
  1. 4. Trying to score points.
  2. 6. The person guiding the players.
  3. 8. The playing area for basketball.
  4. 10. Scoring by putting the ball through the hoop with your hand.
  5. 11. Taking the ball from an opponent.
  6. 13. Catching the ball after a missed shot.
  7. 15. Moving the ball by bouncing it on the floor.
  8. 17. Moving without dribbling the ball.
  9. 19. Pushing off the ground into the air.
  1. 1. A break in the game to plan or rest.
  2. 2. A group of players working together.
  3. 3. Helping a teammate score by passing.
  4. 5. Stopping a shot by deflecting the ball.
  5. 7. Breaking a rule during play.
  6. 9. The person enforcing the rules.
  7. 10. Trying to stop the other team from scoring.
  8. 12. Attempting to score by throwing the ball into the hoop.
  9. 14. Keeping one foot still while moving the other.
  10. 16. Throwing the ball to a teammate.
  11. 18. A close shot taken near the basket.