AVID Tutorial Process

  1. 4. Stands for Tutorial Request Form.
  2. 6. After tutorials, students can ________ on the tutorial as a whole.
  3. 7. The student who is standing at the whiteboard during the tutorial.
  4. 8. Students sit in ________ during the tutorial.
  5. 10. Students include key ____________ as part of the pre-work on their TRF.
  6. 12. Where the presenter writes their question, work, and steps.
  7. 14. While the presenter is at the board, the other students in the group should be taking ______.
  8. 15. On their TRF, students develop a question based on their point of confusion, called the _________ ___________.
  9. 18. What you already know about your question before completing your TRF.
  10. 20. Before tutorials, students identify an ________ ________ from an academic class that is causing them confusion.
  11. 22. Another word for questioning.
  12. 23. Another word for the answer to a question or problem.
  13. 24. Another word for inquiry.
  14. 25. At the start of the tutorial, the presenter gives a 60-second ______.
  1. 1. After the tutorial, students should _________ their learning.
  2. 2. During the tutorial, group members should be having an __________ ____________ about the presenter's tutorial question.
  3. 3. Steps 8-10 happen ________ the tutorial.
  4. 5. The work a student completes on their TRF before the tutorial.
  5. 6. Students prepare for tutorials by taking out ________ such as binders, notes, textbooks, or computer.
  6. 9. At the end of the tutorial, the presenter gives their 60-second _________.
  7. 11. Students develop a question based on this to bring to the tutorial.
  8. 13. Steps 1-3 happen ________ the tutorial.
  9. 16. Group members should check the presenter's ________________ as they explain their steps.
  10. 17. Also known as a core class, your initial question for your TRF should come from one of these.
  11. 19. After they reach their answer, the presenter should explain the ______ they followed to get there.
  12. 21. Steps 4-7 happen _________ the tutorial.