Directional Terminology & Medical Abbreviations

  1. 1. nothing by mouth
  2. 3. subcutaneous
  3. 4. along the back or uppermost surface
  4. 7. part of the limb closest to the body
  5. 9. cubic centimeters
  6. 10. as much as desired
  7. 11. capillary refill time
  8. 13. body plane that divides the body into caudal and cranial parts
  9. 17. towards the head
  10. 18. part of the limb furthest from the body
  1. 2. rear of the animal
  2. 5. front of the animal
  3. 6. prescription
  4. 8. body plane that divides the animal into "equal" right and left halves
  5. 9. towards the tail
  6. 12. along the belly
  7. 14. surgery
  8. 15. electrocardiogram
  9. 16. two times daily
  10. 19. intravenous