Black History Month!

  1. 2. Famous black trumpeter, also known as Satchmo
  2. 7. the month black history is honored
  3. 8. First black woman to travel to space
  4. 9. The first African American to produce a film in white theaters
  5. 10. put in jail for draft evasion (refusing to join army)
  6. 12. Fastest man alive
  7. 13. An invention made by Garret Morgan
  8. 15. The "King of Pop"
  9. 16. refused to give up seat to white man
  1. 1. First black man to win a Nobel Prize
  2. 3. "I Have a Dream"
  3. 4. First ever state to abolish slavery
  4. 5. First American woman to win three gold medals in track and field at the same Olympic game
  5. 6. The first African American to get a PhD from Harvard University
  6. 11. First African American to join the MLB
  7. 14. known to be the greatest basketball player of all time before they retired