Know your Rubrics!

  1. 6. A good writer will keep in mind a clear awareness of who their target is. C
  2. 7. To find the similar features within and between genres and texts. A
  3. 8. Make sure these are thorough to provide strong support. A
  4. 11. A good writer will use varied sentence _________. D
  5. 16. Use these organizational tools such as transition words between paragraphs. B
  6. 17. Using this will enhance your creative writing. C
  7. 18. This style refers to language, dialect, phonetics, etc. C
  8. 19. Use to separate ideas. B
  9. 21. Vocabulary should be this and not repetitive. D
  10. 23. ALWAYS cite work you borrow from another source! B
  11. 24. Use grade-appropriate; step up your game kids - I mean, improve yourselves youngsters. D
  12. 26. New ones require thinking outside the box. C
  13. 28. This style refers to author’s “voice” – how they write – their syntax, register, use of literary devices, etc. C
  14. 29. Seeing things from different views. C
  1. 1. Done properly, you will examine the language, structure, technique, and style of a text. A
  2. 2. Information should flow this way so that it is easy to understand. B
  3. 3. The circumstance/situation/framework in which an event, statement, or idea happens that is necessary to know in order to fully understand. A
  4. 4. A good story will have many that are relevant. C
  5. 5. Needs to be present and correct so the reader knows, for example, when to pause. D
  6. 9. This process requires personal engagement. C
  7. 10. If you don’t never use this rightly, well ima say you might sound kinda dumb. D
  8. 12. To find the different features within and between genres and texts. A
  9. 13. Information should flow this way in an order that makes sense. B
  10. 14. Use this appropriately for the style of writing. D
  11. 15. Provide a wide range of these for a solid rationale. A
  12. 20. Correct ________ is so basic a “must,” it shouldn’t even be on a high school rubric! D
  13. 22. Sometimes you will study this among texts. A
  14. 25. The main substance/subject matter. A
  15. 27. Detailed opinions and ideas needed to accomplish this. A