Chapter 6 PowerPoint Crossword

  1. 1. Type of health having to do with the mind & being creative
  2. 6. Long term
  3. 7. Loss of physical or mental function
  4. 11. Loss of physical or mental health
  5. 12. Health that is: Physical, Social, Cognitive, Spiritual & Emotional
  6. 16. Treating others unjustly
  7. 18. My physical ___ is the area around me
  8. 19. A shame or social disgrace
  9. 20. World ____ Organization
  1. 2. A type of care that PSW provides which takes into account the uniqueness of each individual client
  2. 3. Type of health having to do with the body
  3. 4. Another name for optimal health
  4. 5. The more ____ a client is, the higher the self-esteem
  5. 8. Offering choices
  6. 9. Type of health having to do with a purpose greater than the self
  7. 10. Treating others with respect and self-worth
  8. 13. Short term
  9. 14. Type of health having to do with self-esteem and self-awareness
  10. 15. Always considering the whole person
  11. 17. Type of health having to do with relationships