Avoir Idioms + Seasons and Months

  1. 3. the first month of summer
  2. 4. the month we go back to school
  3. 5. sleepy
  4. 8. need
  5. 13. afraid
  6. 14. the season you don't have school
  7. 15. the first month of the year
  8. 16. the month of Thanksgiving
  9. 20. thirsty
  10. 23. the month of Halloween
  11. 24. the season of Christmas
  1. 1. the season you go back to school
  2. 2. the month of Christmas
  3. 6. the first month of the fall
  4. 7. ashamed
  5. 9. to have
  6. 10. the season the flowers bloom
  7. 11. the month of Fools
  8. 12. the month of Valentine's Day
  9. 15. the month of Independence Day
  10. 17. correct
  11. 18. the month school ends
  12. 19. the month of Spring Break
  13. 21. hungry
  14. 22. wrong