
  1. 5. Anything that has mass and takes up space
  2. 8. To shed an old outer covering so that it can be replaced with a new one
  3. 11. The period of time during which an embryo develops before being born
  4. 12. Organisms that depend on other organisms for good
  5. 15. A fine dust that contains the sperm of seed-producing plants
  6. 16. Number The number of protons in an atom - unique to each type of atom
  7. 18. Requiring Oxygen
  8. 20. The study of cells
  1. 1. The study of life processes in an organism
  2. 2. The science that studies how characteristics are passed from parent to offspring
  3. 3. An organism that causes disease
  4. 4. Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
  5. 6. The maintenace of stable internal conditions
  6. 7. Proteins in your immune system used to attack specific antigens
  7. 9. A group of ecosystems classified by climate and plant life
  8. 10. Chemicals that result when tow or more atoms join together chemically
  9. 13. A special structure used by an organism to anchor itself
  10. 14. Animals that possess a backbone
  11. 17. Preserved remains of once living organisms
  12. 19. The study of the interactions between living and nonliving things