Child Growth and Development

  1. 4. occurs during middle childhood
  2. 5. designed to test hypotheses
  3. 6. guides and helps us interpret research findings
  4. 8. involves beginning with a group of people (same age/background) and measuring them over a repeated amount of time
  5. 13. watching and recording the actions of participants
  6. 15. Discontinuity vs. Continuity theory
  7. 16. asking a standard set of questions to a group of subjects
  8. 17. beginning with a sample that represents a cross-section of the population
  9. 18. Active vs. Passive theory
  10. 20. involves combining aspects of the previous two techniques
  1. 1. lasts from birth until around age 2
  2. 2. exploring a single case or situation in great detail
  3. 3. more conscious attempt to support our own views
  4. 7. begins with puberty and contines throughout adulthood
  5. 9. suggests three parts of self
  6. 10. theories of Erikson & others
  7. 11. coincides with potty training or learning to manage biological urges
  8. 12. occurs in early childhood and marks the development of the super-ego
  9. 14. techniques used in developmental research
  10. 19. (0,1-5,6-10, etc.)