Cybersecurity Risk

  1. 1. Short for malicious software
  2. 3. A conversion of something (such as data) into a code or cipher.
  3. 10. measures taken to protect computer systems.
  4. 12. Text files with small pieces of data used to identify a computer.
  5. 13. Similar to a password but much longer.
  6. 17. The fraudulent practice of sending text messages pretending to be from reputable companies
  7. 18. Legitimate or innocent-looking emails asking you to respond with personal data or to click on a link.
  8. 21. False or inaccurate information,
  9. 22. An acronym for Pause, Ask, Think.
  10. 23. Type of data that should be protected from public view.
  1. 2. Convert data from one system of communication into another.
  2. 4. The enciphering and deciphering of messages in secret code or cipher.
  3. 5. Refers to the range of activities that determine how we manage digital data.
  4. 6. Type of data that is recorded publicly and can be found as part of public record.
  5. 7. Software that encrypts data on someone's device until that person agrees to pay to regain access.
  6. 8. Open to attack or damage.
  7. 9. Software written to damage a computer’s performance, steal or alter data.
  8. 11. Pieces of data left behind when a person moves around on the internet.
  9. 14. A social identity established by an internet user.
  10. 15. Someone disguises an email address, sender name, phone number, or website URL to convince you that you are interacting with a trusted source.
  11. 16. abbreviation for personal identifiable information
  12. 19. To engage in activity online that could result in something bad or unpleasant.
  13. 20. Large data sets analyzed to reveal patterns