- 4. Something you read
- 5. Milk
- 7. English
- 9. Red+Yellow
- 13. Wake Up
- 14. Apple
- 16. Red
- 17. Black
- 20. Running
- 24. Geography
- 27. You
- 28. Pond
- 29. 10+6= ?
- 30. What?
- 31. I
- 32. Food
- 1. Something you erase with
- 2. Mother
- 3. Something you cut with
- 6. Kitchen
- 7. Dancing
- 8. Science
- 10. We does a car stay?
- 11. What does a clock tell?
- 12. Something you write with
- 15. What is a word that is used to describe how hard something is?
- 16. Red+White
- 18. When you play a guitar you are playing what?
- 19. Drama
- 20. Blue
- 21. Younger
- 22. Highlighter
- 23. Minutes past the hour
- 25. Who do most people live with at home?
- 26. father
- 32. To read.