www.abozeb.com/video/%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b7%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a8-%d9%8a%d9%86%d9%8a%d9%83-%d9%85%d8%b9%d9%8 Crossword Puzzles

2's Complement 2024-01-15

2's Complement crossword puzzle
  1. 10011011
  2. -21
  3. -98
  4. 11111111
  5. 11111100
  6. 11011100
  7. -84
  8. 10100100
  9. 10110001
  1. -45
  2. -37
  3. -39
  4. 11110010
  5. 10101101
  6. 11110001
  7. 10111000
  8. 10111101
  9. 11000101

18 Clues: -45-37-39-21-98-84100110111111001011111111111111001010110111110001110111001011100010100100101111011011000111000101

a7 2024-08-17

a7 crossword puzzle
  1. Troisgros French chef
  2. World's best restaurant chef
  3. Indian cuisine innovator
  4. Spago founder
  5. MasterChef judge Gregg
  6. First celebrity chef Marco
  7. Iron Chef Rokusaburo
  8. Food Network's Anne
  9. Iron Chef Michael
  10. Bam! chef Emeril
  11. Brazilian chef Alex
  12. MasterChef judge John
  1. Culinary award namesake
  2. French chef Raymond
  3. Middle Eastern cuisine expert
  4. King of Chefs
  5. Manresa chef David
  6. NYC chef Daniel
  7. Nose to tail pioneer
  8. Nouvelle cuisine pioneer
  9. Momofuku genius
  10. Momofuku founder
  11. Basque cuisine innovator
  12. Alinea chef
  13. Top Chef judge Gail

25 Clues: Alinea chefKing of ChefsSpago founderNYC chef DanielMomofuku geniusMomofuku founderBam! chef EmerilIron Chef MichaelManresa chef DavidFrench chef RaymondFood Network's AnneTop Chef judge GailBrazilian chef AlexNose to tail pioneerIron Chef RokusaburoTroisgros French chefMasterChef judge JohnMasterChef judge GreggCulinary award namesake...

Topography 2020-09-29

Topography crossword puzzle
  1. North book page 174 C7
  2. North book page 82 D7
  3. North book page 139 A5
  4. South book page 57 A8
  5. South book page 51 F2
  6. South book page 115 E7
  7. North book page 107 D2
  8. South book page 68 C7
  1. South book page 28 F4
  2. North book page 169 E5
  3. North book page 101 A7
  4. South book page 37 A3
  5. South book page 37 A4
  6. South book page 57 E7
  7. North book page 176 A2

15 Clues: South book page 28 F4North book page 82 D7South book page 37 A3South book page 37 A4South book page 57 A8South book page 57 E7South book page 51 F2South book page 68 C7North book page 174 C7North book page 169 E5North book page 101 A7North book page 139 A5North book page 176 A2South book page 115 E7North book page 107 D2

C22-Entretien mot-croisé 2023-04-25

C22-Entretien mot-croisé crossword puzzle
  1. S’analysent en laboratoire
  2. Lorsque sales, elle limite le pouvoir de transfert de chaleur dés échangeur de chaleur: radiateur, refroidisseur,…
  3. 80W-90
  4. Manufacturier de la Rive-Sud de Montréal qui fabrique des attachements: godets, accouplements rapide,…
  5. Aide au démarrage - « Push push »
  6. En anglais, jauge de niveau d’huile hydraulique sur la plupart des excavatrice
  7. Souvent, le premier élément à vérifier lors d’un problème électrique.
  8. Au cube, c’est l’unité de mesure utilisé pour indiquer la contenance d’une benne ou d’un godet
  9. Élément installé sur les réservoirs, essieux ou transmission important à vérifier, car s’il est obstrué il surviendra une hausse de pression qui peut être dommageable pour le composant.
  10. Empêche l’eau d’entrer dans le pot d’échappement droit des tracteurs et autres machines.
  11. Tâche à exécuter sur le boîtier lors du remplacement d’un filtre à air primaire.
  12. Surface - vérin - miroir
  13. Se dit d’une courroie lorsqu’elle entraîne plusieurs éléments.
  14. Type de godet étroit.
  1. Type de traction pour travail intense, disponible sur les bouteurs D8 et plus chez Caterpillar.
  2. Manufacturier situé à Mercier fabriquant des attachements, notamment des lame à neige.
  3. dans l’habitacle, endroit où le mécanicien doit parfois poser le visage afin de faire des réparations.
  4. Nombre coups de pompe de pistolet graisseur à donner lors de la lubrification du roulement de pivotement une excavatrice 160DLC
  5. Type de godet muni d’une lame/couteau.
  6. Option sur les ventilateurs favorisant le nettoyage des refroidisseurs.
  7. Type de raccords scellant par un joint torique unissant une surface plane et l’épaulement du raccord.
  8. Traitement à effectuer sur des surfaces métallique entre chaque remplacement de couteaux sur une niveleuse
  9. Éléments du circuit de charge et de démarrage qui sont souvent remplacés.
  10. Élément du circuit d’air climatisé qui diffuse la chaleur dehors.
  11. Dents de godet de haute qualité, trempé par procédé électrique.
  12. Raccord scellant par des surfaces de métal conique à 37 degés
  13. Ordinateur du moteur

27 Clues: 80W-90Ordinateur du moteurType de godet étroit.Surface - vérin - miroirS’analysent en laboratoireAide au démarrage - « Push push »Type de godet muni d’une lame/couteau.Raccord scellant par des surfaces de métal conique à 37 degésSe dit d’une courroie lorsqu’elle entraîne plusieurs éléments....

Sp1U1 - Los números 2023-09-07

Sp1U1 - Los números crossword puzzle
  1. 95
  2. 85
  3. 89
  4. 29
  5. 6
  6. 13
  7. 27
  8. 45
  9. 72
  1. 42
  2. 33
  3. 84
  4. 67
  5. 15
  6. 0
  7. 23
  8. 62
  9. 57
  10. 53
  11. 61

20 Clues: 06954233848567152362892913572745536172

aku 2020-09-02

aku crossword puzzle
  1. = warisan
  2. = pengantin perempuan
  3. = anak tiri laki-laki.
  4. = yatim-piatu
  5. = rumah tangga
  6. = dewasa
  7. = Adopsi
  8. = Orang tua
  9. = kesetiaan
  10. = persaudaraan
  11. = anak tiri pr.
  12. = Keponakan perempuan
  13. = mewarisi, ahli waris
  14. = suku
  15. = ibu sebagai pemimpin keluarga
  16. = Ayah
  17. = orang yang belum dewasa
  18. = Suami
  19. = bertunangan
  20. = nenek moyang
  21. = Istri
  22. = keturunan, anak-cucu
  23. = diasingkan
  24. = ahli waris pr.
  25. = cinta, kasih sayang
  1. = Cucu perempuan
  2. = silsilah keturunan
  3. = masa bayi
  4. = pernikahan tunggal (beristri satu)
  5. = rumah
  6. = saudara kembar
  7. = ibu tiri
  8. = Ibu
  9. = bayi baru lahir
  10. = saudara tiri lk.
  11. = ibu tiri
  12. = nenek (lebih informal)
  13. = turun-temurun
  14. = Ayah
  15. = kembar tiga
  16. = garis silsilah keluarga
  17. = lajang
  18. = Paman
  19. = kawan, kerabat, pasangan, dsb.
  20. = pasangan/tunangan
  21. = ikatan suci pernikahan
  22. = ahli waris
  23. = Ayah tiri
  24. = Nenek
  25. = keturunan

50 Clues: = Ibu= Ayah= suku= Ayah= rumah= Paman= Suami= Istri= Nenek= dewasa= Adopsi= lajang= warisan= ibu tiri= ibu tiri= masa bayi= Orang tua= kesetiaan= Ayah tiri= keturunan= ahli waris= diasingkan= yatim-piatu= kembar tiga= bertunangan= rumah tangga= persaudaraan= nenek moyang= anak tiri pr.= turun-temurun= Cucu perempuan= saudara kembar= ahli waris pr....

Integers! 2022-09-19

Integers! crossword puzzle
  1. 35+34-0=
  2. -3+-2=
  3. -10+15=
  4. Whole numbers positive or negative (use neg or pos before the number, in word form.)
  5. 2-21=
  6. 15x5=
  7. 120/5=
  8. 4x8=
  9. 54-84+4=
  10. -10+21=
  11. 100-90=
  1. 90/5=
  2. 9-18=
  3. -9+17=
  4. -128/4=
  5. -8/2=
  6. -84+32=
  7. The distance of a number from zero
  8. 84-69=
  9. -5x3+2

20 Clues: 4x8=90/5=9-18=-8/2=2-21=15x5=-3+-2=-9+17=84-69=120/5=-5x3+2-10+15=-128/4=-84+32=-10+21=100-90=35+34-0=54-84+4=The distance of a number from zeroWhole numbers positive or negative (use neg or pos before the number, in word form.)

Integers! 2022-09-19

Integers! crossword puzzle
  1. 35+34-0=
  2. -3+-2=
  3. -10+15=
  4. Whole numbers positive or negative (use neg or pos before the number, in word form.)
  5. 2-21=
  6. 15x5=
  7. 120/5=
  8. 4x8=
  9. 54-84+4=
  10. -10+21=
  11. 100-90=
  1. 90/5=
  2. 9-18=
  3. -9+17=
  4. -128/4=
  5. -8/2=
  6. -84+32=
  7. The distance of a number from zero
  8. 84-69=
  9. -5x3+2

20 Clues: 4x8=90/5=9-18=-8/2=2-21=15x5=-3+-2=-9+17=84-69=120/5=-5x3+2-10+15=-128/4=-84+32=-10+21=100-90=35+34-0=54-84+4=The distance of a number from zeroWhole numbers positive or negative (use neg or pos before the number, in word form.)

Integers! 2022-09-19

Integers! crossword puzzle
  1. 35+34-0=
  2. -3+-2=
  3. -10+15=
  4. Whole numbers positive or negative (use neg or pos before the number, in word form.)
  5. 2-21=
  6. 15x5=
  7. 120/5=
  8. 4x8=
  9. 54-84+4=
  10. -10+21=
  11. 100-90=
  1. 90/5=
  2. 9-18=
  3. -9+17=
  4. -128/4=
  5. -8/2=
  6. -84+32=
  7. The distance of a number from zero
  8. 84-69=
  9. -5x3+2

20 Clues: 4x8=90/5=9-18=-8/2=2-21=15x5=-3+-2=-9+17=84-69=120/5=-5x3+2-10+15=-128/4=-84+32=-10+21=100-90=35+34-0=54-84+4=The distance of a number from zeroWhole numbers positive or negative (use neg or pos before the number, in word form.)

Numbers from 50 to 100 2016-09-26

Numbers from 50 to 100 crossword puzzle
  1. 55
  2. 72
  3. 100
  4. 80
  5. 74
  6. 88
  7. 58
  8. 83
  9. 53
  1. 68
  2. 63
  3. 75
  4. 99
  5. 84
  6. 67

15 Clues: 6855726375807499888458678353100

First Aid-Chapter 5 Sudden Illness 2022-05-21

First Aid-Chapter 5 Sudden Illness crossword puzzle
  1. When do you hold someone down or place an object in the mouth of a person having a seizure? Pg 85-86
  2. Blood Sugar. Pg 83
  3. Chronic illness in which certain substances cause narrowing and inflamation of the airway, making breathing difficult. Pg 78
  4. Severe lifethreatening allergic reaction. Pg 81
  5. Occurs when blood flow to part of the brain is interrupted by a blood clot resulting in death of the brain cells. Pg 87
  6. Uncontrolled body movements. Pg 85
  7. Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath,gasping. Pg 77
  8. Dizzy, shaky, headache, clammy skin, change in behavior, confusion. Pg 84.
  9. Excessively high blood glucose levels.
  10. Condition in which a person 's pancreas fails to make enough insulin (glucose/sugar)or the body's cells are unable to respond to insulin (glucose/sugar) in the bloodstream. Pg 83
  11. A hormone made in the pancreas that causes glucose to be moved in the bloodstream.
  12. Kit Medicine carried by some diabetics to be administered to them in an emergency. Pg 85
  13. Illness that a person has had for a long while. Pg 76
  14. Chronic siezure disorder Pg 85.
  15. Drooping of face, Drooling, trouble speaking, slurring speech, Weakness in arms and hands, confusion, trouble seeing. Pg 87
  1. Breathing that is faster and shallower than normal. Pg 77
  2. Wheezing,coughing, shallow breathing, sweating, anxiety and fear, tightness in chest, unable to talk. Pg 80
  3. Pain,Trouble Breathing, fever, numbness, weakness, siezure, etc. Pg 76
  4. Face, Arm, Speech, Time
  5. skin rash, stuffy nose red or watery eyes.
  6. Absence of breathing/no breathing. Pg 77
  7. Epinephine Auto Injector
  8. Illness that strikes suddenly. Pg 76
  9. Abnormal electrical activity in the brain leading to temporary and involuntary changes in body movement, function,, and awareness. Pg 85
  10. A drug that stops or slows the effects of anaphylaxis. Pg 82
  11. Excessively low blood glucose levels.

26 Clues: Blood Sugar. Pg 83Face, Arm, Speech, TimeEpinephine Auto InjectorChronic siezure disorder Pg 85.Uncontrolled body movements. Pg 85Illness that strikes suddenly. Pg 76Excessively low blood glucose levels.Excessively high blood glucose levels.Absence of breathing/no breathing. Pg 77skin rash, stuffy nose red or watery eyes....

Radiohead Songs by Lyrics 2021-01-16

Radiohead Songs by Lyrics crossword puzzle
  1. 113
  2. 27
  3. 60
  4. 86
  5. 101
  6. 106
  7. 54
  8. 108
  9. 96
  10. 36
  11. 107
  12. 45
  13. 57
  14. 22
  15. 10
  16. 47
  17. 67
  18. 70
  19. 82
  20. 114
  21. 1
  22. 80
  23. 92
  24. 44
  25. 52
  26. 24
  27. 3
  28. 41
  29. 65
  30. 84
  31. 71
  32. 68
  33. 64
  34. 79
  35. 48
  36. 16
  37. 79
  38. 49
  39. 26
  40. 78
  41. 99
  42. 25
  43. 109
  44. 85
  45. 89
  46. 74
  47. 69
  48. 110
  49. 8
  50. 94
  51. 21
  52. 29
  53. 83
  54. 20
  55. 35
  56. 104
  1. 28
  2. 38
  3. 34
  4. 63
  5. 62
  6. 72
  7. 13
  8. 23
  9. 90
  10. 31
  11. 32
  12. 61
  13. 112
  14. 87
  15. 55
  16. 39
  17. 75
  18. 100
  19. 5
  20. 59
  21. 50
  22. 30
  23. 11
  24. 37
  25. 6
  26. 56
  27. 51
  28. 12
  29. 40
  30. 17
  31. 53
  32. 4
  33. 73
  34. 66
  35. 18
  36. 58
  37. 85
  38. 95
  39. 88
  40. 81
  41. 105
  42. 76
  43. 43
  44. 111
  45. 102
  46. 93
  47. 98
  48. 9
  49. 14
  50. 97
  51. 77
  52. 103
  53. 7
  54. 42
  55. 2
  56. 91
  57. 19
  58. 15
  59. 33
  60. 46

116 Clues: 5641397282838346362721323903132612787605539867559545030963645115722371056514712674070175382736618588580958881924452247643416584939871686479149777481679492678429925859189197469153394462129832035113112101100106108107114105111102103109110104

Integers! 2022-09-19

Integers! crossword puzzle
  1. 35+34-0=
  2. -3+-2=
  3. -10+15=
  4. Whole numbers positive or negative (use neg or pos before the number, in word form.)
  5. 2-21=
  6. 15x5=
  7. 120/5=
  8. 4x8=
  9. 54-84+4=
  10. -10+21=
  11. 100-90=
  1. 90/5=
  2. 9-18=
  3. -9+17=
  4. -128/4=
  5. -8/2=
  6. -84+32=
  7. The distance of a number from zero
  8. 84-69=
  9. -5x3+2

20 Clues: 4x8=90/5=9-18=-8/2=2-21=15x5=-3+-2=-9+17=84-69=120/5=-5x3+2-10+15=-128/4=-84+32=-10+21=100-90=35+34-0=54-84+4=The distance of a number from zeroWhole numbers positive or negative (use neg or pos before the number, in word form.)

Integers! 2022-09-19

Integers! crossword puzzle
  1. -10+21=
  2. 90/5=
  3. 84-69=
  4. 100-90=
  5. 9-18=
  6. The distance of a number from zero
  7. 120/5=
  8. -5x3+2
  9. Whole numbers positive or negative (use neg or pos before the number, in word form.)
  10. -10+15=
  1. 4x8=
  2. 54-84+4=
  3. 35+34-0=
  4. -128/4=
  5. 2-21=
  6. 15x5=
  7. -8/2=
  8. -84+32=
  9. -9+17=
  10. -3+-2=

20 Clues: 4x8=90/5=2-21=15x5=-8/2=9-18=84-69=-9+17=-3+-2=120/5=-5x3+2-10+21=-128/4=100-90=-84+32=-10+15=54-84+4=35+34-0=The distance of a number from zeroWhole numbers positive or negative (use neg or pos before the number, in word form.)

Súsanna 2024-02-28

Súsanna crossword puzzle
  1. 10x6+5
  2. 170/2
  3. 45+23-26
  4. 7+46/2-11
  5. 123456788+1
  6. 13x3
  7. 39-37+55
  8. 53x6
  9. 100/2-2
  10. 6x6-7
  1. 987654320+1
  2. 469x2
  3. 47x2-2
  4. 93-35+16
  5. 45x2-34
  6. 4x4+1
  7. 11x3
  8. 84/2+4x4+1
  9. 49-48+72
  10. 79+62-48
  11. 6x5+8
  12. 47+11
  13. 99/3+67
  14. 7x7

24 Clues: 7x711x313x353x6170/2469x24x4+16x5+847+116x6-710x6+547x2-245x2-3499/3+67100/2-245+23-2693-35+1649-48+7279+62-4839-37+557+46/2-1184/2+4x4+1987654320+1123456788+1

Recollections Fashions Names 2017-01-30

Recollections Fashions Names crossword puzzle
  1. 100
  2. 50
  3. 3
  4. 13b
  5. 80
  6. 48
  7. 6
  8. 35
  9. 15
  10. 23
  11. 78
  12. 90
  13. 10
  14. 38
  15. 4
  16. 28
  17. 98
  18. 67
  19. 71
  20. 70
  21. 81
  22. 20
  23. 89
  24. 18
  25. 79
  1. 72
  2. 40
  3. 30
  4. 47
  5. 19
  6. 96
  7. 84
  8. 21
  9. 25
  10. 42
  11. 51
  12. 7
  13. 71
  14. 93
  15. 26
  16. 94
  17. 17
  18. 83
  19. 55
  20. clue 1
  21. 46
  22. 11a
  23. 24
  24. 57
  25. 85
  26. 52
  27. 74
  28. 65
  29. 5

54 Clues: 3674572403047501996842125425180483515719323269478178355469024571038852852987467716570812089187910013b11aclue 1

French 2024-10-17

French crossword puzzle
  1. 81
  2. 85
  3. 60
  4. what headphones play
  5. 84
  6. 97
  7. 66
  8. 94
  9. 61
  10. on top of...
  11. 71
  12. 69
  1. 93
  2. 83
  3. 91
  4. someone who is intelligent(feminine)
  5. to be under
  6. the name of this class
  7. in front of
  8. a window
  9. 78
  10. 99
  11. 72
  12. 65
  13. 100
  14. 76
  15. 88
  16. 89
  17. 62
  18. a door

30 Clues: 938391818578609972657684889789626694617169100a doora windowto be underin front ofon top of...what headphones playthe name of this classsomeone who is intelligent(feminine)

ONE YEAR SLAYER 2021-05-24

ONE YEAR SLAYER crossword puzzle
  1. 35
  2. 57
  3. 13
  4. 63
  5. 25
  6. 69
  7. 88
  8. 93
  9. 91
  10. 92
  11. 71
  12. 82
  13. 42
  14. 5
  15. 61
  16. 97
  17. 53
  18. 94
  19. 43
  20. 72
  21. 37
  22. 103
  23. 77
  24. 41
  25. 98
  26. 68
  27. 20
  28. 59
  29. 79
  30. 11
  31. 62
  32. 74
  33. 73
  34. 75
  35. 28
  36. 76
  37. 2
  38. 26
  39. 33
  40. 47
  41. 100
  42. 22
  43. 14
  44. 84
  45. 19
  46. 48
  47. 65
  48. 31
  49. 105
  50. 80
  51. 58
  52. 89
  53. 15
  1. 21
  2. 30
  3. 55
  4. 106
  5. 52
  6. 104
  7. 8
  8. 85
  9. 107
  10. 102
  11. 96
  12. 44
  13. 10
  14. 87
  15. 108
  16. 23
  17. 101
  18. 90
  19. 29
  20. 81
  21. 1
  22. 7
  23. 51
  24. 38
  25. 99
  26. 32
  27. 36
  28. 45
  29. 17
  30. 60
  31. 46
  32. 3
  33. 66
  34. 9
  35. 95
  36. 39
  37. 56
  38. 54
  39. 40
  40. 6
  41. 67
  42. 24
  43. 78
  44. 4
  45. 16
  46. 86
  47. 12
  48. 27
  49. 83
  50. 70
  51. 34
  52. 18
  53. 64
  54. 50
  55. 49
  56. 109

109 Clues: 817539642213530555257138596446325108769882390299381919251718238429961973236455317604694437266379539775654419840682059796724116278747316758612272883707626333447182264501449841948653180588915106104107102108101103100109105

sakfhulsagfv 2023-10-24

sakfhulsagfv crossword puzzle
  1. (74)
  2. (73)
  3. (80)
  4. (14)
  5. (79)
  6. (9)
  7. (76)
  8. (70)
  9. (23)
  10. (5)
  11. (72)
  12. (90)
  13. (38)
  14. (13)
  15. (111)
  16. (101)
  17. (95)
  18. (22)
  19. (53)
  20. (67)
  21. (54)
  22. (36)
  23. 117 (117)
  24. (89)
  25. (50)
  26. (85)
  27. (11)
  28. (59)
  29. (29)
  30. (62)
  31. (60)
  32. (55)
  33. (105)
  34. (41)
  35. (4)
  36. (3)
  37. (92)
  38. (82)
  39. (40)
  40. (114)
  41. (45)
  42. (77)
  43. (78)
  44. (10)
  45. (2)
  46. (21)
  47. (8)
  48. (1)
  49. (58)
  50. (46)
  51. (7)
  52. (31)
  53. (87)
  54. (68)
  55. (56)
  56. (75)
  57. (33)
  58. (91)
  1. (64)
  2. (94)
  3. (108)
  4. (84)
  5. (65)
  6. (66)
  7. (83)
  8. 118 (118)
  9. (107)
  10. (39)
  11. (57)
  12. (6)
  13. (18)
  14. (98)
  15. (116)
  16. (86)
  17. (49)
  18. (28)
  19. (112)
  20. (93)
  21. 113 (113)
  22. (19)
  23. (44)
  24. (27)
  25. (103)
  26. (100)
  27. (99)
  28. (88)
  29. (63)
  30. (69)
  31. (12)
  32. (106)
  33. (24)
  34. (61)
  35. (52)
  36. (104)
  37. (16)
  38. (102)
  39. (25)
  40. (109)
  41. (34)
  42. (37)
  43. (43)
  44. (81)
  45. (20)
  46. (51)
  47. (96)
  48. (15)
  49. (110)
  50. (35)
  51. (48)
  52. (17)
  53. (30)
  54. (71)
  55. (97)
  56. (26)
  57. (47)
  58. (42)
  59. 115 (115)
  60. (32)

118 Clues: (9)(6)(5)(4)(3)(2)(8)(1)(7)(64)(94)(84)(65)(66)(74)(73)(80)(14)(83)(39)(79)(57)(18)(76)(70)(98)(23)(86)(49)(28)(72)(90)(38)(13)(93)(19)(44)(95)(27)(22)(53)(99)(67)(54)(36)(88)(63)(69)(12)(89)(24)(50)(61)(85)(52)(11)(16)(59)(29)(62)(60)(25)(55)(34)(41)(37)(43)(81)(20)(51)(96)(15)(92)(35)(48)(82)(40)(17)(30)(45)(77)(78)(71)(10)(21)(97)(26)(47)(58)...

CPC 2023-07-21

CPC crossword puzzle
  1. 49
  2. 20
  3. 39
  4. 76
  5. 19
  6. 85
  7. 78
  8. 105
  9. 109
  10. 55
  11. 100
  12. 69
  13. 31
  14. 35
  15. 10
  16. 80
  17. 73
  18. 95
  19. 33
  20. 8
  21. 44
  22. 4
  23. 28
  24. 54
  25. 2
  26. 89
  27. 57
  28. 68
  29. 103
  30. 13
  31. 70
  32. 92
  33. 6
  34. 17
  35. 50
  36. 52
  37. 91
  38. 46
  39. 3
  40. 59
  41. 43
  42. 16
  43. 51
  44. 32
  45. 63
  46. 38
  47. 99
  48. 18
  49. 102
  50. 104
  51. 66
  1. 96
  2. 12
  3. 83
  4. 14
  5. 72
  6. 9
  7. 7
  8. 101
  9. 27
  10. 5
  11. 15
  12. 71
  13. 34
  14. 79
  15. 53
  16. 82
  17. 67
  18. 23
  19. 61
  20. 75
  21. 30
  22. 98
  23. 45
  24. 108
  25. 58
  26. 81
  27. 65
  28. 37
  29. 97
  30. 62
  31. 111
  32. 93
  33. 74
  34. 40
  35. 110
  36. 107
  37. 1
  38. 56
  39. 25
  40. 36
  41. 77
  42. 48
  43. 87
  44. 24
  45. 47
  46. 21
  47. 94
  48. 84
  49. 90
  50. 11
  51. 41
  52. 64
  53. 86
  54. 29
  55. 106
  56. 42
  57. 22
  58. 88
  59. 60
  60. 26

111 Clues: 975842163964912832014723976271985157134787953558269316723617535301098458073589533816544379762285493744089565768253613777048872447219492841750905211419164468659294342162251328863389960182666101105109100108111110107103106102104

One year wiser 2023-05-23

One year wiser crossword puzzle
  1. UK's first 8a boulder (8,6)
  2. Has a fancy chateau (13)
  3. Luke's trouser ripper (4)
  4. Jingo's creature for slab/crimps (8)
  5. 34 black, Cuisinière (4)
  6. Established first 8a in Font (7)
  7. Large spacecraft (10)
  8. Successful first attempt (5)
  9. 23rd May (8)
  1. "Crasssontts" (3,4,5)
  2. Jimi Hendrix classic (4,4)
  3. Big ol' rock (7)
  4. Grimpeur (7)
  5. aka Dune, Isatis (2,7)
  6. Britain's first national park (4,8)
  7. Cheerful (5)

16 Clues: Grimpeur (7)Cheerful (5)23rd May (8)Big ol' rock (7)"Crasssontts" (3,4,5)Large spacecraft (10)aka Dune, Isatis (2,7)Has a fancy chateau (13)34 black, Cuisinière (4)Luke's trouser ripper (4)Jimi Hendrix classic (4,4)UK's first 8a boulder (8,6)Successful first attempt (5)Established first 8a in Font (7)Britain's first national park (4,8)...

S2A Reading Explorer Scavenger Hunt Crossword 2023-06-11

S2A Reading Explorer Scavenger Hunt Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. "In the 1980s, these snakes were brought to Florida as pets. Later, however, many were dumped in the ____ by their owners." (9 Video)
  2. If you are ___ by something, it surprises you - usually in a bad way.(8B)
  3. "The most important factors are your ____ and weight. Smokejumpers employed in the United States, for example, must weigh 120 and 200 pounds..." (9B)
  4. "In the Grimms' stories, a forest is often the home of evil witches (as in 'Hansel and Gretel'), talking animals, and other ____ beings." (8A)
  5. If you are ____ to a place, you were born there (9 Video)
  6. An example of ____ is a set of gold coins. (9A)
  7. "NG: What's the most ____ meteorite you've found?" (9A)
  8. the words in a written work (8A)
  9. "There are other issues, too. It's ____ to take meteorite pieces from some countries." (9A)
  1. A ___ refers to a very short period of time. (8B)
  2. "Every year, wildfires ____ millions of hectares of forest land. Homes are damaged and thousands of people die." (9B)
  3. A play with music in which all or most of the words are sung. (8 Video)
  4. for the most part; mainly (8A)
  5. If a book is in the ____ of a table, it is in the center of the table. (9B)
  6. "In 1869, King Ludwig began building Neuschwanstein Castle far away from his ___ in the city." (8 Video)
  7. "The boys did not know what to do. They were ___ to go home." (8B)

16 Clues: for the most part; mainly (8A)the words in a written work (8A)An example of ____ is a set of gold coins. (9A)A ___ refers to a very short period of time. (8B)"NG: What's the most ____ meteorite you've found?" (9A)If you are ____ to a place, you were born there (9 Video)"The boys did not know what to do. They were ___ to go home." (8B)...

periodic table 2021-07-08

periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. (86)
  2. (32)
  3. (26)
  4. (17)
  5. (104)
  6. (29)
  7. (56)
  8. (88)
  9. (25)
  10. (8)
  11. (21)
  12. (23)
  13. (105)
  14. (19)
  15. 117 (117)
  16. (84)
  17. (44)
  18. (79)
  19. (73)
  20. (20)
  21. (3)
  22. (71)
  23. (5)
  24. (52)
  25. (31)
  26. (95)
  27. (102)
  28. (24)
  29. (91)
  30. (114)
  31. (7)
  32. (16)
  33. (92)
  34. (110)
  35. (108)
  36. (42)
  37. (57)
  38. (93)
  39. (4)
  40. (63)
  41. (58)
  42. (100)
  43. 118 (118)
  44. (30)
  45. (9)
  46. (89)
  47. (59)
  48. (38)
  49. (1)
  50. (54)
  51. (6)
  52. (2)
  53. (34)
  54. (107)
  55. (37)
  56. (77)
  57. (45)
  58. 113 (113)
  59. (13)
  60. (12)
  1. (41)
  2. (28)
  3. (14)
  4. (68)
  5. (75)
  6. (90)
  7. (67)
  8. (27)
  9. (87)
  10. (10)
  11. (40)
  12. (64)
  13. (112)
  14. (55)
  15. (85)
  16. (70)
  17. (94)
  18. (96)
  19. 115 (115)
  20. (53)
  21. (106)
  22. (65)
  23. (11)
  24. (43)
  25. (69)
  26. (22)
  27. (60)
  28. (109)
  29. (39)
  30. (76)
  31. (74)
  32. (15)
  33. (83)
  34. (78)
  35. (46)
  36. (47)
  37. (116)
  38. (18)
  39. (49)
  40. (98)
  41. (111)
  42. (80)
  43. (48)
  44. (103)
  45. (33)
  46. (50)
  47. (82)
  48. (72)
  49. (101)
  50. (36)
  51. (99)
  52. (66)
  53. (61)
  54. (81)
  55. (97)
  56. (35)
  57. (62)
  58. (51)

118 Clues: (8)(3)(5)(7)(4)(9)(1)(6)(2)(86)(41)(32)(28)(26)(14)(17)(68)(75)(90)(67)(29)(27)(56)(87)(88)(10)(40)(25)(64)(21)(55)(23)(85)(70)(19)(94)(96)(84)(53)(44)(79)(73)(20)(65)(11)(71)(43)(69)(52)(22)(31)(60)(95)(39)(24)(76)(91)(74)(15)(83)(78)(46)(16)(47)(18)(92)(49)(98)(80)(42)(48)(57)(33)(50)(93)(82)(63)(58)(72)(36)(30)(99)(66)(89)(61)(59)(38)(81)(97)...

La Paz Daily Crossword 2014-03-02

La Paz Daily Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. (83) noun; An ornament or small piece of jewelry thought to give protection against evil
  2. (65) verb; Prevent or obstruct
  3. (69) adverb; Lacking in variety
  4. (80) noun; A cress that grows in running water and whose pungent leaves are used in salad
  5. (65) noun; A contagious disease that affects the skin
  6. (62) noun; A feeling of excitement
  7. (76) adjective; Formed of a single large block of stone
  8. (86) verb; Light up
  9. (41) noun; Capital of Bolivia
  1. (31) noun; A Mexican alcoholic drink made by fermenting sap
  2. (31) noun; A small case or container
  3. (50) noun; The process of forming semisolid lumps in a liquid
  4. (84) noun; The act of intervening on behalf of another
  5. (22) noun; A person who gives alms
  6. (42) noun; The tidal mouth of a large river
  7. (47) noun; A plant of the mallow family
  8. (48) noun; Skillful use of one's hands when performing conjuring tricks
  9. (25) noun; A gun
  10. (85) noun; A large homopterous insect with long transparent wings
  11. (19) noun; Found within the shell of an oyster

20 Clues: (25) noun; A gun(86) verb; Light up(41) noun; Capital of Bolivia(65) verb; Prevent or obstruct(69) adverb; Lacking in variety(22) noun; A person who gives alms(62) noun; A feeling of excitement(31) noun; A small case or container(47) noun; A plant of the mallow family(42) noun; The tidal mouth of a large river...

a7 2023-10-26

a7 crossword puzzle
  1. презрение
  2. ръмжене
  3. обикновено
  4. сетен
  5. твърдение
  6. свределче
  7. общителност
  8. привиквам
  9. подухване
  10. рубин
  11. бия със сопа
  12. на мехури
  13. непромокаем
  14. бухнал
  15. сортиране по спешност
  16. показен
  17. обгорен
  1. наклон
  2. фишек
  3. мърляч
  4. признание
  5. предпазливост
  6. перде
  7. оттеглям
  8. платежоспособен
  9. увиснал
  10. добавяне
  11. ревер
  12. храсталак
  13. разврат
  14. възмездие
  15. работа на крак
  16. движа се тихо
  17. криво
  18. разгледани
  19. резбар

36 Clues: фишекпердесетенреверрубинкривонаклонмърлячбухналрезбарръмженеувисналразвратпоказенобгореноттеглямдобавянепрезрениепризнаниетвърдениесвределчехрасталакпривиквамвъзмездиеподухванена мехуриобикновеноразгледаниобщителностнепромокаембия със сопапредпазливостдвижа се тихоработа на кракплатежоспособенсортиране по спешност

a7 2024-07-12

a7 crossword puzzle
  1. High-speed transmission
  2. Fiat valve tech
  3. Mercedes heating system
  4. Zero emission vehicle
  5. Mercedes night vision
  6. Tesla self-driving tech
  7. Nissan electric vehicle
  8. Mercedes clean diesel
  9. Ford voice tech
  10. Chevy electric model
  11. Mazda engine tech
  12. Tesla battery plant
  13. Toyota hybrid pioneer
  1. Ram green engine
  2. Tesla charging network
  3. Fiat turbo engine
  4. Audi AWD technology
  5. BMW control system
  6. Nissan autopilot system
  7. Musk's electric sedan
  8. Honda engine innovation
  9. Ford's efficient engine
  10. Apple car interface
  11. BMW hybrid tech
  12. Mercedes tinting sunroof

25 Clues: Fiat valve techFord voice techBMW hybrid techRam green engineFiat turbo engineMazda engine techBMW control systemAudi AWD technologyApple car interfaceTesla battery plantChevy electric modelZero emission vehicleMercedes night visionMusk's electric sedanMercedes clean dieselToyota hybrid pioneerTesla charging networkHigh-speed transmission...

Villages de Pléchâtel 2024-04-25

Villages de Pléchâtel crossword puzzle
  1. 12
  2. 23
  3. 5
  4. 62
  5. 54
  6. 27
  7. 49
  8. 78
  9. 48
  10. 4
  11. 11
  12. 68
  13. 80
  14. 89
  15. 77
  16. 16
  17. 55
  18. 37
  19. 3
  20. 8
  21. 28
  22. 26
  23. 10
  24. Freux 43
  25. 20
  26. 58
  27. 47
  28. 40
  29. 6
  30. 92
  31. 66
  32. dréo 94
  33. 74
  34. 25
  35. 1
  36. 59
  37. 72
  38. 39
  39. 88
  40. 86
  41. 22
  42. 2
  43. 52
  44. 67
  45. 65
  46. 82
  47. 33
  48. 76
  49. 41
  50. himboul 95
  51. 90
  52. 57
  53. 70
  54. 51
  1. 79
  2. 13
  3. 42
  4. 7
  5. 18
  6. 83
  7. 93
  8. 96
  9. 45
  10. 85
  11. 24
  12. 56
  13. 19
  14. 60
  15. 36
  16. 50
  17. 71
  18. 63
  19. 29
  20. 87
  21. 75
  22. 84
  23. 64
  24. 69
  25. 35
  26. 31
  27. 38
  28. 30
  29. 17
  30. 34
  31. Grée 44
  32. 61
  33. 21
  34. 81
  35. 97
  36. 14
  37. 91
  38. 9
  39. 15
  40. 46
  41. 53
  42. 73
  43. 32

97 Clues: 754386192791342122318839396624554852749782456481960365011716863802989778775168455646935373138282630102017584734409266746121255981723988971491861522465352676582733332764190577051dréo 94Grée 44Freux 43himboul 95

10 Codes 2021-09-20

10 Codes crossword puzzle
  1. 33
  2. 75
  3. 29
  4. 85
  5. 62
  6. 73
  7. 59
  8. 49
  9. 92
  10. 47
  11. 98
  12. 97
  13. 04
  14. 58
  15. 89
  16. 44
  17. 56
  18. 53
  19. 02
  20. 06
  21. 07
  22. 16
  23. 95
  24. 74
  25. 65
  26. 96
  27. 70
  28. 13
  29. 72
  30. 54a
  31. 102
  32. 31
  33. 52
  34. 00
  35. 54
  36. 37
  37. 17
  38. 20
  39. 24
  40. 61
  41. 15
  42. 30
  43. 93
  1. 48
  2. 09
  3. 43
  4. 83
  5. 79
  6. 36
  7. 99
  8. 78
  9. 28
  10. 91
  11. 21
  12. 86
  13. 67
  14. 71
  15. 42
  16. 26
  17. 90
  18. 05
  19. 38
  20. 68
  21. 19
  22. 84
  23. 23
  24. 51
  25. 81
  26. 87
  27. 63
  28. 22
  29. 32
  30. 14
  31. 64
  32. 50
  33. 10
  34. 25
  35. 12
  36. 57
  37. 55
  38. 101
  39. 77
  40. 80
  41. 82
  42. 03
  43. 45
  44. 76
  45. 11
  46. 18
  47. 08
  48. 01
  49. 41
  50. 27

93 Clues: 48330975432983793685996273594978924728912198869704677142265889449005563868198423535102068107168763957465223214649650102570137212575577808231035245760011541808013717412024276115309354a102101

7th/8th graders 2021-09-08

7th/8th graders crossword puzzle
  1. 19
  2. 8
  3. 61
  4. 79
  5. 64
  6. 62
  7. 77
  8. 20
  9. 13
  10. 24
  11. 14
  12. 15
  13. 40
  14. 29
  15. 44
  16. 74
  17. 11
  18. 82
  19. 45
  20. 6
  21. 59
  22. 50
  23. 25
  24. 4
  25. 21
  26. 57
  27. 23
  28. 36
  29. 54
  30. 56
  31. 69
  32. 85
  33. 30
  34. 72
  35. 33
  36. 2
  37. 7
  38. 16
  39. 65
  40. 53
  41. 71
  1. 58
  2. 76
  3. 26
  4. 46
  5. 12
  6. 78
  7. 48
  8. 75
  9. 39
  10. 52
  11. 17
  12. 5
  13. 47
  14. 43
  15. 83
  16. 80
  17. 84
  18. 42
  19. 60
  20. 70
  21. 28
  22. 22
  23. 81
  24. 9
  25. 27
  26. 41
  27. 63
  28. 1
  29. 55
  30. 18
  31. 35
  32. 3
  33. 68
  34. 10
  35. 67
  36. 51
  37. 73
  38. 34
  39. 32
  40. 31
  41. 66
  42. 38
  43. 49
  44. 37

85 Clues: 85916432758762646191278487561397964625277201747134383241480158440294442607028741182228127414563595550182535215723366810546756517369853072343332316616653849537137


UM FIO DE ESPERANÇA crossword puzzle
  1. - diretamente relacionada ao início do texto
  2. - mais poder econômico e bélico
  3. - está na página 85 - relacionado à região
  4. - está no primeiro quadro - pag 84
  5. - corre constante risco durante uma guerra
  1. - Fato que pode ser evitado pela discussão política
  2. - Menos poder econômico e bélico
  3. - Movimento de revolta - 3º quadro página 86
  4. - relacionado à américa do Norte - página 87 - festa
  5. - página 85 - está diretamente relacionada a divulgação de notícias

10 Clues: - mais poder econômico e bélico- Menos poder econômico e bélico- está no primeiro quadro - pag 84- está na página 85 - relacionado à região- corre constante risco durante uma guerra- diretamente relacionada ao início do texto- Movimento de revolta - 3º quadro página 86- Fato que pode ser evitado pela discussão política...

Naujieji laikai (II) 2022-01-13

Naujieji laikai (II) crossword puzzle
  1. Šalis, kurio Napoleono kariuomenę ištiko nesėkmė (78 p.)
  2. Kultūrinis sąjūdis, kuris kritikavo bažnyčios, karaliaus bajorų galias. (74 p.)
  3. Pavadinimas leidinio kur pirmą kartą buvo bandyta sudėti įvairias mokslo, meno ir kitas žinias (74 p.)
  4. Sistema, kurios įdiegimas padidino švarą miestuose (89 p.)
  5. Prancūzijos revoliucijos metu buvo sukurta "Žmogaus ir .............. teisių deklaracija" (77 p.)
  6. Vardas karaliaus, kuris neteko sosto per Prancūzijos revoliuciją (77-78 p.)
  7. Žmogus, kurio pavarde yra pavadinta viena iš temperatūros matavimo skalių (72 p.)
  8. Mokslas apie žmogaus kūno sandarą (72 p.)
  9. Pavardė asmens, kurio idėjomis rėmėsi JAV konstitucija (74 p.)
  10. Gamybos forma paremta darbo pasidalijimu (72 p.)
  11. Naujo tipo gamybos vieta pakeitusi manufaktūras (86 p.)
  1. Valstybė, kuri vadovavo Vokietijos suvienijimui (84 p.)
  2. Judėjimas siekiantis suvienyti tautą į vieną valstybę (80 p.)
  3. Pavardė žmogaus sukūrusio garo mašiną (72 p.)
  4. Išradimas palengvinęs automobilių ir kitų daiktų gamybą (88 p.)
  5. Valdovas užėmęs Prancūzijos valdovo vietą po revoliucijos (78 p.)
  6. Mokslininkas atradęs visuotinės traukos dėsnį (72 p.)
  7. Italų didvyris padėjęs šaliai susivienyti (81 p.)
  8. Šalis, kuriai pavyko užvaldyti daugiausia kolonijų (84 p.)
  9. Žemynas, kuriame buvo itin daug kolonijų (85 p.)

20 Clues: Mokslas apie žmogaus kūno sandarą (72 p.)Pavardė žmogaus sukūrusio garo mašiną (72 p.)Žemynas, kuriame buvo itin daug kolonijų (85 p.)Gamybos forma paremta darbo pasidalijimu (72 p.)Italų didvyris padėjęs šaliai susivienyti (81 p.)Mokslininkas atradęs visuotinės traukos dėsnį (72 p.)Valstybė, kuri vadovavo Vokietijos suvienijimui (84 p.)...

Music Theory 2: Exam 1 Review 2023-03-21

Music Theory 2: Exam 1 Review crossword puzzle
  1. Number of diatonic keys
  2. Hierarchy of pitches in which tonic is most consonant
  3. Interval smaller than A8
  4. Relationship that shares pitches
  5. Interval exceeding an octave
  6. Switching positions of two pitches in an interval
  7. Most stable interval
  8. Quality measured in both major and minor scales
  1. Distance between two pitches
  2. Diatonic equivalent of A7
  3. Outside key
  4. Melodic representation of key
  5. Relationship that shares sound
  6. Natural minor plus a leading tone
  7. Scales containing mixture of half and whole steps
  8. Interval that divides octave into two equal parts
  9. Quality that is a half step wider than major
  10. Quality that is a half step shorter than major
  11. Half minor/half major

19 Clues: Outside keyMost stable intervalHalf minor/half majorNumber of diatonic keysInterval smaller than A8Diatonic equivalent of A7Distance between two pitchesInterval exceeding an octaveMelodic representation of keyRelationship that shares soundRelationship that shares pitchesNatural minor plus a leading toneQuality that is a half step wider than major...

What Room is the Teacher in? 2023-12-15

What Room is the Teacher in? crossword puzzle
  1. Ms. 30
  2. Mr. 30
  3. Mr. Office
  4. Mrs. 22
  5. Mr. 23
  6. Ms. 51
  7. Ms. 36
  8. Mrs. 72
  9. Mr. 62
  10. Mrs. 80
  11. Ms. 21
  12. Mrs. 40
  13. Ms. 63
  14. Mrs. 71
  15. Mrs. 43
  16. Ms. 83
  17. Mrs. 31
  18. Mrs. 75
  19. Mrs. 38
  20. Mr. 84
  1. Ms. 63A
  2. Mr. 35
  3. Mr. 53
  4. Ms. 67
  5. Mr. 64,66
  6. Mrs. 32
  7. Mr. 81
  8. Mr. 52
  9. Ms. 43
  10. Mrs. 42
  11. Ms. 24
  12. Mr. 60
  13. Mrs. 54
  14. Mrs. 70
  15. Mrs. 76
  16. Mrs. 44
  17. Mrs. 97
  18. Mrs. 73
  19. Mrs. 33
  20. Mr. 37
  21. Mrs. 74
  22. Mr. 50
  23. Ms. 82
  24. Ms. 86

44 Clues: Mr. 35Ms. 30Mr. 53Ms. 67Mr. 30Mr. 81Mr. 52Mr. 23Ms. 43Ms. 51Ms. 24Ms. 36Mr. 60Mr. 62Ms. 21Ms. 63Mr. 37Ms. 83Mr. 50Ms. 82Ms. 86Mr. 84Ms. 63AMrs. 32Mrs. 22Mrs. 42Mrs. 72Mrs. 54Mrs. 70Mrs. 80Mrs. 76Mrs. 44Mrs. 97Mrs. 40Mrs. 73Mrs. 71Mrs. 33Mrs. 43Mrs. 74Mrs. 31Mrs. 75Mrs. 38Mr. 64,66Mr. Office

Multiplication Math Puzzle 2023-12-02

Multiplication Math Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 46 x 32
  2. 85 x 43
  3. 53 x 45
  4. 483 x 5
  5. 94 x 31
  6. 736 x 5
  7. 67 x 52
  1. 84 x 28
  2. 169 x 8
  3. 254 x 6
  4. 292 x 3
  5. 287 x 7
  6. 72 x 16
  7. 648 x 3

14 Clues: 84 x 28169 x 846 x 32254 x 685 x 43292 x 353 x 45287 x 7483 x 572 x 1694 x 31648 x 3736 x 567 x 52

Weekly Work #24 2018-05-03

Weekly Work #24 crossword puzzle
  1. 82 2 7 16
  2. 9 88 7 58
  3. 85 57 7 73
  4. 84 57 60
  5. 14 7 31 84 75
  6. 91 19 53 16 73 7
  7. 16 91 53 7
  8. 53 75 57 60
  1. 74 13 99
  2. 35 53 73 53 7
  3. 95 68 53 20
  4. 9 49 57 60
  5. 18 32 7 22 11
  6. 10 90 68 57 60 16
  7. 42 11 27
  8. 15 13 99 22 10
  9. 6 1 53 11
  10. 15 68 92

18 Clues: 74 13 9942 11 2784 57 6015 68 9282 2 7 169 88 7 586 1 53 119 49 57 6085 57 7 7316 91 53 795 68 53 2053 75 57 6035 53 73 53 718 32 7 22 1114 7 31 84 7515 13 99 22 1091 19 53 16 73 710 90 68 57 60 16

Números Inteiros (Tire a foto e poste no classroom) 2020-09-23

Números Inteiros (Tire a foto e poste no classroom) crossword puzzle
  1. -8+6-1
  2. 26-45
  3. -8+12
  4. -32-18
  5. -7+6
  6. -1-0
  7. -72-72
  8. -2-4-1
  9. 16-20
  1. 5-40
  2. -10-100
  3. 7-13
  4. -8-7
  5. -18-9
  6. 10-2
  7. -84+84

16 Clues: 5-407-13-7+6-8-7-1-010-226-45-8+12-18-916-20-8+6-1-32-18-72-72-84+84-2-4-1-10-100

Naujieji laikai (II) 2022-01-13

Naujieji laikai (II) crossword puzzle
  1. Šalis, kurio Napoleono kariuomenę ištiko nesėkmė (78 p.)
  2. Mokslininkas atradęs visuotinės traukos dėsnį (72 p.)
  3. Valdovas užėmęs Prancūzijos valdovo vietą po revoliucijos (78 p.)
  4. Pavadinimas leidinio kur pirmą kartą buvo bandyta sudėti įvairias mokslo, meno ir kitas žinias (74 p.)
  5. Kultūrinis sąjūdis, kuris kritikavo bažnyčios, karaliaus bajorų galias. (74 p.)
  6. Prancūzijos revoliucijos metu buvo sukurta "Žmogaus ir .............. teisių deklaracija" (77 p.)
  7. Pavardė asmens, kurio idėjomis rėmėsi JAV konstitucija (74 p.)
  8. Italų didvyris padėjęs šaliai susivienyti (81 p.)
  9. Pavardė žmogaus sukūrusio garo mašiną (72 p.)
  10. Naujo tipo gamybos vieta pakeitusi manufaktūras (86 p.)
  11. Sistema, kurios įdiegimas padidino švarą miestuose (89 p.)
  12. Vardas karaliaus, kuris neteko sosto per Prancūzijos revoliuciją (77-78 p.)
  1. Valstybė, kuri vadovavo Vokietijos suvienijimui (84 p.)
  2. Gamybos forma paremta darbo pasidalijimu (72 p.)
  3. Išradimas palengvinęs automobilių ir kitų daiktų gamybą (88 p.)
  4. Žmogus, kurio pavarde yra pavadinta viena iš temperatūros matavimo skalių (72 p.)
  5. Mokslas apie žmogaus kūno sandarą (72 p.)
  6. Šalis, kuriai pavyko užvaldyti daugiausia kolonijų (84 p.)
  7. Žemynas, kuriame buvo itin daug kolonijų (85 p.)
  8. Judėjimas siekiantis suvienyti tautą į vieną valstybę (80 p.)

20 Clues: Mokslas apie žmogaus kūno sandarą (72 p.)Pavardė žmogaus sukūrusio garo mašiną (72 p.)Gamybos forma paremta darbo pasidalijimu (72 p.)Žemynas, kuriame buvo itin daug kolonijų (85 p.)Italų didvyris padėjęs šaliai susivienyti (81 p.)Mokslininkas atradęs visuotinės traukos dėsnį (72 p.)Valstybė, kuri vadovavo Vokietijos suvienijimui (84 p.)...

Bilangan 2022-04-26

Bilangan crossword puzzle
  1. puluhan dan satuanku adalah 1, bilanganku
  2. Angka setelah angka dua adalah ...
  3. Angka sebelum angka 44.
  4. 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, . . .
  5. 5 angka sebelum angka 80 adalah ...
  6. Tiga angka sebelum angka 32 adalah ...
  7. Angka yang berada di antara 13 dan 15 adalah
  8. Nilai angka 8 dari 98 adalah ...
  9. Bilangan pertama pada ratusan adalah ...
  10. Bilangan yang terkecil adalah ...
  11. Nilai tempat untuk angka 8 adalah 87
  12. 29, ..., 31, 32
  1. Nama bilangan dari 16 adalah ...
  2. Tiga angka sesudah angka 32 adalah ...
  3. Bilangan setelah 84, 85, 85, ...
  4. 6 satuan + 2 puluhan = ...
  5. Tanggal kemerdekaan Indonesia ...
  6. 79 = 7 ... + 9 satuan
  7. Angka paling besar dari satuan adalah ...
  8. nilai tempat dari angka 4 dari bilangan 64.

20 Clues: 29, ..., 31, 3279 = 7 ... + 9 satuanAngka sebelum angka 44.45, 44, 43, 42, 41, . . .6 satuan + 2 puluhan = ...Nama bilangan dari 16 adalah ...Bilangan setelah 84, 85, 85, ...Nilai angka 8 dari 98 adalah ...Tanggal kemerdekaan Indonesia ...Bilangan yang terkecil adalah ...Angka setelah angka dua adalah ...5 angka sebelum angka 80 adalah ......

X-Mos 2023-11-28

X-Mos crossword puzzle
  1. 27
  2. 18
  3. 32
  4. 43
  5. 40
  6. 20
  7. 82
  8. 37
  9. 69
  10. 55
  11. 44
  12. 36
  13. 22
  14. 19
  15. 80
  16. 58
  17. 46
  18. 73
  19. 81
  20. 66
  21. 17
  22. 50
  23. 47
  24. 41
  25. 10
  26. 72
  27. 1
  28. 31
  29. 54
  30. 29
  31. 76
  32. 57
  33. 3
  34. 5
  35. 60
  36. 38
  37. 35
  38. 34
  39. 24
  40. 26
  41. 75
  42. 15
  43. 6
  44. 56
  1. 13
  2. 62
  3. 53
  4. 74
  5. 4
  6. 12
  7. 78
  8. 9
  9. 14
  10. 23
  11. 65
  12. 25
  13. 21
  14. 7
  15. 67
  16. 79
  17. 28
  18. 61
  19. 16
  20. 77
  21. 85
  22. 8
  23. 71
  24. 68
  25. 33
  26. 45
  27. 30
  28. 2
  29. 70
  30. 84
  31. 52
  32. 59
  33. 63
  34. 49
  35. 64
  36. 11
  37. 42
  38. 39
  39. 51
  40. 83

84 Clues: 497812356136227531874123278434014202382376569552521674479362822198061584673167781856671175068474133107245303170548429527657596360496411384235343924267551158356

Chapter 6 and 7- Remarkable Incident of Dr. Lanyon and Incident at the Window 2024-02-07

Chapter 6 and 7- Remarkable Incident of Dr. Lanyon and Incident at the Window crossword puzzle
  1. adj. unable to be separated (78)
  2. adj. endless; having no limits (87)
  3. adj. mentally ill or insane (83)
  4. v. to refuse to allow (84)
  5. v. to remark or mention (observed) (79)
  1. n. the time just after sunset but before full darkness (86)
  2. adj. large in number or amount (81)
  3. adj. not yet ready; uncommonly early (86)

8 Clues: v. to refuse to allow (84)adj. unable to be separated (78)adj. mentally ill or insane (83)adj. large in number or amount (81)adj. endless; having no limits (87)v. to remark or mention (observed) (79)adj. not yet ready; uncommonly early (86)n. the time just after sunset but before full darkness (86)

Teka-Teki Perkalian 2023-11-01

Teka-Teki Perkalian crossword puzzle
  1. 18x7
  2. 14x9
  3. 14x6
  4. 15x7
  5. 16x8
  6. 13x8
  7. 14x5
  1. 19x8
  2. 22x6
  3. 16x9
  4. 16x4
  5. 17x5
  6. 14x8
  7. 15x8
  8. 12x9

15 Clues: 19x818x722x614x916x916x414x617x515x714x816x815x813x812x914x5

Maeve, Daniel, Maeve & Daniel 2023-12-22

Maeve, Daniel, Maeve & Daniel crossword puzzle
  1. Love and a job
  2. Doppelänger surname
  3. UK fields, USA ice
  4. Surf & turf hold the surf add the STX
  5. Where Maeve’s left a practically empty container again
  1. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; home street
  2. Shared crime watching
  3. A5, A6, A7, A8, A9 (x5)
  4. A fifteenth highest, a personal favourite

9 Clues: Love and a jobUK fields, USA iceDoppelänger surnameShared crime watchingA5, A6, A7, A8, A9 (x5)Surf & turf hold the surf add the STXA fifteenth highest, a personal favouriteButch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; home streetWhere Maeve’s left a practically empty container again

The Talented Mr. Ripley Chapter 11 Crossword 2024-02-06

The Talented Mr. Ripley Chapter 11 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The object Tom and Dickie were going to go to paris in (81-82)
  2. How dickie looked when talking with Carlo (83)
  3. What Tom wanted dickie to believe he was telling “the ___” (84)
  4. The object that Tom, Marge, and Dickie spent a whole day trying to buy (90)
  5. What Mr. Greenleaf sent Tom “a ____” (87-88)
  1. The place Tom wants Dickie to invite Marge too (89)
  2. A physical feature of Dickie that Tom is fixated on (85)
  3. The holiday that Tom does not want to spend with Dickie and marge (91)
  4. The type of weather when tom said he wanted to die (86)
  5. Who dickie visits while tom goes to get the mail (87)

10 Clues: What Mr. Greenleaf sent Tom “a ____” (87-88)How dickie looked when talking with Carlo (83)The place Tom wants Dickie to invite Marge too (89)Who dickie visits while tom goes to get the mail (87)The type of weather when tom said he wanted to die (86)A physical feature of Dickie that Tom is fixated on (85)...

The Entire Periodic Table By Atomic Number 2023-07-13

The Entire Periodic Table By Atomic Number crossword puzzle
  1. 12
  2. 5
  3. 110
  4. 53
  5. 27
  6. 46
  7. 72
  8. 33
  9. 31
  10. 79
  11. 58
  12. 56
  13. 113
  14. 9
  15. 29
  16. 45
  17. 1
  18. 92
  19. 63
  20. 118
  21. 43
  22. 40
  23. 19
  24. 16
  25. 65
  26. 96
  27. 22
  28. 23
  29. 71
  30. 111
  31. 55
  32. 4
  33. 14
  34. 20
  35. 112
  36. 28
  37. 108
  38. 3
  39. 62
  40. 99
  41. 68
  42. 60
  43. 101
  44. 83
  45. 78
  46. 67
  47. 105
  48. 89
  49. 26
  50. 44
  51. 70
  52. 107
  53. 91
  54. 98
  55. 84
  1. 7
  2. 59
  3. 41
  4. 74
  5. 11
  6. 81
  7. 114
  8. 82
  9. 38
  10. 103
  11. 90
  12. 13
  13. 116
  14. 50
  15. 32
  16. 57
  17. 85
  18. 15
  19. 64
  20. 61
  21. 87
  22. 86
  23. 102
  24. 100
  25. 30
  26. 8
  27. 106
  28. 88
  29. 35
  30. 21
  31. 2
  32. 42
  33. 104
  34. 73
  35. 52
  36. 97
  37. 10
  38. 76
  39. 109
  40. 94
  41. 39
  42. 51
  43. 54
  44. 47
  45. 66
  46. 95
  47. 75
  48. 77
  49. 48
  50. 115
  51. 80
  52. 117
  53. 49
  54. 93
  55. 34
  56. 24
  57. 17
  58. 25
  59. 37
  60. 36
  61. 69
  62. 18
  63. 6

118 Clues: 759182436125941741181538238274672903313503179325758568515646187862945309288634335401921166542962273529723107176559439515447142066957528774862809968499334602417832537786736896926441870919884110114103116113102100106118104111109112108115117101105107

VillagesPléchâtelV2 2024-05-14

VillagesPléchâtelV2 crossword puzzle
  1. 74
  2. 5
  3. 64
  4. 93
  5. 61
  6. 49
  7. 17
  8. 62
  9. 96
  10. 88
  11. 22
  12. 28
  13. 68
  14. 1
  15. 48
  16. 12
  17. 15
  18. 70
  19. 76
  20. 30
  21. 52
  22. 34
  23. 27
  24. 16
  25. 26
  26. 51
  27. 55
  28. 72
  29. 85
  30. 4
  31. 6
  32. 3
  33. 20
  34. 24
  35. 83
  36. 8
  37. 53
  38. 18
  39. 77
  40. 65
  41. 39
  42. 29
  43. 7
  44. 86
  1. 2
  2. 35
  3. 50
  4. 97
  5. 19
  6. 92
  7. 58
  8. 60
  9. 13
  10. 31
  11. 63
  12. 37
  13. 23
  14. 90
  15. 94
  16. 82
  17. 9
  18. 21
  19. 41
  20. 67
  21. 10
  22. 59
  23. 75
  24. 14
  25. 91
  26. 43
  27. 46
  28. 33
  29. 36
  30. 57
  31. 42
  32. 78
  33. 87
  34. 44
  35. 45
  36. 95
  37. 56
  38. 54
  39. 73
  40. 66
  41. 80
  42. 71
  43. 32
  44. 40
  45. 89
  46. 84
  47. 81
  48. 47
  49. 38
  50. 69
  51. 25
  52. 79
  53. 11

97 Clues: 25914638735509774199258646013316337239390619449821721629641671059882228687514914843124615707633303657425278342787444516952651555672548573668071324089848147202483386925795318117765392986

Les Villages de Pléchâtel 2024-05-13

Les Villages de Pléchâtel crossword puzzle
  1. 84
  2. 88
  3. 44
  4. 18
  5. 24
  6. 72
  7. 1
  8. 7
  9. 52
  10. 5
  11. 3
  12. 31
  13. 11
  14. 2
  15. 14
  16. 38
  17. 34
  18. 35
  19. 70
  20. 62
  21. 12
  22. 46
  23. 90
  24. 61
  25. 29
  26. 22
  27. 81
  28. 23
  29. 91
  30. 65
  31. 6
  32. 4
  33. 45
  34. 63
  35. 69
  36. 58
  37. 89
  38. 47
  39. 93
  40. 39
  41. 19
  42. 95
  43. 78
  44. 77
  45. 68
  46. 64
  47. 71
  1. 50
  2. 82
  3. 28
  4. 57
  5. 36
  6. 25
  7. 33
  8. 9
  9. 42
  10. 15
  11. 13
  12. 48
  13. 55
  14. 32
  15. 73
  16. 30
  17. 53
  18. 76
  19. 51
  20. 43
  21. 80
  22. 92
  23. 83
  24. 74
  25. 10
  26. 75
  27. 40
  28. 17
  29. 26
  30. 37
  31. 56
  32. 60
  33. 67
  34. 49
  35. 94
  36. 59
  37. 8
  38. 86
  39. 16
  40. 41
  41. 79
  42. 87
  43. 21
  44. 20
  45. 96
  46. 85
  47. 97
  48. 54
  49. 27
  50. 66

97 Clues: 91753286450848228573688253342441815134855327324307253765143809252311183741410753840341735267037566260124690674994615929862216418179872123209691658597456354276958896647933919957877686471

Fulton County Signals 2023-04-21

Fulton County Signals crossword puzzle
  1. Signal 29
  2. Signal 66
  3. Signal 33W
  4. Signal 34
  5. Signal 45
  6. Signal 38D
  7. Signal 69
  8. Signal 84
  9. Signal 47
  1. Signal 65
  2. Signal 60
  3. Signal 44
  4. Signal 37
  5. Signal 86
  6. Signal 55
  7. Signal 50
  8. Signal 43
  9. Signal 72

18 Clues: Signal 65Signal 60Signal 44Signal 29Signal 66Signal 37Signal 86Signal 34Signal 55Signal 50Signal 45Signal 69Signal 43Signal 72Signal 84Signal 47Signal 33WSignal 38D

Dividing Decimals by Tenths 2023-02-27

Dividing Decimals by Tenths crossword puzzle
  1. 7.5 ÷ 1.5
  2. 80.6 ÷ 6.2
  3. 8.1 ÷ 0.3
  4. 143.64 ÷ 2.7
  5. 52.08 ÷ 8.4
  6. 25.2 ÷ 0.3
  7. 83.33 ÷ 1.3
  8. 1.32 ÷ 1.1
  9. 16.6 ÷ 0.2
  10. 1.56 ÷ 0.6
  1. 372.1 ÷ 12.2
  2. 0.36 ÷ 1.2
  3. 3.36 ÷ 4.8
  4. 3.63 ÷ 0.3
  5. 0.78 ÷ 0.3
  6. 36.21 ÷ 7.1
  7. 21.7 ÷ 3.5
  8. 25.92 ÷ 0.9
  9. 11.52 ÷ 2.4
  10. 5.85 ÷ 4.5

20 Clues: 7.5 ÷ 1.58.1 ÷ 0.30.36 ÷ 1.23.36 ÷ 4.880.6 ÷ 6.23.63 ÷ 0.30.78 ÷ 0.321.7 ÷ 3.525.2 ÷ 0.31.32 ÷ 1.116.6 ÷ 0.25.85 ÷ 4.51.56 ÷ 0.636.21 ÷ 7.152.08 ÷ 8.425.92 ÷ 0.983.33 ÷ 1.311.52 ÷ 2.4372.1 ÷ 12.2143.64 ÷ 2.7

Dividing Decimals by Tenths 2023-02-27

Dividing Decimals by Tenths crossword puzzle
  1. 7.5 ÷ 1.5
  2. 80.6 ÷ 6.2
  3. 8.1 ÷ 0.3
  4. 143.64 ÷ 2.7
  5. 52.08 ÷ 8.4
  6. 25.2 ÷ 0.3
  7. 83.33 ÷ 1.3
  8. 1.32 ÷ 1.1
  9. 16.6 ÷ 0.2
  10. 1.56 ÷ 0.6
  1. 372.1 ÷ 12.2
  2. 0.36 ÷ 1.2
  3. 3.36 ÷ 4.8
  4. 3.63 ÷ 0.3
  5. 0.78 ÷ 0.3
  6. 36.21 ÷ 7.1
  7. 21.7 ÷ 3.5
  8. 25.92 ÷ 0.9
  9. 11.52 ÷ 2.4
  10. 5.85 ÷ 4.5

20 Clues: 7.5 ÷ 1.58.1 ÷ 0.30.36 ÷ 1.23.36 ÷ 4.880.6 ÷ 6.23.63 ÷ 0.30.78 ÷ 0.321.7 ÷ 3.525.2 ÷ 0.31.32 ÷ 1.116.6 ÷ 0.25.85 ÷ 4.51.56 ÷ 0.636.21 ÷ 7.152.08 ÷ 8.425.92 ÷ 0.983.33 ÷ 1.311.52 ÷ 2.4372.1 ÷ 12.2143.64 ÷ 2.7

Morning Challenge 2022-05-27

Morning Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. one seventh of 42
  2. one quarter of eight
  3. one third of 39
  4. one fifth of 45
  5. three groups of six
  6. one eighth of 56
  7. three quarters of 20
  8. the total number of digits
  9. one quarter of 80
  10. number of sides on an octagon
  11. 30 minus 19
  12. 16 minus 15
  1. difference between 64 and 80
  2. 32 divided by 8
  3. one seventh of 84
  4. 55 minus 36
  5. one twelfth of 60
  6. take 83 from 100
  7. one half of 28
  8. 27 divided by 9

20 Clues: 55 minus 3630 minus 1916 minus 15one half of 2832 divided by 8one third of 39one fifth of 4527 divided by 9take 83 from 100one eighth of 56one seventh of 42one seventh of 84one twelfth of 60one quarter of 80three groups of sixone quarter of eightthree quarters of 20the total number of digitsdifference between 64 and 80number of sides on an octagon

UTE ATOMIC # = 2024-10-03

UTE ATOMIC # = crossword puzzle
  1. 54
  2. 106
  3. 4
  4. 15
  5. 41
  6. 37
  7. 84
  1. 25
  2. 83
  3. 115
  4. 100

11 Clues: 425548315413784106115100

Match the elements with atomic number! 2022-12-02

Match the elements with atomic number! crossword puzzle
  1. 61
  2. 12
  3. 85
  4. 20
  5. 118
  6. 33
  7. 37
  8. 13
  9. 83
  10. 14
  11. 63
  12. 117
  13. 24
  14. 110
  15. 47
  16. 86
  17. 103
  18. 56
  19. 29
  20. 54
  21. 57
  22. 26
  23. 116
  24. 108
  25. 10
  26. 91
  27. 58
  28. 36
  29. 78
  30. 113
  31. 93
  32. 15
  33. 84
  34. 23
  35. 68
  36. 22
  37. 96
  38. 7
  39. 8
  40. 16
  41. 75
  42. 82
  43. 55
  44. 9
  45. 97
  46. 27
  47. 39
  48. 52
  49. 98
  50. 59
  51. 18
  52. 17
  53. 6
  54. 69
  55. 50
  56. 2
  57. 89
  58. 76
  59. 77
  60. 111
  61. 64
  62. 80
  1. 3
  2. 32
  3. 28
  4. 25
  5. 71
  6. 115
  7. 67
  8. 62
  9. 106
  10. 49
  11. 90
  12. 46
  13. 21
  14. 34
  15. 107
  16. 95
  17. 99
  18. 70
  19. 5
  20. 48
  21. 112
  22. 66
  23. 43
  24. 72
  25. 114
  26. 45
  27. 109
  28. 74
  29. 4
  30. 88
  31. 60
  32. 73
  33. 19
  34. 94
  35. 40
  36. 101
  37. 100
  38. 104
  39. 102
  40. 92
  41. 87
  42. 1
  43. 42
  44. 65
  45. 81
  46. 35
  47. 11
  48. 53
  49. 41
  50. 38
  51. 44
  52. 51
  53. 105
  54. 31
  55. 30
  56. 79

118 Clues: 354789162322861257167128520623337491390468314632134959970244847866643724574562954572610915888603673781993159484402368229616927582875597426527813539521198535941183844176950513189307679776480115118106107117112110114103109116108113101100104102105111

Elementen 2021-07-29

Elementen crossword puzzle
  1. 62
  2. 42
  3. 31
  4. 88
  5. 29
  6. 113
  7. 94
  8. 86
  9. 37
  10. 34
  11. 20
  12. 76
  13. 70
  14. 78
  15. 118
  16. 91
  17. 2
  18. 59
  19. 17
  20. 38
  21. 77
  22. 100
  23. 53
  24. 116
  25. 18
  26. 45
  27. 47
  28. 50
  29. 61
  30. 41
  31. 109
  32. 58
  33. 55
  34. 40
  35. 5
  36. 82
  37. 89
  38. 103
  39. 107
  40. 101
  41. 69
  42. 24
  43. 80
  44. 36
  45. 60
  46. 52
  47. 3
  48. 117
  49. 95
  50. Lichtste element
  51. 25
  52. 87
  53. 6
  54. 99
  55. 10
  56. 68
  57. 111
  1. 32
  2. 8
  3. 56
  4. 114
  5. 96
  6. 66
  7. 13
  8. 84
  9. 92
  10. 23
  11. 102
  12. 27
  13. 63
  14. 98
  15. 73
  16. 54
  17. 43
  18. 106
  19. 11
  20. 64
  21. 7
  22. 22
  23. 14
  24. 35
  25. 33
  26. 110
  27. 112
  28. 81
  29. 83
  30. 39
  31. 12
  32. 21
  33. 93
  34. 9
  35. 67
  36. 104
  37. 71
  38. 26
  39. 30
  40. 115
  41. 48
  42. 16
  43. 28
  44. 44
  45. 49
  46. 19
  47. 51
  48. 105
  49. 4
  50. 90
  51. 74
  52. 57
  53. 15
  54. 75
  55. 46
  56. 97
  57. 72
  58. 108
  59. 79
  60. 85
  61. 65

118 Clues: 87295436325662429666311388298492232794863763983473544320767078116491221435593317388183397712532193184567712647506130415848554016828928444919516990248074366052571575469795722579856587991068114102113106118110112100116104115109103107101105117108111Lichtste element

Countries without clues 2023-11-14

Countries without clues crossword puzzle
  1. 117
  2. 134
  3. 157
  4. 17
  5. 155
  6. 73
  7. 150
  8. 103
  9. 25
  10. 70
  11. 123
  12. 80
  13. 138
  14. 1
  15. 140
  16. 135
  17. 61
  18. 145
  19. 130
  20. 108
  21. 136
  22. 137
  23. 47
  24. 79
  25. 13
  26. 143
  27. 124
  28. 14
  29. 46
  30. 72
  31. 19
  32. 30
  33. 4
  34. 84
  35. 105
  36. 125
  37. 74
  38. 59
  39. 116
  40. 126
  41. 23
  42. 144
  43. 12
  44. 95
  45. 93
  46. 119
  47. 160
  48. 6
  49. 7
  50. 10
  51. 11
  52. 62
  53. 83
  54. 97
  55. 20
  56. 8
  57. 3
  58. 102
  59. 65
  60. 129
  61. 94
  1. 85
  2. 113
  3. 131
  4. 164
  5. 21
  6. 87
  7. 22
  8. 82
  9. 37
  10. 161
  11. 149
  12. 57
  13. 26
  14. 45
  15. 40
  16. 63
  17. 42
  18. 28
  19. 86
  20. 18
  21. 109
  22. 76
  23. 106
  24. 43
  25. 49
  26. 158
  27. 128
  28. 81
  29. 99
  30. 166
  31. 78
  32. 111
  33. 162
  34. 115
  35. 132
  36. 159
  37. 165
  38. 112
  39. 167
  40. 31
  41. 27
  42. 146
  43. 44
  44. 92
  45. 148
  46. 127
  47. 2
  48. 39
  49. 147
  50. 88
  51. 5
  52. 41
  53. 101
  54. 16
  55. 60
  56. 38
  57. 54
  58. 52
  59. 121
  60. 66
  61. 152

122 Clues: 14256783852187172282377325572670458040634228861876434961819978473179271314449246721930847439598823411295931660385452106611628397206594117113134131164157155150161149103123109138106158140135128145130108166111162115136132159137165112167143146124148105127125116147126144101119160121152102129

Periodic Table Of Elements (Atomic Symbol) 2023-03-27

Periodic Table Of Elements (Atomic Symbol) crossword puzzle
  1. (108)
  2. (74)
  3. (72)
  4. (52)
  5. (17)
  6. (113)
  7. (10)
  8. (21)
  9. (106)
  10. (23)
  11. (110)
  12. (114)
  13. (44)
  14. (5)
  15. (84)
  16. (37)
  17. (100)
  18. (55)
  19. (79)
  20. (70)
  21. (75)
  22. (25)
  23. (90)
  24. (63)
  25. (39)
  26. (29)
  27. (43)
  28. (8)
  29. (83)
  30. (26)
  31. (7)
  32. (12)
  33. (11)
  34. (14)
  35. (13)
  36. (78)
  37. (68)
  38. (50)
  39. (102)
  40. (6)
  41. (66)
  42. (61)
  43. (3)
  44. (20)
  45. (51)
  46. (98)
  47. (111)
  48. (115)
  49. (31)
  50. (101)
  51. (118)
  52. (107)
  53. (96)
  54. (57)
  55. (104)
  56. (15)
  1. (53)
  2. (38)
  3. (81)
  4. (62)
  5. (65)
  6. (30)
  7. (28)
  8. (73)
  9. (82)
  10. (27)
  11. (76)
  12. (47)
  13. (56)
  14. (85)
  15. (92)
  16. (22)
  17. (97)
  18. (105)
  19. (89)
  20. (9)
  21. (24)
  22. (60)
  23. (42)
  24. (87)
  25. (18)
  26. (45)
  27. (86)
  28. (36)
  29. (112)
  30. (71)
  31. (77)
  32. (19)
  33. (91)
  34. (33)
  35. (95)
  36. (94)
  37. (80)
  38. (67)
  39. (103)
  40. (93)
  41. (117)
  42. (54)
  43. (69)
  44. (40)
  45. (64)
  46. (16)
  47. (41)
  48. (99)
  49. (35)
  50. (49)
  51. (88)
  52. (32)
  53. (4)
  54. (58)
  55. (46)
  56. (1)
  57. (116)
  58. (2)
  59. (59)
  60. (109)
  61. (34)
  62. (48)

118 Clues: (9)(5)(8)(7)(6)(4)(1)(2)(3)(53)(74)(38)(81)(62)(65)(30)(72)(28)(52)(73)(82)(17)(27)(76)(47)(10)(56)(85)(92)(21)(22)(97)(23)(89)(24)(60)(42)(87)(44)(84)(18)(37)(45)(86)(36)(55)(79)(71)(70)(77)(75)(19)(91)(33)(25)(95)(90)(94)(63)(80)(67)(93)(39)(29)(54)(43)(83)(69)(26)(40)(64)(12)(11)(14)(16)(13)(41)(78)(99)(68)(50)(35)(49)(88)(32)(58)(66)(61)(46)...

The Periodic Table 2024-10-29

The Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. #63
  2. #27
  3. #114
  4. #117
  5. #37
  6. #53
  7. #84
  8. #86
  9. #52
  10. #7
  11. #113
  12. #82
  13. #73
  14. #105
  15. #78
  16. #118
  17. #58
  18. #70
  19. #61
  20. #79
  21. #55
  22. #104
  23. #31
  24. #109
  25. #16
  26. #5
  27. #71
  28. #8
  29. #18
  30. #96
  31. #6
  32. #59
  33. #88
  34. #103
  35. #38
  36. #42
  37. #19
  38. #41
  39. #75
  40. #72
  41. #76
  42. #49
  43. #87
  44. #39
  45. #15
  46. #10
  47. #111
  48. #107
  49. #11
  50. #106
  51. #2
  52. #40
  53. #98
  54. #89
  55. #43
  56. #46
  57. #64
  58. #112
  59. #12
  1. #91
  2. #95
  3. #22
  4. #4
  5. #100
  6. #30
  7. #33
  8. #28
  9. #93
  10. #65
  11. #44
  12. #110
  13. #25
  14. #3
  15. #23
  16. #36
  17. #1
  18. #81
  19. #56
  20. #97
  21. #9
  22. #14
  23. #102
  24. #77
  25. #17
  26. #116
  27. #80
  28. #20
  29. #67
  30. #74
  31. #26
  32. #92
  33. #47
  34. #35
  35. #60
  36. #62
  37. #69
  38. #94
  39. #115
  40. #99
  41. #51
  42. #13
  43. #68
  44. #66
  45. #83
  46. #45
  47. #50
  48. #21
  49. #90
  50. #24
  51. #57
  52. #101
  53. #32
  54. #34
  55. #85
  56. #29
  57. #108
  58. #48
  59. #54

118 Clues: #4#3#7#1#9#5#8#6#2#63#91#27#95#22#30#33#28#37#93#65#53#44#84#25#23#36#86#52#82#73#81#56#97#78#14#58#70#61#79#77#17#80#55#20#67#74#31#26#16#92#71#47#35#60#18#62#69#96#94#59#99#88#51#13#68#38#42#66#19#83#41#75#45#50#72#76#21#49#87#90#24#57#39#15#10#11#32#40#98#34#89#85#43#29#48#54#46#64#12#100#114#117#110#113#105#118#102#116#104#109#115#103#111#107...

Chemical Elements - Atomic Numbers 2021-02-26

Chemical Elements - Atomic Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 20
  2. 4
  3. 12
  4. 29
  5. 14
  6. 10
  7. 18
  8. 81
  9. 117
  10. 59
  11. 93
  12. 70
  13. 91
  14. 86
  15. 87
  16. 23
  17. 15
  18. 30
  19. 65
  20. 19
  21. 36
  22. 112
  23. 28
  24. 79
  25. 47
  26. 62
  27. 1
  28. 5
  29. 85
  30. 61
  31. 58
  32. 82
  33. 37
  34. 109
  35. 40
  36. 94
  37. 44
  38. 77
  39. 9
  40. 73
  41. 33
  42. 108
  43. 89
  44. 53
  45. 102
  46. 113
  47. 22
  48. 75
  49. 90
  50. 48
  51. 84
  52. 25
  53. 99
  54. 63
  55. 116
  56. 110
  57. 104
  58. 96
  59. 41
  60. 97
  61. 106
  1. 13
  2. 103
  3. 118
  4. 35
  5. 32
  6. 31
  7. 7
  8. 11
  9. 50
  10. 111
  11. 72
  12. 76
  13. 107
  14. 8
  15. 26
  16. 71
  17. 83
  18. 98
  19. 6
  20. 27
  21. 68
  22. 34
  23. 57
  24. 45
  25. 78
  26. 17
  27. 52
  28. 105
  29. 56
  30. 92
  31. 60
  32. 38
  33. 24
  34. 51
  35. 43
  36. 49
  37. 64
  38. 101
  39. 46
  40. 54
  41. 100
  42. 3
  43. 16
  44. 95
  45. 2
  46. 114
  47. 55
  48. 115
  49. 39
  50. 69
  51. 42
  52. 66
  53. 74
  54. 21
  55. 88
  56. 67
  57. 80

118 Clues: 478615932132012352932141018318159931170507291768687231530652671193683982728683479574745781762856152588256923740946038245144434964774654733316899553225575396942904866748421886725809963964197103118117111107112105109101100108102113114115116110104106

Periodic Table of the Elements Escape Room: Challenge #1 2022-10-14

Periodic Table of the Elements Escape Room: Challenge #1 crossword puzzle
  1. / 38
  2. / 12
  3. / 20
  4. / 98
  5. / 42
  6. / 22
  7. / 57
  8. / 113
  9. / 65
  10. / 109
  11. / 13
  12. / 35
  13. / 96
  14. / 17
  15. / 84
  16. / 74
  17. / 77
  18. / 103
  19. / 25
  20. / 78
  21. / 76
  22. / 7
  23. / 53
  24. / 72
  25. / 60
  26. / 80
  27. / 24
  28. / 45
  29. / 54
  30. / 44
  31. / 9
  32. / 67
  33. / 61
  34. / 106
  35. / 43
  36. / 99
  37. / 118
  38. / 33
  39. / 3
  40. / 50
  41. / 47
  42. / 30
  43. / 115
  44. / 48
  45. / 62
  46. / 63
  47. / 95
  48. / 107
  49. / 56
  50. / 70
  51. / 102
  52. / 1
  53. / 64
  54. / 88
  55. / 101
  56. / 4
  57. / 91
  58. / 58
  59. / 69
  1. / 39
  2. / 2
  3. / 81
  4. / 73
  5. / 32
  6. / 94
  7. / 66
  8. / 23
  9. / 41
  10. / 16
  11. / 105
  12. / 21
  13. / 52
  14. / 108
  15. / 86
  16. / 59
  17. / 27
  18. / 28
  19. / 49
  20. / 97
  21. / 40
  22. / 31
  23. / 111
  24. / 89
  25. / 8
  26. / 112
  27. / 46
  28. / 6
  29. / 116
  30. / 87
  31. / 117
  32. / 36
  33. / 90
  34. / 55
  35. / 110
  36. / 93
  37. / 104
  38. / 75
  39. / 18
  40. / 92
  41. / 37
  42. / 11
  43. / 114
  44. / 34
  45. / 10
  46. / 51
  47. / 29
  48. / 83
  49. / 71
  50. / 79
  51. / 14
  52. / 15
  53. / 5
  54. / 82
  55. / 26
  56. / 85
  57. / 19
  58. / 100
  59. / 68

118 Clues: / 2/ 8/ 6/ 7/ 9/ 3/ 5/ 1/ 4/ 39/ 38/ 81/ 73/ 32/ 94/ 12/ 66/ 20/ 98/ 23/ 41/ 16/ 42/ 22/ 21/ 57/ 52/ 86/ 65/ 59/ 27/ 28/ 49/ 97/ 40/ 31/ 13/ 35/ 96/ 17/ 89/ 84/ 74/ 77/ 46/ 25/ 78/ 76/ 87/ 53/ 72/ 60/ 36/ 80/ 90/ 24/ 55/ 45/ 54/ 93/ 44/ 67/ 61/ 75/ 18/ 92/ 37/ 43/ 99/ 11/ 34...


RATMAN QUESTIONS crossword puzzle
  1. il "PADRE" di ratman
  2. caricatura di frodo nel signore dei ratti
  3. caporedattore delle storie di ratman
  4. i nemici dei sacrificabili
  5. caricatura di darth maul in star rats
  6. lo sono alcuni soldati nei numeri 82 83 84 85
  7. il fratello dell ombra
  1. il nome di Harry potter di il grande magazzi
  2. figlio di brakko
  3. il creatore di ratman
  4. il nome della caricatura di avatar
  5. il nome di ratman nellla caricatura di matrix
  6. il nome di eva di diabolik in ratolik
  7. lo e ratman
  8. il primo nemico della serie
  9. il miglior amico di ratman
  10. lo e franciosi

17 Clues: lo e ratmanlo e franciosifiglio di brakkoil "PADRE" di ratmanil creatore di ratmanil fratello dell ombrai nemici dei sacrificabiliil miglior amico di ratmanil primo nemico della serieil nome della caricatura di avatarcaporedattore delle storie di ratmanil nome di eva di diabolik in ratolikcaricatura di darth maul in star rats...

2022 Photo Review 2022-12-19

2022 Photo Review crossword puzzle
  1. #67
  2. #39
  3. #105
  4. #5
  5. #52
  6. #78
  7. #86
  8. #108
  9. #114
  10. #116
  11. #107
  12. #4
  13. #21
  14. #42
  15. #29
  16. #53
  17. #28
  18. #32
  19. #13
  20. #63
  21. #11
  22. #62
  23. #73
  24. #45
  25. #95
  26. #46
  27. #98
  28. #49
  29. #100
  30. #87
  31. #18
  32. #104
  33. #3
  34. #72
  35. #57
  36. #85
  37. #61
  38. #14
  39. #36
  40. #59
  41. #41
  42. #66
  43. #90
  44. #111
  45. #51
  46. #44
  47. #92
  48. #76
  49. #55
  50. #71
  51. #26
  52. #77
  53. #25
  54. #94
  55. #22
  1. #56
  2. #75
  3. #6
  4. #80
  5. #2
  6. #7
  7. #48
  8. #33
  9. #38
  10. #10
  11. #17
  12. #113
  13. #23
  14. #79
  15. #103
  16. #101
  17. #106
  18. #43
  19. #37
  20. #84
  21. #47
  22. #109
  23. #74
  24. #16
  25. #82
  26. #83
  27. #91
  28. #9
  29. #31
  30. #8
  31. #70
  32. #99
  33. #97
  34. #30
  35. #58
  36. #1
  37. #24
  38. #89
  39. #19
  40. #50
  41. #64
  42. #69
  43. #115
  44. #40
  45. #88
  46. #93
  47. #96
  48. #81
  49. #27
  50. #34
  51. #15
  52. #20
  53. #112
  54. #12
  55. #68
  56. #54
  57. #60
  58. #110
  59. #35
  60. #102
  61. #65

116 Clues: #6#2#7#5#4#9#8#1#3#56#75#80#67#39#48#33#38#10#17#52#23#79#78#86#43#37#84#47#74#16#82#83#91#31#21#42#70#29#53#28#99#97#30#58#32#24#13#89#19#63#11#62#50#64#73#69#45#95#46#98#49#40#88#93#87#96#18#81#27#72#57#34#85#15#61#20#14#12#36#59#41#66#68#54#60#90#35#51#44#92#65#76#55#71#26#77#25#94#22#105#113#103#101#106#108#114#109#116#107#115#100#104#112#110...

Periodic Elements 2024-12-11

Periodic Elements crossword puzzle
  1. 8
  2. 81
  3. 58
  4. 83
  5. 89
  6. 25
  7. 19
  8. 18
  9. 112
  10. 70
  11. 103
  12. 60
  13. 51
  14. 104
  15. 57
  16. 66
  17. 113
  18. 17
  19. 26
  20. 98
  21. 94
  22. 5
  23. 10
  24. 55
  25. 45
  26. 29
  27. 54
  28. 30
  29. 69
  30. 71
  31. 95
  32. 16
  33. 14
  34. 114
  35. 88
  36. 15
  37. 67
  38. 82
  39. 11
  40. 32
  41. 75
  42. 34
  43. 13
  44. 1
  45. 72
  46. 84
  47. 76
  48. 22
  49. 65
  50. 4
  51. 41
  52. 87
  53. 106
  54. 77
  55. 59
  56. 80
  1. 31
  2. 85
  3. 93
  4. 23
  5. 74
  6. 117
  7. 99
  8. 2
  9. 47
  10. 24
  11. 115
  12. 6
  13. 62
  14. 78
  15. 48
  16. 118
  17. 96
  18. 53
  19. 35
  20. 36
  21. 64
  22. 39
  23. 20
  24. 40
  25. 21
  26. 116
  27. 91
  28. 63
  29. 101
  30. 102
  31. 68
  32. 92
  33. 28
  34. 46
  35. 33
  36. 111
  37. 79
  38. 108
  39. 49
  40. 97
  41. 43
  42. 61
  43. 50
  44. 44
  45. 7
  46. 105
  47. 12
  48. 90
  49. 42
  50. 52
  51. 110
  52. 107
  53. 38
  54. 86
  55. 27
  56. 100
  57. 56
  58. 109
  59. 9
  60. 73
  61. 37
  62. 3

118 Clues: 826571934318185935823748399894724251918627870489660533536645139204057662191176326989410556892452846337929543049697197951643615014884415678211129032754252343886271372568476733722654187775980117115112118103104116113101102111108114105110107100109106

Numbers from 60 to 100 2023-08-22

Numbers from 60 to 100 crossword puzzle
  1. 62
  2. 80
  3. 91
  4. 99
  5. 86
  6. 73
  1. 78
  2. 65
  3. 60
  4. 84
  5. 97
  6. 90
  7. 70
  8. 100

14 Clues: 78656260849780907091998673100

inzicht 84-86 2019-10-26

inzicht 84-86 crossword puzzle
  1. Uit een onderzoek .... dat het beter gaat met de economie.
  2. In Nederland zie je .... fietspaden langs de wegen.
  3. Er staan veel koeien buiten in het ....
  4. Op deze .... houden ze varkens en koeien.
  5. In deze winkelstraat hoor je vaak muziek van een ....
  6. Messi is nu op het ...van zijn voetbalcarrière.
  7. Langs de Amsterdamse grachten staan veel ....
  8. Wij gaan graag naar de kust om in de ......te wandelen.
  9. De ... mogen maar één keer per week bezoek hebben.
  10. Om auto te rijden is een rijbewijs......
  1. Onze bakker gebruikt het beste .... om brood te bakken.
  2. Wij eten soms patat met een ....
  3. Flevoland was vroeger water, maar heeft nu veel.....
  4. In veel arme landen is niet genoeg.... voor iedereen.
  5. In deze molen kun je graan....
  6. De .... van Amsterdam is multicultureel.
  7. Uit deze dikke boom kun je veel planken.....
  8. Nederland ligt voor een groot deel onder de ......
  9. Sinterklaas komt ..... uit Turkije.
  10. Vroeger liepen veel mensen in ons dorp op ...
  11. Veel Nederlanders eten graag.... op hun brood.
  12. We maakten een leuk.... door de grachten.
  13. Ik moet veel leren maar zaterdagavond ga ik ......
  14. In dit restaurant kun je heerlijke Aziatische....eten.
  15. Nederland heeft geen bergen maar is bijna helemaal....

25 Clues: In deze molen kun je graan....Wij eten soms patat met een ....Sinterklaas komt ..... uit Turkije.Er staan veel koeien buiten in het ....De .... van Amsterdam is multicultureel.Om auto te rijden is een rijbewijs......Op deze .... houden ze varkens en koeien.We maakten een leuk.... door de grachten.Uit deze dikke boom kun je veel planken........

Multiplication Tables from 12 to 19 2024-02-22

Multiplication Tables from 12 to 19 crossword puzzle
  1. table of 12
  2. of 6
  3. multiple of 9
  4. multiple of 12
  5. multiple of 7
  6. table of 8
  1. multiple of 8
  2. table of 16
  3. table of 19
  4. table of 17
  5. multiple of 7

11 Clues: of 6table of 8table of 12table of 16table of 19table of 17multiple of 8multiple of 9multiple of 7multiple of 7multiple of 12

La Paz Daily Crossword 2014-03-02

La Paz Daily Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. (P 19) noun; Found within the shell of an oyster
  2. (P 62) noun; A feeling of excitement
  3. (P 47) noun; A plant of the mallow family
  4. (P 22) noun; A person who gives alms
  5. (P 48) noun; Skillful use of one's hands when performing conjuring tricks
  6. (P 65) noun; A contagious disease that affects the skin
  7. (P 69) adverb; Lacking in variety
  8. (P 31) noun; A small case or container
  1. (P 85) noun; A large homopterous insect with long transparent wings
  2. (P 25) noun; A gun
  3. (P 80) noun; A cress that grows in running water and whose pungent leaves are used in salad
  4. (P 50) noun; The process of forming semisolid lumps in a liquid
  5. (P 84) noun; The act of intervening on behalf of another
  6. (P 83) noun; An ornament or small piece of jewelry thought to give protection against evil
  7. (P 42) noun; The tidal mouth of a large river
  8. (P 86) verb; Light up
  9. (P 65) verb; Prevent or obstruct
  10. (P 31) noun; A Mexican alcoholic drink made by fermenting sap
  11. (P 76) adjective; Formed of a single large block of stone
  12. (P 41) noun; Capital of Bolivia

20 Clues: (P 25) noun; A gun(P 86) verb; Light up(P 41) noun; Capital of Bolivia(P 65) verb; Prevent or obstruct(P 69) adverb; Lacking in variety(P 62) noun; A feeling of excitement(P 22) noun; A person who gives alms(P 31) noun; A small case or container(P 47) noun; A plant of the mallow family(P 42) noun; The tidal mouth of a large river...

Σταυρόλεξο μαθηματικών 2021-12-07

Σταυρόλεξο μαθηματικών crossword puzzle
  1. 17+28
  2. 82-47
  3. 83-26
  4. 78+17
  5. 45+18
  6. 94-77
  7. 61-29
  8. 37+19
  9. 24+57
  10. 49+28
  1. 26+47
  2. 84-37
  3. 58+38
  4. 28+13
  5. 57-44
  6. 95-27
  7. 29+38
  8. 93-18
  9. 36+47
  10. 36+27+37

20 Clues: 26+4784-3758+3828+1317+2882-4757-4483-2695-2778+1729+3845+1894-7793-1861-2936+4737+1924+5749+2836+27+37

French Vocabulary. 2021-01-26

French Vocabulary. crossword puzzle
  1. How much does the bear weigh
  2. 79
  3. 94
  4. 95
  5. 88
  6. my elbow
  7. 71
  8. 92
  9. 84
  10. I have pain
  11. 100
  12. 1,000
  13. 87
  14. It's my dog
  15. dance
  16. my neck
  17. my leg
  18. my throat
  19. 97
  20. 93
  21. 73
  22. i lost
  23. 89
  24. my head
  25. 72
  26. my ear
  27. 99
  28. my teeth
  29. 86
  30. 83
  1. look
  2. 91
  3. 81
  4. 77
  5. 76
  6. my foot
  7. my hair
  8. my arm
  9. 80
  10. 78
  11. How old are you
  12. my mouth
  13. 85
  14. Bend your leg
  15. which colors
  16. my hand
  17. 98
  18. 82
  19. Raise your leg
  20. my nose
  21. 74
  22. peur I'm scared
  23. 70
  24. my knees
  25. 90
  26. who is bobby
  27. 96
  28. 75
  29. my fingers
  30. my back

60 Clues: 918179777694958880717892848598828774709790939675738972998683100look1,000dancemy armmy legi lostmy earmy footmy hairmy handmy nosemy neckmy headmy backmy elbowmy mouthmy kneesmy teethmy throatmy fingersI have painIt's my dogwhich colorswho is bobbyBend your legRaise your legHow old are youpeur I'm scaredHow much does the bear weigh

Dividing Decimals by Tenths 2023-02-27

Dividing Decimals by Tenths crossword puzzle
  1. 7.5 ÷ 1.5
  2. 80.6 ÷ 6.2
  3. 8.1 ÷ 0.3
  4. 143.64 ÷ 2.7
  5. 52.08 ÷ 8.4
  6. 25.2 ÷ 0.3
  7. 83.33 ÷ 1.3
  8. 1.32 ÷ 1.1
  9. 16.6 ÷ 0.2
  10. 1.56 ÷ 0.6
  1. 372.1 ÷ 12.2
  2. 0.36 ÷ 1.2
  3. 3.36 ÷ 4.8
  4. 3.63 ÷ 0.3
  5. 0.78 ÷ 0.3
  6. 36.21 ÷ 7.1
  7. 21.7 ÷ 3.5
  8. 25.92 ÷ 0.9
  9. 11.52 ÷ 2.4
  10. 5.85 ÷ 4.5

20 Clues: 7.5 ÷ 1.58.1 ÷ 0.30.36 ÷ 1.23.36 ÷ 4.880.6 ÷ 6.23.63 ÷ 0.30.78 ÷ 0.321.7 ÷ 3.525.2 ÷ 0.31.32 ÷ 1.116.6 ÷ 0.25.85 ÷ 4.51.56 ÷ 0.636.21 ÷ 7.152.08 ÷ 8.425.92 ÷ 0.983.33 ÷ 1.311.52 ÷ 2.4372.1 ÷ 12.2143.64 ÷ 2.7

Numbers - can you get them right? 2016-04-20

Numbers - can you get them right? crossword puzzle
  1. 12
  2. 84
  3. 77
  4. 99
  5. 15
  6. 62
  7. 83
  1. 92
  2. 27
  3. 48
  4. 31
  5. 39
  6. 75
  7. 1
  8. 54

15 Clues: 19212842748313975779915546283

sanasto 84-85 2024-03-20

sanasto 84-85 crossword puzzle
  1. talo
  2. koska
  3. rakennus
  4. auto
  5. asua
  6. sijaita
  7. katu
  8. kaveri
  9. pyöräillä
  10. lempipaikka
  11. ulkopuolella
  12. jotakin
  13. moderni
  14. kiva
  1. täällä
  2. koulumatka
  3. hieno
  4. silta
  5. vain
  6. kaikki
  7. matkustaa
  8. vanha
  9. kaupunki
  10. keskusta
  11. yli
  12. tunneli
  13. mutta

27 Clues: ylitaloautovainasuakatukivakoskahienosiltavanhamuttatäälläkaikkikaverisijaitatunnelijotakinmodernirakennuskaupunkikeskustamatkustaapyöräilläkoulumatkalempipaikkaulkopuolella


TTS KIMIA NUWEL JO crossword puzzle
  1. unsur golongan 8a
  2. nomor periode sama dengan jumlah
  3. nama unsur besi
  4. Kaidah dari (2e)
  5. golongan ke 8a adalah golongan
  6. Energi untuk menarik elektron
  7. unsur-unsur dikelompokkan berdasarkan massa atom
  8. nama golongan 3a
  9. nama golongan 6a
  10. unsur yang termasuk duplat
  1. Besar jumlah elektron semakin besar disebut
  2. unsur dari golongan halogen yang energi ionisasi ya paling besar adalah
  3. unsur unsur yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan kemiripan sifatnya
  4. SPU
  5. golongan 1A adalah golongan paling
  6. atom yang berakhiran 8 eletron disebut
  7. penemu tabel periodik adalah
  8. golongan 2a
  9. golongan 7a adalah golongan yang paling
  10. kaidah (8e)

20 Clues: SPUgolongan 2akaidah (8e)nama unsur besiKaidah dari (2e)nama golongan 3anama golongan 6aunsur golongan 8aunsur yang termasuk duplatpenemu tabel periodik adalahEnergi untuk menarik elektrongolongan ke 8a adalah golongannomor periode sama dengan jumlahgolongan 1A adalah golongan palingatom yang berakhiran 8 eletron disebut...

Nutraceuticals 2022-03-04

Nutraceuticals crossword puzzle
  1. 41
  2. 55
  3. 11
  4. 84
  5. 45
  6. 43
  7. 14
  8. 82
  9. 59
  10. 6
  11. 23
  12. 30
  13. 48
  14. 32
  15. 64
  16. 8
  17. 67
  18. 78
  19. 69
  20. 27
  21. 65
  22. 61
  23. 80
  24. 18
  25. 15
  26. 29
  27. 81
  28. 68
  29. 19
  30. 47
  31. 51
  32. 56
  33. 73
  34. 12
  35. 40
  36. 20
  37. 39
  38. 49
  39. 35
  40. 42
  41. 9
  42. 75
  43. 13
  44. 10
  45. 22
  46. 74
  1. 37
  2. 79
  3. 54
  4. 3
  5. 34
  6. 57
  7. 66
  8. 21
  9. 63
  10. 83
  11. 76
  12. 4
  13. 24
  14. 31
  15. 33
  16. 8
  17. 2
  18. 26
  19. 25
  20. 5
  21. 50
  22. 46
  23. 72
  24. 71
  25. 44
  26. 28
  27. 60
  28. 85
  29. 70
  30. 38
  31. 62
  32. 53
  33. 7
  34. 52
  35. 58
  36. 36
  37. 1
  38. 17
  39. 77

85 Clues: 3468285719413755795434115784664521431463828376592330482432313364262567785046726927714428656085617080183815296281536819524751583656731240201739774935427513102274

F 2024-12-01

F crossword puzzle
  1. 84×23
  2. 48×6
  3. 510×4
  4. 258×2
  5. 300÷4
  6. 79×5
  7. 602÷7
  1. 42×5
  2. 800÷5
  3. 484÷22
  4. 1712÷2
  5. 98×3
  6. 605÷11
  7. 450÷6
  8. 46×21

15 Clues: 42×548×698×379×584×23800÷5510×4258×2300÷4450÷646×21602÷7484÷221712÷2605÷11

One Step Adding and Subtracting Puzzle 2023-11-27

One Step Adding and Subtracting Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. k-21=100
  2. y-24=20
  3. g-90=90
  4. t-4=945
  5. l-75+25
  6. v+20=69
  7. 20+a=88
  8. m-4=84
  9. g+25=100
  10. -39+n=60
  11. j-30=16
  12. h-8=16
  1. m-6=6
  2. z+7=7
  3. o-100=29
  4. y+4=400
  5. p-18=90
  6. m-5=13
  7. y-87=10
  8. m-30=39
  9. m+8=76
  10. -40+n+19
  11. f+1=95
  12. w-10=58

24 Clues: m-6=6z+7=7m-5=13m-4=84m+8=76f+1=95h-8=16y-24=20y+4=400g-90=90p-18=90t-4=945l-75+25v+20=69y-87=1020+a=88m-30=39j-30=16w-10=58k-21=100o-100=29g+25=100-40+n+19-39+n=60

Addition 2019-03-08

Addition crossword puzzle
  1. 8 + 11 + 14 + 3 + 18
  2. 746 + 405 + 483 + 179 + 1383
  3. 186 + 644 + 45 + 1942 + 517
  4. 13784 + 232 + 6032 + 18592 + 19850
  5. 187 + 107 + 13 + 66 + 169
  6. 404 + 516 + 1808 + 1040 + 1664
  7. 10 + 16 + 19 + 18 + 20
  8. 336 + 1523 + 682 + 197 + 1322
  9. 7 + 21 + 121 + 130 + 57
  10. 2 + 4 + 16 + 8 + 19
  1. 10 + 7 + 9 + 7 + 1
  2. 92 + 186 + 111 + 118 + 199
  3. 18264 + 8551 + 7206 + 13139 + 12154
  4. 1883 + 407 + 912 + 178 + 110
  5. 17 + 18 + 20 + 10 + 19
  6. 3485 + 18794 + 11162 + 6279 + 17506
  7. 8 + 10 + 10 + 16 + 12
  8. 55 + 106 + 43 + 11 + 38
  9. 76 + 134 + 30 + 156 + 87
  10. 15 + 2 + 17 + 12 + 18

20 Clues: 10 + 7 + 9 + 7 + 12 + 4 + 16 + 8 + 198 + 11 + 14 + 3 + 188 + 10 + 10 + 16 + 1215 + 2 + 17 + 12 + 1817 + 18 + 20 + 10 + 1910 + 16 + 19 + 18 + 2055 + 106 + 43 + 11 + 387 + 21 + 121 + 130 + 5776 + 134 + 30 + 156 + 87187 + 107 + 13 + 66 + 16992 + 186 + 111 + 118 + 199186 + 644 + 45 + 1942 + 517746 + 405 + 483 + 179 + 13831883 + 407 + 912 + 178 + 110...

Multiplication 2 chiffres par 2 chiffres 2023-01-12

Multiplication 2 chiffres par 2 chiffres crossword puzzle
  1. 452 x 6
  2. 36 x 55
  3. 746 x 8
  4. 49 x 84
  5. 42 x 85
  1. 35 x 44
  2. 19 x 91
  3. 99 x 64
  4. 71 x 61
  5. 28 x 67

10 Clues: 452 x 635 x 4436 x 5519 x 91746 x 899 x 6449 x 8471 x 6128 x 6742 x 85

Ecris ces nombres en toutes lettres et complètes la grille. 2020-05-07

Ecris ces nombres en toutes lettres et complètes la grille. crossword puzzle
  1. 16
  2. 61
  3. 62
  4. 85
  5. 40
  6. 86
  7. 67
  8. 3
  9. 13
  10. 100
  11. 90
  12. 31
  13. 81
  14. 50
  15. 35
  16. 8
  17. 59
  18. 60
  19. 95
  20. 96
  21. 62
  22. 19
  23. 92
  24. 6
  25. 12
  26. 27
  1. 43
  2. 34
  3. 28
  4. 18
  5. 70
  6. 20
  7. 74
  8. 24
  9. 91
  10. 57
  11. 46
  12. 56
  13. 0
  14. 11
  15. 71
  16. 10
  17. 76
  18. 42
  19. 80
  20. 83
  21. 1
  22. 39
  23. 2
  24. 30

50 Clues: 30812643341628187061207424628591408657466756139031815035117110597642608083953996623019921227100

Tugas BJ 2020-05-29

Tugas BJ crossword puzzle
  1. atur syukur marang Gusti ing pidhato yaiku
  2. Umara kang dilagokake yaiku
  3. Patih kang kasebut ing tembang dhandhanggula jenenge
  4. layang kang isine undangan yaiku layang
  5. wong kang ahli medharake basa manca
  6. layang kang isine ngawehi weruh kabar Utawa samubarang jenenge layang
  7. wong mertamu kudu duwe
  8. basa ngokone gerah yaiku
  9. aksara kang ngganteni hurup va,dza,lsp jenenge aksara
  1. kaperang dadi piro karangan cerita miturut basa Jawa
  2. tegese Tembung kalbu yaiku
  3. unen-unen kang nelahake seng nulis layang yaiku
  4. 8u,8i,8a,8i,8a,8i jenege tembang
  5. 7u,10u,12i,8u,8o Iki jenenge tembang
  6. sandangan kang digawe kangge nulis u yaiku huruf kapital
  7. wong kang ngelahahne tambang jenenge juru
  8. aksara Jawa kang digawe huruf kapital
  9. tukang silem Ong segara jenege juru
  10. 8a,11i,8u,7a,12u,8a,8i jenenge tembang
  11. tukang niaga panggon Utawa pasarean jenenge juru
  12. wong kang iso ngeramal jenenge juru

21 Clues: wong mertamu kudu duwebasa ngokone gerah yaikutegese Tembung kalbu yaikuUmara kang dilagokake yaiku8u,8i,8a,8i,8a,8i jenege tembangwong kang ahli medharake basa mancatukang silem Ong segara jenege juruwong kang iso ngeramal jenenge juru7u,10u,12i,8u,8o Iki jenenge tembangaksara Jawa kang digawe huruf kapital8a,11i,8u,7a,12u,8a,8i jenenge tembang...

Sue Dripeoci Blate 2024-04-23

Sue Dripeoci Blate crossword puzzle
  1. 15 1 39 14 6 13
  2. 5 57 6 19
  3. 9 8 6 92 16
  4. 75 16 68 23 99
  5. 17 18 53 9 39
  6. 35 6 90 68
  7. 15 53 7 19 39
  8. 6 18 15 18 19
  9. 92 7 91 6 19
  10. 59 8 84 34
  1. 2 3 27 78 68
  2. 9 95 6 92 16
  3. 34 7 53 92 16
  4. 5 49 18 39
  5. 6 2 85 68
  6. 6 18 8 3 11
  7. 15 57 70 89 19
  8. 49 16 92 88 7 58

18 Clues: 5 57 6 196 2 85 685 49 18 3935 6 90 6859 8 84 349 8 6 92 166 18 8 3 112 3 27 78 689 95 6 92 1692 7 91 6 1934 7 53 92 1617 18 53 9 3915 53 7 19 396 18 15 18 1975 16 68 23 9915 57 70 89 1915 1 39 14 6 1349 16 92 88 7 58

Math Integer Crossword 2023-05-12

Math Integer Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. -7+242
  2. -4+79
  3. -21+-67+98
  4. -6+-67
  5. 17+-8+-18
  6. 43+-5
  7. -90+10
  8. -135+-239+307
  1. -56+95
  2. -6-15
  3. 459+254
  4. -12+-16+-22-(33-58)
  5. 100+-154
  6. -5+-12+8
  7. 84+6
  8. -5+36
  9. 84+7
  10. 30-8x3
  11. 70+20+-30

19 Clues: 84+684+7-6-15-4+7943+-5-5+36-7+242-56+95-6+-67-90+1030-8x3459+254100+-154-5+-12+817+-8+-1870+20+-30-21+-67+98-135+-239+307-12+-16+-22-(33-58)

8th Grade Test Topic 2 Lesson 3 2024-09-05

8th Grade Test Topic 2 Lesson 3 crossword puzzle
  1. (80)November 11, 1620 41 male members on the Mayflower signed an agreement to unite themselves in a civil body politic.
  2. (82) Pilgrim Harvest festival
  3. (78) founders of Plymouth
  4. (78) mistreatment of person because of their beliefs
  5. (85) allows people to practice their beliefs.
  6. (83) Massachusetts elected male Church members into an assembly
  7. New England colony
  8. Holy Day of Religious observance
  1. (84) Connecticut settlers wrote a plan of government in 1639.
  2. Church (78) Religion chosen by the ruler
  3. (83) Ran the Massachusetts Bay Colony, did not want to entirely separate from the Church.
  4. New England colony
  5. (89) settlers discussed and voted on issues in their Church building
  6. New England colony
  7. (81) example for others to follow.
  8. New England colony

16 Clues: New England colonyNew England colonyNew England colonyNew England colony(78) founders of Plymouth(82) Pilgrim Harvest festivalHoly Day of Religious observance(81) example for others to follow.Church (78) Religion chosen by the ruler(85) allows people to practice their beliefs.(78) mistreatment of person because of their beliefs...

beenderen van het geraamte 2012-01-11

beenderen van het geraamte crossword puzzle
  1. 8
  2. 7
  3. 11
  4. 15
  5. 5
  6. 13
  7. 3
  8. 8a
  9. 16
  10. 6
  11. 8c
  12. 1
  13. 12
  1. 10
  2. 9
  3. 8b
  4. 18
  5. 17
  6. 14
  7. 21
  8. 4
  9. 22
  10. 20
  11. 19
  12. 2

25 Clues: 987543261108b1817141115211322208a19168c12

Signal Codes 2022-11-12

Signal Codes crossword puzzle
  1. SIG 81
  2. SIG 10
  3. SIG 37
  4. SIG 96
  5. SIG 88
  6. SIG 6
  7. SIG 12
  1. SIG 5
  2. SIG 90
  3. SIG 99
  4. SIG 58
  5. SIG 85
  6. SIG 48
  7. SIG 53
  8. SIG 65
  9. SIG 84

16 Clues: SIG 5SIG 6SIG 90SIG 99SIG 58SIG 81SIG 10SIG 85SIG 48SIG 53SIG 37SIG 96SIG 88SIG 65SIG 84SIG 12

What is the Rule? 2021-11-12

What is the Rule? crossword puzzle
  1. 9, 7, 5, 3, 1
  2. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25
  3. 94, 84, 74, 64, 54
  4. 17, 14, 11, 8, 5
  5. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
  1. 1, 3, 9, 27, 81
  2. 18, 21, 24, 27, 30
  3. 11, 19, 27, 35, 43
  4. 100, 94, 88, 82, 76
  5. 1, 10, 19, 28, 37
  6. 71, 77, 83, 89, 95
  7. 1, 5, 9, 13, 17

12 Clues: 9, 7, 5, 3, 11, 2, 4, 8, 161, 3, 9, 27, 811, 5, 9, 13, 1717, 14, 11, 8, 55, 10, 15, 20, 251, 10, 19, 28, 3718, 21, 24, 27, 3011, 19, 27, 35, 4394, 84, 74, 64, 5471, 77, 83, 89, 95100, 94, 88, 82, 76

Football players 2023-02-26

Football players crossword puzzle
  1. 97, 49ers
  2. 9, Packers
  3. 9, Bengals
  4. 16, Lions
  5. 85, Falcons
  6. 16, Patriots
  7. 3, Cardinals
  8. 17, Raiders
  9. 9, Seahawks
  1. 15, Chiefs
  2. 10, Chargers
  3. 84, Patriots
  4. 12, Buccaneers
  5. 23, Chiefs
  6. 17, Jets
  7. 17, Commanders
  8. 13, Chargers
  9. 16, Seahawks
  10. 87, Cardinals
  11. 10, Cardinals

20 Clues: 17, Jets97, 49ers16, Lions15, Chiefs9, Packers9, Bengals23, Chiefs85, Falcons17, Raiders9, Seahawks10, Chargers84, Patriots13, Chargers16, Patriots16, Seahawks3, Cardinals87, Cardinals10, Cardinals12, Buccaneers17, Commanders


ONE YEAR SLAYERS crossword puzzle
  1. 7
  2. 106
  3. 110
  4. 91
  5. 39
  6. 68
  7. 41
  8. 117
  9. 40
  10. 57
  11. 1
  12. 80
  13. 19
  14. 73
  15. 118
  16. 83
  17. 23
  18. 113
  19. 84
  20. 81
  21. 46
  22. 115
  23. 71
  24. 76
  25. 30
  26. 48
  27. 102
  28. 33
  29. 47
  30. 66
  31. 35
  32. 128
  33. 116
  34. 100
  35. 5
  36. 36
  37. 97
  38. 63
  39. 123
  40. 75
  41. 105
  42. 29
  43. 4
  44. 15
  45. 51
  46. 38
  47. 121
  48. 104
  49. 6
  50. 86
  51. 17
  52. 8
  53. 95
  54. 92
  55. 24
  56. 16
  57. 119
  58. 98
  59. 50
  60. 70
  61. 101
  1. 127
  2. 90
  3. 9
  4. 56
  5. 60
  6. 122
  7. 32
  8. 112
  9. 26
  10. 67
  11. 52
  12. 55
  13. 53
  14. 43
  15. 93
  16. 27
  17. 125
  18. 34
  19. 54
  20. 62
  21. 58
  22. 108
  23. 65
  24. 20
  25. 78
  26. 25
  27. 79
  28. 69
  29. 10
  30. 72
  31. 37
  32. 87
  33. 85
  34. 42
  35. 77
  36. 99
  37. 49
  38. 126
  39. 82
  40. 109
  41. 107
  42. 59
  43. 103
  44. 28
  45. 3
  46. 18
  47. 124
  48. 14
  49. 114
  50. 61
  51. 64
  52. 120
  53. 88
  54. 89
  55. 44
  56. 12
  57. 45
  58. 96
  59. 74
  60. 2
  61. 31
  62. 94
  63. 111
  64. 13
  65. 11
  66. 22
  67. 21

128 Clues: 791534628905660329126396768415255534043932757345462588065192073832378258481794669717610723787854230487799493382476659352818369763146175648889291544511238459674861731949592132416112298215070127106122110112117125108118113115126102109107128116103100124114123120105121104111119101

Recollections Fashions Names 2017-01-30

Recollections Fashions Names crossword puzzle
  1. 81
  2. 45
  3. 3
  4. 26
  5. 53
  6. 62
  7. 9
  8. 99
  9. 30
  10. 100
  11. 4
  12. 78
  13. 66
  14. 63
  15. 96
  16. 15
  17. 5
  18. 14
  19. 70
  20. 21
  21. 95
  22. 43
  23. 51
  24. 41
  25. 16
  26. 58
  27. 31
  28. 89
  29. 11a
  30. 33
  31. 87
  32. 20
  33. 65
  34. 79
  35. 76
  36. 25
  37. 52
  38. 50
  39. 10
  40. 94
  41. 42
  42. 13
  43. 82
  44. 64
  45. 27
  46. 73
  47. 13b
  48. 92
  49. 32
  1. 40
  2. 28
  3. 61
  4. 48
  5. 23
  6. 98
  7. 36
  8. 72
  9. 35
  10. 6
  11. 69
  12. 56
  13. 21
  14. 90
  15. 38
  16. 55
  17. 2
  18. 57
  19. 68
  20. 44
  21. 24
  22. 49
  23. 17
  24. 88
  25. 22
  26. 47
  27. 60
  28. 71
  29. 18
  30. 12
  31. 84
  32. 93
  33. 74
  34. 34
  35. 77
  36. 19
  37. 54
  38. 67
  39. 39
  40. 85
  41. 59
  42. 86
  43. 83
  44. 46
  45. clue 1
  46. 80
  47. 11
  48. 7
  49. 29
  50. 91

99 Clues: 36924574028816148452623983653723562695621909938305578665768639644244917881522147047216071189512844393514174163458773119895467398533598786832065797625465280115010944213299182642773923210011a13bclue 1

Chapter 6 - I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom 2022-04-07

Chapter 6 - I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom crossword puzzle
  1. Luke’s necklace with five beads is made out of this (page 84).
  2. How Percy feels when the other campers are staring at him (page 75).
  3. The colour of cabin number five (page 81).
  4. The fruit growing in the field they walk through (page 76).
  5. The fraction of the valley that the wood takes up (page 78).
  6. The name of the daughter of Ares in the novel (page 89).
  7. Percy is diagnosed with this to cover up his extraordinary powers (page 88).
  8. The cabin you get assigned to depends on your (page 87).
  9. A winged pole with two snakes wrapped around it (page 83).
  1. The place Theseus killed the Minotaur (page 86).
  2. Chiron is a teacher of these (page 82).
  3. What Grover must demonstrate in order to succeed as a keeper (page 77).
  4. The god of travellers (page 85).
  5. The number of cabins in the woods (page 79).
  6. Each cabin has a different god, also known as a _______(page 80).
  7. Where Clarisse drags Percy in a headlock (page 90).
  8. The shape the toilet water makes over Percy’s head (page 91).
  9. What Clarise smells of after Percy defeats her in the bathroom (page 92).

18 Clues: The god of travellers (page 85).Chiron is a teacher of these (page 82).The colour of cabin number five (page 81).The number of cabins in the woods (page 79).The place Theseus killed the Minotaur (page 86).Where Clarisse drags Percy in a headlock (page 90).The name of the daughter of Ares in the novel (page 89)....

Teka-Teki Silang 2023-02-21

Teka-Teki Silang crossword puzzle
  1. Pitik walik saba meja
  2. Tanggal panulisan layang
  3. Ny+silih
  4. Layang kang isine kabar kepaten
  5. Isine layang
  6. Ukara kang ngandharake kedadean utawa kahanan marang wong liya
  7. Bapa pucung dudu watu dudu gunung; sangkamu ing Plembang; ngon-ingone Sang Bupati; ye lumampah si pucung lembeyan grana
  8. Tuku+an
  9. Larik;baris
  1. Sega sakepel dirubung tinggi
  2. Pak Doni ... layang kagem simbah
  3. Surat
  4. Ngoko alus;krama alus
  5. Guru lagu; guru gatra; guru wilangan
  6. 8i,8a,8e,8a,7a,8u,8a
  7. Ingkang putra;kancamu
  8. Angka ing ndhuwure cakepan;notasi
  9. Ukara kang isine niat/ kekarepane pribadi
  10. Tembang kang nggambarake masa remaja utawa isih enom
  11. Kosok balene pambuka

20 Clues: SuratTuku+anNy+silihLarik;barisIsine layang8i,8a,8e,8a,7a,8u,8aKosok balene pambukaPitik walik saba mejaNgoko alus;krama alusIngkang putra;kancamuTanggal panulisan layangSega sakepel dirubung tinggiLayang kang isine kabar kepatenPak Doni ... layang kagem simbahAngka ing ndhuwure cakepan;notasiGuru lagu; guru gatra; guru wilangan...


  1. 5 - 2 =
  2. sin = 0.99 di mana 0< <90
  3. R = 324/p , jika p=9, cari nilai R
  4. x = 25,y=2x-8.Cari nilai x dan y. Tuliskan nilai x dan y dalam bentuk xy.
  5. 3+5+13+6x = 167 cari nilai x
  6. Min bagi 24, 23, 23, x, 25 dan 26 ialah 24.Cari nilai x
  7. 10 - _____= 47
  8. Diberi kecerunan 3/4, pintasan-x = -24 cari pintasan-y
  9. 3(5 )- ___ = 10
  10. 1230g daripada 1.5kg
  11. 106, 108, 112,_____ , 126
  12. 46 + x X 8 = 142. Cari nilai x
  1. 1 jam setengah = _______ minit
  2. 676 = R. 3 = S. cari nilai R X S - 4
  3. 5 + 86 X 0 - 23 + 20 X 2 + 4 X 11 =
  4. (14 + 8) + 51 =
  5. Nombor ganjil selepas 81
  6. Cari isipadu kon yang mempunyai tinggi 5.25cm dan jejari 2cm
  7. Nombor ganjil sebelum 23
  8. Cari pintasan-x bagi persamaan y=-x/4 + 8
  9. Pilih hasil tolak terbesar antara (875-75),(858-85) dan (887-59)
  10. Diberi sin = 3/5 cari panjang AB
  11. 1 juta - 999902
  12. 50400 saat = ____ jam

24 Clues: 5 - 2 =10 - _____= 47(14 + 8) + 51 =1 juta - 9999023(5 )- ___ = 101230g daripada 1.5kg50400 saat = ____ jamNombor ganjil selepas 81Nombor ganjil sebelum 23106, 108, 112,_____ , 126sin = 0.99 di mana 0< <903+5+13+6x = 167 cari nilai x1 jam setengah = _______ minit46 + x X 8 = 142. Cari nilai xDiberi sin = 3/5 cari panjang AB...

History Crossword 10/10 2023-10-03

History Crossword 10/10 crossword puzzle
  1. Northmen were called Danes and: (pg.73)
  2. King who forced Rollo to be baptized. (pg.78)
  3. Northmen came not from the land but the: (pg.73)
  4. Where did Rurick make his capital? (pg.84)
  5. Igor's regent. (pg.86)
  6. Who chiefly carried out the conquest of Sicily? (pg.95)
  7. Viking who came to rule the Slavs. (pg 84)
  1. What weapon was most valued by the Northmen? (pg.75)
  2. Leader of the Northmen who settled in France. (pg.78)
  3. What part of France was Rollo allowed to conquer? (pg.79)
  4. What did Oleg hang on the gates of Constantinople? (pg.88)
  5. What year did Vladimir I become Grand Duke? (pg.90)
  6. Son of Rurick. (pg.86)
  7. name of the woman Vladimir I married. (pg.90)
  8. Rollo's Christian name (pg.80)

15 Clues: Son of Rurick. (pg.86)Igor's regent. (pg.86)Rollo's Christian name (pg.80)Northmen were called Danes and: (pg.73)Where did Rurick make his capital? (pg.84)Viking who came to rule the Slavs. (pg 84)King who forced Rollo to be baptized. (pg.78)name of the woman Vladimir I married. (pg.90)Northmen came not from the land but the: (pg.73)...

Les nombres en lettres 2022-09-14

Les nombres en lettres crossword puzzle
  1. 1
  2. 52
  3. 17
  4. 0
  5. 68
  6. 84
  7. 35
  8. 100
  9. 77
  10. 55
  11. 87
  12. 99
  1. 93
  2. 62
  3. 20
  4. 40
  5. 43
  6. 85
  7. 22
  8. 73
  9. 9

21 Clues: 1099352621720406843848522357377558799100

Team Two 2023-02-03

Team Two crossword puzzle
  1. D3
  2. A6
  3. D7
  4. A8
  5. F5
  6. C6
  7. G6
  8. F3
  9. H5
  10. B3
  1. D5
  2. C2
  3. E2
  4. B1
  5. B7
  6. H1
  7. E8
  8. H7
  9. B5
  10. E4

20 Clues: D5C2E2B1B7D3A6H1E8H7D7A8B5F5C6G6E4F3H5B3

84. 2021-03-19

84. crossword puzzle
  1. A booted grounder, e.g.
  2. Tip for a boot lace
  3. Heel of medium height on a boot or shoe (5)
  4. Like broken-in jeans
  5. Women in jeans rotated wheel (6)
  6. Land shaped by erosion
  7. Full as a boot
  8. Spares in a boot
  9. Joint covered by a boot
  10. Big name in jeans
  11. Repaired, as a boot
  12. Sometimes-intentional hole in jeans
  13. A company of plovers; a grove of trees; a platform for a brass band; or, a vessel in a boot room or hall for umbrella's, shooting sticks, crops etc (5)
  14. Unacceptable to throw a boot (5)
  15. Big name in jeans
  16. She has half a mind to appear in jeans, perhaps (7)
  17. Many a booted ruler
  1. Part of a boot or a shoe (5)
  2. HAND Worker in jeans
  3. Counselor in Jean-Luc's command
  4. Give a boot
  5. Heard it's used to suggest joints found in jeans (5)
  6. Country shaped like a boot
  7. Tied, like a boot
  8. DOWN Tick off when you come to the party in jeans?
  9. A boot with wheels on (5)
  10. Give a boot
  11. Suspends thank-you note in jeans (9)
  12. Casual clothes in jeans material (6)
  13. Spiked wheel on a boot spur
  14. Soft drink that sounds like a boot
  15. COD Massachusetts resort area shaped like a fish hook (4,3)
  16. Big name in jeans
  17. Go low, as in jeans

34 Clues: Give a bootGive a bootFull as a bootSpares in a bootTied, like a bootBig name in jeansBig name in jeansBig name in jeansTip for a boot laceRepaired, as a bootGo low, as in jeansMany a booted rulerHAND Worker in jeansLike broken-in jeansLand shaped by erosionA booted grounder, e.g.Joint covered by a bootA boot with wheels on (5)...

Lidija je prov fest 2024-06-28

Lidija je prov fest crossword puzzle
  1. Avril Lavigne 84
  2. hrana poletja
  3. Domen Valič 84
  4. lasje so poleti
  5. moški mora imeti močne
  6. kraj v SI na dvojni v
  7. kraj za sankanje
  8. mesto v obiskani državi
  9. a se mamo?
  10. visoko gorovje na jugozahodu obiskane države
  11. predvsem poleti furaš
  12. potica, ki je ne obrajtaš
  13. lovila (loviti) narečno
  14. kar (n)ima niti cofka od copat
  15. naslov skladbe Parni Valjak
  16. reka na Irskem
  17. smrdi v avtu
  1. skupina Jackson
  2. kaj znaš igrati kar drugi ne?
  3. instrument
  4. da se ne izgubiš, slediš
  5. Mark Zuckerberg 84
  6. vedno organiziraš izlet v
  7. stolp
  8. slovenski deskar na snegu Žan 84
  9. ti nisi kot
  10. pivo pravo
  11. prestolnica Gorenjske
  12. igra izumljena 84
  13. najvišji vrh Škotske Ben
  14. serija
  15. tlačilka
  16. kava
  17. igralka, Scarlett
  18. 1984
  19. zimska aktivnost
  20. obožuješ jo poleti
  21. Lindsey Vonn 84

38 Clues: kava1984stolpserijatlačilkainstrumentpivo pravoa se mamo?ti nisi kotsmrdi v avtuhrana poletjaDomen Valič 84reka na Irskemskupina Jacksonlasje so poletiLindsey Vonn 84Avril Lavigne 84kraj za sankanjezimska aktivnostigra izumljena 84igralka, ScarlettMark Zuckerberg 84obožuješ jo poletikraj v SI na dvojni vprestolnica Gorenjskepredvsem poleti furaš...

Salikanti A7 2022-07-03

Salikanti A7 crossword puzzle
  1. buy or obtain (an asset or object) for oneself
  2. engaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits.
  3. move forwards in a purposeful way
  4. a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy.
  5. a person who is fully grown or developed
  6. guidance or recommendations offered with regard to prudent future action.
  7. existing in fact; real
  8. take action; do something
  9. the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim.
  10. an unusual and exciting or daring experience
  1. describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public medium in order to promote sales or attendance.
  2. modern and recently developed.
  3. a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favourable or superior position.
  4. from one side to the other of (a place, area, etc.).
  5. a woman whose profession is acting on stage, in films, or on television.
  6. in a deliberate and positive way
  7. the condition in which things are happening or being done.
  8. legally take (another's child) and bring it up as one's own.
  9. it is a means of communication with the users of a product or service.
  10. ran across the street"
  11. a person whose profession is acting on the stage
  12. team developed advanced techniques for measuring and controlling the noise of the submarines"

22 Clues: ran across the street"existing in fact; realtake action; do somethingmodern and recently developed.in a deliberate and positive waymove forwards in a purposeful waya person who is fully grown or developedan unusual and exciting or daring experiencebuy or obtain (an asset or object) for oneselfa person whose profession is acting on the stage...

Agama 2020-02-19

Agama crossword puzzle
  1. wajib
  2. amanah
  3. al Qur'an
  4. nabi Muhammad
  5. empat
  6. Membangkitkan
  7. baladah
  8. nabi: 124.000 & rasul 315
  9. mustahil
  10. al-anbiya, 21 :83-84
  11. wajib
  1. pertama
  2. tongkat ular
  3. baca tulis
  4. dunia jaiz
  5. terakhir
  6. bulan di bukit Mekah
  7. kitman
  8. kesabaran tinggi
  9. dibuang di sumur
  10. anak yang bukan keluarga
  11. teladan sifat rasul
  12. kebenaran tugas
  13. ada dan tidak
  14. sulaiman

25 Clues: wajibempatwajibamanahkitmanpertamabaladahterakhirmustahilsulaimanal Qur'anbaca tulisdunia jaiztongkat ularnabi MuhammadMembangkitkanada dan tidakkebenaran tugaskesabaran tinggidibuang di sumurteladan sifat rasulbulan di bukit Mekahal-anbiya, 21 :83-84anak yang bukan keluarganabi: 124.000 & rasul 315

NKCC Camp Challenge Trivia 2022-08-09

NKCC Camp Challenge Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Friends,play,mastery,participation,caring adult
  2. 40 hours
  3. Friday august 12
  4. Friday PM
  5. Week 5 staff of the week
  6. Friday July 29
  7. 8-9
  8. the lounge
  9. Friday morning
  10. Preschoolers room
  11. 2017 volunteer of the summer
  12. Location coordinators
  1. V-Bucks card
  2. Theme of the week
  3. 2018 volunteer of the summer
  4. A6, A7 Wednesday PM
  5. Facility abbreviation
  6. Our community recreation programmer
  7. # of camp staff
  8. Smithfield crp

20 Clues: 8-940 hoursFriday PMthe loungeV-Bucks cardFriday July 29Smithfield crpFriday morning# of camp staffFriday august 12Theme of the weekPreschoolers roomA6, A7 Wednesday PMFacility abbreviationLocation coordinatorsWeek 5 staff of the week2018 volunteer of the summer2017 volunteer of the summerOur community recreation programmer...

84 2021-03-02

84 crossword puzzle
  1. tak enak,tidak menyenangkan
  2. kata kerja ke2 send
  3. kata kerja ke2 come
  4. bertemu,memenuhi
  5. awal,permulaan
  6. suami
  7. bertanggung jawab
  8. sakit,buruk
  9. hati-hati,cermat,teliti
  10. berbelok,berubah
  11. kata,kabar
  12. terlihat,rasanya,nampaknya
  13. berterima kasih,bersyukur
  14. masalah,hal,soal
  15. Roma
  16. tahu,mengetahui,mengenal
  17. benar,sejati
  18. mengikuti
  19. terlalu,juga
  20. keduanya,berdua
  21. di luar
  22. pipi
  23. tunggu,menunggu
  24. peduli,mengurus,merawat
  25. udara,berhawa,menyiarkan
  26. buta
  1. agak,lebih baik
  2. berarti,bermaksud,jahat
  3. kehilangan,kalah
  4. menyerap
  5. kata kerja ke3 know
  6. memberikan,memberi
  7. gelar,tingkat,derajat
  8. menyangkal,mengingkari
  9. rela,bersedia
  10. lebih,lagi,tambah
  11. antara,di antara
  12. senang,gembira
  13. seperti itu,sedemikian,begitu
  14. dirinya sendiri(perempuan)
  15. mengizinkan,membolehkan
  16. kata kerja ke3 see
  17. tersangka,mencurigai
  18. mencoba,berusaha
  19. kata kerja ke2 tell
  20. berkata,bilang,mengatakan
  21. orang,pribadi
  22. makan malam
  23. kata kerja ke2 leave
  24. menjaga,menyimpan
  25. lebar,luas
  26. malam ini
  27. jam tangan,menonton
  28. bekerja,pekerjaan
  29. mengambil,membawa
  30. mengontrol,mengendalikan

56 Clues: Romapipibutasuamidi luarmenyerapmalam inimengikutikata,kabarlebar,luassakit,burukmakan malambenar,sejatiterlalu,jugarela,bersediaorang,pribadiawal,permulaansenang,gembiraagak,lebih baikkeduanya,berduatunggu,menunggukehilangan,kalahbertemu,memenuhiantara,di antaramencoba,berusahaberbelok,berubahmasalah,hal,soallebih,lagi,tambahbertanggung jawab...

CSP Residential Curriculum 2022-07-14

CSP Residential Curriculum crossword puzzle
  1. Identifying and respecting differences in others and utilizing differences to work collaboratively and equitably, a D6 skill
  2. ___ Learning: Identifying and discussing in-depth opportunities to expand and relate knowledge, skills, and responsibilities to school and career decisions, an A7 skill
  3. Identifying important problems and issues, analyzing, interpreting, and making judgments of the relevance and quality of information, considering alternative perspectives and solutions, an A7 skill, two words
  4. ___ & Self-Development: Proactively developing your career through continual personal and professional learning, awareness of your strengths and weaknesses, and networking to build relationships
  5. ___ Development: Demonstrating an understanding of interpersonal relationships and their factors, a D6 skill
  6. Accept & provide ___: Identifying areas for continual growth while pursuing and applying critique, an A7 skill
  1. Personal and ___ Growth: Moving outside your comfort zone, seeking out opportunities to learn with flexibility and an open mind, an A7 skill
  2. Self-___ & Self-Confidence: accurately identifying and assessing personal feelings, values, and strengths, an A7 Skill.
  3. ___ Management: Demonstrating positive strategies and effective approaches to interpersonal problem-solving, a D6 skill
  4. Building and maintaining collaborative relationships to work toward common goals, while appreciating diverse viewpoints and shared responsibilities

10 Clues: ___ Development: Demonstrating an understanding of interpersonal relationships and their factors, a D6 skillAccept & provide ___: Identifying areas for continual growth while pursuing and applying critique, an A7 skillSelf-___ & Self-Confidence: accurately identifying and assessing personal feelings, values, and strengths, an A7 Skill....