Ancient India

  1. 1. This empire was known as the Golden Age
  2. 4. A mountain range that can be found in the northwest area of India.
  3. 5. A polytheistic religion produced by the Aryans
  4. 8. The Indus Valley Civilization developed along which famous river
  5. 9. Became King in of the Gupta Empire in A.D 320
  6. 10. Pakistan and India plus another country once made up the entire country of India.
  7. 12. This empire unified most of India
  8. 13. Universal Spirit of the Hindu religion
  9. 15. The language of the Vedas
  1. 1. Indian leader who believed in ahimsa and used it in his fight against British rule
  2. 2. Buddhist follow the guidance of both the Eightfold Path and
  3. 3. This religion spread as far east as Japan
  4. 6. Divine law that requires people to perform their duties of their caste
  5. 7. This country is considered a subcontinent of Asia.
  6. 11. This mountain range protected the country from northern invasions.
  7. 14. The greatest Maurya King
  8. 16. This system is a great accomplishment of the Ancient Indians.