Page Turner! - A Book themed Crossword

  1. 4. “May the odds be ever in your favor”
  2. 8. Before sunrise and after sunset, also a book involving vampires
  3. 10. Everyone in Matthew’s English 9 classes read this book about an unruly teen who runs away to New York
  1. 1. Log Entry: Sol 549… He’s a botanist!
  2. 2. This is both a famous play read in 9th grade and a board game
  3. 3. Alohamora! Expelliarmus! Expecto Patronum! Are all spells in this popular series
  4. 5. This book displays the string bond between a pig and a spider
  5. 6. His real initials are JG. Also read in Miriams 11th grade English
  6. 7. Beware of the three witches for “Fair is foul, and foul is fair”
  7. 9. Would you like a lotus flower? Or maybe you're looking for the master bolt?