50 first dates

  1. 2. opposite of boyenemy
  2. 3. take care about animals
  3. 4. sozinho
  4. 5. rhymes with new
  5. 7. maçã + ponta
  6. 8. Adam Sandler was an ****
  7. 12. opposite of why
  8. 14. rarelly
  9. 16. first meal of the day
  10. 18. opposite of never
  11. 19. the born day
  12. 21. 50 first dates was a good ***
  1. 1. 007
  2. 5. use a ring in left hand
  3. 6. vocês estavam no intervalo *** dessa aula
  4. 9. palavra utilizada para "encontro" em inglês.
  5. 10. building builds (prédios)
  6. 11. ocean, sea
  7. 13. big boat
  8. 15. all
  9. 17. Não podemos evitar
  10. 20. teacher, farmer, driver, doctor