Anglo Saxon Period & Beowulf

  1. 3. The first Hero
  2. 4. A long narrative poem
  3. 9. Speaking Latin
  4. 10. battled the vikings to take over England
  5. 12. Repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words
  6. 14. Compound word/phrase that takes the place of a specific noun
  7. 15. A warrior's success was measured in this from his leaders
  8. 16. Anglo-Saxons believed that this controlled lives
  9. 18. Warriors must defend their lord to the death
  10. 19. storytellers or
  11. 21. The perfect Anglo-Saxon
  1. 1. Figure who is often of divine descent
  2. 2. battled the vikings to take over England
  3. 5. Beowulf has some of these elements
  4. 6. Exaggeration used for effect
  5. 7. One who has no religion
  6. 8. The perfect Anglo-Saxon
  7. 11. battled the vikings to take over England
  8. 13. a person admired for ahievements and qualities
  9. 15. Speaking German
  10. 17. Blood
  11. 20. Speaking Gaelic