5.6 Key Terms

  1. 4. new roads, bridges, and canals
  2. 7. direct involvement
  3. 9. loyalty to one’s state or section rather than to the nation as a whole
  4. 12. includes present-day nations of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala
  5. 16. spoke for the South
  6. 17. most skillful speaker of his time
  1. 1. describes people born to Spanish parents
  2. 2. the Supreme Court upheld the power of the federal government to regulate trade between states
  3. 3. includes present-day nations of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama
  4. 5. easily defeated the Federalists
  5. 6. or trade between different states
  6. 8. called for high tariffs on imports
  7. 10. United States would not interfere in the affairs of European nations or existing colonies of the European nations
  8. 11. the Court ruled that states had no right to interfere with federal institutions within their borders
  9. 13. contained about 1,000 black Seminoles
  10. 14. Spain agreed to give Florida to the United States in exchange for $5 million
  11. 15. spoke for the West