- 1. The rooster shown in rainbow colors gains significance because it represents ____.
- 2. A Gujarati word for physical deformity. Goddess Khodiyar's name is derived from this word.
- 3. The mother of all mother goddesses, deemed so after her vehicle of fearlessness, the 'Vagh'.
- 6. This vehicle gives the goddess the ungulate 'ship of the desert'
- 8. She is worshiped by traders, seafarers, Rajputs and Baghris alike.
- 9. Goddess Meladi was created by _______.
- 11. She hails from Kutch and rides a camel. Often, also called Dashama.
- 1. Confusion, confusion, she sits on a black goat but isn't Goddess Meladi. The difference lies in boats, sails, aquatic life around her. Who is she?
- 4. Vishat, the 20 armed goddess received which vehicle as a gift from Lord Vishnu.
- 5. Bahuchara, the benevolent protector of India's Hijra community, is depicted seated on a?
- 7. She is to Brahma, what Nandini is to Nanda. She rides a hamsa (swan) just like Brahma too.
- 10. Her vehicle is a Dog, and she protects the people of Gujarat from real diseases.