Canada WW2

  1. 2. a holiday on March 8th after the war was won in Europe
  2. 3. the beach man Canadian forces landed on in the battle that turn the tide of the war
  3. 6. the material Canada agreed to give to the U.S
  4. 8. the continued battle against Germans in Italian territory
  5. 10. the bomb that was created by the U.s and dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima
  6. 12. the mine that the Canadian government bought to provide uranium
  7. 13. the raid that was used as a learning experience through the death of many soldiers
  8. 14. the territory that Canadian soldiers liberated in Germany
  9. 15. the mission given to Canadian troops to clear enemy troops from this river
  1. 1. the name given to the operation launched on the coast of Normandy
  2. 4. the code name given to the D-day mission
  3. 5. the codename for the project that led to the bombings in Nagasaki and Hiroshima
  4. 7. the location of the mine in the Northwest territories
  5. 9. the country Canadian soldiers liberated
  6. 11. the battle in Italy that led to Mussolini's downfall in Italy