Civil War

  1. 1. Lincoln president during the Civil War
  2. 2. important statement
  3. 4. states did not allow slavery
  4. 7. William T. Sherman Union general who captured Atlanta, GA, then marched through GA to the sea, burning and destroying everything on the way
  5. 8. Sumter located in Charleston, South Carolina, where the first battle of the Civil War was fought
  6. 10. first Union ironclad
  7. 12. gin machine that quickly removed cotton seeds
  8. 14. War fought between north & south, 1861-1865, also called the War between the States
  9. 16. states allowed slavery
  10. 17. Ulysses S. Grant commander of the Union army
  11. 20. decision to satisfy both sides of an argument
  12. 23. Robert E. Lee commander of the Confederate army
  13. 25. Union's move to block major seaports from the south, to prevent them from receiving much needed supplies
  1. 1. Johnson president after Lincoln's death
  2. 3. Davis president of the Confederate States of America
  3. 5. Court House, Virginia where General Lee surrendered to General Grant at the end of the Civil War
  4. 6. Wilkes Booth shot and killed Abraham Lincoln in 1865
  5. 7. battle that was the turning point of the Civil War
  6. 9. set free
  7. 10. first Confederate ironclad
  8. 11. ship covered with thick iron plates to keep cannon balls and gun shells out
  9. 13. referred to the US during the Civil War
  10. 15. Proclamation President Lincoln's announcement in 1863, to free slaves
  11. 18. city captured by the Union army so the north could control the Mississippi River
  12. 19. States of America name Southern states gave themselves after withdrawing from the Union, to form their own nation
  13. 21. capital of the Confederate States
  14. 22. Compromise decision in 1821 to allow Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state & Maine as a free state, to keep the balance represented in Congress
  15. 24. Whitney man who invented the cotton gin