CPSC 421 OOP Iterators

  1. 3. std::vector, std::deque, and std::list are examples of ______ containers
  2. 5. Advance to the next item in the GoF Iterator
  3. 10. Always prefer __-____ to post-decrement
  4. 12. An iterator that models access to doubly-linked lists
  5. 13. Iterator Design ____
  6. 16. Use this as the type to make declaration easier and to make the code more adaptable
  7. 21. An iterator that models access to singly-linked lists
  8. 22. Reverse iterator form of begin()
  9. 23. We use "!=" instead of "<" with iterators because sequential elements may not be _______
  10. 26. One of the C++ Library Algorithms
  11. 29. Name of the operator for "++p"
  12. 30. Name of the operator for "p[n]"
  13. 33. Nickname for the authors of "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software"
  14. 34. A C++11 function equivalent to "p + n"
  15. 36. Name of the operator for "*p"
  16. 37. An iterator with one-pass input from streams
  17. 38. A common interface makes it ____ to learn new data structures
  18. 39. Container method that returns an iterator past the last element of the container
  19. 40. Container method that returns an iterator to the first element
  20. 41. Get current item in the GoF Iterator
  21. 42. Const reverse iterator form of end()
  1. 1. One of the C++ Library Sequence Containers
  2. 2. std::set and std::map are examples of _____ containers
  3. 4. An iterator with one-pass output to streams
  4. 6. One of the C++ Library Sequence Containers
  5. 7. Can create ____-______ data structures that work with existing algorithms
  6. 8. Iterators are small and passed by ____
  7. 9. Early programming language with forward iterators only and where indexing made no sense
  8. 11. A C++ function equivalent to "p += n"
  9. 14. Reverse iterator form of end()
  10. 15. _____ usage helps in the comprehension of the code
  11. 17. Restart the iteration in the GoF Iterator
  12. 18. Const iterator form of begin()
  13. 19. The ____-_____ iterator models array access
  14. 20. One of the C++ Library Sequence Containers
  15. 24. Always prefer __-___ to post-increment
  16. 25. A C++11 function that is the number of elements from begin to p, i.e., "p - begin"
  17. 26. A C++11 function equivalent to "p - n"
  18. 27. One of the C++ Library Algorithms
  19. 28. Iterators began with data structures where _____ is expensive, but accessing the next element is not
  20. 31. Are we done yet?
  21. 32. Const reverse iterator form of begin()
  22. 35. Const iterator form of end()