Auditory System

  1. 2. The stapedius is innervated by a branch of the _______ nerve
  2. 4. The connection between the two perilymphatic ducts
  3. 9. Central region of the bony labyrinth
  4. 10. waves ___________ _______ cause the tympanic membrane to vibrate
  5. 11. Key structure in auditory system
  6. 14. Stapes, ______, and incus
  7. 15. Sensory area of the cochlear duct
  8. 16. Involuntary muscle contraction in response to high-intensity sound stimuli
  9. 19. The membrane at the end of the external auditory canal
  10. 20. Surgery to correct conduction deafness
  11. 22. The hair cells in the apical aspect of the membrane respond to _________ frequencies
  12. 24. The ear drum
  13. 26. Type of hearing test
  14. 27. Nerve that passes electrical signal to brainstem
  15. 28. Another name for otosclerosis
  16. 34. Fluid accumulation in the middle ear
  17. 37. Auditory afferents fire _______________
  18. 39. Medial olivocochlear neurons fire at greatest rates when sound levels are _______
  19. 41. One of the most important sensations
  20. 43. Larger hair cell
  21. 44. _____ is conserved throughout much of the auditory system
  22. 45. Loudness is the perceived ________ of a sound
  1. 1. The outer hair cells receive ________ fibers
  2. 3. Converts sound waves into electrical signals
  3. 5. The middle ear and nasopharynx connect via the _____________ ______
  4. 6. The process of converting sound waves into electrical signals
  5. 7. The organ of Corti contains _______ rows of hair cells
  6. 8. The point of maximum displacement within the basilar membrane is determined by the sound __________
  7. 10. For higher frequencies, __________ coding is important.
  8. 12. The time taken for one complete cycle of a sine wave
  9. 13. The highness or lowness of a sound
  10. 17. 250 -4000 Hz is the frequency range of _______ ________
  11. 18. Bone disease when stapes fuses to oval window
  12. 21. When the cilia bend toward the tallest cilia, the ________ channels are opened
  13. 23. Part of brain that allows for interpretation of the spoken word
  14. 25. ________ triggers the release of the transmitter
  15. 29. The pinna or auricle is the _______ ear
  16. 30. Loss of hearing at birth can affect _______
  17. 31. The tensor tympani is innervated by a branch of the _________ nerve
  18. 32. The receptive end organ for hearing
  19. 33. Sound is produced by _________
  20. 35. The vestibule and semicircular canals respond to ______________
  21. 36. Ringing noise in the ear
  22. 38. The cavities of the bony labyrinth are filled with _________
  23. 40. For lower frequencies, ________ coding is important
  24. 42. The middle ear has ______ bones