Chapter 1 - Planning a Balanced Diet

  1. 2. Protein chains are made up of these
  2. 6. Example of a micronutrient
  3. 8. Example of a macronutrient necessary for growth and repair
  4. 10. Proteins that contain amounts of all 9 essential amino acids
  5. 12. Nutrients needed by the body in small amounts
  6. 14. Found in cell wall of plants; not digestible
  7. 15. Obtained from the food you eat. Ex) calcium
  1. 1. Also known as fats
  2. 3. Nutrients needed by the body in large amounts
  3. 4. Nutrients made up of carbon and hydrogen
  4. 5. _____ foods have are high in calories and low in nutrients
  5. 7. A condition of an inadequate diet
  6. 9. Single sugar molecule
  7. 11. Destroys free radicals which can harm your body
  8. 13. Nutrients used for energy and nerve function