1.2 Native American Crossword Puzzle - Ryan, Akshaj

  1. 2. A Native American statue believed to be a guardian or ancestor that watches over the people
  2. 6. Spanish word for village
  3. 7. A house or hut constructed from clay
  4. 8. Originates from the Inuit word for house
  5. 12. A Native American type of home consisting of poles as framework and walls made of sheets of bark
  6. 13. Legendary Mowhawk chief; Led the Iroquois Confederation
  7. 15. The first people to migrate to the Americas from Asia
  8. 17. Large group of territory ruled by a single leader or nation
  9. 18. Native Americans believed to be descendants of Ancestral Pueblos
  10. 19. Natives who lived in the Arctic region
  11. 20. An empire which was located near what is now Mexico and Central America
  12. 21. A group of indigenous hunter-gatherers that lived in current-day Ohio
  13. 22. An large advanced group of people, usually shares one culture
  14. 24. An empire originating from a village south of Cuzco
  15. 25. Reindeer
  16. 27. The capital of the Aztec Empire
  1. 1. A land bridge connecting Asia and North America during the ice age
  2. 2. A mound in which a dead body was placed along with gifts and belongings
  3. 3. Powerful Native tribe that controlled the Appalachian mountains
  4. 4. A house consisting of sticks, mud, grass and dirt
  5. 5. A mass movement to another location typically to seek safety, shelter, or food
  6. 9. A group of indigenous people who lived in western Alaska
  7. 10. A method of tracing your ancesetors through the mother's side of the family
  8. 11. Corn
  9. 14. A tribe that was located in present-day Canada; Fished for whales, seals and walruses
  10. 16. A type of agricultural method that uses the artificial application of water onto land
  11. 21. Ancestors of the Hopi- Also known as Ancestral Pueblos
  12. 23. A dry condition of land that typically lasts for a long period of time
  13. 26. The great empire that was based in Central Mexico
  14. 28. Cone shaped tent used by some Native American tribes and groups