- 2. perfect as a cute pet that likes to chase mice
- 5. a big ape that loves eating bananas
- 7. a farm animal whose young one is called a kid
- 8. loves to hop around and lives in burrow
- 9. a mammal that provides us with milk
- 10. provides us with wool for the winters
- 12. fastest running feline in the jungle
- 14. a man's best friend
- 15. the king of the jungle
- 17. loves to swing on branches
- 18. Long-necked plant eater
- 1. a green bird that likes to eat chilly
- 3. loves to eat honey and sleep
- 4. trunked mammal that makes a majestic sound
- 6. a giant lizard that lives in the water
- 9. a farm animal that provides us with eggs
- 10. a reptile that slithers and bites
- 11. national bird of India that loves to dance in the rain
- 13. stripped feline of the jungle
- 16. lives in a pack with its friends