2022 Love

  1. 6. Daily occupier of SSRBs time
  2. 8. Bane of our mail existence
  3. 11. Streak-worthy pastime
  4. 12. Yours is contagious
  5. 14. Time you share with my dad
  6. 17. Family’s smallest comic
  7. 18. Lady’s legacy we will soon admire
  8. 19. Labor of love
  9. 21. Friendly ghost or beloved pet?
  10. 23. Favorite branch of military
  11. 25. Weekend goals
  12. 28. An essential start for CCBs day
  13. 29. Your precious contribution to our family
  14. 30. Object of our mutual affection
  15. 31. Mom’s every other year holiday event
  16. 34. Road trip of a lifetime
  17. 36. Family transportation provider
  18. 37. Daily occupier of CCBs time
  19. 39. Where we first met
  20. 40. We are superior at this
  1. 1. Shared paradise
  2. 2. CCB has always loved yours
  3. 3. Your eyes
  4. 4. Your beloved
  5. 5. Obnoxious neighbor
  6. 7. SSRB past profession
  7. 9. CCBs nearly constant craving
  8. 10. Bed, half empty
  9. 13. Your spirit
  10. 15. Da Bears
  11. 16. Frequent supplier of gas
  12. 20. Our Cupid
  13. 22. All ____, Great and Small
  14. 24. CCBs indulgence
  15. 26. Love I feel for you
  16. 27. Christmas menu
  17. 32. Twice daily you & Finn
  18. 33. Friendth type
  19. 35. We need more of these
  20. 38. Blinders we love