  1. 3. Second Verbs of “ Pull”
  2. 7. The place of the story “The legend of Situ Bagendit”
  3. 10. Body parts to see
  4. 12. The colour of “Suci”
  5. 15. Generic structur of Narrative text
  6. 17. Text that purpose to entertain/amuse the reader
  7. 20. Tempat tidur in english
  8. 21. What the meaning of “Met”
  9. 23. What the meaning of “Wood”
  10. 25. What the title of story that you listened two last week
  1. 1. The setting area of the story “The Lion and Rabbit” Page 51
  2. 2. The kind of narrative text
  3. 4. What the meaning of “akhir”
  4. 5. What the meaning of “ Who’s there”
  5. 6. Second Verbs of “Datang”
  6. 8. Second Verbs of “Mengetuk”
  7. 9. Melihat in english
  8. 11. Mengatakan in english
  9. 13. pemburu in english
  10. 14. Sifat yang selalu dilambangkan dengan warna merah ini english
  11. 16. Gigi in english
  12. 18. Second Verbs of “Arrive”
  13. 19. First Verbs of “Ate”
  14. 22. Berpura-pura ini english
  15. 24. Suara ini english