- 1. key characteristic of a customer service rep
- 3. if unsure of a request, you may need to ask ___ questions
- 7. the first pillar of awesomeness is to ___ the call
- 9. putting yourself in someone else's shoes
- 10. strive for first call ___
- 13. voice ___ conveys tone and emotion
- 14. when the call starts to get off topic
- 15. respectful title
- 2. ___ Lucy: A caller with a long list of prayer requests
- 4. this is a virtue, especially in customer service
- 5. ___ Daisy: someone who may have trouble focusing on the purpose of the call
- 6. when a caller's request is best handled by a different department
- 8. you may have to place a caller on ___
- 11. if not placing on hold, use this (two words)
- 12. always take ___ of a caller's request.