part of a job.
  3. A written agreement between an employee and an employer.
  4. A professional who designs and builds things like machines, roads, or buildings.
  5. The profession or field of work you choose to do for a significant part of your life.
  6. The money you receive regularly for doing your job.
  7. A meeting where someone asks you questions to see if you are suitable for a job.
  8. To leave your job voluntarily.
  1. The person who supervises and organizes the work of other employees.
  2. A job where you work fewer hours than a full-time job.
  3. Working more hours than usual, often with extra pay.
  4. To stop working, usually because of age.
  5. Working independently for different companies rather than being employed by one.
  6. A job where you work the standard number of hours, usually 40 per week.
  7. A person you work with, especially in a professional setting.

15 Clues: To leave your job voluntarily.To stop working, usually because of age.The money you receive regularly for doing your job.Working more hours than usual, often with extra pay.A piece of work to be done, usually as part of a job.A job where you work fewer hours than a full-time job.A written agreement between an employee and an employer....

Work 2014-02-14

Work crossword puzzle
  1. a human who gives a job
  2. a man who sells expensive things
  3. work definition
  4. the main cooker
  5. permanent antonym
  6. weekly pay
  1. a group of people who're working together
  2. when people are out of work, they're getting a...
  3. not accept an offer (phrasal verb)
  4. to go to and from job
  5. do sb's job for them while they are not available
  7. lawyer synonym
  8. servant definition
  9. he....a company (fill in missing job)

15 Clues: ...tradeweekly paylawyer synonymwork definitionthe main cookerpermanent antonymservant definitionto go to and from joba human who gives a joba man who sells expensive thingsnot accept an offer (phrasal verb)he....a company (fill in missing job)a group of people who're working togetherwhen people are out of work, they're getting a......

@Work 2020-03-21

@Work crossword puzzle
  1. an official written agreement
  2. ​a regular amount of money that you earn, usually every week or every month, for work or services
  3. money provided by the government to people who need financial help because they are unemployed, ill, etc.
  4. ​the office, factory, etc. where people work
  5. ​a person whose job is to work in a garden
  6. the ability to do something well
  7. the series of jobs that a person has in a particular area of work, usually involving more responsibility as time passes
  1. ​a system in which employees work a particular number of hours each week or month but can choose when they start and finish work each day
  2. ​time that you spend working at your job after you have worked the normal hours
  3. a person that somebody works with, doing the same kind of job
  4. for part of the day or week in which people work
  5. a period of time when you are allowed to be away from work for a holiday or for a special reason
  6. a person who is paid to work for somebody
  7. a person who takes care of babies or children while their parents are away from home and is usually paid to do this
  8. another term for curriculum vitae

15 Clues: an official written agreementthe ability to do something wellanother term for curriculum vitaea person who is paid to work for somebody​a person whose job is to work in a garden​the office, factory, etc. where people workfor part of the day or week in which people worka person that somebody works with, doing the same kind of job...

work 2021-02-05

work crossword puzzle
  1. Bulldoze a □□□□ and smooth it with graders.
  2. The paver □□□□□□s tar until it looks proper.
  3. The rock quarry is where we get all of our □□□□□.
  4. "Get digging, dogs! We must □□□□□□ through!"
  5. The road crew is busy dropping orange □□□□s.
  6. Clean up this □□□□□□. Let's haul it away.
  7. There's a □□□□ out there that needs some improving.
  8. Set the □□□□□□s and get out of there fast.
  1. Huge quarry trucks are too big for the □□□□□□.
  2. Now get out in those waves and □□□□, dogs □□□□!
  3. The steamrollers roll heavy and □□□□.
  4. □□□□ up your cups; today is a big day.
  5. Strong steel towers, concrete, and cable help to make our bridge very □□□□□□.
  6. This road is old and in need of □□□□□□.
  7. We'll need a tall □□□□□□ at least four lanes wide.

15 Clues: The steamrollers roll heavy and □□□□.□□□□ up your cups; today is a big day.This road is old and in need of □□□□□□.Clean up this □□□□□□. Let's haul it away.Set the □□□□□□s and get out of there fast.Bulldoze a □□□□ and smooth it with graders.The paver □□□□□□s tar until it looks proper."Get digging, dogs! We must □□□□□□ through!"...

work 2017-04-05

work crossword puzzle
  1. you can chose your hours
  2. what you earn when you work
  3. when you work a public holiday
  4. a portion of 100
  5. paper money
  6. yearly wages
  7. a gift when you do a good job
  8. what goes in your bank account
  1. time 40 hours a week
  2. for your retirement
  3. the government takes this
  4. 100c equals this
  5. you accumulate this to go on holiday
  6. a portion of money when you sell products
  7. you earn money when you do this

15 Clues: paper moneyyearly wages100c equals thisa portion of 100for your retirementtime 40 hours a weekyou can chose your hoursthe government takes thiswhat you earn when you worka gift when you do a good jobwhen you work a public holidaywhat goes in your bank accountyou earn money when you do thisyou accumulate this to go on holiday...

WORK 2017-04-24

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. An occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed as one's lifework.
  2. Advancement in rank or position.
  3. A person who contends in a cause or in a succession of various causes, as he or she chooses, without personal attachment.
  4. Knowledge of how to do something; faculty or skill for a particular activity.
  5. A person employed to handle correspondence and do routine work in a business office, usually involving taking dictation.
  6. A project undertaken or to be undertaken, especially one that is important or difficult or that requires boldness or energy.
  7. A formal statement, document, stating that one gives up an office, position...
  8. A person who works for another in order to learn a trade.
  9. The act or manner of managing; handling, direction, or control.
  1. To cause to work too hard, too much, or too long.
  2. A person trained or skilled in laying bricks.
  3. The total number of workers in a specific undertaking.
  4. Orderly withdrawal of a military force, according to plan, without pressure from the enemy.
  5. Lasting, existing, serving, or effective for a time only; not permanent.
  6. A person who works in a mine, especially a commercial mine producing coal or metallic ores.

15 Clues: Advancement in rank or position.A person trained or skilled in laying bricks.To cause to work too hard, too much, or too long.The total number of workers in a specific undertaking.A person who works for another in order to learn a trade.The act or manner of managing; handling, direction, or control....

Work 2021-03-25

Work crossword puzzle
  1. jóhírű
  2. (heti) bér, munkabér
  3. vízvezeték-szerelő
  4. állandó
  5. egyhangú
  6. jelentkező
  7. bárpultos
  8. ajánlólevelek
  1. hozzáértő, alkalmas
  2. fárasztó
  3. felelősségteljes
  4. fizikai
  5. állatorvos
  6. eltökélt
  7. ajánlást adó személy

15 Clues: jóhírűfizikaiállandófárasztóegyhangúeltökéltbárpultosállatorvosjelentkezőajánlólevelekfelelősségteljesvízvezeték-szerelőhozzáértő, alkalmas(heti) bér, munkabérajánlást adó személy

Work 2023-06-04

Work crossword puzzle
  1. You deserve to take a day [...] every now and then to relax and recharge.
  2. I had to turn [...] the offer because it wasn't the right fit for me.
  3. The minimum [...] has not kept up with inflation in the past five years.
  4. We interviewed several applicants but none of them were a [...] candidate for the position.
  5. The company will [...] employees for any travel expenses.
  6. My [...] is to one day run a company of my own.
  7. [...] work is common in many industries such as retail, healthcare and hospitality.
  1. I've been working [...] for the past few weeks in order to meet our deadline.
  2. I am comfortable with working under pressure and can [...] multiple tasks at once.
  3. The [...] assessed the patient and determined that she needed to be transported to the hospital.
  4. Unemployed workers can apply for unemployment [...].
  5. His [...] experience in business helped him secure the new job.
  6. The pandemic has had a significant [...] on the retail trade industry.
  7. She decided to [...] the job because she wasn't happy with her salary.
  8. Finding a temporary job can be a great way to [...] new skills.

15 Clues: My [...] is to one day run a company of my own.Unemployed workers can apply for unemployment [...].The company will [...] employees for any travel expenses.His [...] experience in business helped him secure the new job.Finding a temporary job can be a great way to [...] new skills....

WORK 2024-08-01

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. En negro
  2. Agencia de trabajo temporal
  3. Funcionario
  4. Hacienda
  5. Beneficios
  6. Oposiciones
  7. Indemnización
  8. Profesor titular
  9. Estar de baja
  1. Horas extra
  2. Formación profesional
  3. Huelga
  4. Excedencia
  5. Finiquito
  6. Paro

15 Clues: ParoHuelgaEn negroHaciendaFiniquitoExcedenciaBeneficiosHoras extraFuncionarioOposicionesIndemnizaciónEstar de bajaProfesor titularFormación profesionalAgencia de trabajo temporal

Work 2023-11-05

Work crossword puzzle
  1. keluar
  2. uni
  3. rim
  4. set
  5. rumus
  6. or
  7. hu
  8. orang
  9. hem
  10. job
  1. kerja
  2. klr
  3. jar
  4. lis
  5. ok
  6. per

16 Clues: orokhuklrunirimsetjarlisperhemjobkerjarumusorangkeluar

work 2024-04-12

work crossword puzzle
  1. Who's the processing king?
  2. "On Wednesdays we wear ______"
  3. Pals for life in millennial lingo: Abbr.
  4. Game where you can get strikes, spares, and a turkey
  5. What process happens after the trim machine?
  6. Edmontons hockey team
  7. National fruit of Sri Lanka
  8. Largest mammal on land
  1. A 1984 action movie staring Arnold Schwarzenegger
  2. Cross between a lion and a tiger
  3. National animal of canada
  4. Smallest penguin, common name
  5. Lights used to grow big and strong plants
  6. Included in every vacuum review
  7. Killer ________

15 Clues: Killer ________Edmontons hockey teamLargest mammal on landNational animal of canadaWho's the processing king?National fruit of Sri LankaSmallest penguin, common name"On Wednesdays we wear ______"Included in every vacuum reviewCross between a lion and a tigerPals for life in millennial lingo: Abbr.Lights used to grow big and strong plants...

WORK 2022-11-10

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. When something costs less then it usually would
  2. A light whitish black shade
  3. Something you can use to help you in a workshop
  4. A small tent or stand
  5. _____ present and future
  6. Synonym of scared
  7. North south east and ______
  8. When you fish you use a fishing____
  1. Shimmer, Shine _____
  2. To brush or clean an animal
  3. I have a _____ in my shirt and can't get it out
  4. The sharp part of a knife
  5. To have petals a flower must ______ in spring
  6. Dangle off something
  7. I'm going to ___ this right here

15 Clues: Synonym of scaredShimmer, Shine _____Dangle off somethingA small tent or stand_____ present and futureThe sharp part of a knifeA light whitish black shadeTo brush or clean an animalNorth south east and ______I'm going to ___ this right hereWhen you fish you use a fishing____To have petals a flower must ______ in spring...

Work 2022-10-19

Work crossword puzzle
  1. intense emotions
  2. excited
  3. Postpone
  4. attention to detail
  5. lazy
  6. No disagreements
  7. Give up
  1. taking affect from the past
  2. Carefully
  3. break the rules
  4. Fancy
  5. Anxious or worrying
  6. A symbol
  7. kind
  8. avoid

15 Clues: lazykindFancyavoidexcitedGive upPostponeA symbolCarefullybreak the rulesintense emotionsNo disagreementsAnxious or worryingattention to detailtaking affect from the past

work 2020-01-14

work crossword puzzle
  1. резюме;
  2. предприятие (промышленное);
  3. квалификация;
  4. служащий;
  5. отставка;
  6. гонорар; взнос;
  7. отрасль, филиал;
  1. профессия;
  2. интервью;
  3. безработица;
  4. долг, обязанность ;
  5. платеж, выплата;
  6. рекомендация;
  7. работа;
  8. начальник;

15 Clues: резюме;работа;интервью;служащий;отставка;профессия;начальник;безработица;квалификация;рекомендация;гонорар; взнос;платеж, выплата;отрасль, филиал;долг, обязанность ;предприятие (промышленное);

work 2020-01-14

work crossword puzzle
  1. резюме;
  2. предприятие (промышленное);
  3. квалификация;
  4. служащий;
  5. отставка;
  6. гонорар; взнос;
  7. отрасль, филиал;
  1. профессия;
  2. интервью;
  3. безработица;
  4. долг, обязанность ;
  5. платеж, выплата;
  6. рекомендация;
  7. работа;
  8. начальник;

15 Clues: резюме;работа;интервью;служащий;отставка;профессия;начальник;безработица;квалификация;рекомендация;гонорар; взнос;платеж, выплата;отрасль, филиал;долг, обязанность ;предприятие (промышленное);

work 2021-03-24

work crossword puzzle
  1. good at persuading
  2. closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered
  3. tiresome because of length or dullness
  4. declared in law as unable to pay their debts
  5. an organized association of workers in a trade, group of trades, or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests
  6. a regular payment made by the state to people of or above the official retirement age
  7. be greater in number or size than a quantity, number, or other measurable thing
  1. restaurant at a workplace
  2. activity that supports or encourages a cause, venture, or aim
  3. leave a job or office
  4. another word for payment
  5. the total amount of wages paid by a company
  6. requiring much skill or effort
  7. a person, object, or place selected as the aim of an attack
  8. an unoccupied position or job

15 Clues: good at persuadingleave a job or officeanother word for paymentrestaurant at a workplacean unoccupied position or jobrequiring much skill or efforttiresome because of length or dullnessthe total amount of wages paid by a companydeclared in law as unable to pay their debtsa person, object, or place selected as the aim of an attack...

Work 2014-02-14

Work crossword puzzle
  1. when you inform something important to boss
  2. your personal registration inform
  3. when you get old enough and quit his job
  4. Salary that you get after retire
  5. person who's in charge at work
  6. person who's working at the beach and helps you when when you're drowning
  7. Man who got kicked out of job.
  8. person who's digging coal, gold, silver etc.
  1. bonus that you get with salary
  2. money which you get after 1 week of work
  3. Person who collects rare items in auctions
  4. Person who uses your service
  5. when you get higher rank in your job
  6. money which you get after 1 month of work
  7. when you quit your job on your own

15 Clues: Person who uses your servicebonus that you get with salaryperson who's in charge at workMan who got kicked out of job.Salary that you get after retireyour personal registration informwhen you quit your job on your ownwhen you get higher rank in your jobmoney which you get after 1 week of workwhen you get old enough and quit his job...

work 2022-03-27

work crossword puzzle
  1. is a person or organization that buys stocks or shares
  2. Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc
  3. the activity of buying and selling goods and services
  4. The meeting is intended to promote cooperation
  5. a person who formally requests something, especially a job, or to study at a college or university
  6. a person whose job is to produce computer programs
  7. the place people go to do a job
  8. someone whose work is related to the arranging of text and pictures
  1. is an unemployed person who is trying to get a job
  2. someone whose job is to make sure that a brand (= a product or company) has a positive image and good relationships with its customers or followers on social media
  3. a business enterprise characterized by its separate legal existence and the sharing of ownership between shareholders, whose liability is limited.
  4. relating to advice about jobs and training
  5. the group of people who work for an organization
  6. a fixed regular payment made by an employer, often monthly, for professional or office work as opposed to manual work
  7. refersto person, place, thing, quality, etc.

15 Clues: the place people go to do a jobrelating to advice about jobs and trainingRefers to person, place, thing, quality, etcrefersto person, place, thing, quality, etc.The meeting is intended to promote cooperationthe group of people who work for an organizationis an unemployed person who is trying to get a job...

work 2022-05-13

work crossword puzzle
  1. a person sells chicken
  2. a person who works in a farm
  3. a person that helps people's mind
  4. a person who fixes your teeth
  5. a person who makes movies
  6. a person who sings in a concert
  7. a person who drives a lorry
  1. a person who builds houses
  2. a person who serves in a restaurant
  3. a person who fixes cars
  4. a person who works in a busines
  5. a person who serves things
  6. a person who attends you in a store
  7. a person who gives you money
  8. a person who works in a pharmacy

15 Clues: a person sells chickena person who fixes carsa person who makes moviesa person who builds housesa person who serves thingsa person who drives a lorrya person who works in a farma person who gives you moneya person who fixes your teetha person who works in a businesa person who sings in a concerta person who works in a pharmacy...

Work 2024-01-28

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Type of wood derived from coniferous trees
  2. Strong and corrosion-resistant metal
  3. Type of wood derived from deciduous trees
  4. Valuable metal often used in jewelry
  5. Lightweight metal commonly used in aircraft
  6. Surface wear caused by rubbing or friction
  7. Reddish-brown metal; conductor of electricity
  8. Can deform and return to its original shape; stretchy
  1. Durable and strong
  2. Force that opposes the motion of two surfaces in contact
  3. a strong and durable metal
  4. Transparent material often used for windows
  5. Easily broken or shattered; lacks flexibility
  6. Durable metal commonly used in alloys
  7. Having great weight

15 Clues: Durable and strongHaving great weighta strong and durable metalStrong and corrosion-resistant metalValuable metal often used in jewelryDurable metal commonly used in alloysType of wood derived from deciduous treesType of wood derived from coniferous treesSurface wear caused by rubbing or frictionTransparent material often used for windows...

work hard, work smart 2019-09-23

work hard, work smart crossword puzzle
  1. v.使富裕,使丰富
  2. adj.后者的
  3. v.恢复
  4. adv.在户外
  5. take no notice of
  6. n.闪电
  7. v.不同意
  8. v.请求
  9. v.unhappy and worried, feeling disturbed
  1. v.遭受
  2. n.方言
  3. v.使定居,安家
  4. v.辨认
  5. n.long trip by sea or in space
  6. adv.直接
  7. n.地铁
  8. adj.感激的
  9. v.worry (sb.)
  10. n.特点,特征,身份
  11. n.流利,流畅

20 Clues: v.遭受n.方言v.恢复v.辨认n.地铁n.闪电v.请求v.不同意adv.直接adj.后者的adv.在户外adj.感激的n.流利,流畅v.使定居,安家v.使富裕,使丰富n.特点,特征,身份v.worry (sb.) take no notice ofn.long trip by sea or in spacev.unhappy and worried, feeling disturbed

work hard, work smart 2019-09-23

work hard, work smart crossword puzzle
  1. n.地铁
  2. take no notice of
  3. v.不同意
  4. v.遭受
  5. v.worry (sb.)
  6. v.辨认
  7. adv.直接
  8. n.方言
  9. v.请求
  1. n.long trip by sea or in space
  2. adj.后者的
  3. n.特点,特征,身份
  4. v.unhappy and worried, feeling disturbed
  5. n.闪电
  6. adj.感激的
  7. n.流利,流畅
  8. v.恢复
  9. v.使富裕,使丰富
  10. v.使定居,安家
  11. adv.在户外

20 Clues: n.地铁n.闪电v.遭受v.恢复v.辨认n.方言v.请求v.不同意adv.直接adj.后者的adj.感激的n.流利,流畅adv.在户外v.使定居,安家v.使富裕,使丰富n.特点,特征,身份v.worry (sb.) take no notice ofn.long trip by sea or in spacev.unhappy and worried, feeling disturbed

work hard, work smart 2019-09-23

work hard, work smart crossword puzzle
  1. v.使富裕,使丰富
  2. adj.后者的
  3. n.地铁
  4. v.遭受
  5. v.请求
  6. v.不同意
  7. n.方言
  8. v.worry (sb.)
  9. n.闪电
  10. n.特点,特征,身份
  11. v.恢复
  1. v.unhappy and worried, feeling disturbed
  2. v.使定居,安家
  3. n.long trip by sea or in space
  4. take no notice of
  5. adv.在户外
  6. adj.感激的
  7. adv.直接
  8. n.流利,流畅
  9. v.辨认

20 Clues: n.地铁v.遭受v.请求v.辨认n.方言n.闪电v.恢复v.不同意adv.直接adj.后者的adv.在户外adj.感激的n.流利,流畅v.使定居,安家v.使富裕,使丰富n.特点,特征,身份v.worry (sb.) take no notice ofn.long trip by sea or in spacev.unhappy and worried, feeling disturbed

work work work 2023-01-14

work work work crossword puzzle
  1. to put together
  2. a place to sit
  3. to join
  4. a shaft or pin on which something turns
  5. a fastener
  1. to move along a smooth surface
  2. to move back and forth
  3. a weight hung on a fixed point that swings
  4. to touch
  5. a hanging ball or weight

10 Clues: to jointo toucha fastenera place to sitto put togetherto move back and fortha hanging ball or weightto move along a smooth surfacea shaft or pin on which something turnsa weight hung on a fixed point that swings

Work work work 2019-05-19

Work work work crossword puzzle
  1. besetzt(Telefon)
  2. bestellen
  3. Motor
  4. sich mit jemanden in Verbindung setzen
  5. Vorstellungsgespräch
  6. Schraubenschlüssel
  1. Verkauf
  2. vorbereiten
  3. benutzt
  4. Sekretärin

10 Clues: MotorVerkaufbenutztbestellenSekretärinvorbereitenbesetzt(Telefon)SchraubenschlüsselVorstellungsgesprächsich mit jemanden in Verbindung setzen

work hard, work smart 2019-09-23

work hard, work smart crossword puzzle
  1. v.使富裕,使丰富
  2. v.unhappy and worried, feeling disturbed
  3. n.特点,特征,身份
  4. n.long trip by sea or in space
  5. v.worry (sb.)
  6. v.恢复
  7. adj.后者的
  8. v.辨认
  9. v.请求
  1. take no notice of
  2. n.流利,流畅
  3. v.遭受
  4. n.地铁
  5. adv.在户外
  6. n.方言
  7. v.不同意
  8. n.闪电
  9. adv.直接
  10. adj.感激的
  11. v.使定居,安家

20 Clues: v.遭受n.地铁n.方言n.闪电v.恢复v.辨认v.请求v.不同意adv.直接n.流利,流畅adv.在户外adj.感激的adj.后者的v.使定居,安家v.使富裕,使丰富n.特点,特征,身份v.worry (sb.) take no notice ofn.long trip by sea or in spacev.unhappy and worried, feeling disturbed

work work work 2023-01-05

work work work crossword puzzle
  1. not short
  2. to throw
  3. your working board
  4. not under
  5. a hoop
  1. enjoyment
  2. to get
  3. wheel end buddy
  4. to make
  5. not up

10 Clues: to getnot upa hoopto maketo throwenjoymentnot shortnot underwheel end buddyyour working board

Work, Work, Work 2023-05-08

Work, Work, Work crossword puzzle
  1. Person that hires workers
  2. Ability to do something well because you practiced it
  3. Work together with someone or do what someone tells you to do
  4. To be involved with other people in an activity
  5. How someone acts based on their feelings
  1. Talk with people, share information
  2. Judge how good or bad something is
  3. Person that works
  4. To make better
  5. Good or bad qualities about how someone acts

10 Clues: To make betterPerson that worksPerson that hires workersJudge how good or bad something isTalk with people, share informationHow someone acts based on their feelingsGood or bad qualities about how someone actsTo be involved with other people in an activityAbility to do something well because you practiced it...

work work work 2024-03-25

work work work crossword puzzle
  1. a cunning action design to take advantage of a situation
  2. set times when everyone must be onsite in the office
  3. immediate assistance given to any person with either a minor or serious illness or injury
  4. loads of tasks piling up undone
  5. a task or operation seen in terms of how successfully it is performed
  6. a serious event that involves hazardous materials and that can have consequences for the surrounding population and environment
  7. a flat table or surface at which carpentry or other mechanical or practical work is done
  1. being engaged in work for extra hours
  2. the state of being separated or cut off
  3. an unacknowledged barrier to advancement in a profession, especially affecting women and members of minorities

10 Clues: loads of tasks piling up undonebeing engaged in work for extra hoursthe state of being separated or cut offset times when everyone must be onsite in the officea cunning action design to take advantage of a situationa task or operation seen in terms of how successfully it is performed...

work hard, work smart 2019-09-23

work hard, work smart crossword puzzle
  1. n.方言
  2. n.地铁
  3. n.流利,流畅
  4. adv.在户外
  5. adj.感激的
  6. n.闪电
  7. v.遭受
  8. n.long trip by sea or in space
  9. v.使定居,安家
  10. v.使富裕,使丰富
  11. take no notice of
  1. v.请求
  2. v.恢复
  3. v.辨认
  4. adv.直接
  5. v.不同意
  6. n.特点,特征,身份
  7. v.worry (sb.)
  8. adj.后者的
  9. v.unhappy and worried, feeling disturbed

20 Clues: v.请求n.方言v.恢复v.辨认n.地铁n.闪电v.遭受v.不同意adv.直接n.流利,流畅adv.在户外adj.感激的adj.后者的v.使定居,安家v.使富裕,使丰富n.特点,特征,身份v.worry (sb.) take no notice ofn.long trip by sea or in spacev.unhappy and worried, feeling disturbed

work hard, work smart 2019-09-23

work hard, work smart crossword puzzle
  1. v.遭受
  2. adj.感激的
  3. v.不同意
  4. v.worry (sb.)
  5. n.闪电
  6. n.流利,流畅
  7. v.恢复
  8. adv.直接
  9. v.unhappy and worried, feeling disturbed
  10. take no notice of
  1. n.地铁
  2. adv.在户外
  3. v.辨认
  4. v.使定居,安家
  5. n.特点,特征,身份
  6. v.请求
  7. v.使富裕,使丰富
  8. n.方言
  9. n.long trip by sea or in space
  10. adj.后者的

20 Clues: n.地铁v.遭受v.辨认v.请求n.方言n.闪电v.恢复v.不同意adv.直接adv.在户外adj.感激的n.流利,流畅adj.后者的v.使定居,安家v.使富裕,使丰富n.特点,特征,身份v.worry (sb.) take no notice ofn.long trip by sea or in spacev.unhappy and worried, feeling disturbed

work hard, work smart 2019-09-23

work hard, work smart crossword puzzle
  1. n.地铁
  2. adj.后者的
  3. v.worry (sb.)
  4. n.特点,特征,身份
  5. v.遭受
  6. adv.直接
  7. v.辨认
  8. n.流利,流畅
  9. n.方言
  1. v.使富裕,使丰富
  2. v.使定居,安家
  3. v.请求
  4. n.闪电
  5. v.不同意
  6. v.unhappy and worried, feeling disturbed
  7. adv.在户外
  8. adj.感激的
  9. v.恢复
  10. n.long trip by sea or in space
  11. take no notice of

20 Clues: n.地铁v.请求n.闪电v.遭受v.恢复v.辨认n.方言v.不同意adv.直接adj.后者的adv.在户外adj.感激的n.流利,流畅v.使定居,安家v.使富裕,使丰富n.特点,特征,身份v.worry (sb.) take no notice ofn.long trip by sea or in spacev.unhappy and worried, feeling disturbed

work hard, work smart 2019-09-23

work hard, work smart crossword puzzle
  1. take no notice of
  2. v.遭受
  3. v.恢复
  4. n.特点,特征,身份
  5. n.闪电
  6. v.使富裕,使丰富
  7. v.请求
  8. v.unhappy and worried, feeling disturbed
  1. n.方言
  2. n.long trip by sea or in space
  3. v.worry (sb.)
  4. n.地铁
  5. v.辨认
  6. adv.直接
  7. adv.在户外
  8. adj.后者的
  9. v.不同意
  10. adj.感激的
  11. n.流利,流畅
  12. v.使定居,安家

20 Clues: n.方言n.地铁v.辨认v.遭受v.恢复n.闪电v.请求v.不同意adv.直接adv.在户外adj.后者的adj.感激的n.流利,流畅v.使定居,安家v.使富裕,使丰富n.特点,特征,身份v.worry (sb.) take no notice ofn.long trip by sea or in spacev.unhappy and worried, feeling disturbed

WORK 2019-04-25

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. JOB


WORK 2019-04-25

WORK crossword puzzle
  9. JOB


Work 2023-10-11

Work crossword puzzle
  1. A summary of a person's education, work experience, skills, and achievements, commonly used in job applications.
  2. Advancement to a higher position or rank within an organization.
  3. Skills, knowledge, or credentials that make someone suitable for a particular job or task.
  4. To employ someone for a job or position.
  5. An unoccupied position or job opening within a company or organization.
  6. Working independently on a temporary basis for multiple clients or projects.
  7. The act of leaving one's job or ceasing to work, typically after reaching a certain age.
  1. A person or organization that employs people.
  2. Involving or working less than the standard number of hours per week. In colombia this would be around 24 hours or less
  3. Involving or working for the standard number of hours per week. In Colombia the standard is set at 48 hours per week.
  4. Voluntarily leaving a job or position.
  5. Without a job and actively seeking employment.
  6. The lowest legally allowed money that can be paid to an employee for their work.
  7. To terminate someone's employment; to dismiss an employee from a job.

14 Clues: Voluntarily leaving a job or position.To employ someone for a job or position.A person or organization that employs people.Without a job and actively seeking employment.Advancement to a higher position or rank within an organization.To terminate someone's employment; to dismiss an employee from a job....

Work 2013-09-23

Work crossword puzzle
  1. A series of lessons to learn to do a job
  2. Lasting for a long time
  3. The questioning of a person
  4. To stop working when you reach a certain age, e.g. 65
  5. A written legal agreement
  6. The time you spend doing a job
  7. Money that is paid regularly for doing work
  8. The knowledge you get from doing a job
  9. Work done in addition to regular working hours
  1. Exams you've passed or courses you've done
  2. Lasting for a short time
  3. A summary of your academic and work history
  4. Act of rising in rank or position
  5. Working for yourself, not for a company

14 Clues: Lasting for a long timeLasting for a short timeA written legal agreementThe questioning of a personThe time you spend doing a jobAct of rising in rank or positionThe knowledge you get from doing a jobWorking for yourself, not for a companyA series of lessons to learn to do a jobExams you've passed or courses you've done...

work 2013-03-08

work crossword puzzle
  1. interviewer
  2. flexitime
  3. retire
  4. promotion
  5. selfemployed
  6. salary
  7. bonus
  8. contract
  1. qualifications
  2. permanent
  3. resign
  4. pension
  5. overtime
  6. sacked

14 Clues: bonusresignretiresalarysackedpensionovertimecontractpermanentflexitimepromotioninterviewerselfemployedqualifications

work 2013-03-08

work crossword puzzle
  1. sacked
  2. qualifications
  3. flexitime
  4. permanent
  5. contract
  6. interviewer
  7. bonus
  1. pension
  2. overtime
  3. retire
  4. salary
  5. resign
  6. selfemployed
  7. promotion

14 Clues: bonusretiresalaryresignsackedpensionovertimecontractflexitimepermanentpromotioninterviewerselfemployedqualifications

work 2015-09-01

work crossword puzzle
  1. furnish, supply
  2. a room or building for a commercial or industrial organization
  3. a co-worker
  4. without a job
  5. a piece of work, a post of employment
  6. to gain for labour or service
  7. to manufacture, to cause
  1. buy (v.i. buy/bought/bought)
  2. a formal meeting in which one or more persons question another person
  3. buyer, client
  4. search for
  5. business, group of people
  6. a summary,a brief written account of personal, educational, and professional qualifications and experience
  7. request, command

14 Clues: search fora co-workerbuyer, clientwithout a jobfurnish, supplyrequest, commandto manufacture, to causebusiness, group of peoplebuy (v.i. buy/bought/bought)to gain for labour or servicea piece of work, a post of employmenta room or building for a commercial or industrial organization...

Work 2020-10-26

Work crossword puzzle
  1. терпеть не мочь
  2. работать в команде
  3. работа с 9 до 5
  4. иметь гибкий график
  5. работать с людьми
  6. работать под давлением
  1. воображение
  2. разнообразная работа
  3. достигать цели
  4. работать много часов
  5. видеть результаты сразу
  6. стоящий, важный
  7. быть самому себе начальником
  8. не возражать, быть не против

14 Clues: воображениедостигать целитерпеть не мочьработа с 9 до 5стоящий, важныйработать с людьмиработать в командеиметь гибкий графикразнообразная работаработать много часовработать под давлениемвидеть результаты сразубыть самому себе начальникомне возражать, быть не против

WORK 2017-12-11

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. työajat
  2. väliaikinen työ
  3. työnhakuilmoitus
  4. vakituinen työ
  5. irtisanoa
  6. työtön
  1. työnantaja
  2. vuorotyö
  3. irtisanoutua
  4. tehdä ylitöitä
  5. työttömyys
  6. vaatimus, pätevyys
  7. suositus
  8. työntekijä

14 Clues: työtöntyöajatvuorotyösuositusirtisanoatyönantajatyöttömyystyöntekijäirtisanoutuatehdä ylitöitävakituinen työväliaikinen työtyönhakuilmoitusvaatimus, pätevyys

WORK 2023-07-22

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. When I work, I do a good ___
  2. Kande's job
  3. A way to say GO PLACES
  4. Raymond's job
  5. I want the best for my ___
  6. We work to earn ___
  1. After work I go ___
  2. We work with other ___
  3. Saturdays we go to the ___
  4. Liz works in a ___
  5. I am ___ to have a job
  6. A way to say A JOB
  7. A way to say TIME OFF
  8. Sometimes workers do a bad job and get ___

14 Clues: Kande's jobRaymond's jobLiz works in a ___A way to say A JOBAfter work I go ___We work to earn ___A way to say TIME OFFWe work with other ___I am ___ to have a jobA way to say GO PLACESSaturdays we go to the ___I want the best for my ___When I work, I do a good ___Sometimes workers do a bad job and get ___

Work 2023-10-20

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Satuan usaha
  2. satuan daya
  3. satuan gaya yang lain
  4. perkalian antara gaya dan perpindahan
  5. satuan usaha
  6. penyebab benda jatuh
  7. energi karena kedudukan benda
  1. satuan waktu
  2. energi ... , energi karena gerak benda
  3. satuan gaya dalam SI
  4. tarikan atau dorongan
  5. Kecepatan melakukan usaha
  6. Kemampuan melakukan usaha
  7. energi gabungan dari kinetik dan potensial
  8. besar daya berbanding terbalik dengan besaran ini

15 Clues: satuan dayasatuan waktuSatuan usahasatuan usahasatuan gaya dalam SIpenyebab benda jatuhtarikan atau dorongansatuan gaya yang lainKecepatan melakukan usahaKemampuan melakukan usahaenergi karena kedudukan bendaperkalian antara gaya dan perpindahanenergi ... , energi karena gerak bendaenergi gabungan dari kinetik dan potensial...

Work 2019-10-03

Work crossword puzzle
  1. The ______ haunted house game the cills.
  2. The opposite of _________ is pacify.
  3. The commentator made annoying ________ about the soccer game
  4. Synonym:very stubborn
  5. Very hungry.
  6. A synonym for the word is delay.
  7. An argument that sometimes annoys people.
  1. Definition:to prove wrong
  2. Definition:loyal or respectful.
  3. I am an ________ of the U.S.A.
  4. A length of time.
  5. I gave short ________.
  6. Antonym is bluster
  7. Not the angle.

14 Clues: Very hungry.Not the angle.A length of time.Antonym is blusterSynonym:very stubbornI gave short ________.Definition:to prove wrongI am an ________ of the U.S.A.Definition:loyal or respectful.A synonym for the word is delay.The opposite of _________ is pacify.The ______ haunted house game the cills.An argument that sometimes annoys people....

work 2021-03-01

work crossword puzzle
  1. water that flows down into the river.
  2. how hot or cold it will be
  3. the weather conditions.
  4. water released from clouds
  5. clouds that are low
  6. water changing from liquid to gas
  7. fluffy clouds that are bright white
  1. gas changing into liquid
  2. the state of the atmosphere
  3. mass of water
  4. the most common of the high clouds
  5. clouds that bring thunderstorms
  6. the star around which the earth orbits.
  7. solid precipitation
  8. solid part of the earth

15 Clues: mass of waterclouds that are lowsolid precipitationthe weather conditions.solid part of the earthgas changing into liquidhow hot or cold it will bewater released from cloudsthe state of the atmosphereclouds that bring thunderstormswater changing from liquid to gasthe most common of the high cloudsfluffy clouds that are bright white...

Work 2020-06-29

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Ruhestand
  2. bewerben
  3. befristet
  4. pendeln
  5. kündigen
  6. Arbeitgeber
  7. Rentner
  1. Kollege
  2. (Arbeits-)Vertrag
  3. befördern
  4. Gehalt
  5. Teilzeit-, in Teilzeit
  6. Arbeitslosigkeit
  7. Überstunden, Mehrarbeit

14 Clues: GehaltKollegependelnRentnerbewerbenkündigenbefördernRuhestandbefristetArbeitgeberArbeitslosigkeit(Arbeits-)VertragTeilzeit-, in TeilzeitÜberstunden, Mehrarbeit

Work 2022-08-24

Work crossword puzzle
  1. the 'D' in 'R&D'
  2. to let go of staff in order to cut costs
  3. the act of hiring a person
  4. to quit a job voluntarily
  5. the money one gets paid in exchange for work
  6. a written or spoken agreement enforceable by law
  7. goods that are being transported
  1. an organization that protects the interest of workers
  2. a gathering for formal discussions
  3. to quit a job due to old age
  4. the health, happiness, and fortunes of staff
  5. an open position in a company that one can be apply for
  6. the 'R' in 'R&D'
  7. a trainee who often works for experience rather than money

14 Clues: the 'D' in 'R&D'the 'R' in 'R&D'to quit a job voluntarilythe act of hiring a personto quit a job due to old agegoods that are being transporteda gathering for formal discussionsto let go of staff in order to cut coststhe health, happiness, and fortunes of staffthe money one gets paid in exchange for work...

WORK 2022-11-25

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. my job title
  2. of Lower Merion place of work
  3. this is charged in addition to permit fees when a Stop Work Order is issued
  4. where do the building inspectors site?
  5. given to contractors when working without permits
  6. required when performing work
  7. the best hour of the day
  1. I am the assistant director of the…
  2. The employees who are the biggest pain in my a$$
  3. these are due by noon every monday
  4. The person in the office who you would be lost without
  5. how do we know how much to charge for permits?
  6. “Big Ern’s Pride”
  7. type of permit required for replacement of water heater

14 Clues: my job title“Big Ern’s Pride”the best hour of the dayof Lower Merion place of workrequired when performing workthese are due by noon every mondayI am the assistant director of the…where do the building inspectors site?how do we know how much to charge for permits?The employees who are the biggest pain in my a$$...

WORK 2024-09-17

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. A form that you complete in order to apply for a job, a place on a course, etc. or to get something such as a loan or a licence.
  2. Some money you get each month.
  3. The act or fact of being raised in position or rank.
  4. The cost required for something; the money spent on something.
  5. An announcement of an open job position.
  6. An amount of money added to wages on a seasonal basis, especially as a reward for good performance.
  7. An advantage or profit gained from something.
  1. The state of something with regard to its appearance, quality, or working order.
  2. A written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law.
  3. A fixed regular payment, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis, made by an employer to an employee.
  4. A regular payment made during a person's retirement from an investment fund to which that person or their employer has contributed during their working life.
  5. An increase in the amount of money you earn for doing your job.
  6. A period of time during which a young person, usually a student, works for a company or organization in order to get experience of a particular type of work.
  7. A period of time working as an apprentice.

14 Clues: Some money you get each month.An announcement of an open job position.A period of time working as an apprentice.An advantage or profit gained from something.The act or fact of being raised in position or rank.The cost required for something; the money spent on something.An increase in the amount of money you earn for doing your job....

work 2019-10-14

work crossword puzzle
  1. laiskvorst
  2. eneseteadlik
  3. metsik
  4. raudkõva
  5. arenema
  6. raevukas
  7. kergeusklik
  1. vanamoodne
  2. ülbe
  3. vabakoht
  4. ootamatukohtumine
  5. heasüdamlik
  6. väljavaade
  7. hädavajalik

14 Clues: ülbemetsikarenemavabakohtraudkõvaraevukasvanamoodnelaiskvorstväljavaadeheasüdamlikhädavajalikkergeusklikeneseteadlikootamatukohtumine

work 2017-04-13

work crossword puzzle
  1. добираться на работу
  2. полный рабочий день
  3. временный
  4. уволен по сокращению
  5. забастовка
  6. авторский гонорар
  7. стажер
  1. неполный рабочий день
  2. безработный
  3. подать заявку
  4. переработка
  5. сотрудник, работник
  6. месячный оклад
  7. уволить

14 Clues: стажеруволитьвременныйзабастовкабезработныйпереработкаподать заявкумесячный окладавторский гонорарполный рабочий деньсотрудник, работникдобираться на работууволен по сокращениюнеполный рабочий день

Work 2022-05-25

Work crossword puzzle
  1. A proof of payments that is given to an employee with detail information.
  2. An amount of money you pay for an insurance.
  3. A payment that has to be made by the insured for every visit to his o her PCP.
  4. An amount of money due to pay over an agree period of time.
  5. To restrain from demanding or enforcing]
  6. The person that determines if an insurance can be approved or not.
  7. Extra charge made to a usually standard payment.
  1. Specialize in the human nervous system.
  2. A piece of road usually by the side, for emergencies.
  3. The specifics of an insurance given to a potential costumer.
  4. The back part of the neck
  5. Helps in pregnancy and birth.
  6. A loan you take to buy a house.
  7. To accelerate a process.

14 Clues: To accelerate a process.The back part of the neckHelps in pregnancy and birth.A loan you take to buy a house.Specialize in the human nervous system.To restrain from demanding or enforcing]An amount of money you pay for an insurance.Extra charge made to a usually standard payment.A piece of road usually by the side, for emergencies....

WORK 2022-11-25

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. my job title
  2. of Lower Merion place of work
  3. this is charged in addition to permit fees when a Stop Work Order is issued
  4. where do the building inspectors sit?
  5. given to contractors when working without permits
  6. required when performing work
  7. the best hour of the day
  1. I am the assistant director of the…
  2. The employees who are the biggest pain in my a$$
  3. these are due by noon every monday
  4. The person in the office who you would be lost without
  5. how do we know how much to charge for permits?
  6. “Big Ern’s Pride”
  7. type of permit required for replacement of water heater

14 Clues: my job title“Big Ern’s Pride”the best hour of the dayof Lower Merion place of workrequired when performing workthese are due by noon every mondayI am the assistant director of the…where do the building inspectors sit?how do we know how much to charge for permits?The employees who are the biggest pain in my a$$...

work 2024-07-23

work crossword puzzle
  1. (17, 1) across
  2. (5, 1) across
  3. (3, 1) down
  4. (23, 1) across
  5. (11, 1) down
  6. (1, 1) across
  7. (15, 1) down
  8. (21, 1) down
  9. (25, 1) across
  1. (7, 1) across
  2. (13, 1) across
  3. (29, 1) across
  4. (27, 1) down
  5. (9, 1) across
  6. (19, 1) across

15 Clues: (3, 1) down(27, 1) down(11, 1) down(15, 1) down(21, 1) down(7, 1) across(5, 1) across(9, 1) across(1, 1) across(17, 1) across(13, 1) across(29, 1) across(23, 1) across(19, 1) across(25, 1) across

work 2023-12-24

work crossword puzzle
  1. hot and round ball in the sky
  2. made of wool and worn in winters
  3. capital of our country
  4. frozen rain
  5. an animal that is worshipped in the Hindu religion
  6. water dropping from the sky
  7. the most loyal animal
  8. body part used to see
  1. used to protect our eyes from the sun
  2. grows in the garden
  3. animal that flies
  4. commonly consumed with curry
  5. is a colour and a fruit
  6. we should consume 8 glasses of

14 Clues: frozen rainanimal that fliesgrows in the gardenthe most loyal animalbody part used to seecapital of our countryis a colour and a fruitwater dropping from the skycommonly consumed with curryhot and round ball in the skywe should consume 8 glasses ofmade of wool and worn in wintersused to protect our eyes from the sun...

work 2017-07-14

work crossword puzzle
  1. work for only part of each day or week
  2. not employed by one organization, but is paid for each piece of work they do by the organization they do it for
  3. a person who works most of the time and finds it difficult to stop working in order to do other things.
  4. holiday with salary
  5. the people you work with, especially in a professional job.
  6. to force someone to leave their job
  7. to stop working, usually because you have reached a certain age
  1. the amount of work that a person or organization has to do
  2. does a job willingly without being paid
  3. a move to a more important job or position in a company or organization
  4. someone who starts a new business or arranges business deals in order to make money, often in a way that involves financial risks
  5. payment from the organization you work for, usually paid to you every month
  6. change jobs
  7. services are provided to help with people's living conditions and financial problems.

14 Clues: change jobsholiday with salaryto force someone to leave their jobwork for only part of each day or weekdoes a job willingly without being paidthe amount of work that a person or organization has to dothe people you work with, especially in a professional stop working, usually because you have reached a certain age...

Work 2017-12-11

Work crossword puzzle
  1. työajat
  2. irtisanoutua
  3. palkka
  4. väliaikainen työ
  5. irtisanoa
  6. suositus
  7. työttömyys
  8. tehdä ylitöitä
  9. työnantaja
  1. vaatimus, pätevyys
  2. työnhakuilmoitus
  3. työntekijä
  4. vakituinen työ
  5. työtön

14 Clues: palkkatyötöntyöajatsuositusirtisanoatyöntekijätyöttömyystyönantajairtisanoutuavakituinen työtehdä ylitöitätyönhakuilmoitusväliaikainen työvaatimus, pätevyys

work 2024-01-10

work crossword puzzle
  1. Unfavorable; against one’s desires
  2. A preconception that prevents objectivity
  3. To avoid
  4. Close to or next to
  5. To support, strengthen, or fortify
  6. A dispute; opposition; rivalry
  7. A coming together of people or things; a joining
  1. One after another in uninterrupted succession
  2. To limit or restrict; to enclose within bounds
  3. Enough to suit your needs
  4. Growing quickly; flourishing
  5. Friendly, easy to talk to
  6. Kind, generous
  7. To give comfort; to lessen grief
  8. Enough to meet a specific task or purpose

15 Clues: To avoidKind, generousClose to or next toEnough to suit your needsFriendly, easy to talk toGrowing quickly; flourishingA dispute; opposition; rivalryTo give comfort; to lessen griefUnfavorable; against one’s desiresTo support, strengthen, or fortifyA preconception that prevents objectivityEnough to meet a specific task or purpose...

work 2024-01-10

work crossword puzzle
  1. Unfavorable; against one’s desires
  2. A preconception that prevents objectivity
  3. To avoid
  4. Close to or next to
  5. To support, strengthen, or fortify
  6. A dispute; opposition; rivalry
  7. A coming together of people or things; a joining
  1. One after another in uninterrupted succession
  2. To limit or restrict; to enclose within bounds
  3. Enough to suit your needs
  4. Growing quickly; flourishing
  5. Friendly, easy to talk to
  6. Kind, generous
  7. To give comfort; to lessen grief
  8. Enough to meet a specific task or purpose

15 Clues: To avoidKind, generousClose to or next toEnough to suit your needsFriendly, easy to talk toGrowing quickly; flourishingA dispute; opposition; rivalryTo give comfort; to lessen griefUnfavorable; against one’s desiresTo support, strengthen, or fortifyA preconception that prevents objectivityEnough to meet a specific task or purpose...

work work 8 2021-12-02

work work 8 crossword puzzle
  1. something to travel
  2. an error happening
  3. someone that can speak various language
  4. to transfer blood to another human
  5. a purple flower with disc shaped fruit
  6. another word for tannia
  7. things occurring in this galaxy
  8. the act of telling someone a sentence in a different language
  1. the inside of something
  2. something intending to do harm
  3. things happening between countries
  4. things causing destruction
  5. the inside of something
  6. make a change in form or appearance
  7. things that people like

15 Clues: an error happeningsomething to travelthe inside of somethinganother word for tanniathe inside of somethingthings that people likethings causing destructionsomething intending to do harmthings occurring in this galaxythings happening between countriesto transfer blood to another humanmake a change in form or appearance...

work work 8 2021-12-02

work work 8 crossword puzzle
  1. something to travel
  2. an error happening
  3. someone that can speak various language
  4. to transfer blood to another human
  5. a purple flower with disc shaped fruit
  6. another word for tannia
  7. things occurring in this galaxy
  8. the act of telling someone a sentence in a different language
  1. the inside of something
  2. something intending to do harm
  3. things happening between countries
  4. things causing destruction
  5. the inside of something
  6. make a change in form or appearance
  7. things that people like

15 Clues: an error happeningsomething to travelthe inside of somethinganother word for tanniathe inside of somethingthings that people likethings causing destructionsomething intending to do harmthings occurring in this galaxythings happening between countriesto transfer blood to another humanmake a change in form or appearance...

work work 8 2021-12-02

work work 8 crossword puzzle
  1. something to travel
  2. an error happening
  3. someone that can speak various language
  4. to transfer blood to another human
  5. a purple flower with disc shaped fruit
  6. another word for tannia
  7. things occurring in this galaxy
  8. the act of telling someone a sentence in a different language
  1. the inside of something
  2. something intending to do harm
  3. things happening between countries
  4. things causing destruction
  5. the inside of something
  6. make a change in form or appearance
  7. things that people like

15 Clues: an error happeningsomething to travelthe inside of somethinganother word for tanniathe inside of somethingthings that people likethings causing destructionsomething intending to do harmthings occurring in this galaxythings happening between countriesto transfer blood to another humanmake a change in form or appearance...

work work 8 2021-12-02

work work 8 crossword puzzle
  1. something to travel
  2. an error happening
  3. someone that can speak various language
  4. to transfer blood to another human
  5. a purple flower with disc shaped fruit
  6. another word for tannia
  7. things occurring in this galaxy
  8. the act of telling someone a sentence in a different language
  1. the inside of something
  2. something intending to do harm
  3. things happening between countries
  4. things causing destruction
  5. the inside of something
  6. make a change in form or appearance
  7. things that people like

15 Clues: an error happeningsomething to travelthe inside of somethinganother word for tanniathe inside of somethingthings that people likethings causing destructionsomething intending to do harmthings occurring in this galaxythings happening between countriesto transfer blood to another humanmake a change in form or appearance...

work work 8 2021-12-02

work work 8 crossword puzzle
  1. something to travel
  2. an error happening
  3. someone that can speak various language
  4. to transfer blood to another human
  5. a purple flower with disc shaped fruit
  6. another word for tannia
  7. things occurring in this galaxy
  8. the act of telling someone a sentence in a different language
  1. the inside of something
  2. something intending to do harm
  3. things happening between countries
  4. things causing destruction
  5. the inside of something
  6. make a change in form or appearance
  7. things that people like

15 Clues: an error happeningsomething to travelthe inside of somethinganother word for tanniathe inside of somethingthings that people likethings causing destructionsomething intending to do harmthings occurring in this galaxythings happening between countriesto transfer blood to another humanmake a change in form or appearance...

work work 8 2021-12-02

work work 8 crossword puzzle
  1. the inside of something
  2. things causing destruction
  3. things happening between countries
  4. things that people like
  5. an error happening
  6. the act of telling someone a sentence in a different language
  7. the inside of something
  1. someone that can speak various language
  2. something to travel
  3. another word for tannia
  4. something intending to do harm
  5. to transfer blood to another human
  6. things occurring in this galaxy
  7. a purple flower with disc shaped fruit
  8. make a change in form or appearance

15 Clues: an error happeningsomething to travelanother word for tanniathe inside of somethingthings that people likethe inside of somethingthings causing destructionsomething intending to do harmthings occurring in this galaxyto transfer blood to another humanthings happening between countriesmake a change in form or appearance...

Work 2018-11-09

Work crossword puzzle
  1. suositus
  2. työttömyys
  3. väliaikainen työ
  4. palkata
  5. vakituinen työ
  6. palkka
  1. työnantaja
  2. kokemus
  3. lentoemäntä,stuertti
  4. kääntäjä
  5. toimistotyöntekijä
  6. opettaja
  7. pappi

13 Clues: pappipalkkakokemuspalkatakääntäjäsuositusopettajatyönantajatyöttömyysvakituinen työväliaikainen työtoimistotyöntekijälentoemäntä,stuertti

work 2021-03-24

work crossword puzzle
  1. do work full time
  2. head of state
  3. toimistotyö
  4. poliisi
  5. lääkäri
  6. insinööri
  1. etätöissä tehdään tällä töitä
  2. stop the fire
  3. work to do in summer
  4. palkka
  5. myyjä
  6. do work here
  7. sairaanhoitaja

13 Clues: myyjäpalkkapoliisilääkäriinsinööritoimistotyödo work herestop the firehead of statesairaanhoitajado work full timework to do in summeretätöissä tehdään tällä töitä

WORK 2023-05-19

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. 50N X 40M=_____w
  2. if you push a box on something that has little to no friction you will go ____
  3. force X distance
  4. for work to happen everything has to move in the ____-_________
  5. what does the N stand for when measuring force
  6. it you lift a jug of milk up is it work
  1. we measure work in ______
  2. how hard you push something
  3. for something to be work it has to ____
  4. how far you push something
  5. letter do we use to represent force
  6. if you are holding a goose is that work
  7. the ability to do work

13 Clues: 50N X 40M=_____wforce X distancethe ability to do workwe measure work in ______how far you push somethinghow hard you push somethingletter do we use to represent forcefor something to be work it has to ____if you are holding a goose is that workit you lift a jug of milk up is it workwhat does the N stand for when measuring force...

work 2022-12-20

work crossword puzzle
  1. an economy of or reduction in money, time, or another resource.
  2. money or financial resources expended by a person, group, or government.
  3. thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest.
  4. received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments.
  5. state of wanting to know or learn about something or someone.
  6. relationship between people or groups based on shared feelings, interests, or experiences.
  7. system of money in general use in a particular country.
  8. rate-the proportion of a loan that is charged as interest to the borrower, typically expressed as an annual percentage of the loan outstanding.
  1. estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.
  2. especially when of a company or organization and of a substantial nature.
  3. the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future.
  4. money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result by putting it into financial plans, shares, or property, or by using it to develop a commercial venture.
  5. goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a business or warehouse and available for sale or distribution.

13 Clues: system of money in general use in a particular country.estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.state of wanting to know or learn about something or economy of or reduction in money, time, or another or financial resources expended by a person, group, or government....

Work 2015-09-22

Work crossword puzzle
  1. money to be used for a certain purpose
  2. to gather a crop from the field
  3. having imagination and artistic ability
  4. full of risk
  5. a chance to do something
  6. female who works in a restaurant/bar
  7. a prize for doing something well
  8. To go different places and learn about different things
  1. person who knows how to plant and grow food
  2. to expose to danger
  3. To share information with others
  4. things you are able to do well
  5. an employee

13 Clues: an employeefull of riskto expose to dangera chance to do somethingthings you are able to do wellto gather a crop from the fieldTo share information with othersa prize for doing something wellfemale who works in a restaurant/barmoney to be used for a certain purposehaving imagination and artistic abilityperson who knows how to plant and grow food...

Work 2015-09-22

Work crossword puzzle
  1. person who knows how to plant and grow food
  2. To share information with others
  3. things you are able to do well
  4. to expose to danger
  5. an employee
  1. having imagination and artistic ability
  2. female who works in a restaurant/bar
  3. money to be used for a certain purpose
  4. full of risk
  5. a chance to do something
  6. to gather a crop from the field
  7. To go different places and learn about different things
  8. a prize for doing something well

13 Clues: an employeefull of riskto expose to dangera chance to do somethingthings you are able to do wellto gather a crop from the fieldTo share information with othersa prize for doing something wellfemale who works in a restaurant/barmoney to be used for a certain purposehaving imagination and artistic abilityperson who knows how to plant and grow food...

WORK 2021-01-27

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. KASS
  2. MUL ON
  4. ORAV
  5. TUGEV


Work 2021-03-03

Work crossword puzzle
  1. provide enough money to pay for the things sb needs.
  2. sth you get from your work in addition to your salary ,such as the use of a car...
  3. a letter with information about you written by sb who knows you well, intended for a possible employer.
  4. sb who is being considered for a job.
  5. money added to sb's salary.
  6. sb who has been told they must leave their job because they are no longer needed
  7. a job that is available for sb to start doing.
  1. a period of time when workers deliberately stop working because of a disagreement about pay, working conditions.
  2. money you receive after you retire.
  3. remove sb from their job because they have done sth wrong
  4. an organisation that protects worker's rights.
  5. money you earn that is paid according to the number of hours,days or weeks that you work.
  6. money that you receive from your employer every month.

13 Clues: money added to sb's you receive after you who is being considered for a organisation that protects worker's rights.a job that is available for sb to start doing.provide enough money to pay for the things sb that you receive from your employer every month....

Work 2021-05-24

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Giving you satisfaction, pleasure, or profit
  2. Someone who is in charge of an activity, a place, or a group of people such as workers or students
  3. An extra payment or benefit that you get in your job
  4. Someone whose job is to give advice on subjects they know a lot about
  5. Someone who is training for a particular profession or job
  6. The place where you work
  1. A situation in which one company takes control of another company by buying a majority of its shares
  2. Someone who uses money to start businesses and make business deals
  3. An act of making someone leave their job
  4. To get someone to work in a company or join an organization
  5. The total number of people who work in a particular company, industry, or area
  6. A job that is available for someone to do
  7. The process of combining two companies or organizations to form a bigger one

13 Clues: The place where you workAn act of making someone leave their jobA job that is available for someone to doGiving you satisfaction, pleasure, or profitAn extra payment or benefit that you get in your jobSomeone who is training for a particular profession or jobTo get someone to work in a company or join an organization...

Work 2022-10-24

Work crossword puzzle
  1. the money paid for electricity, gas, water etc.
  2. unable to find a job
  3. stop working when you have reached a certain age
  4. increase in the money you earn
  5. somebody who gets paid to work for sb else
  6. all the people who work in a specific company
  7. work that you do after your usual hours
  1. take on somebody, employ
  2. do this if you no longer want to work there
  3. document about completed university education
  4. money that you earn with your work
  5. money that you pay monthly to the flat owner
  6. stop employing someone

13 Clues: unable to find a jobstop employing someonetake on somebody, employincrease in the money you earnmoney that you earn with your workwork that you do after your usual hourssomebody who gets paid to work for sb elsedo this if you no longer want to work theremoney that you pay monthly to the flat ownerdocument about completed university education...

Work 2017-01-26

Work crossword puzzle
  1. ordinary office worker
  2. important person who makes big decisions
  3. visitors must check in with them
  4. person trained and qualified in the law
  5. member of the board in the company
  6. makes sure workers are doing their jobs properly
  7. professional cook
  1. makes and repairs wooden objects and structures
  2. does hard physical work
  3. person who runs the office day-to-day
  4. studies and develops new products
  5. skilled person who designs, builds or maintains engines
  6. helps doctors with medical work

13 Clues: professional cookordinary office workerdoes hard physical workhelps doctors with medical workvisitors must check in with themstudies and develops new productsmember of the board in the companyperson who runs the office day-to-dayperson trained and qualified in the lawimportant person who makes big decisions...

WORK 2017-04-23

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. A person at a beach or swimming pool whose job is to rescue people who are in difficulty in the water.
  2. Move to a higher position or more important job.
  3. Someone not able to find a job.
  4. The money that a person receives (usually every month) for the work.
  5. A person whose job is to keep or examine the financial accounts.
  6. A period spent away from work because of illness.
  7. A person, usually a girl, from another country who comes to live with a family in order to learn language, help with household chores and look after the children.
  1. Small jobs or tasks of various types.
  2. To be told by your employer that you can't continue working, usually because you have done sth wrong.
  3. Someone who works in an office.
  4. A person who works for low pay, in order to learn the skills needed in a job.
  5. A job which needs a lot of effort and skill.
  6. A woman who gives people massage.

13 Clues: Someone who works in an office.Someone not able to find a job.A woman who gives people massage.Small jobs or tasks of various types.A job which needs a lot of effort and skill.Move to a higher position or more important job.A period spent away from work because of illness.A person whose job is to keep or examine the financial accounts....

Work 2016-12-06

Work crossword puzzle
  1. change of (when you have moved)
  2. P in NCDP
  3. guide or team to check criteria
  4. where customers can access their documents or make changes
  5. promotion on motor insurance
  6. change of (when you change your car)
  1. when a customer complains about you
  2. E in CUE
  3. what you need to score 75% in to pass
  4. short term cover
  5. I am sorry to hear that...
  6. email system
  7. team to call with payment issues

13 Clues: E in CUEP in NCDPemail systemshort term coverI am sorry to hear that...promotion on motor insurancechange of (when you have moved)guide or team to check criteriateam to call with payment issueswhen a customer complains about youchange of (when you change your car)what you need to score 75% in to pass...

work 2021-09-27

work crossword puzzle
  1. Order to remove or repair unsafe products in the market.
  2. Element of a contract stating that something of value must be promised in return.
  3. Element of a contract stating that all parties involved must agree to the terms of contract
  4. A person is legally able to enter into a binding agreement.
  5. Rules of behavior based on a group's ideas about what is right and wrong.
  6. Specific information about a company or its employees is never shared, except with those who have clearance to receive it.
  1. Contract to rent something.
  2. Honesty of a person's actions.
  3. Promoting the welfare of others.
  4. Legally binding agreement between two or more people or businesses.
  5. Individual's ideas of what is right and wrong.
  6. Element of a contract that is a proposal to provide a good or service.
  7. Number assigned by the IRS for businesses to use for income tax purposes.

13 Clues: Contract to rent something.Honesty of a person's actions.Promoting the welfare of others.Individual's ideas of what is right and wrong.Order to remove or repair unsafe products in the market.A person is legally able to enter into a binding agreement.Legally binding agreement between two or more people or businesses....

Work 2022-11-07

Work crossword puzzle
  1. When you are fully employed during your working hours
  2. Person who exercises control
  3. An ability to do an activity or job well
  4. When your employer said: "bye" in your work
  5. When you moved up a level in your job
  6. The kind of work you do with your hands
  1. All the people employed by a particular organization
  2. The measure of a human's exertion of force on physical objects
  3. When you are looking for a job
  4. When any company hires you
  5. The person who gives you a job
  6. When you over your worktime
  7. A person responsible for controlling or administering an organization or group of staff

13 Clues: When any company hires youWhen you over your worktimePerson who exercises controlWhen you are looking for a jobThe person who gives you a jobWhen you moved up a level in your jobThe kind of work you do with your handsAn ability to do an activity or job wellWhen your employer said: "bye" in your work...

Work 2014-02-14

Work crossword puzzle
  1. When people go out of the job when they get old.
  2. People who heal animals.
  3. Person that buy or sell anthic things.
  4. Money that people get after retired.
  5. When go in/out the job.
  6. Person who works at school.
  1. Person who helps people to recover after operation.
  2. Jon has *** work hours.
  3. Money that you earn every month.
  4. Money that firm earn per year.
  5. What are you expecting when you buy lottery tickets.
  6. Firm boss.
  7. Person who cooks in restaurants.

13 Clues: Firm boss.Jon has *** work hours.When go in/out the job.People who heal animals.Person who works at school.Money that firm earn per year.Money that you earn every month.Person who cooks in restaurants.Money that people get after retired.Person that buy or sell anthic things.When people go out of the job when they get old....

Work 2021-12-03

Work crossword puzzle
  1. a force must be applied to an object and an object must move in the same direction
  2. effects whether or not work is done; if it is in the same direction as the object is moved
  3. another measurement used for measuring distance
  4. the equation for work
  5. the measurement used for distance
  1. the formula for force
  2. the formula for distance
  3. unit for measurement of work
  4. the object;s overall change in position
  5. the measurement used for force
  6. a push or pull that causes an object to stop, move or change direction
  7. the ability to do work
  8. measurement for time

13 Clues: measurement for timethe formula for forcethe equation for workthe ability to do workthe formula for distanceunit for measurement of workthe measurement used for forcethe measurement used for distancethe object;s overall change in positionanother measurement used for measuring distance...

WORK 2023-10-03

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. accept >< refuse
  2. proceed >< stay put
  3. accumulate >< lessen
  4. call on >< ignore
  5. perform >< abandon
  6. succeed >< fall behind
  7. fit in >< leave out
  8. retire >< persist
  1. resign >< continue
  2. deliver >< withhold
  3. arrange >< ruin
  4. >< overwhelmed >< have nothing to do
  5. busy >< free
  6. hire >< dismiss

14 Clues: busy >< freearrange >< ruinhire >< dismissaccept >< refusecall on >< ignoreretire >< persistresign >< continueperform >< abandondeliver >< withholdproceed >< stay putfit in >< leave outaccumulate >< lessensucceed >< fall behind>< overwhelmed >< have nothing to do

Work work 2017-01-27

Work work crossword puzzle
  1. underground layer of rock that water continually moves through
  2. relating to or denoting the generation of electricity using flowing water (typically from a reservoir held behind a dam or other barrier) to drive a turbine that powers a generator.
  3. an artificial channel for conveying water, typically in the form of a bridge across a valley or other gap.
  4. a transparent tank of water in which fish and other water creatures and plants are kept.
  1. a specially designed harbor with moorings for pleasure craft and small boats.
  2. on or near the sea
  3. a fixture in a street or other public place with a nozzle by which a hose may be attached to a water main.
  4. to lose water, or dry out
  5. relating to water (of a plant or animal) growing or living in or near water.
  6. of, found in, or produced by the sea.

10 Clues: on or near the seato lose water, or dry outof, found in, or produced by the sea.underground layer of rock that water continually moves throughrelating to water (of a plant or animal) growing or living in or near water.a specially designed harbor with moorings for pleasure craft and small boats....

Work 2021-05-24

Work crossword puzzle
  1. hours (phrase) when you overwork...
  2. (n) you send it when you want a new job
  3. (n)might be low or high
  4. (adj)job for not a whole day
  5. (phrase) Have a good relationship with people
  6. (adj) a worker who has a lot of experience
  7. (adj) a person who you will always be by your side
  8. (verb) "I don't know how to do it but I'll..."
  1. (phrase) you work there alone
  2. (adj) space where people work next to each other
  3. (adj)a person who is always organized and does his work brilliantly
  4. hired (phrase) after a successful interview, you get a job or...
  5. (adj)area where you can relax at work

13 Clues: (n)might be low or high(adj)job for not a whole day(phrase) you work there alonehours (phrase) when you overwork...(adj)area where you can relax at work(n) you send it when you want a new job(adj) a worker who has a lot of experience(phrase) Have a good relationship with people(verb) "I don't know how to do it but I'll..."...

Work 2022-10-24

Work crossword puzzle
  1. the money paid for electricity, gas, water etc.
  2. unable to find a job
  3. stop working when you have reached a certain age
  4. increase in the money you earn
  5. somebody who gets paid to work for sb else
  6. all the people who work in a specific company
  7. work that you do after your usual hours
  1. take on somebody, employ
  2. do this if you no longer want to work there
  3. document about completed university education
  4. money that you earn with your work
  5. money that you pay monthly to the flat owner
  6. stop employing someone

13 Clues: unable to find a jobstop employing someonetake on somebody, employincrease in the money you earnmoney that you earn with your workwork that you do after your usual hourssomebody who gets paid to work for sb elsedo this if you no longer want to work theremoney that you pay monthly to the flat ownerdocument about completed university education...

work 2022-12-20

work crossword puzzle
  1. an economy of or reduction in money, time, or another resource.
  2. money or financial resources expended by a person, group, or government.
  3. thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest.
  4. received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments.
  5. state of wanting to know or learn about something or someone.
  6. relationship between people or groups based on shared feelings, interests, or experiences.
  7. system of money in general use in a particular country.
  8. rate-the proportion of a loan that is charged as interest to the borrower, typically expressed as an annual percentage of the loan outstanding.
  1. estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.
  2. especially when of a company or organization and of a substantial nature.
  3. the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future.
  4. money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result by putting it into financial plans, shares, or property, or by using it to develop a commercial venture.
  5. goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a business or warehouse and available for sale or distribution.

13 Clues: system of money in general use in a particular country.estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.state of wanting to know or learn about something or economy of or reduction in money, time, or another or financial resources expended by a person, group, or government....

work 2017-02-09

work crossword puzzle
  1. Sometimes need thier help
  2. They always break
  3. Dont do this
  4. Its very long
  5. It makes it beep
  6. You count these
  1. Joanne makes these
  2. Love her giggle
  3. We need a
  4. Always on you
  5. To many of these
  6. Highway
  7. in a half

13 Clues: HighwayWe need ain a halfDont do thisAlways on youIts very longLove her giggleYou count theseTo many of theseIt makes it beepThey always breakJoanne makes theseSometimes need thier help

work 2020-11-09

work crossword puzzle
  1. stylist- makes the other´s hair
  2. when you introduce yourself to a company
  3. buying supplies for a company
  4. if you work longer
  5. you get when you work
  1. vitae- important information about you
  2. a job with people
  3. you first learn the things
  4. is the chief boss
  5. things are produced
  6. interview- you introduce yourself personally
  7. children learn something
  8. what do you call the workers

13 Clues: is the chief bossthings are produceda job with peopleif you work longeryou get when you workchildren learn somethingyou first learn the thingswhat do you call the workersbuying supplies for a companystylist- makes the other´s hairvitae- important information about youwhen you introduce yourself to a company...

work 2021-03-24

work crossword puzzle
  1. do work full time
  2. head of state
  3. toimistotyö
  4. poliisi
  5. lääkäri
  6. insinööri
  1. etätöissä tehdään tällä töitä
  2. stop the fire
  3. work to do in summer
  4. palkka
  5. myyjä
  6. do work here
  7. sairaanhoitaja

13 Clues: myyjäpalkkapoliisilääkäriinsinööritoimistotyödo work herestop the firehead of statesairaanhoitajado work full timework to do in summeretätöissä tehdään tällä töitä

WORK 2023-05-19

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. 50N X 40M=_____w
  2. if you push a box on something that has little to no friction you will go ____
  3. force X distance
  4. for work to happen everything has to move in the ____-_________
  5. what does the N stand for when measuring force
  6. it you lift a jug of milk up is it work
  1. we measure work in ______
  2. how hard you push something
  3. for something to be work it has to ____
  4. how far you push something
  5. letter do we use to represent force
  6. if you are holding a goose is that work
  7. the ability to do work

13 Clues: 50N X 40M=_____wforce X distancethe ability to do workwe measure work in ______how far you push somethinghow hard you push somethingletter do we use to represent forcefor something to be work it has to ____if you are holding a goose is that workit you lift a jug of milk up is it workwhat does the N stand for when measuring force...

work 2016-04-07

work crossword puzzle
  1. 634
  2. 654
  3. 5635
  4. 645
  5. 45
  6. 5
  7. 565
  1. 654
  2. 64
  3. df
  4. 35
  5. +65
  6. 6345
  7. fg

14 Clues: 564df3545fg654634654+6564556556356345

Work 2024-01-29

Work crossword puzzle
  1. An agreement about how much you work, what you do, etc.
  2. When you stop working because of your age, you....
  3. And 14 people who only work part of the day or week have part-......
  4. Someone who works for a company
  5. If a company doesn't need employees any more, it makes them....
  6. Companies who sell products to others
  1. People who work with you
  2. When you work more than the normal hours, you do....
  3. Someone who buys your products
  4. Money you get after you stop work.
  5. My job only lasts twon months: it'
  6. If you leave your job to move to another one, you......
  7. To tell someone to leave their job, for example because they have made a mistake: to....them

13 Clues: People who work with youSomeone who works for a companySomeone who buys your productsMoney you get after you stop work.Companies who sell products to othersMy job only lasts twon months: it's....workWhen you stop working because of your age, you....When you work more than the normal hours, you do.......

Work 2022-05-04

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Driver, Is who drives a bus
  2. Is who builds the buildings
  3. That can save your money :D
  4. Is who sings for other people or entertainment
  5. Is who repairs the cars or other stuff
  1. Is who works in a drug´s store
  2. Is who works with other people of their problems
  3. Is who takes care of the animals to sell the meat
  4. Is who checks the teeth’s
  5. Is a person who sell´s meet
  6. Director, Is who manages a movie or make a movie
  7. Clerk, Is who manages the money

12 Clues: Is who checks the teeth’sDriver, Is who drives a busIs who builds the buildingsIs a person who sell´s meetThat can save your money :DIs who works in a drug´s storeClerk, Is who manages the moneyIs who repairs the cars or other stuffIs who sings for other people or entertainmentIs who works with other people of their problems...

work 2022-05-13

work crossword puzzle
  1. a person who fix your teeth
  2. a person who specializes in the study of mind and behavior or in the treatment of mental
  3. a person who promotes or improves the growth
  4. a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs
  5. A worker skilled in making, using, or repairing machines, vehicles, and tools
  6. a person who drives a truck
  1. a person who sings
  2. A film director controls a film 's artistic and dramatic aspects
  3. a person who plans, designs and oversees the construction
  4. someone who cuts and sells meat in a shop.
  5. The officer of a bank or business concern in charge of paying and receiving money
  6. an employee of a bank who receives and pays out money

12 Clues: a person who singsa person who fix your teetha person who drives a trucksomeone who cuts and sells meat in a shop.a person who promotes or improves the growthan employee of a bank who receives and pays out moneya person who plans, designs and oversees the constructionA film director controls a film 's artistic and dramatic aspects...