- 1. When did Canada declare war?
- 4. Technique invented in Octona by Canadians
- 6. What raid was "doomed from the start"?
- 7. The atomic bomb was set off in this city.
- 8. The invasion of Europe by the Allies.
- 13. He was the Italian dictator.
- 14. The atomic bombs were dropped on ________ cities.
- 16. When did Brittain and France declare war?
- 17. Area flooded by germans to try and halt Canadian troops.
- 1. What Italian island did the allies attack?
- 2. Rome was taken in this year.
- 3. What does RCN stand for?
- 5. D-Day was also called operation ________.
- 8. A slaughter at the English Channel.
- 9. When the Luftwaffe attacked Brittain.
- 10. What country was captured in 1940?
- 11. Once Mussolini was killed his body was disrespected by the citizens and Allied soldiers.
- 12. These were popular to buy (government).
- 15. One of the last major pushes in the war.
- 18. The ____ training camp was located in Canada.